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LAIrTRIZONVIIIC - ISMS. • er:Sur . • Rolle.i Vrekii HIN GT ON ip-ge puR.,. 0 ~ ..r, t !, ' !nni ! Am r ':::' .—s ig ,: 7. lEissfillirieffi 4 40/11. ;, , - ! MOTOOOD TO POMO* ° s it I. itt:iatamk; of tiiii.iittl i Milo; dlii t aolosid tefi'3l/44,19447104 o for ali; woo *tient, a r ,.gi ,t t .40 4 estored to ' 1i15p05iti4e;. 4 444 , 44: ' ' 0. 00, oiis of Blatt 411"..8*-ett',-..!P vu p r ows that .tIW- Omits siaisislAil:" . :l6l.Witikacled. •,-, .• .„,' 01 - i6•Akt,.., lililtllVrilloirtss. .:.,,, ~. -T.lssiliiirliooplazodlst,jrielkilurg expel neeoOloii . 40 rAlll agorefs: 0 1 . 4.4.,;t - e i - ' -,, Th. goostale f il Genera of sou oreiltiti Itto xii4o:4oo iftA6o . A.o".htsi' to s ontore4 of the ozoluirtic bigoirs'OATO;iiky -tuliatj-ofilii : 2 tholuoi 6 .Qc, who,t ,l 4S4l}4ir °Ma lta YONTIILT roorrtosur or OAT+LII.T. • To Pi40,;:401410144C-ilik4T.Pii., .raftir kora boos loaned frook tm watllep,ibiiiht 'for ildithlY inigiutitiiii oViaiiiiidireilttlit l b . .ta; •I• t iP#: *** t..in±d`, to 9 . 1'9'&41 ‘ 14 Bahia hers .:' ... . , -,.:.,. i • ' : - ... -:- ... penult 011 , 117DOPIL I . '. Poroutoro ome t noiCiAi 'their TO" Ao .tine: - - myna ritil,o !pm drib!' . - 111 rii i ..., ~ .. guiiitioas made on the Treasury partment by tie Paysasibir fleneralotp s lo o let go! 'July, baribeeri-dlied. , - '• ! I suaosoir faCialeolliss 10 ouzo *nitwits. Ten thirgisisi'add Milstaiii filirgoono an otlii wanted to' P.,:kilioholio .- *Tio/fro 'Mt , mai= oirrison issi tiook ' mluo. 4 1 Robot guerrillas posotrataill ii ;within seeds • villas of Alexandria bisadight, and stole one hundred Soutar. Eighty Of them dere neesgi•i ''' leuesiladay: •-: - •• •• • • • •• ; . 1. SIC OF 1=11 . .11? Ma. inothor oioionge of 4okittrima 'inion l io to taltsolsoolniolow No -sitiabsomonta for ' the ozobango , ot editors hiotrlit boon las =Rhos %Gum Our Fortes mot • Oceans' 'the . Kappahatmock.: . . „BUFORD'S CAVALRY DRIVEN IN BY RERILI CAVALRY.. Rebels - Falling :Mack. Toward Fredericksburg. OFFICIAL 11FP0111 OF ELV!ITS, OPERATIONS. AIE'FA IRS 'AT ell a RLIBM Otif. * EVERYTHING PIithiISING,iIICCES. , Ni, You, Aug. s.—Tke /ferekl rent the iellowinn : „ -Eat - net Srovioit,o. T, An. 4. force ~, A rce of the entraj's cavalry. with still . , lay; attoeted'Oen. -Baford'l Sokoto tali at tersoon at three o'clock, Ind drove them bock e Intle;whea t h e Oinerok,vont forward with , tbs. Itratinicods at bleillehionotader Col. Obspean, and the esoond, under 04. Merrill, sad:drays Meta boob:beyond Brandy Station, astabilehlog oar plater-Sou for the night half a mile Strew oat thsa bafore. Oai toes was - ono hinted end:two or theme. wended. lolortootion sallied rec.:v.s*We sad trio ottani Indio ote that gm otala body.or theltatel7 hoe torso .biak - towards Yriderickobles and ... , • Gordo:H.l4l , li: , . , , ._ Tits/ trot Corps word in a rms lad wept for an amok, which thilit,alo Es* iiracia,•: trione.Newtoit. and lioblosor hitt pear tied waitrons widt , their staffs, andalra ted the tufa a events, bet were doomed tp be dissp• patstAKL- ' The Ihredire Woollagton -oorreopolidcat saes i-Tbs. oboist report .of Oraiit'o''opera. Sons st-Visksbarg rowthet here sit Tharodiy last. It isersid seta one attittomdet tatannt. ~. turroportreveresadatetthe Ileadirtinine , of JelFeet b, the Amy.' tArettrt vu Cr'?" for pobitaation,ts orderia. "pabllo ~ .. sasisordortbs tietailetelidts orlon noidere• amts.- w Mob angel/mad roter2 t eri to the estantry eace- imam:trews& totioo. or the Ilneiforppi Biter: , sl.ldiyit lir, honorer, inppireinedtille tlegrovid *stank • daemon' 'tepid trot ; appear hi the Amer mid Nev (Whist 0.0et4, the loot littettlied - or • - wows, roast t o -day , - does apt wititileths. ivet. ' -' -._ ) ----, - lsip : - ....t.. .s.-, Haw roan,. A A rAfiezif bra Wash. testes dispatch eastialiktietelloini,l4:Ciii ' • ' of the'siontas pipirchelviit se snide ea_ tits.tallUgl.-.0.4e0491tiA1te4 0 1 war: hed ..,-- .-.1. wand AR giprOilmi .:040tai thst U wa en gagement woo not prpnresaisie, It has at lout ' - - -- lsotehieni, - thosalittfillifflbit Lee's Prete ,sets retreat to,Siolneedridilit Pretreat It: ''''' -14 LTIrelli elee.' ll : l 4 . 4 0 1. 1 4 11 1sbeel - ibe. -, :, . that ht10U7.41 ilia ottaadon; OM presumed oAPPielttleeleal.. .1.. " i i n i ts, ~ -- .. , A rienejtelperlng forte, nadir 0 arm ,: •';, z -l'ela. oloo:itror, and attached Ooilk et eliii.forOes . t _. caust.lll/entiatolm.t: Tao:wore drtreAbook. alter 7 411 - 16t- , lklirtalikleg, t . V9ent. obtaining , the '..0) 141-- ,4.' 41W 4/ . sft *'-', - :-..;., ' A ' s ' ....-- - .- t ....... AU sktiti(44-4447.g..7 • . ~ ' 7 ' . • ; . -._ - •.•2 • L ", lioai okosilitiesialiitietMa the Bappii. - , heascalroso tiabitoluerhars. ,-, 3. t-. . - - " Aire Yogi; Atie . f.:'-netheileto - it Jotter • ...., -: - el.thollit att.Sayor tt - ;=-- c ,. ..'.., 1 -" ' 'The 17sidiiii of 'lllY" . iiitimek istrok-eith evarytkiaa , yrowidag - ..anoosst, *oink per - Wipe sotao seeil so iosse .ordy I with. All 3 --- ylitiveitre iris* fiteell, hiehmor r • .',.'.','''• . .A12114.40,4.4'519FAk0tr-hr the # 4 t7_ a 49•41: 11 116-..., , , , 43 .; A.- ...:gii ai-- - - ..- ', • .. , tt 404,._ 10 4.14tib1 a, Weriaisaglai from the parapet of area,, etyghoiloa to the wails; libel of iitthinitabff,„a MON Ketetritisti Irma tool Jewt-driesiquititth i i:nitt - Ton, hat as scares ttlaboo , lorwerroi - : se:, Thy . - -'• Were; isfridi iftelletheihr-init.. - TheY. , . Tore obligotto;ribei;tlteilcitt, dad are Row ned 'Toic IsliridtirdlospeAwitlfla7ihe fere: lleorythtag betelises, o * 11A leg, ot the rebels bore dwidebtintlf dyed ' . . 1%. Veto , Ifidepoorafi 4aokofillos al' Gen' `l34loll'. 