The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, July 29, 1863, Image 3

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11511111 M
i s. -. t
ILmolowittaes.Oesalveetoie•for the Qe
eette, try G. L 9hiew..Optleise,llo. Si 'fifth
etesst—sortseted dsay s
The Fight near Sanctille--Capture
of Morgan mad his Forceswadtilm
trona! intermation.
On Priday morning, when Gonetil Brooks
lagrol, AO . , Inn was in Giternsepoonaty
Ohlo r eastrof Cambridge, he_went to Steuben
ville, after hiving ordered the three regiments "
of thres ninths troops hare:to follow him. Oa
Gen. Brooks' arrival at Stenbenoille, Major
. .
Rue repotted that he was : at Cadiz Junction,
In the ears, awaiting orders. The throe tog!-
snits of infantry width arrived doting the
night were Motioned as follows: Col. Attar at
Portland Station on the railroad; Col. Bain
-at Lagrange , and Col. Gallagher at Routh'
neck, to corn anions at &on places. itikoj.
Rue's Cavalry were ordered to Mingo, near
Steubenville, and were thin ordered to Wheel.
lofor his boron to be fed and watered.
• Morganafter tho engagement at Walking
testi-took his course in the direction of Cadiz,
thet a p la th. On the nolo between Moornekt's and
filataday morning, he parsed
to the right of Cod's, near Athens, and then
isomiltenoed booting toward the river, -kin
inoviiiients indicating an inteation to strike
the river batmen Wheeling and Steabeaville.
He approachrd within four miles of Portland.
whit* point be discovered was guarded. He
then took to the north. .. i
/a the meantime Ma j. Rub was inland to
Martinvillo nn o throe mikes above Wheel
ing. and Mei. Way , with about 11100 swab'
and artillery, arrived at Mingo la the are
from Cincinnati. Ma artillery was cant to
Lagting's, and his cavalry Undid at Mingo,
and started on the ecoeudoa toad to Lagrange..
Morgaa ending Lagrauge guarded , oontioned
to the north, annum the S. R I. Railroad
near Alanandria. =last the isianTsPh wing
and boning* bridcoo . -
Oa • discovering tido, Way's malty was
' turned, back, and Ids istilla.y, with Beaus'
regiment„ were ordered to Bonneville. Way
then coomisanced itspidicusait with his cav
alry, passing through Steubenville Nid on?.
taking the enemy nea r " - ntersritle„ skirmish
- tag with the advance of souls 500 =automat
under Col. Collier, aim Steubenville, that
had been posh on the Steubenville and Ca
dia Pike. Way's artillery as quick as nu•
loaded followed after him, but did not over
take him that night ia limo to be of any'use.
,Prom I/Intuiting, Horgan took the direc
tion of Richmond, closely ,t Worn by Way.
At the Aims Major Way was opined to ratan
to Sbotheavillo, Helot 800, with his cavalry
and Porter's regiment of infantry, were or-
Aires up tin rim-Ake cavalry to NcO'p's
Station, where they ua:oadood and pro.. -od
, to Kanirille, while the infantry vent to
Island Creek.
so Be mu.' regiment was ordered to Ham
mondaiiile and Gallagher's to Salinevillis, on
the main lin of the O.* P. R. IL, where he
arrived at six o'clock in the morning, jut in
time to proven t Morgan's forma (who were
• hotly pound ley Woy) from entitling the
i town.
Way had continued,to follow Morgan to
soar Springfield. when inning that Morgan
t had talon the Yellow Creek roue, he halted,
;, szpieting Horgan. would also halt. Major
Way thought by so doing that he would te
form Oen. Brooks of Manses movements,
and enable atome tole thrown in Morgeee
• front. But _after hearing that -Morgan had
goes into soap, Major Way moved eantionly
• close to his stamp. At three o'clock =Ban-.
--• day aiming be eimmenoed skirmiildng sad
dim tiiii'nbels from their; nun, pressing
them Pretty ' hard: At eight o'clock, when
a mile sada hall front Batineville, he escape
` , tbe rebels again, and after mots than an
t . hour's wen fighting routedthom with a I per. ;
feet stampede , with a lota to theta atone 20. .
... jailed. 40 wounded, 236 torisoneso,lso heroes
'nail). stood of arms. Tito robin were, pur
sued and notil oar horses gaveloss oats Oar wee
Light. .
The main body of the reboil, lifter this rout,
ir- took ths rood to Hanover, seas the Cline
.', land Railroad tom Ave mina beyond Saline
-11.! vile, and striking the road inanition Ran
over. down obi :writ fork of this LOH@ Beans.
After failing to enter Salina* .11 organ'a
eavance then tell back to the main body.
Maj. Rue joint Gen Shackelford at Ham
' mondsvitie at 7 o'olook Sunday moans, and
• eras ordered by him to &wont the rebels by
• , taking the old Steubenville road to Nor Lb
boa. Majoi Sao soon after crossed Little
..' gicamr, sad diteovered Yorgen'a loran ono
': ingdowa en tlie.Beliorer toad. By a rapid
..otoresiont: 4 4 his troops to itke right ke was
ot ,,Ne.. at Uri' easok on Sunday afteinoon
to h 0 ,,, - N1 than Of —that is,z, by goi n g around
.• , ~,,d get\OW la tb• road to their right, which
sbu ‘solght tan easter BiIIPIT i lb, dad
far o tots
w n ietuth of New Lisbon.
; Morgan our ,Nradmd nucondlthinaßy. Gni.
1 :, flkackeiford, whi ,w 24 Wee er four miltre•bo
' hind, came up tatety n;.9tittes after &dear
- • rends& We took AO p. -1 8001en, and 400,
horns. ..
• Morgan clans to hate 113.171111 a wiff•
his actual rostuda to Major Rue) t. 7 i1 " 1 / -
*.: 4 pony of militlifrom New Lisbon, after o ~.
• about to be headed ti-by:, , Rue's forma i b`..- 7
;.' this assertion doss notappear to hold good.;
Although Morgan 'surrendered to. Major
• Bill before Goa. filuielielford. got,ith'yot he
was the rightfidproperty of thes General, and
too much credit • cannot be ginn for the la-
domaltablo energy he het now* la"a nate
' . of wens,' kept up - Jgglit and day. But for
.' . the assistluitijdarirld 2161 Um telegraphs end
railroad., Morgan, no doubt. !Mud bare if.
- - foisted his wage. ' a:,
In addition to th• Moldy litatight over
from Olsoiliiiill. ' the Wfiole power of Um
Cleveland and' Pittsburgh'lidlroad. was at
the disposal of the Governinent, to say tioth
. , fag of the parsonal services of its able oM
' eon, Messrs. McCullough, the ?reddens, and
.. , Gorham. the dispatcher. ti
Gan. Morgan and his °Moors, in a nava
anion at Wallavillii, after thole capture, ex
, proud met astonblunont at the large num-
Mir of tie popaistion and consequently the
' strength of tlie - State. Morgan said that he 1
notion on every hill-top, a packet and a Mir .
Thb (Wednesday) evonlas Jaime .111.
dash, Lg., *II dtdiont hbl mond address
for Oa tosaeit of the flanitary and Hatebtonte
flonnalttoen.. Elatloot "Car National Dosti.
ay, and out Besponalbilittooli Antsidess
bens In the Proem Oriab," which was de
nuded by remit of Goy. Gamble, Mal. Oen.
Cartlii.and hugs ameba of the leading oft
bans of aLlionis; and also at Clinabinati, by
the request of • the prindaill oltbons, of that
A Ammo= Oaczna.-..04 /friday. mutat
mit, the Bshool llolractsrat of the borough of
italtaterter s nasalsomul_y Misted Miss 1/Lary.
