tOdt a sburgh mitt 111 NEBBIE =MIZE ISESPERE •;! :1•A ' 4.- ••:• 1 •••••••-••• • ' ,•••••.::•;•;.• •I;N••• P : -1. 41 ;; , 4e o w7: 4.- • ••'. t:• :•• , • ''• .•..•:4••••• .~.:.•: . MEM ME SATURDAY MORNING, AUG. 1. The Ue►oa State Convention. As originally appointed, the Union State Convention was toJ meet in this city otrthe lst-of -July ; bat, owing to the fact that 'most of the delegates ware at that time ab sent in the service of their country, aiding to drive thd rebel invaders from the Suite, the Central Committee held a meeting in 'Philadelphia, on Wednesday, Jans - 2-ith,. and calling P..Fsazus SMITH, Egg., to the Chair, (General MsuaLs being,unstoida bly absent,) passed -the following resoltt tion: posted. That In the prevent smarghney, wee gi.ay delegates to the Union Mate Convention am engaged to military series, and cannot bipremnt at toe meeting appointed to be hellUst Plttaba•gh. on the tat ofdttly next, It ta deemeallkpedlent to post pone the vooventka until Wedneadey, the sth day of • navel, next,,nt II &clack a. and it is hereby postponed until that time. P ,FILVEZR SMITH. • - Mittman pro tem. • OW. W. lILIIZRALT. Secretary. PUILADII.II4, Jun. 21,11163. in a 434011,11100 with this mention the Convention will assemble in this city on the day above nailed, and Will hold its meetings in Concert gill, which has been engaged for that purpose by the Committee of arrangemente. The Harrisburg reteeraph"--A Word for all Objectors. We bad a hurried remark or two, a few days ago, in answer to an article in the Her risburg Telegraph, at which we had then merely glanced. We have since read it at • greater leisure, and find it so suggestive' that we cannot avoid a Utile analysis of it, in the hope that we may improve it to the edification of those from whom it comes. The article suggests that "the likes or dislikes of men should not interfere with the success of principles or the harmony of parties," to which we entirely egree. It inquires what we hoped to gain by assail ing Governor CallTls in his personal se well as oticial capacity which' we can't answer until we have done it, It remarks that " the Republican party, at this hour of peril, has no time to wrangle concerning men"—that " while journalist!• are at lib erty to animadvert on the character of any public man—to extol his virtues, denoance his - vices; and expose his crimes-they should have some good, noble and manly object in view, and not the destruction of an individual "—that "abuse does not al ways serve mama+ "—that "persecution begets sympathy "—that "wholesale int duction only 'recoils on its authors, " to all of which we cordially subscribe—that "our course is' unprooOked and unfold/tabu,- as well as unbecoming our reputation for , frankness and fair dealing "—that "our schisms only become the sources of hostile triumph"—that "we cannot afford this now "—that Governor Crass is not a can didate, and will patriotically decline, if we are silent, hut may refuse, if we are not"— that "we had better debate the value of nuaruresinstead of indulging in this miser able wrangle about men "that "we have nobler, purposes than the meragratification of hatreds"—that "personal prejudices must not peril political pAnciples "—that it behooves the delegates "to give us a candidate who can harmonise all differen ces—whose character is above reproach, whose ability is undoubted, whose patriot ism. is well-established "—and that "thus led, we are sure of sueoess "—with more of the same sort, to which we take no excep tion. Now Mirk! the Inquiry here is, in terms, and tint is the very caption and essence of the article. "What is to be gained by assailing Go'. Coma in his personal u well as oil ciat capacity." The question will be a • , p r o p er one whenever we shall have so as ' sailed him. Thum fag - howrever, we have spoken no word which looked beyond his / official relations only. So much, and more, it is expressly admitted by the Telegraph, - -ireteny legitimately do. If we have gone faraler,. we would be glad to see it pointed • oat. The truth is, howeyer, that the pub , lie record shown by us—and which was printed at its Oilt office, and ought to have • been shown to its readers long ago in the performance of its duties to the country and the party, as a public journal, is so ut terly damning on its face, sad reflects' en strongly upon the personal integrity of the incumbent, that, the refrgraph itself has found it impossible to distingoiah between' the man and the offiser, even if it had not • surrendered that point, in its own defini ' Oen of the rights and duties of a journal ; .Ist. It is the Telegraph itself which makes, 'the application, that it wrongfully intputes ` • to as. It is a confession, ho timer, Of the . • badness Of the record. It is this hallucination, we suppose, that - hag indexed it to speak of "like, and dia• likes"—of the "distruetiem of an individual waked'—of "pasecuties"—of "whole sale trailuction"--of "unprovoked, unjust'. fiable; and unbecoming" conduct—of the "gratification mere hatred"—of "personal prejudiees"—and . of "miserable wrangles about MM." All-this it purely gratuitous. There is no , question of personal like or dislike. We would rather have liked the Hevener, if we could have Men persuided that be was honest. We have had net personal quarrel with him. We would not go out of the way either to destroy or injure him, if he would keep himself out of the way of the interests of the nation, so as net to destroy or injure it. There never Imo been any 0,- Gaston for malice between no. He would be