i,l6l4tinb (k.autAll. TRURSDAY MOLUNIINO, JULY 28 CITY 4.F.EdlitAB. onProtAz rapiiie Or !HP 0727. triton Celeste Ticket. lerl#Uld hi* of ao. D4ork4 (kerl. • MOM RAIIIIOII. Poo Assfs24. A' JOHN P. °LAN. U. ALFRED EILAOB. DL BAYS B. HEREON. WU. 11. DIN 17 ISTON. P. 11109. J. DIGIIAIL Po. Mob of Dmorio. ::•.• • . MIL A. 811118.011. To. Oromp 7 , osneop. DAVID AllllB. J. Pnr Itvordon. =NM IIoOLD WY. J. atc47 at= .- .O•INNA. oossArlare. GIORGI HAW LTOS. fir Dmossr U Gel Poor. . POllii F. DaAvo. 001 liuuk TeDIM WAII PICIVILII nor Till 800711. By B. Ertvia, Dolonia or Collor: io :be tom denor Army. New Tort: D Atyloo . & to. la 3 Pitt Laren IL 11. Dmis, Wood rumor. 33App. lug* iMoro. This a Tomtit, In a alma of excellent a a, of a book recently published In Zi a by by an ex-Colonel of Cayah7, who In the robed army till the end of the Pen ii ular campaign, and than made his way to gland with th e materials for making a hoe in his porunsateau and hood cos.) ainuy. The following gismos from hia pietas sem faith-the pompano' ohs &akar with as snob esadocand honesty, we Imo no doubt, as she 040081010113 Ain partiality of any man vest- Jai for Ilmself oonld be reasonably expiated a attain to 3 . I ham; m a ieragee, for • *mood time let my font up the tatty Atone of o,d Zugiand, to complete, tads %bellbottom , of her contiona banner. a nat mum of the rematkobbn events that occarted donut • pallid of mare than el ghtam montbo' compolgalog la swans, the luxtal - Op of watch I octi .neel teeth my pommel esperiance as an Mbar of the Ouch dor. at. arm 7. Now that my book la road I can confidently plata It bennre 111 muter, with the aosaronce that Um... "Mar PletUrte" hats been dollnesiel not en y to the bre of my abidty, but *Mt conselaalutto nt„ard to tentlL Although circumstances led me to take service In the tonlewerath mmy—my lung rambles:lce in the Southern Otani Wog. however, the mein loam-- meat thereto-1 have not been the to.. dlepoied to do Patios to both tildes angagoitale lateen table 0011toet. Thus, while ever ready to tititow my twenty admhation on all the lattatices•that tame to my ka,mleo ge oyherobm, pet:tale thermion, no high princip ed conduct, who her dianleyed oa the part • my WY sawmills at ea that 01 their oppooren , s, hen, on the other hand, rot heettetal to lay here tkaettvreabd blamable acts, by whom. star ceno Mined, that bare been COhdoclea to eo hatch diseeter end ausety. nor have I spared the wrong-doers, It is only necessary to say, that es a narra tion of mats,. and a criticism on men and menirs, from _a iot a / a ids point of view, the wolum• may be read with wenn. 01 coarm, and as • metier et necessity from the position of - the writer, it Is esty a met/aide Mew, e pada, intdeunate, one sided view that the jut:farina reader Intl , open the boo kl to look ter; tutlrrifiai that, a. waikaTwhldera intimitt oil, is nbt '((host value, and it b certainly in n, Boos: op P. AIrIPALTS 13 AID 14 This delij¢tllu ul t s potany of cartons, quaint. out-of-theory lose; of Pl ooo lof anovioloto personal reolielsoienose 10."4 1 traditions whiteout hen bra recorded f!'";!'" d hooks tbs l poop!. hav a M 0...." " mil wined to see - brought together LI one ; tau intstMliny. undertekon by Robert ere \ " 1 end others in the Book.of Days, of wt have hero the 13th and 14th parts, is like:f to be one of Lon 'fortunate books that is It ever} body. If this we shy appears dowbUnt to naybooy, we .thlnk tbe reading of helf-a doom- peva will bring him over to be of our mind in tale matter. The Book of Day s is published by W. Ai R Chambers Edinburg, wad:: B. Lippincott .t Co., PhileLiphia, sun lifer sue by. R. S. Davis / 93 Wood !treat, The Charge Against the Ex.Sherif et lantana Comity. . :.:Ehersese al...David Balaton ex-slosift of In dium maisty,charrei with threstoning to re slot the draft withaoompsny of cavalry which As was engaged In raising, under the Weil •danta late call, owns up yesterday heron Com ssiutoher lipronL A large number of mit tens., Mad, membm of the company were lot athalidatme for the defines. Two only were eiandied, ind by their testimony it was Wide doer that Josph W. Ellwood, toe informer in the totae,.was totally anent by of Wilma. Be was proven to be guilty of nearly every ot issue forbidden in the docalong*--a very, bass rued. Tits aosianasut abtadossd the ow sad abi:Billlion was hssossaty disokargattos Instsd y. IPN sots this with peculiar Satisfaction. What any sash eenabinstion se the oasobszs ad itsplast Oast. Boiatoa *ma exist is legal instate Penns, tyaata, scold be a source of =Wait laortillassioalo alt patriots, sad for Quo whoa, seettoe, re topics to list It a vial sd sad sbuslasbte lie. Im portant to Draited,llien. Qlpteis J. Biros Porter, Provost Martini : I am directed by the Provost Marshal Gummi to eakaowlodge receipt et your comotaat adoe of I/self* isstaat, and to say in ropiy iit Wasa_draltsd ram WI to report. the Dtshirt - - besot stspoos".la for their daarribas, any =we, than - totidri - faisenloo of tusmsers .1 lu quota In tho 4 , -", ;2.14. - ,l2sa 41001 mast therefore it endued roe td. Tbaisylag VD). for !lma rattan tet m'att ' tater wooer the ban Alms' upon lb. ECO...M..ti , the slipisistofistml , ar.4649 mar ses states. and .11albrkalliediarkt.thsrsitota. Is Is paid tor...pros - a. .sattottOria sutuse." • 11164141ies mat pottimt liaem liable to tol3 l .- " 161 1 1144'. 1 0 1 1 .40 .1102701b11110ki t, /1. ery iatoall.sry mike to lb. sampan' t amigo affili 'ttrath•pl Lamar.= by law. It atut ,- XPlSifawp far thaat. - MOST MIDIS. • : latlataat AdAutant GmwraL Third '.211111.1e 0 11t, whist left hero some time now statleawl at Now ,Lt. 4,114! wily regiment at that point. si.follows Colonel, 8. B. Dick; _.: . .rfagigipOsite-Ciploneli.l. A. Vera; Yijar, D• AOLOtaate B. Keane; Qom.- "+-• wawa.. Jobs Berms. The regbtene ts from B i wa . and Disliked emsaties. Colonel "..:„.Dbali.Owls esivin, :id the famous gal NMI. 4 " . ;;:1114Th atirr urrrer - as tiNath wood Kowa Batt g,. l t; Colonel Vora, as `a latOalti 111 tbo 134th P•S:401"1"/ was I. both Fredarloksbarg betties. The Ines of the i3 A ir,vo4 00 0 110 :•, bays become rrglopittar is the !totally of Ne4r._Cmok• •t Dims ems Atmulass:,;-There vts, ool . - tildefaltue silt and bustle among the dils; 1 0 11 D 7 ' Mating! yesterday' aftersoas oceasiono DY • - Iklegrephis. POW. DOM Oil ;City, to the effect , that tire dyer bid sisan thew to a depth of 1-:.1- fest. -Oa thentrangt of this sews the little steemer " Day"dropped round to Allegbesurarf, preparatory to , receiving tMililtos• day. Bite expects to leave at, font lel/ask !SAM apnoeas. —Taa-Aitsatosx-Jonanst of TEM MI DICIAL Dallsose —The July samba of thlsealuable quarterty is published. It cantatas, u usual, a oonsiderablessaber of original 001111111111. . b,y some of the most eminent medtoat titionen hi the enemy ; transactions of societies; reviews; and ..bitategrapldeal no dose. The whole le ander the able editorial owe of Issao nem M. D. The publishers _ d k lam. of Philadelphia. ; , • • Apatt DZIPMD.X.S.