I, '- 414 ~....TRIEIDAt- 14-'4 - - °D.m.-W! la hti-National W. latwas. (;11 . ! Ilitts'per we 4layib Ikea , treating' oF i fitete • matters ezolasiiel as itlia sighted to the first - oonsiderat# the choicer of acry•- iirmislandlhotif sly to exercise en 0ver iLt.:7!..41%.4.t./PP9a1q9018461- we now to our national relatioris, and In '.quirchtnt the namistands theri? 3 4. a. ; till' / 1 81 : 4) .11? ,41 41 11 . r i t LI.3I,IT'AMi safely Urn= hie not -inky •-•••_. • • fli,;akiii:stiort in,.eyery, of courage, 'ttlethfiduesoi itilt It reilatiiii t in point of biotpd the`Otit frouLthe bitginulawand created more trouble and OiiibiArrilanieit at Waahhigton, by_Ale_oa. eiottolltten son "-• '". neis c it analya - itierGovernors of the. wit Lout regard to their :pa&Polithitr.: 'lf the publio have ...• • Aookoclltt-vain into the pereoui eitirsotor dut -, Governor to dad; abroad, i 4 110614 'Posall4 be dbmovered in - a very natural &Skit* get him out; of thi iroad;seloth Governer and- candidate, with so Much to fear from him In both of these relationi. xh - o kuowe whether the threat of being s candidate might not have alarmed the . Government, and whether its renewal nyw le not intended only to keep up s salutary • , apprehension of that justly dreaded oonttn genoy ? We may havi *story to tell on that subject on some future booneloni When we speak of his officiousness, we do Ala i however, refer now to the business of 441 atm:ding agenovat Washington, • held at - Present, we believe, by Col. B. Bin nzif Bosun, if this city, of which we amateur that we comprehend wittily, as we did the reasonsfar withdrawing that °fa ou'front'itli regilund, or the authority for lattaliing ldm in conahrtable winter quay tens alongside of the Beecutive Chamber at Harrisburg. If we had been a wither of the Legialaturem would haunted. it a point to wide:stand these things, evenat tie risk of a reproof ;for , our hoperthientie,like that ad ministered on the mission of the inquiri for the suppressed document. I Bat what washis conduct Li regard to the requisi tion made on this State for troops in 1862, and the draft Ordered thereupon? Who are the men whom he hie recommended for employment, and insisted on, in opposition • • to the better judgment of the authorities at Washington? How often has he not been there—not to further hie own interests alone, as in the case of the desired minion to urge the claims of men irhoee zeal for the lappression of, the rebellion was nnything 'but a hot one? How many of his bosom frieidi and counsellors are there not, who, have thought and said that this was a n eon's war; that they were surprised that eenseivatieW a Slate as Pennaylva- ' nay 'should have oentribated so largely to ow, it on—that for every South Carolina rebel they would hang a Massachusetts ab olitiOnist—Alint the rebels . could not be whippedietlie war ought:therefore, to be stopped—and that they would be glad to see it done even by foreign intervention, if not otherwise ? For which of these sentiments _ was it , that he considered the thanks of the Beata to have been deserved by some of his fellow-laborers? It would be invidious to „ name the men who have been to favored, but it will require no great shreardness on the part of those who have been familiar with the faces that have graced the Execu tive Chamber, from the day that Governor Cur= enteral it, to guess at the individ uals to whom we refer. Everybody anll esOollsct, however, the official dinner at Weildniton,atitthesecakfilcdal announce ment in the Istellideacer r that Governor Cuzzzr was to head a' ecusresziU party in + this State, as its caadidate for *Guenter. Thit, if true, would have been Only to go hack to the position from which his whack- !striation started, under:his revised and di luted Inaugural. Ho found necessary, however,, to , dent, and did deny, that he was so engaged, and we gtve him the ad vantage of the stataiout. We must be ex cused for saying, that we have reaseilibe: lieu that rt was true, and his message to . the Legmlature, immediately there after, in stitch he denounces what he con- I eiders actarldtrary angst% witilsJourroa Demousis4were de 'folding them, is; to ear Mind, the strong est wrldince of it, in connection with the nesociatiau slack he has sissy, had around him. His leanings en, and unques tionably always have tun, in that dim tico; and thus it,*thit he has scoured some Demers* toleration, -and ,been inspired withthedeludvehopq that h“roildreoeive some Democratic votes. It, may be, and perhaps is, the fault ofoomphnsion and Mmperament. •• Weak , and:: nervous, timid and vsoillatisit - alThif liti - ever been, it Would be impossible to find a man who Is tionstitutionally more unfitted foi a oriels 1114 this, which really ' , tries men' s MlLL" its hive already sufe;ed imsughfrons nien of that kind, whaie very virtues have been turned into, defaults by' 11,—whose placid temienism *two real l armfity to to lattoosnos,--aced wttee timidity , has hed worse oonuquactaiii . than Bronson it. self. It is only the "josh. t< isimeeni pro ?odd sition"—tie jos; juntas; firm s am. *tent, brute and isdiesible' seati-Lwhe suited 'to - 11mi like tbeie—ant not the nervous creature, who pales: at a shadew, and stuns con , • •• • vusivitly, like th e frightened 'fast, at ihe ruatllig' of aigre t tes!. In order lit::htspifu: a" just - confilhnoi in the people; we Want it man whilitio to meet air enemy , sit the border,- aid not one who .wl/1 retiwat to the Capitol, inn of enact- &tad' fears—witli . Wirer 4sti eonfuslan in hie tnan—only to disourioe,i6 out pi; PIT , kr another Men WM. direction o thi Deliware Wi sops tO•daj to meld. from the Batato Citorior, I. whisk wo Odra to call the attail,7 tfoa oat madam so so oadttiosigite m e i :ski lost aeovgiaastiiiiirtlifiatlo Naha emr• MOM sat Ida 'atoplottors of Itate.:Yittd; trliotovettoshitotroot-sail oitidtly dttoetod, sat 'lit to • brought - do fall, itio3 askodly •fato tits Vit t tbal, b moo of isorolitroot fattloody, seta willfaralt>t aboadoat . toatothl4 to disks Oat vas daso of impoaihnisat sad as lad.fatto falai attoattioa of : a talata:tanitW. %Atrirraos raz Dias "xi Am _iaa, --,-t--riti-Baftcatoa.—Judga---ihidwzbolnp. of r'Phlladalig_o4" 4.oml:rafted QatN District t,AosidlotifoolcolgY; hal didisa that say - Ilo,ifoOsfele - -.; Provost Marshals la the told, The say_s that holders ofpreper .ty in Nipir York are7:wnwilliitg to rest ISMeetrt"mstWitiiWof the eniosmint dting%uslassAtild that the 1:41144y Provost Menthols find it, therefore, impos sible TO Obtain - trent • This elmme will not serve. If the Gov ernment has no buildings otitis own, it .1 ..eottraCtalielhotoref other people; whether they are consenting or not. We : 11 hOr t hil4ririlegewrety day, even to pri vsterporitionstunder theuright of emi nent domais, which is Inherent In every nneertilgityP,Sita it least impliedly typ9S nlF,34 k„the Conskitotional_prevition for aMpeniatin, W'kfhYufslxieifludd to apply to the General Government _ only, and not to the States. u - the local public—Or in Aber viordiChruere mtmloipal corporation —may tiloirltp a whole kook of houses,— as ,as dine t:ni L linectessiltit of the great fire in New Yorkitrt o arreatlhe spread of a !conflagration, we shonid tilnk that, the GiivernmeneOf Irniti4littatemonght to find no clinically about the temporary stisarnan it - .Lballding . in aid - of its efforts to, put down , a rebellion—width . .threaten its existence: The ptaple_pf ommtry will.take no apologies of this sort fcm pmitpordr!gths drAftin the city of New York; espec.r . iiter t has already 0 0 .. cured there . ' If tAey aid to acquiesce --u must go on there, "though the Hearne Should fall." . . Heeling the Tiger, We are struck with& remark of i Picts burg oorrespondent of the . New Yerk .114 4 Luse, to the effect that our officers were nualUg a levy suPeriOr - guerrilla cavalry out of the negroes, and setting them to hunting their misters, instead of being hunted by them, as heretofore. 'Thisiooke like turning the tables upon the chivalry. It is only a few years since a slave-hull,' with high-mettled horses and Spanish bloodhounds, was a not unusual pastime with the Nimrods of the Southern States. We doubt, however, whether this new kind of sport is quite so agreeable. "Genii*. men," said a British officer who had hunted more formidable game in India, "tiger hunting is II royal amusement, and • vary stirring one; but if the tiger !dwelt' take it into his head to hunt you--as he sometimes does—lt alters the case very much, and be come! anything but agreeable." Tim Pittsburgh Post complains of= remarks in regard to Governor Cinema, is dictated by malice and consisting of "per -80/%4/ abuse," and disposes of them with the reflection that "it is none of our (their) or our (their) party's business." We expected as much, and therefore do not ccmplain. It will not be their busi ness, of course, to ventilate these matters until he is nominated, if their peculiar re lations of dependence on influences like those 'kb:behave ruined the Governor will. allow them to do it then. It Would be un grateful, moreover, to Lind fault with the bridge which carried the Post man himself ,over so stumesalully at the election of 1882. We wish the Governor joy of his copper head allies, and will be glad to bear them all speak out in the same way. Wax as a Fraternizer. It has always been the doctrine of the Peace Democracy that fighting could only result in more complete alienation-between the people of the two sections. We have never believed thin doctrine for many rea. sons one of which is, that mutual respiet is necessary to friendly feeling . between individuals and peoples. The people of the South, judging of us by our worst class the politicians, had; before the war most contemptible opinion - of us.—They knew us mainly as sharp traders, truckling com promisers of principle and cowards a•- cordinith the standard of their code of honor. They have been whipped into res pect for us. They have seen the quality of the thus reprthentacives of the North. They will as brave men, be more willing to live with us than they were before the war. It has been the universal _testimony of thine who have been in Oar own and the rebel armies that there is far less' bitter neis of feeling between the soldiers of the respective armies, than between the non combatants 'of the opposing sections. In a late • letter to the N. Y. • Moues from Viokebarg we see a further and marked candrmatiOn of this fact. The writer says: It is very eihient that the besiegers and _besieged have learned a-lesson of mutual respect lathe coarse of the protracted struggle now over so happily. Orkformer occasions • disposition to friendliness has been exhibited by.men who • few minutes earliar or later were seeking one Anther's tires. Today both - armies 'wattle have discarded *Tory feeling of personel ' bitter. ness, and to hove recognised the quarrel in which they have been fighting • publiis one, that ought not to interfere with friend' ly perional relations. Wherever you turn in the streets of Vicksburg, and on whatever transport you go, yen will'-lad Union officers and soldiers, treating rebel officers and soldiers to the best eatable' and drinks our army can afford, sa if they were old friends just met after a ;wig ospa ratios... Cordiality and good feeling pre vail throughout the city. On ovary hand you;keilleiprassions of plesied surprise from the rebels at_what. ' they term the gentlemanly character of their captors, and they seek .oppertunities to reciprocate the courtesies .extended to them with an avidity showing Shit they do' not desire. to be outdone in politeness.. There 'sno jeeri jeering or tainting by our mosi. I am confident that there haa not! been to day') alnglirinatance - where any Officer ;or. soldier of our army ha; indulged in any „plecely exultation over the - fallen foe men. We hsve STOW been restrained from Wig, and - nothing aboolutely,l has leen done to add humiliation to the cup Of jos." rows which the rebels have been compelled to drink. Weenier this universalpreva lence of good feeling has tempted' th e men of both armise to resort to - . moral inset= and argement - for - Andlesttes- of their res. peetive *Wows. belligerents. - I have Ultima iitentively to' Many die , etweloml of thktiegtes__ the . war, tot en us sweet mamma eacceen7whero, expect.. I •l'taaa l 4= - 14.:. high words of dd. i mic e m& gtem.7,But to my prisk'timie never ' elsewhere heard thigei aowriumitimutemitrovereleg about the war lad - its iaUsiiiid.elde. maim . 17 and ly oonductatethoelhePeammerumment of our' national treitioleal' 4 24. one who has witneised thia,iMuseridhiery meeting: of L!►dZ*hlSifatlte have oemr - thir - friendly spirit milifesteel,f It is a subject of .xemark throughout our illy be- Odin the fersoineilable character of the tend between the Worth Ind South boleti g . . reatly undeintined thereby. IlEntialuna ihmAnas vas Wxa assis.4 l a4ki i 4th of Anion Juir bow ind_upon b 7 both houses gale IN ile tha. dy iiery trui jawed thVosfues,of %mu*: iVallandlgbatee Dependenie. ~Vallandigham seen:sect be losing ground, ierywherethrocilion(Ohlotmoretibf 'l t MLoorite are deseenTighie stand 4 os which for thirty years has been the organ of the democrats ofiefferson county, refuses utterly to-support the .V n en ham ticiee, emplMtieally:deol gl 2 - •"We,mrsn ealtutridalltirltFeaTniftfing we did the first day the first gun was fired On Fort Samter. klearly the whole ipart,„y :. Stood with withu then, - as- wet believe it , dime. now. We will not thillitimidated or wheedled into a wrong posithol. We . will stand between the camps of the. Israelites and Philistines; ands we . -catifery in the; hoartid degeneracy.woe to the leader" of the treat democratic party, until, like' an: dent I . lizieveb, the people will awake-:and cotnif-up to the ptuificatioti 'ttf the t demo , cratio temple, Antloverthrqw.those who are trying to place - the pitiyan s fain_ - tion. This will be done." n T 1 VallandighinfidnUmdi is doubtless-satis fied ilia he'Sfaiii4 : l oo MilliYY messed.