The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 06, 1863, Image 3

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    f' ..p~~~'~ - ~ . ?CiyC~ t`h ~~.~ ` ~ ? ~ ' , l ~''~~ 7 "~'' S '"`~~3~ti . "~".~~m.rr~~~;. L~•a,>_. _,. ._L:~.:~......~._. _.......,._..
.. f! --
4tnit -
cir APR Aiits
• via* Pisa, ;Ticket.
/Maid Cburi.
_ At 01111.111,11
soziti.awa - -
CG Rims A niasoir
f. 19106.1. DIGNAIL
n • - MAI grow&
Wm. A. Hianoz.
111:5r &N., Trourner..
f 31,11. J.
40/1:111r. DALT&
nisi obtains vosolutdoi to this
Iti, otrtisigio' "lib Promos and Ito
11soillos, ism mid justly bon tiro occasion of
Aho oppobitard,tits doh by*, Prod
- oat, fa labile Thankogtoing,. Praise sail
Ai the Prodsotation,itoolt, &dam,
adliibuitHaiap i oprtotiososo of Emotion,
s it Is Ili "orioadost•af ;soil *error; for
our shades, both on had and sea,
-motel tad elEsative," they
r 2 -
„ hays not been worded" aithoat "each ,
, ; breagit4losestle iate,avory part of
. v u:l,-f.irlo./.0 US* *lt. Wm, UM with prep:
a beast OUT flaiollF4ll42Bl4lllliii
toimsi.prindbitisitk own can
. •-• seeleasie, reader the homage dui tothstivint
thinia Betas done
• • lithe Betica's - bobelf;end knots the lain
quo of I lb Rai 13Phtt, tote
a ura
produrad, sad so lon g a
isellhim and Onkel rebellion; to 'op hi
'blasted the isiorientsi to anbie the Donn
, Ws Id the itovereleatiritli wisdom adequate
• .to so grill a National emeraanoy, and to vis
'tank trader ascii - sad consolation through
. oat the length end breadth of eir land, all
*obi atoithrois/ilt thevioissltoAes of mink
es veysgee,_,bettles • sad dere, have been
brought totsoffer in salad, body or estate, and
- 11nally to lad BIS 'habitation through paths
of repeittaitoi lad Submission to the Mollie
, • ,
will; bsok to the Pribet enjoyment of Union
and fWaenl Pray-"
• rBo may we learn to emistorate 'those
blended emotions of triemph end. sorrow,
Mtiehsis Oohed by the inemories' that 111
sad thrW our boats ti-day l •
A Special Illeetiag of 'Clatthsilis.
• • spend meetisr of Counials via hei3 ca
• Wednesday Meath& Waist sth, to Soneb
4; the • sedinance beeressiag. the Rehm of the
InOaks:, intesset,, Yours.Herdmen,
- Yelgillen. MoCartin, Memos, Mothintook,
PlttLtns.Qtan, Bass, m Thompson J. Reed,
' -v• -D. and, Wills. •
Crinuition. of Mr. Allen, Mr. - McCarthy
' was mini to the chair.
(Oa readers will remember that ht thi lost
regular meeting as obilasan wee loused by
Cumin Como% increasing the salary of the
- Night Pollee from one dollar per night, sad
he, to on dollar end Illy ma to per light,
reckon fees; that in Eisloot Council theordt.
• • .-"llliteerell amended by striking out "one dol
lar end Shy oeuter, and inertias 4, , on dollar .
twenty. Are mats," without the fees. The
as emended, did Not reach Com
, gaolComicil, and the Night Polka on Meru
, _leg of the result of th e : soden , maned to
"„,mteit lesthev.. 4.0 04 1 1 otasONl of Stagitt
Candi wm then sosArli.. but 'tamelotid,,-re
- deed reconsider their meow The rake.
'still persisting in their "Alike," nil no sent
Deng nude to apron the row 4im which
:• , mused, the present special meeting was
celled.] _
Mr. illieUlleteek panned "as oral:mum,
increase of the Day and Night Po
' lice," which wee laid over for the pressit.
Mr.J Slid oared an main* residing
- tor the rimming and setting with curbotonse
_ . of- Snead- street, from Market to Wood:
• Adopted. C. Canard. - • ," -
The pollee Gainsay se mann kb &Mt,
was oat lets Common Connell for oonene.
resew The Common Cornell adhered to their
satin, ma aspolutat Mums. Mackey, Pel.
' ' en Semi MAI Constittse of Conerenes.
Benet ~urn end *misted Messrs. Phil
- - upe and neuron: TM Committee. alter
•an onsulkitior, matted In favor of then.
tsoa et Cosmos Conch, fixing the salary et
AN &Um sad fifty ciente per night.
' Urn the quotient of the report,; Mr. Reed
edelmil It distlestly understood thht the old
• , per' form, Using resigned; word not be
.slessil ea duty again ea body. The p o lies
.• c o mmittee would use their powers, ender the
- • erlineen sppoletnew awn th e place of
them old:broken dews hicks; whose iscom- - ,
penny was se palpable :and so lidurions to
jie city. -
Mr. Phillips wee of the opiniorthat there
wee sow no pollee Mesta tie employ:nest of
the st a nd Cud a new form would hue to
.:Theispeon wee in favor of pare, eu
dollar EMI wlelf to the polite, bit• be weeds)
Mbar opposed to eontizeing in pin those
Inemmielowt and _worthises sieve trey In
, tie 1111111114, of the atty. Rio oldest wee to get,
; new sad mei meager the inns* salary.
Kr. Phillips thought that the phase would
Amen be re ambitea-••-thet wan Iberia- -
• - lien; bathe meth mot reap Unbolt to AM
• Aber eons Win? aismusice," . it. J. Reed
the known, t- . • ;
'-'mod, That the. Selma - and Compost
Ceitiell recognise the oorps of Night Police
----;-,,---themstsMervointed,-se slier soros, end as
seek must some before the Pollen Committee
odor ;
Mr. N OR M opposed the neolatlon, taking
•tike groned that the ordinance was nfkobmt,
and that the Polies Comatittee dld'uot require
. m to to diseksege of thelideities. He
loe reeekellee es • relleMion au the
. dill* Polka CotenatMe.!
_ - Osten& gestkreen disclaimed lite:Mks
„•;',',-isivedied es 'the Mite- , but
Mewed the utmost , eallibliee 21:4
laes,wes to Fenn s -susfilet betwese the
,• the Ptheethesatittes This Mayor
• sethirtien the - oft foam km wet sedge
mioned sem Mean to continue dna is hem.
_Waft t this actin the resole
kleitrall* _ _ _ •
Zs MAN loved to Mend the resale!
till lb, ihe Sew corps to he atm
Come is 4 othersit
of Ks rural
Tbe eamadmist rim it bemoan, end the
•‘• is Doman Cousedij afgtastnimated Km
eassion, the resolution was eribetri:th bye
• -mete of th to to
. usys.
:fa Cbastoto &stab b y en in members
• goakspilas Mane.- Dardey, 00MS, Rolaseb
- u s wers, Jeremy,' Reams, Mo n tgomery and
.1013 16: 10 ) ' • - •
r ms . by Mr. McVay. jinni:tea of Lest
• sim u si g J e L s . d and mrprosed. •
Mr v igieb,ellitad intented 6 petition for the
• of t,hr ordinerie .imthorialag the
ga m ma as ,,,,whig, of Morton street, from
t he, •-t•Yraley , , Railroad,ow Ratter
• . 40 , 0 6, two s ansylyssia ItsUresd.
- MILYale ii Vilaktid an ordinance re
" mskag the anUsense above referred to.
Mr. drisstross primeted, snrAty paters
relative to the sate j
The whole matter wasaiscusesi et= kiegtb,
sad laid on Cm table by a vote of Di MC. ,
Kr. Bthes_preented • political *Min to th e grade of Peen street, hetweenffllymerand
• : IMior Mein, which was referred - to the
...skeet-Clowsitlee sad _City_ imilistor, with
power to . -
OA mottos, thentethi
• ' Ass of ,ost ott dialers indb2 who lawad g
4U la 011iPalladelphis.atiskst On anulga
.llllllll4llllll3lol do, bolts: than plus It 14 01,
• 'lusts of al. Isoirk Bro. This 1s sa ea
tdirlOdaldaiiierlo4o ans. sad asAiss• as
, Assitstlea la Pastas tlutt ott platod to their ,
tw Espies* of promptly sad at
ils hijlrf lassioll ago.`.. FOR , pant:Wars, we
sthitsalisit)strattississat onsut ant pegs.
_ ammo at Sixth chitreik, th is
*.n...-4,loll•Oriall.beaditicuol" by.ollawa Lloyd,
4" ilindsgacamity, sad 'that.
