The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, July 31, 1863, Image 4

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jTher Pan
men," mut
t:earned of
lotto, Craw
• -
ocantios, left
en, for La.
, *bereft wig
mots BM 'Ohio.
tuna:hod a
tgthreati and
m him a
till near daylight, when Morgan mat sp.
proaohed, bat evaded mann. A Bala later
somothlrty moats mad* their appearanailit
as woolying our picked; (Co.'s gad as
skedaddled Au style. Morgan's formula. 1
mailatoly beaded north. The minima was
soon ordered to Stebenvillo„, and from that
point pusliod forward toward Wlnigro
wUro a skirmish war going on. ' 1
orgsalwai again routed, and Cal. Beans I
was ordered to ilammondsvillo. After
sting the Clusland and Pittsburgh Railroad
both above and below the town till near noon I
on Sunday, Utifigiment WAS orderatto f ea
%airlift to dose tko nit that had been tbrowa '
around Morgues foram. ,
Bummed in on all sides, this groat, kora!
thief and his bandits gurrendevd ancondition.,
ally to Major Itite,, Of the 11,ftt.Rentnaky
Cavalry, at abtaag:p..l3l. en . thuiditi. come
Ave miles east of &Murillo. The-prisoners,
ho ssss s *o., were turned Over to Col. Beams,
who hamodlitely shipped Morgan and his
staff, Gen. Shackelford and-14--stat bang
his smart, to Cincinnati. The* rat of the
mom 600, in clump' of CaLtalas
Bair andHuldokapar of Col. Boatta!,W
meet, were sent to ani r p Chase..
Daring the three dust:4l33oBmM marching,
with a battle constantly 11111prodissi this sag
hunt behaved like veterans. Then wag lit
tle straggling, and that little was -maid by
sheer exhaastion. Tho gallaat-Colonol, his
equally gallant Monk - CraiiitiAliallart, and
Major VankitkOrveardeetty'sethe at gym
point where duty cattail, eatitaditilial, both
company °Moors and - min In the ranks, de
serve malt, for their good rionduot, _rod avea
applause for voluntarism to have their State
to rid the country at large, and especially
slater State, of a toadish brigand and outlaw.
Gavle' the Beater:
A low dap ago. we lathed the artist, In
Allegheny, of a men named J. C. Canby, on
a ohargi of burglsy,,haiing been caught In
oontpany with a man-aillllid Morrison, in: an:
attempt to rob the hone 'of a , Pole Xing
Onrenski. The partial oars committed, and
since then several comonitamrats have been
lodged against them. It sprees that we
. vious to Clauley'm arrest, he.was employed In
the planing mill of Messrs..B. Barket4,Co.,
Anderson street, Allialtiny, and. gin his
commitment to - prison hit tool ehest - hu,tmert
learned, remitting in a ,very iutpoytni dW .
°every. In it were found • quantity of Wets,.
among which wet. moral • oontelning the
names of Wm. Eaton and Hugh Chinn, well
known earpenters of Allegheny; °Uer tools
were found, not combining the mimes of-the
owners, which are eupposed to have ben stoln.
Quite a camber of carpenter shops have
ben broken opt& and robbed, within the past
few months, and thorn seems no reason to
doubt that Conley and his neomplie• are the
gaUty parties. It may be that this, bold
thieves have had a band in some of the nu.
ineroncineendiary Ares which have onarnd
in that city during the :list six or eight
months. It will be reaseifbered that mina
arponter shops have beep destroyed by Ire.
he, , therefore, are very important,
dWs r Alexandar will do all in his power
to for these rasoals a long tern fa the
oi Habeas Corpus - quashed.
John] Elm* was brought before Judge
McCandless in a writ of habeas expel, this
morning, sorted on • Capt. Wright, arilltary
grayest Marshal. Capt. Wright submitted
that a young man aatud John Kiersoh, on
the morning of July 30th last., eams to re
spondent and asked for information or aid as
to getting Into the 11, B. Weepiest as a patient,
stating that he was a sink soldier. The di
shed information was premed, and he wan
direotei by the clerk of Dr. Magee mmo
In chary of the U. Hospital in th is ' city, to
proceed via Pean street oars, and report at
the hospital, where the regulate aoUon would
be taken. Blanch asked for a gilds to Penn
street, which was tarnished him la a few mo
mutts. The writ was jut then saved upon
Capt. Wright: The "Captain Wrong that
Kabuli had situ:TUN a fraud upon the Court
as wellas aeled that thus writ be
quuhodi whish was granted.
A writ was able serudenCapt.-Wright, to
reduce the body Of Cyremniaßweenoy. The
• Captain replied ;baths had not auk a person
in his custody, and the writ was • therefore
Capt. Wright also tad a writ served on him
to produce the body of Join J. Ballard. •Be
maid thit Ballard via not in his sutody,
when Um Court:quashed the wilt.
Police liems.
Leonard Allen appeared Ware Alderman
Taylor, of the Fifth Ward, and made oath
against Adam Winger,, foe assault ind het
tarp upon the person of his son; the accused
Mil held to bail to answer the charge.
Abxander Clanninghane wu ehargeml before
the same magistrate, on oath of Daniel Puts,
with. committing an assault and battery on
the son of Potts. The accrued was held to
511111111 . •
Ellen Henderson was charged by Maunder
Hanna, with making an unprovoked usual
on his wife. Ball wee -glen to answer the
cherry mid Sven dlsoltarpd from ustod,y.
Jacob Verner appeared before the MM. Al
• damn and laid un- information spinet Ill
ohne! flutterer/salt end battery. :The se
cured wu held to answer. - '
nth, oonsmipta from the FM Ward partake
of the apparent combativeness of the poplar
tin, u indicted by the above, we have no
fear ofilum fu the performance of thilr u
. ties In the field; nor do we think much time
would be communed in drill, if the nut battles
- with the-rebels should tab that nelsoellane.:
one character of fight, generally known as
"trek" • . •
A Want of Restraining Grace.
We clip the following from as exchange.
It urvu to ihtiw the intense disgust for hal
m» at home, which takes possession of the
gallant men who have served their notary
in the field, sad may be talon as an indke
tion of the sentimeat which poor prevails -la
the armies of tfieltaPiablfo.
went out, in the dreg call for 1100,1100 men, as
commander of a company is the 100th Penn
sylvania Volunteer (Rottedhesd) regiment,
end acme time Bp - - retuned home with im
paired health. The extract below tale the
rest of the story t _ • • - •
"In 'the °Bricuimmal'Confermum now in
mules at Athtabals, Ohio, Dr. G.W. Clarks
stated that J. J. Bentley had Intrude:ld his
credentials as load preaoher..: fie west la
war as captain and maintained* fair "elrerso;.
ter. Dr. Clarke said "His reasons monist
having been In the war sad fought the »baby,
he now Ands.Opimeheadlon Itioretamend.
cannot very wel lmaintain his Christian and
ministerial character, bat isinslinid to be
tremendously lurited, wadi, afraid somebody
mey get hurt.",
Sore ratientliwtry
This Roraima, about; oaf Vole* the fetus
houses of iflines sad * Thomas mss, bate
ors, of the Ninth Ward, were disooversd to
be In dames, sad won quickly cwasuated.
While - thus twe Imam werrbenderos fire-,
bent oat la the *Oleg house of James KG-
Caliy's glass homy - triMia I* Madrid yards
of the Rim primerty. Zito, festln yea,
through the sortie's alike drum; sada
geisbod before•the belidlag was anwared,
sad the loss is trials,. 'rho lois of the
Rims brotiwia, kowerer,-Is vilte • Wring&
They loot tkatr dweillags lead a tramideralikt
geeittity of Wee,/eqsisiell la ilkadielidelf
sled, together with • largo lot of Woke de.-
stroyed by the lotus.hist of the;be: We
4141 sot loam the sweat _of fanowiew of
eitkor of the roasters. ; ;
Tim Wow* ot. prosily is tifivslty
booms is matter of my gem sossidststloy,
sad 11 Whom the ono %flab lusstesto
szeassiSs_l9 Asstd. Amish* VOW
vinahaVlP;stiobstietkatillght tbs IsosioW
sty tosik whoa. sad how tloy wW
PAT Yogi TAXJII. iii 11 Ballot A
tb• Bathmaltattiba &lag Tax.
daalloatittorilalaward; anitivilltikeplaasur
la MSS 1tp,04 Again :mime
for gi.t.“
kb Ilimlairballe Mats arms Me 100k5.. :..
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Yell DLitt...duo tb Plttabi . 74b Gazette
Wainurovis, A 14.214180
111 1 / 1 ? TIIIIIMIII L 0741111111 HATE DONN
The State ofTennelie ' has to the Federal
snake ten regiments of infantry, ten of cue
alrP, and two batteries of artillery. Organ-
Isad,is many of them were, of refugees beyond
the limits of tisii own State, and at a time
whin there wan no oompetent State authority
to neognise their existence, they rushed into
the fight regardless of the form usually taken
in snob tunes. The result was that six u lizat
Tonneaus!' regiments appeared In the field as
InfllntrrisnUoUislifiron •the East, Middle.
ittid Welt giant division' of the State.
Col. Alein:o. einam, of the' Pint Week
Teinesseelnfantzy, has lately beenappointad
Adjutant\ lieninal, under Gov. Andrew John-
Soni &Ad .telienti _or& r No. I, from his office,
tti In ' ordir to prevent eobhuion in adjusting .
thefuttne claims of th e Tennesseans in the
the United States, aa well as to re
mote a misunderstanding at the Adjutant
Geterareoftee in Wallington, It is ordered
that the regiments from Tennesitea be desig
nated as fellows :
lit Tennease Infantry, Col. Byrd, late let East Tone.
44. . ss - Carter.
Ors - o, " 34
.4th. 'Stever. 4th
•Igh: l3oelby,. 15th
6th .• Cooper,. 6th
Ttts , ' - Cleff,ith
.and. .-• " en, "
" • Hogan,. let 0114. Term.
.104 " OiU as,. tat West
tat Tonnage° Cavalry, Col. Johnson, late let E Tenn
31 ,
" linters, 34
4th Maj. Stevens, 0 4th "
nth Col. Ftoses . lst Al Ten
15th' rtui6t,' iv,ren
10th " Bridge,.
With twenty minarets of loyalists becoming
:enigma from their State to volunteer in the
sank* of the nation, TIIIIIIOIIOO well man
tillas In this struggle, as she hat in all the
pall, hal:right to the proud title of the "Vol
tallow Btate." Is It not time that the reiemy
tloa of her soil should be made oomplete by
thiliberation of long sufforlngErt Tonnes
It is cold that the young man by the name
of Lynch, (who, we regret to say, came to this
oily from some country telegraph °Goa in
Northern Ohio,) has been remanded from his
position as censor of the American press to
his, original and better understood duty of
paylbg off the workmen engaged In erecting
=Unary telegraph lines. At any rate, the
knees of his stupidity In the aensorship
hive not bien vidble during the past week.
The but two specimens of his handicraft,
as displayed in your dispatohes, wore the fol
A fortnlghtago onset your dispatches men
tioned the feat that a boy, mimed in con
veying telegrams to the War Deputmint, hid
been detested In opening them end convoying
Ile!valuableinfaderived from them to
• !brother, air °Moor in the rebel 1017101).
Young Mr. Lynalt mutilated this dispatch,
whishcontained a single statement of a no
torious face, by striking out the words " the
War Department," and so virtually th rowing
the blame on the American Telegraph Com
pany for having a spy In its employ.
The other use wu 4 in one of your dia.
patehes about the same time, stating
that several members of the Cabinet
'till urged Gut. Butler's appointment to
the oommand in New York, and that Seward
opposed it, and simply adding that he would
not be appoints& The young man who pays
tkortelegraph workmen, changed " Seward"
to e, severe" members of the Cabinet, thus
making the dispatch a lie.
eft. Lynch mpst not be deprived of his last
laurels—interpoltaing that patty lie to lave'
Seward may be set down as his closing
The Kuhns newspapers are still at work
laming Kiss Kate Chase. It is now an
nounced that the Secretary's present visit
north Is induced by the prospective marriage,
and yutarday evening's ibgesbiisaa gave the
bellowing additional gossip on the dame sub
joist :
A friend'of our, lately in New York, was
So fortunate u to sae, at Tiffany's, the be.
trothal ring ordered by Senator !Sprague for
his ;intended bride, Miss Kate Chas*: It is a
diamond .solitaire at in enamel, and not
°bawd. .It is described as a. beautiful and
tasteful eminent, worthy of the beautiful
young lady who is the happy po 00000 or of the
liceargo's Marble Works.
We refer per riders to the card of Mr.
John Mango, marble dealer, of Liberty
street. Mr. MoCargo has now on hand a most
bentifel and elegant assortment of mantels
of every style, and of the most superior
SALL - Gentlemen engaged in building
should examine the stook, and we feel sally
led that they will here And something to
suit both .the testa and the pocket. The as
sortment of gravestones, monuments, eto., la
also large and varied, and all orders will be
prom} tly and neatly execnted. Mr. MoCargo
Is si pendant and experieneed workman, and
every sable manatectared in the works has
to pan his inspeotion.
The Income Tax
The Assessor of Internal "Revenue, for the
234 Motet:4 giros publlo natio', that the re
klub of the Inoome Tax Is now due, and should
be Made, forthwith.
All persons neglecting or refusing to make
routes of Income, except in case of sickness,
'are brought within the penaltiet presort:bed
by Shit eleventh section of the sot of July 1,
1843, vis Ao addition of 40 per mit to the
amount atherteined by the Assistant Assessor,
vim suck Inforseafien as Is eats obtain, and the
malty of $lOO, to be reooverod for the Unt
ied Sings, with costs of suit.
2kaollip of the Aviator le at No. 79, Fed
cr • MtnnotaiL—Mr. Charlie o'.
Nell, engaged for some time as a performer
at Trimble's Varieties, and who left this city
with Rummy and Newcomb's Minstrels, nom.
illited suicide in SL Louis, on the 21st hut.,
drowning. For a week previous be had
baju depressed in spirits, diving to the receipt
of the news of his mother's death, in Phile
delphie, sad on the morning of the 21st, ho loft
the Valley Hotel, where he wee stopping, and
walking down to the foot of Cherry street, di
'Wed himself of his bat and coat, and took
Um fatal plunge. lIIs bat and coat were iden
tified by mars! friends, and every snort was
made les the recovery of the body, bat with,
out sues.,. The demand was about twenty
one years of age, and bass Aster melding in
Inoncr.-6Night watchman Haraliton Met
night wrested a man Gaffing Walsall' Charles
Foster, for breaking opens a desk in The aloe
of a. chreokdr i ond:oteeilag. tkersdrua-the
milk of $1,05 - ili paper money. aster Lei been .
tab terit zu rariktomplopod u a printed!' the os-
. , ,
Ti. Potaou;—We understood ch it -the
. Nlght Polio. fume senoes' duty soap, to le
mift in serriek uattl,the dote of the pretest
bisoLanio.—Theasrohants • of-Slolambas,
Ohio, wit discarding the cropper token that
hatre bottoms sit profusly .isolated - that
- .
W Boos-
Dirk of Coypuliana. •
the Dranunar Boy. • bookfor boys.
Mho Thaws Dn, and how he benne President.
&quirt-yr a Inerinee on "Detrain Plantation.
Rlarant Warriastati. .By th e au th oress of wthith.
Money. My CU& Moran.
Aso to Bone. -By Wend.
Drift las About. By 8. O. Monett.
no& imp; as - d run to mate them strong.
&tire Tann Titelisir.' • , •
Obanine Boot of Dive. ea. L
Poet lace Directory, 14..1863 . .
_fianserars Militasy Hydhene.
art or War New edition._ .
:NOM, Own the Disiin an - Arley' Eton: •
'Annul or &dead" Dhooantn,
ane irsin_in America ;•le.—Mg
L mat _litint.h.sop. _ •
Paboalae. . .
".11 be Two ?Warm - •
' Direekei e Insignias% -
- • ne. 66 Wood rivet.
mad.. sit . •
=rho IlrOyamikatosli• slaw oftlartto. ,
7-140. Bantaktw.,
.11•1063 ridrty Tiers ilakaata..
wpm aid zint,
Thu 8,11 sad gm Urea.
Works In Elam', Ilsolorf Mona*
styli t JAJIRL; /Mg 18 'fourth
Movements of the Rebel Army.
His Pontoons Reported Thrown Acro
the Rappahannock,
Now YORE ) July 80.—The noes has the
following :
Tido army to-day occupies practioilly
same the it did tire months ago. The meant
active-movements will tie seeeessazily foll Owed
by 6 period of comparative inaction, during
which time will be reonAbia and reanpi
rated. -l'or the mat month the cavalry will
do the most of the fighting..
As I have before stated" Longstmet and
oo mman ds,after passing through Thorn
ton, not Chester's Gap, have undamped be:
talon Otapoppar and Gordonsville. Eareirs
command covered their 'rear ankflauk . by
guarding the Dine lkidge pima. The bulk
of thts amps is now 'moving dein the ,Vallsl
in detachments to threaten our lines.
Yeeterday morcing oar pickets were &Ivan
In near Amissville, and the incitation' to-day
are that oar ontpoits are liable to be forosiltn
at any moment by superior detachment' of
rebels. •
Hawkins, .• Ld
There is but little sickness, and the men are
more liberally supplied with rations than aver
before. This, taken with the recent Union
aueemes, °reales general good feeling in 'tie
A large number of °dimwit have recently
been detached to bring on drafted men.
New Tose, July 50.—Theldbibumee Wash
ington dispatob, says: It is qportsd here. by
odioers in from the front, t.Ost tfit. Meade
threw his pontoon bridge &lions tie Rappa
hannock', near the retired, Yesterday. Theis
WAS some opposition made by the enemy- "
Our Losses In the Recent
Great Consternation In Charleston
Nan. Tons., Jaly 30.—The nate Wash
ington dispatob sap : den. Gilmore has been
promised all the reinforcements he needs.
Charleston mast fall, and that, too, speedily,
If energy and 15-inoh guns will secompila •
the result.
The statement that Gilmore's louts In the
recent engagement were one-third of kis total
force, is pronounced incorrect. His losses in
it were not near so hasty as at first repre
sented. In the last action he did not lope
over 700; His total loses sines he began the
ointpaign will not amount to over 1,500.
New Yore. July 30.—The Herald has the
following from Nuhyille, July 23:
We are permitted to send you the following
facts, collected her, from a deserter Jest in
from Bragg's army : In the fight on Morris
Island the rebels sustained a very heavy loss
in killed and wounded. At first It was re
ported 800, and they reduced to 350. Among
the killed are Brig. Gen.. George Smoot, Cot.
Langdon Okeeres, Col. John Bee, and Maj.
Tote. The body of Colonel }lse Is in 'Union
hands. The other three had been - brought
into Charleston.
Great ow:utilisation prevails in the City; the
women end children , are all leaving; all of
the negro.' are MOO; preeeedinto the fer
ia* and the only hope lor Charleston, lays
its friends, to by thisinsionek
Pegram's Rebel Forces Repulsed
at rarls,
Morgan Confined inthe Penitentiary
Now Yogi, July 30.--Yettorday morning,
Pogrom's and Seott's forces, numheilugabout
twenty-five hundred, loft Illolunoad, and
crossed the Kentucky , rinr, and marohod to
Paris, whore lay arrived yesterday alternool4
and attacked our forms. After two holm
of a sharp enmement, the robots wars re-,
pulsed and driven away. It is thought they
will mob; nook movonnuts on that plain. A
large Union cavalry force is in the rear of the
It is holland that the monament against
Paris was for the purpOse .of &straying a
bridge there.
flow , hforgowo moo are being moopo
into Columbus by citizens and the military.'
Than are now thirteen hundred at Camp
Ohiae. Morgan will be moved to Columbus
this morning, and confined In the Peniten
OISCIINATI, July 3d.—(t♦n. Perem's foram
have retreated toward Winchester, followed,
by our eaSeiry. A number of prisoners hive
hive captured.
Sr. Louts, July 30.—T0 present further.
misapprehension regarding the trope of the
aot of Congress Maroh last prohibiting
alms and soldier. In service. of the
us:lop:Wiles from. retarding fdediii
den. Oen. Behodeld issued' en rder declaring that
It extends to all the , troops - in this Depart
ment, including the enrolled tallith' in active
Death Sapience of Lisle Revoked.
Nay Tali, Tel it —ln the M •
ai ot, C.
Lists, who was niad and sentmund to death
at pinolnuati as a spy, an ardor from the War
Department *rotes the' ssithams,' ad the
gronnd that ovidonba'has base pladuced that
hil.was • mend* of Clarka'a ratoiregteadd,'
and ho be hold as • prisonar War. -
. .
Pian.avatmui., Joky 110.-I?leap Whist
quiet. Conn active; palm, It no. "Oatrdulf.
P•traszal °V 2,000 ,tiirili,'Cruds
51@33n; &dud. 50 8 ; /lanai& 6 . 1 : 10-6 ";' -
ONG • U Kink •
DJ 150.000 lb& SlAtah of*LWd9 Olnotnnatli
6D,OOOThs. de „pion Hama;
100,000lbi. libouldarg;
26.000 ilidsr.
100 bbli "
In litore and for ails at - • .
2/in : • ••• W. 2t. Uttolfati
UV's° bat. caoioron der, do;
, 02 Intete,Oreem &Mbar& iiiitazi.•
aiiio, 100 'olnetterOnestetoentrel
40 bbIL Apple% onesttied, prim;
Toy tYI• at low pins, by
lit 117 Liberty stmt.
bast that is me.. 'Dalt iad' uinthiths
to maiming desolate
Depot, tto
sitteisottoln. For ode at the India Dabber of
kV, PHIGI4Pcs.
Jot sad 91 fit Mar street._
Allude by
• Ilia ' FLU bb
Livisptotes Oteam 1011: Taidbg tiros
Komar (U My. km& by
18A.TAH Dlolllolt 00.
Petrokaas. to szosileateallar:4ll4 COal•011.*
LOOO barrels JAL DALZILL 4111026 c
ma TO - Rates? strut
web, W 111/111118umu.
AP 13' po • e • for
foinidrj ke sae by • : - 1 , "
H-------- --14111111T-111:00LLTHEL-
i =lit : . e. van in.
Vltlkigigh biapismOor - *MU If and ft IV
'Chit streak 71.4117.L1JP11..
i • Yl•Torrn r. • i 140,, oar
IMO 1144 , 10 i --.Litreikitlrimm.+4
f o r by) 31-OLVAL=4,I
Return 'of- Fugitive mane. -
Phllfldelphld iaiker.;
oocucressirrsoo. , s,•
Ho lisonbOald stew*.
r. p :BE. .2
• war Llbortr-
PllMbiugh Petroleum Market.
Jots Sid—Tbe si•rket for etude Oft% very erns
at 214124 to - bulk;iiitd 2634 to 270 le barrels. offs,
futility fight. Elati* of WO bbla at vie; CIO bbl. at
tic, and 2lonlfered halt* bbl to be measured to the
boat,' the bolder aeltbtg 12a: In barreled OH .e
i f ,.
we could ilea of no transactions,
Reined fa on at 450 bond, and 55e tax paid, We
could not b of • darts transact ion.
In Bonen , them h nothing doing, and in the at.
: Inoue
fence of t - ow, we premme SOc; including
Package., old be • faii quotation fir drodorhad.
Pie Tina Petroleum Market.
@pedal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Duette.
Kror—Toan, July 30—The market for erode is
Ironer, with sales on the spot at 310880. Beamed,
in band.ts Ott., and prima are • abode higher, with
Wee at Ph; tic tor • Atoms fativery; 543(c for Pop
teraher,'and 600 far October.
Alloghetip Live Stock statkot,
Jeri.r 24—The market on Tneeday I,lpenUZl Ala*
iffthotiffil thwn wan no clung* to =Beth. pri
ori in the taut, onlhail it a oilmen that animist one
tilf of Op catty* Intended for market wero detained
tlif rouii, and did no . gq m coalliet Asatil Wa
notidtkt, we q 4 o.Ardi7 premlae what they might hare
exeindrd to, as buyers had it pretty, near their own
way Ile it Win. 'and had 4 1 the stock arrived In time,
foe market, It vronhi ,have been impoAlble to hare"
euetalued former prime or anything, nett to it. But
the amount of etoek offered on Tneaday, Ins net
more thaneguat to the demand. If it had beenault
able for hutchere' et:At:much morenaght,have been
Sold, but far too many of the cattle offered werenottlt
for market, nor ever would be, •.1 they werntoa in
ferior to ever mate good cantle had they a chance.
The moo= Miy of tho Market woo esiremely dull.
The arrival. on Tuesday night and Wednesday morn.
.legouniunMed tooter 600 head, all of which were in
tended for this : markst w and we tuner taw putts.
win so unwilling to .boyi ea in this morning. All
the an is that were matte ' wire at buyers' own pit.
cra.. A lugs proportion of the oats on sale was
Small Inkster stock. although tberawu a Parley.
ply of asvarmasat stock on sale—areen Ohio stem,
wfilehnie tlit kind they like beat tar that nee.
Theta wan =stemma for stock °Ate, a large num
ler might hats he= la Doua at edam mf3 to t%
Maul Man on ready to admit that ea Ile will go as
low thlefail an they 'did bit This have often
Odd, and new womythat cattle milli Hower than
0 t i c
.1 him 1 .4 MAY yes= The can try Is full of
light thin tale , and the sanity of y al( over the
country WWI' for= a large =fount of 'a 0 tip= ins
tauter, sod =on Hood It with a kin of stick that
Is not wantod. , . .
Below will be found the current quobetloni for the
difference grades of cattle :
:Ptega1um........-:..L......-...;—. 6401 VD
• tr o
ixtra . .... 1.........5..«............. 4 450
Flat qua1itt...........,.....-..-.—.- 1.0 .::
&cow quaUty.-----.-.--- 440. 0
...—...,-,....-..- § • "
be Sound a report of the number of eat.
le old. and the different States they antrum
5190 haul lb=
le load tram Kentucky.
080 head from Ohio.
5:38 bead from Pisanileast&
Below will be bond • correct report of all the laid-
J Pertr ' idge, 20 bead r ough Ohio stein, not kip
lajgbillir 90u lb; sold at „tiejk3)(o.
8 Montgomery, 18 heed of very fair Ohio sumo,
welehint 1100 be acid at do.
3X(84 on. Old 90 heed of fair Illinois steers at
twozoo a co, sold SO Mod if trwy small mart Ohio
colt% at 2.13833f0-
AU altars all . to, Obeid of fair Nana Rook. re.
Laid at OM*.
Webb Aso, £4-bad of rough Illinois attars, told
for fp:mermen' no at 83,40.
B Phillips sold 20 bowl of cows and Won, some
pr _
pretty goik — at.l3os4o..
Ohatobpelt di so, 35 hind of ro ugh thin stock, as
bard as any one maid wish, sold at 54330.
HOBMonroe, Mr heed of swill cons and heifers,
hem Northern Ohio retalled at 250>fie.
J 0 Asada:non, retailed SO bean of smell Chie at.
tie at
oheapt 5 55 4 -
Z Whittl o. asealliktilfair Northern Ohio steers
sai d'to be sold 90.
0 Theses. sold 1.8 bead of sough Ohio s tairs, weigh
tog MOO IDr, at 53,90.
BMAviW, 15 heed of very pod Ohio steers, sold to
P flods, at
son o ,llo boad of Ohio stock all kinds from
she little cabs to the vandnither, at StMe.
B Traalman, sold 66 had of Illinois Meets, good
government stook &L Al*
Il Huff, 67 beat of Mir Illinois stems sold at SY.4
gi 4 3i
A %gel!, 59 bout of retina steers mixed lot midis!
at W.VA. .
P Bash, IA hod suitable for dorm:meat lasi at
33 11 44 t0 Piper, 10 head of Kentucky cattle, very Ins.
sold lAA%
Dlcklaeop, fA head of things said to be eattlir
sold at 2160 •
Orem d - co, sold 61 head of /111nols stem, cam auia
lot at PAL
Butler & 00, 37 head of Lova 00., Ohio stems,
sold at B,lle.
Greta wait d Co, sold 30 head of small thlap, some.
Bald ate cons, at 3o
'lll • Merrick, sold 18 head of fair 1111nols atom,
fdr J Pack. at • 5663f,q alma 18 head of dr bond
'took, some very ( co at 40644 aloe, 93 head of tale
Smell rondo. stock, for it Yam at MON and 00 hoed
Fredricks stook, cows and heifers, at 8040.
Hartman. retailed 19 !red of fair Psaaa stock
3 . 4 %c•
Pahlools, mold 39 head o, Ohl* eattlo mixed 144
*sash I co, 18 bead of Ohio cattle soma far at
. _
s3 9Mbollea, le of. very fek Oh!o cattle, .old at
$1,9% about go above the market
II /fatalist:4EO bead of Ream stock, at 13434,140.
0 Barker, 40 head of vary poor Ohio stock sots at
*WO bead, about is more teas the real watts of
Portant co, 20 hood of small thin malls, sold it
gib bad.. •--
Zloty:to.= 16 bowl of far OW* steals, *sighing
1100 foe sold it 4%. -
Jilforgaa U bud of ade Masts, sold at Cle.
lisos—Thant Is nothing dotag in flogs oi drily of
nodes some small lots won sold . at 64061/0, @acced
ing, to (panty.
flacm—Thars Is still fair dataaml for slump of good
shigglas qualifies.- The to/log galas for sll grads
of espsrs33o4o.
Imports bißatlroad.
Prrresonairs Wong & Clittoooo Ronson, Jai,
SO P bldes,3 El Rolston; 1 car stout. U Elso 3do
,tio. Gelato &all; 1 tok Loon .7 I Hove co; 25
&sitcom:l4 R. Robison & co; 240 pee utioa, Moir. Pot.
tin A C0:57 bbl, collets, Wm McColl, A co. ' 10 eke
W Rip A cot 2 nit* 011. 2 she rsil.nostord
Cottrell & co; 5 op lord, 2du boon; 8 Boort A co;
3do do,lideols,Ren.too; 25lcs.hams, Kellen it ams , co;
82 bbl, puts, Be . rut B&W& A 00 ri dos tubs, 10
dO rub bosraff, Boasktoir; 8 dos tubs, Bhoonsker
4634; 20 do buoluNsilisted Met 15 do do, J
Pidutm; ets rivets. 12 bdle air., Tow ags;
nsont A 00.
214s thi s oboes', L 11 Vole A co; 22 do: brooms, Lit&
ItiovaLson Premiums Reusosa, Judy 20.-
6 tcsluono - ltr bids lard; 20 don brooms; 10 bun
starch, Snowshoe &Lang; 10 do do, J D Winning 15
do do, 8 Cooper; 60 dodo, J 8 Dilworth 6 co; 23 do
do, Atwell, Les hi; 12 pip do, J Cl*Vi K Lippin
cott; do do, .1 02 Snowden; 10 hhds tobacco: W
Poindexter S ui4D; Ido do, R Dalimporp 6 do•do, Jtio
Odor; /do Wood, Iliad co, 100 bbls done, J Karr;
12 6dls leather,' J-Y IlcuOsaghlin; 312 bush corn, 0
Roessner; 14 Whoopee. Per, co; 12 bas oboes!
.14.4 1r 444. 40a4 dodo, 1K Isobwo a bp; 26d0d0, Wm
• * co; a° do do, Littbilililmbla. 21 do. 41o;
JaskA short mks wool, Ellburbstidh, 8 co; IS bids
osunient,'Yetuutolt; Ran cer3dodo;4lddersp s Olsrir,,
3341 buts sheets, Jos Ciorrtnitos; 80 bbls wooden A' . !
046nestook co; 62 bola catunk, , Long et pen; 2100
bbl laud, McKee 8Bro; 12 bdhrhililesi O 4w boalniV
JJ:DaY ;
iron= 44LIC.
VOR GAL —A =monis' ni two-story
• .11:, kirk dinglio p With back banding; So.
to liars strut,
dlso, • lismck t sad ardi•dniabad Mao.
skoy bah* divutig haw. 1110 blot heldroli.
1111 saw strew, bantam' lirrt aid domed Wrests.
' 43 "is-hro - fim boa 4....)mit bow:3mb tisk
#adlots, dis &coati Omer. am Blob.
.411 am above ars la aboderder,sned mum vim
on and altar,
I s 4 ,s /MO storyanon• *Macre dreenbg. No. In
Barna Wee_ „t end the twoatory Inns derWllng
Both of then Noses an In good aniar, and
sv 4l
for sau4l fandliss. ,
rot st gra/cedar/ eke norikeastiaafy - lids
of Tint arid, between Boss sad Try akests, Our
Boaretnat. turfing • haat of 24 test on Blist And,
and mmeo/ but 40 hod, •
,gym sbova property is sitnatidni I.4osisiddi gart
I* taes sairiand patticalus thoa!re of .
• lirs. w.momorr,
17sti Ito. 106 lifth stmt.
BETY 7011 4LIL,Tqa 3.044, 2 4141 4 la.
rfroittb7.llolSMMd.eptoaualloosith law dada.
home, morrow/haw and Hard strati Ado&
nib& tomtlon for • Pbcfsn or Deatist.
Ala, tome, am bull dim (orprindirmideacie
fie* Mfamerilla, from to lame tech.
4 froro ,htimextoober, boddtm .mrs, of
Man, of froM MM. Met bent by Mk tie IMO Met
de*, Mooted et the termfam'of the Wyllelltmct
- •
St tii. of estate
5 JOU Verron, dao'd. ,_ W. 0. HIRRONi
Witikko •11L. 0. IWIRROX ,
4irrtriONEILLII.,•Wa lira antbadast la at.:
Is , A tia, totaattatl osaatry isstroostaialsit arrarla.
susikQ - aake attest :isaascauS Ilk it Tin *matt
state of calthattaa. with a now two-4m dwoktag.
Grinds. parilsigiutkd with ball sa stole tam%
lag irell - inspril.7 - 714rapoTe - al
:ham t...*Yaasi AUL ItaiViatia aktu7ar i :
t o
ars, and is offered at tbi layrpr los of , , .- : Patties
noting a hams li tbic-ocruktry i • 'bilk -at uNornlng-
B. ilabAnt a 0 3 .1 an taaasti 41,4
At o i l
r thibbsd a rw utosiin um no r ik with wall i
4Thima k Ida
tli,Ulollollo,6reniatostit - lis
2 ; =.lte i t
IMDittnt_ ag;taio pfviosoietb
14en t ' J . .
I ; -1 ., ..?N 4 4. ;
Ali w1I•
y:d Elie; ti; t • . yi,vb.,O4IIIIIIMMALN
4=443 .11 14.044.!: t R. 1.1
BLOOD !sASßari
a 617E1l VOIR TOI
timorous Formations,
Ontaneons Disease",
Erysipelas, Boils,
In on the Face,
re Eyes,
Tatter Affections
Staid Mad,
D1PP1* 11 .44..
Costiveness, .
d Stubborn. Meer%
euxatis Disorders.
Salt Rheum.
Sierran* Diseases,
Goner Debill4,
is of Appetite.
Low Spirits,
Female Complaints,
Sp''tipsy or Mk
Paralysis or Palsy.
Syphilitic Diseases and
Oarlss Of the Bones.
rithavothe SI, UP
Ds. O. U. Eznon—l tab In msatn
Ibis vohnitary datemast la favor 4 • sisdlohm Pa
pre by you celled "amain'/ liduathaa."
I had lad th& to Ihni yeses with fforobile, which
brthe n E on my heed =a *memo so so to midgioi
the Dub. td loth Off the heir when the the
wee Ith elffelthathei le aloe broth oat on soy
arm Om End Wow the elbow. and sabre theskte
sad Ma me ow tothpam a terfal oath. The thar a
amp heed weer 6 lee thee 11,111311 mat plum of
boas come cot 4 the they weak end low wthithl,
and had %hen wg all hop of nth petits well,. I
had toted omega thllllel ithysichros and emy alma
no pod. la Deplete led, laell. I woo Indthed le
taw althea:We Low win Rothe llethisoth. /
moth mega I bed we Nth la gthed thedietits. bin
Mar I had oil these baffles or Sloth Demcber. the
glow on ea Mad ind ana bethi le heal. I hate
PP ttheithablor the bottlth aid my head sad arm
,eie enalrely will image the thie remeheles Dom the
=IL I will goo OW that I bad the rheanuthes
Pry blab
.my arma end lege. 'The hood ffeerther
alio nt,dtba rhetai lam w a well =an,
othi forth path s step, and I MI se maple and pima
go I did when I wee Ihristyt hire Increemli a
weight throaty math I also Pate that the
theses to ivy :Ibrehethrthe We bed thee when he
stewed and lifted wain bossy. the blood ran oil
el the Dm' Dr. Dept bid. pboliogreak-been of
me . by Pr. Orem, the with, east l - bison 10 gel
well/ It don sot show my elysinieco as had ei Is
wen before I othieswthl tette( the isuedkihe. Toe
thema yhdopepli , the oterblch Is vow b no
, end ohm at Dr. Limn , LP Woodethele.
I we also Pate that I toot the Stool Smooth
which wan made Wore Dr./Gine coaximme make
ag it. Although la- helgal the samb a I did
_bat ew
ether fest until I got th• Ithed made h7,lD'e Ii lea
himult. One bottle of hhi iUd coo Dora good that
two Pea old. I believe it br • greateleol stranger
sod !utter. I reeanniowleg the hood ffeenose
or to a peel NNW Of Fry flimailbt Arlan diemmie
awn Wenn lothhelpott the AQUI of them Toe:
may yabllth this If you iffeh; and I' ap mime the,
All who an 'Motel is lino they oe oared; 'Deals
Ibis city, Pe. Into Path. and mu esplopd as 00l
eiDe A Aidenoe's Milos Liable grats.64 Wayne
Wrest. -- IWO= ,I. BOTD.
I Ihr mat 011atro DUI, math loth boo
north Wad In both rpm for rawly bar Dom I
atfloa ro Dr. Loth Oral Duo woo thoodfd
Mad , bin to tlra lime= tots lonforks
L. Do SUot lbltlatpbl►"lia toia or Oar
and apt go to IbliolOptdiftb' At irrth to to Mt
sralatar MO valid oar of; at be old ray dip o
so fa itto WOOS. link tomb* ibr It tsn or - tato
thus tatbahordttlMlthttally..l4 Orr naSsolf a
but swallow attrroresatb or for
attar roam rot Toad
ow 'lrritant,* inarl WW2," - UradOco of 6
tool frford of mina, co Do ilbortorlavies torero*
my sihs. rtml• ofy rosin orraty m NI r tsar
DM Dario 0n Os uhladrara Mead thrrolire'raa
a • wrarinnsoLiat,..
Olinton 'MU 811 M'
Wiroate—lL 'Avoaar, • attherroa , skirt, •
Preassaaa,, aaassabor le, IESL—I hada oda*
tad bayslud eon Da Sur am a, .. is
mend ;Eta darts ad and , act,
wads id mg. As sitsEd sadist I' wav
WM. d'ill i Z e rir bat Diase et sgt
ass nasthi: , t asks taw laths
Gab tmaidtioutspialapiittsaadtslainsaaa Da_
IlaasaUsllaa ;Ma Waal APO* iroo at Aomori
sai gook two wislab r sout limn me rot majoticho 0/
audlabd. adf Ida Ida Vattray:WOD lad lad as ,
tidal *A ibr itc assald.' , l sae staiftal ad
laglif Napa Itessa,ve Daastlaals,,
DlALk abase as,
ass eta mu , . 2201111A.PA
•._ _ •
• ,
IMISUISs oral so gm aorio,ll don is soon
apj . W . 4 Sio ma** r • • • •
.41e . srma '
,•,.--, .!,_
\ s
. , ...
Tr "Ii t C I UEZ F PF'C i PN B M I Pf'
.—..4. .:.":!. ;11011/. , ' , -4; • - ' '
IPLOPietai , thillMadalLll4l4l4,lllibli di.
ItA4/ cir Yaws • gertr4l4,441 . 01 Arbil
la lsi l itoir,t ihaki Allibi k*tt 1
tab of atiporkeN. - , llllr 7igniiviuulipiot
adoakdmiprepead leth.micirtanceik sir Imizo.
theabd,......,....Tr0d5/Veksetwebre low Mao iiii
pli• 1:44161-ciiiiiiii*______j;anitiiiv.i;!
_ pit P, '''' *lt ." II Its /warn Mil
....diAST 4I. W i . , 43"-
ft will CCM 3 •
sad 11041141120 . it Mgt 11111/11ft.
.„ _
11 . Okkaturlida.ill
ilei 4iiiviusaurs an .
= ?Taiga a Vatidlion ,
;;;Af igu a zuisi m padi o n ,
A lt Y -
„ ; „
• 1,4L1144
sizirm , w
Wla as WlRffii
mowarr !Twin* ors
1711 1 1151111 AL 1 *" .
Ith valuable hapreeemepti
The - eel, Machine In the World macs jai MOM
Blu*z,' sad wit ; Leitamied
Moor; ono re_opoctfully tuna to Dta .
and no Qs Mackfato in OPosstioD.
OPAL Madam atarraaged area para.
ler Stud fora Ofraulay.
Will. SUMNER it C 0.,.
ri:rismair—No. 27 rirTn WZRZIT
Lacunas—Na.l MAILIZIO =raw..
FOR RENT—The threeelorl BRICK
WARYXOOBII.Zio. a Wood atreoti two doles
from Water street. _
Jar corny spßly to PEA.IIK MUM
wooly', Balsa t 50.5),
cc to JOSEPH AVOODW=e,%=
wroor,ltd ood Wooirstrests,4
rllO 'LET--tine, Two. or .Thror „
JL fo the third or fourth studio of •outiveiiii4l&
, Yffth street, with or without o:tittsi Own , • 2'
FUR SENT — The-.third story. of the
building now occupied bJ the-(o"w . ,ocantr,
bt. Otair strut And DeqUesne way.'. '
paw - • soar. esuwileso:
u rummus, PHILIDNIZIIII. AID aizigirik-lii;
=arm Ooxrairos, North-mai corner Wooidjicdd
Third treet. - •
xv P. JUNES, Atemne_.Norrn
II • ita. Mate of Pennsylvania, and ilasitord
amass Oampsaks, 87 Water stmt.
@U11:1 • MLA; thonienity Urn=
bunrausca Comm, oorneildakin mad Witar
Id.e r RDO i.thicareAltr W
•IL .13tH3i4. discausAac .•, •
Is) POOL. torching sr QUUI3?OWN,
Rodsos) The von bigwig rissassniTS
td~,.poot, Hn York sad Philaddplis Eltssouddp
DPW ors istraddid So WI as Senn -
MI 0! L 0 ND0N.........-Batur4B7, MBA;
OUT ON BMW /lug. 8.
MT! OF YLABISFUBTAX,........Burum Aug. 18.
and (ma
y soonklhig Ilataxday, 4$ it= Fur
44, Borth ur.
- ' gams or mussy
'WWI 0 1 MU, or 4* opeardaet fa Gerrasp.
Iron 0ta111..........540 00 8r0taatta.............102 55
do. to London... 58 00 do. to Londola„ IS 61
do. to Poris—.. 06 00 do. to Paris. * 40 60
do. to lienabora 60 IXI do. to Handsaw SIT 60
Pawonsors also *awarded to Him, Brame, Sot-
MMus. **twerp, **, at equally. knr Wm. __ _ ._
rams taxa Liverpool or Queenstown
Li . Poisso,Pos. -pansy, po. Those how whit to
si for shots . friends as bay tickets here at thaw
D/1A Mahar friforsaattm Mai at Maw Ocasanr a
Maw JOHN - C Aim; p
15 Broadwro Ilf I
. . JOHN mohnozr, sim,_" ' ' '
Handmot, tint haw tram um wl l o%
TION 001IPANT: M i na .
ADIIIATIO.I.2OO Noraelsovar, 4,000 tom
'llllllaraa. 2, 6 00 itorsol.wor. 2 . 00 0
GOLO DMA. I ,o ool 3otasixerar t ,kNao
ANGLIA 1.000 Herb-yavoar;aow Was.
Tb• Magatlinar etansikly-ADZISTIO
from Ltnipxol,, via Gahm. to broa York, oa WAD.
bIUIDAT. the ma of Join so bo Ibilond by the
Gabor mamma af Ow Has ovary alteraata Wednesday.
• Rata alpaca. trout Idvaryaol to New Tot.b.Day•
ebb, ta oM or Its aiamdsat ta as
Matt 00. ds $l9l 00111taertgo., - .«....--415 CO
for pow apy37 at tail °Dee of the Agent',
"BSI. elabaal. 18 Broadway.
Bondy Dtroabogo Datlag,
jyloblyma No. 70 Man ouoss,:ntotosib.
PROP 05411.111.
• !Mit= labssazaturnot timasuli arms,
Pittsburgh, Ps:, Jai 2$ t,
Waded Prove& will bo lionised at thit edict ustil
19 o'clock in.. the lerDnli trY aUGUST, 11119, foe
fonliehing awl dowers at PitSsiburskTo.. of TWu
THOUBAND Ung/LIST ROBSLO.ta lots from coo
to ohs hula. les, as Is let-ibra sgaisst each log
Now an waiodaL Thus hones mart ho Awn nes
to alike pews old„ Asia eltean sixteen hands
404 well broken to: tte saddle, Wire and of gag
Ma, and, perhetig sound in awry respoot also . in
Rood order. - •
• •
Lol No. 1-11:ree Hundred sad fifty Harm on or
More aui ltd day of mama 1860.
La Be. 2-11 the Itandred end fitly Horses on or
• before the Bah day of Alava, 181 a.
Lot Bro. S—Thrae Unadzed and Silty Zinn on or
before the 11th day of ilnaustilata.
Lot 80. 4-11 use Bonded and Filly Herm at or
,s bane the Shit day a awrartilla3. -- - - .
Lot tie b.,Three lisedad acme on er,befato the
Ufa day of Alatht, UM. . .
Lot Be. 6—'llwee litoldred Boren on at before the
MIA day of Logan, leg.
Bide mat be mated ,_'''. PppagAill ter Oink"
Boraes;. end addressed fai•LE - OeL O. Cm% . Betsey
Quartetherer Omani; LL B. A:i ' - latabnati.' Pa:
sad masked :Wade Lot 110. - onewe the se. the bid
may cal kr. If the bidder teethe to:taller mai
than we let, it matt Woman% sad mallard a
ifetfd tiftfaiY• - • _
... All bona roarer:ad say wader filth advarthrwant
-wOB- be enbJected to'a rigidithatank , :6ol Mb"
they 0141frala.-1,0 the. ayeadeation tea to thlt
1 Replication, lOU be ranted. ' ;.:: . ,
Ithareafee,_ _ _ ....
. tiro ability of the bidder to telail the contract,.
railed it be awarded to him, meet b• iinerenteral by
fed niponsirble pries"; whew allatatura mat to sp.
• '
eeat h ai a l o n ar i t t i y th oat e h
e t i h te e r a M n a tor k o n f a th t e h i sw eh a o th ws
Larict mthart,Unteitate e.
Markt Alta ,
,Biddirs• mat
_be MOW in , paean when th e
= oc d d, or e t re proyere u la ra w i all ru r be
am ;ft
netted on the contra; dined by the - teed tct
and both of bin penal" vill be • twi af the
inaleathl bidder. wrath:Nag the marmot: ' As She
bond mit apoo. ithway the ocatath Weill be nem.
eitv o r the N 4, to 'harp their badmen with
theta, or Where bands Jived thentiodistkea and
may to betwodficsd what the °entreat le Aped.' "..
", r-- t has of Gartudea.
We t -,—, of the wanly of. ..=.,, and of-- e Stata
....Off thee:may of '..--rena Bate of ~ . ...i , 111) 111111310611 , 0111 is able te tibia li- tan
trait* etwerallewe with lb. twos of la pop*.
tom, AM that. abeula hio prolioatioo beoanoted.
litentU AO mai soak la* a aintratt to ocandeote
eh: Ohookl throe - 4nel be, ewitiledlimwe
: o tea "Eitawitoo - mota - be - mamba the obleiel
welds a mum e eti; •-= • - . ••, , ^ f:. - r• - .
_-• , ' •.'
- , ltooseebt ftetallidepti petthettill net be cauldh
end; owl , eiattie of ellestkelo wtil be, ..1, at
satawdut blttdetere agile! Mama, I . ...... ..'
To. nideragned rearm to lilaboitthiright to
trot at
di blame biota awn too Wet. ;.•
- roman ..14) be porrthreompletioa of the
eon err soon Miriam! as the andananed
thall be in fends: -__ . _ _ 0:01/0118.
, -ad - - --- Lial:aoLead D., Q. 111.-thaeraL-
F i141411
liblaza on)
. . •
"gamma in arum.- •
' I . : JAB!
trisiaTithiatrmisossrifttli t i o .;
11l Youth *not. - -- • • • able
eLtkrldrg* U. CAW Wif4L4,
(secosage to, Jaws Miami 06.1)
Disler la BACION.111).111NALCORID 1141111 $
OWL AZDlFtlilli
J /11112:3 ht.
K =cm
Itsmins Mown Thuitift /am mount
1141 in kinds 0f .844311M a nd suPaintaids t L .WE
rZ e oa Ambers, and t _beiriems Leo& sad
liddrea ands. WY , MO '
y.1111k1106.1 r ...
I ' -" I :
, gil&eitriato_
p tfs,
ip2titi.l2/V:7; A.O =4 It.W snot,
f te
LIIV111:41 ' 1 '
ITThrsinsait' alb
1111:111witi Wel ,
II T/ II II BE Ulatuurgli a ass
Koltun 1101110th, usis.smai will Vivi ' l3 "
vivo _of ag• Passionsia As*
P ll Massh ali indland. ZAO O . '.. _
Liempo IVO& 1. lag M. ~... e MAD p. tat
wiampb. &wt. ius . fmg de
do Inundates font a - kyr .. 11 , 3 . iss es
dip inaallog. 8:10 0 a ' css a
tinihus Balta... 6:26 N. - • sdo a
Oomatta4 al Shoobaattila aid Bor,s with !Imp
bruin" sad Leans Sawa and Onto 4411.
toad tor Sanantils, noway Oth ad 4 WX4ith lOatw
tos. isdbaspas, Otattanatt. Toodinint.cs±m, se.
Lowiscßt. Joseph, sad aloha siat aad Kat,
and arrt ., wt . * laMmo sad Ohio Isna ce d.
. __,...._
.............Yaiar ~.......... and
LI DLe s. ta. MHO p. a.'.
—7,7-- --...... o . MO di
4 o 1187•116.:: "............ LW 0 4.111 a
do &Masai .:..........4...... 1 & 11 5 " tit u
do 1tatatut5.............1T:14 ° lkill 0
do Iluditra - -............ Tad to '' 1140- tt
&rites at eavelaad- WO-A' IVIO 0
Ooonoatias at Bawd with Tosowawas bomb fin
Na. Phi laellelpils and Cattal Doyen at AWam tolth
Pittaborth. 'Ott Wayne and Mow - satbacapa
8111,111111 'Mete Attu:tie bad Digit 11Faitata flat
1,,,, warm, Oroutato. aread=s4FlllAiwg
Jamstows sad Salamaca. at v . !
kat, S
for asunilla sad aatf talthstat e
owshp Tilla aaOtools , at e, Mill ,
with 0. 0 6L IL 11. isigt,- llahld
with O. & T. B. B. Sot Ilandadw Tata , ~,, and sup
Warrilla Aux4saaatica woreirst BIG i, la. '
___ .... _ ....
sogrulma Wit init.' a! Ltact i Til47l.7l and
p. to., and k.lO a. m. - •
p=lMast, to all prtdabant jpoitta Aim
p i t &be Idbattp Strati u;, P t
• (1302011 PAMUII s =DA Altent.
=AU at Alittampa te i
AM, dot%
40 Ctmitu2fr 011os It 118414,!..tta. Fun it.
,may, 11II8TLT J e . - I,C4g
Tits • TIISOCIGH AouoitiPDA:Tiot
loam the Pastrave Stalk= daft, (taziopt easdaw)
al 4/60 . at Inatkon bopwara P
burgh Phniphhi, and maths direct maw s '
lion to New Tats Pheadalphia; • • ! • .
The THROUGH NAIL IMILLA have thil et&
angst elation map wnntsig:E l emadary •
tao a. m .," clopping asepaa peso iftmarowr.,
dhwa orwarwthne• al tot MM. •
own sad Wethinatima, and for New Tor Paha
. _ Tamura SIMINIIS IMAM lawns
. ft . tt ,
atho p.sawatopplap
dime wonnsoemi at Hitzt tar aleklinant — "a r '
'Wmad err Saw Takata Aibetewn
Limesies. tia EtWonday -
mowsp,) way. atopplag inU at a
arrowcen Herbiltattibt
mad T at ailleareal
Niolsitactnaerie a a acoannosawas Zink maw ~
atal*•anda marialeele
and ranahntas li st wrikawaumpla •
. Anat acopreaadiscantiodathu Testa torWhiFtenrsart
dap (rew Ls. -
". Sawa 'lloomerm Mei- liar- Vane mop • - • 1
dam Iscorpt Wien
- bt A
Yam daitylazaapt 400 Wna! %
Fourth .."ht antr a •
so Tads
d a y d R 96 A. 4.4 Istardmi: bawl. Pitilltnel of=1: •
twos antoi.ft ma ofanni,
Datums . 11:53 p.
Earr fp.',11_24 - Ara, moo a. L.;
an , Apla+lollathimr Amossmodafilosi
Ioto6 a., au uertre Want elatkra, itaxmosoilditio
OM a. ta. Akegai .W•lea Azommodatica;
8.14 a. ra.; • Third Warsrtasuprmass "
1110 p. In. I earth Well aMmy'AraWrietwi,•''',''
OM '131013111/0/1 wig sat," viand* •
moo was., op Koarkarri. - . •
Testa kw 'ianntWa wallatawassansolaa .
rtDa-Intarawatz= t i. Through t.
Johnatoirs and imams Troia
and with lhetharal N.pc aw wad Astros.'
Truing kr=
== sat giburbunk w at and Onolun.grilk
lon salsynone Itzi Din°
Ths2elloin r ir io n u ic a r6W a titi
Bann:A as th• sosoomodaStati nowalimik,
=mot be mamma cow awatber routs.
barb& . dam 'mad Ai liattegy fret ,
WO am pasionalletir iparrial waft, 111411116
imay Mix Ms Rood with WU pitman%
To iiralort.-.....613 1 : 0 : 0061 i 6
To liliTodaiplao.... 106 0 Togasauflat.;. . 111 4 .
oboo&T to el/ oa fit
aftrail UMW; nut to-PaiDitodpkti,
Pusavlb burobbAbb ibboto siCaub
sa - Ems% 0000ntoig to Maim Monolog,
irdiWto tot. tbe.2 a mi ratio, ortolti lict2 MOM
wloto tbo Compoogr ao Aait, ,
lloTlol6T iip 4s, - of lon, the 1116 rw
sad tor to mood not 1100. .
• If: /3. —An Osoltbso Lino karboto ispiend is •
lottomptea awl boaso to sakiroatitol3o.-
tot, at show AWL) Ototoil 23 Ousts fix NA
mowaa3taa..p Woe tioloarisi to
.t tio rossylurcla Otatrat EsTho.oli*ow:
fttaits.6 . ou. oze Wald 13113
Opia WO.
9to o'oback, Moo ReGY/Pieff
old Saturday efelStola Mel t
s Korman"
lit, ham I io 9 o eadTral Smuggle DI '
te noshed of WI esate n et teen Mit - 09er ,r;
Dolke4 mad • dlvldead of the profits &dared
Iv; .•
yesr.ta Jam sad Deofflaber. Lauren Luber do;
caged eeloVeaasalrita Juar mad - Deeemberodeee •
OA each argenlod, at the Waal et: per oak •
of,lf not Abeam 091.19 Pleee4 fella 119419..
of Ow depaatot se latudpel, and bens the MP 119. ,
heed tram the int deo of Jana anllDeamierf ease.
poplin twice year without Doubling thei a tosh.' -
ice to WI , or mkt* primathb pre book.g
tete. leo. thealvehe
• pooh •
• soup, imatsweir the Obert Seim
Mao. Begaletloah fonaheil gratis, en aolladloh _
~ . PutEuire-0101193141,1111111.- -
• -- •• - , f , Dam rear- - .' '• , (I
John B. Itall'addan t ,- ; - lama B. nook,Pa..;
John maxim. - John asirsball..... ..'
AlMlkillit Spear, -•' ; . - Jams B. D. swath rl '• 1 ,
Ban). L. Pahneinnk, -A. B. Pollock, NoTha., 6
Jones Medan . Bill Hurd% , , -.„-- -
Jaws Beatnan., ' ' Whthun J. Ashotioni ,2- !.thr
Petar - B.ldadatan,' - '-t '''''
Walter P. MazahalW -.--.'••
John Orr.. -,
ItablAt Babb, ='' ...
' r
E 0 a , 7 1 . EtagMlll4. ; , .. 4 , C .
'Jobe 11.-Binseharran --'
Wllliaa laaluta
5,.. 1,
Abarandstigney. . ~..•-,.-,
.Willians Tankklk i ,,!, -. :a
lass. 4.-arpirii.—,:,)
Ratan Moat,'
John G. Haolootio;
John 0. loOtol,
. asap Bloody
Moos A.:Carrier, ,
GumborTh Colton,
WlllhoorOilm, -
WiWou 0. /WIN
Itior /1./lookok
mum DVai," - . -
wawa. 0; Lamy.
Raiw . ..LsWATia
InforporWs, by the lingbintiso
Ofie 'for popeatta Ram 10 n. m. to 1 chlook v. 5...
ongi7 :Von on SATURDAY RYININGBaront 1110 '
mr inn= BraUT
wxwmanur .Iquin6aza
1111POSIITO ischsaks. labssics, OW* sad,
Voss miens or ovilip issidr.'
rrparnar-I 1t0ih110 1 00111,41131410011111i 006i4
Issass; apt% aosaVas or_ Asisidistltais;
MUNI 114 .ISmsrsis at Por. Pla QM . "'" •
11011111 . 0iiir - 411 arlatt, lirbieVif vg/
lir *aid branissoilltist evosamooiiSW OWL 6 .
seass Intersdopiiirs 44 ..11.411.20 1 / 1
viltdsiSkitip. own win.
Intend yin comuisior on o n
Omit days i sit Ativrtisath eltit sactly-lsgss#pa tai :
cri ippliaktion Ulla Moo, .
14ig,.0 - 4saio
T Proidest,ll4.l4; COPILAZID;
marniat - -
Boa. Mu* B. 8o ? , , fi l er .I . i4 t .ol4plinik
W.:11:1Wd. ';
- • '•
• ARilin
' • . 2? 1 .1 4 t . •
E ERNIN I • . - $ 61 :;• ': - '
Bibautgl,lll, NOM ur nigh
Diver of 01 vottldise
1 1 / 6 - 41111111 - 1L•11
B. A..Trieromm. occ, a 4s*:! , ;-
zauts.a.ock. maws esatm, ritti*Eliabi;
- r - ciums.vuTimisTsirsiiTaide•Tume,,..•
welhatidtakthetoAtbooskgrai, wail ertaupip.
,M ane
NI cm likenliihsia nut kmatli
Of Itipplirlikasr ft-WC •
an MIN rill Oidia o o oll lollr Pa 'INIIIW"
MX tves %Una- t!saieli ',ollie/.
Mar .r!..- s -;,.-,, , - It. .4 . . •- . ..-.^-:. ~). . sklalla
'Trois :In t 6 jiirsirf. agg h t,,
1114147Mirakilagit 1
ijakpistain 11111/1f44
Pee t .1 4 , ;t.t tr
P _ _ ~...l.
9W.. i 1 L ag..v. Of.
it nikntlik.