small game_for perseeution:--aa to the matter of wholesale &auction—the Telegraph knows that all we have said of him is &w— -and more, that we have not maid--and cannot and not dare deny it. If the im peachment of a trusted public servant for the ruin of the State, anti the betrayal et the party, is a thing unproiloked, totjustifia- Ote, then the wont peculation must be tol erated without remark. , If to speak freely on ettoh matters is utgispidair our ancient reputation for freak:ass; we must have had Worn One thin we aupposed. As to Attired, the Hevener' is not the man to in spire any such sentiment In us. Our pre judices are irea-judieer judgmenn otter therm:4 upon the Moat unquestionable eildence. A. to ~ "miserable wrangles about Mem"' Ire -ban only'to. that the principty is nothlneilthout the man, and the sonessful oft* tan .that We ars ready to take'any body but who would ba sure to ruin us, as in . -hail Well 'nigh done already; and that it is Only object to iblow aimed at a dangerous ene.i no r thafare omelet* of principle, and fill , into the error of infreitiftfe mrsu l r in B ui l t , . We have attacked the Governor betimes we know that he he a candidate, though a stealthy one,n otw Guitandin g his disclaimer, and buenae we are not willing that the party ihall be sacrificed by the selection of • man who hie abused its confidence, and cannot be elected. It was the only course, under the circumstances, for an honest man to take, who thought as we did, and wished well to the country. Without going into his private character, as we had a perfect right to de••=u the Tglestraph admits, while it complains without reason—w e have shown a maul of official acts which would con vict the man who urged him, in the face of it, of disregarding the interests of the party and the country, and exhibiting a contempt for public opinion, and an indif ference to public morality, as reokleas and criminal as the worstof the Inferences that could be drawn against the Govetnor. If the performance of inch a duty, in the ef fort to save the people, is to be considered as persecution of the individual, and inch an array of facts is to beget sympathy for the offender, ills not our fault, but that of the political traders and speculators, who have habitually concealed. the truth from the people, and so far debauohed their morals and understandiage as to make them ahndder, not at the commission of crime, but at its exposure and punishment. If our Harrisburg critic only demands, as he says, 'M good, noble, and manly objeot, and not the destruction of an individual," to authorise the denunciation of vice or the exposure of crime, we have it here in the rescue of a great party from imminent peril, and impending ruin, for which the individual must stand out of the way or 'pot blame us for his incidentildestruction. We know no nobler purpose than this, and it is precisely because we would "rather debate the value of measures, than indulge the mere gratification of likes or dislikes," and because we would net "peril political , principles," and because, moreover, we want a candidate oujeelves, who can "har monize all differences—who is above re proach—whose ability is undoubt ed—and ll whose patriotism is we established"—that we object to Governor CURTIN especially, and have endeavored to show that-he, at least, does not dome up to the acknowledged standard. How ridiculous then to assume that we cannot do this' without impairing the harmony of tlip party I As the TskinspA has turned preacher, however, inertead of dismissing it with the inquiry—whether any good thing can come out of Natareth?—we would like to read it a homily in return upon the value of the old fashioned virtues of-truth, candor and honesty, in polities, aa well as in the other affair" of life, and the great importance of always supposing a moral sense or con science in the people, and lever, under any 'circumstances, either offending or ignoring it. But we have already overstepped our limits in what we intended, with its article only as a text, as an answer to all objec tor'. The Army of the Potomac The army of the Potoniac seems to have trod the old circle over agate, and got back at last to about the point from which it started. We expected as much, as soon as we heard of the escape of - Lan across the Potomac. If our generals were afraid to attack on him the north bank of that river, where they might have compelled him to fight at the greatest possible disadvantage, it was a foregone conclusion that they would make no serious effort to prevent him from falling back to his old position, and re•establisbing his communications with Richmond. He has effected it almost without molestation, and It is already given out that this great army is to relapse again into a' mere corps of observation, for the de. tense of the capital. We would be glad, if it were possible, to solve the mystery as to its numbers ind ()enclitic's. Thou who argued with (len. Merin that It was dangerous to attack, and were disposed, therefore, to let it go, upon the approved maxim that it was always well to provide a golden bridge for a flying enemy, represent it (our army) as far in ferior in numbers to that which was run ning away from it, and that it was abler lately reduced to some 40,000 men, while Lax was getting out of Ds way with greatly superior forces. Those who believe such stories must have eredulity enough to ewe- low anything. We learned from a private dispatch, which came here Immediately after the crossing by Iloozza, at Edward's Ferry, that he bad then with him an