The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, July 29, 1863, Image 2

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The Ulliolll State Cour:n[loD.
As originally appointed, the Union State
Convention was . to meet is this city on the
/it:pt . /AV ; bdt owing to 'the fact that
_lllolli ottbe.delegates werivat that time raw
sent inthi - itaiiiee of theii_eountry, aiding
to drive.the label Invaders:from the State,
the.thintral Committee held a meeting. in
Philadelphia, on. Wednesday, Jane 24thi,
`and paling P., Funs Stunt, Erg, to the
Chair, (General idutxzel being nnavoida.
bly abaent,) pseud - the following resolu
a. Shat'la
thw Pr.gIatMOTIMOY.
da'eptim toil& Union atata
'typed la military okyrtoa, and auladi bit avowal at
- - —.a tagappOotaa Imfd at Mani gly oo
-.• wit It Gd. @mad alp Want town:
WWI Wedatad.y, the btb-asy.
a'alata a. mu sad It haraby
raiz a iturcu,
0144 mat em. l; .Lt .
I with this resolution the
me w' ible in this oily on
named. and "sill hold its ,
foot HaM, wiaoh has , been
.ages Ist papae by the Committee
t arrangentents.
. .
Poinlousy of one Governor.
It<t situated, howevu, as a yeason for
the ranomination of Governor Ctrariv, and
the only one we ever heard, that he is pop
ubtr. with the soldiery. If this were true
it Triad make no 'difference, under the de
cision of such men as Woonwszo sad
Lewin; that they are not entitled to 'the
privilege or protection of the ballothos,
against the skulkin cowards 'thaw, who
are their :worst onemla•—and moat danger.
one, bonnie ~they fire from the rear.
Bat it ht not trite, if we may trust the
almost univenil testiniony from the army,
so far as We hays had an opportunity of
riming 14 and Ii would be strange, In
deed, it wore, looking to` the &toddy pro.
Hded foillisin by his agent; in the first
per, and his whole subsequent conduct in
rewd to conunlisbnut, with his well-known
preferences for men, whose loyalty has
never been coluddered of the brightest
Our readers will remember the time when
. it was publicly said, that his parson would
not have demi side in the camp of • Penn-
Sylvania regiment. We are not of those
who affect to believe that this feeling has
improved into popularity, notwithstanding
the ,newspaper reports of reception; and
A ftag prevcittarions to which we have been
so omen treated. Cheers on the Potesimo
inlet Pennsylvania regiment; are a cheap
smnp::went, and nut always to be taken as
evidaries of adudratilit t for tla rise. A
largepartionJ of - them =ILIA fairly - be set
doirn tit the account of 1t& offkswhich he
bore, 'bathe successor of so many bravo and
well-tried men. An absent Sobiler would
naturally be glad to lee any tolerably do. j
eenit,,umin from his 'wive State, who had I
some to visit, and riid,tit pswer of helping I
trim; but an army patronage like th,lt of
the Governor, in the hands of such a man
Jut Cum; is always a fatal gift to the
It is impossible, however, that with his
facility of temper, and a desire to Please
everybody who approaches CM, so great as
Li; result in -infinite prodigality of print
h% forgotten as soon as uttered, and never
intended to be perfoßned, he should have
been able either to ampdrs, or maintain any
permanent or well toundal popularity. We
you'd polnt out oases, when - hi has even
pas out his way to voluntesraigagemeau
to friends, which were not aught by them,
in the first Naas, sad which wore no sooner
made than violated, as though,ii had been
his stated pupae to soavert them into
enemies. It was Goznexemr, we WW II ,
who said of Enatrsa Buzz', that
"He &nor off W. friends is a huntsman Ws packs./
Ir 0. tom, *hal plemrsd, as could slum. tam
Goventor Ctrs= has dealt with leis, or
such of them at least is were honest, is
about same way. Sr is not Buzz;
however, by any meang and we doubt much
whether his whistle will be adpotent as
eon that of Bonen= Dad
list Can it be said, as it has often been,
in excuse for bit delinqueseitui t , that be is
easy sod good natured, and his been ores ,
ruled by the bad counsels of other- men.
The fact we admit is more than probable.
Those who have visited ' the Al:enure
Chamber and learned thereby iolurotr how
affairs have been conducted during his ad
ministration, are perfecily well aware, that
although helms lever given mach heed to
his ; constitutional advisors, he has never
been more than nominally the Governor of
this agate. It is not to be 'contested—for
the testimony of the Bon; B. A.Pcraviation,
proves it, if there were nothing else—Wit
he has beak . ' but en instrunumt in the hands
of abler and more cunning nund..—not of his
Cabinet proper, ad Jut remarked,: aid not
generally even of. the *Wei of those who
&cited him; From what we have already
stated, those who read us may ruddy give
media°. to the open basscas currently re.
Ported, of one of these Matters, that he had
torn erg is the palm* of the Govei*or 1
himsegnome halts dosed veto iMisOss,
which he had prepared for igansediefcm to"
the Leghdatare. But what excuse Is there
in all ilds for his multiplied delinquencies?
Why not elect either Gen. Aswan* Poe
n; or Col. hioCimars, or Col. Ektord, or
Cot. IL EMMA ROBERT; or Col. thlii•
azim, or some;; one of ths other Democratic
politioiras, whom he has had, or has now
aboz:t lkim, at once; instead of himself?
We should have the advantage then cife .
least, of having the polies and responsitdk
It united in the same Uncle.