4 2ltoiedLifleipplia .of egOIFCS Of Gra. mairros• j nr.t Lodte, Aig. 6 —The Droeoareilftelue IfirgrprotstalskirlbiralL - sap latbs lMu .... aroma apile ;Niko" Uttar* ,iroto upload' taagralog tbs omelets of _Jamey Baobstaaar: roollefLia Daeld goalies' qfs.' Eloots't ao- weaillaft ofeLyeinitail a the llstaopiistli ieagatpilJsotsosQoa. gisraisa foie . • Tb. stair la aff , usgsfriai.l l4 ° l ? l l4 o 4 *pals dlirlafoa, at Notate', do etropoil sa hasoaao *what or robot stone. • and *speared • largo gamete; of from Loatetaaa for Leee army, sad a 'great saia bar of cattle from Toes'. • - 'Steamier Bask ilanued•ollaily%ivei Loos....tiovesasseut - Vow fumed, „ St. Lova, - Aug. $ of slid , rag ToOrtmoss In AU !Maui's a insaatpaijtst s000l•wi a stadag slat atiVIAM/1140;.Iilish lift 'lire for Visissidltg witiiwiday nn bs. vu blidsui 0 low adlof below Cabo Ism mkt. Tiss, lost 104 .5 gufs• Witiio t ry unususflo littof eioshusit„ Pigstis ' and thus eats, use in;. Borsral l ostsoggrappasbrs, insufsfplor /Anal, gees .6g , as ' ' • peg ly with As if Lit ' on their basks. Two Wilms , sad • ball of flurwosost foods consolud. !It is shooed slot sou' lins use soss.but the 00ovf I. lb* c. ialTfi?atolnt.*.edesd7.t....._ goarat caattivatoa7...Tailiit, - -- • :seven VOlals - laitga the Bel.. 10112 1 0 - , tealli f fP l =S T•w..“ 41, t :-„Aireat ues af#6l -Ma& but , gialge g thafreadiar dat Waal- Ms, also tang- 1M fa llama Wok lir 0011111 Sig Wane . ;rang t . tailid'Aotdldril 'd6i4llO6twartree Cohan ins &tipster siyii''Ciiiisidnitidn erplterdint ovrAftsbor•nstigianialogoen. usero,l merit) g4lowahy invalid soldiers of ,n leg OA iMesitiedihe tames of Vallandig- Ina and Ptgk. The eogpakaids rimanommk. gathering, crying for venpeneenpontlte sa An l Acre thernet.-N otheg invalid IladiarrAA , a for apprOing,Of the sot. All soldiers in the city were Orme% ota od:putiff;the Cte gri• hrstgrprivistint: era/zee: _ In th• evening .16 , crowd ma mba& befall the door of the store whirs, the flag hang.' Af- Aertiaradhaf Ustratieets, thierowd went beak „to the store and presented the owner •witit I 'LOW - et& whichirill - be out spa today,,, , lifirthor .Itrouble 4- l iPimbiuutid• • Speech oi,Angin.:.misima• f3.Wriol Aug. d. '141 1 4 h 'widened` MOO, iuponae if,k, in h made a w 4 farog 10 4 thii emaltelpatlon Andaman , lurid late Q.:militate*, Mill:vindiesting 'WC ' neertgaidWiinFripMbig of : ;the:Klub , ifyikiirlerad.thbenoaELlW7 em record - , - Met*. Ora.: Galati idonommAhmi ,-thwirlyry az.d do his miamths glory an - fin/am* andrialWinenassfally ogeonting than 'pions: Gnatri army has killed, wounded and eaptst4 more man than mimberod, and he -tmj, taken .Viogsbarg ..w.fth.morgmen in Itahan were in OM mmy thatsat down before it. • . . lies Blair favored titizdieft in litsionri, itrid - entamed * GovernOrflmiliiiijor striving to avoid ; - • . . . ' Vita by la. From: Eu!!pe. „ est..' RAC; Ang. 5 —Tbeetestoehlp Heels, 2,l , ferpooinn the 28tb; aid l'aneenstown on. the .29ih, bat &MVO, with OMNI days liter , New/: reoelvedi of .•thie a:Federal 'blades, (mimed the Confederate losnfilsok to deans lEtto - 26 - per cent., pert** , Pala•• 22,ol ' In that stoek. The. neecoonolders the Heir York riots we ‘nsareotlon *gawk the Government. • :Cotton hair Mtivisoed Mi. Broimistigs stead . Conrail 92% to 6% toe monbj. , From Ca!itprsda. _ , „ Ns* Youg., Aug. stssaisrlintberA Llght, how Aspuzwall so the 213tirilitztrid thla SoPIOII. . . . iititarr.Parade Itoh•Portor's Ant mionent of tturso months axes, from rodiaina sad Anastiosig mostiet, psnefidz - thratigh oar piloolpil' stmts. this 11, 9 1 1. 1 / 0 11.. and made air ory appear**. TheAlleatituad moo balm es Ida; tly Made good an of time already spent is the tombs, as their soldierly bnariag, and prompt elm , Mon of or d ers indicate. • . 41: • do hot know Um °Mud Of thspatadeto= dry pleat.. daring :these "war times,' While our oity is foil of visitors, mid exalted by thief. glizestioasorMah rpolltteal ommoution is ow; tato Mkftese wader ?liretzisicns. and ladle the saws fiehnorio booth:kiwi. we ars, glad Ito And ikon flea.. Biota's has this fine 'lay of troops, so-looaled *kat they may be - stedla mai eannissesy which may arise. - • Inrorrozo. Brum, Mizonte OP' Cron Commun.—We have boon :nomad to amity the 'timbal cot ',both lunettes of tbo city Conntries tbst i spacial mooting mill be held this messiag, for tho p>•rpm. of oettilig the queotion rogordieg ~ n ight yolks. The matter to one of seek importsooo as to appeal to the members in , the most argent manner. ireb then be elleeflm We learn that there is to boa grand loi waptil woke, by the Bpiseopallane of the - two cities, at St. Petrel Church, Grintketteet, ol Thursday =orals& is celebration of the day of thanksgiving appointed by Proddont Lineolni.' A greed 'n-Doms trill 'be nog by the nailed choir. the sorinori Tiretithed by the Rqfbi Rev. Dr.. Dumont,. iztli morythlactrtil he dose to make the motets soloka sad he premith, sad worthy or the newton, 4PICCiALL; 8110•111 an) BaxaVill.atwuti Manuzas. for Wally sad lusasaaing vapassi'are ben in am A. 7. Chtmars, Genera Aiwa. 18, Ilfth and. Tseaue Poise. Plam sad Oraassentsl Made Reefer, sad dealer le Peasolosals ant Va stest slate of the best quellt7 at or till& OEN it Max. Leigh ;sea the Water .Werite, Pltisbargb,Ps lipthea - lhowas 01:1v eroor. sr Cone— artless, issiotilar to a t is ssUlsk oft k 4 iliwisa sad fissuast stocks! goods at sort. Thwy.ssasist of 6U the lassos stybis et sloths, sasslisirss sad , vsstlais; of_whish bits pos. ,parsi - blo 'maks wsi is Wks most lishiosablr or,sad at cost prise; The pub* should sotassssi to avail thealsolowl at this , ors chasm sad nos nom by his as o a lam assortment of phis sad buy asssisjowl, will adspiodfothoye weir, whisk is will tall by the pima far below salt. JOS - shOsld ootnigrior Wasp **fly. &es GiSasm, hisrolumit • No. id Ilaskstsitast.,_ 74‘111A2011r RINTIMIP Yoborsitsaaelto Sanitises a( oar tontaireoltrayo'didos, watlfirtluitod ' thb nab Of IrarOad et thi,paittle 'passol;ls agaisi'diriatod to the wary ostwasivo sad haidsonto sosortassatel lbst.tatost styles of .lfroseb,- -oak Assoriosa plow goods, rOr pasts, coattLoad• nosiyod by Henn. Joht - lifilei street, Allithoay. A tasteful solostioit;.