army of about 91,000 men. Row many of these were present at the battle of Gettysburg we do not know. We should infer, howeter, from the accounts we have of that battle, that we were at least equal, if we did not probably outnumber the enemy, who were probably about 80,000 strong. In killed, wounded and prisoners there, oar losses may hare been 20,000, while those of the enemy, inclusive of the prisoners subse quently taken, must have been at least 10,- 000 more. Mranx; heirever, was in • po olden to avail hintseU of the troops in the Department of Gen. fimeace, amounting by estimate to 85,000 men, together with a considerable detachment sent up from the South under Gen. KAOLIN. We had, be sides these, moreover, the State Militia, with their auxiliaries, under rem*, num bering at least 25,000 men:. He ought, therefore, if these statements are reliable, to have had at his disposal at least 130,000 men, while Lxz's forces could not have ii ceeded 60,000. It seems' conceded now by the newspaper correspondents that, without these rein forcements, the army whichlte 'common& is still greatly superior to Lna's in both numbers and condition. And the fact must be so i Else Ls: would have Inevitably turn off upon him, wording to hie habit, instead of retreating before him. It is only our Generale who. decline to improve Silvan began of that sort, and listen to extratra put, tales of overwhelming numbers and threatened attacks, and new raids In the direction of Pennsylvania, when the enemy is actually flybg for his lifts buSumberell with the spoils whit!h he, has picked up in hii bold and' adventurowforay. It to dear, at all events, that it was no want of Siottpisthit itiveitted the attack at Wil liirosport,'; as it .seems perfectly obvious • that the seasons,. which interfered it the . time will. be likely to continua operating with greater fartettothe end.. _ , .. . , Thsipolloy - of , soling on the liefensio mily, with all this great arinii seems is k lvzirtia -be newt toWlbad Wed 1 . 11 •14 ton, iit" foili of Me-wmialleP If , Itaiiki bep int no doubt' hr pop I,_. lhoimo -46 . .. , . .. . ~..,,,,, . ..--r a, ..--. 1 . i .,-.-, ; - 0 ;-6.74,-1 -' - -..,,,,,-- .- -,-fi....,x 4g .,,,,,,,,,." : . occupy that city, and have participated in the panic terror which hoe so generally pervaded it.. With men of that sort it has seemed to make no difference whether the rebellion is put down or not—whether any of the free States are invaded or not—or how many poor fellows who want this war ended by ono campaign, shall be allowed to sicken and die in thelocamps, provided only that Washington is safe. This is anew way of putting down a rebellion; which has tempted many loyal people in the North to say that but for the moral effect—the pres tige abroad—it would have been a happy thing for all of us if that city had been levelled to the ground and abandoned long ago. Surely with all its expensive fortifica tions the troops of HEIIITZLDIAN ought to have been sufficient for its defence. "Agate" on the Battles of Getty.- bars. We have been plated under obligations to a respected friend for a copy of the Cin. oinnatl Weekly Gazette, of July 15th, which contains a graphic description of the bat tles of Gettysburg, from the eloquent pen of Its special correspondent—" Agate, " ' who was an eye-witness of those sanguinary and terrific struggles. It is certainly the fullest, and, knowing the source whence this specimen of the-quarts variety has been taken, we can say the most reliable, account which we have seen published anywhere. The inimitable descriptions of the battles fought in Western Virginia, at Corinth, and Other places, which have come from his pen a eurrente eahtmo indeed—have earned or him the name of the "American Runell." By the way, we have heard it staled in certain quarters that these letters should be given to the public in a more permanent form. None could rejoice more than we to see them re•pioduced in a book form. They would be a valuable contribution to the lit erary correspondence of these eventful times. tong may the talented young wri ter be able to illumine the nation by the brilliancy of hie learned and classical scin tillations. • TEE REBELS GETTING UNIFORMS raose NEW YORE. VIE NABISAU.—A correspon dent of the Providence (Et. L) Journal, writing from Gen. Gilmore's army, on Morris Island, says: ''ln a storehouse, which was taken on Morris Island, our troops found a largo quantity of clothing. The rebel soldiers were well clad, having just received a supply of better light blue pantaloons than our troops have. These clothes had oomo from New York via Nas cent" A. Noble Letter from the President. At the commencement of the war for the Union, Melauothon Smith was postmaster of the town of Rookford, Illinois, and his wife was acting as deputy postmaster. Peeling it his duty to participate in the struggle, Mr. Smith raked a regiment, of whieh he woe ap pointed Colonel, and entered the service under General Grant, leaving Mrs. Smith to attend to thedutlis of the postogioe. Colonel Smith dietinguished himself on loottarions,aad at the repent storming of the first redoubt at Vicksburg, led the forlorn hope, and was shot through the head and killed. Application was then made for the appointment, as postmaster, of a gentleman who, under ordinary circam. stances, would have been a proper person to dit the *Noe. Counter applications to retain the widow were also sent in. The matter be teg brought before the Presidgpt, he endorsed the application for the widowrand afterwards sent a letter to the Postmaster. General, of which the following is • et py : • EXACCIITII Itti3lllol, Wean mato', duly 24, 1863. Has. Pothaaster Genera—Slß: Yesterday little endorsements of mine wants° you in two eases of postmasterships sought for widows whore husbands hire fallen in the battles et thie war. These oases °marring on the memo day, brought mo to reflect more attentively than 1 bad before done as to what le fairly due from us bore In the dispensing of pa. mouse towards the men who, by fighting our battles, boar the chie f burden of swing our country. My conclusion is, that, other claims and qualtdoetions being equal, they . have the better right, and this is especially . applisable to the dlsthled soldier.and the de ceased soldiers family. Your obedient servant, A. Ltsc The Draft in New York The New York Evening Pvei, of Thu:edgy u7l: It Is now well understood that the govern ment has determined to enforce the draft in this city, and that the completeness of the work will be guarantied by the presence of competent military force. There will be no further temporising with mobs, but the amount of force to be called Into requisition will depend wholly on the exigen cies of the tamp, and incidentally upon certain arrangements now making, which it Is un necessary to describe. It is certain, however, that the assistance within callwill be auffloient ; and if the state authorities fell to do their dirty in preserving order, while the drawings are going on, (though the trovest Marshals who make the draft will not need protection) then the Fed eral troops will take this whole responsibility —an-event which will not be favorable to the operations of traitorous law breakers. It has been decided that the drawings in the districts where the enrolling emcee ware burn ed will under no aireamitanoes be delayed for want of a proper building. On the contrary, it is the present intention of the authorities to make the draft on the ruins of the dome. Ushed buildings. A 30211811 or Ma. A. T. BrEitaxis Banzreanoas.—Mr. A. T. Stewart has made a donation of $6,000 for the relief of the firemen, police and soldier, who were injured during the late riots, and the fami lies of those who were killed.—Now York Paper. REBEL PIIISOBEELS TEEINO rug OATH.-- Seven hundred and eleven rebel prbsoners from Vicksburg, reached Bt. Louis on Sat urday lett, nearly all of whom had re fused to be paroled, preferring to take the oath of allegiance. . A CORRESPONDENT of I Canada paper, who lately visited Vail am at Niag ara Fails, says ha found him "sitting on a sofa at the aide of some halt dosen or more southern gentlemen." SWIFT RZTHlTlU7loll.—AtJacksoxi, Gen. Sherman captured a number of rebels who had been paroled at the capitulation of Vicksburg. These he took out and shot on the epoL Mat= Istrormanr—Tna PRIZE GUM —lt is understood that Judge Betts has de cided to condemn • the Springbok ; Thomas C. Hart and Peterhof! for conitruotive via. lotion of the blockade. ASSIBTAXT BIAILETAISY Ow Wsa.--Colonel Hardee, Ono of the most efficient officers in the ;ask., has been appointed Acting As sistant Secretary of War, in place of Gen. Canby. • RELIGIOUS XOTICES. ErTIIE FIRST CONGREGATION. or DIBOIPLZB. of Pittsburgh, most eta; edlY; In lb. utoN. °ITT comaciE BUILDING, corner of hun and Bt. Clair stmts. Troia( og LOUD'S DAY—Naralug slot Vol:dug—at the mull houna Sunday &hoof at 434 o'clock fa ca. Pram eisry WZONZIWAT' .EVINiNG. The Rollo an mum:Nulty ltivitsd. • adslt [WD 'hob -tilt OttHatl.l; ALIA. Gi•irg Urn. imnsa SOOLPH HlNG;Pastoe, wait 1a AXOILALOR HALL, oxray . of /•dual aad -Uipock aNaay, pfiwebbig *very LOBO'S DAY. at r a it A nt r itt s nip.stistrpmr. are Alse%11111:: vita< • • aim, mum 11. eI:WM UN, of • Pidlacl•lplils: late (laPtaki OftgroV 6ll miko4 YORILQW MOSNING Autasl mi . IA layfitetiook, st sa• Min M. P.I3HUSOU. VIM street 111.11 irgir AD FIE It TragArie A^Til RVOLVINt3 IRON TOBRWF grity DeregrinnT, July 22 1663. The N soy Department wtli,aetil the 25192 Di Y' OP 6. 1 111:12T, tsarist re proonettiOns far the core' !PM MU end erection on bard • veasel to be built .4 thin Portsmrtith. 9, 8 ., g etc, New Turk and 2811. Manta, guy Tardy of care revolving turrets sod t•o imolognable "mote Opt', with grating, La each vresel. The internal diameter' of the torrent to be lit leer, hol e ht 6 feet 6 10W..., thin) urn 15 inches; to he cOmpoerd of two savants etielle of plate in 5, wlt Is reran" ht iron slabs lour el between the same. The pilot hon.. on each tor. at to be 8 feet 1n.,. nal dtemetar. 6 feet 8 image high. 12 looter, Mirk, Ololloftd ci plats iron. The t nese; erminee and gear for taming nod za,u elating the enurement of the turret, t goo el id" and carriage, port 'torment and other Intnttod n-. rangemante to be of the. mute general cherac'er as the blonttor class t f enders. The Impregnable swot • Pipe to be to [hicks s•• 8 Ines% con prond of plate inn; Inside diameter by Net, and height snore the neon B}6 lest. Tea prep ninon most •mbrecnall the stove roeu• gen d work. including the bracing o' the turret., arid etate the cult son Ice tin., within which the work for earth rand will be oompletcd, on baud, and ready tor envie.. 'I be roar.. plans cat be t 'arcked at the aloe of the icepretor of Iroirolad I t-amens, 256 penal Ct., New Turk • The Prop ode moot ho Indorsed on the outbids “Propmels n r Revolving Trants,' that they me; tedt.rionnithed fr•.m other lettere. soltemild BtAil ANU 8 GULAT HYDUCTIOII Ladles' Ku . g I.ast's Coog Gaiters gl 76 wottbs: 50 IMMIME All other Aces telllog ray low. D. L. MU LW JR., AGENT, 123 WALNUT ST, PIIII4IELPIITA. CRUDE & REFINFTI PSTROLEME On Comotheon excluslotly. All cLar. r et et moat resictiebla retool. OTORAOX 11 . 