{;~ S
~.~.e'~"z#i .Y.
mWt_ I And eigitteen of the nom
eaeothidliittill . ferse arrived a" Coat
Culmebni.. 00.1 u ad mere conked in the
Western Theiltelilary. Allegheny. The es
cort. eonsirted of men of an Ohio
THLIMITUIG Day.--Tids day Wag let
apart by Abe President of the United Meta),
as a day of National Tbaakadidal, 60 AU..
slimyollie will be opened from 134
to 9 ceolook A. at., sad from o3j o'clock
P. Y.
lamer fiveirs Y. B. Crozos.—The Bay.
W. A Davidson, pester of this oherah, will
Rua s sermon appropriate to the 000sslon,
this • orals& Mimi, put tea °Vest. '
Ointrans and Camas Ounia will be taken
at the Omnibus ofilfroMo. 405 Liberty attest,
day Waded. All orders left at the above
pleas promptly attended to. Ali calla
ithldlat steam._
DUU) s
130028-0 a Walassim . lAgut 6th, at 4 o'cluek
$. so, IVILLTAht. s ea of Hears sad leas floott.
Kid 7 zmistbs..
ruktangsZ will lake Mee Tiromes, 6th lost.,
at 3 *Wok p. at, from the miasmic* of kb molt&
lhotiat Meet, opposite the ftme Works. The hisads
of tie ha* ate tatftedLto attend,
NIVIOEC-0a liodatoihr mosolag sth last, at
6 eatork.IBLANONN, daughter at it= K. OA
Elisabeth E. Ninfokiaph 4, isaaths ant 15 dap.
The hoard will take slaw ham the faddism of
Yes; N. A. 'Bailey. No. 467 Poem attest, at 236
*Weak Shams sorsamaa. . ;
DONALDSON—On Vellum*, roorottg, at
o'clock Jammu. H. ww„ex.anoir. mod 1$
Taro and 7 saatbs.- - - • -
Tbo taw& fill take plow Thtrillp& attithlt.'
at 90N:took lc= tt. roatdonco of for pitstai, Ito.
146 o.ntro ontati!, to proatd to Nouns Ulan-pm-
/ 11- Y-4 1 41111 MX at Tarllngtaa, NUTLET=
apt 13_ y, Mouths mal Mk date; 1.2.121.
Ott& t 21.41612 liar apt II ,111 months LOU* akosauve £dT. saed_tt
Binh 7esoro.tamatt‘ tant2 date—all oblldrea at Jame
lad Bay. •
Imes' on 111171.11311 AT ZUB3IIIO, at The!doolti
boat the madam of Mete parade. eastaiky street,
N 0.112, Allsiteay. Tho lamb of the twiny ore
latiti4 to Waal. -
3211111T—Oa litedttesday,sth bat. twat&
' s toat daaaplorattalaeo sad Ude !lpityq., aid
. 19311111111 7 / 1 311111/ 11/112110011, at 2 creloot, from
the rediget• at for pinata, Nal 318 Penn Aiwa: •
The &bads of the batty aro lalltat to attend.
u'vx CrlitlßOß, W 01104004 street, Allegbeay
Pres:Wag .Quarter
twirre .a6At•
[rewEv. JamES rubutiasa,
will preach In tII. LISIS2D PIII:I3ITD
DIAN ammo% on Bu lk Blew. To.bungeow
*01111):All, (11wabghilng Day,) 10 freakier.
saliat .
clad TO•D &Y. (Ibuttegiving
14Af1•illaN &Li THAN iiteiViNti.--
wer *DIM= 81 , t OVOLLSO.
—4lltosanott Itottnnas VUI /sliver of &dawn on
unit War,' on Tan. lEGIV ING DA T, at ley. or.
to.„ to thb Bomb Street IL Allegbegr.
•PitAlUifk—lehireliSirMiad Conn.
.14 them :Lewes vital boil • *pm mot
lag is the lath Presoptarlaa Q comae of
Wa and unrancia .trooto, c 2111:413017
OWS% fah last, at realbot. iht pabtlo axa
bolted to &Mod. - me=
4. , tr —A smith's of the BRIORLATISS 'UNION
will to lull la Mir Holl. allesboas !igloo Roam
Irwin stmt. on 1 aub.snor HVUthQ. go 6, h
loot ,as IX o'clock. 111 (Oda of
aufkit • ' ? RI OItIioIDNIOT.
Omar+ae litnerana nimeowts. - • 0 0-
rWohanfl. Nat hint. Isar}
tba Subetalbara-to the Sleek if tbaWnta
ern TraammtatiesOompany_that au -atemameat of
nvs D 105.1.4118 f s s oo ) Fiat 01 : 110 4 K ' tiw Iwt°
levied Open Me moot mbentfted.payalie ABM
of the tmaserer, at MIMI:4X of (4 Wore tbe
1210 day of June, Inidt, sad a tau amount mazy
thirty days thareafter, ethane*waned ..
..L izits at4orol lb* Board , ,
A. J. maostwatz. Pecrthay.
" • Ilea via When - at ea Baud ot'lrolo
16)28 a l& abs tlitlDOrel• OD worma,
tao day of Anen vitt, it W.:ecl at., to
oikot Mos DlOWnior t t the littobougli Grata at*
tor Gunplay, •to own lor the mosodog Var.
lloomazoi BaJuavait, Buttti,
Jan'B. 43•1111110. room
'' - W. Ilex ow, owl Moors,
1•10 , :t4 Cleirommtsn•
to Med to um who howl mitred so &Mon
tie& tam not 1.. than alto mootbo, with dna* of
1144 m" e
°6 tcr farthe r ii 4l a : boas at 10 10 Illth
" .."" r l' l it 9th BetirtaPCl.
straes.—u fa wall known to the chinos
of Plthibeash hut thin ends an todettusate ap
es* bstesea tiw slake' pollee hive and one et the
bnanno cif tho City theuto.lee and hat oats.r to
ihw dilfennine I on deprived of on adequate point
lone to ran your Oros and protect your moony.
Shoe ay donsion to the chid natistney of nth.
blush, by your (enema. sufireget, I have mdeavor •
ed to beta; wkatevir ht exparlestre crstalky
1 might poses to the dintarp of thole dant* and
rows/tote dunks pertafthern the high tend cos
end to ow It h not anuming too tomb, t amt.
too aim kir my odiabietzettoo, oleos& conning
at it tin* 'when the public mind wait ta, ano
unfavorably etched; to gnat an demo, al disorder
' .ad aerationgnat se ant, g the myna of any of Mr
predenweint Peen sad pled order hare refined
tiumenut theory Panto, end may bmch of lb*
laws, eo far as in soy
town bat so.
mil. It te Una I hare been then m
.1.111.4= 1 50m,
d the day phis—sy *Odd into have ber all
areal—nty leditochnietheik sad my CoBl.olt la.
paeoltd. tkW l hots pming the iota tenor el my
holfgaint sine to the mane of my trethan
or the WM aspinkine of nakeseinte. I asnm s.
Isom Aunt kap!. I barb Wes duitind of an las.
palatal ono of sty yolks, to sie int of few an, while
I am hid nopindbfe ler the ontinaanco of the good
enter end peon whitebait bon isiond doing the
preconni phi deo tans, Wedpetheotyptiob
od In any cane also niononime oi mane
ben of thoOlty Claud", and approved by the Police
thentitite, hove dentoaded an inerini or pay. Tb.
o[llllllolloossoll sanded to rtes denntd, bat the h
lort Uthocil be rehdell.. Ha mutt to, th at an ad/.
ninto night palm Faroe cannot to .. ploys at he
went which Coundle ea whits gto.tito Whdant
time warm putued by the ix broach la the
city vrininentie pruned mid lediefem, It ham sty
tob,won nod to details to decide. My Mood in thhoonatit•
womi orhatene as* SWIM, Cal
plere the rerponsibidty of tin defewithin on dos
ofh.dywnnaupropwy teloage
at tit • O.U. Mignon. Jr. Maw,
L Tai."—Tha ehdlordharl r howl plowed te
both act Notothohle Mat ea port of Illoglead, ten
bad yr rittrar y aspielso boot:rathh;
IsdlPamium:o oreasier
LUITIth "so R an i n hats Triorth leTte
Aliso *MP root bepotheledi twat ~ akar tt
The doestre Poe awry
1 11 1 = Webb; at toodowlinp for the La*
The What nosia totrarl evorriarek.
- D.CPB/ 1111, 0
• t - 7W - 7#llo arra. Pitlabanb.
al' It • Y] D—Fran'lStialterlike
DJ Drove Yard, on tbe eta hat ,
BOWLS, ine of than instkat with the War= on
the night tdp; the o th er thut hos try • Irrnai
old, rather thin t Yea. A abed wrn be
gen* eay talonsallea orneareby the above On•
amber' ham, left et the 'llOllO IL or
1101,1•Sit'a 11101,1 oTABLE. ' Jima
_lloobs, - OMmq isti4 ‘NOftrs,
&Meg Cheap, at - •
ircastioakwitrcrnor puss.
• N. 4 ,s.nirri suur.l
01.ALIUS dilsartption. «acts* ToS tbs ssb.
scram. it es retes t vis Ihiatioss.llo 001
*Ma SS 60. 0. U. TATI.OIt:; ‘,
°Sta. TS Chant stmt. Pittstarp.
S. V. Ikk *u•M sr* mils 1$ So dela dor sot
was& mid hilbrirdSos whoa MAL. .1.411 y
411111`.1i • VEI).-
1" • d001 1111 :1 1 filic
• 8,01:0 ft nape Cured Ohl:1)1W Ikon
• • ; IV baps *ow N 0.4 Kooky el ;
• ID MU BM 11= 11 .
bah*, be
- • 100 MI
bozos p U rim* Qom% '
for solo by D. HILAININOS. U Dialoolot.
_ _ . -
10 as - Ohm balm
4 btsl4 Di* log
50014.w0tal iltobit;il,ol
isms Chau ;
-1490114 41 1 / 1 Bros;
Bacebed bond br Ws b 7
8,. lks„ld
fin 801/13. 0114118 :I" P, 143 .1) 74 :W .
AND QUM AMID 111124W01s
sad tor aids by , LITTL.II
IL ,I Mead 114 based Moms.
• 11AlittaLb YALU/ W ,WSVIN . 4
Vrtil 1004111 on hand sad lbe NU lbw
LIMA 111.13121,X.
BY mMiltazlL
Special Dispatch to the Pitt aeuth Gazette
WeitzGenoa, Aug. 5,1863.
Ti. following sums have been paid out of
the Trsnioq and forwarded by the parolee-,
tore to the rasprothe armies. To Itoroorans,
four mlilienj Men kindred and fifty thous
and; to Grant, five millions; Barfield*, two
millions;, Banks two and a half million;
Mann, one and • quarter million; Poster,.
one million; floholleld, do. do.; Pope, min
hundred and fifty amend; Meade, six and a'
halt millions; for °Noe palmate, New York
and New Baglaid, ladading the mustered
out troops, two and a quarter millions; ditto
Pennsylvania and New Jamey, one and thus'
quarters of a milikin; Western Virginia and
Poimminialy three touters of a
Bans sent to sumo of these armies,, blonde not
only what to necessary for then4 - but also for
deleMiid feress - riporliattklitugh them.
can inninnsmi wren saatuna. ,
The Beinbikasi, easalag, piste ex
tracts from a private ininhontin American
in London; wholit it inshinie endietiagehilid
.and rellablearitimating tiartheri la denier
of speedy digit:allies with Great Britain. The
-letter says that tko-tme--toonitor iron-dads
nOW oolatnieted SyßdgehoSpitaliste
in English dooko are nearly ready fir sea. '.I .
as confident Etats preliminary *anal notice
has teen ierricktipecithegovarnmeat of Great
Britain, by a proper . oliker of, the American
goverantest, that -With, Muria OWtiraire two
irint-cads that prow building for Gambols
in British docks; in be turned over to the
rebel authorities . to be employed-
Amerlop.shlPPing Opts the Mill luta Ale
government of the Baited States will asaPt
the act on the part of Gnat Britain as a de ,
*ration of war, and will sot accordingly.
The ItioluaondMrisehrV, of the let of Au
gust; says: The military situation has no
longer that degree of interest whisk it pos
raised during the put an, months. Los
has emplane' his !street, and hold, his old
line oft - the Rapidan and-Rappahannock in
smutty. Meade's army Is in the front, but
not probably sear enough to render sant**
IMICIIIIIIIL The gensral public, in which, we'
mesa ouroolvas, do not eaticipeta lanedb.
May an extensive action In that, qautei.'
Both armies has had their 11l of fighting
lately, and will probably Ar little Or nothing
daring the heated month of Anglia._ It is
Mated that Meade's lasetisa Is dire to the de
lay required by the ameentration of the ohlef
gratis of the East and wi !. 11,1!, and that Grant
with all the fora to beepored from the ga
-1 Mess of Viokiburg and Port Hodson will be
tranefeend to ifiminikand that the neat bat
tik will to fought by a combination' of the
army of the Potonute sad that of the
Valley. -
This supposition appears tobeill-supnorted
by any 'known facts, save the. oft naming
report that Grant has wholly withdrawn from
-1 the interior of thi State of Mississippi, sad
that ha is shipping hamportions of his men
Imp thorium; but it is far more probalds that
dine'troops, hays_ gape' plants, on furloughs,
prombord then asalibd reward of ash bits
/adonis, eampeign,:than that they hay. tom- ,
menesd 'jaunty to Virginia. The Western
Mope' aro averse to fighting the battles of the
Beet. They earns In large numbers to fight
4henbeetleed_ 'lost‘ and-wore beaten
and slaughtered even more oomplehly than
true 'Yankees, who are, unpin' the vulgar
Mee tocontrary, far better Mope than
the brutal Males of. the Northwest. Shoe
their resolution to mind their own Whirs bar
gutted to the hearts of the Northetnne, they
will light for thefilheissippi bat not for the
Jams.. orbit Matalf has Wend the eom
mend of the Arml *of the Potomac, and his
troops will deans the honor of the Chicks-
The folloirbtg General Orders are jut
made public .
Was Darscunrar,
Anscrum Ginaszle Orrice.
Washington, Aug. 3,1863.
The Department of West Virginia, win
elude all of the State of Maryland west of
the Mortuary HU; isoladizg that put of
Virginia in the aleinity of Harper's Fury,
By order of the Becretary'of War.
R. D. Town - inn, A. A. G.
Wait Harsanunrr,
• ADJIITAIS Ossinzarls Orme,
Washington, Aug. 3,1863.
The exigencies under whisk one lunched
theasaad militia for the six months' service
from the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania,
Ohio, and West Virginia, were ogled out by
the President's pragmatics,. of June 15th,
1863, butes pursed, are hereby ordered by
46P/widest that on-ead after the promulga
riot of this order, no more enlistments 'fader
said call shall be made. By order of theft
relay of War.
X. D. Voirnann, A. A. G.
• rostrum or lila UMW.
The latest information from the rebelenny
tionlinis the previously upraised opinion
that they mean to make no stand this side of
Ake Rapidan. They have a corps of obser
vation at Fredericksburg, but the balk of their
kaki airesidyvvoilt
L ot the Rapidan. The
GOA"' espreised Steady a week ago in those
dispatoisti, that there is go' inimellate prob.
ability,of i moral engagement, new fully
ilteretary Chan is expected baok to•mor
liz•Caugrosiman Hutchins, of New Cr
imes, has just rota:nod from New °deans,
when he • elks 4034 to investimets melds
Treasury busineu.
, ouretraor Dannisenorith rieszetiry
and Captain ion, hare pas on • itrisd GUM*
siondown she Pstomat. •
Zudgi Tatar,' of India ' ,is We,
Gon. Unmans' acilori In dismissing Capt:
Natthow Nottard, of the 90th Illinois, from
the ear* Is approved by the. War Depart
The Mamba, of , niglims :drafted up to this
time D 1,273. lieorglitown and the remain
ing wards of Waslbigtort will nosily else
is two fall drafted niece regiments from this
district, Is addition to,the two of volunteer.
Ths drift sontlamod quietly and good ha
sacredly tads,. *Among those drafted was
!Prank Rum of the N. N. nue and his
/- broth's,
Sputa Dlgokh to the Metter& Gesette.
The fineignadvieeic aeleeiehsg • fall of
to" 21,1 t: per and of the robe' loam , sad eon
eileatpaidela Sigieed,seu resolved this
afterim !lit great delight b oar Ifidea
Nothiagsee iron SlieArekief theyetemae
of:ifhariestea: ' B. A. W. -
- The Steamer radio Bate.
8i Joss N. P., Aug. 6+--The Who is
safe le Tto d iasallialbor. Albs bum to 6t.
Jokes to. .to mak Wetzel; aeoompaaled
by NW Yeeeelae.
~.-..'~~;.:~'-.~ -fJ'^~ ..... ~.:i~~ W..~ 7 m r-..~ n s va, mss,.. a.~ f
... '._' -.~ _~.,~ ~'.-,.. ,~. _~` S F E . : .
.! *.,. - r y sr vr }
__ ~.~_...._ ~.F-r:., ... ' _ _ .. __-..-_-.~.
_. ~ ~;~y'~w - "
,; sue... z~:~5~.~.,.