•l gentleman's furnishing goods will alioolwaya• be found oa the shaves of A* ostabilOastrab, el:pallor with a lot of ' tattly;auslo stgi; col* la the but manna [., ,r 7 inr !auras or Assess, ,Crarstro.-01- tea we asked, - werolor- ;be, s nest sad otedertsbie summer fait, oasis to, order, time haste( the slams of seliatftireaer der* gash I' 'To all thin thilaistis s. eau tl glo ras hlosirs. 11,111oCias arras a street sad Dislasad Dour% Al egle. sr, sadyou will be weed - oseordiag Snort teats. They tura Jut thigh'SUMS! geode, sad for elegance of styles Wit *Swot bur sarpmeed, and for Magee thy art the airy parsons. as their .work Is ail done soder their *ea raperriatos. errs tbeme s sail. sad you ofiasot bit CO ka sattstul ' ' , —As-pima'. dui:las-to - wales* drop sSsurd.lß Ii thoitimeor.l.,B. 71.Tildlindstrost,l.thighoujr, Imps 401 M tly tip lis t ed Warp ind,well selsetod stoat it gond,. moss* kopt. Is a trot 'olsts dam :, house.- Parsons dots' bustlers *et, at this -I lot b. abarred drs*ge co, good, Dose, forpt the 7 . .; 2,11. ; Retail Druggist, 77;;Iritlipil steely Alleghms7. _ ' OM? Dasnatatz—ott Akii Dodd Llisitk qty, Bailt64-Paaa Om* ask o testa for Sow dotisreeNtStr *Wawa at ar-ttanati 'attliaistliirAattit oitiitphaita AM pat lout 4eqinttot t 0 eitt'at tka Lastitata 'attar having astartataal tat.l.treat prim .at ebr=.otau — aaosp Di as All wa dot, at the lastitata is guatiataal -suOtiottittisy .4 11 1siDentistil ICAA'aitir• - .et Rai W Cl t ttai 181 11141111111111M1T..-. t • algiS4lll, IL Y - g ea. fI.A. WoildNilltat, ilootorto , aad.Zyl labalsamtua mitt's; halt Os ohaasol . to,tto aidatl'optor; and mobs o 6 spo4 ibottati glad to bard ko6 a ny. name lobos It tea do you askiloOd:"_: - Bold Smoot, !Ill' Gnu-. !(e64i sw. York. ' &IL ' ' 111411V4. 1" 101 P - c liTd 1# 0,4 41 74 1 1 : 11 4 at iia l 7 onedotlat dean , 'W. Pittookio, op , poolti the ost•olloo. la aow otellas, oat inistri - pntis of genarale, ; - . Fodstaltitt•tnea a orolsotai employ of ta1ya0a.,:;4 1 44, jeter stibuds; 0411, *4 aaabit issoXixonl. ata4;:tala.. - MOS 11St • IMAM 2069/0114.1liiitrictre 4 3 , i—Pay malts, or 4- lrelttaiit to_olllll.lll' dintltolti now roof., or layabis oho, tkok - Carpostor lisoooks Cottlboal'a Coosa* ,V l2 lO GUM flaattlillad drat& Au admit prfNiligr ottoldodt . finirs ilasnann Yawns= awn in Muir 1 T4Qlas be warned In Wu, supply rm. pleat A liallowayto Pills and Olattgant..: Matataanagrantood ratan the wain Newt Of &ma, Illowilieury, taresad - Bowl Olaplaint/00a1,11 ants • box a Pot. Wassaa...—Tito alla-1a61.4 sea ale mated as sabolltataa, A• .• , • •. • •r, IL•eist, Lsadat, Sal Pad Omit. all aladaus al Ws prof/plies. ~: ~F?" ?~, ~~. a.. v ' ~'~ - ~...~J:di~~W _....~_ ~., t _-~^'r`~e ~^ •..i.~--._-.....u.. 5 "" .u0 ~ q ~ .. ~ + ~ z .,-.5, ,,. .»~ ~=t~:7t~L.~:._....._ - . _ ...:=;..w-.. _ _ - P - 11 - OPOB.4ILS. =1129 pROPoSstoNUS BuiLDIMI Mot. Tasubb.. Amnon QmormiU.sria, 1 rt, Oly 161 3. t '• ' " haulm 1 1 J se, , 116116LCOPi PUS4I. wW be swims/ *a tab , es6ttllolllDrora *Outfit WA. it n o walk. 'Lou datrerit too 1111itory tiorpltol titorods hi,4te.l.lro*oft be 1011 nitua4 toontluts of Lembo and ialNl.g Soon ltartarota.ootlLAtay (66 ) lot Cho's!) .or6lo. 110. ,rodor Ibfistaii4Altrood'Ocor bOOdrod sod 6117 (111,1 w) fat (IlieW) . 4 by .bi's pro* 01410111 , FOAL • tbootouo6,two biodrell Auld A1164601' (/16 211 )^ 0 }', 14 ' , * 4 4 or 'pld , vs rtiolll Motor; Watt' snanart. - - Ono kindred sod sobty l tbreo bordrizt6 Alaimo armload 11111 41111,110):•111borttot. 611 tots 11aorkos boon's, owuob tlkton.Jovgaid and skit ditto thou ILA timmil l t M q 'S dielsal oimadu twist, not neer :-badw solo, fres Iloig loom toot 6; sod 41111, P rA nie. sy'+rtua-fboaea4 DI tiaodrd (111,100) so .d ptababo- Thirty tooonood (31,100)toot amain pin* boards. 11.14411,6 Otottosa.1_111.o00) cots 31 rots dowel, 06 , 0 61k pito but at, 16 tootles pi& istity tlosond orfirvbnoiliO4 to 1 Saity. iaor4ssse)l6o (lotto!) Unto pinortb to pumped to olio! oak ipattlyt moat guobora or 1,11 sail 63 Dona lds, snit fuel' Wag, !A 1 i 11 . 4 1 ,1 0 ' ' l'otootiolhot tbotusser yea amdred„olla 1111/17..' Moo (4836)t00t 34 nue p1i0,.1% la.s titino—qert **4111 , 10 11 - 10 6 ,0 1 4 r01m 0 1 ler bot• 611..loota'A41'bow. attroor, strip. ,516 a p 6a - IDroribtilorwrioll Aroor.oto iloilosatt MUM Itaddrod sod illy.toor fit 954 ) Irat (1. 6 w) .X tY6 . imlAme la et" °, 32 ' bogtoo.• s. oratiaod (10000) set by. 6 wider, la 4.1 1 , leer le tem' tapas. . Nan atladre mots it b.. le. eigaty tatiyelsoowa 151-gbui 11 b 1 16, (1) triad*,•• 14 - 11gaie 11 by ~1.8 tratty olm.(041. , ono ea. 11 1.1 . 011 1. by le. aim (10) Wt.& It lye 6, lealWll4c,f .."nape to bo plata. arra glsseo. altb allb. apron and drip the nub rt....be teals wart - krattalls, arid the - trealta • Ofth partlog stripe. .1011 e. haedred and twisty:Miro 013) barrow I doale; b &mai. cooing, drip cape tb. ouellidohao (Oritobig Itioaalted) - . -1 - netts... boadtad (1 . 300) Nuns (mine oirilea) pent rhilog /roma 06) lo go and Iraq", (min n or het) • - lair., (.0) k.. of oafh lbws or lest.) the atone to Is MO.:a to the trimmed.