GF==. ~a--:~: ~-~. ~~. ''.7..:i.,:';;.-:'%,.-;1'2,•.:...--..i --:::;Ni!•!::::!:'7.;!*:::: MEE E=E= INEMICIE ELS .:•• .~.:~ MEM " t' . , 4::: - :;:;7;::•!.::: ... •,. : / =MEE •,' 3' ‘444:Tht.17:.11 ,•;,! .4: .• "•••!4.:N" : . •,;:tr , • 1::;:;4 5 :f,!!r . •J • •14 , ,,V; • •„•:t •!It::•.• • '• , -'1• 4 ••'•`, r 4 P ;•• -. may ,i;Ei,. ; ; 7.:!rij -• :4•4"•' , .*•2: 4 • •.• • ' ' ••• . • • '•,:* . ".• s~ ~t': •:. • ~t:. ',S' S C IMArtM er PP.W . ' , S4 , I , I*VOif- ::::- HIP B1 " 1- 4 142 4 40 i - Loc.4;:ckzizuzzanqx pros Ife k roveirs _ ; lag (anta. ale Motilajt 4 . 1140111 1 . 1111 4 1 4 0 ••• to on CriL4`Atit ap guir 00 1 4 .1. Oft. Brains' tin aarnastr. kir; Al2; 1 0 6, On Lana 1412 Ona. 21Vtab7. )(gar Wrieln hUm. A. Oapt.-4-W, Opriat,lllt2Pir. abstain. Cape. '"Ospt: DZOntlitibilli Plank IT 4 '). 111 Capt.Baaa.•l2Ogiropyilit ra. y Capt. A. K. 7sisexV,6lll Pr Tplutasts., lit Vat, st. Bia • AV 222 I% Xolaateen. 1, ' 111 V pa. 4;44 • P5. Yota. , let 2.tatt. tirma,lak Ir. rArtllry. • 1.1 Lint, Oat odkila l o olll -TP* l 4 ll rY. let zdeitti.etiorojeikais ir.V,A r Avy; 24 1iaitt,'22,11.1%,21,211. 24 hkalo 40:DimolunaAlli / 1 4- 1 7. 241Mat.0.: U. (IsdpiAth N.Y.- *stWary. 24 Llatt. Wai.-31J Boy's. Sttilt.T.ArtUry. 24 Pest. 0. 154.411. - 44111:2.1Aztiwap. 24 Una.* A: , usa. ls ll fr,,X:Attiany lat Lint. Thos. Tonals2 th /ILA/ I MM* lit Fetast.Otea r ilatk Okla. 2d Lion: ! lota Olen, Bth Pa. Ralarrat. 2f Mut At. 8.140, 31413121 Pa. Ituann. 14 •4•0:1j'ostia; PM& Pe. ,lat D. 13 471 ,. 1.265t1 Pa. 21 Llatt..T. O. Mk Pa. Cain: eselt 1214 Pa. let A':11.4,. 2311 Pa. OW. 0 . lattn.--14th Pa. ,IstLLat. Etaat.Unfold, lath Pa. 24 Matt. Okaaatattki. 74111 Pa. Lint. Oot. W. Blakely, UM Ps. Oay. ‘ Ist Van. .1. s.Bblietamait44l4th Pa. Oar. Up to the prawn tins ALSO lashed and savaaten nut hayr_rapatted thaminvoi for daty at the gasp. , . . - By Ineltationot.the Principal of thleyteri ing ettneationathiatttitliii:iter. W. S. Grey, . we attended the lemon en eloentlion pen by tblellorirnatt. • WWI stow& _ _ 1 / 1 with 1 1 40 4 1 la": .1 4.!; Alw , • au* of taunts the elementest prindpiaint• ids art, and the exbrouttee explaseatem talk. pulls. lota. log U hitt nitenolind, nothing nnuidalsell In . troussznittlng.tentirl4o rare problem oy of the *obit, r.lidle:netthed. involves also taltorloortratting ta•gyawasattes, for the developetent of the phyoleat SiTtwi wad dm oP aneatton ot itinewthte,iwitgy WM* deo - La 6 thii:Ai)mi.:o4l4 ll lL._,.4 4 ' "I "wilts Uhutrattook et the-p05.....i. et the bodylihr gestate and the materna totteast the organs of epeeilt Ind sound; weregtoes, and premed 4 6 0 1 t the attention:ielatJatutlt oeuetentiou ludas UYned gathinee,.thei is g would seem Le yoleuth], ninot to otordr• the art soda sash ab tesob. - • . Thor ethdler• In Aldo tattltation enema orlhovigly.:Negltelt gramme and anal . 67 01 4 :ithograpli(y. modal aid antel arktunette, spestalleetante on tingonetttntton of the Vatted 136eUe, Oolong anetfals ploaopitehld nude; per • saalskiksid eittitit,"the sternums errant ; Od ter sepuitadaystnibe week inapt ekes. demi whel k Is taught atty. , ' The amber of paps wow availing thin:m.lm of these ad vantage, ammo 60. Theban': emptiest the .following genUmmen, whose yrofewdenst "standing rev*, no camments_ 111 w. W. S. Gran. Ptincipah,Prof. ?.. -- Eartt; Auistant; Prot. .Ir.tdd,,•ZtOditibi. Prof. Oorlity, Pen winetdp; Pref. Wantillitit, Kula To - reeommand- nub atilairtitate to Pitts burghers would be wallas and nenewsrary. The Ranee of the Luken ma sot eleat war. rant et Its areellenee. • ' Sword 'for Capti AlWarhead. A , nog:digest swatd, mods by Ilorstass k. Soo, Philadolpltsi with a" trait Daimons . _ blabs, has buns misted _foe possatation to . .I.:jdoratosed, 1'401171k laser,/ now jug it kis lunsalt this - silty, sawing ' from a dangerous Wound rsiettod at. Getty"- burg. ..11pow.the. iesldtard Is • plats' beating the following issitintlon - ./Prosonteel :to Captain W. J. llioorkood, 17th infostfyl his Mends, for galloat (loudest Bill Baia. August 30th, 1863; Aatietans, amid 1711 ; Bouder's YU% • September , 30th ; Lostown zolioanoissonoe, Belabor Mk Trederisks burg,. Deeember, kith; May , /!flaltitburti4ki 28'." At, obosoollomfht..-14 rooms a tumid, front the Whet*. of whisk kap had oisrady rr . savored wbes Umintels.mdadonstr lauded ids 'valve Stat.iwhaa`-l. Bisiodistoly , jelled his' cennersid. Sad 101 l 'digs Oars ea tko bloody laid of Gettysburg, he wh far mmurly wounded. Copt. Moorhead , . MS posy, froa.the fall ambit, kid been Mao!! to a nee, guard of twelve sea. iittakihtkeni Mlle& We take tloliallOotegtra • let*owzitto o - Oi - g as &dai s** of CloW .d l l#lole&''.Coitiolarlin In Cut way of the — Poteriaes Uls eosoanattos w tkthe *pea* el Co. I, ititlaLiknalgy, o.oood Wfroydrom Pit*. • : . burgh, hereqessial as to write rad lay. that .Jsiaet !vow, a young ma, sad washer of ` bis Waylay; ass Med is thebettie of Ritaki.; - ~ - tows; oa the 'Mot Jaly, sal_wes deesatly healed 'hest two mWs . tre si'lltoestabote, try peNj ua the ate' St! Vie wan , -by' lit , lie warn antettrespeeted. litsfe .wa s ±l - blower , on the Idontaipbela,": A lett the Itialtili; a beiV ti t %IWO( freaZitti ' lough, sad - n ' ' Ise telitite sad team the Monde of atiaTetdaeittilki. K, 6th .11. B. groat.", With* waildliedst Milllandowa, Pa., OA Jitit.. 3 A.And Wird ma Om tors. Plot,'Exeimpted. The Yearost,itannst &anal his decided that.the tolktitil4tdiens_if pans are ea einnpnd ifen the deft: Lontatenlion the lied Amy who kw: lake et Modem kl the 8.b.1 Gonfanice L- :aid.; rossoasisditag.Soath M outbssak sottidosshotflos, sad .who weds oo3Spollod to take this oath of allegtaaati or , 3d. MOM'S trio 7isr bola essll2 l l9l "slit paroled' Oa' tkii audition - of taldad am , oath mow tolakCitiltisteigatist, the, so.osidsd Iloatodaratallotsitaioal. 