—Ospt. Dimon, of tr i gesomot I Lunn. Ifiglooon of Washbitton , Wow. Lint. John faal, of the Fifth ':Witoof ot thboity, tototbor with As privitwo, wil-holotogbg tOo. Bth Ponarylvaalsliw: elsowfoo, strived Wild. oity yesterday dm. 1 16 41 14 4 to robot and Con. ileAbp xesiaMli INStljb 4W4w l wo to • i': s L--1/0114 POlLiO'BOnootiTanairsas.—ln the .11iforrat Whit:Magnin it joint resolution boa 'trod ad aid providlpg that no popon idirillanortisorat toteat& a publio taboo' to , h• or rho omit have tint vjoissam iaskpiiiii4orithri , Constitution of and of finite; ofSl j.O PDX Ciiii:'Est.LlT.6—A dispatch was r i k , ititirimi-oit,ll(•dannay kola Gan. Selig plat. ;Ins that ha had hiss ,threat and smith es &t -ins% by a larp tons nsdar ilea. and kid WM bask to Chary Han. •-• ' Goi:k —I t.s.d with ac a pleasure tho oideront.articlas in your raters in regard to the so-nomination of ills Elea lonely A. G. Curtin, u the Republican 011Ddi data for Governor. From what you have already said I am satisfied that Governor Curtin should not be nominated—b3oMllo such nomination would only bring defeat and dis grace. And new,it it all important that our nominee should be a man of spotless integrity —one whose record le peifeetly clean and clear, and who would command the respect and Tots, of the people of Pennsylvania. Permit me, thou, to suggest the name of General 1141711.2111.111 N sr a — candidata for nom ination for Governor of Pennsylvania. He needs no eulogy at my hands. Every body knows him as the soldier, as the man of integrity, of moral courage, and of moral worth, who would administer the affsirs of State properly, and who would do justice to COLORZD Sc EIST/TU wenty-nine color ed substances, from Beaver conoty, who were accepted before the reception of the - law ot der refusing colored enbetturet, left this city lest night for the cramp neer Pmleeelpbta. Ta■ tonteautv Ittor:—The hearing In this cue was cautioned yesterday batons Mayor Alexander. but no °snob:idea wu ar rived at. Several witnesses are Set to ex amine. 011 1, 115—thi Tuesday, July 21st, Wu MART GlirriN. • tier innent will take place from the rovidecce et her moth-r. tln. limgmer Gtmn, Brawts,ll, rt.& Lower of Olatr township, on 'immune? 1.11111111121. et 10 o'clock. tlerrimrs win luterl 10 town e Lir. ell otabie. Sixth street, M a o'olock. TLe frtands.of the family no invited a attend. td SPROLA.L LOCAL MOTIVES Gwynn au Itursa's Surma for &WIT and nist Umpiring parposos, are the tent in us. A. N. Onorum, General Agent, No. 18 Finn street. TiomaitP.4llll, i'/A/12 &lan um...mental elite Roofer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Ver mont debt of the best Quality at low rates. °Moe at Alai. Langtiliz'r,, near the Wateu Works, Pit:tabula', Pa. aratrue CLOSING , OOT 1115 B]Tla■ bToOK a? Coss.— Bane/ Graham, merchant tailor, is sett.•ng off his Spring and Summer stook of goods at cost. They consist of all tho latest styles of cloths, ,cassimeres and vestiogs, of which he In pre parel to make up in the most fashionable manner, and at oust price. The public should not negleet to avail themselves of this rare obanoe and save money by giving him an early call. Also, a large assortsnant of plain and f►ae; eassinietes, well adapted for boys' wear, which he will sell by the piano far below cost. Mothers should not ceg_ect to call early. B►Y'L Nevus', Merchant Tailor, No. S 4 Market street. ATVIISVION, 11120111&i. V 04C11 . 111/1 l—The attention of oar country'. brave defenders ro. email returned from the seat of war and at the public in general, is again directed to the wary extensive and handsome assortment 01 the latest styles of Preach, English and AZlelialla pees goods, for pants Boats and vests, WWI, received by Messrs. John Meier Co., Merchant Tailors No. 126 Federal street, •Allesbeny. Tailors, selection of gentlemen's furnishing goods will also always he found on the shelves of this establishment, together with a lot of ready-made clothing, got up in the best camper. NIT AIItIVLL Of donnas Ciormsro.—Of tan we are acted, where tan we any • neat and oontfortabla annuner Bait, made to ,order, Lu sa, baring are /haus of telecast air own To all these inquiries we answer, o 2(sears. W. U. Modes JtiC oorver of ip oderi a , vast and Diamond 8 , 4 , 2 d J en will be suited ordmg to you, tuna They !tare just recelvid thtor rummer goods, and for eitizee of styles they .;annot be sarpasami, and for times Mg on, the ~r) persons as their wort Is aU done under theft own suPerriskrn. ere. theta • call, and y cv =not fall to be satisfied. flee rue Busr.—ktev. C. A Buoiliie, Treas. Am. Siete Uaion, M. Y., writes: I very otisostfaily add my testimony to ibis of na teerous. other friends, to Mrs. S. A. Atlea's Worla'a Urir Mutate? and Zytotrstermuto. The latter I have found superior to any thing I nave net used." Sold b7•drugglotr eva*kwhore. Depot, 193 enenwieb meet. New York. dew. CULP DILIT/itat.—Al tna Dantal Inatl tate, No. 361., Penn street, nta of watt to, too dollars, betuar than those at are dollar', at the other dotal eatablialunanta. Alt par sons are ngtuud so call at the Innitau attar listing thoartaload the I.arrat prune at the other cheap paten. All work dine at the Luanne la guaranteed anpatlor to an, clomp Dentistry la the atty. Nomlwo Diartoo blai.—EL C. Multi%ll, !Want, at Lan, DI o. lit Path strut, nut docile blatittinillastlttag Hotta, Ttit attend to the buttes, of proem:ay; tio aria* of dia,ftwi sies for wrostatioa. Mr. 1111's. tarp mod anoosidat exparoutoe to all blots et sot. dotes otalar, Eta luta to every way to attend to this bailout. Tas Miasma and Yew Verne generated by the but tan will be tax sore deadly to out volonteeta than the enemy's bayonet& lo the Indian and °tussah campsite., HOLLO WAY%) PILLS were need lognormal) q &en tities. Tem kept tie troops to perfect health. Only 25 oats pet box. Baldwin supply your selves. 21T As the Count; Treasure tua now fitted up the room fotuutly oectipled by the Camay COlnnibiliOniff, In the uorth.west ooraar p first floor of the Court /tone, we would advue au our friends to call and pay their tax wbue shay cm hare the benefit of the per oistefie. NTT= TO PlO/111ITT IioLDILIB, Amour aim Ard. Crams brtannerato.—lor repair, or al toroth= to Nero er dwellings, new roofs, of anything Slam in the Carpenter line, all at Cuthbert 's Carpenter dhop, Virgin blloy, above Smithfield street/. All avian prontpUy attended to. +Ammo sad QiIIALMOII liral.l4o sift t 4 istim tls OnoUlu an, No. 40i Libuto ltra4t, Is,. or right. AU ciaan left AiLUI Woo triThlgi 31102444 Afrinis-f wr.cw4 •Wi w 3#”,t44 , . 915, - Fuitatinal, Carpets and Bswing Machines, it auction this zaeraing at 10 o'clock, st Meo.oll and's, No. 55 Path street. O. