~ ~ WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 29 1 NTRE.LIG.ENZ Prem Gantt.. imtails It will be mithibt th.Otty ocnoteus hive Liken utesems- W lottlire into the matter of giving employitmat is sbn Aliggiseny Armi ng, to , meg 'Of donhtfir_loilltyand un doubted dhdoyalty—by the follotring cstrabt from tie Joning • of thiliassalon lest night : Mr, Nolfliithy submittal thifollowing pre amble and issolation, width - were adopted without a Olseentilitrtnlest Wintawr i , This soommunlty has been deep ly grieved to hear that persons holding loyal sentiments havabeen, enders now, em ployed in-tbe-ArlighiNrdrsenalreTidlellev - leg that the policy of malting no dietlictioi On the pert or tl4 Cammegdant ; add Axis seiski,letween sound unoontlitionsi Unto* 11111111' sad thee* whew haven° partg,tind einweri opposition to the unholy - andtinliviitetto of temPt to destroy this Government and build upon its ruins, one whose corner stone, as doolered by. Alex. - 11. Gtapheas is founded twin Blare labor, io pAirlse:adealcalatowl to trearainible.„oondtala from the odiuni and-detestation which properly belongs 4* ti Therefore,: • • • - • Nesofeed..Thak.e.Corontot-u o<-5t two from the Selsot and threat failn the Common Count:U..4e appointed to investigate the feats of tbe case, and lay.theasmfore the Secretary of War for his action. - • • ' - In 0. 0., Mi. llfunte*eri moved to lay the resolution ow table; he,motion was / seconded by Mr. Difig. :.The yeas and nay* / were Galled and were as follows : Yalta4=Ketais.Lltgifyaleammdifontgomery; and Sullivan-4. ...... - Nays—Mews. Ardray, Armstrong, Bartle ley, Batley, Coffin, Coward, Hays. Holmes,' ' ' -Jeremy, Mackey, Moe/lidless, JdoClaland, MaVay, O'Neill, Steel and President Killen So the motton was not laid on the table. Os motion the action of 8. C. was canon:red in, and Messrs. Mackey, Kearns and Hays appointed on the committee. The appointment in the Select Council, of the Committee raised by the 'balsa:lion, was held over, bet will probably beennonnoed shortly. Owing to the abuse heaped on one of the editors of this paper„ barbering directed at tenUon to this matter:roma= ago, it may not be Impropertoatatethat thia lirst knowledge of this action of the Ooinclis we hid was in reporting their proceedings last night. Our gratification, however, is unmixed in seeing the bigotry in hands whereit will be search ingly probed. We direct the attention of the Committee to - the evidences of disloyalty bandakto_ColWhitelay- by Hon. Thomas Williams and'; Hon. J. -B. Moorhead, upon which these gentlemen felt called on to di sputed the dlereisilal of the disloyal °wadies, and the rebutting testimony which furnished the Pritizalor-theirrestoretion: And so we brave tits imbjeot, promiriug to hoop our readers inforwied of the progress of the action of the Committee of the Oeunella. The Night Police. At the meeting - of Ocranclll.teld last sight,. Mr. O'Neill introduced an ordinance provid-. lag for the increase of the pay of the Night Police, and matting off allies' for arresting vagrants, and drunken atddleorderly persons. The present pay of the police is one dollar per night, (eschasive of fink) fertile-watch:urn ; one dollar and twenty-five cent, for the lieu tenants, and one dollar and • half for the captain. The new ordinance fixes the compensation at one dollar and a half for the watchmen, and one dollar and seventy-five oats for t he lieutenants and captain. The iloe .themselves are anxious to have the -passed,- and—have - ietitioned Councils to advance their pa'y to one dollar and fifty cents per night, antiUut off the feu; In feet, they even go further than to petition, and say they will not serve as policemen after the first of August if their wages are not ad vanced. The ordinance was passed in Comma Conn . oil as reported, bat the select branch refused to concur, and amended by aftlzing the salary at twenty- fits cents per day less than stipula ted In the ordinance. This would make the pay of the watchmen about $3B per month, as they are paid for seven dayi' service in she Vadar the °ltalian°, as reported their par would be $45 per month. The opposition of the Select Connell, howev er, was not so much on the score of .compert- They -did not regard a dollar and a OK a tight as too high; bat the arguitent was made use of, that the Ommt pollee form were not the right kind of men, and great • doubt was impressed, whether any better men would bewhown as the friends of the meas ure had promise d. Some members were of the 'vision, that many of the "resent night watchmen were paid a much higher sum than they earned- • - We belleve-thal thewitywanld fir: gutty benefited' by paying eves,two dollars. per night to the police; if good nd ratable men can be bad—but rah." The con stabulary affairs have beam massagedin such a .way that wohavebutveriftw faithfulandoom• pewit Area; aid - it is greatly to be feared that an increase of salary will not be followed by a oorrempondiag facresee if the amount of service muted the . An effort, how-. star, will probably bemastO at the next meet ings to Pt tfilklro l ,F4r7Prize t u origi nally reported. , Cotspleast Answered. A earteepondirwt_ suds ns the following note: , Mar. Shied, of the Gomm Catitollo Shona in Allegheny, naked ms to-dey wheth• er die oonseription law ?equine a lawyer to 1 ... present 'an affidavit for exempdon on the ' ground of allows, as. the-Provost;-Maraud of the 3.1 d District reftees all suck papers if not prieented by or through a lawyer. In: bringing this imposition' before the 'public, you will tare a goo d &slot bad blood mad* y this Marshal . , - We are: authorisW, by a somber of the Board; ts,sey that' do Above allocation is entirely % unfounded. Capt. Kiska', so far from requiring these paws to be mad. out by a lawyer,_refunes _to _reosive. them unless preseated by flu partin tkeinselres. In • . word, the Beard Aaer atoned the !swims out," so to speak, and will not permit them to manse tho ease of any man applying for exemption. --A-good i-deal - of .rianneeissary oomplaint is made, WPM, flue Poorest Marshals, simply beam" . *Ass will not take the trouble to laveitigate the truth, hat catch at imsry idle - remark. . Tbeßeatisig °Elb Republican 001. veiniest Changed lienkLatayette , Concert Rally ; • The gentlemen faring In sharp the or reagentento for the Itepublksi State Conran• ties, hen seemed Voncert Hail for the sus sloes of that -bodyi ,,,, -Thie Is an exoellettt chance of location, The intireot which eon= • tors in the nation if 'the Conyention, Anti the terse nuaberMileXwili - bi - iiisi - ens to wit ness Ike' totnneillAp.s sentkit.:tiat wits ac tion, and will man the healq epp_t_oosi_.