The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, July 25, 1863, Image 2

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iIiVMDAY -IWCMiCk ,7= 25.
1 JI-Ciseseititattoa au/ WOOOl/11111011011.
The events of the correct month have
naiad iii , doom of the reboil's* beyond s
Ds radientare. lite blunder of Om Baum
tithiely Puiptintri the' result , for • little
whilL, There li no rebel army . Dow a foot
to resiatillts =reit of our' oosqurind le-
Slone, and ,no material to make another,
seen if the heart of the ' revolt . was hot
plunkeeeist. Even .Northisra sympathy
Which has lathed 'it so bug, can no
longer pleads's,. it with life. The New
Pork occieraiiir has failed—the copper
heads Of Okla;lnd Indiana, .sad Bd%
and Peusylvadis Lave equallydisappoint.
.4 the upectatiohe' of their Southern
ikrttlarliiltotts of Amiga intervention
hive dieolswiy, end _nothingneer remains
for Uth mat tented . but: , imbibition on
ifitedOeints o grace aka indulgeithe s
Pee"" ( I° mmiat 47 MIA proper
,-. . : :Aed here it la pieoliely Bug witoutsh
the points of real difficntity. There ver
wee tiny in remit° the restate of thritkr
itself under any rational management. It
U! but a simple question in economical
Ullithistie, of which the elements - were at
oar Stagers' ends. , But the great problem
of. reopens:don—the terms upon -which
the medics State* shial be permitted to
return -to their allegiance-the extent of
the poinishiseht to be meted out to the an
than of this gigantic crime—the greatest,
perhaps, In human history—these are
problems stick 'will be full of strife and
-difficthltj, and which it will require all the
whitiont of the nation to solve.
The brat ` Obviiiiis measure of reparation
will-be, of; mine, to remove the causes of
the revolt. Theis carom were slavery and
tnelititvidual and social vices and errors
of 'opinion eildith it engenders. Some of
them hue 'distappetthed ahead: In the ex.
primes which thel3outh hes had Ili regaid
to the quality of Northern men. Slavery
remains, and with it a Portion at least of
that_ tarbulant &thither** which it has
made sod - =bud, 'by . arming its hand
against its GeversuientilditielL Apart
of !t=end *large sine—has perished by the
@word which ice* madly- nultrathed. A
part eonspesed of the civil ea well as mit
they leaders of the revolt, and-partionlarly
of those who betrayed their trusts under our
Govenuneat, and abandonel the Snead the
Coleiluation which they were expressly
sworn to defenti-..unst expiate their irre
missible crime upon the gallows, if there
is to tosi lay justice for the Wined or any
example for the - future. Ayers:tics or
mai, at last, should be the doom of the red
line. 'These remand, there will he no diff
iculty with the class which has been Cod
, t' palled to Sett their battles. They are
wescied and uptemeed, and will be glad to
some bask into the arms of $ paternal
rewound Which, u they well know, his
never wronged or injured them. They will
be glad, moreover, to aid it in punishing
the whore ed their 'nautili's, for the stn.
• tatteraliia "wens they - heve inflicted even
'upon themselves. It, was • double crime.
Teen are two accounts to settle, and if our
government is williog to forgive, it is more
than probable that its most deeply injured
- citizens will not.
Pot bow of Slavery itself t In many
plume it has disappeared already, and the
paithdtment of the ;rut cdiender, even by
forfeiture or colifiscathon by the ordinary
prows, would nearly consume the residue.
And here it. is that we apprehend the
greatest difficulty, •It Is_ true that the
Gordian knot of gluey Las bent pertly
cut by the -prodscithtioa. But then we
meet oocasionalliwith;Xigh authorities in
the Itepublieu- party—the lime fortu
nately. 'width reprobated.coercion, and
thought it cis , wiser and better to let the
Cotton States go—which are already main
taining the right to compromise our
tat - shies, - and buy the rebellion off by rei. ',
' Whin that instrument of freedom. - We
desire peace as much as anybody, but not
ea oath terms, and we have greatly de
pleted the enunclitties; under the fear that
a paialinthie desizo on the part of the Pros-
Neat to bring the war toe speedy conolu
iion, might prohably. lead Idin to hearken
to *dila so fatal and so indefensible on
forineple as well as reason. The - whole
case,the I/1 It Illtrikeli: Ete Proclamation
was either Tell& °Outdid. If it wee
valid, as we religiously believe, and as
those very authorities have always claimed
, ~. it to it, emanalpated at CUM every lines
la the • enumerated States, without , condi
tion or- exception, ea it professed sad in
tended to do. If they have oncie hemmed*
. tree, however, the pnidestation is no more
• nicicable than • deed of manumission, or
ouisysses ' with an late:est, and there
at ho no restoration of the original status
*Adieu 'the assertion of a power in this
goverment to maks amass slaw, which is
• more, we ;think,,than nu the Diesels
weal be willing to - aim. Nor is it
heat' a - itio attempt an evasion of the force of ,
this , Objection, by assuming that it is
0,14 b eine where the terms of the Peva
tendon UV, bee* asceptest, that it Nominee
fiiii - ocable. . There is nothing of the sort.
It is without terms or osiditiens of scoop*
. sue; and it would luths been ridlindons to
laseCt them, for the obvious reason that so
kilts se the condition of slavery is rem
rued, tketistan I* no *Wind no Gawp&
. IMO milts pare of the subject of it. Sot
lish lodges, as early.' the Conqueet, would
• have.held a serf enfrenthised even by a
soarers:we' of property Prom his master.
This t eras is "tofu lit lOttottis, , What vivid
they fittest thoughtef • professed abolition
041;04111 aii illitintlatisto of thi iiin
leer th century, who would be ready to re
rote Ilk, *Una 'deed 'of manumission and
mandate *thrall,- as the price of align*
atiniolut piss, with a refractory vassal?
It Would be al honest and more manly to
said se eXiedition to the oast of Africa,
to' uroltheithitioislnnd musclostad bone,
Isibietriroult( be tioitailsod,oitt as the white
roues mesa fromtkiltomrt of *lawless
lud.clapti yoked yebeilicon. , . :
Tremors 1111, the South.
Our recent vicitories have for the present
thoroughly shattered the South. If actively
followed up the rebellion must coon be
crushed. If the enemy have time to re
cuperate, the war will be prolonging. They
will gain new itreng Lb, and the labor and
cost of restoring the Union will be enheno.
ed. The importance of conquering apogee
speedily, renders the reinforcement of oar
army necessary. This reinforiement can
only be had by the execution of the con.
enription law, and the sooner men are pro-
cured under that act the better. The trot
Of having from three to fire hundred thou
sand new men in the field orin camp, would
convey., a egg:ancient moral' lemon to the
rebel. and convince them of the futility of
further resistance.. The power and re
sources of this government and people
would be vindicated before all the world,
and we should have seaucsuce that there
'were energy and spirit and means suit
abundant, to perform the great work we
nave undertaken to execute.
The rebels have ordered a general con
scriptiou, and under We new call to arms,
the men who nave hitherto been exempt by
the procuration of subsututes and crow
other causes, will either be compelled to
enter the held or to offer resistance to the
draft. Foreigners use are not exempt,
and by a legal decision at Richmond and
the act of the marshal at Charleston the
possession of " toreiga papers" duly sworn
to, are-elf no account. Toe rebellion needs
the service of all who are domiciled within
the region claimed by it, and such service
th will Mont i , and leave to the future the
terms and means of adjusting whatever I
wrong it may do.
Its the riots in New York, and disturb
althea elsewhere, the rebels take great con
tort. They call this murder and arson the
legitimate unlit of the ridiculed peace meet
ings. They r.juice at ter spirit which
led Governor S'ymour to le:licit, in advance
the posiponenteut 01 , . the draft, and they
Dail with joy the mistaken announcement
that the government had Tailed before
the mob spirit and had given notice that it
would not execute the conscription law.
They urge that this insures Southern @ed
am, because It will beimptesible for Mr.
Lincoln to raise an army. The New York
mob is greeted as an ally betanse it "saves
the Confederate troops a deal of mustang
and Vain& and does the work that the
rebel troops should otherwise perform. The
Richmond Beiguirer says:
"This one insurrection may be suppress
ed for the moment, but it, will be the pa
rent of Wiwi end still worse coittrulsiens.
We have but to persevere in our determin
ed resistance, gird ourselves to the task of
Winning our independence more sternly
than ever yeti Rule - while, and we shall
see the giant bat hollow bulk of the Yan
kee nation bursting into fragment, and
rushing down into perdition in flames and
Stich is the'comfort these mobs give to
the traitors who aim to destroy the govern
ment. They find so:die co-operators in the
men and journals who counsel the author
ities to defer to the demands of a mob who
palliate the atrosities, and as far ar they
dare, defend the motives, of the rioters.
The Rebels now favor the adoption of
the gurrills plan's' the only means of con
tinuing the war. One month since they
advocated an advance into "the North.
They proudly delisted that they would car
ry the war to the Susquehanna, and hinted
that it might he necessary to drive us over
the St. Liwrence. They dreamid of armed
occupelidu of Philadelphia New- Yore and
Boston, and of dictating terms of peace in
our very seats of power. In lofty disdain
as deeds unworthy of their chivalry, some
of them repudiated the thought of , plunder
and rapine among their enemy. Thus said
the Mobile Ifews:•:—
“Robert B. Lee, whcee name is a eyelet:-
,ym for honor, truth, modesty, dignity, pi
hit that constitutes morales well,
as military grandeur—oserying arson,
rape, murder, destruction and desolation
I among unarmed me t ryed unprotected wo
men and children.' ,// /
"Now, when all nations are rejoici
ng; and honoring Jaakson as • noble and
mighty man of valor fallen, nay, rather
risen to hie titling place amid the hosts of
the Lord God emuipitent, now shall the
atm so long animated by his great soul,
with his holy name fora battle-cry, his
guardian spirit for • guide, that corps to
whom Out taken of defended cities Is bet
as child. playa shall that corps smash mir
rors, tear up librarier, out family por
wilts, break opts drswers, and mat wo
men's garments? Yet This ii retaliation in
kind—.who wishes it—who, who so fallen?
Shall our general, become like unto those
we do detest and despise? Said Wood' in
New York:-"We cannot compare Lincoln
end Butler and Burnside with Davis and
Gee aid Jackson," and thirty thousand of
our enindes applauded. Would you make
is possible to compare them? The , question
is not what do oar foss deserve,. (they de
serve annibilanoo), but what is worthy of
us? 'Because sour has bitten ma mush I
bite the oar ?” ,
The thought 'of successful Invasion las
now passed, sad we And 'netted the re
oefnmeadatiOn • that outposts and extreme
lines be abandoned, and the rebel mope
tion oostitted to the interior: - The Teters
burg lizprr se sayer
"Not only is Mississippi and Louisiana
but every wheriv:else "In the 'Confederacy
our course should beto abandon the nevi.
gable rivers to the enemy and operate upon
interior and narroirer hoes. • • •
. • tag :woods. Oar catioy and purpose should be to draw
• , The"pco➢ ic belle toLe e ke thzieugly the enemy's armies.* far as parible from
the rtsere—get him 'Sway into the interior
III" has be " 2211 of ifiiArmy.of the PAD' where his supplies would ,have to lei Vag
ina sines It pinged batik into the °loud, mod fifty or one hundred miles and belie._
.•° o °Pli • 1 ass We don' knew, We every hour to be - out off by Our guerril-
I bale littleempaitatio nthat v e e ,
y e ' is or detachments, of our cavalry—and
ham m sumo. ee here; If detested in pitched battles, be
""' l nkr . Ikg :mid not step int* hie gunboats and Gins
Wyala a"••• 1 "° 81 1•"•4oan71411 South. Mmeelf from demolition; ha hal
wacd f lia LootUlairihil beet "Rea ,donte." •
orto - bane the o rigi real swat : if Imam treat-
Totitaad : thefr eapttal,
d u c h i n l a whic h 4 4 i srei eatd.there iota navestedstir-ia 'the
- • ails seer where the horrible beeeellec
ben, so long threitening to bury them
selves. With a magnifieent army in the
Potomac, such as could hare marched
one' nearly All Brinpe tindire-Na.icitsom.
Ii Iwo ever been the policy to fight only
when attacked, and after a sweets, instead
of improving it - over a demoralised enemy,
to sit down and allow him to recruit his
broken nnks,.until he is ready to fight
again, when the whole thing has to be done
over, with the mut...results; and so on ad
istflainfre..-ihhough; a war 'conducted in
this way can only, wad with the extermlin-
OM of one or other of the parties.
' We have slender hopes we confess, of
aftyvireattstiecess thi 'the part-"of 'Oetienl
MBA= after What has already occurred.
It he wail afraid to'attack when he held
his enem' at bay; with a rapid river behind
him it i 6 not . i . tely that he will attempt it
whin that en yis upon hit own soil, with
means of reinforcements and and the privi
lege of choosing his position. It is (deer
thatr he never can be attacked with the
same advantages to us, as at Williamsport,
d that the General vrho - would not.risk
.Veii'llte'poesibilit,y of iifilliorelor so areal
e lze, has nol the dash which the °ace,
al requires. 4We doubt, therefore, wheth
er Lu will be even followed to any pur
pose. The newspaper correspondents them
'selves seem toloreshadow it bytheirpulti
plied excuses. We must then pour
souls in patience; must probably watt for
the South Western Armies to finish the
work which does tot seem to have been
destined for the brave men on the Potomac,
who have been at least twice denied that
- ''Vet'a-'44;taWta.40,04:,4
whloli this war has produced, were,inen
bated. - PThe Charleston Courier says:
"Thilall of Charleston involves conse
quent:les which.we shudder to contemplate.
With her captors the whole State_vould
soon be at the mercy of the foe, and the
great canoe _ of Sonthern independence
would be put in fearful jeopardy. Nothing
but a guerrilla warfare for the Southern
and South-western portion of the Confed t
eraoy, it not for its whole,,extent; would
then be left , us;iu manifestation of our un
dying and uneosquerable daterminstion
never to submit to Yankee rule. Let us,
then, resolve to defend our beloved and
time-honored city to the last extremity ."
The Courier then advocates the .last
ditch"` policy and prefers to destroy
Charleston rather than surrender it to tho
"brutal foe," meaning Gilmore. It advises
all nini•contrabande to leave at once, so
that 'when the hour of final despair shall
'come, there will be lees limber to feel the
"fiendish malignity"- of the Yankees.
By way of a faint gleamyf hope, the Cour
ier shows that the refugees can easily re
turn if, and when, thesuemy is beaten off.
There is one more sign of excitement and
weakness In Eleatoels, to be cited. It is
found in the Montgomery Mail, whose lan
guage is atfollows: ' .
"All that we have already dole and
avowed to dcr, all our ourfuture,
call on us, pledge us, compel ue-to read in
all-that has befallen but one lesson—that
we must repair our faults, - reinforce - our
strength where It is weak, redouble our ef
forts; and use all our resources so as - to
present a steep front of resistance to the
base and brutal foe who wages' so persist
ent a war for our destruotion. We have to
remember that by aureole of secession and
our dellances of all coiusequences, we are
simply bduid to make good that secession
or die. We hive toremember that we con
federates have alwayis loudly professed to
wards these Yankees, not hatred,,not defi
ance only, but ineffable scorn and disdain
aleo, and if we suffer our country now to
be subdued by a race we despise so much, it
were better for us we bad never been born.
Those who die in stern resistance will then
be the only fortunate and happy Confeder
ates; and of them will often be said by the
survivors, Torque guaterput beat i 1 The
spirit that elionot live and burn in every
bosom this day, is a haughty disdain oil
life, either for ourselves or those who are
dearest to us, unless that life be crowned
with the wreath of glory and of freedom."
It is unnecessary to multiply proofs.
Toe South is fairly alarmed. It Isleartul
of a speedy subjugation. The North may
make the Unioitoeuse triumph by a hear;
ty response to the call to duty, with moles
the present hour is vocal Give us more
troops; under the draft or by volunteeritig,
and press on the columns to certain vic
the Gammas of Oelo Deserting
V allikadigaula.
The German Democratic organ at Cleve.
land has taken the name of Vallandigham
from its columns and raised that of John
Drough for Governor. The editor say., in
explanation of his course :
As will be noticed by our readers, we
put to-day at the head of our paper the
name of kir. Brough for Governor.
This is no hasty step•, but we hats con
eludid, atter mature consideration and
consultation with many of our Democratic
triends, to lay ands for the present party
differences, and by the utmost of Sur influ
ence to ad to victory the party that advo
cate the suppression of the rebellion.
The disgraceful scenes which a few days
ego occurred In New York city proves that
it requires the nutted efforts of all good
daubs, without regard to party, to sus
tain the public peace lead order, and it is
most certainly the duty of every one who
cares for the welfare of our country to put
aside party considerations and to support
our constitutional government.
The Hopelessness of she Rebel Cause
Tito Washington Saw pahlialsos thofollow
log antraot from a lottoi written by &robot
prisoner, sow in the Old-Capitol, to • hind
in the Booth:
It is a humiliating feet that out of the
men handfed Oontenerates raptured with me
col, three tteadred remelt' talthful to oar
Confederacy, the balsam of awn laving ta
tea the oath of aileglaure to : that detested
Yankee goirerement. Oh I how I hays used
upon those dishonored wretches to pause ere
they inguipited themeetrat in ineeitablentin,
but they answered me, "The Oeuledeussy
cannot gala bar independenos Vioksberg hu
falls, sad why should I leaps waste my
life is a landau undertaking ?"
Ail sumo ts scree thee the federal IRO metal
faros/ et Port Hudson, immediately upon ou
occupation of the place, - fraternised in the
kindest puible author, spperentry forget
ting entirely that th ey b ad ever been arrayed
is hostile colauss. It was precisely thus,
also, at Vioksbarg, at Gettysburg, sad on
every other bid where the DNS KIM bun
brought together In the huh or at the *loge
of eoafliot. Thoth persons who are fond of
(Meting Guth the people of the South and
then of the Nortitean never be thoesoiled or
live together in , peace when the wat is dose
and the sphit of rebellion le destroyed, will
hardly And Infests like these walleye died
oanStmation of their argument.
Tag Daum as Now Yost—Samuel J.
Tildoe,Benstor Morgan, and Jadp Plano
poll are to Washington to ask the Govern.
moat, on bshalf or Gov.Sermour, to suspend
the draft in Mew York City. Tim grammt
apprehension of the Governor is represented
to be that the Irish servant girls will in ease
the law is ex eoutod, turn Ineendlaries 12 a
body, and bum down their mastere homes.
Old as this reason for asking a saspeasion of
tae draft may appals:, it la that most wromi
nenUy put forward.
Tin Taus Paits.—A. won meeting was
held in Cape Elisabeth a Maine, on listardity,
co see if Um town wou ld vow three handled
dollars to emit drafted mast. Wooed at doing
this, the town noted to pay titre* hundred ono
nits dollars to every mast of the qaotadralted
from that town, not exempted ay the Con.
soriptlon aot, who goes to the war himself or
messes $ substitute, bat not a dollar for a
man to NMI at home.
224 d 1011., SOAR hod bees mowed It Neu
Y.rit for the feud of the mimed people •ho
eadodderteg the late anathema.
Arm tr 4/1 rsacrLewrim•rit.
VoTi C.—Th e le:alined h g
£ ptroba , tl llama» ao of not ta bac s.
sadab.d boas ot J. a. MoOljal I w aid 11111011.120.
to MS old owarart and the giallo 64 rooms' to
at. twat: arta, (War _occoplad by J. 11.
tdotana,) WOWS II Id , • .aid •lata .rock of ad
a re' cut abactakera• Loather Tiodiaga, aides,
WA, do ~ out ba toad sua at lowan rag
Y. H. AND/111$05. So la labarty drat.
,g„ LOCH la T most cordially
o.awani sy •Axawar aa I Am of Mkt, halm,
and good ba.laus galled Maui For saw Emus
to o.aa I will ocatioa. to reap: Mr. &Nana.
PON'S coatag 10004 and will tans. Ar d p amino
la latroda.tag Ala to Ay bathos argost *KC d m n. at•Dq
NSW hetetiebtr the
Hour when badly we Pomo' • rept, I,
nW•oblit.. Pod sad beat,; or, Whoa ibis Mast.
*to 1.1/m." Wass with chorus. Igk by Mao.
PAlNter. Mote by B. Weturs Ati hu
11141113 perils It, et theme', 'blob minted MU
rcpt., Ie .• • fully •4••11.0. Ow 0111610 *boom/
bay • Own morbid. Per nrotisset ; both la verde
•.• p.,/ o . the .out to remora: ed. Prlo. Dant..
Pabqs• .1 by cM L Wittaar ; -PhUsifitlyklit - wad 'toe
sabot at •us • Mani Alwo, to pf1a5....1 Am i d
tust old rug the bIIS," bythi . ll4ll6 Naha.
111 , 01111.--0. Trost soon' IA yeas% with inpolibl
refmno. to Os Sillunty 030riloN. By 10 11141111
ll.innond, it buyva wawa D. IS A. 1 To!.
v.. wuli name,' liqtalrestoos fries 58.
•T • 11 0.. Mo. 08 World str.t.
tos B V - - - 411 Analysis and Discus
-141 tin Pubtict away, to to axiom ass.
pursaiCard prusi*l .ptutem. By auks Nano.
1 vol.. IS IN Pow st BS •
r u&ta , drmai, wouts",
11 .* * ** g r. ' _ • '
NAvoiku. OSIQ. vonak sew
s wi ms% ash tom My WM iwk ow.
.rsw_4nrzßTu~~e zJrrs
. Oittamammas 0113111141.1Orrasa
1 1 1atatiaralt; rk. Javy Stit,
2- 00 -o CAVALRY 1100SES.
"LW Plitarala •,111received at tble ea-. atilt
1 2 *Weak m the tat D y ott auauwr. 186.. far
fore lBllll t oat alitylory Pitts% orgh P 6 • 0, / I W . .
TUOVELVID 0 LVALUT Bearrsg, us to Iwo sae
twrets, total., as is set -kris mica oath km.
Kra antit neva bor.. sad be ttom.Bn
to eat' lame at& from Views at atat.a bands
WO, soil bretoo to Oa saddle, sodas sod by good
Am. and patteetly soma to "'sty tweet; oleo to
good taut
Lot 1fo: 14hree Efandted sod witty Norm on or
bolbre th. Ith dor el Anted. 1883.
Lot No. Sl—lftnte ifondred and /I ty Konen on or
beton the 12111 day of Aug It.
Lot ILL ll—lhrs• Hundred and witty Hems on or
be** the 1 rth d•y of Anent, 1883.
Lot So 4-21tte• Iteadnot end fifty Horses on or
before the 20th dry of Angret. 188 3 .
Lot 11.-11ute Ilandtrd HotleiOn et before the
Stith day of A66uat.1863.
Lot So. 6—Thies Hundred Harms On or before the
. day of August.ls6l.
Bids most be merkedPotpies for Canto
RM.." and sddreesad to Lt. Oa. U. Oaou. l entry
Quartermaster General. IL If. A., Pittsburgh. Pa.
sod oaken Guido Lot 80. me or two at the bid
mar alai hr. U ths bidder Intesde to bid for more
slum teas tat, It most be upstate. led media te
.stato Celtiadr..
411 borne contracted pet nda
:hte advertiuntont
'rill' be astdsetedlo afield Inspection, and antes;
MI contorts .to tbe apacidcattca met for* In tbla
pnblicertro, old b rrt erect:
_ '"' '•- - • ' frisresks.
The loamy of the Ulcer to fulfill the contrast,
Amid It be awarded to him, met be gramanteed by
two ragesuele power, whom eignsiune moat to sp.
pendent* the gunnies.
Thai ropmeloility of the gnaranton mutts drown
hy tbe Weida ontinnte of the auk Dimino. tarted
Marin Court, et the United Mates 'Amu.
nay. Bidders ant be present to pun whoa the
bids an or their propels's. Will not he con • 1
ehlefs& Bandeaus% la sosunat to half theme to be
melted on the oontract,elined by the contractor
and bona! Me gurantors wit be required of oh.
ettoroudel bidder, spow taping the attorsot. Am the
bond mut eocaspeny the confiner, it siti be 1100. S.
say for the bidden to hare their bend-as. vette
Mem, or to hare bonds signal in anticliation, sod
ready to be Reedited when the contract le signed.
Pons of Gessateiv
WI. —lot Obeisant, of —, and Maio Of --,
sad of the boaaty of —. and gnu of —• do„
benne permitter Met —la able to laid is on
tract in scandsaa with the tome - of Ms prepaid.
Om, sad that, eltaaid hie proymtlea he arwerna.
be will it one enter Into a outran& to scooresace
tiorrewin. e !maid the arattest be teiterded big/ *e
are mewed to bemoan Ma stmaitore.
To Intl gustastere meat be appended the official
oertificate store op mimed. .
Propesels him eletryat partite will set be coneld
end, and an o,th of minium wilt be regains of
sarcesind biddresbrfas tigelog contract.
Tne underaMt d rocri,e to 111.16 f the right to
ni g] re y art al er i be a:r " m t a tr y e d eo ' . rop m r Io b :N . M.
onotraos. 10 53 mos•thereatrer as t he underregoes
shall be In finds. to. Daunt
) Mrt4 - Lieut. Col. end D. Q et. ne,.erei„
uwahli OUT W bufdandi
Boots, Shoes. Gaitera and. Balmoral",
wr Cloas lad Ist BLB2•1118
Naas' Won Wt *mow OE4 --SI 00
" Ler thou. Indy 1(0
8, • Patast Lostber abo“, ----. I 6
Ilroaia'i Boded Camel. Gams....--. 100
IlosocOa Boolel Boot;only-- 1 CO
Lotto' tlip3 ,1 41 ,1112 .•.------ 69
Bop' suut Tooth s Shots .—...,—. 160 to 1 60
Chtbintio r of elms. oat,
sad other sada to prop:Loa, Os
hrewd de-r f b_
FILL YOUR rklUTOtlliSelllC
(OAT 0111 - DOLLLY ♦ DOZIN,)
1.0111113113 LlfD AOTOB6.
at oat* $1 • dollen. 040 ogal* each,
BOOK. unions: AID maws DIPOT,
111/r • Imp orppil cf PHOTCORAPIIIO
110101 shim am bawl.
LION. WILSON hlO/INDLatitt Judge
of the Milted States Ctralt Ovart,
VOL Pllll "AID BY. guts mem,
• Time lingeot, alcoved cad bat.
Bil l k ls o p si z t ca l= ec k 1 B 2 o a o n= thg a .
use.ll. a dD l, .lumpum‘ suuabod,
ibletenf cmbalf
pion Bliadaite eater
cad mie
I n at any Nan
niNftdo fo conducted by espulsoold
TIMM= cad lesodeer /Looming.% lobo pipers
vt sw krt = mat Ism, tartPr Dena t zt g aa. 4 .
able skunks& Diploma 'nand for wells only
Micas tin aelnreil pregaccoo for gaidantvd this
°Mem by boars Enc.
Prod A. °MUM the beet Noma& at tb•
Gatos. rho tudde els I Avon No. of Ls maim&
saNettb"d orat .
all comptitora, IMMO • liapia Buoinse
Wan , eneasene of Pecuanablc, and Clatelogue
coatebdag fall labrisattoe. teams tillet74.• aim
lo . JGHIINI r Map. Pilacdpabi.
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters,
tklllig Chimp, st
prallitt " ter t lx, o - i ffr k
Lti , m• Ogre He LT/I$ tik soy
*Ming for Liverpool With 01[4100as isoes iia l dir "
Al Mr sage OW WWWW Will leatil WOW dOpiWai.
1.040 won osarsts O se Atm. si mos •
Apps) to ••sa• *wore • Irma; •
'PSII pbla I
Or, 81E1800C1C,114031111111 eke..
halls . • Pries r - h.
MeeetAZLN AOO Olt.
ALL NIA 300111.
00XICIIIIPTI9N MIL thaly a ante:
Cedal 114 of DISNOU IMO"PrNa
Zis /WM tui Litarr. Vat, 6 esau.
INITLIMII stumped on pow saduivalopm .
PanIVIGUAIII ALM:W.4 sqlwi 011"1 " 1".
aid qtaltlac
calms DI nuts
POOlll2 11001[11.
001111110 T BOLIOII,II,
COLD P ais, Imnited the bill tkit ill wait
JOHN.P. HU NT ) 11 1
ing Q,
Masonic H Fi ft h Street.
C. kik U. TA k LOA Wi ll iitioud so prep.&
GUI'S o be y for skibledia, ot kb obey • •
1y14:10. - kin Ts eiR WraMIPP.
Pe POEMS OITHALTB atitibbl b
belboub ob. It malts b lick Ihadiabi,
olicasse of Sae sum* thigibung. sud 911 ma.
plaints add= km - Arne y.
rem., 011 kin all V*10.4 0••• a• - M.
)4011) RENNBr.;4II6k *yoga's
14 Lkold Ifted, - 16e , outs' is • t., sitat's.
deUckno 4. Ikalla i ta nand ad for sa itit BM. II utirs VIAL /MOO MSS, ter.,
re...sno or :41rite
Vsepily jut tostrid out for sibstrip at Oa lad*
NOW 1 4Par ead Sly. Gait
It B.
it,, • .• .•
X'Allr rx Trs w.wc.rrs.
9110 '3
110 0011111101 11=11 101,
The Immense Wes testify to the emits 4 . 4 this
rowdy. • - I
The scuserese dilly reports Of este:Vat's' eery
*Vest 100 value. -
has adaautsps over avY Mar remsdy, at mos
earfog lb* obsess, and hapastisir tole and et:smith
Is sate sad baeadem Sothis Infant, sad sowerthl to
T• the solder, aside'', It hi issa'sable. Meta
stpreprtatsty termed by them. in :easy tattiataial
' The Soldiers' Friend."
Mothers Sod It superior to sty soothing syrup fbr
adidnot tsst t.g l Wiled tram the lelorioue eilee , S 0 1
bABOOTIrS,Iires rat to the eutteeer by removing
oy respectable-desiers 'minutest's.
Sr Pr:oe, 26 ULa iIB A BOTTLL
040119NATI. 0.
AN A LY8113.-
bum% ----Akan.
Pa/4 k,s.. lubs MAO.
Plaint acedVd3he 'Astord br the aliof the
fillilfird'elib O. salad war ft Louis. I -tn.
vtlerthstatteatioa at glass aid tltrl dasaismartre
to tba All JIM WWII: as ...turned •by front
/I... Hay• of Baste% J. O. Booth-et
iibta. which, timetbst tb• tat el solo. eziorl
man by asaabiotitsere la fltiabarah. gine Mood
511..L01116. ordastalari It to se um pare s
mod salable blar nod avows. ohs'-her Wore aa
&saloon torts mass boa It bars stood In the
flats rarosoi from ji to I months.
hs Analyst •Is the Oisy a -tabu from tie
shah witniett any wadding or paipmetles .bat
ter. tt pomasmie mists adb.siseuese sod p 'oddity
Obli 144. able! at sot eh .we by the nattsfa. sad
"luso admit of lb. ediatatare os a lags propmtloi
of dial se bossed clay
1 am boa papered to OB mini far tha abide
Olay, to be stoptad from et hoots or dellsend
so. ni
,as9oss BTESIT,
UMW fitAiLLlNtalsit
011311 N, szowa AID LIGHT OOLO
Kw and *lnuit Patio, jut twitted It Mir
HcFarland l Collins & Co.,
towels tb. Poor Omas u 4 Dimwits Ittninin
%AC irAihas.
By percher' made la the noir depreadve et the
Serra Marker ye ere narrit the awing RS'
era t BIIIBBILB ad IBGSSIBa, azat ars Ms
olhe a amatits saartapat
Cu" Floor 011 Cloths, Mining, &e.,
Witt. vary tarp rideelion la prism. -
- IFTPTSI Wont?.
101 131111111111 HMO.
Ws ars still nabs at ths swim • lest NI%
White, Cheelusd and Fancy Netting.,
In trotty styli sad of • malice guilty.
OLIVER waarrocx a CO.,
MitllllllA2l YIN Ai
Pidaskshig to Oro .llt Yerfa TON Igo Mal rm.
to 7. &ad otbnclaa lb* coral ■ v.bmlthio b 4 1 ,0 of
p m Woes D 0 to b. bend In tt, roam! -ta soi I
boollowl for West lublio Aiwa= in DllllOl4 NI
the SID DAs Of iscrsaisla hair.
Palo po Wire.
lur maps sod astOormis *Wigs
0W... Milk% spot. DitrolL
10 , 11.rei •
. . _
anothor =log of
13 0 0 T El.
iiirOall sad pi a path It
zo. as Loan inure
Lp bylL.un Disarm -4 tuia &what
Lb sent of Vavrento DANA b Upton baud et tb
nunual allbOOO Obto, No. II boob stomp; WA
;bony. Perim poroboolos is tosatidosbo
Wood Do Globromo Aboosa. • • okb•
viill elks 101. 1 % •
Nuf.o6.-411 pos.'s. Luau Anal w tub
Ise ana ot Dra Da Ka It Uld OD 41 r•...
gaoled to lan apse Jae so tl aIaUtAL La DD.
Jr as my aid Um,r.o. nap euvit. abo la amber.
laid to *me tbilasewm d Oa Lae Or • aad to re
Nap/ bid. 10 , a. . P. Da 11111.:_
aims NT 116,11
Ullull.—We J., •14,ular
I.lltd midi so B. r MULL in fu alma actor,
of Ibis Moro fro. • Tbo of to A.M. in Miff%
will be U.SII i 11.11ofTilb3
11011 L a. Mot
Inttaburrb, J • 1 . 14. IVIL
dltiiitse.a ',4/1.1., • C.Lea nab'
ame.thseaospia, esti. PODIA,' Om Sod
100 di a. care Ina.., Antal. Muss. numb Oak,
a. Woes** o saw Wt. • •
for 'West 960. L It mitre' creirrut mato
en my ww. AIM 1..4. • o.eog
AtttJattarTait r ntouirm'i V " rain
rp- finals Oradat boor.
at a inonin.ntib robe. ao I TON ,I 0 • .1 Ir U. 4
otab tO 'tot in otos Dimon ',lvo' !)146 Lni
on tni.r.bnabt imt.i.) on Os, Oa* "ital.
h.lf In hand atm ba.latio in One pomso.n.„,
nit ulTallil -01 gUN. et ahra.t et.
/*ENO?, I lititgtql I
1011 bozo Itisibug 0.040;
160 do 7, .; It. ktooli3ll Owes;
70 0707r , 71 j co;
Jot raiktied watt ie. 67 We .14 ° •mod stvrot
;At ►BAN6 VAN 1018011 It
AP V aultoa'es obttrok— 4 ow* ton,
LA web& (Imbed and Vaindsed • Loa mul
N. 41 *bk.. and w Moe. 1. 0 -r r
Sao by tb. Lunt br al r. 5.11.1,1 th: hmgr ~ o wira
nor. uf JOHN A. Illibm1138W;
VI armor Ltb ty awt h.od einem
11.1uLtariA beutisu —I,tOU putinds
ILJ very Looks 141einiL put mg, •als sNa f.A.
aaoaen 6, r•lua 44464 Lad fur
.10141 L. Ifir.oll/13810; .•
lot. .1* amt 4.n.4
A"asuo,ii unatdio Ka juit , recet.t d
a 1.., mos twos Sham; *arum. be boa:
Auk. n ag , aims *elan. fOr,ftle It)
JON - Übell alsd .and 0n.411.
itt V r eitirer .1 •V it Out. ras just
'us oohed aid to idiom • and n it Lis
/sally iitioory dux, ol _ - - • •
'JOHN & 101151111111 r.
104 Imreor tOwt• 6-4 R... 1 .1.1.06...
L tett habil I 41 -44413444 I
, • EOO bozo riles IL; •
40 do -Cada" Ittakbarii'
la store sad for ads 44
r 414 - lortlft • Orr.wiv•fixr
Upilabifv.—/OU Let prlmd 11.1 y,;
70 ao ao Cms.cs;
' • 70 W
ID Ante sad kr silo or - 004111. 0. DATAILIT.
flat SW!. • wot,„
31lb • 144 0UM11441 ‘114g411
114 beza Raga* Vita
Just robetypil by WllB IhWTratinalf*:
300 ' 211154. 16. -' "
psi WU itlikillawa.SlT Mob al.
oar esiopi.
DMUE Ul!I0013,
M. Burchfield's.
titan:km=l mustaam I
Closing out at Coil;aud MU!!
, Bub% Jut ntonsd from Ohs Nat sigh a dock
otlillW GOODS. In addition to du stoat altosay
on band; f Oration Ind • run anottniont
Statatit:DßlESS GOODS,
a I BP C A.P.,
deLlemr... - 'mates',
Wir • fall wok of DMITWITO AVD 40111116
TAPICIVt. GOODS annum ly oa WM.
ronipt of vim coot% tocts dattai
h. preeeet 4.peerriele he ?lire, anti= oar io Whigs-
ale and retail tra;ut:iii UNE! lAMBI RATIO
TBAN 060 M,, bandage's anodes:Wl o► !MX.
Aloo.—Wo ale cicala' oat, at.!,d■ed prior, oar
roes of atllllttB4Bllllll2ol, 1.111111112
SUB UL U nauttentza GOON, ite., to mat•
room kw our fen Munbasta.
ear anantry M. ragouts .111- Gad outs Inalanal•
siortranao "dna slob an goo • la oar It •
nd 4.- in loan al las an soy beasts that 40 et
. timaaits. eszuri-
U r ilisAt lULII4I.t.iLI Kai 'MI
32:14.1ir Mango
Market Street.
commas. croons)
laa/0/30 ,3Pc•Mtess,
LACE BORN 00-111:
Alt uisa:culd,
Boni now sad Wynne' sqloo.
CAMS eic Ts 11111111INGIN
Emirdiered Essuiterchierg, •
Lace Kitts,
Pan', spa -
gu Vmbrealat,
za an ow:aim& atm
MI Use ot thole tamp HOOP Una'
Jost roorted,.and tit onto olow.toor, h 7
77 AND 79 MARKET BT. .
v. '
AT hb..l)tifUndt YAKIMA I
To aids a oar
BUMMER '131. 1 001Z.
To avoid comtoig one soy pw.ibe of $Ol.
EU procuive bnbwereasidi to •
ReducA /price,' tr# Suck a POW
ig wit ma. it in ottiOigh riforias j• soi.
oar :icd, pair. fon to. 16.11 . 1 4,146 Ulan
Ica. latais WO aka .11 way Itaiipt 911
NEW AN s - 1)11:8111A811 - 000D5
P 7 Maros. In 'all alatmaifs 1•17 "LOA;
PIAPIP.IMP3 mama 104 Mail la car
Northam aid DOILIEN eke bay for Cub
few aims oar yam ail kw - ilia 0x.7 lbptoia boa.
ittrOxiirACituit t CO.,
, Inman:lnm
AN Wow,
imam mama AO caw
DE7'la 0' 3:1 El
TAU, IrABOT a ows. . •
,1411 nimisim drum apadow
CLUISIAG uur cusar,
0011111(111lialtliT AID cmovse,
Tor Wks, &spawn 'EA WO&111,1.•!, -
. _ . . . •
Lamm a anal% '
/48 irk'm vomii.`a Ot•smot.
‘.4 iaxssMO O °
CLAW oid atm, lor F.
171.5 TS Sadoot 06 lot loath • Mims&
,SUIRTING cuacos
it 072111311 OALIOOII/
=mono azww;
1/..krve Wm. 4.0.04 and T.OseirrwS
„Au bIU 111.1+.
H unnunim
- •
WWI Mesons; emir IMT,.
lonamma sad Im a imam*
urn re atm tor r " si " 91.4°114.
ONE WEEK 1.0 . hi:nal
11r1TDAT liVrinNa, ;hal 101 b. vrerriTtir
124 datag de sok.
TM 1111111143T•81111
1 1 1115.1*.i 111 1 11,141=
bTo Its PI li *OT.. •TtirlimigiumAx..
Grio seunimma VIIIII1) - &>a ;
A olzAlrali oI FROiI2LIDEN MICH Jaaall.
id 01.152. 25 INSTIL
• .1.
elt.Tigitei-tem • mama 1-•W•lesal . -
Inv obostb ea •
so •Zaio ass pm •
voil•:okark • =aa=p' sa 7
Ober am, eustal ASA 'Amos& vrtieims. AV AR MAUR. WiAd•lhre. Mk;
W A NTAA.l4 4 a'aiumtia Want 10
Irlne Sines to wiry "ocesty at STO 11800.
=praise pati S to soll, ay nect otootOrolotblloOtas
roe/Wm. Afton.. IL 111$01101,
_ 0t, 0 , • io.o. Nam:
kAtik..!!. a AU— IL kg ,414,1 roottud brat la
T. ' •indar bb.iu het A)
sit 1 Omni aniC
4. - picra,t.A..:; - :.t.if0.4:.. - '',::)-1
r-)QUOES t 3110498. OftllUillil
6.4 oo —f . a 614TDOD&T , 11106111/ EIG, Job My
al. id eCinilk, wul 44 441,1, id Ow 4.1.14444n161 Rail
so a.; 64 .1 40 lira% ' . - • -
~.t ir 'de 31.11Uliellr II Itisimisp - -
rw 6 Of. tat sod Ur, walak/s2 Tobodeds
:;16,44 so Braatiow . . .
Elbow) .wportod worm '• - -.•
. iu do Oti we IL% .
I do 'sato* '- .-
i t
j 21 n Woe e werr.4444-444-14froolis.
ukittwou.'iCKswilit. 'AND.
Li a•Op I 2/Irtrawor No ma;
II SY, it It. &doe. wtb be I Id, at UN, Clawavilt2l
eltlym ,tee. 61 VI tk at/ea; Ilene ViirsttioVeskilky
amawttlig a botronolt, itetwawav ski "Jolty UI
Plc... . -oavia mace's.
VA id/ Y tAT.
' Outlay Ifintaiio: - Zeikel tOeellid), l
r b. era floisormrial kigml Brous. swat
VI *lt Nero, are. lir 10. alimi , s; Warr
DaVisa anuairatiWaifer.' -
pn crrosaspia imoomuk
°omits sins LSD YLEIXIIT ST8I111!,
Trued at 40.1.4 one aidliideceN Jeisois7 ewe.)
PUOTOODAPIIS.Or ~yds! sad ',bi t 0114 or
=book fres the poolaroaWde Tide 814.4104
Llb tbs.
Kr, PllltyLkltelt areaSSOiatilostuts adt
footfall of tha sus Mb mils to *a staftsilf
batty at Me imiabliaimat, nesholl,by • dir
osaweet Make of de a f.
or Pima naosems, sed mailsollklL istirstip'
' I aiSll4 WritlUPT
Ixlo.—D• WI. *biotic., or thoinioneio.
ertkede amid Abe NUN bteirelly *bat' iv' ere NM
Oneetad te 1W LOT UMW .11'128bUT.Inan
tbebteetta• el leietisti. lbate tebelleve beat
etestemble. lee , berated epeeetlett sae OM
WIWI ewe eee We el •
an,. se tbe ego.
rem lee Waite lei bee ism leleitlere
=tee gesig i telf nimm yelliz et
i nt Mob tee
Oemmeeb ear Gamete =med.. AR I Vee
ambles tile services et • seed eadeeibetbrikailet
JUDD; Lima D. Dk:D
ii bdMb.a .,
Wom. , at •••••101.41
kit iulPaL CIA tales UP T
LU ote v.v.:neva la.—Mb. Yob •
Cl. . 0 . 00117 tar tbe tweetroothe of Spa
lean 4
r Pe geese. et Ills tb•
Pa t
Wilma Le St. sad elate lb* Chmeestl%
see • sales a.eee. eat ot, let 8; Merle( beet deo
oy the 0.. L. In bow et 'La oity, soft* lebstaby
Owen so ell paLlea Via are ettllle sueetVet lota
We claim th vise, et It to sail battier tole
lbw mit t. asule tocele eielotelt •
Me ten of the aaderageed, as titi Sollettob
**et it .1 al w be • elle meet.
Jet. IL .tail • ).1.
TPATS it BBVILLA (auxiessonukilifaii,
. lift; Jr.; a 00..) PaMMOLL P 4011.111111% -
Mellergl k sod Iffe 141 Illolsrall street ..
liaise load mad Intll tines - LLD en% -
4101 rill 1114THS,. TAVES 01,01111 4 0N1a
_. LIM INS= ea /ILL PUN -1111:
111141011121. M. - All wadi ommodot! OD WO MID.
IkA Ab•Wou; nu n Iwo/ '.11.11
LU 1011110111101—issi isibtlis4 to sags' la.
aaisa.- Pried ids owls , • Liston as tbs
?UZI, &&&&& IMO -114011 XL 01711111 i
idpormatisillas er-Ssatail Wealussis Issoludia
Ibil•skas Ousel. Debility. ;sad lardladidel•
Swiss* dismally y Illarssuasay
- two gad last lisatsi sad ddrdda In=
melting moos sell•Abssa
iral„ 111.- sambas *I tai ems lags - 4115. , - 0 4
Sam a Tbassed of ilsfirses" SW sail! stilt
I. plats env..kao, Is say sdldria, Yost-psid, as is! .
sass of as as sr tl/0 pAlkap etallipll6lll ge.cra,
I. U. 11411114 lismssy. bum tort. Post MB
Sas SdPl -
- • - .
• airusidiraid mit ilsomdipe,•l
.13" 3srriztraviliii
- ie. lit lIVIIMIAD,
. . preassate",,iv,
A ion martasaIANT2I3I7,4BII4INCFAD:
IVIED /Ml/1121ra• asellidty es Imiskildelli
se . 9o !swat rqess tar apll6
NO/albs ''; , ;.Yra
VONA *lll le ntaiwei op Lo the ling AM;
lbsl, at Los .filos t too toeto.lomo, L toollosiot
sold Li. um Meeks. /AN.'... *AMOK W *k
Car " n ` • Paw* an. 4 Impart : Badmair
LaWlos 4.10 Am. r opsin4-
a 0 Moturr.
ima , AU/ %Aria, co.WAIL;VIFAMA
Alulidsoildhlow WI Crsam en cwair4,lll
. ,"': ' l6lll ellinV
1 1 : 1 _ 911" Tit."_ -1.- insdaMi llialik ‘2riONi ." ilk
was etwevicroti nue *AU-WA tor . '14"14
shml: 411,6. 1, 11 14 0..imi Ert hat iha -
itftmois,lsoistms sib" asii•Alt 11;11011ili".0M411
SA•11/041.. ,
ilia& douse ase MPlivivoko for la ~ gtagyia
r i tut Arte.?'
wdrd f. toscios4 a landoadwiflar libies..-
Poinutea.uNa hos himissodpum — iimai7-7 • .
*ALB ..4sestllirisittaidpatioailVfirrilt%
assaleg Oak febe 1111 ' 4 **INV. r 4 4110 4 •
boohlts., tr••••• clan el 1,100-411•1 4611/kii .
1101111161,111 Wig st Diet wa is/-1M
Osuyalay;tbar MVO.. lIVOisOIO./0/1.110
p4staqt 4.+A • :c i
M wee apply' t. r iaItIRLIOII67I4, N
%Nam ••• Tot,. or 01111L1. -
SR AV !Mum StAgifi Man,. ,Mn irlmse
al• •10. Moog.
n . ,
ClO4 uLorbB.-.P.arytaig hi. th i s
litekarosto On". st gb• 'PS" 41 yam .
: ' J• r b a ‘'IPRIILLIPI.
r wt. C,41,2
, eate,ir• kw. fa • stwiio)l Aloft
wed llostelems. goad uuto ziT, to , _
uu buss*
so. as asubasieliv
SO - do !Calm
pyr.-{• M
via isu blabs* '11.425a, 'pure
•ll-biaotb. to Midair sari - •44
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