s•••;••• • 0+1•45r,40P5::14.,. : 1 :: ... NEEMI yofi. • • As Aor to provide for: , the Collection of t „. • abandoned Property aid fo am( vimuk lion of Frauds_ in: lits urrei diett4iDis trials within the Unitedßit s ea. M it ersaetsdli On Senate House of '. ltepntswitaterei of the'Vislial f‘ of Amer les is °ingress acumbled,-That it shall be lawful for the Secretary of 'Me Treasury, from and anti:the passage of; this act, ae at he ,.u shall ausi from „satm "time - Ind io ttuse the • l eee prooesati tit, to giisp -1 :point W-Itlieliatigea or-agents to receive - '.'Sand collect all abandoned or captured pointy 111. 1117stifitariir: teriltory, or any portion of any etas. or territory, of the United States,' designated as do insurrect 7 lion agatiot, the lawftil Government of the United Otitis bj the. proclamitdon of- the President of. July Lint,. eighteen hundred and. sixty-troF ProOled that such pro:if). soy shall not Anclude , any Idad A! di. aoription whinh- has been need, or which was intended-' to be used, for; waging • or corrying on war agatiefthe UMW-litotes, oath as Arms, ordnance, Maps, steam bosts,wr _other water craft, and 'the' Itra. share, :mai% military =PAW or Muni - tioam of war.. . 1 See. 2. A n i l be it further enacted. That -,. ,_ - any pert, of the goods, or.preperty received or seuied JW:swidi sioa - lte !Mama may be appropriated to public use on due ap -j pritissatent ant aritilcuite *mg, or. for warded to - tuty ~.p' mot tit riles within the My _ • al Oates, as the public .intercias may re _ • Aidee4. antalleales of , inch pfroperty shall beat auction to the hiAmtbidder, and the J.,' ,y f . '' ; preemie thereit',ltall" bie-riaid into the 1 . 1 , , . " troaircry of the UMW filatat: .....,.- ~. Tilt ` , 1 ..,,, ..- . . .. gto. 8. Aid be it fsirther eisailiec L., ) , -1.-thefieeritary of Vie 2.remnuyr,may require ... :. i r• ..,- - rho special agents appointed Under this ant J'%,.." ' to give a beed,irith each socrnities Mid in 1 :::S i . : 17 . pa Animal - Si he ,aiall itsein necessary, and to :mire the Minim' 44116661 mm ' - - -" '' and - -the streitlther . , tins of said security, as ---.--' . ---- -- - - - - --- -wircaiiritaireis may; Seisialidi, , , and he dual. also muse a beak or bookteof account to be , 7 kept, showing from whom inictit...tinropirtl , ' '-- - Ins reeehed, the oat of trimportation, _. y ~,,.. so proceeds of the Ws Morel!: -And tiny 'y, person claiming to have been 'the owner of :-. ..-. . any rich abandoned or: captured propertj y Jnayeat, any time within mot yearl:afteri the suppression of the rebellion, prefer Ids claim to the proceeds thereof la the court ' 'Of claimer and on preif to the satisfaction ... ~ -.. • of add Mot of hie ownership of said prep.:. oily, of his right , to the preseeds thereof, and that he has norm given any aid or cam , ~ --- fat to,tlmpreitsairebeilloa, to receive : the residue of such proceeds, after the deduo - tithe' of 111 litt-m wideltimay. .:, have been.po4l,:tordor , _ 'the expense of transportation and isfe said property and any otherlaWfol'expaies attending ..-. an disposition thereof. -i.,..5. Sea d . dui is it /falba. asseleCTlmit Z..: ': SU property_eamieg intotily et the United States not . (Wand •In ..‘ fustarectiorlis . .. ..,aferseeld, from within any of the states ~ ' .l . ;- , dallied in laltwereillitm, through or 1171 1 M other palm than any avec duly appoint :: . ' ' ;''''-'' • ad nada the provisions of this net; un4 p. , •. , -.- ~ 1::' der a lmefulelearanas by the proper old ea of the Truantry Departnint, Wallas. oonftiested to the use of the' Government of . . , , r fm,the tondemnation and kale of any each ~. ~....,,,34,.4„.. property shall be hotituted:and conducted ~ . 1 ... ,loader *a direction of, hs Secretary cf - the ' ',iy. , :,,1, Treastryi . isi tie mode' prescribed by the A ,ut.i,.l...lllol*l ll 4o4ntitittiNA akdamlof the ''' . So a Kara eseenu, serentedit hundred =RE EMI MIMI , •. • 44T :q : -., ...+t % ‘•:.i'.!. - .1 : . : 's ...:,:„.;•,: ,•...:;,....'•„:,.. : ~,. : „..: j....r.0.71 ;e,..tif. , 4 ...,4 ,. , 1r.,. ' : .q.. :,'..: • :.";',..;.i.t. i.•: -- :14:.•,-. :..,,i. : , , . .k ...t...:3. ...:.::.:....;.... i :; ~,.,,,,.: . ~:.... .. 1 ., ,:....,,, ~4. ,!:,."3:.:.:.,..... ~...,:..*-1i,,:-.---11 ... „ .....4. , ,,, , ,,..., -,. •,. .• • .., .., i'•:-.,.. ;:.;::;;I :;:• .'''!:.=. ....k„, ~..s. •-,• ••••:....'..:' ' • •'.' '1,4, :. :::- :.1 ' ., ,. - 4:t:tr:-.; ..%:!: , ';',..4 4 .'N" •.. ~ - . ~. .. ~ '. • ' ..' •,- .1' •,....;.v.44. •••,,..-::.: ° '.; .. :5.,: ...,_ - Nce:4 - ,-, , ,,is, i YtsL..e. •:'• ~, ..- ':'....;' 1. ^F,..1i..-1,,i,•":04::,: -;,tiTl'.+'''', .', . •' , : ti:-. ~., ,'•l;':',"'''..::l: ,:,; *. • .. ''', 7.;,.: ti ':.•:' ?• 4 :', .:.:1-,, i : iiz.iti',, : ,.`,i;; s ':' .. i 4 , .tiiii.',....!.... : .ii%, ,4. ',v. z, ...' I. :':'• " , ; ; 4 ili; ! . *ti :: ::: ti- ;ti `'' i,;:''i:', - q* .. '''''; : •:'. 7. .i';,;; I :*:•:::;.,...:tI.:, ==Ml , .v . ' ••• :• .•- inial '1 -; ES:rABLISREA 3 Th 17,86; . • LA.vr- or T HE ' IIIIITED STATES, , Pima a.. 1714, third Seuion of "tho thirty wrath' Ooniress: [Postro=-No. 100.] ' Air Aar amendatory of in Act :entitled -"An Are to pr=ide for the Ciro and Preisrvation of the Worke construct ed by the United States for bringing the Potomac Water into the Cities of Washington and 'Georgetown,. for the Supply of slid Mater for 'all Gover[n]- - mental, Purposes, and kr the Uses and Benefit, of the Inhabitants of the said _ lite,it mead 4 1/ the Senate bed Howe of .Repraestatioes of the FratatStster of Amer tea iiii:Ctespass arreshied,-That in addi tion-to ths.powers conferred upon the oor. potation - of Washington by the second and third stardom:CC the act of` aufirreel4llll;r. :peered Marcitidarre, eighteen hundred and ifia-nine, (entitled] "Au .act to provide - :- for 'the care and peroration of the works constructed by the United States for bring . ing the. Potomac water into the cities of - Washington and _Georgetown, for the sup ply of a_ id _water for all; varnmental _ and for the nets and benefit of ',..'the in Gatti ,of; the said 1 cities," full power and authority- are ' haeby given to ... the.slidoorpOnticalti levy sad collect ,'a Vater-tai en all - real propertf within the 'tit:mate limits of the city of I Washington *kelt binds on or touches on any avenue, street, or alley in which a mailt.water-pipo his beat laid or hereafterbe laid by - .the - UnitetStates or by the ration of Washington, which water- shell be as mull as possible equal an d' or= May int - .be levied•on lots in proper, n`to their . frontage oitheir area, as ,the said corpo• 'radon may determin and be collect= od in not less than three norpiore then Live annual iriztalmenta, of whIoN instalatents all after the tint shall bear 14tereat at the • rate - of 'Vapor cantotaper annum, corn menidig from-the "dateej: [at] which the = lint instalment becomes due, lout may, at - the option of the owner of the property ta=e 4be paid and discharged in full tat] any time after it ehall .bare been levied. . And the said corporation of 'Washington is farther authorized and empowered, on pe tition of the owners of the majority of the real estate on any 'quere orliae of squares - ',clay down water-piles and erect fire - plugs and public hydrants ' iterever the same may be requisite aldanecessary for . . public 00IITOIIIIIIIIM, security 111 fire, or health. .. Sec 2. Aid' iht it farther ' , - , .. . to aid in the 'erection, maintenance, and eiltdeaby of fire -pings throughout the city, the said mrporttion of Wasidagton is here ' .. by authorized iid-empoitered to. levy an,44 optima eapecdalannual tam o- allqald...J " ingewithin fire hundred feet f any main L i _,-...lrarat,gape into yid*, or the lees con-; , nested therewith, the water has not "been' ' • 'irdzodueed, and-the owners * occupants - ,-; of which do not pay naannuill water•rate or rent in accordance 'with the ordinance.- of the corporation, which' tax shell be ley ': lid' ntersa4. to ' the" lulus of the ) so tszed, and shall oe not more ~, Ave dollars nor less than one dollar o,m ar g r perpoar; but whenever the water _shall be. Introduced, in conformity with 'the tome - - Atkin laws, into any Wilding or premises, ~.ithe Are plug tax thereon dual cease; and whenever the Water shall be e acontinued , fram any building oilmen* . ta-„, which It has been introduced, the .sdili44. shall be erddect to the fire-plug tam room 'date of the disecntinun* - of the we ' r: 4 , .." . ,' & and be it further: *seta; That _ :the 'water-tax hereby mithailed to be ley. .401 and collected shall constittite ti farad to` need exoludiely to deftal. the coat of distribution of the waiter, uding ' all fixt-tald_and m•_thbides connected • with raid distribution • :ink annual water rates or rents autiorharta - be — cot lectedily the sot Of which ibbi act is amen tionitinthe a And' excluebreli for the maintenance memegithent, and re pair of the system ofiaterdistribution. . Approved, Mirth ; /066,' t , 4e• - • - Fl - C3 IA L '["PGBLIQ--NO. ~.~ and ninety-nine entitled "An act to reg ulate the collecition'of duties on imports and tonnage." And any agent or agents, person or parsons, by or through whom such property shall oome within the lines of the United States unlawfully, as afore said, shall be . ., judged guilty of a misde meanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one thou sand. dollars, or imprisoned for any time not exceeding one year, or both, at the dis cretion of the court. And the fines, pen &tie; and forfeithres scorning under this adt may be mitigated or remitted in the mode prescribedley the act of March three seventeen hundred and ninety revert, or in such manner, in epeeist osses,!as the Sao rethry of the l'reasury may prescribe. liec.4..4ad be it. further enacted, That. the fifth section of the "Act to provide for the collection of the revenue upon - the 'norther; northeastern, and northwestern frontier, and for other parposee," approyo, Jply fourteen, eighteen hundred and, sixty tifbdrhall be Saaonstraed nsto allow the temporary officers which have been or may be appointed at ports which have been or may be opened or established In states de. dared to be in insurrection by the procla mation of the President on the'first of July eighteen hundred and sixty-two, the same compensation which.by law is allowed to permanent officers of the came position, or the ordinary compensation of special' manta, as the Secretary of the Treasury may determine. Sao. 8 dad be it further enactel, That it shall be the duty of every Officer or pri vate Of the regular or volunteer forces of the United States, or any officer, sailor, or marine in the naval service of the United States itionlhe inland waters ef the Uni ted Staten, whornay take or 'receive any auchnbandeuredprop,:or *ran, sugar, rice, orlebahco from persons in such in surzeotiOtary:_districts, or have it under his control, to turn the same over to an agent ppointed as aforesaid, who shall give a ' receipt therefor;' and in case he shall refuse or neglect so to dd, he shall be tried by a court-martial, and *hall be dis missed from , the service, or, if an officer, reduced to the ranks, or suffer such other punishment as said court shall order, with the approTal of the President of the United States. Sea 7. "Ind be it further enacted, That none of the provbsiona el this kat shall ap ply to any lawful maritime prize by the giant forces of the United States. Approved, March 12, 1868. rlT)_m7ml,:7 -.4 13 . 1 . N05810114 WORKS. CADMAN & CRAWFORD, Ilanoloctoron of nary variety finfohed :SAM- WORK -. 1 4M-PSOSUMS OS .-..-e....ALß.nrrsie,..xactarN AND 00sTSSiSKITRIL ..4111.41811131A/11108. dimililoads tO Arder.. , 81111A11.8067 WORIC, OVUM A H D GAS. PITTING, and RIPAI3IIIO prorapilly Wended te. Partiouler attention paid te }arum 13118 Pull 00AL ASO OASSON uhe N Sole Agoras Ibr 'Ma Western trice of Penn rficulds Abr. We ask of .11A.811B, aatleoludi, a 00.15 PAPAW! BpPHON the teat me inftitad lifarl4f . So ;WO% ft la sot hada to pt out of Mar, sal sill throw slats Yoder than au/ Pump of Moo tts alaa. apt! M. BAMBOUB, D - am. A. L. WEBS a DHO. - altranross. eititzliavtiointrestoN•alskaaarre. • •• • •hi Lr lb! fah • DAftrXl7,lalt , on crondatunant all kinds tf %wawa Win dna, and mks advance thereon. , H. B.—Battroad track In front of Walt intim. UM TO WWl'. H . Smi th it co., Pfttiburith ; 1) _ NEW . di act. " Spawn it Nip /I Fillephard, klarnhanta• Bank, Baltinfbni: „IL Pr t,a Son.: " shibitie BLACAL DLUILWED crisisL WORKS, PMEIBUAGH. PA. PABX:BROTEER di CO, Kaosteotaioni of ~ DIV QUALITY. allftliaD CIMIT eTIII4, &many flat and.Ontagoa, at aU dw. iditiatitad opal -t to stry . ,tinpotts ; iniu?ntiatured in this air Mee and %Nusbaum has.l49 mil Milan end Untold IL EIIWOND 8228.1 T!!, Marken*. NNW tiOulld.—linvlng Ines returned , from the Met, we hen mow fit Km an erhm• ski importiesnt of scene and desitatee - • BpOTO AND usrome Adapted to the saaaoi .oa ° ua owl two eepplisol with tti'DIEP, 11111818' B Ars, oarrstikand taNOl I . l . loll katsalltbSimilyseathr oath, at each aulaan t aOs a 00.. a 11....71. savior Waal sad Fourth sas PLmitisiDiu ems v ISTIGAM zaTAßLitsilizzirr. WM. TATE, ir.. Ai CO" • -Dwancts - laust fin. , sawn . LEAT U!. re4ILF/111, NMI% OHAWDZIASIBB.I3B4OkIITB. taNDAATW. :PwntillatlUsa op with hoe sea water aae pa uitke most arpmed manner. $O. Owl IiMICRA4 armor, 7t..B.=BeoD m rls doer below Beldam_ Allwrlany. wreatatir ettnldOd A titEin MooOltallni ilt LSO, V . Atin XL loosogg, Pittsburgh, Ps. Sig , Wagamos. No.llol Mort, atria. lgooodoosongo of 0001 E, PARLOR AND L IEgi... Egg STOI Xi m . 1 21,011 AND IEIMIIN GRAM 6 HOLLOW W do., : fis Glow 11100 l 4. log NJUAlolglogo, eiii, gm, Astor Nag An. otoll .. ..irkelod , .IGriXtr ln L l / 2 1.rOns. Warpslib. pr and Orittop y. Jciddria Dad Ougago to ordrr. Wanted, - Portal& NA •I t 1 Orr or Hone /boor. • aplikeerd W.J{O334W ...,,..,...,,,,,,........._ - TAM.- W.M. OL•AET ♦ 00., 7 Doi ta r rhattEri x itPLASTlMlt . :lUN eill .. 4 !!!‘!".1. 4 4.4 0 *0 221.01,11. W • alibi h. 1 at vu ., Boiler vs Yoksto sod glad Iron Rte, - MINN lloC/14141/laad *Lk Hada; soonted p M =sssatit apan atta lb" teat la roud amo md to nosinhoture mar Assalsald:ol BOILNWS la Ow boa otatiaor, aid worroatod opal to oar oak la lb. ossulw, CINImNJIwooxtMEto 1131"111', nes B insonisu tomon 17/07111onwitio, HALT raffs,Teme,eo427 /AMATO'S, ammo PANS, 11011,111"7,% 11111110111, AURAS NANIONIA solo 'aaaatootatoto Cl BAIL. NUM. PATIN/ BMX& Soptiletarioa• ' 9 bbls. in store 'cud. for .1 LAZAR DIUNIT At 00„ PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1, 1863. Vittsburgh Onzett4, S. RIDDLE & BDITORS AND PMOPRI3TOU. Publication Mies No. 81 Fifth Btrcet. monrusto AND sviusnia ILDITZONB, DAI °DOT/LINING TWO LATIPT 7911Wi OP TO TH. 8008 Or PIIRLIOLTION. SATURDAY MORNING, AUG. 1 NEW TERMS OF THE GAZETTE, Mamma ltarrzon, by man, per year-49 M. Swath-. 10. week.— I& single $. &sirs° Lognut, by lu 1 , per 4 5 4 1 t. • o week—. 10. dingle & We:nth ltorport,ntegle copies, per year.. 9 M. . elan of 6to 10, . 160. . ebbs ellO or mote.' 190. —and cm* extra to the petty lending dub. for • slab et fifteen, we will lend the Immo Gererre dilly. Far a club of twenty, we will tend the MowM. Guerra deny. &Ingle copies, 8 ante., 461• AU enbeorlptleas *teas in edeanot, end papers always stopped when the Rai ender. . Appeal for the Gollegille bastfluttous of Gettysburg. The faculties and" Unitast of the Theelogi . oat Seminary and Cellep of Gettysburg, Pa., tam addressed an elogient appeal to the friends of education in - behalf -of that. insti tutions. The appeal,addressol to the Ll:Ghent Church and Ohriztlens generally, states; "The theological and oollegiate inatitu ' - lion! together with the prolesion' houses, havebeen made a sad none of devastation and rain. The ridge on which the greater part of these buildings are toasted was owes direly occupied by the several armies. Their batteries ware planted in the vielnitY of these edifies' ' which were occupied by the enemy during the I days of conflict, and eon smutty exposed to the fire, as the place was I times taken and retaken by both armies. • ' • "Our institutions have from the beginning been open to all deuominations, and multitudes of all creeds have been tido eatad la them. The college, moreover. whilst It is decidedly Christian and Protestant, is u entirely annotation as ,that of ,Prineston or Yale. To the patriot, theretott, whose been mallows with gratitude to God for thereon:it victory, In the achievement of which our in juries were caused, we respect:ally appeal for some contailuitien so a gratefett offering to God, who gave no the success." The olgasie of this appeal have been among thi moot atUmtive and devoted to the wound ed In theretent batiks. Goetyabate College sent the drat volunteer commas,* from among its itadento In reopens* to the Governor's re cent eel'. The Chine of the Pinata of nor. gan'u Rat& The Louisville Joureol says : ' Ice regard to John Morgan's late raid, we are in p ion of interesting and import ant foots, 'Mob es can establish by, direat testimony. Before Morgan started upon kis expedition, be folly explained the rebel plan, of whiah that itirdition waits part He was to make no attack upon Leesville, but to go through Ludlum and Mile, swOeping may thing before him, attracting the whole of nubile attention in that direction and break ing up all railroad oommunlostans by which reinforcements for the defense ;of Louisville could be sent baandistely upon thin, Back lam man tmageirmisantskai:ifigagt•--... considerable force underrate command, a m p tore Lot:WU:le t and take and deitrqir what ever he plastid, and • then the two, Buckner and Morgan, Mere to make a'simultameons rub upon Cindanati. To the rebel mind, the plan teemed feasible, bat .oventa occurred to intanwpt sad defeat it. Vicksburg and Port Hudson fell, and Gen. .itosearant advanced sooner- than the robot" expected. Buireor (wouldn't possibly be spared lion where he was. A. courier was dispatched post haste to stop John Morgan, bat he wee too late ; when he arrived, Morgan wu enrols the Ohio. Thirost of the story!, history. The Lait Link is 11Soken The ricent operations of Grant and Porter at Natehes and vicinity are mash more im portant than as mersCapturee of ammnsdtlon atom, &o. They lay base most anuilstaks: bly the line of communisations whieh had been adopted by the rebel, to 'connect their eastern and western armies, after Banks had destroyed the line earned on ail Port Hudson and Redriser, and 'Vicksburg had been ran dared impracticable by Grant. limes= thit from Natchas this line crossed the Mississippi river and thin went by road to Trinity, at thejunetion of _the Tema and watt* dull du west of Natchez. • - A short oilstones north of this-thy bad built a itreig fort at Harrbonburg, on the Washita, on a bluff one hundred fast high, not 'ruff/ibis by wooden guaboate. A rebel corps under Generil %aka operated In this region, and rebel transports and gunboats were on the -Tome, Washita and other riv ets, so that the arrangement Vas complete, and this was the male tine of ribs). communi cations. How important It wai n is shown by the large captures we have mad. of ammuni tion, beeves, Ao. ILLIOLLITY 07 POLIGAIItrp-44 : - Delltak News contain, a report of a intse.of habeas corpus mainly decided by Judge Drake of Great Balt Lake county, whisk ;hallows fo rth what it 15 thrattare foriltah through 'polyg• awy. A mother, by writ of habeas corpus, brought her daughter of 17 before the judge,, asking that the.; mother haw castody of -the dabghter, who was then - under the seabed or • man nomad Park, who claimed her as kit lawful wedded wife. Thiess. Soling up for biltzlig, It was sho w n Mist Park already had one wile, by whom Vad'seversi children, and that his two wins lived with. hint IA the came house. The Judge decided that the sea• oad vantage was net lawful, but a crime vilest the laws of the Vatted Eitsbn, and therefore .sull and told, *ad peasant rests upon it. The Judge decided that the mother was entitled to the custody of the girl. The New charm:daises the Judge's doings as a fidetastible moulding," and l'an oficial out. rage." • Beta the Swindell Berveddinit GI,! Joe Hooker another Mane r not as the aommand. sr of ■ groat army, bat as tho Captain of 's Division, or the leader of an expedition. Give him from 20,000 to 40,000 mu nada General Hone, or by hi:smell on the itnismulit, and let him try one, mote. Like Stonewall Jet*. son to the rebels, Hooker -has proved himself oar best lighter in a nbsidiary, expedition. , ary. sanctity. Let him go to his old•phete, and ran the lanreb of 1852. GLIM% Ccrivass.—The groatest capture of men .inouttioned in mods= history was Lade by Bonaparte at Austerlitz, where took 30,000 toes. Gen. Gnat took nearly 3,000 at Vlsksburg. Napoleon's spoil/ at Austerlitz was 150 pieties of artlllsrit/ilen. Grant's at. Vicksburg Is stated to ba/312 embracing sane siege guns sad 209 • cof light artillery. A Foam: Paxerr.- r Ons at • Bemis ilethollo pipets of Newark, N J., told Ma dock, acute days since, that U he should at any timeline of the perpetration by as bids= of any *strap - whatever upon say colored otUos, he shou/Inuiladhately. seek out end protest la Ma o wnhouse Ike penes • mossisiled, HIV. Dlll. EDirlsom bar ever ao rtiVß tiro that ha sad ciliate labor Wirt *Dami an arblob triad aid oorvialadi hii.. bream Etweberi of Georgotowna of irseaye Ha deaonamifitir minisesw o hd 1111 k tho heard., MM. to ausprio . saegatorf'Ulr all 11 be WILL ynnw.--Wltits the belb- vire ben Portman*, W. 8, for Ils• fall pf Vtaubtrvi - dlstoyikl. .sakod wieth ig y of tee Tke lat. • tikr i ;killeka neloaded. the butt of every oft Um, you mufti coppaboad.•, - -fl PITTSBURGH:' _G A, Fighting Democrat on the War and . e Copperhead". Gen. John A. Logan, a well-known Illi nois Demmrat, connoted with the army of Gin. Great, is home on a short visit to his ftieids. In passing through Cairo the p ee ~• pie gathered around him, and he made a few impromptu remarks, which we give below. Gen. Logan, it will be remembered, wee 'Money opposed to coercion. After the at-•• tank non Sumter, and when there was ei hope that the difficulties might be settled'. ' by, compromise, ho went to Blob:ma t talk to the leading politinians there, on th subject. He was told that if the Ad minis, ; tration would give them a sheet of White paper, and allow them. to sake their - owii terms, they would not "inept the offer 'holt ; of a dissolution of the Union. Logan thiei made up his, mind that the 'Union could only be saved by war; he abandoned his ant:- coercion ideas, came home and girded on the sword. He has eines been serving his obis-, try in the army. This is the man who' speaks at follows: It makes no difference whether you all:me Bement, Republican, or -Anotitionistas acme Igoe of lan named tee. It does hot change my feelingsdoes not Mtn my amton.; I am for my country nary time—for my oohn-.1 try first , last and 1 4W 4 1.1 end aailightlogior ' the right 0 that country to be numbered mune the - honored nations of the earth.l,Un di that is brought about, e nd this rebellion crashed oat, I am but. an Ameridan' olden. When that right shalt have been assailed, then; should we find that there is something wrong in the fabric that cur fathers reared, something, we desire to change, it will bi time enough to some ap and demand the chiings. Row we twee this amused rebellion to root out. It must be rooted nut. Ipm for using every means and cit. means for putties' it to an and. If the ,people at the,;North plonld use the same form Jeff. Darla end hi" min ions um--tand were as unanimon as y ate —for id the South force of arm, comp every man to art as though he sanettonee• • re bellion whether he feels inetined ore 'this ton woLld he rieeestbilly teraisaisal fie , An die months. . ' livery mother's son who is oppos to the war should be compelled to take.ip 'arms -either against us or for us. Thu then wend be no talk•of pens here in the Noith,ho talk of resistant no teen ens as Frattonditline., co nen coward : Shod sob "spurt at/ reinue, and say Due thine. Valiannigham says he has traveled over the Chnfideracy—usban;:the Wm "Confederacy" —not the phrase so-called Confederacy (for I do not acki6wledge the 'oximene of say au thority or goveriment in Amain aside from that of the Baited State),—eanitan not yet met man, woman or child who does not sus tale the war, and who is not determined to nen it out to the death or"- the bitter cad. Vatindiencies Aare rieepty lies. He tells what ' is not tore, and he knows it. Vallandighsm aside from the leading mett-jet. Dalig: Toombs and Stephens—did not,'-I' venture to say, speak with a doyen of persons while tak ing his involuntary trip through Dixie. Bad he done so, his report would hemebeel of a different color. . .z-i 14.111 in • The people who inittLiti against this Government--the,poor whims onlprising the rank and fi le of the rebellion—iiihe-tenths of them do not know what they are fighting for; do not know what they are fighting against. A majority of them do not know anything, and naiads of them never sawlhe -Amer!. can flag in their Gm until they. taw It march into Vicksburg in triumph. 7 , t., do not know the BourthOf July, or yarn, else that is good. But poor sad ignorant as they are, let them ' express their own free minds, and they will, almost to a unn, demand a .speedy termination of this war—would sub mit to almost 'my ltdag,isthei.ihan fight one . '' \ • - natty aTO been 'gating- ~-ft is aali BY Oa torn • is kepi torther. Even that cannot prevent the deserters Rom flocking into Jaokion by. hundreds, to tetra the oath of allegiance or to join the Union ranks. And I tell you what I know when I say that it will not be many day. ere the en tire States of Mississippi and Tennessee will be knocking loudly far re-admission to a Union which not long shoe they thought their puny efforts could quickly dissolve. They are talking of it even now. Speaking of being united,inell you, by the _Mahal God, there was never a more truthftl :manna thaa that of Douglas::" Those who are not with are agains as; ;" and I reiterate it, and add that those who ere Noe with as sneak/ nine or abate be with :their Sortisra bretlises, /typ i ng with, thew. Let them either aid the Government or go where they can holster up the tottering for tunes of rebeidom. Better hive a down foes on the field than one fighting us behind our backs. - - Yoh - will anon ma, gentlemen, if, in gay inn what I hanuid, I have been rather Pro• hue aidleary lir the way of euiPharls- Two yedri Only ttom siiiiisation,, with my men, hl-, made me rather emphatic in all my thoughts and words in regard to 'Certain things. I speak emphatically, biome I em phatically tad that which my tongue finds to say Anecdotes lot Gen. Grant We And the following in the : Detroit Fres Prenr . , . . A 'gentleman of this city, who was an early friend of_Genoral Grant, Imbibe' the follow lag amanita:moss of the bromism:nil who hu soinseparabir flaked his name with tbe Tic tortes of the meant armies.: ; • General *antis of a Methodist family of , Ohio ' , rend nearriod th e dough* of a Metho ditt bloat preacher, and o'B,mnd-daughter of the pioneer of itethodbit . In:Western Penn .sylvania; of the .riamer of WreashalL When act muuk over twelve pars of age he wai of 10601, and lad , as . a • soloolfellow his o natural 'lmola, whole: parental were Gri Isubjecti of Oanada. . Young Grant wu to lit l t to forgive isJuries, u a Divine pinup and to do good and not evil to others, d his lather had impressed his mind wit love of I country and revarentorp for tbsitamsef Wash. Ington.. The Otosidian bad bUsAetherwise !educated, and. believed WHIM n a rebeL On out °fusion a diametral between 'lke boys ea to toreof 1101111 and duty to .a kilt, wilett . Jebn said :""17 G., (Grant had lout niokieniad 11. ELi)rot, Witikkington was a rebel , and fought spin t hit king.'" . - Grant replied:' , Jas k/ you taut stop tha t _ - 2fersire you fOrabusing ' fur Washington 111. off Yen are cousin Jut, to for not forgioing.". I got the worse of it, being whipped at home i father interposed and 1 The boy also will fight riots kilns:Oa man and ;pule _ him for twenty "Yu, I do, and Jack do it again under Ito immolates. Washington Is nay Idol, and ti mn it is mom insulting to speak:disrsipmt-. fay ot Washington or my country than to thiamine. myself. - - Mother's makim does very wall in pirate' qtutnels, but It - don't apply where ons's ma, Is denonnold, Grits gods,. Washbgton is b w it in the Aglaia:A plat on-, and I eouldn't rest easy it I pamitted ay abuts of his Rams." Bath Was and is "UnoondttloasE durtendar Tia Oates toed by the :Oohs on. this . in trenelumeals at.Vlobbag j 'obi to be sold by order of eea. Grant, and its proosods among the privatoodhilsrs as tribute ot valor.. Firs per twat of the private sot.' diets and nei.coinmlssioned onions ore:to be shwa hutoughs for tiOrtyin eonsidera. Sion at tisk , Warta and oadaisnos daring the dosser Vicksburg.. ,Tho streitinise to, bi thoroughly eland end .31171•12- oa tba..tta k . '. o !tlo !li t rli 14 . be . • • • . " - Parmaotos or Clatoooo.—Tkoolty diriotitm, of OlitsBatorlB6; Ins the Popatititii ofthot .014 $160,800. t: , . - j Arianirenris dogma& & Wed for la Ink ozgoonesit Pods., 7The opinionS of the people of Missouri on Mieso-oslied Ettaneipation Grew!" passed y the liltate Conventbutans belngestensirely . ~ - - s o `ventilated t ugh public mass tineOngs bud other expre Ye demonstrations. Themsjor ity is dear, in opmitfori to th e Convention otollitiMee, a., nteitingi fii MAW . • 7 . - fie - crania - in Pettis aid' Ifswietreetantlint 'by the oOn natives erne eo .slimily Madded by the litter the Itadiesii toot.peeswrien, and passed resolatloni at eaelling (bold a huadred Liles apart ) demons irOaM: esintiothraid -mating ,the ;Vale tivislisa ieldiOonsention. 1 Mmiirillaiemitinue lit infect: Thl'6ll parts of Interior of tb• State with lOW oriess - aotkity., ,Killing et their leadidala etwaral instinem of late his hitil i viol silset, The truireharasitar ef Mils wiifervis Wields - MAW the; robbery of • the hien& ,of the , Witeters Bank of -Missouri at Bleentingten, by;smar- ; liiill4l, on the 201 h inst. - They stole-M15,0014 ineluding $2,000 in coin b-donging te,ihrposi tore. Bash-whacking and hone- thirillsgarw. now considered synonimpue 'term. _ Rebel sympathisers In the interior litre of late tinf-' I fired quite at sweerely as, the Union mew. -. The Felton Taw/rags states Mutt a petition I, being circulated. in the southwestern part_ of the Btate ' by Edwin :Psi.,, whine the President to permit fiterlbig Prins toreros to Missouri. It Is said h penitent and de sires to abandon the rebel esusbi came horn", and spend the remainderof hisdayeilepewee. Edwin Price is a. son of the old mtlaV,'-itio abandoned the rebellion more thin Ai 'W arp, end has sines lived quietly:on tit funk In Chariton county. We take the following from di tioaeetek. eorrespondinee of thw Bill80111i'st; 'MD ratite an Incident which Unkind 'this morning, at the expense, of a- galleuti young ° soldier. He was prospecting around town, when his attention wu attracted to .a stable of •very fine home. •Whiltradmiring their Ane point', be twat surprised• - by-the A— ppearance of a very fascinating young ;adz; all ebe emerged from another apartment 9f the home home, - and bowed politely, and galled killingly upon him. He stammered outsets,. thing epology for Ma seeming Intru sion, mixing -up the words "proatimation" and "canfitaation", as., end ended by asking' who was the owner of tholdaos 7. , . "Dr. Neely," replied the lady. "And you—yon are his wife 7" laid the lel: diet, doubtfally. i "No," said the lady. "Then his daughter 7"—this was said vary smilingly. "No." "Hsi nisa, "No; no re "Then a I s'mgfy "No, not "Well, the who you are I 'Certainly, toyed the lel relish, "I ass The pail look, and MI Singular A Paris 1•t rto an English paper . ail: A small proprietor amusing hims If after 4 Ike fashion otitis ki nd in digging up is own potatoes, came on something hard. • tried to dig it up, but found it was X lint He cleared • part of it, and saw it i was Cm wall of • hitting ;he examined the wall d found there was an inscription on it; wh ,as he could not rind, gave him nosiest Chao his &surety. Be, however, !Orb. lid 4/111. friends ; further excavations were ;We, end,: by • curious chain of eircamstatoes, the dig gingaf ~potatotts his opened to tlntayer of the' Antiquarian •wenliCtlie Preis sous!' wide& erealltont ethane: . . liCiails. A .long Lae of 4 tombs, isomple fannilong both sides of this "sacred way ' by CNA' groat Atha • ns used to be onkel to their last home, ad the fashionable world of Athens used o crowd to the farm of Ceres. born is et .100 premium in Richmond,, an advanoe of 2 , 0 over previous qUotatione._is a natural co • (queues the prim. of everything' is increasing. The Richmond 8018'44 of the 24th, gives the following reeord;of sales maw on the previous day, and at Thelma. piles.: Candles, tallow, V" lb., 23,25; ;medley, lade- - luallibm_,.. V 11 4 $4,60; Eng li sh pine apple ,e ahem*, , lb, $4,50 ; English dram cheese, V lb, $4,25; American cheese, V lb, $2,80; Wel- . crostersitin sauce, vet single bottle, 27,25. clarified sugar, lb lb, $3,85 ; brewer sugar,' lb, 24,57 ; roll butter, V' lb, $2,86; 'lard, - lb," $1,50 ; mol aa sss , New Orleans, - pet a l b lion, 211,25; salt, from North' Rarolins, 10 ,40 cents ;.eoffee, Rio, V lb, $4,15 ;I cog , Cabs, •IP 5, $3,80; cognac bread', pa litc t ik bottles, $110; claret wine, par . clonal Wm, $80; salad oil, single bottle, $7,25i, tea, ;Young Hyson, V 5..17 ; oil, Keroseno, per gallon, qt / 220 ; rios, V lb, 26 teats. It ill be Been that these rates are, in regard several articles, higher than any previous Mations, and the tendency is still upward A WHira Bunn • roe A. litsoc Co.. soarm—At Elmira N. Y. ' the-othor day, Benjamin Johnsto • , colored, who had barn dratted, appear.. I the odioe t t i the Provost Marshal, and to . dared a whl visa as Idt subsdtute, ilial examined d 11 4OoPtid• It seams to that if a blast ma - May n hire a white manl r a substitato,a whitssimus ought to be allowed to hires blackfor a sub. stAtuta. /'lt is a poor rule tha won't • work both wo s. We present this o for tho don. ald7tion and indignation of o Copperhead i rn trio s. It Is another evidonoi of the "rank inequalities" of the Conscript law, and pet , ' frfetly oonolusivo on the point, whisk has • totem been doubted by some, that this is a "war for the nigger." Oh 0111111 .I It god-father to 4,000 dal &on; f,OOO boyr have reeeived Ma MOWN Hs Is honorably burps" of 90 aides aad towns; and.. honorary preiddent of 120 assoolations. Ho has 21 awards of honor k of *kWh 41 have been pent from abroad. dines 1859 . 3,000 od dness of dovotedness have taaa tent'toldat. In oonsequenoe of thelmprevemitintrodeeed , into, the cultivation of the land high ,Itegae... easel ClaYiera, hie Annuaire peas amounts to 3,000 'flume. 9 rile:al:lly a 11 Wes 'altnist nothing. • ' ; • florin Oor on Paton AZD Co reiaian~- In a late speech in Ohlo,Bnniet Coxelegiatli said the- . 4 Administration want milker se tasks war nor pima; Yon mi ghts@ well set up "powder house in hell as to vend Seward South to make pesos. lie sald.also, that as the Elebrewo looked to the copperhead which . Moses emoted in the wildernois and were haled, so It is only in and-armlet sad by the Denuicratitiparty that salvation can come to this vepablic." ' the bolo, now man- Ind roon ~ rnd . to soltoot 13., do on remember )tor ftalug Washing. - TEI Man papers state that flaribaldi has bosoms • parfoot week. BL EWA bas gloss way; his wound 1" eonstantly. .breaking out &Mar, In consequence of the - of MI bons; and thesiegleet lito whisk.- he kia !atlas, she loss of his populazity, and the death and Imprisonment of hhi: old Meads; contribnicto depress blot still more .thiut the physical injuries that hays !ado hbre a. clip, pie for life.. ••. • . • • Bayeux ! barns hiving been destroyed tear Baltimore s Umber of disloyal °ideas have been &sallied for the amount of ,damage, their apportionments to be paid withittiltree 4lays after notice shall be given. I ; ; piCNBIONS, BOUNTY & BAcIE PAT. aumu, aomumarr .Err, • i jkles ywo a, third door Meer lbe:Chthedre _.. ; ; Altrocuided .aolahmlirh• have lieen la the urn. I ca at meet wok* ars entitled. Wittoo Booitlf iltn -yummy dilboidlore :wbo haw awed NIA as shoontittoo to um sipo.iouoti. • &dales by tereint bf .diseseeteee 1 entinlettostoo• mom.. Idowe Cl *latent Co di. er its tilled is the . earttor are' entitled to pastas end the NCO liSloote Oats% disadskji ' . e hailed to No chap m oftener ad§ ~ta saj ; theV' aim • woe, Is conloceni. -- - • .. - . ile .PA . crlionot th• albreata i7llWillaiND 41111.7/ilf•AXlltnuiL,Al utseli ilkageldrisk - M .. ,00ikeiniebr cIAA/Lum rAssourt, A Slave. perhaps;' endearingly. Lion that I know of. .y friend, on a eialtl".—gris-;= . . •' it, either." may Ibe permitted lilt replied the lady, she s disoomdtsre with is slave." Lad in piquaint awing cave ono long, bias, • low whistlo, &inns iscovery of Gmei tlqiunes. T. WALTER DAri R. P. /11LAND) COILKISBY ourpluium'isrnriro ons, sLAT BOA" lotTinE4 FrAVlSkae, BOOR; fropting Alliettny Vine. Pi. /TUl:lyd, OIL BROKERS, - 211 , and-21.3 , 50nth Water St, CHICAGO. nolialtad. tai & 0111011PIIIIIIk Dm City 011 world: Lux& hams. I. Pent.: & Ce.- 424:11 CiuuYAmr. Swig, Chalfant & WALLACE Js Q 111418 4, ‘OOMBIMEIZON Mll4lso2rANni. And : delders 01111DE*REF/NO PpROLEIW - Ilia. Be NORTE' BZOOND UMW . . . . • -1 1 1 1rIttrno wadi, (ardor coser,) f0r16.000 ltioittOothot. Midst. for shlpptot *umlaut Lot rontlp ports, et onr Wiser on - ttor atm, WM do &Mt= of tb• Poona. 11. ===2l 0041risru, Jigiqatt of lb* ,srumrg,•PAOMO MID. II BMW! OIL WORE& 111111 - Llieril out advritnon mad* ea coati: marts tied - led or Crude Petroleum Von.Tvarinora Blur% rrnsuuscuz, 19,1DHJI &Olip3l, 41.6101**-4XitORAITer Anitramma• • • iIiODBOTB, • OLUI, U MAD OMINT. HIAD sAgfiti due POIL7ELLEID ELBOSUIX OIL r a r v e - wilW TOLIC ,OARDLII ► Agait, 1' _OIL Wu ITT - • • - VITA? t' CEORPENNING, Mionfictivera and Bait= of qaasoN .op.,Daszurs, AND DrDamATINg 1=3:=2:1 oisUDI parzoLaum. gouriri:6,l T polus Ilharpobarg. Oft" di Plldlin ILIAXIL Datum. W P WAWA WETMORE a gION*74/3410N ALE .TIA2C/13. gar- aim* , IPLNG, at flair alyttal zmitoLstua, sulerrligs e# ~L/1/1;.81W ZOBL r .cr..y.. ~. - for BTOILLOB AND smi and whary. END Nan. - - . nth :RON ;need not...bs insibi4mlo4, e i. .., by eaforcement of the Balk • Ordite. Ran otai . hare their on barreled illa skipped 'atm sanchOithe OUP: WAUTIO4 I . daa.4 fame amid ' with ma -risk. ieee mato* amt-iii bitter ill 7 . iiiiili ' oii . YARD, . .- • - . the alleobany Talley,ltailread. alarm . tenereio' et. ve, else till Is pumped twat the , baste direot.to the auntl. to pay, paint, NM pir Nett, withreat aaj 4 s reAlhipphig. • s . air take at lard. ea Mann Passenati It. P..' 2 Poet Ma adders, .110 X SM. Pittetiatal j on I - cla be !tot dtall ii th• 01 . 1 . , C 404, 4 0 .* • Da*lnittist. -- R i qt A K DB 9/ 4 1 . /44 21, EY: 1 ( Kt , Comintha ud Forward* Illorekutt, CRUDE & .RERINED PETROLEUM, Ho. IP lawn, ersxurr, earLibral out AirtAzosa en caulimenia 17eti1 $k or Latent ffarksis. erzaresaz 'sinuous Mast& J. B. DIL lOW% 004 .fironsona BAssAosii_ - liamoa !Bs*. rval ucialumni . Beak. ROES 1 AsLiwora4 ! ao. az mint emir!, elit4,6 - 0; Forwarding &Commission Kart:haat - "AND DIAL= IN dna .LLUKENATIFii, °amok erraoLetna- um*, i tilaspapy ow Wind 11 " fir We 04 the lowest =Oat /00,114. 0621111i1M,a . dm mitt frcurmar: - gram' IIfIMDIMLB OIL RBFiPIHBY. 'eabsos W. soLstrup e in; • Austnkaantssas ott BORNLIG pzu AND LUDDIGAT/N WA: Nap sonimuntrou bind lb. part boot quallty oi IWRNING OUaidonrand witthOntodan; Wags good 1171AI0ATO8. pare INHITI 81015014.1 and VAN sorAu litt.as No. NS hiss - &rarrt. Bonk Hook. robot IlOte,irlir to pinoptly otteard 'to. TT . 1:143J0T OW WORKS. Dingoili;'DlJALA)P A 00.. roan wan& ititimurfrouusoit out. cow, so si lameny ma, arkisiathes mnaitrasatt, PA ja . W . W,f9;N, E2TMI ccrmorvratot h • - • 'LOA siumnA. Orders be Roh ms We Masi cos sor of Noslu4 wal Ir.'!" prompt .1y 6 4 1. cqq, 4416. ; #41 T4 a. , . 0,44402 . , • mums Aro DLLs: II oAnaluotzt • 'usawri by' 662 , 16 tas irks4' fir r o6 .. fed letfai ti 4 464 Ito : . giLEMEiti Wat,66,1124 wora. ii nimmituioral be —.II"M i 4 ts t i ai ttli t tMlCOW - : pgrawaTß 01le W 0,114., !IL"! kinlaittg 4.; mora OpeolleriaresbqamialLearr*, • „ .1 lain" 112117,_ - osei," thaireadtzew ' , QTOBAMMORUFINSDPHortIinte 11.7 ottoatfoo oll_ ma sal Womb! Idiot to, the tootolot tlor tooloolosa or Ismaili liottio, :111.4 -alleiftft!",ls ""ttilati; kOIT. :Alla Waist SCOW, FIRE AID KARIM =swum el. - Jams D. Varner ChipL Jobs L. iliteds Samoa P. Bbrim,: thall• B. Jona% G. Bunn Lem, te a " John B. g John-a. m. OnarbotiLattoool4 .Wa: Van !Usti' VICELLIPIVPirIyka, WATTorfee ftsukli• WM. F. IiAIiDNWIL: INDEMNITY At AINIST LOSS EY 711111 . - 7 1 LASILLIII Val IHERIRLNOZ - ?Mar or, PHILADILPLI. ; 0111., 438 and 981Mem= oxs.s, rob., etateremat'ot AiSti, Junta, 5 1st. Mo. vtibilthed llntontontny_ to on aft of Assambly, bida seenred... 686,5921 80 _Rag lin . : ILL M gt= l, tonons on Pone : -maple 51065 as (5611711611 t abs BB6 . 6l Ml 3l :l oZr • l9, 7 85 CO JO Nola and inlls logn Orb 87,919 CO tllirTlo, ottly him twniadosua Irak& tale Cloktaar atio:divide by law are boat dab Taal ,maypad. ovin itaictiptkot =!1 Witiatt maim Mit aa lowa. are Ithutiihair ppr.tkw, • PiriNi of, ibidY taming* paid loom by; fil:1 to so =mot ostwattiti ii/Wriiii4o4lll of Dolkath thereby alTostling orbital* of tliatuid_tatios lantatioti as weltastbdr L and *alapoaltioto mat with petatplusw igi4 l lo 4 ,dFthtilis r 1 i Okaiei it. Han, Laic, Loo. Iffordabol , D.:larodo, - .Tocob B. Haigh, . !Tobias .Wwer , &twirl O. **PalCi VAlitdri 24:13 1 =1 1 7 . Proieim Wm. A. &crawl pr • Om , • "I; OARIOWAS 001111.151. dory &Ili , . - 018a.Northoin, oor. Wood a Mira lA/ beiliti.lN ENISUJSAINV.K. CU .• 1 - ii. • - TV - !troy ktrrapusen. ,• : , 12.. B. Milian; Jr., • .•.. M. GORDON Sorresorr. .omoo, No. 92 Water armee, aping Co.'s. vi us 'hires, up stairs; Pittsburgh. „Will Owe ,sgaient ail reds of sad Masse ' Was.' . .1 Honig toil, • • • - bp Dirsorre wes einwski . brews es 04 011411111.11114ir. . • Nail pr. 'ad I. =dud, 4.prempress sad • •, to asossures Oas skinacer vilesk- ties Mass'" es operas As rag pored" 19 Ars wko d.*. imunrogi. 7,,L ! - ABUTS, 00TO , 90, MOO i Stook ikc00tint5............. .............—..—l MAO, '..0 Mortgages —...... —.........—.—.. 2,160 01. Offlos furniture—. ....—....1..,.---... km t 0 'OP= ektmolknr, do—. .............—....... 7,809 JO' Cash. Cash.. . ... .. —...--..—.:............ 18,861 4. Promfrua ....._. - _ —...—....... row- 14 trek* and Bp D ..tu5tad.—................ 17071 12 Andrew Ankle% Alezweder Spew, - David"lL Long, Bees J. Thomas, 'Benj.,l% Mamal. John XL M'Oate. AIL RohmpAtaiY. , ilmkk, • A t ßioketea z . It. X. wattuuN. barfiuv. bUltai!,l4)B. LESIIRANCE COMFY OF EORTR AMERICA. PHILADWHIA. Insurance Co. of the Sta'te of Penn's., P}IiUkIiZLPEIA. Hartford Fire Insurance Company Lmms=..3. a z .i tb• b obar y nold saudttoollibillo66 W. P. JONZB, Agar. Barlatnri. 87 Water atm! • ellUdiDetiiiiiSUlLlAlthi W.M.P.t_N if .OT 111785111 M. Oglice, °mar Mutat and - Witte. streets, mond floor. , - ii v i nct — • - ,-, • : WM. BAOALAT, Trash/AK Imam Btaamboatu a sod • Insarth_ WW2 100 l and dam". In the zumtio . 01 . tho Otai‘tbarm sad WOW= WWI. Luke, ss Itajeec, and th!itutitgathat of tha fieN4, - . . 'want liga!bs! lint sad dams.* by en. , W 1 , 438 - I. V. lOW i • lac Jr. rut. o/07. , Jour ' ' ; W•la• lagutos• : ~ ...4 1 .-- ha N. • -. EVlr.'lonol, - ' - El. - til lic Oyu., • n••••-r! J. Caldw• ir T. V. How% ' , Jolla B. 6.1 1 • acorn aintimia. H . flog, -d.w.i... ALLEGIiENT INISURALNOR (X)hi PADIf OD P/TTEIBUDGII„ CH% Ho. t 7 hint Immo S IB 41 AAC JO Undo of tiro and Morino Wok AD, Prrokl.44. 41 • JOHN D. DoCIODD, Noe hirrtaeol. D. IL D O CK, 41ko. DIAN. Gamow dorm unosonout John D. DoOord, Capt. Adam Jacobs B. D. atarung, Mid.' Wm. Ikea, McGrew. Bobt. IL Devi'. Jontii; HIMIT =l . l B ira4 ; B. L. I.alwej4, pAIEITNEMELIP NUTIUB.—We have .2. Wads, aditoolatad link as In the Bolling tonill budder. A. J. DULL, tbit styli. of tba at to -10.2811. PP &DULL, the partnership to, take afoot AU day. The Oil bottom Will NI oartbd on utolatalsotad aa Intatolota. „May bdth, Lbki. moos U L _ smogs gun. know 3. DOLL 1:0 2 q44 gitAFg kDIALI • liamoseb rin 4 GM dosorfigicor of soon, Mid mid Pioso free. !Nibs. construotod oar works . with • vim o ouldzoi O shy* of a Mad et h• gado two osociality, rogoetfony monde air as*, wen., -at etalthrldd Ind Water * streets . 1r hiMk"l./PLU7'ILLPI ....I he Vo - rareatirship IV , *dative betwrin SM . tmodenigneo. 'Mt or lb. lima ammo of Ellior t BOOR YOM. expired tilts dy by Holt tioa. The bludnom bek eantlonsd by OlibitLEO ICHAP, by *bum .11 demands dill toot from Um I.t. Arm will to mottled. • • • ••• UHo BLOB KYILP, . P RUDD, , munovae S. WADE. ' Tort Pitt Ifoondry, July Ise, ts I,lBam CLNATIAILIi Dnuu ISTUJsm., ~Qersr6i(o Ai Pidaril Meek 4tieghstv, BYa L' riLLi,prge.k. IPAIOLLIXO eons WATER. • !AM M1D14511118, to 1 111FIViddatis proserfptices locurst• — ly Win 4. I .IflAt bias • . huitantly, without dauc rto anythlgs pus. anion ionmprear, °emir ILlaltbSOd sad harth .a.u. , PRIPAZATIOVB atilt agibig 50 =tor antartkles nob U sozenAvws Tit as ~lbwUs half Bub Imam tykes. m i t mwaloix pnv.t. 'MIER LANDS. 0115 .1 0 0. 4W/ilk or nit =ma ram, ‘lll44lng to The It. Ac ' ' VinillikOnAl Ccea.. rai l" :d a i Do ff ? irthill thA T OI=I t*dits_ on •••01.04 Aired, at PrAlla. tactics. hi patois: l on Qs to DAV Olf, f 61171ALAIJA It ZIT. .. For map, xstalegoss edam '.• —" - -' 1 'aimx e. ritOaT. Agent, Detroli. 011.1meidi,i KrEB AND BAIL , _ •7` • tiodar Um to Ike instant. of ,Apa 108111=8; . Chi. ill ead-Rallt oPr• - air Co CALTALLOT, SQUINT ITU. OLIMPIIIII.; linens MITITIoLkt ITZB., sad frosts all, LIFIR4III,IIiToRT Algal 'lmo SWUNG Nall ea &caw affectbis 1. pad 333 PIM 1/124101T., istririna . 04-4411 CHEFS L. P, 1501101 N hip liA11011V0.41,:;13.. b I r t . 64 Wm* JJ leaks in aa4 Ow bg ULLA snaggy al oa. 1203,2111 ! t