The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 01, 1863, Image 3

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    ~","~'.s~}..~,_.r.,~s„Cad,'~^~r.~~'~'~..3.=~-`<r~s:.^~ o "?S ~^~'r .:. ~' ~ h' , y.. .. ~ Tr.'i+.y:` k - .....~;. :--`-<:
01/71014Z PIPII OP TEI 0727.
Navinotatials Oissavmoss for the 0••
may b 0.1. nay, Optidaa, Jo. U Ilftli
EN us. at atAis.
I **gook, 00 , 70
- 41 104 87
Milos Conan , Ticket.
• lay President leap w Ow Nig% part
in. HAMS 8. 81:880N.
ST.-1111. B. DirnazaToz. •
.1. 2:11011. J. BIOHJUI..
• ' • ;llw Garb if Omeri.
- :11118.1.8.108.A1nr.
••• .01011011 HAN LION.
•= Per -Dirsilar das Fair.
Fiendish Outrage.
. . Oa Thursday morales about half-put tan
eclair, a heavy set, stout, dark oomplaoted
ass, aslant himself lifr. Smith, about forty
° years old, wearing bleak whiskers, hulas
.:,modCa •nitutbor . of Inquiries in the middle
lave the Wiftli - Watd, for • girl to work in
it list tii.tairid at the hotue of a
Made an sun
mt with ' 04 übthei biro one of her
-4litilt3rk;. wriskisom , to do the
- -his ousisting of three per.
jou:: Be' stated that he was a farmer, 'ad
11 velliAllte-edgi of WUkinsburg, alint ten
minutes walk from the station; Maths rented
- -by funt sat, bat lived in shoos, on oae ad
of It y , keeping bat , one cow for Um use of the
tools, and to:amount!, the work for the girl
.., weed be very Butt Bo also speed that the
girl Auld come home every two weeks, and
Use bee fare la the an should be paid. Upon
timmi,norreesetations, the mother, without
fortis return-
of list husband from
workin the sluing; let ter daughter go with
ifrAlliilti4islier he waled iithisd time. about
a gluier put throe o'clock.. They started
from the Peinitylvardsi Railroad station in the
fou.Voloeir tag& Oa arriving at Wilting.
;'burg, iltglift the 0111111 sad oommanced waft
ing urea some hid whisk Smith said was •
Dearer way to hp house. When they had
Rot some lanai lad a Nigaded place,
Smith knookid the girl down,ohoked ha lour
or five times, and • while being remonstrated
with, pointed a pistol et her bosom, threaten
. lag to shoot her if she made !labor
' eau. - Bat the pia 'girl was finally overcome .
Masao lasensible: On eosin , to. her. ,
mouse, the girl - eolloated her ,alothoe, some of
wilehind bees tore off her, and sdso pick
slap the pistol which the the= man had dropped.
She than commatood to run,
bat the man
. aught ter and sonipeUod kerte give up the
The mad then left and oontianed his
way over the fields. The young girl was ta
=kin are of at night by a faulty at Wilkins
- '-burg, and returned yesterday to her parents.
Smith Was dressed in a black frock-coil of
tie old fashion (the skirt was rather short and
thovalskipag) which had been faded by the
.reas. Beliso had • pair of coerce Wick pants
';iad a stiff felt hat with, a ASS top. He bad
outburst hands, and looked liken farmer. It
le supposed Out be want to Tattle Creek, as
.' ,• Man oa t ied Le on km Thursday
. . • for supper aim the materialise! hour.
.Oltieinrise were takes at Wilktasburg to
a** Ike villain. The polloo of this city an
also afterlda.
- , Vittiltojitol•New Orkitufeation.
41• iseithig of,rite
the 'ambers of the Hope
litiesaire Iditsbed Hoe* tiampasy sap
.held ottllianas7 thi MU of the
Ampoimusi. is * first ward, Alligiusny. - fer
A* purpose - of stiesptlig their tow Steamer
-iron Out Ownsitteir of Oltisens, and sleeting
•::!--74•111ests acdar the amiciipaiietion.
-„,The Icaloriatellears were duly skotod
--President...olqt. Oast. L. Brawn. Vim
Prieldeito. 'Bresey. • gseretary—A r.
Hie& Asit'illieretaiy—J- H. Haws. Corms-
Wndlhs Smosterl—J.; Britt, Triesumr 7 -
eelleHes. Oeptala-4.ll:loThim. Ist Hose
Dlreetel--Wee. Sbharda. .1.1 floss Direotar
A-ilk:Limbed. 34 Hose Diseotet-11. Linen.
dth Hens Direeter 4 --D. Heed: Sat Hole DI
: rootet--K: &Me.; ••fich' lice• Dlnotor—Wm.
aoneley. Istgaselliteinesir4J. Eilllisburg.
—J. hohnott..l 3d Hose En
ie Bole: dth HNC ibigisser—j.
Whaley. I,th HomßegtneseQ-D. Parts.. ISLIt
: Dougherty. Azimm—J.
',leaders, .0. - •oete7 ,Wm.:oavit.! J. Heater.
Beard of. Trasteel. flerey, 11. Hoed, R.
Lerner; A. P. Reed. .1. AL Brett. • -
'. - Ske`Presldeit, -- ht palmate of the action
;ofthe oomime7, stpoieeed Messrs. Wm. hio
- :11ie..-Relsert.llood_vtieorp , Miner, itearge
• II sad o,:i.legliam,reVommitte to
small/I.lMb the .0 etamlttee et Councils in ref
' • ''etsoleile utesikproprletlon for hose.
: Obstreint Or; Drifted Men,
l'he'eentrast between thirrelial consoription
`''„ :smiths /Milano .and..isiaccifal act of March
• Id; p„ ism by •the ` Federal Cortgress, grows
raoreappereat the Mire light Is abed upon
- ;• ' : the' Thu obun t 4" papers are now
grabilsldag bug lists ef Mout! asempte: alder
ear dsult, see frOMtle statamsnU
4 et Alm Gauss' so!'eneitption . bow merciful is
the Li.,- '
the fotlirwinjcsittsrtfunient , appears In the
11411.111014 " st farm if
; , ti a.hatAol and „ saes in 111320,4
Tument, on the Clentral BWroad
• • ; •cm iba highest pries In Mends rate :money,
• " • sin paltforamaitmlile sais)4 pas siu.
1111■7_, An4y; 03 ski 'store./
: I. • gintat I ILO. Fity-alz• kali street"
, „Allot fisrodhile iglus mut As given when
JAWS West levy:ewe into *station-If. any
• 4 ';'d Ile itii 'teribtfaeosptail' Woad
• - dig poi*,(4, 0 0111111ing," bat ILwill be MO
: than the raise of that farm of 2.10 misses
thweentral Bat raid, -
-anus emtnrr. Idej last, Audrey'
prewther: ea old aid Osteethed Meths:ea Era:-
=tag: Bid*AlM:s was esgemmi,th halm.
lag imbibed, Wilke &tring towards the hem
the berms took fright and ran Off, the horses
etoppfam sliest he; foil from the wagon sad
brpltif lad& Answideltb Instantly.
• Zs prikeithed Mint reskleatal of the towa.
• • Zeta flrourte.—ilk testi lejiorse, about
ivetfo Phis oldoWiltak* Mae lostdPt.
OW. PhUUP Pomedstame,measi Ni, ilithean,
Ahrestheesaw ea /Mat hfc,
I)...iirslSS lot Us :savoy el tie herse'aisi ,
attestor she tkist, sr atthisnd relrard for
bone atom
s 4 l;liviiiistesileilfampipar,ll•PhowyPhittow,
Step OW, will be. haat. at. J. 4i. P Moak'
News sad ?melodies' Dspoh,"oppselts the polo .
. Oars, She feellity sad nldgekrot time r ate
ILO that sblek the illsitestloas• torthess
' 7 1 4 4 4110 0 Min troll 111205111$
Dr.,D.tutettu,o , ml l ,;"l . 6 : 1
Irordik; NilfAha,t. LTA
LaZi r tv
,ftiffvewaskilsksimatin•4 Icy
z -moss liAlliAtite+44l% AMs. OlsekAdikot;
• al tie &lOW YMri sad pulior tkeill:
• 'r. Ireir" 1161, irin
(D. V.) pesos : amts- sal maim at
sae listkodisslitsusteatvklailly (Rev. Mr.
e lobliese) Kist 00111111114 Olt y.
isi.S4i. W." Italainabitgar mai as
mairomah oa Youth *zoos, soar,
many - taltaa ta Tan
- eld nOrWaytrea:Alaptilit. 14144 ila
J•t , a . .
111141 0. 1 iii . Ufni , ;; Filiembor tbsoolo of
• - es the realm,
elkektehlitlt, tblo stoersoop 0-41ro o'clock,
- by kilathroloo, suotiololors. For par
0d.. , ..*#
Swat nss , t -.end
- : 8 10tell11' "MOW of etteer CeaselT
. .
- 1 - ,l . oriets)niplt!pq,cr ‘, - , ctaa• Cs roll 1 , •41
'124- Yph iriaay .trilY'.:Mat. Present
--M ItazOnan. Milhir, McCarthy,
hio;issir," itiClinicok, Ihdmpein, Bass, 3.
-0 a .nMlice of Mr. Thompson, (President
Mtulth7 being absont,) Mr. MocuthY was
chosen President pro tau
The :lading of the minutes mos dispensed
ill•Plisident, not being advised al to the
objeet of the special call, asked for Informa
tion on the eubleet.
Yr: McClintock stated that the meeting sac
called for the purpose of considering the or
dinates relative to the increase of the salary
dike Night Pollee.
. The President then suggested that lam
nstelt as the ordinance teased by Common
Como% Inetwaslag the pay of the Hight Po
lies, .41 bees non-oonourred In, a motion
would sow be In order far some member who
had voted in the affirmative to mere a neon
A long pause ensued, but no member seem
ed ready to ask for a reconsideration of the
previous vote.
Yr. J. Need rue, and was about to address
the Chair, when Yr. MeOlintook moved that
Conneile de now adjourn.
The Chair deelded that Ur. Rsed had the
floor, but that tandem's yielded to the mo
don to adjoin.
The question on the adjourautent wet put
and carried by a vote of four yeas to three
So the pollee *wahines amain in sore
Resistance to the Draft in Wash-
ugton County
The Washington Tnlune says that. within
the lut yank several attempt+ have been made
to that eounty to resist thai oonscription law.
On Wednesday evening of bat week, while
Edmond Doak ! , aeoempanied by Lieut. lasso
Fiume, was espied In storing Sloth's upon
the drafted Man in Cross Creek township, six
wail tints were fired al. them out of •
coondleld In the ,vieinity of &Aoki, where
they had left a notice. Fortunately none of
the shots took effect, though - both the men
conger in saving that some of i the bullets
whistled fi close proximity. Whin the pet
-men who did the fling was concealed In the
-corn, then Ls but little doubt of Ms identity,
•s Doak and Vanes heard • woman call to
him front the house that they. had left his no
tice, indict him now to "give It to them."
' That same night, while swing at the nal,
donee of David O. Walker, RA., riot far from
Cross Creek !Allege, the buggy in which they
were traveling, and which was 'Limon. new,
weer taken from the shed or barn of Mr. Walk
er. and being healed away some considerable
distance, was literally cut and smashed to
plume, the parties being compelled to borrow
&conveyance from Mr. Walker to return home
the next day. One shot was fired at them the
next morning at another place.
Mr. Maloney, who was entreated with the
serving of the notices in Smith township, had
gee -arms drawn upon him sad his Me threat
ened, but, we believe, aulfend no harm.
Threats were also Made &giblet the okicerrio
Fast Finley, but the notices were served with
out Injury same learn.
Emancipation Day.
-The .
nournnoe of the lint of August--
heretofore the season of Jubilee among the
Colond peoplaproilities to pass this year
without the customary oelebration by our col
ored fitness, io far as we can learn. Bion•
the lest innivirsiriofWest India Emancipa
tion, a more glorious day has dawned upon
these down-trodden people—a greater dein
' one has appeared. Before the name of Abra.
hem Limon, that of Wilberforce has paled
to a upend plan in the roll of hour• for all
time to come. The madam of their: oppres
sors, in plunging Into the vortex of civil war,
has brought • deliverance to them, in oom
parties' with which the Emancipation Act of
Parliament dwindles into insigulacanoe.
With pestle jutios, the heavy yoke Is loosed
from the seen of the ooprened, and the op
pressor L brought low • and treed from their
hardens, they can not ' better employ to-day
than in determining, each for himself, to stand'
Illat ewe in the front ranks of the defendars -
of that nationwitich showers each Aidtklagi ,
On Wait ram'
And In furtherance of sue& a manly canner
let to-day be set apart to the duty or bring-'
log out every man to boar their ablest ahem •
pion on to-morrow night, and then in giving
their services to the Govirnment which has
restored to them their humanity.
Blom Trumann card photographs, at only
one dollarler dozen, at J. W. Pittook's, op
posits thoirest•ofhoo. He is nos cluing out
Ms stook of Aso card photograph, of generale,
theatricals, prominent men and women, amiss ,
of gas eagravlnp, so., suitable for albums.
Call and see hie assortment, and sekot &few.
- - ROUWOOD CABS PIAIIO, Family Bowleg Ma
oblaseolto,.witl be sold Mato morning at 1
o'eleellt, by Davis k MeDwaine, at their Ana
Mos Rooms, 51Ifitth 'beet.
MIAOW= LID Morro:a, this morning, at
10 ealoolr, at, dm Auction Room', 54 Fifth
stria% Doris anotionera. Alio
Dliolll.l3lll.—Thi2Bth Itogimont Pommy I
'wools KUM& wao mustorod out of sonic, on
ALsoms.—Photograpkle Albums, the Isms
fa the.olty, Pittoe opposite - the. Post
*Moe. • ,
WArams sad poaket.b a oks at , Pittook'r
oppaalt• the Post•oflias.. • • - ' •
Can or mad your &damn fat a ..Bastern
papa. at PlttOok's, opposite, the 'Pdit:ottoo.
HOOP Stars,,at McClain/NI Auction.
GAITIU at MOOlinlilei Alßaton
Oaza Barra at MapMaid!'
CZILDINeIt Baas at lial!sttand!.
Nor Booms, 15 ants, $t Mollionand's
(Swami ant Sam, ohesp, Mt lissObllssaN
LAinze, gq to MAUHood's for piton
. .
zarn,-11T800—as la, 93 loath street. on
Ilat of lb. Ow. O. A. Borman. Yr.
BM& Minima YIN ANIMA 71711,00..
KLUTIIIIMX—Joty 81. t. like. at X..beryre 1
ddlosk.nabtaa yemrpat asnibteaeol
J. P. and 0. Kaufman. sP I 4 /1 month& '
Illteasual psi tboreatames alum parents, 110:131
Wylbestreei, eons (fttarda)) arniamon, at its'ileek.
MAIIIIOP—tin Aida, munata4Jol, Usk at six
matt almU eaesk; BMW! W IWP, In tbs 380.
par of kV ags.
al wilt:take' pm at 10 o'cico?,.&tantut,
'igiamiia. Irma tiik atkilic• at 011 haw. tslo
abnr,' Obartler• grad, 'Marictmater. Tim
toissiceit thik 'afa` '6960311y units/ to
1 -11161T11-1t dierinblemet at Kr. ,11.11; Laub.
PegP am. Annus, 04. on friday. Jalitikt.
214 used.
66 park • .
mill take place on ommarn,rAnignst
161, at II ddorlt P. sm, from Um reebbinin Us ‘ bta
iyekoM; ail Orb to puma to BroluAllpipai
.tarp. TM; Wands of Way Sr. twin strait, tn.
: ' -
vii wooD 1f23113T, four doon Ikon Stith
Ingo ono!n
i Lt.
:,_.,1,;:iTINIA0001 WilD:*(1411211,
fen IV- ,
1140.11100,10i0.41Pi01a, to presto an non
111131. Good s, -
: AWRALLi. , :a ass
' joisliiki_e7:4444ltit ion tits 414 ft , ' 42,ii6i
nj u fi thw
/ YAWS flLssw.nrl
tO preps&
N.,4!bt lid
Tor sluNpowsikigelaw -- . 1.
- taws - •wo Ta aliwt
I.l.lti t tf - 4.IQUID SIN ban%
ILP lag, Im a- feet militates. dialstess sod • hstiobtel
MUM &men* Iles ails by the dam* ma elm& bet•
tle, ma the fasatly.firesere abate ea.• -4 r
:JOBE atiiiitaw,
-3on. ~ Meet Witty sad NNW *now
glom Ass llAirn'sjairtse gadists. for
Canny and massfaidArbig MMus ar!
but in tuts.
A. F. OzAteinr ir Gen e.
Tumuli PAPA!, Plan and Ornarnsmtil Slate
Roofer, and dealer Pennsylvania and Ver
mont slate of the but gnarl at low rates.
OMlee at Ulu. Laughlin% near the Weber
Works, Pittsburgh, Ps. agues
Cuomo Om sus ESIIR3 STOOI Mt COIT.-
Bam'i Graham, moralism tailor, is selling off
his Spring and Summar stook of rode at oat.
They consist of all the. latest styles of clouts,
cassimares and testing - llt which he Is Pro'
pared to ma* 'nfolit.kiff. most fashionable
manner, and at cost prim. The puling should
Dot 111110001 to &Tat d this into
china and save money by giving him ati
early oall.
Also, m largo assortment of plain and fang
asslmeres, well adapted for boye wear, which
he wit sou by the pieta fir below mit.
Mothers should not neglect to oall early.
fisanAm, Marchant !Sailor,
No. 64 Market's
Arrunoz, Remus* Voturranak
attention of our tiounUy's braes defeldsll s *:
sally reamed front the sea of war. mid 6f
**public In And s again dilated to the
lextialve midndsome assortment of
the latest styles of Pauli, Mullah and
- tunmisan piece gads, for pate, coats and
casts. Lately realved by Messrs. John Water
d Co., Merchant Tailors,No. 124 Yederal
stress, Allegheny. A tiefal selection of
geetlemen's funifildrlggooirwill also always
be land on the Alias of thiistablishment,
together with • lot of ready-made clothing,
got up in the best manner.
Now lama. or 19171111112 Clorarse.—Of.
tan we aro asked, whom eon we bay a nest
int toinfortabbv summer suit, awls to order,
thus having the ebonies ofseleetdrai oar owa
goods? To all Wiwi inattil lot tea answer,
go to Mum. W . H. Meese Go., Goner of
Moral shoot aid Diamond Billtlits,
ay. and you will be salted wording to your
tests. They have Jut reoelved their suotam
goods, aid for ammo of styles they cannot
be starpessod, and for Caw
_they are the very
persons, as their work Wall done under Obits
own supervision. Give than a call, and yea
esunot - fall to be satiated.
Oran. Dirnersve—At the Dental Insti
tute, No. 361 ' Pane street , sett of teeth for,
four dollars,' better than those at Ire dollars
at the other distal establishmente. AU par
sons are requaited to nail at the Institute
after having aseerlalsed the lowest sloes at
the other cheap plasm. AU work done at
the Institute is guaranteed imperlor to any
cheap Dentistry is the city.
Coxuarerrenr.—ltev. Wm. Cotter, Rd.
Mother's klegesirm, N. Y., after alit Mrs..
8. A. Alien's World's liar Restorer and Zy
lebelssumm, writes: heir is *hanged
to its naturist solos, and growing on baldspot,
Act. I should be shad to keys you use my
name when it sin do you any good." Sold'
by druggists everywkere.• Depot, 196 Green
wish street, New York. dew.
Oman limmatraa.--Yer ropelro or al
wallow to nor or dwelllnp, new roofs or
earthing elle la the Carpenar cal l at
thrtkbert'a - Oarpenter Shop, Virgin alley,
ahoy, Eltelthaeld aglow orderaprompttr:
attended to-
Bsvu Roams VoitriumwEtiox ix Care
—Young man be warned la time, ;apply you ,
talus with liolloway's PlUs , nut Oisetweit.
Thep are irairrnstrod to ears the worst oats'
of Soros, Moon, Boum, gurus ; sod Bawd
oonapisints. Only 1.5 cents yet box or poi. 218
Oxman end SUMAC! data Will be taken
it the m a
: Oni aloe, No;4oh Liberty street s
day or night. All orders felt at the above
pass will be promptly attended to. AU calls
most be paid In advanee. 6m.
C. Bu.t., Dintirti 246 Pawn strati, &mad t•
aII Moiwint 0 MI wrofeasloa.
Boi. r. a #l/41.11N0N *wt
'thi titans Of
Leo* lit.—Th. Bev. Kr HSYTEiB b abe ex.
peccol k edam. thcsmtln is 014 Canaan Ilia-
Oteltlsaimiers twrilt.i 10 istpao. ; • Itlt
Orr= U? Pirrerasaa • Dams Yuma W.. 1.
ri.t.sars►. Jell leis, lass.
NIIr1&G O'btrAlST has doelarld a DM
41•41.0 f viva LIseLLUSISS PXII BB4•ui, payable
on ihd sties RIAD AY. Ihs ad ce • strut
bb ?ROA IL 8070. Ysseseeer
U We arid to bald at • Mee Board of lead*
komr4 4OwOW of Pittatepsh, 11.111811alf,
to. 23tk day of &trot 101 l at 11 °Woe! m., to
slue tter4ra Urea= of elts Plateaus* Orals Biwa.
tot 0,201411. ..rt. for tbo ensalog par.
Joan AL. UL1171111114 • Jas earn.,
W. Dlopacuit, nod other% •
41'411 Corporator*
Wafts se Wawa= ssesseosserrof Won L -
Stftehorsh,.,llw 16101.11166
uv , " the Soberlbw. to die Stook of Ow West- •
era TTIONPOrtakIC 00spany that an. Newscast of;
rov,a Dukaam , «6 Go) Fix mull hal ben
levied apoa the stock Nitessibed, wisps at tic MSc
of the Thworw, at .Pfttateashcos, or bass the
14th day of Jaw, 11365,Uke aftwant eftu7
WWI days 'hereafter, until otherwise waded
. arder of the Board.
*LAW ItbDOWNhi,.
JS. LlGGliTra43o*.,Orrir FLouziita
. Adair" meets, PM,-
burl*. Pa. - - .
aler9i4mol4. 400 bbli. per dST. •09
At only Al • doors. or 10 Mats ssol,
,00x.p.noin4or axo moos pieor.,
'Wm entorri oirciorio uts r.o.
Ear A tort. PuPOly of rnoroalu!isto
so ico arms , • ,
RANIGAZINILS, won, Auoua. •
Tlii 00111101117119 1 i Aar. ,Only 6 outs.
lilt of -D1111.4 1 28 11133KPTENG PRE.
80N5 !BON TIM IigATT. 'Only II cloak
eriTzonin ponTroutos.
nuns; APJAD3II.I.I AID nait/in tan
. . ,
stimpod pppirjuid eivelopie.
ra*cauou aravis.aa idius. wpm
amens vs num. , . .
Pouilit 1001131. ' -
01/112114_ ,01 1101411111. es.:
GOP Pip, nun and iM bon tint on nide
. -
• - sou•
Ilium& tat Fifth Strait
J,; - 1.1511.Q-PiresOLUIMIWIC
11DX11.514: SOX TASIXSOIM: - -
tAluiAlet Befikkilukusitklitaoinai. Xotat•
are% y, O l d Ipe_star sigt * aur
los 141usokor
4 s
i 1X
_ Mt k
-- .7 sl alf r—v— :
L•1111{16 pridnissii~ • impki Aliii,
r. lamowat "ram
• Italtao ill /V
::—ltot,,—:: 41A7D
CIVNWISO Er. 4 114 0#40.0
, %/10.91sisbai Wort ; Sou Galicia, stria. Ur.
maw" pounsdos....
I.ln s. cowman 4 so" in itarket 01,
_ .
Epeeist Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Ossetia.
WAsantaToN, July 81,1863
all. HOOKI!
• The following failed to pt through last
night, owing to some derangement of the
wires west of Philadelphia
Waslioglon, July 30..—Gen. Hooker, situ
it. Gettysburg fight, said to the Pruldent
that he hadn't chateau onoegh to be able to
afford to draw n Hitjor General's pay and do
milking, and intimated that Li the Govern-
Mint was likely to have anything for him to
dope would like to know It, as otherwise he
sould have no excuse for remainlig in the
envies , . The President replied that he could
not spare him, and would soon have work for
`kiss. To a relloWll4l applioation for work,
made since Gen. Hooker's returnfrom Hart
rlsburg, tha President replied th at by next
Saturday he livid . to tell him what he had to
At s rodent isle of negro, near Rookrine,
'Md., Illustrates the oonipsrative worthless
nese et slain property In thst : ptate. Seven
likely, young, fall.grown negroes brought in
MI CAN as *veiny of onlySIS n heed.
beAl72l:l Kn.
4 .
It hi undeutood that the cavalry u we 4 u
Wintry regiments now in the bald us to he
Mid ny to Unit mailman by eoatoripU now
bang dreitetd.
• swum oatcoourto 0031V1111110I.
It lusts's(' here thakelLats are now being
made to laden the National Cl3mutittoe of
the Brsoklatidp and Douglas wings of the
Dconoczatle puty to snits to calling a Na
tional Demo/ratio Convention, and to call
pttliculnfro mestingoomewhsre in Um, West
to cement the tuaosiot ths two wings.
-The draft begins here next Monday. The
uniabar to be drawn will take one ward every
three and a half enrolled. '. •
Tim Bawd have ham ordered to assemble
at fit. Louis to examine tha °Hors for the
Wien regiments, now being raised in Indian
Wissitsoyou, JUL, 111.—The' following are
the milts points In' a letter film Riohniond,
pia* hi . ii.o4b . Y's New York Tribune, and
laitly'roferred to In • dispatch of the Associ
ated hell: • ' . '
The pilentyobjsot of the Vine President's
,itilluiloo, ma to prated in the name of his
Goyetnasuili, end poop's, against the muster
lug and arming of the blanks, which now non
stitebu ilinott;tlin only clear histore'of your
polkly. He came to buileriPou in the name
of a people whims resoarais mast have sur
prised you, of . a governs:sat whose, ability
yoi havi frankly"aaknowledged, , of nihilist,
, -...
whom, ohm* r and devotion, sad enduranoe,
you PlTlll'folt. ' .
z .O
To MO isonsimunition; lei to some t Wit,
I te ?Sinai jet) at you, .04 the goo lath
1 of iiiiiiirteromest, on th e s im ple truth f his
felkiw.eolutryslet, that list one single magi
sent of . into', has ever 'been brought into
the Moifiderate sorvloe to be turned armed
apical, yes.: N. mine to remind you that
book Degrees an have, from time to time. been
fowl on thelakisstoorki,enkle the trenches,
have been might with spadss only, or picks
Llallisiiirkals4pohat such u have bass fond, ltd tfih`Ccrilikilifi.:4iifi c tinilloori iii - urhor--
have been in 'all cues body rorvante—s6m.-
times of Whoa rs sod sometimes of privets's—
who, of their awn will, out of the love which
you know they bear us, have °boson to fol
low their masters to the ilostb. He mime to
talk to you of self-preservation, of retaliat
ing, and all that LO stockist' in the meaning
of that word. .
Be come to tell you of a WITS devil that
was kept so long to be awoke at loot In the
bosoms of a simple, dependant and affeation...
ate race. He came to implore you, in the ,
name of God, not to do this abominable thing,
ales he would hey* to fall back upon a tatisUos
and the grim phraseologies bf war, and re
miad'you that the 4,000,000 of Depose that,
appear in the tablata of your census for 1860,
are working hands of both mai, only that
number does sot les:duds the superannatid or
Oet of these 4,000,000, at least 760,000
are able-boated fellows, loving and trusting
their masters, and toady to loklow than up to
the 'south of your COMM. en, do not con
tine, to bofool yourself on that question' of
ties. Rhey ow be enrolled, amid and drill
ed 's three months. They can be officered in
every grids by limit own masters. Thor*
who have ass most saviors and won moat hon
or can be seeregoted,,regiment by regiment,
with white troops. In all the departments,
quartermaster, oommissulat and medical,
white aims can administer for them. Be
perfor commends in black regiments can be
made the Ord of gallant settles in the white.'
Is fine. the oaths systole le AM it operates In
eW fienoy !an* in India, sodas it has been;
modiaed by distinguished British officers, .at
the request of Our government, to moot the
peeullsrties of our people, p.ealiarities which
oosititute inialeniable advantages, presenting
'as they do, love and confidence, of hate and
Jealousy, and suspicion. It out be put in
Working order at once.
Is its editorial asounesits .this frilniew bo
gies by myths we must plinth that; though
dated Richmond, July 16th, we have received
itthroughe Baltimore mention olannal,and
welt'sn ao doubt that it resolved its form, sad
ships in the lliontmantal ' That its
-siatersente sad remould/diens, i however, all
emeitais from high seoeuloicirciss in Rish
mond, and that they emixidy a'nd olueidati
views that impelled the recent ettompt of
Vine President Stephens to proceed on • Con
federate emboss/ is Washington, we have
ample reason to benne.
It consindss its editorial, after denying the
possibility of the rebels arming -their olives;
by as appeal to Bleeltons, whom it limit' of
as one wir esteem and confide in—reespituis
tins ihe -Wki 'oentert already
piedicslii deoldsd--Aifd . saying, fa , pl a i n
words, that the rebellion ken. f01154.-penlit.
*lei in it Oa largely hinreessil the' suit of
army, thriestatiow sad wrotekedleis, but
that is elf.. We eziott ,yon. SO lOok the facts
in the faro, and to bow tiStie fist of Heim.
Admit that the Union eaniet bb hOettroymi.
of *stills beide of
,etlis ,and
Ibis thaticiot lied
lest. begiaidng tobeileveloped con c erning
the tivitineat of our woutiod sad
parliceliAitiel Iblir0,110•048, or ofloors
nsPeeted of ecormandlek,apire v eo p x , pm .
"el prifoo -!1'11/1,14.11" intensify tie
demand thet.eni MiMinlatittirds shell protect
As s soldiers by solemnly - prrislfetig bleed,
voliolleion lottheyed!iltodes. Ii is earmili
dsdrid that frank all quigtala the earnest
- ..;;; 7 24 dike people tothit sad 1411 et *once
Ourrle ttlePfut4E • 1
Adds bon*, inicragefici
yyg padorier, si partial
list otritiellise*ldeeßreit' niar i
Mastriseleiiit: Wok te4eilleis; in
Todh tip& 6 40,
AID wag's.
tarp number of negroes were also taken from
Government employ, were captured, and , ell her
sold tato slavery or shot. At Port Hudson,
negro pickets who were taken by the rebel's I
were instantly hanged in plain sight of the
National camp. The negroes who led the as
sault on the rebel works were none of than
taken prisoners, but were all bayoneted after.
they were wounded or had vorrendered. , At
Vicksburg no negroes were found inside the
works when the place surrendered. All those
captured had been shot. At Bilitiken's pond,
In the duperatelight which a portion
negro regiment sustained against heavily su
perior rebel force, every prisoner and wound
ea negro was instantly shot, bayonetid or
hinged, their °Moors sharing their fete.
On the heels of this, came the barbarities
of Charleston, and to all this Manlius jet
beet no word of °Mile remonstrance. ..
It L understood that orders has', been
tined to complete the draft in New York, and
is expected that bi Monday, the draft : will be
resumed. _
Preioott Smith telegraphs that the. Balti
more. and Ohio'Railroad kill be open to Wheil
leg by the 10th of Augnst.
There ie oonsiderabbiaignificanoe of inten
tions of the Government, u to the further in
crease of the use of Cavalry. Orders have
Jost been issue i establishing • separate bureau
in tho War Department, to be known u the
Cushy Bureau. -
Gen. A. U. Defile, former Colonel of thelst
Rhode Island cavalry, was ordered to Ciao's
nett to command cavalry In the Department
of the Ohio. Capt. I. S. Madden of Ohio,
goes with him is aid.
Special Dbpstott to the Yittelbtuzli Gazette.
\ Pamir:aura/a, July 31,1863.
The Ant batch , of drat for the -army
of the Pommes started to:day. There 11M11
several hundred. Hundreds mill. SO daily
until the army is fatly rearnited. The re-!
mainder will go into the camp of isstrwetion.
Nothing special from the army of tie Pot.-
mao this evening.
Thome:a 36101tio'soldle re In our army hos
pumas.. They will , be sent on Sunday instilling,
the 31 of August, to the Eltate'they hallfrom:
Gen. Gognn , s Speech—Lane and
Hothustasuc al acting, etc., etc.
Doouno, Itl., Joty U.—General Logan
addroseed about six thousand : persons hen
to-day. ills was onthasiastieally received,
and appbiudol throughout. ' Be talks like a
man in down right esnint, who cares nothing
for party, bet who le intensely interested in
the woltare of the country. The drift of his
speech is similar to that delivered at Carbon
dale.yes terday. Ho urged - that - it is the daq
of every one to stand by *igen/raiment, and
most unmercifully scores all . sympathisers
with robsidon, and those who dad so mush
fault with the President, .army, war and
everything else, except Jeff. Davis .k Co. He
argues the constitutionality. of the war and
its measures, and shiers the hyponsey of
those who' see so much that is oneonatita.
Lionel in' the ads of thy administration, but
say nothing against the onomastitutlonalty
of secession and the ' sots Of rebellion;
roue pesos man bite all sorts of sharp cornent;
exposes the fanny of their arguments; shows
that tiler do' not know themselves what
they' want; • took op the Springfield poses re
'solution ; shown' if that be correction our
victories op to July, have been 'sandhog to sob.
vent the Conitttution and the Government. If
'men are loyal. they will favor the prosocotion
of the war ; if not, they will find all manner
of axons...: If men oppose the war it nuothir
because they fear thou friends will get coati
°Ws:ad; humane the soldiers coMmttted de
ptodatleox when we started from Bruinsborg
for Jicksini and Vicksburg. with 4ve ra Unto;
fought nee battles; were roduced tio was aka,
or a picot. the men weriahongry itudfoottbroj.
he told tliim'holO iftwfuelTess_liu& whenever
Illiakoopi gat id01:404 4 .'41c Mogi theyillto,Wd,
hoe* Whit tidy eoutd4ka-roblaredii *a.',,
time—stoat overYthing, :wpm to newton, e .
keep us from getting any, butyoualaver bear
of test being wrong., .
Go indsied that all should be for their
eountry,lright or wroog, and that the people
should s vo the soldiers their sympathy and
lu lt is i possible to
Wpport. .
do Gen. Logos jostle* in
1 ,
• eir pato report. ,
Atthe close of •• the speech, the following
resolutions, presented by Gen. Haynie, were
unanialiously adopted : • •
Boirdeed, That we will stand by the coast'-
toted ainnorities of the cosilly, Wad: d
icing to `mato Lain, preserve sod perpetiate the
Canon - and Cnstitution, at whadver omit sad
spawn whateverliowor,domoitin or foreigni
that :may assail it; and that although we de.
dote the onamitiea of a dell war, yet all the
States mut be restored to the Union, and the 1
laws most be executed:alike all over' the
count:nand peace mint he enured by vinery,
uotittne last rebel lays down his arms.
Baohted, That we tender to' all our brave
and pliant soldiers, iron highoet to lowest,
our warmest sympathies, and acknowledge
our gehtltodo to them for tholr , hirohns, their
saorilless, and for the - imparialllible - renown
shed upon our arms by their. glorious deeds.
Sharp Skismieb:.
CINCINNATI, July 31.—The 'Cbauxeroiore
Lexington special says t This Intnalag oar
fortes mono upon the rebels at Lt.:toaster,
where a oonsiderable fight ensued. The en
emy loft `twenty killed and wounded, and
nearly one hundred prisoners.
A rebel ferce. of snout Aro kindred, took
Stanford about noon to-dry, but ,ware driven
out by air 011aTahl,. with aneldaable 10u.
Thlt last adrioss were, that they were hastily
retreating toward the Cumberland river.
illazioYis by Teteimph.
Nair Tout. July3l.z-4/otlon stadia . . /low dull
azul do lower. 111„13005 for- &ate, and imov,ta for
R. IL 0.. - Mheat .dull sad Jo lower; ill(41:14 for
;pa png; "'ot L.o for Hllwilkio Oino. awl IP/II
1,15 for Winter Rod Wooferti.',' Oars dull" and Eaton
baron. 664136)4:. Oam - dull' at 60665. Pork dull
and loins; 1{1460 for idd sad 510,12% far u.w.
Lard steady at IN(allOo.. W Wok) doll at *a. ;blocks
active and donera/17 solar 11. IL Iro, 'CIL 10i.
•• • '
Gas. Ituarainn hes. forbidden 'any eonucti
satiation battiest!, the of Cincinnati
wattle 'prtionerc in that atty.,
Pl4ll l Ol.
• Jot reirived
oinamseuta Beare; Haim
'llet.tarr;DAvlii - •
QICIPWL 1411DT,Wre York.
W. p. maiumk.soitolu r I
• - J. 11.170111,11011
Prices from 82450
. • CUWV malamlit' I
- *rap
iwfid eilonigif lox* r
.1111,11.4 at tits rftwes/Ma....LWAms Wt.
1 1 4 ?4 ,-,1 !" / 44 ..
inFacat imam jar to Wand: a do swam,
Sort at .a.. 11111118111 BROW;
= 0144
V.NAIIR a 00.11 P1A1503. ' ' ' ' ••:,
:A...'. -Atm PIAECE ''IE 'EMII _
ORUTITET.-LTA• folkroging-rh _ ~-
Imo bearniftiod th is Took t. , ~' , 4 - : - .:?..,c,.:_.,
__ ':.,
CT* bsonfal T °Can plata ors EHRROTEHTTECTE
dras, Anntrang; &Arch . kWh AR ..--w . , :.- ,
ORT W •CATIL mum abort.. . • -
WimucalTight Timm.: ' ide tibt only by
EIAAILLAY- FLU I bble. '441.
%V ;Soft ilotrlastore sadilirbz •
7 . 1 q 10414--100, bids. - ORS e • A
mai, superiaikkb7 ' 4
Jar - , °1 29
6131311 011101Prrtswesss DItLT Gliaryk .
1 Iratp&T, July 31, 1W j
The money market presented no seer Ibutnis
thy el nottos The rata et_Gold and Bdre.r . erese pi:M
assed by cut bankers at the fotioutt% reder L i: Obla
at 144; talker US, snd Demand Nola Eastern
Urbana* aa pnelmmly noted, T4..1 briptos at per.
and "WaS at 34 peT cent. - • •
- gLOtTit—lfecomlty, not choke, compels cut tont,-
Um a dull Market. Mathes buyer or sellerniMalhat
the least dhpoeltion to operate, Mt Mantrii °fait dif ,
kronen In Hear stews the CODSKRIIIIIIO .114 es bare
but few transactions to notice, and thou only of it .
lbalted cantracter for boil pursome from sum,. Th e ,
n ppli tint hands le ltrult,d, whirth cal*,
holders to exhibit Mare indepnideuce. Wagon Moor
oontinnee to mire slowly and in *.eseau quautitletr
them paroria sell below the store rates. Among the
wt.we note ~ follows, rLa, 600 bbl. Tatra in tote
at i5,5645,50g5,50 per 'fhb 150 Ibi s do Tatra habil.
ly at $6811,60 per bbL'
Gitalii—Thu market was vary dull, and we could
learn of nothing worth repeating. The stock ii first
heads is act large. In thq abeam" of Mtn, we omit
quotations, peen bedninoudnal.
1.4 lila! 94-per lb. ' - •
• BaGON—TbstkOkst was Oran With • good do-'
mad:. Inddsra at panwit hmo, the adrantase. •
4mong the sales, we Dote As knits : 13bcrtibint
-8000 Ms at agr;lailo miebisiiikif• it iyafq' 4600
lbs Plain Haan at 90)9%m 6500 ibt Of BugarlOured
GROOZBLVS—Wens in moderato demand, balk
rates, prinelially for local purposes., Bunn—Mil, Of
=filar Orleans at - ISo ; 10 . hbde 20
bbli" ,Coffei at 14%; 10 bbli Omitted at 16%6.
Oolico —sake of 16 Mks • Rio it 81303.12%,.. lffolamee!
se/at of 10 Dols Waal 660; 6 do new crop id,
APPLEB—Market, bare, but fmr ..a m ,
The sawn !simmer, le bireliointed; weinotanotC:'
tray at 1113 per bbL _:,:rl •
0111$11$16-Was in steady-demand, &alai' nem&
A 6 000 9.410.% Cods 00 , 4 1410111 7 indriiin4Ln9o4 o,
en; among the sales, we quote.l6o boxes of 39,,1L at,
9, 10010% p:r
IlaT—The demand' yesterday exceeded ita sop.'
ply, and prices &drained from onitio' thr.b dolls=
pee tun, axing Ana; sales of 16 loads pew at PIO
$26; old, one lot was dleptend of . at. PO; baledwai t sold from store at the Maid advance.
711311;-/dstkot Snit; St pticeilioro unchanged
omit quotations/ •
BUTTER—Thu danzantr, a iron:mina we uot•
satin of 1.2001 e Zollut 1.412; noiicist . rungul ttetu
12 t012%c.
ZOOS—Not eery ploxity ; owlet oi nbels at letAi'
WHlSlLEY—liarket. Arm. with s fair,dotaan4
salts of 25 bbli Oily Bei:Wiwi at 5460.450,
P'lltsburgit Petroleum /CliukeL:
luta al—Thannaket for Gonda Oil boa beeit mote.
actin, sad prism are Arai at Us° 220 to folk, eon
26ji to ago la bbla lislos ate reported of - 269 btilnat
d2o, package! retsta62; 800 bble in bulk' at - 2lc,;_ and
-600 bbli at Slo, ail antairarenlp the b at. The iinak
in Malta b •a j.maob ndacen,‘and inbaln
MUG farina:l. • '
In noiloall 014 Awe L iotmaob Hainan
an gni at one ;411114= quotalioss,vis.; dlsohitkin;f:
and 660; tax pat& We maid oily heir of ono gala of
11,03 D big§ Duso* braid at /50e, in bond, Ootobee
IbittLete L naglsolid And prim Domini!, of to
200 for daodritised,bbli 11c10-to0:
• New rettoletrui 111111tUlt.,:
phistch to the
Hew Tom, July 31—The market le ermer, owing
to the Mportid tenure' of same well,. Crude is
quoted at 3246344 i.. Relined is bond,sold at OK
ettlOo, for Merest dellrerf,slo; fm September 65e; /Or
Oritobei trkomdpr lguiumber from lijim to Fr,. Rollroadt..
Prrtuviol!r,;WAtintiOcAcipil ALA:zoLi,
111-1261 by aiirM,'l99 . do core; & B , firallica;'' 60
Ms whisky, /se Bold; 16 dodo; adlw, WO do d
21 SiarialkoriPl 19 dos Warms' Mt i& Trtriblal/ 2 1
dodo, 111r2Parrick & B - -o• WV dodo, Merdand & Coo.
nairiTabsa cheer% B Canfield; bdla talon, E.
Gkoiig; 10 CAB 0 Townsond; SO bblaikiskj, ,,
Lanabart & ablptort; bbta Boar,' klankaow &Un
bars; 5 bbis apirtra„ I Bailers I to; MO er,'4l
Hofirtott, 8 ors corn, Clentle d; 19 bbld pearls. Br, co,
Lindsay• id cod, 47 bigooats,=
Ormainatal; fir POrarimMed
- 30 bolo sand, Maros& Wm L. blid coloring, Win Pen.
mett; 11.301111 - kraibett ilea. k•Bbwarl.9 On listen(,
Moils & Boom; 1 tic soblar, Taman & May 1 01
I 011. I do - slcobol;Tornsode i JficGarr; 2 bait bblk
becar, Geo Ai , I loos; 10 beds do, JrtoCrlarl 2 bbiscogr4
ler, 0 0 Oruro; 6 OMB' dwell, - & Spear; 41 aki
rasa. B &45 P bbl map, 11
DDB door '.7awillbColly; 100 do whisky'.
Wkirlarr;t6 bbla lime, King & co: : 1 Obi' '1,11,11'
raladslool co; 20 do Lour. 6111/kird & 1;0;4 tau, 2 bd/ boas. B.Tabne4loC2l ll bbloslllid.
9 ritriperi#2 tins drug% 21 13 Mork 2 crio lamPri. flH
W Miser; 65 Ibis olio, Pannoalt Ball; 95 do do,
A Oonklo;26 do do, Warleffastpro a &co; 6 bid dorms;
It Deka, MO abla apple., Moms Banner7l Los
Ilks„ Jiro Busload; 4 - roils briMbliri • Euiserr 125
rib* 15 kph 6 bra tobemoi Wortkurd ilt,Connor;
tin barduaro, Wood. allelbramikom2s bbls, 20 kp,
'1 DM tobacco, 11 Wpm; 99 drra Ili • hard.
wars, Llopbscoak-• co; 9 ton metal, P!/I.lmatroans 1
biome* hrlsi' Loan & (kelp' 1 - Ds boOrdtal Marta;
Plrbbarga Ikallsam an 9 tubs oboes% Soo illanb; 1
I. mac AreplAkuot, Maws i ran Ido do, lawn
licCrom i co; 10 bbla copper mei! it'pe
Ws ore ikdortisips.'l te , amisti- lb Ilbla r Sotairolfi
- ark Isom; 9 Mir eggs, etwall Iwo A co.
mg' etikt,
Sciai• MuutiCapn4
Bone ILala Otion.
Boas' Malts Owe;
Borilt Mate 0111 M;
etintserembraft - -
Astilairs 1130110!1
, . „
truhait tko...rtha.siaiisii put,
Skald.* Miabrbrootkrailifflti
11lebois k 4111,tr Peruvian Birk,
likhil• a Clu.'s Ititx le POIIIIrjan 8a1k.%
With Protatki• of Ira; !
With Trotatigo of Ina; A
With Prictchlo of Iron ;
Laird's Blom cf Tooth;
Laird's Bloom ►f Tooth;
OezYt Itccelsier,B* D .
. OluistrknoNt Rare ds bar Ty%
OLltdegllßambla% Zatr.D7•l
hat 14 3511 „
EWAN /47Pl
Bale.Appliiin'idievidlereekrOPP. •5 •
bats% MapitutlLlAll lids &pi%
1 -
Darinftegilleilliiili mak
, Ilaiiikdoeslilldest Bair Ipypt
Ilsalmearhe Pnaits wait r;
, •siitatidoer Bde Dr;
". leasitthallihr
• :
. t.
Bentalikaavesthosiadas agora;
/141111asisia's lidepaistlegpagim.
4734" . ..:;,- rer alma&9 mil l
c ividern
0,,,,,,, •,.., Tactile Hatt aid
~, .. - -,?..2.. • L=2.:,. Inethe Usk sildiMbidu - ia
' •., i ~ `.;. : 5.1. irar-VIOMIII slid Willokasi
-,41 4 1 4 11 4 ,341 ,..rttr; ;
" - -
; a :4i staid avimmis its4e.t—"
STWO,VOOP PLOW-P4 11 : 70 V 4) :TT I R
. '
_•.' piripaftelf:l4,P .
)IMIOII -101 0 1 , 6 *
-24,Liko fo-jatiac,iizistt,
i,xaosvm a an*
. c•-.-.......------
:ir s i ." , Pi • - ,: , -.. . & pr ep, ,
:041014jpicjiliiiiirtilirtet trAa'ia
—otos say dad
'iliVaitibAlierik. .."ratall,"Tre
Alg a
pm* atibiliMetoog '3 a.v. U." 4 DA? vit rj...
,:i, t - ' yd.
:7 11 1 1 , ~. ,-11,181101- . il
vi cri:F4 .3 - - - ti , AA -
- .- . ./
PaorosactiOirritnt,,lrD r Wt..P/L1
I• 4erati' 'l/.10" nt:
1.1/,..±ll2.liPtikti*Rolii DRAFT.—in
cedar% Agobligh t h e hollow
tit Mal of iimbpoid thlmorott • n'tbon
my to. 1.8t3 bl.tho hoard .f •EPr • iim l to "as
Lnatdot, with thr haaaaa of tholi eiempaton: •
ar sigma Or Mamma accirrans HOBSTITIr t.
-)Peri!dawc , Saicitago.
.J ob am sg eo;
hm tbron . int
)3 42 6,1 0:1.4 v:
z a n ib t Ly ;
Ira, Ittnnyt. *Ulu tp,l,lln'a,cc,,,Datt4 Tlrlauuk
Near A Vector, ho ward, Anaghorgla
alai A Illuct* Jai ward4r ,
W Ca` a Kd r
John Pitie, Iht ward. Allearerl. Thomas Word.
Beed. - Pullor borough, Botbg. M.,. Wm II Miner.
Jae alp" Eduard, alhthaoi, Cbai 'v< o
W Earbtom,/iro tp, c, X 111 . 1, m' a •
Wm Xototara, Tara tp, *Mel ociot E .r
Josiah Painter, Yawn Ip, Ailey ,co,lanet. Nolo.
Jahn it Spun; 9P maid.' atiosittans - ; rim Noma
Jahn, Ziltott, Otaittnnl,Alloihana city. H Wearer.
, LAID Mal 111771123111/ L . 01141114
' 701, U . G Mint. Altigheay tOorovg
T elsauu. Mb. boo, tO. Arnacrop tsp..
Mlobaet Stoop; tar, Not tp glioubour co
Patrick Atlrdtor, IllooclOoltor • noltat.! CO.
-Mom Shoop,. Sat Dour,zp...itAgUtnY
o ward, VoutooY
' -
ligirard. Jatoes. 24 urard. a kelpl.ll7.
Jlll.B 0 Boa, at 1114020 SI t . p. orroutrorg ce.
Abu Bailor: 1.0101 BMW° tp, Aikasti , ng, ce.
Loaaw, M mom tun Arms rout co.
W onshutz Ali•gbety.
Jc 4 oPit In Zee, Plan tutor. Anusg.up c).
.. . - . - - - • - ~•.,
...NUMMI )/ BOON Sleet ward, Allegheny city, lap
'pitted, entailed in Abet yore:.'
•.: . t:. an mince SW= a 0,11163. ..
Albert orAnste4y, Ohicc.twAllenhony co. Cio. He
lailitizegim •ntE. v. _ •'" •
if alth 11
ea .:liiiirr:lbastroty, Allegheny co, Cc.
11',, 1230 righnent P. V. • , . .
= • issicorOsppri - Ittes tp, - 111cglaTiico, Co I, lfat
„Mill . lik Preu :.". , ' , ', 1..., - .% ", v
Willinut Ituniso, Adams ft.; bailer county, Co. D.
.-11.151 k cefllbetactPll".. : - n; t -; ...;,.•
. - .2 t. ' 3 CFP I 3. !IR iff XUSVIMLMI/kWYCILIC
J o h. 171.341400 s,Altorginutic city, Whitt scrs of
noiletitntiongliktnittintterrrotted months bond.
324- indniit . .T, ifiSert, - Al 1141ten ' 1 y city, Ices of
.tliclhu .lf B sr
IwaitilikSa lard. Allegheny, city, teellensee •
of tciotiturad;igintaiedfiksirties. - • .
• Pots r ilelleendispie , 41444747 co, deficiency.
In hais.t,'Alleetifthche,Lp;
i. '', i . .. • '
A'illeaftint.34 wart" Mlegin, city, Mildew
font of rOltdpospas. ~ :.
Wm L tytridAt.'l4.Ctini, „. "'pgl6 cll. &debut
I gn.
11X 1 Pkla d 4 4 ctuttskrill% ' tul'Ahl V WSW
1 bush It Hawn , Vci surd , Ilegheny cty, hyFcc-
Jolla ti 24 worq , dilrginny, city, herstiss
ifenott ritillit. - ' • -
dlihtd, 4e4ells)ll nimbi. Alklebehl City. lot, of
6 nialia)7477may.: 74 711173...:Aillegimety city, tieblences
of constitution. arc 1111.) "anus. c
''ltderard Waletc,:liredy'r Bend' ti, Annetta:, co,
yesicte.tysinnot right, les' ulooste. d
David Wry, sa ward, dile/piny city, smith' ale •
, uo.orge of guilt
Lorlde4s, •lU.II. ig, ellti• r co. et 00' • •
htplitadit Itchati.-t9 loch.; troirin 5 foss 734 le, -
i t. , -'osinse WOO Sens son hicaansn' 4. ccenicnie
„Qom& Jacoby ltcaoree tp; e., .tenihecy co. .b , it
neeses—Viui ticowit I. Wu:ebb:nee.
.7. to lima b'cnriscd , 9d nerd:. 41 tub* , 7 0 1 4.
-WPlinasl7l...°"rb_Dlnsit° P , r2 b r e '
• co.,,cs s.-I•AallErr.
' . lohcretSpbetulan, eta owl, sliest, y.cliy.
•:estuza or bonzatseettannassvs: l2
J.‘ 1 00! , . 3 9n 9 s•kl n d7.9/ 0 4 i':. I/ 14r co.
OIL! urinal? on nano' A. 7,
'lllio2lll t tlCTfoD:*ll2lield ~/ ;Iltle C.S.
' altatinlaldt 011.illt • VIII 55-11.• BALED.
- Dv *Amu*. Eldoutost, chi out, dbl. bent.
Andrew, Vbrel.mmotki Inchettet borough, Alle
~ or, wr Mug 4
Capt. ant P , loot twat4 53d DitL Pa.
' - gyilisltdier 1 ~ ',•:.: Lti.
Ittrt stetVo:'
• • -03 fourth 3t.„ ilttatoi:gb,4•ll 3 I;, 1333
In arAidauo• witb,orderi,; totbllsh
lowing llst p.rsout riceiimPollrom draft by tb•
Bottd of .1133mttst.1111b: 1.1 -Dist tat, to tbti Oat.,
ath abtAnoots or lb. IT :
'si'sziktfalttiantornia stratritrrte:
J... Jr. a brim wank Jattataaa uornal;
loderG Blirps,lll . ltd , 'Craaa Words% •
Tv* ward a Voter & bralrit;
as Ixnnann, Third ward, r . — Bohr G Wllaaa I
-,Warieves, ,rdtk "rad. dre auk 16 - Giantr;
466 A Oralglrtori,lroakr G a ward, , • Jiver. I WI:
VIIStrriaLZI 6 - 141 or 'Alnc:•-ii mastitis TITTII NASD.
. .
Matthias' Mame''Orer 8S minted. WlLOOlsua
John Mason, Sundt 111..a00. . ,
Matin'Welgrold. over 3% 'parried. Witnruee—i
Welgold, Martin Vas:" ~•,
/zed. .beeckatadt, over 35, married. Witness..
Itnid" Tanibie. ' • ,
Beldenottiker, crrea., - 3N.rawried. 'Miners—
offsit'fbildeoatri aroma.
JabtoWartei. °vat "adlinterrital-Witunatea•vgchn
Newatein, Paul Kaarder) • -
iJthit- apiler:2ol.-, Wllin
ord _ r tioi—Tatber and
'Jobn 'Pula; 'iiader y 'Wttnoteet-rMather and
ntother,:.2.: .1 ; ;
Thomas, 8; Blair, over i:iurrbd.. Witnesses—
JAW bboenterapeeM ,
B.lLt O. blegiey, Ter 35,Inarried. Wituestes-8.
ia.'Levrisiltiebard btaithf. , -
b ,wrenee Werth, 0•0r, , 35, mnFtod. Witnetees—
'George eantOompbildttar:
Sayan Qui& over.. 35;11o'trridd. Witnesers--Jas
Mriubt itiarriad.'Johu bcbuster,
ALSi# ll l uP ._ • • ,
RATS 11 . 01DZCLA1119 1312c)1110311.
MalbUna •
Jw,Mitchell, Jr. atit' vard.: WM : newt, Frank Ar
rdrayi7or. itMitibe Elr. • -.'• ,
..Bartbolomew baropf,,Mh•ward.., e, 311C011
NeWydr; Stable tbyd;r:-
,Jottannoo; Bth ward, .Niritnetitea, Don'l Dough.
Mil, J 8 Patterson, Jr. ,
• '(l.t•rga Id Woods. 8110 taint , Witiotitea.'dmthony
Mdlar,'Edit wireL"'`Withismeeiildiuottel Y,onntr,
; FreoaaFu>i 43111.illtaTzp.
Iteceiden, sth . " ward; ,eolepty, certificate of
.1)51. ftGroue.
.Cluutratcti. Itth.ward; defer.Uve teeth.
' *Bob l itothiszi;sll well; &fictive elec.
G l ltf-51.1.staltvoldiulticti chronic saittite and
- detective
401sph Thawed. MU weed.LihtwitOt wound thro'
right foot.xecelnedad. Baran Pins
• Pilaw Ismderbiel, - Iftfth waed.4elictent In statute
Idward theldltt. fattivitard—elsttehent la stature.
Yridorlok garozehnan. Filth weird—unto halm-
Of.piktietitaCotheit ttlete.i. , - -
Wranaitittind 4 .lllth ward—SeftwfiTo teeth.
Talon iftsataan p = AUL,
toftey;Etti Weid, sth wird,
; Jame Horier,llfth dxdroy, James
tnrrrr Vs: stlivient.
Filth ward. Witty:les—Thomas C.
IiZiON rowrza.
and klidiallt Minh& 224 District, Pa.
. - ,
- IT,
p liblBlol4B,:'ltOpN.,s-#AOK. PAY
Anonisra`Zoi 'art dhiksi 4-.
&41 . s l aAO
Lir w and lag
;a{ falbeetell 44,205, rvio dasnip.
Ikon • BOUM= br.all.opgykrz.4 8 01d1.1% ri•
- 9/Cnik Ibr . irettmaid 0111041' mainioldlraw,
:MAIIOL'PUIPQAO,OOOII:I44.rigeata, °nib's
dren,Brothsn sad lissom 'or otha I•pl Am.
sialketivairal: thaw Orbo *Ws 411s/Vb thsl•Ervise,
bow* Om! allay dbigylW -torke l , lol • matroot." ,
- I. l l l rno shop wan 4•041/044,,wg •istur vlti be ,
••• •••••^',.."
~~ ~,:
r.; W.., ..11, 11---
I. 41) " 41f g l I M 7"tati•PllPl"Mnt of /
Itoliamenti find - Cao 13tone.
.., / •
;;. ~., •.. ..--: .6, ' le . ~! /
rhifilla ?Am .pononAlabl/4D JOHN)).
TOMS tt111121111; /
bialrive - b, , , • - :,. ,
jklArktbiuti, . "- - '
,Ameyerettllyalligy it 111VprIame of • yeleel4
** l- 4iViliOatilliatitti*Xfittingl.
~ , , i kl , . AtOf !PA oc4 , go rrA r q ua "' ,
-,lolenrggirOLlMNlE * CO.;
1 Ili ', s ',,,,,' 'ID . i,-4, i iiripins mom.
VOURIBIIs • wopur vto %Yam. TO
4.7aoursois eleeseeklevorlde that very C3a.
). :-...aluss 0$ litAlriLlNO sun"
ugatoroportinKri uli. inn" of very
1 ~i , 4.igii . si:. Jator i a t a i .o i mj .
pinta 108 GOLD 130 DA WATETt;
1 ,1.,),0 ...krikiii.YPs444l l romttaii;
1 ! ;
xteibtages Ea Liliaaii.4.2 mum , a azir,
t - se•-• - IA) 3a ••
r. , :V . 1 6.1.1 fit. swim:,
wo 1 '__?, [ !'% l ' 'lW.. ' T 1 &Zolfo. Atieetee;;. 1
sang.e g ow, wAim
tavamoo,:loayr:ft l -11 1 ;
lu 4sipli zai;!4;
-JD -= 45 .
r!''r /21/Liii3l4ls' - Wt""i 4 S
Lrastiit etas's.
- iiil4 4