J. Darldsos,Alsistant - Priacdpal of the Pah-
U.ElehooL - ; for that dlstrica. This is • most
admirable spgalatosont. ; Mlsa Darbison law
tom toashlaw fir wax Jamb In the Elms
Ward Polio !Mock, Alloghoy, long g ai few
superiors aithd faitracuess—a strict discipli
sada', aa ,sooomplishad scholar. Bho rea
ders universal aatiifactlon wheroroz savior.
ad, and giro lifs,PAl to sa3 1410/,la whisk
ri7l+, • •
1/15.0 4EO1 1 Q4"4.14iti.44.
sr 077WIAT; PAPIR 97 TAX oirr.
- , • : - , grin. TN SIAM/.
1117'eloek t A. 9 .. ._. 00 71
13:.. n.. v ._ ..j.. 192 91
4' ,. %I: - ..!.. 78
.- . 11.7 ,, 0tkus ,29 7-19
- ..... —•
(Intim Connty Ticket.
- Poi Nos' id - 0.4.4 .1 1U Drsinted CbsrL
• Po. Animal*, r
n. WX. - 11.•DENNISTON. ' •
' T. VIOL .1... alone& •
lli.MO, y Oassre4 •
• Pa Or.Wir Tnaiww.
' For tvordor.
Po. &Oaf&
W7L 3.sionAapeozt.: .
Terl'Ocolory romitaimur.
lar Dimon, if A. Pow.
James E. 'Murdoch, Elm.
- • .
Cominseww,—Willism Golden , who ^ shot,
Gawp Caassbonowaba. l74lll last Joao, oa
Coal SW was yesterday eosamitOwl to aa-
OM Ow :liars. of 1%934444* - ,
Mr.Eardoctilp ii •
I , xted, kir M readin, -
p.•;.ut poets, last evening, dive a
'good house.' Concert F.‘ll was jut comfort
ably filied--,the Dimon forbidding mut enema
in this particular—by a very intelligent and
appreciative audience, too;---u wan frequent.
ly tes Mara 'Sy many an irrepressible, demon
strative bust of patriotism, admiration and
enthusiasm. And even when the feeling was
not so marked, neither eye, nor ear, nor that
more elech.le nern of sympathy, when sensi
bility is almost independent of any outward
or obelons organ, could for many minutes re
main without reporting the signals of thee.
keen, swift messengers—the emotions—that,
like unseen spirits, were making themselves
felt as they swept resistingly on their way
from heart to heart. On the whole, an hour
or two spent in Kr. Murdoch's company,
with the poets, will long be pleasantly re
membered, and ought to have the effect,
which that gifted gentleman desires as the
reward of his labon—to sow the seeds of good
deeds is tam and honest hurts.
Morgan in Jefferson County, Ohio.
A Whir from a lady residing in Steuben
ville, gins us a graphic desmiption of the
state of of ain in that oily on Saturday last,
.growing out of the report that Morgan and
his band had approached to within two miles
of that .pisoe. She states that busineu was
entirely suspended. The greatest alarm pre-
Tailed, - and the city turned out three compa
nion of militia to most the marauders.- These
men, in company with tire hundrektroops
who were rent oat by Gem. Brown, proeseded
towards Wintersville, and encountered Moe
gun's pickets, when a slight skirmish ensued,
and Morgan retreated in the direction of
Hamscondsville. The only tkensity on our
side was the wounding of Henry Parks of
Steubenville, who died on Monday morning.
The deoested - wan a very worthy young mac.
and sea of Jame. kirks. Esq., one of tee Di-
Sooloiniff the Steubenville and Indiana Gail-
Supplies for Sleii-Soldiers
Attstianinr OR
• %ear Me lisiiirroired, jay 38;1885.1
- Eb.Y Gams,: ton wilkeonta itairor upon
the stet• and wounded soldlAth the liospi
tei, by publishing the hue
'ls few Akre ago we were visited by several
balm bolsi Lawrenceville, who brought with
them ilrabssidaiit gipply of pies, fruits, jet
llos; and'ither.dellesoles such as the sit* sol
dier oftel lonp for: They
,anived jut as
we were seated at th edinner table, and dis
tributed to nob ef us a good supply of their
luzuries„ ICI: 'their .Aiwalands, cheering us
with their jolly' ritherks. Then they went
through all the wards, had supplied the slot
and wounded, who were allowed to eat seek
thligs,(bnt were not able to .come to the
laid%) with a generons ,supply, sionmpany
,ing them with a good Gala and words of
comfort. - Though wears supplied with the
;nabstaritiali.ot by the kind-hearted Ward
Ilaster;lti. Walter and hi. lady, yet sot
:dims who are koadn o d ter weeks, and - often
inuestits, Assize setts much to enjoy a:change
ef: diet reel at.they brought, and then to re
eelvill liens their own hand, and bear their
pleasant sweet unless, is very to
the itch soldier. We trust Preeigthee nut
bleu them for their,labor of lore.
Inozwrs.--The 'Corona yestszday bad as
lailaost *a tba 'Oedrof -floo. Chambers, seed
*beat lryiars, who died yssterday morning
guasbat wowed fallietsd- on the 17t 17th
of 4iltma Coal MU, by Wm. Golden.
- an inquest oa the body of ,flataisl
Iloon:aa ama who was found dead la
the bust of Itolmst . Moßsnasy, at Bradook's
lailds. • Vardlot,, i!'ilsatlt,by natural oaasat."
• Run ' Paneuzaa:—Twerity-sseen rebel
wiener. (of all stank trout r Titivate to a
Qotonal) captured at Gett7sburg, but who
Lan ton ended in sort Delaware, pissed
through thiliedtb - . last WON, for, Sandusky
9aoia iaa &EWA Itliinto 11Aosuris, to
tinily and ustatticiaring parposes, an ihs
bist is au.
A. 1. Chutorr, Gatoril Apztt.
No. 18, ?fifth street.
!Tamen i'is and Otsamemtal Slate
atoohir, and dealer to Paanwylvanta and Vet ,
znent date of the best 'plenty at low rate'
Olate at Alen. Laugh Un'e, nem' the Water
Works, Pittsburgh, Pit' apB:em
Cr.oeuto Our Eli Emma Simi l? COST.-
Bcml Graham, merchant tailor is selling oil
'hii Spring and Bummer stook of goods as cost
nay. eanalst of all the latest styles if cloths,
oasslassres and oath:qv,. of which he Is pre
pared to make
.op Int the Most tashlonable
alums and at cast prise. The pnbllo should
not neglect to. avail • themselves of this rare
sans* and save money by oring him an
fatly sal/.
• Also • lerpusortmeat of "plain sod Lacy
India:as, well adapted for boys' Welt, which
he, will sill by , the piece tar below ant.
Witted. should 'miaowed to call early.
Sex's. eadue. Kerohsat Tenor.
No. lid Market street.
Arrimos, Bierman V ounmaus.l—The
atosatios of 0111 connUy's bare defeadare n
eatly Manua from the seat of war and of
the pall" in postal, Is again dirsetell to the
vory eztensive and handsome suortmeat of
tho watt styles of Trench, English and
Ammisan piece goods, for pants costa mid
vutai lately Naia
d by Mum. Jobs Weer
Et Co., Merchant Tenors, No. 126 Federal
'street. Allegheny. A tastolal selection of
gentlemen's furnishing goods will slid lawny*
be found on the sham of the establislunent,
topthor with a lot of !nady-made clothing,
.pt ap In the boa manna.
Haw Amara. 'or Bourn Cr.osums.-01-
ten 'we are silted, Where can we boy a nest
and comfortable MAIM salt, made to order,
thus having the' shalom of selecting our own
'goods? To MI these inquiries yes= answer,
Warn. W. H. Doele t Co., mut of
street and Diamond thrum Alleghe
ny, and you will be salted seam:ling to your
taste. They have jut restive& their names
goalle, lad for elepatie or styles they anuot
be *weed, and for fitness they are the any
persons es their work is all done under their
own:suPervislon. Give them a at andlon
smut MU to be stabled. -
wr Illturnare-At the ;halal Intl
tau, 1121, Penisstrait, sets of tooth for
fan da l es, bettor than QM/ISt fall do llars
at the oth er dental establishments. All per
at= ire m i.'ested to call st the Institato
l•west pion at
the " Er da p I ,4sees. All work done At
therlsedtate - vsa,NW,towl Marla lo any .
