The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 04, 1863, Image 3

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    Vl ll6lll o v OM*
CITY 441AIltd.
017 701.11,441.111 OT TES OM.
Onstavanoss totals
gage, a 7 6.1. filial , Optician, No. Si Etta
ctraen.—carraatad oblip
. .
.. Ult BOIL IN 1111“111.
VOA. 46 11............. 110 79
ti . " u....„. 130 94
, Eaclaster , ........: ..... —. 29 II 10
Unto* Comity Ticket.
ho Rook/ow Jodr of as D Owl.
MUSL3 StAllrfoN.
044 ogr Welk
.1 , 111 011.17 Thooprip.
man. asoLu
WM. J. IWOHAID aaL rre
Not am* r . cosisksioloo.
n. n..... - of a.' Prfref.
Bank !Statements.
The Mowing Is a tabular statement of the
sot:Witten of the Banks of this city, for the
/Month of -August, 1863, as compared with
' the Review month t
UnaL ESscilt
ied 1
.1.. 1/Afra Vie
...... SASS an
. Sk , it• 691
' : atbsos—...:, , 406 557
D 1102•1111...
Marabants ii'Manaths.
• I . Soldier 'Shot
The Whieling ZusiSrierr, of the Sid lost.,
glum the fallowing mutat of the death of
..John Heston, who was armed in Fayette
eounty last Month
Oa Saturday night, a soldier by A* naille
of Huston, a deserter from Co. If, Ringgold
Cavalry. was shot in the Allutania prison,
and almost histantly Ittihad. Huston., it is
alleged, has twits deserted hl' etunuand.
The last time he was arrested - wan on 'Friday
last. Oniaturday night tit* desertor,topthir
with a number of other prisoners,Mas making
' a nolso.ialien he WWI ordered to go to bed and
b. quiet. Hasten finally want to hod Is kis
boat, but soon got up again, took - off his
clothes and ran about the room upon his
hands and knees, apparently &Canaria( to
sake his way to • hole in the floor out
though which several prisoners have litely
soaped. He was ordaind back a moond and
• • third time. and it Last he climbed upon thi
. top of some old banks that sullied up in a eor
our of the prison. and was coming down the
side of • high* bank in the dizonion of the
hole alluded to. Samuel Moos, of Captain
liamUton's company, who was ono of the
Amarillo bale tat prison. &mop his ran and
Lod. the ball striking Iliston's arm and pa
slag through his body In the raglan of the
bean. To. deceased is &bongo:ay-two years
of age.
In regard to this affair there is a 'dlrenity
of Opinion. Some ire of the opinion that
Malian was lawring under temporary
rangemeay whit. others think his oldest was
'to *soaps. Daring yeitarday forenoon, the
-dowses/ was lyitig tol • hint, near Cu- spot
where he was killed, ousnd with a soldier . '
loanket, and religions Winton wore being
held in tke prison.
The Ultimatum of Gov. Curtin.
We have been assured that the ElenlIMIT
Ls publiclylsolered, that the attempt beteg
made (es Sonny sap) to ”postpoie" him,
by the piton Party, cannot be pentitted to
mumcd. The dictatorial emeutive claims to
be the soul of the party which elected
three jean spr, bests "that •he made it,"
and if any wing of that pony dues to obJ•ot to
hi. psnosoinsUoa"tbe party wow se to pieces "
The was who wen • the salineting, We
giving workers lathe orgealsetiba of the Re
liably:ea party c wilt read this bombast with
• Salle. Those vim know that he was, and la
yet a millstone wound its mak, winy,be sown
libel at the Orrernotorianity;'but all will be
alike outraged with the duvet that if the
Union party nondnetes a eandldate wLo will
site the titers--so Curtin oaawn—he will
dostawy what he arrogantly claims as his own
work—the great party of the Union in Pe •
Wm - 1
Time % aadeableily Man lath. Oen
treaties who will lough at this prenunion.
limy who will baiausedAt ik• mock- herele
Ogle of this *rest, bat lons, we .manly
hem base *honk to I* &spewed by it tato
the fatal mistake that Cards esa, ems am
: atonally. exhibit la sew shearers eessawasa
. sate with his words. The Wiliam as Is that
417. f the smoking is sot nut to salt as, I will
. it." Let the Bere a ** try to ante his
threat ilael if he din. A
Kikorably Acquitild.
• 11r. G.W. ttudimaberger, charged • oath
of (Marisa D. Itmadd with *Wail* r do
escape of a downer, had a. lasi bearing be
tas iislaitij &Iter
ates sad was hoaorobtyaotquitted. Tim
testaseay west to slum tlat , tier ins whom
hr. X had uesslstede' although Missed Is
the aottorael Utak ems; woe set is the car
et°, at haling bocca,regularly dlselcarpd.
Xr. X, sorsever, oaly aasknis to get
Ms bask tate the w i rier as.* sabstialtic. %he
Loot that tits asafiacraot la the mese, mei
preyed as Oa m t seardsdretestiamay—is
Aliabarge pspow hr. 11. ls a thoroughly
atea laid a wort lky Wises, sad his
Moab Ildt • • that be wield fatly via
&rite from so serious a stuns as
nab deserter." •
The Casaltioell/. • _ '
gae troupe at Wastrels opemod last
g at thi s Witt% too btllttaat sad
fitildemble • siullestram has psopozYoa
belag.thess. tray Ask was rumapled, mad
at aa • oily hoar the manammetta Based
lag ROM Day" was posted aambli. 136111
the people throupg la Rath the satiates
semi was tabs ap t mad yes all amen mold
met be assmairedated. • The troupe tally sas
, taloa thelrhlgli mutation, and the Malone
• smite melt plasm* throughout. Tim Campbells
. w w a rm/ epla this mouth& la a sew pro.
j o i s siss. gems Saabs mini! at the ogles
• ambit the day. • •i
BASWThwos do mts Dairo.--Twostpthroo
we, a1th1r.4460 11114 mu from ths Ant draft
who fitkol,W.Morh word dowootod Yesterday
la , /sOht Amato, oduar7 dolsobwodw
nosi from Omap Oroso, at Ooae.Wril s. Thy
wars armed and *wetted, sad only Mudd
whoa 0af:0164 *IA a saparior fora. The
mos prisoljalto Mild, iis flortssiold, asit-
Holt, and Halloltla tairsoldp, Papists mug.
Thoy WIZ* breaght to shoo *try Mot Mem,
sad handed our to Mot:t. Wright, who slam
that sada a strong gaud.
. .
or t. silos
Yostat, Provost Maraud of thb Distrlol,
• list of oho kudrod sail Utah
taco. It glum ilia or; Color de's. sad
h a ir, oomplostios,. oisrapotion sad
pbsos of birth .. rancid of is. dollars is
offend for ono hundred owl twelve .of shim,
Yd liftsdolirs for thorother farm
AcTliv r irr•Provos Eigard e his'--------
.4 4 sig, • •is scuids, sad
_ _
c rairecitif i'Cusaorb•
- wer - Dsr•"lllStorlldd," a, Obroo Wei Pl•ye 'et
` 6 4tkl9 2 B lllo _Csnotall7 ltxpsresmdWerisid.
sod Ends:atm, Not. E.
pr ply.. Adapted Orr Om of &boots. Coirsr..
and tb•TemPly 80•41h,S Circle. Hy J‘l3., W. S.
Hoes Author of M • •••bakepeorlon Realer,. etc,
tbs. Nes Ye k D Apsretoo d Co. 188. Pl te
loullk: E.B Davis 23 Wood street. 603pp_ 12mo.