- ,A rebel letter written froinliholbyville,,Tenn„ . on the 181 k ultii asp tiMt: , '"Vallandigham c declared, Wiien'theie, r that Idei'election de pended upon the fate gUieltsburg.," ; That dependence - havirtilled, Venal digham has probabli teat hj . mast still remain In the ' , private station." Err. CHU. Exactor'', of Georgetown, Ham, has been convicted of heresy by a . Congregitional council. The charge was that Mr. Beecher did not preach according to the creed of his church and that of Con-, gregationalehurehes generally in New Eng land,-and• ,Waspeitiontarly in er ror in lds doatilito fthe pri,ersterice of man, in hirriew of the eandition thel soul after death, the; atonement and `divine sorrow. The vote, rindecinizigleim was 16 yeas to 6 nab; : Rev. Edward Beecher D. his brither :and Rey. 11.1 d. Baxter,. at, Boston, protested eigainit the reeulta. 1 - Tax Columbus:Cray Fief says Vallazdig luun caused ths'uicent rebel invasion of Pennsylvania, by information and. advice given to the rebel chiefs, 'Willi he vie in' Dixie. We dole& suppose thlois anything mote than a, s u rmise, and improbable - at Unit; but it it be true , we shall insist' on Val.'s hiving a liberal pension - :fgl That rebel invasion is the best, move yet for; the Union caus e. -11. Y.Tra2wie, Ms KINCILiKI ie yzepaliag • -fourth edition of the'"Histort'of the invaeion of the Crimete to which' he is adding , fresh notes, and forttifying) his ' statement With' doownentary prook'but Lie neither - added' to nor withdrawn s wo'rd of the kit: said that upwards of twelve thonmd oSp-, hut have Already been sold in Eagland.: - said thatm tin mine has,been disooveredlisidiesousi, Mir the head of fit franeli river.. The n:Vida been found in s traet of land of about one thousand acres, and is rich in qinility:. Romoszn BZTVU os Vait.esnitil A report that Clement L arrived at Toledo, Ohio on Tomelay night, from Buffalo, and pm:oiled st on to ,Day ton, is noticed-in the Toledo; Blade. - • JAYA GOl7/1 GROWING IN V71X0N2.-- Gr. J. M. Currier', orHewport, VeiaMat, ims Jars coffee growirig in Ms garden. He says that it endures frost better than beau, tomatoes or Indian 'corn. I==;G==o U SW.— LZterrlZZ POCZZT BOOS. ,Clowtalltag a saw of mossy. betteasell. P. Pains% Onse Store aad Zest Gemetra. :WS Water streak Tlat Inter vtil 0. retratelat by blades {Cat DON= GAP, LII/ClUt 90. e!. b 0,1138 tederalstort, At heism, Ottr. eemestaar City. July 27.18f3. - Mit •• Al 01:411S e TWIT 108 LULU aalhortssi to at t.,. that boaatbal country beak containing am, 10 mon, all muter* withw Red fil • vezylkirwaid otata of calibratio a neat two Oder diroldrod; 0r0..d. • Twill tdantrd with troll sad duds boot and wall neat n& TN. .bows &Olds, prapsrly.of Janine Wawa, alai. Mag. John Webb. and Ott: ott, sad afraid at lbw low Odin of OM Parties Mpg • hobs le lb. tonally, kar 4 ,01,24.10 aids:. YoLani 1 OM. 103 il/411kidiSt.. S IS r; UM drATII4 O at Beviatlervale, 60 acne id racial* lead for jute ; • well lalabe• aid .cenesabally Armored 4weldag bowie el ba d Wee roam. ma older • war ble maths la parlor/. • tarp an s tai w AMA. the• stable. =There boas. teat house, tee cool dalm Welles brew and other belles^ Orchard *lgo arem otelteleeqeslltle• omen bulb absud• oar% view. etas growler tonesonee tarot tritwetwo vrtep see well at water; 49 awes wee49l4. tepee all to toed order. roeprioe aid tame anly.to 1)99 I one Baler son& 61 arkst U R. BULGES; AGENT, lawa'sistwisseif stay , PURIT I r l l ' CT RiM3 No. U eitiraymo aunt /VMSAiI. Alan sairittsseaotll773ll.lnlOn Yii 11:123D 1/01141.1Mnill conseseetirces houtdortetste ors win mil as the lowest pleas for 0/18n. . • nISHOLLITION.—Notice is -busby larva tbot the Arm of liltaTHa 0//102‘ was dlstoltod ea Batarkr, the 1151 h Wt. All tame who Am Waded to oho moo WtJlOww moist than to rous_sisll4smt WWI , bil_olthat t Quo for prowl, tot 11l I lttir no 411 pasta to NW* lb* bombast. • jytlkly ammo= TUT REUBL . ap lop Pbmis rhos Os °" talsp MVP 1 100 half bbls. trims asw ougr a l. is stars alarm sate ha Mans L. CN . Ns. HS Mans intik • I\ll6W 15110151 4 . • L. Ts Book of Ooppubsids. Tbs Dwai's, Boy. • book for boys. - no Plower Bah sad bow ba bona* PrsdnanS.,-, ~ -J oansil Of • Saddam on • Gossisla PfuloSkso.- 11,Trascsi Boasblo: osF Warbiton. DI tho authors* of .91sib Yoaof.; tomh." . By Ohm. Nona. waerlono In Bowe. D 7 Cloud. Valk . asp, ask bow I. wake lbam utroog. S 7. gstia's Izolis Ton - _ .• '" Gbasabws' Do of Doss.i - vol. 1. ' Poet VW. Btractawy,'lbrllSS. lissosoodh 'M El ari sitsfsa . • !Walk's Art of War. lee saltlon. Lents from Ike Dion obi Apo flossotio: hoard of noltatlll, Llf. to the cps D N.J.lbrop Tagß lb A auffoo.: - .JI .- Tho Two PkWares. 7. N. J. Yeintook... Strain.% lima:fon al OW Ihimis.;k Vol.!. 1796 - SAT a 00.,110. as wi,wanisit''' niLahDe, •• - CONSIBB/01 iItBECRAIT " Dolor In I 01117 Di. A4E, --airiffillnktfiilWrifi -. MIDIS IMAM lc* • ' arOficotik *Usti /Aux, frantic% ithigimiii Riad. PlUatiosib. U,Maly ,000 new 4.14 toli NtOrs Pdt#111711:111)7Tik Adams stroll. 1110 - CUPT a 3I I4IVORKPER . WILNIIDAR - A/111 TILTIVamiI to.thiFilltiolini:l,olllllt UM Bea ttod avenue, tea 41sh'ivitelow , 08T...' VFW, ____K, 1 /0.:j% signed • ip..llbirtttillworrotaitiall. hoIPG.:, : JP' . 1 **,1411644 dad 4417116:". Ai .. toy abli ar tb• Punis i F i zseesicio, Ine.: dung tee oanoi•.till- . retwn It to Mu.,.. , 8111TII a ilkletlit into otsisti u llis:po7miest of tbo bialtt• ~- , •,. ~ ^, -I' WIC Unmans. ___ . ,41; Sukhr LX511,--111w Beet 11.6 LTateAliti. Mos& 11,0 4 1 4 r,t4 B l*iiikh 0 bignit Wit Of kW c t Ooo arp ea ;board. will IluX• 6 4874U:qui Doi died st - gida APO, $ 0 tram atone kiffilighr Advt.'? , • . or, arzosooom, mrosautallit"„f' r4M r .li yin:VW/Ll' law...- 5We tic* , ' l ,l ll " ll AArPiiri 4yi191 - 7 - r, O . 17 *in , ' ' gis 7 8 4LigiviNkluA. 1 98. 6tfiy " toilisdatoeiliOters Balnifiraht ♦T Gun ximarion.. sk , .Thi , pli4fli... l "figh- - :`' . , -- . 1- 7 : - .)• s' Chapll w+ 'swim!. , y- -.......;;...51 OD Lila Ilhap4l ; *V '' ' ' -- " .i° ' P•uniLeatimor Blair.' ids..--- 100 gnu Gal .........—.. I. 00 1 , 11 !" . "%f i r g a1ed ,, n ,..„„. ..° 2l ir —; I 61 1,0 1 ., 1 • Do* and Tina bbitir I' --- -- 15&iteil - he ~ , Obildreem grod &Les, only .........;-......-- .4 - Ind othat go7delia - propektioii, aa.., -.- --- <- ..B4R, L4N, .P8:0_114 iSi . P 04,8/E, rp*x_ ga.MAKKiraTaIUIT, Ettg?, Witt - _ , `Nsw• Bootifir . _fits coisaozurriou Act thar a coda, ___ 004410 t DOM ORS salmniso Paz, 89143,7R0D1 RAFT. Otity 6 cent* j B TATIONELLY PORTFOLIOS. .... V ; (1 / 8 . ' 401DBILL1 Alai) DLILIXIC Rots /p 1171145 stamped on paper and enflic;Paa. ^-PIitrVIGIBAPB LlBl7l l B, 4ll atflaae Prides , Brow gea_gututim. - °Au= Palliiing or famr—fka•ttifrd eialttlhe beam* I -onotaars vol.^ rah Minsk manal by boat: VU/O r litiilUFFl“.-, • . _ = - 'Rooms, 1271721 AHDIIII3IO7BTRIND3. tia NA id skiarbov i zravAry Skim) PA. .. P ESTOCIRAI% d "a/ Ito ar IFoilitbsigicaro ee. m Two co claim 444 Zdh, atr.' MEM -"tr. suniqamoiiiiragrporck.awy ta• 1 :11sellea of the NM amirimillithe coy acerig ! .0 0 1 twiligti 1 .01Lillooked la • itsi• Or Odd AIM ,st AWL - I.ll "A lu al.:l4MThtaet gaizaip pgritAWOMizminito:: wa:, ::~._~_: . „. . PXTROLZUMVAND, 1141.P.1/18.111114 _ /X /2113TIELMS 0011PANLIII, Am; N!!!!!1 00DT,. -- .ltovr - LO STI HOW JAL NMI= I.4itt Pabiliheelao aselid M: - Drkar at: Owe. .41 - headily. cm the Me TRILIMIXIIT LID DADICAI. OMR a( ii rheme or Dreldel .Weeksdek, Isdroduktes7 .woodsman 'Jima D•anitN - end : , 10toedlaeota to 1 sVuzd... yeredoemey choptimptlay, ire il. adAlltet ifeatel.aosl Mirka! todt, tom leltAboee. do. Brßobt. J. Wyde D., -sailor of the Deem -seek &ft "A Doan to Iftweestel..at thaYeremo Beet ander sii4 Inatplat.moveldpe. to say odder, put *a to, WWl* atm mote. at two pottage stamp% Dr. OM .-. J: O.- 11.1.1 M. INl_Jkorrry,All, Tat . Dew : MIUMG .44,f1)41-STLIII3IfI4 Labila aarkaxi ideas bi*ll — iiialata LANA rekeigtni to the f t Woxyl - Talle htP Oust a 7. me' ens brother tha met saleobh• balks :no !seat oft* to the' Maud etas= en': oilseed toe saloirrtoltUo samba, in iDeto#koc ., .l them Dhlt.or hilifhidlLolll. bm.,2 r. Ifec'ttept and caieeeiziiaaarei ssoer, spat, ..Krumr 'MOTION TO 00a/ itititutid iibbi.dr op tii , tlo tteiv/IILT;,:t: 1013: at , the Melt! teolosuleohisuet, la too Swig_ fiellitleL fee BM Groans, Pottle met fett/f1„ . 110 1y:: lteitedaie,. Pointe elloAchtts p er :a Blain Ot ROW* :Mediae thtio..}:. , `: none tegoired. au/MIT, :te Peemilo it'll es p.htotrae . inasusal so ika.7-_; Ansia. - aiii- , *aaa a mown' are t 0. .; or d - 10:4a1-,arak4anaa igoOLALI4III4,, op old Ofice_ooriNtormn. who math bad to law: the wog iiiiiieloceosiya Ars awl to fo• e ttri.," 1 .. :, •.;:::,;;Z!:: foe. 11114.1%,...,_--- flirar __. . -AlitlNVll2l4(iiso)mors to Wta,:: .d.--Ti Jr UTIOAL INN U? L PGIIIIIIIIW. 40 1,411.11/11AZDIITZUE -, 141 ,4 R 'z • - 11:1116). • liked Aims Au -,11M111.4114"1. 1118G I VIMAL A% ono - :ao - IVAMVALOIisr rim ld- VII : .., i x DL _Bawunaszraussiti. MID 2111, - • ' 111L10 4 11 : 11 ; 41 W , Allsiirsammie ., to eye gab. 'weft ; ~,.:..:.,.:ar.;) -;3 , t,;,,,,,i k ,,,- 01+1vms .; "Ar. - Ivo '14140 6U" "n" iUtin I, 1 Y7A`L ii,47,111X13, : - „ i v e a4 4l ;ti' • SWIM f,r'ioitkrsimsoina. xn.a.••• - ==== Itiii44lll Tkoli di‘fts "Itati I ZA • ?leg: 111,4 - k lgt MO, Aim, ,I►tlls Jr ~ 1 1044.1§' ow 'Arm. riossang, , IVLUtiri./01 , 10403,1i.#4,000 pounc. /..ver ribek/VrlVlCee* - 04Vritscv!ivir tor goo. Neetr•triardibrogar 4 viv. , .."-eirmearstd..niuta ..A-Lilitertliy_fil4.4LetivCitiss receiver. Alkiketlerivlavepii Li* its Ames, or.u.! 141.1g. - 7avvy, wive sae I nak9rodtene, kje ry 10 . 1111 *. - 1 11 / 1 81MW.. -caner WM "'aid Baud arms% Ti 76l6ol4l4lo4 l 4ll #sNyieleArfjO s. • wur iiid Ith9lcaa.• 1,141 nt,ll,as Ur' 4116441111 ,.. • .. :,'" ' - ogroyildtelivll thwe rsoiani! tatadsuit yowls t , goo baps , -4 1 1 do cOloolffisbaxv, 41;VICRAtio 4:ei . 'at . - lii ;if. ...... NE., ICI . PPLlalbialia.......:''..:-. fAs 2niss sirjLritifivoiCitiie wt , ft. 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