1 . - ' • Thoy mast Inisohimas4prhas dsittodipro• mist nistr wstless stamina* to the Bawd, so that they stay sot boisatlissod disSyagatast the huoupots. . • A GAllaat - Olkev tiissWelifisi`of.ttideitows, 'soli In *e midst witlailla.thie West *attain , , taw of the gellesi arlitees Lleltt. Hoary Zig ,W. Patine*. O W L' o f /C. - Patina:4 ~ of • trelerstoms,) daring tbie)*44ol tOnwf d , .s Alter hell oar betpdd *sway os N otis i UMW by the 4- _ 14 mist beettdereli suime od - soateksed aid. *Mid -imelrittigsde fro. - Ibid.'''. eat .t. plesisw. Wale; the. listrtf oar bilged* end one at the bravest ell*n ti the , Weltopit.thstlatigber honest await Tam ATLAITIO roc tiassir.i—llia Maui millibar of Oa UNA** Id Susi' asi,,,sad nay • !bs' obisleisd WI" ,Pleissiesi impolite to fdid kostadisii; aiH;7olisseo".ii•xitiost Scabs Ponotoi sad ai J. P.lissi's,lissoals Rah • Wok lie IMO* of treat • faislighose -so sin& Ur; that irs opts. than - ars tsw,psig i so sr patsgtiiptis, *Wiser rads: 'will' ins ore:. (Ws have • • spud ai • irsilUA:liesit T ao' " eat *" iiiildiVkiicam. 111 s tad is slow us ise bass Ilssa , isspiadio ;sad ea— sad on. Ws yin root Spicily ••say mar Is putloalar moll* aejtlli) stab iseziesa ,to dis, at IsstdsP MS We will only sarisliat'firaprisialy We to Sor—ilisi , • it ls titles Li* pies of the sambst . „ z''" . tisitee s ) a 01101 for Av sitiiillse—Aiiiiiiiiium—iliir of this 'yell , kappa's,* laskty appreetatelWs .4Let. Agee, 'Pith thikikeesstto_ef IMet ." in. tow , elled bas jest bees retitled hereby the IMith of 14. 4!...”411.1 Jetthefr st the ‘. : , I 11114 : 41 . j i t P lll-I °)& w fligla g d • =V I if 3 11 res. , _ sad PIMA will , • tenet Itli tun tor .0144 at J. W. Mors Itivisieli. - retiodisol Depot, opposite the Pesooliey es4,at Eng Miser's, sest.der? to the Poet ..N. t • Tie Sure Wise Dear . - L Aim ea; ~arced Is the puliesthia of the Leye l n 'which the drawl esse teem this yard . - , . • hoof Woo o tall Ruhlialleh Desed, 3 US ' 1, -, ablik,MMlllltriabe k, to seri --- arvietie7 7- • ..- d „ aislellehrill , ./rifs'AW ' 1 to Ni , 11.12isiellirs4eig. ato ins eiseedigt, , f1, , Z 4 ;1 4 * 4 4'.z - -1 -,4 4 . • • -~'" ~,r.,'v' .~ f 13."l'Y'#,~{~^"k _,~ _.. Y.n_i ~' My'~'S' "T~:+C C+-"x.74.', ~'7.- ww">.ir.*-.~. ~..YFTz~ -; ALThttniaCtt, &Mr Mina B*Adb7 ~ ' Wafts at * ) 11 4's lleff,4l. o tas gab root - Iny Tha'toWsa annittavibly dimly* by otonet,Ant piotellniribrid Into lb, (rand. ban an, masa wan t r ig ted hart. b nah.. l o4tni in. es. of proboAcria: ' toile of tine labia women. noiuttabla of tie district tibonbi mei that law is regard to tii Bahia filinant . Oittitiday aforad ia tilt . Swim A-Poott Wuktit sari Iltintr, - ant door to WI Post- Al*tatur.iirusadobto ostartalaing book fir ale: Wham' already spokes of *hit vosau f datlos.`sadiled sot moat our ParitSrso Balms) lurnontse.—Twenty ono illitpk7esa of oae of tbo PhtlidelphliPaa bigger Bathropilovo vehuttesed for their Ouentry's defense. Their "Sinaloa' ore pro. sieved for them-until they stank from the hiansts.•••oo Baader thst , Polito mule •tirebr• wrests lordrunkeanl one for va wanw lire ter dhionlwir 'hate.. This 1110fnlagi tour artists' 'for dankest sessiaadhir fir nisordsritecoidnot. Daoltsilhoo Jad wko iiKoidoatally ollowzod Ii rha. Alloghanyouoir llores tr(tho spotring of a "kW, was mood Jobs /ogle, aged alma years. $o lint In Dogmas borough. . . • -01 1 1313040. 1, 3 . tvas.-01 130 whitimrs_b_siltatoo.who throne. the kagdi of Cipt.tWricbt, these; wire 13 &i -slet= ; of 77 eoloredAubstitata#,. thus vas zot. oe. dolatr• (1011101122. Aiseen Con necticut, those who are drawn in th e draft, mounts red ribbon in that: baton hole, with the word "Criscript" embroidered on it. LATE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ['ROM 01 . TZ VMM3O TIN RIMEL RITIATION IN 1111GINLI- Hlll and Lon gstreet's Corps Prob ably at Culpepper. EWELL'S FORCES AT STRASBURG The Rebels Checked at Chester G;p by our cavalry, . WAMIGTOX, Jaly 27.—1 t wears that oa tho 22d, while Loagottoet vas endeavoring to got lato'Eutua Thetas via Macaw, A. P. Bin form took pouted= of Qatar Gap. -Ow cavalry attomptod to thivo thorn oat, but wall sot WS J bowevar, clunked theta wall they warOrtinfOrsed by Loagrtroot, whoa be sad Hall CUM through the Gap, and aro sow probably at Culpepper. 11 well's corps west to Strasburg. MENAI COMPLIMITIOA 11 MARL Pour Million Dollari Worth of Sugar Estimated Destroyed. Nay You, Jaty 27.—The steams. Rosa okaxsportsaa inumease oontegrettea ragtag at Eases% whew she tell on Ute 311 d. Amon the weiekoases on Bail whuf, 16 Wiling, were contused. It is estimated that four zaniest dollars worth of imps was destrosed Latest from Chartattoo...Tim Charge oa Fors Wagner on the 22d--fie rote Fleabag oaths 54th Colleted itegiateat..oar Men Forced to rte. Sire Toss, July 27.—DotsiIs or the amp of tbn 22d, aids of York Wagner, stow most despasto lighting by Gm Strong's brigade. Senzooly atold or Sao eater osospod wound ing, sad may was kiilsd. At on. Use Dearly the whole rebel terees eoseetairated ape& the bdth Maas. Colored reg. They height haviesily, aad only ntreated whoa the reit did. OoL Patiaa, is asaassad of .tlia atonal= party, after tboy i bal gated part of the lon, tad phased the as; pa the parapet, seat to Gaterals Straw aaa Bum= for. Mahar mats, tat both Uwe enema .had ben woaafed. ilsaattae bis faros were being dedaatea bp at= grape, sad alma General 5141.144100 bffpg• kotreesired orders toad- SU= it WU 440 late; oar sallsat mon had =ea faced to red= Tie Captors of Jackson.. Library o Jar. Darta ant Letters oa Sem eioa Takes. Now Yam, July 21.—A oortroposelost of the Harslet, /*toff Iseksos, Min., July 12, reports that the: Misr, of Jeff. ,Darta bM boos /spared, sesepatelog omust !saheb of prlostooad rattled pos of the oil& traitor, arriasl bitten so asoos, tidal; book to 1822, sad the whole oollooflos tallihrtag to Heat the amendatory of aoessaloS. Than an /atm frost both motors sad Intim bailors. • oportast from lexico..illexico an Empire... Maximilian, of *Mall, Deed Esperor. , , Now You, Jily 37. ha Bosapko, from Jitialloll the nod. has ozeiooL • A initial grin Vas Vials, as the lath, at Hausa. states Oat Maass was &nand as midis os die lath. of Maris, lets More pronstaidlCaperer. if la will se sip" sad if sot, Napoleon is to Detest one. Saluda were fired at Vera Onts is hoar of the emit. orgaath *ea lia.l.amp taw sou p Joly 21.—A special to the bi kes frost CoZambesi Ohio, Ist* the 20th, says that alas Madrid at Napa's an leftei La Othry _Chase yds** te-day. M kept until. gibers of Sitaight'y wui exceditioa are released from Libby Peition'l7 lteatabOas - .Boston Bunted. -Cntontsaor, Ja 37.—Tki steamboat lioa tea tram'amtdeatally baniall oa t3atamtay, alma Tortnaeatb, -OW. - Lou; $16,000. latureitirelBy6oo: — • - --- WO • 00AA. , 18 ,, VINSAYEI OWN BOOK.-Shimip itstiagssant Mamma. Sy Ilthamainsilt sz4 a *Wed 11•111arksi ea the *gait tdaudaespad otbeetelaalak Vatted du" 'Mk Utteariatta eastielap Woo To. ' Prier • - LT .6a street. 'puer - u • „I/JAM/I'OllV, BIAS L: IJECOrroot 00Icoo to - tio Vastol Moo, ontirtho Mom of Owlet Ilostoes. WM as• Mesas aosfatoifog %UMW of lade 1 7061, 11 A Owls* far:olW 304 M Mbar Impost. mkt Po . '" lotonotas. nu. suo. _KAT a 00" 66 wood it AIID faa.W..-;9041) 19991111.1.191 i • BOOK& Loy.- 2 Ws. Mout= illtilleiffollag inirpro&sor. Alottlal 115t..1218615ufa . ...111,91• Poona tatiloiorts*BalL — 2 vols. `Z4ll4ss Cloatesol'. vols. soelbsamstflo Lim . Book of toms. NbacnroarLikidsfsoo. 1,011. Btlf ollZirlini.o9 sad isoolvonor. Woods' !Snake of Nk 2 Tell ' foodso Tommuses sof PbssauseavEY. lob. WaSsoe's Nvostfatot /Pkvslos. 80de1e5191999,. oval. Boosatl: pal:abbe& aims. eiremsll99pvi.' 9 TOIL • Wdooliasiillostoisiv. Dosifills'sltufkol Dleaosory. - ‘ Qui1519199021U102/119slolow. , - -Boodfs Viol/ 11111111011. . /WON KAI AIM. 6/Mood died. -- x-A03 1410 4 11 : 1 44,4 1 -4 ritibak_____lfilrAtittrir. ea imakir the them wmd. of Clivi s .. Wraisi. • lhowaleir ' ri LeigOlo as ILA fkaiiiih. A sigaiii. ° ll4 . sad Porn Caen iuml . AmpirtiO *, , •WatalifikshawViasifts 'lll.ollaboy mai,: , •;: : JAL it .,......F... imals• 'INALLOPAPHAS; BD lipot imai, kit thopid Iliad. Sigher • IP: P. ALl6.ll.Wcna strait: —delltdi b ra t ilgundo maw ieU,gag l is kir moms nadir PHILUIPs. 7 , 1- 011 _ = -- 'fro .F• I t — Astilsgsai Sksile47lll . _ amesaiimagoese listssiaso ssaS sea N, • suns. • I.4l.2llLidga, ownmoieL memo ri*Tiavotait...itiLirrs Omar ee Pommes Dmi eissarrn t ' MozDar. ~k47'27. InY. f :Uwe le no no. feature in the money ma,ket uorthy - of epeeist notice. G Id end and ewer remain erneherpd at 1118112 for the Wier, buying, sod MIMS for the foam. Misters *chop Le dim at par baying, sad M permit prat idling. Thu* boat, • limited demand tar icy deeerippon of produce. sad the market M tea drill and negladt.. ad, without. lemmas, any clump In quotattores- - FLOUR* CIBLIW—Wmat lenombal at PAWS • fir red from wagon. and $1401)1,113 tromstore. &1m aim buah turn from More at 75 and SW Irma bate at ato. Flour b dun milk an cometnnal rata • Mare at sd,oo tows tor NM" and samf 'to ;6',. be Andy, according to auslll7. .... • PROTIAMONS—Tbas te an Imprabd demand foi Dawn. and pripas Annani adiambig. We MSS fibs Sif)(atiyo br 15bouldrns 63(473(0 for Ebbed ad Mae tllarq g3ef49* for Pan' Elawu 14,43 for Plain Claiiairad, sa4 1101530 Ski Wriatiutatt Wanda ot Bub: Oared. DX= 111DIT—Sa1e of 400 bath Apples at, AI% pie MA: Paacitnon• mad. 4a1241 4 4itt aitth qls. to Idiot 112 bra W tK 10 to 1034 a kr goat to pilule. A. , Pittsburgh Petroletui Market. Join 117—There la a continued brisk delimit ler Crude, endow the rim; Is tecebing, and thi receipts lUo offjhe multet I. ens. and a shade Maim, meat trout 203 i to 934 paws 'attuned, and 26 geMyjn, phew facludid. Boma hollers are Wine 92 andZTc, WV ye Me needed eat no egos have been midi sham or 100 bbd In bulk at 9CPAcr. 130 cad 40 bble do at !tow and lek bids at tic. TOOTS Is next - to nottdss doing in Pe fined, and In Ma abeam of mks, ea quote at ete. 42. em bonded, and MAE& for Ave: Far Beetels ter and eoMber delivery, then le ooneldenble mdre for bonded, but no mho have, ea pt, been aided. Itensine Is scarcely seer mentioned. Pew York retroleum Market griolal Dispatch to the Plttaborgh;Oseette. New Than, Jol7 Mt—The what for Crude Sedan end ishade lower, ranging trrim ri to 3150 on the root. Thera lino change to notice In Sedan' In in bond, though the toarkat ta MAO at 411.5t0 on the erpot; 610524 for Angcdt; mos& for September, and 678610 for October. Hapths Is timer. with sales of leaned at Ittc. Weekly Review. of the New York Pe %role= Market. [Reported ZoTressly . for the Pittsburgh lissette.] Wm Toad, July 23,1863. The market for Petroleum, both Crude and Ha fined, ham ruled buoyant and Ara all through the wesk until, when there vas decidedly two as. thity,end a rather dimmed haling. • Ties iodised for Crude was good at the coaumnormant of the ma: and holders hamedlahly manUbstad hicremeed Gra ss In Utak operations, and with a contiodation of the demand era slum, prices ham been advanced abouttcents per piton. Ths males and maims for the week comprhe aboot MOOD Wm of which IN= bbh on the spot at 30 to 334 lint mainly al= 3130. 10)3 bbla &Mesabi* In Aunt at 31 1000 do In September at 23%. add SOO do do In Oda al.3.le—cheing wrist at 3100.0 for lots On the spot. 'defined has been In good demand, dad with Oak trannotioal. prices have admired alma 2 oats per gallon tor lots on the spot. She market for future delirery has Mon somewhatkregalar. Ths Int hi mold for delivery In Nonrated. changed owners as lfriday at Ueda cents. Toe sales for the weak, com prise mote bbia, t h e market cluing edict lsiah at nt lOt won apoC kone tot mold as se wo but It was irregu tise lars 1.1062 e for *nun; 660 for gm. somber; 67221:6e for October, and 000 for November. Free oil ben been motet without decided champ. We learn of sales*: only MO bbl 611)Q100o, sad 8000 PUB to Rim at 2 13 10 0 . lispilts L.mw7 doll and at. most „ilomitiaL teen bare bead salm. of 322 Dbl. Ontd* at l 6 13c, 111) Etikod at 20 835 s Walling nominal avr.4o cents) sad WOO gallons, In tin, on private Memo. • The bailor vas very loan In all kinds, and a tarn In the market Is probable. New York Dry Goods Trade. ART gi—lthe market. be Domestic 11141nahOUTIM GOSIUMMI to De ohareotedsad by damns and de pronto. Tin demand has been 'eery Light within the Le h week. and prime Inm• faUsa Maly. thoug holders of sage good•—•nek as Seaty Blassaal arm. Moths are man, the production, except In Army Good; is man, sod there Si each as inthaenae curtalthient in Um nuota-• Madam( Cotton Goods se, to the Opinion of -Sae undo, justifies them in holes g inn kw lOU prism flare are lit moth, Many, more than SOC6OOO epth dies to operation, oat of nearly 6,000,001. 1n rest • Matta of goads then Is marl to nothing dolt', how 'ever, sadist the abuses of Madness, prices an nearly atnathal. la Blur-hal Goody Toth Mb ars laid at 40e, and Manhattan al 3k, Losrdslello—bukthay arojobbal at M. Standard Brown Goods bare do wsed so We, though some ask none: Light and medlars rasp tam 54 to Mo. Prints ate also loner' dpragues are quota! at 11k4 inotruile IT. Martmaci en gaffed at MU. Drills are guided at leggeih. ate noninsi at SD to 420, thl -LenT,roe Auto. head. lion 40.00 fur dunftheed. -61 liar - Teek, sad to SO far other kindle. Ohighame aro gonad at 11 to 230. 'Thies riots may silk. 0110101.1141 nominal, asthma is not eseughdrdig ,to last Oa anaclott.- -Shlppieg Bostoa Fisk llarke4 In: 4d—With ao mom ballag' fa nprd to Lb* gamy cd our sat aatnenbla traatbir tar Garb& ila sarlart tot Pala* le Bm, with • 'Mood drama& Balm otOnad Bank at 11114aad7, Sa 85,60.Wonsra Bank $4 to mall and z a rxa man Cod 511.01414 1 qd. Batman ot Haddock St:MA /04P0111 qt balm; asa Mel; Wee et Not sow at At sad 101 las wawa. tl4 ilaokarol ata doll at 1t1.60.1$ 110 I and $lO for lo 1. •lawtrea bar, boss ono* at PAW Vaal. Phkiw Earrtag areWl at Brea . Valet Ca:lreland ilarket., ' Z!...110ter.-ila/ae of 60 bbi. XX Sod at go% us abgdm do sa X6,96:60 Ude white at 106. Wbees.- Then Is so baproneseat to son In elan the Woe or deutead. The navy calibres Ilibt,the laq= W, eerp onell. and the toes - of the market' =lOOO bush r e d rflost win lokanaape e le . . 'We beer/ no olen "riots hos atom CU% —Martin dull and leaceln, with - no melee for the peat two dare. osas—ssurry lisctive, three wore ofbn to eel at Cho to imports by ilailroad. Prerattion Tr. Worn h 011101100 July apt bbla enema, H H OollbA 1 bbl W Lialqatrkl4 Shia = Johnson; 10 40-doOlos luiaa •Jllaanipa;l4Tbri ocsa.lles i 84; 10 &iv, hed,'.B. Chardon; 285 by oida, D i H Wham 5 eon starts, a Sionsar; 2do do, Guthrie i 521; 25 awn a0,,a,x0, Bail; 17 mho lasuiror, P Kaokon 1* bbla cam. Kama at 11zo;20 bblosblelq, ..1 liirDardat; 1 aula basona 8 Willem:ls to bum, W Bap al; 1 bx totem; LlPla ik AWlbaa7 Basika-2 tam bettor, Gao Bona; 11/ lak wbaß Jlroeitly; 178 ski oak likapar macro° dossa brooms, J o Boole"; 1 bbl Iw. a a Clacsa2 maks batter, 2 pkp arks, O' Haaloa a. Zakasals bra ebem.lnudata Boa i co; 15 by aaa, .0 0 Dnaanasai 11 tab apple", Jno kat bark Ira MIN pipora J Pork 1 car limber, naps, Park k as Up la azukstat, wank :Comm I .Prranntas SUM/A July SO— a kat dr" LH WO tw, 2 pkgs tobacco, D(boet►_l cogf bbltftur,ibbmakw Lima Zeta Nam J1'070'1~7;10 Ms chino. W P Ark *or, 1 big ow. Atm% Leo At ah Markets by Telegraph. Nur Yam July 211.—Ylour Lo vitro, Alms eeit Ira; Week wlttiost • dote* for ISMS% 14•11 loopiramic:e s = 4 15 11 4. WIWI, WOW , 9 0 rd 41 1 4 "export, wools QC WINK la Mr meet = an stat,2l; 1111meakee 1 0 1•07 P ant. be stoosquonor o thit - export, to-lay, opening et 21Weleolifp Aral at _ Satlasi. July No-71o= anchialpd at NW 60 for rates Mth etuks 6 o 6 oM o for Ohio. Wheat In Ihlr dowel and ammo bsttar. at UM Mb spring. ipAstokn sar Xthnuka• 1 1414. 1 / 3 114145 *tar; rid *Wang MU better: StOcks . wolitaad lirarilir. Gold . M. One year miaow 993(p Raiding loyx. ifix% . Branuo, Job SW-71m' Ala nitwit doll and drooptnand wawa and Olarh SIX; SPOOL lie. Oorn ton=downuani of 691WaSfo, : .0 . 44 olidor .. at Igo. • MUSEtIA.E4b /1440,1.4111kikl . J: AND ST.1011111..;-Thl Sao - Jamis 45:11.11031. Capt. • r kayo lbr tirsborro sod tototamillatt aorta o T Dal. TM.o . olook a.,• • ••-• Tor • tor • on board. WALL ' AYBRa- -tow and &dos, v worm at Ilrg 44111RosattObr Mkt irr WIS Wi MUMMA.. WoOd insert., al'AMPirdk , DE ‘-tiOL-104D MALVD pun= nearaises lor" asi•br — -----111411IIMALL.. L'l e -I Ate- bbls. filth /eggs AN =cne this &wird *nab r ids . L. H. VOICIT L 00. QUA ' , Ws..po • ed, f , me, Ibi We by yrib , 11. 0011LIMIL DIA ' puss: • • J. visl oldb, hi all Pr 'ado st ried sa Car amt. P . 2.111.-PBlLtats: l l l 4 "Weibk fridi Berm frock. by for • e by• • %WEENT 11: COLLINS' • Or • ir.H.7OTOT NOW a., site* f7l -pp soft 11'11.111v- ir7l OW Pei* • I CIANFINLD. I ' r 1 • 1471 „ . 6 sae . by laluxennta. _ oinr-r.r.Tr 'l, MOTS SAC r trauz Dim= /too: IPIAD,„• arriimi—gcbpaii ill. 14011; 1314461/%1A..1110 pigclusidied for ask r b gain H. CULLUM. PROP - - - --- -- - Damn AD=ita:ammui floasiora Oirs*l Pittsburgh. Pa. July StllklW3. -- I .. -. ' 2.OIIOVAVALIY HOBOES. ‘ ' ' saw Premolar will be maned - ' &tibia eines titan - . IS echoic 'au, the far DAT OP AUGUST. 1263. for bentehlog ma hatter, at litniungb. Pa, et TWO . TNOLIBLIID worm.= KOMI% ta lots from cm to oda holed* as Is set birth sonar each lot. Wens me samia. Three banes mart be Dom Are to eight yeas" old. from fifteen ie sixteen hinds high, well Imam to the maim, wine Ind 0 Pm. lays, and pribnly sound In men reepect; oho in 'good order .,. .: - Lot No I.r.Tine Handrot and Fifty Worm on Cr loins*, Tth der et Magid' / 163 . w mi gut,rift Lot No W-Threa a old MI Norms on on Nem th e, nth day of MOO, We% Lot Na. g.-Thres If ' sad Witty Herm on or , halotosbee I tut dorlit - usa. " - • Lot No 4-Thre• Ban and Bones nn or beton the 25th day of tom, IND: loaDO. 6,-"llune Head Dorm en Sr before th e litthdar.of Auguste.. .. ' Tat No. ViThrse Hundred Ham on or before the ' MID del et Angutt,lWD.. : . ' ' Din must to matted es Prepossie for Canby; Iforseass and addressed to t. Oth o Osimic. IIeVY ftuarterilmser 1101014 , UAL A.,L. Pittsburgh: ra... and muted beside Lot No. one or tiro. es. the Did may cell for. If fits bidder tablas to bid for,.mon than aus let, It must be Man* liar giadAd is I -Mated aresiy. All home coutracted sor undar thlatictuarttionnt will bs subjected to • tied bolecetiot and l ab" they conform to the' spmdflattlea cot onk In ebb insbilootbsose will et 11.= _ • The ability of the bidder to nsUill the contrast; should It be awarded to lha t .must be guarauteed. by b n i M'onsibis Palm. °how sWontWr.olls? ki! KS• PM 4:1 the spearautio.- - -•- - , .: :Ibo rwl_peosinility et the gwerantors Moths shag' by tn a omcial carnlon of As think ettha marat District Court., or the Tailed Mehl District Attar. • 24Y. a n mat Ds present In pants when tbs Masan apnea, or their presnals will not to con • siderad. Daodegustia manna to half Dia sum Jobs t red noshed on th e contract, sloe& kV- an * in" and both of Ms gaerantfts, toil , -bs - Of the successfal bidder, Inca aloha doom t.. AA the bond mutt &company th e canine; D. bt OK"' my 1o: the lams to han that. bendmieut with ' them, w to hart bonds signed Inta4ipstan, aid ready to be producedw hen the oon le sisunt.' are, —, M.A., 11441117 of. --, pea Mate of —, and — of the count p of—. sad II tia• a. .- do harebrommates that—is able tolled/IN a ma• tract in sandanos with the tin= of his propod; tlece, &ad - that, should his proposition be Melelitede he will at one enter tab 4 maim* tar. scoodance .illemorlith. thoold the pooh be awarded him we are OneparedTo beano Me •Ifies. To thargamantese surd lie applutdat the MIMI malting° Mon nontlemed. Itopmala ftom MAIM paths will tot be mad. and, and an oath of MU be mend of onaxestul bidden betas'contract. . . The awdeetimed memo to the right to retest any call has that ho my deed too high. Payment to be made upon the completion of the contract, trio soon theme*, lee MOB% the understood shall be In funds. 'lo6:td Men. OoL sad D. Q. It. GenstaL POR SaLLIL isj: U kaN OL innes. Blll.. ditub tc = ll °sa wn Tenieni tirA wawa twoilom s. • Also, • ofavontoth nth woll.fillthal Oar dory brisk MAIMS booth with book pWidth& La n mols win. Damn* plot and dothad othosth bi Ake, a twodtory beak doodling booth, with both , Ilk booond Wroth, inac Woo. l= theft on o fa pod cedar, sad malted with goo inth width Isola LI" • ono nithkiln - fantod* deal& No. SW doomed otraot, dad tie two.atcan tromOdlbg ad; tonalßoth of them booth fT S tn good fifth, oat for _ _ net los of gthoad lho anettody olds od hoot, Worm iOllll and Tryotnoto, with War stmt. hoofing a *onto( SI hid on riot sixth; and ontondlag bash 00 Ito above propirty V ohnalth In • dootrildo port of simony. hot tams of solo mad northlands Want cd WW. W. TILOINOX, No. 101111fth str.d. VALUABUIVENN - PBON MITT YOB 1441,11.—d0r0 WA 41 hot 4. to. tract by 11.0 goo 4.qp to on ally L atilt laroototioo boon. own= Nam* Ala BUd Mod. A ihal! nal* Imam kr 0 t. 14100 to Dog* Alio. romis Aso alto kepttoOto ithototino, boo to 1 art soak. fan, ' Woo amino of WON/ .lota. of union IMMO! from SS to 60 toot fruit by 100 to 160 4sop, lanced at 1.10 tualass ot AO* Feb Stmt. Appßallorm, so tbsoadostimod, luz i ttoro ut e go tho estate 41 JOILL H 1112014 &dd. - • 2011.111 k 14.1MONi 112t4ii A RMSTRONG COUNTY FABIL - FOR a l. JIM. sat ar —l3O sorr st las late had; fa a -134a Oak at aaltarialoa il ISO was 30 earn coal [labor, 30 mom la alone, the was boos. - Lop howei Ita haw. I .... M .. j albla bola I ago mama* at b"sift of tallt of may tarlatlia. (Woos 000 Ma/Xtr . ia trio* avatar la 'said, ense7 add. Val lona if Maus tiallas Arm, Nally% *alias, aa aboAlla- Z oaiZ i llallalleoad arloi l tho a m mo dia aesor talle m ia fate Vita aa3 atock lama la tbo =Wry. I, Tao patio hrt nab pass tluougt to. plow. Ott as i bmpt law amass Nay twat, Apply as _' L 1313 . 11 Ilcoba ill a 00" lel lhoorla st. LIDE. . BALLlL.—uns . salnnomi mon& x Imo CITISIDII3 I . lmaix, po gums by is btl bacon porbot. " • swab morSOMINOIS d ltnoL M lam lb bob boa. Tw Pliellabbt sad 19=64 via ,InabilieTitii.ll6lll s . bard saw . ow lb bob baboloor &bp le I- doll, }MI by orb. bL1101.11.- - • tf)rrM EU=2E ON 8.111,1 L conirenient diva .a.7-111dilbed TIIINInerI MUCK lio6l id* T am owl pod do oasts 04 Irytart Como AMY leaL Lot 2021.10. os• ea beemesutrose, ilaseturaar. awe Ilhaisspe la& TabL'Oreal Satz writm or go FORT IL MIL/4 Lem* mast, NBOlllllOll4 Mat IUFAINORZSTRR PROPRRTY FOR ais.ll/111.—• two atoiy Mow twolltag Imo. of W Too , with 'tab% ho. Two lord at pommt Allah 10 Mt, twat ow Mita growl. 6, 1 E4196p on Olemilwo attest. to ow alloy. tilos . Tam. UV tit kW wad tostasee la tot yoady to OM I A, OUTUDIST is WWII at • 1611 T--4 - now Brisk. Hone. But .A. LiWV. >tinoa recrawombki lillatko k aat maw frosts. WILMA a - Mr damn mu at atassiat sa ntann. ismorataa attr ocar tamdt• - :11710w LI. Meet rpo IWIL.k. Cottage with trae rooms, Dior to tholtottrod peados. at Illottlokloyvtps. rommks Otos latiodlatoty. • • I ll' 91 1131. 1"1"" J. L. 0/11111AQVAIL SARUM& FERGUSON, swan or %mom taxi usAroisa. sir Ma. Os, ill, Claim of as 4 Flab Amts. esed. Ws wry wiDlll=ll4. eal SAT. I.ItMOOMS 4,IIIIIJUM DIAIMMA hi I.M proesethnt a Me beet ma" In Meealsolee, Rem mo of the Otossett. Iheithere. eil Dew "M ike ede lligi ltat g r. & A MT . 'S mglial Din gro_igt some Obto lei %dent irrits o 7 -7 AO WILICIALN MINSTA.MIi . 1. , LILISMT Ougi nippially 01011•PlibiS • the Reg ehe Mee, corm Brehm Mies Vert* Vat% se Womb el eas Md. ' • ' .Itee Ude et GINA .1. ILIMIII .. , 4 DWG ItYOllll. cm motto sod reeseel streeth lei, RSVENUR. STAILFEL—A to um* mint al Urines Stumm le Imt on Ora et Ur it g l / 4. inter*Zanowolllu, Nix. a Wet= Ad.' etwy, 'Pram pashistag fa quagt Jr• 41. Mud IN ogoommeil ilkeiriag. •, • • ' , E' •• , I - • : ~ lIATID IL - . • - • I bums.. sit tuoli 0 Vim • (y !UM 4 01 1111100tOr toll oldies N. &Morn to dr Motors of /Mot illoorwook.akar. to Monk will to 14ttiitottitt. Ado lit: lea Waal Lt . 115511.-4.55 50•5111. r' y..ll•okarsi. SWUM sad keg% • Mimi L kaWNbI a 4Hude6hbblr. ;be bap , 01• Masi 550 11151•4•55 50 18 bun pitaibbeei• •- far gasify :LowiDicaLutaus, S U il..44o,o6o o .oor ; Uti nousavami ll asu ill • pinclocummisum, " Vargo. i rtirs readtiniuri / 11 sky* sai lot e d. "opoi," Pant OW 04 Y 200 S&L W.' &Milldam ; rr. mom Alitex 414 , ~ ma .; zio. ==airrabegi,,, _ r bbls. Anil* MO . 4 1 1 4 v. IN" . low vgioshi_- . MOD a wrracatiol Liege.- aim), .40i beet that is nib. 'an - as =l,s=unbt. igsma at sra. -12,1vazi ri A We th e lON BO W tsaral Jy111... M IND „ kJ sale by 41. J. nor* febrati if tL ;;M cdcall " rjell attATlVl -Or •er - Ortedir , . smounso magmalausnar____.: „ I ":"1111"T"frigarilla .IVtDICJL. fimmars - BLOOD Will POI I Cldust. ,Bl 4 - if, ..-:.- .• . - ' Chineamts 0141144n5, • - - DiuueM !...:_-,..1,; - •,, T ow . - Re p s PilapliliCikaU ' - • -'-- 11010.101; 1 2 7 6 ,2"." 440. Wiikrieltat _; ,1 11- s - '' '' . a s , 01-pi .. . Old dAir:l ithetltc- ' Dimming, ir`Sakti Dsbilitt. Lim Complaint, Lois - of Appotits. Lei obits, 2-14111141. goszplolatrs;* cUTOPIY or 'RV IhnolapifsillfoOssis Chirlosif the amok RIMMEIMI WITR ALL OMR DOOMS WINO TRIM ORIGIN IN DMILVIIi IROMIRIOI - 07 SRI WNW OR 0E100141., "aim irony. em or DALaL A. BOYD 7,4;- si,.. ' -, tamondia:Daralier 14 INA Da. O. I. Ilan- - lila alsamit k malty tatmtaataii ',World tali,* it a trains pm land 17 Voialled ! I tted Made Ildiama.“ lam a e srsl sar' ay. - pan atak socao.. aaaa aap,sat 0.1 , 1ial sad bilked Ad as to Odom .. vol aigkika await field, this the thi' isamada ai,sawasselikal. t o>a Add at 11l ars stionsHadot AM Maw. mad Inaba tia *hi ed - dadtai it MI lintaa: * 'Mild sm. Oa WNW imi ay artaatidisii id that aateral mall Om at liqut,,asais Oat: 11, ini yin pat sad laviestabe. iltobsi4l4itoosis ark p$U. 1011 / as / deditfalWkosul.r. ablkilla s epi the/ 41 / to i 0110 .14, 4 11 4/il*t i a 4 IWO kik Mk" k . OgiiiiMel ill/10 - w alai SaAstaate A ast lamas mem raw i. past makeup, Do Wirt lattait lanabottio d Bawd dad* ea dalaraa aly bud =I ala 'lliPli Oa Mal. I Ito • twerta/a tettaidaktaa bonsai...a spy bind madam an aagrai tin ittifi O. Mgr Math/ kolktb. yam x vs! alo staalidad I lAal the, alrostima awry Nati. awA r ana ail kda. TM ktlasiktbsedad 1 aa, saw ow sammai z aia saw itiat'llad. am dafir Pao Ad Illi. sal MI No deatiaadvaras as 1.4111 vitaa-1 inn taw*, sad boo faanialla Watt trody Made. I wall um MM that Au Ono tiatt - bedtied mu aa MI Mid iditais stooped sad mat waft berm tie Maid is. a l t at Oa lam De. Lwow lad a phatmgadi Was at se try Ur. moss. Ur settat, Man Imo to ad gra It dos rot thaw KA anatnan aster la au balbet litandumad tang' the mattstaa. Tao Igo ass al 11601,00/4 we fa whka ft saw to mg i l or, aemolloa, mad et Dr. LalastA 319Wdadliblot. I wild alo sus 1 tala ea. nut Raoul aid* gut orb Its. Zama esoplaaaldtimd• id IL Altkags* betpul of awns 4 did is tieit sow taludil I tha nal wade by,lL4dayer Mid/ ilit ad us ea am mai peattam ma sum da. 1014U11 SOMA tkalin.gar anew:. .; 6 _ _:**iijaatiOnalkaio" at 4 a pm at aili fatratimmima am wowsbit YON tawataiiiitaa - m - via sig rabbit Ski 111 pea will. man ma daldiasiltat, __ c all Moan ailaist as I yam NM Oa SSP* ' .l mob Illy aft, Mk i Itsteatmat, sad= um** la Oat yin. a aaisessaY Woe Ifirbla Wcat4 fa ways. Dams 1. Dam -, A AWID ZAN OVAAD. lifi .01114 VW= Nalhlid MVO kill osW WM If- mak ere ussfer mew .I. falbil. mil& Anse Asa Wasea alkat, a filwalbswffilw Rs th e fs allare I instiff r PONY* uw pt wfo. alw 10.1 imialis OW WWI are mow Is wd& g ibs . as UMW Wl. Iwrimbul fw ft twoceturfir Uwe b Imir t f o relf WIN NBC bat wwilimow Mum" affis swab of We WW Wow oaf al WiflifL sfy db. aws win ffeenfiff ed 1 fin se. We Ambler oft s ippw mil if wawa Iff.. Loyfwmibf Mond ali=rl sfs,Le wmar= • weir _ 111111OLLY,' Piffaul Maim Kinsistip, Waloll%—/L T. .1•2 1 Mann fiesal, war ikaar A BAD 803.1 LBO CIERAD. Igrzwasisz. BopMawft, Igl-1 beiabg arab UM I Imre Mil • ambie Or am a gerbr„4ll was mord ebb Aiwa easing se MN I min- Doi Ina fix snap • Xibigrusilut so tbs, Imo its maga altablido I • th bog ily Wu/kW dig. WI bow; sift I oar ODA garnet at lig• lig letest-wb• nig Moir resabottuitoodp; pie mike hp Wiwi, zug kat itaw•aStrilgioa lad boo Goo. gust wag kegs aggsgs. ma saplpgit MA* bib Ma'am liaeghigi Vow% Weet. ego YR me • - 1201gAil - • ~. f .. ~w~hd M N 1 ~ ~ ~. r WnY►r Y W ~rilf.. _. , ono. a. mg** Pw.P.PM. 1 1) ril A PRIEM MITT ihKmo HO meorwano- REMEDIES, r . ou 4ra:l4o:wt. zanAir lic.. I—YoritalriOnleitientuid _ •_law.W l ._. ' !. ' Na. 11-Jae -,Pacorierc SO, Fol9SW il = 11 - iii _ _ _ Wo. s=-Ite 000.4 97141470041P5,"a''w smut Waft - - • , - , i tE4,6iiiin4 emir. ' X/44,•Itift , 1,1!1!11tCE ....4,.. ._, ~,, , 4 - 9.iii,. , a/A.A4- I =.Bwr :=Zi-ti‘ClA\, ialiatim. , NIL S-arit - aui :Ma . iio. tlia_ r lidil!IL". are hi g k.. i rirt " D .- -• ' '''zilly itill h *id Dump' Wad Mitt L Iltifteek . Mad .; Ilkild-4yir- ~. oraavemallyrklas . ~ = • .j._____ Baits. , 11.1. - 10-115 or Legoorhoi. PP 1 106. M, No. 13-Jor Grasp, Sao OW. Bodllnathteg. No. P4a..4for elr, Lop Oak ea tie ' . Nier—Par "'obi _Lamm ar lo in. rezate hi the Peak, Lathe at Mee. 135,410athaliIsl ser Dfacharp e Menai ~ PNePty. , - • - AN4III- 7 4set mirage et odulte or GO. P0.30-11_ Mast .loatatteraar Wetting the Pod No. 31.—PidahtlPoiolioarosate reborn. • lto,,l3.4histlat,it, &map otiflre *aim %;-11ro,11111-lippy mad Itesso. Charse, Pt. MIL iiir gat "'ft sadXbaroetptirsoo- 24 %. 41 !* 0 /Weer &lob Apar P-4(haperse 41514 rot iiiireilmiaposeeliei twos t: o-ifor sarioreek )144 ;pi • - regiagaraitiesiterweekt..: • _ 0.-ftrosomiswof somismadmreir nouttorase _;l l .rtfe4" . ";;Priailife=Ml4 bind Viindod Comp lorA 1 14.110 Qt Drotors.—Dbollogoo_ ollkadoliveor Ihoilooat No& Xplmodo Eleili t ig anis for oroc_ 411.8 - OAKUM' ' 10 °Wow loz 111 " amamal=rlarlitoroso 1104• • • ileac 'Moe tlor saga or agiTtlogyb . itrimew-abstmennuseca k MUM astir . ! .tor to utgokuoirjonaliam- "ramie:4 , 4 , lW . g ow "11 W IL"...11111441414.11"1231 .-• j' e 14 , 16 A Drirry rotorti.--)tr China, Saki Ana* robiolUsbattooMmooso emu. lidaorr ! ! j 4 l.lll oirrulinaft Sho son_ isommild sal alciottemair laoink sal my 'or raw spawn soul:, lroi ;Lirc bag. LION at. rur. L , 1i05.67 AID SW* a t 4 4 14; - A U== W ilaßl ! Mk V UM FA HIM= 111111=14 aIiOUTAZ*OOI4 SEWING. MACHINE'. • . 1 IMO WORLD% IAIII, ' 1111)1; *Pr01;21014 • ` • , WILIMI401111froftlwall• ;-- lUD aely tloWedilielogiliwur Corm Pima.,Span w sied iikszook, witi Want* _ _ - ; • • Piety low b ropoithdlbrrbo . 1.4 car Min orolooolbe liaokboo opirodos.: - 4 11 r) 6814 . 16 " 1 .1 "" 0144 ',.0 00 . 111/Iboilbr ali f ordb: - *OE, 'SWIMMER do WO' • " MESTIXIIMr l i nsoloorsii•-"Tio. IX 11"112 , - ,'z ,, • • Q. loondnul. bbsinri - *, • 11: :4 i • is wazavoiraL iirrosit • Nattiau T OWL WOW = ifiAtftilaolll. _ - WOE /I.IINT-Tho third story of tho A: bangs sow sestop adectlapor. caner eta Gar stFest sakftimmais Wag. • • joILIZ . 10311.AIMIVIATEL r^-r 7 T GAMIN= COMMA &air - Pine eit ilraairuab, bus.amazza, Sumo IS. aims Covarvissaprposed ocewirooesatt _ own' azatv - lad !baba In - euk, Or total* 90110110114 Irr wi 0.1 . • • . • . , l'77rrrr latmacsa oouraxi, - atisi miol Ws* /11; WAWA 'ellairllXlt • 11101M11111 00110.1.111'; 1111WitrestrisC Id. BOWE, lispiareass 4Waszion _ . . jig - Ilia= aoi I a a • • • - • - : 1 ;--;',,-•_ MID : i . - -,..•,---_ .- . - aunt AND ROOD ciin a, IV t UMW MON% wzoinsua oz minis; ,-, t ; MI W. w99OIIIIILL, , s ' road le alba •bist;cap!oliellll44 r , rain Z . B HIE a- 4 71310 a 111 min ; a ts "k litai sr* tolliwate m ry Tigtr. ! "C . l mum ins . tioriarr Ilinear ib. ot, 0.71:080. 'Cidiail '• ' Mliallinlifrie 1 liiiiti 411 ... 911111A11/11-TJATI9 .„I . I 1 11 1 a5 i....... . $lO 41440 111:131; - '•' iiii : - '40 1111) ;• 11 0A 14 - iii. •:, 200 Lila iirliOLß ia 4..,. ~ .grobsopurkigui4tvsoll.4 1. J ..1. , ::: .. . . aimmirnitiesineadija4 asp,:, '.. „ JabbilealtAdlopri,_ ~ •• - . 111511411toollWaidt 41 . ' - •-:, ' 111) losiadiss %WM tir , Mit* - :- nAO billua WI bbls.-IGN. Mt $ Maillowilp • - . i 0 3G 41 1, '' ilic tilliquflis > :... 1 ...._, .. so =iie....' .- lig bbir X., 0. Itcassio;• • , 1 1 , : ,. I: laddlos'4 ll 4o - • • ... •:. .. : I '.. * : irill"l i t. : ,:-.1114-.7.7.1K:^ai1l 1 ----P...' :,, stesst.' "r ' •::. "iitio 4401 IMAIMAirsok 74..,44116 to , %ear= sail 1 04 irsti Maw irvitesta tolle= " gthe 11M. frolialumme* a p in g le take adi Dia daft ga alli . o strantega to .1I lOW m 1101ir, ucLuinvella ! ,, (ir- to :s ikm >f lios _ . ~ a O 4 ~. roi-,..w - - x r 4 o zAile i , a_ me t 5.., , er-.7- W - 44 1141) siam us latellaD impimpt ~., -•-- ;COIL_ , - .' U ; tii'imi I* '6;11.1; taus, Lim , siobsi p or misbeiger *Lai UMW ' '•-. , --, k l igildia ra AMON` WW 10, ' ,10 .0 kald Claili. segiil44ololM m CLEVIILA2 . wirmaio 121/12 424 WOIDAT. Apw w 4241.1116124242 TEI1:: Oar lam OM 'MOW W Wsn . 142natraids 2d1r040, ts Ma. bunk r law 4 ions — 2122wp1. 444 WiaWW/44... a.W. -MO 4. 10.1120 p. is. "X aao .. kl 2 . NO . do. eue ,“ , ear .. ,1:11 tes « —eae ms " MOO .• m L 7.R96 Cklummttlidis " a4 al ". "- CI r. ;" 1 .11 0 11 3: 24.1" : rad We 11424n2b. 24.1214-s. 1.1111111. Du be. 12.11420201 b. OWWwwili loom* aillo. BL WI. 811 . "Nlie._,lti ejOlatill Met sad wellnem4, 222 et 111.41=.7 taw. Ballroad. owl 01.022.4 Law. 12=4.............:...1 -- -11.2-w . 4,01.4.1•••••••• CUP .. up .. te, ................. ..... 0 cm .. de s rig do 11121404_ _ ..,.—. 224 .. eao.. 1221vss et Cbwia24...r......:. 9:10 .. , NO .. irn it :awl with Towitainsbroldi flis low - Ww we 41.04 1 / 2 m22.4 Mom 4.112 i 1.4 lad ,211.1M0 12.22440au limas Allawllanst Wagon. 2 ,424252 we Wane. Grern024,124242120, 11262, uww. Wassiows 406 Salultssay it Wadies via amp WO. 1122444210 sad 0b0122211 Sahaid fOr a = weliertio.,.i.,‘•—m.....mad lad 110119 wiW Ca . I E. Ow 34.200 aw. =440, oil aim with stasara lbe Dettok; Welled?" AlLocommodatio*USTlS it 11:50 p.a.)* _— .. _ _ _ Btlosifa~ thin areive-si a.lOs. mimeltt wicatorit cia be eig the Ub LieWebset Moab, I=riee. 4 11 7 3 . 41 4, 111 6 - Tickst +Pah bled el - • ' Üb..Z=Blr, Ticket epee, air laribot seeugau aB2, Amt. - 219/11/104-1 91? 3, 01i7t?Aild Stake, Pep st. if_ rielar•••••••••••.• ••• 111111111113%.thr ___ ) al - ithr innithir. . , _ , fOth. PIIIIIIIThIi -,- ~ ~ , --,..,- ii - s - . I A i_ i , , -iiiiii34Thl im orsova i rozocovozon =all IMP a. wi. 1 1 ,1 . , 17 =iaa (4l =ll ßlu ng Painitilat and aniklag Cain mum. II I a lbw Am Lek Plillannoina., • . , " lia itutousallAM.Tiithni - _Lam ih• ito. Mutation intwythotsing i ' , M a lwian al ailq - AMIN at wiatonauad rVkt' ll 4l.... 7. 111 41.* irtlfY %Win --,,, ta: Taus beta s =al Ax 4 •at Oaths% . it Jan BMW= # jaktgrAnt Pak via alismsown nate - lii. lailikelai r Ifs Mai% din.liszeig Atha, .th f Itti , p o t= iM4 at ftai Odin* ilitt Milthawr• wa vidthotft ali rwa numaaks. Is Now Tat. c 401X1OPECWAlgal MUM illsastiormiboommuois mini emu dal% *POO at th th xi. Wafts "on Statism at Ithasiathili. 6 ,- Mona lot WiTalitallaw Wu OM s. an - i Teals ini , W . W. Mann isesth nithisit thointh) at IWO a. ta. VaraUthi kr Waira , alai 1 daily Wong fat Rte ..-- AftpluWMl Shia. nit WISP , Win :UAW their Wisp uilati. TO Mink Teak Yana lirdlOn STU y au. hat ON in ati ritnaitathllows /ISM nib et P; 11 6 _. ,-- , :,: • • mu" awn Alis= l :Cn 11.!. 0 IN- . 1 tia az. ia l a i r libtowa; iih s Triiiri==kat MIS s: - , Walil - 011#211 - kelMawds6oll Itilt li‘ ft, t Withilthlraniothallan . -41thicaniatlathiat Lunts , . • ...Mrthiatittsprwisnrillanith with Phil. =14,17 Rat,- Ithaitheaaa th.litaxidays. • -.. -,•",‘", . low sad soain B :=6,:in.,,Tiltedgel Accanueuglitkon, tad lb lain reila NM, awl WM -- nuin ----- 2 — ti sad .ioMftwa Aiwa. - ...Tuba Si, ithwithatawinath at:Climon with Ni. '="lti u t s r attelnall linthWithiatid with Moue ad ' lthanwillaia Moth tier*. Ida itaa Si ' Ina iat *ma , blarisida =raw IMOD tend ny lii lthinvithida Railroad. withwaiansatthioal wow Dint i :•_., alia imiL ires i tai llasill W e i Miasi tathaa °ll , ipatilimil ithalcal Se an wt,. auk kiwi US tonn Mir tattinass. Undolama, I t = ab arm wit ...1..4 -- 'sif to T 1 Batil. .00 so Iltgaddeldak... , llS/ 10wa5ter.......... II VI .20 Smatitigt :- T. :z: : i irapso tO,Oll /milts 44100171 Vb• . 114 P... 1 7T A44 ". " Um " -...ffinli ft lat llelkooo 144:0001 'SO lo AlklarE :MOW tollanies tenably Is g . 00_00:01#1040 , um* tem 'WWI 00114/ W= ; ... :!* /10=11.--14.0•10 00.)/00, Vr a le==rllXl. is ii.AL.Aiu expA * lskbos i Um mazlc Vim 9M00.10k•0•13 . ma ......110/a1aZitaR5e....„...,,,F...t010100.10043pit0 I 7 7 , 7:; 4l t raritia At til1 00 3&% 1 K 4 . 130001311 : Ulm& Inania. es NA *am iitzrlia. 1)0141411.8AVINQS Teilltir, •'• : "iiiids : ori i Patthal '• • saszass tem .asy Ut to litellibbl lei II e WO= Neve qt,. ..• ~ - issetedi .ot. an lob deoChe . -pa Wildest of the prate dodo Joao idd - Dbildbit. Webb ' • imilddihddii. _ts Jib did -Dv the . Debk.war aw a ited. lathe nit, c... . WIESII4 U soiltdirh eat, It Owed ' to the °MU ell flit degottardi teladdel. sad been the embe he. tweak= thellzbdw ot Job tad Deeeabr, ame. meting bass a-yeaz 'Ultra tratidteg the M t iii. IP inA ar OTIS to pras kb poi book. ' U* ishoompasy ...111 doi b Ler that% belie ram . Booth ocatettbdi the Camber. By/Lawt. loam led Ite Paablbat libb.ed edidirdits it Ow dim ' *- ' 2_--/' Puidesid-4301611 LIONEL . Johaß. Xeiliddet. Übe X. Prinixts. - - Jahn lielatei, .Z . ..:-.. Lida NanhaD, . , Abaaada 'pow, June= D. Iteeds, Beg. L: Pekoatecit.,' Al. Z. Po ll ock. IL 10.. ' lime Ilediabry.', • 1011Barode. , - fear Medium. ' i Addible L hadasea. i coma Jviama . „:, Peter I. MM. -- - Jolla Q. Atoluded. , Wattle P. Ilbrabil, ... ' Alia Etedlq. , ' - Jolts On; . Abase delt. - ' ' - Babb Mb% oiniAbase L. . . .111tord7e litegult,- Marxr. .. B. ..-; • 711/by '- 0 ithermirt Paw E. itialthr b . - . ' l llllleas - Tian% . llithardifte. - - - Inialillibler. '..., lean palifflech ' = - Wa. P. Wilma. ' -I Willida L limb , Ciaisttaa T -.' ' Ili= dliddruata--deLt.L. OML :pew; ATApr,:. , Lt. iii • ffikrint ea m oz. Y , hswelted br tht Afgblagtre 4 7. lo, nhlak• ~ , . Lartroplittg eau Di. nu to I chLxt p. No ; air oaillr*DlLl EMMA from • It _ .. . . . = l , rosko,-a rams gramme. - 14111"ARNM1111111 '4ot-isoniuma :— A lith rlMlNlTgnit al 1 • tiliwy k _ —...... a*" 1 _ • • : mninirvrairaspx _iiicair, :.,.... • womb* a!412 n* OEM re sa. Ma k itsoi dm% is Is algal 01. Ca th• ane I ' aild bowel ~YU• £1 tidi nSio NNW of ilalriligilppodlithe,frd wli in voir*: % 6. - 110disiiWiWtaiiii0/10014ArsrimAill' s " . 11141.11 5 1 11,. 9 11 # 144 .... - : rni1i n 11'a rff!..... , ....... „....7 "1311.2 . 4 X1MM1A. ! -Mu 110. - 141114 , ' dome.4:l. it min& riik4 A .:J; ante' .. te )maa. ..: - :SWAM TOsigh */i. 4 .4 1 FL1P. - ' N . .11MBITIPt i r -410 t 40NL11,4 ,s-... ~: . a . ........; : ; . ..... :. - . .. •; , - .. t. :*,............ „',: ..,-:";.- • ! ";tige' - - 0 114141 - IXTERMitiA - .)pogSti • : 1111. ii3OOBEIVArn3I r won% , , . . . ournom rtaW Irminaioia; ' ' . • intirdassorowte.: ,_,"At=r4 ... -± , L •.. • - .*: . #•.; ..., A1.1 smi. i.' •,:".R , .•-..- Z. , .. ,-- 4 ..1-g-- ti:c;r' ; ore I Fa 41F", fry- WY by riabbia , 1 k 61 1H . , Zoysia% 801117 - X•ablibi" W I". di r t cod kArit aitralt llAbiGtheibMilefiabThriatr a ebelPs egg, -.lkailleart•olt; ai agui ir. ntadir, Wood litewt• - "Wu , - • ',A . _ nrti 1411:4 : -p.,A • 1,174.1t0ti sad ar.. utatlit o tal, l,,"nl6l,r9e. skiitielM 4 - . • .;
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