Yr. Howe ruin in his preface to the spa
ens of a former publication of his—" The
Elbakspearian Beeler"—which wee published
sixteen pan ego, and though at the time
considered an experiment of somewhat doubt
ful muesl i "he bosoms • ' standard' in
educational Ilteralure, sad • continuation of
selections from the poet's works is • now de
manded." This volume will very worthily
and seseptably meet suet • demand, sad we
are truly 'ridded to Ind that
li sptudicious
editor cad the enterprising pubr@ husi
been eneouraged to produce an educational
work of so high • steadard—one that will in
to/prat for the rhlog generation the proforind
isuons of our common . Anglo-theca history.
in the almost divine Light of •%.a genius of
the greaten poet that ewer u•. idioms of
cur Baxon
Tie Boot or Dania—Pawn n LID 16.
Maws: Edy t Co , 65 Wood guest, hose n-
aired front the American publishers, Messrs.
Llpplacett & Co.. of Philadelphia the Pont
tooth and Fifteenth parts at the "hook of
Dam" editod by Robert Chaabere and *th
en. Is entry particular
i this delightful,
work bean 0111 net fully, n Its Iseult num
bers, the high obaraotar we gave it when we
had only Nan the earlier ones. It will rarely
rep/mode all other "Day Books," "Year
Books," eta , eta, and take its privileged
fr oionoug our favorites on the library ta•
WAR Ibienw.-13, an advertisement In
another column it will IM seen that Yredriek
Dough% the distlagnished and elegant
colored orator, will address • Mass Meeting
at imfayette Hill, Aim main& Minmenoing
about eight o'clock. All who desire to aid
and scoolllsts in reinforcing our 11221:1101 in
the Auld as speedily as possible are invited to
Trisa'y c
Rotas k Dos by
.• oar Boob&
Cif . 11.111. tan SNOW
911,117 1,232731 191 614
225 05 1 . 340 , 1176 65 I "
109,412 1,217,732 140 514
91,419 470.161 13.176
1121 243 1,1352.767 215 464
133,238 t 670,679 73 955
1,96444 IMMO 4134,12/
1.517.1111 4.335146 1 312,04
AIIOI7OIII BALL—Bale of horses and fermiag
implemenfa, at the farm of Mr. Bradshaw this
souring at 10 o'clock. Bee advertisement in
&await solumn•
DRAFTED MlL—Sixty dratted 1:12 , N1 won
mat to Camp Copolamilyeatortay.
Gummi Basn'allavars VT
dually and anaulanaring Favons, an no
bat is an.
A. 1. Cumin, Osaeral ann.
18, Fifth nava.
- 114,444 1,799, 67 2 376
1149.996 F 04,491 17.440
1116,911 845664 114M1
904,60 637.83 , 4736
4016,786 878 07' 19 OE
764,99- 641.991 . IVO)
7esp,l4 . 351,84 4,019
649 -,990 4.c34.0951
II 46404 4.41,5631
Titus PAWS. Pia= and Ornamental Slab.
Booth, end dealer in Pennsylvania and Ver
mont slate of the best quality at low rates.
OEtoe at Alex. Laugh Hes, near the Water
Wake. Pittsburgh. Pa spades
ay 311 ...........
............1 =Ail
Cumuli Our 111 EJITLZ/ 6TOOII AT 00117.-
Baaq Graham, mirohant tailor, Is selling od
his Spring and Summer stook of goods at oost.
They eensist of all the taut sty letof cloths,
eassimares and castings, of whisk he Is pra
pared to make up la Um most fashionable
mama, sad at cost prig. Tha radio should
not neglect to avail themselves of this rare
&saes sad sin =MP by giving him an
early e au.
Also, a large assortmast of plain sad fang
emdaterat, well adaptid for boys' wear, which
he will- sell by the piece far below cost.
Mothers should not neglect to call early.
Ban'a firtsass4 Merchant Tailor
o. 114 Market Nstreet
Amnion, Estinuran Vonciresaur —The
attention of our cousin's brave Meanders ris.
neatly returned from the seat of war and of
the patina in general. is again direcnid to the
my irztessire and handsome assortmant of
the latest styles of Preach, English and
Asterism pima goods, for panic, ooatr and
rests, lately retained by Kenn. /oho Meier
Co., Marcitant Tailors No. tp iredersi
street, ALlechany. A teissiful salnotton or
mamma's fundrildng semis will also always
be found on the anginas of the establish:cent,
togethar with a lot ot ready-mada clothing,
got up is the best :Danner.
Nov Lastest op ithaidaz Currinza.—Of.
ten we are asked, where tan we boy • neat
end oomfortabb summer into, made to order,
thus having the thanes of siiiketing oar owe
goods? To all these inquiries weals answer,
go to Mews. W. U. Moires b Co., corner of
federal street and Diamond throws, &poem.
ay, slalom will be salmi awarding to prim
MM. They here just received rhair summer
goods, and for elegance of styles they cannot
bs inirpasar,d, and fir attest they are the very
periwig, es their work is ail done under their
own supeyvision. Give them a call, and you
cannot fail to be saddled.
Aid, persons desiring to parohese drugs
should call at the , stors of J. B. Milliken, No.
77 Pederal street, Allegheny, who keeps con
stantly on hand slugs and well selected Foch
el goods usual kept in s first Mass dr.g
houss. Persons doing business west of this
polar will not be charged draysge on goods
shipped them. Don't forget the placer
J. B. Miudai,
Wholesale end Detail Druggist, 7 Fedora]
street, Allegheny.
Caner Dmrnstai.—At the Dental Insti
tute, No. 351 Pens street, wits of teeth for
four dollars, leaner than duke at fire dollar,
at the other distal estab !manta. All per
sons are requested to call at the Institute
allar haring the kwest prices at
the other *hasp places. AU work done at
the Institute is guaranteed superior to any
-deep Dentistry / is the oft,.
Coactirmain.....lion. Wm. Classes, Ed.
Yotbar's linganibio, N. Y., atter tub( Mn.
8. A. AIM'. World'o Bab Bottom and Zy
lobalsannina, mita : uY, hair la changed
to Ito nitozal color, sad pawing on bald spot,
As. /I shoal& be glad to have you as lay
unto whoa it can 'do you any good." Bold
by ( dtentsta every whom D0p0t,196 Groan
aunt, Now York. dsw.
Vinci tv Psornarr Rumens, Asians azn
ALL Onus Ininnena.—lisr repairs or al
teratlons to stores or dwellinp, new roofs, or
enytils else ta the Carpenter eaU at
s Carpentati -Shah Then alley,
abase Oadtkield street& All orders promptly
attended to. t
Men TUMID card photographs at only
rasa dollar per dim, at J. W. Pitman, op
posite the Post-odloo. H. is now closing oat
ids stook of lia• card photographs of generals,
thistrioals. madams 11110 ana womea L oopies
of flu eagtaelaks, ka. suitable for silicas.
Call iodise hiciessertotsat, sad selects few,
81!U Ifisezio VOLUTIJIISBors. re Omit 1
—Yeasig eat be la thee, Ripply your
selves irith Rolloway's Pills aid Ointment.
not are gairrasteed Jo sere the worst moo
of Bores, llloas, Bourtri, Rimers sad Bowel
sesplalate.. Oilly 24 seats per box or pot. 218
0113113011 and OAKILIAGIS CAWS will be tibial
at the Omnibus °Zee, No. 406 Liberty street,
day or alalit. All orden left at the above
piece will be pro=teaded to. All ealte
nut he pad la 631. ;
117. Eitta, Datist, MR= strs, snood to
sil bitting sit Ids protonic&
scarnits-on lOWA M lastest, Mr.
NoLNITiII, !kr., to thin! yew Of 114 Op.
TM Cloaca Mt fasallf me firltid to salad Ow
fassmf, firos Mt UM PmyntLo Moak
Rood, oso Wit Dm Allifirm Olt,. it 10 ewe&
Tomas 90199mocith tut. 11191/sgas alll Icam tfcc
*wavy simaasa at 9 o'clock.
mAatta,-4. mow, Jai, at, mn. Ls" ti.a.
GM% 4914 of Wma awn. 19q. •
rootrel MU take place fain tho neldoaco cf bar
hoctsod. To. 41 Lama stmt. It 10 °Work a. a.
/la Ittsaft of .tho Many tcopectlllly mfatatc4
to Mtn&
llo&TIIAL.-Athta nektento In as llatlaab'a
Maral3llll. AUOI I II4II , nnial , ! l4 oo Monday, Avgaid
ad, 111%, MUM 110/111 fa the 40th year of
Paarral to 'Mailman Ifasituosar, Masa 61b.
at 10 terl:al a ,
J. P. - .roes IMIDS,III
sizoolisTr a co,
_Curt FLograrie
u . *mecum Liberty lid Mato draw Mtn.
- orOspellry, 4ao 441 Sr day. • .
CIUN tilltiord) Vrep
‘l anima cd pew sob au* loat . 1 0
Ira 'oar Is sop. swig of us etbse. .Pet 74 4 ta pnad
t fi t is 1634. tm at as lb.
• • . - JOBB agtronew, r,.
Our s"--, -.:fr.
Vas the Pittsburgh Centts.]
Union and Victory? or Division aid
. The patriotic ItopubLicata, all over the
wuttry, bare freely yielded their distin ct
po Meal osgenisation, that a anion of all
loyal men might be secured In sapport of the
imperiled nation, deeming it idle to stand
aloof on questions of policy for the Oceans
ment, intil It wu settled that a goverment
existed whose policy they had a tight to en
deavor to shape.
Under a salt which embrace* all loyal mos
without the slightest reference to former put;
Ides, and not of future political com
binations, a conventionmf delegates has been
chosen to nominate Stabs officers. the people
expect of them such action as will seonre a
sseioos of the loyal voter, to • this State in this
momentous ethic. This oar. only be done by
the saltation of a candidate for Governer who
will end no determined opponents in disloyal
Union party of Pantry 'sant&
deed, so far does he tall short of the ootasion
that he, Of all the gentlemen named, acne
meets with opposition In the loyal ranks. Let
his friends consider well before they attempt
to divide the people, for the barren compli
ment of a nomination for Gotorstor, of thg
present incumbent. No union can be effect
ed upon itisn—no campaign promising sanest
can be conducted In the face of his official m
ord, and nothing but debit can be looted for
ander his bade:whip. Already, seven of the
moat IndiainUal notepaper' in the State, with
Ivies the number of country weeklies, hove
admitted that his nomination would be equiv
alent to a defeat.
It is Idle to agree that he is points: with
the soldier', for so are his pets, ties.
lan and Pita Jig= Porter ; but If he wen) •
favorite of the army (whiott we flatly deny en
palate testimony, to the contrary) what
good Mould that do to in' electing /dm? By;
• decision of the Suprema Court, they are net
permitted to vote. It is needless to say this
decision is from • democratic bend; and
equally mains to repeat the wen known fast
that the party wide& supports nob Judges and
sash decisions, more than any other, desire
the nomination of A. G. Curtin.
The mob loan wing of the union Petty
will not support this man with any degree of
nominally, sad • lac get emu of that party- , -
the Ottmans—will not tench him. This is
well Mown to the leaders dike Union party;
and so intense is their opposition to him that
we are well asstuad of • movement now on
foot,—originating 1n Phitadelphi•,—to com
bine the Germans to • solemn protest against
his nomination, and In that event, to a hem
trality dating the canvas& What gives mere
forced to this action of the Getman votes is,
that they do not name any person as a candi
date. Any one will salt them who is honest
and capsble, enduotbing can convince them
that our present Sommer, Is either. The
whole matter resolves itself into this preg
nant inquiry: Shall the Union be SWUM
for the sake p 1 en ambitious man, who has al
ready declined • renomination in au °Metal
message? Or shall an ambitious Ukase of
hisawa officiol words be pushed amide for the
sake of anon ? A. B.
I, any person wants impartially to es
timate the moral chanter of the North and
of the South respectively, and the prospects
of each for becoming a gnat nation, the
comparison of their two armies in the hour
of victory, and in their treatment of the
sick, wounded and dead left by the enemy
would furnish the very beet List. Compare
Bull Ron, where the South remained the
victors and masters of the field, and Get
tysburg; where the North thus remained.
A committee of Cougrees have recorded
publicly what happened at the former place,
and the disgusting relation will not bear
repetition even as an illustration. Bat at
Gettysburg the rebel wounded were attend
ed to as our own. The colonel of a zee
meat left wounded, was so treated and at
tended to that he and his men at first eu
posed we be must be nursing and swsjag
him o p for retaliation for eome of Jettison
`Davis , threatened atrocities at Itichtuond.
And when he found his wounds attended to,
and a warm bath and other oo7fitrts care
fully adatintstered, and that a was done
from Christian generosity az/I compassios,
he wept like a child, and d Oared he had
not known what he was/doing when he
raised his hands against the Stars and
Stripes, and declaimd at while he lived
he never could raise hostile hand again.
It is by muitiplyi g acts like these into
national charsoleAstics that Christianity
gives to patriotiim its 'parity and lustre.
flimic JrOTICES.
o , i RICICIitafiILIWS
Who is coopemgng with the Pkthadelphhs Commit.
es eovjgo la reaultlng colored troop, will addrees
M. Itretlag au
Tuesday Eveniate"gurust 4th,
In this city, co the riddled et Colored Kea eallattnii
a the 31.Mtaz7 Ihentai of the lialti4 States
All who doles Olaf and encoarogo In relnfatchig
ents'estelte In the del . d am epeeffly is pliale, ere ta.
.tied to attend.
unto. as era ass TamuirocurzoN 0 0 , 4 I
Nay nth. MA
the gets:titan to Is Stack of the Wog.
an Traereartaticot Oestplay that an areateateat of
If fill Dtri.Ldliti fid 0 0 - na BHA= bill bees
bided Opole the stock sabearibed.payabie at the °Moe
of tits Trearstrer. at Plttebergh. Oa ca. bobs. the
lift day of huts, 1.8104 sad a Wm mount .00q
thirty dale thereafter. oath otharehte mottled
H) order of the Bout
Wham A. J. NeDOWllllsL.P.Kimtan.
IWILLts,4IIIOI4 'lll.lTlO36—An MUG-
Mon •111 botteld Si the Board of Slade
Boma In the Oily of Milbank, on TOSAIDAT,
tos With day of Arnaud "dal; et It o'clock L. to
sleet &nth Directors.: the Pittsburgh Lamm Zara.
toe Cafarsay, to seem for the mato, year.
Smooth Husaavga r , W. Dummy
Joss B. tlaarista. doom
W. McCann, and other'',
tieTeadi LSOCLUIS...44 2 litllgter
la offend to oleo who hare spiv/4 as Soldiers
fur a term met less than alas months, with shafts of
Utahans or 00.spasy.
farther lotomation inquire at No Td fin
street, up 'tars L. L BIONAND.
! Ist Lint. 9th Ilegisseat P
Omar or Tyrolese, *BORON ISIMIIe C0.,1
Jaly Ma, M.
111,130 01111/Alle bas &eland • Iovs.
dead et/US DOLLABB PDH SBA KB, payable
on and altar MOND sl, the toot august
TOM. it. Kowa, Tragrute.
Boot', Slums and Saitas,
gams Cheap, at
11 ---
zre. 6IS 11171111T8111T.
7 2.)
And int , . Wiens In , 80018, GANSU
and DALNOSA.LO,-,se °I s ia dosing out: Enamor .
Goods to Joao roo m Fill and Winter .. Gads.
abi , at OS MAZICE e BTl3Zet the
wed door at
WO 01 es hill:Ade AND Untie
sti'lliSOlLlD Bnprid. al 7ri low prima to
ekas oat Also, Man% Poys' and Youth's 0011.
(algid!! and 11 . aLkIOBAL BOOTS at a Imply. st
anl - BO*LANTPEI. 33 Marna 'West
28,000 tinakLehn ru.a Litutal
ice RILL it the
torTuros, Aursiirt OTT/
myiLa M
. futued.eial
V To6osnzawat6
01111 SpEOl4ll, 11TVATCHES.
6Pids l IX4Pakli
Tins usfarr It wasmorros CITY.
The araft for the Phut and fhwtond wards°,
this elty_riassed off quietly Gs-day. Among
the drafted are Uriah H. Paiute!, &hi Wash
ington correspondent of the /equine.. and Ed.
V. Bowe, et the New York Tr he. a staff of
/LAGS FOR TEI W 12001172 1101X1111111.
Governor Solomon, of Whiconsin, has sent
to the Sicrebry of the SoWere' Relief Soci
ety, silk Sege_ for each regiment from that
State in the Army of the Potomae. Theflay
have Inserted upon theca the DIMS of the
reglotents for 'Molt they me inhnsdiS, and
the bet blob they have been sngsged.
On Theriday hut, Out. Conipn, of the
Ninth New York tawdry, with a sinew
squadron, made a rsooanolassioo to within
six miles of Culpepper, but was forced io 're
tire. General Naiad attempted to gross the
itvpsherutook at Beverly Ford, but the wa
ter win - too deep. Next day be crossed on
pontoons a little below Itsppshennook Sta
tion, sad an mistagentent-eneued, of mkt.* a
brfst'notice wad suit last night.
=Errs /sox urrugaz main
The total receipts from internal menu for
the month of July amounts to 85.298.867.
This inoludso nothing from Inoomes, and Is an
Increase over soy previous monthly receipts.
Commtnionor ;Anis ts now in Now York
Deputy Commissioner McPherson start' to
morrow to Pittsburgh, to attend the Pennsyl
vania State Convention,
roarrzor or tamer Aso:.
There le high authority for saying that as
early as Wednesday last the balk of Lee's
army by entemped on the loath bank of the
,Itappahannook, aad extending as fez north as
°ramp Mart UM.. Two divisions of Lang
stmet'e corps were at that Limo at Culpepper
Oonrt Home, which Is said to be the rebel,
it is sac
say to
has ban
pay lot
1 . 1111 WO
log rel
/ atrimmes. •
erelliso aro roaming over Priam WU
me county, eolith of Washington, anat.
ng prominent Union eitisine and onforoing
' the Intel eolvaniption.
Special Dlostcb to tburrirtobtuitk Claiatte.
.PitLADIILPHIA, Aug.* 1853
The atom ship Armes", arrived at enr
Navy Yard at noon to-day. She-Pasted Mi
ner's Island on the afternoon of the Slat nit.
The siege and bombardment of - Fort Wag
ner was still progressing favorsix)y. There
a report that seems to be credited, that if
Fort Wagner fella the rebels liked to blow
op Port tempter rather than': the Fulmer'
shall capture it. This is a ststement of two
men who in a favorable moment *soaped from
Sumpter and get within our lines.
The avi froiteides, Capt. Rodman, engaged
Fort Wagner on the soap end speedily si.
boned its gnat. Fort Sumpter Ind a Brooks
pa at the new !roulades, but the latter did
not even reply to it, treating it with et:at
Oar shwpshooten are so Dear Bort Waiaer
time any rebal bead appatriag view la.
staatly disappears, with Ma addition' of ono
or monomania, balls.
General RONIWZIIII G again übiquitous. A
special dispatch now places Mos within thirty
miles of Savannah, Os. Not long 41see he
was in Boma, Oa. Equally. authistbs
gram . boats him at Nashville or Okatta
There L nothing new from the army of the
Potion& Everything works favershly. A
oanard has been oiroulated that Gel. Rooker
Is u A. again sailed to command.
' Tits weather here is intensely het.
The draft b the Ninth ward to-day was
warm with the ire of patrietbm. TIM Tenth I to*
ward will be drafted tit-morrow, and this will
close the fret aot in the attune in this city.
A substitute aimed Ina. Grant, iikllo .111.*
tempting to escape from a transportship BUM
Vine street wharf, this afternoon, was shoy
by the guard, slier being properly hailed. Rh
body sunk in the:leer.
Advice§ from ambit
Raw YOU. Aug. B.—Adview from Rs — ni_ftt
to duty sorting that everybody is biking
about the great lire. Gluten' large mores
were Winn destroyed. This ors began on
the 224 Intl, and is still Jibbing, although
now eonlbed to the nabs./ SY itb. considerable
exertion, the rsilread d?pot of the GUMS "
OM railroad was saved on the fate of wilt*
depended dines maristores.
The ire is supposed to have commented in
some Cotton belie; of whisk ware destroyed,
belonging to 11,16111SIOSIS81 and Beglislosub.
Large quantities of goods, intended to lin=
through thalederal Monads, abo oon-'
bawd. There were also burned largo lotrof
huasis,atorso shins, gin, saltpetre, Mtn,
percussion asps, sulphur. as. There were
also tionanmed NOM. hone wager, valued as
$1A4,216. Total toes, estimated at $1,118,-
11111, but this is decidedly ander estimated.
The General De Mann& PrOPCOIO4 to batter
dams the stores by broadsides from a drip%
hoping thus to put oat the lire by menu of
the tumbling rubbish thus showered upon
and thus save • portion of the cattalo:, But
General Dube would not permit it. The
primai-transport Mika was the Int to And
assistance, and their ezample was followed
by Spanish men-of .wer 5 but,dide was done
two hours after the warelionsidi lidera on fire.
Tke Electlos Im-lit i iicky.
Smeummet, Aug: 3.—Tb. 02 2 2 a n .
took:, as fax se hatwa, pause off quietly.
The tollorlag sterna hare boil repaired t
Goveraor, Eneelotto, 1:11doi
394; Wlekath, D., 21. - For Orispiu,
Union, 30 6 1 / 126 "ra /kW e 21;-2:Bove,
Unloo,l. Bromistte 343; Wier - -
WI% 3. Coupes, Wadivorth, ITaion 812;
Brown, 34 Imsheition--Bramsette; 618;
Wiokiige, 107; Ole. Bao3rer,l 6l l Boil*
12. flootrupita—Brandetto. , 349; W clefts,
396; alas, )5051 Buckner, 394; Bo Iv a SS.
Nsokoloaveka—Eirombero; 153 i Wio 2
Clay, 127; Asetaer, , l9 ; 80ylei 18. 'luta: -
sna—Bessillittea, 184 Wlettiffs; 87. -.. 0415-
grin; lieliatirt;Pow, 114; Smith. Us os,loor
oavingtos--nirala tto . /Alt , Wloki • • 59;
Coagreu, Smith, 1,331; Iteatiso, 53. L ath-
Tko.ijoion majority, • s lam
ere h. ;bolt 20,0 06 . Bria 6 s 4 Walk fishi
ly elected La Labia
Imotavizam. Aug, 3 ,—Thes
When pus* GE; a "'";
majority over Mani for Orono: 1,331,
Nsicidt4 for • 0 0 .1Plos :ow Wolk lOW
boys ta ina %
101 d V e I
stle4s a ritiol
-I • •
• 4 16 Pittetardi Gairatt•
W• 118110101, Avg. a,1863
Attiial of the Arabia.
HAmeek,_Ang. 3—The Arabia from Liv
erpool on the :25th, iris.. Queenstown on the
96th: arrived hart this evening.'
The Marine' Insnranci . Gompnies has re;
Ported the lou . of £llO,OOO, .by ,this sap
tore_ of B." k. Homo. - • -
An 'anti-southern &escalation - was being
brand at Manchester to Om:eters.* the Mu
*nos and correct the misreprosentatloneof the
.elaveholders Confederacy, and to employ all
MUM against a recognition of the Confeder
The duty and „Navy Gant. thinks this !'. .
with Grant's army free to cops atewith .
ItOssoran's, there is no - ground for sneaking
hopafally et the prospects of the Confederacy,
untesi Lee is able to reverse their misfortune
by a grin! victory. , •
In the Hours of Commo ns, otittliel33,lhe
subject of the foreign enlistment .skt was kr .
trodnood by Mr. Cobden, who, leferied Lb the
proceedings of the,Alabama Florida, and
Vagitia, all`built BAWL ' ports for,the
Confederate novice. He laid it was 4011
known that two ironclad thip" ... were ;Ow
being built at Liverpool for ineepurpose, and
he believed that if they were allowed to leave
England, the result would be a declaration of
war .6n the part 'Of the American govern
-Pent- . American shipping .had almost become
1111111141111141 in consiquenee of the Beisures made
by Confederate cruisers; and he implored the
government to take saps: to .prevent the de
parture, of the metes.. Its wits informed that
the American. gevernment took not . of the
value of every vessel captured, and debited
it to Her illsjeskfr Gotarnment. He was
further informed that the American Minbter
lied's:aide a formal claim upon EnglanAto
damnify the [merle's' ship owners for their
loses,. No doubt the claim was repudlited
by Her Majesty'. Government. Oat et "die=
prated claims of this nature an expensive and
disastrous war 'night result. /
Mr. Laird, referring more par / tfoularty to
the ease of the Alabama, said everything bad
been done is broad daylight. - Be taunted the
Cabinet with panning a mute which, while
it would amble his frientiOtt the North to
get all they Wanted, would put • stop in Eng
land to a legitimate brain of industry. He
encored the American ofhaving built. ships
of whr for Rasta during the Crizieen war,
and with relitheronnits'in Inland Mee the
outbreak of the vicuna conflict. -
Lord Paliaon defended the (mune Wiz*
the Governm ent had taken, and said he could
see no distination in principle between selling
arms to th'i Pederale and selling ships to the
Confederate's. He appealed to the pilicdple
lald do'sret on the subject by the Americans
the fives.
3t was of enures true that England had •
law bearing on the question; but
be Government had carried out that law -to
the best of their ability—and that law, whisk
they saw nommen to altar to suit the -Amer.
genoles of a foreign power, they would ,con
gnus to enforce as fares possible for them to
Mr. C:bden-Was prevented, on a point of
;order, from reading a letter from Gideon
liVelits In parliament. The letter was, illMlL
theleas, published in the pipers. It is dated
the likhof April bet, and *lt addressed to
Charles Summon, and /alert to Mr. Laird's
statement, In parliament, that his firtu had
- beim appreaebed in 1861 by the Agenu of the
Indent flovornment, relative to the building
of war Vessel" tor tha .brctrth.
Mr. Willie: assert! that neither directly or
ledithatlY, eras say spilreation made by his
authority to Mr. Lairds or any 'ethic foreign
ship builders for the nonotrnatlon of vessels
for the Ameziesneoverament. Advances 111071,
made to him, however, on behalf of numerous
English. and other foreign Ship builders, but
he declined in spry 41114110.11 , any proposition
to IsuUd,,er provenly baithilt vessels for the
federal Navy' abroad. Mr..L4ird averts that ,
he is prepared to maintain, the truth of his
former state3ent, and o ff ered to plasm the
proof in Lot Paimerstort's hands. .
On the Pol sh question, the Paris papers
continue to enee a 'Gong war foaling. The
Seca' regard the mission reply as a defiance.
alas Great Grime( n to reported at. Vienna.
It is altar d that th e -Peach Government
has rethived pen. the terms of response to
Geri a ;hake, 's dispatoh, and wourd forth with
otontenniaato them. : , •
• t intsUrgenee //ranee and Au
luttre essuptutcratlon, and the
, feet.
. .
',,re were debate/ in bath - houses
+, • Parliament air the 24th. and
i • don wet expresSed 'at the
Lord /4. blamed' the Glov
•of punning the walk; of none'
• ropier,/ towards Amnon:
Avg. It—The stunner Arabia
At the let
stilt were in
accord was • ,
Polish offal
of the Rogit
•volleral dita
nalssioa rep!'
ornament for :
intervention '
has arrived. I
Liverpool, , alp 26 -Cotton—Booker's obr.
cutler reports the sates for the week to be 52,-
000 bales. he muket is buoyant and prime.
%@1.4 higher for Analogs, the market cies-
Ins oa Prioay with an "pilled tendency.
Breadstuffs it. firmer.
„Wakefield, Nash*
Co. and others reported flour firmer and prioee
Of higher: dmatiout is quoted at d@i 35.
Wheat tending upward, and holders are:
demanding an advance • whits ureetain and
southern 10 to 11%. ' Cent steady; mime/
WM at 27. f . • - . ,
Provisions are soden and 2 to 53. highir.
Pork steady, Bunn buoyantiand 64 Idgker.
Lard IWO, at 36 to 38. Sugar steady. Cel
fee dull Ind unheard.
• Loadat. Jell 26.—Baring's reports
breadatalfe steady. " Sugar fl er: Coffee
still advancing - aid 6to 114 higher. Tea is
steady. • Provisions ll roar. / - . - 1
*marten moulting eh lernotivs, exoeptfor
:railroad stocks and bonds , for which there is
an aedve nptest,t -
. / Is - " ' .
Laumw.-I.4esrpook any .25.—The gale of
cotton to- day was 19A00 balm, 'closing buoy
sat and 34 higher me itiday.
Breadstuff! lult an upward tandem, 'l
eapt foreign , wlt kis steady.
Provisions 'Ludy.
-, todose islienerally *headed.
padstee, Alp 26.Coneole for money 92%
1%,./1111note Central flues 26 to 27 du
it.y 63% to 64%. • '''.
Witskuiton- Iteins
/.- Anna:mow, Aug 3.—Aosording to the
,46zonter of Provost - Marshal GonaYsl'Pry,
whoneser say drifted man' shall show to the
Board of Enrollment of the &stria In which
hams hays been. enrolled, that he was las?
properly enrolled, having been,when enrolled,
an alley,a non-resident of Abe dlstrlet, - or in
tho servos on the di of March. 1863, he shall
-be •• discharged: bi thi ticard, and his plate
shalt aot - lee Mid from 'the Ali, ,pir ant.
drawn in ildttloli to , tho itiota to supply Th.
miles oteatidty winitipuods; swlalng under
G lo
this second s aof the eiropswiat sot.
Masao 4; Augil.-J-TlisllVit squad of,
.drafted me w as Hat' forwa rd' to' the army - Gen. Logan in to be arsigntd to the
command ofdu 16th army corps. .
: llnsinth Aug 3.—The - following ar
dor was today from thi AA Want Bon
orarsiSsez ~. ,i, .1) ,•, -, .r.-• -
.. ,
Thy estimates tinder whlok 100,100 Witte'
for swathe . amidst _from- -the '•fftettes
ideryload; Pealaylvials, .Ohlo. - ,lad West
Virstotioreo 441.41 oat by .4' l .P:widest's
lirtedamattos 'of Jane _ lbth, 1863,
Whig mend, It to "hereby ordered, by the
Preettrat, that la and after the promulgation
of thle order, ao more ettlAstmenta ander the
saittaltrhall be WWI, - - _
- ,
By erdor of the Betwebiry of War.
E. D Towaaua, A. A. G
Paytnaltew leave to-morrow to pay the
Artny of ',Potomac.
Terrible MintaAe.,
Luvan amt, Aug. 3.-oapt. Huta, at
Wostportki leg it war the Intention or the
guarnilmt attack the large train, whiob la ft
Kassa iOl for Santa le in the latter', part
of July, • tad ik purselt with one amp's,
of ILIUM lunmers. He crrortook the mods
and landing it had been sobbed, started for.
ward afar robbes,'whon he came boon
Cantata Colgan with a tempo' , of the 96h
Hums n; who bad come from Banta Veto meet
the milt., Bash uppoibig be hut found the
enemy, Colegan drew his men up . In Ant, of
battle,. ordered a charge, and a revue fight
ensued, in - which many were - killed. and
wounded were the =Wake was &covered.
ten Wagon.
Only teadolut Captured .
PT Scott , . ,
cavalry... Tim Etaid Matted.
_An ig n i gni. Aug. 3.—Oaty • ten. wagoat
were taptruLd and bnrnad by Stott 's totally;
at Bustard, 0.7.. instead at stitch is nport a .
The GazatitteLatigtim dis4tett lays
goott's raid it coonelads4 130a1a.-tires
lad le d itatte elfattad ataithig of tlaretal
balsa, - Isattat :deka wagons, sad can
Fogerty behind them. • ,
roar huaduld -,taitated ;6011
ikon's ecnosised ;luso - th roigh•ll*lctort
far Liadattlle.
Vialyklaatt MikM4 kin .Johamer
Mai ail Andlimmll la . Vie
tel adman pi*
sl4. 1 11 1 ,: - •
Thom t barleiima.
Arc arena. IdosacM, Aug. 3.--Thu Rich.
mood - Wei/. of August Ist, has been remand
ham. arg4 Milltaißll the knowing: .
CAo./..:0., Mg 31—Cummings Point was
nottroie hurobartunt graturdag numb& cow.
mincing at 'o'clock. The Ironsides and two
Monitors were 'nova 1a the bomberimeat.
Two tutu wok killed sad one wounded: •
At batter, Gregg thehatteries wet. not In
jured. There was no liting - on Jaime "bland
to-dey, and eery little from Fort _Wiper.
Beansenarttelsited the Jame 111111111 Winks
to 'day.
•Warnoi, Jaly -Mat amounts, the
Yankees were retreating below Saunas; de
er:344 bridges as they wont. ' •
-Openlag of Telegraph °glen.
Ni* Tone, Angast 3.—Tfia Am , oan
Telegraph Company has opened an oXsa• for
general badness at 814 Broadway, air te.'
corner-of Pontl, street; at the O C,„ t b i ,
nano, also, at tho °prior of Beav
er. and William streets.
'Markets bt Tel graph.
- gni Mot. 3.. Cottoniteady at 64443 435,
widd Intend Uplands. Maui doll an 'Limns balms
at $4,9000,70 for kiln Orate, and 15,8548,114) for
common to good. "hipping brarnle. Wheat dolt, and.
hoer. buten at 1116400 r Chicago spring, gma.
1,19 for Milwaukee tdotb, and 31, (1(§106 for Wthisr
WdWietain - . corn' farm buyers at 1:41308% for
stripping Infx.d Western. Can dad and lowerut
b 40,99 for Wi113411. Pork null. Lard b a shade
austral, 9%.(90%. Stouts SCUT, and higher. Nosey .
unchanged •
Naw Yuan, day 9.—Cotton firmer. 111 our cantle.'
ace In favor of the Mums; there is only a very nrad•
erste dernand for export •nd home am at sl,9tres 10
for =Me State, $5 "Wed bor extra It H. aid .566
67Per trade bre.nda; the nuirkst erased dull Whir.
try/dal arid heavy et 44%445c Theexport demand
Or Wiest is quite llnur.d. and the market Mike In
favor of the beyore at $lOl 09 for Chkalts spring,
11 Natio for Milwaukee Glob, the latter price was
for very chase, audit 1801 25 fa winter red int
ern. - Uatif is the buyers 8eg1,68%0 for chip.
ping seized weattni, wacky an at the inside pm*.
true heat . , and low.r al 640a00 , for eattern. .Wool
dull and rumba. god. Baconaides dull andructumged
'lard opened du 1 and a shade lower, and closed
without material change.
Money easy at pgpir;„litarllngemler at I40%81.41;
Gold Irregular and umettled, 'opening at 27%, ad
vancing to 27%. declining to 27 and ad sing Arm at ,
22,-Govevamentialocks firm; U 8 Ca 81; coapool IN
8107; 7304 106%.
Aug. 3.—Ylour dull; Wes of GOD bbl.
extra Wile $O. W had 10e tomer tales 10AX* bash
white at It 60(4)1 85, red at G 1 256110. Cora bat
deon,.ed; white 88888 e, yet low. Sky Oats dull and
`lower at 05Oplo. Whinai 46c.
Owasso, Arai. 3.—Flour . quiet. Wheat dull end
dastard Cern dull end declined 31.0%. :Oats
dIrl; Bettilpts-2kOUO burets Flour; 166,,0WWu bushels
Wbest...64uoo bushels Ocre. dhlpments-17,00
barrels Mow; 11,00 bushe I Wheat; 163,000 bushel.
rlrresussiest .YJi ao
wren was PISTatTiCUM Thula . lia.l2=ll.
Mos , Dl,l.:ialf - I 3 , 1363
The money market pr Routed no cow feature war
'thy of notice. The 'following are rate, at which Gold
and Sliver are Pnrciuned by cur bankers. Gold
at ISt; Silerr./111, and Demand Notes 121. 3isatesn
Exchange as preciously noted, lie," buying at 04-
=d mailing at 3g per amt.
IFLOUB—DuIt and Only In limited emend, the
market containing mote sellers than buyers. 'The
,receipts were light, and nice 111tewhe. Dealers,
Doweie's, manifest no puticulardDposition to specs
slate. Deports from tee lad, report a Maimed:et,
Among the Ude. mad. wen 160 tads if Extra Isom
storeat $5,60 bbi; 100 bins of Tatra Tamil, at $6,
$64666,60 bbl. Other sales were made anthesamW
rasp of prices.
SALT—n, stock in Dna bands, being eery ,
ged,.. - Crater; prices hare' been melamine& We
note sales et 76 bbls No lat $1,60 bbl.
HAY—Prisesse hews farther advanced at the scalp;
We natio' Seim of new at $2.5630 per tem. These
an prettystesp prko.. Thsre wee .no old offered;
tat would still command higher Scares. The &-
man/ exceeds the supply.
EGOS—are la fair d.mand; we notes asks of 10 bbl s
tram stole at 10010340 Vi dater. The SNOOP is rap
idly dsawlng,to a close.
RUTTY u—~Tbe dewattd wee only moderate; we
no:01We. of 12005 f Packed et 12o; 1000 De- Limb
801 l et Ifi@l6o.
cupEsz—vre motion. to notice a dos tr t m)Pet
.with a good tautness 'doing from stere,st t fig.
towing prices; use 76 hoe W IL at ma LOW,/tO hoe
et I.oral te; 10' do no private mime. /
APPLES—The rearlits are on the Ira:reamer we
Also notice the arrival of a better.• lake 95
bush at 76c per bush; 25 bush doe aloe at $1 per
16.1 A,
115.002 t—firm and in steady mind. The daily'
sales opt op large Among th m winctiaa follows,
via : Pain llems—autos 6600 / ms at 969*, as pet.
qprility. clear Bid at liiiiigair. Shudders
7000 Da at sgl. Sugar ed Eissoa—WO lbe at 12
g11236c; we note Wee remarry lota at lower/inns.
The sapp'y OCI hand oderste. . .
roverozs— e receipts of new crop I. daily In
creasing priors; . far have ruled high; ,wa note islet
of 40 bushels)) st per bda . li. .
WiLISKT4-was in stawlidimand: sites of 25 bbl.
,Olty Relied at 45@46c per gallon.
. 209 11.114—ware firm, with a good local de.
as prill4 wee, entindy , unehingid, vie omit
q• . egress • . . .
Benshaw`e Itatidldr, flocm,back ; entrance,
on lot betty street. Oleos noun from 9a. m. till 3p.
n. In radar to a proper =dem andhicon the part
of thomishoMsy otli open on I deem ft iny duty
to designate mama of the things memo' In the prao.
tan el dentbillothich I do not dO. in, the Mat
Vilma da not aim a day's credit . to way ona Ida
nu snake clump seta of teetk ; i do not warlike, by
their. extraction, sound, healtily teeth, In otter to
:heart ertilkial cam; I do not, in any initiates, de.
dory the nerves of teeth, thereby midi/rag them
Bahl. to the meat palatal draw and their early
kar the mom carman. • Them and amsecomi sabot
things slush I amid opeolly, I de sot do., In Mr
oboes of .niatertais proper br Whig the teeth, 1,
woke bat a limited toe of goldoespglemos batten
troted It Umtata of all offectnal m their Pielenh .
tloL In all as.., frowner, Involving the appearance'
of the teeth, I dos* hesitant to mike me ea 11. As
to the mulity of fillingsor plop of sold,ra numbor
of 'blob I Mooted In the years of 'lll-'l9 am still
batten; tattimony to my workmaaship, orperhaps'
should ear orwmatonsi 5001 1r tall
lU' 0 111311.-1 he tddeinigned :having
onnlttaad the entire *to* from the bond oa•
tablithed totes of J. E. ItoJQ NIL would annottoof
td hla olgsasttami sod Ufa poblltallo-inunimil tfi
store ltd*."Libuty 'swat. (late r tocaptsf by I.'B.
IlloOoae,) ohm a lane cod a. plata 'that Or ead•
dlere savi• Iwsttur Mange, BMW
tAln,,to. con b found,liod it lowest Mae.
O;41. AltlfiabOtl, No. 18) Liberty stood.
• • -- - •
RID •LIONEIII 1117E1111184 I, moat cordial*
commend my tnaomaar as 1 man of atrial btegntg,
and good bofia•aogiuklttloationo War soma noses
to owns 1 will matzo" to occupy Kr. AND$$. ,
SOWN toantinglocta, and will tats gt. atOlosnito
In Introduolng Mat to nly basintsi acquilnuseasi
•I•4sEtto •
PitalbaZill• Pe., July Inet, Mt.
!ck - cOAL X ItH.Qllszad.- . .44es ad
2. Prottomilo nal hie "wetted et-thler ,„..„
AUGUST Inc belittles. for the IhiPil DI frOef
ileht TkOolilla to Ten Thoiesnd Beebe of good
li.eohentableiktal., the nee of the Omit Sam
end Jett to be 1.14 c oo p at the entrant. tit rink
sad on You snow; la lots of net len Oen PI: Bus.
dud Bushels per dol. Palatial In orb, on otespls.
UOlll of contriet. - ~- .
By dtssitlon of vaunt, Coutobolooirs. -
ostet .. .HI •HT LAM .IRR. Omar°llom.
dititkrill'ALOW Lama. W
ea Mad and cask* to order in
Us& cd waooss, 11•1711, DRAYS, TlStiltil
MUM, all made of Aka illatletats sad war.
mated. Alscp liendasiy Wkweied HAY- ILLII.III. -
I she furnish - MI N& TOR BAT MKS%
ream and dabs cm Melon *mans, la traps' el
the ihattell Allsitbsay Qtr. • - -
11.` - 10 - 1)= - 420m thatrartlag .
Drorejaid, oe trii oft - Tins
ittn lBlB . two of thew =silted Wei the testa i ea
the - HOC tie alba a dark .bee_preill'eteee
'old, eatbar. Win auto,.'l..tbetal 'sward la be
Owe ew soy bdenestlat etweerebas tbjaboure..
embed b nsee,4l left et. the 1101144.15
as Arrow, DIUME tw
GOULLAtrtiat tiAilfas
10$ WOOD ..HUT. ber doort *ca. mi.
Ate dosing ant their Lep stook et
701311X10, 12117111` Lair 131C1A114
It de iroey loinst cub priors, to'pripin toe 160
Logua '
It iou aidia rsampdos lhaa Our draft, asU 114
adlas Ittasuaber t . b• -
WIC T. DO#3, - Fo. /AS 1111i6 dirk,
Wt.Od 4aor !obi eethodyst
ti7 Uts...—AL persons Adaiiused to we
' • WA ens ofDm DAR& & OH1:11011. - am no•
q 01 . &al ' , Pon . MAItoCILICLIAND,
Jr;, &toy old Otltto OM has idatot, lobo to main.
lad to soldlo tototooorof wit bares/-to 0.
-oar & DWI&
16,1 VA 113 TlJAhnvi liatrlta kb
INxies villa mated lip to tbo en AU l •
1163...5t Oa cam tt ta - aditrArsod; War &Oa
ig; tor tab Grata* Pala oat muss lift
curbrche .itarsinstoquirtete-ua-A..:11 . P.: •
Hot or atria to *bellows halo & & : groom*
Woo Bakooll licAtoirg 6
- •
11119141tY.04 , 0)10.-.110ii.:.
• - • -. • -
.strr.rraisr - ,7ftiTsci*c
VW"Ore uoitor a. eie ( noe.2 - 0•
65 Forma off. e .o 1
&alma. 1683
i'C'EX;IISIP'rjei k I) . •Ar'T.—lzi •
totdib tb. /00.3 m.
log to.ofmoirfloptot heir .31 Wanes. ~
ppy .4 564 by too Dowd of rop oft. ow ta -
ti .P
de Dlkt, tb the roams of tlaoor otos
or Ail —orica 15 saz
Adoeff hi won. Alreea• city. --'
The Randeracw. 31 ward. AUsalney city,
abew/Patteina, abater tp. ilissbny co, inn
Mari pan of awe . •
two= it Eno= iinnruarraia
ato ad' laatimlnetall tp. Arrearnas• away
A 1.1 S Ben, ad wan, dilrabay Qtly, old
tin of atiorer/riat, pronatitiarwatinoce wastadar
Okla aritoisidor, Ed wan, Aug' tolis
epilepsy _ •
Gabon Id Irone, Ed ward. - dOpbray eity, halo.
sun omadtatr aaitiroato patriot. ,
Bows • nof yad ward. iII/g71111,7 city. fautioni ,
name of hint
.1 tin V Agd, Want Ailedblar oily. ornakt .
assiao kfilteein cartNtaiss or tir..farelkeent
Moore lieb%, Ili ward. Minimal O EI. *O W O 7.
Obnitha V garbs-ask if - ward, Bantus., eity, '
ingabad berth. I 7 '
twarpiall Plowdea, 3.1 wan,Allophray
paint hwitia -
-Ildward Ban, St ward, Alkpliere elty, inn* .
of Ita Maia.. nn. di ward. alkalany fsablealn
Then a "%mat. Edward. UlleullY CitY, frd
blear. sal of oesiatta , torr
Ina Inter, award . Aliwitany dry .
Ilwapan V Woodburn, la-want rtargator 08 . Y.
ot teen. _
Jacob Pad* ward, Alleabray WY. Bobbins.
of carradiatioa. Wan dinar.
Martin dopselors ad Ward. Balaban/ el am.
bia fatalist - , •
Joan debrona id wen, Alkelterty city, imperfect
motion of avow loud, old Ea:taro.
LarrelliEmlus 3 - 1 mod. ntatiwaty city, lasbleases
of oommutfon.
Lawn Loft, 31 yard, 1111310/07 , napalm:* CU.
anarf bent
faipar lialdspalbalar tp,Altedbany co, shorulaing
of taiga iron old trams*. ,
IriPtt/Oig PM* , anabeetar bcroada, agate bap.
ERA iron re mat injury.
ir r auswitisitAirm ram sso. '
Milton Omit. alppery Book ty, Hadar CO.
Booty Liebman, abater tp...4lllighery 00.
Walls= Wad, 23 ward,
•' • °lir unman Or Atliztf rAllorr
Gard Vlef6li. &I lima. inept op
311/1111 W Jinn. At ward, All: pussy.
• radicand dcbtatier, Ed win, Ala.gberry.
ItrfuNi 70118Z0 AS ACOLITAffir ollaflrTura.
Meow. _ rolaidonck tier manta.
Gangs Placa, In ward, ail* city, Wallin /kw.
durrob &Kn. Et Wild, &11.7 a, a Nampo.
Ws* gcbwyre, eth ward. Albs y 4 y, latch Viol&
Ilia eel It nosh hi ward,libey city,' obn Kennedy.
• - Br awns of do or antics, 1863.
Valtur artri hi ward, ditedbeny 4-7. 0 * 1 4
iyEdßejjtP ßritOrstorpton, Ed ward, Whinny city, Oa B, Canby. . -
Amsis woo Erman wzonian IN/Kll2lO/11.
Man ny, ad ward. Allatbeapolly. winner
—Jdur tiantb, - Wor ao‘
Join antebtason. efwa 41,,ildhpbeity oily.. Wit.
tear.-Jr Ma sire, J.. I nen _
Janotklapp, Si wan, Alleabany . (By. WIL.OOOII
limb Lapp, awls Baler. •-; 4
• .
LI- -- .EXEMPTAD IFROId/ / pR&F:r.
~ Ie neaordanoi with e'rdeni3 publiab
boleti Use of wanes ninitopt-d z frina draft by the.
Board of Saroineant Intim Dbitifes. to fhle data,
with tba tarots 0. tb lrax.eplair
II 111180111.1/1 irdainannifi4Onflanin anarnrolsa.
Hama. .4tiffilyama . rebated..
J D Quinn, TA lbd ward, Win WIG, '
P Millar. rifith ward, H Havaratiok.
Win &At, Plftb ward, ' H.nry Carroll.
Hiram Mandolf :/ rPlitbward, ' Frank Quinn,
Nflta ward, W Unoul.samoi.
B Bluer; / PIM ward, Hash Alen,
Ifred`t Lippert, ward, ',holy M•riln,
onrotair Pain, Nina 'od, - ...Tatter Paw.
Salt/W IT 1111MiliCataX0 =MILL
All skiing is Fifth ward.
Peter Ilumaisloosermai righi &slur.
'Gk. 8.. m.s, doubla Saguia.' mania.
Jam Alike/. Saga UM hauls,
Wsillata Gailagiuss, Tartans kas et groat
Henry atoobruir, defect * tooth.
D.osey &dumb, rls nto in_ano. • '
Bern.rd Snyder, ateatal =Maio, oorUflosta of Dr
offm.n,J b D. -IL
Raletiff, very deeldod myopia.
Aibb BrIn• or, •
genshat health impaled by rem.
M. • .
Jam =tease velns, a/iamb:oak ulcer or
11 11 1,11 4-- • •
Hadaul, atareatiat right Wm.
T 0 Tassaib,laiettaiil a4caikat sumaaalyuad do
[actin papaqtas. ' •
- Jcsepa J .Day.ll; basally loft eV*.
Pallp klartaaa. djaha•am'orlighianklia.
Tradanek *imams:, lagalaal hasula.
azdraiwitaaava mot Damaaaro Only/lan .
All RealStg . in dlftb Warty •
Ilatiblae . l.imarTiirojin;;Z:ll J
Hpry 'Wilson. Witneues--Osorgs, 111Loo, J
ockbartZdanird &hirer. Witaissei—JoiBd9rer, Xtrfar,
. .
Karla. Wan. Witnews•—Wlllisai Dnua,Jamis
liobert Miakey. Witsumi—ftsziola ♦rdtq, Ju
• Andzsw amp Wltaiessa—Thos Yam. J gag.
Jetta Oaths. Wituarte—Pats Atellrast, Gimp
• vintruAzuziag 1.7 JAL! '
6oathey Pox Pitt% Ward, Par. 46 years. wir.
ascska-tr Isitc,, • d
W.sta. . •
Jobs Labe: Pith Ward m ii, sarrbsi, It.
names-Rotate sad John Ilteitaaoh:
Jacob ,Mitt, %lP* Ward, °ewe. U. ad.
Witarsaa-Jame byte. hip. mt. • /.
W. I. busbarrow,' rota Ward, oadarE I para.
illtasssaa-1 Do.batrow,
Essay BMWS. 111* VP parried.
Wltassiss.-addlsca wallsy, Thar
La us Thomas% liitta , diatd, yis 35, starrisd.
. Jaws Plaindisa, With Ward, 1100411 . 10 pan.
{Puss-tarestr.• J ,
Chas Watkins. 1. Mai Ward. andertenty MIL
W/1111121101..../1141a sad badly now*
august Bark* lath , Mar], magi PO 'ears. Wit
tiest-fatally Booed. . -
John- asusa, 6th ward, one 31, married. Wlt.
awtsi Patrick Deleon, J*. Carnahan.'
hank. Oswald, 6th ward, over 45, Witaseomse.
Darter, arw
W. • • •
VIA' it Jaws, 6th ward, Par 33, atartiid. Wit.
news,-Phillp Jams., D • Lawisi, - ,
August 33 Bahasa; 6th ward, over 35, skarrited.•
Wltassiss-8 Law, P Kotheclot:
Chas Appleton 6th wsrd,ofer 36, rairibl. lilt
-1:11116a1F-1 it Ap pleton, Anna aprdston.i
Jas Demoblis l a .s. ward, oyer 33, marled, WIM
• Walt Word idth ward, per 35, +Lula& Wit.
Dpzabziaairr ram *a loco PAIXIITL
Thomas - 01nm, Birth Irml. VitaliMoil...." P. O'Cog
;her; 21.. 0 ;guns. /. • . -
is sinus mime SEM
Jotut IL Wit he" Lawresoritll • Aiwa troop
' Mal; Daum. BUM Ira: d. 0. P. IS4U .1". P..
• . ,-,,.., ..... aalasaansa ammo) a.saaas.•
.. - ~
11:14`11asatea,le., atasmerdfJ;J Altaits, sth odd
9hsrlaapaal, Bth watd. :- - 'John al'lV.aa, ash led
i ' ' J. Siiito/S - FO•Talt,
- dliiil Ibl sod Proust Manta Id Dhhica, Pa.
Jot nalsollron tio*agadeiot
mamma blimoket€F6
Boa" Ram a ca. scow.
aim a 11413 n. IknoTurk
w. sumo". moss
r. w. von, swim
o*3o to : XOO.
OHLEt 0; Imam,
wOOO aft . vim.
STlftb.wArb P'. ll A oll llMiliti
Tsedved nw''mff arasti Pali:z
R01D41,00 ltApi; Lt F.,,:if..111131.
• aiewaniiamt, aspiehe te ottani b aim Fe.
wok Alone es* et the above arittb&
. - - .
. .
Oar Bole 44isetti Ur thh matt te the Stetting
~Ptaaat at 8. =AI RR a BBLY
Ouosllll`.—Tieri uos,ut Miming
_PIANO ,111 - 3711
!um Imiateesiviel title vetek
thN brsatlfill eatip• Oft arms
&di OvVVIMING Wier trdlio:
im•atift sow st. *tow -
!Wm:PA deli niiciil2l7 -
I. OSA *Urn.' •0 ig it. 4s piegi...o
/1.11 Lob. 10# .:,tai;lo4',l6 ARIPPa•
imam itrinumtivl9o;" 4 .
• . •
& i