- We think we do not go too-far in saying
that the administration of Gov. Cottrxr--
his rery.facility of temper it may be—has
gathered about the capital a class of men,.
whose prom is anything but C whole
some one, or a favorable Index of the state of
poblioiooralitythere. ThoreLlsbeeinotime
In the history of this State, when prottigsay
and venality were more open and shame
lus, durin,g the sessionsof the Legislatm
Nor is it the Isar that has generated thole
Maggots in the body politic. dor. Como
low associated with Idol, by his own sots a
power which first set the example of am
:option on a gigantic soils, and has sittos
become his master. It is not evens divided
sceptre that he now 'Welkin oczumeg on
with the new Aogostas, whom ha h eel°.
thud with; 14sii in the mph*. When be
manta tidy* ail to howls la to defend the
Btaie, be sends fei the - 341w c ear , and
Earridnus!ow spews Alb 6,1 it,,
by way shorties bOW higia c tlitt -the
Ally{ ~
.. SY ~~ .i ~c
... 'kr ? v l '.
.ram _
Penneyhalals Railroad Company is to the
salvation of the State. It is a .. m en re _
leurs‘l,- however, of what took ply" as
soon as Suer bad aicomplished hiaprimary
object: at the scathe of :1811j-- He took hie
place in the Executive Department, with
the telegraphic wire, in his Lind, aid
maintained it, until he was summoned to
'the War :Department in the Federal Capi
taL • The. G osernor — brokir his trunchion
and laid doin everything, but the mere.'
symbols of "face, at the feet of his, new
masters. He lies never since resumedit,
and never will.
Party Morality and Party success.
We heat ,. .siti occasional complaint &hos
other parts of the State, of the freedom with
which we have been dealing with the Gov..
eroor. The objection is not that the feats
stated by us are' no true, but teat lii
highly Impolitic tostaie them; first,beestuse
he is a Republican fanotionery ; and no
ond/y, because it is at leaet ayienibie cum,
that the Oonvendon about to assemble here,
might present him as :a candidate for re
To the first of these objeollone we answer,
that although elected by the party, we are
by no Ineanectire that, looking to his tastes
and surroundings, he le not more strongly
inclined is the Pelee Democracy, than to
onnelvem :tad further, that if we are in
some sort responsible for his election, it,
only Imposes upon us-the duty of making
amends by an honest confession, and,
debTOring to prevent the reourrence f of a
like injury to the party hereafter.
To the second, we reply that we do not
regard his nomination as *possible contin
gently, in the face of such a record as .we
have tarnished. In the absents° of these
statements it aright Imre hippened. As the
case stands now, it 4:ionic' not, without sup.
posing in the Convention an absolute want
of oonsciene+d an utter recklessness of
, There are politicians, we know, who
would laugh al our simplicity in taking it
,for granted / that moral considerations would
all to have any weight in an auem
bilge of/that kind, Instructed, perhaps, in
advance, in favor of &particular individual,
or 'engaged by tad private interests of its
members, to favorhis pretensions under all
We are agreed that the tone of political
morality ie not always as elevated as it
ought to be in such assemblages, and that
they are but too often made up, to a large
extent, of men whose peroepUens of right
and wrong are aspainfully obtuse as those
of the unfortunates of the feebkr sex, who
live by prostitution.
We take it for granted, however, that
they will desire success, and to insure that,
endeavor, as tar as possible, to esseirs
To aosomplishlhat, however, it ie to Le to r
membered- that they have to deal with a
constituently whose moral sense is cf
higher grade, and cannot be safely either
outraged or Ignored—however it may be )
with their own. It is a great mistake to
suppose that the people are as indifferent
as the rotitiriner, to theoltarsotent of their
public servants. A reputation, at least, for
honesty, is alwitys an essential element of
success. No party is Jutting enough to
disregard it with impunity. Republican
Government will be confessedly a failure,'
when this shall come to be considered as
immaterial. "Look at your own, Governor
and Legislature," was the bluer taunt of •
Southern Senator to a Pennsylvania Lea
-1 Llama, • month or two after the , repeal of
the Tonnage Tax, "and tell me what Is to
be the end of your free Institutions, and uni
versal suffrage?"
We hope to succeed at the next election,
andmi/l, with the exercise of even tolera
ble prudence in the selection otesadidates.
It is not so much a question whom we shalt
taket;rai whom we shall' sot like. We can
elect shunt anybody but the present in
cumbent. Upon the record we have shown,
it would be tempting fate and courting de
feat, to take any Alai on him. It is not
neeessary we should, so long as there
are - man etidugh of greatly superior ea.
pudgy, who, in point of personal character,
are above exception, nor do we Wend that
it shall be done, it we can help it We
will not be compelled to mks em issue.l
upon his Record. We must /decline the
baUla upon his integrity as I Pull* Ad-
alibi:rater. We want the decks cleared
for • fair fight, upon the great qiestion of
the day, in which we' cannot afford to be
ist•au,d. With any other 'caMlidate,,
can go into II full of heart and hope. With
him, we 11110014 only have an assured der I
test, in the way of compensation for a vio- I
hued conscience. We have, as already re- I
marked, no partialities to indulge, no I
resentments to gratify, and no candidate I
to sena We are content to leave the
&oleo to others, with the single reserve-
Wei that they shall have some respect for
our moral convictions, and not ask us to
dishenor ourselves by advoosting the oleo
tied. of a man who bee already so far
abuied our tionfidence. No party obliga
tions can compel us tte, support • candidate
we believe to be dishonest; and no
-ishiable, service can be rendered to any
part by doing IL Stroceu itself would be
the lures' way to ruin. Another term of
sunk a man as CIIILTUI, like th at `which is
just 'ending, would bare us no party to
quarrel about.
American News ai -Read by Um Ear
, • /Ash Peo,pia.
We take the following extracts from the
letters of the American oorreepondents of
two Landonnewipapen—the Anse and the
• :enact. No doubt a considerable
portion of the English public judge of
a s froze the files reports of
much writers:
The New York correspondent of the
Time, writing June 26, my r—There has
been it great revadon of sentiment among
ali classes. The objects of Gen. Lee's ad.
