1 - iinton my c‘" - - ' ; Ticket. . _ 1 1 _..... ivies., ,--.- z,.. , . t ..._....• ~ ' I AliellbAr, .. •; ......: - '• i.- 'autee.atr "-.,'' • :" 1 - ' '• •-. i: .10,......„31 alikaL : ''. -, ....., .........,,„.umup311, . t ,, ••• • ' 1 -.• I L int. 11 IlialiAX. ,v. MOW!" 4 44,41. ~,1 „ - ~,. ,:.- - ~ zuo/hir 14 .- i • Int- A• awskivi,. -••-• '• *YID • 114,,,,,,ad0mii, - - i . ~..n . as. Tic . `1 lIIL Zla romainmedr= • ,:7. ' 1 • _____ __., 7..S.MizoN. . ~ ,•. Magiglin dir the P " r ' - ' kr,,Zir-= . - •461111 L /I BENIME MZ= ESSE , ' SEE ;.3;: • : • ' - = • .4 ‘=-• =.l=:-'1;• ;,t", •=l,==.= : MUM a=== , '•?•!. 4 :1•4%. 41 41' • • ••••1 -;;;. • • • N 41; • ;1,1 e••S•• '.' ; 1 . - " , :•;•: , N• • 4 , , •• • •• • - ' \ . -- ~~. ,~ TM:MOAN OILN _GI, 7 412..1pY 811. 01X1 agiozzarli:Euteim osemnr vier. marsososoinnia. , , , thiswai l ais far ta• 0h na.,17,041. eior,,gpaeus;llo. iK Pink etes"" 4o ri 9 eoeil UV i >: =mix. rir suss. : leiksik,A. 92. TS, les 96 »a-10 • -- • Christian Commissroa.Thaakegitint - iffitasert and Murales of alt Peasceiss. .Offis ., :ifiringkna tie Leila lhatool•r-Tba Volta! Clidotlan Carnahan' iispitafidtr or gaistreollsothoui on National 10744 1 .4 1 14 601 / I . l' itid of tki 7 - .',llsriskstsi biaadttds tlo 'non of our any . I sad 'Rory. :Aloe! ate titetoeul •diresstal, _ . \ Walston sad Lynes, hare boa.sest forth. - • ill, and aboaketeit gumming: ben*ig • aid pabttoatioai duiebnum: by-tlistai IQ , the radon lailitaq dip ot:mut§szid argot its. Iles& •-•• At'Gotitsbarg, sot fat from An. isnhei olitogams' tabooed, and about Apse theroad • boom of stores were distributed by slily to tluk wounded. 1 Tke folisiong noble, wasolialtod letlerfroia the Bargees Gennal, the highest moiled ai tketit7 _ln the" Stark will snow the rake of the rpsontzwork.ox ths,battlailald: 1.-trasstrux cosonsatoz. . _ The folissiag_lattie. bon the 11. B._ Bar • `etea Glenna adorda grantobat foldaway to tho *atonal sosfalans -of ebb *obis ante. • ' - Buzaiioa einzAils Omah a Washlagtonf D. 0., July 20,1863. -Dear- Ifir :—I that yen will accept my men hieetfelt theists for the demotion to the sane, of **aka and wended soldiers at Gettysburg, easnifested by the Clluistbin Com 'hibachi and its agents. -•• - fhilag to the military asoessithe of the oe- Aiwa, the saferiag would have hewn amok gnaw Ikea it was bat for the aid afforded -Me"sidled ofßeers by the benevolent bet who eau% to their eedstaiww: • Ttrast lira will convey ay thanks to thosh st-g.ur body who sated.with the Medici' Dr Oettysirerg, end asran'theza • SOW Idghly I vane their labors. Beget% adapt-mllox to warmest aeknowkidgments . for your own menial* the canseof hamani Aye- Believe me, yours sincerely, . • Nuatsm l iaaoaa,Suorrggewon-General.' - George H. Bassi, Big., /Chairman' . 7, - _thilstiest.Comodstton, Philadelphia, Pe. -7 . TeethisoaMis are not nieessary_to prove the . well *iota dieing of the general work 'of the Clonialsolon. Comfort, relief, and swamies have- bemi given to hundreds of thousands, maltitides of lima have, been send by the daily aid rendered, the impel, has peen premdied to multitudes of sager Ifs team, Me Word of God and good redeem reading BLOM' hive been Lrgul distribsted„ - and themints of our brave MU Uh bees aeC so . ainsttad to God. the day of rideldag for favor sad oar national mouses mei seAls • - unto named this great work. /fklatilhatioas maybe sent to Joseph Pet. termar a - No% s Treasurer, at Weirton Doak,. - -p lam, or to Joseph Mbrsei Tresemar, No . II Wood Street, Pittsbutt. - , Osorait ff. Brtinmr, ___ _ • A earsepoadent • of the Nov York Ego*/ Post a wain from .ditinkrp, Belgium, mail dots' of the 16th that, asjo s.. With , tfist skald. sad "any" odaptaltility of humatty -to Olmamstestee,- • the Mothers km of tiag Cotton ; and'lttioni ~Tuttinibte and -other. sentkora. potentatse, ism aired - to -Abair mud thrones 11411 . 111010t0k. Path M* 1i now the "saethingaaedfl". , ' %warp. Thim years ago it was aluatakdy in' timitstowi WM% bat the imPoitrof„losi year - mmuttedto.l,4l l o,ooo galiertse Mid the La -1863 will foot up tany,5,000,001 pal- . , Roo d Already nearly ;wimp, nannies of • - mom notrelem have , boa malted in dila. -'env pam of Belgium, and Talton datum imams ( i lleladlng the high import dative lath' Pram and Ike Torylow duties betwma that cowry and4l44l3*tlittiba ithaallte. to natant. I n" therm, ,tlaj pinball wit tor ,•theepo l goosit. g'er Is the epitomes; in the anima amazed to ~‘ativalos la'Parfe mid other ildes it hal beet= at 4 14 of Plow lathe gimbal& sad i.thirsals on WA, IMO. misty digs, and ma six timat** intend iateWitk all the v 4, of stook Ow Men.,lra ilasiis hag Aii0 0 1 1 4: 1 1 0 allated wish the asenia, bad the anerekanta of 6t. Pe totaling wan* the qiotsticais *imp Lemdort , • •- - tisk Limapoor with am math etirs se thep do uheprisie w = i tai e d tallow, th eir, Oat opeo nlatit• . To snAisterktith it emu voq fendllsr , to thmendmate I.'te - Aaa. weep Bosh, discussing the invasion of Pm rylvaidi inithaiosion with its pm:batty to 'di oil well of the Pittsburgh dlatdet, and its ---Mtsegerhiethelondin supply-of yetreleam. The Antwerp dealers, In their misty tolst the bind American num orpnisini a regular mum of timpottobei Loa the stsam4 en ea their arrival at Quethatown se meek as ma Madrid franea-is paid for ~gbrielegysmo Amply • giving • Um natures •. thaw Toth unmet. Petroleum has aim , ' lbws within • fortnight twelreto'llftesnitaam }pr hilogthame, sad at the dile of witting steads at 81684 flume This- balk thew bad aka Vl= Ada the . more aridity. Ida the impales of the star* of la* for. , oatMede ithrkets la oittuth 111 ! 4 soa prams anted by the war. ; Ace mu - t nein p.lstarday, while • tWo-hein potUis, iin*, was betas driven st • futons rate du - as Car street, anus Pena; the ; lines Val .puss Kn. Mien, an 'Maly My, wh o , was nonfat the stmt. Bides. tari ion s situation, four mess , who vine , maadisit on, the ocean, malted to . 6a num 7'l,a amen - the hones by their heads and twit sweseedek 1 in puling ha Mon ands; the Naos& Atm drove rapidly on, u if • wain lad fbappened. the to o f s em mat* bee and • re Win fers skoek to bar a seuls sista 141 His. Myers 'soaped. ; Bbs ,ray kindly rent and to the Bt. Olen Held by • Via Prepaltulr, where she moaned up to last . About .two •••look yosterasi afternoon, a lad6widie sealed oa • load of nano sad Mr lag down Bt. Olier street, slipped from his ' 'pedant oallhil...l*_the - ;road bask of the Una.. 020-4/ fonewbeals striking Ms oat it osit over one of the eyes. A physiona susulosi to thit - ; a Tide hums troops if . ' "I ' Carr sull io — at dm Thastre Aim s ows. are to=t muds, area ,'":" ih i rd. lair:4lll" Aessim ala rr.. flirts a gettalso_l_tialial* -.ii-•: -- al am fast immolated the rel=f t s . *. ;sseKs of agasthagry) 9.4.l"PaittiMEord -"-...` :,,lehas7 B.oW, ..- - 16 ,6 2 ; 5a1a5; me N Mama me ths - - dallil l • -/,' - ,g,„ Oa t, sattiM *Wm ) 1 " ,:- ' -7---- -- w--- iike. - J. E. Grs, b hms& qty. the,Tiestro - hes beer bast! re --!--- : si: 4 . , .. - 1 ~.2 s pdated sad TAW * , _ * " sooml. assess abaft apix. ' . ' Yd afar t-- . "emu 'Watch' - -biante-or the ... . dap SIN am. a -. 41- the Ttsedre. ,,, * • ' - - -----.. 7 rw0 :ede maid Jaw boas __,TIM I . Tour. we1e.: 111 ", 44 77 . Goodin* as. .. r owing a erots-from '• maw attst___...a."„ tirs - on Pa& eltset._ They • - • m ug * ronee.r..___...---- - L aore Alm o n wawa. vut bars a movii , s --' • - imm folloy• - .`• . nent eT• oqti.naisc, bi 6, evening delirenal oda and may parietis address on "OnriNatlonal Responsibility In the Prsamt Walk" The andimont ~enia lot so • Imp ant should itra boen,antsidating the worthy 6bjeet in view; but there was a fair stun es, and we Ward nothing in aging that ose who were lengsni win not eon forget the arab:, or tluo stirring andpadotie appeals,ithe sober and Wholiazinintas, and the thrilling end elainenee of with plat on that the _ lll orra altd meltsard after his present tons east ;Itir. Murdoch will devote his time for some weeks to the fialarnstorial 411&11•61 in Ohio, to_nitain the UniOn - norolasi and the gimbal prinkiples of liberty ant nationality; of widoliMr Baugh, is the standard-hears:, spinet the • • •• ons traitor Vallandiglam and the .be maps alias rump of-emanated and eo • ..• rive "Demomwse in that State. Mr. M • ooh's amid patotolitin, datum and a • • mains stereo of pestle inspiration, will •• him a powerful and welcome helper in • good work which the loyal men of OMe ha mark ed oat for Ida. ' A einlK;i4hinilleari and 'tetra. 6th _ o 1 tbbic bids anfeigned—gratt thanks la' the loyal al • a-to-the-paid do ladies of V al4B althaSllieillatentoa aad bog. for. tha .substantlat-implisai Marty melee= extandad talk= bit anion of tlieir resent visit. Noy the Idatiolas of n',Epee. dy, honorable, • pease abundantly repay their is • ttgisattlphliLid of the banana turbid 'bksebel brigands, may they the rlik reifard of those who 8 . feed En." - • • • Gio. 11.11 • • , Tau Boston .rowns!rti soya the pattonsv er Britteli*logeskand nowelopote of 'all clatatot ass invitly fallen off in this eauntry.:" Of one ccanntinciall3l%o4l which their patta -held - 4 tdranlation lilt two thousand copies htilosten:alonc, 1 than tenotiosEntnwirtakft; • z. Eismiossoso Argue ,Eicatimir...—Tho "Ing Isogon Imo bon oltossortot tti sollooi- for Nis Rosorol—Mr. Phil*. -Ms Hiohq Iloope, No. riallo URA Zoom-No, kowifl-lbotriaras -- BAsat, No. 1.-'N Moat* opiermaitti-a: • - -Tat- Gerzoistracrilloconoro:-;43 wounded asthma of *Wm thi tiptop atoo*aupoee lalkeit , eoffyilnuv. wooly dor ob , tralo-of ' , orAiodold borough - foilfaniAotritor`B_Mato - - la Clemr.47eL-Belias' Basiment uraed from Ohlo yeeterdae. soon. At two yolook Ahoy hat for the old strap at WLUdasbr. , . DIED: Jai 30th, t wa BLIMLIE-00. "tikAtolay .asarsdnit, Illi.Dl2llol'a daueltut et Iltralt.t..aad Oil. itideKilitta 4 i•an Oat lik klot : --' . State ditto Nut tasrtts*Ritett:: - , 4 --' " ' undwis '—i.tl4thawolay xpaavat, *elide 6 . NC. a . Itit , D.4AILIM PSOWliot.ca,4l,, a IN: latiP!t ...YPICTAI6:,., .." 4 . - rillarai OM, WI Siff.' Sii 2 edelkit: la, eh,. fittest:sof hto, toattotVoti * C . arti4t_.toms Banc said Naiad Atoilig. Ark, Mit* 4.4t0t lastly ors tospoittAt bind trottral; --,-,-. irxmarmas—At tea tallaamig ,uuk. talfrafa Ohio township, .otlit Altilttraik Stollen. oa r. infitlON2 Jolt 118t4 at by. o'clock. JoHN U. ..otill .am ot,lJoz. sad VaMso N. Illovott„ and 6 i ,'f to Mods of ilk@ WA, ato nTittflitil to ottood:ttiofatiota t Tlt oogkelt.' est a 0 'ttiiik fetoo r Uto riolitoasi 4.1E1401 OW Ilsalaaas. Ikele the esisofb4;lMtwi,,. 3~3altli „ l.~ilL _ YfOTSCE Guns Aollaxica'iOstriiie kr4, Way sad..mpahatazing p!zposes, ► Ain ifis FM • Two,Aullikrz pita aidlhosaiiii • flaotah sad driLr ht-PauurersOL !pi seas ilate oT the beirt gloat,' it ietx Mai at - Mau Laaghtlyer. twat t 4, Moth littebush•PL - thausHiatar az. Emu thoot. Lew i;=, Baal Graham, zarrektat tailor, is 10132tiagsad ihumattstasktdidada a only (7=40 0 ..140...at all iluiJatta t ktivkirs of aid.:Tittlam...sd' VW= ha pa wed- timaska , zp *rat , Asest Tut; Nilo. =saw; sad at untwist. ; The pnbUT skald not wee* to avail tlisanlva of tbta Tars " 2 " aid asT f . 01 4, 1 1 by 4hltit 41 111 VI WAYSh eali P . *hi aad Ai— karusortaaab q eaddastaa,adaidad torboyi. wen- vial hs will .1•11 brae , paw tat bid 4 call. !others noald sat seem stediMitv, , - %114,0 ! :E,14.siLit "I'l'o Tina, . .. AMMON, aim VOLIMIIII. The attestant of our connUre bawd defenders se rial Gently Marto! Atilt 411psiet of ;ow, dof 'the publtoisizetiin* le ateln.dlreeted th e me* Illillidn' led kaadeWne asso t of the latest : Voles ,et Mtn* , lingllsh and Aineatja Oleg' geed 4 for' vanes; cod and Teetartdeleteeetriod_tgi .1004,1414. Weisz .1t 1104'llerehiat:Tillon`; No. -112Clfederal street.-Alli r A. tasteful eeleithin of gentlemen geate.will also k t i fs be found on the sbalreaottheontablts t; together silk a lot of rtsl7 . land, ,op g i . Pt VP In al boli 161 . 1 A11f... . '^ . ; -• slur Aut.f4 - oPt i iiiiiim"-; '.:- ".. 7 'r; tea in ate &skid, w ma ye buy *lint sad comfortable mum tuft, mete to hatter the. Aimee of'selsOthig`o owa - 'rads f To, 01 WM legidirbe wormy, , mar, go to Mimi. 11'.1C. VOW A Co., id Federal street a nd Mamma 810;4 my, eadc r. :lll I. fidget seosedbat to oar , Mate: have jest remind good*, alit elegtaderefstrliN tfigl: of be amplem4,east fit Asia thoicre die Wry wipes - , so aigr mitt faro/14mm soda sir swisnpserlidsaw , Ointtbeir M , •:allil!, • 702 asomit 611 10 be litls#lL: r "000. lArrabliffL4t Ilis,"Paatit. ti tats; No o , sib;;Ama.stroii, NU of;.too for fisrdoliars; bo.-tkaa *Nast ivy at dmo *Wp doatol artakiinwpostor: 1 'Ai 4- tout Ms ragman*, Wean It MO X . ' • • leatbilthsi 411 0: 4 AS liitibb'4ll* at ouist_scUst *ilk All. work dosarls. ou l tni tba Isatitato-ls, paraatowl , taporim , 'soy eloot Doitio try -la lkwettr, • -- - . „ Cokinarrainr.-;aan'' War: ',WattllV IX lffettotoo lllalupii, l 2l: M a , aft"; 144 . 8._.4414rep - IrarliNkftair Baotorat.aa Zy loboiftogw. mita s; f I mr itakit god to it. istaralothri IladliewthiPa WI i r 46 ko, ' / 'hoed bs OA' btf,b(iwoo laii .- tie my 'nazi Wboalt baa _ it_ O , joa„.ntowie. 67 dragestilavorywaoro.:, 396 - wioh moot, NovoriCark. ...- --- • - —O. SOitaiso lieriarr liOisioriatotios AsaiNicau Irnscrom-r/or gilokttilfr tottboul to mown foot olio tho Oupntor Chitl 4l.7 =4- ltlorpottor Reps _Wren, sitars sat tbfald struts. Alt codas prom attended to. - - Ennui Ituraera irommezne Bxm n CI —Tows nes be waresd tins, supply p ashy, with itollowsp's MIL - sad - Ole —a an insatied we the want • of Bone Moen, Barry. Penn and eempishite. Bali 25 lean per box or pot. As the Coesity Moamar has now I up tics room fossoecly occupied by the . ty Comssisdeser, fn tiorneFik-west eerier, lint leo it. Court Rouseors would advise all our. Illeade 4 t. dell AM. pay: emir sat Stay ass koco the bonito! the per sea • Oamm aa4 Oaswaa cfamamip • at ski 02211bi0 Am; No. 408 LUNA, - day a .2ffiw, AN wen lob at as aim play wlitbe -rwpikr. 1,11,64 U. MI dins gust bill* r ` l 'um' - eitia; bat' tast, tairitne‘ausai .1111 11.11b111 1 11 1 1 1:s. sair men i, couic „ ww =r J * "-at r unway „lmotiotAimp.". A. I • ' ...uo-PAitcailltrElk#Wil o. o7 nopyr ,Sen NrS BY nuompz OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES.- FROM WASHINCtO4. lipoid Dispatch to the Pittsburgh GaustrO. Wail:num, July 211.0.883., ILIONMOID DIIIIPATUR ON MOAGAre tIAPTI7II4 The Richmond Dispatch, of the derlbefors yesterday, says: This *Wile of korgides men it a distreadaghicur to the Cop+airsoy: TA has stood, asiok OM still stand, u, sir, l 3#l' 44paidedAlte people was very mutt: inter, woven tiitikthe acidevements ofMorirma. We do not like to judge,alterAlm tonal ;Int it DIM to iu that the expedition which puts a Mar, navigable anttaifordable fortendreds et mileiihilitiiii idiimmanded thew 0111; 6.: tines hrtird blames gunboat' between him sellsilacill assists:cm, must have bcia rash and holphierdy. Nevertheless Is done the ones, .greetidelnegel in Ibis tong Incur-% sion. e..V.,;srae. The Difparch cratelni t h e following / f ull, , text of Dixie ' proclamation ordering anot h er day eilidiFi c si negaill do I cell cton the peoialfthi Confederacy, a people ho be ,. UM that the Lord riigneth, andit 'Hie over- sling all _ gs, to unite liprayeisahumble rabmhsloit under His ohastemisigiand; and to beseech Ma fer ieorrokageaufturing country. It is meet that when trials end er:au' befall us, wi:ltould seek to take li t o:w,to .on . r4sarts Coon-- sciences the ‘ iessots width they teaoh and pelt di the - self-examination for which . they prepare us. Had not our 1110,1111110$ on laid and ma made as seltsonlident and Orgetfal of oar reliance on Him; had not the love of lucre eaten -like gangrene into Usrlrery• lieut of the land, converting too manylinioull em into worshipers , a , gala, -said rreiderLog them tmAdadfulet tiudtdatrtritlisitafeelirls to their fellow-men and their etidi:Vbei then, will complain that we have chas tened, or to despair of our just a and the proteition of our Heavenly Paths?. Let us rather receive in humble thankful . - nese the lesions which he has taughe as in. our recent reverses, devoutly achnowleddiall that to Him, and not to our own feeble arms, are due the honor and glory of victory; that from Him, In his paternal Providence, come the anguish and sufferings of defeat, and that whatever, in victory or defeat, out , hum. Me supplications are due at His foCtstool. Igo& pm:forty 447elfetton Davis, Prasident of them CodlederateNtaturdcaluse t4is, my ;acclamation, eatleetspestlridayotir :list day ef Alagusecoareintissa. derid• &Wog, laindlfsedt nit tatiet,' and Illerthrindorei * lititethip Vicidelt thillagelfitiiitili tetnor to Mkt silkilts ' kdaTstOltilaiintiialtiiiiPtt ' 081 of yukilasesol. to aralte.la...antitlioe-' .flea teethe fever and.proteetiers:of4hat God -vriarldaridthisrtb senduated letanlyttrongh `all diagenithir eitivinsatizi, ' ' IlTilefitirSir4%, AC, ""-- ; 1 .(13.6%•41, .. ....., Munoz Dame. - - ' --- ..,-• siseautne-rnis sums. 1 , Thelelle , Wlertffileeis hatrbleaiditetrased theietelite:' liiilit'aric - iidel). - Itiller, of i thintrilt4hidlifatii Airaliiii,,...4.diti from ,Igy , - 27:44.444, fer.-dkkuill.oraidlict aid W- I term= of disloyal ,sentitnents; Ident r `Oil: .ll.43,Warsoontb,.ot.the 321 hilseouriNalan-• teeter to date from July 22; 181M-forsti*oe - I,M:oat-leen Itard atrdulatlfig , ic Lille IV rtar in riareflOi allai err is ,la tie )1 6.i. 1 _Ewing; got, nllitica../tittlmsg.thpA 9 4t. mop ystimateus, WWII: nom Jely...tdj littg, for-treaseaable- leacinage and , dislefalty i Idecd.lll:4l.Deselvai ot-the 10th Obit Vol lintedreAS Warhol:lt: . :4* 22,:pifgfoir i writ- , 1 4:1i ( . 4 rP*l4i 4 1 4 l_ .al..f it ' in'd .... ,kimingns Paso; Acad.: /440..iistiiiii A. - 11seaost Walla Towit. Val:lateen, tit date from Anne-14, Ind, •fer negieet.of tats,,, lb obsdienee,ol'orcletr, drotekenneup vioisUan °Ppm:Wand' (aka lientuotludisecreling an hdloifitil - gdi *sob - teat 014 ,en H. 43 -Xore)i.X9_ l !ft4vaitTc.to.:44 4 0 * 4.547 :Lid,.l46l.for....iaattegeleney,,iut sanded ief above.. Ohioan oonvitaed-oSAlsleyelty, iroi m In coma et ids reghnest , attlettyshiug . Gee: tookeesfriends say tkat he will thortly kite lit itaportenredauhiatigeln, - lilid ult. sista hiluti In no way lost conddirei . of :the President and Secretary of War. . • , of the *dowel de and • ,and • boa- WeUs- edus • eat .• HOS- Inherit cdlow- Unit you s rulli Room , t 31st. Blaft Va. Us: , OCR 1011013 AT OILLIZSB7OIII The Navy Department promises that Gil: mars and Dahlgren shall receive amyl:tang necessary to insure a wed, fall of Charlirton. • i Z0R515 INPUSSID. The GOTOSIIIIISIIi has been breed to *nos `hones thxenitiont the holakboolnicon4o l of taitinsieede . nts: Itt4kl late esti . » t• oJ~-Psii:D HL4.. UR relAetel AteektPOrtrta .ttOsCiiiricw rtiremot bottom telegrams and patosta i ; that Am:MOWS nr,Leess'aritt li Itrokie,jatt that great despondenity Pena, • antoag iabat drabs. - n slim ; Gen. Lee's plans have proven f s. Hebei atoms, apart from thatiniane oplrtt, of bragadorto r admit that the dent of gin le pttlag blacker over the South. 4t portion pf Stemie's army km resale* the' I NIthINIMMO X*lrill;.rthi*o'ilitia 4rlot . -tiiittpinsiatt %el.:- .•-••• • -•-,. -1 . . . hEy anthlatellmgron-minti ?rtlela ' Tam roe as iblibreada.4, - lati'stia4.l4 'rt;' thi, .1",t1.1461904.. yYv 1d i3l. tale& irayltom using thettreek.ae a bre of supplies. t - Two Inge military prisons ono to b. ;tea.. stands& at ono.; ono as Rook Island, Ill ? and he other at Point Look Ont, Md. . Tius Sheriff of New York has - Wand to serve writs of habeas corpus, Wood by Jt et t ~ .ossas.growlas oat of the- i '‘ riot in that city. Nahum of that Wad has thsrofore cyritio !mild itill, and will ooze. mains 4 adettilerVii" Sw. • Clo 2fiedraft of war( punt o do. day with - Tin bats acts Boll* 3, 415 wan' S. Thinib biposolo Tildedai.A. l 4l l l4 l f, Tiornoarstle tor oboo to *ram Pint Dia was tirt qmpatkisers de not drat ": it " 41 likstke4lo4 'ft .r•rifiss dbPitr# sl,4o.obAsilmfr•-•‘6'.o 4 . 2. A• 1V w:: -.-::Disinuailaten sae servidis.l WAsiciirOriTull•st-ocaundoZni4 _ at; neast-ormanaria dgi.liersi Ahrshissilst.trag , thstaa Iminfah, , torthi ifreoo/1/brpgiiod,hy, leek . at eactialfirgasoma**Cakpup:4 2 -. •:, Onaville a=dharial mart 1%1 6 _ et 10th Ohio Vol4k: h attsistfiL s. "l gasp sad AlsioragA ; 11th Now . paiossacy *Atom par rs tea tirmsembliAPPlisloi* • - i liii:Thie.Thhall4Fiu b r i g John sallaVeral fillirml4l;24:224.est vivito jr Aim pot hit and 41441t;15rMealti t "' .ll*.'"• Beitoid - • • iv es 1 1 4.,14 stir It hone bz3vßrititt mid; - • - - • • 7::.11-7 Athlete flan ClasullattO NM Tom Jul 29.—The folio gls • letter from an °Moor of the Chi wa in Oharleskit Harbor: L'Oharisshoi Vey 19.. The -Chip wit has 'gainiargriatersdlifor going nearer any ortiforatimir.pabosts and fate Baer and asking the boot shots, du. , - , ..,,.. L , j _._ Tasterisy ; 1ri1. , 11111111 on the. might of the wooden sides next to the monitopt.„hi rob tda gays us but very . litor_shoto—gi g most i f of %hair attention to the hicutitors,N w Iron. ',ldes aid - the 'bittirlso. .The: guabasta,wao 'at irtirit frit& B`a."lr. till'aftiir ri.a The irandiadi engaged the 'robels'at alittl t. e of . `l2', but °alto& was plirfoorapirod trith the charge in the face of the fn from Fort Wog -nor and humpte4.- U 'the move mbOd been mad* two or area . one hour eari*i than. ..it was, , Wiper would hays been toul t at-this, present moment. AffoLlhol got in total) dark (( so those say:whoUTed,to tot . 9 1.1114). that th• rebob And pn . ,both,tha, mei: auk Union troOpi, hilliag ,Oa team . ralidla as de did of °laymen; hid on hatteties' alio killad as many Monde ad foe.. '' - - The aartageilbr I Othriot toll it akithiiii else, was awful. Oar -lost - wai [rani TOO to -I,ooollUod,woundolaud misting. It ii sold thatako /dassaehusetts bath hat she van, and all but sir °Moors wen either killed, If ounded or taken prisoners... They fought ow kart Our, men were In tho fort about two hours, and it was Aotbing but the ,00nhulon - and darkest, not , being able to tail d' Woa from `fei, that obligedthem to get out. lirognor is destined to be oars. It wiU 'be,lor cittaibio is not the man to . give up. _ .1. - - • rim BUMllalli—The Pirate Florida: - HeurAz, JO, 29.—The brig Drronsbizo., with Bermuda Mites to the 21st of Jily, ar rival tads). .. The privateer Florida. arrive* atzernieda on the lath, to repair dantages.to her Machin irg and Makin 09a1.... Bin onahored rit Int outride, and on the following day was 'Wowed to - atter. ili a harbor. Bhe saluted, the ilritish dsss'h'd islet* Was' riturind;. Ponsid arable' letstottango of blvilltiarhas taken pica between . the officers of • the Florida abed the @hon. -The papers have been teeming with tiesnamaloations..laudatery of .cheer ft, offi -oen alui crew.. Sinew the advice, 0f•. 40 1S thslflorida„haa destroyed. twelve, er ves sels.. VW name of only one. is sir a—the brig, m. D. Nasit,..of Okerrylial44-bo •• • from Now York to Baraiiller t with .a Gino of. lari; mostly oii Prinak wont. Shit was inetdrid °lithe Silkiest:, in tatltddt 40' long. 711 , , attar the borof hdr steno wsn'iloisoved. The Florida Wily Ten Milos of New York in seareit• of the-Beriosoni which she Assad. some , time, but . thi firrition es oapsd In. a fog. She. shortly: after &Strayed Therehmt becaierione alterations bitween the members of the SO th regiment, end tie men of the bleokade minnows in Bermuda,. but the anthorltles pro mptlj Interfered end re, 'Mond qvilet" • Exaggerated :sbuthern atoodutt of Lie's raid were brought by the blockade runners.. The Vine' #cm Wtipiinllton 0 111t4 lo` the lath; tap: Ilairiabarg Is In Lee', boasdo,•sool , othar `setonuoto an quipea cor rect. • - • • • • • • rtoin Bsistoli.-Giill wisi iSs * G , ece. i jlosloh ;sly . 29.—Dr. Mpg writes, thythy ,ffircessliss..train Athens, tames, unties p, to of July 41k, as follows : • • . • , UPI am now in tte midst of s civil - war par ty spirit, and um kkm of tale, have atiength ended the soldiers sadoltissna hal:hos- We toad*, andba ths attests au& so sof the city, blood has been flowlngler sw days. July Ant and second, the batch, was linos' - sanity raging, and thevenzbd of gum and cannon told us that the work of—usallt was -going ea..- - • • , Yesterday through the intervention of the three protecting- powers, Stan" and Bus i t °ll" of *40'9104 *Park fns pro- WM& will end to-night or , ,te-snor eon and thilabovi miste r s! have - prodahald that If dghtlag should commence daring the' time of the trump, they will an s leairil the litsob,"girdli Nikki - 0d 1110, and Invite trader their potential to go also, tied at off all oonnisotion witha country from widen true patriotism seems to• Wharfs: ex liod-" • • Southern News. FOWIII/1111 MOMULI.. Jny 28.—Tho tog of ono, ammo Nei York arrived from' Oity Point last Amusing. abov brings Rielimond *Mei to- tke 27M. ' • ' --• . 7Vhe ft:Miring are entreats from ,RlOhMoad he Fayetteville, •N. 0., OBunar kasists that Dr. Morris, President ot the Te r ipraph Company; should dismiss • the eats sing _w tipster. ho' laverited the story ni Stara! Lee taking . 40,000 prisoners. . Raid le monk Itiolunand. The Mayor of Earanash has Issued "pro. °lunation requesting all the residents:of the city to organise for home definer, ,alllnten esers-ot,stersey workshops and iplaoss of hasittru Inclose, than at tots o'clock on Kaa‘hty i , iflasesdey tor pas, "less of dined s •enrollsonn to he made of every saw la the city cavil! le of Eta= *ttahltki. CINOIIIIIATIA Jalyl6 e—Tko 'funeral - of the Zen. Jobtt J. Crofttondait took pia*, at hank ;id this moralai t . 'The oaramonits nitre at Alta moot impalas,' okaraotoo. - • . Judge Suakzar Bleaker of the Siiiitusity , aanottsesi 'a/ aututlayotudaitticdiudittato for oougroao stains t Brittual. Clay. Gan. Boyla Moo oasioat klinsolf as seandlnote. A rebel feral, about 1,500 arum sutured Wisotibstor; Sy., nincing north. , A oolintdeitble tiros u threatening juin. • Auriaso hp the Southwest. Stew, Jul7.29.—.Thsw is nothing of -1111.. postanss tiom Wow:.. • -• ; • ass ladethes'eletsion - swims& at HiStut. / His dosdastheetsUskaWie. 'euleifortuthiorousatisisingetsdSirsii Virtsburg, the partladors of oho are eon. traboue.. : • ‘,4Tsey , Major floa. Login addrosioo thvfoitiozOk of Boathoin'lllinoio at Duqueiivon .11Wa1. A .lerp gathering ie expeeted. /.6. systole& of the speech will be milt to the oasoalsool ens& Sala 0p5.20* 3n Plfiladelphla. Vaxt.tnitrati; '.1a1419 -The mitt; ;sports a sato of 0,996,400 1a 511 s The Beastery of the Treasury has dealto ded rwitinua thi sale ao heretofore and wilt give tea ,days soils* of their diseoltlauwat. . . • . liarkeui by Telegrapiw i ' Nair You. Ii 1 1 2 0:- 47 ewithill and aclolini aa.co , ft.ttatii: . Rhea doll Ind kern; swim be alt ttrarff4 blr* Oats dull at 60(1765.'' Park dal and Astral $1.1,4t isonX 'septet was, sad $13,25813.20( 1 , Jar sow' o. leudiatet but steady. Wilsky taw. et Alk. l Xx• asap ,uneltustas4. legji., Gold, 127%; U.S. - moons. 1* Mt!" / 01 )fil B. fe. W ; Tar c•4l4catot.*s?,. . ~ .. yeas, July l.—Wlour opsasd dull and Skied • 45 7 4 14 . t -nr bwa oiztra t ;1:0 4 3 4 /1 5 11 541 egt41= ,Clubls. • Wldsby iwi mud dsollzdsig as 4Ss; irb.t alai matio bun UP , /4 tar %Oleo Wow Ai u M4O ZI for Milwaukee Club; 11l 22.1. ts, er western, •Ooraopssed stowlyead bs closed avian, in krwsrr66eiO3Oar Spring mixed westsrs, !slain dull at MS Lagos prim i•Osts lwsey, dull and sr at MOTS:. Wallas wool sabot Addend t clusow; Subirstesdr,l l 4 , tor , 3losootadr,. ma .1.11 **P. B. • York dull and Union Illi i:2, al t ow obi max Su p.m 373 i sae 13 •14 4 p. o and user seise; - .WIN PO . ait - TAW , beef dull. Oat meats s atlas Ibises- b i g. dirs_SNAM; barns, boron sad Ws; d and'esow-. bud. • bet rals. "7- Goi s t lee. /s withal's. -- 81321114 •tl : v i t . r 4g" %TOG shnowtsitall,‘, sad sladag at 27 Goranwent stooks Aran 11.8..4ri Kt; oo pone l 1013 - 740 . 01 00 A6 106 3 i• ' /i Olictutium, July 0.-11oulynaular dull and prima seminal; fro& (MEd fondly trk sola l c o l, Irboit_sdnutait go; ora w 4/ 0 0,, ski . •no Omings,la.Nditoll... (ken Pik.‘l4ll =am/ t twat& 04, sold it 67 lOU* now crop.4.a t ly . 0 1,k ltostdB to 81.. . , t am! to Siti• Tbwri. fu l M i s.t u ret"ki‘ bulk . gsstal=blted. Rydrlnt • •Prizoi cultural.. sold" so uxi - . I, had u14.-.7• R.r. .. , , • ~..-.--...:••,.. .- ..... i .. • milts,* sitar- itEßeirAirr' •1, , c0 . . -/:..- :- - , Piliria - • - - ' { - • , 4 . trDi AJD A 7 rgiD . O/Y 5 . :." 2, 31° f* tr LUND .. wirom.i. Pi T BLObl. WWl* alti - I. ii: tompinc..«....inallaW........ALMS• m OW:Mt; MOBRI:Rir, 4135 t, T : - 4: I ID , • • 4 4. 4 stax_iatp*oits ' , C.l' :1• .. /4. SI MID Mtn! " ilir WU& 00114313. Whit* Freedlatta Should be Re-eon. elseted to Slavery. On Moniay last two gentlemen,iesitle4.i of this city, had an interview on b With the Secretor) . of War. The,cialiarie 'Son turning upon the Entancipaticaillfois; bnuttion, and thC chances that therentight soon be-overtures from some of the insur rectionary states tote readmitted into the Union, with slaveri, Mr. SLantoty,...with emphsaierandiotion suited to the words, remarked: "When the negro .blood .which -was aked before Soft Htulsorrand ken's Bend sholl return : ban:the i ground to circulate in the veina ,of Acing' 'men, then but never till then;lpy consent i te ibt Lion ofmintl o luill ,One oduisp t a ki l iv, gated by the reisidele k 14 . rettinted the ',Nil" We had theabovedroia..one" of, tha Awe gentlemen in Attestion.,-whose name it well known to the. public:—/f. r. -Boa. jL_L eitovuevataaamtealinflgs no Duman anTitna. 98 earth Bs., Plitsb9lo, is 29, 3861 Jr • lupitti war • ba - io6otdialUNFital vidtn. Mama' ths *al lowing WC at porsoturtzomptimt from deft 'by Lb* Board Znroilasot tri tbir-pktrkn v io thle diti; E!i5EE!ii:_i!!PMN Win lloOltat,ook t roititg ward, • —Jetua•Matlilite ' JALlASurnaiii . Hobart !WA /Who'd lonia, rlfth Mtia, mialis Arthur Dalin , Tblfd Vint; '—/ atm WWI& Firaesett e Binairghani, , -81aph Gone* Meer. ..119trat ,GetIAD *ink: /liikqr.gre. ll . 7 1 4rSt wail.. Ore4is.- , • 1 115101.1.11[1. AND ISAUDIAQ MIN& DURICIOiIL Wm Hoffe.ott • trsrenayllU. - •Lorms WIIO.AAiI ACM nuwaD airr=rioxi!. Michael Patrick licLanglalitt, bth. ward. Wit. uacit- , Tarance M•PLrtland, JotukPcwar. Jsmas A 81114. bth warn. Witnossca.—.lcstp — h Bea. Thw leriLair" . ath ward. Witnagia—W ,Nabler, John Webrang. _ ::Petit llntu , , nth ward; -Wltneuine-lehdie Menai, mar, thumper Bo eireanth.. : John Jame, ,Lb ward. Witnesses—Da Id Mcl ver, 'sato ankle*. . J 4F tam , Michiel - 011610, thh irs:d 'over taittrAlie and marslad— ,Wltstows—WlClalatnuakim sad 'John John on . ; tti4l4/ in/ ma rts/. iritnesiei—eitthbnutelling, WiknenL. - Thosuclth rim; /navel intr. WA. . . . John liaal..6 th praidperar thirty Ms sad parrhod. Mtg. ner—latrimmitatil. Howtlrcateager. J4septi Blactlas. tth.w4rd; over thlzspilv• and Wltzioissatik.arsaa 011kspfor; Uotailltur.O• Jolrk.WalyAld Jong. „ __—;• over - tldity•ihro and inontiod. Witneases-;-Dankl %WWl's% J piers. Hen* MSS, 6ib wardi,cmyr t; { 7 iicaud tsar. - Md. nataisr, Martin grafter.. lobs' Wllinuieb," Jr. ' 'Etti' Want ;" tinder *witty. Witnesue —Peter tobildeck..4 a.rooki-111111.1c.,:i ; „ Jarnis Uniallsoi..oth-ward ;over thirty WWII an d Man 1044 Minx% Handlton,,Jilialiin; , F. misty . - Pad& . Yltina* 612. irard . • under • • • • • —nth . Sono Know,:Sd ward, — yard. Joan Indians, 9.41 ward" •• I " traltipslsl4 114danit. arib . 3lgraoTp. ' • Mitaii hiloitati, 4th witi l / 4 1;146iitli:t.ti. John P Glato,firlawardrpitafoil droa4llt.p. floorgoliffooitth tordL vector* et Itft am. .aliargo- Wawa, 4th 'ward f-teropli•wod lehroald gastatto. . . -". J01:12 13thrson, sth ward; loss of righioyo. • John Thosoaa, stharardi chromic etkirttb for past twoira glootha. - • - fleorp Shaffa,'lSttrWors; delcdatit friotittro. Own. Kiser...4m ward; &Acton fn stoma John Jackson, 6th ward. Oftotent John Width, eta word; laving! hernia -/ • .Toohtta=tliwr; wroth dr flot,,ay . a. - • ja i l ft 790 or woow. 0 Wtotby _Oraslard— Witnesses —ThoaA Craw. ford, W Harris. / , _.• .I..agaort YOST Capt. and Provost Thirsbal, 22,11 Ms ,029:1tdasT---- PUISI•IC. arorwis. . Omu or plreentriett AVM:Wiwi • • • " - littotrorotizialy 18tH Mt ' 1 THS PITT.IBII MI a -di . 1604 TUN • BIM Oa COMPANY lugs do:butollADM. &nit of /IVY. tolorolo&Bil Pia Blipollt o yobbo on end after IOLO LI, Otui 01.10g011to, t hPA!. . 01/7103'0r IV arms n t uativata • rttabargh Mir-Mkl Ip.4o'neN- 1133E8Y-GIV N 1 t o .lb. Bobsartbora to , t o-litaitk of lbWest, Jaw pan that AM &mar Qat of 1 1 .11 h DV I . ( 13 1 nus.oaftifill tg Wea -1 berfait upon iva.k fbadipayable its aloe of the Trastsinc,ht ' Pittsburgh.' oh la War. the 121 h :dry of June, ISAV;aad s ' tka linooll% ttal7 *thfrij dors thertorArr aatil oibirata• notillad lay.araar of %ha Boatel.- • - jaliatot A. J. supcmcpr... Pergairi- ' n- - 7 - ICLEOTION •NOTlVE.—trlvo=. tion olfl - 14:ItsWit .tbo. Boort of trigs Itgiasi. Olt, : of rittiourgh, oft.'" us% to. 25t11 day of Algot ims, at lit o'clook.m. .to slut Boren Dfreotossol-the Pittsburgh Gralailintsw torffloutpany, to sacs far this swain var. ffrusaultningir; WIL - Bnamax, , Jour 11. CIAITIRLD. •Jau Boarr, , --! W.IIORUIItr, sod others, . LION. WILSON PCOANDLESS, Edge Jai of tlte tutted litatanglosaft. Wirt. , i. dna. • ziloB...risli. kap diT...01.1.11E8T1111 ' Tits Welt, clumepst. and lieit:... p•- 116 pap fora full Ckutunsrelat CRHOOK :I, - ' ti sites slams' an Kalutfactlreerif Ste - . • IL ' MLitt and Bank linok.knactud.....;..., • Illintatane Poe ilin MOW Pie.: Attila ants! - and nytini at any tints. Tills Institution. it anutualist - by - - used Timbers and prictioar Aelonstioits; who pro tri l ipon pond nisa tor asilni. busittee, et Mir last puss and simnel inns. Ise the moat luandissand. • BOW situations. - - Dtricansa" ranted , for oath . - Hetet ttit InittesSal 16iEgradia pf this liallage. bl bustmintnn. . - ...,, I-,,• ~ vi, 1• . , Prof. A. OOWLIT, Ms 'bsei, Inman Th tt Union. who. holdatdo. levet Novel' lit p's tuns. and arse. gl ontaptitoz!, Ulna /1411 sir or csaftuns of Pasensusidivaud. opts cdstittnindtaillaknnatioo.loolasa twsupsdLes tents id. .... .... - ME -1111 !* 1 44 2 .R.k !? , .i'4lPin tanstly-taw.asianr - • , - • 200 'as . wa° l 55 bop Me 0,45% owl,b. 16 ohost 12 blids. N. O. • 50 DMA. bbl • : SO% do -do =l=l ' 10 bozaranotosol 901bbh - ILVOIN2 doieoliiist tyr 10 db "loabts4or . Jsssrborretoosho tr, "'~'"~ Limsmitiot ILEA. - mi:wpitymmv.fekxels.99l•Tuk. Aro cloithictigther largo dock of .TOLIAOI3OOIWri /AttA paras, At tie tory knniitt Loa pftot.i prototto_ EOM' 'KM "COLD soliA Poraiddhl And silo dddisbnius KR , 421*A* , finVIAILTB, dads. haL s tat f d, • E • "Pa' DisoiottLA ICOTIOIIO—Wir hare ildtilifiki4 .01 kididdi war. x 1011.1104,tbe manta at Etat fe ‘llllmilell= 81041Xf8m.. 18111 AL• sign wu. & MAI= IstridAlesa.. . 1711 4:1 OUT UtgEW led' OnOVIIir L ise - , amain= mt mune. ftt . 411!1''' leirlramt& & &WA& slO-Tlltertst /timing . WOUILD'POIVVIL I " h atoSiti soAmpro.satiiim, .ot :76111: viit.. an. roam, b • •DAFIRRILLtOINGticeit i rt mir,a Aga atiId:TI.C.ISVi to • r %MiVsel: 111 ‘ N gEr ;4'11'' 1;0 /MIMI 4143126,1,44, biz*xfirdiiii likk di, mad tar • b bit, 8 . • for . " 4 " 7 ""r — 000lotet. KU ' 44 - bblo. War NA ebbs . ;Win DICKE'S 00. MinelftMar a vomit ra,a gifi ' ' at' - - tectuir i4fißle.AliP lidia &WAX' "BOTTO4 BAN= STIIS BOTIONK iliPlYerid in t= alsolmPrcenanddislarelnWAlKTEN nkoriV 811X.W.IBON, .oeistiatl3r . -111101-1 1111711SV • likaBINIS AND 'MOW •;•Alr • c•ayinintrin,'No: U Veit lintlllo ga s fail PPP* Pftnotry.l4Pixuo:' 1 4 . .Apeel~lP4i IMPTheeonfarlans luidExpencinise or varnirttalVpntahliectioauswii: ind.i. •li' iisisinfiocisorosivrfomid ' , We_ )t.fr ti. .AYilvla 1) 0 1 7. FiV4 l q, 1:44i 0 Aid. Aga. 0;54 IPPb thr.same YlpllA,Zl4o,lrgitilf„6llB,lL By am taw 4rankl. Inspit Ater baths gni fa plat mom and *ply dump paled hauling iaLquactaiy.. By snalsolig r ration Phrased antilop, stn. , es copies ably be Ladd? thirulhorr cernAtnstilturreii‘ 114dreae.vinvi kin*. 8 Kto 1191741111 . Manors , o . f =Bo th , . rmraid gentydin timing ilium ce. stared flo bed* In sr Mr dikplOttfor toidsirdng dl Mimosa ratans and Iv:ocular eaptiatientodeiVel lreettnant, iirtthott mcoods, oinialdire bit iii cibiansaa,le ta!iti:al , 24o fpqyr cri• — yirir 4 " "di* /i.;t'Mthf .x1r440 01 .4 A .dhinaTiiyidor. lu Will =ld (lees) a.coPI St tha. priliatOtits wed. .DlOO Jo-Dr...IPM E. /MO- ,EIAIJ4IIIII Talton !treat, Erooklyn,N.S., iIIWD I TOE B In - -LIE/SULU wairtift •0611" Us' liiistplbscs: Ekiaro tack. asineioicetvlll o 3CTOgr that:does pits. utiAl repot th's t 11401311 Arrogated. 21ii red Gar li. 1 3! . 1 4'4 A. FAH/W.9'200K8, MS a Opy :rte - -tango al sad Wood stsobli• •••. .1411awdawT • • • • • " Pittabargta.- nr30.11.15* "MOHR44I, :AV ARO; giTEChicranx . rs osizoiiiiit*a w,Aski# TA4T...IMIA,..IFIAPP.WLIHTITTARB, -911611D4.88., 1/56,. 91 focuadatrpatuat. 86 Thirdatreet, inturesa.Zo?d aadlttarleit.l - Mira pa hatul a variety of luniTattatasi- attioi aulpialn,raitaia for allmipoica.L ' ! • -Particular attairtiOn - paid cackling - Ama/6i •lobbina• douratahorreatat. ••'_" so" ! 019 WPM:ROSA . Long, Miler If Co. Works at littsrptburg ataAient Ansittwor Railroad. Officssad_ Wargiosss. No. 111 40:# tancr Rittstrow,b.,. _NlCsaatoastres at 114.17iIMA.Ttli6 sad LUBW. Illettlift.4oll26El Ma and Binizotara , - • 1510.A0.-; ItlartifED-OXL, arse; anted nott-explo sits.stwijiOttisad. •• • • •• ' //a tarsi_ 'Bartok, iftinti ism Fes. rOIISDU/1- alio- /Cummins, AroaxeMadmpili, Plea's.. • - Ornig,;Ne.lll.Masirramsrr. - klanufaanre;lol Mei& ei &TEAM - 6210115141 AN B HILL MADDItIMAI, OABTENGS, RAILROAD wogivoimmirsonans: AND SIIESD mob , ipar-Jortßraa .t;t notice. 113rN. ,ROLNES: & 80Na,lers rplittlGN -L MID - Dolmen° sfits az, OHANOZ, OKIMITIOSTICaIIr'DIPO3I7I BABA sorsa Asa srigamsti; ataroatAlita• burgh, Pa. I 11141"061kil1 iimade on' all lb. Fria dial di* threerglartitila Ufiltadlna - 05.7- I &PM jar& B. it C.;BeigAß l rlttr Piper MAXllTAcTlTElDltilsitaaaslarstdBo4lC, 0.19 T, OLIOATT11:11 ,itiltr.i.LL• SIBD;1r WRAP. PING PAPAS.. ; Ilfehdriromoved from N.:17 Wood ;Moot 10 33 Bmltb4old stroot;Pftiaborgh. ! ~• n ;~t earCal3ll 011 TRADE iroff - - 1301.11101 COLLINB, Fcii- WA-EWING AND CON*INSIONNXIIIMASffsia‘ wholeulkdeaka lA. ,CHNEBN,..auTTrA, tame, insa...ePpxkulio l iv i i ; 4 7 ; 144;16 - ,' , # . 00# sew. Pittabuzgh.ra,....., • -•••• ; F. 44. 'EI44ZOVR. EBB ,70 •• ; , , 4hET.ER LORILLARD, ; 3Ntif anizr*Vitacioo Icsitunonduce,' # 9.. 1 . 744 #MEs EWA' , • 0 4 20 Atiaiatfisc; rorica or iusun t. thi iirtichret • itafi • , sloolisapss,-Oesein suippis. assseassa . Alsatians:, pamlnar, Ittzealse Ilachltoches, 13 , t . P6a1 r2 - 81;sasic .liler-Toselikotak 7TOsst .04 Luadyfoot; giwrw. Ilsoloh.lessh Ism kWh' • etarAtaratioa asnsll - to tlsi, L bann reduce= la' prim of WtapeatCtultig add ol ar..14 TalanitalV Seldolrytn bi fond bt slaglasklty, naiants—dada,lloAinis. '4,4*ll,stad Y lank Ti,' Our easern. A. T44 - .oiplibil; dish, or Swan: Drat 'Beenitail Ornacal Tarial,l 0WN641116. - ' _ 4 _,_! . -N. 11.—A cdraslat of pekes ant anion. / . sp10:1e. • MOORMIOIC & GIBBON, f • • • illaandboduntes of . / P /14P SHEET AND EAR LEAD s And &sins ta " pus / Pig Lead, e , 0. >" 1, ' ^ Mdtk - Tit, • ;J* o 4 Opti f=l • - 1 r B 1 1 B MBA; selaardr ~ i-.,QIH~A XNB"r4;4I 4 ILE telmw agora to . Jame O. !NW' .. • _ • • • AttfirChtirit" ;1 6 !! . 3 - • t.• to bud asso imiiitdottatigetty; to Cabo: mem' of alkv . b••Lay . firs ., l•ll" • akEL • • orincires , ITN 818 - 11•4410 ardwthii Is•s• s:kw antion batimierig r ivtairlblibid • • Let tilt. d sad raiiiii•ar4 , ai Out ;Navy... arkpnapitelUlf; ocenista and dosatch. ' Lambe mweseyakdk•olleation'orlMlCKLElWlfk GOODS alwv UM. • STF3-• 1862; ' 7-- , e! ,- el" ' • • Mi *IL lEVALLI4I4 ' I . I7OIIII2IrIMMT.' • larppatiittlitigliiiiibevibov* Priviolliesawilli o ll l 74PlNivid maw Newt ilk' 4 ir t uara b r o ti ar g l ° o6 . , ,tihtor at; ;. iland ..han6L • aspnoravilleicembipriskAir... G t31TX8 7 4--P,OB esumiluselmadripltotiet Givigiti64lsll7 ri It tutt ribum ' i lLt u : ra eli t•t (n i m pb.d. Emit look 110.10 - theMOM . talkiPitt=a Yled i qt foa l !to P. fritrapiatii4k4 l anaitokir sok. :01g yrpc...s. i=jllo. =,,,,Hgnxigrgaw_ ---.7 lta -1.-". t tm io. _ ____ _______ __,_(l.lll--la . ,„. , 1 : 4 . , ‘j iii )9 L..i, l Bolo:4 l , ll •.:P a cilai, V. i 1 ',- • ' ''''''' ls. ' - .‘"11111'.'1--.•,..-..,-st4k.,,!.1j,e, " :' • s -, • t r -e "li tAi. I;;Litlitt l iailL,ii, se saa To Waft. W. -oWei=4.lrzous. 1 - 14 mp BORDIDIED . . _ wipp:iaW. SHADES, • - tn liw , inglgN. gitbsiirlf 4 Moir 001.02. A. B • 21 • . • 1 . , 71.01,,i r' rotalvad at the AIi,4)ET,-,I3TORE .1,11V7 T eai tliPfa; •P•1:3. .71z oil t 4'l ItieFttriamtioo ll. ns - k Co., ::1 gME,.MPPT., Zatipems — thapike Onlittg . apit Dzatuasi Rotuma. ifivrmaidit 4: WARD; DENTIST, ItenahaveerVaildhiCatiloorflendi eilltnnink On &Posey Meet. ~ .0111arbirme kola Sal. till 3p. m.. In =ditto a repot under§ As4Ml On th e part of iho maY.oall upon paw; 410,4. a.“ dilly tO deeinnite Ma clam things common in he prim. Vat fardeaMMt,Mhidit rdo horde.ln e Ant citrondel isbt Aids• tafitandit to any One. Ido not maks chaplets of Moth ;4 do net madam, by Auk atination. Wand. hesitey. Seethe in order to hunt artlindel ease; I do net, in any instances de. Aro,' the amide WOE *thereby rendering tote liable Pr 'Jhelum* pahaltd Illetale.'and' their nth llosualie More toertaini. • Throw and *alusenale other rhino which iconid epedb. dm not. do. In the Chal° -91 ' st a taidtinnl nr . Stein the tonh, giartit n tett sisal wo ea ens having Wyatt thelenat of al iketait in tin& preserve. tionlq• sit alias; however; invOlvin•lbe aPPeeremn of Um-teeth e & Jo not Minato to make we or it. AS to the q _malty qfrfto plqp of gold, • limiter winch woh I loaerW in - the yams of 10-'l9 ere mill beerier tietnaany tom', dortmeithip or perhaps I 445.44,5-/".41,41/4.1 ,F NOTtOr—drher"undeisirilecti haviog &gonna** nopolomomlJol long or. tabUs ad Eonsof J. U. McOclla would macaw* tlitaD roDfcriadifild ail tild finnoval ra ryts., 44.4 cposEdid b 7 zyre 01, ==fa ir t a aa p t &n, nark found. inn at lowest lifts • WELAIfIDII66II/4 Marty grad. lIIDEI .L.4lo.l6lrimirmainuates, I MOSS cordially tnnmend say ancomai as' I Dian of atria 1 • tegn ty .ncrinod.bnafullos los iO2llll mond.' to' oomi . t irM aratinad 10'cccopy ANDES. SON'icontiag.foola and will tats grit Vigour. inintfothinbill4lnobsty bookies* seqoukint.non; -, Jot 114131(13. - . 1)25:9m UtEL • unF42. - 144.=win up of Ids masters thinoweat pat- MM==;=;S=l floor:011. Cloth', Dialling, &e., ti;4l:4lL tn , taritit XICLIICTOCIL4 CO.. ten. 11:11 rtrra STRIMT. ivlitai r kwas r.wz Tii53.1311,11. airooo,Apaig,"or nalit Tlitaibe iisHrs, usioriginieo-kitiAt Xerjoiridie chin &nal Com. psi antAlobesobie tlitrenoot grilse le ball,' of p megoi►lb lid HYad,ln tlet Duitedytais • will be olleatii tor edit et radio .aeotton. In Detroit, on the 2:0 Ode Art,puerzness . rormep andsia4[Pal !; cap. to.-irso:T, tient, Detroit. ; ' IVIA'OI-5t •,$) Icat eximitza'ithainkaitrd: woArg WA. nub!". 4 vt• White.checied ilia Piney Matting', In VIM ct Jsd of a sa-perfor 9.l4l7{4,4lT,pritimc ,co.. ===3 • 171181301.17130 No—Notice, , is:bheretiy .11../ ale" tbet. Ann ot, Aix vat Mr1,192A Ybb Wtriolitel The =hind. A bets who aro ,Leillobted. Ow lents, trill plea Armee thin:ll_4o jorni knryYZEI. anti - th igep,binleg chime "iiiilllkesettfthelii for pkylierreelt biklithe only au • Abesb l o4 Pella $0 sods thettbandaest: h 108:1w , .Hae. 11,4 OYSIO2II. pETHE -WRIGHT A , go24B4fr i ti a_ - L1.15/.—:The Barr -114M01,161A. 'zip', 'kid"' larLivespool intbr.olL,Aiarlngemort alter gate wt. board, IrliVlumb wObeAsspatah. c i :141130inare 01 , 1 . snan rh . i . d_st GAOL . Apply td ' Jr II WOIGIITO BOBS. ,= ; 'Orton . = iscitisrancr a Ptrif.del .. - 1 R.15:13..- .......,/...-.., ~ ..-ristabrrals. rjru-D5..61.410.mi5N.z 1, ; • -2 , Altuakthe itattocall .t try PMA!" - -A5..845312. 10:1 filth stroot, door From Ostbektral. 'fA R ltUil•ND4 t Cirex lA pltpirt i s t Ar ° Oil; nv iiaglnftralllß NS; 'tatikothat tdamkumderthsixdarLau,;pdtacd and I r ." 11 : 411 " ' 7 5 Witt: l o: JOINSTitaCO., MffMME!I ~ m a rU • 10010" lißl f it K. to ow on kW WbflaYVl/Mififtlki.Br.wir patats4 sal for ale 11011; , 'S i t WOOd'atroat. eitA.lNUAAßUlatiLici„,lor. Ana re ,of insiyAld awmcnuosi.ouPLl. coye t". 441 1 9, 7 Ivx:e.' 3o o l, ±o - --• • • - i i* c° nvonsm. -•-• • .47-W street. U. - TAX thp - wilt. isttnatto'prepar otaiits'lormurrui War' for eassaithniztbkoSce, 1714:11be - I • Po. WI OR/LAT 81%.1165T. Afieistiord—meatialiiis and MEWS • 41i. sick the Itabloat Its moo tm• r=t4l.l.V.ifgistPrif.,...keelffln Norm. t j - r 4.411.41000 15 licafklativet, d .lAm* teinitt,o ; .I.3.Vicrlkale Lanai BIW& & 411oston, er.him, )106 IttAnabibib.bed Wbui Itidign, for am. by OHB ~Atitimir bad Spa sets. TittirAtANstam arY;IL QOPK/$l6 jut amstrollaad forage irbaluies,ipplsiii_4l, at al* /WWI thEoltiatere ol 11 111-- bionwir unerwana st..ta. • r: 7717 T 1 ' la I alltaitt, 1 vao• —4O , olkdoollasborg; bustard sod moots by •• , ' 1794 _.•3 1 1r.1511 - d Ain:Ll-Wrong. liollll4l'.= - 400 how- York VJ mat' supirke iaticilo o • for sal• by t.s. OOLLiN9. ,1 4 44PAP.4440titilfg4i0+ 0 . 4 1 0 waiiiiiistitatwby 1 . 0 . 1 ". .14i , J111:D14.11114.4.1KIN, .:7 ead,lo Water ashet. . I' primer tissue on - w.da TO Watt," strwt. e esi l , WOVi.••o k bona Ontmg Nrst.ali by ay . . Z - 9441 t111 ati 111.7DALZIOLT..k 00. Agin, astlat44. rtuktii, 4,PUVAPP4I43 too red* • 'ha 76.1158 wltausiciyr.siT ratvt, it. Ail* id AtorODObeabols York littotol3s =mohair. Barad In nor coi4p4 to /0 4 4. a. 1/010T Ai 00. DALIST OTV .-1L bbli. i a:good and cheep 1 1.0?"frt i get i. A. MYUGTXR • to• •• - %Mani 4815 • no4-1-dr - ;•: , munbinorY , 11 1 •4410fie . :' '-,‘ 4 , X ! etWinn.. 3:11W443..i:44 - eiliktpgn that lttliitti r Attataybit Hut r titttualtoth Dt•Pot yt "•- • • •• .E.a-nz-ranins, „ L , -.*ffessintateet - imitt.tred lirge 1 131” tigrirtattittripdatid A q a.That a ct ' her- ; -Saatat attodatatatifr stmt.' • • 421.:; ,- . 9UITATAB.-rtriSls.44ltlo,;-•yardi..ftoin T. IL comita. 1 , 1 B x,a. Ax...largeOKl4l4. - ClittnnE; Lau* e ' - '" tottati 4 by •-• Titta r tftattit: ! • ; "1 , " iota qvaatt. • tyik ;: r *paw ••••; , . - 110 ttlULltini•a•„l:a. ma • . 11 4q 1 4,0 AL, j tiaLfi , -100 - -bbla. • -ban txtra• i mo itte r nr"l4l.o:trai: :way .I , II,IICILIZE4-41Hincilaiii-nto rn JLP' Joni. ler*ltly :1141 - 141! .011:i7ra . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers