The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 11, 1863, Image 4

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    TtEBDha M:0h1424
Frail Yesterday s
General Outer Ito A. -
We take Enamel*** In wallet theittten
tbe&MlNropfitialteltiolitfd paragraph of
"GLAMllalliMiii No. 4," Isi4e4 hir hiej. Gen.
Brooks. oommenhing this Mepartseent of the
Monongahela. , Thilt tallsrisrositulged • (ter
that best of sehooli, *Wartime:US . Wight
the importanee of local orgeatieellott for Ae-
Mee*, sad the insiltaitio padle srbtob the ne
shot of rub organist** prptinces.
W,,, gee y116.'1164 falaytui tluit.tisiite city
of Pittsburgh, there was less of +panto, and
more Una *Di of 'effort 'desist like**. lava.
.elin then in nist other the State,
411 say int Alfla 40 ik.,1Pot ikei 4l 4iii, 41e ,
age the people of any whole ot. tiraGem
tanairesith. By keeptsig,up theetieetization
of e due* regiment, Ibis obuteuttilty "mere
anolged to put Into el444,lkiiiabAtt,4"4"
of &Woo fut . boil, Aiimmilgiltial... herevor
inadequate is thss pluticavalevertheiete an
awl, ty Its prostate, • failing of fatuity In
the r a ted, oi the people, coda rellklbg point
for that euffetent fors "ohroti, -- eu"pronntl>.
and so bravely .respoadaal.tir *la Oen an the
0 1 crtminondiog the Deps:tinea., ,
reeognition' ot Ow mealy , i Vet the
fore° nOPT O,III 4d for our deionee, Mosjyare
pooh ehfch le iviarropiltiray, , the, ad
vise, front an ... Mon of each , Woo.
Brooke, sal, we u list i ngs* the Wilted oho
snilltta, and scour* the prompt' organisation
of a foram for any emergency, irliWk hill be
get a fading of *tacit, against Neve Auger
in the popular =hid, and pt the,esens time
place to the heads of our able Guarol the
materiel for mortis& all semen; who may
thre iron oar dewily or *dopier our homes
hereafter: - •
pia TO operations in dilaDspertmont lin ee
fu urgoOtil4l44/3•411:10,b4 00141dOOlng, to every
man of Observation , that the plan proposed by
the War Depatimeut for,roielht • terse to be
celled onoortly' in ymeitenoteu foklld defense
and piotito Lo, Is on. taut *IA_ *ea much
troabliand anaiotyonanYMiassitesecillenger.
Isstesd at the whole community amine out
in en unorgesized body, certain men would
be 0at...4 upon to repair with **Jr commence
to deeigcstrd rendezvous.. Zito time would be
required for organisetion. The Military an
thorptee would know whoni to sad upon, and
ivory man would. know what to, do. The
attentiouof, the community .is therefore 14•
Itp•Ott11117 Calla to this question, aid a cor
dial invitation is enuended to all who awl an
interest In it. to lend their aseistanos to carry
out the project. ,
• Courtier's Inquest.
Cordaer bioCiung Cala.moralng held in In.
quett be he body of iPißlasi Jamesitots, who
died from the. 'Betts of it arses toothed in
felling foul tittilthroli of the Dmituisiti Hotel,
corner of Bank, Lane and, Pine street, Du
quesne borough. Tha.,decessed ..wea. about
twenty-nine years of agryhind-a•oaryseter by
occupation.. Ile' hati'lmilitett, in the nine
mootbi luivib't; .hod, ettierith thoies"desert
ed. Ott lest,Prillay wea..iirreite d . by one
of the Pittsburgh -Prorrost-Oaard,. while at
work in- •-Marshall's • Foundry; -and after
being tokem.before thlrProvest Marshal was
granted a leove of &Pointe till nine o'clock
Baturday mornieg. OnSatazday...hotiteper
ed to come ever to the city, to deliver himself
up, but was dissuaded from so doing by some
of his friends. lie sent out in the afternoon
and gat drunk. On raturnini to the hotel to
the evening he visited a neighbor's house eau
returned between eleven and twelve o'clock.
On Sunday morning, aboat ball put four
o'clock, he was found top helpless condition,
and we. carried into lb. house. He lingered
until eight o'elook in the 'Drenthe, when be
died. Wneu thd Coroner. was notified to how
an inquest, there ereiC suspicions that tool
play had been need:" Eleven witus were
emitained -berme live inquest, including the
testimony of two physiclens, and thiefeot es
tablished that no Nielson had been used.
The4try found a verdict that the decoded
cams o his death from e fall, which produced
compression and rapture ot the brain.
At New Water Works Project.
The cinema of Birmingham, Silt 131. t.
mieghem and South Pittsburgh. are now agi
tating the subject of the erection of a war
winks to supply these etimmunities. A joint
meeting of the lianuells of thesaboroughe can
held on -.Friday eveniption,•when toe pro,
Hungary steps were taken to meg out the oh- ,
Jain in view. It was.resolred_that a commit
see.of three from each of the boroughs .be op-
poluted„ with Fewer .to oppeistrentOtommit
\tees, to sOU 1t subsorititions-4old• inbtortp
clops net to be, binding until $50.000 shall
.itsee imni s iubseribid. Mourn. A. P. Pears,
I. B. Insect and , itoruesd. *rash -were ap
points°, for Bititiihgtrirbei and B Keep,
John " GeOrge • 'and C. 3. Sehteng for
• • Zook 210,7.1#1:1 851 Ad; with
Pittsburgh wee ampotnesdrsnd , mourned to
• lipmiint the villainies rer thol: borough. An
Ow the tet
.11 4; Sn,Etitkiiil4efq__B,lo.o44lig4
Aleliregbirsie Airs/null.
On splay inreutifige MU 'aka" Bey
Jambi Idoljallltterinetidinebi Pike Zinn tp.,
Washington county, visited the drinking
'house Of Patrick Hoiltina,bn Bt. Obar street:
to make some. Inqninr, as he alleges, about
some money and mothing which he loft there
previous to ulistiet us soldier in' Colonel
Howell% elfrth Penusyleeeiejtegiment. Hop
' hiss denied that he , had anything belonging
to id cOallts ter,and an angry dispute foliowsd,
during which Hopkins seised a bottle One
struck Nicerellistei. two violent blowe.--one
over she light eye, ratting it severely and
eadaugarlogthe sight; sod the other over the
eye, on the forekesd, willclient the scalp in
ekeellog mauler. ..An .Information wae
mad* before Aldeturau Donildsou, bat as the
prosecutor reside. Ina neighboring omit,
the case will probably'be °Manic:nited.
Sold looadia!,
This morning,. beticeett time and four
o'olook, 11bold attempt wu sm. to Ara the
dweitiog of Mr. beientrbeinderr,
No 6 Ann enlist, Pint ward,Allegkinal. Tne
Ineendiary ha ..maia lie back
1,511 0 5 5 with Af,*.a.tif ,4 a ot it. Mts.
/Seise hitpelisd tb Ali light icon atter
the imce , bogesato - isereed, and mind an
&lanai 'flattish - the effects of the, family and
the neighbors, the tire eras entingolstaid.
'.' We Is the mond &twerps that . hos been
. 'suite drat.rey this. prepetty., - She first at
tempt was made abinet4mar , oseeke-ago—tlie
Inauidiary having tbrown,mpon .tluc root a
lighted bail, whisk -had been steeped In Mu
eine -or oil. en -Mein Iva istandleg.reaard
ot $5OO for offender s tif thiegslalitteLant It terto
M keyed that 41mtvelleirwillleitomed In &rifest
lageminiet thins. •,.
. llf oat.
Kr. ;saes Jim Jost
received.. bandstand neir dettlilboat from the.
~ ,
of 46 Kr. lames Kau, of
-- New York. It a oerfeet !model of bunt,
and neatriassi and, to use aiiinare — jiiraphrue,
—use light- as a fcather."-:-It -thirty•tbree
fist siz Inches less, sod only Korea ineees
wide. Ur. Ilemff bu not yet tried this "frail
bath but Kr. /LeKay tooted It before leer
log New YOrk, and fOund it was sofa sad
atenerabla.. - There is:not one sin in . ten,
thousand who could sit in It without ososialig.
It wrists about thirty. ire ianinds, and la sal •
to be to Ilshtast banterer built In the United
States. • ,
A BOLD Bossray.;-0a BataAki, u Mrs.
S'oft of gist bowelOros nudist to frokt
alibi - di . , goods 'Watt Mr. A Baas, huh
strastoirranglog sow mons, It juor pocktt ,
book. a b.y approaabod larr sad iniatatual the .
beat trcpa bar pawl. ;nosing at gash Mks
mad prisi., Boots battiest Monad! oal,
o f the /tom short ibo - bsd boss stag& souss
rarahaiaa, The pools' book . ociitsirsd; Bl7.
atatod, raslisa7pagersathiersea,
bat be ass msaajaa thus tar to *Nip ost'of
O.LT zs lios.--311o4a1,,DlokonlyMot; rd.,
' Vaud ioldter rsoldipals - Xoith
fry, crested groat bebbaloos. Boaurdii,•
4osdods Ids wife. She asdPlisomplant.
**shit Wm, bat after got' debited op,
• Ili! 421170 too.' ; :The liolor i boomer,
ediold dot oes ill* Joke egad . d litalukt Oho
_ ~dpapar odd cootoJor disattoomoo. ;
„ -
ffooD.—Two sus •
Ifidandatail Eau” crag, woo snarl
-4- ° 4 4 t- for kistoicat thooofair , of roil
.ioso sad Bowed • ilfoofi , insibi 10. MijAi.zs
5;4 *oa r CSC d•UirliEd. Hste
-- --- .1 . -1 . - ; , ..-yi.44.-f&TAF s ,•,3;tA . -4 , -- ,, iAwi, 4 „---...,r. t4 .--g a w z s ta.4,w "- -4- '`"-..... , -''''' '''''
~,-,2 - -,..,...; 5t,, -; :,,,,,,,..--01,4 , -. c . • 0 ,.., , z 2'-us•
Z t ... ,k in ttft ,, , r 4 • ''
' -% • b •':o '...';‘ -`1" 7"-- ..".. t .. V .4 - 14144i7 -% V' ... ;,I..*W '
• , : - : ' ; ' 1I:`! .. ' rA WA I:t ;! I .6 - (4,4:0 1 ":
- .• .'•
3 4 '? : ' 3,,, Z:,': i ' 4 . ,1- 1 40, ‘ „, ,„ .
s - , 4;i: 4:
• , C , "7.-4,
COMM 011 ivsleh Cap.
tared by Rebels..l'ittsburch Dale.
Rates- Takea.-laterestiog Knot.
,MaCIATSILS, AINT or 111 Pihro _
Naea W A zzzz ON. Va., Aug. 6, 1863
Ma Jotters' Aussie, Treasurer U. 8 Christ •
iett Oomunitsiou
Deer Sir, The fine team of horses with
the wagon which the 11. 8. Christian Com-.
minion had purchased to Philadelphia, for
the Army of the Potomno, was shipped at
Philadelphia for Washington, on Tuesday
evening, July 28th, and arrived en Wedges;
day afternoon.
After Consultation, it was thought best by
our ElemsialField Agent, J. A. Cole, Esq.,
thst the wagon should be loaded Immediately
and etirtAstfor the general headquarters of
the Army, of .the Potomac, as there wee a
number of sutlers to wart th leg, and
it was thotrght wag to travel in company
with them thasito go alone.
We Sofa Washington of 8 o'clock P. a. Mr.
Cole, Mr. Shaw ' myeell, and the driver, being
pioneered by Mr. Cole. We crossed the
Aqueduct bridge, and learned that the sett
lers had not yet gone over. 'We moved on
about three miles and encamped neat Fort .
Albany. This wee my first night spent in
Virginia. We spread, our blankets on the
ground to sleep. The novelty of the roue,
the hard bed, and before morning the heavy
rain prevented my sleeping The next morn
ing we moved towards Bailey's Cross Roods,
passing which, we were overtaken by the oat
lore. Here Mr. Cole left us, as we thought
we should have no further need of his servioes.l
We proceeded within one half mile of Fair
fax Court QOM. where we were encamped
with 29 .sntiers. The value of the wagons
and contents arse estimated at $lOO 000: Mr.
Shaw, myself and the driver mfok,supper at a
neighboring farm house: Mr. Shaw retired
for ihe night at.this house, and I in the wag
I was soon wrapped in stuMber, when
was awakened by the noise of hurriitti vetoes
or Hitch up your homes Hitch up I hitch
up I" At first I suppesed Borne danger was
apprehended from a guerrilla nand, and that
the teams ware being bitehed rip es quickly an
possible' to avert it. I started to go to the
farm hoots for my oo.doirgate, Mr. Shaw, to
sttist. I was met by two or three men on
horseback, whom at first I supposed to be sut
lers. They inquired where I was going. I
told them, to call toy friend Mr. Shaw. They
said I could not go, that I was their prisoner.
Mr. Shaw was sent for, and was robbed of his
watch, worth $lOO, and $25 in money, and his
memorandum book, In which was his commis
sion. I requested to be taken to Major Mos
by, the leader of the band, with whom I had
as interview. I explained to him in as few
words as I could the nature and obj sot of the
Christian Commission, and asked that we
might be released. He received me politely,
ace eald he knew something of the nature of
the Commission, but that we must go with
him, and he would attend to cur case at day
light. The teams were driven rapidly to
wards !oldie, Mosby's headquarters, until
o'clock in the morning. When within two
mUss of that town, as the first team had reach
ed the top of the hill, Mosby's men were dia
-1 oovered by Lieut. Msonington, who, with 20
men, had been eat akirmithing. '.The band
that surprised and captured= numbered about
1 40 men. Manning attacked them spiritedly,
wounding several of them, but was forced to
retire, with the loss of two or three men killed
and as many taken prisoners, being pursued
to the top of the bill by the rebels, with their
demonize yells. ' Col. Lowell, with a body of
cavalry, who had been out all night in search
of Mushy and his men, hearing the Mira,
hastened to the spot. Being discovered by
the robs., they brat • hasty retreat, and we
were safe.
-There was great rejoicing and cheering
among the Slitters and drivers 4f the 29 Uttar
wagons. Cheers were given for our Mather
knee as they pueed.
After resting en hour or two, and congratu
lating cash other, we ware requested to front
shoat fora and travel toward Centreville,
which we reached at three o'clock in tho
Ills is the Headquer4rs of Gen. 13.." King.
We were here moment awry kindly, particularly
so by Cepa Chandler, A. A G.
A part of Col. Lowell's nun escorted us to
Centres& le, and the others went in search of
Mosby and his men.
We encamped at six, and in the morning,
in company with n large number of Govern
ment teams, mules and ambulances. with some
chimp seven Sutlers, escorted by 600 cavalry,
we restated Warreoten Junction, within three
miles of General Headquarters, oar dettitia
lien, hiving, in oar route, passed over
-Bull Ban, battle-field, Chantilly, Ac. En
o amped.
In the morning, reached General Headquar
ters (Elan. Meads), in which vicinity we are
now located.
When we found that we were prisoners. we
mutually agreed to lift up our heads to God,
from Whom cornett" all help and deliventhoe.
He answered our requests, delivered us in his
elect way and time. •
One of the guerrillas came to our wagon,
and handed•us • seek, saying, Christian Coot.•
mission take care of that for me. W• dideo,
and as in the gratitude of our hearts, we had
given all our meat (hems) to our delivltire.
We opened the bag and wand it tooontath 20
.eedis of peaches, 6 of oysters and 2 of catsup.
These we considered contraband, and appro.
prittad Ahem to our own use.
Lieut. Manning .said to ges;th ridiug'up
I supposed it to be • rebel.train,and thinking
the teamsters.were arrived I painted my plo
ts,' at the first lotending to shoot. My hand
was withheld. I saw he had no firms in hie
band, bat when I sew the.6lth lava in the
train with the words " 11. S Christian Coca
million" painted on the canvass cover, I was
sane of its being oar own'train.
Shortly after our delivery, Hr..Eiliaw said
"came, sit down with toe." He tried to
speak, to express his gratitude, bat, his heart
was too fall to give utterance to his feelings.
He sobbed ont, " thank God I"
Thus were we delivered, When semed
so hopeless, when only within two-milos of
&idle, Idoseby's, headquarters, within the
rebel Hoes. Half an hour more and ofir " on
ward to Illohmouil" might have been consid
ered certain.
We expect now to remain at headquarters.
RID in the Station oflicie,ettending to Whys
-generally—supplying the salters with read
•og matter, writtog paper,,tionsi-wive', &cr.
Nothing seems to peace the soldiers more
than the little house-wife, Wash ,is a little
bag tilled with noodles, thtotal' buttons, ho.
These they beg for. As nistryat twenty have
been armed the tent it ouee, , bigging for a
little thread to mend.thelr clothes. We have
had to daffy many, so we: base hat a short
supply. It we had a thousand, they would
they would
ions ge.
Yours. trillys
Jus. 8.-D: Mu Di
The Late Capt. samp4a,...Tributo of
Vistr of 489,e'ltitetintit 7, V.. I
/MAR j
1A Meeting of the officers of this - regiment I
convened "at besidnnerters .', ads , eioning, - ,,
The meeting was: organised by Wilzig ()Oft:
John G. Pers.,of, C o.o, to.the ',Ohidr, 'llt
Licit. Wm. P. Herbert, of Co. 1, to 101 as
fieirebry. The ChiirmOn .Otited tie objeet
of tbe.sesettag to be n to, take cense !Aims in
Senora' to the &ills of ;War iota hollow Ober
sad soldier; Copt. J. M. fiaospiai .04-Commit
tosi of three, oonsistiog of Idejc! A: fig Ibi .7-
der;Capi: 8. C. Bottom, sao,olrW .1. • A.
AltallopYeAr• !PPOPtild... 41 , ..1e410. 1 iltiotir
impressive oho, sentunent Aka . .aissing. -
Attar a short sheinee;tioi eedinii - ttiepho m
od the following . preamble% ihd'sasidittlett :
Witicznel,'Ontinth;4,.:ll:;'ltampli4 late of
00..13/ 119 111 : 1 4111aonittli4asifisenda. Volun
tows, his sealed hi. devotion 30 the:eanse 41
Um - Union. with , lds'ibleedi , -.3114114, bean
wounded)* a Mod sharYthiVin In line
it battle boan'Aintiohnrtai , 'kilo , on
the 3d Of Jiilfcgifot nt.tOot:tbie of which
be bee shoe died; and :wnereas-itboneet in
:clew lif - the posittoWedoupted:hy,thilootas
adht Alta .rogtwent,.' and "ttkip ,;,itiktiliontibod
Ohatattorta outintaid,:trogit,mytit olliOw and
, a alutotianioltinhiwiellawddoeteiliosdd'ott
..pais the high 01t00211,4gbialt the tdotawact
, waintioldtbr iiiiatiaTiorifentoi• , ' : • '
1 .illf 01 0 4,1 ( That .1 1 1 1 0 fipokik _
_ d __9Oillals J.
- if: Sanipt tlth Begiewnt; .and.,,wswelerly.
Ihe cowpony, of.-whieb held& essiarniad; *eve
lest a beano and 'flaunt ettleor t lidslantity a
, Mad hatband lind •Wittiliv tho' Wittaittnity a
wood etthten, whoop aottlaitto}. wee lowing to
'that "enti'dthir 'aid thachattOinith,Witani
winatitannllllol4lY7l c to) ~..1-;;; ~ , :,r
Bagivid, -That whit, ids 1100 lit
• 4aVedrantitr itii: dit44l9 bat
• ITWA l gil PlAli
In on Within' Ma samk woe _
Mattploisasithrlit•tigaadiAtissas. „-,_‘:
Pooled, That wilAtortymentklini with
notably ant felaWked Ito driiiiW' ; in theft
tad toresysionit, and offer them our *lndere
, Resolved, That a isopy of these resolutions
be furnished to the faurly et the deceased,
and also be published in the Pat./burgh daily
papers, and in the Pittsburgh Ceristios Adoo-
The resolutions ewe unanimously adopted,
after which themseting adjourned.
301111 G. Pala, President.
Wx. P. HILISKIT, Searetary.
A Dianteouti LIA?.—& deserter named
Haas Thvispson esosned Item the Provost
Marsha*: office, Third otreet, on Banish by
jumping from • third Alta!? window, • dis
tance of shout fifteen feet and lighting upon
the roof cif • two stoty'hOnse adjoining the
Odeon building. He escaped uniojored, but
waa plated up by the guard the tame day.
STIIA to Danosa.—The old men Croksr,
who was so nevem!, beaten on That slay lest,
at the Good Intent Saloon Ohio Ail.-
?betty, by the preptietor:lar. Froelich, and
'others, is still lying in a preearioes condition.
He was knocked down several times, with a
chair. and wee severely oat about the head.
Dr, Hamilton is the attending physician.
Lon" Pans wpm NSW' roll" TO 0111600.
The lore tram Maw York to Ontaago„ by the
Pennsylvania Central, and Pit.shargh "P.rt
Wayne and Ctilemno Bailers' s, hes peen re
&toad to $lB, to ,et Mess ems. This lice
cloaca to be 60 miles shorter and 'to make the
distance in two bouts ites lime than any oth
er Toot..
Plll . l BURSTS° --The mein wider
pipe, on Roberts street, in the Seventh were,
bursted this morning, to the great annoy store
of the women in the neighborhood, who were
snorting their Mathes far the wash-tab, bat
to the infinite delight of the juveniles, who
were sporting themrelves on the flood.
BLOOILDOALT BOTB —Tyro boys named Fred
erietltnoontelter and Gotlieb Dillenbengh
`were arrested on Saturday evening, by the
Allegheny night viios, one charge of disor
derly oonduot. They were soh deed 000
dollar and costa, br Mayor Alexander.
Letter from Governor Seymour
to President Lincoln.
The Draft rot trostponcd
Wale CROTON, Aug. 9.--Gov.'Sey MOW, under
data of Albany, Aug. 3, writes to the Print
dent with respect to the draft in New York
and Brooklyn. lie condemns the course of
the Provost Marshal, In commencing the draft
without eonsultation with the City or State
officers, eta tints when the militia were ab•.
sent at the meet of war, and while there were
not even soldiers enough to man the fortifica
tions in the harbor. The Governoroomptoins
of unfairness in the enrollment, and thinks in
this lottery for humsn life, et he terms it.
there should be impliett impartiality. Is ra
re, dia tricta, the draft hes been executed with
justice, and the eonseripts have accepted their
tate without a murmur, and sometimes joy
fully. In the distriets of New York, however,
with a populavon mach less, the nastier Lo
be drafted is, in some cases, double that on
the fernier cessation.
The attack on enrolling camas, which sub
sequently grim into the most destructive riot
known in the history of the oountry, he pro
nounce' riojustilleble.
,Speaking farther of the Apt' in New York,
honeys a disregard for law and disrespect for
judicial tribunals, produced their natural re
sults of robberies and anon, accompanied by
murderous outrages on a helpless race,and for
a time the very existence of the commercial
metropolis of ger country wet threatened. It
is gratifying !at the eltissne of New York
were able, without Material aid from the State
or nation, to put down this dangerous inter
repeal/D. For a time the natten had not the
means to protect its own arsenals and navy
yard. One thousand men could have seised
them all, and then need the armaments for the
destruction of the skipping and the city
to say nothing of the vessels which were at
that time engaged In burning our merchant
able, almost within eight of our coast.
The Governor also complains that no credit
has been given to the city for the number of
volunteers tent, and the noble exertions of
the militia in times t f peril. He therefore
mks for a suspension at least of the draft till
its constitutionality is tasted.
The President, in are}rly, trader data of
Anus% 7th, ley' he cannot suspend the draft
In New York because the time is too impor
tant. He admits the disparity of the Tsetse
in the different sections, and aooounts tot it
by the feet that so many more persons At for
soldiers are in the city than in the esnntry,
who have too recently arrived from Europe,
to be included in the consul of 1860 13411,
be would not consider that reason suCilcient.
He would direct the draft to proceed drawing
enly the average quota of all tee districts.
After this drawing, the city disitiots shell be
carefully re•curetled, and the Governera'
agents might witness eve:, step of the process.
Doe 'credit wilt be given ler all volunteer!!
Tee President would not olject to abide by
the deeitlon of the Supreme Court. He would
be willing to facilitate it. bat could not con- -
sent to lose the time. .
Latest FrOM kiirope—The London
Press on American ffitirs—MeXi
can Provisions' hovernMe at—
M atter s in r oland—lhe Markets.
51. Jens's, N. F Aeg. B.—Ths steamship
Chins, from Liverpool, Aug. Ist, passed Cap*
Race at noon to-day, (Saturday) en route to
New York. Her dates are two days later
than those by the Hibernian.
GBOAT Harratit.—The Tow argues to show
that rho reboot Federal mosses are not like
ly to prove materially ado/iota/eon' to them.
The Army and Naos Meseta takes a most
gloomy Item of the military prospects of the
Confederates. It tays: The retreat of Hon.
Bragg, and the Mint of .thin. Johnson before
Oen- tihermster force, shows aufilcient signs
ot extol:scion. Iteddat Critarlaston is in real
Minion., and if it fails, Savannah follows;
still it thinks that the federal grades cannot
be 81114 without a conarription, whisk may
Writingd by the North, and the Confeder
ates may Vet 'mast viototy from bar grasp.
The Confident loan was heavy at 12 to 15
ants discount
Foams ...Marshal Forty, in an oliolsi re
port, says that he is oocupied in forming a
provisional government in Mexico, /tom men
of modem." , views.
133184w,Aug. I.—The Proclamation of the
NationslGuvarnoitrat of Poland rejects say
eompronitee not based upon the independente
of Eolind willt.a restoration of the bounda
ries of 1782.
lavas.rooL, Aug. I.—Breadetuffa and dour
holey. Wheat nu dull and downward
Winter Red 8* 3d to Ss 10d. Corn dun and
doollood at 3 to 66 per quarter ; mined 10a ad
to lb. Beef anise and adva n ced MU to es.
Sugar is . flrmi Cage it ,steady.
4&" 46 " ' Markifis ifida6 rivvilt9.—Auseri-
ran stooks, Ildools Central 21% to 205, Ms- I
count. Erie 693 to 703.
Larra—Boterday Etuaist, dep. 1.-41resd- '
AWL , very dull. Corn downward ;Mixed 26,
to 26. 941. Provisions steady. Bacon is still
Londe., SarardaY Mrenieg, Aiw.l.—Oonsols
dram as WA to 91 tot money..
AOOI7IOIAL P 111115111111•111.
ESOLAND.—The Loudon 'os.lte, to reviewing
the 'Muslim of American MUM", oontsnds
that the rebels are far from being conquered,
and think, that Lie at Calpopper hi ea safe as
r ut '
Gyn. Grant's campaign is the most brilliant s '
but will be confined in Its fruits to the imme
diate neighbothood of the South.
The Otota says: " If the F•deralt us wise
they will exert thomeolvai to IRMO what they
have got for her vietorim, and abandon the
impossible enterprise of rabittgatlon.
flaason—Pane, ,:ley 80.—Bourse Arm.
Reines improved to fin 100.
.4 0,40 er J. 10 1 07.
30Funes Mamma it Ina
-aims said eamcdi - tabs jrywaniag, ; Money
Jury 31st:-41otton
.132 half si _mast on
4meriewn foe this - week atittiquakitert 'lt half
mot on *thin- descriptionsi Market dosing
: '
Army of the Potomac.-The Foreign
War Question.
The 7fibeas ostrospondent, at Potomac
headgaarters,of the 7th, says the therm 3SIO
- otood at 104.
A rebel lie been caught. and a note, in fa.
Tor of Gen. Pepe for $6OOO, found on his
P*7ll°:"Pribeas's 'Washington dispatch says
the war with England, sensation news
Lay started, bas no foundation in truth .
The Earuld's Wuhington dispatches con
tain a long dispatch to the offset that Mr.
Clay, cur Minister at St. Petersburg, has en
tered into a tiesty with Russia on behalf of the
United States, assuring Rusts that in the
event of war being declared against her on the
Polish question, the United States would de-
Oars war againet Branco end England.
Gen. Gilmore Retnioreed--Yecatan
Surrendered to the Revolutionists
New Toss, Avg 10 --A private letter Cron.
Norris Island, dated August Ist, says : It b
reported that reinforcements, numbering near
ly 8,000, have artinsd outside, and will be
landed to-night on Roily Island.
Yucatan dates state that Yucatan 1111r1011 -
lend on July 9th to the Revoluticnlsts.
Dian Finished in BriMinoru.
DALTIMOILIL, Aug. 10.—The draft was Oa
hated la this otty to-day without aoy trouble
Fire telegraphers hare been drawls.
New Yore retroleum Winnet.
Elpschd Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Ossetia
Nan Yosa tug. 10 —C uds la quiet with sates cn
the •pot at ..3-to: ikAeoi iu boud Is nuctisupd at
150).e.4510 (Jr present delivery; 62% lot all August;
66 for 8 ptembrr, buyers opt! n; sod CotObUr 60 ES
ect.3io. Napthsb morainal at '2.c for deodoristd.
Meekly Review oi the New York Pe
%relearn Market.
tieported fispretely for the Pltteburgh Chattt.l
New lioaa, August 8, 1883.
The active movement lu Petroleum, noticed In ml
last, as having luau. su,erlodUCJA by the Impression
which pc...led, that oil bad ceased to flow to a
bomber of the mmt Imp ,r. sot wells, Las contlnued
all through the week, and though not •coadrmed,
the mate, Las ruled very buoyant, and prime have
steadily ativanced t all kinds, but especially fo r
Prude end for Stflued an the spot. The demand
has lean chiefly speculative, the export demand hav
lug been itgLt all through the week, while the sake
for shipasot have ton.squeutly been light. An lm.
port not eUeUhir reprelog the danger of sending
high pewity oil to the Sealant markets, instead .1
tacking It, and thus pesulttlng the evaporation of
the highly ittliamettable gasses which exists in it, as
it flows from the wells, h. 2 been honed by the MlL
led Btates Petroleum heeCeleticu, to the producers
ol Crude Petroleum.
It le a wall bnowo fact, ray, the shriller In ones
thin, • that Petroleum es producol truer the flowing
to to Ice of h'gh ar.vity that third a comuined
with It, an or high y Inflammable gm, that le
of no ate, or atunierelal value, but in adoltion
Ile ether teetteseellare . ; it to toe •• ch.lo detrain' '•
that gore. th• danger to the Petroleum in hand
deg. Si. coonecteit with the Wahl Unto woad bow
.ow after an armor* to the atnimptiere this passe*
off, and too Meng lien ha e already men lust, not to
warn them of thee:hunter arising tom this g.e 'Now
every barrel of this Oil scut from the Wills emitters
end extends the causer to ~,,? Rantoul train con
voila it; WWI) Watched. and yant storing It; every '
sodomy oelue lt, and tak•• a megasloe ail deep! el
Vag .0110 that unite 1110 101140 pot to; the legit
imate tendaucy of ell which is to frighten Insurance
Com, sous, canon{ largely locireeael rates, cattalos
klanicipal Corporations to peas bumeneo so oniman.
ome sirionely embartaming toe Mute, and tamale(
an iderdease elOultat of prate/1g to as DOOttateary
danger, and the liras of remnant pir.une to outman.
peril To avoid alt Obese alumni**, It mane but
• leer days delay in tanking the Oil, ens It seem.
that Ibis master in so apparent, that the producers of
this Ott at the Wells cannot but see the great' isjury
they are LlOleg the bealume, and that toe ready le
'to cheap lost they will adopt it. It meg he well to
remark hare that there tea dirrpseated preJudtcr,
arta og, we admit, In a great meant* from Ignorance,
in the non 1. ail the cosmoul y In regard to the da O.
gee analog Irmo the iron la:tattoo, stollen and
eariadug art this OIL sad we mount but dread the
Ounsiqnecore tat would arise front , the condegra•
tome, that It will be almost Impartible to if
the deugerons practice ut sending Oil to marker foil
01 dime permeating and inflammable games Is no.
dusootirimai, 'Liss moody' to in on. brads of ttui
Weal artier. WI,I he put use it 1 01101 tole onar•
actor will net bring whole. trom 60 to 173 tents per
barrel of the pilot. et Waled t.O, Or Oita! a proper
gravity, whicb aderence will more than pat tor all
.be exis.asa of tanking the Oil, The danger trots nigh grant, Oil, even now I. being dames.
so oy ,tome of OUT prinatpal eap.rterv, and at& oth•
era are clacontluedug the sspoit of it, on actomit of
their idea the danger 11l site as well as property,.
and we think It will net be lon berme eh Ipp:ts and
tbip moors Will absolute., cecina. taking it; and the
ano nli a will be aroptd by Railroad Ootopenler.
um salt proper gravity.
The traiseectides her . Men heavy daring the week,
both In Crude at d tieflned. In thud./ es uuto ire
of stout II" Dols, part fur nature delivery, and
Warn; at 3456°•—Dot coolig quiet at Stuttered and
S 5 baked. scarcely anything ieoo dons to-day.
lu gantod m hood. the Wee bare also been hrevy,
compliant, abott 40,000 001 s, moody on ivraetion,
Imo OM -galls to thi. The menet cl. sad very quiet
al the ~,lowing mints, COOMA In toad on the
• tot; 64463 for deur. ry al a...goet; 66467% for
deptantb.r; 67460 for trotom r, and lid for Novetubtr.
Aims prow, tower, are L
In tree, we opts Bales 00 LOX galls Towton, In
ton at 760 each, end shot. 7,040 tibia at from 53 to
6046.00, awing at teggo'do.
' depths condone* dud, end prime are entirely
sominaL Ws have hard of salsa of only UM bids
bait emalottaitl to prime at 214.24 c, which la the nom
inal prim.
Boston Flab Market
Atm.& —WI . 6 small ack and 1414 melon', tile
O,MA I.r Oodtiati ni *toady ana Oren. dale. of Largo
and mein= at /5411.6g 0 . 1,0,2 ... 11 4 $ 4 40. 25 111.q11
kladas.k declined with .alas u 111.04411,74 end
Hata at 11241.23 SI all In Po lak moo orate salsa
qu. klackeral have bran anima freely and
orro a or. lower wile. of new 3 . 4 as 1113.1304.7 for
lasso, and 1441114 . ,25 kw medium; sad No 51 st SS V
Obi alewives tsi dent. gs.m d. wit -.lrak , . a/ dl
- V libL Ilorrais ale auii and molting at
MONO V, 141. No transacUoiso la Bisloson.—Cosso
Toledo idatket.
Aso 7.—The Imptenrenwnt to the grain market,
notleel on Woina•nap, oantinnw, and we bey,. to re
port a further advance of %Mlo ; It will be men
that them I. only abent.Oic ddlasuce to panes of
amber Nittlgen end Not net w bud; aud them
sonstdmsble activity apparent. 11. or—Tbere It
I:mulles doing. Wewd--eale• tble ronnoon• 350 boo
wttne klublese as 114 m Lod btu, 2.000 and 400 bin
ester 13-cklital. all et 110 w, 3,300 Ma No.l roe, at
lutim 350 btu, Itit bus and 330 bus No SI red, •14 at
Dde; 2.000 ban No vs at 1(17%e; MOO btu do at
1070; 0,800 bus do at 10No Corn—No sake; boy.
em ollisred this forenoon Wet br No 1, but beldwe
would sot accept. Uete—List wslai at NM. Nye—
Nothing doing. Baby—We quote Spring at aka
70q %V iztat at 70075u—Butde. •
Import@ Dy Railroad.
Parmesan re WAele & Cameo GAIL2O,ID, Aug.
10 —l6o bbi..bhky, 163 by corn, D Wall.oe:
clo. dorm, Joe Malt anti; 2 bbl. purl.. .1 D tan.
11•41; 18 to hams, 0 .1 Tow0000d; 110 bbl. whisky.
Lambert L Bhipton: 2:0 pip cad. McKim & Bro. 16
"pl. D A Irabbo.toca .0; 118 • p rev:2 B
Godfrey; '1
ea arum, Illtchcoak NeOreery • to; $8
Ills Peerlo, B Oollbse.
I:Unzip At Prestsuses Unman, August 2-
4I tags eppliel. Jibs outset ; 9 bb la erre. 1 8 loliP
batter, 1, - steigt /or, 690 bp rye, Via Bell el or.
Haan shoat. J o lieegett A or 6 bbis lard oil. Jobb
P 80,511 Sytiol kuor. J Adis° C%l/04,11 pp"
CiorAb; 49 Obi. petroleum, W P W001;1418./3 10 bb le
511, II A Tabsolocik eo; 100 bblo 00.4'12 ait Keil;
4 bble Moot; A Gackenbelmer; 4 do do, 8 liceint;
do do, H Aetog; 4 do do, J ilinetoin; Ablide boom,
Polio r, 4 bra odium. W South cot_ K 1
pee, do, W 11 Smith .co; 10 coddles dih 3 - 8 1111.
•orth Law. 8 pkie di, .1 Siskpitsick Aeon 20 DOW
homloy, 8 4 liroisbS k - co
ALL. GOUT Vrorioel —2. core Mayes, Fred Rehm
Sc.,. door 0611, WI ate "heir, S. T. Kennedy Rem
1: oar awes, Cle, Aleseada; 2c. boy, Voila:1.
a 7 I co; beam.. eggs Iteedbwaln 17 rolls cid!.
files, U. Oroeteloger• e 0 doe broom, A. Eh*
8 bOla oil, IS • Bnidle7l 2 beo onions, W. K. Apa l
r, '2
• 9 1 4 6 eggs, it' Leillj lot oesekeilig, owner,.
111,1,15 M Cl,'
sr .M es TWA greet, impedes IL Ilesieselen_., Blo a.
tad 11.1 Toarth Omit. • • • m... 0
luoitooor to 'Wows s oo..)
thelsrla ttooN, LANA sußks-ogiulD fIhJU.
• ma %lAA= AID Wlitsr mum&
se.—vathcat..ionigke aks, woods.'
bid =Wain at l!iiilabgi emit tb• afth
- -
avow .4 koi t h y
, rit • stimA umti •et ' isthe • •
Dia tiot es* AMA sod mitt*
tole Ns =aV olowboro _Goomotoid to 00
0,16 at; tho Itttolliobtsp
2731"a rr0 se I
btl IMAM otiklllBlll42lok
PaoaosALs FOR PLUMlittila Alga
GUI FiT123160 RI o.2.lllltatini, dc.
Olnot 'Perot gelweitausesic. 1 .
jeg e rerneite 4.i.diena..llageatty 1063
Seri.] Pr peel. will in receteirai the cilia, an •
Ili tb. 17ra ul/ AVG MT, 180 for dolWetiog at the
elintare lieregglOgd 02011n 6 5, noir Jeffers-innate, In•
dnien,yhe f.llowlcig rlumblng and gar Fltang lla
tetlete, 1, t
biz Mamie/ nteabandred an 4 eighty (6 . 900) feet t
tw . inch Celeanted WIOI2 et ton rip.. :CIL
Four ttioniind eight hannert (4,00 p feet me and.
one halt Inch dalenola id Wr n no Iran Pips IBM
Might taw:ono/1 (tilk) feet ace loch Galcanlted
Weise t Icon Rip.
ttlx that:nand le blinded (6600) Get three gnu ,
t , r web Gelvanent Wrineett Irce-Plpe. Ake
Pee Monne five hundred (6.600 fast hell Inch Palm
Gel ahls.d Wio the Don Pips Hamm
I h... thong. 1 (3,101) Vet three eighth loch Fal• -
vacated Wrorgb iron Pips. _ Lief
divenitien an dial (I lug panda lailslcatilecd Blpe i eke
titian. of Mee at kind. and dee
' , want, Ore whet ( il 6 ,1 0) vino& Pig Lee. NIP
rsr tbotwan Be hnudre i (4,00) pun la Sheet
Lead, rir. paned Der too • q Are, popegncial neer
One tncu and (1,00 c) p nii4s.beet panes i lg.
rayon weans o lire a undred ‘ 7,s43getinite Load . 1
Pine, else one , Cone hlf Inch. „-
Twout y Gee (17) east Iron hopper Water Ovate,
Slaty ou (61 l ead iron Bath Tube-110.1, 5 tent
6 Inch. bpri i ch., Pb,
. .
lour (4) stop Ropier!, two (2) Eat lose bl tea
(1 0 ) niche de, en
Teo unwired and nisietpelx - (27r) tbresqnst ter
tech Orate pled rib, U its, abed for on pipe. LI
Tien• y nigh gno loch Co the, with, nsiatid one • let
4a.rter inch In .0one:I one, nun. 10 lon p Pi ,
Tate rola (2 )ealt I,oli ones Odd Bikes, fltind
for Icon pipe.
Rtorty•s a (I .
Thirty-eta I
Try Pines.
Two (1) e
p up v -gg, cool
neve (27) Mks, 2 ft. 9 in. - 172 0 In.
121. deep
10 1 l
7.,ree (3) °
to (4) Lisa) inch Bell Coke fitted for two inch
ire p e.
Ste (6, tco inch Stop Corks tittod for two tech iron
%two (1) otivacd-a-belf inch Dili Cocks fitted for
I. Co 000 (Apt
M (6) a gut laic Cof per Bell Floats with 24 inch
cheek+. I
Flity -tow (68) one inch Stop Cooks, tilted for one
tech in., pip,:
six (6) th 'ye-quarter loch Valve Cocks fitted for
thiseFoo a ter bib p p-.
One (1) LOO.UKICI Be I Wit. With als-inch copper
float, ...a 18.1.. ch creak.
tie- (9 ofie.aud a hall inch °erste* Cock fitted for
iron pip:.
o wen y seven (IT) half inch Servioe Ciecke fitted
for iron pip .
Tweniyoleeos (27)tbre0.,1 1 htha Inch Berylas Cocks
Stied for iron p pe.
Twenty-two nundnd (2200) feet two-lath iron
Twee Shot:unit (1060) feet onielnoti 'lrmo tote
Toro, thousand (d OA) Net three.qearior luck Iron
la •o.
!filen hundred (1,60 0 ) feet hell loch Inn lute.
Inighieen hundred (4400) bet three eighth inch
Iron tube.
Osten hundred (TOO) feet one guszteranch lien
7l tcnn hundred pounds Malleable Iron Pipe lit.
one thousand (LOCO) Hocks cf diff,renialue ,
Twenty.deur (.4) one joint, anedtgat tin lireciteldi
nix (-) two light Gas Brun eta.
Two bewared end fifty ( 6 ) orsulight Gee IPend
mete, constine, excepting item, fitted for three
elgath Man pipe •
elm aunared and sixty (146) trodight Gas Pend
meta compete, exoepting stein, fitted tor theme
eighth eroo.plpse
reeled ( It) four-light Gee Pendants, complete, exe
cept stem, heed we twee eighth er n pipe.
Ma can twee Lamp Pone, cam ism in all their
Gee hundred end tan thomend
bee) bib. burnt beak.
all tete mule. well be subject 1
and approval of an • put of the noi
Tha delivery of se= of the one
be mewled for immullat• nee wW c
as practicable esker date of atone
too days thereafter ; and the • h
to be &Wend on she mounds be
I.onaber u• xi, or .00i.lef if pestles
The full name and poet edam sd
(and the fon name m hi. porta
fl m) most appear in Um prozweL
P.apeal t out &Jaya pareit•
edam unt nod n coned red, and
by olongene lout le all ante a
Peopled. di mid be addree ed
and penally eudoreei, rermicasals
On Ifittiog orsata,S' go.
lath prep as most be athozop
s geed ry two raionsitie pan
bully. mud he alto en by-the ant 1
o toe county to which they essidi.
.searsotse will be as *hoses
Ke, Ot Lon DIUM of State of
end of the °mo O t) of and Mate oaf do
healthy guarantee that te able to Mall a ten
mot to eutordance with the teemed bed propoettion,
and that, should his propeeitthes be ecosided, he erLi
at once enter tato a contract la accordatve there.
ernb. Ithonid the *Mem be swathed him we aro
prepared to Deo:smote securities.
Bonds to the stun of tea atonal:id (S 6 000) dollar , .
starved by Om cJntene‘r and both t.e nee gm. semis,
• ele be tequila/ ot the succeasfed kidder me slipups
the contrees,
biddy's are required to be present in person when
then him are 'p.m&
The right te mien any or ail the bids that amyl.
deemed too Irga is: veneered by the undonelgeme, as
well as
regret to Wee trace each bed mon ma se
elate, et tbe prises Moeda naMed, es le Eminired by
the Gone nmedat Iflat beano; the fd nee of • Ind.
der etude proposal is ingepled 10 itntplab wishin the
ties prece.ted, In quaky and nautili, the mate.
dela stipulated to b &silvered, ben the Aida Mut
Qe.rt.roaastar to coaster so have he right to soppy
such enthuse by purchase, au sn. b bidder to be
canted oath she Mulsenue o f f c
I:l4tain mad aesl
Hier Depth=• . July 419 1665.
The !they Department will. 111 the gaga DAY
Of &Walla, regatta propcattl• • iferthegotlithe
lion and ireotion of btard a • I tti be builtht
the Portamouto. H., /3, 5t0.,19.w Tort end Pith
edeleels'ilery Yerda of Ivo revolting tide cod
;.o impagoable make ppm with gp tor
each ratio/.
Tito Uterus' diameter of the Mute to be to feet,
height. 9 tut 6 Moose, Wetness 15 hobos; to be
•cowpaild tl two separate abate t a plate burn, Vila
arirueht lion slabs toter ad ulster. the ume.
Ike pUot bolus on each turret to be 8 tut inter.
net &allele.. 6 lees 6 lathes 1161419 lathes Wet,
comvrid of pate Ins.
the turret engine, and par for turning and usu.
shunt the iworemsat of the turret. the gun glides
Ltd vantage, pat stopple and othgr Internal ar
nopmente to tw of the emu lenient there* er no
the flutter due If thirela. The lrepregneble smoke
pupa to be in Wage* 8 Lieber, the Pawl Ptht•
irun; but& 101; Snabillikt 11100‘• the
due 934 feet.
TM, propoidtion mut embries all the 'thou me n
Honed watt, ladellog the broth, o. the tarot.,
end etate the oust um the time within 'thigh the
work for au/ 'Mai Mgt be oemplekd, on beat&
and reedy tor service.
The genellit pleat Om be exemleed at the elfin of
the thepotor of Iroawded atomize. £l6 thul 11‘,
hew Irak.
The .9roptaale mud be Maned oath. outside
.Propeeals tterothlng Tim to," that they may
te dietlopthatied iron other letters. authodtd
pou SALRL—A ocavenient twastor
1. brick dwallsg boon, with back buildings Bc.
Se Bow .fiat, Pittebnnb.
AU% • tarp, cen•Want and indlihihbed thaw
.gory brick dwelling bow*with back building. 80. I
q!um ems. bo...en Print ..d locoed struts.
ktac, $ twe.gtori Intl* dwelling boom, with bock
boilthiga No- lit 10001 ed • 0 mi. war book
AU 'IM Owes MS in aced craw. sad smiled With
gm aid woad -
liiii3t;ii . arsaugg hams' cottage dwelling. No. 1111
Aimed start, and the taro.stary mass droning ad.
soloing: Boa el lbws imam ars to pod ardor, sad
taltobal *or small tuallis• - , .
Also, --
A 1..,. lot cf pound ea lke aartbsealriatly We
67 1ralt.
off natstripe, atireek llama bad Tr, streets. Deg
Ikea strut. tunic; Chixts orlllant militia
and ortaalllag beet ell Ws: .. ,-i - - . .
. Miaow, -property la altasfailta.ab If pad
dabs cant. • ~ • • .
Tor unmet ulaisliiiiilailall Walla at
W Y. W. TH011•0 1 3, •
Bra' las all* anat.
VAi..I.IAULA rbkl.24 Diskibla L'At.W.
NUTT 7011 OLLII.—Tio lots, 9f fest • In
knit by 110 kit day tot& allay lath • 12146 doubts
h atwan !Womb slid - V ied staid. AL dia4
atilt too tot • Payikdso or Dostlit.
AWN maw las bid dog Mho for Wads esoldnuor
Raz 51farsrithh boa %101 l sore sub.:
Ma, • lase Inaba of Widow loth of arkao
New, of :rum 95 to 60 Oat trait by 100 to 150 Oat
.s.poimtarit 5h 5 .1 4 74 0 4-5 4-tt° W O' all"
' Paitagor Sitftwsy:' ..- ^-•-• ' -' 7 "
Apply to sae usdaslood; litoostots of ebe,tati
of Jan Halos, deed.. : ... W. 4. 117.1VM,
. . - .r - 4011-7 n nUnnNo
. ......
woimerpons - ihooll4
-00 ,111 04 3 *OIIM4 110.. bd., I* It
One supeciar_ameMlLlßat tuba; esimie:
104 V OA bra,
bra ISAMU Mang. Didt_nrairs).
pug. ootatkota; • - .4.
• Sifted onif *ad socoad4ulal Man IMIIMUNI,,
tram IA taoh.dbusigit &link to 5 Snob via • soy
Ibr au& - -HINZ 111. 4 0 /4
no ths Aileclany wane A
swoop Pignigi
.12.111,1 111JA11116.-110Aa law
stionsloipaetrilHocus tv ea* la lllotion .
talunlipMilkv Hvireirlp,A*A'
AU temAlotiihmiritidalbort bassi AA ot. withal
oaths PiOsbaaity_tatt Wavna ukla•aa
Iravpi 91 Al e
rob ' • wataintriirt: Aasabeay
- • • *went and *ell.
I. floilobod T 1311033111 MUM UOVISS, nttlor
TOMS andto ?ad thy Donor, aid Itront triton vll3.
bone staoto rot 00111 0, ore lot, anll3,
on Loocorletilet,ll*_ - 333 4) utar,_ Nor Proortgorgoll•
way, InvOriont3=3 ll / 3 011 , or to 1111313 T
J3l3Dlita. ;moot .11•4•4•161". *OW -
, ; ~,,, 1 , ~ - y t,d ~,,,,.r.;;.
I quarter Inch ValeeCeelm
• une•aaa • quarter lush hues Wash
lad Wash Staddi, wl.h waab bidet
q 6 It 6bm by 2 11.2 In. ty
1.13.400) (morn Or
!o the h.rpe:tton
tehre am me)
knilllllB.o •• 11000
rot eaosedlog
b • letitibeel
the Sena of rep.
nu. o! the bidder
11 tadlog Lr o
•d rebel pmt a•
!Least. gn =Awl
pony the bid.
the undenigned,
br Plambias and
'ed by a pw&aeo,'
, %bete topou.i•
of tb. Mart
The tam of lb.
rota 4411.1.11.
*-4/# 1 . 1 "
_btrts -
111 , 611.314 . 0111002.A11 DOOR
I. EXPOSITION, PAZZ1........-1364
Ith rata* hapwreaust..
Mc Gus dans
sod & walla tutu CUM
ica ths
Oman, will -improved
lffragreettnlty bxvltatt gall at our
- tbo liacklase In oparatioa.
M • Ofratlar
wysTEur..AG NTSi
rffn— runt rags=
nEwis'Oniu surramso
Ho 1 ■A4ONIO TUffiLl
LirSUR4JrCip A6IEJr7'B.
- - 13 ' ► INER COFFIN, Alan roll
U . italrl6.lll, PRIZADILIELe LIP RELIIMIl u ill•
,1714.11011100KPA11111, Nat4.44d: can= Wool sad
mica etroeta.
P. JUI% ES, Amore Noma AKSII
(11.. State of • Pennsylvania .and Elartfordln•
rorence Com la. 87 Water stroot.
QAld.O EL ILEA, tisoamar Ornairs
IJ Isrwaraca Ocireass. comer UMW , and Water
M. GO • N, timasirtAzT Wianzx
. 111117ILINCII 0011PAET, 99—Watere Street
11 M. BOOK, tisoutuav Alamo=
Twin sin fleinart rUth etnet--
POOL, tombing a; QLIZZI9PO 9 114,
(Ooze Oahaoh) The well knows Lum en
Liverpool, Dew Pork sad Philadelphia etemobip
Company trirbatanded to WI am follow,
(71TY or tiA.Boll3kPrilit.....--iateida7, And.
GLA9OOPT --Satarday, Ant
.n .
MTV W&MillfilaTON Avg.
And ST racheevUng Saturday, at mon, trots
44, North Lt.oo.
Peraitta is 0" alf 4I i loivifilmt is Ormtscr.
Illser.Oaton .......480 116T1Z1A0N.....*659 60
do. to bondoa... 86 W do. to . London.. 65 60
do. to Parts—. 96 00 do. to 'Perla—. 40 80
do. to Homburg 80 NI do. to Hamburg St 50 -
Nasal , : also fortratdad to Him, Stanton, Hot.
tartan. ,ntwarp. ea. at 09oattr )09 tai6 0 ...._. _
Nara -14votioot or 015matpatatrikt. lst. OabLni
176,59 8 i MO. &walk Pa :. Um lobo MIA to
1a4 ,10 t !OJT: tOoado tan,bo6 itor•Ott.boo9 at then
Por farther taionciatlon spplr at tits dompaar s
Mom JOHN . DALNOLcant, •-
Ili Ikoadway, 111. T.
Hand Onset, font boom trim t in Intillt.
tablattt lttaborab.
THE ATLANTIC Habilis :lk
ADILTVTIO, 1 sre Bono-yawn, 4,000 taw
111111311131 t,1,000 Horewpower, 5 000 tons.
' 0011111151%. 1.000 horse. power, 5.000 tout.
ANGLIA 1010 11011111.1)0Wer, 0000 tons.
The msgalllsyst wteerosety dbulrello srlo ssll
from Idteryord, rb Galway, to NM. York, rul VW-
IidDAY, the 15th of July, to be followed by too
other 1101012•111eftre line bwrry alternate Wedusasy.
Mars of plump from blverpeol to liwirlork.P.Y*
able to tolll or Ito rdn-mbelt to carrenoy:
Pint tfab1n.—.......31—...4155 0 0 1Ohloullioww—rwwwira
fleennd 831411
roi gawp anti at Di* I. at the Admits,
dialsi, - straumss 13futOnY•
&Jinn Jaime, Ramos.
Or, D 011ZILL,
Beraing Cfrosiela
So. 70 Fifth wtrmt—ottatomth.
VlT."—Sbe andsnignid Is now prepared ts
bring out solvente tram say pert of Ileg,Mad, Ire ,
had or Bombed, either by maperier tritest bag NO
dtsszsaktncluding to soinamoth steamer ' , GRIM
MAST er Ant dais mdllai Ifeess tar
than tickets mn be pilchard tor at say ,ior ogio. ts
PZ l a=. Tim steams loses t 4 'pool erm7
, touching at Londonderry err Om wet
The rafts numb Law LtairLmolatal; wank.
Lddrar, . O'DELL.
pompom 'vac,. Obrookis
• tateutmseed . 'PO Mb street entebargl.
drierir 'BOOKS.
11 Mthcan's Latin ChulaSanity. Boole.
allam'a Offlatttattenal illstoryf [Suitrued, 3 ski.
llam'a Wimpy of ins 1111dtla Aim 3 vols.
D'lsfselre 01111)111thi of Lateral:um %rola.
Bulimia Anemia, of Melancholy. 37d..
Montalgus'a Works. 4 Tots.
SUL Lemb's Works 6 sots.
Ihoun's:Worka. •15 vols. Bolasoysuately.
oltakspears'a Safi - B vols.,
Sur aid* 07 KAY • 00.. RS Wood stmt.
.Allll U iSL.LUATIVP..
LIC, lioutboos Iritito4o4B7 ILltti.
- =go n i b o ' BO ll. =o l. =. b°7 l
The One Inn Wood Eziattnid. WM:UM
Bontoteo Thirty leers to do 11. B. Boasts.
/I.norobln. CU* sad mfr.
Ono &ad Zs". limber.
Ski Stan and the Am%
Waists Enters. Theology. liodlobs. to.
note l-* r RYA 11., IA Ir mrsib street.
UWA Sol, • —tineep:
U Shirk Bowl; Inonalemoot and tdoosoof.
Wlllfook lonia. To wOlolf on aided sonoorks oa
sloe Moon ono Monagsfooot of cheep lo Um United
Coto, with Illustrative monologs loot.. 6 to. •
Pro. $l. b KAT • 00.6eWood itiviet.
LIME uNiettiesi lattaitatlll , l,
J. . 11157.—Alpeabetleal list or Peet Offline In the
Ustted elates, wilt the names of the Yost neatete.
With in appeedlz contetuina the ratan of Malaga
Pottage: tau now Poet WON Bill;and other Import.
ant postal haJonterten. Moe $1.60.
11 13 . IL&T • 00.. 815 Wood it.
• VOR RENT—The ihriie4tou BRICIIC
L WAIN/10118N, No. S .Wood Ono two 6ocro
&on Water stmt.
she to-m*9l43e " migs ALIN
• phitman, galua At
or to .1041VPH .WOOD Ws.
earetir W evillWond Mmes.
{putt itnNT—The , Wuta story. of 1110
de et. Clair
stmt. ant owesald tri• subsanber. onsir
Dolme groky.
w skit RO ns M AilliwOßTH.
ra lais:t—s Longa.. with..tivt roams,
dose to the Senna etatkin. sa iNnilloklepTak
Possiaken gine lasiedlitels.
ANA, on the mato*
11933 ' J. L. CASTIAOR &N,
liu bigr—vas, Two. or- 1 brae boom'
the third or fomilistorisi Gains Build:
.tstr a ft4l strait, with at irtthout sham power.
N - i.vitat KNOWN 4 10 .itar.t,
/11014710.41ACIBEItiT CUMLTIVE
_foal** aiwiar
in= mks auxins OOYPEA7IT.
The taucanno Was a iw to tho UM
The nm" ,o 4 4 1 1 4 1 7 %ST% al ositatibtog oting ,
'Won ita value.
IN mottootosto nor oar Wow rosoli, owe
aurtiltoo IstlOuStma stamaill'
Is Wos& buotiomotoittotobily
10 also.
wa 141.114, it to vithabik*oir
oRpoPMO 111• r bLlookl
- `` r ghtiMikil,dietro , 201 d." '
lioabors tad Hissoitet tyg :into te
gitiarwiedatn. %sot toot tbo talsofou otlooto of
111/1,8001/01.0%! „%!tit..l, Ike alitoi , by . rooroltog
; , 1114%,rtoputablo flotisiontrrlon. j
.'I!"A3oi~`BI~`C~d,JDOSILL- a:
isbamaNirre IL a; anisiorri nail* Uts
.1m el WIN dblevei
Mk Joh 104. Pao masa , mast -,DA/silite
laWiT is alaaill Oats da a a
by as Osapias.
"L' t Igor, nunrrr.
_......--- •
IiffOTICE this'
.11asisassiskst Nuauxquiluurt gab
Isk ask sasessiai 1a5..4 1 111a00. it*
olio of as 'Oa to bo•D: Sow. Ins aa.
,D)LtlarliotaltelSion Idea
114 . 1 16 i 01• 1 7 oomme.
CLEVELA D, , ,,,., 11 i t i r
PlTTlll3trliall LND e.t....ital
Wi1661.1/102 RAILBOAD. -evil
e tild 11 lr. II &BUBO; ~ r ABT.—Un sad mita
KW:MAI. April SM. lErlk Trains .1121 - Irrn Or
Ospot, el lb. Pwrositiraxits ytalkosd, tA -MIA. !
byilli. as Worry t
Prisrberrall aril ilildrilere L......%
team Pittsburgh] 1-00. out 6:10 •,..1B•40 p.
do Waltsainal 1410 I Sad Ltd o
do Btaaboaeol WO' o OBT •• tatd
:. nity,4lna. we• ; I.•66dream! Bollair... 4,115 10:28 4,10 o
Oonnocting .t . etordaa•lllo sad Stan
boarille and Indiana ttallnad and Q,. ~al Bblo
rood to , 2•121.211144.2iani5ark. Want look
t. .
nd l E
t c. oilsT4 J 4ol ba Oa a danatl, Loalaamaiparo ..
potato mon end loadivapa,
sods Wheeling ad* Baltanorsand Oblo Balhas&
Ptadaril aid Ciaddral Lim • •
Lama 111 e o. shrh4o 1,. a.
do 4 , 10 " tio as
do 4440 o tog a
do Af l l. no o o 646 u t 45
do' 8av0ana.—.....-......1. 14 " rai
do Hodson IkUl
artloat Bloadat4--..,..- 11:10 o • TAO. 11
Bandoctlaa ot Bayard With Sareirawia bran& Le
Sea. -, PalladelPbla a... 1 Banal Dover; at Mama Milt
Pltudadith. , Bort Wayst, and Mikado Ilatlait at
• Salmi* Irsta atlantic alai drag We-atom'Wand
for Warroa,, Ornoollle,
- /anteldoaallt l l PaisananlCL e...'t411011 stab Oblito
land, lainaldßotadtheotawat Pe..:••ood Ik=
-Onyabos• 11111oritattto 4104
ir yo, cb ay , L Par trio, Doaldfl and BMWs
attli• 0.. L 111;
T. B. 11. tor LoadalLy. Taal% *sl ays
"lath earner: tar Doha% -
doocaanlodadon bataa at 3:60 p.
Sidninh4 toga. saliva at MO S. sx., Ildiddad
L•O6 p. tn., end IBM a. o. . • . - • 4-4. •
Myr* Warta to .11 prouldnont Ira bo
*ars_ dat tAe Liberty etre* Dryad, ,
011/1111111174LBEIlli Tiokot '
and sflinidhoni City,
11.4 ClatlaßLlllßltTithdlairt Amt.
at thnOtalliourl Ogle= in•
U.b1.711 - • .. ,
en 4 attez 1011 Dar. Evil •
exwilenrtystile • Tr* ••
611111'1,411.1" - •
leans, the Pump+ Station dello. (01000 Baader.)
m 4a60 a m., stopping Stacie// be.tween Pitt..
burgh an 4 ebloedelpbL, end noting direct onnosto
Sion tor Now Tort at l'hlladolptun.
The UM/UGH MAIL Tutam Laws the Ina
maw Station Wiry taming (inapt ilundap)
tao a m., mai II lendrel 400 4_
mamas o, =teatime at Her tot Lank
more and W-oninat So, and for NO 2 UR Thi Plata
The TEEMED 1.1 EXPELS!' Tlll,llllmlitgitin
ISM p.m., stopping craly at cipal etatialib,
tined oonawbei- at Etaal prin etarn T Hattlakethr
Wri=t .ad for New York •1 a Allnallarl lone
The ,ffArrarEll lawns the /Sides.
Fanny,) at 6:3D p. M., IitOPP/ 1 6 =t aw "
Miaow, oonnaotnr; at flentinard for
Weablzatar, and It Plillodelpida ly TawitYlek.
Its &hinny' iunonmetwatton lawn tintaliturp
(cotoept Snail) elk* p: m., stop/alai allatatiew -
and =win filar ea Or2SaffAC o . • ^
Etat Anannwidattoa Train hor
asity (eacap kW a. has , •
Laced b u tler Trail 'On 1 0 .Pt `
tom day (annept &Imlay} eh MO a. in.
Third , ,Entonnatillalton Thift• _Ware. atlas
IMMO darsy.tinal" ,o =y) a) 4,130 rs.
Znath. :Vain - .LC Valt. lama
bairn daily ycloopilincheffrattiMtreh;
The Maw& Teatit Lain ithiPs Oaks way mu.
day St Siro S. sulmitaln46l;kotai:Plisatlolo II
Seticadnu2ntn . ia rinran is Pltgh
wen, lUD tfatLe lv - .z io l t :Lat t i x r s .
Kai/ Train,lLW S. in&JakinkMl . donowiliodation ,
I0:06 a. cu.; liar; Widra Statkot -Actrompaidatioa
fat a m., -woad Weli's BMW§ 41/XloMantion /
821 a. on.; Tbird- WalPe Paine Accosiuwodattui
1:40 p. a.; /Goth Wain. eltallon Amenowintalkine
0:06 p. m. 'Bahia ere ExptirA will - antes Nth TOO.
ad./lonia Express at I.4dm p- lasiodsia.
Trams hn lotairorille and Indlsoultrowai en Blabs
eine Intersection with Through necconsiodatke,
Johnstown Aftewomcdatko and EtpreniXilas ENS,
and with Baltintere Express and JoSinstonnAnomn.
model= West.
Trains kr Ebensburg connect at Pnewnialk. 12.
m iuu tll iatun alis and Lail TrainWeetoind witietbrouall
mod Ewan TraM.Enid.
The peihito will Ent IS -Ewratilio sEide
going Mal or Wad, tit .trave/,0,1,thn Pretuate
flautist Editroad, tb• lila* WWII
oannothe =nano/ on ani othanatt6. -- 1 Leath
tailwind .with dont,
.ad : I . kite Irnalang.
Ws can promiliesality; sport Mel onsithinti 18* wa
C. 37 WOW this Bawd with Lads weltiate
To Lew Tort -$l2 0011si a1idetanta........... 1 00
Tit /D 60 Tl:Lahilnaier,,,.... I IS
Ta Ilatasbral T da
!luso obacketr to all nation on 05. P 8 In
GentraiLalL - oad, sad to Pleliedepila
; • c
peneensen parnhaelits Whets tr,Lows . 01 hi
inwrxed Op Math waxedlia, to dletenee Situlea, -
additiOn - SO the ration Wan, ettaapt *bra Watteau
where the Csnapany bit no ate.: .. '
ELOPICE.-ln nom at tan 00 , 10.411, will 1014
iSommaivis minpoinalli fraulat orb,
&Idler so Lomat mot eirosZas IPA •
b. -21 einathas SADO hosltleWil OMIT/ god le
cy 'pecangsr. sna lizOtpleinuninns De.
pot, es e glans not to ?0 0010 LS Unita fee real pl.
rwkew .ad tarmac. Dor tickets. imply tn
J. =AT A.ET, dfeat,
t tlu roweiptvenia o:mtrel Eitrani ei testa
D •
- Werra Breaux.
011ASTZBED tB ulos. • •
Open gaup trim a to
. 4 o'clock. Atte on Wednesday
and Saturday tsentimi from J tat to trernbar
Ist, Nom 1 to • o'ebeit L and host Ziortsolsorlst to
i t from • to 6 o'cke
reethred or all aunt net to this Ova
;Wier, and • dlvirtind.ot the pronto &about Mot •
per, la Joao Deceinter. laranot hag beta ds ,
dared analAtainuallv June an/ Nairobi's, gnat
Ur Bank woo o the ruts of gb per cent
6 =16.4, If not drown out, la piling to Shit wadi '
the /spottier at volnettal, rad boars the wow la•
wham the dtO6aYI et Jong sad Deoweber. was.
Cirs Wee • rear m without troubling, the /work
cell„ to ean tat we book. LS OW
tett, moneywill double In hal than Welty pers.
Books, contiontori. th• Warm, ity•Lion, Mkt
lisolatlons, turalabod grads, en appliattlos et ,
the elks. •
Pairamirr—OZOßOD a. 1.191,12.
lobo B. ItoVaasa,
Jobs Baia,
B oil. ever,
Danl. laknuttooly
James Ilatialoy,
James Hadmr,
tarni Ldams,
John. Q. Baokohin,
John Ct. Bindle],
Alons6 A. Ours.,
Clutha A. °piton.
John Boons.
William S. Sayan.
Pow Ritakor4
Mohan' Hays,
Janos p.
Wlltioa fl. Lovely,'
Bacamix •
EX 1"111
slyairlgteg.tAh.licanaMt'Z - 4 - 17
nu b. it
gAta ap3.- 17-211 Driqpillstkinosawbse
Banged! all rerilias PrtniAra Dor
WIN Vl* 00. - 4011. est
LIM e 90.. Wbcdosal• Amitsi Ps,.
St 3
. s: owotos.—A reify totwi moth •1 obi*, TM
;tailgated to &own from; With Mr/ pie*
Oh tom total to bur entry midi wass.
, Amp Wane tit UT, t 7 of
throb Isar olds. MOO font ratio • .I.ter.lo,
800 two to Woo ram old.. Poach, Ptah •••., •to
loth* Mime* anus
magma iimikam,
W a r ea ritinOgii,,4 l SP. AWMB IERY .
t ,ftiliodueff tn,* isoupuum. ra
~vv ow 1114
isimuiaustal% o l%sitocklin;
.";:- - ; , lol4dia~, piled - Bop*
10 bsoadoso glair z.laingw , •
bbio. b bap tadcoodi
MAW • 44- i
- eIoC wH WAr - r•
113s1 bast otootolontoconoiloop;
• 911101.64, 0.4111001001 L t
10M14Pur• '
10 do
sicodrAiall ibe irk togic
gallott—Ut sit =;)- • '
A:- Itactkonk If 04 kayb bail"
I•l*.Vkittlgi saaliessh***;:a WWI
41X1 0; Itolami; i ' • ,!.
'A:4'oam plow Clima r i t "
—.Tour ado IR ,
;Cr 41"f`a
atIONE/11 0 V. eital l .
u "waft
W t i r a poN.
' l6lll . l ftd le r ' amt. .
uuldYf *t i l o t,4 ?Ow,
sway/ fii44,l4=
~-b~i'~~,'G.~ S s Y
hub K. Pansadr.
Jame B. El, Krvis.
A.. K. Pollock * 1..8.
BM Burp*,
Ism J.
Walter 40. markau,
Jaw Oa,
loots /mo,
Hinny L. kteirinti,
LW '
- /Uniandipar
WP, Wernin.
chrialra "him