The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 08, 1863, Image 3

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flifishurgit ogazotite
Allelhefty councils.
A re, 'afar . month!, imaging of Allegheny
Canna a was held on Thursday Aran ng. Ac
ing. 6
In &fee, present Messrs. Aohworth, Bis
sell, Rowans, Irwin, Knox, Wright, sod
' P dant Marshall.
motion of Mr. Wright, the reading or
the i
taut of the previous meeting was die
peanut with.
Tke.President submitted the Borporf of the
Water Committoe with a resolution for the
payment Of sundry MHz. Also the following
Raoloird, That thefimperiatendeat of Water
Works be instructed to lay down • four belt .
water pipe mu (Meg scrod, between Robinson
dMillluichatiores,,togetker with the woes-
NtrXdidiftradd 3m Pins , -
ue . t report "was:aoasplad and resolution
r. Irwin presented a report from the Com
mittee on City Property. : ,
The Committse say, we have had slider
. eonsiddation ate psrition of Minas of the
Noah Ward, in relation to the iturenuoillt
of the But troeunon. south of Ohio street.
We Ind - uhat an ordinance was period by
Canaolia, grantiog to Commissioners.
la said ordnance, rootlet° co ll ect =nay and
erect snob - improving:ear as. they thought
boat. Ths improvasolts. to MOO =toot,
haws been commenewd, bat it - apparel that
'tow patios Sr. dissatialled,and have threat
, untetto.tiar:4ollll, and destroy uy and.all
improvemeits of ti - kind that reap he Groot
rod ; and thopetitillouni oaly ask Connolig,
at the pr sent time, 'to' pane as ordiaanes,
Makiatit an indietablo *Sue for any m
ew otorsous to carry oak Cants into use.
cation. , . .
The abort& report vu utoodapanied by an
indiums' tri planet travois upon the Coon
mongronads, ander a peasity at soothes than
Sd *or mon thanti forsook efuos. '
..M.r. Ashworth moved to amend the edi
t:pee, 14 eakin ape: any not ball au $lO
nor sane than malty not to take
AEU until the Comma armed was enclosed.
The ameadmest was to, and the or as as ended. was adopted.
Mr: Rau, •substeed the Report of the
Counittes oa Pollee, .with a resolution for
the garment of wary bills. Also the fol
.Rmoleed, That the Oholnnan of the Police
Colowstesu, in coeiandloo with tits Mayor, b•
iniernated to prude a gadabout' number of
Usihadgerk of diseaction as they, in their
,Jadistient, may deem oust satiable. and far
teak one to, each of 'As ' Pollee ollaws—the
sass to be worn by them while ea dray, as the
Moyor may 'arson and that Coned' will hold
the Mayor responsible for the return of said
of the rai
badges on d
the resignation or dismissal of any
assoled, That after suit badges Unborn
poured any:police oZoor who will teem
to wear the muee, as dimmed by the Mayor,
a sha ll wilfully secrete the sane. white on'
day, AIM be inundlatelydisoduld from the
tiontlee by the Mayor. •
Thorley:et was austotedand thirosoktions
were adopted. . •
Xr. Wright presented the report of the
Committee on sue% with a resolution to
pay the bill of John 11. Hopkins for SIB 1141
ter hardware. and also for the payment of
the amount gat forth In th• pay roll of the
Surest Ckeudnioner, to wit: $O dd.
The'report was arwoopted and the resolution,
were adOpted.
Mr. Wright submitted the following, which
was adopter :
Brno/ea. That the Pittance Committee be
sae inky are husky instrnotod to take into
eoeilderation, to conneation with the City
Solicitor, lute anijot or saassaing property
for city taxation with reference to the adop
tion et a proper system for incorporation in
the City Code.
Toe following rseolatioa was mid ant
Beeeteed, That a reward of $5OO b. oliared
for tree arrest and conviction of the party or
parties .ho have been engaged in sottinglirs
to property in this city, or for each isfortna•
idea se may result in snob arrests and con
In Comm, anialeii. Pfilfinn —Maim
Barker,, Bnelsa, OsaapheU, Dill,
Braude ' Boarders, Ehatosisson.;fdtiler, Pat
tenon, A. D. Basitt,.steektes, Thompson and
.1. Brown, jr President.
Tie natnutes of the last meeting were read
and approved. .
Mr. Barter presented a petition from
sans of the erreral wards of the oity, praying
for that repeal of the ordisanoe Imponndleg
bossier nuudnif on the
_sterols, which was
mai aid »horrid to the Doinalttee on Pollee:
B. Cl.ooneurrind.
Mr. Mal pressatad petition from citizens(
of.the Beeond Ward, asking that Coundld
would take some &Malin aetionin relation to
opening Monterey amnia in the Bang ward,
whisk was road and referred to the Committee
isa Streets. $. 0. oonentred.
Kr. Dunlap presented • report from the
Committee on Markets Inclothag Me follow
ing reports of the Weijihnumten, which were
ordered to be lied
WtlUam Beandratt, Diaamid soils, for
Also an ordinance amending motion sir.
Mu of thii imilasue regulating the market
place, passed the 25th di of Drank A. D.
1813, which' was read three times sad adopted.
Also, an ordinanoe Wag the salmis, of the
beak of the Market, ad the Sweeper of the
JLarket. Deed three tea and adopted.
Is all of whin Besot Colwell concurred.
Dalapbell palmated • report from the
Cournittee ore Sarvgs , which was read, ac.
aid the following resolution was
arropted, Select Domail amonhing
Ilaredoed,. Thai the Mayor be, sad he is
Immo, uthostisid to draw his warrant on the
Tramarer in favor al Robert R. Ray, for Vie
• nu of IptB il,forprvioee as Aubtant
dater' up to J viz 20, 1863.
Mr. A. D. Smith presented a report bow
the Committee 05. Deems, whin vas
read and amiepted, and the following resole.
was stop aid, Dalai Conseil oonearring
June :That the /ley or be and he Is
her sabed to draw Ids wansat on the
Tama:rib favor of the following persons,
saA foam amounts sot opposite their swum,
iamb Stanuth, daildag for the as of
Third ward -floss Co., bad I Oi; A. Cleans.
lag, revalsiugtaljapr therfiemind ward Hams
Da, PS '
Mr. Dill promoted& report from the Com.
mattes ausPdatiag, *Mama read sad adopt
' id, sad the following reerdation was adopted,
thelset Conned autuaning a
ificlobriC Thartith /War ho sad he is
%any antkorlsod to draw his warrant upon
tho Zimmer is favor of the following por
ous: lad for-the amount set opposite thoir
um*, visa
(I...Coolaram, stationery, PLO 77 j
Johnsion, bank Woks, ;157 57; Pitts
.4aggli &seas, Six rizonthe print's contract,
thlesNia'rensi4pealley Okrosiois, advartialag opening
tar: Dlll offered the following, width was
liaolsoct, That the Mayor be, and he is
beriby.testrnoted to remove the hog pen from
the Dimond immediately.
S. 0, con-aosearred. •
Mr. Maker offered the following, which
watakipted: •
Malted, That the Committee on Library
be taatroeted prcoare boxes and box up the
books of the ithraryoand prows a roam for
the storage of the hams.
Mr. Heokadornoffereil the following, whiCh
wu adopted:
' Beeofea, That the Conimittee on „Water be
instroom4 to place afire Wag on Perry West,
.show. chards &WY, in the Third ward. j
8. 0. non•ooneurrwl and referred to Commit.
:Wpm Water: C. 0. cottony In the soden of
8. 0., provided tag report at nextmeeting
Mr. fisokaiorn offered' the/following,
*Met wet adopted, •
ifesamd, the - Colariactiil 05 Streets
be ireqiesuicito Mott as ortinanse to grade
and pore
Gotta r_rrry,fittvet, at UM hut meeting of
alis. .
8. O. ioneirrel
Oa atottortietijoarneA.
.do Tltl Tatea.—Plwook r opposlte the Post.
wliesi, Is skew prepared to letalsk• the trade
snit Poebt Saito, Wallets aid .o=ooo
Hoileri ski Eassru wholesale Teas.
. . ,
Wa eopy the foileotr, .oktitiory ro e .
4'o'4 Wo N..
It to with pulls Ibis we thio morning au
necinoe the death of Lieut. &Will asthussi
27itt rogiwitist,e V cho iio4 is ibis
city os Suturday afternoon of ty shwa lovas-
Tho .111,0Pla services will take plaeo at ISIP.
Smith? 147 Ofiusge street, at 4 Voluok thUrf
often becomes our melancholy duty to
chronicle the closing some In We's great
drama, when the actors have been those whose
career were 'embed with anxiety and inter
est. To-day we are callsdnpon to reoord the
mortality clime whole fate seems enveloped
in eiroutustauees osoMiarly sad and tiling-
Lint. E. 8. Cron was the son of Lieut.
Col. Oro's, Deputy Quarter Muter General, of
the regular army, and it the time of the or
ionization of the 47th regiment, O. V., was a
member of the Yale Law. Cahoot in this oily
lie was born in New °Huns, Louisiana, and
reared amid the institution peculiar to his
native State, and Inherited to a , perceptible
degree those pleasing traits that have ever
been a marked feature of the highly cultiva
ted and polishedsons of the Booth.
Although bound- to his native Skate by ties
of love and peide of birth, he would not id-,
nolo the duty, due his eountry,ani in the hour
of her peril he dalibinr= resolved to rah
to her moue, although &icor:edema:id.'
ed from him seerifises of no ordinary nature.'
He was appointed Beireat Major of the
27th regiment, 0. V., and fa that capacity :
started with it for the wear of action on the
221 of Oetoba, 1862. He evinced early eTt`
dimes of his quail loationi for the position he
wooled, and &quitted himself se a trui and
t soldier; sad by his talent and vacs-,
foal bearing frequently attracted the attention,
and won tits wrested admiration of those .
high in ocunutand. '
Be was la the battle of Trederloksburg and
was commissioned 21 Lieutenant of Co. B, of
thin regiment, Jut previous to the battle of
Virginia, where he was - taken
prisoner with moat of his tegimeat.
aealth basin fromewhat impaired by the Nag
tedious search from add e dtt!, field to
likhatond, to which were emany =eos
in. that made sad Inroads upon a °militia
sten *nay delicate.
Sonata arriving al Annapolis, Marylaad,
he was &eland exchanged, and ordered to
Join the help:out of his regiment that was In
the field near Williamsport, DLL - Ile did
and remained With it mail 'the regiment ar
rived la New Ram, whoa was reddest,-
&Masked by • fever that speedily ended his
mortal Dewier. •
It is not Waage if the worldly' oompound
In the hwts of those who loved him,should
rise in reNdlion against such a ster demo.
They have followed him with tears and prayers
through an evential and severe campaign,
anxiously watching for thi hour that should
Vault, them again, and whin the hopes of
weary waiting :maths are about to end in
fruition, they are dashed to the earth in one
tell swoo : bat the head that tem thU el-
ection is p
the hand of Him th a at dock ail
Aga well.
Vatted States Mettle* Coast.
Anode I.—,
Hon. W il son Wilson Nut Stet, et ten *Week
Ws menden Modandleu, Presi
Messrs. James Meal% Richard Jeakinnen
and William Jenkins= plead salty to the
charge of making and inning tokens. Their
, wars sentenced each noisy • Ann of one dol.
In and pay the sons or promotion.
Thelma** of Vatted States agailll4 Joseph'
Will. of Ohut Springs, Cambria nasty, for
refusing to give his acme to th•mumillag
ear and also threatening the 'Weer, was ogled;
up. The defence is that he was not of sooid
mind. Witnesses fail to nbstantialli prove
tae plea. Convistod. and notion lie arrest of
judgment" The point nu urged upon the,
Conn by the defense, that the act of Comm
provides no penalty for resisting 'the enroll
ment, but only for !inflating the draft. Title
question the Court determined to resorins, and
te car, of conviction, have it presented in ar
rest of judgment which has been done.
Wiliam Dalxall was also sentenced to pay
idea of one dollar and coats of prosecution for
making and issuing tokens.
Eobt fdellonkey, who was arrested for per-
Jou. and Co-tiey bronibt before the Court,
was admitted to bail of $l,OOO to appear at the
next term.
Simon Sellers charged with opeoiog s tette:,
received by Elm ef pentameter of Maranon
nostoiries at Erormlitawa, Centre county, was
month; into courtmnd discharged by prcel.-
ammo n at the instance or the United States
District Attorney—no cue appearing against
True bills were returned by the grand jary
against Eaton, tram & Co., for mating
and iseuleg tOk . JCISph
flute & Co. for the same aflame.
Alszander Crow, Associate Judge in Pal
en. comity, was beld to bail by Commissioner
Bailey in the sum 0'42,000 on the charge of
proctoring a soldier *to .desert. The emu was
Immediately !stunted to court, aid • bill
found by toe grand jury. Oa appliestma of
hie pommel, the can wu eontinned to' the
October term.
The cue of United States against Isaacs,
°build with perjory in swearing that he was
S 6 years of age and married, to avoid the
draft, wan, called up. lEirkpatriik and Linn
for deem. On trial.
Murderous Array in Allegheny.
Op Thursdsy evening; an arm of a sari
ens charaoter, and one which may yet result
fatally, comurol at the Good Intim Saloon,
on Ohio lane, opposite Oral's foundry, 411e
*May. The saloon is kept by George Free.
fob, and It Is stated that, during the erealag,
an old am asset Molter, In company with
his ion, ga come g into get drinks; that the old
sum " ged," aat appeared Mbe sick,
when Zioilloh called him a hog, and attacke d
his is a most brutal manner. The old man
was knocked down eiresal times, with a chair,
and was so serenely Wend that his life is in
danger. His sop, W. J. Choker, fru also as and beaten. He was oat merely on
the bud, and had kis ribs Waxed. He alle
ges that Philip Helier and Leo. Fence, to
gather with Mrs. Froelich, aided and abetted.
la the outrage, and made information before
Mayor Almander, charging them with as.
unit and battery. with Inteat to kill. War
rants hare been hosed for Melt arrest, and
they will be held to await the result of the
old man's bjuriu.
City Morality.
The dumber of deaths la this oity, from
July 35th to Aug. lit, as reported by Dr. A.
G. phydeiss to the Bold of
Heatth, Is ea follower
i55a155......13 Wong. Sy 28
Ilisesass—Dobliity, 1; typhoid form, 1;
unkaiwn, ; oonsesptioa, S; s hrpaiiii, 1;
dolma moth% 1; trsestaryi 2; Med 1;
_tertiary syphilis, I; ingssunation of bon*, 1;"
still.bora, 1; total/ILI; whooping cough,
l of lugs, 1; °hoists *fondue,
1; bsonskisi stanb, 1; inflammation of blab,
2; usesols, entatitin,, 31 asitiagitis, 1;
- siren Is diarrhoea, 1 ; saosphilltb, - •
Of the above Own mai
dram, IT.
. .
Tun CIaXIIIIILL Mamma slims Tanana:
Tbaodebnesd"OawW' him come, heeded
by thenstswan IV
0. Campbell, and veil -hail,. they subtitled
their ,wor/d-wide septettes as UN very best
band, and most talented amps, ice;-ibis
matey. Campbells will, by special do.
are of many of oar influential eithens, dive
an afternoon pmformartes oa Saturday, for,
Ned Davis, Johnny Booker N. W. Gould,'
Waddee, Gray, Grin; and all the
Mammoth Ticino will appear in • their - new
holiday enits.-pune, Jones, new songs, &o.
RemeMber' the' afternoon performance cont-
Menne at Syi o'clock.
gustier past one o'ilock, precisely, this after
nein, a spacial train will leave theitonuella
vine Depot, foot of Rou street, for free eon
iayance of all to the rats of desirable proper
ty at firsolwood station, advertised by Davis
Morivene ' auctioneers . Tnis lieu animal
opportunityfor purchasing fleet alias suburb-
an lots and forme, from one acre up, embrao
bg About ninety acres of the vary best lands
In the condtry. Titers is 'also • valuable
manufacturing site on the Monongahela River
tit bit gold. •
AllOllllll large supply of card - 04:Tropi'
of Generale, prominent Men and WORM,
copies of Floe Paintings and Ho grevings, ao •
tote and actresses; one dollar per dozen, at
Pittook's Boon and News Depot, opposite
rumn.—Willialt o'l:kW, charged with at
tempting to bruin down an enclosure recent
1p emoted on the - Zan Common, Allegheny,
walgoltardal irreeted and'lnrod Are dollars
by mayor Alexander, for disorderly conduct:
The Fleggisg Cane—Conster dffida
Certain statements which Were made la the
071.0eicte, in to the recent ease o!
ff gi gby the Provost Marshal, having bee.
°he:married so perversions and exaggora-
Wee, end stadaviu haring been made biter
oral parties to correction of theme alleged
misstatements, the reporter of the Chronicle,
in order to juttify himself, aid establish
the corrects:mos of his report, publishes the
following counter allblarits :
Cur or Ptrrsontan, u —Personally appearad hoz,
fore mu an Alderman la and for ...Welty U. 0 Neill..
ho Wird dale , ewornaceording to law, assent: Thar
the atm./nettle of Dr. Bing, Sergeant Idorthvan, and
corp. rat Palmer, la relation to the. late flogging
ease at the Provost kanhal whhh appeared
In Wedmeday's ltreifcts, wire eoltodvrvir .
DiCatrA tillepot nt at the ale, of T A Baird. Erg
In preieneeat that gentleman sod Dr Kip. And
deponent farther 'Ruth that the sport of d stab.
61 , 111.11 which appeared lit said Oatrowtola o Wednes
day, were inbalutially earteet,•and that he neither
paramour nor ..suggerated” lha language need
by said parties In making laid statements.
Sworn and 'rubscribed this Sth A D. O'Nerit.
n. Wars
Z 214. El .8. Moaaow w . A lB kten o. nen.
At the request of D. 014111, Esq., I would state:
'that I was present at =interview wolchlbe had with.
condo parties to the 6th but In regard - to 'Medan.'
'slog of a men at the Provost hSatha. daUmos , and.
that the report which he gate of their atatelusubs
the.Gtrennte of ths tome data Ira" wholly waists'
and correct Thera were; perhips, some champs or
worth—bat Wot of toiralog.- Ia thelawatono when .
than stations:ate dlthir Dm than entesqurntly nude
by Morrison_ and Palmer. lam very.coelideaton
correctness of Mr. O'Nellrti report of what they losid
to the barrels. rdissrod tO, I nano this st.tssesoC
Merely In eupportof Mr. 0`8•81's serenity 1 the
21644r—c0t Wog personally ongatraot of any
facie insolved In the cludgottiode
To. spdnin
ng rda
qf Pitresio. Oral, *a
On the ?la day of /Suomi. /W. Puttot ll .7 ape
peered base the subworiber; an eldetotan to and tor
sold city. Th. U. flerid Jat who befog dolt , mom
woooldtrag /ow , wets thsAlho testa net betb At the
above Illaultnent (toe le the teat of hie hyoid.
edge. 1t.0.401111e. Antenna&
air es.
ressonally appsard totem`, tins. an Aldo:man in . :
and lese said etty. U Wog, who Wog datrowern
doth dlyeetand eay that the stabs:not midi by hie:
to D. terist I was cornea" toportut la to Clarioade
of Wedereday, and wait settler wprrtseball" nor we:-
aggeratee any way. 'Depots t dealer to ea;
however. that he nogleided to toll Mr that
ho did not hlmritf twos Ifeltenly oar God d—st you.
eve him Shy. This was to Ida by ariother. who
lan he hard Witrary use the wads. r=sut
also stela that bete eaglets that M'Eszuy him
that he bad held Hagen while hewn b log whipped; :
and farther, though he neglected to state the tort to
Mr. 0 . 11 81, that bo heard M'lllenryorder Harz to
be stripped. Shit deponent beard the whole el Mor
rison's annemum to Mr. O'Neill, and pat of that of
Palrar. They wore tOth suavely voluntary; and
oorrectly reported, so Ihr ea deponent's Inenriedge
nom In Wertnesday's Carooselo. 1110111SOII stated
isitirley that McHenry held Napa while he was
being wolp.ed, end his estimate of the number of
tutws gine erns reported in the Carelmob iireciodJ
am ha ors it. M A. Ans.
Sworn and anhectibed tab 7th of Avoid, A. D..
IL aidersosn..
Negro Troops.
The number of negro regiments estuelly
geatzed and toraleped mkt. this data Is four
teen, and one hatter, of artillery. A come- .
rodent of the Claolaustl Geneet' • gives Hit
of than, es follows x
Two Mettednuetta'raglneats, ba the amid.
Two South Cerollaassethlt thp kit. .
Oae North Cerellaareet, fa the dela.
Oe•Thiladeipbte net, miytor onto.
One Weelbgteareet ready tor melee.
Oae Xenia net. In :be gad.
Two Now'Orleeas refit, la the kW..
Pour Iltladastppl sow -Weasel's, nets, at
. the ael4.
One Rhode !shad artillery oespeay, la the
same .writar states that tienty-fenr
additional reentents ate In *coons of or
ganisation, as follows :
One Philadelphia reet, asarly bait fall.
One Baltimore reet.
One Virginia (Fortran Monroe) re 't.
One North oarolina(Newbers) net.
Two Soath Carolina meta.
Coo Ohio (Camp Dela wars) serenad
e:lee New Orleans met.
Sixteen Mississippi and Tennessee' nets.
. Card from dlr. Iletherington.
we have received the following note from
J. N. Helktuington, , delegate to the
Union State Octventlon. It explains itself:
-- • Prevannaos, depot e,1863
Edirore Gaulle : in your report of the pro•
menage of the Union State Coovention, I am
'tatted as h eying voted for H. D. Moors for
Governor. This is a mistake. I wee 111111811,
and although expecting to get late the Clan
ventioa in time for the balloting, did not.
lied I keen able to take toy seat, I should
have voted for Governor Curtin.
Yours, truly, J. N. Itirrinuusaros.
A guru, supposed to be that of a negro
named Arthur Brown, Ins reeentlytound as
rarest near Waynesburg. Brown ICU 1111 lm •
portant witness Ist the omit of seven nftroes,
who. Were arrested and tried for the smolder of
Wm./hely Zimmerman. erase's* °minty. la
1859. Brown bad beentbreatenedtelth vio
lence, and mystruiourly disappeared before
the orlal. The skull; which woo found la •
deep hole In the creek, tothiblta• ballet hale
through the left temple. The prostunpflon le
that he was murdered to, prom; his testlmo
ny going before the jury.
so n, its will bo mon by reforms to odrortiso
moat, TM son, on Prldayolo lath Inst., at
his residents to Chartiors township, woo
Oboy's.tasorn a dolor lot otbloodod stook,
LeladLi thirtplivo Mad of tail blood Dar
ien sad erode tittle, four bloodod coats, coo
Iforpst *tam throe Cotswoldlinsks, eta., eta
This is ma
sirs to Improve their sto opportanlty .
for thou who go
llvrsomotootoat•OnstreAmoss for tba
sem, by O. 2. tibam, Optlsha. N?. Ilftla
strres—oonested daLly
'II &WOO. 4. u B7
Is . 76
6 " P. 86
80 6-10
P O". Elletatzentrr.—The elo
endows eateitabuaitat given by Pnf. Kidd,
In Mom& Zell, bet evening, wag very
largely attended, notwitbalaadleg the abort
notate given. Tbetedeetleatttereadintrable;
aid were melted' by• lb* seance alit' the
utmost Battelle:Mina
Ptnin 1011. Ifoisauszutih—Baidad • For
syth. ta the aat i l ai d i sksi l bs rega T
tablas la the Allegheny tar OW pie.
pace of *Bag than again al dad of ea
river, NM 'reterday laid tea dollars and
oasts: iv Mayor Almaden
• JIMMIE LO.S. ESQ., • wealthy oitloq ot
°nabs:bad township, arsons county, Wiwi
foind dead in Ids bed on listerday morning
last. He was ktoirit' toathia of ow nadirs
as on ortansho and stiotostfal drover, sad
was a osurtoons and ostiatahle pationsa.
ALL the Eutent daily mad neelo7 Mello
atagestael, and ether radios mann at ,Ptt•
opposije Ponces%
, •
inn itsnaso new-Pklbanui,reL
eand 704 ifirdaY al Pi 9 1 11dt* Pest.
NalCULTY—lfaaaitriaa Attar alaratarr ass:
T 4; HUGH XaKIIL - ar, la ea 07141 3rear af ak age.
;mania has Ma LW tailisaaa, masa at Nartm
sad ratans= atm% Statlk mad, ma lawn az,
mama; at teolook.
Ms &walk wass, astable of fat tdd sad cyan,
reepectod fondly of Allegheny comity. He
ridded sad did beldam to 'Plttibusi',dottsg.s
Puida of tWr4.Mrs/ MC dubia 411 - Qat
jayod lb* emildeneeend gram of Ws Idlsysdtbmss.
Painemleg ingnent degree — tione asmillnd
violin.. of Mad and Loam beet oelealeted to attain
1 411 8.M.1t voindsrity, but singularly waist sod
anectrlag la nll demeanor. he sonobt pablle
make or posWon. A•thonab he oretemed Lamm*,
Operate life and bond real eetayment In she earn.
*4 pavan ottroaenindast•y honor* ware requeot
ly 'broil bla by am halo. dt , ser Be myre.43
terms to tee Oltruturolle, and filled Leber low
(Mose vitb. honor and dislocated,. Dolled the
pea nt Ws• tsr tbs Onion be tree relliously and
.a.budiolfelely loyal.. We Mmtion to the ole d.g,
and hi. patrl me ton of, cranny mem of the rocrt
earnest eta vat.r.' Hls moral Irani' enemlesi a be-
Vgn Edam-. opt all erLo . mere aorecomed to as
misfit with Lim. Hie m.mmy Le 'enamioed In' the
lo•tva brerle of hmm el r‘lattree and hints, sod
ohs green sod ibn corers am tomb will to fowl
watered will" The teen or alrect.or. • -
tat vorracimaue ur ALIASSairt 001
Patilbarldk Ts. Sat, S MS.. ,
ripo .• COAL IdEHOHLriTeS.— d
.1 Femmes tr*. received se - this olleinntli
4Ulind4 Ituri befall,* 141 tee diliusey et trona
ZUbt Thoesimul -to Tea Tbeuesed good
Omitt., fix floor of tbsOovrt Baum
and Jai. le be isle' own it' dm eutraaa en Hub
*l4 en Um. stews, le lelsotnee We Pas Ns Hue.
drill Bud** per day. Payment fa esslyas 100101.
UM of IMAM& •
~x-. ,
Special Dispatch to the Piushurgh Omuta
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7, 1863
OIL 1101784341f4 MOIIITZD 111PANTIT 40201.
Mn.j Gen. Rottman Is here by authority of
Gin. Homerani, urging again upon the atten
tion of the Administration the plan he urged
lest year, dm natiantihg.of a oonsiderablain
fantry force, to opmem through Kentucky,
Tennessee and Northern Alabama against
guerrillu. ft is billived that /Oriel neon
sity exist, now for speedily putting scab a
force in lb. Acid, 114 - otherwise the rebel al
miss will deg:notate.'lnto mere marauding
bands of guerrJlas, aria the whole country be
Alfed with their pill/ging. Gan. 'Rousseau.
seeks to raise a. force of froin twelve to Attain
theasaid men, s mastrportlon to be equipped
ea muter revelry, and the reek as mounted
infantry, armed with Sharp's or Colt's dais.
It Is believed that the superior inducements
itch servies would °Cr would speedily fur
nish the dulted awake by:valiumsering. A
mere pleat cad MOW' Whom Ilan Rout
NMI could not be (mend to lead them.
Tic 4/11144t4. I
The Ordnance Diaartnant 'las
. 00spleted
plata for th e arsestalt anthaleed by / the hut
Congas" at Columbas,lntilsaaialls and Rook
Roe. Dennison aid Clotigres i anon p o w
have bees urging a Speedy oomanneoment of
work on these arserale, and wness» alms
bare been ordered to each nliee to make the
neoestary paparations at ones.
Capt. Teidd goes to iliglaaton, Capt. Tread
mill to ladianspolle,' and Valor Mailbag
to - Roek
The bnildlags it sash plate are to be on the
sane plan-180 feet long, 60 fait MO, 53
feet high to the condo, and 9734 fat high to
the Sep of the tower. Right, sores have been
seenred-li Cleleabes, In the north-oast part of
the city, for • site, and • Haller Cu, like
wise, la the north-mat part of the city of
Wa■ 0/saltness?,
Peones , Kansas Gnuas'a 0 1 / 7 141,
Waablagtos, Aug. '4,1861.
Mester No. 65 It is apprehended that
Muds, No. be, from this ollitte.,threlation to
expapting nen froa the draft ow the plea of
antrum Is not fully understood by the Boards
of Baroilmant. Wherever the feet of allenap
is dearly established, sucesplion mart be
granted ; bat when the Board tae say doubt
in the wetter, the ease nut be referred
through the Provost Marshal Geserel, for
decision, to the Department of State. UAW
ash decision shall lulu been obtained, all
anima the our. shall be suspended. The
artidoate of the State Department shall be
dawned 00 1 / 4 111311V11 irridesos, and the question
of liability or nee-liability to the draft shall
be deoided by the Board of Barollment, is
ateardartoe therewith. JAB. B. Par,
Provoet. Wankel General.
thcretary Shan Is bask, and Assistaat Sa
nitary Harriagneo gca North in a few days
to recaperata from prostration and threatan
lag of sorbs' Mass from ova-work.
The report about Gen. Domeraut being on
hie way to Warhingtoo, which you have bad
out were, 3s auppoywi to hero been caused by
=Musing his name with ROnalelitell. The
War Department undOrstanda Roseanne to
be with his army.
.01LX0E1 TO EX 11111701 OLD
Gan. Gilmore ie being and is to be auppllad
amply with reinforcements, and • detsrmioa•
lion is expressed by the War and Bevy De
partments to Walsh everything necessary to
make complete work this time at Charleston.
THE vassean ecnimarorniurr nr ausexors.
An argent reponentation was tormented to
day, by Governor Donnlion, for government
notice to swum the_relimse of Richardson and
Juntas Brown, correspondents nsw confined
In Libby Prison.
The rebel onlicre in oar hands are being
gathered topther at Jelinaten'e Inland, San
dusky, where they will be kept for the present,
wealthy; developments under the Ptesident'e
retallatery proelamation.
CONCILWEIIIi lllin razaems
Si-Oangrossmaa Galloway Imo boon at
Fort D. aware, making an nomination for
tLa govornmaat oonowning robot minium.
Among others hula aro Bpsaker Grow. Con
gressman Zly and Moja Glan. Hansa, com
mandant the Ilia Corp.. whop on his way
north on • belt hen of skew*,
From OalUorala.
Bao Pationmo, Aug. 74—The stemma
%Idea Age, mom ham% briagtogmerehan.
dims to the vane of three quorum of a mll
- dollen, the skip Tango», from Borten,
sad the Mouser Bierre Nevada, brlngtagfs9s,
dlld Is treasure from Orepn, sad 41117,000 from
British oohushis, hate embed.
There Is es isareend thirdly for sooda
gementry, fadleatiog as early ammog to of
the Fall mode. •
Bohlen wu generally supeaded through
out the Bate, estarday. A Filename meet
ing, and appropriate oss le the aerobes
weretbe prtaeipal ferns of the willebration.
Bas Fatardsee wee bri/Ilantly lilanaisated
but night. A torah light prooessioa also
Loud through **principal streets, Floater
Foundry, and Gard SILL
Troubles La lowa
eaumeo. Avg. B.—Th. UnseatLae Awes:,
of the 4sll. sup: Tea Unionists, who were
moat prom Meat la the of oa latards,y,
kayo be arreetal and -pat ander , Weds for
o=at. amt. Biota. to A• amber
rew avoompad mar Ellgoameh sad
demist{ the Immediate erlal far gouda of
those salested. The exelemmat Is said to he
litmus at Waehlogtos. A °papally amber.
lag 116 has bees raised,- sad tally aime d and
equipped, ready to marsh to the mesa of the
troubles. It Is also stated that 800 Ualoalsts
are lades oral at South lisilfsh.
Alain Clmulestoa
Sousa, Aug. 7.—The oorrespendent.of the
Bono. Magid, in • letwe dated "Off Charles.
ism. Aug. 2dP says : TO new battery meted
by Gen. fillaore on Morris Nand is mounted
by the largest gluts ant out at the Worth.
When those Batteries ere 'posed against Pirt
Basta there will be • dreadful serdterien of
bricks, lep, arms and bodies. Om hoar and
• half is allowed for the bombardment of that
fart before ft will be oentholled to sorreader.
From Fortress /Winos.
Forman Mosso', Aug. 6.—The rammer
Maple Loaf arrived to-day, la forty-eight
hours frost Strom Islet.
We Mani that erso start is Wing made to
meat the guarWu who batted the light
house on Smith's Island. Eastern Shore of
The gunboat Ariel, from Charlatan on the
4th, arrivisd this morning, bound for New
York, with waft.
vi s it of the Quebec Bourg of Trade.
POATLAID, Mn , Avg. --The Qualm Board
of Trete is expected here to-day. The dole.
Antes will meet oar inerobants on 'Change Air
morning. In the evening a complimentary
dinner will be given them. The western
Press if repremorted by eleven members.
Large delecetioes are she present from the
presses of New York, Boston. and ether cities.
Bale of GOIRMIIMOIIt Bolds.
Pau.armumu, Atis. m o b, nb .
wo os sem, »poets Um oak of $1,011,900
worth of Gymnasia bawds, thaw* Wow
mods to Maly NUL no doorman Wm a
rebel Madero mut evil froth Impetus to those
• /
Sped,' Diesztth to tbe Pittsburgh Gazette.
PHILADSLTSIA, Aug. 7,1863.
Tao t,rrabois thil afternoon made the
meets ring with the cry of the death of J.
Davis. Tits canard WAS 'tatted in New Yor k.
The snivel of the Spaulding at Vortzeis 2don
roe lest evening broughtno intelllpnoetof the
death of that man.
Two Union refuge:to from Richitorid arrived
in Philadelphia M -noon„- They say
Jeff., when they saw him, was like a walking
shadow. The Union piople °rill:Amend are
hopeful. The refugees gaveymost deplorable
amounts ofthe condition of the people there
They soy all Is horror. ,
Nothing now from the Army of the Poto
rata A light is imminent. The movements
of General Reads, icir prudential reasons, are
kept private. , He is cautions . Leo south
of the Rapidan, Ind though a fight is Lanai
neat, yet he may reach Richmond without
giving battle. The Army of Gm Potomac is
in excellent condition.
The news from Charleston Is up to the sth
Instant- Relnforooments had rebated General
Gilmore. The siege gm bravely on. '
The smote of Phlladelphia am without 100.
I ,
Ithason—beointe the Ua ted States Govern
ment has taken all for I Idlers In hospital,
to which the pittriotth say amen.
Thermometer 55,
Encouraging Nome m Charlestom.
Smomone, Aug. 7.-Tie Amniotic has lb*
following 'metal:
• Aim flair Avansre Dustman,
Or Morris Island, Alton b, 1883 J
I lied myself this evening located on the
Flag Ship Dlnscuore, the guest of Admiral
Au here are confident of success. No one
seems to entombs the slightest doubt on the
subject; and with nob a hang prevailing.
Is next to an Imposslblllty. The grand ball
will be opened in the mum of the wish, and
It will be the most foldout fight of the war.
Moving buoys have been located from each of
the monitors and the- Ironsides, within five
hundred yards of Blunter. That Sumter will
fall, h, I think, as certain es that the day of
attack will arrive.
Tim enemy is also at work emoting batter
ies on James Island, bat we are patting up
batteries to command them also.
There bee been bat little senuonading to
day, but some of the Monitore will go In to
night to harass the enemy.
The gins of the naval battery, which L the
Masao* battery, will be erected to-night.
Yeetetday 600 prisoners were taken by four
eoinuanies of "The• Lost Children," on an
Maui in the. rear of bony Wand. They
showed but little fight, and after reciting two
volleys, laid down their arms.
There has not been a dcis guns fired to
dey, and they were principally from oar water
The enemy tuts been unusually quiet, evi
dently lading that be has been wastinit a
peat deal of ammunition lately.
The weather is very hot.
The arrival of reinforcements has given
new spirit to the troops on above.
Important trom Mow Origami
Nos TOL, Aug. 7.—The steamer Wash
ingtoit, from New Orleans, August Ist has
arrived. Et-Ma j or Sti th , of New Chinos,
had arrived there, being relieved 'from Burs
Plokens ; alio, Ex Senator Seethe. They /11:711
been at Fort Platens since last September.
General OM% of Gsneral Herron's staff,
bad arrived in New Orient. The United
States. steamer Toluenes, the flag ship of
Admiral Farrago, had arrived. at New Or
A large number of Invalids, from the gar
rison of Vicksburg, had arrived at New Or.
loans, as had some fifty registared enemies
from Si. Lolls. Their destination was Mo
The new monitor Neosho is st , ,Vicksburg.
Tic Osage was expeotod. The Choctaw and
Pittsburgh were blookoding Red River.
An iceptrtant military and naval expedition
was on foot at Viokebutg.
Gin. Grant had some dozen skeleton refit.
meats of negro.* organizing at Vieksburg.
Vera Cruz advicoe, t, July 16th, report the
death of the Amerman Consul on the 16th.
No Atneriaan or English vessels-et-war
were on the ooast. French vessels were seiz
ing everything English add American. Oa
the 14th, a French vessel arrived with on
English schooner ID tow, wbialt was captured
in the Rio Growls, with a cargo, which - woe
valued at $BOO,OOO, Intended fort Texas rebels,
although the schooner had cleared at Liver
pool for Matomorat. Her officers report Ave
more loading for Matamoras.
Stirring News Expected From Mo.
bile, eic., etc.
Now You, Aug. 7.—The Acs's Washing
ton apse al says:
The Chroisids of this morning says move
ments are In progress, which are morally
certain to result in, the capture of Mobil*.
Santos news is expeoted shortly from that
At Atlanta; Oa., on the 27th alt., gold laza
quoted at tasty* dollar.
011 lows arrived from the army thin morn
!rig. They bring nothing new.
The heat oonqauee, and the steams are
going up.
The Amish:ma pausal Convention.
811UTOOL, Ass.' 7.—The Awnless Dental
Oenventionelosealtisession to-day. Thanks
giving was observed by this body by appro
priate rirligtonfterricog.
A great feature of the Convention was the
imbibition, by Dr. N. Y. 112ngsley, of kb ap
pliances for the entire cormetton of thoovils of
(deft plate. fib demonstratiosm wars received
by, the , Convention wick enthusiasm, and on
motion of D. W. D. Itoborts, of New York, be
was awarded a g old medal for kb disoormies.
Fiona Washington.
WASIIII6ITOII, Aug. 7.—.l3uudi7 &Motu itp.
pastime in the journals of this city and slue.
wham ruminant a war with Groat Britain as
imminent. The assumption that thus articles
aro authorized by the-Government or madi
upon any knowlsdp of Ha' views is without
Capture of antler rfigoin.
'Wesnimarou, Aug. 6.--Eight satlsrs' wag
ons, returning iron the from, were captured
to-day .by Meshy and his gang, this side of
Court BAWL •
Hoards of Trade Van.
Poirramto f Asp 6.—The Boards of Trade
of Chicago, Detroit aad llamas*, mind
hue this afternoon. :lumbering &beat 256 la
eluding ladies. . ' •
Markers by Telegraph,
!Taw Toni, Log 7—Ylour without any dteldad
thaw; extra Stout, $6 05456 26, B. U. 0. $5 4.0
576 Wheat more active; Opine. $lOl le„
Yllwaukei Cdob;.sl.!:3,Nhatar Women. 3/ 1 3
01 58. Oulu • aka. • envier, ward wawa 68.3.
Oat, Isssk. lower; t 246•14). Pork dull. Lard 'lardy
at 9%810a' Witbky: Arm at 5.6%c.
Gout 127%.
• Nair Yorr., Aug. 7.—.(kition more active and
higher; Nese :for INNiling Upland. Plow opened
steady and closed dull, with a 'debt downward- tea
r/theft WhifiB,ls 'Lr . /Mrs ntaie; sestookts for
common to good dapples brands of Saba B. U. 0.
Whisky fur. at fesi6X. Wheat opened Arm and
crowd doll and a shade miler; $lOl,lB for Chicago
BM* 111.001,26 lac Mamma« (nub, 11142.1,ed
for Winter Bed Woman gi,Bligi,Ml for Anther
Michigan, glAl for Whit* $1,07 for Inf..
dor Bed slaw's, and AID tor inferior Bed %stem
Corn a shade lower with only a moderate demand;
tie forshipping Mirk Western. Oats dullard 'MU
lower, GrOliferfor Western. Wool imp gulag. Wait
opened quiet eel closed a Shade easier; g 11,57.4 6.
lt,to for Old Neu, end g 1.2,117 for New do" lommo
10,76 for New, prime; earl pillabele for New.. Mime.
Kass Nedra!, prime Mess Beet dell and herniae'.
Lind {Net arm Ann at 9,K010a.: • k,
B• 141110.11. Aug. 7.-71 our dull and prices nos&
net. v. &ma A ni; Emil:way 1,1.76g1..130 and
•rougmun Red, $1.53(61,e0. ••COZZI doll; .Whits. 84101
Wtd,k7 stood,.
Chicago Market.
AUG. s—flader better adders from Nina Took, the
'grain combats were driner.' bat doled without oar
very_ mawrial imprommrot. Thera wra a better In
quiry for When; but holders evinced no dbinaltion
to sill Tr a •rann . tioria - were fight at if. 0 4,91,09
for new No 1 ltd Wiatamill,o2 for new No 9 Red; lb
GM for No 2 •prins 880 for Bajerdad Bed, end 10)
Ite for Bop, led flptiag.
L.oto, was to moderate demand mud Ann, at ma od
ium 0f369;t310 ;or both. with mks of 'Yellow at 620
fob; Censt oi Lpfet I.o3iildrlio 'afloat; Jinxed at
110 3 441610 alive% Mixed la scuts O&M, and Ihniect•
ad at 47047X.4
0.1111 cam - don cod =tattled, with odes of Oita '
10,0 LO bah it 421igat7o Ice old, and 40044. f e e now
No 9 in Woo.
• Eye... inuoted and n ototnallpanthattgoil. , or
b at DOW.
She Flour market .0 dun NA almost noirjul .
with Woo of White Whiter, sta,o44
sopo. mu Spring sad Motor nuts at.WM.
3=wtoisinent qatitit4l4l4lX.," Wed dal aad
it imp 41. Boit dull It alO ko osougop
, •
New York Money az . d Stott liarket.
Nair Yoxk. 6n n. 7 —4Taning h a' sup
ply vie:vital is abrndant, and th, markt t rulers easy
at 'lac per rout, Starling ExChange. low•r; ate-Ina
at 141 nod clrsing at 199%,4140 for 11. at class LP'•.
Gold loner:opening at 10 , 14 and closing di 294.•
' o oearnalsat rtucks without ellasg... Stock* irrupt.
lay and dull, gene ally I,rar• Chios.° I Rock
Island, 105%. lifilow.tee Do ' China 7236: P Pt.
W. aC. ILE . 77%; Id. 1 P Ds U., Ist p f d, 110;.
Cleaelunl 41 Toted 115, Galena Chlra.,,, 10%. 0
P n , 94%; Graving. 112%. Michigan, 1 1 . 9%;
M. 8 , 99; Illinois CenPal, I itli; Alton I Tatra'
Manta, 69, 109%; Erie, p Id, 104%
Mail Dispetabee to the Plitaberah GUAM..
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6,1663.
From • beta of general orders just made
public at the War Department, we extraotand
condemse such points as are of interest:
commit; ♦ alallliaar 311A8likl. _
Ag act of Ogegress, of March last, provides
that the ollioen of the Medical Department
shall cc:operate with the hoe officers on so.
pervhhtg the (*okay for the army, as a sani
tary mount% /a accordance with the pro
visions of this law, the commanding officer of
the post or regiment, in company with the
senior medical - olEbeer,-hrtnaired to inspect
the kitchens and mute fregnently.
xurrAior Burman To riovon
The cost of transporting military sapience
from depots to Provost Marshals of Congress-
ional distriets, until delivered to tbe Provoet' •
sera & proper charge against the
Qaartermeater's Department. At any
. place
where there Is an °Moot of the Qaartermaster's
Department on duty, requisitions mart be
made on him by the Provost Marshal, 'amend
of maintains for it himself.
All General Ofleers are required to make a
monthly repeat to the .Adjutant General of attaohed to their staff. All
•Moen of the Volunteer General Staff will'
also report, by letter, monthly, if on duty or
not, and if so, what they an doing, and under
whose order eating. _
11111 II01011111D:DZAD
Lieut. Charles H. Cary, Colonel command-
ing the Signal Corps, died .at Headquarters
of the 9th Army Corps. near Jaokeon, Miss.,
July 18,1863. • He was detailed 'from the 3i .
Miablipm Restraint. and usignad te duty on
*wltle'the Blgnii Corps laat December: He
sandneted himeelf with honor in the'varlons
battles in whtoh he participated, and In Impair
to his the oakum of the Corps will
wear the usual sign of milltary - menrning for
thirty days. ' .
• _
The senior Engineer of the Sonoma, Henry
K. abodes, las ban dismissed the public m
elee. for gross neglect of duty, upon s report
of • board of examining oineers, who inspect
ed the Sonoom's ermehinery and found it in ':a
deplorable condition..
,(14111:11A1, , LOCAL_ NOTICiIB.'
GRAM on'lL.Favo MIVIXO fii+ossmeir, fOr
Emily and rosimalsaturlng pupal's, an dm
boot to rum. . •
A. P. , CliArci . sr, elwaral Ajar.
No. 18, Fifth street.
Au. persons desiring to purchase :dings
should call at the store of J. B. Milliken, No.
77 Federal street, AIIBOB4, who keeps colt:.
stanNy on hand alums mid well selected stook
of goods nstially kept in a first class drug
holism Persons doing business west of this
point will not be charged drayage on goods
shipped them. Don't forget the place:
J. B. Murrill,
Whelan% and Retell Druggist, 77 Federal
' -
street, Allegheny.
?aortas PAUT• Plait and Ornamental Mats
goober, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Ver.
moat elate of the beat quality at low rusks.
Obioe at &lex., Laugh/Ws, near tbe Water
Works, Pittsbaratt, Pa " aplbiSzt
1311121 . 1 Graham, merchant tailor is selling o ff
kls - Spring and Sommer stook ofgooda at cost.
They consist of all the latest styles of cloths,
eassimeras and vesting., of which he is pre-
pared to make up in the most fashionable
manner, and at cost prise. The public should
Rot negleot to avail themselves-of this rare
chance and save money by giving an
early call.
Also, • large assortment of ;deli and tansy
eassinteres, well adapted for boys' wear; which
be will sell !by the piece far below eon:
Mother' should not cowed to call early.
Clualtait, Zdernhaui TaVor,
No. 64 Market street.
RIGHT Tuotrason card photographs,st only
one donor per dozen, at 'JrW. Pottook'e, op
posite the Post °Moo. Ha is now closing oat
Ws idea* of An. nerd photographs of general.,
theatrioals, premlnent men and woman, Sepias
of one esgravinge, ko. saitiible loc. alittlmit
Call and see his astortnient, and select a few.
ALL Onus lienarram—For repairs of al
teration to stores or dwellings, new roofs, or
anything else is the Carpenter line, call at
Onthbert's Carpenter Shop,- Virgin alley,
above Smithfield streets. All orders promptly.
attended to;
°slums and Oatmeal" CAL= will be taken
at the Omnibus olio% No. 405 Liberty strut, :
day or night All orders left at the above
pleas will be promptly attended - to. All oath
slut be paid is sdirases. - 6m.
nezoi tar, new style, ' ladies' hoop
shirts, jut opened, at MoCleliand'e Anotion
Holm, 65 Ytfth strut.
BIIMIIIM STOOK of boots and sboss ' .at
/aced prisms, at bloOlellaitesAttotionHOLUl•
Qum:ours Oxon itVoljtelluire Auction
Roue. •
Eln.s., Dentist, 246 Pout stmt. &stela to
all Irosiom o r !is
spiet Lit ,droricza.
WEL T.-1860--x.
?mow of ',footle; hada trobled with.wealt
nem, Lomita* palpitation of lb. hert, rah ct.p.
Pitt% Metier after errs, torpid liver , constipi.
titm. dr, dame to taller if , they will not try the
Whlrhwnownoomma.d.db the lashed inefical
witharitito, and Warranted ho points eitletertizat_
bsonloiol affect.. Thai are exceedinllT eg "eta ,
perlselly pot; And nor turned* all, other lonia
mbar a healthy, sutra othoubur to required.
Thy pulpy, Meellithem rid teelleasta.. '•
They neat, a koellay *polite.
They an on antidote to dam of , water rod diet.
Th 7 renown effects of daMpotlonani lam hour.
They strengthen the warn and colleen the rota&
The; pearl eileanstioand lalennittent tenni.
They purify the- turth and eildl7 Of tho itanumb.
They our Dimmed& sod bonewpation. -
They cuts Diarrhea, Cheers and Moline Moans:
They con Lleer Complaint and Darns Deedsche..
They sake the week 'WIZ fie lanai!d luilitent.
end are uhauttod astral. great reetator.• .Thaysts
comiumed of Da celetuatod Calaaya 'hock , . whiter. ,
useafrik roofs and Kirby• MI seerrent is
porhetly pen Bt. Croix. Into'. Toi; gisticolene,nee
otecolars aod testhetonhie agora *sae boSthe.
Dewar of imposter: rxmolos ter,r; re.
that it has D. B. Dernaelistanna on oar Sileats . l7
& Bark or the auk, rigitplentation : nen% ens
oar Ennoisnator, on a Sr roil ;44 steering co
siderbeL 8w thot_oor haul, le not Willed with
iparicusaad,ertenor itaL V* defy any port
to =nob the tiro crobaractar of our soot*. Amy
poor pretending:to soil Plantation Minn by . Da
Who or In tea 1r..11 an hopmta. We ea ally fa
. cor los cabin bottle. Any perooi Likiti•lng thb
bon/e. Or MIDIS my otbarratariti tinwebe,vbether
called Plailattoo titan or hot, Is a nix/gnat ii!kaer .
the 0. & L a w, andwWbe.ppeoeaouydbyla. We
already hirto our ale on two ;antes toßifeeg ear
batiks, U, who wilt oncotod in totting throatier
ittio teas gtufteso. The demand re Dimes; mem.
lotion Balm bozo ladles, olirenroh. aumbobbb
Se.; to perfectly loon Mho The stotplo , cad of b,
bottle ls the olideaco we plant of thitc_!odb. eetj
eoporkwity. Theirs nolSbylol rem*tatiki 21fiz3..
glair PilYiSdith '&4* kusiOulif AS'
0 ° 42 '9 sumo;
g. Attiipt 'at V')'.';
-123/I.fter ea* irbdemal• lad Itttans bi ',-. ' .
811111011 JOHNSTON,
Omer battallskl end hnsrlb Binds.
sardlawszen• I
& 1 ~/ILlT'.dlt!' JPojIOER.
PaivOn Otvtom: V o P 1
E.} Ad rd &rid, /Nile. CP:,
FXlif eTED FBall.
ace resnoliwith g1241 , e1 dm follow.
in t 14% . of rvr.dee oteituwed fr , r.t L. ni him d. 7,
Jul LO, 1.813 by the rein, of tier. 11¢, i,t, tn-nun
.Dfru tut, with the regoaecf tkOlr
• =au op tir Flag NMI Lao clicric o, -
4obtt J Doffort. OenttcgoeuTeqtai rp, Batle. to.,
wound of faro arm pr.yr..,:14 Ma at Elm(a's of .Ight
cm. . •
• John L Beaty, svoobtog Oa op. 13nler co, extra •
ortntion awl • loiranun of both Hay,
J'omrs Poch*e tp, Nn.l.r ro onotbot
woo,do of fort Arai, preventing ale cf fl g to of Itft
Ladlal Gayer, 4th ward, blittteity city, old aid
is dre.l hmoccontioldt. onWealtio otaatdatlob.
, A.cdrAwlngm,Ch Is d, Aliogberq city. fn
t ow', iteheldt,9d ward. Allegheny cl'y. feetike
tee. et cm t Outfox, toberc croak,
Pivot- Herot. 4 k weeds AU gliony. city, eritteilt
atone of hems, iefth deadest amplitude carbine.
ueo Wilber, 4th - void. Apribei 7o te. 'astir
of ermyhold ton% teaching Lk.. gtocuid, :with great
prolamine. of sneer link...
Oneabere u toote,Fmrelser tp, Bathe- co. ( Faros.
Ft, inc.-onsoaot -
reteilik Bram% 3th vied, Areitony Vteio-
Um tot, h.
Wm J Borelend. 4 h ward, A Ileghtify M;3'. ht. or
'beet dearer &cf richt het •
hi ly Kahn, 33 wird, Allegheny eliy fs - hloolo ,
' cr ecnitlititirn, Whim.
Oennul tient.r, 4.h tiara Allithery ally, feeble-
nem et ciamittntlin. tuoircol.ent ant ce3.3e_at en -
penile* imaklitty etch:a, . ,
Joiep Fidler. 4.h ward. 4lb Alan) .0 . 47. uuliti't
Ireland 'Of - thigh; preventing matinees mulch sir
Jelin [much, 4lb werd,.Alksheiny city, fietlecire
of ciouttlintlact. pbehals.
, 0 Ham, 4th mud, Allegheny 01,,y, mantis illierre
Lewis Glace, 4th Ward, Allegheny olty, myopM,
• Bee Wm 11 bleier si,4th -mud Allegherretty,
myopia, decided; also gtuishtt wound to right3tend,
la:mewing omittnned exertion. •
Alit 2...41b tread. .Alleghtny
INNS of llg lig, Woad zif.
.iiebnitriesit s 44t ;loud; • Allegheny' 0107 old
catkin of enile)o l ,nt,LiStileantllli;
Jaregerton. • ' •
John, ileghte,Ch ward, Allestenyelly, intermit:"
of sehephiad bone mocking the ground--f
118400 01 famirientliii • • • ' -• ,
HO 13004 4th we." •
_.der, wood. Albs tr ay oti.tose of leek/.
I vitiorinetzrzes or one.
Adam if trtmats.llib mot, biles tiny! 4:l7,'qietr_l6
sod maned. Bitumen, Jto b Bert ,ater ' Jobb
'Belbe,t - o;t. ' •
Two zonate or 61111 . 11 nine absunit nt mince.
„Joint' oass„,ittk enrd..Alteohn4 cicj .. Wu/n."4,
A B 11,Qieeito; 8
'• 11 - 11111111liell&IiII 1. 81 IBM , -
0PM 9 . 71.'449 , !/,i 4 4 0 liklq %FOP. 1 t34
1041fililfa P '
• - • ,- " ,, f01111, ilex lop IMPOST Or Irmo*.
Cbsii tarodooak.4 b word.
• WAn Monfort, Otti L isa, Allegli,4l rtly. W.t.-
. 1 :lili.ell. olds% Ponca Eloruburo o•
Bernard LitrattoOn, 4tO *.rd. 4 logneriy city.
WItotosoo; Philop Pahilo, HOiry'Llppera •
Mune. Bodeltotat. . .
'Usury films, Boma: tp, 8 War ao;Ilsoli btrifor.
I) f.Qtsfaell , Woy-e tp. arolottoog co; Geo eon.
Chris Itoihrlcb, 31 !aid. ells y any, Was °filial].
• ' • ''cnoiCr. 3r raerar. -
Jar' Bold, Ch mitd: ealorgb.37 clir
isrsormw IWWLIOD.
Jewel Hemp ar. - 71, North - kV, Boner co.
Genet, csittetutiv.., • , .
lung WHollairr. SOT OTTLATTO ins INTIM.
Petri it A' Vega: 4th ward, el ceh.Loy city. Wil
co:nee, Geri:Was Sanuew&c, roodrriot
And w Meyer,. 4th ww d, Ancient:7 0.17'. Wit
ness e George Heron. Inmost
Acgast Hchles.t , 4ttk ward, Allseheo7 oily. Wit.
news -Joseph W e ee:7, 7lgthe n l l..
. John Ver:s• ith yard, thln A , coy ..oityc .Wltoose.
se, Leon Piehet.' Geo Coc.1:11. g tr.
John Bohatanclur, Atttwanr, • t :wheel elt7.,Wlt.
as am, GOO &bit loge. ciao eb au Usqh!t. •
JobeApple; 4th war d, A‘lestitny city. Wl:atm
es, glom noht Jacoortectle.
John hiller, 416 ward, Aiwgheny oily. Wlineii•
atilt:oda Mune, George Map rt. _
Ghee Koehler, 4th wag, sl•wbenh7 Oily. tit.
Stens, Geo:* Trewhea, 9en.y Perticre
Jamb Meter, 4 e antra, log/ cry ei 7.
D.ll A Preaar, 4:b ward, allegbeni
Mar.= Weedware. 4 . 0 trard, eHeibeul clip..
Isaac z Etnattotkeri eannong tp. Arm m.
MU,* J t.reen, horth Ut tr.} tp. Area co.
Job Walla. 'led Htek ip. Atte 00.
(nleta Nteck: Butter bow, }lettere°.
Lllll. r, 3/ rand, Aileen./ g•.
John Et Ansbutz, ern ward, tattetteny
J. VV.
Capt. and Pnvalt Ineahtl, fad Dist. Ps.
riluVvitit MG uStiwts'a 0I r WE. }
no Wirroor s.
or Prow'.
914 Fourth 84, Pitt.,Ou,gb. AU& 7 , ISO ,
to.E.X.BMPTED Fiiobl DRAM...-
In accordance with orders, I publion the,st•
lowing list of psrsors rms.:v.4r from. duet b 7 rbo
4aard a bar9lizcssiti. tt , '.. DlOti to; Ls - ttlo tun,
with the i aro ordrof flt. IS exssrtof on :
sr axiom' or nrelniuria iocncrremi svairrivfse.
N.M. ) kirk:tom fwbsti ob. :
Jacob.Lisitrick, Sixth-ward.- . wino.
t iota taster, Pirch ward,': !Uteri "
W Wigan. , Birmingham, WUS
31 A Johnston, Mann, _ Swirl Tuororain,
Usury timely • • S nth trail, • • Juno .Ircri fu r
Joe Anittel. • -Sixth ward,. JasHlrad tey,
Jar octi, • th Ward, '
Suakin McCaddySnutit.Pletsbnrghileury. Buser,
Henry, Gay, tlatb wird, . • 6.. Wry,
Beat ruse, • • litintb ward,' •
Cam Anderson. Sixth ward, Gun Iturgan,
Henry Shounan,Sixtb ward, • 'llohne on,.
Jar Zdeiteley, Sista ward, • . 'Jaw W Sorlry,
Jonas Smith, filth ward, Georg. Pastor.
. •
•• • tocAacouso'sr arniaaas AND suarrao.
Saninel Sloan, Sixth ward, anoylosie left wrist, shot
at A.nrletain.,
• Gotha 'Schindler.' Sixth ward, Ingtdbal hands,
Alex Humor, SLIM ward, miopla, JA. Dialler and
H Bobakaun-wl •
August Emit, Sixth ward, club rot.- -
JULIO/ DOLI&II1113, 81XILIC ward, tdr.trated TarIC:110
•J D Itolurtoon,Bl.lth waiB; aecE j taalt Ibulledat
-tight hand; aromulod at lut Intake( Bull Bee.
ilmuy flatiodars, Blxth ward. logulaal Uinta.
N'taboleD doors. 8 xth ward, .cr lute. •
Gilbert Updraraly, Sixth. ward, fracture ulna of
right arm
Jetta - 0 Harper, Sixth wird; sorottdorm Mere of
right cheek. - • .
lleurrabldle, Sixth and, istluai. - coritticate ef Ar
q iit'Cauttleett, • '
James Witter, Bleih ward, crenueation
Ten Irt 'Little, Sixth wird, - ecrotatous - ulcerallorm,
Oft leg and groin.
. . . .
111 W Acheson, Sixth ann.!: 'weer '35 Cid married.
Wttneiwee—Joe 16 . 13.alairt; W CI neater.
Ales cargo, Sixth ward; over 35 , married.
nerrera—)levy and James Dago: • ,• ,
Jeffrey ; linen, t, ninth ward; Grit. 35, married
Wittinwer-G Wtiaih, Wm Green. -.
• Dub Gribben, Sixth ward; over 35, , married. Wit
tman—Daniel Downy. Andrew Gribben.
lie man Schrteder, Sucthward ; over 35, married.
Wtteesata—USworaorg, Juba Volikanip. , •
Ci‘:o Corset,; 9th ward: over /.5 wattled, 'Witting
es,e3ao Da% Mac ••:. • • /
Jas cren-, ClUt ward; cror3s mar r ied. Wittuence,
Jno 'B•ll, , Pit , •
Jemes..3lcSobasts, 7th vrard; over 35. marrieL
W IL.olmpeey,J.s IdeSObirtS '
Gan illicGliewry, 7th ward; over as amnia& ;Nit
wit. a, Sancta and resold
Lawrence Snots, 7th 'Ward; ores 35 iharrie - .L Wit
nemeet,AtLm ncAdco, Pat Oalrar ash-
Ore 3' ielt4; 6 it ward; over 35 marrird.-Wilneim
ea It A eel.! J 14Ytler or. .
Jae Delphr, 6th we d; over 35 Marritd, Witnesses,
Julia AC alardii ila uy '
That Slattery, dill ward. Wattuarca, Patrick and
Thal °raid. •
1' , Diael Column4th ward .. WiLicisea, Wm Savage,
Adorn • Wagner. dth ward.. Wlln:itteo,' Adato
,Woro , r,Laotosom bbajor. , : ~:
Zigh`f Ityan, nth - wird, Wltheasei, John liyiin,
'Julio II 814, Stith w0,21.' Witaesa",-,Tcb Tata.
John E
nmma lbor: '.. -- , ' ,•. • . ,
sfodloond ' 8
=LIZA word. Wftneanto-1. 80l-
Mein, Ntoottono,l33va yard.
~ 8 1tpionht-: - Poier
Jaoolot•.•Frid nether. ‘ • ,
.ZdwardiDaneso, Slith wn.a. Withomus--John
Doran, a nitrow 0% Gnaw. .
rurc'Titis '
:, /WHllisti P. 146:81xih 'mod ; '%"; •
'- ,ll, dw.rd:ll'OultP9gh, btxth
„ward. ;
itriroaivr -
John W 6 Smith, Samietib surd. Witsuilitteh
piaa Schitatis, bilclwW Pactikt,
• , _ _
' • ix 'annex ICU= 3.1% vet
Daitd3l ArmoriElath rut. Witnesi—lbeat Cc
/Obits. Vols.
ticiatauciairscitulaxasis rzs4
W 0 W oltb l 7: ol zUtTsrd.,Witouss&—l /I 00007.
311 roster.
• -32abert, 0 Ilwathis, fllzni ward." Wisaessia.4ohs
1 - 0%1%44 •
Naptatzt.aad Itor;!t-Keratui Disttli4.o
pissiattnA .13UUNX If a liat:l{f•P
aratiaii oOnanixiti. Aosirr,
5 0 ,/03 iiva. a adea.M,e Pe
All mOunditd Goldfus. who have bomb „
tall or uvel autos. IVO =WU.' to WO
mt. hewn: 011 .olOhmo oho have sito• ;
soon on obn matitiod to slur S tan nortny.., • •
dhebarreillo noon of AlootoO, no //ottani tr.l
oloos.,WldOwirof • molding whvAlo or ore jell
than:vim aro, oticathol to Pluton 4 04 ' 2 l
Il 00nt4,1a.:A0... • --,-
(Vrt= n 7 dM
to any
any now Doti
v trronoo..l Irmo
Analyou and. *lran.
1.Y.111:11012 on WI eilbjea at atone,. In to mm its•
poiliatiod losAtiasl Pblte. ar.Cbades
istibt6hiCULtts tuts.
1 Army Inaliluns. Jest tecwava the /ndia XibT
ber Owl, SS ,saull bB6 Clar Area. ,
.7. 11. PF111.1,11.9.
" , t7