-of the public. -- Thilint - rwiwU en e a Innbegri":rl menu will - borof rook s eharselant as to pro , sato the eonfort of the debryietee end pnittig a.. l iii render therititltannilfOrtWOrtTirisit tn. dependent of the greatiraportiateuef she bus., ism to be, tranteetell -en next ,Weptssall assomm—A limejoolting young girl, spa about twelve years, eras Mat essztth_g taken from a disreputable hozielkitsiy7 Aoyi - Ksto Ey ler; la Olnisehlithry. The - girl bad left her parade' Itortei Lawrencevilbo, on Sudsy morning, sad -viiitod in acquainting% and width these; osiii - itat :by:the woman; Kate Byler,Mkom shibad known fat some alai. The woman induced the girl to go to her heath in order to keep bar company. OA learning the feat, the police aims vtlitstA• beam, and retuned *algid to her hems. father le in the army: • • ' - - = - Co. B, Vomit lleyariT.,..-Ce. • t.'.Pirkei of Co. B, 4th PonnsyleaniegairaX, this the following list of oasis/get lath ight et on. the 17tlilist: °Nifty . Sergeant John Harper, shot through, the left' breast and left In QS -Wad. Af 7 6 . 11 /111117 I Corpora-Thom Carothorili 'shot It th e nook or cheek, also In the' heeds 'Of the 'enemy ; Sergeant/dining', Oety.fleorgo-Bb Craw ford and privet' John Ifialtirtaken lithletterit There were only errrenteen . lien of fall, lOW. piny In - Vraritirs tikeorkrunr,lnAlsojacs Council, lost'alg 3 / 4 4 - i nominate we adopted listruottog tke Cossmittoe on Plrt and Ibrivvvrotele—lini: .to the Vtallsat =Fin :Oespasi, for tke balsams' •of the epprortattoir.lor gm - Roar - yeir. sad Om limiter • raising sppropli.. Wow frosetke4lth - lre Wowed - to tom city for the torigNie of Wats* Ai% wttA ' out ebtalabg )01:111/11111Wiroot-tko Coszells, L Belo* tie ogler taikdk ea - tko . taw P,` r • T.7",N--•- ; -4' • "M"' 't-- F • T.• '.. ‘ 4 .= ;I,=P.' =4; 04 ‘4-"?..ig • • N. = • AN4-q-J -v:A4 • . Jefferson College. , The sixty-first Annual Commanimment of JeffenoteOellege will take - plied Rednits day, August sth.. Tim.. Literary Anniverso !*will held og ilifiltlid.eadAth of An gusl..-7:BASuitifey.foreeoe ,n ?Levet id, Bev. *hails* A Dickey ~of Allegheny, - WM deliver - • saw= bufflrfr 'ltellgtons Societies. In 'the evening the Biowlairestel sermon will be delivered by the Poudent. On idondey, the exercises of the Beligibui Boolitlei will coke Plaw. ID tlie Brainar4Bocisty;.the Valedle- I o r/ wilt hideliv.ed'by'G:'T:'Caivie Stewart, orAlexesdrie, PS, slid thariefainesl4 ott W. Dcruglass, of chi* eity. Delh• Society of Inquiry, Valediatory' B. W. Boyd, of Clokeyville. Pe., end Ito 'pone* Q. J. Loyen -barter, of Nashville, Ohio. , The exercises of the Literary Societies will follow; In ten Franklin, the Valedictory Wl_ll.lte.dellealud. 4 W. eaglets,- Bartlith of irriilleriekelirg, M E :and:the Bimpant• .by .-gabat Brows of Allegheny. In the Valedietory,.by. W. J. Bnedgraw, of lioNoesport, And Response by T. 8. Bracken, 'of Niles, Michigan. The address before the Literary Societies Will hi delivered by Bev. Herrick Johnsen, of this city. The somnorecoment tiepins will be con ducted by the following students :. L. L. Houghs:rout, Caledoste, Pa. ; R. M. Campbell, Canonsburg, Po.; J. M. Linn, Per rysville, Pa.; W. Guthrie BeraestFrodericks burg, ; W, Boyd, otrikeyettle, Pa. ;T. Broirn, Ohisterrilloc 0:; Campbell, brobiestown, Po.; Win. L. silent, Wilkins burg, Pa.; T. B. Cannieghem, Wooster, 0.; W. G. Dad, Pltbibugh, Pa. ; 8. M. Glens, Utica, Pa.; J. C. Bench, Duneannon, Pa.; J. G. Johnston, Richmond, 0.; John J. Jordan, Good latent, Po. ; H. Y. Leper, Rootstown, Pa. ; John McGregor, . Jr, Wellsville, 0.; Alex. F. Morison, Colerain, Va.; W. B. No- We, Pattocsville. Pe. ; George M. Paxton, Lo mist Bill, Pa ; B. 8. Riggs, Sharon, Pe. ; Geo. R. Slater, Allegheny City, Pa.; James M. Smart, Benagp, Vt. ; W.. J. BnodgreeiiMP.- Keesport, Pa.; Thos. A. Sproull, Allegheny City, Pa. ; Thos. U. Stewart, Canonsburg, Pb ; T. Calvin Stewart, Alexandria, Pa.; J. H. Webs, Bhaferstown. Pa. • H. B. Wilson, Springfield, 0 .; Brown Bi ggs, Allegheny City, Pe. 'I Lower St. Clair fiChoole. r! The following bluchers have been chosen kyr the saliools of Lower St. Clair township: Schools No. land 2—Mr. W. S. McClure, Grammar Department, and Miss Amanda Snyder, Primary Department. Sohoota No. 3 lac 4—Mr. Mono Kim, Grammar Depart ment, and Miss Isabel Mould, Primary De partment. No. s—Mr. John hiertimer. No. d —Mr. John Logan. No. 7—Mr. Thomas Barker. No. B—Mr. Laws hisOlnre. No. 9 and 10—Mr. James Cook, Grammar Depart ment, and Miss Maggie Crimson, Primary Da y partment. A FINS BUILDING—This noir building of Dr. 11. P. Sehwarts, on the earner of Federal and Water streets, Allegheny, is one of the Sliest and mos substantial in either city. It •is three stories, with iron front, well lighted from both front and side. James M. Balph, .Esq., of Allegheny, is the architect, and Wm. Owens, BK., the builder. We have not learned who the carpenter ls. Dr. Schwartz deserves credit for setting sliJgood an example . to the business men of Federal street, ape ' chilly as he has erected this Mu building on leased ground, en the spot he has occupied for so many years as a drug store. SUUTT or YU Pasoz.--Peter Bullion was arrested on the information of Bay. Father &Amide, of LawreneeTille, and held to answer the above chine, by Alderman Taylor, of the 6th Ward. Bullion is charged with threat ening to shoot the reverend gentleman. The icy °Moors of the church subsequently charg ed Million with malicious ads6.leL LLICIZT.—This meeting, a vegetable dealer named Mrs. Smith, who keeps a stand in the Allegheny market hum, was robbed of 'a pocket booknontaining $2O. The book was lying on the stand, and while her back was turned some onapicked it up. She Inspects • boy, a glimpsi'dmhom she got u he was edging his way oat through the crowd. Caosa Surrs.—Michael Herren, Owen Bar ron, and Frank Ration appeared Wore Al derman Taylor, and mae information against Charles O'itiley, for assault and battery, and threataning to shoottham. Walley mad* a counter ohmse against the three Hurons. The magistrate held the attire party to ball to answer at Court. • CHILD MITZI BY ♦ DOG.