•P 4-10 r- "r.....%: .;7'..• '','! -7:';':::4•.-1•!f.i'P..! I- , . , • • • ; •.4 , 4t •••••.1.4,:;.;.;';:; MEI MUM • 5, :!:•::••r-;•••••., INEMB !::•:'".l' • . , -; :4 .. : a ••4. ENE : tr4i ••• ; .1 4 . ! . • ••••,; •': • ,„ • ••••• y. , •••• d* is•-• •!•••:• .. • ; • ,‘ „ *.:l; ; r4iiegi ::•-; ,*, • z•. •:. • t:... '~-".., • I. 4 ' . .,Tvx;:. 'LORDLY IfintalMil,c , AUG. 10 LOCAL I XTRLLIOANCE. - - - Prom Saturdars Evening , „ . Excitement fa .Waskington EweUsti ...Skirmishing miltle Copperheads. Mon snot. at - I ,llm rdst!eueri.'" Ar ” 1 rests, ate - - -- - - . • • - Wit kora from .11 ,iiiNjitl.maz who was in / BafPtntown, Warthlatif&P Ma i ls oliTk, in : 1 day hot, that quite a: war li ke demosstretion wit made there on the etarnoon end !tight of . .. , . that day. It appears that two iseraroottes of ' cavalry, Under 401111116 ii of Capt.' Boys, of ' • Oen. fine h+' l , ,iieir;..!..i.ij," been 'orilma Ftsirrf. aantiottlomollevillik, ontt* or rity,..totake * liiiiiit f thlAigil P . 1 4 8.4 4 3At0gn (44401 4 t, betag .-ialogedlAbat :the. ocipperbesdni were Unisalentos tertinittheifiraft to vatou see dons of that '. l cobility: l iiOnti Crain' 'ambito: '• - oles;ere ten ti, , wes , 4lte Negleyfleent*, Tier roan , Walblignoclioreashien Wed. cia • • i satiny, re tkeY nen grenetatly - Well ro . rolmd, , bot n Skivormeingi a norpher: of sop . paileade l'iodwil ,inntillaalreetibTond it , was . evident; the versonoesiCholflotted Slates ~....„,/ nollorm sa Asg,,wu Otto' tifal,l4.therm A a l ma difieelly is ' 'ported `to'llitootittood hue, beLt our inf rearit)linhot - iid of Om fame. On Tlint a t nialvilsii *IS - dation look rr - 'up the li ar of *wig forfiriiiiihaVelllage, ' ' a 'Minion - taiitifie. ,- Thico - norliane now stop elf ant etertillialet midi Kin of them Sohn theirlutledi whits all of -slien, without exoeptionoelthre threw- sway or so mend the borate of their treamo-rthe cop . potholed and buttionst boost pins whisk they ha4.,been veering to Abair own awns And I.o.,disigo f st, of loyal olt!ssus. - ,slog to. the **ratty of wMier;tho'bittilitio . Made but e Shiite stay hen and 'milted on to Burgett' - ' - "town, "'Molt pima they reached 'about - three o'oloek Thursday afteinon. - • The/misses which onsplzed at Bergotts. tows wen of the most Minns ' aavindlaross - • character. The eopporheadu aro largely In • the mejoriO here, end .OMY have berg open aid dachas , ln, their oppotition to-the iron-. soription law. ,They ' have Mon threatning to moist the drift, and ,lidisthig thst ne t e Mao should b taken from &Mobs thim.";They ' ' • have o motet orgnizationliiro;and the mem. Mrs boldly display' the'" copperhead "land -; 1 . bottornot "'phs; - Ryan the minister of the village haa gene-110 far as to preach in oppo ' sltlon to the so.nUed "oniontitutional lows of tlie adistlilstrition." ' , _ _ 1- body The appearance of a - forsfidablie' dof loyal soldierele - seek a large' community of ;Maori would natorally,croste _excitenent And able, but the_coutaribMion - Midoh! fol . poiesdpslorealldmariptitill. tAtillinlillen . i apposed on the hill overlooking Misr town, I the Walk oontriainitylriti filled' with muss- client . afiti i ,=ecrosni ead dinars* were seen ' , -,;,'7ltanlattliker lied. thither In the wildest . -..' . alarm. Clopperheed_MikhlPAtehltsins were tom from lent sad altirtione, te and throws away as Chant' . they 'self so many ladders. Bose of then Without fellows,who bound Moot ths Inability of " Irtioxla's minions" 1 . i*.ssforoo the draft there, absolutely shook • I ' Atli fear. Their kilos emote together, land • ' ' their 'teeth fairly rattled.. Poor, cowardly Mutton I - Oapt. Nys enosurped on the Palr Grounds • for no night, and after roadderablodlliculty imacieedsid in procortig forego for the horses . - no loyal citizen wet in their glory,- and . ' they Mooed out in fall faros, famishing all kinds of dentin and luxeries to the °Nous • pad men. When it become evident that the eddies. werahot going to-"hurt. Anybody," .tbo sapper:bead! Iregiteln:onsel anima their - 'hiding pleoes,enebyr one. I:liaise - tat night, alarm or the more bold - end daring enemies ..„ of the goviernment, oencontrand' at ' Gross • Creek village, Where 'they werieetmeil and wound, and then tooted to Berinttstown— ' evidently beat on Winkle!. - No . attention, • : ilawseerritise paid to them, lain ono of their 1 , amber attacked* piglet, sod fired a pimp! at him—the ball: passing, oboe. to. Ids hind i This alarmed. the whole amp., 2to, plena claw upon his soniliest testily bot he rode on, when the picks*. fired and shatitbothrimirk ,:-.oll l l..ann—Theetoppishisigglaps 4 galloper bat tom few miaow ney.„lsule tool tarot" .by the cavalry, and woad, disperseil. They . ' all wand excepting six, who wersoaptored and bald as_ primmer'. The man who 'iwas shot wee among the prlawners. Eta name is W. 0. Brevinion. The other five were Ee't llobinson,- Robert Brannon ' , Jobs Bin, Mathew - Stevenson ' and - - inborn. They are all well knows es banging to the worst °lasi of noessioniata. /... Oa Friday morning :the battalion left for Rochester, Beaver county, where they will - nevulnler aler - days. -—.— - - - It ir cavorted tbstAthe shit-of than :lE4 O n had amen wholesome and sidonty moral at ' feet upon the 111111114611 01410 allTOnnallat; It ham dessoustreted-vory oonaluslvely that the traitors, however defiant and blosterlog they may !mare easily towed -• down, sad moms 4 good UMon men" as soon as the Govern ' most assert' its patriots the proper way: , , . . Rebel Priscilla:a the le eaters Pea - ltatlittatT yr - - • • Iger•_c aw . ,_; 4 .S; 0 111i tßlituils• :441, • are alkalies:4 with oarosorptioa , ' NA* ' 1 'yaw••• solaced in Oa, Waters Tsai . hut*ry, Allatbma7 • - jag. iit Iltanows,,l4 Lint:. ail Ay. cavalry: • . W. IL. td usse, :out Kr. avail. • Itarasal ' PLINA. Ward's Term cavalry . Bentley Jlo.B..SnAlat . ciV• ll 7. . Dim* Geo. W.. lii u 6CC ecvlarr. - yellow Xicbsel, Vat Lleat." atla ay. only., - 11-1..-114-IJoraii-10-10-Ky. cavalry. .1/icysa llaary D.. ad l. D.: lee 1.14c.V.:, Ara Broca Lint.. ad ity...eavolii. • • ' Carty W. 11.4 Captain. lab Hy. cavalry. °Dc ,_ orowllria. P... 14 /Ana.,___ Stb KY. cavalry. orrsastal IL 0., lia Ilitut.,lothlit.iiilly. Corabiri Olatit. - 04 111,1 est , twin shattacha. OT s w 21 j1t:t204.,111=1, :Ily a . on ray "l4. Ocaria &ng LI Llent , Sib Ky. cavalry. . Oscarti T D:. U Livia., Sib lly. cavalry. , •• otairch acdraw J.. 11 Miss, al KY aanill• - Oar Da•W/Xi'26 - XXxt,7WWW 6 X 666 . -- th r s tr y . • chow Aaastrouratl gleat ithlt Xaboralry. - • Dunalasbaus Wart. ad Lint. Morgatea cavalry.. Olutialwas ti. w.; 24111mt,611Kyiawal7. Drake Brk,/: 8.. bikPillto 114 Ky_. cavalry. DlUaka Ova. W.,1 el Lica, Sib Ky, cavalry 'Dunlap Wm. T. lot Una, lid Ey. awry. , Dattlap Q. P.. l it Lieut., 1011 Ky; rivalry. • A , Min P:O.,lat Una . 10th Ky. cavalry. ; Fora SJ v. 8., 11 lanit.,Sib Ky. cars ry. / Togs; W. IL ,11 Lint, Mk Ky. cavalry. .• Yarticrlck B. W., 2CI L sat 4, Lb Ky • . costly. . , Fax Dam L., lit Lunt ., Ckekkale =nig^ `GO** J. -W., Id lasat,-01wassWa cavalry. , On l 111., Sallaral KaJo , _i 'SI KY caul* . ' No "ilta Jas. 11., sclUltil.; Otb - Ky.:cavalry. : Haacock"Tbersten Z - . Nara, 1011 Ky. awdry. sews Jobs 11, ID KladJlsb KY. cavalry. P. D., DI 1.- sat hi Sy. astraity. t Job. w., ad KW' 'IS KY. callggl• 1)1 \1 y island, Li Lleatsaaat.Morgasharrilry. Wai. I, , lit Lliat , Clkassoles cavalry: .._ flats Nis: idint.lolls lesteekr canary. Kicrlit 7 KlLLsti 10th Ky Cavalry. .. cl/soird I` .114 thar; Chearaler canny, • ' • boar Gas ,S 3 Ursa, Sib laytdaralry. ' • , Udall w 4,1.0 Last, 1410 easNry: . . .. Kowa SOU 'll,, 14 Usu . , ad 'Cy, cavalry. _ • • laolasdriT4sa 11 Vast, Sib Ky asvalri - . Joan . - J. LS LarstiloJilLy cavalry. : ! Jana Jew .31Litat, SibKy_cavaliy. • Jana Mary 11 114 Lis 10th by Cavalry. . • ....,;,;_Jeweil 111 -011../ly_clWalry. -iapsrilvio aLbura, Ilth it cavalsy. ' ,ICs --r . , -.: Kcos Waeti;lll Lint, a X' marry. '. •. - - 'lattrAJaa XP, SS tglata.lll/ cavalry. , . wavy J.lts B. sa L1 , a1,114 Ey lava r,. . - Leathers Wm S. Sil LINA, Ward's p,ark amity, - - laacaaar Dud J, DI Ltrot, Bib Ky earthy. . Dandy J. 51,41 Liam, 10th Hy cavalry. SiarrliaJas4, al liMaa r iBlEy_ool.4l7 ,- - - -.1:-Williallilild uiet:lrd 84 - 4ifel* - ,• . • . Kliclail lUD, SI Orr; Wrath /ma amity: _ Bull D K Ild Last, Sib Ky cara ll 7. • ' litc JD, 44 Mo, Ilth X, twit'z'a . Mohr 810009. al Lint, am Ky coalri . • , *slam J • as W. SS Una. 10t1 ay arraley. Doors ea %Id Writ, sib b y e cavalry. MOW Mel If, 21 Monti, sib yawralry paadocril 4 14 Llast,ll4 Ey Cavalry. . *girls a k,4 4 r, DorialeAalv7. . lo Mann w LI Lleot, ad It ; cavalry. Jab Oa ola Lin& e ltj.svalry. , ' acme l ) Lova D. al Lima rawara.. -• _' Ottata Jo F. Lt "Lot, arm. t'a cavalry r • Sank Pima P,lld Liant., ftwa'auttgrry la tar/. . •• ' : Frond D 1.34 Lirat r atit U.o.yalty. ~: _-_.. Pleats T V, 34 Moat, 'Om Xy caralipd . . Frriew L. la g 6164•64 41 6 06 17. Palo Alt is% Larata Xy carats, • Pas Hew/ Ulla that array* ravatryL Thy W %1s Lira, Xattin'tornity._ ••-- --",„, - • PraDcerd XF. $1 haat. gown'. Wary. i• "• ' Voir Rat 7, gd_' 664 . Ch ' , IWO , awry. -I t . ' Pitiurleaut 61,11 lirld, 11 Eyeatalry; , . . , ' pric• ft mow wSwiseto \ . ..,+. Payton 1,1. Plivabilltalkcireglmost. Xatt liovall,T,l l LW. 11441-.../wwwww.abwai,27. ' '.. semi Jaw Wild Vont, i t ay %loam , , • , , X rhactlatt, X Alp. w 4lX X.YraWqr. - . , .., '-' , 4 LXOIIII .6,..161 , ChwitaW6 ornaryi .- . Milker 'An Dcref ilk. lard's Taniveniep • • . 26.11/04104-411466166,66p4mardW. :. • r ~:s;flors Pas J, 24 11114 Ward d Trah mashy.. =5 - 1 ur6,1 0 t t tri, eta by civa/ry: -- : Iltlagy ..,1417 , - - ; . -- ,- Solitrivaal peat, Whily.a/;. , .11111 r lliS6 Litat, 6th 114...5 i ~.,.,.... s ul b o rAliracl,SS 14414.0i1k' at 44,1 iswili*st .1 ILbitt: yd b y ch , • Sal* Xhir Wild ;Out, Itti by cavalry.: '611641 1 / B. 114 Matt, 6th Ky cavalry. TribbAa NOM 14 , jaask4livasala's cavalry. .. '' Ilatir 0 Iliad Liest;4llwww /a angry. . •TOkift:l Willow www&Powelefranws7,.2. ...,.. •:',2obou Opt ts! LUNA Ph Arlarillbic :.•-.., . ...,, 1*.4,,VJ01V 40140114-11511,14,901*frc,5t .: :-..: 4 ; ~1 boas B. be UM. NWPaeitYirlarl• Twill Jas. beLlitit. Tni E11*T 63 7. Whesiar 4 las 1, 14 Lient,.Chmastit Alired.'sl WV; Obtanalt`s cavalry. Waiter IVA, lit Licit,' bib ifcavalry. Webs Ju . ll..lat btb Hy cavalry. Williamson L J,lst Lint, 34 Ky aiyary. Wellington J. P. 31 Lient.lith Hy cavalry. Woalbark Bbarrood, Si Weak lotta Br cavalry. Wasbald; irms4. Mint; 14th Hy cavalry. Wells Thom mut Cbanatilt's trashy. Order IrotarGea. brooks The folloelog.order, from Kelm General Brrice, *Jost been pal:Abbe/ . . . , . , Romig°Amass , Ilmiamiorr IFQNoSillaglas , • Prissainws, BA., AU& a, 1563. eloseati Gansu, No C-4. This prompt Walter In whiehthe ellicers 'madmen of Cola. Gallagher, Porter and : BereusT regiments -/"Poilitl to Ike order which curie* them to Obis, tor the purpose of aiding in the e4tiiiilitliorgair and his band, Is worthy of hlith praise: Their good conduit Guougbiout that:ensiling campaign was the subject of general remark. • 11. The'operations in this Department slice its oryn.nisetion most be conilnoing to every Man Of.obenCition that thiapien pronoeidby• the War Department for raising/afore* to be tolled out only in emergeseles for Be 416411111 and prase - ion, is ono Oat wouldi t euveniseh tronblesidanxiety idithy threatened danger. Instead ante whols'insmintiolty Waist out In.as onorgenissd body, certain mien would be canal upon to repeliwlth their eoettoende to designated readsscous. 'l3o time wbtild be revaireatior organisation. The !alit try, atz-, thorities would koow whom totted upon, and every man would know whit to do. Tbs. 'Mention of-the eenttnunity is 'therefore re• epectlully caned to this questibu,And &cor dial invitation is extended. to all who teal an interest in 4, to lead their &ultimo* to carry out the prcject. By command of Major &hetet Stooge. T. Baur Sweantiose, !intermit Adjutant General. Another Outrage It is stated that the inMe villain who out . raged the disughtevot a reelitotaltie citizen of the Filth Ward, by enUoing her out , to Wil. - kis 'burg under pretense of getting her a situ atioa. mode a similar attempt, on Wedaseday last upon the person of a.girl whom he; had indeed to leave her home near Brinton . sta tion, under similar putt:tan. This girl i wes twenty years of age, and quite stoat. She defended herself valiantly, and finally suo oseded in foiling the villain, bu t not until after she had been badly 'beaten. Ear clothes were nearly ell torn off, and she Ins choked until almost insensible. The mail gains his 1 vtame..as."Leihart , and he bud_ shaved his whiskers oft since Um perpetration of the ,rust outrage. The whole neighborhood turned oat in pdtsult of him, but at last wants ha bad not bein iniihmi. a . A oats suow..—Beejamin Y. Dawes, of the Third Ward, Allegheny, - an English- - man and an alien, mu' drafted la the 33d Ma telot. lie could have chained and ,Obtelned 'gumption on the plea of nlienagee bat In stead of availing himself of it, when he feud Moult drafted he went and. declared his tit ivating to becomeOdtinen, and then entered thiamin. gt . na uotr to Raunoas.—The work span the bridge now being eosstruoted woos the Ohio, at fitenbtsmilleiii prom s illnay— the'work on the "Pas-,han ailroad it also bass "pushed forward with *lgor. We beer it 'toted that .the road will, is ail prob• ability, be In tanning order by the first of , April sent. Drsonsugen.--Frank. W• 11. aged eightsen years, in ~tke le2l reginisat P4/81111j111111111 Voluntsers. Company D, was discharged this morning from thirOustoity of Major Thomas 'McLoughlin of the said - regimes t, on • wilt of bobsos esepos, Issued at the request of the boy's father. daassrn.—Thero wore four arrests lest light for dnmltsusers, two for disorderly ooa dint, and one for vagrancy. Oai was a female. FROM WASHINGTON. Dispa•tbas to w. Pittgrergla Garin. WaaIOSTIA Aug. 5,1863 11111 DILLY? WASIIIO7OII. The draft has bees the el-absorbing topic for the last few dui', to the exert/ion of all other themes, whether medal, polities!, se entilo or literary. - As ore man oat of orrery three and a third was to be demo, the abases. for on "'kaki" greatly preponderated in favor of Provost idersbal Shuts: - The drawbsg", took phew at the City. Hall, La the pressure of a large and deeply Interested oe dipal,. who echoed shack good : humor i aid poised good hamoVei . istuarks, as eeriest well 'knolls alma were, sohounead sisal , the leaky list, The lite PrOashic soriOtantes not unknown to farise;for,thaproslietion of which the bliaCeffitial, whose- fateiventito delde lbrifiipwf otliersoireerves drishrediPferi, Ilse 'disetlo44tioss: -, hiPeepte thilbssek-- Iriiixasigasing47"-iforAndoglfti4ike each eatiihd,me to the ultimata haw -.Like war i when -they knowlhat • Naples* qtotsparte, )(Sorge 'Wuhingtorri Awarew - 4sekson :an d •among aldOgiakt 'UAW's! of the union. Aito*sthel the 'draft passel' off without a uotruitir. Tt void hoes esoessionies lad thenistiel'esriont thy . 1 lusty onee,l iota ti Odra relitoPHOO,tothlff titnta,'il:etp+d al .win at and 24,101 5.87: bat waeotlarimiti.saiiiiparapediassitaol , e AdAsnd tdatinebtod leltereeter thOy• theiptod and submit. Those who have She direr has died- doTiarii• to *pare the: gbirlirmitent,. look oalus-as s summer tuorsilng: Mioy of Ms isle t at.the' rollout Deporfoisodei and as a goosed rule 'those *ill 'prOrturri 'substitutes rallusr_then pay the money Vair,folhe Mead if liarolliant A rather asausfug iihtstratiosrhe:to the in- Ilem of self. lateen over Prejudieels fur. 'Matted by the draft 'ln The aeon:sod, raliedltiftoodilei hop honor when it was proprei,to. isolasicne- Etwe Is the enrollm e nt. kti/ kit I Mho * ig gets equal to whits men 1",'„ - were carted "puked aid - AC.li, vhe., astute Washingtoe Althlleot:ligin, to o•mprsheid that the more,issisevenrillod, : the.' MU were the duseseref-bobg i dratted, it wee wonderful to see the pultile - sentbtenv 6ollutollett. Many Trwiferoutly -advoosited the earoUkent of men•Of eolor,-.-Thero sult proves that sagacity itAbitsetopelbed by ,otherhlutisitunitier Otity.isf the Sr. thou• sand drafted Orson@ 3o tbd Dlstnid,, - ;OTOr pee . thoasstaff will. be toned "nolcwedoonscripts." liIST OP LETTERS it. • .op •Aorrailiai •i - ALLThill &Tulips:, snag. 8 1I 3. ~ Levant= neMßuoltm tiaiTiiii. mention the dm. of the the-letter lie adrortlad.. , o Offlco honri trona 7)4, • it. tot% r. u. Inoa mai iiE. fl o at Ann •-0 . a Acker 31.3 . ftwlb4* _Malan OcillianLY A. 4., lobo i Brier MuMetti ~P, '..„ Akert,lneo , . , Stammll T-J_. ._. ' 1100 Uinta AolibetneJeni Harekotti L oe b rowan. mai A Aronson' Zapf quibee Moo, raw. to Inlla.• ' Anshostee Wm UMW/ . Alai 5 I I s -- ,3 , ' 0 BlUmen 3 0 27 Premeds Bum" itobto . - 84erhatenWio ~ ?Aram m i na . J , . - W Palle* Sem Bloomer 0 5 halm John Pond stun 'WUM Dortemale&Z our Jobs . ' - 4t• )3•11 Lollle CF Jones Welter D sodprivA - L' 13nd Jae A ...'. - ' IC . ' ... :. Rudolph 5 W Boyd James Itlrkland Am Bleb 111. ' 1 Bgry °malt 1: It•rs Roe 0 .. env Jan Say &naval Kennedy John /Ay Illaxtba -Bomb* Sandi J Menu de Tho. 3.bii in It ItartenCol Maury Kirk Mos Bodpme Mary . -S S , . Risk Marion Silo 15'.1 0 JtnniumDrOutele Kerr Martin ..., B o a,soesota... 0 Lath Wm,' Bros.-- Deeper talky, Katie VIII . 'immon p .1171 [raw Oozed Aron • Lucy Thome Mr oCotibtO If •-o ..". LmieeT /emu Ulf arm it cruttaank Z L Lane John It Stratum/WA .0111c11 It 51 .-. ," LuitJobs_ -IV- • • enders Weate ,Chnnk lima '' .. Laughlin ff•rah lalthilmisie , Calvin eauntelt . Limillemz :, , sp at q f ... ga t Ormibrd Bd. A LoorT DANA - ith J ' Vltolvaillinci IlabrAirc - . 7.:. _.z. - * are 1 ole Lima . - - . I X Sollt•Jobn Cawley Jotra 0 - M imi Anal* BUB Labella cid... t u jou 111.01111121 41311114 84r... Xible Clemli Ao.. ; ;. illthellbse ... ' Iludth Gettlo. °Moon liergret, Ittlos Cecelia Sherwood Dr earooottgary Kowa /Until: methll II ,' Onammy llt. Z Marshall Tole It Smith Andrew ta V ',, :.- WLall'lleptic -.T : ' •/ D / 0 1 Liars VS_ ! ' .'-il .10J ` ' lyht . Mullin mato Thompson oJ "ill!' r, anti? —441 Wadi° ThaTiia — lia . Min Drvis - Jamielll Damp James Man invert 3r, _ Stub Than:. . - r - liable T liv"" - -i' Vailakto ' , .lllvak Asagnil Grubi 0 0 Quasar Geo too K 4' , &He *- la4llnseawood 4 J -.''''''. 41401 o ° ,MCI I _ ' 7L. Ilaa 90.& ‘ l,. ; 11=11E12111=12=E lATE 7TZLECIIIAPIIIC NEWS:, rNom olift.EvEntio EDITION.' Re ported Furious Riot in Wanes County, Pewits. New You, Aug. 28.—The Tenure prints the following.: A Airbus and bloody draft riot, at Boger Grove; Warren minty, Pa., is duarlbed to us by • oorrespondent. He sap that - sewn the draft began, ote•Tusday morning, an snag mob suddenly appeandAnd ordered' lb. Mu. shaltistop. J ilePtirsod, when tit. - Mob And Into toe ~room, killing en Manhal, Hugh Quinn, and wounding neural more. They. Pat tharbitlMPais on are, ant started to seek the finest hares in Qin - Place. • A negro, nearly. bit:4ll;lw tilled; and enoibdi negro's hoirern/eitroyid. The Home Gaul and de ems flow ti> arms) and in a short time the rioters Were confronted by • tone of 100 wen. Thalleptalti gore them lye minutes to dis perse. They refuted, when the Guard And, killing the-leader-and eight other rioters at the Int volley. The mob retuned the fire killing fin census. Thal pt another. volle P y, and then bayo teiand pat to filen, running Into the building they had nudity' rendesvons. Here they Mori iturtnanded, - and finally taken to •The *pie were tuning, and made des perate efforts to get at the villeins and hang ttem - en the spot. As it war, 86 of them wire Mind. • • Bub are the main features of the writes detailed account. We prefer to hold the let ter back until some eudirmation of the rather large story naives in the aural course. LATll—Ile IZTORTM:D RIOT • HOAT• BUFFALO, Aug. 8 —Noon—The report of a riot at Began Grove le a hoax. The operator at Warren, Ps.• asps there Is no truth in it. The draft be e not commenced in Warren county.. Through Travel between Memphis and New Deimos—The Gem iiiii RS COMMUUNIIIIOII, etc WASIIISGSON. Aug. 7.,-likhard O. Gist, special agent of the Postediee Department in charge of the Memphis Postodlar, writes to lion. G. W. McClellan, Second Assistant Post master General, that steamboats amarriving and departing aimed daily to and [rota New Orleans without molestation from installer. He adds : "I em now meting up the mail daily for Now Orleans. I have consulted the Surveyor of the Port, Master of Traneporta don, and ethei'odicials, all of whose express a decided opinion that the Eastern and North ern =LUG for New- Orleans can be sent with morasafetyind expedition by the Misduipp river than by ocean steamers ' so long as rebel piratical vends continue to infest, our coast and oommit depredation'. General Grant has established a mounted patrol between Vicks burg and New Orleans. "I understand the guerrillas who infest some portions of the river at times, have gen- , entity no artillery nor musketry, and can do damp to boatel. The prospect la that they will be Gleaned out if they make any further demonstrations. • "Transports, wth coal barges, are being sent below every day destined for New Or leans." iir,ria - the , at 1100tI "bleb V Vaginal AZII2 Wilma Wm R WWI, Oven Wailltr_J Worlurao Mei* Wibto Jobs • Wililsowoo; 8 Wright Goo Wad -Rhcoorito Walton Itmmait • WtillgrAwo weirmarkin Will Werenthilit ardiarieiVili Itchony Marg. llesd - ntirentst` ManirMary / Enter Mir el! -,, : " a nt .1 1 111 ,Ilattry Ibis "' 1 10 11 1tra l it 111 ''' Illclntyle Inters Mclntyre .MerM , di 4-10.,M.] sai lows a r Merin Mary_ I —.41=1401 MEM :4 : , ...e. , ~4 • Rebel Prisoners—Railroad le Bold— he Ection in Kentucky. Om:oasts, Aug. B.—Ooe hundred and twenty-these of Norgia'e officers have beau nut-from Johnson's Island to Pittsburgh, to be confined in the Penitanthry there. sour hundred and fifty rebels from Ken tuohy reached damp Ohms yesterday. The Columbus Pique sad Indianapolis Railroad was sold on Thuniey, under the decree of the Franklin lately Coact, to the Trades; of Stockholders sad Road holders of the road for reorganization. Rehm from thirty-algid sountios In Ken tucky, show the Union majority to be sweaty th d and thirty-live. • GUiaore Seayily.Reistorced...The Rotahatiba Outer. New You, Aag: B.—The Sod Mashing ton dispatch says It Is believed that General Gilmore will_behemilyrdniereed, sad be en abled to tense offensive operations. with proapsot of early SWAM • All the rebel *Mors in oar bends are being jetterid et Alusitint's Island, near Bandaskyi Airbus they will be kept until a satisf reply is received from the rebel entkoritiosist answer to she President's order of retaliation, which her been forwarded by oar Gouda. went: The Question of P eines as the Cabtaet. Wisznicrtos, Ans. 7.-Btatinsints appear. od in seam of the Northam paws, after the fall of !natation and the defeat of Lio that .the question of pesos had boon diatiaid - lit tho lanai Cobtnat, and that a Oablaot aids hid ben mated; and that time had boon a propositioe made to aces an amenity to the Bonham people. Thus statamants are not of outeolont importaneo to domaad attention. City of Mexico we the French. ''LIIATIIIIIOII.2II, Aug. 7.—T60 Banta Ye 04- sou berm by a Southern midi that the Trench had abandoned the City of Ilazino. Fro= New Orlease Nur Tenn, Jule 8,--The steamer Continen tal, from New Orleans on the lat, has ar rived. &w BOOke. RIVRHBIDs EDIT I ONS. inhigeo tatlo Cinlidialty. 8 volt • CamtUtallomal History f Esiland. 3 Th. Illatory of the Mldr le Lace 3 cola. 11.1firsall'e Oyslcalthe of laterenre 4 cols. Harlon's Mulles, of Melancholy. 3 vele llansthine's Works. 6 vole. •Thse. Lamb's Y mai 6 vol.. Moon's Work* •16 vole. lull sparately. ,let 'e Work' 3 vole. Tor We Ay ATk CAA. 66 Wood Prot. t rUBLWATIONS. LA My Boutbsro Mood& By Etrk. 11Moro of Bit litivostlast to do ittoot of Bahia. Ilitottsii oil tBo Bottodoi7 oitotle. World. 'rho Gnat Iron Woad Zzoottood. Browalow. Bioko'. Thirty Tow to ilto U. L Boosto. Illorrobloo. Moto ad pow, Dia Mom Atoodtor. los that and tho Aso's. Wong to Illostag. Mobil r Modictios, 1111121 -- • 14-111AW,ILIfoorib Waroid. 1 4 LliesrtiSHAMOWI BUJ - dhelp: 16.3 Thsk Brady. lbsimiessi sat Wawa Sy WlUlsa loastt. To irlitak it. Wiled newton . the Banda aid Illastavomvt of the* lo the, Dulled OW" watt Uhistrattire enteintnis vol.. II vo. Price Site. CAT at CO . 66 Wood straw 17PUdy'ti • utc - InIImUTOR , , Pull ii 1111,—Alphaboikal IYt. of Piot Olean IV dry Ualtoci dodo, did too mod of tits Pod Mostdo. With in oppoodia amistdo6 Ihp did of twfage P. doge, do not Pod Olds 8111. sad odds loped. Dotal bdolvdtios. Moo 61.60 bid . _ _ 00. 66 Wood id: ". TO MVP. __ • VOB, llENTTiiiOure spry BRION I RAI SIMMS% 1i0. , 11 Wood strait, tin? down Ova Wager atropt. . Vs , !mew spply te7 WILDA SUM, itl to idtman, Baba 8$ Oa's.4: . R JetIRPU VOODIN Ili , onrimr Id sum! Word la. .b ' vet _ KriN'L' Thy .shied story of We b u udi sa D ow oosophoi kip the otboxibisiootoet of EL Mk 114 owl it 6016110 Way.ltr_ N' , Rost. Asaoale. • r 11U •la 51 1 .4 COttigf.lllith - fiTe room, Sialreatibuipia; al brik1999.04, Pootatton gins' idiptithaey, ACV, ct 0 1 1 4 .0" • • .1 t. OAR* IS„ VAN /TO blialloknits, Iwo-or WIN &IMO! ortearirttriWirurgittrio — ,l3,ll4 , ritta ergot, *fib or Irltbeet stoilwa per," inquire." sti• ryd. • nosm F otwmaui OANS LID WOOD CHAIM, rizaame ors] 1/110LIBAL3 01 112111 L. W. WOODWIILL. Irt MI OS 'hardrs* . ow/4M Illuisatiosi 00.. sad Ul argot • • TWO CHAILLESi 1. - .:CALDWELL, tomismor a Jon, 11430 W 110•.1 P.Oi4bPAOKEI. . . Disler Is SALOON, 1.1.11).111141.11400 ALllpei ANT 14.rnimpront, .R...,. - 7L11,; . ' CylXl=l.l.4 man COMMUIRet4I. 'I2NVBLS I UTSBURGH dtARKETS. 01710 E or utalltrrantraoa DAiLT 00007 r. Aug. 8, 1663. Thom le but little Gimps to oaks in coin, with Ow stem pion that Gold is a shads lower in New York. Ostia' today at IffiXi. Here there la bet Et Lk debit. Mid our bankers ars baying what Bak of, fats, at 1584113 for Gold, and 118$111111 for Silver. limners' Exchange and Government Gistillestm of Ladatoteriums, mask shoat as lust guotini. PROY7.BIOIBII—Sham is a °outland Yale fecund for Bacon, mots aspindidly for Hama, soil the market ann and priet..s are wall sustained. We note mire at 654a11ea for nodding 13%87%. for tildes; 0% for plain Name, 10% fir plan Clannward, sad 12%$$ 13% for Sugar Cured—the latter figure for fumy Oiacintsti brands, ORCOIIIIII2B-Bnger Is arm with a rale of In had. Likud at from 18 to 18%; prim, Now Orbenr, may be quoted at 18 sod choke at 13X0. (bake IS quiet with small rales of Rio at loom 30 to 310 Mo lasses unchanged but steady at 58e for told, and GO far new. Eke steady at Uan% Bala of 10 bids New York Byrup at 650. FLOUR—Coe tintee quiet and dull and unchaugod. We meta email sales to the local trade of Setts Fam ily at from 85,75 to $8,50 GRAlN—Wheat la dull mid lower, $1,05 .being all that is clawed by dealers for Bed. Oats may be quo• led nonillion:at from 60 to 650 from ant hoods and store. Thereto but little doing to Bye or Corn, and to the absence of sale, we omit quofattana. DRIED FRUlT—bile of 230 bush Weiler Apples at 3o pm lb, and 25 bush. Newham prime, at $323. . SALT—Firm .with • sale Isom store of 100 blob No 1 Estes, at 12,60 per bbl. - HUM—Dull; sale , of Yfre Orq n Bated at 10%0 per lb, CHEESE—ltesdy with mks at 100 for W B, and 10% for Hamburg. EGGS—Unehaaged, with gales of (nib puked it 10r.. LARD OlL—Sale of 88 bbhi No 1 Lard at 850. HAY:=l3ils from Balm of 27 !oadi of from $2O per On for new, and $lll for old. Plug/burgh Petroleum Market. Ana. B.—There appears to be co falling oft in the demand ter crude, the enesedine7 MIA 04 t" withstaedlsg, and the melte! b Arm, and prices are gradually &drizzle& The, mart of several new wellalltileg teen itriclkhad a tendency,fbr • time, to make buyers • little timid and caution', but as tho rumor has ban contradicted', and aa the en; ply is sound: adequate to meet the demand, all that &n -ava Is e. Id really at our q4tathins. We think that • fob quotation would be 24 In balk, and 2934 packages included, and we note • sale of 160 bbls at 94 packages:returned, an 1610 bbla at 2934 pacluqiisa Included. It fs but proper to remark, holreTeri that some of our dialers are eking 25 packages tritaTed and SO packager inolnded, - though. no Wes have: as yet, been made above out quotations. there 'smote dolng In litailned, and while the market la Ana, than has bees rie ursterfal clump In num. We note s ole of 1000 bbl. BrIlllant" In bond for Octobeide 'lnn at II; 103 bblo bonded, on the spot at 48; 990 bblei bonded, on the spot at 4134; and WO blibi l•Pstcollte," tree, at 68. genie other trauacitiona werapendbig, but as tt ey hot netters/ finally clamed, we cannot. Of =mesh' report them. A sale of 95 bb, p tine deodorised Benslne, Wei reported at lee. 011 B errata may ha quoted at thtetthrt for seeenddrarul OnideCgl,loll9,4o for seoand.hand BeSned, and 49,1584,86 for new Refined Barrels. It was rumored te-dsy,snd believed by many, that there hare been heavy raids up the Allegheny, and that the tine had risen two feet at Olt City, and me Will Thb, If true, will afford trauspottattou be about .1 the 01 that is reedy to come to Ude market. New Tom retcotem Market. epochal Dispatch to Lb, fltOtburgio Gazed . Saw You.. Aug. a —ends to waist but steady at la to do to present &limy. Bawl La bead Is ibut at 4051% au taboo spot ; sad 12063 lot all Au. gust. Tuatara dolloada amolual et 66051% goo Pep amber. MOW fir Outdoor, tad MRS fa Noma •• 0. Chiiago Markin - , Arch 7 —Tart.o•rm • far laq_atry tor Wb , a. and we into oohs of aim Nol Wtatar at $1.04 Law No a Bad at 111." no I npiim VA 0 4 1 . 01 ; no spies at shisSoo, and Neposod Bonus at 700. A lot 04.11,N10 Sr of No 1 Illassaots estkog . clanged - Itis Vora VO mutat Ito obwoom. l active, awl oyes. ad Ina sit. ItOo Ye Mood la woo, but -towatda too ohms born hold off, and tha ia•kst . cloud solos at Wok. Wa seta Ms of about MAW Unitas UV Qolial blood aka"; difailtdd kw MIA sad a7SLo Mr Itokatad In otoro. *at • Who Utopias ftr Rho lan patios of fflotir, tats tholrttoaotiow into litmus mad. oa taw out tam& path* It inmate% ba topcombie to Oro ethos :than ,noadoal An Slalom. We' INA• Wei of With/ Wieser astral el d 6 0 041 1 7 . 40. sod 11 11 1 141 Zr. arstatshfftt,o.a warodedi sad tom. sub sale at 4304 W bolls I—th• upper Awe fat 'lots in favotttoltoome. *quail qua. at ~do. Balmy oostal•ad dna. LillikWal oo Vt." Odle' -sad dna, rgs and whom betas spit, aadnote wheat imPOrte itiMlroad. P/111111;1111111 rz. WATXIII a 0110•00 BALLIDAD.Atif,, 8.-110 able 'Wily, 104 b4le Saar, D.; Z U. Wallace; as Ws erbaa oU, A. Lyon,; 6t 410 a Pro' ae, ]toil. rag k Co.; $B6 Ego wham, J. B. Llitett 00.; 1$ pkp of lab, alantacal & Connor ; X 945 rags, Mar. Wit Co. A madame tve2ame.-1 car Amu bbl., 12. T. Hen• reedy it Dm.; 2 bases eggs, Wm &dela ; 4 care /WM. Gnu& Alexand.r • 10 dos Moen,. &bolts Bes - &00. ;21 Idtke. 49 c all Jaime O. Grostelager 1 ow stew, Min Gayer; 1 oar ISM. Haler; lot reerketleg,*to , ate, owners. Ommisaus Prnumeas Hensoas, Awed 7- 37 bble set. Jabs MllliderSi /0 0 bake eaktus. J. A. Ceteedesy 4T . dm eels, IdoCulloogb i pmlth • ;21 bble apples, Pater • Alba; 14 yk IMb, Mortland, It Osman 10 boas there. IL &metro: I Ms sui t 11.. Herbaugle &Oa; 166 ski W. Atwell, L.. & 0o.; 1 car bay, J. O. ROMA 29 Me m. G. a. Au maw ; 10 bass 'needing, Willow Marko' * 0o.; o take enedear;l3l.nnan A Bra; 60 bbte 011, Pen. oak. 'Beira me 1 19 bble appleseread & Emma. d 42 ebb mobs, Jas. A. FM ;TT dm mu, 1 =blear. J. Herbert ; 6 lade marble dust, J. O. But. A. A. Macrae's; Pannell* C./Menial' , . v csioot, Joky Yt. 18Q3. The market Is mouth Mao. owl Dila Ito suneeid' sna of tbe Peastastranbut 14111.10111: The Mud* at ova thee Waimea; bee bed lb* *Soot of bitten salaam for antes* sna Beeniani, thus teestaing the oder of Batten' waif , shipmate oasis fa tree. ty hum Astesbahlbete ow be • fustbar dowatrazi teadezeh tbe meson's . dolma ball basing yet caul woo 1. TllllTallet;tantiiir,ls Dot Maly. kw iltb Orme prices au tooth as side mot* soca lower sa• *We. ft maga ram the bsigbl of lopropdaty to awn bare arm A 11 6 ,104 nadir sash drown. stows. Cositabest 04111/0 OlAiserfnua base boa doas W iIT,IO. CO M. &Oki dun at tb• nor, obi 800 vista Oinadlaa 1.10. 2411.4. Mai ale has bass Bade at as &YU sal vim lt sass Smol t erttbost analog barn. Blasise an. , . Cloven& alfarket. Av6:l.—rook-BMb* cf 25bLUBa W&t Ka: 60101 a XX zed Irma at 11601. • Ms co. coreso•Of Ibo =2MSIOnaI Thoolakingnif big Mgr* and with boidoggs, aad_OM t$ rogent and saw MS* both Too colt NM mond woo loar Aid en frocirsl,o4. , L Ogra—nuo Two Raabe to do..Th• Zibig prio• mutt* at 664: ilistr4ontinti• 'dull iewstrig , emir 10 , :rs on trick of 600. Br - - irIiELLiGENOX The ilvkander, thainlineane st es stunt rains,. iwidibna slrwls it:.this4olat lieitantaT. and!lact *min the nit narks indicated &Mahlon heti and Oil Wag. waarnsooredion diainrda thud than bad been liticy rain. at tbil heldwigero of the 8 abany, aad a rim of two Lea arti matted at Oil Clip. ; Th.- "tabu eanUnits contently hot; dud' the indications an favorable for 6,1 n. Theca is but little doing at ibo Imre, and no-ins: aortal impartment toed be expected apices vi boo Ate woo. Via new stain:ma oNliathanole". lilt fir la 'lands •os ilannelay evanintraltb 'ail the freight siis wall tate alai taittainber of pammn. Lbislitife'iod'llko' etas. The 1 •41. o brit telt TueliOalanlibt sal sat iioDtinairsnill tie reiasd 0 8biro ihonser_ I . 4 ". s ittr ibO ' S *o9°. l o# althea& a* hi PI aing Opa, • • . Thp sow ant depot steams! '.lrwass:! apt. A. 8 ilbsppord. I.announced 1 9 is lik fag-StA 3 s 4ll and Dobgline on Toads, nut. I,ooaM .1)00. Mork iOnuagumwal 404 point*, known ns Ostrava. Pubikorabovi *sr " : isapsin*,” Jams • ateenien is about oroplooled. al4' wpb , ha toad, for trosicat in in'terr SUS , del *: I"o*4 4 k4 7 roti l l lo 4 4:so* The Btatibibt thalt~a at the, aerie!9ha rubbly mite. the antiatetimay WillaiceiAtirbrfaieslih • siodhenritrai taiolissis•Alti 0141 prison. from that Ow to Oinciaisate_ebinindil • Tay imariens asice nains Debit busied hihke sir and. hraktailt Vivid abitiiiitabiOtorante **b.. of 6°D. inbuds , lahonakt of . . . ii.nos:orpop a to „ w — l l 7! , r • . 4—itesu •rn mut. • itieniew?Apowltosiiir tw, 'arc* Joao( 061 0 elk *WWI seal 1100kalatrream, brew tr-1..,.. 1.141 ammo crT7Tres tit. viva" 1"4:10 pROPOSAIS FOR BUILDING AU neusrairr lincessanserra. Jetheassao6ll, ltd., July MI, to 3. 1 - eir.e L `CD P wit, be received at this eel e anal Ise 10rot DT ADOOdBO,IBBI,II 12 Oa ock en , .or g at the Military Iteepital drideade. ..or Jens, ems Mk/aliens ha Uri mum ocautities of, imrober and Bulls g liateeree r. Neat hundred mad arta (ald) 6.l(hotal) 5 I y 6 white pine oi cedar pose nightiren thousand am hundred and fifty (13,160) feet (6ora.) 4by 8 chi pno or cedar pests els summed sad nineteen thousand two hundred nod, algtity tour. (au 2E4) feet hemlock„ looter. or pin tan wilt ifitoilre:tidard counte. imesmaidrodaretai ehty.three tbbiniand ulna bun. dr.( wad guy 1ie11,2(4) Mat marrow 3d rate flow log board., iOOO WOO thick. toe g rod and grocad. rime Mrodad and sixty ads. thonmod three Lea deed :410,300 Pros a admen goosing, not over'eight iodine wed,. fres from hoce knots, and Iplll, one 1 bli* bUtRIAMS sad doh pavan thomad Eve hot deed (`87,600) at sawed pine laths. Thirty itiousand (31,00) 16.0 co MB= pine I aards. nineteen thalami! (18,0:41)6st 31 nit, dated, ono hob p 16 Itches wide. Tblity throe thoassud Arc hundred' e rat forty. four (31744) feet (IMW) 3d cats plus, to re pierced to plso and petters, aqua numbers of 3,6 sue 6% lot ins olds, and l loch Oda, timellededra. Twentymevan tkomand eight aticilted end 11.1 ity nine (0,839) feet Mlles. pin• , insh thlch—idat 3 aim part 8 Mob widiwto be proparsaready for put. afe.=l l°'bi r striP4." l ( 1 sold) foUlllolthousand nine undred and eflp our (14,1154) Piet (lume)ty 0 peplos', In 8, 18 er 18 wet length% ' • 3e. inomand (10,000) eel (Meal' by 6 poplar, in 4, 8. 18 or le fe.t langtue. Nine nutlike! and sisteen (9.8) window 11 t ights 11 by 115, emtitzam OS) win do ws ll light': IL 181 one (1) window, 14 llgieta 11 by 15 sheaps* OM) wroco inn lalighta la by 18: ten (10) wind° Is, 2 Palos 11 by 0 the mob a the above to be pi lard and glazed, with Ellie, apron mil drip cop, Duque' to be main with husk rolls, and the frame aim parting stripe. Throe hundred and twenty three (3'3) bstten .dams, wittiarm: awing, drip cap, tee, complete. (Drawing Istraished.) Thirteen hundred (1,300) Ruins (mins or lessi,) gravel rat flog. ratan (16) tine god nags, (more e.r has.) Thirty (SO) kegs cf nil tame or 10114 WI the ,atears IP Ile -08164-40 the onlec't" .01 approvel cf en agent of ths government. The saw mill intoner and o h r mats:l6ls requirod f immediate me to be dellared on the gran de within len (10) days from dots of contract, or auras. idly am rebuireS--taz whole' to be delivered Woes the lot of /September , The full name ant Poi t said sidrees of the 61 Ider (end the fun mow of his partners in biding for • Oren) rat at appear In the propmal. Propteeds uom disloyal parties and rebel 'haps. Wan Ira( aalbseonslaetea.end thitosen preached by Otregnme mud in all owns accompany the b d. 1 - roseate &Odd ba addrened to the sindersigned, and pWdy~darad . •Tropoula for Duildiog ma. Nadi proposal mutt be acconicauliel bye guarantee Maned by two respondblo protons whom leeptual• bait, neon be shown by tin Clif Meats et the (lick of the :Monty in Welsh thsy Tadao.. The foam cif ths guarantee will beat follows: _ of the count, Of end Iffais Of •—s and Wake county sf and Wats of --r, ao high, gimisntes that —di ahls falltd a con tract idoordaaco 'Ohl= tarns of Ida prcipsd• aim asd that. iambi Ids proposal= hi ao=idod, ha whoas mom War into a oantaad is sooordanai therewith. bitable the contract be awarded.blln we ere propsied In robins his wismitlisit. t.onas In the sassed Ms thousand 06 (W) dollars, egad p uled contractor sal both of als itteraittoro, cid be el the satmarodul bidder en Sliming Bidders are ructlrod to be plaint In person When their bide are opensd The tight to West any or all the bids ast be deemed too flab le reserved ay the andersignied, as . well se the sight to rolled from each bid nob mate. Vale. at the inks therein =mad. as to vequiral by the Denntiaent. and in cam of the faints of • bidder whew yooprost la acaptisd to famish within the time prescribed, In ituality or quo thy, the ma twialaitipalstal to be &Mend, teen the riasielant QsartatmaMer ha :Waage to have the 1104 te Sul P l 7 such denoting t y parchaes, and 'Oa L'idd" to be chat - gel with the diffsenoo of coat. Tara. Cl. 80WL133, Capt and eat Qtaatannaetar. WVOLVINO MON TUBSATes. - Note Dressmair. July U. UM The .111.!y Dtportotoot 1111, the Stra DAT OW 'AUGUST. moire propositions is doe coustria• stun and smdles es board toed to be built at tbs tortintouth. S. Yi n &inn. N.e Work and Mali reldiadittitortliWda. Of ire moll** turreta asd ore Onaregsable mugs t pipes. with Odin. ior ' verb *mud. "timilstanal Womb, elt the taunts to be tiled, WIWI , Ord • Wats, Waldman 111 inches; to be anspoidd at too Otto stielll et Soto btu. with drought km slabs Wiggled batmen tha mac! T'h• pilot brows air sub Matt to boll bet later. ad dim/meter; e tots Mahn high. 12 bilthaelidok tromptotast Otte dm. s Ihe taint memo and gear for tuni ng and rev slating the utommeas, of the tenet, the gum sd_idee and euzlega post stoppers sad other lasotOol nuagtotiats to Mcd tho. Was gamut Marsala as the ticallor odes lt rinds. The ingmentable Paolo pipe to be In'thlokt Mal thaw, competed et piste Om; Instil* distuadr 1 he; asd height Oben Um doom o 3; tut. The prepraltion moat imbrue all the akin hies thmad nark. including the imolai of lb. tr. sad date tter eon and Online mithiu whir the earl for •Ylk IreuribMilt anaplotad, on and ready tor erseloa. _ lb* peers% plane can to anodised at the se ' of the impart al Dos glad rum Ma Vasil It.. -New Toth The trepan& must ba domed on Ile oetshis ..Propooala rhierobriag band." that they. soy to dontsentsbed tram other onLoOtta. Cernatt.'e MN rituburih. Ps., Aag•- MA 500 .T.'2l.,Ewt'?..,. iliestg.trt; o'clock a the -1001 DAT OW AtICIObT, ME, for forabbleg sad •dethery.af etre lluedrel Cards of god *MA AND Ai WCOD, amends, Plittabargh: MI. se t • 100 Oorde lo deltrered on cc before the 16f bof Assist, 11163. Ivo Cords to be Ureed on or larks, the ItOth of dogtrot, - WO Made to bi'dellvanid on or before the tbth of Anted, US& •• 100 fiords to be Veneered cut of lakes the est of duseet,UO3. U 0 Gerd, to b dithered ea or before the' e tri Woodßuss iii;t wedeln isy reties or define Woks. sad malt be 'Mil corded, end costele 113 outdo feet to the cord.. - Enemata erg be addled 'AProOesele for W.A." end tirineedliaLl. OaLialLtioes, Litty Quitter. auteter Ontenl. V. S. A., PUlatiorik. Pa. • -The andendised resetrre hOssell the debt to sera all bids that be rosy doses Payment to be rude upon tee coteplettos of tbik imam; ciao inon'Uteritsflar es the undentippi shell to In Outdo. SUE td Lust. 001. sid D. 4: E. General. - n ter, TONS AA •• 0 seem ',repeat/ Liltbe naiad as tbh omo. MAO la m the ling OLT OP AIIIIOBT. the, tarnishing eadadlemy.M.OMM EIINDSItII TOMB OT 0001k1I1a011attTABLI RAT, le be warp ! leg 150Lbardo, Malr Ground% PlttebOgh. Yb tam on or lean tr 1511 dy ot ingest, M. td Ilona cm or NOM the Mali day of Arageat, 1658. 21 tone or or Dtdxr UM Mk day et 830.14 - ad tom ea or before the Mt day of Amper. hymnals mist be ramket “Propelede 100! tow M Baled MeV. and Marmot he 001. O. 01101115, Depot" Iheertermader U. I. 41131R7, Ti. asulmilied monis to tilloadt the right to riled soy or rd bide that hOzerry dare too high. - ?opulent to be made upon the oompbtloo M.the INMIL TSOI shiII be 6 01 r SD MOW themltur , ea the soderldMOS sutta Lltat,Ookitid 44.111,filmena ran Litz it. •FOli Si u ltlitltticatieliA twoitor. , Adak d giallo, villi gaol bougthsi nc , add well•tabluid Woo ~ 'allioOk dorg lakkll la illaS t 7 .0 ~..k.b.0,4,0 Na. a iiamvirturis tra,:agd &wok „ famil ia fa ck;: tagi ll li; adocertal I=litrrado. All tgo'stan we la good wdoriaid supplied , Ilk c go• asolustor,.; . r. . duelli ng. t, d ad' 42 rdret".4424l=l ad. Ag." BOalrof iUelf Imams la good _ sad 1 ,:- Aka, ak4 of redid outdo ~ portboutrrerit • ride of flat Unolletideds: Row old 'ft WWI^ hula Roos stood. Wing I holt di IN.* 4 ea./Pat atm°. and orttadloglsou GO foot. ' . The ohm property to ettaehed la a diduible put id umi oily. '- ' •^-• - - '' For term of Would liallkuldrd isE 6l * of • . . ..__ _. __WU. W. TuOttoObri So 101 Ilakotnet. t r Ao l ow n.riormenpowiwzok , 1 II UV!. .111111,11a11. - - - 4,4 1.014,,114 fon 4 la, treat 14110 *at - 4W id iiiiillif iderslooddable 1at411,11914411221rnti7 A Pub . .r•Ok, • or alit. ~ aide /aro viti,s4if Ask WV fbt . 11 . 1241421081 ' 141 W, lAA' id Thom rieb: , -, c , - , • ..' r ,- 411i2, la licriaaalibar of ,balidtar 1012;01:IA2101u; I atudodifit 41:00 idea haat 1V 10 0 Mt Ma San ddelkal. at tbe tifialo4_of sba y/112011re‘t P S , 10 11i5 1 aa2412•14- 11 0 2 01 nati Wind of %Moroi &dd. 4 = W 1:: 4 ,soir, - - -:, . , .2-...: - c JOll/1 D it1:1 1 1 1 1102 1 t‘ ' OEM lillltri-!'11/141114 6 . 041 1. 11 i , tmottio._ ssalluatt' ,117...fixedzOXLINIMILlik1/011.10,;150 tatAis WV' -44941w0 our• 110 tutats, 1 tor rig°l° No 1011,34 Wen Irma; ,k sie \ ''rkei4l9PlDSlLlnaleF,BWßlP . l , l k r eP l ilt ised. . vkitiVililacriatalraaulr Omni sem saitesoigHisaM l 44 l, Alkglirh , , RIM Plilighl.4"-*WAF? a ADDi#,V D..1 4 !•- tor, k ow skitortutaiii .-.... 0 ." 0 +. 4 • 4 ”...- • . tilie' tiar ` au tl CO t IMerlill'.. =• i mii s i T h r e :lo2-841 11 . 11 r a tiaina : ara saro moun sfutiarts::: teem, 71.4411117•41.ocibulabag um 10 de, iiiCist • von to • • , • , - PINOT .01/110 1 . 1 AVIO:PbalM tnac, "'" • M a 4113 4. 114 1 11 ttErritatiL, brargrir. , ~ ti bsV;6Oll lire* tleoollloo .- iiololllboollel4 I t o ibbliktilub:st# ll kria l 4 jaikl.9 .1 0 V:4 ilk 111$1.41MAinq VA nottna gt. • ', • - 11. j:11411..., U„pafilif 1 - 14:store' 'aid tor J!' • ciAti ' ~`~,~~~ SJPIrW r , „M.4Plga s airs & , . RISE= TRAMMEL, CRBORIALL Boos SEWING _,MACHINE. wt,hlVti lIDVSTAILL lliroel77o ll , Paaa--111111. With viiii.blekeproitioilis. The eat, Taikitua U2lll6'o'o6:l' ig clime mesa PIZOLIM PiLlllll3 lad 60t011:16 Via kterpetmd Greg! eiiiiignWathilly.tavttvi to. tall at an aillys sad pecthe Mike:tr. bibpslitinr:, Oral 1111addass teorraated Arai EU'6ead SWIIINES.4ICOm NEEEv.P* II2I ENTE. ririlt essiirr. eterousiwn—Pllo o3 OMB*: 111711,91X0 4to. 7, rit,65319111 TIMPLE. ~.tgUwt r:4ItThIBWOOFW.Iifue ULU= Is; minas Officrospis. Itrilvsse dour Woo 4 red r. , ONESi - Atiary Nosen:Mos--1 f ea' of PansAyintiilad gartlsrd a=n2us 0011 IT:Witirs Wm/LT c Q'/AM - 18scoorrAnr 10 tantalum Oomurt. must Mokst sad 'Waist li' hi, GO t! • immures SiOPPWre. H.B ATLANTIO 11118 RA DOTAL HAIL MINI. If . ATIO/i. TION OOMPAZIL . _ (GALWAY LINE 4 ADETATIO, 1500 Horsaimmir.4MA toes.om. ' ainseal‘ moo Horwporrer, LOOO tons. ooLo i.coo Boroppower, ;Poo tam • A.NIIII.IA. 1,000 Iforse-pcmer, 6.0 w tore. She mapilllceat Mama* LDBIA'IIIO will lam trout Idverpoolotte Galway, to Nay Y om. on WED"' biBDAY, the 15th of lu4, to b• - • by the ether gasman el Owns* mem eltornateWodhuelei , Batas Mmes. from Limped to Yow Tarte pis. Ole te h"old or Its matraleat to =Tana: Cod Cobba • ' oOillSserage.•—....flD 00 flesood fa pu the mp imply at once of the A path • • BABEL 11163411, Ittoadwa. ' • er,ol=4 07amokie Dolldhlit a • 10:1 No.NrriSh Inner. fitteleumb. . , QTEAM VIEKLY TO UWE& AL IOPOOL. batting at QMIIIIIIIIOWN, ((au 114100%) TM 4911.1at004 otaimorn. Llvorpool, Now Fmk and PtfiadottAllt 1314919194 P, Witos Wooded to oil is 119519113 t , -,- • r) 811119 Y01111................Ltbadab Aug. 11. CM 01/ lILILICIIIIIFFIFIIogIOt Azog. 15. OITI OF 8AL71.11081... - .«........90 9491 9: Au& El. And ortty onoiredintt Itotrlth It 9109 Lma P.OF 44, North Bina. E 59 14 1& to Gold. • r 16 ageftakiii i s Oar eq. !nun Otant—...—sl9 o C 001.3111411 i..............1n si i do. to? ondon. 95 00 do. to Ltadon.. Mt OS do. to Pala— 95 CO - do. to P 0510....... 40 60 do. to Hatotoni 90 00 do. to lionaburi 111 60 . Panontoo aloO inewonlid to Holm Ectems. 11.0- brawn. Aztnto Al, pt *Flab km 0401 . ..._.,.: font tron. t , wpot or Qnsoostows it Ist t4toto. Megla. gm. 89094 1 1 41. 1100 Thaw obo ital t• for tin& Moods an boy tadotto Aso 4 Ore Tor Author Inkemstion so* at thl, 03111Plif . 0117oet. JOSS 16. DAL% Artnt, , - LS Bettillum9 S. JOHN WHollitOn. AM Hand ttntot, Ant boom from Ur ImMikd . . gg"—Ti Tsr —Do loolkollisold b now- propose to ow oadttraato twit say pod It bst W i : or 11114. !Wm by ottportot Mall Ilboomonctudaeoltbs matoOti Olgoilk T Itall'lSL . or Ototoloot,loillos Inmost* Owoffi lowa Cow skinks.= too welsoott lora The stasomoo two ffn— PPMto Wa;tomato( it Imaordalit.lbe OW = Ma*. VS* MTh* ' , mato Iwo Ighospool woo/ walk. . , ', IX OMUTA ? ': Noroyes Ursa. Obnadlas Mao& , toolttosoot . ~ "lortes strum.', , Wan& ". 0111111 Ls. A. the Pirtianitip lately aihaticbitersi BLS TEL BBSNITN. sai IL I. ISPNNBBL =Bo Nta lino at Dana'. aainirts a BON. vie absolve& as July US. INtl, oy 'avast. • Datailm ssaairr shativii tomtit* in Oahu di. to or by th• Oompasy. DANINL L ZEINIrL ' NOTICE 18 MAIMS tiailtAN th at ham amodated WILLIAM 1113.1111101 r artilt am tit Deo smnabotare and ode ef totelenneere. style at the Arm to be D. it V. et=DISIT. the parmeratep to Woburn Juir tit, 'Ate lrekter • RROG NOTIOL - DiAlCra ILIARTAILTIONI EITTIBIL _ watisre ImemoviDlMPOD ISZ/11146111. Alltab 011112111 T, P 4010241. ILXVIACIT BA lISATLSLLLA. " • • 0013111011 re ILITDIOLTZD 110/IP. ststurvassis AND zwria sourzi Mist. SOAPS. ammirers inriasiza =TRAM% litillollllMo2B. tar. Os Mono. WAXI IRUIT-WAZI 11111 IT WAX I tor wng Mat our sad le" ao, Minya bw pro. ono. a. imams aurnuL tAlitilits MIA*II6/I:llfUtUitl/4 beiottral and void onorfasat of MARBLE --- MAN TEES, Monuments and Grave atones. myna was. waritati I` Town' oilcans. Stringui, 3 , ll t Aug. Is ol 1 tIIAU VlL~iM~' ' . j ~`:~,►, .. . . _ - Azzatualsr.arsz. Sego candancly O n Mad -• uai• clad • ~...; laciamci stMfatIFICEIGMBOATM AID IPIADAW 3 PBAJABICuItIy * goig, .0,0IIIING,..14:1111 1 : Pb . 21.4441104.• ag . Awl • -' . Trc.: will Au .sakza ;Al AAWN:p * mull *dePtbeAlAtitat %frisk.. ' - S.'l4' eseitbislOAG TLIPPAII me POP. od easciadte.liti Malk ; .._ ' - .rtcrAhl IITAXIMIrIMAIA004 11 ! , .. ELAMILLIINXELIt)U I L . taw tido loolltot orb.ftsba 4rttitio nut tiot AMA*, gootalko_gat Geo sow, to ELTILIIMMICRIS wiTII01:11 - 1 , 4111 tZ la radle• of Do:attain. lbw orbs joie toss ado aria &WA' optesOs mg sow mido sad: Oro 2 , lil i rpho Mph cotuovolino tit too kw tow WWI tor. ZMa kil liaiWoo. l t o b W: mor ashy& war/ on& ' Wow tlw tont= ot •good IRA nabob WIWI vtll tlo wol too.Uiidossolltertti - • .f.t 71E113 11:12%!... , , - - No. NI riau,stsoot..4, . inGilt-pittiburido :WPM 9,44algtff vu . • ' rd, 6r1A13110 AMID ALATOUts„ 1 • 1 nail* lim " . . wattumis ,Aittio iimatTO AM.- - I vIF —lr vituAserbaLl aid =MU irdirid .iiiißiCwsnoir . cum:, mum: zansav , 'ffliffalle, -ita isam:we '-aztv , .elogit mum, ili , of Ibio WV ouRAARI a . 1 4, Alp, ow WArdat HAT : t dm/ fis TOR RAT_ , ilitoirraid 0. illaidgayssalliti Rmat o f lb* rsaißaßaryi AORRIAT ORRiv P 4• • % TEAL 1.11311#119a1k ... • r 'OXlbeh "bald Mike el" Angie"; aso. - a. smut OPOLF.ifile ' ' o4 rralli*A l6 4 oo6ll oane ' l l iii iii i c AliU°-211• ..01.044 jv 4 UMIAK —nee bed Utak 100.1 OW Itotreskiihmk= 11101*-1 owl •—•- 11"11.4".61"i' ..nre"1 1 s a a , dFtMir stleart.. ot. • • ' 404 UUml U WM:0; 71. - ;,";* ,~~~~ tiprrres _ . 11 rim :. L a Ainicar eo l a, WIIIBILIBQ .at .. BLI WM 111 ~...4sywiplatt&tar .ad Omit lIONDAT, £M 1101,1010. WM kliTi lig . DWI. ' dg- tal.--.4lbloyhoolbaltrall& -lb Tills• bail!.. Itamitt hillikm7 l, ma 1111;iiii 'V.A.' Ulm •,..I'B -LOB. LA MO a 3,611440 p. 13. i . " "Ououl". LID •• 3 us. .lAdli o do Iltikoses 6310 d ' 1 3 : 6 :17 .- 1 LIS 0 No Ilflookag. Bart d - Mot • 4:51 " • Arstkr fold -o L. ; -, .. : kid CtauulL flidObooldkokolße'...- I. r id* Ilkoa• tavola* dialskdkoodozol 0r: - . 2 , ot Oldo sash "TONI tir SlZlOnfik; Sall!EkLOaltat S. 4 1 . 11 . Var ~an , Tharsimply. Otarranall. lototnilleagrant. os• Look. 81.-koopk, sad iglpplotroutiod, sadst 4 i _ And=t It BlM's,* tWr.Oldollefirsed. I awl Glirdsed Lim. Rai. 11"iiiittg oli= "."- 1110 .8. " .w i l?. . do, W ' . de 80yard......... BO . Via :11Usacr..... US , ..., us . donßarloria...l l2ll- "• . i n , :do .111idooC. —....,... TOE , r , tai1i4433441ave17;d... - -........ , 14111. to • 1340 . 3 . ... B W at Bayard Ida Tokonor lbd . - Oiliest awl Devon It ftgiudd vitt . ' oral Wan, sad aisernee - 110/0111118 SI .fiiith -lUtootiO lad; knot Wlldirl'lloknod • • lot Arionol.: Aroonlll‘, - Nood=sfAi 0= =44.dolassook fa sti sod aostea loam . d kr= v I Zen rd.: , Z. for lk 114 old Addis - - arks CAI , k.. S. Li doo4kokh 1.3.4.. dn. • Wolladno- loom GS d.td.p.u. - Damming Odic win_ as klO- 1. fa. kw azdr.' . I":6•P ' 'sl. ' Tiokek to a piesdselif tio . . moiesibastroastaipoe,. - :', .. ig= ‘ --.' aosai , EASlailosokscamo . . A"4Al t sal ialliii - tvat: 'lpartc:litkia.. el iis Compay's OSA be/Toted Ilikodosi fon et. ,°., ' ----- . UP e ' - V . v . ''' . r'i . " C'' ' ' r• ‘e ireI...IBIS ' • 1111,11t$417 . : ~,...• r ill - rrir ~ , 111“ OW Myr • ' . . • NM Fjolll • T". *0 r 4.r. • r,,,..,,51, NM ;MIL T . 111; - - • _ _.,_ T 1,4 TFW:6ISOI-1(00500110DATIO15- TIM= Mom eolliiiinni Itolut glift, (mos AIoWA • "5" Ilf=slls4=== . 1 =6.1144, Tort 512 ... -;•:. J. . Tos =ROWS SAM .TAAO4, - imAint a Zito r lAstios‘ wry loardai ( • a 1150155 n. 414205011 5 01 1111 •ad . 5,05* died osamoltiose it Um As 411 lki" 405-W16512111014156 Ow 10 , 14 155114. I V IL Ti Uqa sitisseilFrliimoon=is AO OM. ISOonl=l4 WOO Oa TVlTni Tort varifiltWnik , - - __- F -5.1111114 are An listOrlies* simaTaxpr.; . ammo, . At aii • I.F. 04 ,t1g 4 ~- 'm00...,,1.L .. ) 5 0.44 2 4.4. 1 ' • iz,;;S: -- ' iiii issikiare *WI p, 13 4 n oi lligig44 l .4 l , l " •,a r • ' ' ' ighliilming • our sAIAIOI6 7 * --,1 - • .. z .*_‘ :-... Imo* IitIAAKOA.Wart Mao i' tails,' ,r`rrT•• rrA) Arai:a: - , LllirtiL • . • . • ' - , darlifie v , swan - et a i rdi= biz. ,), a ]tl mnni..la PIM Isisa s Benham" - • p. IL I li , la. p* MO tuA4l tilab, - 0 ........„ . ....a. ina XES nil% _O2 4 4 , 1 105:6 L. asif inn Wawa Stenos `Willtl' t38:4..55-Vionce wet Man Ata1in65144044 - 82516• =4 n edi " t w Ar n a: ?=., 1.:40p. as :1 re raC k ira=rur i. 'o-.14.. "3 4= 1) Mi. J' Trishili bt Elain9l4 taMftisibOloonslietlo • M 454,5445646 Id* 1:506600641144, ahanooro Meossmoddloa *in ad. . a:Ain* lisilain Innen oad . Mow o Tans Wr libutslsl4*4lrOnemosiiith MA. linnindlassidllaill ThialF=1 , 01111:1 1441 r . pnif..$44tr i l4 ,golog." _ a wwtote iguritciw.to. ' , wawa Irookbad. talkiweswiscaawl oda* camas bemerpmed ot say vinnottiA lo Inintaorsss n055..45,1 .54 todsoly. lbw tug. We oma gsmalotiodo4, inin6450. 1) " ,, - F-41 sTt,thtl,*, ol 4 with 0 : 5 fr,..*- .., • 111.11*=, ••. 1.. .:. To 114.11.1 0 T q- .., a ToTo Pb 046.11460... 1 I 50 1! , ::,r0..7 , te, ..., ~., 1* Bafigs Bonin:in -- a obookot ier MI ninon on no Pis. 16410,45.45u11t0 111646615 P2 =V l5 . • "iiintiyy *lite . , 45C.4,845/ nil Co 554**1it* 5 4 04 imorowienowwwwdedi, ft 'whsca ts, sae Medea Me% ismst Sows *Owl sksisSissi Comps* Immo Ag 001 . ,. z.. 7: ~-. Si:MO5 , an 01 0 2 :64 C0m WI WI 5440004/5W fai - orb, redfirse amantiat ' 151111Vc r; ).,t S. B. 4, 24 015,61544 L 15 4 W 56 0W 4 Ws NOW all esecty"-seeeeasela sea Ur week= De ll** a abetoreat tesesceeil XS eats No** pro. mew awl tAgrATA -Wm dcblititraff)y 8% , tar • S. =SWAM A s, • 1 i tto raiAcireves cAmEvti • Elam* Irate/ma: Ckiniew Mae and silos) Arabia. -_ll.-11:411110 =ES Biadrim- - nowaLs SAVEIRIS , EIANI4.- No. 51 Lor Twist ttuusic..... •.: - - ....E., 4:1 : i r - , ..,. • Opes Gam hos 9to I.:o'clock, oho es : «Arne" sa estordas onosta L lhas thst Ist lo orsabst US, bon I he, o' eßl,Armet4steseber be es %%mitt= I so t , _ iseehet of in moms set kit aim Ole Dollso,hod s dtsidesmict the mats dolma toles s Soc. IA Jar sat DeOssiboh, leSenliesse Boss he dust iso3oeusalt/7 to Just awl 'pecesahoh 919 99 Ito DestArasorp olihi , .s9ll se9ls 6149141 asst. =rat, It sot. Awns eattreist SAM mat al Ile host toe , so iscleittsh *Weer at bees& from thallat taller AMNIA este BoasoUnctwios •-p... Without tseehhet lot to oh. oc sress Comsat Its'essikeok.':AS ebb ate. messy will ilo be Ihr Ma Miss row , spas. essesuiss the Gbantlitol74■lll4 miss sod toph999l9.9troldsed greAle,sos ssgehOlos se Pout i' 'irst.'••4Etollol &until. waivliagOldiftils- Joists& /1069111994 •• Iwo thAlsoceste John lishisee. . ? AUMeh* 91199199 A o . . sassassse speer,, Jams &JD. mem. 1144 _ .li. lsknessock. . :194/094e 1 Slums Keticht; 11 Blitz** . ,111. t ttaitnadrou4 '.' • WlLlferii.Asilese9u • Ohio Alscosi •- Tetoic.A. SIM Jobs G. asakssom, . Weeeekx. Jobs 5T.1919103.. ' — Mt OM — ' ' • , kletso A'. Cartier, ...; '- Ross - th tAltsldts Cliatisti‘Cbgton. ..• Jane 119Atestol winbaLrooneah......: John 113 - 15 W, t &ha Item, _ ~ - W}Uhsis 11. Wiltsulk Nana , = • , Alsehicist ;Petso IL Ifilatsr,:i • . inusamvsalude. rril.atiea; f-b-tivipdoopri. iiik iholittstr A 91.9einilma-An/16. A. 111 • Mary - , •- -- •:, 4.0 4 itRM If F ° 2lM4# o ol“ soalaan. mat ' ' La ` AX .0 1 4Likack . • ' ivßtalair Dirt' 111911JKOM e ta lin a co. Immo& aatasa . . vaultn, rot diniA r as . lateiketiidiniedritodlietab tinia; p m & lb any taw* ImmOsetta _ Anatkiwas , .. : 0 1 ABIAPAPPLVw botY_ milk& ypptwo t 0 incipar Eti,riffy.ANlUl4ll i fiti end kirlittriokt • D. 161. •`:7 7 1 - 1 4 , a7.:,14 ,- ' • i• • Salim" 143 5.4Q11 Jo, gfita*, c s' 141104_, I, g rAr s ar was ,ritva , LlOMMergrFw ,f ii — Ni v — ailisaVilligligr, ....:.,,5ft..,... till 44 .......„ ... „ . ;,-.., ---ie----r•lniu. , na; ,----- 1 ...„4 „Ivi ciait,,, - 4,;(1.; ...„:in 6....a.0.„,.. q . -.2.04.2..0. lull rimiholia ends , ~ „ , „, 4 . :.,. a. -...,., 0.04 ' IM MO Di sdi,„,., 7.1, r n ;:_. , 4 • iiatr rilt -..--tineio l, :Mt , j: M etera t 'SMI4b01.1161 !4M1 11 , 6 1 1 0 1, 11 111 1 1 111 . wi l l Ang 6 4," . lbatilligtillbb; a kiwi z.;. , ,'"' . • ~ .........i'410,..7.4. .; . 4 1 10 .1 4 6 . , ", ••A ( .., ‘.. ::.:14 acct' i: 0 11136.11; ' • - !.1 .13 i.t. uWI Zt":44;* %42' ~ Alo.lllaleicho .. ~:IA 1.,; , a, blia , 10 , 40410:. :4,i,r. .11DIPRAllelW i t. ants.il _UBSULI&LdIi W. 14 .4 ' -.; - -4,np . Doelethski . .... 4.4 1: 4 ; 1 ' , : m i c igt29= 4,l - • : ~', • k. : i, WWI: ir .1- - *kis taro' •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers