MEN MEM MM=EI •:‘' 4•••• ' MMMM ENE i t 4 . rir' . .! • WEI MENI =ll . • ; • .. r' L -3 .••-• • EBB MEM ) ..1.. - Eff=MlL= • . , • ~• , . • ; • ••• : 4; :r.'f.•*yye~ 4% 1;•%i:1‘,t;!: :••• '• -o;'• . ::,.• - %%. •' . •`: • ;1:: , , , ,f . . : . • • .: :- .. 1 ii..:e.,:.1 . i , : '.,'..1:-!:;!,!,.?-.....-:!''. - • TUESDAY 11° 4 k t i : ( 11 / ' ' ULY 284 CITY 'ASILIBS. ' Oriiozir:riln 01P,12111 aner. 111[5 , 75054011utai 0255rintoss for the Yo sins,b'y,A.,l Bb.w Optiebta, Jo. 15 link - ' jx;,- igrir. 'xi suss. 114•09“...1L............ 75 11.50'-ts4 , its 80 ' - tistitattitnr - ••• .. , . ' • J aton Comity Victet. '' l• ' `,! . ' tbr . AmilTV Ois nrirtid cso . ..t. Wpm urcitezol& ~ . • ....,,,.., ...% , is. AL/SID IILSOIL. - . • c . 1 , -, - .1-,.t m. stre it. s. , w i tsoz. - . I ' . ..saus,a,susaa.K. - • , , za' - -;-1-Ini:',*. IMILON. DLItD. Anattvla- • - - • u *131)111. MoOLUSI. , ' ' ' • ' ':-- - WIL. 3 2101111/D N. t ••••-• - 2-. 4*. -- - 8.«. away_ aa Csrantalow. • '- , - : o:oilol,neaUlti.. . • - ,- - • NW Dirsejor Of A. ram . ... ' - ...: 4 JOB If.Dilalfo...• .-.... • Plesbargh flaaatary_coallalttee. -----The-tollowiogdonatlansbayabeen readvid _ lathe rooms of the Sultan Ocosimittee, No; 69 peartli 11 , traeN dozing thi week ending Hittitrisl• Jay 26th: 11outiene, lid 8001 17, COoispslkg. Heron Asook4;Ps.,22:ollOws end amiss, d ekeele, tawfaijia sitirts,ll Vain dsimen,3l kand kerehistei. wattages and : ' rep, sheets parr and invilopesicoap, lit/IC:Ltd* driskfratt, -_.,t3oteene:Aid Society, - Elharpelmarg; Meteor boaatyi Ps.-9 shim; 6 pain drawers, 4 row els', 2 pairs - soots, 2 dressittg gowns, ;2 enik: , ions, lot dried tralt, soap, 13 combs. , 3 lana•_ vita nets, 12 tam, 11sheetspaper,1 - itekago • onvelopee, 1 hottto lak t handlo MANI& Holdiars' Ati Scoletzacteptirt;Pa. -- Largi lot papers, books andmtasphials,l-siosts, 26 towels, 10 headkirelMo; 76 4 llBll , B aut B t.tos repliers . 'kiddy, Erg/sine; Pa.-8 skizts;l pair slippers, 2 pain Mann 1 soli "lines, 3 pads, 2 bed-gownr,rl bottis ' pltun wine.-2 pillow", 1 paper herbs; 1 paps! hops. 2 parkas's &hid Hutt, 1.•,_ pelage pepper, 1 package ta,l pantry cattily; 1 paper plah -. I Arkin butterboadagehnspers. J. Adler A IW-1 - keg whiskey. Ladles ol Halos tow/whip, Jaffsnon smutty, Pl.-113 pads, 3 iiimittles, 19 haadkeroldefs, 111 biwroges, old/ band and mdse. 4 sheets, to sowel.,.imi, 1 out limos coat, 6 peerages Cried bias, I , pair drawers, 1 pillow. ale, 3 pillows, .3 quo. 1 can Soldiers', Aid tioateiy. Onleidown, 4,-50 r ue wows, 21 skins. 26 _ iv *hems, pillow orme, 13 *Ali- 4 'pistil oft pants, 4 oasts, 1 vats, 1 pate , soeks, I' palrs lama dream% -seasila, Hess, Widnes and Hat, 10 maks dried hail, 3 maw fruit. imaree. Pa.-9 11111118 - bily. 4 one trait, l 0 skeet*, LS tousle, Ima maple am lassee,2 shirts, drlid trait, Hat sad tmadages. - Mrs. Waitranro-13 liandkeroldsto. IlloOdateek-1 roil carpet.. ' B. A. S., West Boma, ildrts; bandages and rep,* poods tapiposp4 ponads stow r00t.,.' • mrp. Ur. Caddy, Blundy 'titatioa-11 e ns g Ntadkarehiets, A ll tralt, larp lot Imlng A. a art • Gallon, Pa-2 itellto, 2 sacks dried baniSll, IL cans Inuit, beadiest, mulls, .1 Loma skit, 13 madla Warts, 7 dressing gowns, 11 peirs - Arawers, 11 handkorehlets, ..old shirts, t budder., _ Yrs. Jamas Logan, Coal Blars, Pa-. 2 cans bhumberry Jelly . ens trait, 1 ean to semallo old stdrts,2 bottles edderbersi wine 1 both elsektiera eordlaL ebrewl.. A. 8.—'13 pain drawers, 6 mm shine,'ll 2 gland shilla, 9 pairs soaks. , • Miss Maslti t Emaotoy, bents, fruit; jars Matt: Kill LOUIS& idellor--8 lisadliscreklats,2 pro seeks. 2 slarts..3 pairs drawee, 1 fist, 1 linen coax, Fele ellipses, attesters, old linen. 3.g Metsl/31.74 mai tomatoes, /papers corn Mean, pipers Winos 2 ham toUst soap, 8 Pylon 6 13 11 8 4 2 Men Mu , 1 box Eng said, I sack table salt, 3 papas aksploktirg_ p dried ec 3rlgktoisiZe..l2 dressing seems, 34 pairs drawers, 11 sheets, 12 shirts, --13 bed ludo, 4 Ham soma, vest, 126 haat -IMffeblets, 10 hop pais, 3 plllewss 55 cravats, 64 towels, 1 pair soaks, papembeoks and sta. ',..tionerg, old main, 6 bombs comsat shrub, :15bottossrtaegar,-3hottMe.wlse, 1 bottleoM. imp,lljarit Oil!: I P 4 0 1 1 81 168 MA import , -"mash 4 papers ears etizeit; Iliossis halt. ;Efoldiere Aid Declety, Hma'AdverPb 4l sow oasesi-12 sbeet4-129tWe15, 12 shirts, 3 cosh draiiirs, padiiidikeaas trait, trade _dile(' besdagos, ,liat,_nad - daimon' 6osisty, Alleglway, p..-2 blackout, 4 pads,,.. -maim, Haan an,djildrl. 2 pain peat.. stunttor. coats, 1 intimialtorieti i9 shims, .27-yairs drawers, 3 pairs soaks; 43 kandtmonlots, 3 awards., T-pillowr,"3 Ow, eases, OS oanilinir, 1 'Vim jar Inds, 1 mitthi lidickberry wine, 3 Potties sciseti, 1 mot dried trait, 16 doses eggs. Bliss Mary IL 0. Herron—A lot of radios _ ~~ r; ~ M- • =bra' Aid Scatity, fleirlokly, Pa.-10 zosuciatto nets, FpUlow ease, S out miens, 13 sbira, 10 old allnkil 31. stetsforo, 46 lusadseroolefs, Pairs drawers. platine-AA *l.lll West lAbessp-, g:.owo, 18 sheets, 62 balettortAld. 46 toir:- . i at plans, 10 vier drams; -13-gellsur -ion* hole banasigns; asukutslis, pads • ,soaks arbst Dais. ; • • Isisla-le6all 23,akoKaud 816iosa7, Pa —7 boxes ilaist-oontagag,,k; deusA--)ootues si nos • skrab. ‘.. . . "ladles' Aid 6oelety,-ltroirusrllle; if ' oolea ablits,loo6,la sherry syrup, 31 baud ' As:valets, 4 saint' shlzle, 2 pickerel sugar, —ltoldinAnl7l - 1. -4911411, 1 um sling, 1 sock potatoes, 6- 'aiselag gowns, costs," musquito viests.ll pito dtalrerh 1s es, tags and bandages, 1 postbag* soap, 2, gonads rags, 6 Jan unit, 1 bottle raspberry lizegar. Yes. Dauld.brulos-2palls altrOssr,l Uses -cos6, bo4sl,:usaasit vls6, , 2 Jan )W7. old BoldlsreAldßoaish,W44ooolll,-Pe•-•41.. .oaas fsals;Aitettb6 oatap,?"3 8114111112104: PIOUS, antoottililleposals 001.01 sabms, - soap. tied' 1014 2 vests, ualle pang, slats,. Lb abli - • 'shirts, b piths, drawers, avkaadkuddigi, 10 sands, 8 unts,24sidiages atatleani;ll Musts,: Al pussy, 34. gum!. Ma 1i orgl/1,,,Fi . Thri 4,44140;-- - e in 4onatines" soy _ been 141 4 44 iLar 4.00.04 'banal! " of slo.giosiousalliefaux7ClonAlow, in ' ROOVS_ 68 GiAssob of IMPTISOITIIOI par Capt. - 0. A. Mittel 4°- Y. b. P.lllu6Looslt.---.—....... 20 00 S. A. 0., But lAvespoel, 50.1 W lrisails 1aZ.134,46. 01111.51 4th yard, Paisbargb, per / - Yew& 'tom and 1164 76 131isseas lit wad, P6talturgt, per -Ynashautons and 110 00 nos . 36 00 Ib-00 Jul. :Aseuiladsaratot. 50 00 - Angus; Aastion, Lee Cittisas Oil ward ' , 3d fo 00 460013_41, Aetna I. Pelts : and es. Nimis --341411 - bteaobestar, Joh* D. garlta..4. .3496 1 0 5 .3 boles Bakerliensies,;o6l.4; July omitted la pn y nts i'eseesessk. Vi yePOrr ta. AtTarnos Vlroaso 116x.i..1.1443. , 1 • n o, pi the Witt Bastes:, illsibiippliltarlui Setgide, bas .1111.4 lablali iitPdA rsotaitln sisinslorlo; bliaslOsty -of , Those * llll4ll l l 10***261141111NbrestsIth a balmy 60.1 fie cesen "nit. *ISM flotashirest—lar ' - 41inSt 11, 3 14 - VialOtati& 1114 IPA Mint. Gil. Alai it ea 02144-OU-01;311.134,115q.,4t1f sad *taut stroota. /Ant: Minn was sotatezip a known prisms of 1011 oily: Tao Men. MOM wiebtolt dbUninaguagentodihatiur ttattsq,--saiktsr-r Tints oily - tCI r i UMW= saga la ikululla steak of boots, $lll rest, al 3100661aara A • sil a ido c4s , j . 7 1/ - • ; • z ." • NM= ro t - be -77: ' -- ...!—_ . ' '''' LirPt"-'4 , 4er 'esoatuil. July 27 " , In User, present, MessrajUlen, Hardman, Miller,' MeCarthey, Morrow, Mo7linteek, PhUUps, Quinn,.Rees J. Reed, D. Itted, Mils, Young, McAuley, Prosident. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. ' Ifrj. Ron presented a petition asking for the 'paving or repairing of Second street. Read and secepted. Mr. Phillips submitted a petition signed by asarly ail the members of the Night Police, asking for an increase of pap from $1,2 1 to $1,60 per of the Lorne sod coat to ol liv in g. They also agree to waive' all - right of fees, in ease this increase of pay la granted them. Bead end 1 Mr. Allen. a petition from; property hold- Coro of Vein alt y, between Logan and Elm *treats, calling attention to Its obstrnoted and pithy, condition, and asking *nit be graded and pated.,, ReGrred to Street - Committee. 1 - Mr. Morrow; lipetttion Lion: citizens of the I Eighth Wards watt* that the grads of Lin , deb street,lbnween Chestnut and Boyd, be Ind by ordinance. Referred to;Street Com ' mime. Commanittation from the City Controller, -covering bill'of 1. H. Babe for J 18,00; and Thome Lemon, 42460. A ruclutdon was adopted authorising the bills to be paid. A Mil of it. - H. Hartley. for hose was read and referred to the Pisan°, Commit tee. Mr. Raises:ad the following,, which was read and adopted: “.•Wnsien, , Theordinanos relative to hack- storing is wail, violated by persons engaged lithe retallitonery.Anulness, by purchasing Vegetables at and taring market hours, for the purpose of re.iellink theiseme, therefore, Resolved, That the ElsperitiMndent of Mar kets, be instrnoted to return the names of such pawns es may violate snob ordinate*, to the Mayor; for prosecution. ; Mr. presented the following : Reset, That the City Solicitor be in strant•B to prOtosed,-withot delay, and use all sletfulitteasumi to prevent the Pennsylvania a_. l . loilOowitiony from approprliting to their ow aAs and basalt an, of the streets, alley s anti sidewalks itt the Plflitlind , Sin* wards of** to*, until the Proper el:111ns! consent of the councils may be first obtained, and a fair remuneration maykdsgreed Ilion. . .Ruelsecl* - Thaa: - tlia.P.olocot" - Common Cnuecils, is - the naturWild 'oin b half of. the iridstitiii - ‘ lOllO DM**, the y, Cchielis I. represent, do' tionlit solemnly pr t against 1 the, lawanautablesmadant of '-th said Penn- 1 sYlvsniaßailroad Cletanny a in - ippropriadng smith alleyt And iddibalits Within the city litidts, too - their ova mi* ad bail% without i t proper attlluirity or remuneistio , and that we s hil behalf of oar etusens the said company that-the tine may to ;.yr o (and may be brought about speediti, bish the notion of said empans, whom... penance may cease *I. a , iitiam,'!Aind - when the people, in their steam:bled might, may insist uponithelr rights betas respected corporations as *ell as in divionsis. I ditesofeed, That the city Solicitor be ro quested to address • noti:to Gov.euirtio, asking for information as to the remota Why an net Rased by the during Its :ast ses sion, bath:linter-nu to the grading, pariag aadanestargpitteburgh,jum notbeen 'sliced - by - 110,7 - aiid liking also for information as to Inn nun ionnerioes, if any; have been hdoughlto tau to prevent the slid - set from becoming" a Law. For this liformation we hue a right to ask and will *spin en - *arty and respeedal reply. 1 On motion, the resolutions werdconsidered soperitely. • . . , , Az• kililliPt Pa* it San te out et the Imola inilullon, all after the words„"with out proper authority or remnuerailon." Arced to. • • The first resolution, and the second resolu tion as emended, - ware adopted. • ' On motion cf Mr. J. Reed. the claims In the third resolution,'Lsking for information as to what imam Mflasnoes have ben brought- to bear to prevent said set from becoming a law," was sminen out. • Tie'yeas and nays were called upon the final passage of tea third reseinWon, as amended, aed revolted as follows: You, 10 ; nape,{.:. Tie nays were Messrs. Allen, Met- row, Wills and Young. In Common O•unetl, the resolutions wire read, and a tastiest to.peetmene faiths! action was nutobt. - Tit* yeas and nays wore milted, and united.-yus. 9; nays, 11. /miter as tips was barred by adopting a motion to ad- I Mr. McCarthy submitted the followiag pre amble sad resolution, --- Which wane adopted without a dissenting voles: - : Intande, This sommunity has been deep 210*---tsfiloar that pains holding dis loyal sentimeetelaY• been, and art now, em ployed in tin Alleeheny Ananal; and tan- - fag that the peliey* making no distinction on tho pan of the aonimaadasit of said At onal, between sonad usenditldeal Vales 114131, lbd show who have no party end snare Oprildtiew tee he unholy and iniquitous at tempt tofdiatroy this Government and build trraissrene - witese - corner: stone, us destared Itrttelez. - Pt, Stephens, is founded Au Stan labor, is newt** and to Mold - toossonabl• moaduet from the odium and datestaiiint whin properly be to it. a e 2beratersyl .. - • . ,-! •:. Rahlead,trkel. a Committee - ref: , liva—two from thetdeleet "and One from tth Common StolillO'boAnoinflodtdlift the fasts *Moser, and icy - them beforeth e Secretary of Var fee blisettea. " " - 1 ---Kr.J.7Bastaffstaii - SS: braltmao6 for the trading sad p s visg of Bedo:nd - street, from Wood so-Market, whin' was adopted. In C. a., referred to Sweet Oommittsek. -- Alr:-D, Reed effuetthe - foriowidg : ..-- ' Remlesd, That thi Strut Committee be an. theinind to exa m ine all.thejente under the senitsittading - sad - yeirtairanerantant of lilt, OM; 1368; wbleh maybe referred to them 'bt the City Solicitor, and they are hereby an nion-threteese-thewholaiOr any pert, of harsun'easeenanti in snob gees-where :therms, be 'attain- that: hellos itad equity velainiswel dean. i Itsid'ihred it UM and ptived::! ; —ll4,lo;:ltimidithis-tolloirogr-- -- I Rubtod, That the Street Oallunitt• 4l be/e -quate* to take legal means for tho sepprei , sun of all stands or tables upoa he Strests, lot the perpose of sailing oakes, apples,jut/ slip, and other snide* ' without paying therefor nowise to *Dotty. .- •.,.1 1 Bead throe times and passed. O. 0/net:- concurred. The President read the followill; whick was 'adopted : Resolved, That the Trusties hi the Gas Company be requested to extend it gay main from Pan strut. down Boott'i asp to •the lOUs Bee of thorlow of huildiags lately erected, by Thomas ,Elootti. . sia ago. 467 tat said comPsaiJlo masted to mat ono pow 'GM* islet!. Usattkollyy. In C. 0., - Mt. Ails: dined the followta ' i t -- 110W10,'Thektjeksaw. of sl,ooobi.traist itiorisetMnAPpi Kelton NO.-10, bad $6,000 ireid'A ills. 11, to:Appropriidon I d lia46-(Watar-- Worte)—dor the ' roan of lapin 1,100 Let of, four inch pit* n Locust itreecin Ibi RlghtliMird. Adop • - Is *gam Cbemeii, pr Id rs. Ar :dray, exisusrousi .Batiar..Barektlyi' clots, goo*, , Day, - Isoffeyllopeope,i Jeremy, 'llsokeyvitteYay,ll44ololoatigainerp, me. Cattalos' , MeindMd. - . Mellettole. O'Neill, Senoc:lialltvas-aad-,i4110n,-.,:yrestdent.-il I 'ages t..-...._t ',' i • s &-, i ii i i ii i is T t:' .1. , '..p a ineripp3o, m TU Mantes efitiertUteitateltitekOlot an apProvet..., , pits,,Analktrgitolfered in ordtztanoe Wen'', ' rrie Ur 1100 411 144b1is and settle( With ambihna Metter also, iron the Alitightsii lirigistiltalittod, on: Idittior, strut, to th PelincylviaL Th. volait .. atee .'.'wqWsiad three me. end;: _. . .. . 11.r.(PlispiuesOntsd the following mole. !ton t - " '' .' . -4 " . - surteeti;;that titeirtsidt. Cotitmittea bi WadWre hereby ragnostod to Inquire Into ' Ws onislrorratitsig:s. =pour of g.g(641 tfl-RiPitei"tmaris 4,1•Pallttalll• wf, We 4iitaltiee tit glifter seut o ritAthe ivyliiittevAlVeleAl Pi::ifigikt s 4 . 11114 0 ' hrratAef,aad sir, saidawMationt f urther 'Motet" it lePettl l . i al ant "5 r ,...t. 0g_w5.„..u.:,,,—.....,,.. „ ..,,, , w,,:ssiouismic movie to: rikw - ont 0$5;(1 . 00 w mitt bissit-asw,oorw,l' i,z, ~ --..-TUimudwastwillimplakisltil the iiito.: 11 lidos as' asionded wed tialeltree meo.Uttl_ Mr: iteCiandlai M elfitrill tie folio lag rese- Intuit , t i - . 0.2; r f. _ _. Resolied, That the.Commlttee on Firs asa.l glees and Sue: bi:testritoted,U rotate coyi wammt to the for eel batiste of tho appropriation for the current ; peanutl ammo stwasor mooldnifir IMMO , ' Wow front the city; be'.allow4 to leave the Mg tor the pupae of .reaktas ilvlstir with. out - elitaiabg penninton iron the , Cionneller I' , Mr: 110toitiliwt sailed los She 'ism' and zees rte Stud paLlUMWlttottrr...t.4.4. 211 5-16 3-11-35A1.4344 Cash ilM ,Cowdza;RlP s s ts., - .la-ts. -.Jeremy kfackere.Msntgo. (landless, - McClellan; NeYsY, O'Neal!. Steel, Sullivan, and Killen, Prod . dent-20. Nays—Messrs. Duffy and Peely-2. Bo the resolution was puled. 'Mr..0116111 offered the following resolution Resolved, That the Mayor be and, is hereby requested to use stringent measures for the internment of the ordnance' prohibiting the running at large of hogsand unmuseeled dogs within the City limits. Mr. Bally - mend to lay the resolution oa the table and called for the yeas and nays on the motion. The vote eras as follows: Yeas &linty, Dailey, Darekley, Colville, and B3LLin, President- 4 . Nays, Armstrong, Coffin, Coward, Dian Hays, Hobnes;:erensy, Kum, Montgomery, 'Mackey,' McCandless,MeOleliand, McVay, 9116111, Steel, and Eltlibran—lo. t Bo the motion was lost. Mr..MoCaudiess =Wed, to strike out the word " hogs," which wise agreed to. e _ The quiution on the resolutions; amended, the yeas and nays were ordered and were as follows: Yeae—Mum. Armstrong, Bailey, Beret. ley, Coffin, Hey'. Holmes, Jeremy, mks', McCandless, McClelland, MoVay, id. -Nays--Ardral, Colville, Qeward, Daffy, Kearns Montgomery , Steel, Seam,- and Killin,Presidenk -9 .: So' the resat:Mu was passed. Mr. O'Neill Introdueed an ordinance to in- , cause the pay of the night pollee. It in-' creases each man's pay from sl,oo to $ 1 , 60 per night, and outs off all perqnisitee foray resting vagrants, disorderly anti drunken per.: Sons. The ordinance was read three times and In SelestOolina, the ordinance Wail dim; nued at considerable length, and dealli. amended by striking oat $1 . 50 per night for. the witabmen, and inserting $1.25, end strik ing out $1.,75 tot the Captainand Lieutenants, and inserting $1,50. In this shape the oat nines passed, and will have to go beck to the Common °anneal. The President appointed blessis. IdUkey, Kearns, and Hays as the Committee on the part of the Common Council, toinvisdkate the charges of disloyalty preferred 'against *attain persons at the Arsenal. ; ' In all notion not otherwise noted there ?us. a . Mutual coneureteis'irhant Councils ad- lo 9. C. TM . . The - Capture of llosirrim. 7 In oar account yesterday of th• bparetloso of the Penneylvanta three mouths' refit!' merits, in the eaptare of Morgan, we inedier wetly ignored Col. Jas. It. Porter's very • St eens regiment, from Indiana , Clarion -- a n d 'tetragon =unties. This re/OmM% Will the first to leave the city for the sawed action, and took part first ill Portland, (Warretttot Yore) fourteen miles below Steubenville, and after wards at Isisod meek, six miles labove that city—at both of which , places they faded the roads wiciveying to (orator, awl at both, they intercepted Morgan and kis Wide AAA compelled !um to tare back. None of the Peapoylvasia reghiteits either gays or reeved • Are the:Orations, Dotal el performeddaring well the pine pe etden.' ed to them by esa., Brooks,. aad oontribumi largely to the Mal result. It la liatiett to so doe • body bf men as that commended by Col. Porter,l that tfiey. Awed shot* in therein doe tithe P I nate bete, hr 114 part they took is the head 'tag off and capture of the famourebel ale!. /LWOW or himmiasi.—Thedetashineetof ono hnedrenend Almon reek with tote gaze and one hateired muskets, whisk left the eity. list Ftidey to Map look after lilorion.retnis• et last eventni from Nme Catilitelszd, We Vitelnim During astride state MwMthey ware hosted with itrestiesesot and hospital• ity hy the &Asses. The detsolimeat ntnrasd le Site stlsoar Cottage #0.2. DucaLzasn—Thor. wuums who was sr-' mewl list Saturday for Israbbicst. peter Mack, s soldier, with eitLairea olotbiut and itissaticy, bias, heal s titular, yesterday ba ton rutted Stabs Commisaioser Sproub. J. J .Bari teirdnialtiall V Wools badarvad Nast to Se a disoharyd soldier. W Slams waithett -mad. ,A FACIAL 1.00A.4 AO/US& GR.OIIII %alb BALlVltillniplLLlTr,fte. ft:oily end awnitaatasixts vapor, issy las ben Li am A. t., OsArajn . 111",85" 'istotua Paul, Plata sad Orsaaioatal alas Roam . ," 111111 dater* PourTWA ma gar moat slate of t (RAJIV at low rates. Moo at alez./Laaglata's, sas: WI WM*: Watts, Pittabato. a03:621 - - 'CLOIIIIIO ,Otrt to Serum &roan its Corr.- Banel Graham, emulate tailor; Wetted of, hl" Speen and Bunsen "took of goeds at t They eagle of all the latest stem* ef els eassimeres and vestisp, of -le/WU Is fie: peed to maks up , Irt the wet freebie seanne. sad at own pee& The pa lkOhotlid not neglect to iiir&U theateareadire ease sad Aare money by glen - Id s a an early call. Also, a large assortment of pelt and taw eassimeres well adopted forboye' rear, 'ratan be will ail ,by the pleas for balm, cost; Mothers should not neglect all defy. t Bet% it Kant Italia, No 64 liarkitetnet. Avenue, Barrtern V oaceuza„l-The mention of our "artery's brave defenders ` re oently retuned trona the seat of 144:axotrof tbe,pabllo in newel, Is ages delete to the amentrite dad handsome eerie: ot ske,latest -sexes of Penal, Bs Koh and Medea pies goad'," for , pane l oh and vette, lately,readved Noun, a .W•lst k Co., lief chant Taiers,,,So. Wiredier street, AlleskenitA teal on of geallentin's furalsking neaten also always be fouill an li e 'tette Ow establishment. tom ..s pith k tot of ;reely,eade clothing; eaves n **tee manna,- , Saw +Amami or Bosom thoultau.