1••••' , . ' •!- ' MEM ~~~9. L =EI ~;~;~. ; •i S'~' ~ . ........ i.l.j. M2M=I - • 4 MIME SEE =MEE :.; .• EMI =MTN MEM SEEM 1:••••,.; • •••11 ... . $ l . l / 4 . V . :' ..,, ::*• 4 -, !•••:,:*$ :1 +.'4, - - .k• • • : : '4 %;!Z . t:':: . ..; . . Mt....:• . A 'l 4 l ...:, C0 . .. ,. ..: , : , C.:: , :4 10 ... .a+m-'1•••.•::,•?•.:: '',.. c-4., ::; :::': '; , :' , ;;;.:.' , 1 r l' 44 '••F'' , !.4"1% ....'!',.!:: :.:::•: ••1 . 4 . I. •- • ',-',':'.: •••t!' '. l .., • ~.., ,:- • •!..:, ~ 4,•• •• • i' , , • t ,„ . 4...4.a...41. 4 c0...1+ i,.. \-„,, . ..,.... 7, ;,..,,,-: ': ,:•.•.•1' (,;, 4-1-;A::: , :r:i.';,_ . ;` - qt l l.,: . ::::::,''''.. •.' :•,. ..,•.. • • "4 , 4 . 4i 4,,-; . 4., ..- . 3i.... 4 ~ , . in. • :z,...ti.. , : .. . -- 3 ... ~...,..,,.....,...+_,...; .. ...,, ,,, •,,...... , .....!..4.,.4-4-•!:.:.. ~ :=4:.,.: ~..:4, , , . ,....,....t:: - . : ;: i. .. ,; 14 . :,.:;:.:.!;:, ::.;• f ,f , . 4zi : :.•‘ ., :• . . z .N*-:14"::!1' , , 0-.:•.: - ',-: , . . :;.: •kif*:;iii•':,:: I '.' '+' ' !4•4 - N.:;:!:• : 1 4141•:. , . 1C *i; If:: •!'!• S--k:- . .. *•'.':' ..4".I'll "+•;!'''', ' 4 , .. -- ;'<:!:::::::i,;.'4 , ~-': ':•4'' .. : • ,-- er 4 ,- t...— , .:•1 . ....1 1 . ,, . le :i.,• ; ,..-4,4 . .Yi.r:.. - : ; :.‘ , -; • :;: -' 4 ' ' .ll ' ; ,b-.V. ; '7i.';'.. ' -1,•.;• ,- - -s-,!4 . •••,: :;--,:,:e•., - • `. ; -;'. :,.. _\. .: .x;. bly sbseni;) vested the following resolu tion: Test to the paliehtl emligency, wire ism:y..l3Bll4We to. the Union .Btete Xharentlon are • aniseed serrki k arid cannot be lemmata tliemeetnraiapjointed lobe held et Pittabumh, tbo Ist of July text. It la debated expedient to poet , pone the fbovehtlon until Wedneeday, the 6th day of august next, at It otobxk a. at , and Ulla hereby postpcinertatea: time. ' • r...- P. rnezzit SMITH, • AClthelatnint pro tem. , B" octitans. , rus.s.Buriza;Janssi. - _ _ . rri 'iwioiixii ,: thiirreeolation the Convention-la aseemble in Ms city on lb. any !.I.boisec alMeek.anclArilL hold its : yhieb..4ls been of eirstitemii* - 1:: . The Currie New-speperi - The Lancaster Am:miser compliment' us r nith.the remark that we are intagitged in the dirty:stark ok• anininit'ottilhe princi ples of ourfororite eandidafie, incur' denun - elation , of ' , Governor Ctilflau-,-alkia that ,we."quotelargely,fromiiiriain . {nvesti- Wing Repart,"velleit Madelip on the principle "of mining the machine'over our eneme=abiraiterizes our statements se therefire:htilitjAiiiii"—and kindly Informs us that ill. .renomination is "a foregone coaolttaian;" although the Harrisburg Tel - 'efrupdtabjectii to our artinies omfhe ground &Waite ao Ladigrau it au. Wail ng-ali alowitai to the delicacy of the iherasfitee'ettritiedsing, which may be —=the affeetif bad edunation or bad company —we beg toiti,y, in the first pbice, that we have no swoon& candidateV that it can not be shown' that we by ! . ever tallied any individual,_fir:lhnAiroper intir for the Ifeend44lthat irit !afflict quoted - ron the raperii - of the InvestigetiagCommittee at all; and only . .coniilained, that ins of "running the machbia over our enemy," • it had been somanned sr to raM,the ma ' chine entirely around hitn. - • Third, that whet, It calls slanders are the • record evidence of *ld acts which it knows to de true, and dares not deity—which it has carefully congealed from its readers, -ii utter : forgetfulness of itiribirplions to truth and eonsoience to iisailand ;to the 'acitratiy=and which; if knewn, as they --ought to be, to the honest Total of tenses : ter county, would leave him withoutn sup porter amongst them—even thiugh the natal sense of the miner may have been so twistiktutpardened as to make;it in sensible-to Molar _tuepitude, or it msy not be sufficiiiiitlyjafomxted itself to know the legal aspects of the case which it ignores. If it will republish the message in relation to the suppressed" document, with thi Au 'ditor Genet:ars Report, and the testimony of the Hon. B. A. Pusviazos, we shall be , satisfied to leave the case to be settled be. tween ita readers and itself. We are obliged toil, however, for theist formation that the nomination of Gore:mum Coerce is a "foregone conclusion" This emanates that the Convention will be pack ed with either bianu or Osoranusa, whine '' r ife Will net believe until $01:6 it ! i ire„ .44n' 4 . biiiisTe4: whether they ibni a ,ioll.olentniunbir bold enough and deeper-, ate monk for-Minh a Venture. They will remember, in think that *Vika Airo par ties tomakitriintrgsin thab - ttuels inch . a thing se hoet;" end tiat.thsee." foregone coritilisicks" men will rOwthe 'Ash, of ruininktitents4ves, if theyin*** to ( play off a. gum. of th at eortman-thelnople. ' _The Ciiiiford