011 BLPtiiED In cool cal:err. P r 060DS under good abed, eer Ter. icular attention paid to OIL POIL EX. POET. for FaIo—UAUSTIO ODA. SODA. All, Sc. C&Bur do 1360113.15;ti. GENERSL MERCHANDISE BROKERS. 195 EOM' FRONT 6TICIT, PHILADZI,VIIA Crude and Befitted Petroleum OAMT,IO 811) , BOD AS DRtIIBTON Z DRUGS, OILS, ta, ac. Or Cristo to boy or toll promptly attooded to otatly L&N & bIimxULIIY, L ~ l ommission. Merchants. PRILADELPRI4. Fartitnlar attention paid to consignments of CRUDE &REFINED PETROLEUM Mr . Llbar al advaaaa made aaLl7 Orrlol Or Tut VOSTIOLLZS Or ALLIGIII[2II , CO., Pittsdunn. Pa., July dist, DM. TcoAL m Ib .. .ROLL/LA —Baled Proposals win tvlacelsed at this oaks mats a lAilidT 'Pre, inclusive. nr the dslprory frets 110b1 Thcassnd to Teo Rhin:sand iiinstels of rood Ins ronantablo 00/11.,, for the awe 01 the Court House and Jail, to b. laid Gown at tbe entrance en firth and on itoss streets, In Intact not lon than Six Bats ar.d.llasttels par day. Papnent cash, on comp'. Ilan of contract. By o , teltloo of roauty lloctualeidonen. NE •EY L •EILT 000t•oltot UALL, A'r istIRLALALi In KAMM BTRIZT. And set Swale's,. la SOOTS, 6110A6, GAITSEIS and.$ALMOltALr, is 1 am cicalug cut Emote/ (kw& to unto mutt tut raU and Winter Goods. Ilemetobni .t 98 MAKE e tiTIMET, th. ono. • door moat rlttb. sal IlrrJTffl DEAN'S EOILID SIMS, at • verj low price, to Iwo out. ALo, Men'•, Ed's' and Youth', OOH GURU atri BALIKOHAL LOOTS at a bargain, at hods chain Zags just reAred and kyr .1 by LITTLI i TIIIIIIILZ, 1111 w. d 114 i008141.1S en4.101:1E11/, 1.115,1411.1) AND 4111411IIL&TED Eiroeu, an band and for do byk MILE A Tlll/413L11, sot • 1114.111 114 5.000 d 41..tet. Y &UMW itIS VINE bb bIIGAII on hand and for sale. by 601 LITTL E It TUMBLE. 175 = tau, wiuduit Ai. COFP'ILK Mpg by P.R. R. sad for .de by sal LITTLE & TREMBLY, • littaiii bbl. in store and fo .We by .WaRB a WILICINHutt BUTTIat.-20 crocks prima freitl rind ter Just rat:eyed t 7 aunts for iiato by . . WILOB out 9111 Ltborey Benet. UUti UtiullUs Buibblm* Luta FOB S&LS. Waste En Lawrenceville. um i t. Mary's Cemetery. Lay el maws by Pesanger Hallway. limb lot 2t feet Irma by 110 deep.. ror prlas and term. apply to j• M. 8 0.1 . 131.14eT a 881518. 61 1111seliet et. iarlunii.) AN L,' WVIS oY3Ttratti. put , op In ea* . .and two pound eau, Lwmetlully wee*, pht rstetwgd a fromh !Inapt, mad for sale by the dont. or single ran, et Fondly Grocery Store of JOllll jylt . canter Marta Nod Hand genet& • DOOM WANTiID, with or without 14 bpa•d. hi= LslFl or notrautshad, 10 a pinto Wally. Mauled to elks Fifth or Ninth Wargo pre. hrrsa. *darer i IL, Pittsburgh P. U. ighttlrd NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS —Pro. posa;e will be received op to the ors AtiallisT, 11143, et the Moe amp undersigned. to the Market BaUdlng, for the Orsding. Paring .ad Betting with Ourtmoue, Norton street. from Ilia A. V. B P. an Beyer street. to the Pennorlyants 8. B. Import. Pedro or Baker's Landing Curbstens required. JytiM • IbA ILO 11081.111 t. ksoording I'Ol SALS—.I. geed Farm in Burrell Township• Indiana uounty. Pa., lo eight of the ludiana Brooch Beliread, near Black Lick Station, contountng from Ai to 90 Will, of which GO ecru are oliamd.-.40 germ In clone aed gram; the balance well timbered, end allsandargood new fence. A well leashed new brisk boimooatainhlit ex Mani/ and bell, two callers, plastered snake hams. A good new Daum tun 60 by 66 feet. One of the bags or chards of all landed molt, grapes, ace. bernal good rprlisp of met water. Also a coal bank. Two good towusalp road. ennelog through the tarot. Price VIM. Pal mot, coq !agates of W. U. Airogissau4a. No. 132 Dia mond street, Pittsburgh; or of lira. A. W. OILAB. BUN, en the pr.mheis lyakittda , err P . X.EUII 1 ows BALE OP COAL ES. TATII.--Ilia Roden/pea will offer at ?unto bias, at the 0 Int Boost, llfifi rittiburgb, on TRUSS. DAY, kunst 401 k, 1161, at 10 o'clock a. m , &Ilea debt, title, Interest and inns Of 6tewart Dalton. &anted, of, la and to all' then two certain lola of wound eltkata Me Ifiltb."Ward of Pittsburgh. bonus wick a hoot or 1J lest Da rean street, sod cunning back 16 fin. went Or Ina, sad alolklng property of Ito Dam of Henry 11061.e17, de.eand Ono= lweolf; the belts of Jeln7, and. Panne Solsode. whereon an *WNW thou tenor can buck women: s. . • full lolonmat'ou se to Win Of ante , . aybe °bodge frost IllialiSALL IlltOW n, ttontokr... at• Law, 10. 116 Finn stunt, fitt.bargh . JAMS , ALLAY J.2k31 .Nraciator of Hewett Dalaell, de d. IWG NOTION. • . . DIIKELVd FL/OCTAVOS BITTLUP. IMPROVIDatoOO biII&SOFIEL i 15.41 01111n1IT PZUTtiItAL A LITIiAOT dalid&P•111.411&. ' • • oOrretille'd AIXRIUATXD il•Zlti'd ,RABdEII #ND I IXTILA LION•Of SOAPS. • - ttUltaiXTT'd VINE tlllOlll. arraeorsi I4* Orating the handkaroblefl sad rum r weal i 11101 T WAEI for melding Ina cane . Stl4 idiot da Idird3l be Fra med at GEO. A. NEM% OFfriALIMIUG MEL NQ'tio&—Thei nadersigned basil* u lorehtool the oath.. stook Italia' lha kink op, i t labile ad h ot J. G. JIOGIMIt. trdald Inseams to h Id oaten and the pablio his' removal 'to rear. USE Li f 4triot.ltual odte • s by J. 11. 1 Ifothiho,) aJatho sad amp** stook of Pod. e.t . a' an d satin% limather lladlogs, 11.151 r, talsam, qat bo tound..aad at billet :sta. G. 111; AN DlpitlOD, 2co: ISVlllbprty str ee t. INBiITIIIING-, PEOli - THE MDR - LisP 'MATHIS VI eililee. IL . ,Cont bkillalli amitond m p InQONS on ha /Mona Fines - bilevits and good Wiese, OPiliGnaatios s • . lrEj. Nal mouths Ito tams I *GI .otnitibuo to oinitlpt /11 1: , MAWR, NIA'S conattnr lo 9ali and W in ' Wu' dri al tgaolota la ittrodttolog Oho to sat bodiketil aoquidnuatang ' ~- • 4. ItCIIIHIO. July 24tbiltPis - - - I . IT2Sadi ' Norio Ord to th 1 1 29itc :Pe" .D . 4gis on Loa: s t i rostot to 011 gpop MN= 11.3101mattpiar* JaWat toj at Ono as Mu ottast,Oditi ht unbar: Mort* Nitta tioltaatotoi "las 1614 Arm asd to ro. adlOttelcaratk, J. PanULI. - : JOLT Ist - ttlasa dlrEir AD rEn TZSE.VE.V7II. EXTRA QUALITY PIANO COVERS, ' N.. and teanttfalatpley Jost opened at the NEW CA RPET STORE K'FARLAND, COLLINS & CO., 71 AND . 73 SRfli .711 LIT, 131 d • to the Pod Oeloe. FLUOR OIL Cl,t2all i„ --Just opened, one Ide sbeat of Ix st quality, al mooned, and In good ceed.tioo to put down; new and &kind paVetn, never tetra in at, learket, et the HIM OA.P.PAT STORE of . M'FABLAND, COLLINS & MTH ETEI LET. tett door to the P. O. FOR 8A LE' 100 000 SHINGLES Alm), Ms beet FAMILY . FLOLTS, by the bartsL Co.. Bauer and Stu Meld strveta, Kaacheitite. 1,2h1w • DtBSOLITTION,:—Notioe is hereby airm that the Etna of HEATH & ornuirds was dintolved sn Betardoy, the 25th Lett. Alt thou who .to Indebted to the will please present to JOHN BETH, and those having elatms 150 .. 200 will present them tor payment. se he is the only so thmised p.reen to ett,le the bosh:keen . . UST RECEIVED 5,000 Mt Sides; 3,000 tin Sugar Cured Cin. Dried Deaf; 30 halves ;Am do. 3 Iff..ektual; 20 'ibis new Herring; 26 Wares Lake Herring; 100 bores prime lhosoe,• Tor sato by D. lOLZ ELT i ;IL ST K A Y' E D—From Shaffer Ike Drove Yard, on the 47th list TWINE [COUSIN, two of them marked liritti the letter N on the right hint the other a dark lion grey,6 years rather thin la flesh. A liberal reward will be given for any inbnnation concerning the above do• mr.inci heron, if left at the *ONO aN 'IOUS IL or 80 A Y relt's DIOVE IeTABLE. N I,VIGIi iLeduWto 'lv FAIL 1 DIXON(1/1 AROMATIC BLUBBER!! CARMINATIVE, TB 1101 . 11 . 0101( `Tit/1 DIBLZiTZItY, DIAIIBHY•, FLUX, MOLE /a NONBUB AND DUNKER COMPLAINT The Immense Wee testily to the merits of this remedy The 1111MITOIIII daily made of sato:Cahill aura atlas It. value. It has edvautegee over any other remedy, at cam earth( the Wawa*, end imparting tone end strength to the spasm. Is eale sad harmless to the Infest, and powerful In the adult rate. To the spieler, espedally, tt te Invaluable, twins preprbetely termed by theta, In may cortilloates, "The Soldiers• Friend." Mothers dad it impeller to any soothing urns fur children teething, treed from the hilarious effects 01 ISABOOTICII, gives teat to the intrierer by remoeintt the Meets.. Su'd toy n npectable dealers °numbers. R Pr:co, 25 01N18 A Dorms. PIZfASIZO ONLI Ii AN ALUM.- Aunaos. --ELUL 60. Pas um. laoa, SAO. Lima ...-....... .01. 11aazzat•--.01. Briar accepted the Array for the adeCef the firktPlall riaa.Y, mined hear 81. Louie, so., l to. rite the attention of Pima sod Steal Itionufacturen to the Analyri given arm as reported by Profs. A. A. BIM of Born. and J. O. Booth, of Philadet ahle, whleh, torcherwith the trt of emu expert roe by manufacturer to Pittsburgh, Cline Inasti and Bt. Louis. determlase It to be the pars sod mast valuable Cloy now known, whether Pore 90 at emertean Pate made from It have stood I the Ohms tuntace from 113 g to 9 months. Ike nuairie to of - the Clay as taken trout the mine, without way vadalnit or preparation what. aver. 11 poneser great adhesiveness !sad 'restfully cowman which are not thorn by the Analyshh and whir admit of the admixture of • Large proportion of almb or burned day. 1 aronow prepered to fill ,ordars for the above Clay. to De 'hipped front Xt. Wale or . delivered lucre . , ALEX. GORDON, FaAM FOR bALIN 001TAIIII.NO et ACEBIY4 under fano, and la a good state of cultivation. the Improvements =alit of • now BRICIE DWZI. LINO, mataislos. 10 rooms; large 7.114117. BABB MART usuarolub e room; and good orchard of young tree. COAL =du the whole farm. Blt• site In Baldwin township about AV/ muss boa the city. biqulr. of RUMMER STOOK OF Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, S4Uhg Chap, at WOLILLAND'iI AUCTION HOUSE, Ife, 66 nrra MONT. 1.016 . IvriLiashi A. WA' 1), DENTIST I 1 V Tionshair's Molding., 24 door, back; *Massa Oa Lfberty street. Ware hours trots 9a. to. till 9 p.. in. In order to a proper soderrseding on ho part of thope,who may can spa me, I deem It my duty td4 to doefluate some of that s common in the moo. Main dmatlstry, '&141 do not da. In .. the. Ind Pawl do toot Mho • day's dlt .to any one. Ido not make cheap sets of moth , I do sot main" by their milmotioa, sound, healthy teeth, In order to lomat artliclat uses • Ide not. ist say futtonme do. strOy the oennit of Lath, thereby, nadonag them liable to• the most painful dismay. and their lady tom the more certain. Thosw sod uumaroos othet thtogo which I coati 'peony, 1d 1 mot do. In the °boom of materiala Arouse for r hlii. the tooth, I ntake but • hilted so el gold, esperforme hating sated It Wet of all sfOutual is their prtectia. non: la a llmte, howorer, looolotout tbs of the moth, :I do sot tadtate to mat* me r a lr% to ths'qualitY of Whip or plugs of Od, • sunhat of width I tuaortod In the yams of •W• 42 an still bearing test:may to my worstrassilalp, orwhops I should too orofessloaal shill. or- it 4 ANELOOD; ROW LOST I HOW LELISINITO RSD I—Jost publish/de • Ito Woos. Peke els seats. A lasdara fa di this ISOM 111 A. TI.MkTaIIATAISHT AND VADICIAL OURS of fiparautorrlosa foodnal Wears." Involootery ftl.sions,:dszeal 'Debility'. ead m tropedlotette 4. arrfas Bertsth 111441 & sieuerally;of 1441 Rental and Physical loiOassomptltne. ospfspity, resaltlng from belf.absule. to. -11, RM. J. Wm, kl. outlsor of tie green Nook eds. w A Rom to Thoussad of Soffarers" Best ander seat; In l plain unstop% to any address. yost.psid, co re. ally, of alit mats, or two postage stamps. b 7 17t. J. U. MS; 1517 Bowery. New Took. foss ook. Sot Ides wNti.e.edimfor =9=23 LIXBOUTORS' VALK .OF lABAL kitt. TaTlai=Wlll bo saki. on the prsakes, on TOlll3Dalt, auSurtaltb; Dan, as o'clock p. that certain SELL IiaTATIS on ilialtbestd street, bstallaa fourth alid filth streets, bang pan of Lot 0.,3113, f Wood'a plan, on wklat ls erected ono ,throsataz brick b 611 d105,119, 000npkd as a dwell. lug and 111.00 P. Slam. Tenni mid, known on dop of gala; JOSHUA, • 1 - *LIS a. au KU% I an " tm • • TOIMALPTED MISM; Arnim saiimpiioN bilie their Myst' drawn up by calbasfyou T WALUS iliT,No:bo 11b4tril MR; Oprodti Itizsbars 0110. 04141144 Aniarie Da.„.. • iLL don'outhi dadquitt of 064, faits n*,ba =tad procatie pototc , By cdostloolIWOU; I.ltiao“-10t05tL26..: /225 Est d 004 5S Wood dont. • COMMENCING .100.07)./.1r, July 211 h, 1863, ANOTHAR NW= =Di:INTIM AT BARKER'S 59 Market Street. IN CLOAKS, SHAWLS, DRgEI S GOODS, PRINTS, pm' and fast colors - 1.24. Shirting Muslims, 120- . J LACE SHAWLS, P(TINTS, MANTLES, BORNOIIO, - AO., 819. vu THOS. BTSEY, Grocer, JULY 20ra 1 1863. an= tE=l2l3 WM. F. DAVIDSON, OIROINNATI. 0 No. I➢l BZOOND UZI" BAZLZY, rk,artxt,r, a 00., E73Ell=l=l3 Dar 41111.10D5. MACRUM & CLYDE'S. Wo sra La racetpt of BMW GOOD,. Wight dying L. prised drpreados in prior; and on affix Lo wkaille• ads and Titan buyers, at YDOB LOWIS Bin/ THAN 11801,L, Imams miiortinta of TUX ZING; TANGY 000 De and HOTIONA. Mho,—W. aro doling Out, et rased prim, out stook of 111:11111111131 TYIUTAB9, 15131111111 1 1Y• irognitaT • GLOM, SIIIMILiII /171tHIBUING GOODS, AA. to task* room for our Tio purclionio rr Ootintry Meteleati will Illoi our Wbokesto ['apartments well 'tooted with &l pale to our lin% sad et prim ea low se say house to Me city or In the Lid. MACBUM ilk GLITZ, Ti Wallin 6111111 T, Ml letw•en Tooth street and Dimond. L AW" ' B E AG ES. SpIitIEIRDRESS GOODS, SILK. ILANtLEIS, SUMMER MANTLES, sAcQviss, • BILLING MEET OBEAP AT AA Aie 31361, - te•gr, No. 21 FIFTH STREIT. Er • till nook of DMIETICI AID WPM% 000D6 =magi an band. ,at z. JOS.HOENEI A 00., 77 AND 79 MARKET Ars t• &Up ready!. ot NEW GOODS! WU& day are moiling st SMALL ADVANCE ON COST 1 And ars Ckalng out tbdr stook of SUMMER GOODS! AT VERY LOW PIIIOEB. Mr MEOW:PAU BOOM up stars. 1714 NEW DARE CALICOS, . NI. Burchfield's. .11 MT 811011V111. BLAILOICKI AIIBLINB; UNDLILtORED MUBLINS i 18113:1I LIMB; SHIRT noNrp!i; SHIRTING 13•110126 ; 1L0M1N1343 CALTON; MOUININQ TIMMY^ 'I3IINNIB'MZeI Closing out at Cost, and Lou Hubs Jut Mama from tha Ld,!ilia a stook at NNW GOODS, In ddltba al; UN, dixicilniady on band, pardon= will mad • no sisprtinsitt.of Er=l733 A CIEIB T REDUCED PRII To dos, oat our BUMMER STOOK. To moil orarylig one our parties of our'itOlt. tats: KOOK, wo bent doraudael ; Redoes Polies to Such as.Potsst as so oars tt am object with mama t to.agT. Our stoic II sow Guns to. tank 160168 i. budgie' hola MMi7 WO. Ir. in sks ta e: . Intir AID imeniati4ii,.6ooliii BY LION: so : Oat SOSisielel lOW t. 4 ac;t>ltoo Sant ~SISSIUSSV Mai& SWUM Ihreltuts mad Dealeis Rho bay, for Zuk Will lad our prior so Om rto ras bol *dm 1110$111 00.; 1711 -we. iv iniei erim NSW GOODS, a , sal)170/W P/1/OSIB, Num namana LID mow n:RY-Ge• o Cot) eif 1 3 iadnoldflidalt- - _ watioT is oft% maw, amonmadidier: , ion= ~• • ' laws TBIBICIUNIK-- , aID oancnip wontrzo '211.3#.1 , rat =ova. us. - snows atiitrati. t Ltasuat a'arriall e ttt , lieskit int. reimak GIMLWI!Nta '4 X.:lh . t!) C" 40 4.05 1 * &kW, lOW PIM. ,C" . . ql6 T~ 144 bat book .LNWIMULX*III.! O.PITTI3BIJRQH THII.dTRE r sum. .2ole UM*. I aro DAr . , ,dsagust 3d, .1883. • mr tot ch. vest 00,11211 and only • AMPBELL 'N''srriß„.E., - L,si Vet II IN MINIM, ender the Fennel • terdelon IL IL C. fiIAIIPBXLL 1 pg, *Am MOTH . OCIMPARY. baying enaclnnal their brilliant teem at EU, NEW BOWERY ?FM • A23ll.lffsv York, the moot manful me Sant by say alladnit orgathatba In thi worlivtll gem, u &Dm, t:' obott umaionly Sarni full particulars no hens, Preitamiass. to., FRANK , EDWABDia, GUZPLL lux!. wr.a.Arra. • la/ANTED-4 iitilstrian, CLERIC'or vv SLOISIEhtIf. by a piling - mon lib* Us, had about lin yearilexpeehnoa In both wholesale sad 'Nall Voce* Imatiesit. Wein a' boob baud, and lOW &We Ille b bh and. StOtatan. langualts Tart In. antty. ' Weald Mb hhisilelt mains Instal In any broach erChkeen.• satlshoossrliaraloal sal b emu , now atoms .1. Liftmen. Orrice... ANTMM-14 1 U & s lo7lln I—W S wane IT /LAMS& 040 a month,' **pinata paid tc d =l oai IllaarkWaa hears, Orkstal Etnnuni, and calm am nista aid aarlons articba. Firma etr• Wart oat inf. Adaa. in _ • yfiananarT maw a oi.aar..,PlaidoraJla WANTIW.--475 norm 1-1 want to MN Agents In ever/ want; at BM a mad", anemia paid, to sell tay new caul Blitelty Barbi itschtam. Adams, & MAMBO'', laytoftatsewl Mabee. 4 UCTIOX WALES. QIMiLL FARMS COUNTRY - 16„7 21T12t - AT HAZLZWUOD. BTATION...4bI AFTLIDSOON, • Angus St* at 2 o'clock, will be sold, on the.ptineate, at Einleirood ktatloa. on. Ow Connellirvilte italtooad,'ln poetise toiroal4, the following. Tenons 'eked lose, rent.' WO from the propetty late of Joel Pennock, sad others. • No. 2 b 12 scree4l bertha; No. 81a4awls OS puctua No. 611 6 acisolla perdu; No 6la dune perches; No. 7 fe2 etros_74l punkas; le 10 1 sores 110 pones& - Moo, lets In 64. Bwirizwaldsell Plan—Bo. 8 del acre 121 parchis ; 80. 7 la 1 oil 11/5 berthas. also, Ms lot coittafaLag 2 two, adjoidng Ind of Hon. Goorgo Derath sad brni, Piper. AleN au tot 1/6qtatalug 8 urn _and US perdu% on the public road, Ica/Slog tram. James Divan's tGtoola) Dotal td the Ignited BM road, boondid by ad& radii/ li. Whittaker and Charles D. Italy. oleo, lota in Daly's plan, .adjoioing lL thaliasi bola. 80. Iti 1 son lo reiottas t. Ito. 91a 1 eon 16 .nachos; No. 3ls 1 aria til birdie; No. 4 la 1 sae • petobas; Ito. sart36 yoicloos• No. 6111 tiara as wortluat'Zio:7 ; ld 1 son gorclies ; No. Bla 1 a Nonitstchntag Bite in • thik Mcnongskilit -dear coital bet boat, sod contablog loses.. ; to 'old amts, or In losiqtandtbe. This ptoporty has about tuu Jades from flasistroad atadon, abed ge the river; aujcintng 7aON • Witioa's riddance.* Tbs.@ small mono, bats of -John°. Woods' tract, ars ablated IMMO.* sow hundred .yeids of Badb wood dation, and wed adopt./ bota for dollibtfal coun i tg rallies ear, sad for rro/t. 888 vino poufs; or form wn p u Shipprombal.before. the day of Ede by calling on Thoituka iloritioa, tenant on do tang, or oa J. G. Wads, at the Gleba Rotel Plias can be seen oat the preateiii or aeliio Auction Boma! 64 NUM street., or nt the dice stilobb • MISIOCOD• nlamond abut, or M, Ilwaaturaldar's °Soh . llama or Oats —Onialcwethicialil balance is two and throe Jean, wilthiatateek AU puma dolmas of attaaillas the axle will be taken tne of °hank lot tib . papaw a testa witl lemitwe Pittabargb A cleasellryllie l t e r. &pot, owner of bait Btu" atolOthe ltuneapbela l ow, at ljj eolith iv se:Armagh on day of Id% two uafoe settilieto pltehltritOtale- 'Mint as sod o'o oelt.• - - • sal DAVIBA IioILWAINSI. Amen. Av./kiwi /1111/1.13AL...4113. IU.KODA WAX?. 4ablut lib; etlo o block. on Ile lona lately ettoopbod by W. W. brodallow, S lathe ham Allnalkeur Ulq *boat bolt r mbe i °rib of Skokie, ropo.Wolki end hula robe sot fdiatoops Tar. ern, on the Datobars Etta flank Bond, will be sold. thine end vow, .o Lrpcemortcent of forating imolentents td root viiitty, outdating of Witgobs, Plobs,listross, - Hubris, do; °wig% Daily, Boring Wagcn. bungle anC DOOMS flarnion..ti bleigo, Qua abolur, Writ tirlad.r. I:RW=4 Banos% Bridk. Soda* ito4 to latabrcratioty, topther ono • large lot of liodebhold.fare too tedious to mulattos. TAU to ii:vgy for puma Cablig Domino. u Mack "to be sold it lune, std In star blatluillblir condition *bugaboo,. • NG 'irrillißlZON. anctloiser. - ...T. A. 11801.11L1641511. adontaino, ail -011.1Lnroxif Utit* LUMINA: A.Utfrillei. nATIIItDAY- 4041004908, Awed im.s wawa, whit be sold.oa „tap onmiseatollo Bo ti of bbeineburp 'the , folios's' valuable balding lona anionenelneatAke• SWIM of !Mali Owl emit sad Melberg anu s nearly oppodtetba rialto ectdol Howe 1 • ; Ono lot V test 9>sthat fronton blab Mail steed mart Mooing bask 90 let *bog Inalberry elk,. • /no adkleiag lots, cash 12 Net 3 Inches to at ad Beath Moil, ntoeit, and reiging front 61 to 15 bit bideptb: - • The lot% ink 90 feit,froat on Middle stead, and itte4lng beck 1001 let, to the nec of above late. one lot at the goner of adept end South Snail 0910“ Irani on *561. attest, and sy.tendiso along Gaud etfett,69 fat 0 Inches. bugs eofelelog lots, eel' to feet front on *1)1 6 WMI6 end ottanatog Not 59 B)fi Whoa Peribotor ittentioa et all dittoing pod pooped ? st :blirafrainut cell.! to, tidolftles et It will be positive. . liana Or Iligie4tie :1111ri . I 'aiek% flu . • a bonus GmnatCloffetv. ++2 I/ 1 .. liziad appps; , I .. isokettli. '-', • '' ' 11 _. 8 . LW Berciig ; 6 Dazes Ghealcaltlll.• Saig: 3 .. . Palo Yellow Boap; i 9 . .. 'Clxibiinatt- . do; '. . 6-• 44 ttoraptehig ' , 40;'.. ++ ' _ _.•4lvi 19911 au+ no Win.; 3 caks Old WardMandl 7, t 1. . ' • 6 .4. IMAM= Boinisi . I + ... +Mar olths West . , 0,40299 Ibracli•Ppop+o4 11witird; 4 bb/s. MS and•D_g_Tobika9; AD iron 191011011tatalisiq , - - , 90 dozen Mea1aut.:14949m1;.1.1 , a ~., 0911.9 *Mg, _ , -• „ 3931 4 • ' - DAY:IIS*-114ILW111111. Aucentr 'T OliblißliT IMO Wl2ll*-MAOLUNAL -416 LITVIIIFLYIIIOIIIING, As bit, M edomitivin r 014.. el Am Commercial IMMI Macau, Mo. 6fi 111th stnit,lbrea azoilleat kieliadluton• fond Vlty. with llsidara Sopisid -ono 11.( Smith's IlloOk , Illimildne ! wish Mina's tDAMS A NoLLWAM„Aisonni. WILN/1 11.401. 1 UrAV, 14141.11.1111.1111.04 ORD Mir -110111111111, upit lit, it 11 'o'4l=l4 will b 201 4 1 1 13 b•Ma has HAW. 114.1111121.`irthisq_aut . Tors ajiperß# T oaten Hanoi 11 31 411 1 dmilAMollailwipik. - ..; . 14-If/11 dome 4 Meil4W4llNl. Mmethe. 15130,--04PATURDAY AvgiaisOt o t4 Ti we*. win be comisieroas Was Roma, t.h strat i +Ha stobUTlibstsa PressOallittils also tog Book. Butilsottistrtkaa.t, , • PAXiii*e. 11 AVAIN1,, Mth& pUBS/AN - CiEB. • 1 1 / 1 0r. IgitAZl/ROOMS. Awoltibut rz 414201111 *Mit/ ovtell Imola Stared. .1..7 i 7..111 :.:P1109 ( 11 P4 2 .P49i 6 ..7 11 !nd 4 7 1 % Asti • ~ • . mkt* teas to Chlitait 11;41 I 10441.11! /kw ;._ r -Iiat*OrO.SAGF tErg if; kit tp th• Ng • *had t 7,4 6. 60 1. 11 Wit. 1 414,• ' ` iiikhottos or . ~ • UtEr Ukiet • *CA f ...U.:: tf '• .: 1 ..: .i.;,i i -itEIItiVAOMETS• ~ t ilthailluTii iiiisittf illioi mote' ananin of '; nAllhatiiiiAn Vie anon • j ol lirli l niniagra Illig INGEAII7 aid no • tiOhninonills nmalialal • •'•=. 't• UI LI A - t; n - • aih; 44• 49 :3 1 4ithg, 144 ~.....i ~I, r ~...,-;• -•-.: : , ~,,,. Inuts - hip.o l :lo4oo:ibi pier. i c ~....,..., ..., It ~..A....., . .1 4 41iTlivXfOWITO4nE 6-00., ,Esavw.:ar.rfAlf. • U Unit MUM