=EI lin MINI =SE MEM ;.• '40.• MEM§ MESE .i:~ -:f .. !•, e r , MEE 11111 ~• ~~'ir~N~.`..~~ ENIZEI ;:•••• 4, 4 •t,' ,. • • .;,* • - ;8o-,a;~ ; „ ;• ; 'r, ' ' ' 1.:FZ:: ===E , . . . • • ' . • . -4. ' •:; 2 . ; -' • !•:•'•-• 11 ? •`• ,;, • ,~~ .. a : ~~~~ \ . \ \r 110 r. . ,;r., , , ...,: ~. . . ~... . . , "?..„.., ~ . . i .. ' t== • i5t.,414-) - • - r ..,.. (4 i ! t VH:t*trgit sgazetk. FRIDAY MORNING, MU 81 CITY AFFAIRS. lir 01710 UL PA OP TB7 C 727. NIIIIIIOIOIOIIIOLL Osauvorion for tb. 9.- Nl4, by G.I. BUN. Optician, •. • foal II 15J. IN MUM 9 o l Lloek i L. 92 73 'll " • 128 95 ti 80 =M!gEl!EMI:21:1 Unto* County Ticket. Ita , Asada Jr,. of NM MgAt Ornet. MOUS Reit rrON. • JOSH P: OAS& n. ALFRED SLIME to BANG 111. NtAROL rr. WIL. IL DINSIeJTON. v. THOS. J. BIGHAIL Itf• 'Okri qf aim& WIG A. HASSON. Oloqqy Troommir - DAVID- AMAX, J s. Par rcarlkr. ANDEM NoOLOR i IL F. Beerlan. WY. J. lIIOHANDSON. For Orr. Co . misaritarr. GZOROLHAILLIAO6. For Drrwsuri• qJ fir Poor JOHN P . DRAVO. The fir/44a Gall. McCook. The father of the 'famous fighting MoCook family, recently killed in Ohio in the tondos of hia country, was • sterling patriot, and a bold and leaden giddier. His first loss wit . In the trek Bull Bun, where his jounpst son, . . a lieutenan t in in Ohio regiment, Was ahotby a rebel, on taming a demand to surrender. His next was tae death of Brig. Gen. McCook in one of the Western betths, and then Mej. Gen. George MoCook, who was murdered by guerrillas near Nashville, while going to the hospital in an ambulance. There have keen five sons in the service since- the war broke oat. Major McCook, the father, was a tall, athletic, white-haired man, full of seal and daring.: The Major was a paymaster in the army, and was on one et the guiboats that Agent up the river from Cincinnati to intercept Morgue. Major McCook heard that Colonel Frank carley, the murderer of his son, the lamented Gen. H. 1.. MoCook, was with Mor gue, and he determined to pursue him, and sensed a position on, Gen. Judah's staff for that purpose. His impetuosity led him to the advance. He was at the had of Gen.Jusah'e teams early in the morning, 'when it was ambuscaded, and the noble 'old man fell mor tally wounded at the lint Are. He lived two days—made out his will, and dictated mu sages to his friends. HL last words were : "I yield my life a, willing sacalfice to my eountly." Shortly after the battle of Ball's Blulf the Major shouldered a musket and started of opts Potomac from Washington, where he resided, to shoot rebels "on his* ern hook." He was in a small battle at Bolivar Ilighte, near Harper's Fenry,where he boast of of *oiling off several Rebels, and was him self Wounded. He hsesinoe Wain' numerous, &Welshes. He was a Douglas Demoiest of prelates/its., but hated the Rebellion with an intestacy that only died when NO had gaud- Iced himself and his family for his country. Tie arrangements being made for the so ocuunedation of-the Bunt)Roan Convention, in,Coneert Hall, will, we doubt not, bi6om piste, and in every way satisfactory. Its designed to partition off, for the us of the • delegates, about one-fourth of the main hail. The President and Vice Presidents will our. py the stage, which will be taatefally decora ted with the national leg. The orchestra spas le to btearrangeil for the eseretariee, in the wet comfortable manner, and ample ac commodations for the puss will be furnished by the gentlemen is charge of the arrange ments. A space extending across the hall, with desks stamina for tweet) reporters, will be provided. The main body of the hall, to gether with the gallery. is set apart for the aosoisanodation of the public; where at lust Ewen hundred persona can see and hearwith *feet wale: A railing from the partition to the eastern entrance will be greeted, and the delegeres - willienter the hall at that stairway —the public'entering at the main, or western door. The Hain. Vettheller--from whom the hull isheieed—Will renovate and beautify the interior In their best Jane, sad to them the Committee of Arrangements have senfided this pan of the arrangemenu. The completeness of details leant ns noth ing to suggest, unless it be, that the gallery shall be set apart for the ascommodation of bees, sad gentlemen who may accompany them; and In this connection to stria that special Pains be taken to ornament this por tion of the hour.. This, and an invitation to, the fair se: to grace the hall with their prot ease en the oasastes, stakes us u well.wor - jky of the attention of the Committee of Av. thermostats. D 1 ssssss lag Aacideat-41lan Killed. On Tenreday nom, about bell past twelve o'clock. William BINIIVIS, s teamster employed by Stafford Todd, was fatally Wand at the metal yard opposite the Passenger Depot of thel'enarylvania Railroad. It aplame that Aft/ having seam his dinner, he hid down by the track la, the shade of a ear la the yard, sad fell asleep. -Millie in this state, train of ears was backed into the yard, one of them remain OUT his leg near the ankle, aid dragging htm some Are feet to • pile of • pig.iron, whale le was somewhat crushed about the shut and back. After being taken to a near house, and attaaded by Drs. Wal ton sad DOMINI. be was removed to his rest dome, at Depot and Bell's alley. Dr. Dan cen went to 'imams and rendered all the suistaacw In his power to alimriate the auf: Borings of, the nafortunate:man. But the in- Jades were Internal, and so were that Mr. Bodin died about lost o'clock. Be was about thirty years of age, and leaves a wife, to whom he kas been married only six weeks. State Teachers' Association. "Tie s Pennsylvania State Tanaka's A 114501- t alien meets at Beading Bats County Taos- day, disgust dth, 1803, and oontirinei three days. We learn from kr. A. T. Douthett, County duperlntradent, that Gen. Sigel, to ptk ic with other distinguished peneni, will present and address the convention. drl rearmost. will be made if pseible. with the -, 4 ••••• priseipet railroad., by whisk teachers and seem of the convention will be emend 4 ,?` to and iron Banding at redwood rites. The • arnaty superintendents, teachers and friends of ellneatlon, are earnestly requested to et c. tend. Tao meeting will be one of sitedsi In-, tenet as welt se a profit to all who may favor the meeting with their presence. Tb. asualsor et in this city, from Jody 19th to` Illy 22th, au reported by Dr. A. 4.. XeCleadliss, physician to tho, Board of 41•12/4 4 .11 1 0 91 hyd Mame - /Sinahle.....ilif / T0ta1. ...... 29 Disessell•-Amiler diarrhoea, 1; consumption, 4; issetal debility, 1; spoplasqr, 1; coops ties oflwals, I; killed In 'lntl, 1 ; diph theria, ; - dlarrhoss, 4 ; Wl•barn, 1; cholera inpatam, 6 ; sawn enteritic, hydrompbOls, I ; typhoid dysentery, 1; sessels, L • ut siseskrov them were : Addle, 8; Chil dreai 19, , • & Yen lislMninr.—Ahorrespoadotti of lba Philadelphia Pr.,,, writing from thlttilbilitt sap t Hasdtadaot aowaloai bag the (lotto- - tarts reeehred vitkla Ulm mama. days. Ia oae plan we emitted mt as. headed groom dilew rota eolaateen, the Samoa of the tome itetrall l a serlied oa pie boa bwirtiw la dairy:laity Heftily pebepia:inte tnioh; add not far off forty.. alemu% lineal a WatiLarp aaaw /DORA& mil is W dumb the eatatry, within a .teals of eight of! •st h i is wait bridal *CUR lilt Daum stated thltriliels tamp lor'esalted Mee Is about so be inleauti sear Brelleeles lthildsveis the Peategtesahi Railroad, tea alto 'tteie Sib • . "BLACKWOOD". Maoism.—MOSiri. L 600“ tk CO; NSW York, bam just imar4 their repriblimitlint of Blackwood for July, 'IAA will be found for male bore at their afrints,W A. Gildinfainey'r, 45 Fifth streot. It contain, a number of interesting and well. written artielm—among which we may opeol ally mention Ear Buiwor Lytton'e "Oaxtonl oak" "Ireland Itiwisitod," and a paper on Poland, "From Cracow to Warsaw.' Onty Own Dna/Y.—There are those who apprehend that there may be another drawing made under theprisent draft, should the num lir of drafted men fall short of whet is re quired, attar those l who are exempt from- dis ability, and ether eacieee, and those who pay the $3OO, shall be deducted. This is an error. There can be no drawing except the present, even though every dietriot should exhibit • deficiency after the draft is completed. —Lest year this. county produced 768,172 bushels of wheat—the largest amount ruffed by coy county in that State, except Butler, end this year the crop will not fall .short of that amount. Most of the new crop has been gathered and some has been threshed and sold. nr snu Oter.--Capt. Charles Oman, of the Ninth Besenres, arrived in the city yesterday, with a email squad of men, for the purpose of prootuing a indolent number of drafted mon to tilt up the regiment.* Capt. 0 witen was taken prisoner at. Gettysburg, and has but redently been released from the Libby when. • Tau AXILLIOAPPHRIXOLOGIOLL JOIIIIItAL. —The August number of tide periodioall has Jut appealed, and may be obtained from Mr. J. P. Hunt, Muonio Hall, Fifth street. It oontaine among other Illustrations and inter esting r eading matter, • phranologloal char g:der and biography of General Georg. G. Meade. Burn rst TEI Jar:..—fdles Buitty, who has beim lying in jail for several months past, awaiting trial oa s eharge of murdering hor sedum?, KaComb*, yesterday gave birth to • hall healthy boy. =MIMI City Mortality. _ _ - • • - • - • - • - • -- . 4 . 1-14 - tt ,- • -'••• •-• ' . Tim WRIAT CROP or STARK 00173TT, ORtO COLOUR Strintristrrsa.—Ellx colored substi tutes for the 24th District lett this city yesusr, day for the camp .near Philadelphia. Pour ntorevlll hays to-day. Duren Mes:—Porty.llve draft' men went into amp, near this city, yesterday. DIED : BIDDLE—Oa 7heriday morning, Jaly BOtb, BADIII 1:1191 4, dalgeter of Sarah J. ald BIM* age.' 4 pare' and 19 days. she found will tele place from the residence of her parent?, Ilsb•coa street, Allegheny, on Tamer, Slat that , at 10 o'cbok a, in., to proceed to Allege.. ny Cemetery. BriCIAL LOOM. MOTIVES. Gloria AID Bun's &mum llianatene, for family end naannfaeturing palmate, are the but In am A. P. Owner, General Agent. No. 18, Fifth unrest. Taotua Paul, Plain and Ornanumtal Slats Scoter, and dealer in Pannsykraxda and Du moat slate of the bast quality at low rates. Moe at Alm Lauer tin's, now the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. apBv3m CLOSING Out am Barrtaa Swot we Cosa.— Sam'i Graham, merehant tailor,ls selling o ff his Spring and Slimmer stook o goods at cost. Thai amidst 'of all the latest styles of cloth., eassimerea and veathtga, of which he is pre pared to make up In lb moat fashionable manner, and at aostprieu. The public should not neglect to avail themselves of this rare shapes aad um money by giving him an early call. Also, a large assortment of plain and fans; eassimares, wall adapted for boys' wear, which ha will sell by the pleas far below cost. Mothers should not neglect to call early. Searlaaaaist, Merchant Tailor No. 64 Market street. krrisrion, am:mu Vozawrgagg I—Tbo attention of our mantle'''. luau defenders re returned from the seat of war, and of the public in grans), is again directed to the tray eittensiui and hindsoutli usortment of the latest styles of li'mseh, Eagilsh and Amnia= plea goods, for pints, *oats and Tests, leanly 11 , 01 bid by MOMS. John Weis? k Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 125 Federal street, Allegheny. A tasteful selection of gentlemen's furnishing goods will also always be found on the 'abeam of the establishment, together with a lot of ready-nude clothing, t up in the but manner. New Anna. bp Boman CLosaute.-01- ten we are asked,. where ma we buy a nest sad comfortable summer gait, mate to order, thus liming the alma of selecting car awe goods? To all doss inquiries we can answer, go to Messrs. W. H. Ilbalee t Co., owner of federal street and Diamond Scare, Alleghe ny, and you will be molted wording to your taste. Thiry luovijut received their rammer pods, sad for elegance of styles they cannot be amassed, mod for fitatas they are the vary portions, u their work is all done condor their own supervision. Give them • cell, and you cannot fell to be satiated. OM? Darrurral.—At the Dental Insti tute, No. 2nl, Penn s tr eet, seta of teeth for four dollars, batten than those at dye dollars at the other dental establishments. AU par sons are minuted to call as the Instants after having iseertalsed the !sweat prices at the other cheep plea's. All work dune at the Institute is guaranteed superior to any cheap Dentistry in the city. Comunnersiw..--Ber. Wm. Clatter, Ed; Mother's Illegssins, N. Y. attar using Mu. B. A. Allen ' s World's Hid Restorer and Zy lelalsansem *duns "My hair Is alwased felts natant color, and growing on bald spot, he. I should be glad to lava yen use my name when it can do you. any good." Bold by drsuista everywhere. Depot, 198 Green wich street, New York. dew. Banal TO PIQ2EITTMOLDILII4 eases LED ALI. 01=1 Innionwraz.-7tor repaiu cautions to stores or dwellinp,nor roofs, or anything also la the Carpsziner line, all et Cuthbert 's Carpenter Skop, Virgin alley, shore flinithlsid streets. All orders proaptly otiondod to._ _ As the County Treasurer his nob fitted up the zoom formerly °coupled by the County Coma Winer, In the north•weet corner, fiat door of the Court House ' we would aditselell our friends to will andent their tax walls they Oesi hive the benentof the per *satin*. 101•11111011)1111 VOLIIIIIIIII3 0101 u (1•12 1 —Young ans be warned In tine, supply nr salves with Rogow'''. Pills sad Vintm t. They Sr. guirranteed to nue th• Wont . of 00201. Moen, Elouss", Fenn and Ildwel von:pants. Only 22 Goats per box or pot. 218 Omura and OMIZIAGM CALLS will be taken at the Omnibus older, No. 404 Liberty strait, day or night. All talus lift at the above place will be presaptly,attanded te. ' All calls moult be paid is advance. 813.19 Dentlai, 344 , Plllll otzool, attend to ort Innings, of. its proffodoo. 4. 4. w0arer......... oI SAIRIAT 't , E. LIGGETT & Co., Cwr Ammo U • 111.usocapir Liberty mad Aitarth An•te, Phu- WO, Pa. rigroogroity. 400 bble. per 44v. 400 II tULAS.C4DS, * COMMISSION MERWILIT, Polder la CRUD/ AFD 112111HZD 0114 !LAT BOA" MOIL 'ZEUS, so., to. rorthlosin TIPSY BLOM, fronting Alloghouy Mutt Pltiebarab, Pa. IWO yd (VENTLEAL DL Utt 011.0112, aim) Ohio eimt Aiwa MN" Alligkeig lila A. KELLY, itosebtar. SPAZZLING SODA WA DATSW/ ICIIIIB, IO. . iiilll , 7lml•l•l4 . lprie!Artdowaoonnitiiroolifosild . •L IN BROWN, MORROW & BOUM KGB KW OBLIKKEBAL norm smarm= AND ALUM', EL 111. MOW Drain L)liVlSltUlsal'A6lll3.....a IWI wain. 1114 matt oUitartatts *tamps 111 hate ou hand at the buena' amen* Oats, Na a Watts, Mast, alle• 4 ,o l =rnhantoltla cosolltdo rat Is oh DaTED MIS VOUSSIPOI et tie ad Diantkl.WELlla HIE LATEST NEWS BY TKLBGRAIR FROZE PHILADELPHIJ. Special Dlapetch to the Pituturgb Gazette. PHILADILPIIIA, July 30, 1863 The draft took plate to-day in the nit, Sixth and Eleventh wards. Over 2,000 names were drawn. Great enthusiasm prevails. The people absorb/Sy respond to the efforts of the Government to suppress the rebellion. The. Army of the Potomao occupies, it may be said, almost Lhe name line as It did two months ago. Longstreet d litll's rebel command is somewhere between Culpepper and Gordon,- The Impression is that the rebel army will endeavor to locate at Fredericksburg. Blonde h reported to bar. thrown • pontoon bridge loran the river without moth oppoii lion. The obsems to gain Fredericksburg an in favor of the Union army. Heavy rain and wind storms have inter rupted telegraphic communisation to-dsy from all quarters. H. A. W. News from Charleston Haw Toni, July 80.—The gunboat Paul Donee, arrived here this morning from (Thule,- ton Harbor on Smedley evening. She was or dered here for eepalre, being levity. and hav ing buret her 100. pounder on the 18th. The liege of Tort Wagner continued when she left. Gen. Gilmore had succeeded in creating a battery of heavy lisp guns within one thous and yarns of the fort, and every thing was pro gressing favorably. Sumter and Fort Johnson, on James Island, kept up a continued fire on our forces, but the casualties average but about six per day. The troops and Navy are in fine spirits. New Timm, July 30.—Brig. Gen. Strong died this morning from wounds received at fort Wegner. A Washington Correspondent states that the President will visit New England soon. By passengers by the Cosmopolitan it is learned that the principal guns of Port Wag. nor had been silenced. Reinforcements is said to have reached Oen. Gilmore, besides several 200 and 300 pound Parrott grins. The rebels are once/direly exasperated at being attacked by the Massachusetts 04th. On being asked for the body of Col. Shaw, the rebel reply was, he has been burned along with his naggers. Offensive operations by Gen. Gilmore are being actively prosecuted. Nsw Yoon, July 30.—The Tribune's eon*. epondent says that oar entire lees in the late assault on Fort Wagner, according to official report, was 1,517. The rebels claim to have buried 650 of them. This extraordinary pro portion of killed could only have been reached by the Indiscriminate slaughter. The odious and man of the 54th filessaehtt. setts (oolored) regiment It not to be given up to as, and unofficial reports icy that the ne gross have been sold Into slavery, and the ofileers are treated with unmeasured abase. In feet all oar wounded at Charleston have been treated molt barbarously. Opportuni ties to amputate were eagerly seised upon by the rebel surgeon', and It was performed in cases of the slightest gunshot wounds. On the left oar batteries were advanud 600 yards nearer Sumter on the 25th, and 6.1!00 pounders placed In position. Discomfiture of Mule Crow and the Desertion of his Followers'. CHICAGO, July 30.—Speolals from St. Paul say that the report" from Cant. If isk's expe dition state that positive information has been resolved of the complete discomfiture of Little Crow, and the desertion of all his- fa lowers bat sixty, and his flight to Yellow Stone, beyond the Missouri river. The other °Lids are awaiting isis opportrmity to stares der themselves and their warriors. Morgan and His Officers Confined In the Ohio Pesutentitity. OISCIIIIATI, Jny 30.—Morgan and 10T11111 of his officers arrived at Columba' this afar noon, and were lodged in tie penitentiary - . Alter veatchieg and bathing them they were conducted to their coils, where they will be confined according to the rules of that insti tution. Sales of Etve.Twenttee. Prittinurnts, July 30.—Jay Cloaks 41t Co. subseription agents, report the sale of 14,660,- SSO of Ave-twenties yesterday, by the various agencies in the loyal States. deliveries of bonds now roads to July lb, inolnaise. Beady on Tolegrgph Operators. Pau.sztenraza, Joly 30.—Among those who were drafted to-day were three mote tele graphers, making 16 in aU from the American Company, including the Assistant Manager. [Commtalicated.] Editors Mucus t—ltte Pod, the Copper head sheet of Pittsburgh, or this mbruing has the following: " The mason of the peo ple's ollsotion to the oonssription is, that it Is not intended to raise men for the reetora lion of the Union end the eupremaey of tho old flog, but for the naked purposes of Southern subjugation and negro eutanelpe= And why not just as you say—why no , subjugate rebels, if they will not lay down their arms? Traitors have no rights a black man even " should respect" One loyal negro is worth a host of traitors. They would make better eitisens, undoubtedly, and are infinite ly more worthy of all the rights of citizens. You talk about its boleti' negro war. Was It even any thing else, can it be any-thing else? The rebelt are nihring for a average goveramest, the corner stone of which is slav ery. We are Zeal/ogler the Union as it was, making freedom the corner stone. Which do ye choose ' Mr. Copperhead ? If the former salts you best, you bad better immigrate, and - do not oontinue to sail longer under false colors; change your name, and do not call yourself • Democrat. Bypoorit I A Demo •t 1 and yet sympathising with the greatest despotism the sun ever shone upon, one avowedly for the perpetuation of human bond age. I ask you which would make the best ottisans—the negreee, who are nobly and men ially lighting tor the Union, or the low, brutal cut-throat rioters of your party in New York—the "friend e" of Seymour, Wood ik Co.? Whirl" would make the best ollizens. the mar= darer', thieves, black-legs, and tire dregs of God's creation, composing the rioters of New York, or the moot men they have been husk log and torturing and murdering, whose only - arm, was the color of the skin ? Beware I ' and remember what Jefferson, the great apos tle of Democracy said in allusion to the wrongs of the elaves—" I tremble when I think there is ' a just God I" God L now avenging the wrongs of the slave! Their prayers these maay years hive not been going up to Rim unheard. Re is answering them now in the blood and desolation of the South—and un doubtedly in thsir " subjugation I" But sub jatatibn is what they minim—just the con dition they deserve and need; for they have demonstrated by the Inanurstion of this re bellion an entire unfitness for imilf-goverrunent - •ey are not to he truiteff.with the reins of government—they uttitrlY hater:Republican form of .govarnment i , and have for the last twenty. Ate years been platting to destroy this government—therefere I agreerisith that old Breckinridge Demod.at, Benj. P. -- ,Bntler, that a territorial condition U the molt suitable, until they learn how to come down to - hard work like the rest of mankind—until they. learn how to respire and even associate with, - and mottos the hrtarblepossults of the"gresury michanio end small fated farmer." - Thew when in due tbnethey learn what true democracy.% and dispose of their main-be- lien &moonier and come knocking at the dOor of Uncle Sim; asking admission late the Union having good and genuine - Itepataktan Ociastitiations, (which they never have; sad,) admit them into the best of Remernmente— Chia:they mayligth to appreciate -the glory, of.the free sahool, free *Ha l free ma i free 'press of . the Republic. mr:Tost/our pok«.. believe .demoarsay, your: shall, - pat -them away, and tot God's saki -be Automat man. , - . An OR Lox DixeCiAT. OIL BLitßliba-1 1 000 now , Oil Bar store slat Or male by inewrr a Co., yr Lib.st sod Ad. en duet. bbls. New York Ca ‘1 4 .1 mash • inapartair actida L for sal• us 1127 H HBt II OOLLTHIP.- Ith.l bbl& llaloinal tat We HENRI N. COLLO& IFITTOBVAGIN MUMMY, gaiM:iUM Tbs money market lamented nonlillirAtatare nor. thy of imam The rates o(Gold and Silver wen the same as on the prarl.mi dpy, Eastern Ise fangs as previonaly noted, tan, buying at par, and selling at 34 per cent FLOUR—The demand yeiterday was Tory lbaltecl ; buyer, take hell Tory spariugly; hi fact peon.. I. floor ham been redactd to iota from stare by the dray load In order to meet the wants of the bone market. The stock in lint hand continues light, there being but f.w additions made to it, during the week. A general dullness both East and Wart pervades the flour market; buyers who Inquire for large lots; a larger concession thus holders are willing to mit to. Wagon lot, come to slowly, and are sold at a variety of prime according to the popularity of the brand. From store email salsa were made at the fol. lowiog figures, via :—Extra 115,25.5,5005,00 per bbl; Extra Family $0,002;050 per BlLE—ivas in moderate demand, with talcs of 1 0 tierces of Island at 90. Fair supply on hands SALT—Market very tirm, the demand eiceeding the supply; Wee 00 bbto No 1 at 112,60 per BAOON—Easket very firm, , the 'Kipp!: 'steadily' diminishing, holders in some instances demand ing an ;cisme% bayers, however, do not seem willing to comply, hence, the operations . were not large. The receipts of country meat are also felliog off. Among tho sides we note se follows, vis :—Abcutidirs 8,000 lbe at frl.le; Plain Hams 0,000 lb. at. 1141.93 o; El 0 Ham. canvassal, 1.500 lb at 12%o; 3,60016, Plane Hama at at 9g41%. ; country lota are deposed of at lower `urea. Fla dull mason for thls article has cam menus'. Thanks at present ant restricted -to small operations for local purposes. A. prima me unchang ed, we omit gnat. ions. HAY—Tba tecelpts yesterday exhibit a falling off. At the Scales 16 load. of haw were disposed of, at $M325; old would bring O. nerd was none or fered. Sales of baled from 'lomat thawing adsatios. GROCERIES —The ntatteicontinnee nnn with • steady demand. finvintare generally held • shade higher. whilst Nolima la Unchanged. Conte has bent arid at a ellgn•theelbru Among the salmi we may note as fellows: finger—sale of 10 Ithde Or. leans at 1.3 c; 40 lads Cebu at 11%c; 25 bbl. Crushed at '15%,c CoHsw.—tbe marbet was not ett ' Arm. Bela 15 Las "A" Orate at lint; 90 • bbl. ..11" Coffee, at 14y,0; 25 elm Mu at 3130, azalsop m. Molasses —embanked; salon of 20 bbl. old at 550, 15 bbli new crop at 600;12 do on pr.vale tames. AP?Lil.4—Tbe nosipte wsr e light, and trauma .ions limited, the market bring tco unsettled to quote corral). Small salsa Ware made at $2 876 3,00 par bbl; the article offsrad so far was Int /for. WHIM If—Ann and 13 .toady &toast salsa 20 bids 0111 Bactillod at 444404; enmity ceiband saapts PUBLIC .VOTICES. lINION,.NOW AND FOR r.Vl.ll.—lba B. 1013 N B. MAIM will widnim the Cottral Untau I wile, at ULM., an ialDiaT ZVZHIbQ to KO Instant. New ravaltars will La daiamid until Sato:dip tam ing' by Grier Of baa:ia THR Orrics or Premiums I &NMI tluuo 00., I Putrourrh, JUL, ISia, ISM f fIj.TIIE PlTTBBUttaid it BOSTON MINIS° 01NIFANY, lum d.cl•rd • DM. dood of FLYS DuLLSILH PHIL 13H/Lst, payable on and after HOHDrr, Not •ogast F rift THUS. AL BOWS, Tamar. Orran as Haman TAAADOMUTION MUM MA. MAY Mb, MS. NOTICE ILEEEBY GIVEN to the Eubeoribars to the Mock of the Wert. era Transportatke Coorpeny that an averameat of Elva b Len (ss 00) PS% MMAhI has been levied opon the stock enbraribed, pliable at the oaks of the Tresrarzr, at flttetrargh, ea or beam, the 12th day of Ja5e,,1163, sad • Ms amount miry tarty days thereafter, oath o*watt/to IMAM by order of the Board. jratate A. J. loDOWILLI• rearstru7. NOTIO6.—An Elea [ion will to road at the Board of Trade 11c.too, he the Chi of Maar,* oo 71323 DAT, to. 25th day of August aim; at If .'cloak U., to *tad Baran Directors or the Pittabaret Otald Zion. • ltnipazby, Ito W. !or As sonatas par. ennsaas tilassAcas, Wit Bison An. Joao 6. °autism. Lao room. W. Nat' sum, sad others. pekVlNifastlilr Mira:B.—We have fhb dill annelatel with Ns In the knitting Mill badness A. J. DULL. the style or the Era to he Sittral t DULL, the partnership te take elect lhle 4q. The Cal inisteras will be canted on by the undersigned as heretaola • Key shit, Ws. a:x.3z a GILLYI'. aaeu usu. stauxur gun. /mum a. omit. RESSei GRAFF DULL, • qf tt.irgo•of Bost, Eampl asel Nair /row fleets( constructed our works with • des walrus this Wad of iron O spedetity. n n•paattally. ••114•‘ • share Of the Vote. osir Oak*, corner of lhalthfleht ud Water steeete io b 1y b, --_.- vrilLul A 4 11.111.1 th 'thou annum ta MsW n 4 beet calked= of Be&Las Planta aboat the t 7. at YIIRDOCIEVIS OAKLILND Iltranarf I=EECTIMEIMI V ia:oi Itili NI, 1 KELLSis lulls dies initially, without Uwe" to azistblul the. eliroll .1011315T011, for rale L• 7 emu Braithaeld god Poirth Meat suntrsTro PREPAENTIOWS MU Wing at 60 cents; mad artlelts Inch u BOZall &VS% BIT• TIM. at soca•Uklng like halt thelr bumf prima. 1660 An Ai la-a-All persona littlauald to Ille tato am of Dta OAKS t ontlautt ar. tad to all optta JAIIItS H. KoOLILL►HD, at my old O. on Penn street, who Is Imhof. to settle tbo'boaluom of tho lw am sad ton- - • t DUO forma. J. P. Dail. OLT 1112. WT. 1.111 NOTICE.—We have this day wads ted with as FL 8. rioLl7i. In the menalietare of Inlet Glateweis. The . etileyf the limy in Man§ will he BILOTe..^. )BID'S. WI& & Pitlabontb. Lilt Lt. tam - whin, ( 3 1 . ii.DITia5BLIkrd . 121 MIMES /17BEIBILLING GOODS. Oloalsrg oat at wary low prima at KACEIMIX a GLIDIII. 1,j6 7a M.rkMt et, bat. Fourth k Dbusettil. TOURISTSWOULD DO WELL TO dland ea:4o themselesi with that TWA* 'Want 11LOLIGS111 O 8 TRAWILING SHIM% 01 which we have no tlesd a large Linda of Tory tuaelscen• new styles. NUMMI t ammo, tot .TD Ilseket at. bet: lowih Dluwwl. LI I.l.rrAlla GLAUItd, BUUNT.LM LTA PINBIODB, BMA RAT, end lULITAIIII OLAIMEI of or dasurtpri" cainomted WO' se& • mitt" at the rat" viii PeadOCl.lllo CO; all othsr clams, 13 W. O. t./. TAYLOR, . , Aflonay at law, Hari Gant strestalttabaret. Pa. H. B. Neitharpron.s[siii If OS dam dam on regard. sad all tutormstiro aim erg" ratklir WOOLLIMR &BARR, ' . los WOOD NSW, loot dam boa 71116 cattgli out their lane stook of TOBACCO, 11111717 ,ASID 8/41•113. Lt the everyode. J lowed or& plate. to prime ter their Tall GAI 10iNiiER1]il If you data oximptka from the &IA cull at p dike. Remember the pro. WILi T. MINN. 30.103 *Lk that, ===l TO uecr 151 . 411 L WO*Llitilt WBTiD—L'BAHILI7*IIITR. • TAT= sad • *SLUR 4417 to lb, ItAT/ONAL C7IIL WOllO, ha and •mow, 461 h to 47th dt•., Raw Task 01147. 17 78 .at C. Li s . '2.11.01t wilt attend to prepare CLAIM 0? MOM KU asemptim. at kb aloft 1014110 t No. Is alum NEVA • Y as analysis and tritons. aka aa the SabPset or Nom% is iss sue must aad pamalaal t SS OWL By Okada lima. 1 Tot, n trim S hss - , EAT is 00.. 66 Wood Stmt. MUMS!! I o.tiki,eBlll No r 100 boxes prise W. L; • . ' 40 do . awdor riamboa: , bestowsd kw old 01 cases klitt.WW4oll Übe - • 100,tazie rbss MUlait Chow; • • , Olsen ." ICOluabbla.'sgia• kepi . ' 1" 1 3F114 . 5": 41.8... ' Liessett N li. lOUS OK tido ha isadtst—b[ " • ' to , NMI W. ' • • , sew. for silo by ry boo litian LOOM= !MEM Auzir4Br XOTICER. PROVOST BIARSBILIaI 07110 E, SID DOTIZOT Or Pugs.. 98 Thurth 13L, Pittsburgh, Jul 30, 1883. iI:Z•EXEMPTED FILO2I DRAFT.- In accordance with orders, I publish the 94- lowing Ust of persons exempted from draft by the Braid of Enrollment In this District, to thh date, with the ream= of their exemption: in swan GT 111=11111110 ACCIPLEL.II 1171111TITITIM Besse. Esaidram. Seletteste. Joseph Bette, fourth ward, Josfpb Seel, Philip Voght, Fifth ward, Michael Foley, Frank Patterson, Ellsetethip, Immo B Coates. PAID PIMP lIVADILCD DOLLAR& Curate rtak, 6th ward. . ITUOTTLILESTAI or 103-4SHOLITD ICIF FIFTH WARD. Lucas Sclefldecker, over forty-live. Witness—Jo. mph Albeit. Jacob Gintendort, over thirty.ilva, married. Wit- - nesms—Jecob lieermyer, N. Snyder aro] Jacob We en over thirty-live, married- Wit. nesees—Franc Felix, Allier% Deebner. John Hurt, y. over thlrty-dre. married. Wit tiewev—Tini urphy, 0 'O'Donnell. Andrew Smith over tbirry-flve, married. Wit neseee—l due Dart% John Dann. • .John Vogt, over till test:lee, mauled. Witnesses —Phdip Vogt, Andrew Youog Abraham Eats, mar !wept:lva. Witnesses—A. Bauer ele, Anton a• 111% Jacob Andre, over thirtpftre married. Witnesses, Wm Andre, Wm Reneger. over thirty-Ars, marred. Witness, Mertes Miller. • • • . Thsobold Beyer: ever thirty-five, married. am Geo Bchimlng, N Booty Teito, over thirty-Ave, married. Witness es, Behaatien Dorn, J T Meer. Jae It'Conadar, over thit mantled. Wigwa m, u , Pat Coughed, John Fritz. Bobt B Allen, and.r twenty. Witnesses, Parents family record. Nicholas Seibert. over thirty •five, Mania. Wit nmees, Nicholas Bolder, Nicholas Wer•ey fdathew Bowan, over thirty-tire, minted. Wit. nesse., John and or•get Bowan. Leopold echoltenbrand, under twenty. Witnesses, Father and brother. John Holmes, over thlrty.flve.morried. Witness es, James awl Alexander la'Ontchecin. Amiss wito nlra sior DZCLULTI) MI residing in the rifils Ward. °imam Belmar. P itneases—Charles Nall, Henry George Manner.. Witnesses—Levi Slits, Jacob Gutendort. Leonard Shaffer. Witneselm—Charles Fester, P Wilier. Itobert Anderson. Witnesses—T homu Drummond Thomas Eyrie. Bernard Gerstner. Witnesses—John B Gel Schreiber. Daniel Simbgen. Witnesses—John B Chilea Os termelsr. Cheeks Blanton. Minoan-0 Monbray,i John Brown. James Colbert. Witimmies—William Dunn, WA. liens Jams ne. Whalen. Witnesses—Matthew Illtialso William 'Rooney. Frederick Birb. Witneam—E II Marker, .Temee Peal. • Thomas Cunningham. Witnssos—Samq Biltehall, James Wanen. Hugh Grua. WitllNVZ—Tames ileGurk, T T Keaton. • • • •. Oteries Rumbpstor. Wltuegurßucust Betake' dor. Carl tudlrts. John Tads. viltaesses—Lana Appl•by, JT Ty • William Toon. Wkmerem—Lance Ap*by, J T Heard Hatienkamp. Wltmems-11 H Maker, 7 Bleoln Samuel Brookfield. Witter e. e—Hugh Bralty, Wm Kyle. Beery Thomism. Certificate of British Conant. ELANINID 81 1111411:08 AND IILYWDED. John Qn'gg Fifth ward—oopfirmod tonitonntion. floury Vor filth ward -shoat total dednora Jcamph L oil fifth ward —ingolnial hinds, bet Idris, D. ry ontillosta. oseilto co or • WIDOW Oa AGM r•zarre. . Chu Ada filth ward—Joe Etrin. O Oornbowar. alma sawn 30, 1813. 1 sr. Birmingham'. Co D.9.1' P. B O. xor.or mormrszmag canna= =DIM 19 TRAILS. James Ls la, FiLli ward --Mariam Pined, T TROLL= Ell CM= Troftof amain. Zurek! at Baal Rasa. raiteti is Bottom& Wlituq obeli, Laoreomville, 11th Dial. tido. J. BISON I'OSTZPI, 'Gap and Proinot Marabah 12.1 DLR. Pa. 1111111tday9: Lyrist, HP oar DUI= PIICITIVT liAllerrae. Vertex IND Pitt Pa 1 •• redarel Etna, MO AN, City July 1.918, 11163 10. EX l SIPTED KROM.DHAPT.—In so= - .or with oeftrs, I rablbh lb. follow log 11,2 et - •• a exampled tram drill on Hadar. ear, July t • ,1116.1, by tee. Board of Havolbnent In tat. Dltt• let with the reaons of BNB exemption: • Leese r • SA ox ACCIIIMIL/ 1191111TILIT. Naas. Elqiilll.. Ble Mist* ller J.. Ille•ther Jr, Ileatlestee , Alley 03, Jai COnoi; lamb V 111 , Ellralar sr, Alle you, 1 a Jortatlah; Win Weida ,LI ward. Alleyeity, Won Basilan Northam GI gr, Ist ward, !Mildly. Alms .x... port; 0 arse raq 4th ward, Ala') bit), Oaarlai Brown; Cann st unt ath ward. Alley ally. °earl Grasser; Hugh B Joh On. 24 ward, Alley clir, -.1 ilarwco 1; IT taxon or ILVII. Pent 122:0. Hobart sample,,llax46 tp, Allagbaoy az; Bernal d Hamper, treall a. Armstrong c 0; • John 'voter North Buffalo tp, Assiut:rear an Thee lt gtrieadol. lbtlettnetu tp, Arnat'g 03; A. B. Beam Brady'. Band, Armstroog en William P Milan; let ward, Allegheny city; William Graf& 91 ward, Allegheny city; i.. Jona P Bandanna , id ward, Allegheny cart Jwam O'Neil,. hie toweeldp. allaglart, ca; , Jamas H ilddle, Sd ward, Allegnsar dip; James N Ottobbon, Bairarrllle, Boller az: D B P Allahones, 411agnerty tr. Ariastroug co; George PI imam rad., t,r, Armstrong co; - jernea Adair, newicklay Dors, •Ileshear as; Macau vorghtlay, Id ward, Allegheny tray; John B• Walslosbaw. 4th ward, w John X Leech, 24 'Md. Hebert Iltatepwa, Id ward, 1.11 41 - =meads ea 3D OP imam, UM. Torax X Bara, Hoes tp, Allegheny tO.Ooloata ISM seals...at P V. . Irredarlot Kandoan, 23 ward, Allegheny oily, - limb Cable„.3l4 ward. Atleghany city, Oo 11, 11134 rattmeary V. H B avow, 24 ward, Allegheny ally, Oo 11,101 raiment r V.; Woe K lion. Id wad. taighley oily, OG 0,1394 reigharnt P Y. . MIDI% XIIIIIII7X Patrick 3. 1 . 10 7. ad ward, Allagh.ay alt? " ANLAMINNO NZ mum AND ZATECTIM John Davin 21 ward, Allegheny cite, leebleenal of: ornititntlen. • Wen e( 2.1 ward, Allegheny city, anohyloge of elbow Plot. ellitne Dean, let ward, Allegheny city, escondery endilita Janes U Abbott, fd ward. Allegheny city, deficient mettle& of chiee-19 inches, height 5 feet 7 to. Wlllbean Ada% 21 ward, Allegheny oily, ventral Weibel Beare UN, Olinton tp., Better twenty, named' of tibia. Imes I Babb, Ballet borough, Butler no, ROW ruin of ooneelear. Cleo (kaiak/ t ward Allegheny city, Tabular &t -een ol the heat Witham J lied. 241 ward, Alleglesay city, lagulnal hernks: Rag le Claaterm, lid ward. Allegheny city, putted Medusa Marto RAW, si ward, Allegheny oily, deficient aspUtade of chair-I$X thaw, height Ave feet Ave Imam Robert Ossapholl.lll ward, Allegheny city, feeble. nese of occultation by tenon of venereal Abeam; John Winder, Maly tp, antler 00, nemesia of Übla. flamael Walter,SW ward. AlhAheny city, Molina mantes nobility of oheet—lN in height Ave in 10% bones. O outromle, ward, Allegheny city, lose of teeth. • maroressurisal or age—oria TaXIMITTI LID MX • XIXD7DaDis Twin& DIUSDAII lam Brows B**it 19, lialsols Darr, Bradra Matt tp, Armstrong oo Jamb Warner, Bragg's lend th Amara. g Slionnui P Stitch* Pine - tiy. arnationg 00, nadir twAnty pan ofsge. • Jamb .Allshoom, Plus Omsk tg, Armttraog 00, mar tkiriptlra mallards& Jobs Mon** and clroak tp, Armstrong co, over Maly tin sal m a enad.' Danzig Donnalry, Aritglaissl ip, Armstrong or, arm thlrtpilar sit mink& on? somas: az wzoow. Isokik I ? Umiak. i 1 ward, Alligiatly oily. • Bum Y 'Esailarion, SI Ward, Allegheny city, • Martion of gamut. ALMS MIND warn wog agoutisWirmsolni, George Will, Yd ward AlMilmar MtY• Qualm lunar, 4th Eiad, Allegheny city. Lawns" PS4legtan,ll ward, rillailway oily. J. W Capt. and Provost lltardial, St piano BOLDIBBEr BONDS WAITED AT A. imams auntaersoun, SOYA 71111THATIlpft puRB IQB COLD SODA WATSD, Onrwn fees Porodas lowa u ; ma au* crudes. Nat liess was, :al wish try* firg7 , . • XOl/01!1%1-. la. 11 Miami. /MO.el« 28;000 132"318 11231 ,lxclulea: 00 # 1 . FlRrX4slis Wino imam As ! tii.start Cm. waIMmEMS Ur/L - OONS AND WOMB gok, is A ya. A rr., :44 0 iik sad ardor la - DIEM Wit- -112011/ 128pmg, mit aids If tie WC Isabel& sod um. respik: aim Oho leskow Whaled Vali sireaddi =FM FM ILMU/11114 Tralan Siam or Ruud Amino, La*ad it .Lii•tititiesniAlllPr. - ape _ • OCINAi; IRPECIaIL Jrorzers. IC3rLare Superior Copper Mill and simanta WOREB, Prrontriaa. PARK, M'CURDY & CO., lisnutrinr.roro of SHEATHING, .11BAIMILBEP AND BOLT OOPPIIII, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS. RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, EWALT:BB BOLDER; sMo Imporroriond dealers In Id:MAL% MI PLAID. MIST IRON, WIRE, in. Constantly on bond murmur MACHINES AND TOOLS. MAnneorroz, No. 149 Pint and 120 Second strong, Pittsburgh, Penn* 'aarSpectial erdon of popper oat to say dashed pit tem my29:dowlyT • .IM — The Confer dons and Experience ur eN INVALID, pnbnithed for the benefit and al a warning vido/4121021 TO YOUNG ME who Instbr from .17arrone Debility, Premature Decay of Danhood, etc., ■applying, at the am* time, TED !CUBS or BELT 00BL By one who hat cared hi:molt after being pat to. groat expense and Wu- y through medical humbug and (puckery.' • By =dodos a poet.pald addreeed envelope, stn. gte depict may be hut cot the auttice, BIATBM9ILL MIME, leg., mr4L•lydaxi Bedford, King, meaty. N. Y. O'To Baryons Outlaws of Both ilsßßS.—k reverend gentlemen having been re stored to health Ina few days, after undergotricall the coal routine and plegillar expansive modes of treatment, without sucites, considers It bin no re duty to communicate to hie afflicted fellow mature , the maws or coax. Hence, on the receipt of an ad•; dressed envelope, he will send (Cwe) a copy of the' preecaiption used. Direct to Dr. .101111 M. DAG WALL, 186 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. mhllelydawi • M'D T 1.; 8 LlOli.Tlillil ■L a -KILL= supplies a want felt by scary good housekeeper. Erse, Vest ergoatt when Ohs see thick. ltemsmber that It U D0T,1111111 . 6 that does this, and rt fuss , the boas litiltaticliu toll an offered. Thar:al article Is for Igo by all nowt, able rratests. . • IL A. NANNESTNOKA, BON A 00. corner 01 ITlrot and Wood Arab, JeltlOrdawT ;Onterst JOHN COCHRAN &_ BRO., ufacturers of 1.1311 NAILING, =tom VA U Ll 5 AND VAULT DOO.llB, WINDOW BHUTTENB, WINDOW GUARDS, An., Nos. 91 Second street end 80 Tbird itreet, badmen Wood and Nadia. Had en hand •1 variety of new Patterns, fancy and plain, 'unable for 611 purposes. Particular attention paid . to epoloaing Grave Lot Jobbing done at short notice- nh9 M'PRTRONA OIL WORKS. Long, .11114Ier if Co. Works et Shazdaburg Station, Allegheny Vella, Railroad. Office and Warehouse, N. 28 MAI/1M eersur. Pittsburgh. hlsantetturars of ILLIIMINA'fING and LUSK.. GATING •DASHON. OILS and BEITZOLA. w No. 1 lIETISED OIL, warranted non asyke etre, always on hand. ooltlyd 13C - R081.151130N, linat LISS, Forays= aim lasoutams, Wassiatrros Wow, Pittsburgh, routes. • Omers, Mai lactate all kinds of STRAIN ENGINES AND MILL SIACRINRRY, CASTINGS; RAILROAD WORN, STEAM BOILERS AND/ SHEET IROS WORE. • il7 - JOBBING AND RIPAXBING dons= shit notice. N. Hol # lll3lVit BONO. Dealers SOBEIGN AND DOMESTIC PILLS 01 El OHANGE,' 030617110 ATES OF DEPOSIT, BABE NOTES AND 5PF.9117i, No. 67 Market street, Pltta• burgh, Fa. IMlrOceectious' made on all the geinedgat Mlles throughout the United State. ILA/ Ml_ll. & C. P. MARBLE, Paper KAPEOPAOTIIIMBS and &Niers In BOOK, ?SINT, OAP, LEITER AND, ALL KINDS OF•WB AP MO PAPER. removed from No. Y 7 Wood wait to Ho: SS Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa. galronga 011 TBADE FOB RAGS. 5034 tarIIZERY IL COLLINS, Far• dinltD/12G AND 002251.1221012 MS.B.OEiANT and wholesale dealer In CHliStirs, DDTZYB.BSIDB, /DM and Produce gionnialy. No. 25 Wood urea Menorah. Ps. , , nol .111./ CE/.1.41.A11e, 0 (18. ESTA.I3I,ItiIiED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, 13111317 Lan Toaeuao 14ANT.ITAOTOBXJ3, 18 18 OILiIILITZBII BT H 8 _ (lesmerly 49 Ohattokm street, New Yet%) Would oil the attiatlon of dealers to the articles of his rcansfactars, via „ SHOWN BIeITITY. sesboy, rtni Oinne Rapp.% AIIIIIIi %rationed, lt Deleted% Pura Vlrglitts, !isolated: ol2l an, Oraliebdidino • • .111111.1.4 W 1111117.!, • . Beady Tua.t Etotetk, Mak High . Tamer at taudyfeot, Kano ba,eBootoki,Froith Bcotok ITN& elei , teb. • COPAttetalon Is called to+ tb• lame redaatkals pion of Tlaa•Ont llOwlng and ilarokbig Tobacco . which will be found of a superior qualify. TOBAWO, . Bitoano—Long, Ho. 1, bio. 9, 80.1 and 2 Wok Oranlllabod ' " Fun Out Clinrus—P. A. L. or plalni (Yvon. AM. or sweet; sweet Scouted Oron000; Tin Pon Osvond . . J•go, Sp•nLL, Cannier. Turkish. circular of Floe* will ha •ant on •ppil cation. NOORMIOIC & GIBSON, LEAD" PIPE, SHEET AND BAR LEAD; And d,1&I In Pig Block Tin. AND Patent Bhoi. MINTS iraaar, Ihrtwiss KADII AND Bniuuft; L.I.ENRY Q. HALE co., jut (Banama?. to James O. Watt.) Merchant Tailors, , Lta wstrratelyhag Mats 13PBX10 - nom - OF • GOODIS - Adaptad lut to Dads thaw WOW slut: ad with peat cars to mast approbattost or Itudt may h•da sad patrons, and trusting, by alas-at. tuition to beams and strict latagetty, to =la tie WNW of all who may Amin with a all.: ornossir usabswe' Ito& to order to the best =taw and on rawionabk tonna, Hoeing finished a groat mnikt UNlsOltan e • Ibr BOW, Hold fad Line Othows, as well. as lb, Mats, we ors pivoted to sumo ciders to thit A* with oorrootaanfand doopotoh. Litwin, • win chola" selection of 1111Wi79litatii 000 D always on but. . • • mix. or Pszil. iler cams bylines. • 1862 ..... --"vßilikmw""-'• 104 . W. D. fkILIVCALLTE; - - - • • .ei MUTH sum; lugs portion of . oar stock .pnveloas to • rates of advances. and now rep prionti=largert alum" of Woman) ourrirs,3iruuxiir A blintain ciXbotionittir and to Put tl rioilirsto rates, .s prtoM 1413 outlftly Wow.- UlfAUTllktittif f , letAIS JAL GALS —ooi liaDdrad tote al Omni!, oriel somber of them, Irbig pin la Um - .City et Pitt". borgb,"oo.,,hottig• tract of 1,000 OW az th e Kw. ace 00040 a. Wm. 01 Lab la let the 1/I= t a .Cogiviay, the Pittaburglra Oasomairdlle; Sp flottigh tbbaartt•lll It: • • Pot timmia only tAa if 1.1,1120. Min% Mir Nok. or of W. N. wino, la UT lreuetb ‘ stries,'Plniflnftts; Irma give of the *waft" ma to wo. _ JAL wo. LUi 01.4-50 bbli .tto. AA SA lladaaaLt"l/AJL ilAiniarai; 808, 09 /ad TO Waist stmt. —l4llOl , ~. BILVBIL LUTh, A Div Einitug Soak, • I'OH SCHOOLS. ACA CL DINISS AND JUT/MILS &SCIS. °contains SW piano, amosywhinti torch* 'Wowing 'Strad Up bellies Sam;' ?be Vacant Malt:" "snitle Ora of freedom:" I hire so Metier now;" - 114ar Spiraled Banger r . Wake, Ile freedom'. Coll :" Nell.li,Loit end Timed;' Ulm?. Bops I Cheer ;' AA, So. prim, ffi 00 &nen; 51 mite each. Oopfet man• el on receipt of 40 cents. an& O. IIII.L0l1; LIM= gnawers PAANUts readvoithe mar GUM NZALL • at tba West)* Laadaa, ISOIL INlFWarranted mega. to di others in Mgr I. cwt. Aow gook of the &bog jut &giving, oar Solo Agency tar this' district lbr Use Btelowski Mance si Is ene we. tr NAB •it 1 AS PI . uti AA. —Jot opened thif Week s chola imply of ttworbeettlfial Wawa wen% bland ihrobt the attest tbe *Qu oin. lots tact cow almost oleosy conee4Ol. Tor some =laths pen we him not bees able to All osur•lroff oI our order& WARBANTID nra Yllead 1161.19133 BRUTHTESIVIII.OLLStOS PIA NS roars& , sho bat abosO Moos owe. Tor ale by 011.ASLOTTA NAME 43 TIEL meet, Sole Apo; for aannai ISIOTHS.IIB' Palub art pay.rtiln. WICIATMO.' 1011 V Nettie itt tatJ.'b &NOM , —BUT KOMI IN Tall OoUSTB7e-abo tabula]; Ph 11011? 5111 VP have bank rewind this work Ono beautiful 7 ottnee plain nosailliano, with 111 W 1 ' ne desk, ontentrung. /14,,ratte-tsabin, One L octavo, lam SO Out* Two a% octave, . , Ifsenauted night pun. Thr vale only by , • MO OR et aLOITII3 LON.. atryyth et. Vi7ILLIA.EI A. WARD, DENTIST.' Benshmes Building, Sid Saar. boat eotreare on Liberty street. • Otliceltimari from f e. m. sill it p. m. In ordet to a proper linden ending on tee mat 'of those mbar may mil opmine, I dee n it by doiy to designate some of the thinp 013,151071 Its :h" pt tiroof dentistry, which do not do. I ir."•the first pleas Ido not ere a day's audit to any on. I it, not make cheap sets of teeth's s do not eamilles • by their estractioo, mond, kiesitoy teeth, in alder to Mart artificial maul I do not, in any IA Mores der stray the narratAf troth, Memo; render Be 1' cm liable to toe malt painful Mums. and their emir ime the more/Satain. Them:and nmaeram other things able* I Amid 'peony, I 4.0 not do. In the choice of paterisos proper 2a tiling the. teeth, t wok. boys limited ales ef gold, exports:me hart erg prowl it the limn of all effectual in their parsers*. Um. In all eases, bewaveri involitna ths appeeratim . of tits Meth, Ido not hosing* to mate are in It. ds to the guilty at Reap or pine of gold.. nontlar of Isaiah I bmertad in the yea., of 1.41-19 are -MCI bearing testimony to my maxim ashlp or wham t should me movemainial stfil . VXeitslbuttai oAliis. uP,toss.o Es -0..A TATII. e -hodereline4 nil cffar at Priblia ' .EA tam at the Rona, in rittabanth.'we THU RS DAT, August itP bat at 10 o'clock's. a , all the riabt, title, interest- and. 'stela of Stewart Velar% ' deames4, of. in sad to all toms tare caftan lots of. round Waste In the rlith Wad of Pittsburgh. korai each a frobt or 91 feet aft.Peno street, led extendiag back 66 f..s. arra or lea, an 4 alololn; . property of the heirs of Beast Monrary, co ea at i 011[01 I,eati, tberbein of .I.ffrey, and Patti. a Shields. whereon say erected three taws , wird Sack • telleeteefill. Tall infoimet'on as to terms of sale, to., nosy la ' . olvalciet frog Ile anti ALL rt BB *WO. attorneys at. Law, No. 116 i'llth shalt, Pitt burgh i • • JAILS • •LLZFI, Niantor of flew 'rc Da sOl reo'l. tYriCr..—The .nu aorsigned having . purobead the entire reek rim the hos dr tabbebed bourecof IdoODN I would rdreoshe. to hie old customers Asrd the parello big tererNal; to - store 169 Liberty street, (istely occupied by J. H. kicenne,) 'rebore ■ Iser • and complete stock ol dins' end Bbcamakers . Legalist' Windom% Rides, 0114 le , can be round arm at lowest rats • B. N. ANDISSON. No. 189 Liberty street. TN RETIRING FROM TUB 'RIDE • AHD L 1147111111 11115119133, I moot ixodially • aJaunend toy damooor ea 1 nun 01 strict tategrlty ; an/ good Diatoms qualification.' For soma lapis to wow I I,lll , watt/one to octopi Mr:tali DE •• !ON'S toanttag•toom,•and 1,111 ace or at pa • to natio/oda' him to to y bnaintst segnatot.aerto July. 24th. tfait • 11950 m , ri 'writ . ExTßAurto wiTnuol L PAIN.—W. rage this method of habitant oat tetrads and the gabbro generally that w• are tow paled to EXTRAHT. MUTH WITHOUT. Tall* prepared Reside. of Dentistry. Thom who hare Sea . foldPonlartbla mach dreaded operetta' may new W ale. their Mare and pine ea • call; a• the egya.l rafts we have to me ha been thoroughly Owed due • lag the pug foum pan, fully amianatals4. the safe and=ohrunoter of the oceretton. thiltnage a eat ilahanfo Battery used. LH these wroddits the gerebne of a vied sad celiac& ToestUM. will do well to all end tomb with • , r;,•:1 F ifa &Oh 1:1, /St; .1t 6 BAWL ir k. • 41 -T Wlll4ll DAY , , WINKEL". 899111181118 T Login , No• 1 03 - 744 a;;Ontr4 floptbdost fig Oia;da. itownded llobilitta who innebeeti In the mgt. tiry or naval world" me ontl:14 10 , 8100 110 , nty sad Peooton. •11 eoldlors who ham, eerrod moo ran are atm entitled toatie $lOO - Boon'', &lotus by rosion'et dloweao, me mailed to p.a. obV. Vidor. of *ldlers who Moja. ere .bbd IA tha: motes age antttled to paeans and the 11100 IBounty. ao.oko. - . • Moon' Chatma,' oteraiy doicttptlois. promptly at= bladed to Ho' -made b soy toss until the leery to collected.- . - ; .17111 we to MUM 0, IU I D. .k ra. es. ila nrrn BTIIIT, ntibbaribers. P ugholosi la aumbetas • ram:Was iKELDLIS" A.UM of = row • 30IINTIM 10411 lgul dlootariged Boldler QMW lor rousnew MN** and M.% DOCIN: TEM awl I , IIIBIOHII tits Widows, Ponca, Orpbai Oblldnes,Brothera mad ou,ottur /*pi revs • astatathr of thaw Ida hue dig I. .the kayo did after dkohnip i trost dbeiricioatrietad, In lirifo abaft* iota sided 4. =Wlus Wm, vlll ES ammorod WSW. %SWIM 1." 1141361:11 . 1N. rkansiai eiriukAtwiNs. ..-11ollAthat the 'WAWA At teeloat =jib maim, who mare to a:eacte ot. pet BIIBBIAI PUNA silirreoile • • •• Are mettle; dally lb warned estlaiessrate afoot (Meas. Aft Abet le Naked 6to amplea all other . 111.wheeles; therein sad atitarlat the 110381A8 imolai oar& Par ale le • ontanntwn. a. 114itiotara of gui Uriia i.gth opooticha ista Past:Bullatt• ',AO IMAM °ram SAW 1/1414 IIoWo =on Mad ossoosodotooko lIIMI Tz eI BOAT ANWSOTTOIt i 'Mze.W- 1121/17•-•ZaWIZZIk JOIWWI; imunaormawre. : -• • , ' attimrs - 1111‘Witx ,nts-7-pgzititkithr.' UAW, Oro portiOstut, totted totisinhablo "OW. • IntrolloosolatAilit ftWAWWE, sour Flottssot.. 'lolllllli - JIPSTONBItAIii - . mAinTicftrUati'orrwuis Amt., taii;..bion ism ai. l 4 =skate aim DRAM =wet Num ounaortirmigt in. 'dads_ BIBRIARI L Of ; WOW 1011 011115, MBDOIXIIII, A l t i a l ingo l 4M FC ) ./ 15 . 4 1 12. 7 Pwr 4 4%.., - Tra4 Omit. win tor ea* b. 441111111...........' 14.111 s Whealoas swa•••• prriessuson 211111 MAN= UPAOrOIIIOIO 00. `,lllllt att * CO., "Jim 11311 . ium4 - cant l in i speh - dallier Om 111113 LIM 01100IBIA OtaT. 11111 rOnesi i. No. lunar( grir. A. Now. Om Pan% , pram as. WO*ll-11. -y snualp TAU &ffinrilak (inoessoon Wm. - : TAP, Jr./044)_121_4_01'10AL PLUSIDNIPI 048 AND OWE /MUD. N 0.1197 idberpx. , _se4 No 61 Federal street Al Aim ow AlossalioillftrolibialAD finks EMT NR 1.11%1111% MIA - 11:191. MIAs TaIIAt I MION - *Ad ALI PIDODI , ammio sax% onarassasies. INDD 1076 0 -NSACrillk az4. *II oroet •ArreatoO in eltni satfaa.l . il AP 101 :1 0 /10.0 401" ir cow, a. • limuse P 1 auros. IT GlO. P. UM. EM3=l • JA,IUM & KING, D. D.l 8., ae 98 ittth stred or, Ihr. a itizira. So 47 *of thiAl +it P.e.owob. D. a MAWMEL. Atilarkpaa-Las ausa Oaks Ilissi. a. 'DIAMOND, Priatka Optlobo,