- Thistr Lives Last . -
Gino, Aug. e... - -The rammer Ruth, valued
at 8100,000, was -burned bist.alght at mid
night, at Pool leleitd,'N . I.'` Eke Wee bound
fir Nemo; and blot On . .ofithi Paint's:.
tare loti tkoVehaks, wl tio:' ktudrtni sad
sixty thousand. dollars gumulmaki,
Gen.. Grant' army; • T folhislig Is &Nat
of the name* of those_ o hoer& i - '
liter N. 11. 1;1 urbOn,l' lodil in charge;
H. s. Goderd,Philadellihko , Melt; N.J. W.
R. Neadendall. Pa • 'Jolla P .l POrd.'eark ;
Maj. - josepli Tilden:. San b 4 L-D.-Nart
tuti mbibt ; . 11 4... T. W. B _ ' flirte r Pe. - ;
W. W. Loomis, Olerkillif ' :NI Jumada,
I n
Boston, hoed slightly es . i EV O. Chap;
Son, Work, misslnir; , Wel-' l,ll - BitaPhrey)
Wholdlet H. O. iflelober, .niet) Brai• •L'ffi...
Gnaws% Horrhburg, Animing; Pta h;
Ogalsby, clerk of the 'steams% lout; two ail'
t:ltrrso deok hands, okealsermaidi and toolospd
woman, cabin pasungor,.lottiiLThe NOUN
t and second club, add lathe red of the
crew were"saved. , Thai peperSiaaci t AL the
hooks of the boot were lost. -. • '.-.' ; „...',
-Thirty-me ;oldie's ofoommise I,lith Wis.
bons's, noted as guard to;the poymeatars, un
'der command of Linn - Oosztor.' t Of Wee,
one imperil end four privahattem lost; Übe
wore killed by th e ttega Peak fates, en
them while in the water. • Altogether, et
thirty lives wore lost. The. boat had aboard
ninetpnine heed of beef eattle; , ene hundred
and twenty mules, four bun Mai of Dom
miner, and sutlers stone add about Ono
tannin& tins of privet* freight, which was I
lost. About two hundredens wive on
board. The boat WU 'hi Ivo thous
and doUers. ' ", ' I.
TIM fire broke out In thearise; of 'the boat
1 ..40119 10 between deokii; attars la-the star.
eery. Al 1100111 pe the Sr. watt dboorared the
beat - was hmaired 'for shot. tine Missouri
side; and ,truck the , bank a pti tiara, the
Ore having driven the fremillalr
posts, the engines antis gum work: As
'ooon as she streak e , tilainterjattlioia#o,
tut her stow soon liming relogio i lta min_ •
As the toxin,' caste still w g, her lsow
wee tuned from the shoriamd .she:ageht
stetted down the river. ~N - she loft the
shore about ably persons Irma aboard, nest
lii,ellbsoittwwf whom a m it us inpu thete twaso -pOiltiaL r
as -
. .... 0i04.. , •
gars sand to this alp this motile*. ... - -'
'The soldiers ore said tohavinated i Vi
!hind to have stied by dm heals '' _
She wag mall it was eartaleffif , . '
samed... The TOMO ilfatiAtell Wind and too
heavy to be removed;. beeldoto the dimes
spread all over the boot in Ism' than Ave
*mliptes.r There is no 'Mittel thing a to
how tile, Are originate& IS believed to
have been the work ot an leocultur is the
intermit of the rebel governmest;) 1:1
. An effort was made to firs thait Tel depot'
here night before last. ! , , ,
Important Irma Waaltrapbton.
WASZLIGTOS. A 4. 16'.411rNsitioeul_Ro.
piblimos contains la edit or ial' much
soht importanee b' It says
among other tbinp, if th be • slight
eisseims for lostilithm, and UM tiro Wien,
10.111telylo be Involved ida en , our steam
WM be at bnos' oortintriod into pries*
teas, and tios crommorei of PR* Britain will
be driven from the soma. VIM does titie
orludital .nentset of lho_fieeen2.s4 Essland's
advisms, tend to the &mailman if the plate
of the world. Wails not & drub, loran with .
England, but war Is not the ipsitttlet
A nation of spirit manot skim& to lojasties,
to Insoles/se, to , outran*, through $ Snits of
years and make Boston its wrung&
The come of iloglaad duties ths trying pe
riod of our troubles, hal alisnatod *very
Amerioan of ins loyal Stamm; whateser was
his opinions upon the Administintion or' the
conduct of the war. Theme :aro 'Agelloant
hots, and indlealas what the intim - am in
stare for
The nmekloatlons of Napoleon, In Mexico,
deserve attentlon, bat the coasts, should bear
mind the great feet, tluit the United Motu
can restore liesloo to its u a Repablle
whosevit the attempt shillbiatade and In
deed It Is not icaprobsbli thetNapoiSsa.lll
And an *Zane for quints' Ake position 'blob
prorlso s so good so the Iran& Nmplve.
Wasusavosr, Asg. 6:—.The draft has bees
completed. It gives an .eggvegate of 3,100
whits, and 1353 colored easserlpts.
Army Pon:tame Kaiak* had f 40,000
What from his loom last .night.
It Is believed, among army ollosys, thst all
Lee's form, exempting A. Ps. MA's o.rps,
are flosiliof the licpldstl; satiltat„*, single
brigade lat_LtagimourAlls*,, tb.•
old worts near izedarlokiturg. -
European News.
CIAZI Egon, Aug. 5 —The following Is ad
aloud news by the steamer Unla ;
The Dairy New expatiate. on no victories
of Grans, Maeda and Ronan', the nabs
petred eflotoney of the North, and Its uniform
and rapid progrms.
Mr. Lehd pubis - slum en anonymous cone
spondenoe between his Armand some venous
in Washington and Nevi Pericito 'bow that
propositions were landing' In 1861;with the
Navy Department to Washington. for This
Ann to enstruct vessels for the rollers! navy.
-There is nothing Waken however, by what
authority the anmaymenindtviduals use the
USN of the Seentary of the Navy.
Perltamontbad beenpiongmsd.
The Qunes spoon hest been dislivered:by.
commissions. It saye s
"Civil war oontisues la Amain. It fa
llen much evil, not only on the aontanding
parties, bet on other satins. We see, how
ever, no reason to divan from oar strict neu
Pl4lll and Amain the Polish insjugants
continue to hi very both* in their move-.
From Armpit's:
itsmrsirs, Aug. S.—lrohinson's rebel faros
harlot been drawn from Wait Tonneaus', has
Joined Chalmers in If lesinippl. -- •
Jesse Forest, with atoutaighthundord caw.
shy, was at Jack's Croak three days sp.
Gen. Dodge seat a torus after him. •
The Atlanta Appal, of the Ittikult, says
that the,Govoroor of Combo is making ex
tensity prisprations to' atop raids into that
State. •ft sap that a large foes of raiders
frees Room/sus' anal 4.1 Whitesida. It
also says that the Warli Mi
tigartaent -has re
solved to stop the navi cm of the lls
sippi by well•organis system of guerrilla
wailers. The editor thinks that Rosemuns
Is movies on Selma. Envy plea of haw
tame in dime& is (articled. The =mutat=
are fall of do/erten: fiaonts report that sr
rangisaints are tieing Made fat • dash on Oa
cll. k 0. road, at or: near,Gmad Jourdan, by
Chalmers, Ruggles end ilioltardsoe.
Importamt 110111.14111111•111.
Nsw You, July b, Th. steamer Eagle,
from Sauna 01 UlOlll4 tthilight. Oa
her outward pas - sage, Jaly 24th, she saw a
blaok smoke to the westirard: Shaft atter
wards she saw • steelier ...with two white
smoke plpes, - hall painted Mut color, shoring
southeast at. the same time sari a large
steamer la shim, bat the iiimmett to be
(slabs cat law pareasr.l She Karla
built iron side-wheel steamer shoat 600
Lou, laden with of which, on oar ap
proach, she threw • quantity overboard.
A false rumor prevailed. at lianas that
ammo, the pirate, had soak the ! Vanderbilt
im di e arauslae,eld lkihis pretended ibis
the rumor same from, gay wen.
Teachers' Natioial Coareition
Cisoauo~Avg.6Teastart' National
Coavontionmot tido ility to-day. Tim at
toadonto baulks afloat parts of tbs gou
t:, was largo, fully- 1,00 Wuhan, tare
hums of whelp !yore tosnalos, Winding a .
limo ambit tioin - lpiw Naglandi
masa. Tka occasion pionloso to b• ono at
Minch batons% to time bloods of ednostlon.
The 1110 t eilree'llt New York.
Now Tors, Awi. W.—Tho 210V...50 eon
Woo do Coot to•day. flato derma woo
pootymod, holadiag the mollorow of Ow a•-
si . e , those. dilatory motions on the part ot
tko reasool; Two won amitoood for robbery .
—*rotor ATI Pen end tho othachr ten yore
to ea yolitotiary.
. .
Hsw,TOSltAlt. s . — X• ton 1 rams at
GM tor Mamma liras. hair bo bettri_oblsf
.frob 0 .,_0r a fair dainand, at 15,4561
6,71 for aim 31.-u; anW7.llt Itir trans
ban& Mier st. a 'That Is a lair
datasad nor nt %beat stab:sit
to w i nD ss, well, common and harks Is doll and
4booMit a rtitl 6 '. or Climes Bonn& 81,0001,14
conh, and $1,2701.211 Jul Winter Bad
iF es o m „ Carll la better , w ith a moderato drtaand,'
st, a we for,Optinitmired Natant. Oats
M 1
r. dau nut
Wool quirt and
q and okapi 16041•111
ibr ally abort
tar abort rassr- AlVd" • 1 4 a ti;:r, 4l
cmo " LL T
It liSr bg. M ms — not rieur toS floe
Rod•Wimmi. Prkul ors Maio Wm; cal
Wei micisaled. bat UM - Brady
1 41 )4rIMen tida *most SSOOIm -Oats rt.
unolmapdand eta at no. There
slaw ' 11 . 171 w i ' 2 " vi l kl ".. m tati rt .7 and
1 - - °err Yr Yes Preelleureil Degermee
Werreureir, Atiringela UM:
. 2
hem eomparellyeli little deft% tu !AIM, Dos-.
med the retie der Oeht reside ablest it hilt iztre;
red. poll to :fitaterolk[free quoted Wadi toile
dry unite& which .11 effight . adresteM ' whirr
GUALN,Whe at le Mindy tad Imehangtd; of
3.etere god ot sl,llh ' The zyle Mederehe levity the
044 wi note iaisibt 2 pus iad 700 both Firm
41 at ate - •blcbabbid; gam of I * l64 '
=ilia& at 73 to 'Mc ear patdded Ur 80. Tbeitibk
; nothkg 111
-412047/11113£4.-Ths mulct is more actin. sa d_
Eluier fi .yard timing . _ W. 'Rs?
tsibilot 4o lditi4 44 12 30 fibrloundouia '
ISK i e doe prime exclaim! Neel Orleaum 40 by Gam
at soon% 11:0 bbbl 8f tap at 028113% 10 hige Ike at
8 ty(a ab bbld errah!ei SW at it e , =4lO tibia A
Chatee Sugar falba: •
PBOVIIIIONS- - There Is • routlntted fair Jobblag
thing* ioe Becom e -
Flag irslntalnad: -
We note edee,ht -mte:of 20.030 lba as ;Woe 'toy
flborlderiu DX. for Plan limn 103 p tor Phelipte.
, asal . ka ChataiistOnadsatelipiq•
makit br ills article maims
quiet, sod the trinnetient are limited, and alto.
pthre of a Iccel,elimii*. .WII note wars of CO bids
Tatra ramily at from t o IdAtkiind dd . do do at
11412111-101.. of 20 tau 111111 Wad at $l,lO
'yes cwt for north and 21,25 for 1101patufft.
- JUT-1141 =lllth coadderablo ,d.maad, sad' in;
Ski tales from ialw at.:s2lsPl oat WI ix new, sad
111 1 1 043 for - • • • - •
DRIED' 116111k—aalea of 40 :bbl.. Nachos (oar.
trio* $2,26p0r titab, and 300 bash tippler at do
per Pam&
11111120Ent—wab of 40 Irts W 11 at 100.
li!bbla at 110 per amps.
, APPLYS—saIo of 95 Ws Grim" Apples st 113,00.
h.Pauolenm Market.
400./R—Elehrfthetandleir the receipts of C.
hre fyr r the demand tl 1 'appears lobs exotekof
Abe eopply.ead the - piahltel see
folly testatateeL Vhalleemed Icahn* eetitely
pl.otrlad to the WI that the tetrebeie MO
toldialollittlpteents, sod the_ateet,o7 the oft t.
Adliertatatirna . llol•lll4' wrliige
et 44. of.
120 0 blidtte l hralk at 234400 Me !it, fa,
0041 It.ltoad liqulet.but Prmt trhf4e . p1:434 hie ;
without itny , matallat change; We sole of
900 bbli bon . ded for Introodlate dellierY at ' OO .
Beashte b 'tercel'-e= ateatteeted. Bate of 170 sew
oil herr:teat - WM seek sad 760 et Asa. .: • .
A We of liCgibltia ge*do iw Midi) ti Oa Oil, co
licazdaist per.bbl,• irretti EaigkAiraes, thou&
. nliible. •
Phi'adenoids' Cattle market.
Ado. 2,-Tber arrivals said sales of Beef Clattla at 1
Phillips` 'Arent,. Denis yard are large.tbls with,
reschingsboat 1,800 head. Owing' to the large re- I
mint" mid thitSurrin ra th er, th e market- I. very ,
dell; and prime here &dined folly Welke:100 lbla -
rieglog iis frsoilMll4s far ELM quality Western:esti
Pennsylnata Others; A3OO fo r good; and idooc for
common to fair, au:crams to
' gualltl. 1 Salle were
made at the close at bier rates than the lbws, and
about ,400 heed of cattle Wilt beleftninr, .
Obese—'rise ordeals 'and Mho at Sheep at Phillips ., .
Avenue Drove Yard ars large this: week, reaching
istront-6.000 bead.' there to lees aedvity in the mar
ket, and priceserinteer lower, nutting at from IN
igthMo erib, groll.lis to condition and gnat,.
• Lembsore Del at frc912304,80 ',bead, as to
Hoger—The teals end rialei Of fferr. at the ci t y Ut
Ana AT4111:14• I Yard. &Ili VIM Ma week, ny
remising about ,B ed head, and tailing
Henry from red
s cent
lbe• net. 1,071 bead mid , et Ohre
linion Drove T at hum VOA 52100 be est. - 720
hmalholdst th Avenue Drove Yard by:Jolin Comm
A 00, schwa 0,23100 net. -- •
lis. PT= Crop. 1
The pretest mop of the Valted Estee, though
somewhat shortened in some districts by the droogh
I. ty fag tbg,laggst aver r.Lied in the United Alarm,
and innottiles aro being wide as to the best mods of '
disposing of It. , at proemial these (10.6t110101:110f ha
readily answered In district' when the lax his bean
grown tor the "Mood where kbor I. Motor. The
advice given by agentlemszt en indite ditttmlaing
it, end who Oil recently made en *stem ye . tow
through Dew Yuglecri, New Tort and Peensylva-.
We, Is for farmer, after threshing out 1 Chemed, to
' stark' the eirew citerully, protest this •tacks with
boarchi, or age thatch,aid sa•li the cooties of
customers, Info - will appear between this and the
Mom of the year. It le impute= that the threw be
kept dry, menthes it will rot and the Iltur be do.
ir t uumh •
Prom t eppearances there le dry (oat that
them or ibe ma ul for every ten of dal 'rallied in
West, and will do well tcrprimilthe all theft
"tree Oa good bit th ohstedrigla tak
albs more I will bring witch th e Marbet=
. .
epee. ,
Attempt,' prepths the fiber be wicket will be
bond moron le swims pestle, an well amtuelated
with the me, and wherelabor is ' plpltiftd liild
cheap. • The panties ref fiber.thoselbre, bad bet
ter be left to timer m ak la g atipeciality of the bermes.
OM. Gamma.
Baltiinore-Agrala illirkeu . .
Avo. 4—Wiewer, we dull and ioneldensbly lower In
price thls morning, nod eaWnd at decline dawns IGO
co Datardaya Agorae end of folly tfio per babel on
the warms prime of lei week. 'Therm were about
lltdel both at imerket,• and wan were reported of
some 3,800 b Lah red at tleSl.lO for Werke lob.
111,14)440 for Nr to runs do; and 0.000 beak while
at t
d AVIA for author) lyucela 111,5C2C
goo telr to pdme do, and one or ma lots
broaght $04151,35 . per both. Corn, Wm
balm being made of some 21,00) bosh at 115§Skt tor
whits, and at 17e per bosh for yellow. t ate ere tory
dell; we Quote th eca nominal at 650700. per buil
weleiht. .2bare lavary little Bye aniline, and the
only sate reported wee 180 timbale new,Maryland at
St per bushel, • !Vino.
. . .Toledo Mater.
AVG. 3--The market opeasd qiist this Mat.
log with utmost oos limited. Plour--Prolblog do-'
Wltsat—Tbs onq ask repotted b SAW bush
seam islosbnia AVOW. Ws lwar *foams of IMO
for whits likblpa. No rosotion wads of Ober
mdse. - Gora—No Weir born pawl tI W toortgag
hie for No 1. Ooto—Pall; tot Glittr grains
New York Money old Stook Market.
Now Pogo, Aug. 6.—Zwalug.—.lllWasy continua
wry at cant. Gold whimt decided
closing mGossrowsat stooks firm; ert
"sr. 1.0•441.07; 140 s, 1,0%. Stacks doll; Al
ton d Tern Mans ginderod.fic;
. gltba lad TOTS
Hauti.lNg Pittsburgl4ll: Waya. sad Olticatio,trigi
Ilihrsalso sod ?rob% -DU Mita, Oli; Olinrsinad and
.Pubdo, 115; tila`saa sad -Masao,lolait INgtelsad
sod Pittsburgb, WV Mock Otatnd mit e *
illehgoa Ilootassa. Ntanstoodt MS 11%.
&vibes:44l%i .plicitirsa . • Onatial, • Harlem ,
INS; griftrilli 100%.
lapoful by &inroad.
Prernoww IVALTIVI 03=00 kaniim444i4s.
4-43 blow, J LomoipEte3 10 dim bit ow, X W
IZZX WM", J H 1143343; Saba& flow,
',balm loan. J it be; 20 by vbs4t,
. . . .
AD:O94 Scattod:;-2Oirdsout ; btu, ig T Kozzedi. 1
A Dm 6 miaow. Gran 0 Alszondor, 2 bids 12P,
0 lkoooltdind 27 baba .wool, J 11 Snob 99 Patron
OY by do, do,
Jos 0991011 Wel Pm, 49 Dizo9bipokoJ 000 101
_ ~ .
Chinzoid A ranormai Haisacului Idirod 4 .-
m i n,
12 bp syssorto, 7 do HA rev, IA tram; 10 0
Woo, A H0b10100.26 bblo 0 oar 1 Wa
hl" 2 udo Oblo,_J abodes; 1 bard, J, 11•11211 •91 az
9 Ir ft illob igi C Bras% 3 bzo forsdium, am dulls,
K 15 Midi( bawd, Knox &Yakut 310
donations, P Worms' DJ • all 6904 Kagan 4,
Hobson nizz =a% LV9ln9ott di on 1 do do, 7990-
mope A Grit; 7 oblp bailie., G W 0051 s; 16 top
• • Woodside t Walser, 25 do do, I 1 Oasis a
' - lido do,loratip,BSJact .1 eo; lido iko, .90 do
do, J D Moo; 197 bp barb e, D Pir9oen; 9 bbbi
pads, J.KoaPol; 1 do olp, Quadboatantobladoz:
1 oar tags, 19 do *polio, J A Pawl 16 do eo, PUP
!toile; DO half bbl. 204 J B CaPoldt 1 ha int
0 Shur; 3 bblo, 1 Ws toboodo, KoCslllstor
rill 7. 6 ion' Itotbor, C 39 Holblott; Ibz p.per, W
/X Babb; 11GO hilt blooms -tros t, Rturby, Will. A
an 18 do do, Joao:Dad A co.'. • I , , :_.•
• - -
111 Benendea Budding. hi floor. beck; entaseto
a on Meaty Oxen. Oflke bows tram •a.a.WI 3 p.
oftlta ardor to • roper ondaratiodhas ea the eon
hose who my oell wan& I dews It wry duty
to deelguen oannont shiny common fa tin pawn
Un ad Andletcp. which I do not 63. In the bit
fine Ido not One • *tremens' to any one. Ido
lot ono cheap rte of teeth a I do sot sanflos, bp
non antesodos. wand. beolay 'Ma. to cedar to
inert endkoln mos t Leo set. In any Waned dan
112, to a t i re us
a iHi
= le v ar e st
for Bo mum ontanc. new sod , ausierowe Whet
titer which I could mann./ do met! do. in the'
t ines
of Issiortahl pripee Wing the toads, I .
Mkt bed &United. wee el geld. urpoinco hot nag
wend it the leen et sU ellacOnd ill* MORT*.
'en; la all conlihnimwi MBOMOU dee WPM.=
of Os Moth, I do sot Inettit. to nano anjag
to the noddy or PleP of gqii. 5 nuaba
et tamortad la the yew at mg.naat. gun
g a ming netunow hew wectmaaship.:or mime I
a °NW, ts•zport Npvifs or 01/;,::
zavoLo N6 as P l ariVitratie
al gist Dhaka vadat tles. favioniatid u d
..1011:411TON 00..
1.111 000011 sad WhlAsr 1:1 . 14# 4nyiad Bram.
Fluted awl fatimistrir - -
WING, - .0. - 10M0* A 00.*
T t y , MTV' ILA fat the le.'
' ompokl. ban Delis! Is OP, aie : .
Fated ea falr al liL a. Jolllll9#
•••• "''E AAboßeiteM.•
tumsfuttutumAtau itruntrus
144P-sniMes, be o_l_l . W_
‘ 7 . 4t , " ; 'FMCS ThulAgiat,
,r 6 f
. .
frsiiihNta muvo.
Wsti Ihmissoi
—. Paws or dasairtoa-33. 16 sad Id ants.
YwM rats. oats
. ,
mo.rmar,,- - augutil3d~ 1866,
Asp zugnsa SIID witu,
topmast of tke greis W.l.itdiabr
inaumrs IN Imam, wow tbs pommiiit
isiiisisik of M. 0. menu, dims trm N. Z.
.x.rion L AT ;•TAmßle:
/mom' • irD Da n&
.1:114 -, r, -- IL N. Bunn.
• Gam, • N. GOVLD.
T.Vaszac, ' Ailnirsaauza,
J. A: lirirra.
SCAMS Form,iti-coomonix,
1. itawrAing. 14.
And onion «tuft UMW
Tor foll-pontink
boards, photoireopy AA,
• AD sitornomr pin
21101111DLY, aramasole
w 8 Pi•.9i 1111 P
O.:MA.801410 'HALL.
Muni a MiI:MUT OPJUIL 1101782. -
J C. Wa5zara5..—....—.....—.-51mallsaape.
Tdaaipliant imam of tan aim aiumaay.. Mk.
f gihat s ,gl , lll. W. Ig i IDWOBTR.II: ( I2M
IN 85051_the Maligns Oesuaadani.
At DLLZ 1 /Zan, 111115 OLAILT DM _
01FAILLX1 (14tD10111, J. 0. WALLAOII.
asto.inaustr. - ~.:!...i d uiD Noeull4-:
4,4 a host. otstbers, la a /471X 1 , 1 1 1511 !1 1510
. .TO-1111111 eg I .. ~
Haw sea. soap sad Oma' Took .ait.fre Vaal
Adaasikta 15 =41 . 5 raga Oasaaaace al a (Moak.
Icr the bedsit *f JOHN POTS, a disabled ediler
Prnixosaii,) es
Vi:ediipe*P Ifk,IIAZLX,
..;eirAdadesion.lll .IpOpesn'a;lltrlng paid will
be hi attendants. - malt . ;
b • 2115.10 AR AM/POOL Loped r ami ni =lt
edock, will be told,' On the preanfieriat
itatket. oti the Othindhillthe Barad, in reeled
township, -the various deed lois. entail•
video troth the ropposty. Woof Jost Pinsoth, sod
others. •
Na 2le 12 aorta 41 perthri; Es 3to soros
paroles; 1t0.11116 wet 93 *des ; In 5 tolacro
64 petolise ; No. la .tan la pendia ; No. 9is 10
eau 110 pinta& .
Also, 1•4 I S. Bourlowoldoes oloo—No. tto 1
=re 197 python: No. I b / acts 185 meths. •
'oho, ocelot confalabg 9 sores, adolna load of
Hon. Reap Donde end Wm. Piper.
Alm, ontalishig It mom 'and 123 radish
on the
,poblia.thall Waft irons haaair,Diveya's
;Mn) nogg to the llontreel WU rood, boeided
mathoad, by A.. Whittaker and Chubs V. 1107.
Also, lots In Dely's plan. oilcloths X. Clealhea
Ulna 1. A itleare 26 petaled; No. 11 is 1 sore 96
il=; N 0.3 lama 211 pthobee; Na 4` lt acre
; Na 6lelEn 36 probes 21o; 6Yel we
4 6 lead= blo:y It 1 was la,pambmt.No. 9 is 1
also, • Iteogfactadeg 6:te an do Kondophals
deer 01491 two flont,nad oonadath a lo saes; will
be sold them at la las vont/lb MU
lin *boot Ile lords Rom Restewond Mad=
to the Mer, sololnina Jamas Wilson' . redienci.
Theo sm all -- farm, pats of John G. - Woods' taut,
are Masud within a taw biandred yards . es
wood nation. and, well. atlepte3 both ler dal/shift'
ccontry reathencoe, and thr volt awl One. growth,
arson:anion papoose.
, thaths Gen glow the premiere beton the day of
ode by WIN' on Thous, illorthon, taunt on the
lead. or on J. G. Woods. tho Glom RetoL!. ram
oth be stetson the peathisie or at the hoodoo Wass
64 nib arse:, or at dm dace et Robb I IbioCon%
1114 Pfaixond street, or K. Ewarlswelthee elk%
Fourth tenth
inath or raut—Ooolloorik oath; Weida b. one,
two ord. three yews, with Wand.
Allsoisone dolma of attending the sale will be
taken hve of char; e. Ira the p otos.. a coda
troth ad team Ile rittabargb A Conuellsolbe /1:
ropot - cconar of nom duet sod tie IL.nongabela
arose, at 13t o'dock p. at, proem*, on day of mL
Two troths adorn to EltleblViib on"? j,,lt
034 and 6 o`o vol. ' -
set DAVIS 4141101.LWALN11. Amen. -
BURGH LOTS LT 011PHAti6' 001TET 6 o Lt
liVoltek. wilt tie sold. on the preadan, hi order et
Otpkaaa' Chart, the fallowing alas MM.
log lots in Birmingham and Math Pltteningli, boo
longing to the einem of vapor Ormsby Orem Meg,
the sue tote in the order of amanerattan made
Tome Lots, Nat 16,16 and. IT, fa Om Borough it
Birmingham, ma Bingham street fatness 0110 K
sod Gregg inrestaisoon lot 24 bet hoar, and extent.
ins tech. MOs width 100 feet to Chastain alley, nftis
trams Mellin_n rd outhouse ersoted thereon.-
BM Lots, Bea 33,31, 16i sad 37, in th• 15or•
at& of Illzmkgimm, on B u d ham ooizset, Mamas
G" and James straits, each lot ft len hook
mnenalag toot some width 100 Mit to tiliestaut
oim Ming a corner lot on Blasham and Mick
Ono Let, 80. tho Borintib of 1106th
barna, hoeing a heat cd M. bat an Carom gnaw"
end extanding through to tbo Brenntewille Tungus
dome Os jot 4 lianies en lta sbarind,
Terms at sada. Dina BaLLWATini.
1,10:11sets 'Ametiamsera:-
%.1 scolDiTAlLLTOLu.leika:
Wid o'ohxd; at ad Diamond snob war Wood attaot,
ibeed4, the stabs Ito* ot a Mel Shoo btaro, , ,
bdag of ody maaadlotatak.adactally ambradng •
Rasa tat Oaf Boots; Mos% OA awl Pikes%
Ladner Conroe Galas; Boys' tad Irwin; Bows,
Shoe; Gaiters sad Balmoral*; ladle! lad Maur
Itorocoo, Kid .aad God Bak.; lodges' sad Illissat -
Gideon, Moltke ate alipposs j ' Vaibiroa's blew
atia, • quanta, of Chit tea Patent UMW 17 s 0;
Loathe., Wastes tete% Stara do .
sod ' . • 1. A. iiitiaLiAAAND. Awl%
_ _ ~,
J.J. MIAs Ng, litdOh 8 g AND itkoansure
w • wrap, to Nrbotzt the 6 g %es: tougor,t4Nh• ,
Now toot g id wai Awn A. 4 - IPTAY.
J. arils''; ...
aims' - corsair TIM 'Oran mid Otedaubt
IMO ANT/tar-46U & atuaix 1--Weltant•
IF Amato IN VG a swath, upraise paid a tg:
oar Ameiriimi Pow", Orksta Mwsurp a aild
&Lbw sm. oriel sad tallow Ottawa TlftemacM4
Wan oat Oft Adam%
awl =Mrs MARC Midd.fani; Ma
ANTBD.-416 c 11101111t-i-1. want, 141
Ides &grata to elm coast, at swieseastsk
A mmo. pi" tone 1a7114114111M15.14.0
waNTlstu. . ,
le . #lloEo=-The. • utidersigned; hating:
Jaratilsor thi. mites stook bon Abi *fag •00.',.
tabl ad loom at Z. IL IlloOlM7l.ltoildiusiooseo
to Maya evatcaus tad ‘tatOlo , bl, magma to.
.to US) Mort, swot UMW'S , lisootba tO/
Ildfaasj oboe • tarp iad 000piolo amok &LAW.
Allone- sad lOhooookone lastber mows; war.
mu, ato., as L. found, sod at limit raise:
• • • GAL ANDISSOO. Ito.lllO7lbott7 stool.
AND 'LIMNS sumo" I More area*
comoond ay tooolosor so tom of rola tattgitly
and good botoms cultlkotton: - was Loathe
to woo I will cootboo to campy 1111 r.: /UMW
gobra comWiloopm. sod win tato pus passim%
in Introducing Us to Pa Malmo s000doomocoo;
J. 'Krum
Wadi, rexiatod Id* al ate Bailin KM
Madams/I. J. WOLIN_ du AO* et the arm to be.
EigNE i tlf .
T lVATlpl um mker d re2=sl:4
by Os ustletkabl_ • is bure • ;
Key Mb. /1143. •-31Z1M1121/All.
aaccasoss.: KAMM NAM 4/IDIIII 7. sni,
REZA' WARP poik - .
iipiwq"fren In aiswi Z i t.offromi l i . i . : 4l a
garlar tn aositivatad 'oar.vatia wit► a . eiror.*:
wafts, ktit4 of boa a 9 1.0 1 01. WO Norma:4
motlce, a - of tha trek.
iirOfisav came of aultalsiq Wss.!
nISSOLUTION.—Notioe..II 'heieby
J./wtetilbet the Ant of BIM Entwas,
mut dAeoleed 1111 astardm the Uth but: 'AU thari
who am toadied to the awe ‘lll iisow port
thus to JOILM MATH. end than who widow
=sat eon tor matstitet be Is the eals ina
goon to sdift beetnum.
w , HBATII A Olfleit.
wood said.
TIIIiSOLUTION.—The 00-Piriaughl - p
ordain bonnie asdoragrad. molar 4/1
Ms sou of - KW&P. OIX opine On 04
by indiohlos. Tin Winn bik °offhand by
ONLYLLIV4 1[1141; by MUIR vl doanydn . fa° levy
Am an Muffs - •
N 1080146 Jr. N 141311:
foetlitt !mem Jukr.Us., ,
CULL U,— 90. , ,
y a. oh*, tamer
IJ glahlid•adlbrale lrez i , .
111••4114110moli attest: '
nGFtilf- bbl llllolll,
— k 111'1'6...-- ealeloy
~.1_ . YTA I A L .M.e4Thr...YrOriC r ga•
iiiirtallaisaii.'s Orme, no Dtsr., - Pa..
• . - , redtral litated,e4Zegb4,salll63 Otos, 1
J r
siteardattos with *edam I pobite`e the talk
Mot Definell ezempted tem draft, ~m,„r ia ;
J 141, 1116/1, by the Nerd , et Ramat awnt in clo y
with the roams of their execeptlen ,
PAP , Raab mama waxing.
lisces„ ad wank Aliegheny city.
Babb, lid ward,'Allegitetty City.
- . rent Bohm: Mamie( by, aramarcns co.
Meta= 4 th wOzde Ailfabon7 city- '
:wen rr Mee atm:so. -
; J.i - idialietresrein, biough it: Taiantem, ellegbsay .
oh lON of teeth.
Daharrintlailllt ward, Allegheny city, anchr•
WWI wain Atin Paideot !naiad,'
Join Nerdele iti ward, Allegheny city, eathina -.
eartilloates atielVfm Id Heron and De Jaws It ,
• ,
Jahr Math; k eierd;:Allepeny city, thlumatic,
amok Poetic, ith Ward, it/freheny city , low of
teeth, deliciant usatttado detest:
74Zothie Jemmies4lll ward: Alkaheay city, feeble.
nest a ontstitatlow,tatoricab. , •
John Natalia: t a r Va,.AlleghanY city, trehis.
awls of oaastit ' i •
Hann= gonad. . ward, AlleahraY city, organist
dlearei biart. --! -- , • --,- - ,
...lobalo t
agealeiter„ ad ward, Allegheny city, fee- '
Eberle otcoastitatlon, phildels.". _
„...bnle.rworettwatber,, 4th :ward, ..illegheay , 5 ity,
of aidwaoals.,A Loeb, old trauma. - !
.7•1176 It otodlay, Weer Deer tp, - Allegheny co,
Adam actoestar,_Thotlsr bor,lapinal hernia.
Jonah bitergkr, Bathe her, tubercalty of scaptold
boas, toenails( the grated, and great prominence of
sight sane. . '
• 111111alieW Ifiltdston,llrAlsritor, organic Shames
of heart. . . -•-. , 4 i ..
Malabo . Denchle, Batley law, tura:cilia . -
' . Thomism KEW, 4th stud, Allegheny city, efat-
Jeer korie, eth lerd, 41 11 Aheof .cifr, wawa.
: , obsidian Della, 3d. ward„ 411,sheny sety, feeb'e • . -
flees of annallatlOn, functional &seise of bait.
Deo Jogs!, 4th ward, Allegheny city; disability. ~.
ihebtresallsolta,.4thesard, Alb:taboo:city, =rale -
ot Wawa! tight leg. •
'Jahn lliatatabeteW' 4th lard,: Allegheny city,
.agroctly of left arm: trona inluty.of shoulder.
. George Jangert, 4th wird Allegheny city, *We.
abaci abastittlibwi osue: .'
....,histtlelasiLegle, 41ht ward eAlleghtnY city, met- ,
lash of tibia, interibrins With notion et laws itent.
William B Patterson, Penn tp, paver co, dieter.
lion otlmaiJetat, rhetnnitiwa. --, .
•-, Wm Diddle, VraskUa to, antierlno, tseleentse of
!oonstiariten,chnnlo hepatitis: '
Holman titellmaa, bed rant, 'Armstrong sw, earl
ons. veins of right leg with throat° inn: ling
~ 4lanwel A 11ea,,11, tAIUt tp,
_Bailer co, scrotal
Leasing B Hower:44th ward, Allegheny city, con
genital mal•position of saspula, pventing yro;:er
swam of thol*lartolat•
. • . _• ._.
1 ” fir Wang arianwattataellai EmiIMCMI g•
Sow. - ~Itestitenos. Bebrab4s
,TaWb', ad waro,'Alte'y city, ',Tame De.s.o." --
&ISM Canna, liestra tp, Athey on, Teta Berk.
Jacob Horner, lienerirn ef,Alleig ce, 0 aralt.A.
ad ward, Alley oily, George hillier.
8 A tamodulla. 4th it'd,'Alle'y city,rn. nintiner lb,.
Grager.ltaha, Almard. alley city, Otte Jams. 8 "
Jaw Holler„ illeacheater..Ailey co Wtn Beenbll-
Wee Otri 3 tinerdy city - George 'Breen.
`Boot aloes; al watd,lMegbell; Alltercity; .1:liabl Britian.
, -- wenn= mace In, 1883. -
IleaaelOrr, 4th wark - Aliegbany_city, Co 0, 9th
.sieraim salt ,
• .frontottbsTbsain.
• •• es mill be - gtirn ea
et L o'dook.
• AVDP. mal l • .t.
.:;iMilisliriettilAsol mew= xsx umoss
Mei Rands4o,4th ward. ritY. Wit
t:mot% Jorepts Woe, Joseph Witudtwrger
f Wm, telaaey.Er; wrata. Alloghosy city. Wit
sicat*Viritt y ar gliair.p,Tredrrick itittlamt.
ittakicm ith ward, AB. gtomy city. Wit
tman., Void littrman. John id Beaten
Badmpliltalter;dth wod, iillettbetly sky. WU
ittnish Katie. ikeobert, Gee Iltvgar.
Clocrlisumhig. 4th ward. - Attettleuy city. WU.
.1101.4•40bOn‘ivote, 11- Kolkbof.
Wm • draper, 4th pa,d,elleghooy city. AV Lt.
nicely Beo L Wimmitt, John M Bohlen.
yroi Numb Ch word, allegiboty May. Witizeiseo.
Zeno Ilmorkemir, Wm twagtisumi ,
Jam ,Iludkay. 4th- ward,. eltegheny city. Wit
asses/; Wm Inneforop, Henry Ifinismiier.
Hurry Yolins)ss, 4te ward. Allegbosy city. Wit
ting/rt. Wm bormktatm. Fred Eittmart.
- •
01301T131/11211 or auk.
Deimit_MoTatiden. Brady' bend tp, Aeinktrosi
SO CM 40 =dm:ll6d.
John Weber, tat"
,ward . ; Al!eslami, city, unpr
yeatiorap. ' •
Thomas KVlor, 4th riutil, Allegheny City; 4Aily
ilia 'Of a widow upon hts'istror for roppo.
WittelSM, Samuel Branton, John:Scan.
.P.ll,zotasta zeitcAutn.
` Jima NOTolgb itti ward, Albright!, chi, htti Di.
Tbamas Welsh, 4th arard,Allegbanycity, Itt
Allsgitaay city •
- J. W. Fatratit.
Gapt. en 4 Proicat reAstw,234l Met. Pa
• atss.ltdaw
• •11413013.1i08 Uft rua,
tal ANN* At.. Pitiabtugh, August 6„ 1863. j. •
la sootedancooritit ordonil publieh tho
rile of exampted from draft by tba
of t la Ibis Blerriet, to this du
VAWl,_of areteption
lir =Ma
, . _
Wen Tormace. Ellitteth to: . George Jaotb.
Ikea it Sallit; We Pittsburgh, • ft -
Robe Omaptail, Sixth ward, - John Golline.
Jacob Ammon. frizib ward.. Pew D y.
Jacob Dental, Ahab ward, 2 b
oat.: toz or • Irma
Bo's B Jeffeba, Bluth ward. Wltuesom-Saateel
Mcitillaa and. Boyfr.
loNdOKiltelbOPIPW • Nail*
J.sopb. Ben, . Ur.* ward. _
icomre ST • alitatTrON OP P 1121?.
Campbell, Witneesse-9 11 ' ;
lisitou and Oborkdre Campbell .
- ^NZAILININ it MOWN N.= IlltarLD.
Jell* B OsuiptiA Math ward-delectfre teeth nu
antmectlat Miteadtma of riabt
Job* Mama ir., Path was +s alright eye
Ghia illbeca, Math wud-pert. onnt'a of t Otos ,
Berth Tied hand.
ward-peru i t, retraatioo of
ihrea toes.' • • -
John SZOVIT4 With wild-rarieasi reins. •
aJohnengen, toak, ( Lichen ; cokes d Sixth ; wad -pat. coot's!.
.01friettint Belbere-defettira teeth.
Armee Itobeatahey, Bluth ward-it:mutual hernia.
Job* L Bmtth. Itrib varti-Obronte sumo on • •
tibia wed defective phe
'Frauds Barry; Bluth ward-ohdoolo opthabidr..
nano Mind Wright;
o; Dania Ifit 4 Williarmaiaxty ward-permanent Injury
cd right hors.
Wolter ward-alight physique, chronic
idarof tybia of right
John Gordtni, Bluth ward-qataract In both es co.
ouotramouras or • arm •
Patriot - Dleehlß. Sward ward, - orer • thirty•llre,
married. Wilmemoa-;;Miohaal aid Margaret
Michael Bleep. Mirth said; oter thirty-Ave, mar
ried. • Witrosers-John Dillon, John Keefe:
Ifractenhitins. Sixth ward, over thitlyolte,
married. Witasseeltalia;Jairph Meyer.
J. W. Wykaa, Sixth waid; over thirty-fire, mu
' vied! •Witormer-iim - nit& • . _
Dennis O'DoomeG,• Bh3h ward, over thirty-Are,
L .manied, Witareastrenin Gallagher. and Michael
Th = 111 011;nn, tiard,aver thirtplive, married ---
Witamma--John Carton, of Ifirgin alley, Bernard
• John Wtab.h. coiatg.-oar thiltrilre, tilarried.4
Miamians-4 P Flaaollia, lash Jobataio.
Mensal Lowman. Bulb ward, ores thirty• Are,
vitainciai ,`,Witneneer4l.H gad Charge Ltailumay
* John lA* lttaharaid, our shins Arai - married.
Wfrium. L. Pbatilar.2.'lliclirecler.
ansna 'trio NAP* nor paqutom
Petri 'Binh wskil. - Witnesses—John aid '
liamenurlaregisr, litctli Ward. ;121taesats-lienry
William B. limber
800.. , Si
- John o Botha. PM* ward . ' Witaeata - oeotge
.ThlcaiDeaway, Math ward. liiltnamt.4ler. Lytle
DLAN 110ina. - Witwm•—Hesury Woodt=k,Am
Saward: M. Elbrak wad, Witasses—Two. Ida
44.6 ' rallick ..Todna.
.. I. HHBCN : FO3UB,
ard Pardt isz#o. ".
. UltAtTallitht* . daub i(uts
IlicSAL.ll:—Oso hundred LBO of: Clecrtaid, or oar- -
=War d , ilosmalmi part 11r:t0 Olty of PM*.
- Wies, -
Pay lurnaga etaarOf - I t oo l 3 Ira oa the nos
non rtia latnr, al Look Non otitis Sselfatiosk '
I=irs .
Cloaliellbslllo Railroad
the ooatro of
tatill ar e a So P. IL SKItusLTOP. No. la. •
Hooks= orriark. at orirt
W. 131115111; -
artiNo. - 1117 'ltrear.rPittiaarigh, Pa, That*
of Oa ormarto oast taws. . sn9atemod
'Wawa froailrovidak rounestms ;
/ft* fram b " I " ' l ib "ff - ,` SLAM*
Mixel;ll4: Allathen•
~Lanai/re INPISOVIIDBE4OO sieltOalta;
011111111 M 1114:7201114 , s 11;15AUT
antsaars 1111MICATND FORP.
IsZlllll PA I 1 •0417 .. (r AVIA OUTSTIID
80amit.1110122.: *- 1
ausaarra itatirthll34-2ZIEB&_ ,(173.
VAN 111111178 N1M47184. Sit ; Room; the.
, walmr-w irstny-wAx i-raurr WAX
fkrt esdbilkatt r all Oini,auCtlinp tt• pal!.
aoU se •••-• .
, 111110.41MLTIORNIMS4 Oxus' wwfv.k. -
MAW= iOO4 - Ort nanny'
T OtasoMmir latetrolltomestreetratiW
"lahr. Om
"F•fkTrlrg...:lP.A.?.: r Af••••• , §m"
~t'L~AY r ~ .~