Ta 11011: Into Maryland end Penneylvani a , . re
admitted by nearly every;au, except a raw
plain:ill:al °pinioning and government
to beatotluntlees than the
his Caof asibegteg. Lbws', and
binet,, as well as Gen. Hookarishare
the opinion. There is a very wide4pread
and earnest wish that Lee may be insetatits.
teL 'The belief that the present Maw..
tration is Incompetent to conduct the war,
that it cannot conquer the South; that the
South IU indubitably adders its Ind*.
pendinekand it is better for, all parties
that It should ao so without farther blood.
shed, ban spread rapidly from the lower
clause upwards, until it has pettitanted the
whole miss of society, except ilia contra..
to the premium ant the
btaars e '
I l t adt h a e p orturtibaxsp te o v sid ne h ws the fe 4-
* avow la
hotel lobbies and readiat itrohe
ms t dis it, is the
staple topio of oonversituk end appears to
be so Ryan ted sad le universally dill
heed h hushed the blatant
- • - _ .
' peters of war, and welded the conflicting
passions, interests and convictions" of a
greakpeople into the -homegenity of tone
weary, disputed, and all bat Indignant
prayer for,peace. In every pert of the
country the war mania seems to have sub
sided. New England, which spoke of the
990,000 volunteers which she would send
to support the policy of emancipation, hie
not sent a man to the relief orPennsylvs
nit". The North-west organizes her young
men in secret societies to rettist compulsory
aid to a war which the common sense of
thermsjority has long since ceased to ap
prove. Such is the sitiation. Gen. Lte
is thundering at the gates of the capita;
and the people rather approve than eon
.deran the Confederates' chief, and wish lie
were President, instead of Mr. Lincoln, to
settle a difficulty which it is even out of
Mr. Lincoln's reach to appreciate. In fact
the government seems be tumb-
ling into perdition.
"Manhattan" writes in his usual style
JO the Ifernid. Be regards New York and
Philadelphia as doomed.: Booker is pest
hoping for.. The Bank Presidents, as near
as tureen learn, have decided that the mo.
went Philadelphia / Is menaced, they will
transfer'the gold and silver from the vaults
of the banks to the British steamers, and
probably $70,0004000 will go oat, with spe
cial agenisoto place this bullion in the
?salts of the Bank of England.
The Plans for the New York lob.
An eileemed and reliable correspondent
at Washingtoii, writes se fellows to a eon
temporary :
/ Day by day the magnitude of the pur
poses entertained by the originators et' the
-iewYork mobs - continues to dwarf their
paltri performance& They meant revolu
tion—they attained house burning, murder
of megrims and miscellaneous thievery.
It is but an open secret now that the
Government ie in possession of facts quite
clearly establishing the intimate connection
of the invasion of Pennsylvania, the mobs
in New York, and the raid into Indiana
and Ohio as parts of the same general
plan. Lee was to invade the North, carry,
tag consternation and panic through the,
whole region in which he had entered.
Simultaneously Fernando Wood's forces
were to defy the Iteneret Vovernment and
precipitate New York into revolution,
while Philadelphia was held at the mercy
of Lee's advance. libiantime Indians and
Ohio were to have been thrown into con
vulsions by a powerful rebel raid, the least
of whoa, results would be the prevention
of any troops from the West being sent
Beet to meat the emergency, while it might
bring abillat a meeting of certain Tory Leg. islatures, whose doings could, not fall to
tend lik twine to revolutionary measures.
I But the New York mob was to be the
main, efficient ally to Lee's army. - It failed
more because the prompt movements of
Hooker's army checkmated Lee than be
cause of any action by the New York or
national authorities. There are credible
persons here who declare they have seen
the fall lists of,threlve organised regiments;
made up of Men who were in the plot, that
were to have given the mob consistency
and force. When Lee failed they refuted
to commit themselves -for nought, and so,
instead of revolution in New York, we had
negro mobbing arid house breaking. The
thieve* that made up the rank and She of
the Movement, being left without the guid.
mice of these organized bodies, followed
their vocatlin,•_ and so the mob became
'what it was . But before it is all over
more than one man, sow prominent and
claiming to be respectable, will need his
best endeavors to closer up and conceal his
criminal connection with this plot.
lEWILItare Jro2"/CJEL
Tor the beasit of
dellrat sa celstoal dddtat to Amakius ant.
. -
W TSB Mtn= 0111118. at
TOIL (Wednesday,) INNEN, July 29th
TU. Addeo" woo Muted at Bt. Loath Is be
plosiaot of soy. Bab. fad • asatertet sad to.
spootatgin tollosna, sad roroktod , at Otatfoostt.
' To enable al tut tillow dug.= to partalpto ea
tltt Intortotlogooosalott, tbo Was of &daimon boo
bolo trot of IS 01 1 / 1 15.
illirlifelmts tarsals at Os Bag, Mato and Ass
eta me of nimbilsil sad Atlgtray,
lc on epos 7300010 ck, oostmeoce at
Wawa or Nara Baba ■ • &mom iltonsa 00. , 1 .
.11.1tabarsa. dal 060, tga
mtkiNo 0111.A.151 bow doclarad 'D
al ial
&ad at WITS toroLL&AS Pll 111.1.1a11. payae
as and attar MODD 11, tba ado' •oareat.
).soda . Tao... N. NOllia. Treason,.
'ANudsb(l intrUtta'ANT
*Sam•ltipdaz Ito flag of Asp.
stowl. O. e. P , Ida bo boll Go T. sons*
DAT 1TD0114.1. Jot, tllck. at TM Am,
issetbs , •l 04 Lugo lo ealvollay • nlqUottOt 10 at.
tat& • of satetodaso w OttOlally to.
irit.d to h. onvest
w —lteneys depobited with
cr of Istsrwit wr.oa..lllk. r*-
fizetio pa reborn of tile di:plicate reanyts, ynymly
mined by Lb! Board a libroUmpal.
' elms es osmosis sassuato Jo
ula ~ I
• ritotrogrt s oko, HOW r
oqiunoir, liStuuni. orfNN
tbs aubsodboss to tb. &oak of tbs Watt.
Traasportotlas Ootertny tbst so ssoroustat
VOA t1 , 0(44.6111 (116 04 PIUS (RIAU by bo aUm stook otboorlbed, payable at Op Wks
of: the Thwart*, at , Pttsstrargb. as or tot= lb,
Silk dalt - ol- Jar, Ufgt, sod a Ulu a n Orlin
Tips Iliortoroir, otborohio mottled
•-t. ll o ll fle tbs Board
a. J. 111•Dowsta,.•
ir....iii4llll.ltne hut) ttUrt.--.lln WOO
.v.r, tba wtg be bola at tali 'Board of ?rad*
lianas. fa abo Olty of Flttooargh, on TOVIDAY,
too WM day of Aollat mat. aa It o'olooa s ., to
afoot amnia Diraotors of [h. PLitaurgh Wain L.
or choosey. it ewe. lot the swab' par.
Dramas& Satiating!, Wit Breaux.
Jou 3.J _aa ocovr,
W. kloCaartar, toad Woos,
_ 000 NT! 1 2.11011T1V11 °um erza.—
Mai *HI be • ossetiag of Qs Vaasa west, *i s m :
Cotoodtus as 10 o'clock a. is os WiDNan—
,NAT,../aly seta: at lb. olio, of iloomum 6 osowo.
Innik ostost. A. tits !tats GonoosalcouSaals 01%
606 !Austin. dims will 4 boalosso,ot stoat log
m i... has sea m tks Uoissduso, sad 14147 Ma.
OW Wined I. Is provon.
ja.Sta J. E. STSWAIIT.Beeratam .
WANTED -A situation as WARE or
• w .BALIBIIIIII4 by • youog man who bu bsd
IWO Pulsars' exputenen a oath wbelms.edna
Mall groovy tottcsa. Wilke • goof band. end
*peaks , sita/butddi sod Germs' lineage very gag toll,. , Weald ask•llloultpurally weal In a. y
brooch of barium. eauefecury releresece will be
slue., nuns learns Gums OITICL"
ANTAW.--blioe perioni
:natal at the llaloro Witch to Wu op sad
Innßd hop amain/a$ lowa. ALM tO kW sad
ll ttraaslog at low. h./S Og DO 00nat and to on. tho Olt/ of PottaborgO.
11 eawnsai - J . 4,
Pith h. lair nth. ' Ilthlt
per havingV r ortablo pion Sr W for apaid for lap sod
5 051, will cal ta t.. Mayor'l Oaso to W.
BA.; Mayor
Plasintribasir altb.
Wllla Jr
ftmgibit* 1.t3 ..,AT A fa ,
5015.-41% W.ONDSDAT 1503/1/1554.1417
frok. 8511 o'dOck, as s et. ask strut will be
rol4aaboat SI/ morn, •
50 .0011frot Volt 746555 i • --
5 bbia Gino Pita - Cootiot t
Also, tho apt
for lor
ry Was JOSH Al diros by's 80 0 255
alashaor aoop.
tiltairialM e
1 'ro Drove Tut, On MO nth Ica oTiIBS
onn, tweet thste Narked with the Wise X ea
the right !al . ' the Ca lifbow ww.ll rim
-WI& Whew u=. ll l Sl*
.A liberal. rvirset irM be
e n . Ar earletsesetten womb* an abuts de.
scribed hum, if Wit et the YABOAN 1101783. oe
ai l alma.. Damn i unt,' . .„ topihr •
ilaaAaa a
aa Ws 10 r k ale aas Obis!
", G <M an
In donbsdtrrb~ lootaltbela.idesaerlyoo,43F," isms
- -
ax e.
/16 leery week
..4:1 TAM error at Pol 4 lo
Saha st t rltbbareb. on T 2.0 lig'
' l : l •Te'luallet 20* DU at 10 o'clock s. 7t. Ut Lk*
rfebt, title. latereet and state of Et.reft
d eftaftly ot. to and to all trim two certain 1 4,4 of
Irolad altnitt in the Plitt, Ward of Fret.burge.
harlot. each • *oat of II feet on Penn street. sad
€ , l oo4lo tbaok fB. frt. room or lam and aloluirre
-fla r e a rt4 :nitte al t:g r of fif q'J'.ffll77zf6p:t;t:di
ebtod, wh....aratascted thaw tars:rot id trick
?all latortattlon at to time of isle, la.. may l e
olval-ed from Blkasuara. i 11111.1 W ti. . attoreels
atl.kir, N0:116711th sheet, Pittsburgh.
' JANE+ AL 4 .Xg.
stkst Zreentor of rfewert Da's eeed
(1.110114/110IlZitig th e
a r eateg. Paring end Vetting with Cui ewes.,
tollogti oe Peeneelrenta
B et: I /1Z. B. 8.. en Duller Sc.,
Deo. I. Bee ordialwd ad . naiad by Ow Mayor, AA
&mem sat einem* qf Pa d Moot sad lute.
meow Pi e wentlaraabled. and it is hereby winded by the
fvflbefe4 ow
that the newerding negalsior
be and be la Wildly directs!' to advent.. for to a f-r Greeley, Paemg and Settler • Ith - Oarb•
et ne, Morten drag (rem who A. V. a. P., on Den.
I.r street, se the Penny I emeia banned. and.Ve let
She maid In the meaner Oars. e t by ell o 010. nd. of
"Donnell! awe relay wrests, pawl she Mei day of
default. A. D. 1857.
__Orchinew. and enacted Into a law In Oolintilli thin
ZTUI de7 of Zak% A. D. nes.
JAM AroAULtilj o
Preadaa of flalecaoonnell.
Attest: 111. & Miaow.
Clink of Select OonnelL
Preel ca dent of ()cannon Orancll.
Attest noon IhrkLurr.
Clark of Oommon 001113Cil. lOU t
ISEY2II7—WR Witt do WN tr
APICIPOIft POE LtvaliPoou.
The Zoe British Barque BaLTAadaa. Bo'crt,
we. 11 .. t . ,, having Ste rester part of her oargo
enanged, will be dlspatolteeku came. '
/or balanced kelpit apply to
POTho NBIOPTi 60 $ 8 .
17Mw ynt..anah. ,
at Ihwiehlerilile. Name of Teloabla land for
a wed: bottled -pad courentently iumoged
dwelling boon of ball. Moe roomy and alatr ; mar.
off mandaa parlor : A iage art, SUMP bonds.
tfm ; atabley;mirriage boom, tml home, fl 30 Mel
ollolati 11061 a &Ili other balidloge. °solemn
(4400 Was ofokoloegoalitied. mall tram in sena&
ants; riles, 11404 rano( t woe amine tonic tram; tad
"dor and wall of ender; 411 sots • easikdo* feofta
all to End coAer. For pram sod benne aeolg - to
hts 8 1t.1. , FL18 e ter • wind. 61. &lathe et. • I
- - -
iplalintinT A.DJOINING fiAel LLB.
I .Tr roa 134.61—We ere ant horlatl to of.
that batatleol caantry soot, cootalnlog SWAT 10
wen, al coder a neat moot And In • •611 braved
It•t• Of Clalth•0013, wlin a nett two story dwoldlon.
Auld well Wayyaw Planted with -fruit and shade terned -The snare, aujoloo preperty ot
JUN. tOenet. Alm Bloc Jona unityte,d O th.
.rer It °Menet as the law prim of Ittoott Paths
orrd.inking a home Is the country, loot at ' , Morning
•H. leaf.* IN 11 01., 109 rosrth st.
Manafactcrer stuery &amlpllun of
me, w rr Tr Ram,
A fall aamortateat of pnISFILBGH anowurAc-
TIIBr.D Nelkilltllllll au:wanly La and, which
tar sell at tha land sakes for Ottati.
Lib,— .
A LZATII2B rocswr mos.
occli••• 041 k AltimOrAy. btu.. IL P. Swartz'.
Dm ai n Stars Sad l mmon, wigs listar at...
?Winder •rtl. At r . zd d Al leadzi It at DI N
Lip. LOILIIII A ca.% AO. 336 Jadtra; time, pl.
prof City. ,
• Hod's*, fits. Jal7 517.1103.
D IBI SOLUTION.—Bottoo is hereby
given Oast tios Arm of hLITU *OfflOtr
wu d ' a ftgyed 00 Botordo.T, the 75th that.. Ah tOosa
who an todatood to Oa moo otll Onto aroma
atom so JOH& FAITH. alut those baring mat=
adll pawl tbisa Ifor pivotal. se to litho old, so
abashed panto to odds tbo berbsev.
Jr111:1w 8 114TH & Of it osr,
F - ~& 130.1.116Atik
S° '`nOi tor 14111 1001.1thOtra. baying apt
thar eattga on board, vlll Warp with despatch.
I,OID moo parrots at to atuppsd as OZIOL
ADSO7 to rRSRR W7IIOH?A 8o e.
T maidOURELLO MGM, 11.1
vacal aa• INV" ibiumaalfro will Oatmeal' cm..
dat s,
112GL161111 Cat TRAYII Mine,
Of EWA vs ban Isceffsd • Imp basks of nes
bandaama saw NAL _ _
e X•011111I GUM
n sa
tee et. tn. Fr mit • Vast
IMO ..... a.
MIS dr lIDOTHZII4 to OL. Iltedo
80X. Abe UN aS, dated July 4, MS, matte at
we Pluebtitell Thu Cko. Too pules Wlag Ow
mum tern_ Owe Moon lt to Mum 811112 At
DlUYEUdater stout, u Lb. puma* a Ur
ems bat sed.
• rursn
Sep' Magi o vum
ices' "Alta Caws;
&me Waits (Isom
Bose /Saha aim;
Ilt.llare imbrotts;
itsollses 'mirror*
Iformiliorim A aabross..;
Iterling Aabcada4
BW+k• 0a.% Remiss Dirk
Xkiwis & Oea Basle hrs.'s& &ark.
&Wm. (1.% IRrairka Ba.k.
.11klals a Co.'. Mar Penni= put,
With Proteede at Troia;
1111 ft Prom& of Tram
mita elm;
IFUJi !WWl:Wits of hop;
Loird'oßtono cf Too*
Wed o Bloom of Youth;
WHY Shoal .1 Tooth;
om of loofa;
Oinistadoro's Illiggliter Hats Dm
Oselstadercee Hat Di.;
QuietsNoiro'a Rapadar aml , 774
Cluisiakaft lataldar liar DPI
au lippl atua ls
tHi Ltld d
Desia's Tip ptk Lpald 1161 , Mn
/WIN 1 40,41,11401•11 Rat lye;
• •
Batabaiar's Prowlers irate Dpri
Batchairea Prowlers Bair Drai
BaiaNW. Pimlama Bair Ark
BaiaMler4 Prealaisiftair Da.;
tratlthe Mir Dye;
oafuu Balr Prig
Volition Hair Dye;
Valli= Hats 14•1
Hashaa's Illthaelstkir Osman,.