Vournal eilektitskpilinintit ,11GotliATiti riomewil - S,t, gentler=' -style,. It stye-that our • preseal. attitada s liirsids ...Zama is certainly cialtudatild teihslis a _pernicious offset—ibst - bribe event of 'his nomination we arerozal /liras/44g maw nano,, for Lie aussp--that the true policy is aoricilsiaiir.iny of the numerous good canditit it may bale ilaiorest of s ksolopyltitiefini Afro mi_Alipsragi Cosztibit ids friends - WI - lot see , Itiarinufased wsdl¢Qa ta in: that region, loyal, men are almost eautnfi sere r r his favorthat he will.beat any body els* —that it is iMportant to ar4bi r discord— that'ille-poradist 'the' Governor woo do well to withitblortieli ittediattd ,;;,that wimp surely Sad emnetnareeanota bb tigetthafili do the work of the kiwi Awn is idwatfee; To .; ;1, . rntz-ffailWeffilt, of ,Our polleimfy . 14425rnioidus to SAnotti.eritlidistiesult, lir iiiiamataz- in the saltation of die party which he has betrayed and done st much to destroy. Seseed—iim the-atunturtillon which have uinished Is tronl t he public reco rd, wberrititit iettew4- 111,E'thlegg14/470Tikilltlis off soiiisWelttridele ease ,ith 'Witter - efoo „ e. 94drd-skit w 0 hwie the. numerous good candidates, - air ain w ßilAaiJatate asty-ef releatitt. ; itbourattorsol lent •etipti_to„be Wise= the florritoroliihir whole piswa-of Siww7? 3 l ll % whosCinterest it, Is to Nisi Lie dounii r by pitting tau& men as * out of the way, , „. V ll4-2411 tellingAPVestiPable tin* tbstinoido conga to know abgnt, estUdate, it craw iy idni;'W - liolliendo `c snot no'it .with_indurarenfier4r-' far - WlT;f4i,* al well ealibissell,anA would 13114 they would 44 . k otseiliel otiterjrtriOtitil *WI ticiritiowskil iiiiiitaaa eon: 1 of al* Inaba *ailing hisfitrt, it Ss either eonelnifve" tividefini‘ 'that- the' bibivtailedicr - ierfor ' iti - 410710 them, by advising them of what we right to know, or' thii they aon't, whether tits peanuts Wart min or not. • We do au tldnlnso MI of 'OW'toile thou u to believe the litierfastwithetind. 11W, k 9 19 : idtaukaatk aompltmeae tp Bwialh.?Tht'tli MS act the [ peraoa dfa ate W'citrifur t slid 'Would ibit hialitii 42l riallitr: tea** r TO 0-161.1. ..• 'oh grounds, even if we were. assign sufficient puyie reasons ), it ought tot p enough—ev e odo not to have an mu*. than personaliqk diing the truth of the Governor ie ly abuse, the fault is with the doer, with the relater, unless on the ) that "the greater the truth the the libeL" • LA--If we ars "doing the work of the fbJuubl itt,.adtranoe," is it not wise to `lisiit* Why wait until tilay.ottakl, 'twelves, to our prdace; when ;wii. the wind out of their fails, by the Governor? It is latch leper' as the Journal that are doing the work - nt the Copperheads. If its editors wilikleole into the Pittsburgh Post they will ind:that they are in fall sympathy with it Mi.this questioneqtatlly concerned shunt °arms. levideneet=ond .nstnitiitl that we ' have-no -candidate so - etronkairComine. P. S. The Lancaster koenitsif journal cornea at tui alto with "openmoutitind` foaming jewer and other indications of somethingliketuanine madness.. We have no space, unfortuately, for it, but if ii *GI rend *hat 'we beim Written, and republish -the official documents referred to, with'the' addition of the shoddy report by theiGoir, erner'sown- catnnlttiee, 3n. telition to the "EMhilers' .Prienti," we shill - beniintent - to turn it over also to-the guardiMmhip. own readers. Law and Maacklogy. We have just read in the Tribune eieeri' sensible ..letptr from the M. -Witt- TM CI, 8011011.01 . of the War Department, to the iifNeW York, in relation to tae value of negro troops. We found occasion to coraplain, a few days ago:, of the opinion, as we supposed, of the same. gen tleman, that the negro was not the "militia; • rfe - qttletient of the white man—onli,be- • use he-was *cheaper soldier—and thatti: could not be taken therefore as a sub:Knuth. We note in this letath the following pars:: age, whit& 'semi to be a little at war with the opinion referred to: "But ,now.whiin colored men are admit ted to be citizens otseveral of the North ern States, sad of the United States,- and sines the Conscription -kat makes no dis tinctionbetween white and adored alike WI, but reqtdres them equally to be enrOlilld and -thafted - iir the forces of the Halted States, there .SOOOLO to AO no reason why such citizens ehould not, when volunteering to serve the country, be placed uppn the same footing with other soldiers as regards their pay and bounty." It is here admitted that the Conscription Act makes. no distinction as to duty, and therefore, very logically claimed that Con -1 green: ought to make none, as . topay. We cannot Otte hOwevir w h y the law-advisers of - the 0 Government, entertaining these views, should seise upon arrimpiepor dis tinction as to pay, as a reason for set ting up a constructive distinction as to.l ditty, where the law, by their own .confee. siert, makes none at all. _ We feel tempted, however, to inquire of the Solicitor of the War Departmeati who seems to be read in ancient history, how he came to discover that Hannibal Was a negroLklt' if he iirefith It, i " cobra man." We blow that-yminaricipression. has pre vailed a long time among our sablibreth- Ten here, from the fact that, they hive pa isded a fine company, called "the Hannibal Gusxds." According to our readings how ever—and the Solicitor has certainly en occutteied the story of Didi)---the ,Cartha giniasufwerenillrminiarm Colony, and -we are not sari, with our ' eihnologr,_a little rusted, whether of the Aryan or' &natio tanapy=but in all probability nearly as and certainly as - straight haired as ourselves. • I The solicitor refers also to the agenoi of the slave in the battle of Marathon. That is germain certainly, as to mobil condi tion, bat if intended to illustrate the (tui tion of cuticle, la quite , as far fro& ! the' truth as the other. The slams of the Greeks, like those of the' Melirews and Botemiks, were all of 'NIP stllmmiar :sae," whlobisos. p i e cording to Southern ideas, was "bo t o command" withOldregsrd Co oom on, provided, onlY; Mae - was 'nOl_nifort , -Itink-andim - stespkdoti of cioiti".ln; the if* . ~. Plllary vesture. We have never doubted, however, saLlsp. the mirage of_ the 'black Man. - .da4rtai courage is a much more common quality than 'the awed article. All, races of sten are naturally brave - and rtgnacioso, 'Ma acne more indifferent toiffe;Uiii, tha 11,. Isi e, " " _lt. Is only- Maga:rail° politic s, who strangely illustrate theirprinelpi r ee the denial of the natural equality of nt, and the dunces who listen t o them and be lieve,' that hate ever quetitieiekthe auffifi ersoy of the black unmlor that entplerocudtt, Which, of all Others, oan beet dispense with the exercise of the reasoning faildtj; the leaders knew better. They felt t the "thing iris - over, with - the black , , thrown into our loge, and they prof to throw away wilt. men, as long as y were drawn from 'the '..llepublioan and Chore was no miscription to call upein themselves. _. ,_ • - - ~ ' - 1 - Coppeakead Sympalki;' Our readiri do not entertab( idol - Ow tore as the Pittebatik AA and we ant net. in the habit of referiinglo it, because we do not care to diffuse the *Tirtts'whish not expends itself within so small a droll. .. there ars say of thamauwerwr, who rotil4 "wider G0T 6171 9e Cllrtia kileatriiii .., aidate for Us, we would be sisa *iti&V would note the interest that. it betrajii . him. There ie . u o litePublioan paper in State which seems to dimmer sat= curia, by' any mails, stunt r ani: of his public matt asilibt Copperh ead Frgai in our own city. 'There are Aut : R;:2 , 4l4 sons for this—one,:tlui &it , ii;ae tima_who cm be so wily Nat - ezi;intt the other, the aararatos that there liVriti reaa of our, party who will atdvit so welli if striated ; t giallo - x*4u rct . ik mon] lletek have ,a bertaWal lorgestr-Irthseds7usit MIMI= - 4 .* ' TiMilir :.. 1 , ,-- —.• - , t 3ThiCiefo4ii&-Wistiat rsist:Nic ta g i,suali;liiitigit6l of northern °iv.; pesheedelken valid bia to be . Ililtisibti ..Ter--f.:Tho Wissultbliaiosfwa o 4 B 2 . ' itr we 41134 or. 'to beaiaisi; - Moe know. before he amend Ake - Our ithh ere Welshed, sad • who had *is. Upon,„ ea taring Gimplost hsiiiciired ells_ t (and so et 13oliso) of iryareitisan who had a Henry T a o or other up, suds. hewed stettaint ' to le,- ~lii Corydon the spy rll.*ltheig;, , 'Alin ills visited there One VMS aid re turned with-11%= ",1434#1.,!OP;deser0-r - ~.~ss n. 'Wf.a~'~,'-' - =-'~"Q^ : ti's:~'m.:T-~' ~a:Srri'F'?'sc'~"^'~`~" - aoL^' from the Bixty-sizth Indiana boldly joined Morgan and was armed by him, but wash subteauently captured. 1 is 4 nov, „„Cod„judgilifirefea ye tom a 1 strshle silt wed, maifey;litt specifoiiinut4 was demanded from persons who thought only their best friends knew they had it. Yet with mush local treason, the people as a mass,' were true, and Morgan himself, in .some Instances, swore soundly at come who -boasted they -were opposed to the.war, and repeatedly showed favors to others 'who bravely maintained-their attachment to the Union. ,with heraand there as an exceP tion, therttwsil no favor, ehowtt the copier -legs, er, those Who Waked :from the de fence off thelehOmei ii avowed iympathy with ibb &nth. tfin cc U.'s were, thlekee (theft WWI full infeliciationon gasewpoeses , alon of all he wit hed - tO ktibtr, 04tWiten go t' what he wanted he treated hie teak 'aathidly as 01111M1118, and bade them good-bye by taking the horses with which they had followed to guide him. Already steps ere on foot to detect these -men, and some Rho figured no little - in , public life, - may lindlhe veil too thin to cover the fa vinithey showed the freebootir :and his The' Attack 'upon 'lClftiffeeton•-btet dents of the Fightlit Filer Wagner, ,The New YorkAtififl rost ? of Toosalln says: - Authentle intelligence from Morris fhlandUf the 21it iriet, riceliettlii this,city through eprivitte litters, sho ws, au the .re pult'of Gen. r _Gilmorte operations, that he now threafaurthi of -the isitind, Auld t altkough the assault-upon - Fort Wiper failed, he-his succeeded in dant ingtds heavy batteries Ina position whioli commands Fort Sumter: 'Pne General 'lll not St all discouraged by hie Mare at Wigaer. ' We find in the ooneirpontlinCiotthe Phil. adelplile inquirer the following incidents of Ink attack upon the rebel fort : utzussous rzzoressr or oBLACS SOLDIFB L , ' BY TUE EtnrLß.. - One of the colored toldiersTwhri bed fitith fully stood it his prOkund refused tif.falt back when the rebels drove in our pickets,' was afterwards brought into our lines. The'rebels, not content with hiving mur dered him, had cut, both- his tare off And. scalped him.. As Ids-commies looked upon this hideous tight- they .grit . their "teeth and I swore never to take' another:prisoner;' and Citllllllllllo YOU that the Eebobi Will did that the Filly-fourth will retaliate in (bib. chat without waiting for pOsoial or general" ordsre .. . . - -,• 11111=0-IKOLDIIII CLAICHIS a. 2.1:12111.. • One laughable iiiaident connected with this engagement is as 'follows;; After the rebels had retreated, a colored eery:watt°, linking tote Fifty-fourth Massachusetts, And wry stunted, was seen coming, in with a tweed,. prisoner. The rebel was one of those tall speoimene, of tho Chivalry who seem to hove been originally intended for astronomical observations, while hie captor was a stunted nigro who 4p:lok:with ease 'liare'walked blitfretil the )ep of his prise. It was • ludionina sight—the little contra band, with expanding oyeis, large month, ivory glistening; !Digging his own, arms and those of his prisoner, and' 'beside him i.e • long-haired, sunken-jawed, callow-fseed specimen of southern vegetation, humbly following his-enterprising colored brother. The Army at the Potomac. The Army of the Potineso appears to ,be actively in motion, seriously annoying the forces of the enemy at various . points. The Weelfington Beir says that nothing is farther from the truth than that, Kb some hare. . .41 6 / 1 1$014 General Meade will end his campaign by allowing Lee to get de cently out of the way in the direction of Richmond, or assuming.our old-position on the Rappahannock. It adds: - .Lee has probably succeeded in getting' into Eastern Virginia by way of Chester ffitp, and is now, le may be, at Culpepper, bat 'Wire is no rest for, the wicked,' end both JefL Davis and Lee are aware that Meade's army is in a position that threat ens infinitely more danger to them than when scattered to watch the various gaps of the mountains, and where, as thus dis persed and divided, it would amount to liulemore than an army of observation. "Instead of affairs settling down, to the old line of quietude 'along the line of the' Rappahannock,' it would not be surprieing If the neat fortnight witnessed some of the most stirring events of . the war." A Durizaxics or Orutros.—The Mph .mond pipers declare:that the loss of Vieks. bin ill 'Of •.no sort of consequence to the rebels. The Montgomery '(Ala,).ilfail saje,. coi the contrail', that "the conquest of Pennsylvania, and - the conflagration of ev ery feria in that State, would nit oomien este us for the loss of Tiokshurg." air JIDVSJITLIIL L UST-- Betwesn Bast Co..' one and Um Mat Altera &loot Hew -AB= Ons.. es smelts" flutist k OLD B TO. WfTE 0011111, BILIABB. 21i• Bed* will to to. verde be twin the muse et the Oonathrrßoote NAi " - ,f,y3tott lir NABS a 00.13 PIANOB. ix. —MST - PIANOS IN.TUN follovlng Yl.nostir LI km lone reseirsd thu *NIS: 'One besnUtol T *sties &hi CYO Plano, wIW OPtin desk, overstrang. Was thable, as. One ei Mays, same as above. Tire isjC edam. - Warranteld sight Isere. l'or isle only by ttfOOEWILOTTI BLOND, 45 TIM LIGHTNING FLY KILLER kills tiles hutantly, without diner to anything dm ' !RYON JOHNBTOH, far mai by comer thallikleld and Fourth utmost BURBIITTII PRIPAIATIORS stffisdllsil! am_ ,ts• sad salsas ambits BONSH&VVIS TS'S a something Uks half trtudr ibrior prises usT 6.060 3,000 4:1 0/0.11114 beef; 30 bans POWNO.S biedutell^ • • 30 bbla bar lharliat) • '- NS Maya lyikaSsiltav • 100 bons prism Chaos; Woe by ID.. 9.AIILTUI. 