= and ,rreptotal of an awe gooi ' The aim mlll mother mid o , r materials required • f immodest* tom oa - toe eyouide .witlita ten (10) days flew dote of email* or as rap. „Idlysia nbatroe—sae warelarol444tTArld ba m.tie • .lam September mat. - ' • 'The tali samosa t pear tAm I,llrila W the bidder -(msd the fall riateetat,-141i lest u= an '01.04 tots' ' 4 11 .) 'mug 0 03 411 0 IEI altal*Als P.p.:m.4l)mm Malaya) WIWI rebel soaps ' thbersool as be mossMerediand Ile Oath prro4ioe3 tbegresa mart to all ompesmompaay Map , d. 1 lops .1. should bo Mammal to ebei ladrtabiatd, sal polo* endoried, fOr 3talltlisS NI A Lab propmal smut be emomposled by' a planate* I ltr 4 br l vo , 1n1.0016 proem Wholo rooprai-i -o ty mod be shown ty•ibe aetlilcate pi tba Llat o. ib. couery to er..111.1i ;bay mid& -- 'lO4 tom of obi •gesimarrtrulli he a' foams': We, —, et tn. 015517°"" and —• or ate weak, of —, awl elate of 00 hereby gnarsatee Mei able so Calla a ; .rut acoardeaos art* tea .tetme of hie primal. stash „sad that, etuatld bin. . propoatioa W aiospied. bean., at oar. eater lobo 1 . .5,40.01 W lah ooo ltam thermaltb:"aboold • the realtuabe inearded biro es ore preParad.to bemoan Ma agattitiOl aortae la thither ad. thortread (33T00) dollars. Mimed, by the contractor. Mr beta br at. goaratturs. aid lyr.pobed or to e stiarestral blOrr .n shining oobtrab • 'tore t. SWAM* bre ramgrid to be pre oat is pasoa ohm AbiebAls °peal • zieti to molest My or all Me bar abet may b e` Criaaartoo bleb is .imervel 17 Oslesa o agoed. a. MA m I tbe Matisla taloa mem mos *Rah m , Mae. al eh. prom lettelll Mimed. as 1 ramorsd by the Cirtratamest. 4144 In rase et tbe ,inborn of • Ulan lams propmel m se atroal M. dm. preaaribed. la (loony or imams; the me• , Pilaw stipulated to be why..o4. stun the mamas% Qinitiallateeala ow es to bore Slie argot be amply mob Malang y rooms*, mad slab 4.44.0 to be rhea gad .114 Mae earaenes ot sod Tint) 01. BW1.113; _ "Copt aid net (tea r. motor. N EVER KNOWN TO ?ALA igOLITIC B &Ci<BSRIT CLIENtlin DTEMNITar, DlAlaixiA. na:rs. OaoLIM 111.011.11101 AHD SIIKIIIIIR COMPLIIINT Th.. famous Woo tat* to ttko sonito oft lo rededlb* y. stererees daily mode sardbiblat arra died lee Ws* . It lud odantope otst soy ethernada. at owe costa draws* sal bayadies tore eta stesegth to the Ertel& iste cad banslas to theft:hot, iciel Mimed* to tbe seen can. tbe eclat* ed disdelly, ft la breccia, erytatieteke tru by that, to army certificate* "The Soldiers' Prlead." Mothers . Ind It eupertor to sal oonktog woo toe *Wm train, ofent the Workers erne of BALSOOTIOB. elm to he mane by resoling IM dreier 804 os l4ol* *An everremirk or Pr'oi. 26 Mane A soma. Ni2iMffilaiNl - _ . HATT Dor.argswerlolg 89 UAL _ Violent Depletsows setll gm Ma DaT Of. AMIDST, mot eleggiOllol// . late Denim. Oat owl eteetio•oa Weld • vowel: tq bes et the Po teregegy B. Drage, INV: Toth sod Pl.lo wielpitia Petry arte. of twoweveiriggt coma sad two isolitegoohle iaek.S litPe• with wallop kr The Wand diameter of t 4 Unite to be 14 feet, , height*. log 11,1atew• titiokatze /A Doh= to be eowpweit - el ego wweral• ahetia of pieta Wu, with, woggle trettelebs Deseret tetosime Aso ease. -111 a pilot bowsaw oat{ ent to he II Del inter. istdlighilf *WA hoobINI kii h .ll . Wow thick, pull lava. 7 hAteitret wightessail pet foitarelbg sag fogey WAWA She 1 1 8.-thltOnnoi 47 0 Po •IMOI wad ewairwA, gotidgaggewo gag aloe :tatetsel ge ifsegmetate to be at OW Wpm lowan& oleraotee U. dottier ittsee sf iota. „MN totrociailo evoke pipe to b_fa thiekeew 8 Inaba,. Goo gone el pieta' hoof hot& diasieter 804 ott4 toted *tom thev gest - -- Tie gtoweettin most embrace ill null above seg. - iiiiistY.Pri7iiricatog i hibeery With. turd% ad Oda Us win sat tbs Ilse within widoll Ow nick for elk vaisaL ba sompl•ted. as ' bead. 'and reedy kr "' ItM post* plass oasibi cumistmil tboa efts at' tbi,taeptetsol 21 '1 1 We , PI , USW , egg T 1.11141t I Propmls. Mist b• 414 tlik Ming Taisitir,thfst thoy asy I llastabbe.mt ether Utter. saboodtd 1 4 NUlitilTUiLS , • inzwas orst wzoisaLLs_, - jimi e •wi W0WD17616,' sad NlVldrirstrist, sad Utrouribleriet. • 1 mblo patititeinSisUUl xV Agt/At& rAI(. —.I'.. , WAL22IIII.DAIri• : ORNIMIAL 00111111113 IT •Ql/l a '• , o 0/41661W a r aid Joa/ elks! alaigra . - tU.lbta6od /dens ask* UT* themnt• Wiry at seed ba, sweassitlei _'s 10,061Iimety aid POIMPS.,4II tickling .elocr U,. swot No - Ole ikasfy. &Mat easolrd itheirit ate saUtistlar. del ."- airgifFes at Islolsts who Molt/ k of itheurrykr aro Astidel* 1 , pad= Rad Mil 00 Ills Oufsin, Mosel esttPilia. Wag to: Mornay say ars Wu s. answy eslimud. bed b pailsioNg.AsOiJAri .41Alog PINY • .-• • a a adossarae - "IMILW" a"bi ll- b *- 400.6 144 ist Irma attiliyistrip; • +`? , Chatatililaig AngelPA7 Illtd ia aaltdalg 2 IVllollllfOrdirl Latent" vi . faows, --1 - fra voMid 17112 mid IMMIOU kr Whim. .oktbkm, Ikutlens sad Musa= ert.Mid aketh=s am* - • sum disegissitealielstamise • Inq'lle word Irak* k reek& . ,( 7 111AIUMB 0,11441011R44 41 04 171, is • - O~ifsd ands, umsvous•ournit.4* =MID r 7 , , • !"411t1111 ,-* ,“ . less, BRAS OH —25 bOus • shim Ohms let Isle close bi H. TOME I OM ;1 1 :1:t.• rirEMPE IDIVONS. Ll' littokiiiN falba ova.. Ifollueo Oosottlinfoost lilhoort , f Xi:l'l.o, 3 obi. tlfo 11155 1 1. Atm 3 voks. 0)31001,4 of fAtorduzo. 4 °IL ,Bertooho Austono of itolancholy. itio atont.lgoo'• Work& 4 Tots eboo. lamb's No woo 6 vol.. Banes Warta. 15 Toll. Pala ofinestoly. o.b.kozosre• %Norio Souk. Irri,als Pa 00.. - 55:W00d latest. uraos , ..3 ray wiirsiatiog awn en lIIMMO Ma WI WM, N. DAVIDSON, OUICCIANATI.O OA/1/1 aspi!ooir map. slogan monk ~~~~~.- s aoor., TjentßuguesTioNs. .4.4m0.401,,,ii, Won& ' l / 1 • Blit"7 101 th• lilhrusliedr - In the time of (UM& Iroalalla ttio lkosadrzy aprothilt World. 'be Groak box Wald Iltroadchod. - Hantoo% Thirty-Tema. the IL EL :Son4o. „ Loo Clortilind mar. boo sad tors. • Besolior. - Ms Morod thi„ !AO. • W.orkols ;Logy, Th osloci. * 4 - : STA D,.18 Mm** lakikrtilitillti °WV' ibiAt Hyoids, t[•nsseesetat ./Cloores. 11l Willlan Twett.• towhloh sr.,Aided rocioatif i#1114:0•4111110.Millignilelqi of 'beep lo chi finned AMU', TWA Allostrattvo •hanttoat 1 voL. B To. . Prim tiA '. KAY A c.O Woal stns.*. • IJIKAST t)Fiellas; DU:O t t:7oi* .1 1 OR 11163,51pbabatIcal hit of Past ' o:Moth the Oat** *tan% lean A. naafi Dribs Yon Mutts. 'With containtaraborrates of Pardo. , E- 1611 ta this cana.rott uglea 8111. and other Import-, ca. Prang Informatlan.Prta. $1.60 FLIT a UO., 65 Wood str. rue _- - . 008,..eALIL --A 001140Diai 4 9W0940i ' L• - brieli dw•411.1 acme, with bao:b alldbl e. b° ' 94 boss smut, Pin. borsb _ —• . ~, ~ : • , akii.* biro, oosmnient Sid ieSdol it isdlibii.: * 'atm tallskihminis boos .'utill.bsoir Sandhi& af); , 1 9S Sums stmt. between f Int sad :mooed stmts.. • I ' • Aili i. li %solitary Wick &Wass .b.ssi *niblick bo No fILS Second sfesst, siai• Aid'bask ire Is good ceder sad impplied mfai *mist:" Also, sass limy truss .cottiot dilator. 80. 914 - :4114oasitd Ow tussiory Use* dialling ad- N st dm* bassi stain spodbrdsr,sad . ' • lot saubil buallies. , ' A ' Slot dr groasd'ini Its aoressialisa y iddi of Tarsi strl4, Wines lass itid '917 strsidsi 'SW , Ram sti.t. bans' a Sasso,.s4 bat:as rtiSSSUsgs, sad ssiesdiaibict bOltra , , ~ _ • eis Abuts pcnesty Is sitiuitod in • deseirabbsyst • Ifot buss Of Ws andl i rtieidaril bwaire of ' • ' ' • . ' . • . 7 -.- Virlt. W. T. 190114. 01 1; . . _ ItSf . . _ • No. 104 11th strict. VALUABLE rENNETBEET rB9?" ' • WY DOB sam.—Twe tete, 2$ Wei to. twit byll.o fret &op thin allay, vltt a WO doable bora, settomot Hancock and Baud attest. • deft.. fool • Woollen foe • Phyatelso or Dentist. • • lame has Whams alto p &ale naideaeso "4r flow 3; t ion .aelt. Mao, a hale number of building • kWh of madams dank et tram 66 to 60 fast twat by Ithk to 160'Det deopoltoatad at the torah:ow W th*.Wylte Infest APPI thomodwaol34 Zzomitari of Abe white of Jona Ham, deo'd. W. it: asaaoS. • JORN 0 83110.01% - • iaftWO ' 0. sesttos pliOnsTY AIaPINING 'LSAT LIB. .a, wry vox saw' batteries.. to Of. re' theta besaWal ocesnivy oval. ‘Thilidafea ollo mewed ender • seat iseeevasa lira VW, leeve•rd nate ot ealtiveabta, math • neat two stall dlt•Utti• OfOartd. Pellt bleated with aad allots MM. aadi well watered Tbe above a4jobae proper*, of. Jukes untie., ilea. Slog. Jobs glblelety sad etk• On. sad le eland et the law rico of $4000. - Pardee' aleWaa a bens la tie loot as ”Ilerobt awie‘!* , . lint IN a o , UZI Itotirtb pOR su_psnor wont 1 011.1111: 1 118 VOU=, 11:1 babas by 96 heit tom on ported. Ons broiler seeltalliMMl bobs arttrtb. • bre loogal bob tom. TmquivaSA;l4lo W 4 X 6 . for. Thtood. vitt limp a coldout. ermaia ors sad arroad.bood STIAII. =WWI% Ira 16 bob etto dawn to 5 bob. will to rob kow tor nob. 161101 a WWI. brat no the Aboboor bor. oor relive Mum, FOR BALL 100.000 BRINE/LIS. Abo, ths bat IAIIIILT !LOUR by the bond, THO 6. BIXBY, Gnaw. Om Boalir and Elbgeleld dent. 1.2.4. t. FOR SALE—A convenient and well. (abbot Two-nowt sews coves, ettlit teams sadgoad drt aalaroad bytraat wager. wttb a ham* atoMt bock- Lot 20a1t0,, cr aMa 0(010, oa Laalit Itagabootot. our Prompt LS , OSP. logabo at Ilitt bl'ololL or to HMIS( IL RISOMILIa Loma one, boarbotor. 6111$ TO LLT. mpg • BENT--Thivetreaslory BRIM WLIZIIOOB3, Do. t Wood Street. tilo tom Mit Water stmt. - Tor term styll to MADE DAUM, Matloan. Daho • ri n d _ . or to .10011 PH WOOD corm" 14•. d WrdstrsetL riastr—lbe thus story of me A: baldtog now oecuplad b tb• noulesr, {arm aft. OlLiklasset sat. Int Way. ' iota ur. ssowoarn. LBT—A cottage with five room, resod bs We edis a. as InMara% tply an proadow. itL8T....0110; .Two or Tbr•4l .- Booms Or thtrd or berth ItOttell lit GOMM BallA his.each istsest, with air wltitost stria power .Iwiwrirt no the weeetiwa: toihti ritithititAN itiostmadi.btl: lti-iiimtuttaduks 1w limos; a sacio grba mph* tdUp h:ons Si O &OSLO! PEB BLE. nIetiOLTIS • • tie iteetelai WO the women esidsmetista al oaf , AU that Is Wed b to szsiabse ell ether MI; ;0/.:111:41:.1111410 the 111161111.11 2. matoiil), !nada' troadat Illginisetersr of Ws Moho rabbi' ellmilthe Imo so Pftl.t•roto moor,/ No NOloixo o►w.a. ono& Milt *MO, amlll swan: on log • 41•1•—• B• Olote•IBIll . • ~mad stoat DIMINO BOAT MID BOTIOB "PWifrAINDOW PM% WHIM% J 0151% .1/701= 10 .. BATErP. .ii•trlD mitre tor BAWL , r Ida , otailag LONG MGM .rOP. tax, at gaihmassil soma to @swim to, doet Wolsijoe oltal9 Mule, wow liebsina. W alla inowsuaium, , Ataiitinovoisis wigs "oiga, liamolic o os tea/ Owl Nish, to War /SON MID MB VW owls ; ge woad toswnin ows- b W ! AD m rawer llaks o llllllTllllll_w ,O cNu7i I= l6 of , 19 t 311 , , ap; SI TAUSTB VIT. POT BROWN; MORROW .00t; accic 6 . 10 NAMD WHIM, :W7 Maio!. MNi==l woos - AvivAAThisllcsALH. -rim-vie had litidliskito Grebe all OW — a: wfigo „OAl.l_ MILT& TIXBIGII SININEC ,. erg CAlaisvirti ABU MU raw. tor impyleitfflottrolli _milertias sal wary glia. VOL AINGO Ske e nglisons EgAT RAWL ' ski ftill*Milli yos,aia wow. witeklernitas leaf align tp (Arn _et tlashostiettin.LAndellor t el"' 1 • irb a if inill • .. /I•• Ewan, PEITPUBEIN star s hi &N• :1111ACRUZIONI , VIA ik CO tiro ti 1,13101111.1 CM,, VD_ — 00321,11 1 , -, id., loot exam bk puts Ink olutambe MAIM • -411ftfte. No. socumuMeramer ,- - g d'64: l) Xid IP . .. _ ;iota*: ...........- --- ...iting4: 714 13 cristIBIEIVII&N" lo_Wvi. IL Tao. Jr.406;.$ - PEA nuAL "PLIMBIIIie, a t a b ir arum • a% 5e . ...... 117 1 1 1Mai , likit_.-bctrewsirte. liWrlPll. aim& zataar.34-acstir re .' Aym.nt r Tig w ;,,,, Tr ,.. FOY w _*jiiiiiris, ai myuctiu". nsimaimenswarak witarrrs; IA: Aiiit.d(rar t ! d ; to eve eat* ~ . . 4#404)4,10r,:91 .1- • - suid.*•Xistirs•Phlit ••• • UiULTh • 0 ;f1•1!',7143T,!!:,,,11° , . 4.lolotoltiloc & earip•MailottrilloVlot Ourtiono* tlott - Itoottotitnot - ,: Work to tie toolettkiwikt -R. • 111 lllimaoiso or Mies Loodtoi 41 • 04011 *. bilda UMW MAW. I".'wumg HEUER at WILSONS/ Enamor pEamitna, entombs Nom SEWING :MACHINE. - - , • LONDON , .ilitkir • 11LINSITION, P • .ntiabolikpriinueasta. TDr ouji imititimi to the Wcao oda; Owe 014 Prom, end-:Oteasz, nth improve"! 'Arm roopoottany Onottod to yell so our -item saksiootto litotanto ha Amodio:4 _ Rea S..liwr.nwiraw pure. • - 0711:01.0ifitike & CO., • 191113TBRA Amin, ,ftrannissrac4.rt.lllTH MUT.' , PIE3I'd•OPERA BUILDING Mo%Wilk """ ANA I imi.circa-A4 lIIAI'.7B* airOINERVOININ &flirt VON :11 i "Wigan', ass limns v. ,w 114301 ace4% llll l. 41orth lmist , warm" Wood sod P. NW' Asks* - oitim east 4•43i,Stats •Bicedrsinmia . and 110tfoid It" ; A= `SeP.r.T\ !MR • rt 13saarzazy Lr:luriiinew Come iiir:S7 Inn anat. " - SERIPPIAre , - FP H ATLANTIC 1 MOM 'MAIL MILK NiVICI - COWAN& -1 MM." (Qutlaws,/ Liam.) 11.0144046, 1100 Ilugossunr, 4,000 taw - itruasza.i.ge nerwpewee, 5 0q toom I.ooolfortupowor, -1 , 000 too. . Liiiit i ya• r . Low apne:pcirit. 1000 WOOL issaulp. •110 all bum Llinnyliokula *IMO, to Now Talk, on 1111 D• • STADA.T. lbs. MY el July, to be bllomul 47 . the - Mb* stssaules erthitliss fteryslAissleimluesial. • , SAWN poriegelma W 64 0 ,401110 Ilair PlY•• ablula add or LP MI vilest is 0010tummis...: r 4/ 5 00 40 4464 0 42 4 1 4..... 444 04 • • ; Aaryluillp of the Viols, , 1 4 11 4 in! Om% 11 0mPr• • , Ce • - r - ; or. to .. 110,1 „ Du. 79 idttOttEtst..PgiteMel. T.BlAlL.WilliiitalE TO-LiVilY ~ 416 , . tOoai POOL..foachlorg. si Quistu rrovri _ yaw" -Mg 'Mgt blows utotatoo. • Now Tarlt 'tad: fidlititolial+ Berataiti* Om ensay we loroadal to tall to Mime I 'OITT OP sir, Toys. - ... gouda, gii.S. - CITT,OT ILIIJKORIOITI. Ass..l%_. OM Olt ISALTIIILOILIffiII. Am. 4 Lad wpm namadtos Ilatudio, at ma, Irmo TAN . 44, North TIM ' germ or riaudig, Peogla II Geht, we Its gwoighwt to Chignicii . ' Mug Ilidow.--sto OW Dinghies .;.....i..........PW til do.: to h00d00... Al do. to bidet..w a do. 'tar Peris.:- - .. lei 40 . do. to 1hai1w...... tg SO do, t to Morton 20 AC .1 go.. to agiblialll dl SO Paidowipia oho Wignioded to elm, lirows,higt!' larea; attire*, U.; et equally low row. ' s boa Lemopoil go ptlio wegoisowto It own, - 11 Ph VOW. Btierogo, ... Sbiow "Iwo *Ode ht tot *dr Meg& out bwy WOO bow wt_thige bottle billinsitiow sly id the Cbspont i . - JO2ll 41. D•Llf, hoot, lb ilogettonwo; S. Y. ' . . `Jain il THOMPBOII, iM • Egad widget, bra boar tam lbw . . DE - 11111. GILT • -& . L ici_purpiataut nog PHIL ADJILIPOI TOR LIT 'STOOL. • Shs lee Debbi. Banos 11.1,181412. L. Bead itsabie, having the vista , pin new . inlispd. *M. be dtepstaiiid in sties. rOr Wood trorah. mots ; lrita4 starr sots. .. Or. IrISCHOOOZ, NoOIIAOT I W.... 629:1w :Fuer 10(1811MB, .. - . Cr • Keats Ofprw, ' Wks Olpra; , • netts avic he i ' Yalta 010114 1111.1 Auto*ll% I tlat Otatim's Imbue* en e mbnady. livr Iltltug's Asbradic i CAITIAGTI all WRY Prootatido of 'Arca; Wilk Tebtaakl. et Tend 11 1 / 1 10..witaxide at Ins; Wilk Pzotaskie el bai; itmla's Imam' Ligaid-Vistr Dig : Bowies Baptism liqukl liar by% , •-‘ Bides loptlisi Lpatd Bak DT; --" ' /Pupa= Wild alli Lyoky Bdolisioes Twzibut Mak Dpg Bache/We Priniilla Bar ttp; - ' , " , ll4sebabies Prosaism natl. DIE —l ' - 2 - . . Satabsises Prod= Hats Drin . _ . atczeam I 7- aPli - , Eslitnighaa's atlaralattut Ougstat, Denhailms • Wmatellog altwalb. Hollisgbast's iitlasalastai Oagaust., BeiLlyilmes liktandatigis FULTON'S - ' BE M MID 1111116 M POO' i o Dioia*iiii.4 031 POT OiIICER) W t 3o t Tgß urri a itsr 3 HAMBY VIVIGN that ta; a ndattar amnia DAD. latt DADDirDAIMI imam% IP= Ink of DONAL alio a SON. too 61, 104-.ltivas 'views% BOXllNVl4OopOloottugtouttio on Odle doe to at tbo goolpoo#. DONtoEIMMUIII t . L11112111n.: gottowormmits - twiiout artaLtaat amitsr, ors to StOwstaltno wok, oltOrowirao, too, of ur Mu to to D. W. ,iiantrz, ,taa lootootths todito Dom litly . .t.6:1,1".1 . . . . . Alf kl= iltim palleklags sad npAzinkradstbili Ancococarbealikansk_bstwaer 40waxik sal .11abhuma strests..Alletlway silFt -LILA i tll.l U I ttlibtativr i for m • LE tag. Mile* alistki•ltsinesad Issli hid 0 0 0 .00. A' saki? tie dui pt dash bd. *" , - .l7ll nOtane 1,3 i • come Libmett aid Mead senets. : ~. ALIMAIRLILLtUAA/ II • - itlo,o# . —The Lestilat 14 wads. C oc a=zeg ffligiertik*•llo!Patil 117.1 at I 1 a b Ira trt! gt MIS& Clatrstrist. - AilliWiti Unnabt tailfautt< • • '. 10112apiirori blistri*twiTt: I . ISO do madll4ololDollll z.. - SOO do Windom mourn In stagy usill kiessis by L. Et. VOlet & 00. • NIP • ‘;„,dim' /Av. Onto, btulabti mad water •pu silinat 41 BNk•Y & Whir Peravii",& l4 4 , La i& • Ock's Mx& Pampa& Parir. - &Male & tb Y JED.Ir hrenese Ws. Ilkkols & 074% Lb& Pereilloalloa. =r=ll Ludt Blom of Tooth; Letts ,t qr , N ToIlk; Ltd I of loath; oaristaikees isooksist Vale ity4 , Oh Cari rlssoaon es xo's Za h mlakc a DM - tit4se &d Hat r 15rW Olubtakeds Itsesida pia pros. *mill: Nat DO;/ Yenta*n are Ils; Ueda& Bair Dori - %WO= DitriVei thi• riiierii; for tllo bkksix trot tbellrir sad liriddurE for ta• km* imadßlbisal TOW BALI AI"; 61 mid 49 Falk ims, L42'1=1711671 PA. , t i - M)Mff'S IKPROVIID 110,06 •im 01111711 ,7/ -19rsisuozo, - .34 ‘ c• !:. Ohl* Boni, Pinploi Bars Syss, • _AIKOP14: 0211 . ' '• • • tr.!: •: „ cc -ywy~illM/~ Old an& iltabbarn - , ith aura Dibility. --Loss: oflAirpeetiof r L° ll OlW , ‘ , LP} 21#1,91/ W en# l 4 l 4o-#O llOll Caries et Willows. • 4" • ioaiinii WITS aurAmmmtmmumam mamma imms ogiarm , svA Ompixrp. ommemuor TSB-.BLOOD 01 01300 W TORT. =MM. • • :ic. IL E. ttamar-1 yissmrd lr aatlai this vedi audioemt bow alsedbiasp•- ipaiiiii Yon ' trtaiiitel — arifito T. bad lailerid trllve years 'I I. wldde lacidoaci iialicadlOuretbieddlela to atirto. In* 9117 1110121.14,A00k at thO b*Yittoo Ati7 areiesda tee eyysenaar, it * dm bed* oat army Se be vase Ora - e'eatt Wow, biotic'', aesi Sat bat - 01116bl 1 as my lad Ala an te OWs as•a• ladme that , esaerat il' m et bow audicad: Ltnia ney jut, lad Keteeddleadi 'sad bad sues ail All lops yeedtair. me. atl teberiiiikaPitadd Oa Pat. 11.11111Ofte kW.I Insfe oillatetell , lam no; Buda te last coat. I tad labia to - per 'iodides% lot yawl bid Oa - Wei tia6 q 4 /and deatilfro . ,; idamitaa nlhilddad idaCtioaldbmid. I bias goy Spina dotal tea WILL NA say bed ;4 ses smseenly Iran amyl lie seam andatagtedu lto new Lidli aia mow asa the didatatim 'My Mita Mime mad leow TOEllod tleraial :alto mei dr'risaudies. I aa-aea a Veil 'sive sea Ow* yeas Wm" sad I id on* pa* 1 ea I did whoa err ireadh sad lune .taatelledfi ealeittereati pm& I moil; goo Os* trtot.oo, diseted t . thiel4 v aei bad Sat - ioopoliad Mai scialig Isom bidxttl4 war lam 'Nei avow boas obiatvii* *.its l l 4 Ni 01 'Up Con% d 0 .00314 dOit 4taXtii: l4l ' llama fait/am Jay - ippeamilO4a jai beam* or bon egareasit ..110101. eaaßaatiPlOgignOsNiele itig* tat mawta it prooltia:aadaleo Pr..7lBiirsa. I would also state eiat I foci eta laid illecater addleires oadatalito Dr.laysio exasoooatimi.' set: iiiaagi 41 biped , lee ecalei; 1414 sot eel :one fast told I:** It*alt . * DO• bussak on. wito ci Okla ono rya was wow Ms dd. I Wtbwteta.agamed.al l6saaiya sot ibitroneitx. empri. 4 - sel!msr,s - ,ln i rr etwrfiesolOir-iselsoidlessma -441 Wit. le kr hetpail Climb* eititek • Da tlMtt, rear. 100 0 32 . 1' awl eilrbo loom as miussf.w. 1 lids dry/ se. Pio etaid, iddlliFandoyad -.teaorixes ivacki.66 wisui , . . 'NITA 4 BilllD jai OULU. • tt.'i ,i.: 6 . 1 , :i . ,i , , , i I ~:11, i; ~1:4-; i ' , ,-.-.. ~t, nu( sis Mmsiranstes • NM sal 7wre. 'Dili; NIA, bibilloglistirleart wasielvararliss .1 , • diollimirDe.L gm* Islas tlisivirostlr moo illoptllialititisers Itlmmllon wag itekawillfailobit . lllll.l•loels a 1/0 M AM . .iZst=llLMiphisaigAmOsli IN iimililisWoiie , a 6 refa . soilpilose , UTW . liplSWarSn . User, le -11.16~1sAllli liMenvisf witrulllol4, .tearamdissma~valarn slisre am* RUC - ummiostigkibiramplirt.APlosall.sly di*. 1 . d missailenaletlillik I le•lisiliby ' Wan* itlif polltimilairalmimlNAigwirlingsmisrep l willilW,elinisy • .0 snap el .011,elliill muomprieg . ../r as 1113 . .milkinfresst , • imi , c.- z , ~ - , , • i -10131NOTAT.1. , I.l..nuilpardvasivi.uiv , Mali. lOU OW ' :, , WelamPAL - 11 x. Wawa. - Yana i ellukanp. A !Mir ' 4 . 0111 ,LJIGVOW. - rnionim wow llll iL.4 Mier Asitle o.llllree boas Ambles brow a, - per. It am uveseell sift dies salsa asiban oda ea miakfteimsdp span.logemilill so OM Iwo Iliksbbli.apr Or • laliplirk Ow at LW do anal& laistarnistal •ioss IMMO silissakt *NW rood or ow now. W a I& 11.6MissaslissI aft Misiniti daaladpuawbfsalpwa.laa laaIdW.II iisnetor mid I now Mk*/ aM ad lois mei limaar Wilma& tag anglord, 11101111101140Mese• dor - Thollt Tau* aftskAaijatil aa ; .1111 • Je sorpi is or SO Fliataile; allArb • aehir !allow esdis d a 7•.. • 11:AUSIII; .•- . ' • ' '••• " r 7s , ' .!• !•'!" P • ‘• • ! \ p a A 'V* 013 - 1311 . • tolGiqui,xotll 111 FOR 00N1311111". • • - • -sox ••• , 4 1 4 04 4 1 - Oblialehbobevilatut t lllto iv; taloa lisokaillet alaraotalt= spo sat hs moosuat sow onto to soot avd--ade sollidoi•he prinimil with monk OE% lliodio pow itillOal,aprob U s thailbro a vamp( Goampitaa Ora Mt .1101 / 1I W s r 0 O r r , o k al la 2 a 11 llarble intiVaranikuns. ,otexicsaorenza - Itimmarteuna. ftwaliallesSlNUME llo q AND EMU% ;; 11.1 infa isd 110 Wig Ittldlool {5,2 :1 Mik0 1 0.2...- age a " .. I I " teilijamfralit a.IPAIIIO7I - dew Odslosart -•:.1),;14111.0.WWIlart- 2.27: 1 4 la Ihx* band fifth oga?ft imam - .,,„ua woe toiltdoult '% . ) / 1 . - .. „.1,..,..„,..,,„,.„-:...,-..„ - -„. - -:: . 7 / r I . . ....._ - LAN /111 SULSO ' &1111111111§1 phi lOC 1611.1Pabo -Imo PIO umatuedls Parcel. hi ille•• BONED ItODDLT Dept et DDT% i f art InsalbaZtati. . 1 LOO a. m.. 1 .100 a. ga.iltid 14 IL . —i lald ~.« -I Ma .. I IRS " lirai tale ' sr- ray . t . I um a lit, Mid . t. ,no , 4:154 • - -n- &id 'de' Oda - WO." a* atialiavtabild 8... , :t, wait Ma. foam* imam& 'ad O. i Olio laid.- . p etit 1 1 1 = 5 k/V p itA wN /Lsada. DV" Oak*. Rd. .aelkiadol , 44olotait aad reathwed t lateldtds. %Wanda sid OW lionatiot, _ Adana mak tAtpatiadl N. i Lama Pittatat¢.....A.......11:0D a. To ~ io . .• ' de . Widdrillt. lkla• . too 'l. de Las , .Altisiain nnn " (At * ....t.. do • lanai ' - ......ia..........j. IA * I dad d" 4 :do 8ad0ta..4............... TM " kid it -...- \Male it. - .11:10 " • TAO a .: ~' Gamma' Ai attb T0N4111111115 bran% lad ~5-,, U., Oaaat Dinar; at Mama whtt 1 Pittsburg* . sys• -- sod . Waco Bolido4 --3 - •IL lovagaramttb Italatititradd ono Wed= lidit •,,...! J ib" nrstrioargailitialipitiiittAls, 0111111, el :,... 0 1,1, Allombrirs 9. l 4araaa at Bodied will (~ -,-..'- :i -lia& dtkadd*Wi . idaddttst, Iddredditst IC-1,,..- ‘ l , 0 0 Yaboia . MUSl.r.b•ro. mod is Md.' .4. *MA S 'l ' C -13 ; -fot arta Deakbi mad DWI ortta=oll T.. 11.: L 6:. lisadaalli,lrtdado. WA atct, - wdbodll• acme sodatkiii isviiiiim jp. si... :: 1; - Atatax - slaw snow ordscdt c l3O d: id...ildic 1- lIIOX o. ia..sad kW a. sa. ...„,... ~ - -,_ .- - - w a it 1' '..prowaitildtast to an aratadami" pasaialat:th*.lLTtartip.lllasstatialii - . .., auqui.eawilliipellet l And IdAlkdb** 7 MP. - ' - ''" -'-' ' . ' , , ~..... , 444- 0•511114111116 Usk" , atraS. - .`••,. 1 - AX ths(40114 0 1:91 411, 0 1 i 1/01161001 0 ,V 1 A- : boutille gad road Ito Za tolk /Id • Loeb, Bt. aud it - - • :Sitigili , - 1' • .sod otter INPlNiftmr,,-moom - --_=. :A - , _... - "AL • ppmftptimaym t I 11 , 41 I M Trn 1131 DAIL7 rita/13.• _.. -;• •.;_: • 4 , , TM l's seecul . Aooo2uto•Darroll ilisarTiLlati • isms Ow NonsisrAmens* 611 :liitolit 'II tip s. II.:` Marren 0 oil Sem 1.1 - 4. i Mush sod PhltrartiMli, me moltrok Milm.l. L tiro to Ear rook or PldlodelMus.2-- , t 1 20* ftarlZOWlLlift . ftlatilioroo no pb, PPP , 1004 "-Amal aerstat i g= Duro ill . , lap ii. Ighi GuiliObil tab IS 41001100 14 5 ./ 41 - mottos m ornamoMmt itt - Alair Ow tIMM - 1041VM.MtliOtiMit ppa.W litekorkirli MI6 ' /, MI MULOUCIII tome imam!! 1 6dl° mo=or 4 Par i* Datitonso2 '':,), C 34w . I!' ma fixNwe Todf Tpli arim , rpm ,t. 1 ,Ty. y Liglimii thir. Seem gall 7 (asifi'; ' 1 iw.) Ilk 3 3 5 armaris V. mi. dionlisi alU t Hit c PT :c; t &mar. mormeri. be - d•.. , , I , tlfalftblia 11 4 04. / 100101110611118. 'di' t : 1 i'.. z z,../R74194.0PAN. 1 4 1 ; 1116 • 1 ' o MAlllegol , anla searks. - ; 1 lionipt 316 ` at Mil slat , - 1 Art Males,' butt , • • vii i e „ ; . . ..,1 -1 ' „- r*,"„tiatrifi ti- OW - • • • . • Jor.wire ~, - - 11 14X Y kt all' re.ip , . it. :. - -:;' ril lb ua'mo Low wren lbw Is iltai I. asa riattabg. laths Ptitstszel ~,:„.-•..: MatinVati .. .Liiii illiSOMa l in : ,:. Bettbegry IE6I, gr. , y Mr -, ..,. My:4l.._Mlt IMOM 46 13 9 •r at 1= ii. aa4 &Mama Atmessottlw . 1311 ii; - 111. r rho - .lilian tllleigqn Arcookoomt. , ;. 41:11144 at.; ailimbi.W— 'doll AcomiDAM '.: -OAS ta. ot4 Third Wall's psodatAascommildi ; i" LAO 0:11.; Swift WON ftilloo amanalik' 1 , s4= 110113cuitiklasons um intro rift ft). , isprra. st. lido p; suoi Loft% Imam for ereinft sad loOtrarOmOromositobs 4 oislo Isotoratica IMY> Tbsemall; Limoisoadlish ~1 Arimotorm - 747 , orromtroormstoribltrola WI, 'L! osollirtits ftattorom AWIM slytiimin ax,o t -- Imam sr ftroramt Nohow MI tifirma lift ft prom Troia, rod Kul Trott it Ida Wiatue . , ilsormars. satlllhans Tat mold:Waft* 113 - tolorilhts !, arsrie or Wm; to Mtn: PitorMt ,-. EdlemM.Mtlio ow MOM . arrmor 10 ompommt Mrsopmetor OM,. Mr tooth ' ' Anibsted MO •staue nig . m . a c; 1 , ,,. .bing, r 0.. tam dal IN co Fantle - wag Mos WI Eva yak alitnabis; • • ' „..ar .i4it1iianr...:....1 . 10 60 ToVirmine..-4 Is. ', 11 - .: Y 416'- ' - '”' zi - 1606pigwink•• won inatsiai assolimmise•-;' =ll X. 74 2",:rillsigNia% B,augge. • „-i "Posemaar• . pal•LiiiiiC - . Iticiagi WS 6; 1 *Mitt= lowle•-•••••=01 twaled. IC 1 • • 661156 , 1166160i;n60 40 600' Om -16006611.1306.2.41.61016 m '" . 6411 "..." 1 lignbaSe4 l art Aim sait ' - vs ids ', sari i :SAW rit smitairsulk . 1 ' ' it, , ir..412 - 01Mala 000, 6 1 vonstillivitur*". gligartt pot s •• • dm p acs to kg each pii, • . dupe NA tiNig,l7ll.:4s*. nit . ~! ..,,..„ ~ ~.....,....., Ofittal ISaltres• - 7 -, •• -;_ '~ti:Ar'l►~. _. DOLLAR -11AVIbied,41JLIM, INo. 66- : ... crs - -dieffirfiroft P.20.0i04 1 4 , ,La04 ea wilaamear , ono_llononn. ..moa n nod In to Bowan. . .toi.'notk - 7 oo 'We . nod Ototrote. lot to . - W %Mtn', tail ''LL , L.- L.. , t. arson. owned otit Mt osaoton . loto lint or, .asikes. sail • non's* In_nos team doolond or - Lt. t. - ow. no Joe sail Doonnor.. loan& la toos - .. - .... don4..soonnoonall loi Jive ihibirtleumber. no. . lbs . Inn into stOno nom of dm pot coon:: n an_tenn ant loLgifool ft no mei 1 01l On doposnoot -so onototools ono bra 0100 own UP 4 wog Ira avitres 461.4 ttaiiiiiilD•ambilroar ,, , , soaadlea ontoo ii - oner'on t ootot nollinn On On 1 - ior In soarer ono lawman baoniolootot. LS tlikt Vtlii. MOM - gill do , In. km; IMO Wan= ''.. nita. onalanor. Übe_ OlOnarOirlielle. - ,01 810• 4 ! liir2"ohiln glibi d , l l**,. ..... a .,,M tkill ". la .' • Poo'stigorip—esosas a.m . '. - Jana. mcsaimm. .- ! .3issalL Ilnosody t I . - -4010 ninon. . , — . Jobs Initotill. ...1 , Alosandos Spoof f Juntll;2o.llllase, : 'Bay. Ti. In ' 'A. IL YollooL'lL D.. ..,.. ..1 Janos KO•111111 '- 'Hal 0111111t114 /WO Elorinon,- L. . -Minus J. JuJonook -: . Etna Ajloilonoo - ti Woltorninoling. I. '' Folio Ow. , _ •• - 1 - Said ROW_ .... . Hamm un k nosinn - o . ,_; 1 t . , - ',. icitd:ll.a=ts._ SYndlt. p INallits IL Wlldont - Nooknly ..' 'II Issislitrattier. -r' , , , Wat...r.t.,Wldot'2qaon. ~1 ' lILL .L.ol: e nli. ' 1 1 , .i.i ,Oilvta Maw!. • Mai a. saao* - . AWL 0. Madill, 7 -Moor : Atiorbis A.Clotum, .Wlilisa Inaba a `i • . Petal/. Bator,; Sawa Jane, 'tufts aNDlrrill* • ' R its - . s KIekROILIDEBB. _Arra aciamoo an timdownisur7o/1 -IROOLaltryrie4llll.lfill 134.6211, IMPLS AlliWkittrA=o4 tim per k ilige w =li si M 11.4.41tal 110111141004 a. LJW .' uI 101:1‘111MONNAWeipaswESIOIMN Ps. vauni.twet4. Lirmaiiimeck i t ; c emi r ies karipidiiilrel disk* 21= roa , Ilialindedieirdill-1* thri ft bow W M as • bio woo to3mool Iliiromoot true to sum of Appl• mks*. in el .vas Uisse;poir aids, WOOli Put.lo, 901:1111rOS•tan• "rets•W:* i1t0.,• tor • NONEY. Qin Mal mi••••• 1.-A. 4'4• , mawar ia r 1 tea boob* Memo vreissusaa i s i:CISMULD tolOotooor.-- Nzso iejeJoaxpos. xt. iii-tigclinugalPßPPEEß ; 2011 SS ImAs SID sat JAW Oiabol ' ydrdhossoitiossaillisliSsis IS litos.a. AO SOIL slabse_, siAlaild4d going : 4- Am *saws mckAt LT; SSW /I , t , d i " • d e tr l lndb boos ribei, 'Wimp 111= _SOW= Nam • ID bbSk. X. O. llalssim 7 ; 10 • edam yeas- ,` • 10 do ' iabtsdorYrldag :_ mamassiSkirSide bs__ _ - mussairatinvoliD. ...,,,, kociui. all tuna ,ra • . weft arl WWII NIL a 1 " . 7 1 ' .77 Jientlii - - kiiiii,alMill ' Liao wilts lileb gad "rat . _. . .: iVV.Ir4= ,•' %.• ' „ ' • .:,. i . wid,, i15i;•,,t.t.... ~ ...4 ;. . , ,,: 1: - la= ic i, S.O p-4.'4 ~, 110 ~.. ^ inguruNCllll4 vsobbis:rmotiaLnwl is . brads bat; Ihrif4s 4,6 , lol.o 4.l3CalliMu 7* : 4 1 = 0 1A, T. I!I
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