WRISPAX -MPH/A% JULY 21 Loo; -. Pr= Yadadart *nein Gasettig: Is the Coesettettaa Act the **Mei llas , s Law'," The tonehatoze by which to try the fast, that the thew hundred delis? clause in the Oneeriptionlaw, is a clew provision of the poor man, Is aaifest by a glans" at the inexplicable of the Provost Mar- , ' • . . . skid General, snaking distinction between till:its:punt of this ism and furnishing an acceptable r sulsititate.,` this decision the • ,3011 sent of three hundred - dollars exempts 1 the intim from this draft, bat•renders him Welikie a month ham, to- be --drafted over again, while • the otwertibloi nabitltate Were. ' Mu of all dilliceity arising _Rom, th e eon seription derby the three yparif4,We; are - Weed to the coaciallon that the. bee and ary of the Copperhead peak agebieb the thrie . hundred dollar slew, in, adratoi. 'shy rev on that Poi, sitilasittoo:lreat an sleet in Washington, aid thli Illegal andixost pi:s tadia° - Utteristnalitnrfolforat lir7urr Mk di - piked attempt to keep down their bit* oriti-' elm of the law. The fuel, therefore, which keeps the cop perhead omits going on this question is, we think, tarnished by the attempt of the au.; theritlee to mike, rather than to administer,, this law. We hare the plain letter of the law for this opinion, as follows : Spa: 13.."Assribeg iktrideinioote . d, .That any, person drafted, and notified to appear al afore , said, may, on, or before the day deed for his appearanee, furnish an somplable substitute to fake his plaoe in the draft, or de may Tay eo weed perms as the Secrettireer War may cla-- tiariee to remise it, awl 81211111 ICIT 11X1311101110 resat RUNDRID nor case, the &ammo may I daterminit, roe tam raocuagnoer or 11111311 IMISTITOTZ, and therefore such person, so fur , Dishing the substitute, or pare, Ike stoner, skit be dietreued frose firtaer liability seder that draft. How in the fns of se clear an eneetment, it PO be decided that three hun dred dollars is not an equivalent for the mil itary service of the conscription poises our eomproliesslon. -Passing -to-itaL.gent, how ever, what do we gee- the aubstitute „being' plaesdabove the pecuniary equivalent runs up the - prim of the imbatituteto $3lO, $4OO, $450, • POO, and siren over this figure, making it more ' and more batauible far the poor man to pro cure exemption by this-roans from the MIMI IN, of Mernir three kondred dollars a month if the drawing be repeated so often. Clearly it is not the law, but the attempts to Snake another law on the part of the. Pro reit Marelisi-General, which is doing the • mischief to the poor man, and as clearly does It Weems the duty of the freinds of the 1101 , ernseent, and the Mends of the poor man to point out the miseldevou efforts of this in ' e frokniitiney in the decidons of the authorities. The :appeased- wito.alsim to by the especial champions of the poor, have here an opportunity of striking at the rest of the " risk sesn's clause" in the law, and we shall judge of their honesty in this question by tlifs action thej take in the promises. the Fallen reassylvanians at Get .... tyabarg: . By a diepatilf from Chambersburg we learn that *very arrespreent lout been made at Gettysburg, by Governor Curtin. for the re lama, on appliestion to David With, residing thers,of the bodies of Pennsylvanians killed in the late battle. A map of the battle • field has been made, whioh sbows.the ezmit built, of every. grays. A list of the wounded and slot Peassylmalans is also being-Coeds, and every Welty for the ending of soldiers will -lle &f -loated. 'The trains,however; for the: ext eight days, will be ed exedusively for the transportation of the wounded and sick. Per sees who aontazipt&to &shit to Gettysburg for tR - purpose of removingthe Milan ifi'rela tins and Meads, would do wall to postpone It for one week at least._ Transportatios will be famished at the State mese» air the body and one person .. to atimagasy, dt. Thom of the Pennsylvania militia meneulad is the late skinahh neat liegfaiterty will be -returned to their, coos on is the Mansportation ens poialblylisi procured. i t i „ The Elireatiosary liatertietwatein of P rot. Kidd, Last Night. A large and highly appreciative audience sanded this exhibition, attracted by the well known reputation of the Professor, and the excidkint obleokof the exhibition. The portions of the programme whieh nave, pier tone admirable humor of the itioeutionist, were remind with convulsions of laughter, sod' were most excellently rendered; while the dialogue between "the veteran and tien. Scott" - wan given with as exquisite fidelity to Ratan, and was loudly applauded. The evening pawed off moat satisfactorily, and the whole affair was 'a lettering nieces' to tie performer, and of profit to the holy ob ject for width it was given. Net the least favored put of the 1 pro gramme was thiaanouaninent that dining the menth_atitis engagement at the Exoskior Intintiin this city, Prof. Kidd design. &leg a few more public, entertainments. We wish him napes. most heartily. Beak Rote tgaotations, • 11471 - nietid a u for - ate fawn. by Kew& held Jt Late, of the ilatiemai Bosh Aft Reporter. Bates uneertain at Prima eassiaas, Ray it, se& Dirfatat. 914g1ids. Intake.... !loath Oimilas.— loath Osrollua.-.... Georgia" Alabama -.— Moms. Swgr logluidStatia. 'll4N , Tatit licw-l'ark par bona. Halo psi Bli.all4lloll4pres lloorner. Co, yr. 11 - Whi sk =adt•Oc., - . 10 Bealc, , • PLI/oentry Ooksibia,—.. par ladlaat‘ X adians, bit 'lats.-. pot Wilsooda lowa.. 1. I Niebliao 1 ilimiand.ll•llson. • Think( /34 Mama Claaatlai.......rass.. 19 Oittilaw-Yark nn -5110:13. sad Wm at 10 EMg ideitt„ . G. W. AM. *Milaniluta yonagtedlon fa sow -41 d-d o. gawp talltitilagLsiltfinand Behoep,f Comm as* of 'Filmet s', main obarge of Ordnance, papartammt at Sort Delaware. Hs is ape in this alty, on hls return from Johnston's ightad;mhars ha rsosatly_dslinnid a 'large ,Brigsdlor . :Alsaaraisi; toartomi,, Ooloitals, alma vs, slalom Staff Ofloors, caching:ad Captains; aid ! twir kmared Eta ninoty-thret Llantei ---"liimitaaaat-Altl-hateseilltk :arena is* laddipshdsat f r trig ort lava», and know liras charge of 10,- 4sl.pris_osem • vat, ma 250 ossaviots, de. sorters. it.. Nis position Is one of gnat so- Ampaiabillty, baths has proved- Massa tally onapiTtoli to tliiidltolliegf R - iivo — ty - ! Anty to whisk in has gat bass aaslgaod., Itestiange by Mr. Murdoch. A Mtn hers been ricebred in this city, from Md Mlifittilikk; Ut dirtbridahod ao kr and lidoeutiesist. announcing 'that he 11 - sew was profesakkia tour to tho 'mat, with • Mr* moldy disking finds fat. the relief of Oiled invaded' folding. - Mt. Murdoch eta eictit Ovary when Oldo hastien thbotened -with in ke ktia-slwaddeted his silo and . ow Ili MO defeat of aim that& HU heads, • • Ala vallseaad his -pozaa-licritlAtganliki wad if belliag_o*: the good!' 011114• Wadi being & boo Mud of the -aoldbovhe now &dram to aid tkkeL 11 1 trdatill eatioiM entertalamenta ..'Heixfoats to rMob Ibis .off 7: His hitter has bon Salad •ftroasioolkto“,„ itcyropernoinntittse,' audios • enterialapontillirbbibTY %fent op Bat- A's the News l" WO soot si hithlegithe wings* ft -rum-a, *weft the sheet sal eaklitaii..,-ofti 'hi esidittetied ask Ws `'-4biat i t st Weleynittere4rlth tlut - .iteteeippe w ide, , aefrar Of _,eatealeelkaa_sotilnitalacta_de2hitt' answer • iguettale,o 4 44 8, gets aft-the papers—he's _at '4o.t.tuf*Cuullit_te,,h_Pettkif':4 he d us k mop sad ta, poem& sae ramgfs ea 4l2 *Pettiti IMO kla uesetril sad , dlsolpilatise , Rhe 41iiii — pluWaric!uf - 4110 4 Fr6tuttf• to to. ".,"afseet• gist theme km_ i fuled , P up" for - IlearteregettlUphi ram sahr of - the paper. 7Pkii....fiksimaa,l-ooLlt.ir.:tollior, of the up P. Vo t loalafriviClaileolty lam at.Prairla_st kis boaoli bscial'l/okaianarias kola a wound ISSliotottramina! atter the botkfakof thaw. - T Ol-11 " 70 . 1 k • • . ...-...+1,4•••.-..."---,,,,••:,,,,,,,•,,,1irer.:"..1,2,--- '=•,•• ' • • - • -• • ....,;••,, •:...-:•.-.—,-;,•-• -... , .-4,1•F-,-. , -••!-. , . , .. ei.-i-,. ,, ,-.c.. , ..:--,--:,ii-.*t-n? t ,,,e, r .,- - --k. .41,„-4:i.,.4,4-••.,*0.iga ,. .,. , :,,D;tit5,, ,,,, ,,-. 4 .,,,,,,,, : :::..,- ..- •10• . .*.-e ,, r,, , ,,ee_44,- , ••,, , 2„.6., ,, ',44.,.v4-5,11}-, 1 ~-gat , •,,,,,,,,.., - . ~ ,, .....4 1_ , , , • ,.....,: (5..• •• :w . -- i... ~„ ti...,., ,, , ,..- 4 ,e,,,- . ts,_ , ,,fr .. , -4,. , . T . Tf ...*.,, , ~.. •-, •v-v4,T,.. . :No., ~.:.,, , ,..., w ......,, , ..e.0,1•4e• ~,,, • , V-4 . 14%1We v• .N0g - #.4, - AkwkPi,„ , .. . ' . The Vatted States. Sanitary Commits. - , A 'attar from Gettysburg, under date of the Id last., says: Bleu the battle of Gettysburg the Sanitary Commission ban distributed to the Mk and wounded of the Army of the Potomac, and of the enemy lying in the hospitals with them, more than one hundred wagon loads of hos pital supplies, end kiwi urw IVeiail-eor loads en the way to Gettysburg. The President of the Ountahnrion, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Douglas, Dr Hoopla, Dr. Cheney; Dr. Anderson and Dr. Winslow, are at Gettlebant the,Genersi Su nbury, Profusce Stelier, and De Drink, with a elope of relief Agents, 0121012 wagons and thirty horses, ittend the movements of the army fromikif palnt(Prederiek); Dr. Swaim -aceompaniee the column of Gen. Conch in the Cumberland Valley, Capt. Harris in Harris _hart; Mr: Litwin in Philadelphia, Mr. Knapp and Mr: Paincosst lifßaltimore, Mr. Bellow' in.Washingtoe, Mr. Ciamnitt at 'Frederick, 'euperinteniiathe transmiulen of supplies. Ruh of theA gentlemen has had two years' experience with the army. Cars, atiounpanied‘by spsoLl agents, leave the depots of the Commission at Boston, New York and Philadelphia daily for points of de mend. Special arrangenient are made to pre vent delay is their movements with the rail read companies and - with, the Government. The supplies are distributed by the experienced *gents of the Commission. Their seal in reaching the points where other aid cannot be ‘sbiendia . on: by;Ab tiov test, in ' the preselia eiropitlgif, 2 foui itients of the Commission have been captured by the one xey's cavalry IV Oohing sunup to exposed polintsie The vrattouspf the %Omission, under the sriPirtutesfieneXorNisjor, 'Bush and Mr. Hoag, acoompasied .the army in its march .11 'lleimontly-and videod the oolbsotions of wounded on the Odd of Gettysburg white the battles tf the lit Indict instant were to pro gress, and ho before supplies renohed Outs from any other queerer. The Cemadnien is eating in like manner in all other fold,. One' hundred thousand dolhire' worth of goods have been sent to the column of General Banks, in Louisiana. Mach more than that amount to those of 'General Great and General Ructorans. At this moment the Commission is issuing goods to the value of at least twenty thousand dol lars ($20,000) a day. A work of this character and magnitude can only be sustained by the constant spin mean co-operation of a great number of aux Clary societies. and by liberal and repeated oontributions from all who appreciate It, be neficence. To inch the barest statement re minding them of the foots, and of the well known policy of the Commission, can only be required. It fx only asked that the preseint ocasion may be taken to establish a more Complete ledoption of the system of the Com ulsalon by the connection of individuals with existing societies 00-operating with the Com mission, and by onforaingjmon steady, rega -1 lar and systematio methods of eollectlnipapd transmitting contributions to its treasury and its stores. Hundreds will owe their lives this week to thososirbo did not hold their hand when these was no. special public excitement, by whose bounty the Commission had stores ready for instant use at Frederick, Baltimore and Wash ington, and reverses at PhUadelphia, New York and Boston. Those who wish to cor dially co-operate with the Commission will now go to work as if we were just entering upon • long war, and with no thought of its ending. Let those who have not begun to work eystematically for the army begin now. Let those who have been working steadily become more steadfast and orderly 'in their work. The Commission has seat from Baltimore to Gettysburg sines the battle over twenty thousand pounds of fresh bread, twenty thous and pounds of fresh4nutton and poultry, ten thousand pounds of condensed beef soup, nine thousand pounds of condensed mile, dve thousand pounds of fresh butter, ten thous and damn fresh eggs, five toes of fresh vege tables, four thousand pounds of sweet choco late, four thousand pairs of shoes and slip- Crs, one ton of tamarinds, throe, hundred boxes of Lemons and Oranges, of Janes, Pa rinactous food, wines, spirits, cordials, sponges, towels, lint, bandages, soaks and hospital olothing—many oar loads. These articles have been wholly supplied by voluntary contributions. The Departmental Service Capt. Brown's Company of the Departmen tal Corps, which has been in 'erste, in this vicinity for Some time, was yesterday paid off by .Major Cowan. Each man received over ens month's pay. The men were then permitted to return home, whirr; they are to maintain their organisation, drill once a week, and remain subject to future calls. Another company, Capt. Bailey's, trom Darneaville, Belmont county Ohio, came here hat Thursday, and were organized end mustered into the Departmental service. After receiving clothing, arms and equip ments they returned to their homes on Friday night. They also maintain their organisation and hold drills. Camp Howe General Brooks has issued an order reliev ing Colonel I, B. Biddoo from the oommend of Camp gore, It being nerearr to occupy the camp as • rendezvous for drafted men. The General expresses his thanks to Colonel Kiddoe for the prompt and 'Blatant manner with which he discharged his duties. Captain H. C. Damon, Bth .Begiment Nun sylvania Rums.. will for the present bare teenunatui of Camp Howe i and all °Blear" and enlieted men sent herd for temporarj duty at the rendezvous for drafted men, will report to him. Prarw TALI.—The MeadvilleJouseal says: "There are threats 'Meng the Coppluissade hereabouta that they will resist the draft. They have been ands; and orgealelug for menthe, Intt it will be • siftosrful day for them U they atbempt to put think threat/ Into eimmtiom. They will And an abundance of powder and ball ready to be used on them." MaJon'Nzumn.—The Niobium:id Dispatch, of the 181 h inst., announces the arrival there, strong other prisoners, of Major W. N. Neepar, of the 67th Pennsylvania regiment. Major Keeper is a resident of this /my, and mes captured by the enemy at Nstidratairg, COMMAND be Ditarntri Maw —Brig. Gan. Copeland has arrived in 'this city to take *barge of the drafted men of this portion of the State. Gen. Copeland was formerly in command of a cavalry brigade under Genital Stahl. to NI Cs R.*. OR oonvenitnt two story ..1: Wit dwelling bows, with back bnUding, rte Sow strott,Titu burgh. Also, • large, convenient and well 'bibbed this*- ** brick dwelling how*. with back botkling, 80. 111 Yee atroot, baleen& lint and !woad strati. Shoo, a two•torr brick dwelling hum, a lth back 80. lhoond Wrest, awe how. All the above ant in good otter, and sopplbal with Iwo and water. - Alas, a ono story Mune cottage dwelling, No. - Nu &cowl street, sod the swain:ll7.llam dialling M t.:Mit. Both of theme how* at* In good ardor, and gettable*** mall farsflkoa- ' . Also, alit a ground on the nortbeairtvardly Ode anew Meet, Woven Voce end Try streets, new Nan 'beat. basing a Stoat of ft Seat on 16 id garret, and sztratling been CO ' The of the ci above property fa situated In a desirable part ty. Tar Penis of side and particulars inqulre of: . WW. W. Tllolleoll, 1717:tf Ito. 1011 Fifth street. - DOR wiaas.--One .n prior sooond- E -Yazd Clil,ll7Dgit noiLnll, - 61/Isahei by not kma ail palm& Owl Ispatior tune WILLI/461 halms amour, 6 hlerVlSWell t lTlTY " Pititalll63, to fiosaenj, emend new and iwaeO4.6 . wa d STALK . IIACINIB, trona 16 'nob dilenetor down to 6 lack will 64, cold low for --- 'HUGH X. 30147., Allawbare liver. ow. Point Anew. ` AAKiterit . PROPERTY FOR WALE. N ar.;..4,- of groond containing two aceae and tortgesino porches, gateau adjoining prope-cy of Jogs loon& Mogi on tbo north. and-M. R. mats. os Mowers, on Comer of Inagua nod Chyle!_ otions.-21da lotto beaatitally located, bonen/gni— toitienpubobretyicacion, /IXd -got Overlools UN nag* Of the rim. ligt•dr end litxted Wit% Ina nadobnibboiy. oPply. Astyy.;:q 11.11IeLAIII t 0 "math et . - FOR BILS-4 , convenient and well. dabbed TWO•BT01/1 811.101 BOUM with 7 roma andsood des collat. sad loydirlukt valor. with a bane stable boak.,..lat 29:110 - et 3 lota 002110, 00-l000pootnat„ aloooLoatar, -catt, Pasonlsot Ban. lerdr et 11i OrrtlO ar•to Manny b. a.L aced Nast. - POO r LliT-=Atniiiiiiiia-Honts in But J. Mut,. ILtsn roomiciiiirate inintlin sad sanusernean. - .. Within it. Ws minutia I.lllllc of Emu end hind Oat. fasonstion given Innadi- MeV. ' B. 80011, iy90:14 7 - 114.1 . 454.16Pril street. Pittibarah ;11,1=m-411:7 1 1/01411V1:116th » roam; elm to tie 31611ffiml Ammiam:A liowlekbpay. hamsalmtly, _ , , LITE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS PROM OUR WISING EDITION.] WAD DEPARTMENT ORDERS• OFFICERS PLACED OA THE RETIRED. LIST. Reward Increased for the Arrest of Deserters GENERAL EICIELES IMPROVING Arrest of a Telegraph Dispatch Carrier. Special Dtep►toh to the Pittalotrab Grietta WAISHINGTO3I, July' 21.—The following order, jolt made public, explain' oertaLu change' made in Sew York not hitherto un derstood: WAS DIPANTIIIIT, ADJUTANT G 'a Orrick Washington, July 16, 1863. Genera Orders No. 220.—8 y direction of the President of lA* United States, the fol lowing °dicers ari retired from active service, and their names will be entered on the retired list of °Moors of the grade to which they now reepeetively be 19611. in accordance with ice, tlon 12 of the act approved July 17; 1862, this order to take "effoot August' Ist, 1863: -Major General John E. Wool, Brigadier Gen eral Wm. B. Harney, Breast Brigadier Gen eral Harvey Brown, Colonel of the Filth Ar tiDery; OA Justin Dimmiek, of tielirat Ar tillery; Col. Charles B. Merchant, of the Fourth Artillery; Lieut. Col. Martin Burke, of the Third Artillery. By order of the Beoretary of War. E D Towitalso, Assistant Adjutant General. WAN DIPARTNIINT, ADJUTANT GININAL'S OT/101, . Waskington, Jai/ 115, 1863. Genera! Order. No. 222.—A reward of five dollars, with transportation and reuonable axpensee k. for the arrest and delivery, at the nearest military post or depot, of any olilaer or private soldier, fit for duty, who may be found absent from his command witkout just eau°, is hereby increased to ten dollars. Paragraph 158 revised regulations, and para graph V General Orders No. 92 are modified accordingly. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. Townsman, Assist. Adj•i'Gen. General Sickles continues to improve, and was out again riding to-day. He was sere naded to-night by the band pf the Seventeenth Regulars. He proposes starting home soon, his physician thinking the trip can be made in easy stages without danger. A bey employed in carrying telegraphic messages was arrested to day for opening them, and conveying valuable information thus obtained to his brother on Lee's staff. WEST FRON GRIM DRUMM ESCAPE OF JOHNSTON'S FORCES Pearl River Swain by the Rebels IXPROITIOII JEOI VICKSBURG TO INICRIZ Capture of Eighteen Gun:, Ammunition Cattle, Sugar, Ae. he., to., to Sr. Loris, July 22.—A epeeist to the Re p■blicaa, from Memphis on the 20th Init., saga by an arrival from below we have Natchez dates of the 15th, Jackson up to the 15th and Vicksburg to the 18th. Sherman ordered a charge on Johnstoa's forces on Friday, but they bad so far escaped, that capturing was out of the question. Only • few straggler', a few guns aid soma antnin &Won were taken. A portion of Sherman's army is now In Jaokesn, which is his headquarters, while the reminder La on its way beak to Vioksburg. Johnston's army swam Pearl river. Eight steamers left Vicksburg on the iith, for Notches, having on board twelve Mildred soldier", ander command of Gen. Ransom. Os his arrival he captured five rebel aims. Crossing the river, he captured s battery of nine guns, four of :Molt are 10-poundeVPar mitts. He then marched back into the ookntry nine miles and captured 247 bozos of Hama union and nine more gum The -abide fled In consternstion. On returning to Natchez we found Ave thousand Mud of Texas cattle sad four thousand hogshead' of sugar, tali of which we took posnsaion of in the statue of the United States. On the eighth two steamers arrived: from New Orleans via Port Hudson, bringing op 2boo paroled rebel prisoners. Two steamers left on the eighth for New Orlesar, with large loads of cattle, and three more for Vioksbarg, with live stock. The steamers Louisville and Bimini tared up Red river - arrived at Vioksbt4 the TT th. WAIIIIINGTON, July 22.--The followin been reed:fed hers: Vl:twice:4 July 18, To /141. Gra. Hawk/ Johnston evacuated Jackson on tb of thcHlth. He Is now In full retreat. , Sherman says most of Jobniton's armyb perish from the heat, look of water ano oral direouragement. The army paroled here has, too err' army paroled here has, to's era , tent, deserted, and are scattered tbroul. oountry. Gen. Ull/1110111 'who was sent to NE captured asumbir of prisoners and 6,04 of Texas cattle. In Louisiana they ce, more prisoners and a number of teams with ammunition. Over 2,060,0001 o" ammunition were bronaht back to Ni Also, they destroyed 68,090 rounds of lery ammunition. _ 11. S. Gaut; Raj !Shocking Catastrophe In New Y, Fall of a ataUon House so Between Twenty•dre and Women and Children andel Batas. New You, July 22.-,Daring the ga lards, the wall of the 18th Precinct f House, In Twenty-seoond street, fur building was destroyed last week by tk One wall alone remains standlog. at the time-of its fall were filled with • and shildrwa, searching for coal:al* Eleven bodies, mostly of children, hok far been taken from the rains, seven de one part recovery. It is unknown how yet remain instils rutin ; 'the pollee thl more than three or four, while others ee the whole number of victims between Ave and forty. Three Hundred Hebei, Slurp and Captured. ' CAIRO, July 29.—Information wag • on Saturday afternoon, that a force of darm or four hundred strong, would - that night at a pater three miles west emit, whose Intention wile to *Una Davis, a strong stigkade fort six mile at Corinth, the next morals', they under the impOssion that the pais. • if in:away upona scout in Ahibt detachment of the 66th lilluela,ntd Wien ith Ohlo oevalr7. were iielnedhlielY seat forward, who completely surprised and captured the whore force. - Officers Relieved front Active Service. WASHINGTON, July 23.—8 y direction of the Prnident the following Whom are ranee ad from native "writ*Major Oen. John E. Wool, Brigadier Gen. Wm. S. Harney, Brevet Brigidler Gen. Harvey Brown,Cola: haetin & DEng and Charles 8. Marchint snit Meat. Col. Martin Burk. . The Draft in Rochester. N. IC.-9800 Appropriated for each. Drafted 80031117214 Jelly 21.—The Common Cosa. cll of ads city, this evealag,, by a vote of 15 eyes hi noyo,posood-tin cabmen totlag -007,390 to pay POO' for seek itax4rawn is tiffelfraft - 06 , P. 1 140 Irak The Draft la New York. Now Year; Soil 2L=-the! Hasa'. !model from Washingtbs— dated July:7l2lst, aye: Efforts to lads* the mavalment anfsuspend or avoid: the draft to-NSW York *AP n lig. The aoudad dike ri r otiii Ina zeuderal it. hi the estimation of the authorillis, imper atively necessary that the draft should be en forced. If, however. the quota Shoilld be filled by ',situation, there would be no occa sion to moped with the dn.ft. Under no othu eiroulastanoes less or will the draft be dispensed with. Morgan's Whereabouts. 011(0II1ATI, dnly 22.—Morgan, with about 500 men, - encamped near MoArthrir, Vinton minty, last night. At Italf-past Ave this morning he eau within a mile of Vinton, on the Marietta and Chtainnatt ItattroaL COMMERCIAL RECORD riTTIMIURGM latitaßTa O►elae Int 'Mt P 11,1111711111 DAILY Oatlirrfar t ' VI WM SOOT, Jga7 161 ‘ PM Coin continues to fluctuate, and the rates are a 0• settled and Irregular. Go'd In Few Tark hem again declined, being quoted today at from 126 to 1.24%0. Here, our bankers and dealineare paying 120 to ill fir Cold, and 1114111 Jr BtMer. OovertimentOcult6; eaten of Indebtedaese and Bastern Enthuse keznaln undoing. d. GRAlN—Wheat continues doll, and the tendency Is downward; we note a sale of 600 busk prlme Bed tram store at $1,24. There Is not mach Inquiry for Osta, and the market is doll and drooping; sales from rote of 200 bash at 680, and 200 do do, at 6Te. Oorn a so is dui', and Shelled may be quoted at 74 to Tee. Bye is nominal at from 80 to Slc. exceedingly dull and depressed. with a PhiPect of a still •farther decline. We note balm of 100 bbla low grade at $5 for Extra, and 114,60 for Extra ninny; 42 bide Extra at $5,25, and 200 bble Extra Pandly at tram $t,25 to $5,50 for good to choice. Bye Emir remains about at last quoted. PROVISIONS—There lea good local demand for Hams at lig.yor Phiki, and 11%&0120 for Sugar Cared. Sale of 100) Be Country Clear Sides at Go. Lard is quiet withamall salami 1034611 c far Oily. Um Pork is unchanged. arLOOPIES:—There is but a limited demand for Groceries, and the market is quiet with small sales at about former quotations—Sugar 11.6W3cr, Coffee 310630—mostly at 31 to 22o—and Holmes 66 to 600. BUTTICE L EGGS—Thereis considerable inquiry Ise ;waked Rutter, and we note Wm at from 12* to He, es to Quality. Ens mop be quotedst 10611/0. DRUM TRUIT,ItaIo cf 9 bulb "York Mato" Appin at r% aria per pound. Paanbaa—none to market. ' • lIALT—Ie to good demand and ilrmort $2,4042,60 per bbl for No 1 Ix 411, holders, generally, irking the lent named Agars. Pitteberik Ott Market. JULY 22—The mutat to-day for both Crude and Refined Petroleum, hes been aoceedinaly quiet, ma we were =lids to hear of a single transaction. Rise patches from 00 City received to-day, report the river tieing at that point, with three fret to the channel, and this being the case, it is altogether probable that . there will be considerable oil down, though we do not believe the quantity will boas large as some parties imagine. What effect the probabil ity of Woman t r eceipts will have on the market re melts to be developed, bat our shrewdest and meet intelligent dealers am inclined to believe, That than will be no material decline if any. The demand for Crude I. largely to excess of the supply, mad, in the absence of salsa, we quote at 21(423n, packages returned, and 11egi,270, prckages lnolndal. There le still some iillerence between the views of buyers and hollers of Refined, the former asking for a con cession in price, to which the letter will not sub mit. ror immediate delivery, good standard brand. are held firmly. at Ole, and for future delivery, higher rate axe Naked. Llretpool atrium to the 10th Met., report the Po. trolenot market ardt•wend adrandog—ltetiked 2, 61 6124 6d, sad Crude £l7 W to Ale per um. New iteinz Petroleum Market. Epode! Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. • Now lola, July 22—There to a coatinued fair de mand for Ontde, mid the waist is arm at 31. on the spot. Reined in beadle steady but without ma terial chimp in rates--ranging from 46 to ILO* on the spot; bOydipiatt for August delivery; ttio for gap bomber, and 6730 ctober. liepthe It nomisal it 22ib240 for Beamed. 0. PtilladelOkla Cattle Market. JOLT SKl—The arrive/1 and sales of Beef Cattle at Phillips' Avenue Drove Yard are moderate this week, reaching about 1,600 head. The market le very doll, and prim are drooping; lei guilty Western and Pennsylvania steers are selling at from 11E01130; 2d do at inn*, and common Oattle at from acaordlog to quality and condition. At the close today,the turbot was very dull. andcamman Wart: ern steers were disposed of at lower prices than tba above, mid to be Bya7o Sheep—The *mime end gale* Of Sheep at Phillips' Avenue Drove Yard =thse lugs, reaching about 7.000 heed this week. There lea fair demand atabaut previous quoted rates, ranging end qt. ESBAXO VI lb, gran, amending to audition and quality. Lambe are scarce" Wee On. making at from $3 4,60 bloc is to qiuillty. licie—Tba snivels animism of Roast the Union and Avenue Drone Yards reach shoat i 1,900 held this week. The market he dull at MSS 100 the net. ': I,2U head sold at Hoary Glue' at treat $7,50.11 100 ihe net. UalOn Dame Yard fito head sold at the Avenue Drava Yard, by John Onus A Clo, at from SUM V 100 The att. Toledo Market. Jam 20-.7lour—Nothing doles; no enquiry for mood lots. Wheat—We do not beer of a mingle tram oaten. This morning buyers offered 1060 for No ft Bad. 1060 for No 1 Ned and amber Ifichigan. Com —TM only eels reported wee 6,000 ban No I mrly, at 61e. Oats—Nothlog doing, sad we hear no Dames maned. Otker grains quiet and ambanded. Unchanged; Wogl{l.oo Comas and Clroond Salapp,os.l—NartA quiet; . 510600 lo Me ranp. Now Oilcans Market: Jtmy 10-Bugar and Holamea—With no receipts and au extremely light supply on ule, the transom tinue =St lots of far to fully , raMa t Par 11011011•0; 100 is. do, 5n Soffilott. Alkstomy Siatlon:.s 'bike moot. Jac Dews; 15 Ow cola, h Temp's; 1 bootee ow. J Ilatobo; 1 bo ow, .b 1 bx..ittor. 1 000 p thickens, Ws bed, 1 oar Olor bblo,l6T /Gaudy ki3to;.7 skit WOO l . oar WA, wSposo; SI tubs n 106 h ohm% b ,/1100b Tlinsd; o so* 3 11 Woo. 78 bp 004 21 , 4 4Le kt sarkotlos, ovum. July SI -359 bp own, Thom Balla cos 115 PlOPiak.'lWmlrd= WWI* MI tki mrim j• 11 loom 23 tubs battitAll ex. chow, L k co; BO dio d ° d_l l C " 12411 ; 68 dodo, 00 Ilobdrii 171 bp woo. monkoll i Ilia /Coln; KO bblo mad. 1111 . 11111114dr; 10 011ati was% Amett; Mon bib. 11 Batsmen b; 20 bill Abolish I' Yoatordor.2o can motohoo. Bud Rap gar; as bbls Onos, /11106 - lerci do, Jaa WO, 0r,5 bbki. won. L ,p• ,p3t.1.1 m y t, Ault: &CO; Mt. & Aida- MAW; 4o olob Wad* J. 'Lisa 4 6 46 011 kloOlotkia,„110111C0 0 1 111 llaa S doi• kkesakt k backlog II ~dIH2: :S .L MS= OFFICIIAL. LAWS OF TILL UNITED STATES, Passed at as Third Seuios of the Thirty ' - -sereortir- Congress. [l l / 4 =o—No. 99.] An Acr to - provider - for the collection Of abandoned property and for the preven tion of frauds in insurrectionary • tries within the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and Botts of llepreeentatioesrolthe - United Slates of - ica, in CongOas tissembiod, That it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Treasury, from sad after the passage of thia act, as he dell from time to time see fit, to ap point a especial agent or agents to receive and collect all abandoneder captured prop erty hi any 13 to - or Territory, or any portion of any - Stab or -Territory of the United- States tad• as in bum reo don againstthe lawful Government of the United States b the proclamation of the President of J first, , "eighteen hunired and sixtp.twof' Tided, That such prop erty shall riot chide any - kind or desonp don wail has 'ir used, or which was intended to be d, for waging or carry; ing on war t the United States, such as arms, o co, ships, steamboats or other water Draft, and the furniture, forage military suppllee, or munitions of war. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That any part'Of the goods or -property received or collected by such agent or agents may be appropriated to public use on due ap praitement and certificate thereof, or for warded to any place of sale within the loyal States, as the public interests may require; and all sales of such property shall be at auction to the highest bidder, and the proceeds thereof shall be paid in to the Treasury of the United Stater Sea 8. And eo it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury may require the special agents appointed under this sot to give a bond, with such securities and in such amount as he shall deem nec essary, and to require the increase of said amounts, and the strengthening of said se curity, as circumstances may demand: and he shall also cause a book or boo* of *- Amu* to be kept, showing from whom such property was received, the cost of 'trans portation, and proceeds of the sale there of. And any person claiming tohave been the owner of any such abandoned or cap lured property may, at any time within two years after the suppression of the re bellion, prefer hls claim to the proceeds thereof in the Court of Claims; and on proof to the satisfaction of said court of his ownership of said property, of his right to the proceeds thereof, and that he has never given any aid or comfort to the pres ent rebellion, to receive the residue of such proceeds, after the deduction of any pur chase money which may have been paid, together with the expense of transporta tion and sale of said property, and any other lawful expenses, attending the dis position thereof. Sec. 4. And* it furtherruoived, That all property coming into any of the- United States not declared in insurrection ae aforesaid from within any of the States declared is insurrection, through or by any other person than any *gent duly.-ap pointed under the provisions of this act, or under a lawful clearance by the proper offioer of the Treasury Department, shall be confiscated to the use of the Govern ment of the United States. And' the pro ceedings for the condemnation and sale of any such property shall be instituted and conducted under the direction of the Soo rotary of the Treasury, in the mode pre scribed by the - eighty-ninth and ninetieth Beetle= of the act of March second, seven teen hundred and ninety nine, entitled "An sat to regulate the collection of duties on imports and Wage." And any agent or agents, person or persons, by or through whom such property shall come within the linos of the United States unlawfully, as aforesaid, shall be judged guilty of a mis demeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be-fined in' any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisoned for any time not exceeding one,year, or both, at the discretion of the court and the fines, 1 pen alties, and forfeitures accruing undlir this sot may be mitigated or remitted in the mode prescribed by the act of March three seventeen hundred and ninety-seven or in such manner i in special oases, as the Sec retary of the Treasury may prescribe. Sec. s...doidibe it further enacted, That the_ fifth section of the "Act to further provide collet o n the 00/104: On of the revenue upon the Northern, 'll theastern, and Northwest ern frontier, d - for other purposes 7 ap primed Stay mirth*, . eighteen - hundred 'And sixty 4 Chill be so sonstrued is to allow the rary officers which have been or may be appointed at ports 'which have been or may be opened or established in States, declared to be in insurrection by the proolamition of the President * the first of July, eighteen hundred and'elaty two, the same compensation which by law is allowed - to — perznanout officers of the satin iositien,'or'the 'ordinary compensa tion of special agents -as the Secretary of the Treseurymay determine. - Sea Q. And be itfirther meet*, That, it shall be the dity of every officer or pri- i vats of the reguthr or volunteer forces of the United States; or sly - Officer, sailor, or marine in the naval service of GM United States upon the inland waters of the UM led States, who may take or ,receive any such abandoned - property, or cotton, sugar, floe, Or' teliscOo,'from persons 'in such in surreetionuy districts, or have it Under his control, to turn the same over to an agent appointed as aforesaid, who shall give a receipt therefor; and In cue he shall re fuse or negleot so to do he shall be tried by a court martial and shall he dhimhisaifrom the service, or, if* offioer, reduced $o the ranks, or suffer such other punishmeit as said court shall order, with the approval of the President of the United Stites. Solo. 7. And be it /frame enacted, That none of thep rovhdonsef this act shall ap ply to any lawful maritime prise by the naval.forces of the United States. Approved, kirsch 12, 1863. : ' f .„ . 76 44 tad pap ink of rrifia 9. Rio e xc e: M AM Se of *ftm at vas Ida l o aim Aids 1,000 light i5 O load 2y the Preeident of the United States of A PROCLAMATION. r . Wireinug a Treaty between the United States of Armin and the Republic of Li beria was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries, at Lendin, on the twenty Aka day of October last, - which treaty is,-word for word as follows: The UnitedgStates of America and the Re - public' of,Llberia, desiring to fix, in a permanent and equitable manner, the rules to be observed in the intercourse 7 and commerce they desire i4'estiblieh " between their respective countries, have agreed, for purpodo, to , conclude * treity . of and navigation; and hays judged that the said end cannot be better obtained than by taking the; most perfect equality akd resiprooity for the of - their operant; and to affect this they have named as theirrespeotive Plenipotentilfies, that is to sayi the President of the Unlkd States of 'Amer, les, Charles, finals Adam* Envoy Ei- tnordifisty and /Midst* PhinifpotonUa. •ry o f MAW Stake of ..Ameriki at the Court of 131. Janiss. :"and theßepub.:. lio of Merl* his excelleini Stephen Allen - -itensm*-- -President theteo4 who after having'communicated to each otbi er their respective full' powerspforatt In" good and due form, have agreed 1 upon the following , amities: • • ,rkso HO,. no for noI; no to ooze. roof 0.2.% gales 7 thls at of land load, do, • ad; 2 Woo, T lue . , rcmu - 'l. - There shin be perpetual peso* friendsidp bellow , the trailed States of Armiaa'anti the Republic of Liberia, and also. betweect eillseas of both oonoirim atirtouzi. . . .•_ • • There obeli be'reelproosl - frealom of will= mere, between the United States of Amer , its'and the Republic of Liberia. The old. seas of the ilidted Suite" of Azierlos mei 'raids in and trade to w _pert _of UM ter ritories of the Republic Of flto to *dolt any other foreigners are or shall be _ad mitted. They shall enjoy full proteetion for their Tenons and properties ; they shall be allowed to buy from and to sell to whom they like, without being restrained or pre judiced by any. monopoly, contract, or ex clusive privilege of sate or purchase what ever; and they shall, moreover, enjoy all other rights and privileges which are of may be granted-to any otherhredgnel subjects, or citizens of the most favored nation. -The citizens of the Republic of Liberia shall, in.return, enjoy similar p action and-privileges in the United Ste of America and in their Territories: ♦RTIOLE M. No tonage, import, 'or other- duties 0 charges 'hall be levied in the Republic Liberia on United States vessels, or goods imported er exported in Unit States vessels, beyond what are may levied on national vessels, or on the lik goods imported. or exported in natio vessels; and in like manner no tonage, import, or other duties or charge, shall be levied in the United States of America and their Territories onthe vessels of the Republic of Liberia, or on goods imported or exported in those vessels, beyond what are or may be levied on national vessels, or on the like goods imported or exported in national vessels. C=llll3 Merchandise or goods coming from the United Stites of America in any vessels,, or imported in United States vessels from any country, shall not be prohibited by the Republic of Liberia, nor be subject to high. er duties than are levied on the same Made of merchandise or'goods coming from sni other foreign country or imported, in:any other foreign vessels. Ali articles theprow duce of the Republic - of Takla mey bees-: ported therefrom by °Wrenof the United States and United States ,vessels. on as favorable terms as , by' tie citizens and 'yes eels of any other foireilpi country. In like manner all merchandise or goods coming from-the Republic of Liberia in any vessels, or imported in Liberian ves, eels from any country, shall not be prohlb? Red by the United Stets, of America, nor be subject to higher duties than are levied on the same kinds of merchandise or &oda, coming from any other foreign country or imported in any other foreign vessels. All articles the produce of the United States, or of their Territories may be imports& therefrom by Liberian citizes and Liberi. an vessels on as favorable terms as by the citizens and vessels of any other foreign country. - ARTICLE v. When any vessel of either of the con tracting parties shall be wrecked, fotmder7' ed, or otherwise damaged on the coasts; or' within the territories of the other, the res pective citizens shall receive) the greatest possible aid, so well for themselves as for their vessels and effects. All poulble aid shall be given to protect their property from being plundered and their persons from 111 treatment. Should a dispute arise as to the salvage, it 00 be settled by ar bitration, to be ohoeen by the parties res. pectively. I=l It being the intention of the two con tracting parties to bind themeelyes by the present treaty to treat each other on the footing of the most favored nation, it is hereby agreed between them that any. fa vor, privilege, or immunity whatever in matters of commerce and navigation; whit* either contracting ply has actually gran ted, or may hereafter grant, to the outsets or ()Meatus of any other State, shall be ex tended to the citizens- of the other con tracting party gratuitously, if the conces sion in favor of that other State shall have been gratuitously, or in return for a com pensation aa nearly as potable of prayer- Senate value and effect, to be adjusted by mutual agreement, if the concession shall have been conditionaL Each contracting party may appoint meals for the protection .of trade, to re side in the dominions of the other; but no such , consulshall enter upon the exercise' of his functions until he &UM hate been approved and admitted, in the usual form, by the Government of the country to *doh he is sent. The United States Government nixes never to Interfe unless solicited by the re, Government of Liberia, in the affairs be tween the aboriginal inhabitants and the Government of the Republic of Libel* in the jurisdiction and territories of the Re public Should any United States citizens suffer loss, in person or prop.rty, from vi olence by the aboriginal inUbitants, and the Government of the Republic of Liberia should not be able to bring the aggressor to justice, the United States Government engages, a requisition ha vii V nl ae rznient„ n tilts - made therefor by the Liberian to lend such aid as may be required. inns of the United States residing in the territories of the Republic of Liberia are desired to 'abstain frein all meth intercourse ' with the aboriginal inhabitanta as will tend to the violation of lawand a disturb. &Doe of the peke ot.the country. The present treaty shall be ratified, and' the ratifications exchanged at London, within the arum of nine months front the date hereof. In testimony wiumio4'. the Pleniptenti arias before mentionedhave hereto snbecrl - their names and affixed their seal& • Done at London the twenty-first day •Ar October, in the par one thousand eight hundred ma 3 siztyl4.lo. aeLatas rautots ADAMS. au : IiTZPHSJi ALLEN BWON. Lanza And whereas the said treaty has been duly ratified on bo th parts, and the reaper tire ratifications , of the same, were ,es, changed at Los:dation the tenth ultimo, by Charles Francis Adams, Regain, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Platipotentli-' ry of the United States at the Court of St. James, and Gerard Ralston, Esquire,' Con sul General and Commissioner for maim behalf of the Republic of Liberia, oi "the part of their rears:tire Governments i i• Now therefore, be it known, tbst a .a &laden Lamour, President of the If States of America, hare caused the said treaty to be made public, to the mai that' the same, and every clause and article= thereof, may be observed and Milled, With. good faith, by the United: State" and the citizens thereof: • . In witness erhereof, I have hereunto Bet my hand, and Ganged the seal of the Uni tedEltatas to be affixed.., Done st the city of liraddi'iston, tide eighWenth day of March; is the [L. is.] year ,of mu - Lord one 'oniuhnd • eight hundred and sixty.thrte, • and of_the Independontoe Of. the United States the eightpeerenth: ABBATE/al LINCOLN. , By the President: Wrtars.n L Swariie, Secretary of-St-ate. To LET. DOB elftleikkr RECK wiLtsoun!•lo.--6-Irrs4" sows Itat W atast. - - !or tame apply a MIIII r..11x 110011Wal n em- otr. am Id aad Weal stesol. rpo -upr.:lll., , Two:or , Threi.:4oD.N. thhil Sixth limbo tit llamas Back Ilii tithe% with or ittlirs4rarpawrit. ikp m e wreachwit c xraultat.ortng stamOrs. I . — GARDINER 001F37:1%-Agisis Iv' it v Yuazuz,' PiniariusrA ays Bauman lip gnaws oourams," lartb4mat came 1/004 Pad V •- ...401.4124_Asjutir :A • •• ai, Sato of Paisabratits masa tkad k• "mg" • hr. a Water Wag.: • AK —BMA 7 thiossWit UrAlloni greTs • " amour uoi remn ios water sum. JR.gDIC4L A FRESH- 1313PPLY amxm EIONEWPATIIIO SEM EDIESs roz - 210 i rigorLs, NPINRMI SUM - T ifioailte 01110.110 C. • 1 c /10011°I.:1!°trr,Mr.",W 4, 4, 0 4 Waelbg No. 11-IMl* Clcad-OtNei r WNW} Y of Waits. to. 4—Yar gm nt:taC 404011***fa /kW/ Max. /s- No. 6-. Var Obolmmy;.6lkokiro Nadi% Iri a nt ag . No . T_rur Tbrool. No. ti-4or ea". Moat 21,01 ftos at Dave No. Stomach. aMiallotoa4 Lbw mild No.ll-11* Irrogoio~ali sr, or Potiods.'" 21811=7; lootoonfoN_RT,r.,SNl. ambit No. 111-Pw Amp, Wawa GM* No. 14-WW Where iPtam-ratansdThe lltrathts& pir. Nap *Ono EVOLIOII4/14 MOON ,' NO. LO-••Ma vrate-Pur Leastess Of Iformew tu the alli Sick 7o de No. 1111=i - hi linolbramplioisms ima itermialibitity; L. ':. 0 - _ SNo. l!et - egrikalPiltes likSeabrfLottellip dill. r w 0, ., . 1 ~ i ... 1,...1 !..... IC a so • 17. t (.. ow , Wm: 13.-111Whory eall est Ipws, OlteeetLiL ‘ltt. ..iimki-gmtem APPeabitiltfteTt.. Pplip bieh. ::.ittries art z?Bidigii itailaii alp "l evgickiieliliirpor!,4 . i!puft Itifiteehltelawaterad*WAP I 6riat imit g uisa titenth.= TTpp*. Wllr • 7 W.004110r - ' ' 1101oksak, ha iiii - ems er..riariwupinnoly: ' xilinit. band N la, eethle4kettewheltht*Ohtepewa lip seta team: Pe* w mite per toe- , . .. ler Br Dexhavpi awl thattheW-Plawwee tram the Yaw, the melt of IkeaPerri' ItteetHyhe Iller. wattle. NW Law In the Rish. W Heen lob ab4A4VbtAbel Ze*.elg *ATOP" Ida. 4 * ' 244 4 :' kea •.. • . • ... . ifvos. - cation" sr /Matte; . • , r . . 1 1,1 pay . , perluelt• J i:. 1 ti ..Le m i tLv. J 124 ' t ~;(4 ice. ' with !leapt, . III& _eu . . "Irt: , aild ls4 Bio r ir !ion , . . ..woosaf, 7111. r 1." %t.P D*Sall=. eg. ' :l ' ; Iciaik j mit ‘ birr be . APIT.P.4IRAM4 . 11 1 1591:q. LI a. 1 •. - ',:''';''*'tVitilitle - itriitiai •..i .4 t....:. 1-...: .:, : • ~/ ...:.- 44. C.l e'% , , 1 -on) 69 Pot*lpktit, we *sea tiAliwietas Genoa _ P111111",1104 _ Pa" 4IMlr I$OgMEL'-' - - - . . . STABDOD ",LAW AND lANDICAL Whatton's aticalaat Law • Wharton a IMMO, atataal hcrivesilmee. Boatitra Law Dtetanua. vas Paraont on Nona and Bal. a rola. Parma an Oontracts. 2 TOlll. t. Pat 1110 e Mannatat .• . ‘: Imago% Itcok oL Ypen‘ Illan'aJaarka, • ekargwoomuniscasions. volt_ .. • Elltard aukrolatind Luolvaacy. - Woods. Prltatka ot gadlotaa 2 win - • • Wood? Tainamatarand 2bazasaaolaw. thattaea rsory : Sim* 01411,i64. Otos' e• thi aamarr . . -- Svols. - can's•—• - • , Wilson% HasawAsAttArA. Oa 's DABilloca Darroarry, atanteee annum Ptat, • amok% Tandy - Yet sato br KAY t 00. 1 26 wood strata. my seatura stistift . - NrXidt; ! greassioiletke ahadiaa nddlahlha as tbaßaeadso etawamWatiL The Ina, WIWI Maintaid. - Feareakra. Natant Imo Is the U.& damala: lUmarablaa Olaat sad paper. aim aad gam Samba: Matsu tad the Am**, Warta La Madam itadialaa 2.715 JAR , ' I , Man. la lhanalreavat 'NZ vrLre aLECIILMUSL wHit&LBA & W/LBOWN i ti • .. rs =inn rizimar. cgairows&Dox SEWING MACHINE. WCIIIVITAII4 Loma pW;rIOIILL - si • With.!akabkill - - U dablebbisata Ibelliadimiajlbbiesora 'Palma. Ham= and Oboe% lidlatldommod li . Law 'a b= badeallkd , ibad 'an at ow abosailiadmallarEalebra ta "sap* L • FrAiNd.aibbOlimilisdaidf.l !irk • ,-1 1 . r t h ik • MIXEII44k co, isuenuoveceirrs, PuT6iii—No. ft !triAlitilllT. ePaugun7fLlNl: o , l 64,Manie. pomuna&-lial MAIM; 171117111 P • ,rya) IA Tia AU'? T tet i mii i ata onait rilrraiiir , : J. z . Tp 4 9pr447,. ~--f- 3,1*, , ,(44'fir - 444.4,,t;,. 1 - ::::`kiailiiib, makiirpresiAm losii _ —Jammu. losifesscosz. una iss. 001111111111. LOW II am ,Airar=to sews 401111Kkiral EA MD. l l MA rTkla Makilkallik = 6 7 the obis Genn it Qs me rim . -11alre toop Linepsoi 'blots at tit calesq: Illet„ool6tmce.., ~........415 01) Moot tlebtitill OW 4,, sk x. • .... . -. _ retain* OM Ili WI Ilk. 41 . 1 a1= . it. AVW4II,Ijc . , mgr. - isiaiis4olisiltamOde: z ' •, i ':', '. t . , ` . l faki . 1 -: "'- : liciai Ma& • • TWt WNELLor Mlliallf Lug.)ligiW:l,.., Mii Nov Saki Alossesposlaliodded lid ilias OM 01%0 urn di. L • . —-.. • • gprjrif Asiggiq .. .. 0 1 2,1'..419kri r a ‘ 4 3 1 - I °# lh r,nith l i f mu* r 1: 1:1, .41Yoliiii is fehtiAilkiiiiir.. :Mtn Met CliVi. '...:4liii Ye 4.:24....1'' Pill a go. se Losailwalo de. do Loadaa.. II II _ do. - tia Prodr...4:: 0/0 z dazift rititi...... QOM. do. to Mirding IC 4 %,WlLldablng NN Ono rnmoN. to .woorojtroir, 800. e r ten Nobs. aroma. by riiiit, broirolos^ or imid aldld, WC' Illowdek Tbadvhslebh t o Mc aloft . NatokolooroM Nur Omorliku ' • 4 NW Maar =MUM . JNIN'. Itosilatorioustho l V iri nolroo . 1' . maing:ol4 112.0A.111111A1a . 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