—OV ku arts - asked, wheat Gan at - lily • LIM end eowlortabli Sustroskisit,rusdr, to ordso, us th haring Us shoats at taloa*, our ows goods? To oil thus latfattiss weoinaauwo. go to Moms. W. IL Moth* A Co.) Omer of . Worst street and Diamond Square', Allsght al, &Oita rat too suited sooordlog to your auto. They tan list - roostrod their saidaot , goods, sad for ologonoo of otyloo thios-oassol: be suploood, tad tor lltaw thoy alb the ray parsons, so that work le all donoilltdo7 *kid, woo surtriot,, arm tbrokkaall,"tad you otaaot to be saddled: Cala Dthesigthrk7-es , the LDetherinaP - 1 l A * ge..eth, geithelthee.. ate of Ito* ' roe feu aoliata, bettat Ora slum at Sr &Ilan, at thaatlist dam& establtabassata.l All per‘ tow - azi rataaste 4 to. all at .11•1 Institate pe lt stilt; uirbit aktettand 06 lsiloat 1 plioes sh 1 the °the' cheap places. All wo --doie - st the Institute Is gaarsatatd to or/1b 117 cheap Dantist!ria the city. Owings and Oaaatath Clams wig be takes at to. OMaiblis ollioe;210. an /Wiley strut. day or night. ALL arias litli - atitha shoo pude wUI Mi promptly attandid tw.t All - calls mast I* paid in advance. -/ ' - . , a m . Nam. to Ilorarro Itimaaao, Mans aim ALL ovialar_laillootab...-lior ro or al. 'tendaolla Waco's. at dotillaittOto ooh or 41ytaloii, Wall tgoL Omuta: call at Oathborph'.-; tilt_ Shop, Vtreia 111.7, above 01 0 1 ' in or*litromP* 10:'-';'-': '.-- - " ' - -'_t: 1 i,....; , •;.•- , ~, ----.------?,;---. - 11' 7 .44 1 litso!ilPoilitiond ot7 WO of swop Skirts, at...tallatie• ,Motton floats, 54 RIM at. . ~: ==M= FROM • 1 sp o oks sibutcri to the Mahar& Gazette • WAStitiatott. July 2'41163. ~,rsou ma awn or viz rtionmeO., • ' Thifoilowing dhipatilita from B. A. Rauh, no me ue toneepondent with the armyof the I'olomee, has noillveid hots: '.' ' ' o'''- Uoutieretrart Alum Of no POtimaii,,}: - '1 • - - • - - Slay 25-6 six.' The positions of the rebel army are as fol lows : Oh. Tutu at 6 o*oloak a. in.: 41 1,11 4. veins of 11ill's and Longstroet's eanelMadbtli: lluipopiel.. The colamu were wellalood up". and their, elan corps mast he cementrated there before this'time.. Of this retrograde movement then initi no questtoN,..Xer two days I bad a tatote4 oppottontti to tan a bird's ere view of hoth litter aid I.lingstreet's Comuunde, and on ono occasion was quite as our them , as, Was prudent for a non.oombetant. EWA'S! r iii.i, it I. nadetitoba itereoyttitt 00,40 11 1 the. Shenandoah 'Veiley,. whew' It to. guarding the fords on the Shenandoah' and the rear of Tkis fast le enppued . td explain; the ?neat einem about. the alleged nivemente; indlase, dig bat Lye yrai hat mdtioAng, Mid was laden . preparing to' intuit° Maryland. . ;. The Evielsior firlifede had -a light inter dare. Ashly's Gop with the enemy, *here Gm latisi hid bent' infantry lad cavalry: Afters brief, butetivere - mratesti, the enemy were replied, and a latiii neither of prison enr capturck ,Among the • wounded le Brig. Gon. 3. 13.8pinola •.: ~ • '' '' . ' gisinuaueu Catau.Dinnoi; Annie:, vura, Ve.,, Joky 26.—Yeetercliy; Ben. Cas tor, with thr4 reglibuto, of a Michigan-brig ade, under* , command of Col; Gray, CaL Towe;!the.. miler oilier Wag tick, advanced from this plan to liswltry's Coots goads to 1 reConecitre the enemy'. trisition, Thefith-, Michigan, in sdnsties of the oneurea pickets, were tut wititiaa half mile of **Oren Roads, , when thwadvanos vaard was dissonant nd deployed 111 skirmishers, and one section 'of tenniegton's battery,,under , Liaitt: Cluk, *is pie:Mem:an Me -crest, at tha. 1 lat" 0 **M 1 O: atiPP9l44 by Os , not MUM" guti blips' Brewer. ,For halt-ea hour•• or marl;i,lively eiciffnieli iu tape lip, when the advance skirealshan were raptor:led .. by, , throe pqaadr"sts Iron tie ith ;iiithittie 44. 1 -Um the blame of , there toittlikeltiltotaig ,as., The men nut tiorown forward athadilydreve 'the Um, batori . e Mimi *id trui 'wet of. hilt was resoled, feet close ItiOadt, when the the enemy opened • brisk lies with artillery,. Mug elmili, grope int naulseer, and mid ' Vaasa was cheated. Vitt postltcet' was hel lust d' when, - I,fof at lt u hour, suelt. to the ea-, [ taiishment ot ell, • register, of the elmili I infillin. appestat 11. the rear :of the liaril I II ichigae, wltidt was upporthig Ike utility i l 1 , elan fir. viluied . Tie wholisesion , Meou- I try Is thirricinily is so oat sip t ot feeblest , ineesaltils for cavalry to operate effectualiy, , and putisalarly#Madt fit Mu Point when the enemy first made their appeartinee In our rear, nit was covered not only wt i i, tree. up , Ito within In rods of the reglanat, bat the is . • ,--, 1 ..____., ~ to:venlig upecomas ovum wituatmst.m... lof pine trees sad stubble. Ina. Castor. Jinn mad* aware of this leicr. 'nominees, at one ordered • aerie i n to modirrptactlietilo, Wiwi ordlesiffetrousetealettjaseat tiles point an imprastibility; which ha ti:4lspeed ily ..dlenvorsa. *ajar . Brewer fortutodell stated when ordered to Chuge.inli 11,‘Wznanit: wri a change of tie order. •The seethe of iti% , tilleryldfteh wint-ispoud-rePlily eicieekti; the right, while the let Michigan nuelded la position until the enemy trod one trellis', lad ' ther(wbeeled to the rightism& gockposition. A(rapid retrograde movement brsueltithaal to ,the rear, and in • plan of oomparative safety. While this movement was being eumwd on the left of the toad, the enemy, On g ia.a• two pleas to the anst of the kW In front, previously occupied - by our skirmisilian; Mid opened h-gelling die :run oar Moue With paps ilia water, at the isms. tilde, boat.' lag a column of infantry in tiileilia,i, pia dan:... - .4.partion of the Asia wia feria; alias further to the right, ant tla , iifft Was toned bath, into the 'NO; - where tii intrune hit had preced e d it. The retreat at the,.right ;eat *Wally conduted by cot. 004,,'"iip, noteitbstenoteg no 'reitera nt of ilia' rm . > , mont,:dld not , forget. to , extend pratestfteKSo the artillery 011ik within the enemy's ;reap 'and Ii was Coiteiguently mat nifeheit deer thie, were held in *beak at every p point, -while , `-the -cesesseds bevies felt-the posi tion tell back to Aniercille., ,-,' "Frei: information obtaieed / lionfei souroes, it Woo ascertained, that a eellund stractibezur of A.. munintesuL r= The admen of Longitrnt's nips' poi*: through Thorntonli Gap/aud flpermille 011 Thursday, and on //May morale& at, 6 o'alook, :seabed Culpepper. Mira cornetist was hamidlittoty by Wrier._'..,'" I, 'dada; the Gan* moved ep I. ,Oatiee 1 CroislitosiCs 'where the enerey's piskets Ore ' encountered rind driven)* bat the titian cow *and was beyond rasa: & , , --:• : cos ~.. dilliu.'3:Wil ceilivi7,, : solett„s4. at., serteliteitapositlon of 'the' lity t i tti , cliedP Evil" ordain he.tell bash so" Oir lose lathe two day( ficolcuissalair. • will probibtinot nowt etriditmi hat ;Nit ✓Aroundr4 _i:i i_._ « , :iv ~ , Lint: Bahl . is,. of Om Castor's idi f ir IQ, severely minded la the side by ei , riedikrptit ism 'loft on the bid.' Tits www,V,4* It ItotefFtiA r l a k eldi jArti " 4 this foliation 'Monti broight isi. LI i ', ';'-','' - Derbt; the mist ezottimg.thae yee‘im,„; um, hone in front of cii. oray was kina,7.lo , Cehilf!ey's horsy fott on; the dlsibieltan,V manitioti befortrthe*lonet - *add •Mg4i'litit fest he was inn *virile, a whole stiast,reinithe' lead home belimolog to the sklmatslieriii '-liii escape from fatal iijpry is attribsied:Ar.lim fact theta:say of the hones Men blithe*. imam& • 1 '--”- The Commissioner of Intertil itiniamelme -._ areolded thnt this eertMosite_ol-smeMptiom for those who have been dropedi !wither fur; , , „ lashed Substitutes under the oiaseription imt, pressis aired by I to I* hood beteg ex rist gm i : by ihstiloard oillarothiest, is ezelyt from stamp duty. Any °Mama whlab may -bo . 1'164 bys' magistrate in corateettes!iiftilito , itiosedings under tnii—ooeiiilf*i net, is sub. Peet to st swap duty of fttooeitt. remora. - - 1 1 '' Secretary Chmie loft this meninx at 4s,rom , . esloskle a siocial our for Philedislyble , •N ew -York ma 11•WP"t•1 14 :4 14102 1; 14964-. lima away „ , 3 .._ .E "_:: t4-1° : , , ,,.a iiiid" L 'ax' ,., 0 ,. .. , .. ir 1 i .'" .. 0 . 4 . : *-40, . ,, ,.i • i t : ~, ' . r ..t.-,77 7 7 : ::, - --- ..4 f iii. 6 , Sat , --.4kazitiottkor:9o ._.opur-inler .I,lo' boas',' --, ..,,i i , Nor iiitymitt tfeirjr* l 6. 2 , 10 .,,,0 r- ii*Viiiltti ' - itt0 1 400" ) --- 0 ” '' fog' " -"'" '', .--- ' - ' 6t alt 4lflgi7eS': femils,eio-siels• .-! , mi sa _88,14.0_14 'b ed , ~ ,- pokojoiskii not s ieloivicoyMion to imr010190104111614,4 *tiei i 735 it ii. 71.. -0- . las Alo flan NSW a • ..141,_P.11 40.040 . 4 sal aldnescatille ._, OIL : i i • / , itfakeY yrlakevtipk. 721nriraiwo, 27.--Ooitanditetalftes,-(Illuur a mod. WOW; hut the delnaud la Sat err IlaiP lei' l 5 ....__ AID& eta.. 47,5640.1 fr for ! ex . tra active; UP SU t AttOIRP for trade braaa4 ttiV,marlutt - cladny dull. Whitby . dull at 11140)1,.. Id bent 1020 bettor, the draulod ...Wawa; and 'confined' rldelly to goad aud eholou parcelr, Illphilt, l B far Chicago Opting, sixoloa, for jillwaabal t labe'llidfl,Yl fur manor Do, irfatinai stAopo,4u to wt. ti.l/1•1•11:1. UM for - White Ky Corn about la bait* . with silly . a rely sc.94larAr.dalpnd ateadril Ibrablpplos In wawa, WM. plenty and dull at.,11477; the WWI, ,poro was Above the codes at th e case , 'Nod quid and tioiasup uncbansid; .., Swig - gritOlinsw a r d under lb. DIM ifuZ•limisia It ftelum Kadoovur do, 1134 I'. &porn barb tut snow are n. island a *viand cbanda.. Beam *Madill! andoondnaL Lard tiara active' and' firmer atMOltud,;- lactating very ihek• at lalif: o n atsaql 6 Per veat• enitlifdt _ Amer. with •lIMAInall bualwas at 119)61114 0 54 - -, Gold op Ong it 101 4. adianc"LlG -SOX. dfdllsdas to sTft,"and..cloilng steady at aira -' Gov. irindant siodol ars Skid,. Vali • u•dellila ImOt•sp• toot• dlia-•adArsificiar, and stnoranttar , a ii. I v tuft 'X . i I'. D. 0404 2.. i- W. 0., I 1% O. ay., DE 'df 3 4ifi.1Ata......_...11 .W, S. A." r.D.A6 Ina woo imp ,, t a...-.....m art , I 365 4 it 0..u.*. ,Haitism. UT.. , Wan. tau.' ye ioa. - itiainew .llo 1116 4" X" ' 3l !' 1" 34-14 Lonerarconumoi - . ,---,-.--- 0 .- - i'L' '''''''' .- , , z OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. ASHINCTON. a nonneantanom, - Thesinnunainnent nods to the 66e= to . the kesootatott-PleWin the =white; Pl,Pete that 900 mono! Om: litorgon's oonizasail.wlso were lodged, in Camp Chase prison* yeeteettoPi. 26th Inuit,' will be kept there In anfintititent until the olltoerie of Cot Straight's bilitede ars oontandthted. :No melt orden hem; hewn even, „Tim sallied min kept At Camp Ohm.- until - arrange istente their 'exchange time been vent plated. 11T01! 07 OIL. 1100111. - - • - , , . Get. llSOker list leturneL It turns oat thit'hik 'telt vrest:Or. extended as far as a iionntry rSaldimie ors frien'tnaar If arrisborg... :The of it/ burg .1.1110 the De*t ry, .. . ~ . meat of lidissonri taronseat;se we orisbaally intimated was tribiblitifOli groundless. - • . ''Ellir:764:Adfainoiraz -" - It order, 14.Tortn.mi Monroe tor:Gave Lieut. dot tiditTW .;or die dittos es agent for the ex. ohangtiot prisone'ro. , .., ,: •-.• •• ' 4 ' - '' J triairisfirost, Joy 11: - r -4'ho following dis:' man was reestrealtO•daY : • • ' Ploy Eleanor Diaseibre, off liforrio bland, h or ro r 1:—To Gideon Weals—Star I hare the' orr Mint Department-that on the' - night of thi 19th Intt.' I large sido.wheel ateamer,,tryttrt•tfi-ren int - Charleston, was .ahasial byitheCanandOgna and other ontable .blookaders,:and tuallj heeded .4H and drives upon kabala Woonsinender Gso:' W. Poor-' ers.f lungstifilWa Pain ~.eFelsorad• abreast of. 119 f &kat:4aq. -. The eteerner 1 war 1 ..T.tblier.....oreli, And „IS now a rout ' wreak.. ~' . . _. ... - ' ....Theelieroade of gnomes:to Buell , enterprises 'win in:Aerially 100 Seined - by our Oionpation of AIM mein ship channel. • . • " ' • ••'4.-2,.4)..nswasn, Prat Admiral:. , Spccj# Disras. t j tco. the . , Gazette. PrititeDs4nts, Jill 21, r. x. 1868, -la t Pennsylvania , being over, tbree:ielOsnisilest 1n NOP city this even. la4a#o l 4 ll J a t r aif i i; I'. ka , ?ad a Vs" ralaPitaa:.,,both. ntitliery.:. ex 4„ civic. The greatest elausliszaprscrailsd. , f . ~ -- ::,, , The draft in the 2.1 aill.3d-Witdi; - of' kil tst Beigissislanal'Distriet,ltsiod off -day with intiii seiliLaCtioa totliepeoPte.l" tithe! . Gloss of the piiiceedinge, the Star pangle4, Benner wee sling 14 B. 'Parviny he blind man who driw thi names from he witeeL Over one tliOnisud-men joinentnlili chest's. 1 4stittites are Obtained a /sums ranging front 80 to 110 dotter'. ,.-: , The awash feeling In tb city IS far below par. The -Union AMMO goes. bravely on. -- The dispatch as to the course of Louis Na poleon difolerini ittiixioe an Bemire, and planing hisiluillilasi;on the is4erial throws La, the BalLicl the kiciittiniceS, Xaestv , witit the just ludignsition. of the, Tiniest: non -of Pkiladelphis/ . . i •••• le-Vublieifteeting. Ls talked about-to give; the exprepffon Cr popular feeling'on the tab, jiet: Ilities staggered the rebel' sympithls. are i;ffitiladelPhia. . tom* think it Is a hoax. No/newefrout the kiln* of t he Potomac _ • i : Li 13,01litieggi-f 7 etVa /Wasunrony, July 27.—The following ex tracts Sl* taken hum theitiohmostiDlape of this morning fAarketll. July 24-9- p. as.--The bozo bardomns was cooed early this morning with 'mid and'eondlittons - firing until ir' dig Of MS wont down at 9 o'clock. The attack was rumored this evening; the 4 eiruay Mos. density tying at Onmming's Point, and Stn, tor replying heavily. The , liring ls 'still go - _, g . In tl'? tit down to the test to- d er 105 pa roled ;loners and lonised 40. A- nook:ha jot' frbm !Linn Read salt that 17 of our regolars took tho oath of an , ' 1 gismos lost Wednesday. : The cosualties thlsroso7lag write 3 killed and 6 wounded. , roux= DU •11110 Morlaton, My 25.—W:rotor1 from Musiter aud the Ikattary,On Wagnsitto bat h:wise Um Morris Island was kep t orp all Alibl and oontlnued all t‘day.. • The rookies Oa. imaionally reirpondad' from theirbrine:les on , Morris Island .:"' The Tho monitors and Irtcloloill lying olitsias ; TherYsoloses bars two hatteriu n Morels Ladd rand have stringthened the position. No cuualties are , reported to-daY.• • AnotherjziOnitor arrived torriliy, main dz ibistoailfurs , Jaly 24.—The ocooly oar*. It'd J I. on . yea?altay; ?aorsikag. ;rapt. Wirt abuse (*esti, dasheain sad cap Cleasou ham Great's eatireermey tea gone to Vicksburg. Au:attempt. to 'blow up. the Bate H ll eum felled, althouslkli,is badly damned. Our uvula eze They luiee destroyed all to gesollue *bops. tellies 'toot end week boxes!' Jeolrecia end Vieluiturs. • 1 , Mobile will no' doubt be lb. mite plea et, bidet!, . . . , . Osamu zwers.roa.l • - Aforeis, Juleit..-Aa Whist Intl:Ant:arc] nye Use ha ll Plata'il•lMMO , 00rti left that plebe on the 2 la, nietins up' p titer . e tir. Their dilate algid 'thet they:were colic to Bleb. 'acad., - Tisaspitti beta sloes ate eonstantly ertivisid.Nearly ail the teals' 'stook sad Clloooll' riiii HMV ilip to Graeae, laad ware oonsegataTed. ' •- , , As. DIM Jai Tilinsd a proolsastion ap= panting August Slate s dsy of hat:lined= sad payer: ,- , , : - - - i . - . Proalawiatten by , Woe. .lElitkat. .. " - , :Taarroi4,lf; :4 - Jill, l'llltre.,Rarker ha !kW: tifici44:llls4thigualim itittag that ao ienft los soma bees entered is Nov Yarn: i that. thirty daya Weald biaillowed kW the put ,lasi ef 'ilifelittberialtalvd•liattitter of men by eolatileetibil 'Olt whaeiethrs, bemired. inltheb,tias will beiaedltidishealda.streff , is , isedii4 that thao will tuieribiitiitt r thajold ;dibasic, chimed to be..die: boa :Afars, . 4 . Ti. proeisiestiew , Stows t by • i s as t h e people a t ida .Ia 'retelaCthir leo . lot ibis dteut;so-ia:te alroid w *roes bi , ii Outs. , Veto ;o[ -the: likiptolltiattobt OWL. 1 1 . i 11000 ti A* Trew Valli:la *. New tasc,cJaly 27.—hlayer: - 0,4ke., hit day aptosti OW ordhiiiaes,' passed : betr W 110.1 .to pay ociii4o l .4. fine hanend dear% " oft As vatad • tr - 111111Willir _and iliegiskio., Oast 1440*1.."04'11441* Oa-held. .1414310*%01,1 catiße4 1404*Re lin°. 1. 110 illaral'iOssasaisay seer:Nadi tnippilt. - Owed **dish, bit Iliac dm tittlovairp. ell, the' ' 4 l , ~,04C.,. ,;•.*.tlt4P-44111*,*1.4 .40.*Vit ..; ...:, ultrata-TOttewitoratig. ------ i.-10011**0041ifti..4:17;441,0 P 44,.. of 41161141r,0t1be pi* hili thlg i fpllifiing t . 1 elusSi; aeirsiii: ;Ilk i,: 2 t i.l- - ttliiiknak rsallusion sWM 40,:astaok Wateni lileerylla -IlatiresAL - .: *Mew PrePar oat e rr -belt% aiwitstec ,- Abs: , d 110111011: al ' , AO mt-r,Ol - 4 - llsowiacitthattiii" asiOja.' "t ', ;" ' 1 . :,-ThiFraila Oak DOWai 4144 - 01 lim -irstonaGerii. liettoes'itliiiiien. “ Cauta. Jai, 27 - w anired .troin Volum' oalluilliatii oats qua Gea. Ileritui s ii ditotototi tZutiVorlood from Xiksoe rivirrasalrepto ._ _ii t_ltgo to oeme point laitluot =. • ~- , .., i Eitianapies oldiaiia stiil ialimOisaflack son . iMt it nu nada-stood that it 1/9114 ooa tall 1 --I. thli iiidO`orZack&Tir., ~. --1 , 4/41.".111-41,,. ~ 1 , -:-'l-Pn,tacclow•glienr.-1111101t. it air ..Talis atilt ar.—A- epeeist ills;_ trent liiiipinniti to•dop,fropo that of the an. thoritaJ4ltajon:Altners2lltotionki Geoarst • Eitenley'toiik anti ooine,i9o•honarat jhu'iii, tine; atobeniaLsot s,9oo,p_risotiars, U stated. -Simailttl l CPWad Ofnmayar., OS haram.: , -- u: .. ,li , - L -• # . .. r„, L: .: 1 4 ' einiIVILPYIOW, With lk INV a mbar" at ,lial iad- 1 ,4 41 .4 reniuijoittiooppoelte midi o f tha 211411/0118. . t , t :•.7 t .....- I._ The-Rabat Gosioriptiow is zir .uwislylt=thelkattasblar , ioslepeolal try - 11bitiebintim4 ilitalflalielto4-that- kalif 11 01 4 8 attar timiunip4 Jae, Ds,& con Irh0100:1_ ao_m_aLeS9t4. COM 'it it telleivi o d psiteigapiiiis otptissaftte*Ul • gt ',l ~1,2.1411e, T 01d4 f -tr i Ve * A .1.10140 r ' o , I.+ , :s i•- . 310# 4•901641,1 t ' I,ls , ' ibt • WWII I.mploillibV4,l W.1.---.4.4 ~. -4...1q. gii,d,t ~• CO at YAWS .0 :..... -aia• "I• tjeli Wolin ofroKliafilgradvitier Ariny'of thettitOlOlWlnitilidlnir 11, , . - W. of korona hers been . found , ,,in the : Itollies-and appropriated b 7 0 * tt9 ° , l ? ' Our 'imialry ' beta the 1118'a : the Baits -, nook on'l3lWidaj between Kell y fo d an d Waterloo. ' , ' - - it k :: The Star says : Ori ThursdaY leet:W 8 tali ? Third and Fourth evil miry of G .11 army were lying at the mouth of rms. Gap caitlils side, infornistion w ' Wadi • that Gel; Longstreet: wee Sandhi • gad , of his opine forward, - la ordetta posse hist- - - Self of the Gsp. Gen. "Spinota, 03W lair the Nuebilor brigade; with 800 nisei: ir once ordered forward. The commanding General supposed the rebelrware Only in Vida hue on and behind the crest of • klll,about• *)?,4-liiiii from th e Gip, between it and Wein Iloyel,and they., supposed this brlgaiii_, ;Wu guilt:but to dislodge the enemy . • Abint is glutei of • mile from the west Of tits' hill was a stone Wall, and !militia it NuNiisralin. small rebet-foree. Gal. a piIIOW at oiled Wok en observation of the ground, sad alga, pointing out to, hie. irgimental, oorantandirit. the-work they Would , bare to petform, bn(ordered , "hlk, vilest Imigaile: forward, and.with Cud bilr‘ - ', oasts, they., rushed forward , when the tibial' , qabikly-fied. from the hill, and took refuge, r Deland the stonewall_ Up i tti this the blind,' rushed also from behind waskidientiviehr gade ot, Georgians d two regiments of North Carolina' sureshooters; all under the oommand of Gen. Andenons - .lint our troops' heeded them not, and amid • chimer of rifle ballets and artillery' bold the front and the &Ski pushed forward,' and with (toe bayonet drove the 'rebels/ Irani - their -proteetiou, and , ' sent them: seatipirizig Over "srus: field. The rebel loss wee not - teed than , 800 killed, - ' wounded jand'inining. We had no' artillery,' while the rebels heitat last sevintesti pieces. , That night our armyL blvouebted On -the' battle ground, end Nunez; morning marched late Front' Royal.: • Iu - this rldlat it is the, *platers of -astituiry men that the rebels out .numbered uaat least six to one, but they lip: peated to be completely - figged out, and attar: being dislodged irom the stonewall they mould not , move up . • bill on their way lila ' /upright position but crawled 'upon . their hands and knees , thus giving out men an op ,of _pouring , in an e ff edtive,flue of , Mauls theylagerii availed theinielves. : ,: In this fight Gen. Granola readied two very raven Wounds—one in tbi sight fools which tote- ' - erus tisitiltsei for: tiro .0-thiers 10liis,andisidiltringh this:flesh* put et the' Nett' Nan.'" __•* I.' s ' ' : - -.-: •.;,.., Bloireisiniite—C7-1 isoopip=;FroNt-111:1*CA' and NaerTi tE,July Y 7. The Bth tight:AA of riguier Infantry., and the sth regtilazhatf Aery..saheed•ltiii qtriPteri tcrdap trom City ,o_;thir-Ajtattery, where they will keep prepared for he mobites of this cRy By the - Rtmuoke, we hare Oity'ooT. :111.euloo datee.of the .10th.,. . Trappease the council of noMblittise. 