Co iiiwrset.",-Ites. • VAG. UMW', Ed.
Mother', Magoskie a llf. T, altar swing Yrs.
8, A. Allen's Weideit Kilt ilastorer and Ty.
letwisminna; mita s "M; halt Is changed
to Its Miura dolor,
end growPag on balifspot,
do. I elaitildNig,Md to 'hare ion nee • say'
MUMWhen It can do you • any good," Bold
by &Agleam ernyarluare, Timor * 198 iirson
wish stest i llilw 'York.' • daw.
Bust XID Voltiiimus Mfrs u Oser I
—Tose' mesbe waned In ttasi wop 4 your
ulnas Walt gollowefo.:111, and . Ointment.
They if* gnorranteed tworm tke wont wed
of Oozes, Moms, annoyi NOM and Bowel
oompu4ate. Os]; 2 mats pas box or pot. 218
NOVO so Paoram Heruapy AGMs AID
ALL Onus Irraziaram..-74 repairs or alp
tonAtoito to suave or dwoUlageo soda, or
maytlibts oho . lb* Oarpoaa Ultf, at
Cathimailtor Shop, %NV=
above SalthM“ Meets: AU oni Nos
sttualloi to.' - 1'
As the Comity, Tnionne kee so 'w AIWA ay
,the soon foneetly oesupled by t h , Canty
floweledoner, bt the north•weet a laser, Ant
Ann of the Coon Beaty wu would ..Ovlso all
our Meade to call sad pay then while
'Sissy oss km* the basalt:of the pc leentage,
- . -
Oirrrava sad Ootatasa - tilisaa lend bet When
tha Omahas aide; No:3•ltidkarn attlist,
day or All orias;litti'se Oka *lvy*
plan will ha promptly ittiahlaCtia.
'All avL
Watt be paid is Mmes. it Gra;- ,
ALL sliapatakiskisii44lsapitiklzta,
at MoChdhAd'i :Manta& flioasivtliti ififth at.
- ODD isuoirs-844 Palk Nods • 1064
f4arralb• 43l / a setiat m 4,44.
t .
2pecial Diapatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
WLZBINGrog, Juiy 28, 1863
Goy. Solomon, In a letter to the Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs, urges the speedy re
moval of the wandering bands of Indians in
the northern and eential portions of that
State. He says: I deem it beep:saw to my
self to say that owing so the extent whist:ex
isting clummstancei seemed to require last
year, I distributed, at convenient points and
to proper parties, for border define*, some
two thousand stand of arms, which hid the
desired effect of reassuring the alarmed set
tlers for the time. The ease seems now to
have asumed a more serious 11111:0011t, and I
earnestly invoke the immediate attention of
the goverement authorities."
Accompanying the Governor's letter is a
oommtmleitlon signed by Hon. J. T. Kings
ton, former State Senator of Wisconsin, nrg- .
lag the government to take immediate steps
for the removal of the Winnebagoes, as It will
be impossible much longer to keep the set
tlers bask from commencing an indiscriminate
attack on them.
It is not believed here that the conversion
of legal tender notes into five-twenty United
States bonds will be stopped on the Ist of
August. -Zothinx has been made public, of
ficially, but it is believed that when the time
for enoh amnion expiree,the Secretary will
grant another extension. The country con
tinues to absorb these bonds with abnost as
great rapidity as two months ago.
111 PRISON TILL 111TIAIONT'S 0/110115 Alta
The Secretary at War, to•day, tuned an
• order that John Morgan and his commission
ed °Moen stolid be confined in the Columbus
penitentiary till CoL Straight's along are
released or exchanged by the rebels.
Some of the Eastern and Washington
papers begin to urge that the rebels are err;
lain to concentrate their whale available force
now in the army under Lee, sad that there
fore for the present the amid the Potomao
should stand purely ea the defensive. •
The statentiret that earshot generalodlom
captors' +t Vloksburg have barn exchanged
Y without fonndagon. The rabid hare no
adore of equal rank to offer iztexehange
♦ Box.niza.
Soren hundred rebel wounded now at Port
Palawan are to be rent to CRty Point In afew
days to be paroled.
xintoa, osmosis 101 11010
There Is filfilealty in getting onmpennit
teal alms in negro regiment", Ilardt, oze
Inita/f a dampness'§ the Board Of Rassokurrs•
Commander Jobe C. Petdger, of the tralb'id
Stara Nem formerly of Mashy:MU, has blest
&tubed from the Cs►p, and or4ered to Key
Wed, to command the Ban Jacinto.
'Lieut. B. F. Banoook kaa beep diesdned
toe ser.:.ra for conduct unbecoming an elver
and a gentleman.
Ma returned and resumed the dui at of his
Special Dkpotch to to. Plttsbutitt Guest 3.
Pzinumrau, Jody 28, .1883
roaaha•a auloion.
Rine surgeons of Morgan's band attired
in Philadelphia this momiag. This imildig
they took pansy on a Mg boned for rot
Delaware, fortj•ssren miles below l'Alladel-
Oda. The prisoners of war took a meal at
the Continentel, where they tideland their
and razed the title of C. S. A., to
saeh. Some one erased these bitten and in
There are now about ten thousand rebel
prisoners at the Port. An; limber wt them
are willing to take the oath of allegiance.
A Georgia private thrashed a South Caroli
na Colonel there a day or two since.
7108 TIM .1111 f 071211 POTOMAC
There Is nothing mining from the Army of
the Potomac. Gen. Meade lumthe aviator
yet—it le generally eoneeded at Washington
mo. I learn froMpntlessen who left there at
soon to-day, that a decisive battle malt take
place before Lee reaches Illehmond: The
probability la he will not reaoh that plaes
soon unless ma 'eh:teflon/ army takes ilia a
taste of the tobacco wakens, prison.
The latest from Otterlesion is to the 26th.
Sumpter and Wegner mere replying irtionni.
ly to the firs.
Es-llnitod, States Senator Wall, of New
Jersey, for expelling disloyal sentiments
at the Delaware Wale Rap yesterday s was
beaten most unmercifully by Geo. Benner's
Government Contractor of ' Philmicdphia.
Wall took'the next train for home.
FROM ardrcxx.r.ari.
Special Dispatch to Do Ettabosts Gositte.
Cootasivr, July 28,1861.
Estatucky is threatened with another
mai". Idormation was mind at Gen..
Bumpldo's Headquarters,, that the
,Gsn. P.gram, with a form Terbusty 114.
timaMd at from 1,600 to 2.00e men had
mind the 0 ambarlaud river,and were much
lag North, in the direction of Itlehmend,
which place is about 25 Wigs south d Lex
The Gasetio has neared the following:
Liamoroa, July 28.—The excitement has
subsided. Thi robe s cam to the 4var at
claki Beni. . -
Mlor's command Is simiy all b.
TroOpo from llamas Ammo tlro safety of
Lorisigton. On. 1 allo" is command.
All Airiness Is inspoidoil nada martial Mv.
Qoao. Outer and 011borrt'o emzromails ors la
the roir of Qs rummy. • .
Brutus L Mayoras uannisnonsly noinbilitsd
to plas of Crittenden.
An order was laud 'to•day forbidding the
transportation of gm:wont ,sappilas trot►
this oily to Lexington, inel tie threatened
raid of Pogrom is ova.
rivgan sad Col. Oinks are , still,4xndhied in
thisity prison. H.
Arrival or Prisoners... Military psis•
oas to be Corstraited.
WAIIIIIIIGTO; Joky 28.—.0as busgseg lead
forty2four rebels, mosistly captured in
gliali 3 Ontrol hire Among-than siM
e.sht of whoisiimptita was mitured
at Vicksburg and paroled, but who bid rip•
fated his word, and was again feud in the
rervice, armed and wpdpped. "@ono of thus
Imissiners are anzloas to take 'the oath of
*Mgt? isei, and others to bo Mikanged.„
,'Twe large milliMp prisiiniare to be lame.
diabsly comiructed--eas at Point lookout,
I Wand, and the - other at Rock Wand,
Plaida. •
;-e444:4 14 .-,i7 , ....
-... ,
Fight at Richmond, Ry.:lgartini
Law Declared in Lexington, etc.
CINCINNATI, July 28.—A•speotal to th e
usercial, from Lexington, Ky . The
rebels, this morning, sneaked our forces at'
Richmond, consisting of "Ja smell detachment
under Col. Sanders. After several holm' Se
vere fighting, our troop' were corepe‘loilito
fell bank to the Kentuok7 river, badly cut lip.
The rebel force iiestimated at'2,500; with fix
gone. They aro Supposed to be, the advance
of lisagg's army.
At latest 'delete, our troops had fallen Wok
to within Hee miles of 'Lexington, the en y
closely following.
Martial law has been proclaimed in Le g
ton. All able.hodied citizen' between 18
and 45 years are ordered to report for duty.
It It thought the city clan be held 'Rabat the
Rebel eltisens report • rebel force of over
15,000 moving in • northerly dlreotion, via
Crab Orobard.
The Gasettea Lexington dispatch saylif the
excitement bas subsided.
The rebels came to Kentucky river at tay's
Fe 7.
B n aunder's command Is nearly all in. !.
The troops from Hickman's bridp, insure
safety to Lexington.
Gans. Caster's and Gilbert's commands is
In the rear of the rebels.
Brutus J. Clay, of Bourbon county, wu
nominated on the fifth ballet to-day for Con
gress, in the Ashland, Kentucky, District, to
fill the vacancy occasioned. by the death of
John J. Crittenden.
The Engagement at Front Royal--
Ewell'. corps Cut off from Lee,.
Army--The Draft LU NeW York. •
Nsw Tont, July dispatoh from Har
per'. Ferry to the Philadelphia Empires ssys:
The result of the engagement of Thursday last
at Front Royal, as reported hero, are highly
encouraging. The intenti o n was to opt Lee's,
army in two, and it suocceeded to, the extent.
that Errell's oorps is reported to be entirely
out off from communication with , LI., and its
capture or dispersion is aimostnertain.
The Railroad between this point, and Mar
tinsburg is uninjured, except a email bridge
onr the Ocooquan creek, which was destroyed
by the rebel.. West of Martinsburg the road
ia reported to be badly iojured, the rails torn
up for a considerable distant*, sad bridges
burned. The rebsie 'having evacuated Mar
tinsbarg, the road soon be in running
order to that point.
It is reported that Winchester is now on&
pled by only a small fore. of White's rebel
cavalry. The town will doubtlees be In our
possession again in a few days. •
Citizens have corns in to-day from the vie;
deity of Martinsburg, whai report to number
of rebels in their asighborhood, exaept a few
straggling bushwhacker..
Tao tort says; It la stated upon good au
thority that the draft will lot re•eommeatei
this week, but the probibility Is that II will
be deferred only a;short. time. That it will
• be prevented by reins of thilate authorities;
which some of eke sympathisni with the riot
ers hope, is altogether valikaly. •
From NoW York.
New YORK. July 25,--The Mesmer Star of
the South, arrived this evening from Marks
yon Mar. On the evening of the 25th
she towed• the iron dad Plumate to the bar,
whisk went in to more to Admiral Dahl
Whig the Btu of the South left, heavy ma.
nonadlag was heard. and 'bells were plidaly
seen bursting over Bort Wagner.
[Nora.—There meet be a mistake as to Ike
date bf to. report, by the sehooner Ma
son, on the evening of the 25th, as the pass
'se would be extraordinary even for the
Lftteet front NeW
firAouis, July 28.--Thesteemex Im
the lint- boat from hew Orhistee, err rod
this merning. , A large crowd of mitohank
and other attune greeted her antral, and a
national salute WWI Aced In honor of the. op
ening of the Mississippi.
The stemma , Albert Pearce sailed this sum
ins for New °riling with -a lugs load, Of
solvate freight and a long wangler 11,1.
The Oenumeublo tett yesterday for the 1161111
port, heavily laden with Governmeat stores.
Southern News.
Knitrntr,. July 27.—Iderggles • tuba fotots
an to goat Of 00011th, falling book. Scents
toportt that /IS orre Orderod to go to Georgta,
but when ho commented the inotroment his
=II deserted In Largo numbers, and Ma order
woo ,aonnternoutden.
audition is moving towards tho Alabama
and otters at . , or
denolig'sNolanlir a tte W eoro ila Try for sobaeripts:
,••'" st .:. arkets by Telegraph.
Kim You:, July Wl.—Fkmr 106. MTV; PM@
6,76 for.Aztrs 6.ata. Wheat markat trial Ockaao
upon', $1,13461,Ai; Milwaukee Club, 81,1z..,111.
tam la. author, 604700. Oats dull at 67c. I k uf
quiet. 4 lard Arm ,at llKAtoloc. Whisky dull st
110 5 )0 6
Stock, actin mid higher, cholas man Beading,
10; Ada, 100 X; It. Y. Canual, 161%.
clold; 27%; U. 8. ria or ; Commas, i 00; Ora, 1681,
Cohyou, luo3i; truc, Year Chni6catas, 101.
Nile , Tom, July .3d.—flour opened hoary and
rimed dun at 164 11.. loess. and sells at 21 9006 10 for
Litre heats, $6 60666 66 Extra Ohio % end $61047 10
tor,T.ade Brands. Whisty heavy at 4666116%. V. Mat
qulet'atd lino, bat closed dull and • Made
Iwo.. at Mel 1210 .* •• 010 . 1 2 0 o P.lntt. $1 1101 23 for
re ilwattltee tlab, 8106 lutorkr do. 21 2101 gum
winter ted western and 8110 for winter red /111nola.
torn opened le bo l ter end closed dull at about p..
kbseep's Pr oas.-611010e tot shipping mimed western.
mean' , all at inside prim, and •um dull at 7387110.
Pots opened gni.; and eimeAdull, Wavy sad lower
at 211 wall MX,. mess at ell 3011413 60. new do at
sll4ll, old and ..ow prime at 02 60013 GO. New
prime mein Moan sides min. Lard Orm at 2230E0.
Honey • arty. tuning sloe. d ,11 at HO for A
bti s. - Gold unsett.e/ cud a little lower, opening at
17%, advaucing to 17%. dec linen to Z 7 and clewing
steady - at 21%. GOT.II3IOOIIt blocks steady. U. s •
be 84 ,toupsus luscous. blocks higher and elm;
'Mow /Imago and !loan Island. 106; Plltsbur a p
lent Wayne and mca 78%; 11 lode Central 114 •
it n It It tieWai and Tll 64g; G awl 0 1003 i;
116; Iteadang 2l Kriesll.ll3ggelu/K; Tremor, 7.3115
1065/02 1..
Commun. July 2&—Flom dull and priaas anima.
tied Wbeas hind higher bht no 1.111•11C11waa tomb
'tined; zed at fteple and white at OS. Corn
ilird&s. Usti dull at dlliodOct Bart., dam, mw
Mad as Zagll 23. but buyers aro not °dieing over
di: Whisky 43,St i e. Proyatons collet lad uscaaapd.
Grocerae anchenp.:l
Gold 126; tutus LB Zzottaage Anal mesa asty.
' .New: York Cattle atatket,
Yaw Tout, July 18.—The reoeipta of beef <attiri
ng,* beat, efeek—tto beery for the demand:
obi& was not vs/ actin, ind prior bate declined
Ludt *ire per pound oa all. Made. The ;matt
prices La toe west at all the markets are as Miami
Beef cattle, drat quality, per err, 610 64611; ordi
nal, common $ 9 6 1 01; larrlon
Willf and naives, foil quality. Ouri)lo,_ordinary
46; O.nunon 3001; Weiler 964550 Veal canto per
ponid, not quality, 706; ordinary 1507; nom.. 6
de; - banior 4,4€663 Woe, par bead. minx, 666 p
OW Prime Sdillui ordinal 4 E/Y40 6 : nomoon lei b
61# caferlor 384 bolos, p t er poniak . coininon f-d,
Dt 5 4 . 44 1"wn . iteo f ts ig , I bee e re, m 6 i ,gl. m ee ' V
cares, OM, sheep and benabs. 10,90; erinte,l46o,,
BROWS—At 14111mcco, Jolt , 28,1163, at 3 *Wadi
a. It. MS. D. JAMAS 1111,0W21, of 06. A, 62114.
almant Po. Yob.
ltmersl calk, in tactical/WA piper
RINZHA )11' 1 04 iloodcl, tk, Nth lost., at 41i
o'clock p. 114111) . K. A. anumearr. tkii
DM par of tits sae.
Dowel Porn Ms fats recklence, la Oakland,: as
Wzahzultt; %anti at 3 o'clock p. Car.
dewy will lam R. 14141111 . 4 carer[ Becenth caul
sawiaaa musks. at 1 0' 03341 t.
Tuesdcy alterioent. et 4 O'clock,
BOBSAT Valille23, la the 6lth riper of his
The Meads of it. tunny sire tetpeceally 1011tcd
to taloa/ the taunt Tsui . .incataits, et 3 o'clock,
*gat Lb cadfleacti' smart of Gmearbaric ptko
cad Allis Mae., eitc3 ol • l / 3 1 .. -
TheutiOL— undenipied hatina
armaid:timaatlM steak tram the bas D r.
hose of I. la:11a01171 1 11. wasbl sammam
to hi outomara pabuo rommil to
Mass 189 old
Mboatr stmt. (.s 11 =Ka& b lit..'
KoOsoa,) winos a lacioatataaat mock of &A .
dtmei and Oboottakan• m alata g
amba Madam td..,
Wt.*, lm Maud ono at unmet tatm.
V. ANDSMON, Ere. Ugi Ulmer street.
01) mum la muel 0/Osa =ow *Praia,
omtmend my onmamor as I man of sttlaa,btmolty
aaa gaol Molars qaallitattlama Foram mostaa
to Goma I will. wattage .101:=P1 Mr. 'ANDIS-,
so ws c o r pitipioosi, spa ion .taat goat plollllllllll
is astrodudoses. to at bOgnall. sequtilusion;
. J. R. MeOUNB.
'My 'Mb. - titsliva
tbe oonstroorl. , h .
be the demeteir DV bits ••nos. by the “ - 7: 0 1
Neibineton Weal, sod *odor .tb• {knit & thregibe
and rating eliestnost Ot II I.katlosß.bssndsmdua
ethe Ooots to fame. 01, 10. 0 ifo•Aelloriby
ven to all reties who ars still is mu" int toy of dd.. th i s to tug 1,1 , 11 SO One foribllteueto
they gnat 1.0 4 ..10,1 NUM aim o Mee saw in
the balm et Lb . s o m is t ied, Clap
Mint Ere STlLallit.liNt*Narimit,,
itULUtiffiA bautsatils.a.4oUo puha,
.2.2 , TNT ObolollE•leinate Psi ziSi UMW tar ilia
Ibpeciti joss naive* and kir WI •
JOSS A. 13112131.,W
I 26 .was Wier6r mot EAU Mel&
22. Purrator or
98 Tourtb et.. Pittsburgh. Pa.. Joy 29. Tee&
MORRIS 0, er 11 o'clock, and stamina Sub •
Mitutes until 10 oftlock, oh. n the roll of Drafted
Men tor the 1 bird Ward •M be called. at which
thou th. willOO. drafted from that ward ma
Ist. Produce thsrmelpts of the Collector of
- id. Present en able.bodlod•Subdltuts, socegtable to
the Board.
821. Satisfy the Soard that be I. exempt by law, by
racoon of Physical Dimbllity or otherwise.
4th. Ask and rewire hirtaer time to procure a Sab
ot/tetra, or pa. the cosamogatlon money. •
6th. Bacciee his uniform, Ac., and remota at the
modem.' until trauTernd to the camp about
being establighed neer this oily.
Daerrirm OLIN who report from the several
ffistel -fa onSbe days r. tlowlog will not be conaldered
casette. fee not report ic g previcuely. Lay who re.
pert before wlll be rrtabcfd et there Intaglio:tem
until toeir ones ere reached.
Drafted Ben are mewled to Wog with them
the Toms served to twin by the enrolling officer.
fifth ward, Wednesday, July 19, from 1 to T 6;
Thursday. July 201 h, Irmo 76 to MO; Indsy, July
it. from 151 to 225; eater:ley. Au. 1, from 236 to
580; Monday, Aug. A. from 301 to 854.
Math ward, Monday, Atte. 3, from 1 to 40; Tom.
day, Aug. 4, from 41 to 180; Wedumday, Aug. 5,
from 181 to 200
beveuth ward, Friday, Aug. 7, P. w., from 1 to 25 ;
Illatutday, Aug 8, from 25 to 160.
&shit ward, Moods,. Aug. 10, from 1 to 53;
Tustday, Aug. 11, from 86 to to 189.
biath ward.' WedursdaTt Aeg.l9. from Ito 76;
Thursday, i ug. 13, from 70 to 160; friday, Aug. Ili,
trod 161 to 210.
Lswrenatville, Tridey, Aug. 14, P. x., from Ito
20.; Saturday, Aug. 15. from 21 to 100; Monday,
Aug. 17, from 101 to 1111.
TaMperanasvtle, Monday, Aug. 17. P. W., from 1
to 80; Tvoidm, Aug 18, from 81 to 71.
Went Iflttaburgh,Vusday, Aug. 18, P. n , from 1
to ES.
Honour'laela Eorouib, W.doeaday, Aug.l9, from
1 to ss.•
roach Pittiburgh, Wodristlity. Aug. 19, from 1 t)
r 0; Ang. 95. mom bit to T.
Stmatogbaa, 5 handy. Ang. 10, tram 1 to 50;
Friday, Aug. 01, from at to 126; Sat....ikr, Asti. 91,
.fral 120 to 195.
Bad Birmingham, Woodsy. Aug. 21, from 1 to Si;
Tuesday, rag. 25. (rosin to 185.
. Meirespors. Warinosdan rug. 5 5 , from 1t0.67.
..illstbesb•-Bortmatn - Wedrusday, Aug 26 P. K.,
Isom 1 to 97.
meet glsebetti, Thoniday. Aug. hi; tram 1 to 11.
Pitt tp.. Thursday, Aug.s7, from 1 to 70; AU/kb
hog St, from Ti to ILL
I.lollins. !flaw, Aug. 28, - from 1 to 10; llaturday,
Ass, 29, form 41 to 75
Plum, Oinuttlay, Aug. m. from 1 to 3C
lens, Monday, Lag. 51. Irene 1 to 14. .
Peebieo, Iformay. Aug. Al, from I to 40; Toady,
Sept. 1. fr.= ft to 7d.
Tursday,nryt. 1, from 'to 50; Wednat.
tab Sept I, from al to TO.
Patton, Wolnewley, '.pt. 2, from 1 to 24.
Tematilm, Wednesday. Sept. 2, p. M., term I toile;
Thursday, kept. 3, teem 31 to BBL
71 0rsboth erpt.l, tonal to 75 ; Sit.
ardor Sept 5, from 78 toll B- •
WIRD. hardy. Sept. 5. from 1 to 05; illondey, ,
Sept 7, from 36 to IN
JAN., wm, Tweder. Bid 6, from 1 to 25.
ffootrd.n, Ttuuy, Sept V, from 1 to 31.
ItelderM. Itedsomisy, Sept. 0.1..0m Ito 55.. •
Lower Ohne Wedu,sday, Sept. 9, hy...1a0
25; 7 Imaday, 114 t. 10. teat 95 to 100,
Sept. 11, from 101 to In. . 7 . 7
Baku, 8 1101 76 &Vt. U. Soli 1 to ea.
Soots, datuntay, Aug. fa, teem lio IL . - -
Ilppr St. Ow, Someday, eve. 1; from I l t.le.
Chartism, Sattintay, Sept. 19, tress 1 to 34.
South /eyelet*, Monday, rept. It, from Ito N. •
Soma /sidle, Moldy. Sept. It, from 1 to 31.
-700411 7. ututraty. 6epW.l4. P. M.. from I WM.
Soho:men,etsay, eept 15,.t0rm 1 to 67.
Noon, smoothly. fiept. /5, S M Irmo Ito IL -
Closeout Teeedsy, bps 16,P. IL. tram / 14,14
, Rovillm !wady, dept. 15, r. L, from 1 to
. .
Tar peymeut ITV sum belisaded to 'ha 0 re at
say Mum. Timm tor soy ocher pio
m. n mug
!but the appl tI. °Wed Adam the
IS Illariloll X .01,0t1 14 MIL
Mown who wool In unto, Moroni; LE3, Os a•
inapt, as product,* %Lir Witham, sad evidasawot
ideatliy. ;
orddr of tar War repartarat, dead Jalr29,
Any person oblong usaaption 'on the ground of
elensge, shell ens before the titard , tor adhisrll
let. That ht an slien.and rotten fornethe Gas.
ingnein of le h•on he clalate to be • euefeet.
'.' The time when be CSZlll , nto the lUnitedlitatei
std where he resided erne thandefe.
fit That lee his neva dester d hie Intentton to
become • dttoso of the Baited States, and bat as
esstateed the 'Uhl of satrap by voting at any elect.
go. tome rim*. •
That *clans to be ma:Tied from &Mary
sends" oa stormed that he fritter/hist, of n yr.
elno Govetamtat; and ho. alai declared hie intention
to boonae• discs of Lb. alattal Blake, and hr
apier voted to 'any itot.. .
ealdiate to to ceppattaid *'sty - proof lb.
Outs OM teas , ." "
,If lb. &maw satheard that spa pray claiming
atoll/Me fa folly soil:led thereto, *der thy apt of
tnasteentbey leg I dboharge - Oita tram ttrsa. ' Pat
If not tatielled. their 'hail :net alutcam, with the at.
.dent, through the Provost Ilarsbal Beaetai. for
diotdon by the pecertastrot of Stets, to the masa,
time sampeadlea any soli= co the our until the de.
of ton of the elate napartineat be made.. in. cars
Ilaosta od this State Depschoont shell is rook came
be ootoldsred etbileiice of tto toot whether thew.
smtbi, orts nokirabgat to Imintary'deity.
• T 111DA.T8' 43 . 1 . 34.0*. .
The Posed of roUneeM Iylll,th r pancreas of cor•
doe, Ober soy OW ma,airing prover notice of
• Vuterttote. (unite* orlote Porto.) Wats prodaciog
yatisn r0 t 4,.....ft..• hie reseereitoo,2 (pro.
" 4,4 he ausw•P 01 ; 1 a — llatall dad apposes tiocitor
/etas Ws sunsets called frosa the roll for has dlt•
alot4 to prodnir mu sopoptablio riatatltata;
drydod ma% asivealeut to hit wag, 'ay him
tbb am, ;has to pay the three Madrid dolUrs.
tly ordeal the 801111. ,
•. J. 811102 'O&M% Prialdent; "
Capt aadProtoot Luhall Btd Mat. Pa. •
iyidat , .
• rsovosr mammal:9 °Naos. }
VD Donator Pim*.
al roam! at, PIM/mew July 111. MX '
I . WIXEM.P.'/liD FhOM DRAIrt.
la aaccdoaos vita Woo, I..pablloi tho lol•
louring Ust ot poling oxemptoi from dolt by. tai
Boots of towillooot In tab Matto% to thlt dots,'
vita Um tyro= of gaga. au:optics: • •. • '
Weak Mds, Wed ward.. Jaw a iliddairri;
Jr WoQatlealgli; PIM; ward, Jr Ifltaratrlak;
fria Metro nth ward; Jiihn J,aeapol
111 Bakhrin • - War Wadi:raw
aim I aegt.ra, Joff.saa, Jaa Wall;
Ilad'ar.dianey. Him n, 14•0 Powell;
Par Laagdon, • T h ird ward, Mat th ew' Ogg
John J , Third ward, tkto Irarsaw;
',ma= into ULM we aser.mixo unornags,
Wavor, rani, Intimpien—Jobe P
Jai byoH, ith ward. Witiams—lfarthi leg%
Jaen& • • ad•nou. -
Wm Boy* 4th wad.‘ Warms-4 K
Daniel 111o , altry.
Park& ILnis lat wan!. Witoritino . *Mies•
° Vitt .1 - ooimt 14 10 1iard.. liftnisms—L
JqtiElJ Iseilrirta; 41 ward, Wthismottesliss .'
lhayttm, W • eildeoloneb Eiseel 1.141411•.. ,
Preduick Pinsk Mb word. ,
ranteti laza. 14yLin •
nip mum atrzoui; Deuxes.
Intim I costal. is ward, ICl•nrad Moors, ISM **A
W aeddelt Ch.lrard. • Adam Illotllib s ad ward. -
JJ Dougherty, 4th ■std.
mums= vrt stigvis AEI wimp.
Oliarleo Bolobotaarr. 4th word; myopic . _
Jobs 111114 e. 4th wed; contraction of Madan of
Oholloo 1111.fii, 4th mod; iroondof ilk lilibt arc.
root , Olehmoni; totsPadtioa of two norm.
lhopomoloior..4tti word ;" dolletost In - itolis!,.
far Ides slimpt , • •
I: • Ex sun= xasca ED, Ut3. -
Wm Yawns'. Meta, Co t, 614.11.
'Nark Le/pi. Mkratti I wit*. 09 61, WM
it:la a nowiliuniioithiliat Vsa 12 2cl.
Ildrivd Yelee,4th vied. 1121tauses—C1 a 71•24
J litsvostoa.. -
Fehr. Andencra, agend, Itlt
3. BISON T0W2 101 2.
sad Primed Ilassiug.2l4Dist. ra•
CLOMG OUT, bOblliJalt
Boos, Shoes, Gaiters and Bahnorala,
AT GULT.3IDWIT/011111 1 .
00all 1111 i ist2A/QAPIL
UNIV. lanes• - . 000 0 -. 00,
- Una *Oen obit ' 1.1111
•Pet.ILI lastbon , ,elore. 1.00
WOlllllleS 144000 0 0
Noma Read
low Tomb% nap. Ist 50.
obitaf•Oiroastiamomy ^fo,
olbsr gads In proinatlon, , ,
. .
. ~.a MAU= 6T5117 " • ;
• • • • - &caw deor from
Boots, Shoes 014
re. m spera eramt ;
TLIGGETT &00 cln Mamma
d• lins.aonar *arty sad mama stmts. pftft.
tomb. rs.
iMrOmpsdfin ge) bbh. efir.
JlWLake Superior Copper Bull and
Iintr.LTING VOILES, Piresramana.
Ilanufactureni of SITEATIIINo, nraziEw ANT`
alma Importers and Seaton In higuada, TIN PNATS.
MINT IBON. WINE, &o. Ooditantls on Anna
gpssusgooss, Eu.lo Phut and IE3 &mond stum*,
Pittsburgh, Penn's.
gerßpstial orders of Omar out to nay dogtrot pig
--- The Confessions and /Sap& italo6
utr AJSI INVALID. published for the benefit aniat
a warning =di:MOTION TO TOONO kin WIS.
Rao from litzTout Dtbillti. Premature Decay of
Manhood, etc., supplying, at the same time. THE
MANS OP estar ODU. By n ne who bat cured
himself after being put to 'great'
expense andlajw y
through medical humbng end gutter/. •
Br enclasiag peat;yaid: addressed envelope, Wm
09 mica may be had of the author,
toYillaydalelt Bedford.:lLlngs county. N. Y.
MC - To Bacons Bulb:iron of Botb
AGASE.—A reverend :gentlemen luring been re.
Awed to lusaltl in a few dip, after tutdergoing all
the mai routine and Irregular ear:naive modes a
treatment. without 11110C4/1. considers ft him au re
duty to oeinanniatte to hit alliated (allow mature ,
the Kum or Gun. Hence, on the receipt of an ad
dirweed envelope, he will and (tree) a copy of the
premarlption fated. Direct
. to Dr. JOBA M. DAG.
HALL,, lnlton inner. Droehlrw,l4..
Stoo..4.lLplit supplies s Irani Silt orrery good
housekeeper. leery sheet Will till squad When
sno Welt. Ilsmeistbes (hit' it 11 TOOT-MI/kb
tout doss this, sad rotas, the ti a Imitations test
sew Mood. Moored utile Liter safe bp ell respect.
able Druggists.
-LtaSZSMIKS. t7O&, a Co.,
nor= of Mint and Wood
. .
acfargra taox 31A1Lna4,1301' Y6U LT§
AND vAina DOO3B, wviDr7 - 81(irrzsaa,
WINDOW WARM/ ao” No& 91 A gt: 13 4 4 4nd
1111ThLe4 or- - set, between Wood - ' •
Ram ea band • wit* , Pazweaa,
mad plain, saltabl.' - -
Parfirtalm attauteca pa.. to Gnotaniug; Grave bat
'Jobbing dalmatian:at stoHee. rtha
Long, JUUZtr tY Co.
e. Work' st".Shiriebting Bta loc, Allegheny Valle,
piallreadi.. 021ciand.Wanhoase.
'Mani:in:4re= ILLIBUNATING and WWII.
no.l BAUTSISDATL. viryanted nonmezpio•
odvfolways on land. nnitlyd
a. Anus&
ptiramorsoir, MINIS st MID
WO, Somme ILwarouvro,' Wozzookti
Moue, Pittotargh.Poinea. - - '
Oman, No. la NA.Yc Bina.
NoolNaeour klstdi Of INNINNN Ain)
onz • ILLONENNIIT, CanING/3,13111.N0AD
iriui now= AND gizyr 11NN5
•JOBBIS6 AND 101 PAIRING dotii oo short
/fOBEIG3 'AND D0N1G817.3 BILLS QB teT,
ISOTZB AND SPirgie litutitietiect,Pitts•
biegb, Pa
• ,
tont made on ill the principal dila;
tirodittwut the Milted Stow— apttl
. _
asquato nap:reed (rim - No. 27 Wood Knot to Ha
Emit Wield ■wait, Pittabrirgh,ko.
sartueir 01/ TE.i.Eilf FOR eias. . mr4
orkoloode dealer. to 011Z23.12. BUTTka t Ettits2,
inß74, and Produce imprally. So: 25:W00d wool.
Pi2tibitroia. Po. -
artificEl.4.4A , •molflB.
EdTABLatikLED 1760.
eau', /an miaow meistrzAartnum,
16 • is caimans - =Jur,
j (romaly 49 Moffatt% .troot, Sow York,)
Weald tell the ottontke of &slam to oh. ortlthoot
til22B* ". aZwit
.(c=,:lno Bargee, Marie Papp% kraal=
ttosson, Doadgroa, Pus', Vireo* Nachltbe.bas,
. .
.: TslrLOW '
Elookh, Witt Tali Oa:4th. Mob MO TO1114:01
Luidyfeg; Hama 11.,w li*eh, IMO Emmy t3oatob,
WAttwtiouY ailltd - to th• lasge reduationla
prior of l'ine•Out Criteutog and !main" Tubaccat.
wbbi sill Da baud of ;a =or quality. - •
Ilsocuto=Liing. Ho. Via; Nai. 1 szid 21 nixed,
ha Orr Chroirroo—P. A. L., or Oita f Oann•
-411414 or Beneti Beret Icentod Oronoooj Tin Poll
• 114tocura.:A;Ja4o, iipanlab. Cloister, Takla.
11.-,4 grouter of prim will be rent oil 04 11
cation. NAO.
ILsnakatarmrs of
Lai dater' ,
1 1 ,4 Lead,
EloCk Tin
:at onot, ,
• NlNid -
Eferfim Ilia - A= Brazen; - -
61.11eft iirsclisnawn,
ttototosoio to Jottoota. gotta
1 Merchant Tailors,
elquire erroor: OF GOODS;
ofi alit a to mends, videb booboos Moist
'slot* you ooze sant do optrobstos lit . :tut .
iirmw; &find, sod patroosobid troVilng a pp slake!'
toodos ID bestows sod stria totagetty;ts stoeCtbd
*Acura of all who WO 1 . 1 "2 1 rab seal;; •
OTIFICRIV 17N1701113'
„ .
Nide is order to do bad udder wired raidadilt
boriu. awing Gabbed s day 13141.110111114,
id BOA NW aid 'Llo• eftenydi well dice du
Minh... S.. properd auddwaidanan lbs•
ldorlas do "ba
Uld M att na<fUitalabib
.001k.OF 118 u 41r1MOTAIRICTINEML.
• O .
01 1
•.: - W. WitB rektimr. -
LArt 701TiTli 11411611.
thig boa botight
bolt stook .
pertlbet to•varktiol:adtaaoss. sad sio...rttleabb•
*Le w * tamest 1011 = 0 .0 4 1 1 •Pollio4
lin 7 the Nowt dldpe.ln. .•-• . •
annii 3 OLE!tti/Orinow
u appottiatty tit Wend to pantassas.a , t,
ctitrate rittotfl4l,t titt! tottlitittr.
, 17./111aLll—Osa letodredUtialltikaosa,ot‘sey
allethee - el'theel..4l3ll Out la Um Olt" ee
bates; Pai Ellis* • trout of WO fret OktbsPtthe
son Oahe *huh Winke :lto.lot Vedanta
Ociaseef. the ratebatab,i Ocaaelber '
puletas thrash the ewer* et it. xr
' Toe, twat opal" CORTStiledii;lre. is
teeltalea alma. New Teak,al.; of U. MIMIC
Ave. 114.481' atll - etrole,,Ttusimt, PS..
mat 'at the ottatel re tapeerhe
' LARD bbl: No. 1;
i 5 a;
hood for sale lif - . `: JAS. DAissia.a Boa.
Own / It sad 10Weereetadet.
Jits L LA.) r o vs.
g pkva —Ws mks tith soothed of tidbit. Pas oar
irb.d. ay& lbs. grbil* that *a • or. sow
accosted is ICS 'Lien' TWIT WIT 'WU, Pill
tales practice Of Deathtry. litsse who buy ISM
MatObing this issub dread. sperstliatsky Row
lay Wee their hers sad she • esll. as the *Me
num• we has* to oss hos boon tissolothlyiestsd dor.
b ur tb. grit boy inn, toUI artalitisaisp Owls%
sad Wake' character id the otsisilon. Ico Deco
er Onsesicalsbas °shank, Battery awl. -nu there
wadded tbri serekas of • good sad gethuditiptiots•
will do veil to cal Sad axernit with, .
laShamme; -Ik4rl6l—.R
UTIOE lei . JiML or tilVgN that
A.Vt the l'arineishlp lately existing betareen DAN.
IBL DaMIRETT and' Iff.: I. BUN NIT. nedar the
than of DAMN. BINNITT NON: wiu absolved
ea July atteftett,•by-tantitel - rowboat '
DiNtUatTataattuuteadteatttle WI dente due to oe
by the Oompeny. : DAN( att 13115NNIT.
-terve eteeetabet WILLtAhI titres= with
ate to tee anutafeetta. and eal• of Chneetwae, tee
nyle of tam fine to be D. At W. the
partnerob p to data boat Jett 134 IL
soo bozos Waters Volume Obwoo;
NO do chola. Otitttog
20 do Bomb*. dei
20 do aztaa torsi Omni •dol,
15J do common do
300 bosh. °bolos lllM•dliGi Inks;
In atom Gad hr male by - .
vass waminow,
1,15 , • al
917141torty • t.
tillon—Ul all tunas
bliatarli. =Ma mid bap, m bbls i balm;
lake White Insti sad &atm bi lAA& a 10 . 161
• 3100 btaa. 11 0 . 14.611 '
6o do Orr
- lir ails by . pvvp / . .traraldrOli S. .
°±4al l:l 4 l . 2 4 1 .k4, ,
If ,rxt Oak aismptlon hint tL &Vt. filar
WLT.y No.loll.7Uth dna,
17111:11, • 1 7 .1 , 41.100 r bolaw latbodral.
► Tito
.. O “A"Zbr ruAtag 'ram
to bit,
- - BONA !non AND- geamma,
ALtlitlkattat buy yoar isUuTtS
slots mad Garnail at ttio kited pratt, ae
ANTSRi. abwt.
Wire. clui 'day Nasuata
N ad with a IL* IdeLPl,a lbo duns sawn
of flint Ohiewww. ATM.aylWof the firm, taw» !
all be SWIM a BROTHM4.
♦ fresh aniul
Gauze; aszaunamt amp Bo"-
. At BOILANDM OE Nfrefutt
2 z5 ( N u nAhavxds ruha bisa*
Strut* it Ow -• ..
ZIOUAIOR OOLIr AMY 4 Llllpl Witt , .
11 4 1 q 1 : 1, On l L
Ttmennroj • - - -. ' - ' JAW -AvNO.
UtiNtiti; t. export r pt , to ,or Ud t
LA I alias 014,:to export a • ■or oil - ,
IIAWOINLOTUaIiaa. aO2/11/ L./ Ita URNS;
int Vier Maas sada. the Nada Law, printed lad
11i LUKIv IiJvAIS AN u H<ANKd, to
Lila Ono Oil issie Whisky. Distillers, mil Brom
wid. a. :onarroa ag 00.,
I liA Ball& - : lfi.- /icy lur the Ter
oozl nvtmpaid. larlso Dntlon on Oa, .Lo.,'
'pAatsdQ. JOllllBlOll .100
, . ,
ro 7%5 Mint
3 : A 1 .4 1 VA suoug to PrePaz" -
' ox.s.iss or baiiiriplurai .
Ter. tai mP tiot4l . l ."° ll 47 ,
• rotilot nnAlir rraiwr.
_AA wiz 1 analysis and: DilCl32.
stow oalho Subject of bough ha Ito :Oa 12$:
portant and preettal pkooss.::l37_ (Ibarleia2oraa.
Iva 12 no.' Pilot $1 21
1, KAT 6R Wood otrof.
g I • itigilsiambi .
3tiO box* Itsiibirt , .
160 do' EL - t4e . ain)Chtemq;
Taut reetiTed. and ph - at Pio 116 Peoeiditz.l4,:'
11521 .-78ANK.174.10 GORDBIL:
jj VitJAlALettetrblitAArk—ClF bole LOVI
&Aortae& ClrobsdAirt nftertbed.Lont old 24.
mai Willie NIA 2041r3ligory pray:adrift and tot
sae by thr bionalbr u . %.
therrmiir ,001 17.
otor. " • "- .1101E11 IUttiSHAW.
jytA ' corairLibrity and eitld amour:
IklisisislS.---10U boxes prime
• ;70 do _ do Ontting
go . do :iv
In igton sad bib rli by. 'OLLiII.'CL'
. • litbiety atand..
1.10 tht.IMW it;
prodoottro or tto boat multi la Sick Eirodootio.: .
Auto.. of t.%Ptorasob,iloortlorrai - arol, all' cow,
&lola rabbi tram , Aoldry.
For ode at EinArs blaiisaL
ATORL.' mash Mao igirootk,„
. birilothrer
'ALL axis „Itbisunatdus, mini Pala 1k tbk Back
aaa M 4, macs cult., Z!ttilas, Muth Oat%
or Weatids a oar
ror mow: aItSTIO4p DMA
woos, car. obit, owl Foeleral strodrta -1•11 t
lutist:Kalil:Una: receive
CAL alea, Irak Imams Aiwa; Santini; Gestans.'
nut. Saucy, farina and Mai Ora k.ey for snob,
, • . JOB 3 A. 11118181811ni— ,
iv4ll moss I,lo.rty and Band streets.-
All)V.b.tiN KANT J &VAL tel , Jsa jut
eivalved wad tce saLD wbolar!, sad nidl. N lb!
ItaatlY OpollY Awn al
cariarldbri. pd
Hand ans.
ultimata! Vtlib • - I 4.) ildiddadg I.•
too boxes plod IC 8 4 . a
40 da etudooltambordi
nom dad *WWII try
,-. . . W4llll:dontip
flishiraNl 1.-10t1 DOW bow York Go•
1 1-fasioinpularsitleb;*esid. tit - • " "
1 , 2 7 , -•.
j Uiti tl/14-150 bbl..
on_ toad ori'i fay ft - 18W
. • 41.11:DAZZOLTit WY
1,19 . •.• 69.8u110 Wstor stmt.;
liKitaß-T4O bbln prime amass on
Nal bane and for do
. • JAL DiiitLL eon
/ 11Issaibit --60 - :bozo i.inter
V Cheese Jost rushid sad inir eats •
3,„,, Ducset.
iv rt w mos imcarnivni.syruil.myot•
Var•lit)011 Tralif it) MiWAillts:4'
J. wash".:—witisve .tit. rafk
*re BM Soesslatiat. , &Naito pito loci
L H. MGT At 00.
2.maids Mar ca bainla„ ' •
lilitb.h.-4Uti boxer' W.
....... •
/A a.. t7Ltr7'eiti —a ver, thing in!,, that
linikke satediep,id tie 'Nat (41 Mei h Orpot
J. it H.:1111(P1,1111. ,
.• Pit . ties 211•1411184 ~441 r .trast.
td.. ,431 , AA.K.Hirc.—asakither - ,/brge
la sappy:gat and tar' - '.at:ll3uf Lida'
Hobber Lope , fM add 211 Si. Ode street.: •
id% .1' 11' PH IL-,
-liAr a Ludt, k" 1 l'ACk 7f 200.1 r •.311214,7 (Mal_
T 142,!° , ! 11 " .. -I°k7).Pir
4 ./ •3 - • iitral.o,o, l l4A
tlecitx*.: glielfik'Pa 6 7.
/us nifty / liana ...f...1W40111..
CIS UO tobork—tbe
buiskiosou in iniair..--srit 101 .14 4 - -
• frviaawill
ta U 0 _boze#',.ala ..rOll rtatolt
.k.licoft sad foisda low ta• vide. quant.V.,
ties;:to3 , Or A itecel. fang ,, WAH RN a 1,0.14
•11 1 liu Arri. 8- Or Web , by ,
lei"; .I.UO 'b bit
vx - TitathilitP-13 "mhos- ut- dors
bbls. Louis,
wA Mr pi. In Jon .41 & Jowl star
I 1 • LIS 'WkB.-130 Uothio, o
rim stAis,FL (IMMO.