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Ilk ''-fl• 1 • 17 '." 1 , 7 s;.+ 7 l , ,- ` 7 l;l l .4'•••ft•ffrZ' ...,,,:i...1 , • , „,.• • ; ' •.1... -' 1 - 4.,..,...i: 1• •..\ -. ;:4.-z.::-:.•;, , . , .. 1.1:-.;- -r ".,, ' • -: -,., ... n , . 4 4 ':`;',:4l.; ;:: ;': ..i" , s , •'‘ .V.% , : •'‘46'N 1 . p.: • ..... ' V '''• .'1., , t , ... 1 -. ,:c...,''... '" 'A' , •‘ . . , ,-,1: le; . '• 1 :• 4 ' 7 I .' . 1 -. 7 . 7 ; ' ..; , 'l.• • 1 . • 1. '.....'. li•••:••4 .s': _ . : N .'' Z• -: • - , • • • ', f :' .`•,.' '" f •‘.O •-; • I+ •7. .4 : : : .' 1" - ' . ` '..ii . ' " ll 7 1 1 ' , , 1 '. 4 :- 'l,`:.• : '' 7 :•,''' 1'7 6 . ' .I' 2 ; •,•-•' l• ' '.. 4i 4. . ::."' '' • ...I: .'.' —.• ~ •'. .. , , .: -. , 7 :- ' illEi 1 .~ . t om'' ~~ .. r • •• , • 1 • MEE OEMS • 4. tAT E3JLS LOCAZ., 121271LUGANO YeitallikfibilVasatte. 412eikeirillotird 'or - Otiktrollers. . it ajticrist iJltb /Irta of Oe trotters wit WI st, lteirtf, rimed maps kola' , Baobab, Mei*, ott TwW.b7 Man JO , 2L - I Barrißotebutd,J.Bletra Jr., tlb tittsres„ Gkesos, Gormley. Otsksts. Motilostikk - eaL ,l 4lli ; = --11 , 11 VM,k a i g il, ' mi• - zeportst tuaisda AstiAolist warred by Out Broitsalls 2 the toliceoiss.ktkellstA, • sosinsattota woos :11L 11411 t: 4COUtisWara Ileeosd. Asilleirsj; Ueresoo, Ilitoh2l44lol42l3lsttee j First mairkubia#l . :iluatataisil ; &Good It Losity estutt—Kl o stoi-- iliftlyss! wax. C. L o a nr j:..).: Otsanst...lll•l4 Inlaid Matt. Wake -I►tisl."Bt}iS.Yiel ii D 1 7 ',bat - 'Apt, sad Mao Pristarealdatist,botsgeq .bo tkeMedbas:Drpratasost. r: 4;a,»4;._; Mel. Stab seboot,-. Solf.. -AVtcliPask , aid Miss Prosafeat i sattstast, towing)/if, vote 'gest to Kra. Wets aid. Mtn Ogkeby.i: TI. svmloatioao were Os sows, tko tutu for the yousistat Oui r iehroto vice resit OepantelY‘ssosnderL; sat ilia p - Mr. Park morel Out the ittles'isot riot be; solloyuld so • who's. Oarriod. t ...Os siotitr of Mt. I Nag id that th. I doptilbe 44,64.% titil tb. 00Suattto•Os Bales era )legatal Mike to be arralised tot Stalwart's, sad tkat the thousand capitols b• -tainted • lot pserat l ahtritraties thrA , piliont the atty. - - - Os stodos,-•43orseill' - Murderous MOMlilt with a award. About six teapot bur masa a row took plow at:MalMss._ddaklagsNooa:on Mild stow, botworo , :ths - proprietor' Ma'tiagr(ll - wbo had aotnter Nth', 'pima , lb . loss Wilma lanai' &oaf - ansauriON lad led r: o : ll 4lV44usii; wisrimPon . ILL Mal* ll..being ootat !hi ,thao.Y. roisaatatod Nth those sad .aqsatod ANN No ash bawds, so people hialgat ao alphas. shoat Thl_Miltit Pad; I as &undo* to acct sad. thole dio-1 order till Mr, It.. also Is. `111i: tIwaIWIC the won thiP aoshilitas biAsh-thoir Koko; 'orbs", no holm. Bo atteaulta bolsi paid: •,to this, ha Not behladthesouateraud *NW spa sword. Upon masa tor booboos onto • thosword, -maid to Ma sot held! 11t,aatulUe so dolig • tlis &sakes followi • rashod apes: hha sad- almost' bin savorily.; Dig oat Nia la took. or touts= plioeS AOt tho.kool, seek sad _brow% bid Goo wood sows situ" a quarter ol .sa WA of seals( tke-Ljegular ode.- Tie partial. Uri 110 S," Cases of 'Habeas Corkin. Tbis morons AdtratA A. Noble, tabula, Aunty sat tireaty-or ran of ago, la On windy of °Opt It. K. Try, or Trees bat-i loth woo brouglft beton lade NoCaodiesa welt of /atom cora. It appears not At *Wasted two or dna moor ago with., satin vaunt Olds - rants; sod On prem.', as attempt twystAinsitsokurd island of ilia wilionty: :, Zonal Rota: DisufttlArsarooy. Kr; Aonabsa. bold Ora *out of Ouross kis ' - lag donned no National toms to ooubt of 4•11 obbs•bodted- ,bstrea 31 sad 45 7000. of tug*. - bolsi between 20, aokS 1. sad stlft innirOs Haas tot darridenottwoto*oned to del sof lad.' i-what ° ke aUlailostarftn to 4b4, b. asp do', Noble wu risiasaisd beak to-Out. btu:: Owns Tboantalcannori also laths MO= toil or °spina. Traz, woo intsula Won' Isar YoO adlsn oa &wit at know torpas., Ilftotoraormrartsg hbo tole ortkt.llli years Kb Wins Ilbsbarrd.- 1 ' Mabaked by lils•Bos.. pafafaT sessie wee ,issued at thrills= o e otaoe'kb Elonflitt. Toro i.t , Wora:.ehic - stritiyitrzliu; - ver• tom w i t to the Hoare of Belie; as the pima of ,laeoreliil4lltr. The 4111 1 r wept,rerylliteeliiilillethe pipets wear heist . stmt eat...bat thelather gala solemn Amiga appreatly imusarf spectator; The moths; humor, elddhhtieesee • womanly feelier4 Vim Wary were about to matate, the father szteaded lite Weil Id the 'oldest boy. - hat he sefers4 to, fake Neat altheask sebblasis thrall" hie bract would Wag hail& ,".1 statal rather gottellei , llialis of leap Asa r, .hotee;tr, blab 'Sall . .art oirirsiiskollarti' Wine fillele sleet isseitteatil , the ewe of all the 814 Ps Jogs ties Be heartkately Seelliettr haei a lambi bees ewe daar4 whet than tbuilag. inn olaYd Elliesppirottat siC a wig Desinanat. " plaid Wu . Dear:oast otPttttfi tib , l s3' the -!Fiiswi yid sonnet , WO:* sit Ain (ididessit Colonel) is ilia Posliandnagaini ihirebers - irdiss . that ia.siwintilittis to esse aide olitiersoorstko hinds 's Newlen, wad died ot- the Ida einistdaig h. - &skis the Ires into: hr s son drafted, pad I, too, ban dross s prise. * -* lite dears In Nur York willaad so manses sang the molls Pittsburgh. Tnellest enessioidst in mu. sad weal! nit dare to min his cooperated Is opposition to the cossariptlos law. If he lent itiwneWeln Beralti lent an Olen to. be trilled with; sod, though so few ere ostertalsed.d is sprldsg Is say pad of the Depertinst et the ileseagskels, pet. should the poniards la !gm Xat howl asp, senile Wind" here, tin. Arens Is alaP l 7 1 4 •1 4 R" Wont* Ain st 0 1 p. " • __LiftWitALSM Oiradasatl fonts., whim. attoriltoisioat - lskt at Ballasts" oa ttai Orb, with arab of ale ptwt Midlor ilidefooN wlowaa lloottallT, somdal times liadaato aldose et ,h. I. 310110111 S liPitofbelleCkpag, taupe et a t ,ip. adasiorclAwel YOOeot, atardarid- ma..! yeatby pottillaa . la_gastooky. -TM