Bollinglaaa's ithattistlei room,
•RlAllogbarn'e !Mathew Owe%
Balllnglisses suatu,4 OagenlB,
Per tb• Bib sod Wbl. Fsm
Tor the Rift 11114.WhIakeril
Tor the Bit sad Made
Iror thaJiale sad-Whlskain
TOR liAl.ll AT
67 and 69 rink Street,
two DOORS BLOW TIM *es? orrunk)
MAGA4LNKP, ran Atom:.
nw Booze.
Offloia3 lid of Diesurs XXXIIPIING Pa&
LIONI PROM rip' /4447 T paws Dints.
. ,•
.- nirruma ataapsd on paptoriuid 6411 . 1110Pes•
sad qualities. •
. .
. _
MOWNII Di Illny :
~.-y ...
PuCZNirlltoi, auoxs. - •
oask noun& aci. o'
'GOLD nuii4wenamtiooniusimmadis.,
. . . .
yr, 41Drie;11778
Rooms nap warn ointr
The itentenee nee tut* to the meths of fhb
Ths enteenen dellyrepons istonfehing cam
st , est Tana.. -
to het nivel:ogee nen eery enure mneen at mete
to .ezelet ebeeete inn Iniputlieg.ton• sal atrengtb
Ineste nen heanoleee to the Intuit, sa!d swam In
To tbe - salike. eepeelelly:ll - blithatble. Wag
anerpostely termed by them; In teeny affiliate%
"The Soldiers' Friend." •
. .et o Oad It . .
m • a .
nia to say soothtag syrup foe
ClathVal Within& need from the tabolons 'Boots ol
!IASI:In/04 altos rui tO tbe =Ozer by retoo•Loa
the dloc,oe.
Bel oy wepectebls dealers everywhere.
rr:w.2a OSNI/3 A BOTTIA
Vett 'Boa. —l
&JO . tek . /0
Mem ....... .01. el, wzf
MarersT,„ .01. --' i . „ Aa. .
WAS ....ICAO. .
--- .
Hoehn aocopted:the- Agency for the. eaket the
kbldeLoll ( "Lt.!. maned near St. Lou!., Ma., -I fa
ille the attentrou of elms and Bteel Mannteoturen
to the Autism given anent, as reported by Profs.
A. L: Rays, of Boston, nut J.O. Booth, of- panned.
:pry which, weather with the tart of aot a expert.
hoe by asakornotarses 1n; Wtesbarsh, Innelnaalf
and Bt. Lads. determines It to 0• taw polo it and
most variable Clay now known, whether fore era or
AM101411124 - Pots mad.
Clow from It ve ha stood In the
furnaos trom 634 to V months.
tha Alsaljalr le of - the Clay as taken from the
mks, , wlthont may. Iranian, ow preparation wnet,
ever. It powers groat adheehreurea lead plastfolty
• •garoftloa, which me not ohnwn by the Lz..n lyela, AIM
whist, admit of the • admixture of a lazy propertkm
of shell or binned cloy.
I am now prepared to fill Indira for tho stem
Qat, to be shined porn Lit. hook Or &Mend bore.
anger km», maul to a pod state of caltivatkoi.
tisProrementi midst of a now 1311108—DWIL.
LINO, cognizing 10 maw; . large IItAMX BARN
!ENANS EIGIIBI, with 6 rooms ; and good mbar&
et 7rang tram GOAL nada the whole tam. M.
111 Baldwin torruhyp . slcsit flu mass hos Um
dty, of
oasis, sows AID mar pow's,
aad fret patters; jot eacedvad at the
McFarland, Gahm it Co.,
hetintse the Pim Ornisitet DUIPATOZ ;MULL
ÜbT, MEM).
111purshaiN nude la tie now &mod.' at Do
'tea Marks* in are rsiehlag the ions* pa.
israi to BRIIIIIKILB 1 111 . 41.421511; Nod an obit
to oar • =aphis micitarai
Carpets Floor Oil Clotko, 121114;
WWI • very Lu* ridamateprows.
roe mum sminiunsa.
We an WU sifts iillJra prim *fib Mir *Pi
Maio, Checked and Fancy Mating%
La mi 7,09 sad et a agoalar iprgitr.
3•1 nna
60.111111 /17B811181151GWM,
Gatos out at Iraq low viols, of
Ram= • iILTDSIP.
ili 711 kt•rktt rt.. bet. tome It Dimon&
awfra rzam num wax MUSS TORO
groin sad pit a patr, at
. . .. . .
l ac 1 LLltitals it Jist : Elsi i• : !
1 W
,WOOD 817.111'1'. bar dam trot IPMA.
• : Ars dada( out nate Imp iota* of _
TOBACCO. 141,1 1 / 1 ? AND !muse. - ;""
At tbs tet7 kraut Nab Was, to peva*, ibeti
ran mots. • , . . .- -
z . .A
Erik, 41.01/1 !WI. • , ./
:: ' •
To *t Icalai Walla to • OW: trastassa
0 soplo DieIIAVIK Ur &HUM iiik; e t ipsr. of
shoal OATL L I L . IKIT,II4)O/11. 31T19, for A nab
LiAtTa PUPI inure akrtinnA6 BIM, sad
treat/ On UnnaaliiiTOPY STIIBI Ado BARD
IMBED% and WI inswan alt the lir lad
MP an riczniirrurr. invithli
___ _
i.t. . ,
Dods, to . _ •-• '-
; . .
,Irtilliplui, WZAVES.Iaq. Ax.
. .
dirOOL:iiii P$lllllT pr.o_tix.reveisis t Alkibies
Wharf. Pibabilit b.' Ps. t . ' lyDr 3rd '
WAsiink-A mtauTu Tim& sad
co A d p Am py u a
Nt ATI MLLITLit*Siri, go.; y.
xTOT/Ull.--Jui poroorto =Weft to
ht. slit aDm Rum crEt_ntas
to l d'
..... 0 n k u ul ltho
bid is settle the Maim ttir=r% as eri;
Olr kw , -•r • - P mum.
mom -
telaAistate ktobVba,
-p Na n u u • We. ive -
J. ood bt ly lu IL TOM* op,,_
IWO 1071 11.1110111.1 - FOX
01.110LEINATI, 0
No LE, 6;008D Firr.Z.Vl"
R*►uvsat PA.
einarr, 7011.1112. a 00.,
so• in /earth amt.
mtu:l , r,
it PIP= MAW.
LuoUm airtTid et
sa swan wain
may worpeil"
zt. OstiarP .
D P 0 7- - a. o.o'±xi3
-,,;;,,;; "'Me / 1 4 1 _ 1 01r4
• - - us annum mu* "
fah= - • Arble.m.
0 4 . D : 4 91 -'!4 z,
lis 'rtgai1iii0441#47910104231611141.0.
° 47.411411.14 fir 4611
LLCM a larttrrii, I
n bd.
ftevi •.
cm. .1
:~„ '~t "~..~
4013. HORNS a 00.,
Are fa dolly reastpf d
Whkh thy No genius at
And are *dog our their alai d.
iIirWIZOLINALN 110010 up stair&
.ffroJrnar, .htly 1/3*
airolms mulir zaDirozwir
B A. R. - K.:..:.:E...iT1R.1:.!...P.,;
59 AttErliet Stret34
aune, •- oott - -iu4 fast colors 120.
Elflirting Mnelin s, las.
J ULY 2 0E1.“•••• .. ies o ••••••••• 000 o
aNii nvoifil*lrerlOWN . lo4eid dodos—
th*Srmot &Polsa dorfe444 41484,fovbele.
ode oed men 144044 litrOLLOwal ILT
THLN StalLtie, 144eoeseeto of UZI&
KLINK mum goons animenon.
aloo,—Wo oto claming out, al routout
gook of 81:11101112 TY1310331111, MOM il•
szoinixisi ; = EMMYa am*
Amiss Ittliungunit coons,. tp Inks
tom kor cro: parotrom _
' Sr' Conti, aszetteats 4nl glad our Whaled ,
repartments iordistwoks4 vlitt all cows tr aurthei
siql pips as tOW II lay bone In thls dlrar
th• Li& .
TS immure gnaw. '
Isll!Uwe' Tenth stud ud Uniced.
NEW DARE 0/11.14:03,-
J. M. Burchfield's.
3051' 111110XMED,
vitnivatuo) inniain I
am 111311;
tams porn;
ammo Dlr.*l
ChWag out at Coit t aad Lea t
nimbi r••• bum hells* wish • ste;a•
at Sow amok la silintloa i to tli• stook aim!,
aa mime. win Mali an ntat trat
B E . B, GES,
Oil e t at r lJAPOSY
BAUM my cow AT
ALlemr., Mates%
iio. 21 =ls RUIZ
4Ri- a MI .bar or neitiptto
sareami Goons carnasuira Wad.' •
To skis:aim
ci Bet BrE - Et T 0 0
T °rAdicanitistiains Pith& et oar lOW
MI Macon
Reduce .1 Bue* !Mat,
As.? sake u ii:adediddi p.usim« , aux
/Oar :Abet bll4l huh ii;alimis
boss Mise4 sdal:l. we an Os la WV mobs
;; autsiais taiiiiitadteg
...!wriniestkiii equal la oar maa.
Ilen4u4 imi Mien vie bay z for Cail
ry . aid en tidiness law as tasa is Ile
LIMON, KAet' * 00t
atteeeteltil LTAVA Gl yka a :ttll m "
Wasr. • 00' 11/DhilialinallNlEltibioolll.
sr= DOLED, fa rebate etly. ad UM Use Ili
ridlresd. o r Immediate tidale,) la <Waal. TM
address. ntt> Zl,7p .
IRA Al4o 811 1.VAigi. &Kk to
TY loilterr 001 , , Aw e &
Appt 'kr JAL =NO, it the Xi.,,-ktria=id
i r._ 41 1,4 1 IS SOO • Dolit•, fawner .
."!•N‘i . ii all •al • I Or f.;.:::5M1P.1.411%•• 11 1 % . 'Z i n
mpd swim 'Moir. lama
Wallivi -- --13,11 -476 • atosts 1,-.4Araat,
bir• Aeons histaa meaty et 11111 &inset%
istpewirpat‘ti .27 sum oholiq v56 2 1 1-tal
stadium athtnes, B.MADIamI
Implaimumer • Alfred. Nitak
allPeripor Sof LAW_ ;
031 9•70219AY Arriason. altrut-1.4
e. 3 *Wolk. was be sots. oil the tesstteeh 4s du
imago of thespebara. the Sallooks valuable
balkhair ootootiactai et the eerier al Km%
Owl sweet and >rtaslfolabeol dam newly 451045te the
OOmelet V at 9 leebes front/at B okth4334asttekl
/ear beck 99 tat mg moitorwrolley: -
elj Ns. /soh ti Feet a loohee t 4 seta
absth Coral arca, ma. eiaOte tam Vto IS het
totitaleal 1014ifrost ea
, 0344thag beet ite Set. to the tsar of Ishers lots
yAis lot Oathe omit et Maple and Nadi:omi
Madier n ala Mat m Maaa. amt. sadatumtig
Mai a Nam IN ale 69 feet 9 Imam
Aimee sejotolog loth 444 110
Sit hoot OR =SW
item. smamig beck /59 44t.11*
Perdoiter 'ottoman el all leshiaa teed
.bbeekelbarg colled to Qua soh. as - 16 wW be
turn or cock; the Wales fa
831111144 124 likrt. with intenstomund la heal •
fru - • - DAVIS A r 3f oItWATEM/aioVes. •
74•1100cavi, RocKAwLy AND_
LI BUN/113,4Pa 11101111_129,
July tiebow it o'cliwiti will be old, at Na Usek•
werimil Mr lams,/!ktth aßaat . lhalbl/811131
2 11111/11froplittatiall;
non * isexcwinnt; inerrss
. _
( 07 n , i7. 41 .411*Liaut:i_DO . rafj.
ioro '
nTatonarz mar Aim womitr.
/MN itAurzolas AND INGIATINeft.
citfsl away or 10, 'satin*
I M I . tT 0 0 3r.
ROM STATltlillaiiND 311118 zol
!Dodd itilipkr of PEOTOGIJIIIa.fI
mp ea losaiL , - •
003flR . infra AID NUM RITBDIZS.
Oda:4 td Mode% vex
I ^l . l EOQllrtr
... -..ate.
or rig do ami 0 44
4 , 1 0114 Aux tzt•mabra uft •
satrap am.
?In PVILTILIWINeaIit widicidutr
illatiOlt of Ur amis azsutnen:te tie ma k
bauy at au . atiaghtdeat. :arm b
dad Night of
air Pica: aii-d-sitkhcOai
asaminni infidlolg; Ild brat, beak ;teartae•
enktsurartp street. r/42:4 bent bon •a. 2 p.;
in. /a order to • pump touters &Ain utbo mob
Soo oaf ere Ise. doesAt Ely
distaste sous or 2.• Unsafe corium la .M drys
tko et. deabletry. width Ido not do to -the Ibut:
Wsetnorkebii • ool Ilona 2hOrs Oars crafts &don, cow" 140
sets of tank ; t do not NKR leak :by ;-
lists sibakkmarod, Manor tsetb, fa - order-to
twart.ortklead ease; I do, sod. to say tolerates/oe' :
faff MO* of bitty SUM., - realise w.ta•r•,`,.
to V* sou Word Oben,. and Wets wry
loos Qs more 'sewn. awl • Iriusesono ether
tbbrai okick. I doubt opecith 22 .'sot du. is tbe
4110441 ei
err - sr. MILL the bertb.4.
mt. but • bolted ars or azi•oleno..
pawed It ttawpld,
ot Altolbotorni to Wow ballot
orourn,... •
Um. Iloilo's% tisonnir tirrotstrorthe. agissensee
tho soddi, Idn nee MOM' to *aka OM O. -as
to the ;RAW, of lithip sr gins of OIL • number
of ink&
be tesseted fa tie been: or - WA are Ina '-
ats( Isobaisay worweratesnolf# or elcua perbeitir
its trOispeal - - -putt,
alum Amu 0/ Pill Ulan LASE% : -
soviets to t. lie. weirs "us lbi q Ps.;
ali t ri lU s be i l:CaT e llillibit bad: A l f
'l•— if:ll , l ' 4lP " fr . "' a
ratle awl obliging Whir • .
&Fol. Dar t& .f77.P.
liAboatil9 lfliUll •NIS4I4I.4JULV.
, ; 211 . , ".-The heihedont. sve , espared.
hag ev e istgnael PUN WV pat fit
INSW*lll=geliber impulse ar k
the shasysth ehease.
= e r a llr ss=autisiTuaiAl i r hpuiv2
The IMINEIGOO lean "dreeppollailfterl
toeddie me Isedosideery be the rii •
The WIN" noeilso..Abiroool Walk.
A C I Atb Wavle. I .l Mit .
_. ' ROW - LOST! 'BO*
, JAL zarzeatuii-ais publidisd. fa • 'sided RI. -
I , ll_!_kips._
...... _ _
_Aim id: arts. • limeacts: lie /Ai
...r.imaTijum MID allaCtim OVIILI of '
se Isalstal Illreilamtivoliatry
i b .
, 7 - ':F LA II), I 72I;:ara i i 'mu nro, , amm . : ' '
Wi.rgro.4 labiglWhit 6 1 .2 amideirn- i- -:.! -
loci to ThoomiLet ikallits.- efoll waft: utio
ta a plain asirelo; te sataddzook V. sift •'" :
rtraft undue two pages ssuipi, am ,
,Bowiti v klitlort. oft, ;-
Nes 4Mit.-- -.S" -•.-, .c.vivalemarerwr ' -
ITIATB iiiirVljaak S w m:was to Wik '
%IL ta..:ze.-4ivoa , Planimisi, ,
18..a.toratamlitli... 1 / 4 1 / 1 111114% ' z
k. and li fo..Wkwaumna sins& .
II 'ow sad uptll hada &LLD 1 . -
RD.. Bitli -tillA.D, GY"' Ni ti atjura
no _ BMA- WA .11011 -- DA .
TUB 1 • LIR., PIM A sad AIM - _
ual. • _,
DRA.Vuto L u oth naisDnillin. gy.,
iwiw -,
a. HE IT. az. in wink iiiiilis eta illan. '
rff . ji toga wt"
.re •
j. •;. Irii to .aniaptkak hte Gem f j - •
Lula I
as ta gut Gaaaulattoa AA of Ilanglu o tamaa , : •
ar aw abb ,td b• rvoNvar by IN , .
I' i ida "twat I .l4railleta *Mae a
to . .au iu tbair Own (Ia itur.,,alCtilaillt baste.
,al 14. lye to dual !,:la ate. au 1 all faipiplaal
WA. a O &a' ' ' J. If._ _
_- utikifig: , •
) la WI Patina alma, war .aipittaigt
baariKU• KIS& •
ITao!,Z vuurars2 rrAirnole
Co ark '
DAY. / 1 % ap
Wovad ararstaii Ofaci,
' anntestonA mmik t ift i mitis - . _
Azei •-• • --•-;.•
-1,---14184 1
L-lonetwilainthre Ras;
‘-‘4ln 114 NMI
•L ‘l. •.%;,,..e.‘i"
t. Clone 41 Ma 1111 / 1
, 11.14.