1 , 4. . , " ' s . ".• NES • I=Ml2= ‘; • • : • .444.0 ES= • • •-• .•••• •,.. lEEE MIEN =f= aY „ ~' . ~~ :i ~a:; EMS mom •1; ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 : ••• • . , • • •pt . , •. - :k • ••• • • • , •„ 4 •• , • :'• 1•:. • ' • ;'• •:•;•;11.!;1:. ••••1 •• •, ; ;• : •"• *N1 .•,:••'1';•'• • 'I.-1.' 2 :: ;•:!!-• • •V• 10^4 r'•11. 1 ;*••:f:;,••,; ; •'•••;;;111:0•4'.. •:••=;• • -!•;1!!•: ; •;:••,ve,„, ,, ,,4:••:';'• • ;•- ?`••••,: • 2; ••; ,•' 1 ;4; , iN•••• •;••••• •••ic:!:;•:•,.;; y • •• •.", r • 41:•': ." 4:.. . ,-:••••• .• !iv; • 7tt 4. • ' r' • : • •• t ~. • / • - TUESDAY 111 0ENIEG •AUCI. •11 • 012'7 AF 174.1.11 S R 01110116 OP Till OPTS he State Teaches, Association. The /Nrctisylvania State Teachers' Aseocia , ttha Ent it Readin g oa the 4th inst., and con- Slam" its session weld! the erasing et the s:h. Ia eensmpteats Gl'S', President's unclants -I,4t* weetine wee held on Tharday, as was laleadet. There ware more teachers in at `,bittdistee. than waa anticipated . The proceed _ , , legs were latarestlng, and will ba published • talents thi Panesyivenia Meal Aurae& /n, !Ike same of the President...lse:lA Smith, et Vie* President S. D. lavas, of ;:: • Dasiddir,• presided. Report' wire mod by -,,4efiasur S. IX uf Dlekinson eal.ev. J. and W. e Berks. and W. P. Wyars, Rag., of the West Obeater deadenty. The rottenly; questions - were &mussed with melt - "What are the prominent objects of text bdolco; bed - what extent should they be used!" "Should a military spirit 'be encouraged among the pupils of our school 2" A beauti ful poem was read by Miss Awe P. Sat . & of Chester meaty. On Walnut evening mej. ellalr Bird attended the also don, and de livered an able address - he was eathusiastd fatly readved. Major &mend Stahl was also mount end made few remarks. The Sten - ftperiateedent, 'Prefessor Coburn. also ad , dressed the Assorilation. Dr. Bunowee made a statemast la referetee to the Teacher's can -eiswowsktfreperk of funds received which mse Weittlafeetory, completely ezonar athig fromany esesure. of D watroleeted President for the en "wag , yaw, Tim' , Association adjourned 4o meet at Altoona pixadmmmt. • Tite'Bultkeye Frail Jar. Ws &maths attention otitis:stamper' and oothess to the celebrated Buckeye Jar, mania . , factored and for 'alibi Mesas. Adams * Co , ' No. 37 Wood street. Glue jars are prefers. Me to tie or earthsnwani, imam they areas*. lily oleansed, are surrer_sobjeet to rust, and their utility cannot be impaired by age. The Duke,' Jar la so outsized that no cement or often composition Is mulled in soiling. The top of thejar tround to an ma surfs% while the 'dm" et the lid Is supplied with a gut bead, intik, lid adjusted by MIMI of a strong Iron clasp. Toe work of sealing does not require /mita minute's time, and the Jar will be Marrained.'pelltatly air-tlght. It Is jut murk ajar' as mem lady will approve and adopt. It la , Made of strong material, and will not break, emelt tluouga careless. nom or saddest „Thistles' can be used for an indefinite number of jean, and duel' no possibility of haring tba trait spoiled by m ammy which often happens when corks ars used. Bat our lady Nadine will, no doubt, call and examine this jar for themselves. ;Year/. Adams A Co. have also on band the intimacy majors, whisk they are enabled to sell. either wholesale or retail, at the very limit Market rates. U. 8. D4strict Conn. • - Menem .10.—The !mind Jar: presented the felleerlas Into Mho: 1 trolled litotes Is. Daniel Stout, of West moreland octant, for iirtmatli • tattler to , Onitad Slates vs. John Shearsr for making tolutna...! Tha defendant plaid golly, and wan amassed to pate:Au of one dollar ant Costa of proseentlon.' Valle* Sates vs. Allirsd Q. Peaty for mak , lag atoms. The defendeat plead guilty. and was sentemped to pay Aso of one dollar and costs of wesecution. Untold Sates vs. Alexander Bates for mak. sae tokens. . . United States n. J. U. t W. A. Lippincott for waling tokens. • Crafted States ta. William Jackson, for per jciry; baton reported. July dlinharged and ' eke ease to bi you over again. tialtod States vs. Irwin asap% for pro curing a Mawr to desert, Continued tillnext United% rates vs. P. H. 'Eaton and others for ssattagand tuning tekeis. N. O. Itserum, !sing Oa only Gum( the:party in town, plead guilty, and was Azad OAS dollar and costa of Trosoontlon. _ United States vs. Mum Hersolibirger, for aiding a soldier to duert, was &netted. . . ideur-Books at the Y. M. Ai. Library. non of our damns who were numbers of UM above Institution many years ago, when It orempled a small dark room on Market itmet,-or seenwhin it entered upon Its emend 'peek In iseinewhat more mutation room on Meath BUM, Flay may now visit Its lam, well netted and Imadsoniely famished apart ments, on Olair street, mama but be Wed use gunned &film propels It has ,„ Wit are pleased Ao announce that the Li brary has, wields a low dayo, reesired sevens imedred oolitmu of the' most poplar and valuable works, in all the departments of 11Mratore, ooketrod by dm Librarian while on a visit to Um eastern cite... A portion of the books have been rsesivod, and are now open for inspestion before being put into drools tlon. Young mat and: oung ladles who wish to kelp up with the age, should, by all moans, be atessimrs of the assocdation • and paripsto who would wish Moir ehildree to acquire a taste for mediae !Mould enroll their names at the Library. - Pleat Ifarional Bank of Pittsburgb. It will be seen by a referenee to our miser Using °plums that fiThi Pittsburgh Trust Ceiipitay" has orgaulosd itself fato the "Inn Nostenz BUT. OW PM/131MM " sad Mir ealnpasi with the !squirms:old the sat thaersis, entitled, "dn .dot top rovide • Satins! fh=, amend by a pledgw. of Cfaitedßiatss , and to preside for tle idreaboline lad redemption thauf," has been aithinixod by Us Comptroller of the am' said ~ to-Immune the bulusu of but ts The Pittsburgh Trust Company ham bean,. dub/ Ike eleven years of its existenoe, one et the meat nolmeatal ins litations in our city. Its stook was seldom found exposed for glebe Um stoic market, and when exposed &brays essealuded a high premium. Its - dlirldiutde dam always bean luxe and its credit un doubted infor the admirable nianagonont •et its -well-knum .Preoldont, Alexander LeaskUn, Lq., aid its good natured, amiable sad entarprimag Caildor, John D. badly, Seq., we have= doubt but that the moo iota Imo awaits its emulous it its new relations. fiusineas entrusted to Its mire will meet milk MTh.ationtion. Th. present capital Is 4110,01 N, Irak the ,!triter of bobs umemeed to $1,000,1100. TKO Liar Aid itZty of Allyihisydar ' tax the two weeks. end!: August Oth, have mode tep 19 saw shirts and I 8 *Gy pales of drawers. Damao*, roodrod--Klas alma, roll o f "- and mulls, numbers of lumdkoroldsfs; 11.111.1 3 / I toa, ilaysvillo,'lll lair pads; Kn. `B. S Mdrts, I altars; Nes. :oa k SlC:Ards multi; Mho Kola. litow '.llE4 roil of sults and 114 . 