—George Metz ner charged .John C. Vanryns, of the Vila Ward, with keeping s Waggons dog. Vali um, was held to answer this charge. The beast had bitten a data of Meiznpes swearely; and hens, the obarge. /01.1STALLUI0 , -11114 thmanangli, keeper of a grocery on Fifth street, opPosite the Court Home, was lined Ave dollars and oosts, by Mayor Alexander, for parohasfng cabbage In the Allegheny market to sail again. CHAILGIII or KIIPING A RIIROCIOUI Doo. Miattaal Ylenegan appeared before Aldermen Taylor yesterday, and made a charge against Mr. Doman for the above offerue. Mangan was held td ball to answer. Dtaoinenn.--Joseph Zebrhnt, of the south ward, Allegheny, was lined dye dollars and oats, by Mayor Alexander, for dborderly oviduct, or oath of Carolina Strobeok. Tainarsatuto,—Kr. Jay 'L Howard, son of Thomas Howard, Sm., late Consul at Ban Juan del Bur, Nicaragua, has beau appointed Consul at Naples. Gaza: bargains in Carpets, at J. Finch's, earner of Grant and Fifth streets, opposite the Court Hons.. WSW 1300118: .L Ts Book of Copperheads. 211. Drummarßoy. A.book.for boys. TIM 1.100161. Boy, and how he bosoms Prodfont. Jciurtml of sßasidsure on a Cong. Ploutatim. By Brecon Zombis. Frank Warrington. By the author.. of "Bath. art/Lida." Money. By Chu. Moran. rstionirans to limo. By Goland. Darling About. By 8.0. Maesett. week L=ga, and bow to make them strong. By Dr. Latta. 104 es Excise Tar Law. Otiambsta • Book of Days. vol. 1. ' rust Oftloa Dirsototy, for 1.813. lidinotmd's Military aolaik'm Art of W.. Now odltion. Itelnafrom the Diary ef en Army flumsen. Annual of fideatlllt Dlacoterke, for 1833. Lit. In the Open Air. By Maj. Winthrop. Palls In America. By Laboalaye. • The Two Plotarss. By X. J. Mclntosh. Itirglaka'a mouton of the Ullman. Vol. I. 1338 SAT A 00.. Ea. 36 Wood anat. takinrilEttUlt OWN 1300J11.-Bheep: 111 1 21.iber Brood!, Wannest:Dont and. Dlososon. NDltha Ynze.:l: - 26 wkleh stied monks on the Words osd Moon s -moot of Ohm., 1. the Trotted !toed, illenrstiTo orsgraTinnn 1 ToL, 8 To. Preto V.:L. KAY 00..66 Wool street. pOSE unelUIL DlitistYl'OßY, itUti .5... bit —6lpbstetkal hit of Post Caws In the Ilitted thetas, with the tuutiesof the Post lesitere. Wiliieh Appleton% containing th e rats, of Forel .;l *, the new Poet Moe 11114 sad o th ettitry4 an 1- t tat inforeptidas. Pelee 111.10. i YAP' a 00.. 66 Wood et. r a ti y trustausuy i rit .1: =tithe Belkesaatioa the tlfaso of Oalrtn.• oft tha Botoolea of imam Warld. ' • Tbsattat Ina Whoa nominal. Browalow. • • Bealawa Thirty Tears la the 0.8. &oats, leheratosa. Moth and paper. Brie sad Baru Botcher. • Thol Eters and Ms Ayala. • • • .Worka la Bllatory Theobrzrelotne; Mo. layla JAL. T. Tomei West ' 011 WALL At'Alitk, • ORDRES, WI tha e and Ladltt y lepat Vat the old stand. WI. cam .043 i W. P. KAB.SHALL. *7 Wood street. 131SLTINU Mak- Tann of ty (New Tork) and . . osto_ k aanntosture an band and for gala at 28 and • St. Midr stmt. • J. i R PHILLIP+. N • 7 • 1.1.111) U 4.)Ltri on Dad, Drilling and liknothig—of block, brown. egroll 1111111 . 1r1114 ., o,l2lTr u iPil . Artztkirs viTAILLL rerssis, new and ohoice --a plasm. at 111 X, and 16 ants, for sals by ' . Iyp W. P. 116•661161.4. ST Wood most. IT Y/LU, %WILD A. 141) '.HAND GOLD PAPDR HANGINGS Sw - - w- P. IllaanaLL. t AP .13 B-50 bblo. powdered, for kibbaxy us, for sale by • MINIM R. OOLLTFIL • ULA AU • BHA'T i BIM*, are an , clath, r l24ll show, larimare at li 44410 - 1:1 Glatr • _ : S. • IL PERLILIPti; s• Pi tXPILN.-*.l oar oat for as a vatic. ay . • L. VOIGT • 00. • I pip /No. 1 soft ki or el.. - HANBY IF-COLLINS. ===l .11"Bir BOOKS. fax I bY lOU bbl eo yid . 48 ' 1 .. • Nulty • 77' LATE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS SitOil,;9l3ll , Nvltpuyte EDITION.] BEN. LErs MI SOUTH OF COLPEPPEL A Stand Exge a e p t i e d d an Sonth of the DESPONDENCY IN TUE REBEL ARMY AND THE SOUTH Wesursoron, July 28.—Information re peived to=day shows that Lee's army, under Loigstreet, lift and Ewell, paned through Chester Gap on Thursday. and Friday, and are now at and South of Culpepper. Buford's (near, apposed them, but had to fall back, but hank on their rear. capturing prisoners and cattle. ,It was generally thought that Lee was making all possible 'pad to Risk mond, but Buford thinks the rebels intend making a stand on the -South side of the Rapidan. Rebel prisoners say, that our cavalry hu done more to defeat Lee's plans than any oth er arm ; also that a great deal of deiponduoy prevails ,In the South, and in the 'Limy, in consequence of the resent defeats and failure of Lee's plans, The defection of Joe. Johnston and his refusal to obey, the orders, of Jeff. Davis, will necessitate the construorlon of an army In the South-west. 11 RIM 81111111 IMMO WIND HEAVY SIRING HEARD AT CHARLESTON Oar Forces Bill Battering For Wagner. New Yoax, July 215.—The rebel steamer Merriam°, which was built by the British for the rebels, last year, has arrived here.. She waicaptured by the gunboat Iroquois while mining the blockade at Wilmington. She Is a 500 tons iron vessel, and is loaded With The schooner Mason, from Port Royal, re ports having passed off Charleston en the 2000. She heard heavy dring. Oar forms were still battering Port Wagner. Train Fired into near Manassas. New Toni, July 28.—The Herald's Wash— ington speciality': Yesterday a train from Warrenton to Alexandria, conveying about 300 troops, was fired into by guerrillas, when within two miles of Manassas. No damage was dons. The troops scoured the wood, in the vicinity, but were usable to find the en emy. Proceeding a short distance further, the train was spin find into, without injury, and the soldiers were spin unable to corner the perpetrators, .and the train proceeded without further interruption. It was reported here to-day that some 40 of Moseby's guerriliair were captured last night, bet on inquiry the story proviso to he unfounded. • One 'wonting party captured sis and another a single guanine, which appears to be all that hiw been done in the line for the put 48 hours. Arrival of Morgan and his Officers in Cincinnati. Criontrwri, July- 28.—John Korvin, Col. and about thirty other rebel °gloom arrived hero lost night, and were taken to the city prison. COMMERCIALRECORD rITTNO (10.613 NiAALMJI TII Oincre or ree Prevaircaa• July Deux °iner e tia, t TOSIDLT 44, 143. Th. memo market presented no now feature wor thy of notice. Th. rate of Gold and Silva were the mem eon the proviso. day. In New York, Gold declined half per cent. "The effect was not felt in this market. Eastern Exchange ruled the same is previously noted, via., baying at pm, and gelling at 31 per amt. FLOUR—The market continues dull, In hos, them I. is nothing doing beyond small trausactkms to nosed the wants of the local trade The mceipts for some put were very limited. We tote a few wagon loads ocatelodally arriving, whim sells at • variety of pri ces, according to quality. from store we note agate of a few hundred barrels Extra at $5,25, $3,50416,40 bbl. Extra Family $6,00g6,t0 Gl bbl—thes• dee Inn made by the dray load. GROCERIES—The market was very firm, oar dealers ban a moderate eopp'y on _hand. Tim late newt from Havana, In regard to the destruction of large quantities of Seger in that port, will no donbt be soon felt In thin market. We note Wee of 10 hhds P. Ric, at IWO:ale, an advancer, 10 tihda do Or. leans at Us; lu bbls Crushed at Isji@l6o. lichee —Sales 11 bbl, Orleans new crop at 60q b bbl, old st Mc. Coffee-Bdg WI us Rio at SICIAIIe, ads la • de cline. The market Is well supplied. WHlSKY—Market Arm, and prism have advanced • studs; labs 40 bbl, City Restated at 450460. DRIED BENT—BaircAnd to demand; small mks wars made at 14n, an advance, CHlCZElZ—liarkat Ilrmi take 90 bxs W It M 9c • • 101E11033c per ID., BACON—Market firm, holders generaNy higher figura. Rams Plate, Wee of 6,010 Bs at 116) g)ie; 6,000 :be Shoal/ere at %Wyo. 131dea-4,00) . at 63Q4.7c. B. O. Ilams—eater LOO ibe:wt 12%66 12y.c. Balls of Ceaveased at 10 , 114103ic. ZGGS—The receipts continue light. The dimmed however, hen fallen off. Baba 6 bbla at 11c. ' LARD OlL—Nair of 10 Ude No 1 at 87411.1 e. • DRIED 1811111 T—The demand was Ilmsted, and, mid likewise ♦iz—Bales 75 bushel. Apples si,zia 1,30 per bushel. Poaches sales 100 bushel. V.,70 2,90 Ls pm quality. HIITTEII--Thodomsad mu fair and sales regular— Saki 800 lbs. 801 l 15 rk4 16c—Selo of interim at a va riety d prices. IlAY—The demand has fallen 011-Bmoll sales of Howard, made at tho Scald at 112 i S 4 per ton— Old i 23 rar 30. IMASIB7—Tho market continues dull with mars seller. than bayou, we omit quotations as they re• main unchanged. LARD—The market was dull, "mail sold of bbl.. at 9M)10o. Pew Yon( retfoletua Market apecial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Ganda& Naw You, July 28—The marlmt V gnu with an advance of from Ito 13(o. lishm of Ballad at 470600 to bond; 6006.70 for August ilellmry; Me for Upton'. bar b7o for October, and 680 for November.. Napt ha ■old at 240. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. JvrT 28—The demand for OrudiD2'etzoleum Is still , sansei ofthe npplj. The river Wallin rapidly, and the nmelpts for some time to come, moat come quint!: be very light. The market Is Arm at yak:. dare quotations, 20,5 i to 21c, some holders asking no, Sake of 285 bbla at 210, packages returned; 103 at Mc 310 hide at bbla Winded, and GOO b hie in bulk at 2Lo. ,• In band 011'a, than is nothing doing.. Miners ars holding nrm at lido In bond, and E.5cA tax paid We ootdd hear of no Wet %Imb - no inquiry for banning. • .. Chlceigo Racket JOLT 25—Tae Wheel market rabid heavy and de. elinedlo per bushel ; with very light sake at 51,020 1,08 tor new No I red Winter, 920 for new No 9 Ned Winter; 1300 for old Rapala Winterr, 51,00 for No I Spring; 880000 for No 2 Spring; and 100710 for Be. Seated Spring. Corn was less sake and witboot materiel cheap iii f in icee—opening at 47340 for lend, and cloning at 4 7 , ye . Oaael Corn nil sold at dOXO oboes and S 4 1; fob. Brieeted-Oornwanvery duty and wee so a at teetGo—boyere -generally . offsring only filo. • Oate were hegood request 'sad prices advanced So per haehei—teith mho of No 1 at E 841653.10, and No. Acted at 490 inetorm...-Bye mu atsao at IS3a. Bar• ley was dull, with - light salsa of goal now, at 01 o, 1 lligholime were traU mad neglected: . 1 Toledo Market. • J 012 2.s—Thmy, rui itoproveuratit .to note In the condition Of our market today. The receipt' aro 414 corresponding my wall with the hello' of SO. operators. Tlour—This arthil• is altopther neglect. :Wheat.—Then la hardly inillcient changing hands to establish quotations. The only tales se• Vel l a 860 tab jt o o r. l hid r a lOt i i4and . li t? rah . 1 bosh i Nc I retied , T O= t sante; 876 bmh 21 ° s pci ligr bath dot 620 b 111.:rket for tabor graina , end maimed.,-Blatie.' • ",% Imports by Railroad. IT: Warta a thrmao SLuzaims. July 21-1.4 do pods, rbabid • Jiro, 1 au- 444 . 144. EtrWit d °4:l 6 :.P 4 lllll s l ,de italsairbui oßtirs:loDb coo, at Et widbee; 274 by 2 14 444 , L I U" - _ Allegheny Station-1 bbl bottles, .1 0 11061611: 66 _ II Pete% OW Shorts; 2 empty oil bbti , George A /. 61 .2 14. berm keg. Zhikand Andrei:eve lies braeme. O'Hanlan Hoban; 1 oar floor thll4 B "r Etaisedy A Bra S dostatem.A 21041 1 110 : 66 0 3 " 66 A glexandeM2o sheen:96.l ear ear cent, J. LI Speer: 1 lot k b good flobomaker; 201 bp °MI, 01.30 ,60 . A Knorr; 470 feet lumber, 1 ere wheeLl9 HI W A 0 Ell bz. mdse. 1 lot machinery, J Lee; 1 empty ale bbl, Wm McKee A co; 28 Idle hides, 6 all AL., 0 Grobiltigem 27 bales raw, Howard, Oartrall A cta; 2 ton batter, 1 coop thicken, 8 bble eggs, H Lenth 1 Iron mom, 1 ease, 6 Owe., Y Vick.; large lot ms•het. lag, owners. GISPILLID & Partial:Mot RAILROAD, July 26- 25 Asa damp, Elchomakar & Lang; 20 do do, W A Naaaihea: H) do do, L II Volgt A co; 11 bbl. , Imam, 1 H WOW A CO; 29 aka wag!, B Herbal:l & Co; 3 cloi pearl., Bakewall. Penn &, co, 50 bates skarn, J A Oaaghoy & co; IA bad starch. W. Kir 'trick 6r. co; 712 bath corn, Jao GLUM, Eons A Co. I • I .. • - FUB. VANbV.ILLE, AND 6T: LOMA-1U fitio Boom* AMIIII B. GILMORD, Dot. D. B. 11.63, loam (or the above sod Internmdlato lorrto'on TUT.E 98M Mat, at 6 o'dlock p.m. For trefilit or passage - spry on hoard- /fa PROPOIa Li - Luiz! QUIMMILMIAIrrea MUMS/ill Ul Pittsburgh,. Pa., July 25th, 1862. 2.0 0 0 CAVALRY HO . Sealed Propene's be received at this offloe until 12 o'clock m., the lan HAT OP AUGUST. 1823, for bunistilng and delivery at Pittsburgh, Pa., of TWO THOUSAND 0 &PALEY HOMINID lots trom ens tocis, kith:ulna as is set forth against each lot. Maria era rectodaL 'Their, horses mint be from fire to eight years old, from fifteen to sixteen hands high, welt broken to the 'saddle, active and of good form, and porketly =rutin nary respect; also In good order . . • . eeldfoiii Lot Ho. I— Th ree Hu kr ndred laud fifty Horse& on or before the bib day of afigest, 186.1. Let No. 2—Three Hundred and Pitt, Horses on or before the Itth doy of gorier, 1881. Lot No. B—Three Hundred and fifty Horses on or Polon the 11th day of .august, 18121. Lot No 4-Three Hundred and Fifty Hones ca or before the nth day of Angels, 1863. Lot No. O—Tbraa Hundred Horse, on or before the 24th day Of Augnet r lB63. Lot Po. 6—Three Hundred Hones on or before the 211 , 11 day of Augan,lBB3. • Ms 'molt be muted Proposals for Caealry florae*:' and 'dammed to Lt. Cot. 0. aloes. knotty Quartermaster General, D. B. A., Pittsburgh, Pa.. and lambed Mei& Lot No. one or two. as the bid may call tr. U the bidder loteads to bid for more than one let, It must be separate, and marked as Mated already. impalas. All horses contracted tor under tide adyertimment will be subjected - to a rigid inspeotioll.hud =Lam they conform to the specbleation at forth to tots Pliblkettro, will be rejeoted. • thiarsides. The •abfilty of the bidder to fnitlll the contract, abosid it be awarded to him, most be guaranteed by Goo rerpossible perecou, whose slithatures most to ap• pond's to the gnamatee. The responslonity of the Samantha must be shown by it. of certhicate of the Clerk of the menet District Court, or the United States .District Attor. ney. Bidders most be present in person when the bids are opened. or their proposals will not be con • Ward. Bond equal la assionat to hall them= tube received co the contract, aligned by the contractor and both of his giarantcas, will be required of ther soccessfal bidder, upon signing the contract. As the bond most accompany the contract, it will be nixes. lazy for the bidders to hare their bondsmen with them, or to bare bond. alined In anticlpatlon, hod reedy to be produced when the contract is signed. • lona of Grearardoe. We, —, of the Gaul of and Mato el---, and —of th e "aunty o and WWl* of --, 110 hereby guarantee that —le able to foldll a con- ' tract in accordance with the terms of hie Pr:Totl tits, arid that, 'tumid hie propoattion be ameuted. he will at once eater into a contract hi' accordance therewith. bbould the wptract be slurried him se are prepared to become hie To tab guarantee mug be appended the official ontificate about mentioned. Proposals trout dialoyal patties will not be consid ered, aid an oath of IiIIOOIIICe will be 'squired of =MUM bidders be fore eigaing contract. The undersigned mime to himself the right to ricitrM ally or all bide that he may deem too high. Payment to be made upon the completion of the contract, tr co soon themetter ma the understood O. OBOES, lama OoL and D. Q. M. Qineni.• rake BALLS. VOR NALE.—A convenient two-story Mick dwells' house, with back building, 80. 26 Bost amt. Pittabiugh. Also, a large, convenient and wsll.llniabsd three story Slink dwelling home, with back building, No. 23 Ms street, between Fins end Second Mime. No. brick dwelling house with beck buildings, No. 222 Second street, nem Brim All the above are to good.order, and supplied with Fes and water. Abe, a one story trams °Map *l4 Somad street, and the two-story frame dem ad og . Joining. Both of these homes ere In good order, and aultabis for small families. Alio, a lot of pound on the northeastriardly aide of Tirstetmet, Eetweea 111:41• ant Try stmt.. seer Bowl wart, baring a front of IN fret on Fleet street, and extending tern 60 fem.: The above property Is ritiated to a desirable part of the city. For Minks giggle and perticulars Inquire of WII. W. THOFICON, No. Pift Fifth street. VALUABLE PENN STREET PROP NUTT NOR BlLE.—tero Lou, 2$ feet 4 in. front by 110 ket deep loan alley, with a lugs double house, between Heacook and Hand street. A dad table location tor • Pbyalcian or DD tat. AI" setae Gu bulldlog ails for private reddeaue near Slburnillat, from }j, to Iwe t acb. • Also, a large number of braiding lots, of various alas, of from No to 10 feat front by PO to 150 foot deep, situated at the tartatatut •of the Wylie 2trott Peeteuttor tbiutred, tr of the of Jahn k&a4 JOBS D. BZRBON, JyttL3sa ' 8.0. L'OR BALB.-11n* sigotrlor 5005n4- arld2lDlll HblLi 69 Nob. by 10 bat lan& aU perfect Ono avatar am BOILIB,:n 10010* the Mar. I Owl long, )4 Lath Iron. Two HYDRAULIC Plums.% for Ylasialdodf l PAW! IQ cOinotata,. Ramat asulaboserliand tITZA MA from 16 bah AlaraaUft dorm 16 - 6 I.IU. be sold forfor arab. - HUGH HOLZ, R&M 03110AUef0aaar rfrar:ooe. Doha Alloy. LAPIS. !Willi...A 1:111Wit 10131N114 L. toot itrobi 3tr7na.;4 ta m. la (set ken 117 whsle owl lot 004t260 horn vow.. Mop ono *valor two Dry . Oram, mot Steno (Hai ,Bolin, cos t=itt &Mac 'I/Loehlwa, Gas 011•12 /lea Saw, Dna it for valciiikg rump Bodo for Oil mit Dore Tali liachtno, sad about 100 bet, 11X, sad iwolk Bbstang. An 0, tb• Amp ortidos will I. fold ad a grog bar. vdn b sophist at *.s at Fifth Knot- IA VUlt ; vonveniont , and well / fished TFO4IOIII BRICE BOUMT, with 7 rooms sad good.dry cellar, aid hydrant water, with a ease 164. back. • Lot Stsllo, or, lets 002110, an leanstatnet, Illaacheitar,• near hesenger Ball. way. Inordns at TRU 011101,, or to HURT 1L Bl DDSLia Lomat street, Manchester. • • -blittf PIIIIOIIII.TY le() • .17.1 twonteri erase dwelling boome. of rooms. with stab* 10. 'Two lots of ground oath 11l boa front to Htoon Wait 117 141 foot /sop ou Martins Mast, to swag. 'Mos Vl' Toms, WI to hood sad bstoacila too Tor FS/ 1111 t 1 . J 714 S. OUTHBIIIIT • 80)18.11 Mutat st. mu LET—A Cottage with five rooms, i. tdrao to tho Railroad Mallon, at lloalokbrollla Poapoolloa giros limodlatoly. oti SW P romloora. • ' J. L. OARRAQuAN; ITU 4163,..4./nof'l 7 wo Ot Throe - Rooms 1 ha the thbd or froth irteriii o 1 Oaniss 131dId• Ing,lllftb gnat, irith IX 'Without stall poling.. Inquire oia tin pretsbes. • • splitlf ClistudptlL..4.4.WWNLL, • osiontor to .r 4. tabu. a oca : PO's: PAQKRB. Dada la RAW* LAUD etrOLII-01)&1 11) HMO. BILIALID ka • OWL KLEMM prarrserranumrs, .11:417 Preraintsait, A. I MIMI MA. BALX.II, g hewn Smarty DiAlllllOll /MD Elrsanwrzoirs, imr and. of EnWilily, and euperhltande theft wadi= on reogonable terms. • Moe on Anderson street, between Dick sad Robinson Wade. Allegheny City. Paa 5• Ulthit uUtL ICLI) • 120,000 »>~ Mitchell L WWI Oinclossili • 60,0801 be. do do plals Hemp; 100,0[0 Its. Shoulders; • • 100 Ws £zsXllhmtl7 Yuan ISSion sad Sm „ WOK, YSTIIT 00.13, . • . Ws 12 Smithfield street LseuusruvU 011.4 160 bbls. pure Dusk Orsek ; S 6 . ..Tranklin ; - • Warranted his from r e awlo. for eal• . AB VALML BON, • al awl TO Waist street, ZW. W. K. C 11611614 000 bal. mama' daby der 60 u - prise Organ Hamburg, In stiam Also, 100 &Mos Cream; 40 arrlM: " 40 bbla. Aoki, aumArted, Flom . for oh at low prior, by - • - IFSBB itinLEHHION„ 1.0 SIVI Marty stmt. -NLY/ittliAla ;• • IS • NOB . ! .. —The bed *hl Is me4e. l O 1I itid aumitisi tefoie Maiming .elsowliore. Chlifitatet to s w. estisbettoa. tor eats a.t Ito loots)111bblIT Depot of J. h U. PDILISPe " kcal. DI end 2B Bt. ear eteek" Q E Alt 0 SP DICLIW linisr .r ae• br G. J. TO 1711 WNS/MD. ' • • Wfo. 111 Tow* stmt. wale Liberty- EXTRA FAMILY FLUUII , --4? bble. bloom VII, now landiFi Aix otawoor Ott On lb g, , bw - 011 .k CO, RTUltattiSA—Yer °rade' • 104," Refined ATetrama:awl.** 01 1 1% bands: - ' "JAL DAIZILL DOS: ' WAS OOO • • N l aid Watordrest. M 0 . ,/ in stop _ nrti►r:i* —go .MEDIC.ACL. RRAKCIIZIR 11-111t1.1 OURS ►US ()sneer eancerous formate s, lerofuls, Outinecus Diseases, Buil else, Boils. Pimples on the ?ace, Sore Eyes, Tatter 'Anil tint - Lida EC d, • Drip psis, stiveness Old and Stubborn Ulcers, Itheumatio „Disorders, Jaundice. Salt Rbenm. Norcarie Diseases, General Debility. Liver Complaint, Lou of AppetitM Low Spirits, Female Ceniplaints, Epilepsy or Pits, Paralysis or Palsy, Syphilitic Diseases and OAriel of the BCnEe, TOULTI/111 wrra ALL OTHER DUMB= HAVING TRIM ORIGIN IN A DITIIAVILD CONDITION Or TUB BLOOD OIL (TOOMLA TOUT RTATAV, CALM ON DAAIAL A. Burp rummies. December 31. 1331 Dn. Q. IL Emil—l take pleasure in Maths, tlth vokmtary statement In favor of a mediedne pre pared by you called .Lmmarta Moon Srmatums." I had Buffered for toe loan with &molds, whit& broke out on my hied and forehand go ea to disfigure me very much, end took off the her when the tie ewe ands IM apparent It she broke out on nil seam aterre end below the elbow. and eat Into the skin and deeh so rto expose a Martel sore. The diemr on my heed want so for that several mull pleas of bone came out. I woe very weak and low spirited. and had even np all hope of ever getting Irelloe / lad tried severs] eklllful physkdanuand Dm) did Mr no gobd. ' Ikpletaber Met. MI; :nines is try winners Dam gni BIOOD' SINA1=0111;" 4 must Makes I had no hire In Mama IiUdICIZOF. but altar 1 bad lied Wee baths. of Blood Bearcher, the slows on my head and MPS NM to heal. I koll sow taken efghtor ten bottle., mad my hoed and sum are wet - WO well except the soars remaining frost the soma., 1 wlll also state' that I had the rheumatism very tad in mice= end bp. Ths Shod Bearchst aim cared the rimamathm. I am times well man, our two yams of age, and I WI Mamie and young se I did when I was MEM. and have hicreseedin weight twat; AWL I would also Mate that the. dhow la my • keeled was u bad that when he stooped and lifted inutbMg heavy, the blood ran oat of the fora Dr. Efillef hide photograph taken ci to. by Ito. Cargo, the artist, after I began to get well. • It does not show my appesrance as bad sa it was before I 00Iiimenist Wang the medloins. Yoe two mu Du photogregh, one ot which" ta now In :MS possemion, sod ago at Dr. Itepar,s,llo Woodside% I wetdd alsitinato that .I took the Mood Bearden which wee male before Dr, Dow commute% mak. og It. Although tt helped. - me MOM, I did oot art aver tut mail I got the WWI made by Dr. Keyser hi=olt Ous boitJe of him dld me more good that two of UK QM I balers It Is a greet deal straws and Letter. 1 have remmunsiadatt the Blood thearen. sr to • great many at my Mends for earloas dietemt and I believe It has helped the whole of there. Toe may publidi this tf you whh, and I ma apiece that all who are Mikados lieu mays. oared. I Undo this city, Hat Mesita% and am employed at Os& Mile I Andenneva Duke IllublaWorks, 64 Warm Knit. DADIKI, A. BOYD. A BLIND KAN OUXIA I Ilse in Sligo, it Mabee UM Alld kUne tom early blind to both wee for mei am 'ream 1 ogled on Dr. lereo shout 'three montha ego., ono asked btu to glee ins dhsotione to the Ineldtation Or lb. 811nd to rhawtpbl. no told see that / need not go to ihDrehttolda to get In% ea he had ntedkdas that valid ears mos ho seid_lny dtm 115 rut In th• blood. I ersetriatod be it two as twee limo to th• lcopitel Id. ebb oitr. end 1110 Ingkredi but'lD7 Meson alwayireturnod atter • month or two atter hums oat rd. the - implied. - I found m,y ewe waa returning sad I Whoa. by Unloads , oi • good Mend amine. oaDr. illoyotrortionaareetored sly sight, sad' my irm ON Omar Id wen' ad orer the Doctor gave me oUndoe's Blood Illsother” and I mob. DAVID EINNOLLY, Pltiebursh, July 1, 1001. Ollnten Mills, hUgo. Witnees—A. F. 111 . 1b.5.“. Anagram ono. Alio. ghats Olt,. L .84D BOB) LAG OVRJ.I3 Panavaas, Septarktos 70.1511.—1 busby artl4 that I tune bads son be lot cmEr a nu. Is was awned wttb Woos sad sons so that I cask% sot web lor naarljE g . My lag mast so tbat I Ins `Stable to de kw • Ina 11w., fat st loot az mouths. snag am best doolontbs atty. bat witho l ut any WWI; Instil osasd onDs. Lwow, at ala In Wood street who 015 dumb* us shoot two wombs, sad ano ma bat two Witold aksdkass mat I us now antrsty will Sad ban cow hold wsD tea sir moans; 2 sat anykoyed at Ur ilses loWm• Hoop% !null dna; wines I' sae on ht te 22101 1 / 1 10 WASIIILL , • ars: serol It .044 HA biad. 44 " 6 . 1 U.' IMP arfail as At isark/. _ . • • Dt. Cl2O. WIldhx,•••• .41 IN•ril .11.41., ma& rawnrireve; 40 11 A4 +l3(Ni3 TI US GREAT CURE FOR OONEIIIiP MN. .... The proprielos this medicine bisinimada T u e y i n M o " Mi a e id .e i ne tmore st i a ldree s SU o L f te e L f o t a h m e ea Throat, b now offeringionnietfulinnianityMo ss. eels of Lb icepes*sce. 'Thie Mad &DC medicine Is prepared with. mach cams Abe Am bows dietided expreids for IS. Is thecelkad trio tram Aar temattke et caffunan.ins. • .. • - IS bai cared - nuke cases of Monstmidion then emp known numb! on mil. It will cure 001:16185 MID - OOLDII. - tdd la as tr. valuablecumai r T i l izent uci. the. !MISTS 4 OIiIIABTWIt will cure MR05011111:1; It will curaBol2l THROAT AND 11115?.mir arra» et - Oresitarom vet ' It lost Ou t V=OLsoo tk mumoines ~...IPlPad I do mt out n. -• Toodio,to- uroontfof u Utast- • ' undouddhoudod noun • yoor mom. phoweati alb awe earn , hz. Lax= 141 1 1,0Vkij9•0?, :frpt-Delksa.n. *plot Ou - .D.Q.O.IIIIIOLOT Mo.lo Booth &end usu. Mi me : - fold by unitillogsilt; lekreasArN.4. ,<• - fart •:;••r- - 1 111 m - • . • •• • ; • • ;: , ..c7.1: .•y , •i• -• ••••••". sucirz.ra .m.irCHWAIL wmucura & WILSON'S HIGHLY! PBEILIIIIIL. CMICATLAZ $OOll SEWING 'MACHINE. WOULDIJ mua, samor lL u.i.t.LiAL 11/CMITION, With v a luable Impronsuinta, T1.4,9p1y abft& in thaNcaill uftg clirinCharn rums, Bums end — 0013,12. ,31 tar"' ons So sti;piKdift 111VM to cell .st bac Ceo9ll Ala AM 3/4/10hira In wiratioti -- *I " I - Win sag & co., M{MiJnir AGICNTB, Plimanuni—HO. SIT FIFTH ISTRILIM oEsmisun—rntre OP)I= inmaiza II A. 1 MAZOIROAMIIIIML TO. LET. ' OR RENT—The threutory ,BRIOR WARIC8000:16 No. 0 Wood atm*, fro. 4001 tor taint apply to Mit HAM,' (1411=4:71•204 oemi , 'co to .1001111WOODWM4 - .on Sd sad Wood strogo, TO LET—A now Briok Heaeviii-F0 Liberty. Lenten mesh lestis==tai3 saosiner front'. Within Steen tad Dyed flere.. 48 1 irgo:. -- OR • BMTr-Mhe . third story 'of the' F bulidlag now aor. tb• in ibex, OCenee of Bt. Mak street Vapid= Way, yaw- sovr.essweiriA., Vni/MMXCE JIGEJF7PB. J: • . GARDINER. COFFIN, Amory sox to FRAM= ribIADILMILTA RILIMICX MILIXOI doo ms North4sid tailor Woad wd wY !um. oina Alma .a., Mato of Pimaybraals Eartked L. mann Companies. STWater stead. QAthiU.E.L. BSA, SicariTAjzy liroWei OurrAzr, earnarMarket rai - Watar greets. SactireasV 'mug I I.BOOWAIC 1101=1ffl T HE ATLANTIC IBINEL;it ROYAL NAIL MAIL rA924L- TlOll 001421 X- - _ . ADB I /ATlV,ll, l t l h o e • I ptarer . , M XIO OB tam O D OLIIIIBAI.MO np, fido ed ANGLIA. 1.000 Rone-punitur _taw • - • The magnifietet .11tatinaldp ADBLITIO Vilna troutLinagool,. eta Galinw, , Tonm Tort. on 1,11 D ,... BLESDAY. sb* la& of .11 , e Lamed by the other mem= of theft* every alternidoWedhaerfig. Bates et yeenge train Limped. la Beer York. Pr ab ta gad or itimenalent ia ourrezucyt Tha le t 0W5.....—..411.1 CB hum! Gibta.... 001 for prude apply at the office of thilgante, u/LBIL & 011ABLII. Broldway. Mamma Ain, 1/4.seger. - or. D. cariaLL, Eklll/40. (Breen& Building. No. TO Filth Street. Malwatt. INIIIKLY TO LIVER4a PO POOL. Lashing as 4ITEMIBTOWII (Oozz. BAssoz.) The well knows is Liverpool. Mira hark sad Pradigids 0 1 111 1 % " 1,0= f r iba". .4ak CITY OP NIT , And story onosoodlog flotazday, ik,Ropu...frces _ 44, loch sine. ;Liam, taiuse,7= . . Arab is Go&E, ft =beams% 50 do. to lawboo... 85 Int do. to Terrodos— WOO do. to Parts::.... 96 CO do. to P0rt0....... 90 SO do. to Hamborg 90 00 do. to HolwbotrigSO Pommp= also lorwordod to Thom Erma, Et& &Wow, Antwep da, at moony low Mei; - now bon M'orpool or lboonwitows: Lt Clobto,, VB, Sht, 5106. &mop, MO. Thai who with Or wad Arr thole hinds an boy (lasts tom at the* rota. _ • - For forth& baansation anal at 11ho tloapay' P JOHN 9. DALA, 4.64 16 Brooduty, JOHN THOMPSON, Hand 'but, AM hoax h am ibilrlgo, exhl63l lEittoboran. - FIII,MTURE OLIN AID WOOD °HAM SILLIIU 0111 M/01J11/1,011 sari. JAS. W. WOODWALL. MI sad 119 Third dr*" append R. IdlatediaZ tko ir . and 111 loarth,ttwf. =MO 114Q138ILN PEBBLE{ SPBOTACILBEL —Notwttbstssidlig this algid:l •of %Awl irdtgli nodal% who sobs to est Vows of Or* RUSSIAN PEBBLY BPZOTAOLIII Aro rsoattlait dolly the varmast sadostasesta oilcan eltbono. All thst NOW Is to sundae all Wm IP=Il; thou tad and mambo; l b. 1111111113.111 dl cam roo d. by J. DLXOND. Prittlol koasfootoror of ihe itooduaobblo Pre bake MD tY TRA utesel.VonslisPad Ulf 'eat. BTU OBJIIII, °vizir saw . ■ua&„ azsitaararvzry Lisps constantly on hand • Iscrs_9 susitontsi stook of DIMINO BOAT A.111=2 P WINDOW math ermr, Janus. .. au JOUITII, APOWEITni LATRN.WA , Es' wtll _llll. orlon WNW, VIIINT:',01 N. D. Pin= muttbs10114:10313118 Of, La4TaraPiri_ _ _ ea =bilifir id to *Ash, bk Ma ! t. isms Nabirlaz O'NKIL lANlMO3rntilliti or wiz* ; BRAaz _gm kik _bind and to artist EitOnaiSP S Mn. - W WI ERMOTE; IMITII.III r o ta ir ip a D w iL trze ig lu s ra ui re o v lIAMIINTAL 4 lrian obis. at' " Irani • Mr; worm' !Cli;M:11111 * ism DITTRISUBGH CLJC,3I,4.IS;' marmite 00. • • • • 11(4- nu . 1181_1114 7, 11101 — "OTTalia t 41a.:asi Man ta swan azauLTLI T. • WOO* To. ma LIMIUME-1112111T; , th• Posa , a. L.L. PaassaVy Thr ow °maim easnaaasuals • .11. L Wae7IS....IIIOIIIIOMIEWOMMO WOWS MORPVI amy , 11,11 e.? _ 4 _ ... .. .: hllfYlllaf. ~. L'INIMAL DEUG - . BTOBBi •••- . . • , i:,Putimpla SODA *MAL ' POW Ximcniaze,*. proiOdaosift;laWia=. WAlitMl AND tialeMickni . 11/11AL .411131 haad sad maks.to 'cedar Vida_ al "WAA;101 DEATB.- TIMEDICCI WHICLIALI W 6;. AHD d 201141 noolsoa made Ur but astarfaU atiCiu*: natd.Whesiiii Irks , lan ! td taralik_SOlL ktAlr ItAMI& E , . Otty las*a7 saiaSsai alecloa otrigßeak 16) " . ". PostilteaoFs. ANN • o..diaLam.aa. : ' :.1 l'i• zwir „ s . h a a nr = taAmroe l " bed si 3 r k Wend IPO Z. M4l arms:24 010-10101 a .4 ' '' iktideAs 111). A. =ars pave MOS% imr.-Okls ~..:,_..;:z,;, ..::,;:,;,-t1 ~ ., - 11;, : ,, =`:,•;:,1 , ::: , .1.::i-.,'.2., _ . RdILRO4OI. LEVEILAtID ; WHIMILIWG a II ItIt a a LEsumosmEnz—on sad efter TIOTDAT. 6° *WO SW 1163, Testae win "Or Ike 4 Planalifinn; Anikted. in . Pitts. tug* Ad_blitaki_ _ _ _ --. l4 l6l•Wisirivissi — ii — iiiii. - Loni._ ',...6:a • ISO a. ne.l WO a. m.112:40 P. In. ". ...7. ll° . US " Iso .. do • 'a kW .lc " I M ' • 51 20 " Ifto6 • " 651 " Annie . —.. kr . . imp " . • - t .,1. ad wad Pelle. .Ifh Bra- Immo. Initradand Or . -, Ohio Bail 4 road hoe .• . Newark. Oolnen.. crane pea toe: - •• . Oilthinad. Lod. “1 . ... °afro, EL Loa* at: J. • and Plants etem sad soelmst. . ..4 a g • withßa li er•inni Ohio Barr& ''" rder Lir. ......1 IWO e. is, .... do W , " .............. CIO " *to :I ... fro .. km . do ; .M••• ..................... din - " km lb Bs rid ro do Hudson* 7: 53 " VW " Leery et 4:) . ...=. 9:10 " IMO " at Bayard with Tonteraysetamei to Jew aad God Donn at Liners writ Pitteburgh. cat Wayne sad May" ZIALOOdjaI Ban with Atlanta and Great Western Tanned its Warren. Grenville, Ileadville.,llniik Com. Jessirown and Saleaunter it Err* MIL Mr. lend, Eanardite and Obettrutt Tiding ll= Idle and Ildil S 4 :41 ter s6 l. aILIL B. for Ifde, Dual and 411ifilo letth IL di T. H. B. for Bantionir." 'and Wm with drawn kr/keno% . , Welintile Acoommodatine Were et UM p. tn. - &twang tram! awns at 4:10 a. re., LW and QO6 p. m., sad WO a. OL , _. - =at the er to 'en pro '' : ' Tickminent =.4e h. a ,to pir li Mid, Street Depot, 4110110 Inn 1•TASILIT. Ticket Least, And Id Antall , Q. CWAIMIXPRIIT, Ticket Agent. Tor farther iniorMir xt arawART, Agent, At the Campeate ~oflotin. ..l rdalit. ILletlon, Pena et. ll` MIX 47* • •sibleiba• 1101Dirt.621 - - • lOtk. MIIMMTAAka. x rcr 7 . tvc ,l ; 4 Fle r it Ai ta r iaM 1001:e ski ga i ,V laspikiluaffistarie d , Dlt ur r , it csqos..,~4ijis wo tare' sal PI Ana rAlaPi JjoraArtx 1.11112. bar. " • 'olsCtil MAIL isr.- r s tr s ilir2l o44 === , kir Inlith iliVaibl7=t ll-06 / 11 ,//k 1k.50 a 112 / 1 11 *slitil g afto ma= , Woos egamotsos 14 1144ailamon "t v ... 31 5 11 15 1 1 6 7 1 !N# 111 .M 41 7 1 t , sia ftti-S iirtsi astU a ll , NitowiTa ia ts 4 P. l laPPlPtia ista s t unn 11502=4 "Il rritu llawndutsl3- ---"C f!----- matilraftlibsibl** .0 tie ...Wlll.llkillta 1141)316. I*.i'4Z - • -be W.W. Etatteir XX. . 6"1"14114 4 1 / 4 7: dai tt . geOl 41112 id tki 6 lo* jrSVEF=6...I". iill*Xf.. IZI.• -r•, • , i %kir t --A IrairigiatiOn Miiitiliel Vey at b. :Ittatata4leatea PlUtrastli it • • --_ __.. ;Mgt p.a. . . ets2mailifri la tittiowo-0 'mono ; p. la.; PWadtWiliSs. , , ia.m4 ; • • Ltosatta aj it a,.003 WHO ‘lll4 Jobattewa • 1016 , iir ta.-s‘ittitifillY Blinn _404101164t. _A , 401 WAIL F . ..itoolitlirallh Ratio atommiem ' .224_14iillia,"activt,Iralta & Ow 1 Asali `.... P"D• it-. 19 3 .10 airarratiAnXiliglitha lel, ikell-p;ax ,vaitthats_ .Iwittltill lagylti*... MO: ititiPabiTilmig, I_X - ~ 1 .1:mow MiftMelm flimPlaFfilWalrl• Kb ,inetralque I little. " .Algetatabilitia, lotaitows 4, coausiodatlaa aita _ Tata km. c . l3= l. l4p a rts;intA ;01 ~ llfqtoo,. Tratariarmbeasbarttieiskiiii'iaiiitoiliz: i r ms Tagawaaa Mil w i z : Aim: 2 . 7 . , tario hn C!".l#4liVir ffil la tia lin. ' as._ AriVito,trim4 ; thik 'kW sow abaft , araota• - latittarratial::•Slarltitallt - :: losliattedl: , tlota;itall-lit iatbely bie Ina hake • We caastaltrogoottaelcastatatmlielt: -. ttal le r! .111 1 0tattlayttP•,;4P1 t:'.:•.,., . • •,- : --1*..14 , •,..': - ' •,' . ' h4''' : 1 , TO liiiirisoc s.. l44)4 . l :44 • ) ' """r a *A• 117.6° naliegii•lffr.•••!,*•.!l_MPE. ". To litbuta va4: I , . . . ! I - -..!ibbaba4•4ll "tar 'loiirmotyll At Omuta IttlnotL..ta ,- taa,ilaat*lldtalalUlakir .: • it* 71 . 41 -4c iit i tr ., , J.v -,;' , .11i; ,:,...Li i !•:i iii ._ ; It - ,ttitia, ta, ~ mr.• tit - , tatacammat frail I/Maw •Mas "'" tlbt Mactosy bag ALM/1V" '' .."'t --*-* XIMSI2Xe4I4.O I *Ipt logs. the.4.62ammillikaa. tinattltia' nie s tl i = un o taw , „.. mid 17 aa moats not . .. . - , , ... .- 0,41,:;,a1a 005 110 Mb baorjatigt bait'la sia.,:ta;:isattattar.tai& ta , moma tw - pot, alsz iimits ak ' .tetio* eis6 , - -- tql df.tr L.: Attuataitiiijat • fi..i: - I=l DOLLAR BANINGB BANH Na 815 Iroming CZA.81361,14) •U ffi •- ^ • _ _ dogytOnoll to Idolack, Woo so modaoMay - mid Waft isimSos la to Nomilme Us, boa 7 • to o - sad from Nardi!: lotto Amend _of Omar tiot no Dolimoad avldiad of,ibo probe ar ea & tidoo * er.bk Josiand lhoombor. Waist boo bawd*. doroiEmmi.ukoottr itairamt Doimmbotiotooi Smik -trio of tholatoot pormel =coMAIMOi omma- to uicr.an. al the doptiltor, oam boomtho mai fzi• badllfrostbollmilliMool Jona sad DooloMonomm. - Poud*Ltwic• *lour ildtboot Meals& as dip & sot to:mmarommio promal tdopom book. MUM " nth momormill it Um tonstmlyoms. Boo)* coototototthoLaboMor...llplmo; gobs -. o f Ikkplod000,,;• -1m21M4 gr_ot*os opialkotkm. z Notumrs-GZ01011.411.131031. Johni: 11446 - . Jam Sobam, . Almaaor Spoor, - _ rsiumotoc Jamas Moolim t. Joualm liordsolms ZaDOGIII maw Colvin Aiwa, • Jobs G. 14 clan. John Q Dindloyi aeons Nlaski • • Ciinisr, .ohatisi A. goltan.: Jobs wani i . Ham, Mae EL .lisaker,.; Juan D. E nisi," William O. Linty. 83112113W1N1 stivntealstrniunow ImeoitiOtidol br a lastatus4 rusnassidm. -_ gpma tat Deices from los. =. to 2 °Watt 56 M. ' • 41 %r: to bAn t igsk:l.P9Ranat keel a to - war oxim, :ett Icattimunam.. -- -1 - • - ik Unki ammusitilif.,ll4 norrimmis D=. , W,lr, It llscbabtat, Lamers, OW; sad an am vela. ammo at inlays eee'soudt. - It a. emakattaft Dna: to !atmootonh Aits - Got., ietMl4e#l4 • 10 , , IttietheMlategetattoott , - yo . thelo.Wriirtl2 - 4.thypsi : ii. . iits sass le _tedi: . it, etni pi tt i tibt Wahl.' WU_ . be pledsd Lk Mt* a Weird's-Lit -' all ei egt, le-eiteseettetbote Ye- /SRO Montt be ' At Ws telwllll2l.e. .. imra inr i4ta WM doll& to tot amok . , • . .- , Il_ latent ellreofehbolos ' ea otter 4. , itlloodb-entte elemlitin,.. l lt_ , ~,‘l!titte WO ,84•• 1 •;:ji tinda, ,• . . - iiisital-IBLAO tOtig.: l .. . ~.'" ' nu Pro‘ds/4-IV. Fi. corm/22'V' -L . ‘..licra. Flu% 11.1"priF 1 soa.,A,".,,Romme. qp/sAlkoir, • -;.,-; ~. •:0..(1.2... .._ kial,.-- - " Vtoottratific Imlay mokpo. ^ v - ,-. • ... zychohr - ° ' ~. --: Wig: t e.inlik.. -,-. - ' • . banfirtilia it A. O.II,IIIIXEL ' - • • , EXitßitittA . • -....', ~4___J ~i. ) fo CL.e,,,_.:::: - . 'portß-3,TET:faCit, MA.URINEILETEI r, , .V. Hsu, OU 05 ; .111(11 Q 1 liTall4 1 107195111111:9111.• wooldtp -1, 4Ll' . irmesprirtin Twain. voitia. , ::; Azum A 1,..ir. .Nold b r o. Dreggellta'sVmr. name of .11 woe ile re odt•tlerui,"lll„._ DIP" *de jaKeNtg. N r.--- ---- , ~, " • -, ll:44.lAliNieetoqib; l 3oB4oo 4 3,-; log. 1 419 fie gmx:lnAitilg. pen% Tutsbart.",:, '....l.mlivilt rlSlllllK . 4.llrottipaimitelini . .L! autaspasa Initylixiiistia• fir awes mu :7 otadoolladl,wll.o.tco ohm* firtoii with story prad•k.4, = au . Ala iidistakia to.l.kmignily 0 91 919b11.14a . ire: ball IT acid*" an itamis :15 .410,000 bar pm . -, /41111. W 4" an Ilage•111.. "Poxilti . ik!..01. 11 1 iasit - - amaze . C. , PAININT;IMI ' 1., • . 1g - ..r;,,-{ e er4l6=i66;' ' - ' * 111 " 43 ' th 1 lb II ha. -1910.811 M Taus Amp 011112gi.,.:: Addams nrassuzas oirc!awal.,..., - “ : --- mulikrtprbspoor.. , L - -;___,—.:,....„ ;•,. , :i. ' ImumillT: 0•:::::, !3. Jo u i, ..,; ..., 1_ .. - ,..,- N, ,to • harmlialarM, ' hum B.D, Imam 'A: IL Polka, arm L Wlllliml."Ardsmas. W P. plamball, John Orr, Ibbbert MRJaimnim L Job* ilt K p = Loan Wirnam Tomktric,- Wm. Clidatbuz 4:ocueit.,'.. MINEMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers