itmaxeilitaibuch, 4416. LOOAV FTELLIGINVOZ • from lverung" Gantt& Sisk and Wouaried Soldiers: • The morning, about one o'clock, at Mats of Ws from Philadelphia, OiDillathig three, banana aad slot sad wouaded Ohio troops being tramlierrod from the Philadelphialtaspitais to Cincinnati. The . Hubsisistios Coastline had been duly soli - r led of the time at whin,. the train would Sir , rive and;they hid made ample props:Micas for attndthg to their wants. When thadran arrived, the Committo• found thatthe wend • could set be „removed to City Hall, owing - to the Wanner of their wounds, and the food i*landed for their aeruishatent was featly pa. pared up and giros Jimmie the oars. After wards Mel snifornishedirith tea, oolfe, tor wanton. Msay of then poor fellows were • snmedy wourind that they bad to be Oa - vapid from tiossitaternip the weitern cars of Caen: It was a pile sight ato see'cc natty of the.. brave men crippled for life—ran/ " having fost •Mg or an.. era: Thiy wen all _ wounded in the •%wattle , of- , Getty and kayo ~ oictoro6l' kolthienlif to on. older them tS,bi,lecured ,to 'their' - native' ore (Kola, Wh. ilk, will ben sinated,n to r aise the iisita and attesting. of their friends. They were not delanet Mire Mom thou half as hoar, and we ri pleased to learn that they wets fbribillidwith the best possible an. • munatodations on the tan from Philadelphia to_this = had atosedastos, room "and those nazi& to sit ..up were furnished with beds pieced twin the books of thy stets. They came through onfait time, -hoist fol lowed immediately after the mail wan. -They were also furnished win exoellentlanommo dation' for the balance of their journey. United Slates District Cimrt. A spoolni session of the United States . :lain Court opened 'this mornlnj at ~41/ 41•111 o'clock, Hon. Wilson liteCandiese. ?resident. Tin following parties, indicted for malts and Inuit, tokens; fotfaited, thalr..ncrigett• . . stairs for Dot appeating,vie : Mum. :mph d. BateCti ttottleib Ludwig, George iltlan, John Gregg, Wm. A. Glldentenaey. Munn. Philip..Earmar D. and• Jacob 0. De mar plead guilty to the charge of making and, Unto; tokens.. They were ordered by the Mint to psy alai of one dollar, 'costa of pronoun m and stand occamltted until the natence beeomplled with. Wm. A. Oildenfenawy appeared and plead minty to the nee dirge; sad was nonacid 'the came "nth, Kenn. rieyrair. • Nr• Ellgtales watitietreatukod that in the now the tokens .were :land, the community ..wore:very badly. off for vault cheap, and meta:cats were it • ins for the wait of it; that ponies inning tokens without ander itendiag they were guilty of a violation of the law until afterihey had Wind a thountd of them, at sopa autheyinaud out it was II legal; redeemed the tokens. • The Judy read that part of the' sat Of Congress of July 11,1863, *hi& dearly de clared the tuning of tokens itiegaL •- He said that Ift the oases Wore the Court he would only impose a nominal An*, sad inform the. gentlemen that they must recall their tune of tokens from circulation. . The Court, adJounual WOW ten o'clock Tuesday monaldg. Crimp Copeland. Daring a visit to Camp Copland, at-Brad dock's Floidei we were nurpilsild to Mara from some of the inisiithere that thiy.had been seat out on yridry last, with'b'at one day's rations, 'and that trY Mt Sunday they had received no . ptorLlori:' eltimi - irere there any facilities had they been tarnished. There are no' iiimikhrg sitaibliOn the ground, and neither MalWor wood to =he tire. The consequence_ wed, that, during. Saturdey and Sunday. the soldiers she were short of provis ions bad -to en the fansews in the or -go gent% groin' hence to. house • buyint,sed - begging:, This- neglect is not only very oiliest to the soldiers- themselves, t hat a onions annoyanettothirie residing in the vioinity. The worst facture, however, is the demeralizing elfwit - ,itpon the soldiers, many of whom lure bisoemedisgostaid and left the gyp.: Whether 'Mara ar not, min only he aceettalosid keteaftar. Oa inquirietst tieedaaartars, In 'reference to-this. matter, we learned that some sixty mon, the had benietraggling about the city, failed to reosisie their ration' prevlou to the departure et the train on Fridey, and that by - - some ovinlgist, they lad ntot KIWI been sup plied., Provisions. will be mat out to the wimp to-day, and it is to be hoped, that all eutscof complaint, will be at once removed. There is & want of , diaciplinis,"also, which it to supply-ismasdietaly. Burglary on !tood'lltreet. " Tits snornink, 'between two o'oloek and day- light, the , hardware store of Mr. W. W. , Young, . comer, of Wood street and Virgin alley, wee entared•Lor rather one of the shut. tem on the alley window was shoved from Its petition, a large p pane•ef, glass hrokee, and • Ise double.taneled shot 'inn ileitis. The thief, after limiting the glass; had only to tamet his hind . and leaves& the gun, as the gun-cite is placed imm.dlately against the window. The vs leas veined at Sib. On the yieviotte Saturday morning, two Boas wan stolen from this store in the ulna may, but they ',snooty valued it $l5 eieh. may, thief evidently desired" a better artiste, and hence his second visit. Yr. Young ~war oa,...wateh Sunday night,. and left! at two reeliek. It tee pity that be did not remain . , • while longer, as he might hare got a shot at the thief. - Thitiagniar leatitliMen ari notiow on deity, heviiit"etnia"lor . higher wages. A private watehmen,, howaves,Aed twee employed afoot ,Wootrotreeti. tbe did* no happen to be -' *last them" when the.robbery was perpetrat / ed. :Thillialibeia the ease with oar• wateh , man genetally for a time past—they are ' 'always !Nonworkers elms." . Anima' Caanzazili - ron, - Prekto•—asmain Sio challenged Ward to row another ire mils . rase for the -chart plot:el:1v; and • pane of -.51,000. a side: 'The , condlltons ire that the nos shall take place eithei'lternor at Phila delphia. In ease Word agree! to oozae bare (which we ars Instals hewn( not do) Hamill will pay-his enemies: It they - meet at Phil adolpkla eaoksaatz-willhear his own expenses. The friends,,,orZeinzill ,IWIn Anatol* to ,bust what ,Wardivral saris - , asswir 'Aix 'dna- Ingo. HlOOTllllleorlre are Shl4l to Marla that Mr. B -P. Ifoinsait • •.mtmber _of Hampton's " baits - ry a ' Ito wee so 4 dangerously wounded it Gettysburg. Is now la a WI way of recovery. ;He has bees lila% at the 131. , • LawrosIte betel, Philadelphia, for some weeks, andpop Ulf ;Bfrasesdaj limit was thought that ha-Cola " — sot survive. He has Mao@ been improving, pad Is now wasidorsd out of duo r. He will iose one eye, whloh was badly lapsed by a pleat of shalL . Misuse Pistroaso.—H. Wilson, °loader, of Market street, charged with swindling an old lady out of eight dollars, by:bundling up an old raggedeoatt and palming it upon ha as • par of new.pents, (+Mob bad been or &wed by her soh at a store next door,) had a prallsothary hearing, when the 011311 was poet posed until Tuesday. He does not deny the &sip, and the oasis will probably be com promised. • - • ')Zoen ors 101 TaititTriasiiiy notes—onu alterod to tens—were pat Into olroalatlon last evoning.i,:Terions Ira apt simply to look at the dsnomlnatlooal inures when - Tomas, siotas an offered. A. alowe 'aspiration of ths *ages of therapist will dLielose tii peen paint. Is than may be plant, of tens offered. It enraild be will to smalls's, thou.—Phila. Nese, Avg 1. Dimming re Eassonmane.-111r. J. M. Bumbled! is Gluing oat his Meek of embroi deries at very low prime, sad ours embroi dank skirts, Jeanette ileassiage, 'deep, arid variety of oiler artielso; at Ramat low elta. We would invite our readers to giver s. 'ahead Issure - good burgles. Us. J. P; Nom Kiwi's Itall, Ptllh street, bee Witt& the g/th edigoirif Ike! , CirestiMaios of the, Mtge' angf • matimmio•Amplendilei" une &oar retepid Owerimmed, asterieal Poem," end - 0 hteideek of4seriees, amp' Lib, Wag evesesuikish 3eee etriksisily arrk,s Lt e raw sa - 44 - . 6 • • _ - Hi - 1D "inkg.T.—asdrutilidtk'iitairg *.-stiliabsti.eastisp A. Itagliveldibt, ria . Ma bps mumittst =lawn as Walt •1 sl,oolsll. 1 th. patio raids lit Ilasetei.:- ' K ~ F, . .. { Icon ftemenina...-Kr..J. W. PHU*, Fifth omit, opposite thei'Peet.olleo, has received 'rook .L•ble's .res Ceardfoatifs, ankw tested saiseatasy of light and entertaining Mariam; also Yankee Nations, an illastrat ndoemio misielan7 ',dinned to the laugher-. forte; portion of the oontionalty. Raw. Jaaarra Hastainr, Ilissiamary at Per linens, Mori* will Isolate la Dr. T. Berman Murat', Alloglmay City, on Tuesday evening, Ave. 4th, at 73 Subjeet The Oondltion of the Coutrabaude fa the Souther* -Department." A eolleetiost will he lakei up for the freed MOIL Ter WATIILT KLQATLIIIL—Th• Rumba of this popoisi Weekly Mita, Nowspapw, for Atgut lb, bur bon mitred by J. W. Pit. took, Ipith stmt , oppodts t?lo Poot-ofboo. Yea Barvairen.—Brgoe'sYo.t3JY, Yeakiv Mafiosi, and Pen* Logi?* i7est • Meetly have been received by Mr. J. P. Meat, Me anie Hell, PIM street. Tits WAiristar 14Oostits.-11r. J. P. Heat, 0t4ra411.11; filth goon,. iss rocoolumi the Eutaw of this" popular weekly, for Asyut 16th. LATE TELEGRAYEIC NEWS (Y. 13014 OUR MINING EDITION.) PROM 'ME ARMY OF inF, POTOMAC. Detatti ot. the.Flghi Saturday. OBJECTIF TUB BIPBOITIOALCIOBB TRB 11PPARIIIROCI. Bruit Fight with hamar! lad Cavalry THE POSITION OP ME'S ARMY Party of Spies-Arrested. DOVERUBET 11,11 LAD 10E DESTROYED Now Tau, Aug. 3.— TM Herald's Wash- Inton'tilspatalt gives the following details of the light on Saturday : Buford's cavalry crossed the Rappahannock Ford at nine o 'clock yesterday morals'. Our . . . . torte was composea of the lollowiag cavalry regiments : The 6th New :York, srd Virginia, 2d finned States, 6th Yeantylvails, bib 11. S., Ist If. S , 6th New York, ilth Udine and 17th Pennsylvania. The evening was effected about half • mile above the railroad station. The Odin of the expedition was to auertain the exact position of-the nano on the rail road line toWarde Culpepper, and the amount 'of fore, they had disposed to done any arming whisk we might attempt. Tha enemy's cavalry eras notountated half a mile from - the . ford. It 'was • portion of Stuart's cavalry, and eandiled of Jones' sad Hampton's brigade', with the following regi ments: Ist and 2d South Carolina, Cobb's Georgia Legion, sad Jefferson Davis' Legion. Oar cavalry drove the enemy gradually, with out any severe fighting, until a point was reached about 13i miles this side of Culpepper, where the gamy fell back ea their infantry supporta. We were then obliged totalize, after a brisk fight with both ithetr :entry and cavalry, the saki, outnumbering us two to one after they bad fallen back to a point where their In fantry supporta same to their assistance. Oar loss In the fight near Culpepper, vadat eras most important, was a few killed and 66 wounded. The latter arrived hers and are in the Douglass Hospital. Oar cavalry force only retired a Idle aid a half after thsy were attacked by the combined forces of the enemy's Infantry and cavalry, and bola the enemy at bay' there. ' . We took abontloo primers. • Some of their., wounded are in our hand's, and have arrived here. Rebel prisoners in our heads say many of their dead lay upon the bid near Culpepper, and that their loss equals 'ours. Our oevairrunder Buford rude three sea OMIT, oharges on the imemy. A corps of infantry crossed the Rappahan nock, and was in a position to renddr Buford ablative support. According to the statement of one most in telligent prisoner here, the rebel force is so much 'scattered along_nnmerons fords on the Rappahannock, watching • our movements, that no general engagement Is imminent at present. Pet contra, oar links rousted in yesterday , ' fight, think quits the contrary, though to everything else, the wounded of -both sides agree precisely. About ten days ago some of Col. Baker's deteetiterforce - arrested at Brentelrille a party ea root* for Richmond, upon wkommu found aoursiAmy important documents, from this city, add:studio Jeff. Davie as President of the .oontederate Beaus. ' Among them were amuses maps of all our fortifications and de finer"' of this ally, and a description of the character of the works, number of the guns in each, and the strength of their or:Isom& Also, a statement that the rolls would be for warded by a different elmaseL It Is not known what tells wore alladed ta. The doe- I umente. were Med in the War Department, and the nutter is still under isveatigation, • About midnight last night' • Ire comment , Gated to the bay in the Oovernmeat sheds and the lee houses, nut the radnameat, by 'an inesadiary. About forty-In bales of hay and one thousand tall of ice were deatroyd. The fire extended to the *dissent stables. MI moveable property, Winding the horses, were saved. The progress of the Ire was arrested by the failing down of portions of the build ings. SAVANNAH DESERTED OF TROOPS. Pears of its Capture by our Forces. Now You, Aug 3.—Tho Port Royal FM South says : Savannah is 'tainted of troops. reveral memento bad been, sent to the relief of Vicksburg before our Clharleston demon stration, and since the battles throe regiment/ of infantry, and Vol. Anderson's artillery, numbering twenty•foni brass twelve pounders have • been sent lea Augusta to Ohariestoit, lune, for the defense of the aity but 900 Inn, eavail7, and 300 infantry, and a battery of artillery. All the extensive bat tales and forttheatlons before amentlemsd, are for this :anon only pioltend, and not goal sonsd. : • ' The peoplo of the city thue left with bat• take and gun, Mtn* troops to. lulu them avallablo, have become gently alarmed list we should empty, flinilak. They have been for the last two winks asining valuables into the Interior of til ente, daily expecting fr.o see a in sight, flanked by a land fern. • ' Gan. Mercer, who Is in unwind, has re peatilly telegraphed to Go?. Brown for troops, but has Invariably .reeelvimi the answer that thin an no troops to send, and that the inhab- . nonce mat preturt themsalves. IPront:GlLmorige Department. Nay 'You, Aug. 2,—A prieito latter, re. mired In't/tis elty, dated J0t1,19111, sap : I runt yesterday to Meek /iland and made a rooonnoissaneo tram the tallmit tine thaw. I saw from •tay elevated.. position that the rebels wan - iimding a Una of batteries and building riffs pits almost the entire distance from Bart Johan. to Beesssionvillo, along the ricer. Bleak Waled Is between Tams, and Morris Islands,' and distant from the for: MK one thousand yards. The Draft Commenced In the /Digo trial of Columbia. / Vosomaron, hugest 8.--Tho draft for the Dletztet of Columbia oonakanord/this morn ing. The large erred In attendants was re sarhably orderly, sad Intense Interest was everywhere manifmted. Goa. Blair la AIL Urals. Lom b . Avg. 3,—lllaJor General Blair aad moral of ble otaff arrived last Wight firma Vieksbarg. Ha was waleased by a hip *amber of ids Mirada wed adwinws: RU . AMA , AIN ttl Idl . film ha-1110ml amain Oa aaml toot foliation of Illoadlog Photo about the oily, at lamboosra ouciais swam. _woo am lost at OS. •• - "' MJAII;1411110 w• •• W. P. M. If M stank COMMERCIAL RECORD Pitubargh Petroteam MarkeL LvGun &-n• market for Cicala 011 bas bee eery sod prime Oa the Shoe of • rising river} San ruled higher. 13elee of 2ttlibble at 28a, bble Included; 200 bblo at 2/30, bbk included, and 176 bbl. et 27e 7 bbia Included; TOO We In bulk et 23-, bolderasaking 23e for bulk, and 22e In bbl.. In Reflood Oil, tbere bu b on quite. lively trade. Soles was made of 1000 bbls Aladdin at 4EO in bond, finntediate delivery at the-1140=m 2000 Mils stand. and city brands at 600 In bond, September &Seery, and 600 bbls city brand at 600, in bond, September dslirasy. • Beane% vsaerally, ars bolding at 48 to 470 In bond, Inimedbass delivery, and 65 to 6230, tea p Id. Sham ism Inquiry for Banana, and In the abeam" emir. ara quote at 19 to 800 bbie Inaladed los'da• Waltzed. Now York retrolenm Market • Special Diapatoh to the Pittabnrita Gazette. Nair Toil, Aug. 3—Crude le Arm and selling at 618511%0. Defined, in bond, le quiet, at from 49 to Slo, fetus &Unwise. Depths le mauled; Wee st 2285121 n. O. imports by Railroad. Parinilatat IT. Warn &Qum«. iii•xcaoao, Aug. 3-60 bbli whisky, 1153 by oats, 2an cern, D i IL Wallace;9oo Obis doer, ("rah= & Thomas; 76 eke bacon, 50 tca hams, GO us boot, 11" Sellon t in; 3dm lob, LongillttlE; 6do da, lturtiand* co; 3 do do, 15 do brooms, 10 do buckets, B Bobinson & io; 70 do do, Modlullongh, Smith It co; 6do tots, 6do wadi boor s, .Lladsay & Telford; 10 do do, Wm kloClatcla. too; sOm candle., Benham; 23 ban rap, B B GO ;- trey; 1 car aout,B stn wool, LUG:amok, &Memory & co; 1 =dams, 3.l3islth; lido do, 3 3 Boll,.; 2 do do, J Boyd; 1 do do, Leda; &Ohcopsalng; 1 do Metal, 0 Bryan; 1 do do, J Wood & co, 2 do St. brick. Brown & No; Be) bidet, B & Ell Garman, 60 do wkdolty, Lam. bert & Balaton; 10 do tacottol, B L Tabnestorl; 1 ear corn, Bea & -HAIL • Ourrimain t Primmulan Itanzemo, Anamt 1- 1 bo copper romp, 0 0 Hume"; 11 ball Obly a.b, Bartlma i Connor 4 bbl, pools, 1 ha do McKee Bra,s cks Moon, ' Clock, Pettit & co; 100 bblo Boor, 151 bm, 16 cotes tobacco," H Spear; 130 bble Boor, &H. Wallace; 3 bbl. Noon, Jay ectimill:; 25 • ban caedles, J licHoDmltt; Ibx trait wax, Al r kin; 176 bits equipment., Limit OA Orme; 46 bale, cot ton, 11.1mA P‘nriack too; 4 pkp 114 nor J H Marker & Boo; 3do do, 3 Lotink; 1 ox medicine, b 111cMarren 17 boa leather, Hays* Stewart; 4 to bates, D Haw ! anti & co; 147 mks wheat, Hitchcock, 114cOreery d oo; I 166 by atoms, J Dorrington; 2 bile ore and stamps, 21 cases boots and oboe., lh M 0 Otapp; 1700 halt blooms iron, Jonah Boyd di co; 68 lam otl, Wade Smarm & co; 66 do do, ?smock, Ball & o.; 23 sk scraps, Wm Flamm; 1 bx books, A H English; 8 hbd. rass, B Weldon; At ra Meese, U anowden; .56 ido do, L Volp & ow b Bdo do, 11 Jones; do do, 2 'wart & co; 18 me Gating, 8 3 Yowler & co; 23 bbla apples, .1 A Fetzer; 3 do ac, 3 Herbert; 56 bbl. oil, A (kakis; 1 be moradi, 41 Ibanez' & Son; 12 bdis bp, Farley a Bro; 16 bbls apples, Owen. & llcomdy; a do do, Potter & Aalkon; St bbl. oil, Unman & Honk. Tim Moor ljamasen Caseate.—One to the agricultural papers has, in a resells number, an article, the object of which if to show that for reel educational power, the Bible will be a better book of study for any person in this country than•any other single book. Apart from its religious ef fect upon the character, it is a 0/115eio of the greatest power in forming and educe ling the mind in just of all those points to which, in this country, reference is con stantly being made in common conversa tion and polite and social intercourse. So that there is no book of which a person being ignorant, must thereby lose so much of what ID pasting end well understood by all persons of respectable attainments, and constantly feel his inferiorty in almost ev ery circle of society in which he could wish to be respeoted. There is more in this idea than would at first appear. The forming spirits of the institutions of this country were men whose minds were themselves formed by a very close study of the Bible. To the tame cold, calculating Western intellect, the im ages of that volume gave en oriental fire and energy that formed a new combination of character, a new type of thinking, ,and of speaking, and of acting, which renders it impossible, even now, to understand the thoughts that are most powerfully opera tive on the public mind, except by going to the same fountain of thought and feeling from which they drank. Their very mistakes make this necessa ry, and no doubt, they made many in their interpretations of the bold and poetic mode of speech fitted to an eastern mind, yet applied to literal, plain matter-of-fact Western circumstances. The Witch of En dor led them to perseeute witches in Salem. We can only correct their mistakes—not by being ignorant of the Book of Samuel— , but by a closer study of the entire history of the Old Testament., se the record of the religions history of man and the gradual growth and progress of his knowledge of the sublimes& truths and conceptions. It this knowledge is necessary to cor rect area the errors of a former genera tion, how much mote is it necessary in or der to enable us to grasp the truths which they; beyond all previous ages, then wrought oat. Justice in civil government and liberty, with all the great principles of self-government and equal rights, were learned by them from the Bible and from the Church government, which they thought they saw there. When in 1648, they formed at Cambridge their platform for the free government and intercourse of the Chtuches of that Colony, they with out knowing it, formed that which gave birth to the free republic into which the whole colonies formed themselves when the tie snapped which bound them to the pa rent ootuary. The educated men of those days were all educated on a Scriptural basis to a much greater degree than now, probably. So that it becomes impossible to understand the origin of forming ideas on which those men were acting, except by understanding the Scriptures on which they built their laws, their customs, their social intercourse —every thing in fact. Still further within the last fifty years Bible Societies have so diffused that book in every house, that it has become the fountain whence, above all other books, the millions have and will drew all their deepest thoughts and most striking figures --all their most beautiful conceptions, and most cherished and holy beliefs. No man, then, can learn to understand so much of the deep undercurrents of thought and feeling by the knowledge of any other bock as by that of this ens. But it is not merely the book of thin country and this age, it is the book of all countries and of all ages. It is a waivers., al classic. It goes back to the earliest pa= 'tied of letters among men. It connects present with the entire history of the4sist. It removes us from all that is local and temporary, and opens our eyes to all that is universal and belonging to man as man. More than this migh be said: It shows. men as sons of God—of oneh'eavenlY Path sr. It ocnineets time with eternity, earth with heaven, and forms' heavenly life as earth. . FURNITIJE/1 AID 0.111111 AID WOOD ORAL= 11/1411111 ORM salluoss rzioia, 'miasma os nun. W. WOODWRI.I., al and N Tiara argot, moons I. SAnoidtoi a 00. sad 11l Fourth marl. • mhlo CIUILM3 L.CALDWKLL, Maeassor to Jams Balms 4 Os") POISI PlOllit, Disler In ElkiXIN; LABD,91:10AE.00111D . ILA.1111 SMOLID WY, ho. - . ,00IL SWIM LID WIT SUMS, .111,41, "Wm's*. PA Razaorr Daman Braamatiumy iles, all "dads ofldla and aro supdatolands their Mses ressonaig• inas. as Aziboson ettwat t betwees triaisk sad Robinson amts. Anotana7 010. • 000 Pa nIOXII.IiIE-147.; mail MIMI— CLAIM of dfoottption, acanthi Dr sob. *Abor t at no rstosols TosollosoOplf Ofq„ on Whir dello. ak. a. a. :Luau • af.. vs alum ono. ratsibono„ 11. No gro nob If Ordain dor sot moseoull. shoe rani. oollift ,7`r XVIP• BOOKS. RIVERSIDE EDIT ; DNS. 11111raaa's Latin Christianity. 8 vole. INll•m's Cootlnitials) alstory • f England, 8 Ha. Is'cry of the 6111-11 e Agra S vols. .lattall., Oerhalting of atterstour S vole. Burloo's ikastoros of klelansholy. 3 vols Mont:lgoe% Works. 4 vols. ollas. lamb'. Worts .6 vole. Basen's Works. 16 vole. Sold srPor 4l4l 3. ohaksoeerehi Worts 8 vols. Tor sale by KAY It 00.„ 65 Wood *treat. LANA rUM,lthillOkiB. BEI anthem friends. By Kirk. nisinry el the Betormathm In the times a Calvin. Toothefs es the Bo:Leda, et anothar World. The One Iron Wheel Examined. Brownkm Benten's Thkty Teens In the. U. a Senate. Leelikerablea - Mote and paper. By.. cad Lars. Beecher. - The Stun and the Sage's. ' Marks in Watery. Tbeelogt, II covl6 lad a @EAtt,' I df ir cdn ,,m, e, LlK,Sheep - : lileassea. lded remarks 96 nap In the Zed DIA Iv .. 13 O. 615 Wood at Witt PHERUIS OW A im V Their'Breeds, ilones , rteet 11711114 a Toustt. *bleb at .1 the 8,-ee9e and Management of States, vita Illeetrative eorrevil Palm Il Palt,6 KAY I 00 posy uxvtuN D110:1..:TOILY/ FOI 1843.—AlphsbetIcal Bet of Poet Mass fit the 17 ..... 6 tf5d *gates, .its the IMMO of the/Post tel setae. With as sppretu= sootalotow the rates of 'Foreign Pcstsga the new ' • t Moe B111,)Wid other import. am , postal lido . Prim 11.60. • irr6 ICAT4I 00.. 66 Wood et_ . lll== hIQR nALL.—A , °convenient two-story brick dove Beg boats, with back building. 80. Stb Bac 'erect Pitt bargh Also, • large, convenient and well-flnished threw. Oozy brick dwelling howe with beck budding, Be, 2$ hoes street, between first end Vecond streets. Also, a bloater, brick dwelling boccie, with bark buildings, Bo 711 &road street, war twee. All the above are to good order, and supplied with' ens and water. Abel, a one story frame toting dwillint. Bn. MIA &coed *treat, and the two story frame dwelling ad. Both or tbs., hones, gee In good order, end sellable for small furl:lee. • Also, • tot of gonad on the nurtheastwardly elde of Nina street., tesween Au end Try stseita, .0•.• B 0•11 stmt. having . * none 01,St leet on 71. st 'tract, and extending bark CO feet. The *bore property. Jo Situated In a desirable part of the city. Pot tams oracle and partionieri Inquire of WII. W. THOM:ON, No. 100 Fifth t. ALUABLis ?EN N ISTEKiirr PROF . lf TOE 63L1L—Tere Lots, 20 feet 4 to. front by no het deep to en alloy, with alatge double boon, between Hancock and listed street. 61 dad. Sable location for • Pupil:lan or Dentist. 110 Me flea bni.ding sites for ptiestersaidasose near liinemillek, from 101 acne rash. Also, a Jule umber of Wilting lots, of •adobe Waft. 01 from 03 to CA feet Want by 100 to 160 foot aeep, ettested at the terminus of the Wylie Street Pawnees Itsliway. , Apply to the uodentigned, Etecutote of the estate. of Jobs Hrtron,"deed W. a..EillitEON, .101110 D HSIIEOII, 11 , 251:3m H. 0. 111111tION • - - 13 ROPItisTY ADJOININGiiABT .ffETT FOR SILO—We atw authatizei ter that twantitil gauntry seat, ottotaining neat - 10 Mt; all ander a neat and in • vary forward St/toot caltiwatlon, with a neat two-story &rabbi& Grounds partly planted with fruit and alas trees, and wan watered The above ail-lea peeper!, of James ales. Molt, John utdalett. aid °th ere, and Is offered at doe low prim of Woo. Parties seeking a home to the °gamey, look at naloraing lade," B. Metal N a 09.. ICS Fount, st FOR BALE. 10.000 81111101,LB Mao. the bad FAMILY rbOUB. by the barrel TIIOB. 11311111", Grocer, Oar. B.►r•r and Btu Maid stmt.. if andmeor h2vl. e!;tpenOr sooOtid• F il3 hand Malin= 11011, 50 Whew by ID has long, all perlea. Oat apallor ear 801L152.7.1 team Mamie:. bet Stag. l Inch boa. ''wo HTDUA CLIO PE1:08L, for named, with pump al °mark. Several tew sad eacand-bead 51111011 11350111 - 113, emu 15 Inc, Manatee Lowe to 5 Ina, .111 be eols for te huh. HUGH If. BOLL 4441 . (; , :the Allmilimy rtWot. ram. Point Ali.? MJR SAJ,I4—A oonvernent and well- dnishsd TWO.Erteßli BLUM 130t . 81., with room and said dry celar, sad hydrant watar, with a train* stable back. Lot BDallO, or 3 lea 110s110, osoldormat street, Idancherter. tsar Passenger Ball way. laqulls %HIS uptick. of to Hyde gy IL aiDAILio Locust street. Manaberder- tiattt BOUNTY & BAUK PA Y. T. WALTER DAY, GIiN7L&AL GOVIHNIIIIN'S AGENT, now rifti, a, aim sow bsios as oauaa. All woandod &Idiom who ban been la thomill buy or naval service, are entitled to $lOO Beauty and Pamion. all roldiers who ban served two raere olio entitled to the $lOll Bounty. Soldiers by sown of doss ., ble ent4thid to pia. dm= 41 07 idols, of Soldiers who die sr ars klllsd In the servtoe are entitled to potions and the SIM Bounty, an, fe WI ooze Oistmn, of every destaiption, promptly at tended to No charne l made In any 1,11011 until the money 1. collared. hatpin to pANSAMie, BOUNTY, l'A Y Aliontdirtit•L•a• awl Okla Arm. No. 114 rina 6T6iYI, Pitubwib, t• Oollections ta allegbany aisd ad,lotatag isscostleal: Promotes SOLDIZILEV GLALUS, every descir4i. Om; BOUNITILB, for all discharged Bolding; PIN SION% for iwassid More and - &idiom BOLUS TIZB aadllBlol4B for Wklove, Parsing, Orphan ObUna, Brothansand litstark or other igal r.pric asatathas of the. site. bar, died la the venire, ON brie Odd after dhotiaia. from dimes ow:Amoral fin eurelea o.lo,G4arge [MIS 0•11•••• d, sad n• Wrier wlll renoreeed leeddmi • •tatnn N nneldsoft• .•12,11,!. l) Ucouuk YzaatuA2. eiritv7o, AV —llletwhhotantllng the etteeks of *does maws, who wire to the of Op. RIIBBILL PUMA BPICTAOLBS • Ars rtiohtsig date tie qv unmet eadommeate of ow eltlew AIL tbat le @eked la to ezandae all other' Specteohe than call -and exactas the 11111351A1t Plltailla meta ror ode by DI/JIIOHD, Proatkel QpUdu llsaifaetarer el the Blueish Pobt>l4lBpecteeltbe MG IS PM .met, More/Rd Pod Elml/41ar le4kAo Dunn uw insa. x'azutaxourir CITY,, ( madaqututity orktian.2 2 'tarp sad tkurusgh stook of DBOLINO. BOAT AND BOTTO M PLAIT WINDOW Mali 8113117, 1011411 LAN, POINT% ISPOIPMIG, LATIN. PA. LINGS, us. Pre.. Aa Hs rill ANN "orlon for UAW* SITUP/ isltb ProlottAsellusd it fats rates. K. N. ,Piturbs wanting LONG TINBIN or POP. &A44 . l . partloolszly Wilted to Estratiss his stalk. CBAIG, STRUM ass ltabitint. ANEW CALORICI ONNBRATUB, A OURS PM SMOKY TEMPLAOss This haproinesrot baa bwro . pties ay met bap lizard. bat if Mu result of etudy, szporinientin, labor end arum Those sasoys with mob- mid dust will plow Dot aatlitt attbs mad al tan that MO sgcsittas takes sal sal so douse. 9T119113111 a SillTa sal n.. to rt. .. „ .. (sttooemon to Wm) TA -Tat; Jr. Oa,) muumuu PLUMBERS; ( 5/i8 AZAD IiTAMIL FITTERS, No. W mbsi PlDobovo. ard 59 federal area -Al any, have o t bard sad win toratib LEAD PIP SET tmiso__,Has Limn, OM 11082 . B " 3 " T t dliOwEit BATES, WATER CLOSETth BAT. TUNE; TT. OEOI and ALII . PUMPS, SIT DEAOI.I LI O ELMS. OHANDILIEIISS, PENDANTS, BEAOILETIL La. All'wook laminae' to Et.., lotion - notion SAMUEL BMW1:1802:. ! - Iklllll or WIEIGHTiI AHD LLIIAJUkAt, eir OfCm. 80. 4 Owns . oflAbirtyui Irti 44,< , .4 7 4ClPZlustr. ILAtrt tfLIQUID LlZNlvifer, for mik- LP /Min •, few planter, delicious and bedthful nailer dew erts, for side by the des= or duals Wi ll., at the !NO, ocomr, noire of • JOHN A. HINSHAW. • • MI . Ammer Idbotty end Head etrerte. 5,000 Ms, ebbs: ' • , 000 Ms auger dared Oht. Ortid • 30 Wm Dow Mo. 3 limbo el i 110 bale osw M• 111100 15 ludn• Lae BOTTMIZ • 100 boom prim* Chows; War aide in • WI. BA 5113.1 4 'lf. 18 Dlanoad NI V.tilitiAls ULO-1 IfIGKR U—llls ben that IS model Call and examine, before purolisaingelpsvions; Guaranteed to ere , satisfaction. los WS at *canna itabber Depot of , 4.1; IL PAIGLIPS, Pos. lased ilalilt.Olato stmt. Aitlinnia CREAM WI.IIEBIII Jai 20 Dom my lards nimbarg; 60 do loud g nab D. 200 . do. Western , Io 'ton aod for ado by L. B. 00. ,41011:31Nu1fib9ll. .8 Ws. bvih nis; • 1141 'Wm • . ' • Alop prim fni& Batten ' 'Now 18 dam sad larval by- b., R. 1,0107& 00. .. r. .AGBit, 89103' al it U&tah.. _AMR' 4.713.10811.-=25 boxes up Ohms lbw nle thaw by VOTOT OD. 11 1 7T7TrPMM'iirr% waunuga WILBON'S - - Z . 111611 EST SHIM i OR, OMNI It BOOR CHINE. WORLD'S I'AM, Lo w7 1( ......-........—...—.......1862. Mini-TRIAL XXhITIOX. PLIIII-............3861• Wit ralemble Downy manta The only ichlne In the World Wax GAM MORS Panamaca and Onuan, with Improved . - X 11 one a fo l ly Wilted to call at oat /hum o and ea the Itachines in operation. I. EWING rersu Mao,Map aarraatad Arai Haan. SURIINEit& CO., • - WESTERN AGENTS, nmau—E7o.27 rtrra bnorr. CDMVELII—PI E'l3 I PIRA BUILDIPO Lominur—Elo. I le 674 leammort TO.: LET FOR lIENT—The three4tory BRICK W&RigHOl3l3/11Ral B Wegni stmt., two doom Enna Water street. For term, apply to IEMSII 13•11 coon, Radial • or ( to .1013IIPEI D W I L L, tobral , ooraor 2d nod Wood stmts. rill.) kW -A cottage with STe MOMS, J. c ms to the Railroad Etatton, M irwicklayvißs.- Posensbn giTen Innedlatnis. Appii . tbe pundits. DOM 7. L. 0A1215A-Oltial. rpuLßl'--Une, Two or. Three Homo In the third or Worth storks of .Glearrn Baud tog, Irlftb street, with or without steam power Inquire on the prenst.e. eod:0 Volt third story of the banding now occupied by the sabsatiber, comer art. Male irtreet and Dttquerg u ipij A.atiwons. pi i ) z avz.irrs. —..... .1 GARDINER MN, AGUT PO2 U • human arm Ann Baum la mums Corrsintu,. Nortb.not =nu Wood and Third ntreeta. •P. 0N124 AGMS NORTH Asst • an, Mate of .Pennayleads and Hartford In. wane. Oompardoe, 87 Water street. pAIitUEI, REA, SECIMARY ()mood Isitraaxas 0011 PANT, corner Market sad Wster itreets. GORDON, daasnAin ' Issoluiaa Comm. 09 Wder amt. UM. BOOK, „Osoarram ALLsorinty • lanais:ls 00111TMIT. S 7 Pb stmt. ATLANTIO TION KO OOM PAItI.VAL MAIL ISTRAId NAVIGA VGALWA V 1.01J1111.) 3.911 1 3170, MID Harrooqworro, 4,000 tow. RIBININIE, 1,600 Hotoo•power, 4030 ton& 00141381 A. 1.000 Howw.powor,ll,3Xltana. ANGLIA. 1.300 Harr-power, 5000 lona Tbo 3.olllcont toftwohlp ILDNI3TIO WI from Llirirpool, GLlway, to Now York, on Win- NUE:AY, 16th of July, to be followed by UN other woosawsof tbollno sorry altarnoto Wednesday. Rolm of pomp frost Moorpool to Now York, pop wblo II gold or Ito ma:Talon, In canny: Vint 0.Z1a........-411115 0018tooroge..—.—$25 CO Bosond 13 00i MMMEDE=I scum Joann Manager. - or, D .0•1315 ILL. leas ■ CAroadele.Sulldlag, ylMlyint No.lll Oh Stmt. Fltubursh. STEAM WEEK.L TO LIVER. kJ! POOL, touching at QIIIINSPOWN, Plots P01i0..) The w known stoma Limped, New York- PLledelphla litannahty Orommuy or. Intended to as thllows : OITT OP NNW T01UL............85turday,Aag. $ CITY OF _. ..Saturday,MANOHNSTIQL... Aug. 15. OM OP SWAIM° - Sarday, Aug. M. And wary samoodlng 1. at manel, Foul ram M. North Blrsr.. • urn Wawa,. FsFetts de 044 or esokolod as Onrrwest. - Thaw t1anut..........380 . • ilbminass. 853 58 do. to Landon-. 88 . do. to London.. 85 60 do. to Pane..... - 96 . 10. to Part...... 40 80 • do, to Hautboy 80 .0 do. • to Hamburg fr 60 Painengere also • brw • wl to Havre, Bream, Oct. terdam, Aster iko4 equally low rates. / Pares from L I . 1. Queenstown: Lt Cabby 874 ma, VOL Steer poi. - Mims who wish to send tar their Mends • . boy tkketa bore at'tiser rates. For further Inbrma • • apply at the Ocimpanr a Mom F MI G. DALE:Agent, 15 Smadwai i N. T. JOHN . 011 ' 81)0 , A t, II stroskArst • • trcoi the dge, ,nhl&tf 7 Pltbbumh. , 'DETER WRIG T,Afic EONS' 1. LISE.—PITHOLII - II FluNg pau"..... ADDLPEIIa POE IA ' SPOOL. „ The ens British Ifarq • • HALTASABA, NotstV , son, Muter, havfngrtb coke part of has cargo entsged, w il l to dlepat , • ea abets. • . For balsa:nor eight My to x tr . jrziow o . r . iTC.I I PO O7 ' W , IlloOßDS 249llrhi lt ri a lt ild su A li b tal liP urix hiS ., a I. j / u r RKOEIVKD ♦ /WM SUPPLY or Boas' liana 14= Batur Yalta Bona''Malta Ofgsrn eon Malta IClpurß; (Ruling's Ambrosia; Stedises Ambraits; durling's Ambroda; Bterling's Aube"la; Moho& & a.'. 'Elixir remiss Not, Nkhols & Clo:s Mbar l'srusisa &fads & 0..'. Paints& But, Nichols & 0..'. Late ?truth& Bark. With Protoxfda of Iron; With Peon:W.lo of Iroo; With Prato:tido of Iron; Witls Prokaino of Imo; Lard'm Blocgo of Youth: Laird's Bloom of Tooth; Laird'. Bloom of Tooth; LNrd's Bloom of Tenth; Ohrhdadoroh Nrosisior Hatt Die; Ohrlstadoroh isorldor Barr Dye- Chriatodoroh ShooHier Bair Ifni Ohrfitodoroh troelalor If* Dpi; Hashes Napalm Liquid nits Dm Dashe llayptlat; Iftyuld Hair Dye; Dashe s s Septa= Lksid Hair Dyr; Bashes lopthso Wald - Hale Lys; _ Batasloes Premium Raiz Dye; Patthelces Promiani Bair Els; Ilstabalaes Palate= Hair Di% 'Wader's Troika Ha& DTP: Visitlin •Hafr DY•i. Venni= Hair Dye; ireaDlut Hag Des; Venni= Halr.ll% Belllogbam's IStlmulatths Oxigunt, Belanemia Stlanalatlog Ongorna, BellingMs•e Etbnolating Onmat, . 1 34111giguies.Isliralithag Organ!, For the Hair sod Whisker% For the Hair sad Whisker% For the Mir arid Whiika% For tbs gird Whither% FOS BALI it FULTONCS DRUG AND PATENT MEDICINES STORE 67 and 69 Fifth Street, (TWO DOORS BELOW TEE POST 0/1101,) PITTSBURGH, NlalLittliMlNlSX. fit VIN VIM the Partausafp lattar stiffing Warm DLTI. uL BsTINITT and IL I. lIIIIINITT. =dor UN firm of DANUBE. BIANITT BOX wee dbiotred na JoUtt, USA by =tad mama BOHN fo anthostaid tonal, el debts due to or by tho Ounpany. DAHIIL BENNIM, Mt== btOTIOE HERBS ir ant aCN that I nar..14.4 - WIGWAM' *UMW irttbi. ma th manufacture and AN ad dPoontanata, style of tti Itrat to In D, it W. PDXIi tha pattasish , o to lase from illy fah ift'a INDIA NU BBNH kith ti, pure sad INDIA *lib cloth, lu uLL slum, lot ese• at ti sa St. Glatt Utast. J. a marunairs, AtZDICAL. 11ND811178 CIIIPROVIID .. . • 111.0013 11111AURCH.1111. *Amu 4X123 JPOI _ . Oa . Oilliall'OUP /Ararat:ions, /frond& °atomism, Diseases,' Paysipelas, Boils. Pimples on the Pace, lei* *e•. Mettexillreetioas. ihalel Hood. , - DY•PoPolo. Costiveness. Old and : Iltabbora Mous. sheo atio, Disorder,. Half litheiat. Kerlizaial Diseases; Osiairal Debility, Liver Otrinpieiflt, petit of APPiititir LowllP.kriti. L 101.40:0 ,11 iSlabits , 21,11NHW 41UL ; Pamir& or Wm., lyphilitie Disisies "eaid Carley et the Bones. TOGETHER WITH ALL WHIR 'DIRRATRI - : RAVING TIME ORIGIN 13 A DIPRATTO: owarrrios or THE BLOOD OB ontortl. TORT MUM _ _ _ 0451 OP 94.4.111114 A. SeTIP.' riPlPSwas Maple Dv Dn. G. N. Isonallske . Osman to .IbJavolantary statrasalla favor al radbtatpie. Pad b 7 Yon celled "lase afs RPM' Ilearewsa.” I bad nand kr ITS pas PTA Ilkadaky skids trots oat cm nay bead and *Plod to at to dkikfine ate vary much, and took off the belt alts the ati . am aids Its impart:oW tt ale, broke oat ca- m7' awn above and brew the elbow, id sa In tato *Pk( and lab so as to some a Awful Jana dlaiaa' on my bad want r ter time surnral Limit penerel bone ante oat. I ti very week and law stditta. and bad gimp AD hop of our poling well. rd bed triad moral Maki playakkens and : SWAM as so god. In flebtelabsr IW, 11111. ‘ yaimi wawa as lay aldweszes Loma cia limas Ibuncrtma. ,, il. mat roams I bad setattolaEyatant laallabcackal' atter I lad sad th ree bottled of 'Blood Darolver k Dw alas' on my baattand sae bspatb bail. I bye . sow takas elightor butilettlab.aal My bad sad Sas are entirely wail wept the scam ninalabet Km. I iiilladaastata tbat I lad tbe , VdMamettp : rosy bed to swarm and lap, !lea Di cal lmroba r also prod tmrbewmatliiir I aria* • well 'ass; over forty, yam a op, and 1. bed papas and paw , art didtfbaa I W2ll tasty/Lad bara*araisilln willabd bewaill44lldd. I /maid Mao a Les tbid fir o,mi/a la my kraltesd , Was r bad oatVledle cooped sad Igrad saldbant buoy, W blood min eat of Ito eon. Dr. Isy Sad a pkotognibl teduaid me by Xt. Clazga; the ertkt, eller I taiga* pt wall. D. does riot abow my abparaaas as bed tt was Man kixmatimort taking Um manatee. Ina can ses thipotograply op of Oka Is war la ay .p wasrlem. and Yee at Dr. Iyarmll4oWooddrr4 would also data than took the Btaod gaucho width wastnade beton Dr.idepar mausemst male. is It. Animal* ft bard ammo, I ddd ad al owes hat oatill I gut the Mod 10110 by Dr. piper hfcandl, - Ove bottlenf Ids did ma more pod *Ol two of Oita. I lftlars tt apierdial stings: Sid lA*. bad resallasakel Dial lcodistelt• alto a Peat limy of siellika, amp end' balm It km ballad fil;ll,rbliii”ll tbm. . TOR may pabasktble If yes wk‘and I. 'am atutteis gat all arba are arkkd as 1 wee wrap earelL Ibla city, NG: d Das itesit, mad as amployad ear* vine • Anderson's IlaloaMarble Works. IN Waster amt. • Damn a. BOLD. . A BLIND ZAN , 01111411. •t La - ts •1 - 13 - 132abook aM km tun our; Mid 1,1•111r101111-1bIlt mak I aped la Pt. gam amid' tans oft= sabod yam to &ape illbsellorrftelAre br UALDIDA . MINNOW". robin ast mad DA to rilirtabble Sp 'Pt atle. lag . raripir• this yen =AU Do M 7 dM or owl* OW •It i Vi a • •••••• br it bre or Orb' Dar hi Dit - MAI seil Ana rained. bet al 41011•0 gignllel Mir • math or tir• slur I auto oar OS AI begettffil.AD Db. wntarstos sag r - ran•A by . tbsetior al • goal Mona - of abb. a Dr. Isissr. vie ristand sad .7 oo7rrr Ira assay sr will or we Ur Dodo, orb no Disci direhat" sill • ma, DA ILIIIIIOLAY, PUbb•ral4 Jai; I. UM Casks WISSIOIF•44. V.•llllkairir. asibers Mutt. ebsi• A AAA JOAA LAO Prom Onto, ilitoteatltot 111. Ural wegit• • that I tun* bat o, tiowlett li tat atir-yotio It woo amoral wttli- alga WWI mono tit - MI rowel oat N ark sto =Kw o lettootditi oollkutl war• • long OM% Ow • oit-lawo sts gwatla., lirtiewtawg ottlattwetio WWI tdty. but - wltawat 1111.410414,.51037 Ilona go Do, [mar, 12 Ito.. IV Wood Ws* Whooslit ottoolsw ell WNW two wwWw. ind ma Ist bat twolottllto • sollabit sod I us 201/eattnitrela al WI to" Paul wilt "tit 110111011; 111% . T011 MAW H 12 AMA AWES aft 11 PM& -Vial sof . owl tin NO THONLA NtiLo Sir& sertsi ed . Martel* 1111 •4 lerfail Y Ali - • • Di:eblL 12114/11_,.• • Vraaat NSW e lleitteirketar . tbit millehat torttalmik SIM NW/ al Pent cominatradis Ur' Woof Me Platt 'Sae tato a Iltaakeas Ike ollaame of 'the Lap rod Thsvoketertit.oiletolleatiorkegilo roaa mrokeptimm ••Tfola .ea poi pm& mallatm porparel of% rice oath time tar tal llar`ti ammeter. • ameol atormom at poromptios ele/ II will toem 001101111 AIM OtILIDIe Moo Moabkoneakiessea at ILO MIA =LAZY 00 • ..• _ Dorn 0671160112 THROAT 1131 01 111232 L ,tr onus el abeassons.mia •• XI pas Draw AJ Um sot on you, do lma- .pat to mad of Mom pe I i=assitadentdiiii tan at kit tar. t• bates Masai lit• .9 016 1 1 , 611 0 11 01 1 1 ealle of OEIO MUM. - - O. 4104 Mo. Meath Osated hue. ma to Dv. wan. Il .140 WWStark. WNW =EEM=II IaILLSO-111 1 . (I.IIIT lILL-AlllkAm=fia . Vl. Prllggitgristi AEID vonEgg,pme SAILS° II rIIIII 11 11.1111ANCINNI1T.—On sad attar VOID T. Awl 10% 156:1, Trani Mil twin Um &IPA , Um 'hang:ghat' gar , `d. t o ritil burst. tallsotat • rdidollA NM Wiadkod L;.. ..: . 111"1 .... '. ' • IMOat. 6:10 a o .It4o p. la. .... , .t 1M0. .. I IM3 .• . I.lklo at I WA t ;- :do .. ._ _• '. . 6:10 II I,lkod • t6ll ° i Anins Poulto.-. AM " 10.16 • t 6:10 0 1 I• • • ,-- at. litintheepritta gad Be , .1r itlat Btaa. i be , atld • Italboad and oo.tiol Oblo Ran. 1 road km Samattna, Nowa*. Ooltumbou. Lod% ror t MN !In • • alutuati, loalaillio, Calroo Bi. ' • I m o % ; Joseph, and an points mat sad moatkwast . sad-14 - - with Bids sod mak. Bohr Oloadmd Lbs. I si i ii i ... •. .. . IMO P. m. • la . • , .....,...—..... 440 do: • • ............. 610 " COI s • 6.•• '1".I . • -,...,; 616 .. 4:46 4 . I - do , • , ........,.......1 7416 " 16:t•1 a intuit cimatisaat... ~... '':.........., 910 .." I 7.:":: w Glaa*ollat atßallad War Soloaraosa eq" , .... - c.l. itit Zee nurs•lpids mad Cianal Doman at Alatoo, wpm iltlobask; Tom w ar n. • and ,Obleagn Bat!:: ,:•,,I • , gasraaa with Alls'ead Cram Women. 'A...IP-ea br Winos,. fivesaiiills, Meadville, Doles .:,. ,r t , • Jamestown sad Ellaillllooll. at Sadao' old! r ; . 0t... bud. Itaammtla sad Otadanall llsaicad kr .1i : ..- : =AnToni and BUlloraborg, sod at 0: ..... a • IL B. 11. for Itrto . Dtmktri sad 1. , ,,i ' k., 1 withh?: IL B. tbr Elaadaakg. Toisdo, a- .1...Q.r, with atatampt lb, Detroit. WallatglaAsoalmodatka 11111 TIN at 3:60 p..,... Attandog ,tratao Amin at IMO a. m.. rt.., ^,.; ' MP. 1a4 4 0_41 6 /0:a. 01 .• p=iti'Madtata tO all ploadatait at tbrAdturtg Stood Dapot,r4:atit - , asioacnuriaani. 'nom. Agin:- " ' I4 ,4IZILLBIERBY.TkIuit Ag I ''' IiSAIMI:Mt ' ' 1 3 l uto r.ri4 intr a di •g i . ,040. mommaid . 1° 64174 i; tt: . .811 M M - , mial atm nal g l i prO ..parzeitir° 49. • •• Al The T3lllOOOll 1.0001111101)1210/9 TR/ Win Vie Statism 4 =1 , gt . .... 00 1$ Boa r d, IMMO a. 1a.01.5*1; st Ilrozikewl flitisdelpft. wadi ivallpg - 62;i1 2 4:4; Alairibr *rot Tork at. ' 1111 4 .11169 doichir •strig Wad • lad Writizirtsa. sattlbe Be T Hams. Mltettint 1 1 =41010MXILINism daily •Id*WS" siopplaii oily priaelpsl stations, .is .111Thea-aosunidekese - -aa Marad...r. IsMaori _Vlig fir Ites-Icali-viaalleatows rent tkli• LillnikaalLat Otatlea adle e . enA . tW . eCttS."- rdl e~tt aTI I L t L a N rTh la w,a s t o n et gam & i Nom;t ODW ealaet / e a Mt KK/ATE • • 1" illlMPas..seopptsji state net' t , itgraroonnek. H - • • Tats an Wien Dana aegyfaal . t ctal , • .11ittal f iler-Tab-tor Tab- Ibr Wart lona /4¢ ifosit3O s. at. i . nal ..easmaaats , visa Ware lean* day. sj u r i ansday &Ur p. to. • Wail* torWA, bialifjeny (except itandsylse alba rt. - • Tar Mali reds besess Wars &anon we.; - 41 q Us Load tstetentnii, ;saran Pettit MOD; - • • itedlle MISS is Pittsborsa se e Dattlebrev IWO p. a. i-Plellatalpit- press. 11M e._*4 miss. um ; Ran Tests. II s. na; Jobastaws ammo e IOW& ea, rbsi Walrs Minks MUCUS. I t • ie. st.; Baa.l %Ws !Ratko Arcaosiod , .10t. " ; fa nalitms se suers Isse p so air a sEn s a ub Moya Trans fat Elaltrenb sal nee. effis bilerseotion w aid ith Me IMmoissee Lecors d esodsa. , Jebaskars •esessiestastnn and laprese testa lie" sat wttb ilidtheeers lavas and Jon:awns Am= T. bt nmeWg ammo& at . Qum :tut ss. 1.11 bsY sal rapanss WlnLand nab _ mesa Lat. ; ( Tie pablio tad ft gristly to nub is.tersit. I elist, or Wesdi to• hymn by the Yentrybreste Abetbrdedor tbs stesossuatattone sow stmt essastialsrpematst oss, sep otberronts. Iftes teals balladed settle end Is mainly teed tem dart We ssa pausteseeaty, spat asol easkert Ss di irk asp Warn& Sod wine *dr paterespa Ile lbw On F . Irte Ildisern... 10 93 Tegsananer...—...... S le TO ti ' itallikameleg to tat Pasinerlos. ste consent Jtielboad. al to rtadaralit, Witmer, - Posen= pintisitsp ttoketi , 'l,oass - sin •Si =Es mem, soritettig Illeasse armful. is to the statka Mrs, swept L festers: Uses tie Compaq los a 0 agent. HIYIIOI.-la are ci talk tlis dill emu bennedTss flocenstbls Ito pm , Uimsan of Inn wont not inses VICO. 11F. Clesnibta LW Use bone stnietoLsi be . pal 3 a t to=atl e rant s4'' ?; Ir a n teal l int sop W tamps. Nor tielamt to kocal • J. T. LI the Psnsreinsts *stint Itsitteder .1 -O'. l l E , i 4 ‘: B4A'XI. TIOLLAB. SAVINGS BANE, No. 60 Tans Brum& - ra tee. M floillf flan sto o'clock, alio ea Wadafaday ion Butorday mobs . farso Iry lot to Nova . mtan lat. fres to ',l. o • nod Oran Norronber ilk co al oli aim not low tbor Zliflir, flag • dfilifind of Mil profits decimal tat: a oar, to Jar end Doombor. lotorett bra boo 4a :shred. orodkorourolif, to Juno and- Doooorrur. At* Ikarkiroo orpnfood, tbo sato of dos per Intn t, if sat tagn . rott. u baron to the of lb* depositor on Warlord, and boon Um Inn .., &oft from the Int dotal Joao and Dotoorbsa,c.,. tiles lair 'tritons troubling the *v.* to„eul. or me to t bit Roe boot. At aghtpaorg. a • id to kr lien twelve &dor,' oontalidng the Worts,; Br ion% W limolotkook forobboUgnitlios ll llXoltin Immo Z. Ponott, John Ifortball, 1. . AMIGO LA, Weeds, A: X. Pollock. M. Mir Wrlifron ik Tradorron,t . 110ftldaii. Jolts Rebus, B ad. uan L. - J ham Illardmazia 'Ollllll JAI Q. sadden, .Juba O. ltbadka, &ago Black AlassiCA. Cant*, Maths /1. - . Cotton, liliale Deaglay Jan Petit WfUlawiLlikaum, , 11141 art 1011.11asnaint L0v407,-,,- Sita "COS T A kv,:4lliba. VERN!' hi EXIMMINATutcx WOMBAS, MICE, ROIiCHTS; 1111D-11111415,10WrITOSB, MOTHS II FM, WOOTAIMI,Afts INIMATBuIS PLASM POVVF- , sansats. he.. 111,10 by ell Dena** s? mess. Prbicapel r B. A. wiz t & SON Sod.. s. s tams 00. 0. yammers avotk insubsagb• ukst-uposmer VROIT 4: wry Las stook sf thole TRIM% elebooted essisthS shoo* fro*, with inm pme Ylllllllreelligell to ono varissy.tras to oasts. :Of AM* aka* vs bass 175000-60,000 of et& netkoss sew 010.10,0011 her year olds: Pew; n MA tee bellow pan dd. Pesab. Plea. fra. •tr Ilasilibilaia-dberres luau* Aosstr7. . Oall e • -1111786122 in heal -1 is Idea bribs baildm =LW. nuns mizisit Azth Musitsal '#t4 I&1OB . ABD cieiwjto Erlnt• 1011111.116, WINS ltu trl3ooll. . _ Q/111:LB8. WHOL.R2BPPB/1;: , • FIIIV 'Why" Mead hors , II ball shwa Olen sad Abe* Saw anidO, coamo/sis/44 algal% • '. 'll/ bats. lam 0017 lg. T. 110 luilfbble..Was.ll Illikkon4 - • - Masi 1 lwoomi,likiw' MNI. • . - 0. litaismag 41'414. . ai AD, ;Istbralkir Nerder, 11171Therty start . • —IN Ilands„ jl[dsedomeornYlNemn bibs. banal . Lao Indio An p,iintagoilibrva lehn I ' ' l l 4 ' tra,rll . . l =ni • ' • PO bans bats, Cilm__ iii nn bit IMOTPD ViilatllTONA von :1 II MUMS Li NJALUATIIIt* OIL. = - 110 Ws. pin Dock Omit t- " resakita • Wsmatattrestniii to to • - - . 7- 7A/L DLUla b i al io .2l. 3l. by awl% Wiser ftreilL I 1 tU 1115,111( 10 Wetly J. T OWNS -WI O. IS mini dam e am &peke !cam :4 ' i !:,.x5~{.~~.. fr, y.iwll:%iNM,~ li. ' Peter . A.'llsolstra, Walter P. llarstall, Seba Orr, Bart Zoblh - Henry . 1. - Eingwalt, ".IsuneelllMs, John H. wmlll. Ttedle, lkbastie, Alexander anktek Liao s fkits:4r, , • • vi ca l.L a wfuu.„ . • BALA: 001,1lOIL