old toi-, tliolmiliiid tglt Winn Ilia broollAwkliliA "siptooteirod as may aaelnu, bat itls UM laved kittliglikkalottralP, #l!.. MO** I la • pialmaoloym. missy onamileatas orls• dm; to the- NOW lot Mr imatry's sat" , sad aipaidally ; Molar Ito dosintd, above all; .004":01soilitittiddiag it qtasitiaiddlgr- Aittiralai daspotlasa - didat 'Mat ,flak :nu* ; maims proems milli Mat to Imam mo r!4rif dootk of • bravo mad loyal am , -11.. . J. idlcbattlooti t $a,44 IAM somo.M then M11.4.0011611_404:02u•- , ionv Clentfitagtstem.; : L . _ - Ito maslaa idiat oortrlond WM= .1.11k;horl000. Ihr pro liana moo Meow ot Ai itibooy Goad. ' batt opts boom pat I. ncoodoottea is the moo odloWooddlitold kid dostdot tsimillent oho. tits ' 4448 lieotldo mood adios to Qs podtioth yid* too btood. , olkoottr. Ali ooltaardodood 11/16141.1141117 sad oxyatimoo, but up all potoonol, =r iPe btdo= i4g oldoo glit ntil 7 =po ges oi otiube%rattlodosworthy ot,bout tilt la the taloltit of 01- mute watt, 0 0 .3 ,,r, Matt tit itb10,1• 11 aatmoa - toot c Paths oat to dieldoldt, %Oak, tor diad tooddetodoth sod Ids IpowitniiiiitAirlit do•thomododl as molt • wow by otoottOdlim tkoy did moths apes hint • viitszialtifig.4,Z4loo4h("l4l Dimass9llllllllll, ( 111114 0 et ,irepaga t eria tir, who s _t:be d ra l a s c ia7 4:loastaif dasuedok ins vs *ergs, - Ipator. Wet hetice Lew* el:ogra•-• Alp Thliebrd: of ! • ''111011:11 1 4 Ott "6"" _ semi howitmfreviristaltldi acia's WAlotki 114;41bil ' Oldie lobs Irtmiteol9o4* OPPeil: ImmOildit Assam -- orb assil baba MettsimoTaksi diliWubba slab um* ."111611.101me Witdiso vb. ter kW le WON ewer -111100110r_ n t _ - t%lTrOt.l., hoist , rbysisil Diesw • ' , Thialostdo of Binoiltannt„ induce the fict• ' AS; 31ATI ' aa nd respniibiti Ariy. 11l :deciding' the! question,' The, of ,alithe,.aert drejled are phyileally qiidliodfor - ibilitary titmice, exid - who afunou g,f;A:l' ht4to Lumber or',Utss...apparently . able- Inattablit , .to, Petrol= .the ordinary lebors'austehttlis of- are effected with , di wire honestly usluetteit to their 'sear • eat, would:tinder it usjust td Mate, aidllasardattein:the serviet,te pleee limn- As lb* army , the tremors of the Con , sartpe'deg- have likely Added Any per emit. th`glatitterifht <dually required, and have .intuit tud sloes list of &qualifying. dis sea*, j‘ld provided also, liotale t 04 " stoles zsat Burgeon chili carefully inspeet 114.14107 _report the, phStioal mettles of Wte _ .drafted man to the Board, whose - joint ilo'n stall be anal In, eseh The great . ol4l . roiple to bai kept In view is, that the otiVtilteflovaruslintts to secure the ter-' f lawn who ari'elheive; able-bodied, eicanip - iis from disissalityine &eases. It dale' setinvite to join Its maks, or rather , lt , peeitively .rejects tboes , ,of feeble eased tutions, from staatever cause, whether natty-'' ' -allot from &swan; WI-Alobs noCiatand that , its hospitals shall be filled is a few seeks at- • ter they are sousteted„ into isrviosi. with kshistirlasgi of ,iavalifls; iv.:4OOS pot ;sat to flint its 'Attlee, the halt, lama, deaf, - or;'1 , 1111ed ' , any that , terer',' - i're,t -in map_ toe i.,Rtrogad ,bapiseti_diapia and Settles.' The S 4 who.islittlytkakitteti-titf,iiditt of: Ms ,oesusetedes toitilvaaos:Ar, retreat; the:aim whose &ion hie ialpirfootitet he eoald not dlttivitdititiftrobot An**, b:t.other soldier at thi distaste - if terifity teat; sale the eitierith ' 1261, 3 ohm MOW sweeps, loner, 1. %Willed' as a soldier, nor is he on, an equal' sad' fair footing with:his fellows: ..Wheavesoliier en ,tare tbsralketta mut itold!bitesett,is readi ness to parlour' any vendee that may be re - Attired of • idm. Mueb:altlihj pstlenosi carefitt investigstioeof:bistinionr by 'soot .. - 0A,i0 ; 4440004, - . - ind , •Itopou44aotctl4l6ll4wto,tlii.iittersit of the Jana ispitortatsmitualciai Itztlattag.As a sub stink% ttkii•llistar Itis , ittlitiiithes, cud to ex tttealif iliitatt4l,l) 61 - pith, thitt. It depends go**, GU tliteutineee fa *Mot the law is carried out by the Boards, whether the• ~largearmy it will tail into amateur* shall be sadly insholent or a terror to its coos try's 141. Justus. prrtszttatts. Jttty it, per. • - • As4OID or Sus —thatip Buitnmillor, an attolotto TIMMS, rodeos in MoOture town 'llloycit'Araistido'r, and I'Peoustnof 'dugs of simile_ or. the vice ,1041,w0 AWL tdowy . Wainur,allositi that .ho was itrild oho would do W bodily korm. .Ploilico‘ollilmoswor two -bundled:sod. slimy roundhead muds about six woo hieb t Vie tofisiossit'lrottoootipound to sive bau to au rev st,Coort, ILO keep tloptooo toward/I'oe gloat prow:moor. A 11•TlipliOVISII is &great •fiuoms iroit assails Tottssinr.The Allowing umbers Italia boon mimed by the Sehool board orSmarr* township: No. 1— ili 43mutry, Principal; Kiss Mary Ma- Qaist, Assistant. No. 2—Milton Jones, Psi/Altai; Janata B. Shams, Nadir= ; the. Paso Ebbert, Primary. No. $ .—Atiss Buse Prsest." Trinbipal; Bush A. Untoilnson, Assistant. • • alidor , llleCoet. i :. +rtn~ ~'f°x'tCe"ti"tacp-r ~'~.7,"" r...,; =;`:'L'{ TIII Thrums Roaosay.—The police haute attested • man named Joseph Banter, Sup posed to be an aeo.inplise of Roger, in the robbery 'at the RoOnue Rouse, Wheeliog. Baxter had in his possusion one hundred dollars, and railroad tickets to Colnmetui, for blinsilf and Rotas. Thay will be talon to Wheeling for mai- Wawa or Ytonucia.—Robert D. Tuley, aolored, appeared before Alderman Taylor, and laid an isforination against Emily How ard, also 'sabred. to the (East that nits li . 001 threatened SO WWI* Variety Of 110101200 tit Ishii. The Asiasonian gews bail for bar appearance to answer slis °harp. Owing Weitrin.—Autong the goods found hi the possession of J. C. Omdey. the Alle gheny burglar. was en males containing the name "N. D. Robinson." The gentleman, if now in the city, will please cell on Glow Malan, at the Allegheny Mayor's. olSos, as by 84 doing he may give e eine which may lead to the rimovery of other stolen property. Orr cm 11111..-19(1111in Jookson, who stands Aerie& with; wilifni and corrupt perjury, of fered his maples - fa $1,500 bell for his op pieslosee oath* first lloadey in August, to wirer the charge In the Unttsd Butes Dis trict Court; Cloandssioner Battey soooptsd Oho WI, andJaekson is now At lugs. LITE TELEGBAYEN NEWS OIM MIMING EDITION MAME ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, The lain Body Twenty-llva Miles . South of Berlin. LEB ignm NINITIBIBURG AND WIN CIBITES. The Position of the Two Armies. or GEN. GRAFT 024 ler Enid* 1114111316111 to the Rebels. BAMORED BORRENDHH. OF JOHN grows FUROR& - taw Your., July it —The ?ribose's liar pre. Terry letter, Of the hilt; states that the wain body of our army la tweity-Eve mltea .out of -Berlin, with no prime appearance of a Lerward•zurientent. It is not impossible they'inaj Warn to Berlin. yealYa:letweea ilarthellarg and Win. chetter,„', Wie.iletete campy the ?acme° ruse from Otani Ran thirteen relies west of itarthk4a4, fitteent' tb tatpor's Zuni Oa Friday night they drove in ous•plekets at tbo em. , They or. In foree aegitepatditown, Miettintbnex aid Obitt•It01111. :ailW,Jiozzoliil74.l:,-,lirsoblegtos 'pedals atate that General Otani is 0.1111 aeppinted 'iera is the reinlar 1/1114; IS 4,1&04 • wealth Athos of testibewry, eolith has tees mango! 'beforivetiewte . Martiaiieborsed 'with furnitik4 blllliforeWiti to ffati*Niesiri.,,Where td tad • ikon 114,00:floirmariii ostule, and a. 'amber obtreept warding am. • Two witnehatiteetifiet to the fasts. •• rt , Tb. straw :that • Lu. hie roarer:6d into . Maryland fa assonlinned. _ ~ The Witt "nnelhoisi 1A40116140* loam tbd two ANION watching *sok other, the rebels Cu tb.wess and Y.derale en limiest side of Blue July 28.—Thethereitse the foli stidd, rated Itstitif4bui: 74743 s ' ,There le• e. rawer fa, town of Johntton't earrinder to Shaman or Grant, but it is im. poesihleas yet to got itc,salltolently anthenti4 The Ewe York Bloc-. Reward - listed - Tor llinderers and -Arleen. Mattel.' ' Neer ToarSaly Wt.—Moyer Opdyke &sil • matt of flee hundred dollar' for the ap4 praliendsra and oonalotimot any potion (fool doted of an der and arson daring the late • "; ritplteDellit.• .• WAlZlffemr, Maly ti--4iin sweet nuns of the pane debt on it* Aril of Jnl7; - :fuiitlie I by th. Ittionny: Ditionnaost, rho follow/tag is token t The total pantie debt, on July lit, iiiihoint.by,tlto books ef ski trout iry Dapottniont,tisl.o9l,27 4,ll66 . Aurbisitif skte.taiir adobblek. Nur' You. Jely 25.—T4wsbour allY of leintotiat, fr ont labretooel, hot istrind. Het sows b satbijatedd Sale of Itive,TwimOibi. ' Pm404440;12.12;-.211 . ipso motto ao Ai et 410 07 A 20 of /hi ll - . Ann. 210—Tlues atomism% Mobs l ' ardval hoe Winos. FROM aNN. BANKS' DOARTMKKT. Iftpedition to Dolgildsonthle. La. THE lON IIIiniCHUSWITB MUM One Hundred and Pif•y Killed and Wounded, and Three field Pieces Captured. • MOM TO BB•TIEN BILLIELIK CITY. Doings of the Squadron off Galveston. - TELE Gussokr SOLOTO SEEK. tus., &a, &a New You, Jalyffll.—New OrlHal liana state that Gen. if ellstseadDedply's Mon*, under Gen. Grover, left Port Madsen on the events` of the RA, and went to Donableville to clear out rebel battery's near there. When' a few miles from there, the 3Qth .Mnasarku . setts rogimint, which was in the advance, was suddenly attacked and 160 men killed and wounded, and three fieldpiece, captund. Ev ery effort will be made b, Gen. Banks to recov- 1 1 or Braden City and the Opolonneliallrosid. At last accounts, the enemy were reported sal having fallen Ink beyond Bayou Lamarche. An expedition is said to have also gone by the river to Atexandria. • • . ' 'The gunboat Santa mount in the Missis sippi river by coming in collision with the gunboat Antonio. An expedition from the squadron off Gal veston her destroyed three schooners and three hundred bales of cotton in Galveston bey. 04 the return of the party, Lieut. Da- Tenon' au severely winnow: 111 y the rebels, who were *anointed in ambush. Sew YORK, July 23.—The steamer Creole,' from New °fawns on thelfoli, arrived atmid night She spoke', off the coast of fflorida, the gunboat (killer, with a prise eide-whsel greener in tow. The following is from the Bras A dispatch from Pert Hudson on the 1304 from Gen. Irwin to Gen. Briny, stable that Gen. Sherman had driven Johnston out of Jensen, and was punning him rapidly. Cot. Otkiokering, Provost Nankai at Pert Hudson, has sent large numbered of phonon to New Octane, Winding all the commis stoned odious, who are not to be paroled. On the evening of the Bth DMA transports nit Port Hudson for operation in another Marta:. AFFAIRS IN 31I88ISt3IPPL The Position of Johnston and SherMEWS AMIN& BRAGG AND JOHNSTON'S YORONS GREATLY DE HORALIZID. BILIBISSIPPI GIVEN UP BY THE ISBELL The Report' of our Mown it Mein Yazoo City ale !akin COlllitUted. Metres, July 31— MI Cairo, Jaly 23. Hurlbut's maw arrived to-day from Cha lons, Miss., and report Johnston et Brandon and Sherman in possession of Jackson. Ruggles', Ohs Saunders' sad Tarp son's toms are at Tupola. Ruggles Is eon oeitrating his form with the Intention prob 'ably of making a dash on ear lines. Correspondence from Bragg and Johnston's armies deplot them in great , deirlitution and greatly demoralised. Thwy give up Mull elppl, and advise the plantar' to etay and make the best terms possible. Scouts report a majority of the planter' noxious that we should get posseasion of the country before Jeff. DIMS haw time to con script. Johnston's array - is estimated not to exosed thirty thousand., Great ooluternatlort exists throughout the whole Suntan country. The repute of out sueeesses at liatobiz a Yazoo City and Jsekeon. am fully smarmed. Lugs amounts of munitions of war, mmesially ammunitten t have &Ma into oar bands sti thus ;dams: MOVEMENTS OF MORGAN IN OHIO The Muskingum River Crossed at liaglesport. REBELS REPORTED DRIVEN TOWARD LifiIsRVILLE. The (Menu Turning lint to laid for gta'i frogrtu. CIIIOIIII.IITI, July 23.—Morpn betted the Muskingum river at Bagtesport, deities miles blow Zanesville, at ten °Week Ms morning. Scouts report hit force one thous• and strong and three phew of arttliory. 001. - Lement, of the 85th Ohio, tent his Teti. bent and a brie number of mllltia after Ida. Cot. Chandler, of lonlaville, sad twenty. dee citizen aoouts, were cantured at Deaver town tut night. The Wait front Baglesport lugs the 88th regiment, under Lent. htoPerran, are fighting the rebels, driving them rep the :bat towards Zorn!lle. This it not antiratrre. Business Is suspended fn Zanesville, sad the citizens are tombs out so mow to mist Martin's progress. SUM BALA. Fig. r ALS :onnve r nient twostory . brick dote lielluidroi, book Witidtalfilto. Boos stmt. Ilttabarith. Also, • tarot, convenient and wet Onlobed Mr* ;dory art* &tibias Imo* with book bod=lllo. It boo 'mot klaxon Mit and unclad Also, • moouro brick wolfing kaoss, book bolo:dna No lilt fecond rivet, war Isar. . • Alt be abor• us In pod ceder, aindeupplied doh one and water. a one were Moe cottage dwelling, No. 114 Beco.d street, and the temente, wane downing ad. fold'''. Both of thine tomes an In good order, and satiable kd small Wattles. • -Aleo,Aletef ground 'tithe aratbewtglatillg 5144 of lint stir', 'omen It.. end 'hj efrootO,Woot Bow Argot havlog a toot of 14 het on MIA oftilbt; and , mending beet t 9 Wt.. • Tb• sbovo propart7 to dtuated In • &strata part of one dty.. . /or terms of sate and peril:slm Lovers at WW. W. THOIIeOW, 10.1011 tlfthOtioet.. UALUaBLB PENN. STBABT,PJAON - eIITY TOR 19 9 . 8 1 4. front by 110 hot d• op to oalgiry, ofth a 11510 bows, imam= Swett sod Haul street. • dub fault Wootton for in POyolotoo or Dositlot. OW, soul floe bobOtogoltoofor private miasmal starbllMlSllllo. from 34 so lam tads: Isrmissumber of WW2/ Woof irszins Arm, of ;ram 25 to 60 feet br 100.1iv160 Mt deep, oltost.d at the torah= of Ike WOW Intik* o 1 f 144 y leafs oodirirgit#4ll VitiOnnt r tdrs l •l l s, o l ,lotut lictrou,46od,' , , ir.'•• 111515150 e;,: "IL A. lllf 1121/1501t. VOA t FUIRITICIIII :- IllidatT A: Auld OTlanitlßßADUalivia WWI 111 tent loodillapodOwL: - gyp L. ()A.M r ow74 "" Ctita PY lll T ball !,. fr f r O tin umg, at Mob ITEM.' Twti lITIMAULIO mons, rot ilidowills gnu irk!' te ikotiUmmtoF &WAto 6, t ha br M ow fc O bw Sn r ;a *RN w th Allebw obit FUS gaill — O - 011 - Trfarlai i "el i• !MONA ILVO4TOST lit CI! 41,0114114, lin .1 now sod goal dry 't o e ; awl Wrist 111.114114 • &sow stud. book. 0410, or* 1192/10. ,71•10•Wilmeti lisecbedr• - •••• . 1•14 , 1•74 ote• %alb ernes, fie WIIIVIIICE K. 1111116b1bu: 1 4 0 • N A 10. 804041011.0041, r. seltjak ifiN W &., : ; Wfair Ora WI INest Oft; toemies ai lats. rg, NOM tralw la US Met/ Mrasi, redraw commtlizetifa: riniTestfittiir atiutLEirli clown 911: gnu p.M.111111111.11 DAM GAMITTO Tsunamis; July 23. DO nimbi bat Itttlolls or settrltynumOrded In the pecdaoa key vhils at tbs gams limo to Moo but I. maks In quoUtions. Ths demand Mr the lead's( coaunodltt sontintor easedlng l T Um* hod and the tranadlons. an al bet of en on. Important obariFet. • . Then t no. oar Mat . LSo in I manly market worth, of *pedal notice. Our rs ars plata, up thl Iry lots of Gen that offer 'boat 1130114 far Ober. and MOM for Gold. GB 4161—Tbars b tats rosy Monad .Monand Au Grab, of any tad, sad the marl i tc via and dull "tit • dr° o o l ll tendency ; and ate 'negates nomlieL PIIOVI9GGH2-21soon is dectdodl, firms' sad Omni, hanigaln *dunned; oat rabitng Prom 9 to 930; Plato Oanvossed 10010304 and dapr Claud U 012)(01. Bacon ithotddota may be gated et 6 3441 i tfiu, sad did., 634 to 7340. FLOUR,. Tau Outland dopround, mid It is almost Impoosibbs to make robs from lint bands; unless Id very leer Sorsa. Ws Sots sales of 1.60 bbla Itztin ! faallp from stout 'st 116.20116. 4 4 sad 730 dodo " 0,23011,30.-the latterigus flor m bray brand. olitoolllllllll—stoady bat anobanpd. Ws noti male gam at 11302130 for lap 310320 tai Goths; and 640560 for Warm: 01111192.—gras IMO sales of 130 but W Bat [mai 10 to 10344 for good top/taw GRIND TIOUT—EIaIo of MO bosh !Rork State Apples at 634 per 3.. Pushes—none la malke HIDES—Ws of 100 Green Batted at 10a. • Hal—ta Arm 'len Woo from scales of Si loads at 050 te's36 for new, sad $3l to $35 per tan for old, so oordlog to malft.T. Pitts birth P612'0121= MAIMS. . . deal 23—There has been some little activity uteri laded In tired e today. though the trausemyen: werealined entirely of a local character, the demand being coadnerlptincipeUy to the went'td our relln 4 ova There ere several orders here from the Tomb bat the ratee'ire entirely too high to admit of ehlp. manta, and Altman have virtual., withdrawn (roan the market. We note mho of lbt bbl' heavy at pecteges returned; to bble good gram oil at 2430, ana ua do do it 2lq package, Weirdo% ant some 750 bide tzt tank were sold on Wednesday at the. tropa, the above sales it will be teen the ratio zany fermi 21 to tic, packages returned, and 20€00, palsies Included. The swell In the Aileen:ay river, bat not as yet produced any material change in the market and whether It will or not, time only will dirrelom There I. next to nothing doing-in lielmd, nor need soy ,improvement la the way of tranmetleme be mr potted, walla Mare Is a dillformoi of from 2 to damfol batmen bolos taadoolans. Sao mount &limb good stondatd bomb og bonded an hold SWAT at 420, but wo do not balm Mom am many burn at tab dom. 114 nod, tom to steady with • tab of 70 Obit mime ithlto azdto do do at Mo. Thom to nothing doing IM Bonsima and la for abeam of Wu, we weft litlaSllollll. New York retroleam Market. Owlet De atop to the Plttanugh4lasette. Now You, Jay SS—Crode le In tar danand and steeds &thuglalo on the 'pot; ago lbw August &Nem; and 1111)go porgeptemter, Itegood in bond Is firm as from e% to 600 tOrgennedlate dellTay. Tor faturd delft r 7, the market I. arm hat unchanged. N. Allegheny lave Minket. Jas 9S—W. have often hamlet • ..state" of dm. Musks, and we have come to the c:ncludcat that at lessrone halt of the cattle offaed this weak, came from that .state"—when, it is sad, srass•homn andi*Vdtsm• artioiseof food to fattesicat ,, i Us on.. Than was some goal lots male, sad then misimailly. at Ur prime. though not sp to but week's quotasktruh Lap quantities of bailor cat* ale when farad ea the antrketsei mac the sass Midwssk, mak. aways faitte aso eale of good hock by 11111ap op the yards, 64 assulapbuyirs to batten that them us many stareitati• on nu suitable - for bateherd than there radii see. °warmest lope. booght only. some LW Mad. and very tow price• d matt, bean the ruling 441 an toe ahem avanging IWO to 1200 pond., and lit war entreately Mara to force this pada of cattla atom that Ognra. It is tilt mutat& that west thid prim can be °Matted smack taiga. W. belierit, ad I as have ropirtsdly stated. that sate matt coxed back to last Wl'. palms %he oat contract too Olt! tea will be taloa at sash lova tunas thou those which-hare amorist It, sod as Mae government costracts.bangonnad the market unto the ser began, so they will =Mum toss loop as the war Lea. Rhenrics these contrsciate art rem payina tiribli paw of castle is • high om•-• a ptioe thau producers of male should not complain Thom waa • very UMW demand for stock cattiej astonish& Wm number toned upon the marketi . WAIN maid osV bestrietell at vary mw Awes. _ • The following ars' lb. curial Inotatioas Lb, ditirent grades of a r m: 65301111; lams 4 )0110 ," ESZ s. asilis Iwo the Marna Bill% moult 131 the 03300/0303 to 1130 kw. SI !Akin: 4:4/630.3 teom 10.10013.. MO bawl Itos tad. SO beadles lairacky. Ho bed hour - Potzeinuala. grow -will be gad coort_lord of iii thou i tritywa t Dr; Matted 60 bed tof bit Ohio oat. , le as ditld dolmald 40 bead of very gaol at! ' tl• 0 Hader, acid 50 hod of small Ohio oar , sad beton as Ipei pet bead. ♦ Ossorrie surd 2.1 bead of TU rod oar rd barer 163 Pa boat er,, about SIX pa owt. aftutarey, add erred lot of Wood of Mb radio Of* Kaki 00, dale . bead of dr Mad red at WM. roar it Oh dad a salad lot of 16 bed al %AK didt He, add bead of tlittur—bald to be art tle—as Z. . 1 Mord. sold 36 bird of dill Olio cattle at azi sn H oop ot 1116, • Hasid redid 4.0 had of ray good settle ea Holese, 01150 beat of arty rough reds nada foe goodara, at &baud. J Karr% setalidabed °toad Pars atod Id NIX U ore, odd 12 bead ol ary bit rend stook at as ort d • Hubei oo,ord Midi of sorb Illlaob atrad asen•lng about 1130 pour., as 46. ittsuerta All CO, waled 61- ard of ray fait Med Pain as 13,a. iatelat kt, warrold 00 rod Of Ohio atom all Vo i tlt, ride& Pt bid of Ohio oar ad kill. dal. mold 1111:1 dad of Mbar steers, part :la st ed ire& braes aboard st dtft. , • lioco-+ata *WI tatomily du I. 'We arks a 50* eataitia 1401,60 pat awl,' lad cad tot od Peso at 64.40,bas roamed is to Maid that no ter taiist*t lIGUid bit mad at re abase guraskaa. tooto goat a about ifilltdd , ' ddiddisto dad Mier 1b47 3 0/ 1 . atetwour spat, sad tartar. e by" sea, many at telt poor, vele dared sad boo= added, sad• oily at knit IWO: Tiso argoo wool has h .0 • tadady to lower tbe peke of, aad, widen so doubt da NO* We will put tad dwa 14111kort . - 4 a - ' giiii iiiiii . L. . . I . ItlllsioSo e 'a;:: o i , . .. jou Id-4bn **Ter.ll6 ll o 4 linpplp ot. nn the Own inntattotto.tny, tne noisy Wlng* oily 3,6oolutii , will ad *it nos la town dillialoC•4 4 ' killoalld dm: r Oine_ wad lows. Was 1 sou. Witt in In good oaks sold AS 11100, Pat natoPten worn pat y se se,okti&O pot bud*. pod red Whey no *ad, nod .11J111 11111 4 1-11 a ptetalst. - Wilalls00:0 Itonglat ladltti, on lama . Ildtt,renn: wet dna at Stalk pm eing.. end dawn to too weight. Triter wore -noattnal Minns I Monad to, Mt phi.. . Whist $1.4061.1111, god to prim nopt,1061;11% woman to dun* , co s i wire,* 0MN1.% ' end Psnotyltatds do 111,0851. ow biting: .11Vidin 011rg Saalltek mat/allow do elo soli . .***ll.. On liegisoleAdele. In il.lssl.i9 sir wiii• .... •';. 4. , - liaport, by aidliroad. , . . , - . ' , Prnsinist4s. Irwin di.,;(lsmuso • Itanand, Mat W.. 1113 MY why , I Timinsnek cot .1* : ,ternles DatdiWny Pasts born B &Muss & 0 i 10 also! ap; IWitstaa. *Oros it fey 1 don "onus a oniti bbla .MI4. at/ 'WIN ad• Drow& tßetstaperi VS - mt bad*. WE Yeilpt my 100 Ws Deur, Ktaktown a Unborn. BSI elm* J hit Moatooths ld lildsz .3 8 114111:06; / Cat OiII4CUIP lialePleikaW4llloo4 Bad MigM.B AR bawl it. elanalryi 11 bill siew l / 4 . li pto; 4 o itt, Ida Jr B &a* 410,4 All i n i Meir ft s ir:in .., tiViii L T1'1, 11 ;118 o - iajoib - abbdok• '-' - ' —.- 4. .!!kair i l a ryp_4ll . l34fiste lt=t iso li g ifir7pa 8411=1 II listia. b . s v sa" Ent , ado do:diselie,in *poen Wm Lola , yam I n dia broolin t G Vpanntny 11 ',/ W MOM la do*, 1 I_o,lnoptin 19 ski Daly If lest* SO dirdiz , O uid* Yanntly; din* Any ROM& PetailKlN it au illig*A2VW: 116 els vine, Ciroese&V.: 1 .oozinnissesi & Pomo* auCliosa. Soto ^ , 4 ix. bill* Midi &Tar • e&s.Volnis.; A Wbbl• A. oi 154 bp. ‘4 , 1).,1bes &n 13 " en& didptode•ldtyt BBP lard. 10 dairy Oboraskursa Ular II chyle, aWM spy W WWI! ar,4 art halal ' • =4 , t , Byttadsll4 We @brow 1.11 Wet a 41 , lb nutebbison.it nit ypp Int Hetbierl=Yolty V viimbradeult ai • milks Wlttlason;lo do ay D ihniattYad dnd jay. y Virtinbly II Midi bsook* A At* Rib .lost, Itoinsid &Arbuckle= ea de, Rid g ib i t s i -11111010111iliseisoosai Bolas,* icd ''--• ,;r,+' c , mg ral • " — s Clemitt tE SOL of ma . MI id =l=ll FRAM SUPPLY 1111:112/UUITIII 11111:0310 - HOMEOPATHIC - REMEDIES , Fo'it tllO-,""" hiet 4-.41%9M0 aIitIIDELB. _ Ne. I,lte rem. ,Ooalleglilli.Mid risitimiiihmh Pm 14Tai:Phirm •Timitionitm-.OBIA WOlllllll No. 3-Tot CAN OrlbliG Taltblei sod W rue of Talhata. , • . , - - s t; Ne=p l4 Whe. C1ii4.1..../ui. sod sop , Tllc4 - 6- - lot 0e166-,1141664411pa501atE at Ills* ll ax: - Ealr-.llor - ethle*Obliasht With64 - 9•661166e. ; fr. . llrel.T-Whe=iirlolW6. .kw Ihica: No.'ll-Tat . Itiviabih. : • No. --l o littlibtti ' 'llaii - and "MIMI ad tialhad.Si E, - ,.1, ~ Er: :: EL, ', •• , - . ,-.) , So, 10- 46/E1- - Wea istEntaard - 1 1 (6.........*TA i r . , ..1W 1 314.04W..... , ;.1. 1 4g or t • 111 -7- r -Teallalasiltritesi Wiraes4llsattego No.IE-1* 010.05"'Htr s Onab.lled Erestlab* • 80.16 , -lall ‘ PCO6-ter. Nostpiteiarip. is ' - Piat-Arat'TAN - Liusearsi or; lorsomla the Obaitilleak.:lsstaseriftba sa .. No..SS- wa D thadaal Illubsloas.lateleateriDbeharp! . d NoOME. - ' -- - - • Nth 10-Ocee.ll6lo/.. or Cliaker a' :Wont ortha.' • No. 110L ... = lawatlanicei Wotan , 'be lid No. El „Psdalls,.:Preamrs or Ispisssa, No. 011-8a45r10.3 at thane of 111.,Elestes. - NO. IB - 1 1 4 4er and BMus. Cheri* et. Pith A-rce Yews 1104 *Oh 9 1 44. 1 row. fork 0400.' Old Nleseasisd Aims. E-Wor PON, Mad sr ,Nteedb4 Laternal or Ise' brut. . 04-Tot Ow% Wig et lallased'llyse sad JEAN IltMet.Waskaillbtaid WOO: - ~. et , 0-100 Ostarrb. rd loot staadlag nosed, ague attl6etetntotiosrer protetedhobarga - • - - W. oe-tar 111=M aL abettagElesidease. . . for tsars sr Ellatiliga.4lppiiiims.. Mere% lA. bored lesetithsh attended . with Oteeip and Expesto.: radon. PA*. BO mate per box. -ISt isr Didarra all Drahera-Dbebaris Ina • the MA the awn elf Ikeda Esser, llessles or Ner.! ourble. Jaz lobos ba the and, Hardee. ot Haar, tag sad to to the Ism sad Ner•Ashe. Wm:: 10 oats ger bea....,.,, , Wads, Elsiarged sad ft tingailw B ' n =g udr. sad Old Mose% Oseel low , M , of ..... 111a. , :2 4 , 60 amts per box. • NW Garrel Dalligt,- ar Berme West.] Dos. either the, swan of Z - 1675. lecesern. Nsdh tenon sr OshaasttsE DW6berEW. !dos, 60 meta Dr0pp...4601d daceaulleatee, Ewell esed6.! taim: eh asset, Elsoralotta. Prloll. 6: 10 . MN box. inir i gisethesea-DestEdy Walaaw, Vertigo, Is.. al& Wattles, sad Mums from Mpg at mistba.l, as, 10 oats per less. - Fs &Imre Visetsa--let litimg, Beni Claws% Diet. Palatallhia Dhows of the 111daoll.! Moe, 110 &Ms per box. __ _. - 7W 01160.1 ,Measisealli Illscharpie sad Ihmeepseet Eraltrialta sad Itsbllltp. The smat asserablead liclat neasly'lacrwa, sad Lay be relied opts eiserate.. Ptire.lll,psabox. • Joll3' .111 E. IiILTOII, NOL 67 AND B'B Foes mss t, - • • nrissuari, Pti •oa MRI 4 Ar tbiliiitans Clowdry. .rz or NIMBI. TANDABD LAW AND MICDIOAL bilartosli &hulas% Saar. 9 vole. Wharton • Billies Method Jurhyrudusce. bloseir MT livch Pima su Wow sad Bab. 9 tole. Parma is Costraccs. 9 vols. Prises . Nescsidlis law. Punley's beeklut FWD& Ptaa sJaattoa.. libismraedu 94109•1•Ile.. 9 vols.' BWi as Besenspisy sad Iseobresoy Woods' resets:jest elsdiclas. 9 vols. Wogs' Tests•seeks aid liesrauscsogy. 2 stk. Wsimeses Pnatios of Physics. laddc's Initial. Sects. Secant/7 published. Qom' *stew iuguy. *Tole. Gmei smstooy. . Wilsos's Itsmenlisstrasy. • DicSisuscy. Clarrister's Hausa tlysiology. -Tor esie icy ~ . h Llano.. BS Wood ;inst. • rOBI.I.I4IIMUJNIS. mispagrea dr* idlarsalioli la the thaw of ChM& at tie losaderd ol swam Worid. Tao aroseToos Wi Naostald. Baanolow. Salsa's 'MeV lowo la Ur 11.11;11mah - La llasnals. Clots sad pwor. , M a rad Las. Zoolobor. Works la Idleloalinafts. IGdldor. is J•IL 'aio4D.lll - lOonoa amt. anima's 4114CHIMAS. imut & mulemi swam misting, onzainis Boom SEWING MACHINE WORLDS 711:1. INDIIIMULL =MiX!MOI. ? Iflli valuable lisrammods. . The only araddsoda a•Warld ~ham Mari Ham®. Baum sad o_u . tak GIMAI IMINOMft WWII.oU M alemeadlimas /WdemisWlMMs. - - Illi ; AR kW Mommitams 111111111adbeaCIWW , per. SIMINER & WIEMIREI AGINT4 • Mak Plating..., imannsi-a10.111,11011t0 manic swam, , , _ DOB laNT—Tha thisosilay _BBIGIC WhatigOulLS. !IN Gel lisliMikert ewe! tom Weft/ Most • Isems aggly to MUMS , I 00* oetiMa-woonwalt, sea Vona Amis. ICU :1,111%.4. Wogs id* dvirroosai t J. dor 4* tboliiibirl assiloa.01“1101/4 Ihnomooks Ono Unandistoko. Anis on Obi porno& •;.1. 0•111111GRill. Two or Q Threrl/44 -AL Isk Wilding= peek Adoring um* 12t 4 lWairt; With at %MINS' 'lll POW* / as tee prosioc . Wei t 'lloll , ll.lll2olThs third: 'start 'cal we* 000 i by tie sabsomera Wat.Clataamamalßagalwa Way. • , . WNW— % , -koire. - Asairbiren. . . . Lrion.a...rog 44SFANT&,, .1: . • . • •• ; Ainki . w ' -114 ItaFin . 11 ' • W77-7777' i ll'arnWlß , PlAwAiAt g. .3hi,104 7, VI r lAGI Auus - AzD :woos CHAIM ammo o W Lts-oa;~rau: 1 r .11 ' 4 ;az'a , ".r , ' . '''' , ./AlselWW-WOODWllti f ii: ' 1- idr .1 7 i lv 7 , 3•• r J ••T os eitiiii P ‘ki * . lielit+lit Oi ' baklit item& - 16 - _414/041 sal Malik 4ials: 11 10 6 10 1 0 11 = 1 1 11 2L n Igliniii i * - WI OINSII4IIII. A 136511 Thins 1" "- - cietaim=l 4. .4lo4r!".. e>it Al MON" tsar lig. Yede: 1141.11' • kikMAIS"DIAS Isl4ollt.ot to .11AVOI4144sky 1-571711 X. aaaßlialaig a Me •-z. • 1 .1 : 11 ' 10r the lop eieent Seder Wee as on. tie.. r 11,1, 7 7 4 ! aolanson *co • ,err,, ~;~ .~~ ~},—, LINDEISTS lIIPBOVBD BLOOD SiARCHER, SUBS CRI7II/ YOD Cadger tdtd Sauk pd . unsitirDidissei; , " - • atrial Oelas. Pi*** , gord - Ria. Totter Affestisylik - Sun Costivensse. Old and Unarmed Didorddra; • - ;„. Salt ArelleistDi eseee. ' • • 44 = General Debility, Live,OomitriOst,,": - Lou of Appotits; 1 ' Low lefooale Outobdott, ZPilelisl or gitti Paralysis or - - Syphilitit - Diseases and " - Oulu of ths Pones, WOMB= VTR ata. MBA DIEBLDM ruanza non marts is • ranquazo OONDMOR 01: TEI BLOOD OL cascraza• TORT STBTEE. OLIO 01 DARIN. A. 80710 rannuunh Daoabe llllO6 l- Da. G. a. Isissa—l' tar pialaat to • sodas. tab voluatiry dilatant ta War it iiialititrytei prat py yin alba !!Dale s Dian Ibunisaw; I bad stand la la yeas with dantalk abide balm oul a Miasma and tonisad ao m is daddarli am wry mask.. aid took WI ski bar whoa tba db. ass mads Its ipmeraarri St its. bask. out at ay 1 arm dam said below the Pam sad ea tibias sabl Sea ID lialWai is bled sm. Mu Also ca lay bad inlet no Isr that wad small Paw at boa aum cist. I via very Irak- ad law ander, and Mid eras af ail baps of asktag -'silos I badttldmoodttiilht *Nam' sad did dam an pod. Is tispliabitlist; lied; I ea ladand I- try nth Lain EUXO 11 /"Illar mad ambat bad eta Ida lapdak4e6daai batG day I aad aid tkra baba a Blood drasitam ta• akin as ay lad aid aiii bipa tonsito bats war taken dead la bads* medlar bad &dada anaitady malpond daimon reoundig tail* 'ma. I ittd alio detrital I badibe dalmatian very balk my lam adisp. The Mid Ossrobir dia amides natnattndt I at magi aver ked pats a aproind Laid aid& sad pony: at/ at wt 44 b willallagi lad law barawallWl wiled twadl WWI I brad abodito thd lat; elbow to my brataid Vat 10:'11•41: thatwllU hl doopid sad IlltaCaytlifialowry.Maid ratmai et do ma. Dr: Mem . photifehili 'taloa of as by Carp, dr Alba, ilia I bpi to get well. It dot Dot thaw la Warms is bed as Ii sae Wan I mould today PhOtOVIP. ad. ilkh /01/ b t . 9 00 gag 01 0 it Dr. Zama d Ikadal: I , alio sate that 1,,t00k as Alma Ilssabse las POO biann .Dr, LOW aslaialletask . , Althomab latadatataan I Oka* arm brtLatlll pt tae did suds by Dr. - .1/4dizi Ward Oa *Weld Us dal Win goal that Sward , ed. , It Wm It II a pout Ara slave and bale. AIWIlialor" : aigniii . litay of ar sOriacsre'ridoularUmt `mu brut : say salbaa els ayes sia, iad .1 em litibia dria in alto we AWNS Is lams map as asaa. ./Unti lab d4,lol•lllaatted. salsa imalcyal OR Oa! Azemoshe Pak. Israls Wats. at #a yes Oak 1/131= A. BOYD. 4311176 , 111411 GlaiD dn . ftWig MB. sat triis,tik wad IL , . 014 - 1 , 11 . kg met/ folk puSS. I DG IfINS gbdisren• viestai m a d il i g Mod 'Milo ;Mimi Melding' talkie' 4 Um WM la - Ildleggfiggs tall 4 melba 1 meg soll ,go to ildkilipkis so PS vii, us le Isl. weer Mg wadi km swags NY di** was bi Or blood: -lino I:Mid- kr 111 Um or tang Um !gee Ii .01e edtr, aid *II rano& NINA" elgograhrigre Woks* iirs au* wig§ mai old• al dr acaptiaL I- bad .1 Mu? eirme• espindig. ria I.aNted.by Igo atria al p a ds etude% is Dr. Name, whi• mg gismo in sat say/ tas iserty mg sell lowa sia Dome ins as bikirt Blood gardise sad wk. DAVID L130101.1.1r. petesimultlnly UIL COO* MU% St . , . A 114.19 ,1101 AO' 011310. leunins bonrini_SMlL—i * banibninb QM ban MI • sin au brow nu. Li Ins wniirot WM" ninr mormilif On nal mr..l Vat in in alibi* lin WM** in inelosean dinenba. , onnen biension inn as. but inion La Ibintl II ambit inAit. g am ap Ina statri via aft Mir= =non no nib. iint.pub ea Ina , nrabn iii.,nennik lino Mien Roan; intontivinmii Ankrin? arm Imo ,`YalniAll raZAWAVI 'WAS to Ow ~.-.. 7 . , ~ _L:2,4:7' . • 7ir,„•,. , -......" "' • 4 O.' %,,.._ , . 4 . 4 „, Nt.:::.,„„.•;„. it ..,_,. ..„.n_, }:, ; 14, rl , ~,...:,..„. .. . .. ____. • .rllllllOl AT Ilintß. prui 41-41 __L .!_: , ,, ,... , i i rj ot io rn i-L.r- iiii . , . 7, -IX7l , E'L,....*WtieuriZ , , aph.gerbit - . loliemietr_ li z in.... expeirimi.•alists , ' ' blot ate APlSlirstvhkilsokiammilio. tar bresi • 1.'1E57 ' = l r * - I, PW, I. l , IMI i i ! . • e bai= more own ot Clooeireptlealleda req ~ ViAll evraM UF miL itit s tinllib,..iiitaili ni l iftibiliamilif e lk _u o .!•".' ._l urn= wm.a. , 1 . i ertneore 1110,11421k1W, •i:.: 1 : ';', 1,, "7-7 1 17 .11 ; • ..- xi *Mara AISSINA:— ,•- --,:, - • iiiit'im 7 :,..J 1 , . , Mr Besereet ceseters . r . Ur. .d, slot clar• . • •'• •• 4oldt...e=rpe -- r.— . -..,..r..) -;;,.• 7-perS 1011 " -- .."...',.. " 1 ,::, , 1 1 1.ikoire ,' eollieteiti IrskallainecerreW yeO , .A_ box*, .„ „,:. 14 P.7 1 !4"..P.4,7.R 7 T ~..' I • saawsm inguaysi .140 'Wiwi r.Fa ..-.. Illilms , • , . smog ia nig.* ri Wald utas. RRM=rim et. T ) Tyi li n ru ft . th , rimiliat ~„,,,infa ItAILIIIOA 817 la la 11111 a AB file ta all2.—tin. • and after MONDAY, April SOM. ISM, Tratas eat Man M• D.p4o of tha Pannsyttania Ealtruist, ta Ppm, I t burgh, fonien t /AM Patisiwrgh .4 W 7.11. Limit le I LOCI a. ma fl:10 a. =Attila p. m do 1 8:10 s• 1116 * ; mgg a do banal 4:10 -mot ,-I 407 *',l LW * do 1 ling. 113 M • -/0:08- • .. , -EU - • Arrhail Ualr.— 686 •.. ttLii ".--. I Edo • . 0 0 .. nat Eteaberrvilla and Er , ,,m with Etat , kw alaya liaftroad sad Orawallado lail• mo t Myths, Nayarit, Oolusat M; Tads, Dap. t o o. , Us, Inatinnatt. :Louisville, Chem ift. Loan, JoroPhs and 111 Points ilit,llitd Ililltbeilli g sad i s with Bah:ham and Ohio ksiltimiL Plaremph mist (Marlowl - Laws.‘ ' Lams thiburdk,.........1 UV 16. 11r40 p. do a115vi11i5............e. 11 0 44 ; WO • do iu5L................... 140 n• 4.111 ri do . 1 35 -* . 646 si do motim " .. ""i 74% * IBM se do im • ' -.....,:,......... T:66.. * MO se • Atrtssi at bad - 9:10 . " * WO * flattneeti e at Bayard with Tositarawas brush Ite USW Philadelphia and Canal Dora; at Allhmos via Pittsburgh, Pon Warns and Mow Usikoadtag Savanna with Atlantic and anal Wasdarn.lisfirowl for Warren, GorsmeilleclfeadirMo„ Palm, corm lainastowu and aalanuiteM at' Manna with Ohm: mod, Eanamilla and taneinnatl liailnisd Ilw Cuyahoga Palls awl ILUbersbmNed Si 1711= with O. di 74. B. R. for BIM Dunkirk and. Saila with O. It T.ll. E. for Idanduskraolsdo, sad alm willovilWAcammodiaaa tames at 5.150 p. m. , ispuslas Halos irrire at 110 s. nt., 197 and pri=l!Mall 40 all prOtntinatt = lA x int ' hit . s i t Oa Libartyiltrabt Dap* .1211109011 M ARLIN. Ticket Admit And at Allsghenr oftg. , , . a. Q. iniiiilLlMlr. Ticket Al. WILL MIT, Aglati 41,i Ma Oomputy's Otlinto PA*, Matto% Pea ay 3•8ANNN1111ii......• • 'sad saw NON DAY. A. '7,-2,77= • PNWNST Lir • A • • • Sieaii; ' ' ' . 111 l DA/Lif TRAM. The TISISOOGH AgOONLISODATION 21/13 -loaves slw Passmpr Station dad', (sactpt Braley,) 1:60 m ma, ssdpidos si all eudidas Cowes* Ms. barib sad Pbbadslpbts, sad wags dirdiggoaw. lUD kW New Tort ss Indladdpltss. TIN MINIMS btlab Tlid..lN taws thi - na• Ogg= Wadi 'errata& tempt , attadaPh tio - a. w....dabhilla cairn PltriclokoMwOlyl. aside& drew asubotiom at Ibrarinui 41 wore swaVdibtsgSsa, t Nor Usk ids Fb Vim vga Wain - Marti harm 100 p.m. stopptss =bat blasted "tattabowandai tame onesaboa at lisssiotgrs foe Nall wee, • Washlastra, sad kw Pierilforlt 21hra .tdisidssAs sod PblisissWis . SL. PANT 1.110 korai the EL3bah - falbj= load.b.)' a& .11.111.4. - a., stopping =dr st swim. gdwastbig at aarstiourg Isx dada= ail 31 Widdwatoth sod at philakhiphda . - /14XXIbribil&TANS -• • iliti,TOissioniiiiionnmaiifiza wean Nara ifs% o=o tuft) •1 165 p. a w etaPPI O 4 at 1 /4. 141 4# 101 atealaaiw-hrititaase~ 6 • Iflrdpreabbabikettrata rdbathiabab a ( aw Wa awolllwadapPth • broad Abow=widew -TEO" tors Wairi..ol6o - ' War ilery (szeops 'dIP) at 1120 'hosoidoodeboa drab bar - WalPh • Wel hare blip. Ober& . ..StuditY) 410 p. tk. _ - laud' Abbsabbld= •Mb,;torAiralt bibs ..is ma dap(bob& PandopLat WOO; 46.; s . • . - Dis• euxolliVrido LoraWat'allsisibitismy Dili- • is/ 'WI 9.105 11;134 sigtaints* barb Alta; Irehli Tubs antra taap..oacire Balitaere •Ste Im, WO. 0. wh. ftb&la li pnw. p, si4 ass Ids 24 4:S I V kinUW:l6 IWP 5 . tri4 Ids., 34:0; 21.coaula Wala S.- p /WS Man beau shawastar 636 a. au:- Staid :Wall's Medal deambabildiat 11,116. a-. ma Third Aitilb radial •.axwatwodatlee L• 10 p. b. h Wrath Wahl bed= asswasedatiew• • ade. I. Nati:size liras wilt sesisiptsh Mak, • abbe" - at Ma p. et.; qUaitni. Silts tea XS LarintLe sad itlldlaTZE•4=l:ol•S Marl SdDa ItttennOtion: will Tbzoupla kecommodstios. hbpistenr , .stowseursowskas sad Nzsprouirliall let s and with Panama Zapata' sad .loarwhwee &boot.• aodatdaa Want / 1 Thizatit &Amhara waked ah : thward withlta. '/ praralratas sad Nati Train Vest,ssul with Thrawadt / abobsodahlow Papas' Than /err • / VA= wilt gad or. ihwast r tu raga. fitarati'l =l*.or Wed-. to Snag the Paredthasta IbEtroid, us accomeaabboar now Otani '• - 1 abbot ba worpased oa arip othirnaha? The Swats ballasted WWI &MIN lad L Cistliesky ftls-InaltdlS4 We Cli Folio satioth bawl awl ofAT , -tri,4 l, , iurSma S CM v 2 ii , 611 . 3 -‘ 0 •gu' 1 ." 6 ; 151 7 - VSNOw.losk. Mat , sync ,. tr. I?si Ty &tamp:Hawked to all dal= itePswalplst• • 111 OcatrakZahlread.aeSpiraziaotplw , Aetpus• wawa. sa , ircoar, whardbp, to dilehpor". traWand, to • • • to babel tarw;-' , :tteraetattaa" its Ibm Ikespablese achaded." - wh„.• p .N9Z41;1-74a. gas d thrc,..be.cnatowur ltd4hold • Nis=fisglP ;u42 - q ,llll / 1 g , * .o' l = 4 - uffPF 0 4 , lad itw ea lamb err =ran& fan -15.41.46 - 32 - <MIMI Idtats bat baisa aeh rey."l bar ...Amaze twara.Wela 0. pra. as 0 Warp rat so bored SS cigAs ter inch Ms Nader add wan% Itcs sittsWapily • . St:litd.3/IV i ngst: At ha" am 'y ov-bat " 4 " 1 ""*"' ti. , • . " so Ern Malta. az mazaa we.".• ''.'.•*4 . **-...':',•:''.'.'.?..:::::' DoLLAR risvoiqs NE., ‘ ..4111.48,T11221:1,1N‘,1836,,, • • • • • twat tto I o'clock, oho au Wad • mak !Warta fro m nay lot to liooraber Ur, Mal' T. to o' ' gad' taro hiorambhulat • magma at all gams not It. thir•Clah dlttilead o 8 tit. grotto dattated Sok* a T• Inn.ar,Ja sad Dootathar, It has boa d.. saidAtuitadly,talatat And' Itecambarodaha Orpollod. at Qs rata of aim par Omit . drama rat, It ibuied So thatcattli . dwe dogmata as ptinokat. &mkt/OM the asmals• kart fro. tee Ira divot Jam .ad Itacesalat,amo , paladin taloa a par without tronbltatthe &pod• tar to Con. Wynn to at - his post book. Ar, tbY - • - • low HU , la kir' shim toga yarn. Mora. antattinit• to Mortar, lsproors. Malta • and Boraltaloath taratiluat grata, °a Y the °Pa. PaimairtrOYW Z , ' John B..Xelhiddea., - 2 Isaac N. Pirate:li, .. Jobs Salami, ~., - .1 John Ilarshelly :41.1ciaarber. Spoor, ..., , ... Jams B. D.ls•aew'. -Bra). L. Malubesteek. .- : A. li. RoUnnks JILL,. JMB i i t t ea,h4 , wl BuTar a BM u- la n i. tOCa .• i- ' , 1 iaaleta A/mai '—, • . Polar A. Mutant, ,; %r• , Jobs G. beektEl.m, ~ '-, ...Walter P. Ylarekatli . : Oahe U. Shone', - , , loam Orr. , ..... ~,' / Akozato A. Oatratt. `." . Hare Iv - idaglealti ' Wtlllsea Loaglae, John U. nboonboopir, John SUM.. William a.aehaemia WWl's" a. User), . .J.leasadar Tindlei. • PE** H. Barker. •• ' VlllLai Tanktter.' , • •': 'ltalia Hays.l Lao& W hltinot,; Jame D. latley, : :Woe: E. Ream, lianas 11. - Igiety, :-. . Ohrbtlattlesori Saartalar a Tasaarsaa..elttaii. A. tand'oll. - ... 30,2TA R1 - Rtlll4 -EX EAMINA R -p3BSp . RsikITINIneGUITOZB,MICLRo INKITEIS MRII4I, t i t; 1:1 LO T% P /421 , 14 , P1D 'Odium of 41 litatbless7Wtatimx . a . ; 4.llBroshnch_ll. I:3. , C7raallibTool(B. 1011 11 (X , 11 , 3, 1 , 1 1 . 1 D l . tan 100. wkolaa,..4ont±h - 1 1 4, 1 Pti , 1Q .I.4)LEVELLND, thitiVojig, , VIVVe RAW LID LAKL'ERFRONaIig „ • 111/ORE.11$8.•„ Tits wiiir oadottostlatritti thooti • lifintitUr Ntgott.P.Vote« . !Wii; =lit= dittos tl , so moon botntat'tbd iaboti rtil • • Pon loan" -lottotor, tr wommoot hurt sad Town -Cul, swirire+ s ManiaiasTcothck. lams Islam for ClinAlmsd*FlAfa4VO—li r An ensilttailibsioia'4rw nard.s9. 44 fildim••t at conessati was. mot him tsillededirlittrais mai tbspia.Wasrasies; Ida awls ilbst tad ittliollt Witurrii4lloo,..ammialmmiervis csaseav—kriaobriutsoki as. f-dpotpeningy ue atm* (h * llll Poildn 64l.l es 4 mist Mono Ws*. mote a; to ammo Apeusiam In Wm 175,61461 e at i m ager row oid. IWO to& rot o bar, 100. IDObrotIMON log"' !ra.Tbult•leo • oloit,ll/1•11111 - 1BEFt419DMIIIIMBIni neresimau i kagoO*4R D 34n 1 . usisamittemot,,!ild - .4a4v1011%_ -,yiucr vrvirnapar: r. Int i• - /tau - • 'wt. a mut a Prsawe, btai;oo,o o l 4 ' &Imam 041.4 5 u1a0 thwas, Thasniam in .bs ••• I u 9, x I Almost* dna& - H/Z —Sib "Id rumf "6.ooAR.,atliissid'tifkterieblil*tesid aratestailltyll,L,. rwear. rib-14714/4 . NlORdaht ool . *IVIED SIifIGJEW bEIS,P;.' 4 ' 0 , 4 •$.4 . " - 1 . 3 416411... ,9*/011~-3cA.o.6rl2.AVUttels WM* mmmew, emsdir t tabby L. 0. ttit“l _ _
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