4.04;0 ;het, the bleitimm u•tion „threegb..them select as Empire sal the form of ' Government, - 'and' prootalMS hioddedlliau of ..Buiperer. , : Should' , be Oeidijte throsee.they.implorn the French Fipple; to Pelee% • precut la whom, he hu !la4 -- - =1 914 dint• to ooMipj the throne. ,This prordeolue!, `Eon' lee iiiinedietaly made riblio, Amd ormier Posted •iti Irani Crus; •whehrm ileolthp ffretuth steamer .tolieraia4 Tn. British odnent at liavarm.haelMMlsh l i - ed the Diario with 'hews' 'New,Orlipas, that Tit, had whipped !dead,. ralt AhIN: IS / 5 L' ,• - - A large Bre ocoarred at St. Domingo early is the - toonth, destroying half a million worth : . •;• witeisautrakiinglialt, steamers /*WA Allot and Alabama, with cotton from Mobile. bad, arrived'at Melina, and the steamer babel, from Bt. /Amite, had slio arrieed with cotton. - _ - Affairs in the nouthvireet. - - Sol 7 26' -;-11:ilis'and %nate 'roil :eat arereportid to here 'again emitted - tire Tenneseee river, ands none. towards Jaosson, Tennessee. Use. „Hodge ham sent a Soros to meet them. 1• „ Oat ol 011411. illlilblll . ll OULU , 111111E1 last 'night, and reports that Pemberton end stiff; and tome of. his officers . have goni , to . USeh:; mond. , arm has :battered *every di reetion. Pemberton said it was impnsaibic to keep them together. The *bile are pmttln6 eiery; bedy'lntei. theix - rinkr. - The exvitement is lutenist' The. rofUng suit :mail she gnit towards Mobile.; large guard ties Of - not- ton are going in the sane uireotio ' The butt of Jatinstiireo aireyls reported at Martin; 30 miler erintid Jackson. Hirforoe ii:itedineted aP3o,ooo;f:' , Altinipini etoriprw , befog shipped to Mobile 4 Hardee end r,orriist Meridian, ' ow Mei nth; going Forret branfforing from ir• wound and'in'ttiit tlt for dot,: ilardee'i iiorptlir t reported.go ; ' leg to Jobniton, bntkind sot totitod Meridian up to the 2:a. , - • A dtspatati- dated Martini Mtnii.i-the 20th, •steitcd that aU the -, genirrui and Add officers ' taken'at 1/iamb - nig had been - enehingsd, but their inevbad ; waggled io'dhi3 they :wits without oommalide. - . Loinavitia, O.IA, Wick. lifts, anti. amaintatzttion‘ essididaia tau Gov.: achitaseact:ab Jorge . aset aithasimatie crowd, the-Cast Eta*seitilis. areabg, OP' ' posing attoagir..what M.-called the abolitios palley..ot the govetagant: ; ..- eon. wan -aszaatded ah ths,Galt Baum to. Whisk he bristle taspeadlay saying that hia mhoiestwas 40 light Fsiathar Vasa to taw, do— nonnqing.thsetaw a of: Vif iakhl*, - and atitibig aarnesio la favor of the 101111111191HIL. Lew litark -- Moody' . olosed the monies • spasill'esnikbintalThathpittlottuiiaid Amor, Whietr,iegothit-aitti,lneas.:tot Its ..ptedseas-- sors, was witinii",spplatidad' Ay an enthu ..atastie audio Doc • Oar .Cery , Coanails at* taking mammas to attend the Inairal of litet..John J. , Craton-, ulna in w body; sia , Wednesday. 7- ‘' ; ThisOwntrat ilansialtioo bungled& °ono's tie' of Ike-Vitoi' eltisins Lexington, to nominate aTeauselesta tot Coasters, vies Clxit!: tendon, daewid . - r . . , -Vessels-Ca eta! 041 b Piratai Now . 21:=::'4h . 0" Boston 009 :sooosooi toe itoptato via ( doitamalosLof ;tba bark Gocit Sops; :frock BostbOV..foi Cops '' Of Gliolt nom sad tapturobrooe oak alivoriTtrom Bootilp ler -noise )nog; bi 'the otrotirCiaotes: floomor: ~Oists-boratod fop $16;400,;. , - . 7 g Ar tp,r,E ß oesztezient, , ,:7, Cinausaatt„.44 17.—Capt. Hatt, Assist. Olsiiii!nrinistet at Ali ;postorse arres ted title *diming lig Tor .-et at e.g. Burnside, arith irreguilisity in kir mistrusts and; appropriatingtha frits.taltis-osa ass. • DIED ; -,WASLII'-4p Sanas, *va n,: Jar / 61 4 v i 6 N. tl4 rat-a Pa *P t./inut oil ivieuir az 'tialtras, at a iecla#,Acaa Waists issidesti; Been/ sig#olBsr: eta *dr attlieltid Coia,Roin'. ' Erik 0.n.• iniksta, mutt., • - . PoirOior tkoitotellae 11101 In. New Ircia, ea flisedet, Am. the. Osamu* coluseelei. frost New Orseies. •• He gest 40 Wee:lingual oD besthess;:' • A I.Lrusoor. papers/es that their Ineacat the deli ot.erriting, forty skips at iiate from India•W•titat toir4i.*WritirAtiltnakl66,62s psiw Of eetteiciin: heitod;"„' PVISA; I4S .• fi.C‘ &• • Oriv= Coliriflatiailil . 1411n1PeritrinWoo,41. , -4i. • rttuonnoweinvllkk.ll36l , _ , l . . Ir/ OTial! Maga :GIVROL, to . _te*.lso la: :lb:fedi of: tkoNggs astirisartenum. **aim. ,a_ib, atesrsilr WI,. D 41 . 114141. , 00 4111 t MIR/ Ms DIM kirU6V: ii mbilcallp4 . Rap* 48 tbrollks DI slur • ' ik k btotEiro. q11,. - Pr Won ii• ISth 14 NA w..mi0.4. 41k• IaIABS Va 7: thirty dye itopelliAta act ll . l 4 -,: i5t,c 4 4 1 0 1 , - F? PPrijAid oi i. • t. —An _Also if---Aloulaun v•iftdie.., i , sm.", , Ism er4 2 10 niaa 44461113::rho za rr Itcr,s3t. tit# 11 0 310 3 4 311 01, Pie • 0t0ck... - . to i : 4 , 0 " 1" d +2.1 1"41. 5 re- . ° i typ..... l L lP:4 4:bi " :::4llll.l ll 4 labi6l°? en nt s : A4 . 3l .7 77: ~.......--K..6 ; 40. 1 14 "U lm ' ' sit othsu. i'' fr biNivrAti. , or „mug twos tce,r 00117311MiiIIGIEUTII C10810T231.. Thai DUI be iresesttel the Ontouthetutpalletti Orogi", Ail; Jos 004 la wicesos , pf smart w f aitosei, nom. 0.._ scito,etele, tkekleaticejseete at the' Mit AlettuitAhar• •Nittl bee4ete of sleet las • • thee tete helekiehaPeeleilitee,ho mei MX: 11::stituralt? Aroveariv. R 7 "t"lcans Ad( • 4",..1.4.6....a ....Z..., ---.-- - , .., 11.0111.19-LI2I.III.LIIIIST. .. i .... , ...%,,, SID thersuct or PiamerVieitet , } ' ~,12116166h st.; Eittiboreb. Pa:,-2 ay 75 Mt TUC BRaftittl. WILL MEsT Tula iii.. - .ItOsiBtri 6:ot 9 O'cloet; sod swathe fo b. • stltsteSsnt9t. .c o' lork, mh m lb. lit 11 of Beaed .10911.110 r Ithe 11did•Bnird . old b• caned at stitch ~.. dray gas Bye pommy Irons *het everd may- Nodal:4lh* Tree teal the Collector of - Internal ~ r Beiresaii 2 - .. • ..; 0... U. yret r e i r Vat . dal Batallutk, timetable to . Amid that lid la sznitpt by lam, hp hi; liet;irr - Ate •••1 .•tellseitit*BbyeßilA Dwabtlfty or otherwise. At*iitiliktdr.darricerisr ,tuturaiiint t i l i t tk. . to I;,..7 u cti . re • But. 3 MILL Retettelts-tottorei.4 ItA; - end tames et the ' /i-opitinksifeheitStp.!inuireirred to the camp shoat , i haat eatablthiat near CM ay • PR ikr,r 11), II .N pho,llMOrt. from the several a t tyl.te oalloi 4'022 'Wales w,ll mot be mast msr4 p o or si t li ir d i iat t o af Ml or it t hi e rM p ti egrd Seo .t e e h e tal s a w lt a o t se Motif tsar oases Aro iladte.t. -• , • , .Dteoped, ilea da.reaseree4 .to false with theist -.lltrstasos seryseltn 'taint toy the' enn..llloe , 26c v. '..' Tehttat *int, ittilis - 7444. hcat . so VI; 7,5 • dpr. Pate le. ties - 3 6 ; 110 .6 0 - .- , dial. Iraqi, 'w..74aikedir; .1.1i151. from 1 to 75 ; Thoredly -Joty ZOthltrom let* .110 ; 'veep. July at .11rom at to22l.4'lmmirdsk An. 1. from VW to . ILO phloortay, lag. B.triat,3 4 1,3364. ' ,°4 - 4- "`l3"rilharP. At .3, goo . 1 to 40; Tare. Jeri ter tips''' . 6146 Itltri Wtdsmday, Aver. 5, teeseta emed.lfirlday. krt, Tit: in, howl eittevdat„ war : , 8, Imoip 16 to AB • - I shift ward, r00d... ..los 16, tema 1 - to 31 1 itseeoeyi Ant 11.1.06 SO to to Po. -Sloth mild; Wirrivio U.. 464..11, ream 1-3* 76• 7horedity; • as: 32, &malt to ICA; rna.r. Ar 4. 1 4. tloll Oft to 2.0. , ~ ~... .,- Leareaceltue, 11.01.•Ane. ilk. P. K. frenl 1 to SO: Ilatirda; tag ..:' , 6. 21 to 11.0; Bondy, MiteXt.frosiloo tolls; • - - 2•ll4.4mlMarlit lir , Itseidendise 17 r. it , from 1 102. Vlredei,Mog.„l9; from 31 to 7a. I', W. 98 PAoll,ll2ltalkeaeriAos; .8,! a , !yogi 1- '.. W`k4s,illtiiiB6farrali. W,daeidy, egg. 10, from . sort , llSt.borsb. wsdneidty, hog. 19, ficat 1 t o 1.0; shmedey, somt. 111, sots el toll .. Illusdagbas .7 hard., any. fp. try= 1 t o 80 ; .fridry. ha& 1.1,120.2. 51 . to to 195 i listarday, Lug. a, fr en 12 , tolta. . Zit 31n26121.616; Moods,. Ask 24. from 1 to 85; Imeedefr..'no6. 2f, from 88 to 16041 Kidkesepart WedosedeM, Auer 1 6 / 110m 110 Irt• .: '':•7llistbinti Botottsb,'Wenuterby,' hog 26 r ie., _lrma Ito 97.... . • i r.- .: .:. ..:. .... 6.1 il lih;tile 'ibsvies7 •in t . 3117 from Ito 1. ' ,LPltt, tyllhitremr actrws7,ltont 1 to 70; f Mao, AN; Illf, from 71.t0 le 11. - ~ ' - ..., Willie 10 i Bey, ans. 214 fro m 1 to SO; Vatarilay, Ase:l2, tneek 2 1 , 1015 - ....:.. .. c .... \. .Pam, eampla,, A14.29,111;0 1 to 51. , reas,„llloaday. Log, at, from 1 to •4.- ._.- :Beehive. Kalov. ear; 61, item LW 403 Tuesday, &DI - 1:11itli 411. Vs . . . within., 7102.49; rept 1; freint . to d 0; Waders , ' OW Seo 3, t mat of to TOr. '.., • • 1 - .. z, .2stan , Weeraitaws opt: 2, from 2 to t - ..,- lersekl4lrW3ll3e.Oll7. PrliS , v.r. ,lll .• Mtn 1 to WI ,21mseitsysfijit. 2, trom 5t.t0.101,. .., "-' '2ll3stieth Apt; 'int sy„ rept; I, fiot,l to 75 ; last arday;Sept *Boor T 6 cOlte. • • • NAIL eszerday. re 34.15; halal- Wl6; - Iload,y, Bela 1, from Seim IPS.. : . .. . . dedlseost;Taredev, 0.94 s,, from 1 to 3 1 . aike"•4l2neeidey,teepecti,tri m tto 3.. ' Baldwin, Iltdse.Sey, d.l.t. 11 1 oir to si. I.o.imr :...t. , Uteur, Wens efey, 2.. p t. 9, ulna 1 to 25 12 buteday„,:mpt.. lo . tr,:m 0.1 to* liM, It nd.y. nept. il, mom i 0 1 . ..ti0 Itll.- from . ... - Inters fridey..2-91.11 1 . f Ito 59. • • BC44l.biaLiaty. - Aug S, 4.0 x r.,st. ' um: sr. thoo , , so wensiV,eyt lt, Irola 1 is 19. o taiiiittreeeistaralit. 4 .l 4 : l2 . 'So* 1 to 34 : * Seattel,pottel,;l3.3eeriyi Pep* 19, Isom t .0 TO Xartivirsprier, ilanoer 13-in. lt, a., , ,, 11 .. 31. . . . Turehy ,letint.'3. rep .14, Y. a ,Jzont I OW. Itebtuivin,,Toeid.,y, I fps .6. tram I to 87 .limo .I imediry. • l2pt.- - .1 6 , , t, hat 1 to 21. Atseteint. Taeateii to pc IC r. til • rr m 1 tot. Earth", Zaealer, cert. 15, r; IL, troa l to , . 111IttrZIONS Ter posnett et s7lo,nan , b. band.d in the 001se tt ar.y.tams: Xbs se, tor," I o bet e.nes.w.ll be bead *Matte ,app Iceutits eat,ls4 B esrd. I 9 IMMO! altn" 1863. ..-:Thrier.ertio wrier Ile MIL ere ex.. eseptlce-fredclepii *lt tlischereti ad evidtpase By ordat of ea Ilopartizont, dated July ny . pt — tiOti g cz Lila gratin!! of aong*, la 'aware the 'fausukau affidavit Lt.. That to an silent atid petting font the Got. ern.vent of ih at no elides. to to a acitjaat. _24. , Th e time mbeotte rowel eta the United States and where he rtaldid sin • mat 0100. • 111 - -Toss be has net. r defier d hta Intention to : become a- ettisas of the United Staten sad bat net eityched tb. riabt of garage 4..yaiog at soy etto. ttou in any vtate •-. 4th. That be dams to bt erevrett from tatittery service os the rya...50:14 bet. the .0%.t of a wr it sign Claarlakikati sad h..a to .derlered his i . antfois. to betotass cu t s... ; a the Uott.4l. - flake, d. boa Dever Toted In any Stew., , -. . , .. lbw - -stfildielt no be topyorted by:nly ox the .1.1/ thalkarin.boi satisfied thit -the rote cialtabsie earaytton to folly 014444 thereto, wader the art of ta,stels. ,o o7 lalli discharge Ida from . dra I. out tt EntiethSed itiaa'abld.l root slut aka; ' ' with th e O. edevit, through She Provost - blaqbat o:what, for &oldest by the • Desoestinest -Of El - 41, la the 01a• Spa anspesdlost - soy aottositen *be cosi malt tbe de. ..sidtot : ey the State stepartrab be .li:tsar. Ile an daeite of the State. Ileparhoutt .ab ail In aeon toe be itipstdsred *Mac! of the foot wtiottur the per. ate ta'or 11:notilabJeitt to Witten ditty. Ths ihatiot Maollama will kip:mance of oc• dOrhatelflarrlinataaso.l3•lnc rro rt. noire of - 7 a mina tato, on the tainted form ).before producing. WA; 11 8, gftc. kis caufunaaa.un t 0 0. rtitb4 /is 'alai nada an his bean rod syysa.• ibequor .wvax..6killsamb.s l o. 4l .trma:tosi ..11 oc Ltedtt 41a to produca. an accapta - d• 1111bIlblita, Any .dzslu4; stips; ,siunrowtoi , to. nab alas., may Cave tM U 2,1,411100.10 -Put tbs.thinfridindind ' By Oder - el ism tsar - PALS 5.u.11 - roll PAW, recaident, Sign sag Pao,ossillaiaball Sid Lint. Ps. • rhtithAei illfteette.i.Ak tte rWe, IPbistebe Pamsra man go Julr _ r, th IMS it Fctobi • DR& pl.._ • war eettere,l. pietist. the Wl toying 114 tk pt . notka qtentwl Peek drag. by the at Bo et Sbreuiteet la tb Distat3t,te this est% etitli die teiteas 0;1k tr .x.eeteto:: 4: 40. iC012144:.11711111n1ML tiff ewer. J Piniit.?••• , . Leine ...tibutity Grote -Visas . lath-earl, cep t ty.ben liebett Lair, - -131fiateettati'.. Tan: crime, imam 'iummin Goo 0 StoltbVltald.l4, 1 8 U no Da. Baldwin. WJraeldilawlth ied idwara 6reege7ol.3.rard —ova' 35 NA =Val& Wibitsses-3siam Ommoutli, ',award B.n nny. Vita =IAN: Wes JO. ss.r. CAI* .coLnd 4th yid; Wltp•sure- 43 ‘ 3 !.11fit 1 " 4 ,h ' 114°6 Lb°. croable, 'et Gromezniovrt. - WOW& Mad, °pupa.% ad ward (TIT U fold mar des. Miami* T Unarms, • !limal. Pcl3i43. - 7 I.• :U. -. ..:ena sairenfhe main Marne. - . -- Jaill mr•llitele, - ese.' , er ad - - litniniies-larbelas Solte7:. - 1111.neente exh• -,,, . ~'4. .- , ; -1-;._ _W- in - A- D O 4 lO . lit Ant, wort -, Wneweel-Calbs. fins on .PA likah 44ll . -_ :, l'- ~,,. ,"00. ;mita inn ii&ys int D7C:IAR . II / 411 G -101111. I 'Jai O. n* Hannan 44 witul.%,lllntnesets -kn. dow Wi leek Trill • ania . awl, U tra7l ' 11!inini• si nbn Luna, W. imbeiW. -, ' _.- '- - - N. .7"..Pitisek. [ems, 4th . emu. •Wlineeent-ee Con. inn,. Jaen ileneuey... - . - - . 2. -- - ' ' •Wm attleterant %fedi Wlieestes-nwls balsa, . Wingeeheal -,... , -y.,- , • - liedif * asiaier; itt! r .i il. yiltsseeen..lnct Bar metier trireltkon. _-- '--- :-._ ,- - - - . Jae Weedeterd,dkeessek-Wnietnee-John Car. Testi* toollika. , . ~...nehere-J,elates. 4tle neva 'lnitneeete-Jao LI:. ~- wltiftie, yes[. ille .tsitl,'Witifilit;lollll BIllor; J.A•nobeleteth dih weed. WM ested...john Eel. L' brb niParg, lll4.lll. c' Tenet, 414 fat i-: ". ilk" illaeliiiii.- . DUO W. Tsi = 41f r Irv" Cilabsiraron. 4' Id "-Ara ' d. '-'l4fltnosite-.llorry - -. eletzlnleei Ir 407: •" '- •'' ''' ' Jae , Pww.a.n, wilowa.:Witsui woe , NwhilliWwo4 kwint , ...t...: , ..i --... ~. '..,..!, • "' . . . - . .i.......i I.l.maxua Sr IMAMS ai m 11.111:110. _. - MICIWI to 1., •th wirette wet. t o opposite , . Abner weart - 4ts' ward-neeters An Tan Mann r./sPhins-/Mrln.bei. U::U:: - , -e_ ..„ . _ . , - Jacob 0 4 1.. a 2.4,4:,aaklif.rek.ative mee.• - Jeremiah Wm- land 4th • are-Weattre tsetb. ow ' n 910001. 1nn viinopliny 'et ;ton ..g ---N. A [moll ler, nth 4..lael'ot (best end dohs .1 Verees.-Ilralneben-4• l ltintt In elate , * i"/ "oaadod h i ' ll e' , 1104/Of et. DOW* 01 .Wll-• ism= xiaoslll. ;Tani Hellish' eiset.:. ftogr. lslsb PO. • Blriaa J lisouton; u.,A, gib fp U C. - Innis /PLaWatillOv"POOW. CO 0 Bib e 0. Some A JOINS. earkS•lloo, OW 123* V. entbar. Pisa: o+ll4th PV. " Wm .414114 , • 0P.W0. , 0 0!11 OWV• oimar vtizaissaa OW 11101111.744 i, alumni vivrs B:o4o7;4olobe.ith ,Witesses—litv Jae Nth, • •Z Douthtts. J. tillION *I:FMCS. PraTost Alar.b..ted Duarkt. Pa. Taa LIGGWIT , &•OOn Crrr:Fiousuis u - 4 atna,cceise !Abotr PROdlivi•gthoetetElttw .01rneaseits. leo bmik co' loa• Roe „ . TIONmoi.7401.t.1001111kftr :111 40 ip iWagA L oort 004tiot , ' 1111/01 - ::.,114101IIIPMMEMias :110111THiN , UMW/4 aar eltra tdaskwasdasad int; G. ipituroxi .1.7: 14.63: A u RUA ILN 10 " I4 U4Th i l !MAI , WI/4W%Viet Edo pAtg . tot salary Co. a A 01161 01 8...- 4LAAr . ..isAverrbist , • thoA w kmit 4 4 o6l h W• 10 Orf o ir4.l c 3 al, Ar-PIERAIIe. =!liii.loascailevsbir mask
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers