A .4 .• • EMI= SZEINEE t 4; ISE=MM _:~*-~-. :~= .. ~.l`~-i`~~'h .. • N.: MEM IMBUE '.^,'..,* •‘;', Olt;- • • a«, • ;1•; - , . :4, :!!!4 • -• • :;•• : • •-•- .7., ,C• •:•:. • • • %; 4.-' MIUMUS ,~..\:,. MEM 111191111 MEEI kti '.~.9ti~ ~':. ittsintri,h sSaze , - WEDIRMIDA.; MOOING, JULY 29 The Ulliolll State Cour:n[loD. As originally appointed, the Union State Convention was . to meet is this city on the /it:pt . /AV ; bdt owing to 'the fact that _lllolli ottbe.delegates werivat that time raw sent inthi - itaiiiee of theii_eountry, aiding to drive.the label Invaders:from the State, the.thintral Committee held a meeting. in Philadelphia, on. Wednesday, Jane 24thi, `and paling P., Funs Stunt, Erg, to the Chair, (General idutxzel being nnavoida. bly abaent,) pseud - the following resolu tion: iiatr! a. Shat'la thw Pr.gIatMOTIMOY. da'eptim toil& Union atata 'typed la military okyrtoa, and auladi bit avowal at - - —.a tagappOotaa Imfd at Mani gly oo -.• wit It Gd. @mad alp Want town: WWI Wedatad.y, the btb-asy. a'alata a. mu sad It haraby raiz a iturcu, 0144 mat em. l; .Lt . hum I with this resolution the me w' ible in this oily on named. and "sill hold its , foot HaM, wiaoh has , been .ages Ist papae by the Committee t arrangentents. . . Poinlousy of one Governor. It Zl,7p . UVAIIITSD IRA Al4o 811 1.VAigi. &Kk to TY loilterr 001 , , Aw e & Appt 'kr JAL =NO, it the Xi.,,-ktria=id • NIVA N TSOUr . MAKOMihm . i r._ 41 1,4 1 IS SOO • Dolit•, fawner . • ."!•N‘i . ii all •al • I Or f.;.:::5M1P.1.411%•• 11 1 % . 'Z i n mpd swim 'Moir. lama Ming Wallivi -- --13,11 -476 • atosts 1,-.4Araat, bir• Aeons histaa meaty et 11111 &inset% istpewirpat‘ti .27 sum oholiq v56 2 1 1-tal stadium athtnes, B.MADIamI Implaimumer • Alfred. Nitak allPeripor Sof LAW_ ; 01[HARPr•BURG LOU AT AUCTION. 031 9•70219AY Arriason. altrut-1.4 e. 3 *Wolk. was be sots. oil the tesstteeh 4s du imago of thespebara. the Sallooks valuable balkhair ootootiactai et the eerier al Km% Owl sweet and >rtaslfolabeol dam newly 451045te the OOmelet V at 9 leebes front/at B okth4334asttekl ioehak /ear beck 99 tat mg moitorwrolley: - elj I.mg Ns. /soh ti Feet a loohee t 4 seta absth Coral arca, ma. eiaOte tam Vto IS het totitaleal 1014ifrost ea Mae.art , 0344thag beet ite Set. to the tsar of Ishers lots yAis lot Oathe omit et Maple and Nadi:omi Madier n ala Mat m Maaa. amt. sadatumtig Mai a Nam IN ale 69 feet 9 Imam Aimee sejotolog loth 444 110 Sit hoot OR =SW item. smamig beck /59 44t.11* Perdoiter 'ottoman el all leshiaa teed .bbeekelbarg colled to Qua soh. as - 16 wW be turn or cock; the Wales fa 831111144 124 likrt. with intenstomund la heal • fru - • - DAVIS A r 3f oItWATEM/aioVes. • 74•1100cavi, RocKAwLy AND_ LI BUN/113,4Pa 11101111_129, July tiebow it o'cliwiti will be old, at Na Usek• werimil Mr lams,/!ktth aßaat . lhalbl/811131 2 11111/11froplittatiall; non * isexcwinnt; inerrss F Ik.J..lrpyF..:.•;bxo '.-':..'.,:::-..:.....:.::.4#tiipe..,„.,...;--':,'::.;:::,..-:. 50,000:CARD . _ ( 07 n , i7. 41 .411*Liaut:i_DO . rafj. ioro ' nTatonarz mar Aim womitr. /MN itAurzolas AND INGIATINeft. citfsl away or 10, 'satin* - I M I . tT 0 0 3r. ROM STATltlillaiiND 311118 zol !Dodd itilipkr of PEOTOGIJIIIa.fI mp ea losaiL , - • k i nCiTOGRAPII 003flR . infra AID NUM RITBDIZS. Oda:4 td Mode% vex I ^l . l EOQllrtr ... -..ate. or rig do ami 0 44 4 , 1 0114 Aux tzt•mabra uft • satrap am. ?In PVILTILIWINeaIit widicidutr illatiOlt of Ur amis azsutnen:te tie ma k bauy at au . atiaghtdeat. :arm b dad Night of air Pica: aii-d-sitkhcOai , VITILLIAm :A: 'WARD, asaminni infidlolg; Ild brat, beak ;teartae• enktsurartp street. r/42:4 bent bon •a. 2 p.; in. /a order to • pump touters &Ain utbo mob Soo oaf ere Ise. doesAt Ely distaste sous or 2.• Unsafe corium la .M drys tko et. deabletry. width Ido not do to -the Ibut: Wsetnorkebii • ool Ilona 2hOrs Oars crafts &don, cow" 140 sets of tank ; t do not NKR leak :by ;- lists sibakkmarod, Manor tsetb, fa - order-to twart.ortklead ease; I do, sod. to say tolerates/oe' : faff MO* of bitty SUM., - realise w.ta•r•,`,. to V* sou Word Oben,. and Wets wry loos Qs more 'sewn. 11e.as. awl • Iriusesono ether tbbrai okick. I doubt opecith 22 .'sot du. is tbe 4110441 ei err - sr. MILL the bertb.4. mt. but • bolted ars or azi•oleno.. pawed It ttawpld, ot Altolbotorni to Wow ballot orourn,... • Um. Iloilo's% tisonnir tirrotstrorthe. agissensee tho soddi, Idn nee MOM' to *aka OM O. -as to the ;RAW, of lithip sr gins of OIL • number of ink& be tesseted fa tie been: or - WA are Ina '- ats( Isobaisay worweratesnolf# or elcua perbeitir its trOispeal - - -putt, MICEIWAN PINS Tlliifilta LANDS. alum Amu 0/ Pill Ulan LASE% : - soviets to t. lie. weirs "us lbi q Ps.; ali t ri lU s be i l:CaT e llillibit bad: A l f 'l•— if:ll , l ' 4lP " fr . "' a • ratle awl obliging Whir • . &Fol. Dar t& .f77.P. liAboatil9 lfliUll •NIS4I4I.4JULV. , ; 211 . , ".-The heihedont. sve , espared. hag ev e istgnael PUN WV pat fit INSW*lll=geliber impulse ar k the shasysth ehease. = e r a llr ss=autisiTuaiAl i r hpuiv2 The IMINEIGOO lean "dreeppollailfterl toeddie me Isedosideery be the rii • The WIN" noeilso..Abiroool Walk. A C I Atb Wavle. I .l Mit . AtfaxaooD, _. ' ROW - LOST! 'BO* , JAL zarzeatuii-ais publidisd. fa • 'sided RI. - I , ll_!_kips._ ...... _ _ _Aim id: arts. • limeacts: lie /Ai ~. ...r.imaTijum MID allaCtim OVIILI of ' se Isalstal Illreilamtivoliatry i b . , 7 - ':F LA II), I 72I;:ara i i 'mu nro, , amm . : ' ' Wi.rgro.4 labiglWhit 6 1 .2 amideirn- i- -:.! - loci to ThoomiLet ikallits.- efoll waft: utio ta a plain asirelo; te sataddzook V. sift •'" : rtraft undue two pages ssuipi, am , :KUHN . ,Bowiti v klitlort. oft, ;- Nes 4Mit.-- -.S" -•.-, .c.vivalemarerwr ' - ITIATB iiiirVljaak S w m:was to Wik ' %IL ta..:ze.-4ivoa , Planimisi, , 18..a.toratamlitli... 1 / 4 1 / 1 111114% ' z k. and li fo..Wkwaumna sins& . II 'ow sad uptll hada &LLD 1 . - RD.. Bitli -tillA.D, GY"' Ni ti atjura no _ BMA- WA .11011 -- DA . TUB 1 • LIR., PIM A sad AIM - _ ual. • _, DRA.Vuto L u oth naisDnillin. gy., iwiw -, • a. HE IT. az. in wink iiiiilis eta illan. ' rff . ji toga wt" .re • j. •;. Irii ..ir. innu.is to .aniaptkak hte Gem f j - • Lula I as ta gut Gaaaulattoa AA of Ilanglu o tamaa , : • ar aw abb ,td b• rvoNvar by IN , . I' i ida "twat I .l4railleta *Mae a qy to . .au iu tbair Own (Ia itur.,,alCtilaillt baste. ,al 14. lye to dual !,:la ate. au 1 all faipiplaal WA. a O &a' ' ' J. If._ _ _- utikifig: , • ) la WI Patina alma, war .aipittaigt ... - baariKU• KIS& • ITao!,Z vuurars2 rrAirnole Co ark ' DAY. / 1 % ap Wovad ararstaii Ofaci, ' anntestonA mmik t ift i mitis - . _ Azei •-• • --•-;.• -1,---14184 1 f L-lonetwilainthre Ras; ‘-‘4ln 114 NMI IMMIL •L ‘l. •.%;,,..e.‘i" t. Clone 41 Ma 1111 / 1 .•4paireav , 11.14. ' WINKS hi II OM= lEILIk.