ERNE =UM =EMI • ' • ' ' A. 1 ; • : • =BEM ;.?:. • .•!. 6., ••- • . • , •-•••:,`“. 0.: • :•;r. ".7= BEM MBE . • , , • A + ••••. • 4 , ':`4:••ii".ti'lo:i:i44.:•:, mita .;,~.. ;. ''~ <, '. - • •F. • 1 4 ..*-- K 1. 4 -- . ' • N' , ===, -MONDAY MORNING, JULY 27 LOCAL ,11ITELL1GINCE. From Elatusdity's. )priecOile ~. Tie Rowing• 'Chew. • plesehip, • The details of the great willing match for $l,OOO and the ohemplonship of- Amnia, be ~ twain Ward and Hami ll ,' have town marred, and (radiate that Hamill - via - fairlg2ol l tn. He oliiimed.tirit 'Weirliiar feelothite, but . . _. the Indigos . drpoided ltakinet-th. :allegation. It is well known that , the tbee-was not near so fast as Hamad made at Pitliadelphin; but this is amounted for by 'Oohed that ta . : woe; was rongliand *stiff bresserretb_ioliti,,n if. 'We lifitmad the following twociaitlit:lne algal : Oa arriving at Poughkeepsiepliik*gagam we toned the strata of the .pliell lerredit by strangersr and every trWin 44/ -elellatir tag , reenueg,ike number.atriailoraoill of the squid.; 'petit (Mal Atiebirgis. Doststa. Philadelphia and New. York, jeartorawa, in great numbers, whit. •IfiliAlTAlßMAit'llter ally to hairy turnilr obi so oaroj a to vilineso, their favorite isriitaurtotttliktr it efor ylci. tory. Opeostation wirveryi ,:aird alo: sense amount Of. groenbititiletiktii r On the result: :Hamill ftittlii.liii' ilAstw sloo to $OO bid kook o ltikie tieilo pkte, i tno. repo wet ,ddsredkand_befnearths ttentAseil fa the start (threw ealooks pi'. kW turzblitr were the Pittebutglipti th tie , Welk n'it'er that t h e y liet WO t 4 Uls 4,Tilidtl Awe 0 : 12, F,I, ••ap niliPPPX,Willatellier barikers.wit Vie new ark State representaldoreud, ' -1, 1,, - . -u - ' Pceeiselly at three o'clock , the two men nits akni2dde the illiAoll/64 tiTtliiitio. - itbutic was moored in the Oentie bf thil river, nearly opposite iiii.g.kir;, sit..,.,'Poughkeepsle. The comas. was e Atftaillat. l l9.e 4 l4,o/1/-tallA .A. MU miles 'slime a point whaetwostake- , boats were anohaed. one for each main to l go, around, so us to avoid angolutago ntlpalArig.. and bask again tothi pliteint starting-. The. judges 'were,,for Hendil i . Mr. Stephen Ash. efts. of New York; Jar Warde- Wz. =Tim-: . Donohue, of Newburg ;for , referral,, lifr.'lld, ward Hanle, of Poughkeepsie. ; Itswill rilit= IA in a beititiful outridgets.kail. ..L .1 4 - Orantadr,: of Na. York; and inwaick he Aid mind and defeated. Ward twiew,beforej , it was ailed the "Alex. King." Ward rowed in alauxquisit*. ly built atoll boat...bells keg - the - welt known George Shaw, of Mambas.- aid lamed "Disk Bilden," attar one of • kis (Ward's) staunchest buten and warmest periOnsi friends. This boat was twenty-nine fat slit inches long, teen inches wide and Ore 'aches deep, and only weighed forty-three ~ponds. Hamill's *bell was i little heavier and slightly longer. The colo9s of the latter were bins skirt and red cap, while Ward had a white shirt and was minus a cap. , As the boats drew into line the sight was a most beautiful and exciting The Coil Rook—a noble eminatuar, whisk toireredsloft • far above the bay-and imowdiateigoppeala. the starting point, ininAnormidr4n-Its: awn mit with spestaton, amougmhout.were num bers of gay and elegantly dowsed ladles, whose presence gave an additional attraction to the scents The New York side of %haiku was douse:with meat mains of humanity, . there being folly Mien thausad'paoplopres ', sot to *tau the exalting contest. The men' were warned by the starting judge that they wore to jgo at the report of, * pistol, and pre aisely as three o'clock the signal 111111 jjillk: Ward dashed his ears intollie water bninedl- Maly, but Hamill remained motionless, ilk:. jotting to the start, and declaring that "ha. wouldn't go." ' Ward, after taking, a stroke ceased rowing for a moment; bat at the ay of "go on" from the judges bathe returned his oars; and, whoa Hamill, atthe advice of his judge, started to row. he Was a fill 'boat's length ahaatil And now the struggle beanie interesting, While tke **attest in the Ogle of rowing of the twb menis Plalalgylsible. Ward rows Wi as lli:* long, steady, swooping w i t, stroke, regular and a iaits action as the movements of a piece o_ pearerful, massive machinery. Holten& to Wooers milk a will, throwing the entire of his nasals, powers into every stroke, while its effeoft ere seen In the swift olsaing of the wawa :by lis frail. shell. Hamill. on the other head, .seta more upright to his Cara rowing with aqtdcker red shorter yet withal a powerful stroke, the source of macula propulsion emitting_ to be ooadned to the shoulders and arms. His as is so mat quicker Owl Ward's that he takes at least . five strokentothe litter's fouri and nothing but his extraordinary' phjs ical powers can enable him to maintain Ouch quick action for so long ja : period, He . on Wall/gore they tud gone* gear. tar of a mile, bat . 00uld not pus him, as Ward's long and eteridy, stroke ,uukied, him to keep his' position in front- Hosadiag tke stakehoete at the end of half the distant" -to be rowed, Ward was three length" ahoad . g., but Hamill hue gained aeonple - a- liiigtha Ili turning the titbits:. Ward, however, put On. a sport, and. took' a clear lead of, lin a es - lengths,, which his fide styleofroirtegvall War and so Motive in iteactioi,inable.ll to inertias' or enfold( at - his - plain/O. - - they returned hero" andmithin sight.tha ell: citentent of the assembled thousands .beowne - Intones . Within a quitter . .of a ' ntile.:.lrotas'_ home the position ant chanosnol Ihtf /WOW $.-. ants became eleareriliddjk growea.kine and . lengeonUnued buret driliariragfront thinker! • protialmed that Ward was leading. Atairg 'treks Ms slows' Mawr maw; or **Mtg. certainty, and, withoutrelextughhisiturdans,, he °antacid to pull as strong and regularly as he had done at the bit,' this king of flue_ signal gun of victory proclitiming itilit'llte winnerof the raw by an iengthii; and'restei tz , lug to him his forfeited title of " Ohamplen Oarsman of Amorfol." - The dean was grain: 29 see., the state of the rim and`.tho • • i v breves prevailing heist .441 s ~diT.4 0 1 4, 1‘; ... snaking of voryAitpikttialt, - r,I. : ::.:. ; c :1 t An objection was rifted by Hamill against Ward foaling kin then they Iced lintrigdat a mile and a half, and, which 'Oliva .. ti cease rowing. The lodges Investigated tke visitor, taking the ,orvidenes of ,pertids Wks were close by at the time alleged, and, with out oalliag the 11•11/i01111 of the' rehree Into requisition, awarded the race without halts lion to Joshua Ward: The 'announcement. was received with.tremendous cheering bribe partisans of the Newburg oaleman, while tie Pittaburgers submitted with a.ggod grace. th' the adverse &Ohba. ' ' - .. - Andy Pay ha chillengot the Winner ,to row him a raw of throe or lone miles, for two. or three thousand • dollars aside; - in' three months.. - , Soldiers.. Aid Contort' 'and' ertiClit Early on th• morning of the "Ist inst.; Use usually quiet village of Clinton, Allegheny county, Po., was all astir and Widsi:Oralco for a great day. At 93f, antormannient of theoday oonunenced by an Wow g diSliverei by Err: John Coltwell, of. Florio - nee IPs.Fiato Chap lain of the 1119th ,Ponnsyriania Volentows. This porfermaace was high), interesting, en. tort/Assist ma iippinativis... o„ At ILI,, the gazer bepor.go be served to the many kasha& awaiting, with debts In hand, to ',Joy that and Writing repast, on which lb. bad 4ul.tiyhut. bit their *held li#o-7..7lfliiihariziteesioar• , privilege to-critsstna - ziltiw_lii:niMlWaih • - citing' tabu than that upresd by - Chi people' of Clinton and surratinding eonatr7 on tida At 1 r. n., the doors wars oPei cart by Prof. S. J. Byars. AintOst taskintly this house was crowded, until not ono more road fore. an entransv, whilst w malittnda initial without. This - concert was opened with A full chorus ". The Bed Whit. an Blne.": The mute discoursed throughout the after; noon was of the lsighesireboritatir. no whole was tooneladed bytb. sin* of that in:. imitable solo and chorus, " W and, Lonely," or • 41 Witas Car Cad sr Isllver.". Daring an interval of the eonairt,Colaoka B. Clark, of_Alloghini2.r.ity,_enterAalaid tit* andienee in the. grove by one of his happiest' starts, laskiagin every respect, algerletie address. The Christian Eerier AssoeLition look ad .vaatage of thin vest day, aad held a iseetiag• in the mains for thatransastlon aeons !MY - portant buts's& .They wive seatortablid axerilaterseting more frosa Bev. Yr. 'or , to., of iLookstowa,-Rarrwhit-haill - • acme months their Cossilssiorior la the army. , "Tito nett preen& of theetinesrtaad both's! .4217 47—wave pat late the fends of this The good order, Um harmony end good feel— fag of Ms 'halo incision told plainly that than wall that "great and not , mcrely tie • speadlag of a day is nsokss araintemont and seoreatioa. ,-. • Caanot lose other vlllagi and neighbor hood, tam ions in lying sick u 4 sotto - lir', &teat hospitals; follow Ibis. example, and mire Into this work is sunlit, and bill day , spesii act only a .atrWalag, bat edifyieg `fie friends of sax amitay, givehsportilas AmilditSoie il• Meads at the Okfatise • Asisalthia sissutrlhoutieirmr. set eillr diellitketrAVll*4 6 • 4 4 ll olgrd Wan, 1114,00 1 81(ZwiroU'liil , ;1•64 - =4 , “ , .. ~,4 • gYa lie •sl t ;Ca) • elprZa 9 l " ~ icf z~f.II Y '...v . Ya ft^ r. The Benefits to Cosseapts laioillas Iti= Drill seastors Jo the Zaglish army insist en she stiazha a that “it sakes a nonnit in yea rs to leant to eat!" Without subsidising to this extreme assertion in fall, It is imileilably true, that a frightful samihoe of hgalth and life muss In learning the art of "soldiering" to the TAD morult or conscript, en taking the gold. in organisations formed entirely of this tunduested Distorts'. A new regiment will. do more work when they hal: at night, altar a day's march, than an experienced one will in a weer under the same circumstances, in merely arranging a blow's. The commissmy, being inexpert owed, •*linnet be expected to provide as promptly the neemsary rations; the cooking arnagementtem neessurily imperfect; even the:advantages of the pound pa which the taw halt for _rest cannot be sp ;tor fated so cunpingly by the Lnexperienced, as by the old eampolgair. audio those disadvantages a be added the &hoopoe of a n little io m na y . • forts, which expiationce enables the old soldier to gathersboat hilaseU, of which the recruit knows nothing all yet. - • , f•••• la mutating the mysteries of the drill, the advantages In joining a thoroughly educated item. are of primary important*. 'lke dill.; ,oult teak of learning from theory:is ittithang ad for. the infinitely Hailer method of example, And mere can be learned in wields by this mode, than can be taught in a month by the nthv.: flew much exhausting Jahn , le saved by, quickly mastering the laid ,volutions none will underestimate who have been Worn out to attaining that. knowledge. • And far greater, •than all these consldota tions, is . the feeling of mouritY which the sol dier hasi that the sacrilege he makes on the battle-IQ, will be productive of correspond fag benefits to the came for which be sweats, and bleeds. In a few weeks he can exert a greater influence for -good, and strike a hese ter blow against the accursed traitors whose destruction all honest men long far, by going to battle by the side of the heroes who have won imperishable SILIIOIIII. on so mazy bids, they teaching him quietly the art, and per , meeting him at ono, with the courage which commands sums, and he by marching 'shoulder to shoulder with the Masa, nerves ;his strong arm and ;reserves his ardor to yet 'again secure a continuance of that hereto name,—which already won for himself, shall be fr eely shared-with those who nobly Join him, in lashing the good work, now, thank Sod, almost aocomplished. Aegideut ,at the Rouse of Refuge•. On Friday evening, between seven and eight o'clock, an accident 000ttraed at the Honk* of Refuge, by which amen named Hugh Milli gan was killed. The demand hai been em ployed abidtt the building ivansinoe its open ing, aid ries engaged in sinking a new well on the grounds. The well had been sunk "about twenty feet,' and -contained about one foot of water. A curb sixteen feet long had been placed in the well, but it caught upon the dda and could net be got down to its partition. Mr. Milligan placed a platform of boards aortal the top of the curb, and piled on 'heavy weights to force It down. A! number of boys, perhaps eight or ten, also got on the platform, with Mr. Milligan ' and while endeavoring to force down the curb, one vide of the platform gave war, pretripita dug Mr. Milligan and most of the bons Into she well. Mr. Milligan was standing on the side of the platform which gave way, and pre ceded most of the heavy weights, which, to gether with the boys tumbling In upon him selojared him thatle_parlahed la the write; before he said be, extricated. All the boys were taken out safely, and strange thsar not one of them was serioudy Wend: Milligan wall al Millman, aged about forty years, and Angle. He has no relatives here. Coroner McClung ma an inquest, and a verdict of ao tridental death was rendered. On Special Service. We had the pleasure, yostorday, of mooting Lieut. Phillips, of the veteran 621 Penne, Volunteers, who visits his hate albs pur pose of Mug up this splendid registrant with drafted men. With only a half hour's not'ce from the eommeadiag dim to lest* on his -mission; the gallant Lieutenant had little op portunity of bringing kitten and messages from his command to mafiosi Motives of those heroes who have nobly upheld the honor of the country sins Col. Bleak led them to the war. AL glance at the bronzed and 'worthy face of Lieut. Phillips tolls more of _exposure and hardship than any amount of letter-writing cab convey. We trust he may. be successful Ilia present mission, and be spared to 000te 'home as one of the oonquorors of an honora ble- peace, to moire than—with all hL hero commiss—the full meows of that praise \fhb& now Ands elptession In admiration for As bravery of himself, and curry one of the •braes >n Use eland army of the p'otemas. Arrested tag Bad Corteselin. Robert Maw, of Rochester, Beaver Co., aged about nineteen jean, was this morning `brought before Commissioner Bailey, by di ;notion of Provost Marshal Cithbertson, 'charged with eoaaeslingpetsooe to 'ninths, •Art,lt., One witness • that *WTI stated acweral persona "alma New Brighton would be banked on the .15th ; that he would - be thim sad that there timid be good pickings." rpother whams stand that he mid " they were going to barn Maw Brighton." A anntberef the hest eitissni of the neigh borhood were Wiwi in behalf of the defend- Ail nailed to the extraordhukry good 4411211:411r of thedefillditilt. r U 1111011•11111•114 peassitde boy. sad a consistent - .Madan: .Theyl also twilled, that sub I report had hies circulated in that neighborhood, ever alma; the draft conuraini - eg. The Commis sioner •rtgardedMears" !snip - two, mirky M., the topetitionctthe r toninton'strest and opmequently disikargal 4sh rammortratia• Itzsaavea.—T he Penn- Olvaii la RlNlffrall have monad the Potosi+, .bslomi Harper's Harry, and are any on the soil of the Old Vemlalon," he a small villar smiled Lenttsvilba.. • • Ba ; oisiiu hitiox.—There were afire sr sista fordrpakessess tads,. Ire for direr early 'prided and three for infamy. Terre of *epode' ware ferealee. .-• Commis Busertroms.—Tmenty more wt used sabstitates from the 22nd and 24th Dis tricts, we sent Isar night to the tamp mess I.lobllsdelphis. CZAMIII3IIIO.—The Iffirdialaten of the , Departs:neat of the Suaquebehaa have boon removed - hem Harrieloarg to Chombets , Tuu allirsAwno Mosmr, for August, Ms ban rtesPrird b Mr. J. P. Hurt, Munk Mall; .stress. IS CALDWIELL, • qtviam..i. Jams Nolan" 0t..) IP4Oll[ll, .* Di l.r lit 11•00 N, LAIRD, Kral 1-00 gib HAIM SMOKED BIM, te. . -,oos. Austen AinsTraerirtkiiart •Iltd1.• • , Pmerstrsosit. d. • „ Daewo Ireneeto lirivore o. Ask arsaurshwiewie lie all Wadi of Italltlhp, And saporleteade lots eteettee veseatable terms 7Dsoe w' hedieetwa. strew, between • tweak mid " Motdosol street*. Allorbwer. goy, . , , , .. X. TIM/WILLA Conooapors to Wm, %oat h : J•isCb4) Pliaariall. TGl3lllllllld o SI AND Mall O ff, ILd th lin . : Lt y pist il sad No. 60 nomaouses.:: • gbi, pik sad will famish. MUD- MD, gp 7 Vitrila ONO WO iii. DEA OWM mut Sub fiv DRAMMI., . 40 7 . An !!!".1 , 0 1 7 11 pMils• smolt 41/011 . 101rAGONW. TSIOR HALL Ty - ir enl istath ofa.itirt Mae WE D ,WIDIELII, WE D Ell n - MCC _111,11all• Ai AMA ADa; tke ioohbaif 7.1 fainlefrniaL I*ory auk Wheila WWl* *if ee air :ttlf!Eety t ixlpu; 7:Z LI.IDEr4if a 4 kuuts. Aa: :Mocker4 ilia= sad jai*, isj i bl l .hm i da ir 1111Uswoo Eirrtyp W6Da 71.11 wWo• Oxlbn 1 0 .". 110411 . 0 4 — . • .. 1 tt‘s •. • ao bens Orilb• COuiplog!' ' fry.., , -7.31111' 411 7 1161.04 !r4 111 0;111filiOlit „.. 4 1 ;nitr4,011“, #7::: Mr* MEM= 1. al , a ;•er Vot t4/t.. t .-.fa,zr { ~ .~ < - .. LATE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS (FROM OUB lIVINtIiG EDITION.] FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. THZ SITUATION IN VIRGINIA. Both Armies Roving Rapid ly Southward. A DEMOB BATTLE REST OH FOUGHT MOUTH OFFING/WM.IIMM lee's Line of Supplies Proba bly Cut. Warman:az, July 25.—1 t is an arroneons impression that the federal or rebel army has re-groomed the Potomac into Mary bad, or that either of them is at rest. They are both moving rapidly southward. Gen. bisades army has attained already an adtantageotts position, and will forte Leo to a decisive battle north of the Rappahaanook river. Geri. Meade has probably out the line of Lee's supplies. Direct communication between Washington and the headquarters of the army of the Po tomac has been opened. HIADOLIIIIIII ARNLOY saes POTOMAC!, July 25.—The rebels were in faros yesterday near Yfont Royal. We drove their cavalry from Manassas Gap about sunset. It is beilmd the rebels [stead to moss the Hine Bldg at Chester sr Thornton's Gip. They will meet °halides at the former. THE OPERATIONS AT CHARLESTON, Mallen Progressing Favorably. REDUCTION OF PORTS WAGNER AND SUMTER CERTAIN. Vanuatu', July 24.—A qualal to Om Tribune says: Advice' from Portnu Monroe state that no definite or trustworthy intelligence has been remind at that place as to the operations at Oka?Mates. An offlear recently arrived from the feet of Oloutorten. reports that at the time of his Leaving matters wen programing favorably. flamethiagmas gained eaoh day, and the re motion of Forts Wagner and Sumter was moldered certain. The greatest confidence le felt la the plans and movements of Gen. Gilmore and Adalral Dahlgrak, and the ultimate emus Is u atafait aecempli. Latest from Europe.. The Polish Questtoa.•.The American War, etc. Okra BJIOI, July 24.—Tke Bootie, from Liverpool on the IBth, and Queenstown on the 19th, was boarded a here. illte has one week later dates. The &MUD reply, on the Polish question has been received, and is Unitised to anent to the points named by England, Frame and duet.% but proposes an amnesty instead of as militias. etest anxiety existed to Learn the reruns of the bottles between Meade and Lee. The English papers peals* the Union troops. The Tess don't see the pound tor Lis. cola's hopeful antiotpations, and saps the priseipal straggle ts to some, Welding at Tiottables and Port Hudson. Brandstaffs brew. Wheat partially 1a 2s hectare. Oars bd better. Prortatosa quiet and steady. Consols 93%. American mermities nominal. . . Atkesdels it I ry Odlees Abolished. New-Tole, J 17 35.—The °Noes of ifill- Aary Governor d Boaretary of Arkansas has boss abolished. A Mobile letter reports the capture of the (toaster Kau Dale, of Mobile, with 700 bales of o•ttoa. Morgan's rnsosers Cmcurestri, July 25.—Yourteen- hundred more of Morgan's mon arrived here last night. They will be forwarded to Indiaaspolls to day. Twang-four hundred have mind alto gether. Chief Janice of Colorado. WAITINGTOS, July 24.—Ex-tiovernor of Mob, 8. L. Harting, Lao boos appolatsid WM Julies of Colorado Tonitory. The Rumored Invasion' PIULLDIMPILL, July 24.—Tho moor of tho Moults% of Poaagh►nla was taken from the Inswing Bulimia, of this city. LIST OF .a_a POST 0171 on 84.11:11tDAY, ryas remaining in the cm at ALLIEGIIM, Pi., at Doan July 25. ISC3. earPless* Koss the letter is adv MEMI!ERI • 73i A. at. to 834 r. mr • Geo'dlllasTannle Badman hank Grubbs Mrs .1 Ulehardson MW Grab= Mary A LI M GO= Reuben Robinson MAGI II Beef Label Hall An M Boma J 8 Herr Mir Anna Rood Jahn B Bitch Mlatinnk Roo &ban* HancockCharrbs 8 Oftsbotml.. A - AnnUmglimA Andean Well Allan Ilioses : gonni Ideard Brown Mks B W 111:07.0apt8OR Blair Job■ Hood Geo W Hervey Hush J Herobey Martin Henderson R&M linsepbrersOsede Irvin 1110 21.111 a J Boyd Jane X Browsdie La Brady J Brosoly Jobir Bletehar 1 X Donna Mag B holgory B Bey eady Mr X A &UM Bell Kazin& Boyle Very Ducky Wm Bay Peter 2 ' Cloodeo C ' Johnston Joseph Holly Bo KrompolW Hoown John ' Kounift Wale Nuts Miry Kruler 111 mile Cans Lizzie Chaldean Bather awns H B' raig Jane C allum e It Oaetay Join • ". Wind= Mee Cook Mary Obeaklbay Chum Nancy thast7 IVI Carr Wm : L t 116M7 L Loin y on 11 Lauer Jobn Loishmt Juni • X IllTallon Wen . X'OMMaXmAX 11•0•11 Cam Mosb WOolly lamb A 11.41(mtery • A llTlMbuid 6G 11 9 .4XXima4kos Ilrlay Lavinia Wm Weans Jam Was Brion MXurrare om Dmltl 11 • Alfieri Walt= CopeLod om Onlinipi Reuben Duncan Swish Duff Dintill Doan E 7 Iza Dlna Mau Mary Davis Matti* . Dawson X OilMau Mak. Martin ow Et Monism, We." Dam Wm X - DaWilk Este= X • Edgar Amy 11.. UMUri: A Xman tllza Axon 7Y - Fulton =Mai , Faulk Xis X Tenutdrhrry XGralmorXXlcs X • • ibmm Airs Clatiago ZAward andult Hanle. Gochwrida Georg• Binh A Geddes lane Chilli' Juni 0 lianduill Jail 2 Kelton John Madden Thos Nudes ISztoW ' • lllonia Marirta or , g. VeLon NJ Osborn II 'Pratt Martha - - relay 110 ItaitrA.* 'Uttar& likhrard 7.cosabos_lg•rXLlse L- - 81211711. • „ j (.. 2.14 ON. WILSON ICOAND Wait Jidda' 46. .• of no VnthAStates Weill Carr.esrbabit., OWL PUN MID et caws a . &sopa sad bd. ' 4 17 lbr broil Ormoirobi • ears dorm Ibr M 15 ant 6, Illsiatbosh rad Bulk cAllrkters• snap sr rer4par prima POMO ratio MI mint_ "414 thlgo. • Arida assuo• ibedutio -ittperbmeod Turtbres NW. Associtaa*. prows sow nu Ire =lbw budarro, sr. thialPllolollloo rad Ombra Wl* for Ibr Met lacautrve rad a r i atBH Iltrelfour. • lllaboaser emu( aid . Rom rabiresal prrbersm far itrairamirrt rt Ihvg. A. OOWg.fl tba; kit Prersbb . 1 . 04 t Unlash vbir Do* the IrripsNo. °CIO Promilliob aN oar, aft'llo9l4l4o IV Mr_ sprOmorl Prib;riamilip; obi Orraritlli'. t 1d AgnsaunivrOdwaratisiondas 40iiiila ,-M741144111:111191. 4a • COMMEROLIE ==M:ir=M ;maw or was prmrprolum Dana Ouargla t antaritTilaly 25 12r1 ij Morels but IltUft change to notice In Coln. Oar 14eir York &patch of today snots Gold at 12.8%, ',tech a alight mamma erre the rate of yesterday. The rates here remain about as last quoted. Eastern Ex change la unchanged; GRAIN—The grain market is exceedingly dull and depressed, and the eupiabrAhough not very heavy, is ample to meet the present demand. Polar...however, ea quotathne are concerned.. there e no chimp w^ notice. PROVISIONS—Bacon ie don with email males at 6505•Nie for Shoulders; G 3107340 far Sider; 96930• Tor Plain Remitlo34o far Plain Canna/wall, and 12(0 113‘e for choke brands of Baser Cared. Bete cf 11 hp Lard at 1030 . =riztai—we two to report a continued dull mare lot, We demand being very limited, and confined to the wants of the local trade. GROCERIES—Quiet with sushi nal.. at former tinotatiors-1130130 ior Bagful 30g1320 for- Coffee, and mad& for Noisasei. RLY-4xmtinms diellue; we note male from nabs of 24 loads at $2O to $4l per too tor new, and $2B for old. In demand with but Little In market, and No 1 Extra, L bald firmly at $2,150 per bbl. OHEICEIK—There la no falling off in the demaad for this antis, and we note sales at fromlo to 10Xc for good to prime W. • ' WILTEICY—Common may be quoted et 43414(0r ado et 10 bbli old aye at SIM per gallon. PlUsbUrgh Petroleum Market JOLT 23—The Modpta of Crude continue and it is estimated that from 20,000 to 50,000 bbls will reach hare on the present rtes. The demand, however, appears to be about eqnal to the supply, and the timket is steady a t our last quotations-2D 0403‘1, without, pankages, and 253j426c, packages Included. The Alm foot up 3,830 bbla as follows: 2,000 hide In balk at 2DXc, measured In boa 4 800 bb's at itOic, package:: retuned; 500 bbls at 35,.tic, packages included; 380 do do at 241 c; 150 bbla "heap' at 213 c, packages returned. The above sales were principally to our r.iitissi; with the exception of two lots which were sold io go East. There were no tree:motion. to Barad that we mold hear of, and the market le dem but rather unsettled. Goad nand and brands of Waded rosy be quoted at from 43 to 450 for preanatddivary--tae Wald. figure ofiaroi, and the outside Azure asked. Pew York retroieum 111 dr ks t. Special Dimpateh to the Plttabargb Oseetot. Nair Yam, July 2.5-osude is quiet but [Embalmed with mire on the spot at SWAIM Relined Is steady with • fair demand at former quotatiowa-44/500 on the spat; 61054 e for August; alio for September; inqy bad for October, and Gle for November. Naptba la nominal at 21:421Io for Belklrd. 0. New Orleans Market. Jta. r 11---cugar endltelsasee—There isacontlnuad nett,* inquiry for Boger, but holderspnerally racist t o it er,n at very high plias. The 'stock amebas of the old crop, which ls being firmly bud awaiting the des:talon as to whether It is subject to It e inter nal revenue tax. A lot of 100 lams tally fair old crop was 101 l from store on private terms to•day, and about 76 !fhb, in wend lots, at 10Pic Ls new fair and 11/41.15 e for telly lair, old crop. We lure not beard of any silos of bloiss:rs. What little is in the market is held by ilrohr three parties. 'flour—There is considerable offering, bat there ere to Mayers; end the motet is very heavy and drooplog Dealani are supplying the retell demand at 6110411 for superfine, and 1.11.0i2 bbl for extra. Feed—Them la very little Corn, Oats or • Dm in the market, bat with the probability oh early and more liberal receipt. priors have nnoerione a ma. torts! decline. Yesterday, net prevkany reported, Cid gad o Oats and 125 do Corn were relit at $1,61) Id bushel, sad were resold at $1,76 6 bushel. Philadelphia Market. ' JOLT 66—The /lour merest continue weak and to Whet sales Many sateen slasher couremion in pri ces would hate to be accepted. Only %WOO batheis good Ohio OXUS fa f) were &voted of at $600.215 V barrel. email saw for the supply of the home consumers at $6,60 to $6 for common and extra brands $6,125“0,76 for extra Dually and $1 so $7,00 for fancy lots--according to quality. There le more dsmead rorMys Flour and 400 barrels sold at UP. Oozy Meal Is .our.. We quote Penh* at 14 and Brantlyylne at bawl- Toe Nhist market. continues very dull and we again reduce our quittyloas hales of 607000 beshebt One Pena and Wes be Atd at $1,M01,116 p busk —dollar at sl.33—and 700 Weikel§ bur quality.' ALM. VW butheis White sold at $1,3701,40. ' A small lot of wrathy., Ityw—the Ant of the moon— sold at Wo. Otru is dolt and lower; Wed of 304000 buthels at too for Penns's/low and 7607710 r mixed Western. Oath We declined one. cent V bushel. Ashy of 2004 twat Delaware end Penns at - 75076 c weight. Tor Sedgy and Malt prkes it. nominal. Cleveland Market. Jmr74—rucr-9&1x60 bbli red XX at $5,76. Wheat—The indult was Armar, and prior advanced lc. Cala at the ]laud-1 air red on track at 194c;1 car do on 0 I.track. at 119)( i 4; lau and 0000 bosh do lob at litoc. Was thkketerruxas-1 ear rad co track at Inc. and 2500 bash f o bat 1254, lelatkat dated is nrm. Oarn—Sales ocm 'ballad one track 6/o, and coak and 000 bald! ob at 000 Oata—eale 1 car from atom at 600 Okieago Market. ,SUIT 21—Tbe Wisest market declined Nati 1 21 Tn. dentind ma almost entlndy linilteo to thr 2 Owls& irbkb woo sold taliplo, prinaltalir at to.. Time woo isaraely my Inquiry for No 1 Spring Wart, sod we note qM of only three car .loado at 1101 Misted Boring vat aloe but littlo sought alter, and transactions wets trifling at 7° 71.. Then woe morn Imo activity In In Corn, and we bora to note • dealoo ld winte of 310340 l boob, withealoant oat, about 1M it be at We kit Min NUM f o brinitiDip Ow Canal. kUzed stiost; 423 ii be Mixed Coro La it...; and 4530111Ec kr Delectod Ihnu In stets. At Miaow lbw market woe quiet at the ruling Arum Om were In more acilyeleinand, and lb* narks% admired MI, 1011 boob. with Wet of Re 1 et 52% 846)( n o—prtocipaily u 666. Bye woe quiet, with trltilici Wu of No Lat 633ie fillip arm neglected. Tb. woo a ti/r. Moguls, our illatwlnes, and 'the masks sou Or.. and actireait Imports by Railroad. Pu7l/1171011 Ps. WAWA At 4:1210•00 aintoto, 711) 26-21X0 bbls dour, Gdo & bboyard; 12 bbl. 11 • Boort; ft do do, Jr Boyd. MO bp °sty D & II Wallads; 16 bbls tad, lleXeo t to; 1 car Lydayt aMrubpil ear cora. ,7 /1 Spur; 19 bbla boalay, 10 to koai, L II Veldt it co; 116 p outs, bkdi *spa /lop. 101u11 Ms 11114'W 11 Kirkpatrick & to; 10 do do, 11 Duren & co; 19 OW§ writ D MOM; 231bp oat", Es. t Holt 1.0 lads loud I Seam& Oct tan davit II Bolo:filo wool, Idarsbal & Um; 19 to boat, .1 Portordold; I bb d boom', .1 8 Wpm; did' Ws mbloby. P Lynch; MI by ow, J Etrlipstart t Bro. 130{01:0611111tra abort liesplle • Slagle John Stewart Jake E Slmposos Jr meth 1 0 " • 111lizalai7 Statlaa-2 bbla astbon oil, Shull., Boa • co; 140 bolls taw, J Ohdde • or, cams tobacco, I oba wool,/ 11 Orem: aka oats, Ozone• Komodo; 2 bole arm 11-21Cliala; Ido do, 0 r Bauman; 3 bdls bp, 1 ear floor DOI', s T Kranody * Oro; 10 do aobeams, • Ambit% LSO aka ostaadopste &Knox; 10 etocko Ma rge,' trx rirp, J. Oda; /36 oka Watt,J Yorgllrn 7bWe am abs. butter. Wiley • Weimar; bblierp, W • •. - Oanoa; Sotto lasbot, Phelps, Perk • es; lap kit norkstleg, owners. - , Wilma nary Mem nary Inawatt Mauls tit Ma it A Mearight nary .11 Brar Wa 181•1:71" • Otatoomito Jti Prrarsoisor Sartso/i, July 21-- 1 bblsOpts, S &now 320 6p milli toad, Yosigtly /Loped Wimp. Jo A gstasr, 1 hbdtobseco, Way- Mirk Soup= mks mill hod, Maps= A Knox; lit toraltunP, B,S Dolor, 43 bbls Moors, // Robison • as 1 Eck tallow, 11 goteblosoay 06 On chross, 1. WO id sksastA, Eltsboork, geOremory or 42 slur *vol. B Hannah t or 111 rolls lather, X go: I iia_v;44 Iwo dudes& Dalsoil do; ndo do, Yea. I r m " 11° dh. lll W Ikulan: 4 odo dq, an do do, J srsubiA bolt bbls Ash, 21 /1 d i o= 171 Was, Vasa dt I.lftssloo. Una A 8 • 8441114 A 43 Ilbwaster• Ass 0 .1. • Charlatte Abliris SAG 1:11 WAWA 1 Itilbragen Mat likott IQ V shalio . tWis 5P 4444 ww Straw Paul Staley Pauline Stophaer 3114448 M li AI W D etweArt Vebt 7 14°21 ; 4.1-t r. Tuna, A I' Joha Tooart Thiariby Mrs X-. 'wirtr :1100igt. §aIIOPHERD'I3 OWN Mir:4 Sh eep AJ Their Bleak Itsaigutimiiand MMUS: Ay WILIAM lautt. •To arsaatil risaarlut on thel34o,l eal 4 KAaliemlat et AbArpis unitad Iliates;vllA TO*. a TO. Mao Ltd. iur A Ma& Wood air." Tau Bkkal • VOLIMOOII 11:1lueh poor uifFkoisLittostgUisx, Fun .I..l•63:—Optiabsucsi ii•igt rest °mom In the tislied; elates, with , thio mimeo of Ihslout Miami With In itBpiedhe • tontitivishAbi tato' of Twain emit•lo.-ths mew Pon °fad HIII. and other 11.1e01 , .aut. InAmostlia; Ilkai 1480.. - y 7, .• KAY 800. aa Wood . Wahr Isle WIIWd ji Wkkline Mrs r Wonsan itra Who Ihmory Whmalar lewd , f Ward Mho Boum W Whi oraohn leedrm 7sBK I WlUhrearlmo W • rabiDikkil) JAL IN , AND IliiillUAL Whattan's Orloilasl Law. 4 vilol. , .- Whattos a Stlllol/11144141 Jarbpngenos. Hosekis Law Ilfationwly. I solo . . - • Pingslizillow os sad BM& Int& . Ps , eque,Dastraals... J10t015.,:.-. , • ' • Prato.: Xiiresstlis Lew. 2 ' Dulaii , 4 Vora Fortes. ' flan% Jastios. klbskswood's Sisellugoss:sl4ls., ' • m calOsaleiSsks as shisses; :, Wsods' Practise of Bledlaist;211 , 0111' • ' W. " T n o timanytr. o ../TP 4.9. 1 ! _ ilratkres AVM aft lb •. • , 1) lanif• 1 T1C .2 106.,' listiiiitliptiblialisS. ' I ChM eye in of liastryd i s Tsp. I/ 's Bustin Asiitiiii: V MEW I:o2etlaisSi. la's Moroi P.SystelOgs. ' • - lal. .-01* *:.;.L. 4 l . 1 .. ~' 170 ., 66.1. 0 4 4 /VW. . Wagoner J Wilbater B. jr Wainer Woe walim Wm t Whpobsid Wm . LA OTUBL.I. ATIONEL 1111 ) my batten reSiskOs. lij mac.' ' • old* Ikelisilitioll ta Ulm tlimsot Cada. ea thallaistarrof esetJen World. tik•Otaggso WWII Isumilsed..l giciralawvl t utaleaTeMly Ism Le Um U.S. Bosatii., .. . vial& wig tAtrarirs Elstory, Thser, 1144Iclut aci. AWL 1+1..4..8. L. MMEO* Tessa 'Ll x tiv iisatiz Alla hakdis sobaw '''BU4l. l T4 ~.' - anal ow* sag - , .'.- , , ~ •,, . : jas I , W. P. HAIL. SI Wodi rev. li ll l6o4 lll 7.l, 4 ll eP ha ii . ' -0kk7 16 4 0 :W. i r Wei l lirbost tot I da% IL .C.LLI .# I . , i.S ,o alma i , -ea ausaa,t;ls..2 .-J ";,g,,;Ar. -PC.4."9 - PROPOSALS. Iheron.Qtrhs GirizaL's Oman, pittaburgh. pa., ,Ittly 2Sth,lBE2l. 2.000 oi.y4Ry HORSES. Seated Propo will be received at this olio* nutti 12 o'clock or., the ler MTV/ AUGUST. 1861. for fondshing and delivery at Pittsburgh, Pa. of TWO THOUSAND CANALS'S' 11011AS13 , is loaltom ens to Ile, larludve ea le pet forth against each lot. Hans ore erschrde:l. flees bones most be from Ave to alert years old, .from Afton to album bands high, well brollen to Us saddle, actin sad of geed form. andorder perfectly stand nee, respect;'elao . good lot 7 l No 1-Three Hundred, and lf fty Hones on or before th- 7111 dare twat 12 Lot No 2—Three Hundred And fty Horses on or berm. the 12th day . af Aug-et, 1 ef. Lot Na s—Thrie Hundred And Petty' Muses on or -before the lttla day of *nut, 180. .Lot No 4—Three Hundred and Nifty Horse. en or before thi 20th day of egret; ISO. Lo . tNo s—TbrrestHundred , Hortes on or before the ... NMSMiit!MPM YB h du of Aupst,llo. Ms most hi msr Plucks for Cushy Hones," and addressed:to 74. GaL Cum, 1 spiny Quartermaster fisearel x lk A:. Pittsburgh. Pa.. sod marked lad& Lot No, one or two as the bid may can ter. II the blidor threads to btd for more thin as. Id, It must be equate, ud marked se dot d deftly. Jutpotticos. All horses contesotod los under ibis sdierlisoment will to subjected to Ilsid InspecUon and tibias they conform to the spiwitlaition set loth in this publication, will be rtto=L The ability of the bidder to fulfil the contract, should it be awarded to him, must be guarantied by two responsifiepersost, whose signatures must to op. pendsd to the guarantee. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the offloialcutideate of the Ole& of the marat District Court, or the United States District Atka , my. Bidden meat be pliant in person when the bids are opened, or their propoode will not be con eldired. Bond equal to amend to half the sum tO b. remind on the contract, signed by the contractor and both of his &wanton, will be nquind of the succasitd bidder, upon signing she contract. Al the bond mast sccospeny the contract, It will be neces• eery for the bidders to tan their brindauen with them, or to hare bonds signed In autidpatiou and ready to be produced whowthe contract is POMO of Nannies. We, of the county of --, end agate of end , the cconty of--, and State of do hereby guarantee that Ls We to fulfill a OD tract in accordance with the. terms of his propel. tics, and that, should hie proposition be wonted. lie will at come enter iota a centred. la exordium therewith. Shedd the contract be awarded him we ere prepared to become his anstritles. To this guarantee mast be appended the official certificate awn mentionaL Proposals from dlaloyal peaks will sot be amid• seed, nod en oath of elleeenos will be required of motoessinl bidders before signing contract. The andssedgned Mums to himself the right to reject may or all bids that homey deem too high. Payment to be madrapon the mtnyletion of the contract, sr so soon thereafter se the undersigned shell be in funds. 0. OBONia jytS:td LlOlO.OOl. lid 1). Q. Y. Glettontl /'OR ILL LIL FOR kiALE,A convenient two-story brkk dwelling house, with beet building, No. legion street, Pittsburgh. so, lone, oremadeut sad weiLlinished thee story brick dwelling Mum with beak buildhss. No. 21 aro street, between Rind and Second WNW Also, a twowtory brick dwelling bongo, with back buildings, 80. 511 Second street, near Bose. All the above are In good order, and impplied teeth gas Ind inter. • Aluy • one story frame cottage dwelling, Ito. 314 Second street, and the twowtory frame dwelling ad. Joinibg. Both of them home are in good order, and suitable far men tomalley. Al • lot cf grownl the northeestwardl side of Pi so, nt strut. between on At and Try streets , new Bess street. !Ladoga front of 14 feet on first street. and intending hack CO feet. The above property is situated In a desirable part of the city. Igor terms Weals and gatticolue Inquire of WM. W. TllOlleON, 'lief No, log Plith etrest. VALUABLE PENN STREET PROP MIT YOB aLIL—Two Leta, U feet 0 in. front by 110 lest dsejto an alley, with • tarp double hove between Hancock and Maud street. A dol. cable loestton tsr • Payables or Dentist. Also, some Sae belidlng sites for prints residences near Nlarisrille, Dem X, to 1 .are tech. Also, • loop Leather of betiding lots, of various rives, el tram 35 to 50 feet fircutiby 100 to 150 feet deep, situated at the bombs of t h e Wylie fittest hunger Railway. Aml,y to the undiondgnel,Niscutors of the estate of &Phi Herion„ deed. W. A. HARBON, JOHN D. HEREON, jrirb.lca Le. /11111110 N. ARMSTRONG COUNTY FARM FOR aux —lOO norm of Ilan farnang land, he high date of onlaralkrn; 110 acres cleared, BO acres goal thabar, TO woe la clover, the whole wader Mum harp bowed log hour, weathar•boarded• cabin ham; two orchards of Due quality of graftad trait of many thrlethe, (batatheA4o) and 600 hull. Mew); water La nearly ovary dad. This um In altware 4 canes from Station, ou lb. Alla- Valthy Sallroad, mad Ithe oath distance from the' lionhweetarn Rallied, and b one of the bat grain sad Oath farms th the cowntry. • Two public roods pals through lbs lace. Clan be bought low action easy tarns. Apply to • thal B. 11061,119 00.,101i Tour* at. pOR SALB.—Oni =parlor lioond• A: band CITLINDIIII IitIYILKR, 30 bathos by 10 Opbong, all portoot._ Oito topostor now 80/111/4111 Itobis Watoottr, 8 bet baag, 33 took Tiro ItlfiDammia 1111.8813, for Itiozooo4 pinspi tootolota, Genesi wry owl wooll-bead EffIA.K . from LS tub dismitet down to 6 tool. will b. told low Ibr cub. - MUNI II; BOW WSW OD the allsotheay rtttt. oat. Polar Ant,. MANCHESTER PROPERTY FOR MA w4/I.—• two story fonts. dwelling Lowe of a • rooms,with .atablit. &o. Two lots at ground ischtn flott frost at lition atria.-by 140 fan la* . on Mathis stmt, to an allay. Pilo. PO& Tanta, half In hand and baton* to nye yearly payments. uu & 013TRBSZT •BON& 51.14att0 et. • FOR SALE —A convenient and well- Cabbed TWO•BTOET HEIOE 00b51, with 7 . room flood do coat. tad hidnat water, with • ham stable back. ' Lot 20:110 or h lotaioillo cs Lomat saw% Itaacbaster ow - Ihrisalvt sca nty Lupin at THIS O D I C % cc to HUEY It. Itithniti. Locos& matt. Igsaohtatw. Watt rLBT—A. new BainkHonne in &A iat•rty. rum room. mama manumi t sad maim audio laltbla a by minutes "mat me Italia and atm4 Omm Nommotioa Etna liampidl "'AT. _ _ _ . . tr - 1 rl3O LET—A Cottage s, with fin rooms, J. Mem tom. Railroad &maim. at limiskiervills. Pommies' givam Immedlat_l4.„ Avid, m preatim. kit J. L. EIitEJIATINGSINNTITIITION, No, 11011hrtmtuat hum topgiadte th. °vistas: Celialend by the Leeslettaw Pru'ddaat—JAMl!l PARK,d ■ Wu. B. Ranh, JOIM If. JszuolDp. now D. Monlat o Trancim &nem Hoary Lloyd. • B. I. Rudd, . 'A. litallnensaa, Job I:odes, l sa3b Iltockratb, A. Findlay, Allred Black. .Tll l / 7 11:11 I Josiah King, 0. Bug, 0. H. Wald, A. Ball, Jra. Dilworth, •IL D. Cochran, 8.8. Yowler, W. A. Bad, We. Bmith, . • J. W. Wrodirsll, IL 0. &haw* 43. B. 7onss, Y. Babe O.W. BJekstson , B. T. Jones, • J.11..11.6aa, B. H. Hartman, W. H. Nadas, IL IL Long; IL J. Anderson, O.H. Barron, Jaa. W. Baxtar, D. D. 110/Jalaw, W. /Imam. Brarelazy and "Avasarar—H.ll. %11CLIT. Opus dab'. Amu 9a. =An NAL AlsO,'ltiaidim and Ilatarday svanhins, from 6to o'cloolt. D•pwata twaltsd of OM DUO and aphid& ,Dirldsside declared fa Dwanibarand d. Joao cif oath Yoirldeal' "Solid to rentals art palm s• rho ratmalt oil Oa depositor ea pitortPll. sod • bear tutor. , thna aoapmadlag It. ' Books eoatalattag Qaramr, By:Lativ, ito., tarnished 111P - Titio loatttatioriatrata aiiportoily to thole per. idiom earattop Ire einall, the oppottonity to earaintilate, by . anal depodtt. way wed. a as oath* ortll be a mourn whoa medal, their molter mortally bolus bat hearing to tem% liatesd at Ttitulhilaitiopriattiothra. lorithlroloaseit . . nIESOLUTIONoi-Tbet INFPartnership hustolherWing mules , the mum sad at U 013110; I'OBD JO:kr, In sk. Whin Hatillo.ll, I, nib 1117 - dhlOiVed Waal' mum% IN - J. - YOUNG hubs 4117usud.of bb laUtrest la saki Cr.:o • Z. J. lOU RD. S% J. 14011 ANS. ~ Baldwin Yu., Allegbiny Co., JulylB. l te 3. CO -PARTNERSHIP NOTIOIL—The guada•ignms lasing Ibis dasatored Lao a 00.. Portocrohlo, tinder Cho oesco'ssa 01714' 'of W.. J. 10BD • OD., ,Ilo e 'Du porSorro rion744.onAlho wiling Doilneso. ha all its moths! brooches, NMI; &NW" of the publlepotrassso. . • JOHN.JI . 1411.1vbe To.; initially IBM: • 200f,1.vr• w= o "Esal; pcw Gown /11z n boni, In Ma n oia obs, Cli =d, intim% Tor solo at km Woo, by • WIIBB i WrIXINSOL hY • " SIT Li , stmt. • N 'AIRULLIULUi• `IUNti• - • • U The bad that to ataha ,Oolk.aa4. gumbo.. Ware tairetaohagiblosorbore GUM/lielld so dill sialawEs...-10T aYe st QM IWu Illibbor Depot Of J. lc L PEILILLIYA, • ""' woo:18 todllifit.elair 'MAW: QUOAti ' - 'I3U/114) DAUM - bliaB G. imastr;:: TOlllllllllal_ r, Na.l2 Tenth drat. war Tabarliy. m A ar ,---- Nr.l l : .. LSD .4/ t..416111,4:tti t m on ~, Vat*. Denny WI —id Mak. k. ..:. ' • ilimessia' aid gisew silt at Wadi* 4 111 ' ' 1 44 . ~ ', .} .4 , IIIO4IIIUILIEn ..• ... _. , ... .. - ..., - . _ n .7.tiia`, -tit 4 i) (kire A FREW SUPPLY HII/PIERSY'S HOMEOPATHIC RICHIEDINS, TOIL THZ. PROP.MIL ran 07 SP 701110 BMW= Ho. I—Far From Cloogration imonniamoistkor. No. 2—Yor Worm Form Worm Oatic*Yiattag Ha id. E—Tor onna o z Tootialos d ROA* No. 4-401 Db 0 4 I ddi Omura Idiot= ma Sam! nor Ocasiplatata.' - ito:6—lfur OpIto; Chißtop, Ryin . trry or Blo n odi No. C.;.For 00oloro,•4:201ora Narbook, Tomltti&r* No. 7—Y or Oordm, Vol= Bon 'Throat. No. 6-For Tooth•ooky _alata No. lllror WOOdiclo,. vmv ir : * Nat , NW No. 10- 4 %kloLliheifilk % aad OONOkEld: : No.ll —yor ii:rqpillWarNeroodYr MIN! NiValWrlanar.3l•4l,l4iii'ltaiiiodaitis ._HaNot Oroop, Nowa Cboih, Nod NroiMN& 4111 Aims I ce lirplpoloo,'Near Na. • Pato—For Pith. Lows= or Borsitoosio'tkir ObatiNook, Lobo or limb& - 1141NaboalSolio, Involuntary Disoloirj* sad Norioolliobillty. - - No. NI--Oiro 'Xcattlh'or Goalie of adults Wadi. . . _ , . No. 5110-rlnary Inantlionoo. Wetting Ns* Nod Na. 111-Polofol Perkodialuswe o broom: ' • ft. ISS-floNwing .ist'obstgl of MO, Shahoo, ' No. set-Nollosoyamot Boom. Moroi, Ne. - TUI. ,f...." Liar Poor on4.4co . h,CliallNiminDomb - Apo. , .P Ktmaaa -Nor Piles, B d o pa ' Aior r meeaiiii, ri'its:lua us tin ii. * - . OL-Tor dare, Wearer - Mom' IJN add Afelfddi WeekorSlanadadht. •• • - o—lar Ostarrh. of brag A da [ or meat, Whet 11th otatractkat prribee'diseharpo, W. o.—rer Int=ifMaberintliarieleati. For MM.. or Pildets *Dffloilt, Wed BradtbMikistio•Olod id* aroap sad 1:qoado. ration.- Price, DU oats pa bac. • lac Mir Disaririst awl DesaiDisduurvie flux the War, the malt ot darted rem Kr** or Nee. endria. tal Walks to the Head. Hardin= of Bra , fdd add BILMIa the Wen, and Zar-Aebe. Prim. SO mote per per tolerped , Iriarged arid In. d om Paton of E oraidad berellio. Gilaads mad Oldd to Ilkare, borota., tats per bar. For Oaterri Driatm.—Ph Minor Weak. nem, either the malt' Of Ismailvs fdedb canon er 11Mhsoettog . Trisdhatria: - Ifilo% 60. 0 , 10 Par DrMait.—iriataAmagaimum, 'Tumid Oren. thr.rwith aunt, Mimalitme... Price. ida.pat bac. dia diriareiDestilp Wetly. Pea. am, Vatalttog, and Blekated from meets*. Prim, Id mom per box. For Dreamy Mramor..-Per Chaim% Mean, Patafollttlaattoa.Dleteneettle Mane" lirlee,4o mate per box. ' For ibmatal Embeimm.—lwrobtotary Dieohorgeo and Omarqueut Pradastkeiaad UNIV. The mot toixemfol sad egoista remedy .katontotad may be relied nom a a owe. Trio., per box. JOHli- IL - FULTOI. Nor. 67 AND 69 Fan Beim" . prrrsimian Sole Asset for the Miriam Ootintry. 5807. r. WHEELER k WILSON'S zsy MGM:BT- maxima, 0111,01:11.4B HOOK SEWING MACHINE. wonare rAiB,7Ainol INDIIBTRIAL =MAME. R With nbiabLUsprqvilainti. Tb. only Saabin• In Um Wallaag Gibs OnOsi Pram, Bun= and Omni% laptowl Biwa. Ream one is topeetrally UMW Waal . SII;OUr olltmead ale the Mathlass ta opeeetit4 . lalr'Ait Madams Wirlvinidlie ova pears, Wawa fix a Ceatalaa, •"'•• TM simiNkia .14 .wiazdaidi Woutarr woB RENT—Thathr4lilio,3;lCHlL 111•111180118 Z, No. Itimot *Wept. twooliass It r WAtar ; t: • • Piallial a'to JOG r iL WOOD II 1114 siehtt. earsige Ikt sall,W6otlidmres.::' ITV LET...ono;Two or ThriolUoiii la the third dr Skink otwiliot Amite kW. iwiratitwiwiwii, wish wr withowi piowitt,... Jaws% cis the preeriop. , • . • Vita luorr--The thiajArkli webs vow om amnia valet Clittrlanst Ivor • jGABDINKR .ranisaarna are Mum= la. mums "Otorixpl, lareolatlindelrood Sat Ur r JUN .1“Nom , ;0.415415W' ra.• anialaMuipsidsh ' • QAM.II/44,1121a,:ilataatutszUn;saiti Otaisi t ilamerlltidtitia,4llltlit , ht. GOlALlONittionealWantogi _az losnuica ONO* ottost., ta. il4l* • • fa mum • 40INT AZEOL — VV . • • ..o.wartidaAmsadmit*lcithri • ••• • ,•"P. SkitmsisistlrythelSrail liarabi"if &de lindiVenen= lt r s , aia, 4 oo o7eiril isoraol T.: • Thkre '.to so 0104wito lb. artkiwor thi Oomalltutlow, t!efOolo**Nos. Nos touroolollows: , • _ Biartor".. W,hrnsowSniot .11‘saliffwiatralWria of Oda Coauscpswadth,shaabs la a lotial NOM. rr ionic,, ander • ressidtlort fro m. Pnirldrat of. the United BMWs, or by the osthorfly. of this Ow. ascoorsaltb. snob aboloM may cum* the right ot manly Is all - alsothms by QC altiimul; mass lack regulstiorue of an nun sliiPsfakesa l ay kw. • hholy U they was pt . et their mo tat _plow of *Koh= . , Mire dull be two addlitniiit Mott** to UM arr. • onth amble* lb. Calumniation. W I***goshol maims sight and fits", is Mogi; _ • "Banos s. No bflt shall swirsdiAtAitolfulo, tan, 000tolalit more *Mr ems "DK widot still. to Moody srpromid the fiderdir*. Settee 9. No till shill be isoidbithi ol tdsta• tore wmalift renown% or greblisgrAta i whom the wholly to grind _ant Serum or prlra mow. Mrs Moo. of =7 M'aaM td?•afoi IV= UM omits of this Ocomaconnalth. • • _ • • JOHN 01119tid. ' Opmdroi of N ► u Moms of _ • • JORII .111 Lookiwoith. 141441.11 osnoLor Busman big • Normhbor"...roly - PENNSYLVANIA ' IL no& do homby oeotil that thallaragolsg soon* h a fall, hut and wont of the oat JoistBsntUoaofthosiossill Old "Aloha Nasolutloi propoifist amfala • ants to es Giastltollk WI 'as thlr•MistymOwaisr lls cam "" •' is Sumo* wlmsof I ham hermit° at my hank. ;sad coast tbs sal' cif •llMlMorstmer oil: 9 plot rdatort, the day and pow:pots &cowda llocrotary of Om Chsosier ;r4- " rI S OAIII, *DD .ROOD ";' ' • WROLZIPALP 01:1kgrAM - Phi.R WOOLIMELL n ista ainditstrst,eisompiumismiiiii DRAI/TePorsons Wll6 al* drsh; -townnto ma auseillaa lauds d fa th•Ooattpaia ma editor* S. Mc' or Vila letdi to be to the' of, MIN Ana satiosuad ;Wand* to prows a to taro*. pikeisawaniii•4lllo Oak advadmatoodiamallidrida *Ma, • IF • 11; No. 197 LW* mast, war iLiodykiw, VITA liWUß.494blag Salsa 11111,•110, ibmik lasaaer ell Ott7, lamb lar • ' Ant - • wlt s wow C. ,' s . r do Iludion. tt antra at ' WO J 1.110 . Ifa=at Bapitillat TworwsWaa Mach be plla and Oanal Dom; at, Alliance with Pittsburgh, rare Wilyn• aat Oldoarcr Widlroad;at 211,0111 with Athuttk and Gnat %Mrs UMW, inn Warm.Corrn Jamwtown sad ealtlllinaN at Haim with elm. land, Zikasnla and Canahulail Hatintad far,Akroa lhtrabon India and Willardstg, rad at writ= wl O.A LE. -B. far I:4lo,Thiairk awl,Raltdo with G. LT. rt. B. for Sandi*, Toladoiand also with Mum! far Dstralt t . _ watlaGlDa AccocanmaatkM leaves at azo p. m. Betaiming traineardre at P.lO MO and 406 p. as d 410 .m. . • pg=li TIMM. to all prom/aunt to oui to at the Libeety_ Blast Depot, tittskace Mid at h; 011031111 .191/11.126 'ticket Miami Allecimay 0111., - 41. Q. CIAMILBriIItt, Tforet tor tot* inanMsfig w v. ABT, Agent, Al um OnapanyliOlim in rrelklit Station, Pima et. • -• • 211111111111111' mattearintllDAT • - SOM. -111111115111 T I: art - r1 AUTrIf-TUISIL: _ *- •'‘ '• The TEROVOL.AGOOKIXODATI" tuevealke Paiiieavir tliitlas .daft, (nowt Madden) se 41.14 ar.i . 4opiktz u sitall boweeek PitU. burgh sad Prdiadei sod waking direct come. tion Ow New -Tart Pelladelpidd. - • -ThliOtion YAM .=llilX ' berm tba !sr !Mir Shake mrl•e_l l 4llbilt, (esoept Muslim) Al Lao a. w. stoprang only at peAKipsi etieUms sad stain &reel oinneeddet 'at l3 abrbibutbe Eel* us and Waildiegtea, and Ibir-Newl'ark 61 4 1 iptoue8 ximiliivisant um' asap as • . laso p.mi, dapping Meat - aosaaotioa lit"thin tat daltlamas lu a lit salts - law Tort; ata Alin laid' ' • !lid 1' Lassa ids Italian fatly • (amp saidat ab6 Ilaaday4 . , tal6 - p, al, .stapplag alpolostpaL. alatiaaa. lboatiaddlig fid distaillta kW 74/Mall eso Wiatintazi sad at Phdadaddlalct NNW Taft. -: J 40: 1 00=01:9 0 tiOld . TEM& ' ' - .:2111 . tiaaataitaaa 'Aiwa awn ditty, ,-; - KtosiCial= ais P. 1 14 giVittak - at a 4 dating .rttat Tads be Wallkill= lad* , Patel_ , -Tula. lot litait's Maths faimlaikanylatcaptealdry) atlloo 0 . .11. . . Thlrdvias z -"Ymf ' Ibt 'Van • nab , lam deny }JUDO pi. ta: • - • RCM; .itop6ana ;Taft tor .wier two -- IMO: 0 7tasyt - )3) at 1410 p. m. - , - Tittat - Vaitt - Talfill'adtatioa'riaitia• day OS IL' 11411:1401120W Islasii ' l'ltfail ',FA at ,Ttalaa antes .ta Bittitarla aaiodive a ttallikama; 21d/Wpatair -Mntatkii.l3l.,lda= % -i . 7 . ;. - 4 ..121x1 0a, - a 11K6 a. • Pollfida Wall% etatlit'elttal -1.16 .. my Sam; Wairs Waft %•Aielintliio4llool7 tad.. m.; 31;rd Wall'aOtatka.,,Loaanasodattra 1.40 p. ta.; Routh Wall's )stalles . ittowdatkaa. • 11:06 p. Ea:- 'Balthasar /txpradivtit arrive Pith MI. aditptda Ewan at Wit p. a., tot Moadaya: - _ .I:talas jim ran and thalami ammo a g main .. 191111 , Ifitaneabil With , Throtah docasuoudatioa. tokutawa dataaamadatakaad Itapraa Tanta Sot, =Baltimore byte. ta Johaztoara dmetna• baba Ibr ltbasOam oatamot ia at tititalt with Jx.• = a o luutflall McaN'W . d.sactiittti Thrice; . mm sat Rapine Tema Int: - • ' Tht=vin ur 14:4 1 t lllll r talaatr ,; lHtaaytt al. a e .lanecia.. al ttia*taCadt ll 4::_. ' dam . traa tab; . 3. l re %DI ptaplasakif izit, Usual to ad gm' ~ . • .To Now Taft..:.«.,41.11 SO Totionlive" . ' I ' '' 00 T ~,aridiadlotAto-..e../0112 , .' `. -... '• AO ,1=TATA . 70.471 , af ilinno. , ,.: -, , ..... Aid ld'alK VIM nthloli;J:SittiliCts ati Mow TEdis.+.' L: , ~,., .L- • , =,....-.. , . . 4Ell ,l 44;abidnpvca‘u , ispiiiio:inii. Ai at it: ZNP, 0 =4 1,2 11 Sc. Gnaw Ananticay Si whin taiklocdpin:xicatifr-A NIFR-44447.1 1R0T14314-ii , taw tflosaitiorCoeitet kVA' it slisaloppoiNo4mr. pwso • ir , poly, ogot kr RI aolAmz Intik : I,c: t 11. Y: 11. jitfakkaajma 04.!-Danit t, r . illa .y- - iika,••lol2p 4 4_to.oxixtfrpoi tßs poi, at or *Wow ma vt 'mown tint& fir WS" Mow oadliggebt.% , NOP ticketi..vortf , ---- - - JOITEIN.aIiTi leers .• : at: Lk* ~Pgr...uptc-sla Qes.Orgi".. , Pc.V.Ntl, t• amigos ' 151101.11. .1 /Abl:kli , ..l Oisr4 , - . . 12 W ,. D_O T LIALB tilAMcil3_ :•1431.K, ;;5'1t*,.,641 . , .:. agar drag frorn-groto'doniqulro on Wohundu And 81991119 7Inintri arld So Noimber Int; Oran 1 to 9.0' od4,llorn Noranbor Ist So , .tiodred cd rill. ism rat la than Ono , Doßnriond Ili dividendOlthignintoanburdtwier a goo, bi Jaw ondaDronnlorr • Talmoilina Wade. 'lord oWitanoilly In Jaao,andi Doonober r otnor , . ino Mir& Ind Mad Woof dx plc ant; . . ,Cersdil II oz- drinnt ont;11 tattier:oda ‘Ol4llO dipcattor or primer*. beorr.thsinaro no. lonia from tho flatdayabi Julio oirlDocembor r conr• - , poondlan Moo a grOrniehoit treed:din/Ob. depot. - ' nor to oal.orrionoto moot birigarobook. AMY •;- ' mg wet lot,W An Ison thannestorgoom - . ~.. rho Clnartar r :Brawn. &LW t 1 54 0. 11r1 0 6 . OA aPPU * PORn, swap , iiilaliTh4llßEGl ALBEMS. -- : e ....'. . ... . , . _ „ ... ... . , . I 44611.1(priadaa, ' baiialL, Paincia. ; obaiiii• 11=IL Isz s t 2 . : Jahallanban, ... z F.,...., 3. ...1 1 1 1 1 e - -l a m" gt 3 tNiba, , , ~,. ' , DON L."......... , 1. N. Po A.-E!“;,... ; . Jilmas Itittlith — " ' 'BM Blarrirbi, _ ~. , .., - . - ,1, Jap5 . r11,14=4".... - , . Mill= J. Ma • .dimitp; ''''' I _ Peter A. Kaaba, Wailisr.r. Nankai. Jobx Orr, , R•bar Eaf, Harry Jitinglnut„- - t Jams BIM* , John.ll, M , Alaramter lL !hid% Traldrk, Isaac Wllitlei. - r.wmaah, OttristOin " leager... • UHALV4AOLTOIC. • o4lli•liims. • . •JdurCtilbsdle,), • - Giotto Black Y•Aknamo Clarrks, - .-' Cluzial A. °alto% .111111sak,Dc•Ailat. latia ' Pita H. Haskar, •• 414411.11 rd 3 Jahns P.. 14167. " William 8. Lav•l7. :Ilmarraxr A • • • ' • ' - ••••. R 144% - .30 1 W47 1 . - S ' AT4 IIO SII - tartnitair. Iscp.porat . of sh. Legtd;Atii,of resarinhiata. . • ATI% oi D ie l ltnt a )l41 1"2 fut-kihr -4° rOITATE MM. • - ' AnIAMI L CIOILVIaIIarT _ rad OttO/VIABL. itiulmws; lwaucbarsaktioartii, comes. wha au thorn "bon nona or initopgra, unal. ~It able _ tomnarbribillif3to IttbehUlat W•nn1111a0101, Clot , am* 01l ratiabory &often or - Aanonnoss. , ab lia* rLinas at dins. __ La ad no rata _at IDG.IIL OMIT. par an sui. I. raid raa deposit; trblok L Dot dratraf nal M *owl to tka wean WO% dapoidoroi the Int nan at lap i*,thi sadthattsfur boar no - Mae Intunt tan prt= 6 : m ts tip ran t Fgai 7 ‘lll dooklatb rain ileirt Vini F illasloaaa all Illindra ttoofint awl 4 iiikrak - etPitt thC Loath ',llk. luck &Pin in - , Soiks, awallabhig Obartuil3pLaii4o4 : a ao,appilatika as ika OMR •:- --; 1- . , - , • itoki,4-nitAtli vomit- -, ~ I ... ,_'•, e .!1°!,14114"-W• B. WHAYalite:; '.. t #Oll. Tika.„ itarobroi % ;and 1 :4 - VIloortnlar S.,IP I WT - C•: -., , _ CI. Q. litimm., - -,, ~,N - •... .WS at. ;: Z .... ~i,lillieok Rolatori; a. ..., • _ =1,.., . ~.*iica i s tWlPtionik...,l, , . ' . '''' nelltisaiarZA:::AAAiLlii." : ' - 110440 / 13 •iflOdavi. - :41 4fAlitF f om IXTERMIN -1 • FIALILLTS, 3110 E. aostim,.: : BIID woo • 11 170 1 ,110INIVITONIZE07110 eta; 111111BOIS0111 RUMS, 142 1 / 4 1 1 4 - 11010 74"..DIVRIM____oftireum 11;16i=„anvorlidasimAtiono., Dept . B. ,A4r SON *do.,lt. It tine Eaullaia cn rakede Apes; Pitts/n:9p, Pih;, • Zit T-, TING:OII4_ ~, . '• - • 7, ! '. -J;;;I:ii;-i.‘.!" ISO Mat *lstivVialcurtiE i•:- - . 1 .' . - 7. . ...!...*,, • . ES •c , - -et- liaaktiEi___ . — • ' -' - , Slid tow from vihitistnotie ii , n• sals,Er • 2 1 .- . - ' L . : 11E8.14T LAEOst,,.. :::.s. ._ sli sod 7 aWatatatamiC, -, ~..: i -- M 1• . litillakili greinitaw, 11011rshot mid Gold: -A- trk opao4binqh sit; .., vtper,te.'4laritifol 7 ,,,t.......,;,..e„.„....:. ~.., .. „p,....R.,,,.,,,,ii., ~.„, ti 1146/ N. 40114, • r im p t . ... riallitLfM 4 F ll,Bl , l 4 44l4 or l' i r,'';. . °4181 :' ~L F r - - 44R44t1 vii: *l, ' Oft- '," "-. • 744. !., ,
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