Pbsiwg MONDAY MOTINING; Aye. 10 GIZA' 4elf4l.lid ommi ;;;;; OP MO CITY The Lute Omit ago moor Tames Creek • .7 We hays letkied thilatainous oat "lA %Poi the parson of• yews/ reuse raid hear Testis greet, tip a man auswering tM doserlptia• of the seciandrel who nand • 0141. flmoi.thu 4lty, ilia &blued her in s jaltUar. maiter. W• have obeli learned that. • • vfell• Is aa Irish girl, who bu been 7, *tit short time la the country, He save the . wit** of Lushest, had Wad **girl is • do ' *esti., and Started under pretense of taking luir so all beam; bat Instead of Ude he damped her to planets pleas. Ti. struggle Na. des `peas but the girl eiteeesehtlipstefraded her - set. Ns% Leakiest, a wordy elvem, on hear . ;fag that kis MIN hat bin used, went to as girl, whit at ems iiformed him that ate Ay/ never near his beform.fibe sald She oaid hen no Mimes in ides dip les her assailant. ?he oath. - irstshborbeed has bees on the Wiest tor this sommdrel, as be is sesetsity hellemid titian some bldiag plain Is that, wkdalizr. ♦ ease was seen at ea early hour sS flaturday morale& on th•farm of Mr We- ' 1 7, sear Swissvale, station, mid " whoa Sia/les wpm. to atop loran SS at toe top of his newel, followed bp two of IllsKeivy's sons- Ile get late aeons-11dd; sad manesed tooled* his puteiters. Tiers are stroncsonplatons that this was the vales individual alluded to, - bets he soy have been • deserter from the Slap In that vielaity. It Is to be hoped that theloophablls and daring somandrel will Sofia he brought to Jigs**. - . .. _ . • - Attempted netetdo; _ , ~,•V eilatanisyimalag. a 10141 tamed John Limb, a relessakes,rosiebse &hilts sorsa of lidetor strait and Bank Lae, lath. Pint Wad, Aliegbeay, white ander the hassle, _ of Mmes. stilted me crag store of Mr. Geo. - A. Many Federal limit and panbased two Assam of Madams. Atter manias the palm * s. le ston aid tato caters 'on the op. eine lids of the street, wheel Oa amorked the AIM and drank the Gamuts Ti. bar:. Mew observed Lis& throwing *ha' bottle 'sea .ot the door sat ta• a tow admen MP 'biomes stab and ` drovesy. A pity.. aids* samioned as soon tho last was aseartabeut Mat the , man had Lakin landsmen and is proper antidotes were t promptly administers& es The largeness of he dais-4w° onasee—eaused the poison to mess aa moe, sad bad tt not bean for tile "simaustaase death sight bare aimed. ales Ti. beatbeat however; was ont of danger , hi • few e% ab sad yesterday attarsooa as was to walk lio assigns no =MIMI for his nub attempt upon Mr ether than that he did not know exactly what he was dohs. • Bold Desertions. 'A mud of forty or illy drafted men will plaaid ale of the ears of the !doom:dia. idea tied yid& lift this city at four i'olook listneday. aftaraeoa for Turtle Creek. The wars all salformed, odium being eon-, ' , •:+ttiyof te :Clamp Copeland, at \Bniddcolr.e prevent any possibility of amp, gam* *al stationed apart sad platform; to • Ewalt any asthma from passing oat. whoa tbe bola 'tailed camp, it was Macaw : wed that two OW soldiers had Indultam the Owardeby striPping oinks tempo, of Uncle Cam and patting ea chinas clothing, with whtifit they bad provided theadoints. -The italferam ware fond is the ear, bat the cow. &i kar of the dly wasters had dus mo ppitared at mach on or ve the way a station' . sot Leta whotkor the dosours we drafteder• Wo did an or sabitttates. Ram Killed in Beg aaa ne Borough. Oa Saturday algid as midget 'of a fatal elassetar again . ltd at the tavers of Mr. Bar day, fa Dauemei Barnet. It rippers that Ws. Boss, son•in-law of Mr: Bartday, had hes' la the habit of sleeping upon tasked of the house—elmosing that aa a coder pace than his bed•rooa. Oa Sunday nowalag, shout's* o'olock, he was dl-eoesrad lying nu the peited, shloss. and in a dying wain. dot. Eta as h . p fond on the roof, while El and altar- artiontu - st Oddest wars in bis bad.room , and it was ardent mat he hag holm asleep ea she rootaadrogal off dor. tug the' eight. Two phyddaas were sum. sand to attend his, bat he was so aevarosy Wand that he died at alas o'clock Sand ay Fauna vro, sta Sot hie iota eireseeted that esteasive freade here • bees perpetrated apse the Goraeasat - Pilisdelpkia sad el,eikeer, by area fo r lit a be may e Seem Sid premeds% forged pip rmite s$ te• ;p42lllMlOrtilldlirtfill ast seat. Ate ledtridaet, narneatieg Massif W -Ma ?Nor la the volute', antes, aliepd hirr, 'isolate over NMI- baadred dotter' • from a parameter la Ptuleestotte, and a am idderabse Pa fret a parameter la Rants- Aar& aad sae la Bettina* sad N•ir ?tem atiriwas artmeted aaa Mad la Ganes,. Ti. Cutreata Mame la —The toms of am% seatimeat, mitts awl ands, will be titian that W. "thisipbell ri l ira st irektiwko have Jett eeseleded a most Nib medal Week at the moat% 'Ultimata for alitilglits Ninr papoose's will be and new speolailtbis will be lotto. geed. Those who kale seem tbe Ceapbella Ibtilaatarally4liolre to p opts, while those wba 111011 Wei wUI eertallity take the present appease/17 to * oats theft. stqaalaboaes. &mu eel be wand dads* the ay. Awn or • evirsorsa arr.—soon en a welt faeWa teams, front tan vicinity of Wheettag, was arrested last week la Station satantg. Of SUpleles of being a spy. ale was 11104111ei ea aIN tom, witch the said she Rot Bona :Mal taw, and gave Ma name of IfivAtißteratest.. -Baelmas seszehed, bat ne totem , M gonad am bet. An t Mar fr eak Inmates seek slugs of bar, and Ames:tablas that the brae had awe glebe boat a au zo. S lag sear tliat *lcy a& the Bethany pits Taa Oza Exasosai.--Weaotlse wldipleas am tita taerwed ioessios oar moreasaup are Saltlag to the saw* of lb* Oil Esohengo, ~Wabheld-doUyat shoe Board of Two liseaii ea Pouttl stare:. OsSotards, ikon Ws Wd a istgeweadswar, sad woo, tae tambeipresea: Ws , atUsed severe: lootesa andessow of proidaesee la Ow trade. Yak tatatess w ssaliosw, ma bops. lbe it. faa paisoalaa my be Ii saseawfal as- It now _ It _ _ _ . . „Lama swasa —Tho Oiavoimad sad PIM , batik Rawest' CoaaPaa7.oler s rerrlard $1,10! for Ato moat sati:matriodea th• pandas /she plated Arbottsotioar on du treat • of telk road at litalth's "my, PI., on thy Jet, latki Tay_ M O Qin! Ws as • 11/111abill toward for'tho scree' ud 00/111.,W . ..Maas/taws paeans aomatitttag Malls: dors oa tho road, tusking-1a Wary to the 4 Mot Rasa an Oa. Csir - =-We baio re esind Ow Lit sambas of taJoik Clap Jtwrtar, ••meg/ Pa p a; Jahn W mani as. It is ladgaadiat fa pinnies. and Mau alp wags , "tudind bat to Tanks* Lib. avast Thi pipes In may plead, all tM nasekaalnal .upwatioa fa enditabis Alanfailinaa - hi adlior premiss' won !Lab rataaaa7, VII IlliabillitlEad&llS Mann me ins aim fondness on fin, sighs side. Pak or Daarrav Drafted oaaa arelautialkko bosoms am wall ma owl: The raeoad Nadas of Oa law sap &rabid seashell to !Waged ;elks ism boo ks. h aR reaPasta. acsogaateits tar_ Woo paw or dada' the war, lataaalag &dram 'Dor mit Walagy, Al _noir ;worm% ty law." fir Milted swap basal: Is 1101,1 sad she pm Slaps saata. • • ' Aim Ou. Wass, --Kamm PldWoe, Ins 400 • flan Wu duo, ossussaoss patting: dews saw wan oa W .Dowataa tam, os tM oppoolso We of disclose. It,. Od Crity, Aad ass: *dr one will, sad aro now doss -lisomma Ws* sad tofu kneed foot: /a belaishopssood thfioaskto*oigood Whom Psollssi 'dug'lubauid Bbodet. } zumpuiptioik t•• Olorytatias, was drowsed In ..011 molly ono diy has weak wik, sumps. tun tong% lei. bs - pareass Arib , loN'at Amu* atoll, • shin oes•owl•totro" tiazt . Intrione AewMott. Os Bander, a men *lwo. ',oree we eould rot burn, wad run over and Patera, blared, L t e e attempting to got on a oar on the Hilt rty-Passenger Railway atter having beta put eft by the oondnotor. He was very much In s intouch iuttd, and mining his footing be toil a petition that the cartwheel pasted over one of his -thighs, laaeratlng the dub vary umb. He lay senseless for about twen ty manatee, and the Cotoner warrant for, un do the ligpregsion that he was actually eta& He motored Ms tangibility, howevar, and when the Coroner arrived he had been romov ad tO Mery Hospital. We learn that h. was a substitute for • drafted nun. , !• Anna:lo,Tb* new plaitante barge oon- Incited for by the Tindine Boat (dab, arrived on Batardny tinder - the careful escort of the otil/dor;Jateu Idelfay, 8.41 , of Barium, N Y. The sew barge to no; Jet christens.; the aisateen of the dab ' , baptised" her, it. ..... , 00 B. tilfilli.l OValthlift In the oteegtanal tI4. of the Allegheny. dhe la a beanufal model, • clipper belid, f 0 feet fa length, and 48 teens, in oldtti, with MIMS f r sixtestioaremetz. The dub ware entirely oatlblint with bar trial. We an informed that a select orsw will make a trial trip ill the new barge this even. lg, at four o'citelf, starting from their boat , home, balm_ the ware-kort4ge. ._ wrowrawr co DIASt/D Mu —I new de• eislosi hems roogered. 'rhombi draw lima are had 'lmpossible la ash ittey famish a sabsUiute who mg subsetasagy be osier tabled to have deserted from this army. Ie all soon damn the dratted man will have to set another substitute, Gips, the thaw ban• dyed oommutation the Provost Marsha) bay lag atiltailly tri diddelltsroertilloste of ez. unpile& It the substitum turns out to be a'do= serum . . A. n Ra exaetor —rids morning, at in e'eloolt. at No.-36 Dowsed Alley, cps Wood attest, will be sold by suotion, s large lot of eity manufaatared Booth fkkoes _and Willem . . ... . Ida le Teri seireald Pillisdalpltts, aid the wagoae are daily • beeleged by mane dealt hig to parches% bat the dealers refuse to sell, beleg compelled to reserve thalr Hashed sap . pestermodal customers.. . . sriscrui Loom. Ronan . tilaotaa.u6 Bina's Pawn Itotiratt. for Wally ina aukathettol!ig pompom, aro the bait it aso. L. P. Clioson, Ponora7 Agana No. is Pin strum. Tamiu Pamir, Main and Ornamantai dihu Boobs, sad dialer, In Pommylrsa:a told Ver. moat /laic; of the beat quality at low rates. Lie at a l. . Laugh tin's, near the Witet Work% Prb epStiha • Why Should They Sink The noitement of " the ohne " has always been supposed to • healthful tendenc7; bat there ir a kind of ohms which breaks down the constitution, debilitates the frame, and . shortens life. We mesa the headlong, anis lannitting hunt after "the a'inighty dollar," which it the greaten bushels eluineteristio elites present day. It begins other anis (aa 7 Deemer, fa saw) whin preoipitate the tats of thoesanile. Then is, however, a possibil ity of reeovery from the prostration produced by these causes ' lons altar their victim he, ceased to hope font. If we are risin.ln• formed, the mo stasteulthlag sate, lst is celled senaral weakens and debility, whin have ever been known in this ciantry, hav e blest th the agency of Omer Holieway's inestimableroush remedies- Mere nal ' MID of me,,, oat of whom the vary tpintt 01 vitality seemed to have been drained. have imea-restored to health and vigor by the elm ,' ration of the Pills; sod of the Ointment, in ono of lottalisis, theninatins. ks., we bear an 'smelly favorable acennL It men mitt bunk down nelsons:6Ln by over exertion— , if, la their anxiety to "so ahead," they win override eke-most potations of Goes blessings * health —it is well they shield knew how to npair the salashin, when they come at last to Naas the het of their premature decay. The !nooks or ifitautaity, who, withoat any panicular disease; appear to ,e slakngfrom Imne i x e n W niwould Indottboutdaabt, , hom Doctor Belle wars rem- Selheul." Cusure Our ani - Sartaa Smoot An Con.— Nat'l Orabsto,maareitaat tailor la lllss his Spring andlionmer stook ol ae goods at coat. They estudat of all As lotus styles al sloths, all/12111111 and ?satiny, of Windt be la pre pared to maks op in Me moat lasklosubla manna; and at goat pries. TN public should not neglect to avail . do:mashes of this rare sane and can noway. by giving him an early gall. Also, large aasorttesat of pan and fan r 3 oandatigni, wall adapted for boys' was, Wale/ In *ill sell b the Om ha below mt. bletbars should notenion to all *tidy. San% Oaannar, Ns:chant Tailor N Idatinit strait. ammo., earnest, - (Nauseam I—Ths atteattme al our eatatry's brave defenders am. ant* rearmed hest the Not of War sad of the pabLio ta geoessl. le alpha &mud to the Iraq rorresetre sad, headsets* easortates or the Latest styles of /nook Magnet' tad hosoriela pleas woods,! for pals, poets and rests, lately nadrod by Ilesers. Jobs Wafer o o,Alloreluta t 121 -Peden) street, Alleeheay! tasterel adeelioa of gaups:ma% fa - gibing soots will alio always be toned Cothe shelves or the establish:tear together with a lot of reeely-etade olothlay: tot up la the best manner. . Nur Sauna or nurse CLOTIMI--Of saWON ArCsaked,, where emu we by • neat d ansfortable mums snit, made to order, thus having thi'iliaeos of Meeting an goods f To ati thesalvdrial Ines' answe, Valto Krim W. R. &Wee A 00., center of street and Diamead Square, Allegkii. _yos wtli be milted amorous le your tens. They have jut received their summer Foods, sad fer eippase of styles they *unix sae . ,and for Illness they are the very person, uwork Is SU done ander their own supentston. give them • owl, and you maul fall to be 'sussed. On Dome Dto le.—Rev. 8. B. Morley, Attiebont' Mau. Ti eg g sit 13. Allea's World's Hair Restorer had been to rasp the "mown of glory" belonging to old rasa to the misled hoe of y oath. Tata woe done by a simile bottle. Olken of my aepeatameoes have Mod it with same sten Tat Zpobalsasoa I nags:dna= lavaluble dramas for the Ptak:" areen . us Bold by Decision; anierywhore. Dopot, whm gm, Sow YMit. dew Cu., Dar:ans.—At the - Deatal lastt• Ne..2lt r illm strut, seta of teeth for dellarn, than Orme at Ars dollen at the other Mental atablialucanta. All per. soas are { rsquated to call at tits Initiate after having esoutalud the lerrest pries' at the °Mu sheep plum. -.All mork dons at dm Instants Is seep anterior to any obese Dentistry la the city. Riazelsoasoia red photorraptisiat only. °medalist. per dom. at J. W. Pittook's, portal the Pod oas. Rs la aow cluing oat ab stook of las card pladogroplto of morals, as, oudad proudness sea sad women, espies of Aso apitsvisp, *4).. MUM' S°, albums. Gall and eN ids assortmost. sad sabot a few. EMU To PIOT/WI amain, Mum Aim Ara Oman /xxxannna,..Por maks or al tantlioas nem or dwonkigo, yea.. or o=abo la tin . C ap lbw, ad at I.,lltraler above Bahama sloost,, mbar, susayd Bai ts, P+"° Wnss, Mons= ado Sinus whom Him bands, Sons sad Braman am airving In tki Ana:amnia.* patlato Mak knapsack' a more mammy or valltaalailft *ea a fair boxes of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS and Ti. mum Liam Ansa under tie szposorsa of s **ldler's We. Only 21 aim a box or • • 219 Ottxtxaa P" and Qatutmon Came milks taken at to Cfaudbis aloe, No. doll Libtrtj street, do or night - , All orders Jolt at tko above otom win. be promptly attended to. w Ac *ll2 Upon lidAdmatoo. -- . - - Q. Srm„ Deana. 344 taut ousel, aunt to all Imetssit er orefsgsles. LVIC'WE x CIiDDuBINOIL—org. 111.11/IMIN. • & 41.• J• 41 1,, ittiv• we atoll N TU•soslt, aqviktita* - • ter treabt bit Si@ ink Iyamou sii• 1.4 ougabas,,,.... ult .10 r E 0 Li mai In *old irry doe osurtobars Ti LAI EST NEWS BY VELVaLipE OUR SPROUL ODWATCRES FROM WASHINCTON +mu jnsetch-to theYirta•argh Giants Wesniustot, Aug. 5,1863. WHAT PIM LIB 11l (muster. 01.1202 OP PHI ADlttillirloTlON 1' lAn lionsing Suitroverly is raging hers Ai to what papers are the °Metal organs of the adminfotratlon. The Oiresiels. refitting to the wisdom of an Associated Preis spat In telegraphing portions ofU slant ' War with Ragland" 'Ante, and saylog that it p - ad mooh semi °feint importance, says the Ropublietta has no shadow r f shim to speak for the Adminntra,ioe, whether chi daily er ietni.rgicially. The Resublirea retorts that the Chroeicl• /tor, and that he know. be Mali, end we know be knows he lies, and he knowi, we know, he knows be Ina. LAID Poltolll roe OHAILISI.OX.. I Can. enitiOnli has already ben amply sop'. plied with the boat artillery and other raid= altos for his engineering tarts, and it is now understood that he to being heavily reinforced byatteran troops, to prevent the possibility of MI being ovewhelmed by a sadden sortie I from Beauregard's superior army.' Ms). Gen.floarard arrived hers to-day,•and goes north on a abort Lave of 'banes: snob conditions of his command not bang snob as tinqulre his presence for a little time. sonata PAIDOIIIII, The President has pardoned the following aoldlors from soutanes+ of ocoui martial, and ordered.them bait to thenregimentsi Rich ard Rombrea, Co. B,- 50th Indious; John Boyd, Co. 13, and J. 111. Downy, .Co. 9, 38th' Kentucky; David Warren, TM :Wisconsin ; John Morrison, lit Colorado. Cavalay. The ' »snot has likewise ordond - the release Iron arrest of John W. Bailor, tried on a *hugs of murder before the Milittry Cam- . slalom in Milroy's command, on &coconut of gross liformalitlas and nregnlaritles in the trial, IMPOITAIT 01D112. The War Department order that Veterinary Serpens are to be mdeotad by the thief of mashy Bureau on the nomination of pipit mental commanders. (her tertutere. Com missaries and Papouters, asking fors:lenges of station er exemption from oases to duty on the seers of ill health, are to be regarded as confessing inabllity to perforns'olatialdaty on waned of physical limpidly; and will be mastered eat of the sends, as if their re el/path:as had lawn tendered and seeepted. /1011 SKI WHIT Or Ilia PliTolllo. AU Is still 'quiet along the Baptism azd iteppahannoelt, with every !adieu:lon that they will remain so. The rehele are strongly entrenched *a the eolith side of the Rapidest. The railroad bridge at Warrentea is !Wished, and trains are_ running over it regalarly. The beat and bad water oombined are pro d wing many tans of diarrhea and amatory in the army. Otherwise the health is good. AIIOTESO Dian LIKIIILT-TO II . 1 / 4 1.D1. . A new draft that itilkely to ha ordered be fore haste makeup delloienelea la the 'Mout of troops sought to he raised by the kit draft, will probably be made again from the Ant elass. and sap:rang toastlmates of the num bers /hely to be seemed by. the Int draft, mid will be apt to tall for about half aa many 82001 ID Atrotioa 1 OPPIOIL Dullness In the &Gond Auditor's aloe Is about i year babied hand. Sixty bore shirks will be assigned to duty hen sooa. Abort two hundred claims a day are bins sattlad now. With the additioaal force, the Auditor thinks he will be able gradually so slaw agr the heal soesuatlailon of badness. GIIISSILLIS. Guerrillas continue to toted the eotuary between Alexandria end hides Court House, sad attacks as. our wagon trebly 'onetime with ineeetuOure econaton. toeurhiscats. On both Them a / 1 y and yeatereley, arsine were thee attacked. On Than/s,, ohe of about twenty wagons was captured, bat, taboo %manly retaken gels. PAROLID PllllOllll. We now hold thirty lee thoassad rebel osrolet prisoner: *naiad Ibis they , con oak, cant elibteen tbouand of our diet they hare paroled. AS ersitenii le likely to be iamb am Ler -So the rebel Waage will enable them to go, sometime next week. 22ft SOT 161•2111. Thiogicors k tin Batithsonlaa lastltata say that last west has boss hotter la tali olty Chart say coatisoons period of equal bastli for forty years. aasooarnoaros or TEM CM ARMY CORtf. Thu War Departamat Usual as order dis smash:Wag the Fourth Army Qom, Ths troops aro balm trasafamed to the 11 144 - tuidu eau Boater. Bouthwestern Dew.. Cstio, Aug. B.—ALI the rebel tenitcry West of the If iss4sippi river, it'll soon be eleamd of every organised rebel lase: Oen. Davidson is marehlag dower contra' Arkansas, - sad in oeverni little attire with the *amp, hoe been enttoely asinh. Already the people of Jaekseepott ma id to be doe. lag before Davidson's approach. Anothir expedition I. on Mit point of start- Se lag tato tido Weston cowry, which will help complete th e work of moats' al, the _'rebel mo Iris not proper to speak of it in detail at present, but it tenant be long Wore this entire move of Territory will be ander unfits. plated 11.0erail control. The Atlanta Appeol, urges guerithe opera. Hoag oa tho Illeaustppi river, and oaf Imola, spatemausad plait of operations en ha beak', will imenaptish more than-east other**, be travelle devised to o f th pple Great It 'a'te to sea *Me rs co e Pother of bash whaekad from over, canebrake and or ßrad s, be. low Memphis. 1 , Gen. Tuttle pissed through Cairo pester day, innate for /ova. Before take r be was a &moral in pallier, but itoo 11011 , inflation with him, we.toil scoured he Is no tessera mil sum Be is for the good of the country, and compel the samegroundwith Om Loon, and le 111 favor of pesos through the floseng of the rebels. Beme signilloanoe may be attacked to his Mara to lola &stills present Jointure. • rag, • ,gbt Near /hatter' ntallOn a Nair nor, Aug. 8.- von The Richmond ; of the 'romans .- Omar Own Nov.., Aug. 6 .—There was a fight al Brady Swint t ray nubs, bowies a body of Smart s Cavalry and 1114.' Brookiisn's hone • artillim sad Ruse %m -yna Of , reaketw, wick cavalry and twelve plena of minor,. Ratan brought oasho sem by AGM% Wands is which dismiss, wan (*Montag. Tim new reonadad, sad the light heaame warm, lasting from two reslocir mai MaiWTim now- 11411--dthin within • rade of Rappahannemr, whoa; dory being loamy rotiforod. on eavaay fed back. Oat loss Is IO tiled sad le wountlet:' AUL gain to. day. , Trains author alp l a wnyestsalitY. biutighl nothing aof la bean seer Brandy ihation. • rw.; roistbalottbi- imputlast anyemeate ate Isklitplaslr on arab in order to provide &saint mass essangonater s whisk nay bediresondstaky of itre.Tireatlas. "' ' • " Piursoliiiagifg 91-40 Cookii,&00; estweipotalpsititimpeno My or no r . B t B lne•teinastis of fiaturday, lir the not. oat Plata*. Doilies* of hood/sate beim. made to Jai; tbo l'ho ot zoo' naliobeto of tours- badooo aos. sad the or 4 , toms kw, bore laden, to orto " prevestlarge ole sloi, *inlet'Li tko doitsaiarootio tor the sisal& sui nos daW FROM PHIL4DBLPIIII4 -_-__ Special Dlepareo to the Mahwah %Pete. Pamanurnu, Aug: 2, 1863. The Mdsst news from Charleston suttee that about on* thousand sailors were timed la meeting shore .batteries bearing bat.Snortr It is add that Gen. 011 mere could take a tory Waiver at any time, but i th lie from Samter mikes it untenable. Gen . the he entity ofllenoing the Payette:. hid Wag der and e very other fortification pied. awn pied. , Charisma' -papers admit thit di fall of that plum will be the mod diamattift-event of the war, and, 'from the tone of their edit°. riots, tbey here bat little hope. of being ablii to hold out. Stirring ItlyNfi may the moo ba expiated from Mobile, a. movement, are now on foot which will undoubtedly moult la the fall of that place. Nothing or importance from the Army of the Potomac. Moodier forces are ilow.so lo cated as to render any *dram* of Lee's army impounds without omelet defeat; The mutters' tieing memoir proteeted by an armed emit from Wathington the arm;, In conatiluenee of the guerrilla artaoka of the enemy. . . The Latest Southern newt state. that a war Is now waging between Lae mod 'JeC. Davie, on amount of the refusal of the latter to rein force the former. Davie 'is alai sald to be much MITI/sod with the remit of Lee's but campaign, whloh would have lain =OM atto. modal had the Atom.' lattruationa been, more stria* complied with. W. , Arrival of tit - r - terautip Iliberntan. ;joie% Aug. 28 --The eloitolkip HI. bunion, -irom Liverpool on the 30tb, via Green Castle on the Illat,paesed.Cape Nene at he London Make moods that therehela are not conquered, end Las ia as oafs as ever at Culpepper. , • It was believed at Frankfort that the Nish quettloa wetild belittled by diplomats,. The war pante had subtitled Is Parte. La. farge nye that the lowa hoot Petersburg M inoan's a oonoillatory diepulties. . It is reported that the Braraiwor of Austria and the King of Pomade ultimata meet: The London Money Market mousey. Livniar..—Thealdpa Taiiemae , fp m Sheer. hal. and the Conrad, from Nonterfdao, for New York, have beep destroyed . 14 the Ale beam. • Tits rebel loan fell two par 'oat.4a th e spa, Jeff Davis has appointe4 Si the rebel anent as Cork. Coamervial.—Oetton—Salss ef- the - west, 40,000 bales; A Culdeall has advaaead l. during all Irish, and otter dyer! Russ Drsmistaffe dill sad lower. !- Corn am:gazed. • lean r Llrs.dos,—atiasels,93@lekli. tccks banyst4 l Illinois cleat:ay 22@ 22.5 i &moat; En*, 4!VT4. From the 'rar West . 1 , - L II .49IIIIIIrORTII, Aut. , T.—The Banta Yemen has arrived. A large number of ladtine more teen ea Tette, bat tbiy did sot Wain the (Mach. A lute lot of maim were steles by the ra dians from Pon Craig,. but Irene receeered after a Alegre light, in whir* • number wets killed and wounded on both rides. From ttratitoogron. Watornrason, Aar g dare Is 20 Meson: l• prorating other °noire 'foto the eslorod Intents, Atli Is mit a seared; of Eimposs that the Barrios Goma! Is sou Wad to adsortisolor taws. . The Heateeei Eteetloe CINCINNATI, Aug. 9 4eG Sh•ltlilt4 m *kop. Bremlete.(ti atton) . major's : 3n Ifq- Oen eauktierhltiTt.t.' Markets or Telegraph. Niter Toot, tow beam; and So lumen man • modern,* demand Mr Export and e Om Oonsumplleu It 11t,16,11t sb foe Kura fltat; s6,Wil for common to s, Spies , ir , odo, and se. for gun Ig t./. Mute' brands clialos. dull; Whisky astir. aid Drum at 45 3(*433.6 Gold bum dectl.log tctidettcy. Staffs% Xacbtogn debramlos effect s . . 141,UL Ooze to Ile bt mop f end ;rut et Eft for blaso 'beteg. , II to tofu- d . lkeiltersi mad 13 for Pam* Wnterzi Ome mar. active' •ei I *U - totter; 64.600 foe Weaken, locitobnu ffboffm Duelists of very clones tab*, .POMt opened gob t, but cloeed more so Iv. and teal. ; $1.,c90,t3 wr Mem. $1146 tor New Pilot., it 3 ; • 0811,1 fir p Ism Nam B istdnil at • tesdlog sclesoo.; P, (me Nee Beet dull sod eolith:mg; &et 15... millet and ambling's. Hutto &woo .ad tides dolt aid mt. floe., cheapen Lard Wm nod cum, settee at 11)011GOXo me, at 5 yet .44 Gold iow.r. 1444.14 s et Xtsboyi and ob.eliiat 2b3(. Cressitittom at meatier& Umairoada. All'practiesi mschinest and 'tempt's* en gineer. tarsal employed, on the adze &Dinh and who has for the last •two years been employed In the &nth, lately. es. 06 00 through the rebel lines at the captor* at Jackson, Mississippi, and has 'lsselied Glieseland, Oki.. The Otirretited /Meld Jaye he Is .• sun eatithsd re perteeteozA tease ' and entirely able to /peak or the state et the tall way flees in the Bolt. n. 'lays that; the rolling stock en the sontlarrn railroads is in wretched condition, and More s» neithertni shanies, 'nor ober, norms/table ttrOil to repair the meehissery. The engines and VW bare been kept 013 tie mon cronalautly. sod a tide *mum now, with safety, asks oser'fair mlbs an hoar.ea most at the truths. - There were sewn, losioinothes captured at Jackson;: bat only two smelt to haw a train of Ire oars. The tracks, too, are Is a tad plight; the sid ing. base been taken sip to patch *et the Main treats, and trains are compelled to switch often timbers at the turnouts, Thine is no wai to remedy , due things; tare Is no Iron; there sri few meehasles immpeterit to repair the maskixtery ; there ars no, makable toots eves were there men to handle them, and the trenblels daily betromfng tubs askew,. OVA it oglish.friawds itavebad edibles! lags but solo. Oa the ' oleic of the lat. • blockade-runner tried to get out of Charles ton harbor, bat was discovered , by the /ion 'ldea aid out by broadside. it Is 'gyre, .od that alias load of .cotton was .lost. to:tbe iverpool market; the new probably wont down with th• vessel: Oa the W previoueil shy steamer /rant, a swift, Clyde-Wits t oral ti woo captured by the Zr. quota. The Sate hod a 'Vargo of.oottea front In mutation. 811. Wag dent North to boooOliiiilll4 Ten leek of hone' hi the rebetanny Is do. mown's* td an order mend, promosap k i An Gee. L.... 'Gimp; dimeumans ell of Ai, s cleartormaster awl Commissary etteehiel ! • 011414-4ht' Hoeft; Otte hint. & i OtnilToll Imiwt mos Wear. os Witt U. Spad 'lolly atom = -- . The Amoral sIM tabs Om how tits modlontorof 11 -- DfloModoi Do -63 !Abort/otos; as MosiMs its Ildi last, ot 934Wolpiok a,- at • , 'I Dolph, p•pnp Owe oopy.. • - - '•Do_ll4 , --ths Ikeda,' worntsmi August OD% THOK 50D4141. spd SO 4witr. . , • - , IS ..-: ~ I h• Woods ortho belly an lathed to Wood lilps ' rusisi, man ihs tomidoisi of its botillor pr,oph is-kis small, W ;Walnut street. at 4 &dock. taw ammissoom, to prosted. to 411loglow, ant. - KlWlllitsli—Osioisodao twonlott.atts fut.. at hippest Wm calich_4 l 44ll D *Woo' doo4olor of 0 a• lad the lot* SUlics. iisiaxo, said b Da ta • MILLI 7--en Iloidmi; loth lim•.. at 4 - cp • Woit is a. -I.lleitt. 304mi1l t i l lllGL3l4. of ~ I ptiors IN p Ppm wylossia Ittestos rtittiqmpiss t o toa.a. od Olio DOW. 'of 4 1 iittoborg i NC kat tow .asm - The issioit Sal toto Owe slim sot;(llomplani at 4 4'14c1/hat am i hew tio mildews Chili bike; lhiabott aumir. Jr:, 1114 r•otti airer: The Mow. , a lb. hawrie.-top: estallplailt ill Vii*ltt. ; A _.__._._.... e . Ctilk.l, To Manta' MEN. sZ r iPtlit lb rd of Ibralftaieftt Naos , oft • 1 •511 1 PlaU7. nu • •••El t•t•••• Oi•ftft fti eha Prasks I,,EDItliS ID MOW St. -pill op. l b ., . Who feel •fili autatiPtita 'trifled' . 'lnd `lea, , sinolariftaftireurli Vs to tot.. Vaft.ft ioftlft .41rarata• bt ftlftiga& 40 41:444" ' 4 44- IMPS. &Oa 10110 MI ,T18441611,d 0. T a1L : . ' ' T ! . .cißdialimar mals • • • gain '' "MA P ______ ••••••a• • ` u i4.la lltubelip i s na,,,Cg ou iilletli‘r Trine Cromimair, &owe hivor-of WIC 'imogria;ler - $611.1m AEI Ipeueose inirmidaiiihull csaiikittarappeeNlectN „sigma .a$ 440.111119111. • aierlyat a im„ jr„„ibirza _,lrr n,Ais 'I eLdifit,_ . a. I,' Zeio.tAll. ..o.4Krr 1.111 AIM mai Id ILA Tumor a oak. -- DTs s'"a:c:- . ~:. ry ;~-.r 10 . ..i.0.12 , 1111.411 t/ I t1i0..-41/1 !Silta tion wl 1 hell at If. Dosed 7rade Ito wt. Is the Me of rlttaeorith. 'russet/me. e • 3516 flay or .totprt situ. et ft o'ciloot ISL. I. tor 11111.4 &seen biretta.. of the .1 tsborgh Gralallara• omavf. trna. tot the eaveleig psi; PPS, to •aaavtat, Wa elttlatute, Jose • ttesTazoo. ,J to f otnr, ••••• ••• ' W. litoCherar, atd other', Ish-ft tiorprostott. LOS fiLV WattAAA .InatuiraosTATlfill e ltNnurlitt. Met nakitam NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Sotocribere to the. Bloch ottihe Wept. eru'rranrportation CSitopony that en atet.osotent op ptirE D....t.t0 RS (ES 001 Pte BtlAhlC thee teas of the T u be ego* enbecribed, Sop M a!, at the et earer. at Potteenren on or Wore the .12th del of Jute, left?' sod $ file Oreetint ever, thirty dolt .be . ..otter null *throw - lee noUned By Wee of the B oard 4,414k0 w, L atoDOwlerL 4stroterv. ir.r,t1,13 1.. _ .44 2 uouzer y le dared to men wbo be' ',reed at Sadler. tar • term na 'els than nits sznattut whit endue of Begtmenr ler Coataty. I.r Iwilbar inlerwstlon toqui , e at re it nth street, street, tans 4 8. a tebblitt. Ist bent. Oth &Llama P. b. gtionativii SHEET AND BAR LEAD, Pig Lead, Ormuz Elan Lem etrazdru. 11A11 w,-n4./.a satin .Nitirchimmt Tailors, An 0.1 ngoolvtagg ;bob - SPRING 4TootAw. 000 8, Adabiee - I go • llnt cla• iradN *Aloe kw boon ROW, •d grl ft Cyst cart go mod apyrnbat oft of .bsb softy Maids sod porous and Tronfr4, by 0011. 1 .11510Lk go boobs.= sod argot Integrity, to Tht lb alfOltftal el all r be may boos sts grab • call. -glad* to anlarlmtts• beat 01 , 4110+1 . and an roalowatilt tonna U,ll24ltiNgt groat many usureable, atatr, 111•141 and Lin* Omen, as asn aa tor th. Nav, w• am prepared to sumniaarWma la ills no. with wasemam, mad dmplavh. I.4.awlis • vary chaise loidectiOn of rilirxialyitn• fiIOODW always on kma4. rely ST utaramursizi. 1862. Iv II V 1,1114.1.51141 /ZO:4 Q 4. IZ P IEI T S W . D. tiIIVCALLIINA V? TOIIIITH STUMM: • large porthat of cotwitta Wring boos bough to*.•etap of wiroacwo, wad a,* roplehtsh to id. Mott amain/ no holed toloottai of Mammas with thwawatoo thtdoOt CIAMPSTI3,9II. eIIsOTHP,WINDOW SHADEa, lantrable oppsrlealty le altered .to pentium at roarnte rater as prkea rill ornately b. Hybar. & i f usam."4., r waolaikaplaavz Spoe —72 otirabetuattli• tot atts•tx of let!ott .a. ot.!,