11111bwitadj thki CIALE. • 100 000 EIHINGLIII Alea, the beet FAMILY FLOUR. by the barreL, TBOB. 1111881. 9rooarr tbs. Boliver sad She Meld streets, Ilancbssies QTR•TIC L—Pront Shaffer. O Drevilrerd, an Out 17th lest Tan HOUR% two et them mated with the lethelt the etiht; hips.the °above doh ban grey... Imo, old; nether . this le Anti. • liberal min IFM be shrsaibrolistinkithat on:morning the eters d 4 mese hmetih iiipthat. Abe WWI itti tittintltrrir 1111•XlitUhtD•0911 STAMM . irmw , WRIOWI 4.ts -SON S na-pirsgmivioxpgr . - aakraa - ros uyimool.. nau 'wow* maim,Doittsti.4 1111-6Lsa 6L$a 4 i e vli o r n o=pin 'Of ham*. 41-1 .• 111" -. "cl- 01111 9 404i/A . lB: '' 'Onthtlit6l4o6)4o,l,S T& WA„ i ..br vxsocrrolr. gag -6 4 :6114 4-!* %WA Talo.-;-wat .I*. oak our _ wan mulDjr,Alyll4USX :W.4.4likeinistj rt ili tt i tfithritriZiete t la id a r m andll 1 / 1 VlleMitc=a44ol"l7... AUX. 04 WM himitoodi et' BactutaVED— limamertmaattia ~. tchir. • Qua h 0..! .:,11511ulltbta. Ohm aim ma=wm±.f 3 isaioniumett.if nuaran r i ?; - 1 life.,lllLibmwtrimetst, N" ICU OMB T--the best sr Joi Akio ma. , . 1111111 ST Inman nut; Atin? :fez eiLi TT 400 • FUVIIBT a. commis, % n+WIM.r.49PX"/30 43100 1.7. 1 ." m k ,;# am. • -,.. ; -11111111T IL, 00 _Der Raz II C , " "If p Fp , 41 ruis EILIPPLTAir ,f 1 Boni• Veen Maim Bane Malta ague. Bane liana Owns; Sotte Vets Oltlin;. Et Arline' dsbrud* • etarilng'm . gitarilarkapg** ll ol alabraia. Hideola - 1 00.4 Elixir Peruvian Bark. - Plkhela A Co.I MA; Pasant nark., '7.llaholie* fopVIM! Peruvian Bark. pichola s,Oo.'aillydr Permian arke With VielitildWit trim: With Protoildi al Ins; With Prato:l4*ot Iron; With Prototkti of 'fon; ' " Lard's Bleom Tooth: . :Litzd:s Bl000tlot:Youth; 'Laird'. Bloomf _Tooth; Issird's Bloom of Youth; . _ ebeistukao'n isosislor Otaistsclorces ixtelder Hair Mrs; Obrlotodores Broader Mir Dys; Ohtlatodoto's ltioalstor Hex Dp; aria's Icipttas Liquid Pik DP' 1 Barietligyptisir Liquid &dr D: Basies.liinptisiz Liquid Heir Dye; ruptiust Liquid Hair rye; Batehetoes Premium ilatellp; /wowed Premium BaleiDys; flatilieloi`iPistalalii"Bat Dye; BetatiderVrentivernlar VP; " Tealifin u illir DT.; Venitian H EIS Vastilan B Di.; Votilthin H D7o; - HathillitatiOlathauliktins.ODßHAtor gjurm's Btimulai rnvapt. Paßligtma'sl9tifindatlnehigtillit. - I;: Boppillkap, BitatalsßalaißEW,lta ; ',. • f L.N , „ , , ~Far t b„ R•OcsA wk k , I;ir Ear sad • • ~ F ortli• Bekaa* i t T ••,,, , .. r 8 t 4 1 , / fA ir i a A U r r : 11- ..„•;•• -4., ,84. 1 A t a.a 7 FULTON!B.-~. 's DQOO.AND , fiTENT- 111181gIta . VOW TWO n3ba iWw Till 4 PtSl tit/10/4) Prrhiausarr, PA. yl L L YOUR rlitaWlUqt'lilo &LIMN. boioqo cup pxOTpORAPIES, ) (ONLT.OIIIII DOtILAS,A,DOZIN, aglinetur.% AMIIIIB9IB . AND •AOTO 3B, 1, Vlopitiir lan AND liCll4l* PLINTMGI3.4I.II) iNaltalrindS. 1- 0.0 "3r. B BOON. STATIC/N=lf oil mile Dl Pr, • rrra Brairre6rretirra oar A law 'amply .•of PSIOTOGILVIII4 OOHS alms". oa tvd. • - M AILGAZENZP, rou'Atrattn. ALL 1:3111 OORPOZIPSION AG?. Only 6ow 061dol Wt of D 161611613 sZ MPTUIG Ilarp BONd TUX TIM &RAPT. Only 6 mats. 6TIMOSIZILY POWTTOLIOP. PAIIIB. QII•DRILLII AND r.tirmatlio PAPIII6. rit • - • ilt .lllo Pm . PitOTOGILUE ALBpIIII3OO st.9lWpsicisisbri OAST= DI MIT& • . POOKZT BuOILIS. , ounarircrr aoLtztur, kr‘ GOLD FIU, winanted Um best AO ire alai,: 1 ' BOLD A 2 • . JOHN P. H'U IIYT 8, Masonic Hall, Fifth Street. 'jos CLOSINO OUT SALM.' 'SITHISNR Boots, shoes, Gaiters suallithnoritls, AT ezzAT sancrnose. • = OW Como sad get BARVAINIL kr TH num : tilts hat roost, DO- Lace thaw, oily; I 0(1 I'atantioaltuat 0110•1 1 . Wcasan'a Heeled Oaapesa 1 00 Karam awed BOatiM 021 7* Op Listing 60 =ati Utah T6o. tia 4 8D 85 ' sad albs/ &coda Is proportin BOILLOWSCHWOMOISTOR,I,' ' tiliticir ' • = • .1 . • • t Mond &aft from ) bESIJIITORI3 SALE .0/1 IMAGES . p.n.—Us usdondipild.. t littVir . "At Oka toimat, ta thou on In r DAM 4 1 ~,..4...„ 0440 o ;a .11 • ALM, tit intioust sad ootatool, 4 - t itsuulool, ti , lad to alettuso twit Utetatilo of *t ~, t rag , sitellikii.tu tbe ItttirtiVard , 01 ut ouch • trout of it hot au P. 41 a it mui=nirblak MI tot. Wei 4.'1E15 tat itt „, =Wei beim ot 411Mougi , thi lien of o-- Bum Jittroh, sail o Iltdoldcivbersou artamitemt tliroOtiroitiittioll .tuainuotits. . ~ ~ . --r• Ito ' LI a - :Tottlittoriluiti44l6 tail go% my. ootabot from 111•1181111LtrA lutows. - ataLinlbalikligh otreirti Kt _ttlitirgly— , , _,,, .. ~., min 44.110116: •', .' PAU ,- ... Ilsiuutor of Miran lisodloiloo% , . SILIXMI6I"TO"' Booth. Naafi and ‘layers, . •!,. 161124 ohm. t ,SAMPITON IIOII O , • -11%.16 • FUOV —L tlf - an 1#40! :;: - , "mum 6 - 11=44riiii.iii i : i h s ha t • lakeWO*Pi* oodiOlfrii6 hlr. 1411 /.-LX !lioffooog • - ••.J • vriaisc: - ,;•• EVSNIIB' 1.10 mot Of tifolusi sum: 'ewe* is tafokool IsoOiroOfkoi:no; IT woke , tZ7i6;=., ist t g", 7 1 •-• 0 1 - - A min; tivir • EM. Amos Juntas , iIIONSSLI prounuthe or istasseithailnotiteid "Isuy idcallia. OPlRomitob. g10m,tr!'.1. 1 ,6 1 1.'" ad l og panto - boa r.a. no LME'S =i• - ii:E4llll41 1 alma " Oilo easa W 40.0 ' . lOW *VS la in cii. . „,,,, L p o w lathe auk' ibut Iblo l / 2 onto ibraboo, ~ Ititralaiii Ode. or Womb Wan kb& 1 ' - - -Tor Isis MM. ilo 111 4 13431311Mr0 Dili MAIL tor. fib* .14 SENNItt'--.lliir* utmlisuctimok44. l i). sad we diking dr.ol.l•lt amnia m& a. immaWlTlNTßAlirit' al " ilj !;r e ir 1-4/IM-400-bbic lacdrailetioldig and fur lob Itrr Mint Tholumnp. I== NOWN TO FAIL 1 IJINVER DIXON 2 B IBOIIITIC BLICIBEIM CILIHNITIVE, • Tie 110•111.111111.1411111MT,1011 DlBlll2llllllr, LLUSHISA, KLUX, OROLXILL -112111)116-• ..A. Iratikiris7iiiiiiLturr. , • 'ha Wan= Wes to the mats of Ws The samisens da4 . mt:s_of g COM sturtlpe oftwaspii 414,bie temat MOS IssrhigAtAtiiimiaa bald:Una too. au itrinelt • r. % / 1116 1 111 . 81 . i o A+ l .4l l llt, 111 ' sh.mitaltsses:- -• • •• • 1!"0 1 0 Iddir r iaidatpik,bl Mai 5hW 1046 , 11 1 4 - ifs WWI SkaelleiV end." _ _ 401n7 - wain ligammodl febia the Work.= isisou 'of Wes rat to the nava Wh oops .. Motheeitit Andrea teeth zuezoosice, the Manse. Bold Dy n inters naiiiban. =SIB A BOTTM. " IT WI. F. DAVIDSI •ANAL . ). ;.aoi.: ' 0 " l. t i -to " • Pia tmiscut. L EO:. -- -: : S t ! I • 43 P IS,M S ' . lams ......—. .01. - - 0 ..... -1 .. - , llamota..-.. .OL -. . -- .1 4 W 4211 •••••r•r4M - -.- Us ti s e wlia the Attars Ibr the saiKed the Olaf inde embed pear it. Louis, Mo. I let vita the ittaolop_at Ohre and Steal Kansbotarers, to the diegyeletbe. above, ea morbid brAlio' _. A. 7 4iff, Bileteee sad J.C . Booth, ei ThUadeb-1 phia, rasa, town" with tho Int of situ Sew by sereenerelle • •PMebin.o, Ohio Inaati Vass* detecodaie. it io ferßee pub t sad split valeable OW bow Beim. whether Pose pa or — Pets ,ziade. frees 4t lane stood be tbs irerairretrow 'X top disothei • . • 4 '4 110 *TAW* .or Ike Obey se takes from the • loins, within& any within or propitiated yid& • pet. It posessmagresd idhadmase aid y iplaUtley widt* aroma shows by the whisk Moll. Otis miniature or • hip propertles • shell or sed day. . I *a sod' a b at orders for thr sumo Olay, to be shipped from lit. Breda or de reeddleini." A jax No. ISO IiZOOND FARM FOR SALE OR EXIIT, CONTAINING II ACBEN, All under linos, and Is a good slats of oulllistkoi. Uw,-Wars alodsig outi at Podia, 4 - * daq. loot of 81411X6 asonaratiaosintiarlizicistiifirci#ra, , BUM rinmienthaVitilia. ,to', coati =RANT HQUI3I, lath 6 rooms ; and good orobard "I Irocss *cow ..Tallparduess . Tho laprovalasnts oozaist of • our BRIM DWllin Luso, containing 10 rooms 1 large FRANZ HARM toting trees. COAL tinder the whole term. SW Rata to Baldwin township. about Iva was bon tae city. leciahli of 114111LIT,Mlatilika -gnu -A:catAxcar liuguizeTthuo!, rim nix= War masa Ton - Ito a. arca sad Pd a 'tali. ad • - /AZIII - 1101.111J,' ge LIMIT Rail+ 3714 EYES AEU EE.E. • Da. HAMS . =M ir "1" :11% t e ltil listmaS ahla s ea ON EUL II VAVIAT _IIOIIAIte LIM MAL PllltsS_Aistuautai. lastrattOSlVNTllli also_ /MAIM UM an 40111116 "SOU the Bar d. PUN O M "41 PROW TSB-STATION, so wino oi voluble load; tor tab ; • O'wld Sat :cdavointli senwaid. avoids' Maw • Mao 100•1. sad Gala ; ast. opyrOsi tp lap /as , star Mada. till; NUM*, amigo . tad home nu god -ntid* Motel bow sat utast tralatnat, atelitra of WO teal itoludsoqoalits, smell Mato la abatul., moz;211,15; 'to; gam of two woo ixat tram two otTor sten os oatti sore wrom tail.ah lo odom twicos r tirett cram • lad _ S. 0 ; Safi& 801110,":511•114, - 161ANi4) _* 11UW:..141:03 - HMV' 4:41181124) 't—Jott poblltiod • ts a NNW In.' Oio. a s oats. Aloostooo as the 114 Ts tad AID. JUDICIAL ouu et or lloothast. Waimea. Wigwam aail'ii-)1.1714-1.g NKR". , sad Ligtedimail: = loriogouri sasi td ah lkaionon pug Oostobetka, from nott•Aboafh ie. By BobL, J. . = ..D..avlbaiat4he arearisoli - as: - .f A Dotorto Umtata at Ildbeint." goat =Ye olot, to I pito stooks% to ma addisohpootSta h. NW adz math or tro Name Mum" 'CIL 1.0. KLIOII. in Bertrallow Yolk. Olito Sox 411118. ialindlmileatir , CWIMLL DIIIIG STORE, OarserVie Adloid aviegaf. impiety": i elquumnra wmmi. , Ewan mamma% kaj arzoodorprilitionisiiitatati • wAtioNEVAIWAWITSIOIt SALL • .1 ' se load siii was Wader OW kbAs ot. W . WINIMMISZ warns, - ;et t se ' run labs tend& RIM NOB FULT ltnkg** ind Aloft Arni,seihr Inn, of idaitwOra, tirlway GOLIKAM.I 28,W) W A X II,I4 1 11 4 ,41 . "EX 1 EXIINALIM 00/4, 4111/1•DUI TAU, 4 Kist know; Assaissai -1 JAB:MO. veyldttravill DIULYTXD . MAIN. 6 4FINGItrIX O N da i ri i wr t a t il • , sugani :,igMWarema ATUTIMIL..attp6O. OMand tO Sh r : • i.La iozp, „ L as ay airs to‘ maZ. is to owls rzsAjak4 alklfr ear illUSlgt wAimarta tivErWiteut r lOtrian 1111iA 1111[014/12. 4 4- Io wa; i ro iik e i, ~ 4 1013, settilreft ttsl. Ilott Talk 141:1,; irrt aliti,cemiterius • •••;;„.: • N•it - Ilk-, t- • air .. * ru b t IMPTaIuaL-745,:beals Lamm& 'ion OW NAM/ :CM A CAIIVALA jOl3. HOENE k, 77 AND 79 MARKET S AT. fa daft aaaipt of NEW GOO-EYS Which UV us Ening at • =Au, ADVANCE ON Witt And aveicdag oat tbekttock of SUMMER C 00.04 AT. VERY LOW PRIM. orwmisitileckiiis . 1 , stairs. 000110!01219 . • • . - .4iftk.rDier, Jiiiii• 2 i iiii, riiiir, - : /atania, Vint , aidikiriox AT A' R 10E'R' 1 5 4 , - ---- -i.:, aLf A2 i • ~ -- ~ ..••••• ::-_--n.„,, 59 Market Striae '',*. - is . ', tv.:, , .._,_.. CLOAKS, :B.li*liiii 16 00, - - Eifttsg. GOODS - -- - .... PRENTS, Oa" aiidit..t ciolo*L,,,..:liii. 1 ..Eil4rting-Diuslististi - 3Aa- . .. LACE SHAWLS, POINTS, MAN , am•.# 9 ., . , • —,-;. JULY 2Mi.— - -' 0..:.":.1,»1863. - MACRUM a ClL e tb ° Se" - W° 1 " 1 ".0 0 4 4 -gialtiffigiii;i;oi , lb e ! 1 14ig, "'Frond ftreadosietpriitWala'iaidke44, „.1,4;.:: lido sza !ilia 14.4 - rwiiiiirlo4 WOW Pita Taut Ulll44 l Paillimil iii!Makf to et imidis, liAiciiaciiiisagaimetois.-..1 - _ . Oar 9aentri Warchaiits yin— na* I riper4rnia stookag with sugooaa lmt riAtral_ !pines embalm tn_llo:Acttl or lins' .ln . KAMM,* GIND7I., Ltriea Y~aortl ^~~"" W DLRIC J BurChfieldrs; aver BICIETZD. BiLM=KOWM Ansunamirin gunsmith ; • - lanai aslsiilia IMO 7101175 . OALDrI3; - _ . itbinticria cauctosi 4 111.01111111161 DI:41111%, Alkirlieg,out at Coid,and loess 2 nertuili z a ratanied from - Oa Jut with • i *took oringwVons, In adltioa to thastcok slisods m Yid. Yin 1 1 4 • nza g00d 11 44- 01 ••••;6;110'i0,.- LAY 1 •BERAagilE4'r !,- . SPROIERMUMSG - 00 - 18i Li irraip.:, I BLEMAIEI---3(2144%**14 - iz - a7ETT,..-A.l - 6 . 04 lIIMINF TAIT CHEAT AT '31441. :ten, " T 21.--PLIPTE arntliff-• • airs ftli dock of Daum lattispins: Kimpzenf aocraroxiffiaajukbagek:4_ _ AT, Emma. magra9-:--- • ,7 , • _ HUMMER STOP* To ekes oat, ow • alaWaiiii4l 44 4: l 4 Piall7l7 l l oar 69. riebt; it discsPAM .; • Our iteeltikuoir gotllolll. in* MA.= Ma° ,i , a :7* 00. 4 3 F4 R4848 :, ; azw= - Asics.-.oooDir 2.0 44 " 11 bream' mad-Dealers itko bay lor A C 4 ± ira ! amd ". 6 77 1 R ,* -"" --rntaanriltAW/ - :::• lo ViTinTraliiiiitli , , SlDUONA,inlinifn , , ,• - . , ; , 1.„, _ ,.., AD1nim„..:„:; • ,-- ,Ariiiiiii;';' , evt. t .. •••• - V.."ta. W " , '-'l"rl' ..., = rro.. . -... •.,. . -:- ....!---,, it ~ i , „--,,, • • .' ' • • ' 3 :11;11 LID oinvosptirristagaL.o,. , -ist wadi* flittails•os-***4l° look to oloOlatolotAlLL.-.... • " " 41 - 14 4 - ..:1111belog - ei • i -t M 1UM1315 ". 1 .9 ° F 4 i "INI#1014:01trAt Ifs -14 m -l eLi DtQii Merket Rr 616. Nineth 6 numoadi, O , MTTSBMIEE TB:KATI:CB Litues. . 7 flo*D.dr, ugust sa, 14363.; - - -411//rgo i a c n umwellegrial-Ceelisl and only T,SI mew* 1.11,117 . 41*.01,140.:,.....1 m. r. - • gamma*, Itlibt 'BUNKO= OOKPANIVI,* acquindad 'their billthatt twon at Up; 40 113M012 TEN. ATEA N.w Irak, the M01t . * 14404 incilaril Ity..anxmlnitrelorpalloa brefiltzild. win oss imo abilphilit 249 rt ratio:m.4k: ~'l~loiidlipactioulan`iii ~ psi ::. kiii,It.DIVODEI, • w7durrar.F4-1 XIIIVANTRD-A.sitt,V 2 I. CLUIRIE or -7vv: suagosi. 'it bas ea gy. PM' -1: 1 0tft. sad zstall -*woo :KAAsed. sad 'speak theltallsh aneCtermoiaoa ft catty. Would PI akeleital very In say 'blanch of. badness. Itatles will. to ate" Plans sands Opsco.” epersons T wanted at tbe karteicuttroai'lie 'take ap and wand all bee' running at _ Alfa• to kill . antt bury &Ideas annelegatlaraga,bastneatt-eonat mntala ".110'.54291 libhnt :, ,1. 11is &WY yor.. —ilttabar ' ab, lrattlit multikbriViediaiia - tot apeotour-feetiOp sad "dote, wILL c . a4 4s• r o ar . s 'eattiloyhiy . . Vath: tee&- --, • IotT4IiiTED-40130,101flilarBREI, to r-ifp;l4' en Ili; lietusss Orplan Maws. eaf lurato, es thr, iscoldrur-Ooal era ;am. rtsrtarricrsaas 0.2.74,111/ribrim 96 " lE WIII4 - Alta - irks, It ••:t' Aiiiiitizaka at . rak rimier Allaghsnyaratali te.o.p.sa. E.. ot • r —covl4,lutamtP.4)Y• want arsoo-ileiostiy , ==l )1. typir;licl .FlStesa dr. ' -spanfriw. otaninivT. MAW* CLABS, - Vddelbrd. te to sell irra oo tireliaiD "sadly Bettis •• Wm - Addpo. Au. _ Etailtlllllol6 111,1 • FILIR-MINGH/01 - ANDISOI4II - . 1 PITT& }WWI &T ORPHANS' OMIT Sum: .-4n..11&11:1114161 A7TIBIIO.OIIbI, 1114 at arealcalgmlabla aoldonitla• Sul Omit, :order erplatelDolatillui follearlat alas valuable WY. big tots to 131rmfueltaut Is& S&L . th Patsbutak. lough:gib thavlaats 611,11taw Qtambi_ittagg, awyd. the We bileiu s o es qt eaastarallaa MOS Tared toto,lios. 15,19 ead 3T. tells ftau BirdOsihaidwpa .Blaaidaida 'grad, .Mtlraia Cdtray iAnd CiVit.neld;_datdd lotlillattuxil,4ad mien& babe dame widdiloddadd toaditatat shy, via tome diredind wad maths'= ereddd *mod. " ttre Lati, INC: F 3 Ags. as anitarsci mai Ear. °ugh - id Ifltintrthsti,:on Midi= istrop ti kemeig , Altai staimpatitte•toi - escirlotalliA t, Gad, utestAiig.btot. sfteartath NO *et W MI t fil.i ley, one belga a torn& lot ,a Initituliklut4 Jae* , '.. On* In the Bizet IWO "eh .Pitti.; triter; twangs - , Irtbrff laik9g 3 ns ni tzed• :114 exlendtvg.thkrmilt ta the &ow lam ' • • '•-.1 efAß n lsbt rteat Tonal 1.4 ___DAlps jjailas•is •s iisotfoo.vt: 4111A-ttetinUali' tritritticrill) t'ATllitiar A 21,.4.84n0t ittlrotlffolOtOrZo - -tkelmootiokla Boroutik,Ot.Ok .tbo volaabto botkion lov„ sox= As some of beak Moat rapt sainloltoki7 , newly opposite this Ono lot Stkot 4lnohn front t3aatkoBB6l davit, sad IVO:tains book 49 Out aloog roar. oftpditati lots, cub 278 toot 8 bloke groat tot South Cotailltroot,soad - ranttartroar 81 to VI hoe /two labia& =hot fent on ltUddlo dug. obi •zbuditit ktek OOlit,;otbD nusitabosslobe. unclog crab all* onto& sod Booth One vthou,UlliiirtiotieotOliplo WO_ ti andtittoodlog oloks Boolkikotot artamotl9lBot -9 InAkti. • • &ma meaning:lots 0; ireUtftackarr dna, and scUruAlift *Kb 61EUAX-Mhu.Ntl a 1* Pentiuman 7iiin ß dectrinc 0 1 41Put. 1 fillarlakelitlircallic to lab tee, ,u Is Ana - - TWO Otellois—One4ldsd broll fsM,he sae sail Ave pus, rattilaleiliOqs4 pir tabe, tar" TkOnti,EifiiirLVArimAvotts. VAOILTABREBEWRNMAQ/ONEa to=t9Tirlal l iit l iV=dat ig*igt as • • .10. trillltat !tusk; ihnii Neektzi4bietiginiconi roast • oltmlt ' f= = TON sad •ans'intronAi t : ftph Want.: bl.--1. • —ltia=aacolLWAlNll,-kaoths. N ' KANO - L't ;AU :10Ne.On. RIATUBDALT MOIININC6 An‘it Isis Arm eiapet,lllll,xivN„at the_Ooan aimi l p,k„ pi:mutat:Dm • ipilotosaiimemoone, • 00113 U MTH AND luausr HIM% (Wad 114:striciliti , Jneby*t e ) ; /"Tigagia.a PlMl'illOh . k*'ilials''•42;iti;ii;ea' Lib Alibi: j U i nA l i9 ll w"4. l ..Pktkills l .l. darl4r r. of b. au? AZA rung( to tk•steg blUtiorthlcatablbliiiiAlem Naar& by I Ow Or .11acia i ttit f. WM_ ZITILILOTIP) WITHOUT PLIZI.Wa tea tab tekotbod it..tobn%L r allontrimd ti lia ffloinlb dim' grato _ _WSW= WMOEITI procaloo a( Ds t r u ly: • Thom wb• /lisintima shim Mach .**o4l.ol*Catade istOxsook , odes la' Ittvi . 41 , 1.4 1• • Moo mbar* to itobo, Z131.1ff . .41414.L15 . 5 browcham Ostab qt rami pii: use 044041kattity, coot, a W# l dow cer..ner &Ada auk • ' .t4P 19. faliG i p. D. a( •••••-, =l6 Jr Da 4-7,SiettgerikitGliitte" One 46 -41,HAFARY, orfirilr t wy fliko t0nna:10416444 selit iu h vtiva -vW it let 111 and B Qrnat.n►x.>;u•araimarnl emir, via amend JO I LAM, by .intaal tow , Alt D 411114 8 , onsfroitimttrktOrolfdobt s dos tow b,,tre Oomputi' -,-",;";:314,21/S7..1111111311r4 L B!BIiXTZ. v. ? whalisromdrisalr 111441.1 g li r ajnr‘el t ' now,* ti4'toihocktore lig ! ! womnroorla• • n'y woe tn. 0 rta AD: 116:n; mutinTivia , • - Liktill'ip to dot* lkooVJakt.l4 Ilia, 'A" -103:2w . . L. • II ' K .I IU "I t !', I SA C P / S.T: ;I . f; - ; . l'':,': , , k - ii:;. , i , ' 'agilrv"'i ' ~ -.... '' . -:-. ,` -,•,!: .i...,',..,$ 'ell ' •,. ' -: , Ifatilictettor of every atialpfklit Of t , ...1 ' t ,• ••• - . -- - - -7.7.../: v. -- itrawiw-trxtaa; ..: , ,i,..,it,„. - --ii6 drß .4, ,,, , , ,,:,,--:.•- ...,,,,,A,..,..! . .2 , ...,41 . 2?-."......". :-.. `,.. • , t . f.";-` , . ----,-.. • 7 ~... • 1 ' • . , _ , • .- --, 'LT. i'100 . 1740,114 PA. . . , ... ~ kiwi 163,rttrrent of PilMlßiNff ' nalfilanl/IC- . 1131110ilftollitt±tIC oationtikon-bind611441.. 4... ill oidl ,at ti. bait plicasilink °jam: 7,.,.., • PrMt tkixt V win, vias4N444,l uutti•., AW.L. .Ti .-r..:,sitai:iiiew.i..•.#6,:tesira brtcliPtillitiek , :•ntsi thickle7.PlirioU , iiNtif f,llimannelitiki r . . Cr tint etas" patotlr . .01=1 . than t ets cul..bp piraigbalarat 'Di 9 . • , A t _. , ^.tai-It4ilu ß ie. lane Literri bri F . ' I.VS)liiiC_Ai'Lwadmidinl OW- ~ . ~... • TheiiiilnD f vaos:a save 1476 , 1P . dag ratut -L, 2 , A.d.hysti.,. ~ ... -,-. r. ' ' ' '''. iragilegi . : LIOLOGNA. oAlifila.lagt-4,9oVP9Undig • • ltit' liifliPt*r Saf,lawp u p irm 01-o., • solp o wil. r -. 4 1 . .., •,. • 00;44 . 00: 21 vi:l 7 o:6:3: l Lad .u...nn o t r at. ,. : - 4. .... . 4 5 . 7 a A _ _ ,,,,..t. .. _ _ ~~~~~~~ WIN
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