=NM ~ ~~F .c .r h.~ t y ~~i'"~,~,~~. L=FZ.-....,,..i5'5+'?y,~"'q..w .=:s2' ..3ir...pt.,ia=:>. 'T'VKiwsl!LT;i LO----CAL,--.IIITELI4-0,0 C*. From Yesterday's lesenllii, o2o6 ' ' •- ' The Hien Pollee I. ! , t poems the. Om night pop:* Itain_looorae indignant at *a action of C r enate li neon* to birdie their tal•ty, to one gait and • (half per night, l ad tha they ' hainoi &dually . t thrown down their mnott sud Wood, to serve . i .„.., tooitii.: W. de not quostion their :tilt l ui „, to :Nip, bet they antaisly exhibit irry lit 'their - sip, ' tie regard for tote rests Of the eiti in quit:, . Wig thus soddenly. They might Ist L. , . aior 1 / 1 "... 1 'TO/. a l l t t h i, #O l 'P.11!1;11411:.bii,, int eesotslibi bi' biros a comPlistme w th .tbeli AOllll demands. As we hens infers st ta4 L _the, AIM 4 1 teembut 54!430;0411_1"..."1 °V to.Plit - b ag t he ampiat, - pronow good mon saw ;tow pioyed, bat some of the members are ,i Moo ty.of the opintaathat Miry of , the Wham ,But __now_ntoplatd_7444.4_l9.lo,lLinftn_ la thiry g wortb , A ; t r. =l7: nipt us, we 7W L . .thi#, OihnotaAL, ..... , , WOO Opinion. up And iow. slam ultimo . I.!quit, Int ho .. '.' l . , that-ens 7=l:stet who is polio -I. ~ , tia•Ultediet litlf , .‘ ,, :list'liti , ' • • • -. *illtll.7 l 4,''ihe .1 nAlipt:'dliskiitt„haint w ...stOt;',. H7ltif heve 411,104 fag* fait - 1, t itu *sat than,thaniholeintosoies,sf tea trilto.!!.. - I, The Yonne etairtee slibutnitatreoh eon: li •- z ,'”, trot of'th 'lsiah 7; seXt4lll *6 b. ion. 11 I; ' nill a ' . o"ig Arl.tiout would , i • ... apoibibt.:. -I.,6licia ...tb4k. there 1 - . I, no .mg h. stud: eSiimirartairticest .1 wiltat.: l 4t. lit'lmititibiltistiby the bit 7 min IR proPetip tinAiitedh , tlmO II 07Tw - • "•:fils-A1114.41474•604046g0n; i.. 1 • - • , 7 i ing o k ..-reyiketiot-4 - pprviiiicet. ll A correspondent,. who , as , : s tunts! ~ with the rebtil'ollir John ' 11. lifig , after ... — , . : .i. 2 0_ .fF,Pti4ro_,Alillt .th• fo l 9 ll Ell f •ff ram 7.1 - - - • boss asked • ,thousand .• mi Si. l,' ume what Mitt of • Min *pion I••,:anif hon4nlooks. Womoold moo lir be repotOlioll leslaw!, 1 i •he bate neither hoofs nor hOrnb co he isi li t= man., HillifaiModmi.lhatalksin thirty? 1 thme3sers, - thigh : his. present ap vs would indictat•-forty. I prince he t 'dui.' < , • . the truth . .Ms ourworneountenanot, at this time is not 111 :proper- Index- l ot hiss mp• -His • stature it di feet; f , 07‘01 *int 190 pounds ; • shoubiers kilos 'Ana - "s 4; bodY, straight -.' 'Ad motif.; toot Onittoon .; small fof for • wan of his else • nmellgrrylatteyes, 1 deep p sad numerous iinwrinkle v atqfill op or -.. ... in the silo, with All_ JIXIMISSIAL mos. Whiskers tint mousteet• ; soft, dark auburn hair" slightly. muted ati! • end ; esit sompledea ; redbmt prod 100 ;soft, plassant, muslosl polo; agreeable nen, As. Is short, • lealesstes. Heiras trod when oapturnd with black, soft, slouch, broad brimmed hat, grey round about, yet pants, Ise hlins boots, is bid de n's boot legs. He was not dressed different from private : 1 . 4.441 1 MEM RNA I=IiIM MMM ;;;:: . . • . - • • • . • —•• 1 :i .. 'L ', 4 '-' 1 :;•; . N.t....- , -- 1 -:•-if.:, ~ „,i • - ;11‘•Sf; 't.*•`•Prl..•4:•!% • );•.:•.7. ."..,N,:414•,:•.r '''' ''', .. 1 ' .:"."';',;.1,1:02_:‘,.-..!k1i..;',* : '.'.:-.:::1•-•:''';':.„ ‘..',[1.;J!f....,•••.!;. 1 ~.',1',.:!-11;17: ? •,i i.!...;;',i4,41:,:,.1•::: 7-:::::.:1:::ili;;;:;;:. ;:! AEP.IT_ .. ..-‘ •;,..' 4 ::,.. ...;ia.i.t::::•.ri:',. ;: - .i.' :;*; ', : .'1 .V : :'. :, , : ` : :;:1?•' , .,7 ! .. ;., ~...,..w4' - •;',.::.."!i. ......:...14*: -...1÷.L1 ~..ili-,!1:,.,::,,..t1.,,14:: : ...; .., 4,.... /\iƒ} K« .11,' '?.,..::4 , ..;. ~....:,, ......!..,.: .: ..;.,:,.....,,,,.. . - : . :;.:+',...:! - -.1 , ;: .:, t r‘ •„...,-,:.,,:.1::;::::'::::t' r f L7. 54.:: . •:!-; ~ 1 ; . !:::. : :t';'-gii'-'.:.tiY.,.b i'.:', ;11 1 •.! : . - ;Z ! . i: ', 3 90, .':',: ,4 4 %:;,! : :.:" .,i < 2';-::•4:',,N''',4lll!",l:iti:: ;;;:', it.;F:-; . . . ;1: . . , ';'; • 1 ;, ;:70- • =EMI ME= `~ ,Je i,. ; a te ' 41. M T- 8° 7 . Soak flottr.fisOMMlOStsy Oorisoted sartinnt, for the MaaStlo 17 Kum. pela k Lars, of She Patiwai Baal • • ?fold Brialdr. - WAS a t ptessat Prentoolas. Mi= Vag erta L ts • 3L B Y tlaie _ Be Js par &nth OarrMon-i-- - Sew Pam. - Sk.elrimbllideem II 101211222',........ Par Irk Cl Seaver Oe.• PC ' l4 _•••••"••• 11=00., • 'l2 Ohio par Bank. WSW S llronnarMa‘ PrgoL- laillana.S'S mast.— par Pa. Omar, Saab,. 311111naaa.......----+-1 Dist .1 lows 1 Mamland,'Sslttmors par Ittekiyan 1 ' Maryland. Intarkt- . SSW= Wlsellag..., Canada 'l5 Medlin tninebin... 1%. ' • Musolow-Selling law on Nov:Tort and Phil, • sala c lea d i .11 amt. me bankable Soak. brain rats MOM. and IlliSer sell OP over sansalSa tondo. Fantasyllesolass under Gen.- (tramt. A.Pittsintrghir, writing to is from Jackson, IlLiss.,yises in following list of -Tentisylia ale Regiments now to that department, The 40th Col. Cott n • the 56th, Clol;9rlet now assananding Bripde,Reemsdpivls , , . ton; 01st, Lien. Aol. bell nintandieg ; and the 100th (Roanditeeil) Col. bonne: The BMW is welt representailn thou tOrilTS troops. Oct eorrespondent says - “A eery bad state of„.914111g :bee existed among the .Westaa.troops toward writer's. Their jealousy led tlienato and de eery any, uninenly LOU tbirird This feeling, am sorry to say, attended to allows es well is man. So far,we yen amid very little for the Inuits heaped taken us, knowing full well that .o Uttar is 00II61211 1 1: the history of the 9th oorp is as bright es the that nee,as '" ebsswet they will do their whole -duty to their onto. Shocking Ciestaity..A. IV hale FallilY ...1131•1Talid,. __ A .4shOehing catmitrapberdWod on Binds, ltits id 11..biek_E144'.67/014; LolOi T r .Ohio.• Ohio. mt. , riensigi • ,Proteeteat , with his wife and live ohildred, ui out iabotit eight 4104 in the morning, in their imps, to attind church et Amherst. , 11:R. were hour , afterwards, as, some men were g the bridge et Bearer erect, they new tw o h straggilag in the warm. The neighboa alarmed, and the home extricated. When the carringswseillawanac.theibodlis Kr. ~lierwig, bismife;anitiM. fire' (Memo so n.: arising the Eatizi fcrallykiterarfOind in it, al l 7 & tt ebr= the bores' "II backed :AI into the river ichores b• 0 4: 012 6 eistragiedin the` all wort were - - drowned, Theoidest of the; ohilitrea !me • . I'o°lo fonstmageem of age. i „ The Case of Charles gagers. - 1 . 9A A* 0.9. Cho ll / 4 - 334iii6 1 1 44 itsie loss dm ego byroads* 4.10! eli4P, "pi at the IliaLui• 11084j,,nsselhgi el AO ,had • - _deg.::.v.lap:iiiiilOlCAUdersilittihariai_._ - ~:. itiiiseltalir wee lot 11 - 4We* jar .. 'doss er.tbeiritasaes. g ip shed Rowe se the asesselevali sew alma of Ml4ol4l{ldalifell ZOOM., Mr. WU- Ileasok'll • 111.sisas-Eleso. Bha >e. - had' sees Sipes ilbest`:ther,lbonswirl. the. t ol l h week; ad toposdis* ski t opersoz!..: Toll& aelen roOed that the . . srltsees grel=tto • lie oak tee! it.-- ' thstichBt. -theAleLscrellsete for ' four ressi:..alidtrirssWeeludied, hi th• AldinilisWhes war Immedlat•l7 arrested by Cipt. Thorp , as a ll•mertar - Irons; the Bth iti110u1i:r0040.41...._ _____ ._!.._- ;._ - , ; jla paiiciiigaikt Ammon. OneWf dionfoll's m 1 vu esphsied oh NA doy led;'hotfar !foie *last Tisilrliti oll ifoo by Copt; ILlMollie' vim Paid hin - r d r a . of &half didasiead fallow who and to gamed hi.. _liodore_leaTlad_ the tete ea fallow alms withdluopdaoset, Celt gave a k a. him a pistoi In order to dews the I fr om attitoptips te nabs his maps, The ptsla had semoll-Pt eat of sight Wiwi Alis died esilitisaws,drewiho .pistel, it at . the prisphoes -briaste saying that ike a ' notiow.to shoothisoad_sitheraheLsappesod -- that his part was jut shoat V e wtongit to do what he thmiellse she` loom aulialariseiL•_.Thtgesallgt prisoner ander this WOO surage for abaksabotr, - • star .Claptabii MU b,lurz,tarptieil sae pat an ad tc" i t. ' _. _ . . .. . - - fteltaaa.s Defaced. The editor of dismal:ma itspiaiiscui says: 1 "Ws saw s onfloof nmhollistinient t he: other . day, • five dolor bill on the Pottsville Bolt, widoh,oontains in 'one weer e. vivito of Jamie" .33eoloneer :Bose loyal had r bi,„rablietwwitaiialik,..".' Wows abovnltli Sod frill India's, *Ai sns- Cl i gt.i 2.kakifehh. rom k a kis 044 taaal :- - Tata - is Alb - aa.ol' "" ~, , i : '.hsa t 1314 16" = 1 aka 4l zr,...g0 . anare Om of PePoWNW.UIPOR ,I4OI / 1 -.oolothii , inights had Irs,baLthe wilt os Oil opt, Wre Ili.:l._tkla-iiiiiellion fibre btf,sio l Jnon . 41 ...• '.. ... e 7 f-•: : . - t • 4,• 1 7 . ririlepir: ille"tekliiititilit iliiii-.. ye r. ..' 14144.014L1MP)211.1414111tk.the ldfillispii..% A I illiktiWalgilit6ooll'.iitooo4 b 4210031 ' ' ' '' ll iii i PIO 1 i11W*21440/11.1144106 11!;, -' - -IPM4 1111.1117tbiii-Pagthnill, Aini ' la -, ;.thyksity yastuisht. • More are lizrittlia it. . .`7. lib!' ibia'afterioqii.----,--, -...........- 1 . t ~.: . r....0 . r.. ;;;');.,-------""M"--"r". : 3i liniPßOoltudetAinit'seoutblitatioilt. ritettitillott illistrieqnont be .;;PivPitto!le, aritioloC: . bfridhi - -- -7.. 1i 1.7,11 - 1. :, , . ;,.. :.1 ~, ' . ~ , l - .1 :''',.; L ;1'2,4 I , i . 'A , 1 . L., ,•. .. I / 07'N a • - ' 'll * - . - - • • - • „ .47 •••• _ Vita _City Voiaws aid. the Allegke . - ti kr Ateenal ----- - -fs, thi s •0 1111 14.4./1 1 ‘ f 1 1 41.1 4 447.5 11 1 47 COW! foi their aellen-6:l l atioxto 66 oonuaiM*44 l the AllegbeityXrienal;tnilinpleling pates. ItobliNf':o6l6l4-xcntlisslits ,timisosz,wr loyal peoilicilawrenontillo, for two joinsllaell Ituirri. - 1/ 0 • 11 ; trying to - pOwiti , tho Aimmiuml of mon whose dally volversationthas insult to 6116.10yal 61•7 10 7 405,- -- 1 . 0 taiilion'oorapilloll 6 - entilePtd expressions of shanatel disloyalty, or,UV. Asir time e th os, skernt, •ni wore &antacid u n testhnonf M fit eat -46117 - - praig.:Wthihi6fd" 1 P 4 U 701613..*61164,thi -111116 0: 06r4“10f iet the dame forward as theixhiend and Marfammidlielnduced' Major Wkitsis7 ;krovertilohia dwnl *odes .aniFtestatir the Men 100 kid a bil:dayii4bifireliliiirs*LoMair Butleuntora.indasnosllisintlooth at , biar Con 1M.61421and 10/st -1 ,01 0 11- of Igliwisa° o- 06spoted,t1166, dismissal- of thbios - 6 , 11c upon tbe.postiotol • • Thar • lease dostn,witniiiis against Thor: ,Wh00.1606 not only- to Oslo* ex . • • 16.661mrafirte.:Ahe Govitra! Jamilowork, salutation' And Maj. Whiteley with; thot testilmony. in hishandii giving "Liley a_strongletter of -reoonncazdatleklar 1064 ,and good conduct, which -,166 2 Pub= lisbed a few COI Cisco's' thliXsintigh ?se. ' 1161:' Whitely:has Inoro me neinplorcr lusTs boldly doudarld that thir.telpl:olr• rid is ticirrehlrows.“ Their Met lie now; a small matter; the eirignot rribett friends ind pa tronsiJohn B . Butler and Maj. Whit6ll7, now. it should be thoroughlye=to d c and f those persons* who ware_ for di510777 ,14,..Viddat,-Isve been pm former binplflment CE61.114107-1116•01, •to il coinmimitythould Mend by '66114 eons tilt, and aid than in-es6lOg thsimAter John B. Beller and Maj. -whitasttlin un donbtodly be bottom salted, and Iblattora eon. genial friends in some other latittolL ° Ten Dept to saa.Pisat W/1.11), ALLs! ease:.—The following lithe molt of tin rift in the Phie-..Ward,,rAlle thong pity, is the sat Dlittiot ' • Tinder tainimiuu .. . ... 2 Miens ..... 7 Exentpt ity payTng71372.....—. 32 Disability .« • 29 Over 35 years of ago and 6 Only support of a widow or aged prints 7 Two ineinborsof same household la subs 1 1 Improperly ~.. 3 Varnished neeeptablemairstilitt' int.i Militia answer whesrateinewal 61 DlSCHAlarp.—Themss J. Blakeley, and Robert Horny Hood, of Capt. Triathlons In Carall7, wore brought on *tits of lahiss wimp, Wore tha CirWt sari of the United States, and after a full bearing of this sass, and satisfactory proof tieing made that -they Was both minors, ander the ag• of 20 years sad that they salistod without their paintits ioniont, they were both alsoharnid. POLIO ANPAIRL-Thlll* MS no eirest made hat night fa culminate:oaf the refusal of the night for to perfosse their dug at the pus eat rates of oompensation. Comma:rem Ilsozuns.—ln Lancaster County. 517,400 Use thus far bun paid to the gosernment by persons wishing to , avoid performing military duty. YEADIfIT•r—Tik• Tana of ttis earosut in m ord' to tlwo &Wing of Itwojszolit Cliainbani 7r.; on 1:101 MU, by Gold's, wail ' , wilful murder." .orzoir 000$'. .1 1 \TRW-BOOKB. To look Ooyyloboadt. Itba primmer Boy. A. book. for bop. 7ba rimer Bor, sad bow be booms President. .JOUnial a s Beaiduies on Georgia !Imitation. B osa Ie Warrington. By 'Littman+, .of Plinth =Money. By Mo. Mom. - Aitotteane Indio:se. By Yedend• -Datning About. By B. O. Mainott. Weak; Luke, and bow to main lbent Wont. ley Dr. - "IdO O ta. MV ILCCile . las Low. Ilinunbre' Boot of Dell Nol. 1. pat utlioe Directory, tor lOW Bantniond'a Military Begin* lionalkb Art of Won. low edition. Aurresscamiulitai elan Army Dantean. -A214"311:1:7111:75deardi311: '33ll3lmvids4-1" 1:4.514 LB. to p ttio t Air. AT Val, WillUittp. • The Too wan By W. J. Notatoili.. hu;rkiattU'tlUWd SSW ...Sheep . 6J Thar ßred; Manseepast "1141 Disereeh nJ VIM* Twat.. So 'Mei are added roessrhs au the Weide sea Itansonsester new is the Elated State" vita Illettattin easravtage 1 ea..* tik Tries VA HAT Wood ore*. Wilt- ',VFW is J)Lt1S 1 1.111)1SY, ism—alPbabGticiiCuiviii -rest combs I. Mittel t tem, vita the -hems of the Poet Niteten. With es sweet " costeillfeli the sato of Totehie Patsy, the new Pat Ofloe MU, sed Othef Joiport eat postal infonaltbn. UAW. - Iva - K*T et 00.. 58 Week' at. -- - - 3:11 CUISU = L Yf rid.. 'B=S:dostirb•lll4=kmory Sy=er 7L. Gnat Inot,Weial Sonstala. Seatoes Thirty flaws Ls th papere U. S. Banat& • BlLlyersbiss. Cloth sad mid Um, Beetbsy. • Sim Stara nod OP AMOR— - • Waal Theriffl 6 , .715 la• 41 Testa street. Otietud ristiAtat§ SYS4JrAtnactl. —Notwlttgaltdttta AU 41-- ~ - Stottiatta - titans, who wohro•to the i10m 447 dm. du RIIIIBIAII PUBLI BPZOTACUJIIII An tocatttg. daily tha w"rat"h oadsroomattot ea otilams. Alti that It sated is to examine *Mabel tr Asa tall sad "matzo As RITIMLA I P l Wr ist la van. Tor gala by J. Dualoighlonicithrkopis Itsastrietuter Lb*Lavin Pahl. elpsepgibll m . r Inm== w. taw, asks ooizrr HWI MUSA ;wpm caostruitto an bawl i lap sad t• • • • soirosod stout of DBOICIBO BOAT AND,. .1 PLAnz wurpow mail" 1321Nr, stamdaa. Joins; erpounsa. LATIFIcn trams, irk., BO" kr- HI del OB vain for gimp. alum/ vti Foroptneso awl at Ids rides. I , LLB. Palms onadSag LONG TAMS or PO: I * .v it rov addiMaitesToi- 'modes Aoudads/so hie dm -MM. soosSobtsell. S. 11.11=111/I.IIIM mina pITTSBURGH FTELB - BRICK MO. 1 Aiyminviira.vo. .• rallikffita 00., Jrura. saiffiag% lak leg altikali ISOfaa. wow., zo. 41.1.1"WIL11;=MateW Pg. try!: : T r 7l 7 r V.^.llc , ' '‘r stiiinprpmallitis 01 max WOW'. shr_vp on b - sad isd, maks to ease ID T 11102;1 , ED MUNI Krslllll-11111101A 11,012 1. 11 BUIDIAIIO I3 r. NbUb12..1 1 . 20 4M i WORM i/DirinZDICOMAIII4kMD 01 iumsinar was womm,latincffres, do swan dui c r o sa. or room music PEE BIJYREO3 ATTNNTIOI4 1 1:10 bozo 11111doririaionotl _i ' 20 do Homburg bi, 90 do' oda tarp Cream ' , ,1W do:000ksoa 1 .4 0 book. "hobo inm-dziod Appian gta, 1ia415?! Wilausos; big Libert7 stmt. Callki I, 11,11adfolS Orband Sainlmg.M 77 • s . - - 150 :id w. R. emu C 0157553 - - ' 75 •'6O • Chommts - fooefind and for Wm If6;lslldadnad strAst. Takla YAM GOILDIR. 0 V • la di MAIM ' LOT• nines *abed sad P4fortood .lad.,oad JIM Sada sad T•litewarismAssi,roctftil Di for misty Ms Mad sett tofalrotori Store of JOHN IW. ----- oad Mad dna.- 11e1.1111123.11.--160 03110 Daily %.) ' " 7 ° *// . 0. °MO,' CI TlF4l7 ll g ' L er NS* " 11111 leflaftrirad• Olt. IMabo A rre i t- : v u it : h Pt i t ou nsotu isi uraat: 11141 v. . " x;"rrr • : Virhill: —;11-1—atalf. as ilstt.(lll44so Imm reetpusersee mainradriessrft J. 411710i o Left, TELEGROIEW SEWS IVICOg Oliit, WINING 1:13E1710N.] THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. !The Situation. in Virginia. - . Now Nein, July 28--Th.. Herald ha the _following: A Union. force now. occupies the north beak of :the Itaptabenitock ricer, near 'the Station. - - Tad fortifications greeted by Gen. Pope 'Arnett ( Screen our Obits' from the enemy's lamination. Their 'pickets, mounted end dismounted, uw- in" plain view,-" and revelry patrol their but within' short thine range. Thistle's at thispotht isnot ordahle for a 'larreforee,although it would Fusible for • small body Of cavalry to aress. ......Itle.stated by rebel trisoners that Stuart Is I, tio,'Wyter , in commend o f We rebel earairy, *bdtiths been sniped to 'in infantry 00111, nridiai,:been siameded in cavalry by tits flughlate., New Toni, July rils.--Vashingtos die- panther, to the Herald say it is stated by se fusion lernpethlsers thli eity Wsualli well iithaued Wringer& to rebel movements, that Gen. Lees army is to reoccupy its tormer po .litions senth at- the :Bappahannookat Fred erricksburg.,...There is num.:to believe that the anticipated such a movement' of-the rebel forces. The destination of what remedied of the wharyn and, buildings at Aqui& meek, Wei days ago by, th e rebols,ll Another evidence of this detunditatiot, es it was evidently to embarrass-as much as pewit- We the re establishment of the base et supplies atthat plus. • THE REBEL INIKSION OF KENTUCKY. The Capture of Morgan• CINCINNATI, July 29.--The following la- formation was received at headquarters last night Oa. Pogrom with between NW= hundred and two thous and men, crossed the Cumber. lead river • dal or two ainoe, andlmoved north tow a rd Diamond. lie was in the vi cinity el that place at last stemmata. The prevailing opinion here, in military. circles, is that when Pegram started he iwiin't aware of the capture of liorgan,..and contemplated assisting him to escape.. -Ike dirpoaal of our forms, in Kentucky is such sa.willbt impossible for hint to either adulate much furthar or escape. Columba" specials say the question whether Capt. Bar te& had authority to accept the surrender of Morgan, will be speedily, deter mined. Buttock was not a regularly elect ed militia Osptals - tor had he any oommand at ihe time of Morgan's surrander.L Bubo& with a few oompaMons, was &Wag as guides for Morgan when the latter diecovering our forces dosing in upon him, offered to eurrm der whim, In orderthat ho might secure terms to Vault. Burbeck at ono, granted the terms which Morgan prop, Oen. Blumkelford Am up arid reek charge lot the guig, refusing to.reo opine the terms of iturender. Mugu will doubtleM be sent book to Co lumbus and lodged in the penitentiary. The draft takes place in this State in a few days. POSSIBLE FOBEIGJr intim The Fittin la g Out of V P essels of War Bitish. orts. DISPATCH TO EARL RUSSELL Elm You, July 29.—The *mold's Wash: instals dispatch says : Eat Hamill has it, this ban informed that - the WWI Buttes will not permit the Ulla' oat of vissels-ef-mar in Britis hur ts to prey upon ois •01112411t011 sad tbst, elloved.to rooted, re dual not hesitate to go into British ports to capture such meets. If this bi war, England must make this most of U. In a little wit% all the principal Southern nods, Ikon Virginia to Tunas, will be garri soned with 'Baton tromps, sad oar whole navy, exoept what tasty be required s willep open the navigation of the IlississipPl, be liberated - hr operations against • foreign foe. There ire indiestioas that the British government will tote a amsiblo view of the course, and avoid abl any otallsion with us. But if it should Set, Wa shall usitatctiozy have a foreign war upon Our hands without delay. Ilig LAU MCI OW fur WHIM The Charleston Mercury's Account. P.SPBCTEDENT&AL ATTA BOSECILANB.CK ON ATLANTA BY O 29.-TL Chialawn Mer cury's somata of the ate attack on Tort Wag nor, iadmits that our torus bald • portion of the fort over an hour under a • most galling, ire. The rebels captured over ZOO prisoners, indents a few-negro troops, and buried over ' l 6OO ef our dead. The rebel loss is estlniate bo d at one hundrod. Tharebele state that the mbardmsnt wu torrid, Willett mar Imre am papsotd by bomb proofs. The Atlanta cretfedwary, of the 23d, states that the iiity is d preparing to defend itself from attack by Roll4lotblll. I. nose Rebel Dispatches Isom Grant,' De.. partmeas—reasbertua's Corps' lin , orgetatsed. atches - , New lost; Jrtlir 29.—Gebel disp dated Morten, July 21, state no hug* in af fairs to.day. The enemy are busily engaged is tearing sip the WNW between Brandon and Jackson. Theybunted the depot at the letter plus-Lot night. Gnat is preps:tag t 0 lall baokowthrre is no water bt kb trent. Onr sway bus gone into permanent amp. Gen. Grant it reported shipping troops down the Nfuluippi iL.Ma, for the purpose of at. Lust, Gm. Baru, bee wind and taken command wider Johnston. • Pemberton's corpiwnl organissd lorinsdi ,ately and placed la the AC4. , r The Malt is Philadelphia. Paraanurus, July 29—The draft the bath .ward was completed to-day. Among those drawn were Morris Harding, of the BeWArer. and dve telegraPitirs of the American and National llnesi • Powder Sill Exploslon...T gilled. , _ Wiariscrros, Du., July 29.—One of poat's powder mills exploded this morning.) Two runs were killed, , ILL2OII/ 1 cm. QUO- • ounsa • fJ 150.00 0 Roc Elloholl a Lad . 'a Cincinnati i . comas. do do plain Banal .. 1000 10 s. ISMol ss drir, 115,0000 . tba. India; • 100 bbla. Estes radii Elan In akar and for Mb at 000 E. PETTIT ii CM% Po. 12 Ilenttliflald atrimt cinn ...K.JULisSesIS ft ZUV -100 0 darl a =, maim ."" 70 b 100 ig c ololw iil 4l. J . " 1"12". lbw ask !If kir- IT /6 "' 71188 h ei lrlaßlN l*oo7 tris;, If NtU i latT %.) —The toot OW by In as. o u owl 'la WI, tstra="ni slatwbart. Quatantood t i .", Tor sellat 11: bbt i r D e m! 2. FL 11111,Larr, -3511------TVB kiNDI) Ulilisif or G. J. TOWNBIII9 D. L 1,- at itre v ETrfa - Fa Z r , LKlJlLitoia OWL UM orr. *idles tram; qu mow on osty,, ft We by • . °Sr lU Mgr Wads 'sad- illetzs a d ; Peragila, .Al 4 inumand frog dig 11A91116,61;MA- JAS. DAISILLA 808 _lguana wonder ten At. ,11101,13;:fdrin . ,-mukirtiDGOLD WM. minima) bv •••• •• • IN MARSH/ B :ITT I • ; mire az, _ffitsholowts am. Ist" gil• If's" 111 Gar strodt.• • J.llll. PHILLIP% j ,A.,12.tt 7i.:,1"" I:: .7174414 t. fiTTlll!ttatift ..iLLIII,I!LIETE . • Orem es rint:Prrieminew Blitz illuorrni. • Wgrio#l...elil#l-2C).. feat 'S - he money mutes preeented DO Law aers wary . thy of notice. Tha Wei of Gold:mei Silver were the ante se me the previous day. XiStern Exchange previously isotadrvis., buying st par, end m/Iblif at }f, per cent. 11,0Efft—The market yestordappressatad no new Intent either es 'nude prices or' demand Laa, the latter G ',lbw:Abet Joe local Periceee from Stara 4 ° Meet the wants of the Mids. This stook in _dist hands L not large, whilst the remiptaorens pally, by wagon, occielonslly a fur parcels .urivres by aft.. Westover witnessed a leis disposition to op erate than at the present time. We note else of 110 bids Extra from store at PAS, E 5,6005.110, per bbl; MO bile Estee Tunny at 10,0 0 13 00 . Other mash lota were disposed of at about the acme =goof PTio cee. Wagon lots were disposed of at frita . 25ta116a!0 bbl lower, al to dualltl. . UKT—The nab* eaterdey exhibited • •alum ofL me sales were Waited et new isoso; sts s ton.. WILLULT—wes fair daDladi !OA/giber saes ; of City Bectifiel at ditarldo per silken YISII—The demand ktio.fillen off mite% iheyellar, have undergone no change,Aro,omit'quotations, ORZESE—The demand was fully opts, the supply all good parcels offered found ready perchance at tell rates; sake of 148 bseW It front @tercet tio,`t.o6lo)fe lb. SALT_ The !supply In drat hands Li reobil7. B isap . , Mel leg. Prices tend upward; sales of 75 bbl N 0 1 it $2.50 the lateadvanoa .being ans- Mined. oilowaluis—saket. Aim, welt 0 11441dt d.• in LUC on note sales as follows, via., Beier / 0 Weil', Orleans at no;d0 httls P. Mao at 113‘11014c, MEM prices &shade lower; sake PAO at 81@)8130 *1 7doLaggES—placket steady with a mode do new rate de- mand/ Wm of 10 bbl Old crop 156*-12 bbLe et 00c—Syreps ore gelling at different prim& ' BACON-lice have no new features to notleo, buy ors hive to submit, holdsrs'at antp hap o ide:iea advantage. The opening of, te. ginning to be felt &treaty In regard to We note note sale& as follower 19,0 0 0 ltel 4ere e 94 1 LlX—Catutueed do 100®10/i ts 631—Sides 0.40)7c. 2000 lbs 8 0 Hams 12X0119W—Salee of country meat were made at lower figures. APPLES—The new crop 1 befittorting tp arrive slowly. , The rites hoverer are too unsettled to give an like correct quotation, a fair s to Wens dbelee# of atES per buret. EUTTLII2—The weather being unlaverable trans!, s actioneVere Merited—Among the Wee we note , one of 1,600 bbls 801 l at licilettl per lb ae per quantify. EGGS—The demand wee only modetalswilielet of 8 We at 11c • large lot would not demand glom flp. GILLIII—The market about ' at dig). elat could well be—ln the absence of Wei we, lesult - g i uena , Prima howoter Were unchanged. • -• Pittsbnigti Petroleum Market. .Icnr 40—T1M market for Orate' 011 is quiet bat &M et hlo in bath, and 28X,1i in Lid. Wo mild only bear of one sale, fir... 100 btai at 2 4'0. ailarked is more active; and le generally. bold Dm fit:ptembib:rllnddoc, lootom:liatoouTdmelivill, an to d' . 550,; ... pall, 41. redo of 800 bbls city brand is • reported t CM In bond, on board Mras immediate delivery. Tat Die Inquiry; sales are reported of 50Q Ole Patrons brand, October Wray, at Mc, IPA F. bbl. Eats brand, October delivery, at lON all In bond on Gard care. In Bromine there Is notldng doing. ----------- NOW Yorx.retroleaust Milano. 'Special Dlaparch to the Vitirbitrgh Gazette. . New "Wm, July 20—The market for amide la steady with a talc demand at 31)(06024. for . In bond, Is in maimed* demand, and prior area shade 'Amory tales et fleillk. . Tor AngnstdeUvary, sales at 00 M for September 536544 for October and No somber sno. blapthe Is nominal at, 23gpflia, ; 0. . . wo Nen I • WitE5U-50 b. -powdAl- for hantertshogreawer 11. OCILIAII49. „,k-i-,k.illariklud"tutppek a :l ' A1 .. 16 n L1 i 116 07 - ,- 1/' . . 1 11. i A ne ab Yirla ,t, - - 7 M Sk"I" 6 * 4”- . CARD Philadelphia Cattle Idatket. 7ua.3l—Tb• arzirols sod solo of ii t Cans are Lop this week, Melling about 1,000 tag. Tie mast I. terp dull, tee warat-imatter uotatorablyt on the babas, and prior ;lave dallatd Idly los th• 100 Mat goat) and Weed em Stare are at at 110)10t=1 , 00 tste to rood, ad 7016 e gor mama, to quattp. erse taa debts as the dm to -day tom.. hoe nottoed for some tam pat, and holdergogered to all at tour pram than &ashore.. gasp—The antra, sad Nam, Swop at riduipe, Amu* Drove lad are modest* thle wast,t Malt. tag about 4,060 head. Tare la • good demad, pmme or good eheep are. rather bettere—mding rat; ta. 546634 c 111 lb arm. Lima arra pall ing at fro* 16 bad, wording to quality. liogo—T arrinta ad Isla at Iloge at tha Thalda auti same Drove garde ma about 4,703 had this seek. The mast ta very daft, butPrlcas are with out asap, ragtag at ham $706,26 1 16 100115 1,070 hated sold at tha Union Drove gad by'lleurl .01555, at b arnb glrage a the * 100 lbe sat. 630 sol AMMO DMIII Tad hi, 'ebb cram a ca.' Itroa lbs so.. 1.313775302 $O7 itallroad. f s.s. s Pretoria* ir. Worts di Cacao* Ilstosao6, My 13-490 pip Mod, Maim a ling s cars oors,l do moloo D A II Woll000; 31 btlo whisky, 3 o d10r,1640/ 0141 41 Gougslot.; Imt dm bricks, Wood. Mathew I 131 • misty oil 1010. I. Wadmloo bblo mar% Bud Watt. pi; It hall Ibblo O.D. 11 Ewen; 400 do. W.OO •. I Cuma.aan A Parszosou RAILZDAD , Jo 2S -460 101.415 d, 373 Lim3; 7 Las mOrmo PI IWII II Bazaar, Coossiftmed 3r Imo Amos, If VAspiria; 6 dui pads, McKie 41 Boot 1 1 awe "Wel% 2 D 2 Longo; I sine on3p dila zaa, a a auldasoN I box; B llossomgm; 6 rolls lost nor, Boat Mosul; B 111, sslo greasy, II Burma; 3 ►bls, 3 Op mlloty, 16. Ds o O.Oist; I MD undo boom, W D Whitmore: a to. 100 Nall Waif. MoDonsl.l it As6soldor; 3 lad tames: Wort .6 Sol; 10 do do, W a D ItlsolMill ID Ibis lamp, Lomoco oil oto 11 stylus machisol. 4 bolt U l a a bOoPir Witco a eon; I tolliasstber, 1 01111. bre, 3lt llotlum. - SWILL U tiALU.—A. Convenient twoltOry id,* dingle' hew., erlth book brindled, le. Also,.t Mubarak. Also, lap, 0012T111111 1 10 664 Watahltad three. story. brick dwelling beam with bee beano., So. St ream Week between Sint ea 4 lima utreeht._ , „_-, Mee, • teroatory brick dwelling MO., trUkt Wt . killdlop, No 11l Stoma .00.1, seer roiro vita . 4 _,, AU she *bars are in good 'order, sad vu sad water. . . , Moo, • ors story fame cottage direlltag, MP. Sta 8 ••••• lamet, iota the martial Mate direillass est- Irdoloa. Both ol time house are la goal (OW, lISA allisa• 01/ man !wow i ~„ AU% • It• of gourd es Ike portuiletwer ow; at runswd , swat, Wows Sois mot Try.streets, ratee Hale streak both% • hoot of IN bet on Slut etriet, mad esbnallas but 40 feat -,.. .. , , 1 lib abate property Le Ohara.: to ,a Sestrebli pert . . tar tem et eeleabil yortloglare inquire WY. W. 211011150 1 6 ly VIM lllo,loll Illth ant. VALTJABbiI PENN t3TRILIDT , F OP • MITT MU SLIII.Tire late, 21 tut la. 0001 bi 110 Nut Seep to ea gig, vath • wee avow . bow/ glittreers. Mara* eaS, L e nd v 4 SW.. labto Iscillek SA* Vistas* eV vomit. ii Medisoaulits Wahl/ 'naiad Weal* we list Wbersellla, trios %ISt I t Ze YOtt.: ~.4 - 41401.1• Wye umber 01 I, OS .tai•LM.r . dui, of (Ma SS to 60 teet treat 01.100 __ . kat Se=sittuaa.c.sbetait4siqiitivt, Ylu, trl ll T XII liallUs.r. . - . , ..( ~t IC Il k . the Nri,...azeitifift,ittd.b. poissri ii i gait. maned .- ,' , : - -1101.-Wallllol%. I Vltini • TICA JOINING , tAST LIB . .1. zwer4o2, saii—R• or iu,litetod l io_otj Ur Mu blmilltal country rAtAlitr o gw w Stir; .11 asdOr ii, iolet W* isd tri lary Soma .r o t of eflittiOn4 irith *Olt tragic', grililag• throand• war Sawa with *nit sad ilill•Pfik sad va iniest.d. moo allanoillotii= ll haatinikat Mot. May' Iwo llikbl , ink. warns Madrid esib• !Mt paws,' IHM. rW1•1 mains • WO* II Ow tatutu - t. look 41 1, 11ainium msd•:', 4 - 11.1111 gl'efinkli . VOX .13.111.4110.411.;•1niperi0t ititiond• it! heart 01141111/1111 ?O W On. hot long. ntl poled. 11011.11i4r "as. bit '4llatritit* '‘ , ''" I my TWO irillirir!fef, * H . Boma now JIM r. Mtn /AMA em. ,fottioula r va2:64nit t „,actir 4 ; , _,...•lliAiti4lYP_,..S ha jilaq e •r wit ) 7 11. 0 u .IMANCIaIItO ISIB T t . 43 ' 1 MIA SALIt.-11 two .t r 7 MOW OirelljOlt;7l2 "-. .... — II " W a l l ltigt 't .6 % 110. Tato lote'of IaIRM&PIm dhatoiallbuot stais3l)llo foot 4.. OA amanitas dame, to an alloy. Ptio. POO. 7 ram bolt In band and benne In An pair P_llellts. ~ 17 114 Mu k silt.: • fro - larr—a' Cottage TiTe . e 1 oko to the /141 ma suittab, as lamiakrl aialistrlu. Pmes!lan oho pomrlisual. . rvGL-pric;thiii, .11. la the Wad ay loath studio at. 001111 BOA. hit= mottra'with at without steam puzi ti U Ourra ton nuakamuthitena colour . blick. • drailt, maroon mut groom colour.. we at 18 • Oat *nat. k g PHIL Li i-g11.11)P10 .;1'1!../W'9 %LOAD •=►!0111111 wolll3.oUill VON Oassia., . Canairans Forsigions, • • 1 13 1 Mum's* . • - ••`-i•=2 . ti Aiiires,47 soze e:tta1:14#4 1 , 032 As ep• tda. • Otetbrimess. irate - , Old _ _ _ Dimpologe • uswegritiss- L -1111iSIAVOMPLSintat ' th l i ne r , or Vita, Paralysis or — lerk; - ' c '• litieVissaiici .C 14140100 SOWN. • MINTIERS wren ALL OTEBR D15I& RATING , TRIIL 011141.1 It AL_ DRPRATTIR ROMPITIOI3:,OI. TER ALM? 0 .1 1 OPAIF• i6 TORT STEM/4. 0454 0,10 110g.p. . . , . , rannint4 . Deannse V. 1D Dr. a. B. Dram-4 bake -ibssury UM ' robratarybribme{ is-Dad et► pre. - pima by yob WWI ...leuserea * livroir , Da*IDED: b bbarraszed Pr . PIP Pin .10 1 1 4 0 # 114 . silk broke bar r 4 my as* sail Ibrsiord lb as ,D)4l,taltgars as }ay "bob , and took off tbibitr Ilia; simb dire 010 Diadi DI rflAirom; D gas !nob (Ann, ',op ZL awn ma bona Os eanfifintl .it tan Smirk' sad Dub was Is lava* ,ob IiorDIDDI: ,I*iitribr. co akin bob rob)* Sp % Ws Wird mug -*ow 44 boar bum al. ..I, Ins DIVIDID. NA 101 w t 1 0 00, surd kba was ay MS laim : milsewn Mil bad tried seamy Mama yakt mallakia4 ti./4M so god. in i.l •W tost, 1141; t the li4ad is ,dry Klayribbloir.Usbo ow DOM liiirlalser , t , win P 00400.1 104/Atlllia In Pisa milDstr bet Oat 11.4 uld DumbboDibb by Dlood entrnatt Ws sinnin ,r,i liniklat #1 4 4 lips I , , ltts!. kin• ' pow salmi dilate sis Ways; MAW tad nil alli I go bstrria apalflos sia Mita rimmaYmposp the 1 Dew -1 DM MD 1611f4ii t blidibe 'AM ‘llDlis net Ini Won ow WA lark 1 110 Slog Sir", Vol , anti ttnelnlti .I. ea anis int! mat, o,lll:4ltrorfr, 4 11 011 NAA Ma isms* roosmens pa I did alma' am math siall bins isorsyner Lb we* Droll 010,16; I ;Kb* sib Masi stet ass dimes fa of Intlint ins pia se: tnt thit inns n momma Pasiiagii atelblYa l'. isap taiateia Ma M *agora autotype Wm 4spieMeimas'aMamas ybk I I Li.OurlObfbcbrilik idiot I .bbPD to igla Ina. _ a PIO jOS IMlllr SW ,I Iollja I a " • ,11111 OA SI It ,mo ammo 1 eamimis tang Po nealki. 4 TDB as me tbiribb*PD* ow olvllok Ia" IiOW 4 as G I promodati bad abort Dr. Igor^ 1 . 40 WreAlrek. I Dyad-6Di stale mis t mat emi - asioa sips* ma Mao mainpial tapir Mai?. ms 11. maw,* It aslant sakaasseilase ees •""!' leitteaW 4 iPs Pi 14 1. 4 IMO by am tet t samma. , ppm ,spossa 44. togatiatiwri, tux 1 two at lg. Oa. 1 sad 1.115; Ili. . - III - et lik a yysiDiriai it ‘1,1011.111! 'mil nem It bin ;tblvirbliWit ril: C . oil DADA ablsayror ROD as makoli 0* all-pbo 1it101444.011 Ilia 11109.011144. j la We nth bla.llllsbainli.rumt eft brifippi n ot viii. I Abtirriblits Woo MAD Worts.* 0:1111- &MA. tiartgri AL BO MAN QUAD , . 1 mil tik mks z i milk atm. int imng ton meg WWI Is vein waft Me ' rim, I Sari on", ilatiltAre• 1141404V3 slag Ms* aletede tegir Ow We illgr.M2Sl~lr.l9elo4lNri I. a p . sari sot ...... m ...pil wells et hall laThWirc r ir it taws tali, lei sad us 1 =it ItarlM•ains,v, : ...,„"orgAtvp.4l,o4,b, the pt. 1 hotellelelthinetiheialtsie:Mthireerorhorserrowest NeVetegiati li ge -15Wa ll ar I"' . wet ' salli tt.t- kl9lL'aglailleltWet illfil -F.; twin cui. ••-• - -: -• • ••• •/1 • •- -: . • . ' '' '- • ' A BAD SORA / LSO 0173.10. I trflutrot‘ • :l , c4tut - *ail as* taits weft isito , I* woo aorwWirlaw 'akin 4,430:11 go 4 Lgon no irattlaftentymEi T4TIATIPUerVeillis vill =obi. se fl. Or sionlltemAg - IS Ss well's, ii . moveralogglis brsiasion lac aty,Lbillilliy tioillitrillift load DR ; MPlitils NUM Wind Ans• *malt oh aboaktvio wora, elf 4 at IcictiM its Syr ilidlarsoir ww. .11*1144111114 Its, 14 1/3/0004: Or, esoi IMO illiem /10.1kgt W Oa NO Willi 1811 V -. TR 'T ...x .r...-.:4. ,- ,.uz. .:.off arse trrifai imp iilo4l l ll oll . as ammo 111 OPIN lOW tmirltot —" , ' .. •.. 2 '• , •; '• • ; GPO. aiurnarsi TES °' • - 41000011 NOW 1111 " 1116.1. =WO, MeV is, *Oda ftidibizi, eiclar , ..' , t ,y•‘PA ' • 0 APPO,ltikigolk 0- .: v• . s t- -,-.;:—. 14 i plillitiF iiik: ..,- ,14etvoi 43ammisaitt ..ligics ui. \ woo & . .- ...... scasaismircaur Isnua" oo i f c.,--t•.iza ..1_•-o1. •;et • - t uSeere -2-'4 1; ' c pq, , .., • ---i ,wawa t riacWitairDsitupt! • ~- liorrikaillfWtreanielhtteili -- i-, ,/ iniltatirOillp li 1 112 W W", 4o sot Mit ~, i4iiiites Inf . i •',. • , 1,0,- ;t::,4411111P1400111144.1PRIM ~„ i-- 1•A 4 IddiOrtglAgla ll a ttoz w trt PM slit 141 11 k ,119aeg ith i ll. WOO DOW ir i ss -e.., Ullodi iliii il l el ' ; s. , „ . 1 ! •1 —0 , :., - & WILSON'S 113w=0:Mumm , • SEWING )%&CHIM. woman' was. xxr:"Migi. rum, la Imprateasint•. Mu only tarthAriela adni MAW Wiz SWIM , War OWlsmai ;baproirsil . '-giarr'inio rsil=rintlier . til - osu ticr - ' wnt witErnths:jilizirrs, Porrimila — No;;SlT cacoraaa—PlLVlS OPII2Jk .2!.;ii:;!*4 1 ,4. -, .. , _ , ..: ,, , WARISOW3I.IIO.4,w?!!: .!!?r d°9l/ rat ten al SP/ AT 1 2.ig n ia' bJo mukaitanh 'E. V-- • woOD • •••••- übT—e. new siiiekisoni4 Walla; mem. mow. tam*. Within ltstaiMatait *Ma: at lima sad pad Oars. Pcseassion Ilmotssileati .n.' 'l` 1710ftar—00.1.46 stOsit. Ritb¢vnhC Riwitoluntow"7"- - " s anossrauedumiir som ornt. Pair,WIMP vIONAVS: GLEDINERIDOFFIN, doom, 701 tir ormiursum, P=ADuna& saw ilosaoson /.1(• taus reewtr: IMES' 17oliwirs - 4, licapPeart., corm Wood sad r.:AOLNErr...ciamtit lIkTI In. • cm .st.t. t.. 14317.0. C 51,00, Obi :12,infi coiner Markit 19:syta; " 1' Vdir ,tiricater arest. rpifli .. A Tlrijgitte :/BIER •J. ROYAL 11/1/4 _BULAN HAVIGA- Tipa anu r zorr l ~(GiaLtilkAle L 131134 . • 7.,T- . - •t _ i • Wil ailoosia,:m,sesiiiwirfour.,. ufflosamp. , oacriati.— - - coLususluroa 7,11U61,16 ,a. AN4144.• .4111n1 1 117 01,0 4 3 3311 . . Inman Abmiaio isit sak 1 'vie fl r , Amtlakiksist 11119- 1/AT. 13th of init..te 1* ,fotioireW by tbe, ;tr." al summers el tnethwinery ationsatiWitaari• ,-. Be3s prop troseltaripeellolinr T pot. sl1•13 taw um Koranic :aansweiz, - , ~....1 Ntetr Oa - 13 -12 . 3 0 0 1 1 11301 3 3 1 0 ......... 4 F" . 151) , forpaiip aggitat its AIWA th e Alm* .., . 33.37.1. I 1113233 3 . 13 Beca3wit. .-- Amok.. Ckrosiela Ilidlding, I_le,, 10 3 1331 j__trala Mid, r hi n nroill i laali.Lt --------- 113 tALVAtt. 14.3 g at QUIIIIISTOWN Mut _140:14145i wok knows, • 100100114 I.w-lost *and Vlawhdpikto - litennwPSt (CtroC4ml.olrartiltrulli;.k4;_i: owl or aiir ,ivs-.llKrs-}--•.......-.514"/Attip.s., VITT OP 01.AJICsa . ACir. 2 . And sooty ocnowol4ll•Sousdal. at wow, worn rWi 64, Slosta Mow. - - , . i,. ;,: i A . '' ' - *thin at Lusuis: '' - ~ . , Atoms 4 &Lk or ell illilliPlaga 1 61 VI/MNIPO. t . i_ : : ran 04Ung...........11 0 0011twa5tcn.........-0132 ea 60y $0 landoa... iS6 00 do. to Loodon.l SA do:- to 11id0...... 1 1 1 CO do. to Solt h 4o-0 ' do. to gowhstS 110 00 do. to,ltant CF S S Proonitillsakonwwwka to Hon% Rot. maw o W os r t d u or PIU7IIO. n: mit ) lP i 4::,•, ~ $74 UMW& ara Thom who *Lk to wad lor Unto Wands Worts loon ot Us ooo lbw ihrlhor tansation only . et the otittinnt . .o Mow. JOHN it.DALit walks( 36 Jona TrOrrOor,,r4poti . -lowa divii.Ord,tiocishoHszidoh - Loon latmesemiblosa alsesseesOnns; if - • • tliS bo o. Pm• anti 25thinalli .1 Q . (ifla CAVALRY .80 .11113 - . , . "I.llZrY,,Clib•reeelvidit iit ifl6 ..a. 12„o'dook saj d tbe lor.DyrOf Al rfdl/4.,lLAwleir 1111=26 13114=1, ROTOTITINIots trim sam to slat. ledimite , ule bobf Maar agabid met* lot. Sire on, ,ansbnio. 21P/On-D/PiliJnesllo.olnl lye' OD aiikt Med obl. keel Ames do deem tbmoi Matti valiteokto to Ike Middle, seam sad Of good jams, aid verba? Nomad In elm =peer; 0.. is Boca order -- _ _ _ Lot 1110.1-Tlaw lidsdred sad Piny Mori on or Deb» the TO day ad Amps', lfdL / • Lot Mo. 2- ' hr ' s liusdrod sad itttyliorsmr od ot Ware dm Ilab day ot Lomat, 156:. Lot So. S-Ibros Demand sedi MOO Herm CO, 4* Ware tbe Utla do of aiogest, WU. . - Lot Me. hollow lidaded sad Silty Hones ;ea or Mao the OM der of luvali. I Let 310. 6-Tlase Ilionllndanrsu on or Wore . 11411 21tb dsy of Augus4l l ll 2 : - ' - - Let do. e-Ilmee liendrel Horst, on or before, lb. UM day.of buguat,ltia. ' ,•_ ; . Me 'lona hi mills[ , a" Precede for ClOolry Hames:' sad lammed eLL Cot O. QuPittsburg= a, Quartersustor Ovemel. U. B. A.. sad surlfodiedt.lot lick ono or tom et ibe lid um oadiar. if Oa. bidder intends to bid for more thee use let. tt Out Le ollote Ws ad - am" Im AB loirts vraireutod sor surieribissdemilesuoMb Mill be aubisatod to a Med loptodom oat Maw Uri conform to l b inflastba. nos tau Di this IlbilOthet. 14 11 be arm- : - ~. 72m ability at tbs Widmer 421211 the mind; rsbc pm elpla irorded to Ida. mot be gaumieteld„ bl boo pamost el beot drab" boa to MP libt of tbe guerOtonsurotbe trisitta ot ost 01 Ike Weak of Ilea Omit COM, or tbe Iloilo! BMW; Lbtriat Astor. mq. Mims mot be gmedit ba Peso when the :1711= "M ". ___ egemarte= - 1,210= to i l; mend on tbs onto", signet"by Abe contractor sai both of bldg renudres, OW bo isqn 4l D esocasalWatt.upon dtii the bead au% soomplay Os castesot. It will es wee. ory. for the Mims to ban their bundsimmltrltb „ posh or to Om bondmibplad to " asol sudedie, todyto to *dung whoa Du, marl Is . ..,. ' IN --y of tbe >ro counO of .-...i end cm duo Mesta or .---, and BOMA! ...-409 , kerldri 11111il31e•-thig ---Is MO to OM a, mei Is socamblame 'with tbe Ammo of Ids Pre20 12. " teed dicim. sad that, abodld Ms jettioedbas bs Nomotod. Weird at ORO Olei IMO s centred In oomdeete SI - ainedtb. • ilhoold the ematiod be %IMO* Illm be isantead te bedfoultbi loa ltlw..- i . Xe Vie WO be ogehdad the dads/ inaDo lo l.l i .... . ', • - 4044 'iglu sot.l4 , caroW 044. sib' Oa of - Mill be tagulied of bidden WO tonftscC ''' "'" ' TM nedatiordl MIMI le , lbe AN , ,Val somp4 ma sny - er ID I:Wear beam doom too Wei: ' . le be gads "Oa tbe comfr4lbs' camersolVe so Moo Ommtlet ss Our. via ihalll "Al LIM. 00. aid D. 43."11I.Ihnermi. ' ' --------. --.7 jelata ANTI 1.1. fRIM2IM CLEVICLAI4D, .. XXXXILYX I7"nri n 110 • CU Xs ame and sax • -atil Mom Oa ' piiiiiik — ai'llta —7Trangvxda---EXIX.d. La MX. " Pitol•ogo ;:a Whoa* ma. . Ptusb.gs 1 . Loo ......1 trio a. as. WO VII. ... \ dAWollfindllo , 3.10 •.. I Al 3 , U 06 Bamako' *; L:7o *- a' *LC if 10.50 n ' !do WhaLl2lll4l`s:lo .. t r . u 40 “ Ulm SaUstr..:. 3:53 - ,0, , 0,15. - to lUD n I• . GooneWas at swabs:rem. ima sour otik 8682 " k tiled/Ii sailltellatAllaShaid and Ori , , • :' OW. Bidi• nod for Soassoillo. Smock; Ocaumbo , zt - A.m. DoK tatindloospolb, CYtacuomtt. Loot. - lip COdro. i Bt. 3 k, sod ti•lafairsa. .i.ue ipoutawas, and vita and Ohio bikini art 011iogind Llia. , Tams —_-_ • liallXintinininail UM s. 7a. IL4Op. st. do waurTun----.... dilo a ajo a do Harandaaaainanni... Ik4o . o tin a \ die Alflani*** 1• 1 05 ii do' Sooloolhoo*oo...."7did .. tort o 'do o 40,0 o 1/001 Ardv ew2e wi at at Betert ". wi* talon veilt& ire —,Valar.-4°Ananal Gra~tri Oblcsio "r; "anis"s igtramb leilma l gamma with for Warm, -Gresertlist_..; , ~ ,yam, %Lit asseettown wia, 4 : ,: l 1.1 51 9 ,= . :47. 1 to . '''' . .': Mar& Bana irall'i ll. 1t: 12 2 1 : 11Zi r0T.1:4 2 t 4 sladalmihM•ildi b ' with trs T. 8.8.- tor eon , Toledo, ead elet with strewn for Tietroiti', - ._ _ , 'Welleville Accommodative Wad et WO p.a. . Bowan tntleikstriro of 43.0 e. :1., fo lad &06p. 131411/14ia0.116,5 1 -, Urn& Tattg - tO lat P''' ent la . OB proenrW it the Dilowty_Streat_Defoto_ 971080111 Phloem, Thaw And et Antihiair Ci a lkii resinr 'i ' . scut Ave. 1 A:.,Q. C I cc fca! 4r /Flvalvtritiaariwto Aim mut, 1 it the Ontaperii.ollietir_prera . gummy p m , s. - --- e;r9sia _ - 011131VAIDAMTCVS. muse one ___;:-:.,- ; - •,, i 7 f'..•;!,,INDOUIP..iILia: waousaz,l of =auk "";•401';-It.,4:*40,4 ,„ ~irramirredat abet, raga• Al* itirioiLV*A?, :•01- 0 4;l' w p m= .;4 Ltl• :70SX, ,• Is 'sum • Exomantaig , '--... n— frierr_at. _ itikum mw. . i n gelAis lawssi ansacem - Dia : .,,,, iidomoubstr bra kinds a oseetiosioanwasidA.o2 0 pea ; ;*; " 421 gw.. 7.611. DALKa a kVA .- /2 1 1100011039.1144.F.Atriet. •BIJ id if SR ASP ' _,..- ,_ 1 ,. , _ : entigarkligrAM - - :- i - .., ) Stk.' (111NBSYLVAISIE: )1 , /'t '', ti LP. Ball PAULI lILIUM. t • ..r.- • z TVG Vadat= ausx2,lll3lsem TWA loreettius Paseengsa eseatsn' Wt.{ 8eede1,...2 i s 410 s. es., atert5 8 ...,.........=" 1 “'". bash end Itun e/0 11 .• ft" ......' 4.112. C. ,„Ittsiallwriss Uri az PbliedAimitt. - : , ow Taw, .24 L. %41.1 a F IIM the Ils. ' -iienter 13.ii.,-. ~,-6, - - . 3,chitur (watt 'MOO it TO st. se u tatsaidd , r;.•• stenipciuntsad. 111,,ilsgtia ll = Mae anii VaAttritio4 snit forihnr . Ili Philo , "414.TallDirtii:Z ^ ;Pi finiti 5 ikso r..•,, .v 4 ,0 na 4.1., - ... efr.,4413/4 1 . emi t o r oaoktrJo itUtal i A ..' ..W LEI- ram. te - 646 larr isuguata lthn iiity Nos* 15t=deitt si &Map. la.= MVIIIILyft4P I Oqta-thrt*.eeleV.4444.. _ litlLMlattial `W,:,4;'/li4rK"-Y:x.P.01. 0,X 7 . IB TITCOL - ... 4.4.. e.:- .11 ." . 4P tWlManisS ' '''es,l,lo • . esetnessacteameTsidasereedenp, t ii-,-.. - rib istm. &WWI OP Saha , ' end antOdastee laisOWlssAwars , ' V - Xt . 4 .- .iengtel 6- -;! .. .. f' ". -1 1 , !. .., . , fitti Van Mitts 1101 Atsztrmaddetios.,. ftr: Weld_a Wes ).11:00 p. tatk irgrttaii.trfrele ids Will' t Mtn atr tietternnSPUßlndal_mt Wi. , .t i pteptr ;Vein Jelltellt-W. i et z r u rr BEI* i55 34 4. 1 4upq- e2 ^; ToUlPiii4' r n . ... 7111 n ILO tleareirtfairptitibirti* A•2lGili ,Peallo.lo:•stsosiel; nor tis s l at :00. , ..is ltet . a mal, M. 20 p. nt.:p Moe .IstnesliediL egissintmedi Itleilpet4s 2 . lo ta. AWE; ... ad Ada r_. '.... ,fnif Beet!is da ,:t: X Ittorn- LelaestsdsNaa• .16.. ..i 111,•.1 'Vol:Vette ._ 2,1" 1.40 it. z:: 4_a-tlVlAill'ihB==...lla4l wi f .,... e -ow..,„itimig3 ,o aolkta.. !4341- i .:11;1;:f4"7.,a 4 ' - ittLts%= • xibb. ~ 4.,- 4,./...1...,...1. -Th.0u , .... dorsal ces- , -: strilisde.lne cod Papsteelerebe Sus i ". end witb.ileilseltisee.*•l42lerertni dixes. i 6 °4l4lZWlttoeL.''" 'Ynit'id la' gstation Ws let prep 'MI6 Isle liTeltlttan wasoh4 milk Urn" desolanotialtir addlttspistee Tame SM.% • . %us - •- ur astr gg , I., is ..0/.t,,t,na*All,ag so , so y nlur w.,ad" um In= ausidivVVAaAtfl9 . w gm tol rt4z r%saar Wasted , :die -as.r.d, tad d reelneirmalsostdinte , , 111(e.asst pldin.lo , es.w, erred end acces ste Se a til. -IRV -VW , tOt Sett'''''W/40141;.4144% • • ...., .t.' , .:T/11173x....4 4.4:..:. 7 4 ..... . ''.?Ailifaltidei'Ll'alailt"".:44.,....,,ia . 1 3 R .__-. :: 1 '"al"''''";. 11 - 7 -'-'-'-% = i., at kft.ft.t.P.....0.- ar....4. alifte 102 SIEW.,t VD treniteljz , &More ss I,W Ontt . val.usse -Wigs maws ‘ statiXt.Gbboya2l4-trio AWOL! .1:1_:,,I. •-iiL...T.WL,ratt.s.vot-Aikto Atecomortsi ii 4 44 ) tam - - - N 4 . „,..APtsvorxweagr- zgoace 5h27., ' -Tilt','-'17,1g,---uis tuti4ounivis WE Pet 0://t-11, St.C.lketi . I . bi tZ SEP " "ki n " ". 0 9.73:-4.4.Y.Miisoilto.Dasciatialisis pees . PSESO' - r t.e.M.".141qr-s. .-I:a.t kilt; .L. riot= ,•,,,,Anuumaism ra r ms., , ' Open WO touil to $ tfolock, slao•• Vatardpr ... ',, 'bad Itstialalh•ttaatirla4latta Itersobst , laa, ,tataa ',l,4o:etitY.T?'#"Vikil hi 'May lot !Ma 11101te - - • :41)•coitti malvattatlat armsitas• learialiaa Om -1 yawn and • dividasit ct, OA rata dedl••4 WIN • t 71441a450• sad: Damostar. ifstarai de. -1 alstrolleir in Jinn =A D•Mlabort dam 'tie ,Bsok ttr, .at tle tale ot.,alart mt. , .. f • Usti* 4astra watt la. Risiok to UP atlll all tit• dmodtor aa . • .-Atu,t*,, eau besnab• ma* to latemittos ttailladdspot.,=••Altionabarjoalk• touinniLtwko.s Taw ,wit.hout-tp?1.4411.41att0 aimor 4 I Vet i mai - "invitotuouncbli pus , At YU z iite,mg . trar win &OW ize-leat ittan'ttrdva rip.: . " , c.iteelticaastatant , tbs 101•••••,,liplaws, lasio 1 intal6ll2lo2llll,ltazishlrgrisVoisi pip ad d"Otte) '.. ' IN 9.l"A'ziliiVie3tTti:.;:,l'' ' t • '''etam4•4lltaglilt,. ' 1 ; - join*lialh...,l`' istasoX,2l• lool 4 - 1 /awl/gam, --.-' .. • , lc John IllizabW.._ , . . I Al oanismlitarr , - ; 1 ",- isznagis•Dt.*l . 1 , Bag. I• rouvolicO. .. , 0 : 21 r - : 2° ,7 1 f 6 pq - - ~...... ~,,,,,,s , . "" . 71am EiTitial4,.:,' % gifiiii 3 : -", 'L L 'I ...., -.L -e44tiliW4lllllMC=.st ce.r.oal. ___ ....oahtteLlisimaq.- t J. , Tr A:Xublila. . .;,ighagi. a•spiro ;:, • ••alltr*** 4. . Jobs, a stabsi,.. :. ,: fa nr v , ld• -. - emote 11S•bettitab r -, . Alone flat. -,:, ,II WO liattelinlS .. .. t Midst •.. Voltam. 5 :: .. , ismitt i ka• - .: 1- - Willis•Dlitiesk --, t , . I,Jobla'. KIICZAra ~ ', • . .' WUIAMTiii,', - - Masan MA* W retararliatker,-" - • aiting TWi, M .3watt mos i .,",:,_. ~,..\ ..„Intie.irldttliti l ,Joass.R. Stag'_ ~ .-. WahlyirAms... = g .i.s • , ..;,, Glidiusai. - Peal. : - .2 - al , rfitS 'Cl iff -', - RA:44I-_*1:444 , , ,‘ Vingea ,M13= 6 "4 0' utigoftur Lieggiao -olizminatadestaik.l94:salti, Vesta 04 4114 T. 00 02erzugai SYSELII4IO,e. ft= 0 110 r 20F03* IttiSTS 101EIMEr: roMiocei4ll -- milarr sad miormasmi 1401lteolianksiiiibaral ,aabomit tticsawboo sgsaist wisp aro lbo Oce. esamorada ltool 1.6 MXlBlitatiV lectats,ll4•4llo4owitsrf ectietlai limagieue l> ured st"Thitbegfil 111 E. 031Nr. pet ow ' nntz =IA on daporatt wltich, It tot` graim, via 0010.014`44-41,0.641C01; tliaittptodke on Ake tas sot Xijmut ,liow.epo , apt thareatar Misr Or ratattt frill:4A., At tL101141, 7 000000, SLIS Aside...o4ook, ontOto att=ittak i 11111 rnaP"Vtt y '144.14.".^Wat.10.. la rid Z 7111114154, AL zcacdst 1.140 .11:110.0er" • ^ - lamb more Cdttlitt. ilidlol.lo NO WA. 00 1 -% ), • _; • _ igett Mitte . , rms. Trtia% via loscul. e.r= B ,, by • ha% 11 latltatball• oTl 1 l 11 . 1 1 (4 11 V. '' o l4i t t 6gio. 4.7 A 441.1aril TI ) • th* -1 / 1 1"" Ilawai rim.. Lu te .4;4 lit ti t4 6 1 .43116 --- 0. d.. .'pria,,,..,outtr . c. l , l _,__ vitid Ana. ~, l iTi r as tbie Ns. titan to vt• ~.w .. . * I.: of ~akila• &WO 'we - . _ ....... a l o r i t .ana tkne4lor dal A. , wrjX . Thou , .. a 4 ,•!u ,: iid i fgoek. • : .. -,...,.... .' , ..j. Li.' Zo'o° 7 i Uarsiiiiia .-11 '77 - -;-, ? a,. . idiel. 4simedssiburr. - • -; - iiiii mkt, vt am il ion. 1-..AWAGROK 3 / 48 t 'l 2 4111 t, ~ , St 4 l3 - , } d iali gn su an. . _ ....,,.tp-,:t. -I: 7c wini6 .41 nna n ' t !' ll ' WU ii,UP:PA i htll l l , 04tallelq""V f . . ' ( . . , ValiLlikik ~11. -- e , :. ,-,--- ....-cs - ,09A...1 ..
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