1 411*Git costa; Nes. James Gibson, 2 ems bait, 6 eoweb t , as oimmeat, roll "of lint; Miss Tbomp „sox toolommuitsj Mrs. Clesemptos, 8 bound - books, lai& *AWAY Of pamp hlet ; Kn. miloasowe Pito; S Pairs. of IMPPoII, .111,101 t liappir; :mg buries,. 4 books, = dried TKO , '-" 1-• • Omit 701ellirate itdo—por Mao Bailey, Watt* mad Moab Doris., lid 83. Obildroas' Nolo—poi N.ulO 9tawart, Anzio 81oteimea and Nellie Mollillas, $1 40. Copt. Wa.ll. 00: - - Lzortona:--Yone :Ilium . . Loo s a native Illsram% will addrees the 'oitizens of Minh*. Biadukj sheet Baptist Church, this asameoa, Ang.111,14 at three °Week: Ile , orui speak of alms of interest in theßsanun „swot% sal' oontsast the heal= and the • • .Msai Sabbath. This helm wilt be free. Ts the male& at the same plies, lie winks. Sue la boil Barasn castase. en the is Man any Castoons and fielleaa of the Burmese." nil/ ezlibit then haw of Gandania, and ashy aidosltim; and will tire a description aka Beintapheouuldp and raerrisee. Iftees oats: Children non cents. • • . 13114oecsait:=Thoro ago about /any oozy*. =towilat Aelown now in our city, who, by orders / 91 0 3 / 4 , Wia DlSwroo46/, mumbsood 61 sad • A should repot/ thooposhroo at Ariaspol4, 1!- ta Do aooteuti llskt doty or ploold:la 4 hooptals. • ° Osnr Bewalr're.hve. A ‘ . VPI . T. - IgriTr VI roe.; ; Ma, BAN , T. 7.• matye'.s e Mar ler. el. ion at their Principles and Preetloe, Prom the bet edition, edited by Robert Heat, P. IL B. Y. 8. 4., Emperor leininghecords, formerly Professor of Phyelee, Goreirnmeat Bohol et Niue. eta., *to.. sedated by amorous Cloutributeil. =allot In ".earner and Wainer with liaautatairree_ Illus trated with Seven Hundred Ingratiate 0 9 Wood. New Tart: D. Appleton ACo , .563. Pitteburgbi tor sale by 8.8 Davie, 93 Weed Civet. 1096 pp. Vny royal 13ro. • Diallotutry has been for many years the standard refirmobook on all the mutter- Olin and important objects embraced within that wide mope and range which thelarign of its learned and laboriou author gave it. Bat though moth suousive new edition contained much new matter, making thi work keep pace with the progress of knowledge and the ever amierated °curse of improvement stadia:ev ery in "arta and manafeetures," so rapid ands° vast have been the root advances of improve- Mont, and amestions to oar knowledge, in this department, esbreeing the raMkat applica tion of Moat, that a oppleatentau volume like the prese'aqual at least to oao-half the latest edition ofDr. Urea original work, hu become necessary to minus the whole sub jest, or, retina manifold subjects. involved In the design of this great eyotopedie undertak ing, No as to kin mryttlag qv to the pot ent time. No mac living, perhaps, could better undertake auk a work; than -the elo quent and fagealou author of "Bertearchet on idglit," "The Poetry of ileitmee,""Pazithea," *Os., etc. lir. Haut has also associated with himself, we find by alist of the oentributors, printed in the work, not less than fifty gen simian' mutant for doge attalassits In mina or the protical art", many of whetters them selves as engaged u matubotarers In working out Om processes whir* they 'ha described the volume lbsclintnt• AD-rgior. valuable: ork than this haw appeared-for a very Miff while—coo at oats so oompreken andomplete, dialing:with oath a range of subjects in the practical applisations of ; seine, la ateintfactmes, etc. Indeed it may be truly said that many of . these elaborate articles wduld'form completetreatbes on the uvulal subjects to which they relate, and might be 'published in a sales of goodly vol. 1 anon, at to hunks the cost the purchaser ' eharpd for them athey appear la Oil vol. unto. /I Is muesli nemesia, to motion any of these ankles specially, but we may may that those on Artillery, Blimidng. Bread, prolog, Briok, oaßoo Printisg, Ocat Gat, Cotton Manufaotare, Gold, Gupowder, Iron, Lamps, Lead, Paper, Photography, etc., etc., Will, if referred to, skowlow dlllgenuy and attooemfally the several eoutributore sad the editor have labored to make the work a re potlttuy of the latest information on every subject it entbram. Boma. • NereL By George IlloL antler ot •Altara &de l ; w The of sae Flow." " &awe* or Claim! L ," sad hterow." With /I. lustratkeve. bow York Harper *Hrothere,„l363. Pittsburgh: for lye by Henry Bluer, rifth at. Plorenoe„, dazing the closing years of the 15th and the °peeing years of the 16th oep- Mtry—Y/orezoe, the cradle of Italian poetry and art—is the sane of this finely conceived red powerfnily-told star, of life in the past. The author of so many popular works ie tare of leaden ' OM if new - one were written with lass felicity' than tow—oven U, like Homer ...he should be food nodding some tiramy, even If he were, Mike the Omsk poet, gins .to Indulging that ancoasoloas senal.blueednen corofrequently ; but in Emote Om will lie hand no Ghana of calling to mind this Binstranon or any other, showing the over -kindaus of re;ders towards their favorite authors. Loam..By Helen Hodet. New Tot: D.App'eteu Co.. 1883. Pittsburgh: Ware.. by 8. e. Dario, "" 93 Wood street. - 199 pp. Mao. A well-written and lutereetleg atory—not too didactic, though It is evident that the earnest mind of the excellent authoress was strongly beat on teaching a moral, aod would Oct be contact with the mere tolling of an idle tale. We shall not attempt to give any outline of the plot, er to notice the several chars/tan ; but simply commend any of our readers, whose lielleation prompt them to ' the pleasant, seasonable work of reading a novel, la this Jai, weather, to earn "Light" late . ** shade and noise's. of a . rural re treat, Mat the : IP, or_ on ,some mountain , ridge and out the Piet, and make aa•t quintectoe with theekazatters for themselves. Eusworrit'aPanuar Puce. BOARD Cain or LPhed by 0.. Appleton Co., New York.• Per sale by R. IL Davie, 93 Wood attest, Pittsburgh. This Chart, prepar ed by the author ef a very elaborate end com plete treatise on Penmanship, which we no ticed some time ago, primate the fee simile of a blaekboard written over with bentifel eapital and mull letters In both' the naive and typogrephioal forms. also gins the Arable numerals. Its grainy for the purposes of instruotlen is evident at seance. Firemen's Asisoistation Meeting, . Tb. 'toted monthly meeting of the .11;:•- mines Association was held on Monday even ing, August 10th. Your. Wm. J. White, B. W. Mackey, Andrew Simons, Ames B. Newhotue, M. Ball, A. J. Cupp*, John Creetan, Joh? Graham, Jaime G. Weldon, Jake. Irwin, David Warden, *Matthew Tib • bey, Joseph B. Beint-111 members present.H Mr. Tibbs, was appointed Secretary pro, fah On motion, the reading of the minute' of the printout meeting was dispensed with. The report of the Chief Mutineer was read and adopted... During the past quarter them hare been 42 Arse and 17 false alarms; total, 59. Amount of lou, $99,009; amount of in. $63 Intran 000et' $20,090; !anointver o insurance, ~ - A oommualeatkra was remised bom Wm. Colllngsrood, taidering his rnignation aa delegate to the Ithemea's Assogiation of Plus h's:reg. Asoopted. W. J. White, Chief Baginser, tendered his nagmation as a member of the Committal on Conforms and impaction. lititoted—yeas, nays) 6. Mr.:Maokelniomild shat :a Committee of grebe appointed to prepare rails sad -regula tions haggard to steam** =glass tatting Ihm.plagehosi hose_oompazdee._ Carried. The Charappelaad Messrs. Maokey,Swint, Miley, Graham ad Newham& Mr. Tibbs, monad that the seat of Mr. lifo- Millancl the "Heptagon be dada= =mit. Mr. Tibbs/own:I that the dasordatlandls pope with the parads this year. Agreed to. A moss of tea :abates was Wu to allow somalitoe Use to prqoaa their . At the arplantloa at Ili noose; the oommoltsmlt tee reported that Sly had not had .11= to prepare their ?sport. Tao flosratary stated that the mint, book bad been bjetrathy WA, ou Watts street. Mr. 29b - bey raped that • Wants book b• proband sad the Wanks transcribed at •• Goat aot ausadlag MN: 'Lost. Mr. roll books be Tibbs? yur Mebased oved thatA greap sw t to. min ute land . ldr: - Dorrbgton sainsd that the bill of Oil. E. Y. Pratt, (KIM) for tinfoil as janitor and tosseasez be paid. ; Carried. On motion, adjourned. Coup_ de Soleil. On d *twig diemean, about foes °Week, named Bdward -Sw , O, man n a eeney, who spades on arms strait, fa deo Ilemmity, ' ward , ; about to eater a faed store at_ the heed of Berea* strati, 1/1411 he was mind with an f . emits* of mop saga, or mut - stroke, And ell as If fa a St o de poplear • Be wasearrled to whom .' faimedistoly adjoinin the. V. P. Church on Waildagton street. an d was loon muromolot,byalargeorowd 'troikas "faloy" Indtrldnais. When' we _stilted the home wham he was lying. about ; last "Makin, we found - him 'Ulf Itrthg, though a drunken amend/int blekeyed an: assaranee to as, as we entered, that he had been "did" for sometime. We soon left,howevar t falty eon. Mined la mu own mind, that them were as many fetid breaths arottadidin as weald es elegaleh his feeble °fib a short time: Skew. soh we ale tatormiid, has a wife and five old t. 006 Dices atunion.—CroL NW. Noil moat of . Nano months' mUltla..from • Crawford and Nestor omit% rotuvd, t o thiii a ias Buda. from Vierda,,awl int oat to camp .wodigben t . ha toslosats ambers 63 mai 'trona. While Nay oretwat Now Crook, Will Va.,_tboy owp'el 82 tobolo, Wades numbir of,rafoillos'and floottton who gams In ua oarroadwrow thensolvoo np. DI6IIIID .111116...Ab01ti ono hundred deans mu Itft tlili Olumby gamins the 40th Pgassylveale Begyeetai aim an the l'otaauth. On. badeedlOU Wye Uthiy. Tatirwoun• o t tiO o'olook, itoad' Way. 'will matlaced 'Os Las of Boots sad Oboes. - • of Licit. JOlseph 11, Millen TidelandUgenee of the death of Lieut. hill /err, 1 4 12 da unexpeeted at the last, render theraniassoescent none the hms 'sad and,palninho his friends. • At the time he received his latal wound, at the battle of gettyibirg, his Wary, althongh serious, was not considered &Uprose.. It was the opinion of the sum* whing tie ezeunination at the time, that amputation would not be necessary, and that the probO bllities were in favor of his ultimately rarer ming the entire use of his limb. Rhea been asontained subsequently, however, that the wound was of anoh a nature aloft doubtful whether his life meld have been laved, oven If amputation had been resorted to at the time the *Airy was received. The death f Lieu ad t. Miller is one of the saddest of the o many m dilations whlalt this oily hu had 003111011 to mourn; through the loss of its noblest men, during the progress of the present rebellion. While the bereaved members dills amlated family mourn the loss of a dear son and brother, his friends turd the community mourn the loss of a Christian va tic:nu, a devoted patriot and a brave and gallant °Sea. The imminence of his ohmmeter, the putty of his morals, and • the beautiful example which his life presented to his comrades, rea der" .his 'memory doubly drat to all whole privilege it was to have 1,11 him porton ally. It was his peculiar merit to ass through the trials, the temptations, an a prolonged end event's' ordeal of camp life, withoet adopting the view so peculiarly and lamenti 'b4 prevalent in the army. His fidelity to Christian, prineiple remained unshaken and noimpaired. HU lips were never toiled by profanity, and his consistent example in 're spect to the strictest habits of tempereace tras admired as well by them who hark not the ability or the courage to follow it, at by that. who owe to his restraining inflame their ex emption from habits of drinking.and prase- It i but little over a year dal* be left oar city, aosompanied by an ardent bead of joust and patriotic volunteer', eonahting of efty,of as noblit young men u this war has called from their homes to take an honorable part in sustaining the' cause' of liberty, of law, and *thistles. New haveasen more or harder service during the same length of time, It was his fortune to participate in many of the greatest battle' of the war. On the plains of Bali Ban, at. South Mountain, Antietam, Chaneellorville sad Gettysburg he contributed all that a brave °Hear could do towards ren• daring the war-worn battery to which he be longed, famous for 14 "kill, °outage and de votion. his conduct, whether on the march, in camp or in actios, earned thelighost tom • emendation from hit snootier', and endeared him to ail who were anordated under his commend. Pic grand Maims plo-ala will bit gine by the ladles of 8t Jamas' Oburthe Tamporanosvillo, ea Thursday next, at Lo renz's groan—the promeds to be applied to a my every tau wy pupae% J um ones' 'ferry leave orth Women tor groom& terscieu. LOOM, NOTIONS Goo's& Aso Et a 4 Elowne 111.00sniu, for family sad utonstiotoriog pomons, a» yo boat to luso. A. N. ORATOIT, Nolaral Aloof. - No. 1111. PM stmt. Taolois Van'. ?Ulu anilersausatai but* aoofar, sad &aka In Pliaarylysala led Via- Mid slat. vt th• bait Vali,/ 4 .low One* it Alex. Lane:kWh semi %I! Batas Works:Pitt op&teia Ws would respeettally mill the attention , of fee pubs to the fsta that J. U. Milliken, no ' °moor to J. P. Fleming, leg , No. 77 Federal street, Allegheny City, has on hand and fur sale, at lowest market prime, the °hokum ar ticles to the Drug line. oomprutng Psinte, Vetnish, Parliamery.A•3. 7 Prom his - long en patens, in the tuning% wears Mrs aided that purehassrs will-And it to limb advantage to glee him a eat before parobartag,elsewhere. Merchants doing huee lns Wait can here voids ordered direct from Philadelphia in lugger smell quantities, having lineage etedte made with &same Houseni - and always bay ing from first kande, all may rely upon their goods being shippe d it good order , and but quality. Wholesale and Retail Dreamt, • 77 Federal street, Allegheny. Ottawa Orr am Sanaa droox er Corr.— Eiam'l Graham, merchant tailor is soling off his Spring and annum stook oigoods at cost. They consist of ail no latest striae if cloths, oaseimures and vesting', of which ka la pre pared to make up to the most fashionable manlier, and at cost prin. Tho public should notnegiset to avail themselves of this ran chance aced save money by giving him an early imlL Also, a largeassortment of plainand hag ansidineres well adapted for boy? wan, which will All by, the pine far below cost. Mothers should not neglect to call early. Eiee't Giumax, Merchant Tailor No., IN Market Jam. Ammo; REIRMIP Voimerrnims:l—The attention of our eounny's brave defenders nr ently returned from As seat of war and of the pebilo in pneral, is spin directed to the eery extensive and handsome anortinent of the latest styles of Emma, English .and London &ea goods,. for pants, coati and eats, land; .reoeived by Messrs. Joha Weisz & Co., Merchant Tailors No. 126 Federal ~treat, Allegheny. itieleful ealeorlon of gantlemen'e feruishiag pods will also always be found on the shalmm of the establishment, repairs with a lot of reedy-made clothing, got up in the beet manner. Niw AIMITAL or Boma Ountura.—Of ten we ar asked, where . oui we bey • neat and comfortable summer snit, mad* to order, thus having the sham of relining our own goods! " To all this Inquiries womaniser, go to /burs. W. L MOM Co., owner of ' Federal street - and Diamond Swum Alleghe- Wand yen wilt be slated otwordlng to you taiga Thsy hays lut readved their rummer goods, and for elegance of styles they amot all unused, and for fitness tinny" the vary persons, w their work Is ill done nadir Mit own supervbdon. Glve them a oal/, and you cannot fall to be satislod., Osa Boma DID h..-Iter. ft, B. Morley, Attleboro' Man g writes- 8 . Tweet! of Nu. O. A. Allen's World's War /testily: has been $o sheep the crown of gkory'l belonging to old men to the original line of youth. Tab was done by a single bottle. Others of niy ard dilatant", have need it with suns effect: The Zylobabantazi I regard as an invaluable dress's for the Mfr.". Bold •,,e Druggist' everywhere. Depot, 198 Greenwich et, New York. dew Chrsar Darner:T.—At the Distal Insti tute, No. 2/11,-Penn street, eels of teeth. for four dollars, better than thee* at eve 4ollan at the other destal ertabllshatents. All per. sons are requested to sell at the Luoltate Mini wartakted the lowest prises at 'sheep shoes. All work dose at the Institute Is anks:4 superior, to any &sap Desllstry l athe efts. _ • Wino, /brim AN s D Swami, whim Mao. Mb, Sou and /Intim are mobs Ls Um Arm, moot patine° emir Somata' a sow twooosary or valsabloglft than a hw bozos of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS mad -011STKINT. They hunt hulth ma nadir oho isponnoa ofa ooldiwea 1110. Ottly_ - 2/ a onto box or t. Sla limas to Purim notants,AoutOAXD ALL Oriams Irnumeao.--'lor et al teration to norm to dwelling, now took or saythlog olio IA th e Gagman Ilas, GNU at Oathbort't ntor Shop, Virgin othq, alms Elsalekthatt stmts. AU ordata pomp* Minis! to.' 011ItI3011 sad Oessuaa Cease will be takes at the Omaibim otter, No. 4115 Liberty street, day or Willi. All orders 'left at the above place vill be 'promptly attended to. All oath must be paid is advelme. em. 0. thu., tiontlot, 144 Po= omit, ottes4 to ell Wilson of bL orefoodon. • 00317ii.—Avititt 1011 i I3Ull,leant Moak. ter of Dr..M. - Razaki. L Ooffich 3631 - 10 mouths. . , inneriLlbto Tuzsaas Arfillrain it a LLwts err.. JAAJIic i AE? - .E,VI • eLIANA. AND DUBIN nor gamer NUBIA. OWL /715.11kr7 .1. 40. 1 . lone et abate as =MUT. Aeir-1114 et el. Re, For trei= pimp apply pa bow s It the by -MBA Talfm-3 bbz& - reaired obis day. and kw isle el L. H. TOM& 01): THE LATEST NEWS Rehm at Meta .Moral and . Ponta's,. Ms., Aug. 10 —As' hassense =Aisles crowded the City' Hair tozeight to greet Sea. Shepley, Military •Governor, et Louisiana. He mods a speech two hours in length, which was rewired with enthusiastio • applause. FROM WASHINCToN, Markets by Telegraph. BY TIELBOWIL OUR APEOldi ONPATCIIES 'wow Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette Waannwroe, Aug. 10,1863. 001110EPPO POI PRI LIMP OP PHI POMAO. It ill stated that the numbsr of conicripta now Laing through to reinforce the Army of the Potomac, le ova one thousand s day. hien, - The Boma here began sriMiting exemptions from the &IN for disability, .slienage, im proper enrollment, ko, to-day. The negro seasozipte tato their draft kiodly, and are be. attiring the Provost Id Orshal to tell them how soon he wants them. . TEI "InIMMO° ZAMA!' The persons */ Philadelphia who persist in telegraphing that& battle in Virginia is, im minent, are - either very ignorant or very rose- Inte In their determination: to eirenlate lies. 11.16111LATIOIS Vol T1111..101D111 ?BADS Bopbatons for the Border Trade, revised and adopted to Abe new condition ofthinvi Sinn OW recent viotories, have been prepared and will speedily be issued, . The heat continua as intense as ever. FROM PIIMIDELPRIA Spouts] Dispatch io the Pittsburgh Gamma PHIGIDILTEIA, Aug. 10,1863. It le evident that neither the Army of the Potomac or the reliil army, on the Rspidoh, have altered their Positions within the last 48 hours. The rebel irmy is bhdiy °Error horses. Though a fight might take plane it short no tion, yet It Is net probable that Imo will - ant on the aggressive. An Intelligent military gentleman, who . arrived at the Continental to. day, says that a general engagement may net take plum before fall. Substitutes are going In Mai squads daily to relhforoe Gen: Meades army. To-dspotooording to esrtin rumors, the big bail was to be opened on Port Baster. If so, we asy expsot to bear Of the most striking events of the war is the But within the next 48 hours. Judge P. O. Shannon, of Plitibargb,, Wee stresaded at the Continental , this evening. He ivaa•lovent in it than epaith... The Hartle campaign meg be Bald to be opened. , ; Proclamation 111'0011 ()OIL 210111110. Haantirlitinti Al MY 01 / 1 111POTON10, Aug. 10.—The following pragmatics has been sued by Gen. Meade : — Headquarters Army of tie Potoram, July 13. The numerous depredations committed by the cliizine, or rebel soldier. in disguise, har bored and coneeiled . by,olilMllll ailing the Orange and Alexandria BAllsead, and. Main enr lieu, mil for prempt and memplary pun- Libman: under the lintrweilons of the . GOY. ernment. Therefore, every einem against whom there!. se:intent evidema of his having enraged in them mottoes. wl/1 bo arrested and confined for punishment, or pat beyond the lines. he people within tan sof railroad are T nouleri Mit they wil be held res the ponsible du their wend and property tat asy-lefory dome to the road, testae, depots or • stations by attiring, grierrillai or lemon a disgalm, and In ease of such Wiry, 'they will be • pressed ea laborer. to repair an damages. If these =swarm sheuld-not atop sun Mende noes, It will become the unpleasant duty of the Imile:signed, to the exemitton cf his in ittruotiou, manor that the entire Inhabi tants of the district or cowry along the rail road be put morose tb lined , end their pro perty takenTerHoveriimint am: Gamma G. MUD,. Major General Clammanding. The depredations, limits been continued, a number of Minium, srupeoted or known to be complicated is ;nese transamlons, have been promptly arrested. From Fortress Monroe. rcawneas Masson, Aug. 9 —The expedition that left here on nu 4th, nadir the direction of Major Con. Foster, was aocompanitd by the hunted lron-nad Sangamon and gun • boats Commodore Berney and °phoenix withined up the James nem, and •whett m in miles of Tort Deellng, ata point called Dutch Gsp, a torpedo was ex ploded nada the bow, of the Commodore Barney by a dock string oonneetod with the shore. The explosion wartsrrilic. It lifted the gunboateltows ten feet out of tits water, and throw • great quantity of water high tato the air, *Molt, foiling on deck, washed over board 100 of her aril!. &MODS them wee,Lisuk Cushing, commander of. the Berney. Two sailors were , drowied. The met were tared Major Gen. Foster was on board when the 0:-. &don took platte. The item then opened upon them from the ahem with a 12 pounder end pleas. Barney was penetrated 1p) fifteen shots, be sides • gnat nutubor of musket bath, bat not • man was loltinid 'except Um paymaster, who, was slightly wounded by splinters. The gunboat. Cohaeset received fire 12- pound Mots, one of whit& passed through her pilot hens% the tangly. killing her commander, Acting Master Know, striking him -in the beck. The Commodore Barney ; win towed .down to Newport News to MI repaired. _ The, °Wen of the reoannidamice was ac complished, and the lint returned. Frost Cairo. . , Ouzo, Aug: 9.—lfej. entanwoldt, ono of the paymasters supplied to have boon loft on the steamer Radi a ls tab.' Re was not on the Ruth, having been left hero, but followed on umvity of Alton early la , the morning. The latter boat punkt the burning wreak, but not knowing what "It was Willa oa to Memphis, whore the Major Ant learned of Wilms of the Roth, and retunmd •her• to day. In Oonseqamos of the disposition of steam. boatmen on Om Niselseippi to extort exhor. Want rates off... Roes salami passing up and down the river, Gen. Shane nes hued an order regulatiiitho priest,. Conialssioned omen will ba .oherged three-quarters of a am par Nana, sabla panagy.jaaradlarg berth, and _pay Ally mar per MIL 'Baited MCI amo kali a ant per mile, Id*" the drilling, of twelfth' matins, Beats are pot at liberty to WU*to 0112111 any soldier traveling undo, proper 'orders. TIM MIMS. (or vieloting this- order ars 'llse or Imprisoumeat, at the dismation of a court martial. Soilliwestera News. Yorrazs Tem' Avg. 10.—The report of Got. Horibut's resignation is Antra,. Gan, Banat Oahu. to meant It. € l 4.,lifuribst therefore ionialas In oosnutond ,of, the 16th Army The Mobile Nen of thin dare We hare nittititude of reports, horribly &ultimata to , the oherseta and patriotism of the people of many of f Alama and MississippL. Some of them o am too l disgraartal to publish., A portion of our people, hare gone stark mad. They lira bastard dontkprne and remeant Oontoderates. • I The ahWa of tho Choctaws !tan gone to Itlehatoati.' Johnston's army, 24,000 strong. is stilt at, Mosidiss sad listoptiro, toady to go t o n o . blla or to Ilts sat, as sirosastasoos may • re- Beau is at altattosooogs, with s put if his forts at Row; boore& iisetaalaa pesparaticata sot being 1111441 to halal% thit fostasstions st Fro Wash Ellison. Wasittioroc a Aug. 10 —Darieg Ms recent visit to New York, Secretary Saw, on ton: esdsauca with :capitalists' of that elks. deter mined to anthills the sales of the 6.20's thU after ten daps Roth to the piddle of their disseattnnantw Prato@ for, Tama? Noun, brictog pa got after dna, are Wisp prepared for two, shoal' It be found expettrean• No doubt laacw antertained ottiatiblittp of the Serretarp to prawns aU the toads no. oessary to tharaweestral - prosecution of, tho war, It econoatigatti, vlserwasky eon. Arm! of inks Milford. ifinCroix; / 0 0 4 / 0 S 4 !ELAitilila Mass Psingai, Mlaste t .' idni 'ludo% =raid tatickt. New You, Aug. 10—Cotton firmer, with a mod. orate Mieineu at 68669 e. Vow heavy and 60100 lower at suagAis for Extra State, 443038,65 for Extra Bound Hoop Ohio, and 56,70357 for Trade Brands. Market closing duU and heavy. Whisky active and firmer at 433481 46%h—chkfly at the latter mine, and Including 10J turrets of favorite brands at 46c Wheat dull and henry, and 1132 0 lower at 986 41.14 for choice Spring. $1,e5,141,10 for Dillwatibe Club, $1,200.1,25 Ur Winter Bed Western and 51,27 for Winter 'Lod Srate. Corn irregular and unsettled and opening a 'had. firmer, with a moderate borne snide demand, and timing dull and declining at 6736 (368 X fur shipping mixed Wester& Oct. heavy and at 634850 for 'Western. Wool quiet and prima without a decided change.' Pork more ietive and 'firmer at $11,60 for Old Hem, 81.1@513,60 for New Hass—chniing 5 1 3,250k15.60; 410.60.011510,75 for Prima, and ilk 40@ple tor New Prime MM. Beef 'dun, with trilling calm. Bacon Sides more active; Weatern abort ribbed at 6e. Lard, with a fair de mand at 9301034% ' Money may at 055% per cent better. Sterling quiet at . l39,tittlit9X,. Gold is.wlthout any decided change, opening at ilt%, and closing at MO% Government stocks diut. New Turk. Ban ks tat of leans, $311,413; decrees, in specie, _8600,133; !stress In circulation. 10,4375; demesne In depcuits, $584603. Itamannaz, Aug. 10—Blom - dull. Wheat ad vancing ; Southern white at g1.&5411,90 ; and Ken tucky at 11,85. Corn dull. Widely buoyant: lila/ of 900 barrels at 47diltS. Burrow, Aug. 11.—flour vast sod onebsagsd. What dull and heavy. Corn dull and tendalg down wards at 5411bEw Oats lower. blow 'rook. Aug. IL—Stocks better with a fair baslnews; Mon 7 and Facial:lp declining at 111%. Croat°, Aug. Pk—Floor active. Wheat steady. Corn doll. Oats gala Receipts. 1100 bble hour; 10,000 bash Wheat. TOOOO bush torn. Shlymente, 1600 Idols filar: 64,000 bush Wheat. PI iTSBURGII MARKETS Omen or tun Prrranonou DAILY '6.txrees 11102 DAT, Aug. 10, net f There la no new Astute to notice in the ruts o cola with the exception,that the teadency Is down- Ward. Dalliers are baying what little Gold and BR, retailers, at 114)115 for the latter, and 1214124 for thaformer. Theis are bat few, If any, old Demand Notes in eircolation. Rutin Exchenge L steady at per. baying, and 3 per cont. premium selling. GRATH—Wheat la dal sad declining.wlth small sales of Red from first - has& at $1,05; We of 1000 briii from More at 11,10. There is a moderate local demand for old oats, and wa note hake of 11.400 ban "atasc Trani store at O. Corn—A 'Maori car prime ear was reported at 78. PROVISIONS—Bacon photddere ars to Letter de mand, and are note rates at Waft. Bider aro not much tura* for sad may be quoted at 113(.11730 or rlbtel and chat. There Is a brisk demand for Hams and note sal" at 93(AM03‘e f r Pala. and Plato Cavasted end 1311335 for Sugar Chad. GBOOEII/EB—flogar Is quiet Dot steady at from Mi c to IMO - fir kelrad, and 13603% for Nora Ot tawa. 'Mike !a dull at Own 80 to ale Molasses un- Mango,' in‘ 6303410 for oil and new. 281117-3 ales of 200 toe dry apples at to per lb; mull salsa th 7 Paubta at 23,1202,22; 60 bb's green apple' at $3,0(4325 par bbl, and 20 bye green peach. ea at At° pa Lu. Y4ol3ll—Conthinea exceedingly dull and devisee • ed, with but tittle . picepect at any bnceedleta ici prcrrement. We' note mil Italia of Luna, from store ►t froze 66,76 to Upper bbl mounding togual ity. Pittsburgh Petroteutu Merkel. Aro. 10.—Tbe receipt' for Crude slate Saturday hare been moderate, swegeeting about 51,600 bbis— the bulk of which, bad either been cold to arrive, or is intended for abipmexit to the Modern markets Throe's been no materiel change In the market has with the ezeeption, hat the traneactious wars turnstuuly limited and buyers inflated en kneff fetes to latch, am yet, holders do not seem Mei:lead to submit. WeAsots at 21, packages returned, sad 2934 packages Included, though some holders are 'pang higher figure.. There 1, considerable Inquiry fur Bet:led end the market Ie arm at former quotations. A sale of 600 bbli' "Standard" In bond, for Inemecil. ate delivery, Was repoked at SO and CO bid.; free, prime while, at iSfc. Acclaims is dull and neglected, and, In the abdeaoe• of sales, we omit gootatlonre Oil banels tensile so last quoted. Our Oil dealers should not fall to read our New York letter, es it ovulates acme vre7 Importent and reliable informa tion. IsTOTIUE.—At a meeting, of the tautness. bB4l.cca Btooday evonlit, the folletti^B ratralor baolidg ell were adopted. to owe. ammo ea thea 11:84.18 181 k trot: .1 PRICE PiBl 4 FILLtD, 8 VEST;; ParOX PEN.8&%11.111. 4 EHPrY.S OSIRIS. ?We* prtc.s laded, all places wlthla the regular 11m1.• o: tualtrg. sultlt MANY eaeimetr. WS. T.-1880-X Pawns of oodootari hoilti troubled with weak• laothado, polottallta of the boort, lath of op. dlstroot after Wins, tomkt liTer, 0011111iipl. non, ha., &tom to sulfa' If tboy will not try lb. P.LCITATION BITTERS. Which me row nonitleaded bp the highest medics authorities, and warranted to proittee an bear &hi *Mat. They an ezmodniu appeoable., perfectly pure, and most visitor& - WI other tildes where a healthy. gentle stimulant I. regatrob They pertly etrongthen sad Itnagornte. They treats • tealtby asp?, la s - • They are an antidote to change of water and dist. I - 6.y Cr •roeme ante of dledpatlon ant late bonrs. They'stran tibia the 'seem end 'atty.!), the mind. They venni stliamettoind Intermittent Doom They portly the breath and acidly of the etosamh. . - They can D7ersP*6 end Oonallsation. - They min Blanatea. %Were sad„Ohelera hterbus They oars Lira Oomplaint lead BarTeall.Headaohe. y make the Weak throng. the loagratt and an tathamted intern". great Fosterer. Thayer* composed of the oeltbrated Chinni bath. whiter.: green, sareafrae, roots sad 'hub, all Plalanied Io porketly pen Si. Only Na.,. Nor partienten.' awe atroilan and be aliment& around each bottle. Beware or Impaten. /hullos nay bottle: fee -that It has D. r. Bums' atimMaro on our private D. items over the auk. what pls:nation icon; had oar firm signahue on a des steel plan engraving oh side label. fin that oar bottle Is not nalled with spark= sad tistiiirlotil 'nal We defy - any perscet to match the nate, or chant:sr of our vas A.y tenon pretending to sell Plattatton Batten by the gallon et tabu kale an impreter. We sal only In 'on log cabin 'With.. Any pawn Initaling this bottle, or on sit ourte other 'nor a t whether apse Ytaliattrs or.' Is a caimans! nada the U. 9. Law, WO will bolo pr molted be art. We al ready hats our eye on. two pantos re a4ing , mar . bathe. go., who will :coned la - getting theanalves inn tine inartarre. The &mend ate. Drake's Plan. Cation Bitten from ladke , clergyman. merthente. As. is terintly loan dtble The simple trial eta bottle le the The ca,. e present of their worto and superiority. y said by all respectable draf table. grocers, physkises, IsoteK - steamboats and 1"481.3 "o"i ' P. El. MULE k arehten.itmorT ten linedrear e N. Y. AIL B'B 0411/188 BIT TBBB, math wholes/Ss and repill. 67 81111011 JOHNSTON, Comet Smithfield and ltnlittr , an fam•orsew ' • , MitlttitiApi Fibs TimBEM LANDS. CCISAIXI &OA= Or PINS Tllllll,lllll LAMER, Eskilling to the tit Vary Tans SLIP CLUMI Cow to 7. Sad eiabredee the meet valeebte • halite at pros lauds nowt. be hood to the trotted titatee.Wll to allele este at Public. emotion. to Detndh, on the Ito D & v or bOrhtithlia . ;. • :FWpoeltl►e i. owe and ottaioiase whiten - _ GOO. ikreeer. Apra. Detroit. . • MC' 1.44!11.41C4 is 103 WOOD vrazirri loos doi;nl Don ?nth, Are clostog out their hirge stook of Toaaeo,. 0111111117 ADD, 81001/11/11,. At nig tarplotrMt iesk, pillsAio wain for thoir ElCliti AND, : NAN. DABAzzA hlc tetkolat_ j! tikkition ...to likak teratatont ol GIIEO 10 D l el4lolB, this &flank MAR; opt. Walton OATAILIOP, SQUINT EYE! , for ARTM. uIAL. PUPIL. tmerki.ASTIVIOIAL /ITU, Rad ,that. KU 'INICIJAIMATUSI ItYkki sko lIIIIW •HtkittNo j _•aollAlP:distilkatilit ' tk•Ellt sag kWh* to vaanikri. '.-, • • • ' • 00 tkUci 1441.11 W /1/ 1 / 3 ... AND GILL.ISIILLTICD [MGM& au bast .aad fat ask ka% • LITTLIe4IIIIIIIBLII. -1111 aad 11 allsooadatraet. • 25 b 0.3, 11,7:747rrt0 wB.. Usits, 7 Tenr abm. 'at izoni co., .1 89 t - ---15`17: 41 / 1 1 L/3 1 41/1 r Jrowlec& .Pllame H/ItladxY ornallikovireLel .1,1 55 &net. MON" emg• help /OW Lr -- .IIIICMPTICD FROM DBART.—In ottinhlpabilleb the Inficm. beg {l4 etperione exempted hem dna by tb. Board of Sneolbneot to tbh Inettlet, to tbh detsorith the MUMS of their exemption: raID runts rii7XDRID INOLLaIa. Alexander Paean Tint ward, Alhow d y ea,. Bober: -oder, do do Joseph 8 Brown, do do Wattam Casa, - do do Jobe A r.urtoey, do do Jena W Ora. do do A'exander aerate, do do Josiah llrolloa. CI 0 do WWI= 8 it irbY. do oo Charl.s I. 0 ale, do do Nobel t A George, ' do do Minn 0 Betio.- James Coss 'Jame. A Bradley, do •"" do. klichaelli Wad,. - -to ' do • ur ~.. by 0 Phlillto. . do . eo Ilarralt on FPI teirart, do d i Dad .tta hlihnbachor, do • do hen wash'son a; gton 0 Blodry," do'' do - . de do ry l William Blagbara, do " ' do Andrew D lialtb, do do James Mt, do d o Jahn Arbuello. .' do _ do Ad word Bourne, do do William Walker. Booed ward, Allegheny city. Warman Voider,. do do Hugh D Moore. do do Robert 8 Ihnith, do • do Junes Downing, . do do Load Darman, do dO John M Danko. do do Bobs, t W Cowan do do Bober: Eireann: do do Robert Motlhnnell, do do . &once Irony, do do Linay Graosnor, do do Anhibsid itlobey, do do %Ma n J GUI, Th'rd, ward, Altostrati city. 11 or'. 30 Lelo. d o do Chutes w e Moer, Vas A Sproul, - do do Atlanta Armpit, • d, do:- . . Gary Miele do do - Louts Droop, do do Wm H Loolbort, do 60 Allred Mammon, do do Anton Haigh, • s do do - John W.Curdy. do do • Chu & Caldwell, do do Arnold Cas'ey, . do do. . Joulpla White, • ~ do do John Wagoner. - do do gannet V lbw, • ••do . ..do Wm Bakker Fourth ward, A ll egheny city. Baba& Wallis do do Goo Bilernhoffer, ' do do Wm Curry. do • do Matthew Kansdy, • 'de do AWO Bates, .do do _ Juba L George, do co allltam taus, do dr .7 John Blughan, do • do 1 -.3Parr, II hi do do • :s e tt care, do .do Addlrm Lytle. co do Astor Bons, Manchester boroogh. John IC We, Buffalo tp, Bala manly. Bobt Thompson, MI dlersz tp, do • Barnet Stapler, Adonis tp, • do 130 ab Cooper, Jalapa V, do 'Oroo Wham, en do B Vill-00. do . do 0p H wo.ouer, tlo do rs 16cOolkeostr, lalretew to; do ' D 8 McCulongh, do do hatthsw atorey, do do blottolas Hick.., Perry tp,. do - 0 Templeton,Brady's Feud tp, do W D Mock. John Benninma. do ' do 11 8 Wane% do to Borers Uolnrgor, do do J L Waldron. ' do do 0.13 Window, do do • .lirtd'k Jordan, Perry tp, co Daniel Cane, ideochester tar, Allegheny coruity. And Montgomery. c o , d o Barrisom ample, do do Denial Balt, Mc' Inca tp„ do Harlan Shatter, do . ds A 7 Gillman, do do Gerrie I Quail, Bros tp. do Rica P rows, SeeLkkly tp, do D.l. Wilson,do • . do • Germ) Bayley ,' Pine tp, do Kph aorrow, Bampton tp do I. L Morrow, ao do Winton Powers, Blida IP. . do J Ladock,jr. Seim vs sp. .--. do . Wee Horan, Btorptburi bap. - - re) Zdward • row. do. do Jno ho7_heraon lodises tp, • do • !hurt Burke Town 'p. do James Illrolt, Buffalo, nutter manly. John B H,,ed, do do II el Manse:, do do rani .1 Zane, do do JJosephl4n.y. do do . Adelson J Walla*.amuse Cron tp, Atmetrong no . J 0 wallas, . Ira kiln sp. .do Jollah Hacker, do do -, statrbirs Colmar, North Buffalo to. do John &coo., Allegany tp co • it 8 Collar, Kittanning born, do , J P limas, . _- do • do John Manley. Washington tp, - do lialrildievinranao ax AO - APTAasA spoirtrarro joint B Tate, Id ward, Allegheny city; Juan O. Pearson, dub Mato. Jan apenc•r, I'd wand, c Witten,. city ; Wm Car son. autsaltute. Wm Tate. 20 ward. Allegheny city; Limo Reidy, sub Utak.. John klunden.- ild ward, Allegheny idly; John .Howerd, substitute. ; Wm coinage, 2d ward, Sheeting city; Woolly X Blackburn. substitute. A It Orcbb; Ohio tp, Allegheny co; Ohs W Mon rte. inbrthole. . • Philip B Ibll, 4th ward, Allegheny. city; Georg* W Knight, loltegtate sta.nel Palma, 4th ward, Allegheny city; Paw iforraog.substltute. Hobart J Ettykr, Indloni tp, Allaghany co; Jack son Ai cOonnabs, inbaltote. • Abraham Bernard. Indians Ip, Allothcor 00; •Ico itcrOoncatta, sull.tituts radinand Wachter, Indiana tp, Allegheny '41); • Begawan Shiner, artberltste: Wm Inonigonery, 4th ward, Spaghetti city; Hamiton Ibempeon substitute— _,. Wm Wl l / 1 011, its w a rd, -. Allettatur WIN Alto Pim ker. sob tltntet. • i 1 1 'Wm B Phillips. Manshodor b oroug h, .Alkiglrany 1 on A 1) frog. subaltate _ •' / " - 1 John Shaw, Jr, Rater tp, Ansgbeny co; ladttb Ler bald, sultanate. . huh 21 ward, Allegheny city; Jamul illepoinson.subaUtw e. • ' • .., . , J , Oottlelb lidaists„ 411 . Ward, A ll egheny city; ails J Barahae, anbeUtnte,. Ghosted Comber, pewee tp, Allegheny co; Jan M'Gaughano, substitute. . • Richard Janeiro:or, 4th ward, Wigan:4 XID Wit 8 Lao, salaams . 1 , Btephen Orator, Boss tp, AJlegiumy co,rch:di. Ilanen, substitute. Henry - Betatag, Manchester borough, Allegheny cc.; Patti* Conway, antathate. -' "' • ' ' • on Robert but Bausch, subst Boort, Manchesitute ter borough. Allegheny J a 8 M'Clartney,Tarentom,Alleghany oo; Jos Sharps 'eliminate. • • • intatituteMichael Biorly, Buffet° tp, Butler on Jos Lyme, . Wm 8 Gribbe, Ohio tp, Alleghati od; Geo Moon " Stabstitute. . Bohai Bay, rd nand, Alt, gbeni city; John Cheat. hars,substitute. 8 Hillenbrand; 4th ward, Allegheny city; Join Oa.' holey, substitute. . • ' . • r John fierottecta:er. Bisons Ip, Allegheny man. oh goo Wegner, substitnia. - • @insJoba Brie, 4th ward, Alhighany city; Giro Byars, titute. ,,, , , . Ephsam ring, 4th want , Allegheny. tolty; &none ~ planet, subaltnts. . • • .... • Clottlelb Lepple, Manchotter , bor, Allegtuny co; Latt'Arse, atbatitute. ;" ` .",. Atexenda Wilson, lid ward, Allegheny city; John Wilson, subadtute. - •' '' ' Joseph Blear, la ward, Allitglteny oilyi William James X Hemphill, 34 ward, Allegheny WIN Wit II Allen, subittituts - ' - _i Allred M Thomas. (colored.) rearick=ocoollglie any as Ohm 0 Lewis, (colored, n on ,. tens - . - PJd tta hoschenar, Bosom .tp.. Allsittemy to; God. _ George Maze, 8.1 Bdhre wad, Allegheny .. o il y ;Henry pp. subelltuts. - • - ' na nd Andieradwrain substi ter„lisrebon• tp, Allegheny to; Boa • . tute. John Younlans, Nana tp, Armstrong co; John 8.. ilith'Rabb, autstitne. . tendert/7i . - 4th ward. ABA& ny city; Jeto man, sobs tuts llow7iamool, Pat Deer tp, Allegheny on Dodd M'Ckinatin,substitutS _ _.. . John hamming , - Bu n ko Bunko lno, Br t cc, & George . ly -i caber, subalible, ~ . • . • Obae Armstrong, 3d ward, Allegheny ally; Avid &nay, inbetitate. O,•" : • , ~ onradHay. Win liackenberger, 411t..ward,. ,Alkeihnsi city; .. . . ... . Jamb Ilintsomnr limiellr tii: Allegheny taci:4l P it Jo hnnß Patna, Buttelo4p, intlair cOuntjiiiredlitelt, Azinigrm . John Lhtdarnan, Rhein:Ming Dor; ' - 'Wry, ..Levels likeler.anbstitnts.." '— Joseph Logancir, Xnuitp, Balky or:Job& 'r: ; enadtada Robert P liben,;Ailiuliiti, *lair co:- Ch i p"S ' • -' Efi 7hab tlllan. XXXanin g bar g i g cii; Gpc: -‘ L B M!=s,Ltiohlanie bar, Anoxia: 4 g on Jcs Thomas Jaliatem;inidisi Aid tp..4partsti4 ee; Maud * ohanan. rabaftab.. • -.•- ' ' Willia m X *NIA Tareatuo bOr, Vie s * In . • DEM Allsobdo & Cranberry A Naller O o i n P Jo ll a meowi V lolialliii edma.lksuxi i • ; - . i sa r i. Valsottne Nenbet.Xkanohng,ll ang HI. • W WM . kerche.'Xlttan r Arra:on en: WWI Jounallennedy.roorthWatt. AllegheY city ' , T p Maths Gichwin Shark tp; Allegheny rot hug car D Hammond , , ' ' ' •• ,-, • :"i t" -- _ ' Josephs Pad. %Mid Ward. Alleghoty dityiNuasa Geterbetitnto. • ' " . ~., ''.- 1 —' 1 tDaniel awn zisiond InrkAn4iimititi; Pice . .] rinui,Beeerne ty. Ausebefir cq rnidorkk - - shood trAmis OidoiDtAUKtiaion Waeiroel: Jim•Kii, Third ,irird, Allegheny cis.. Wediar, Adam Bader, Ohlo . tp.Allegbemi co; Jobs SAWN • OW immiathaciitsiudieeci.Aiiinvaiem Tio!.. odorstlattle‘intetitute. - . ... • - ---..__ •' - A J n e m - Claim acoseatii, loarth**C. mxgbigkrapiin As - ataziwoithaa", rams inal. 4usigt)siidis t Maza t realt u llaaaptea ,tp, atlipp ot p x btu . • ~..,:. t ' . . , _ .... lohnik licbtjelelf IP' AtteetelT 5. - rioted • oh -Ellaher. -10 .-Rlhatitos cot Bade:sated:Zoe B i l e i trltaz. Ewen* tp, tante; Rea anthem ' yin b r viri z zap iv... aabstitnto omaT. Rlchardlobaston, Rh void. AligthooY tit/. at mm KOCK 314 IMR. . ', ~_ _ _, . Jamr , Z Brady, Wanchotter tars wzoidgesay ON CO • BLUM* St waggon Ann wmanzie. Edward Malw*-Manchatar bor t Allegheny co, ~.. lava In ano„ with Mineral disease. . , , Alfredtipeor , MancTalweer Dor, 'Alleghen cu dIMw of hr►rt. y twice: Andrew thaw, If manta: boralll•=cotnety, , atrophy ordabermin, leg and foot from old . co, Ingednal Daniel a Mftdscen s. uy,Minclustatboratlksheny runnel Dlekey, Manchester hoe,.. scrotal Alteghroy Co. t Jno Ostotan, Manchester tor, Allegheny Co, am. R of eight e7e. duo R Ban; Msnobeeter • Dor, Allegheny co, old wound or Item Joint,' panel:Alas contthoods =sm. . . . • John A 04'010414 Manchester_ tor e dlkiheny oa; IdHam Kromer, Yatkohatier bar; .111elhaT organk William Plahatahn, Manchester itti....Agegu mp 00, adortion of ankhejohtt, rheamerne. cal Wes Glltord, Managester bar. Allegheny an. bed. Nobt Nam. Mancha* bor, Allegter A y tm, leis or Henry Judi. Mancheitar bor. Alksiteny to, tom • Jae g MlNer. Manchester bor, Allegheny . co, dad. Mont teeth. •• Wm Zahnder, MyseNtater bor, Allegheny 00, In- - Michael Knit, Mandate' bar. Ababa, on, ion pa tieot motion of allow,lobt. from'an old twiny. - Nobt Lon, Manchester Ws, Allegheny o n, lateral damages a spins. - . • John II icon, Manchester bar, Allegheny co, de fective amigos, 4 fart 11 Inches. smiabadoPerbeer IwrIWW/Alla. 4 gb wards Alueb.,7 cith *plum — • . John D amszar;Oonnoquenteming . tp, Butler _cot Manchester . borough. 'mason ow Earned ran VW. • . . Wm genera, 4th eratkAllegkeny city. • - y ' • 0 0 goiter, 4th ward, A llegheny c i ty . /leery Hadrphol. Case Deer ty. Allegheny - co. Jacob rootlet, 4th ward, Allenby: Tatty.. Wm Beckett, Mabobeetter bor, eit.• Akre Paterson. Manchester bor, Jaj. K J tWishim ji.n.Artter bor, Alkatheey eo. ' Jnoi A r leen, 4th weed, Allegheny city. , MP Nis a caiirszr, Manchester boo, trit e/mos, Mamma Murphy, gush Moron. Jams Treenor,Menchester be:, Allegheny county; atavism Ilich't Sherlock, Hugh Methan:„ MOO Rapp, Manchester bar. Allegheny ea; newts, Henry Beldwto, Joe Meehan. John Nell, 4th ward, Allegheny city; vitae ,,, ,, Lawrence Noll. John Pelts name roarmuirn an acoarranii strarmirra. -:.-- Neon • thstdraoe. _ _ gleellate. .7141111 B UM, 4th ward, Alleez, Wm Wallace. Thee Book, Worth, Butler co, Win CL'Arien. Hiram J Holler,Bancheater, John Horsley. Win Heckert, hil ward, 41log'k, Beek Bizzard. Win H Reel, 4th mud, Alleg'y, Jae Usher. Jacob 41 Seed,. 4th ward, Alleity, Daal ll' sienna.. Jab with; - - Hiuscheeter, " Was Limner. Win Ls*, 4th ward, Ailsey, inn 0 Wiley. Alas Start, 4.th ward, Alin% I Cons% Trashier. Beene 0 sight,ith ward, Alleg'y, Will It 41148ne . ' Mang 1/110 RAVI NOT DZOLLUD 1:117111710ill. %Geo Wain% 4th ward, Allegheny ally; wittiness, Wm Lode ; Joe Aatwln. 'rho'cOombalLancheiter. hor Allegheny to; witneeks. Hugh Harm, Thou Ela- 4 Per. John Hand, •A - Hanchnsterhor. ilsgleeny co;_ wit. noses, Gotthilb In.; Andrew Garler.h. , • • Adam Heisszonrthar, Ranches', bor. Allegheny 6 4 co; witnesses, Chas Hallam*, c lfrischharn Jon. atainhaneer,./Kaachest,er 4.lligheny co; wilnewirliJos etch:dumper, John °Law - nouns Johnston,'Mancliester bor;Adrgheny co; . witnsines, Philip Cbriett, Martin *Moan. .. - - =sad Praiost 34 Distrist rams? Jumada:roe 98 /mirthBB. #l9ll.burgb, hug. 10, U 65.1 Lis acoardazioa with Wars, I publish Ilia fol lowing list °flares. isampt.d from draftby tW Board of Zarotioasat la th% Dirk lot, to thy data, with the trams of thasaximptiou : by wan or rviunatirico accarrassa amarraraisa. " Sawa. Beddow fettaritata. Wan &lOM's Z Blrminlbam , 'ward Pater Caraatah,laven,la ward, JoottMatuterina, Joshua itarnakui„ Bhustaahasa, - Wm Zara's, Jacob T tailth,liataath ward. -Jars Brown, : • Hoary Bloke, . fluth ward, -Taco Ilatlahca, Roo Strobel,, Nutt ward, . • Th.a Utoplqaa, • TWO amnia. as BUM arnateala u anti% Obilat Baniaus,.albt ward. , . . . . • 12.1321:13a 01 /MIZE,. 21M 1611 111.110 , psalm. -.:. Bllabset Korr. Zighthlitri.: Witaiiie#!,Jo'an Al. • -* YAP. DOLLIIIFIL JJ OroWb7s BLlth ward. .ftintaikni .an unarm Plans 13hosnook, Eighth ward—oceofnion nestling of nock, entilloste of Dr. alienate. • Jacob Tomas, Eighth ward—anshyleale bt,lsft .111.• Boland Janes, MOM ward ~lefee flee Jam WoOsM of left ey.lshth ITM—loss of teeth. and tight O _ Nelson Iltirsns. Leith ward7fogaMst bosses, left CU*. mine, shoetenlns nab ftr Inches. fe. Edward Abel, Eighth wardingolnal hsralo, right Wm. Bmso,- smed — ittnabot"wonudire left Alb* imaleol at James Osinplan, Eighth ward,spasmodlo eastlEleatopt David G Mateo, MOM warlz.ltinetMnal disease of stminteh, slight Plkmdqns. 'odiffleate of Dr.,' J. 8. J. J. infla, Eig hth wiedlofeetles Meth. John Weiglsy, - Elghat weed— -o Talent otortbom, . . , dlacksrpd bom Co. lf, 82 VIA. V • 0 0 liollor.Bd matt . myopia, vin7 depolded, Edward Porter /morn s ask yard; ehrOaloalcir left leg. metlllatsof L e Wen 8 siderom. . • Wm a axle/mom Bth ward; organic dfsesa of the bare, amdfladoi of On Potbmlc end Ilaltalme." Poem Zlnlialinitan, Bth mud; km ashen of tight . Wm Wlthos, th word; eateif . . . . Thou lib 'MU* Wlttieiliss, Ju !cu Jobs Plant', Bth wan dvaltnes es it tildt Ts AU Eyfdlcg In lOW Wira. -- Basara Ettalttlkarar attit'ried; wltnatmaPt err Elderly Jae ttordon. • John 0 Bator. ova 15, . marred; myzomm, Itnant„.W .Jas Monroe, over MS, minted; wltiamea„ 'Sauey Boni* Jai Beate,. • ' (Arid Cohalltopt. o'nr. -- iniartrdt - nttairesa, a ilittandie ,t oer tretnotet:. - and Yo ft; =infant' orltnnerres, &learn Partbotmew Campbell. miaow - Wpm iry 'w:tnume, Mary a Guaibell. Taos Dana . altert Wentworth, over h! . ,, raarital. :Wittman' Oltrar Dar% John I' • ' • . Morn Baku, _tile . WlMeepro —A J Bak. r, Thomas lingo. _ Joker Jo hn _ 14 mairlid.- Witt esseei.B Ma. both Bloe, lhnontnaham. W Jones, muter 8:1--patmotalaper. - • - is unirtaz tumon ao.B/0/.. Aeolph WNW; Bth iratdito. D,ltth Penzwylianla , latlta Ara 11110114LD Noma numucTs itcauter—tliddas sad it sitsolled L Pitt rates 07? /110131001=0 aim arnsrli Tali= Or lus ward. witaaa'a..43, ar i a . Doyle, JOB,' is . ALUMS WO Za.l2 lINZWILAXILDJIIIIIIIIO.I. Bobeet Jolascio, ate end: 144teastes—Jh PILMI Weerilutolthisca:-. • osep &6ltaz bum K Nad Wm a& ' lhartJe Ste ward. . XreasaLhaiat Downes. • `, .Joku kw*, gut ward witstiyOL:ircii caw p. . - J. HON raisins, 04411.1liuid Pravost Maned Sld Distirkt: Po EirrAly . • PETER tRRI,L4,ARD,; env voit ttioo waits' - , °rum. eiriOsooly a cague'it4.4ff..retia • Woold a.O the aftoisflooi of &Woo to tie oUilq of - • - Baoarsuatiirt_. atiatha s ; ma. Room. aurae Cl Eippok affmaloon osetloofonafofokfo% Pore Vireola, Nocalkeffo, - . . • _ Scat VAX Toed Ikatek," hisb allab Mad* Mar, Doe &mob" in& Hoot! aortal!, Aoraatastlaarit oallai to Mt Imp tiviltettou la Won Of flas.Ose Clovis( sad 8 4 1 01thi . 4 1 .1 4 4 # * al of a "Ps*,t 40 01 7.: , erm enolum-Loaa Na 1. No.; Vas. I sad t Wad. lfta tzar 0zuram.4..a.:71.:,. Chrotn• //Ai or Swat; Swot Ilamtpl Mown Tel rya S acenta -11,4 044pubilik,Omaspe • Twitiab. - N. 11.—astroshirpg Deka bstarOzwr. LIWIMING FLY liaLLEßkpi flusi witutly. witheist dope to Mahe Aft ihr Ids 6 1 .‘ 1 119 2 t 01101/7LI mxusirs. namsurox• wen doe own a! I.OIIIIIATNII DItt asMlo44,4l4obaribdihnoFlßKO; MEI=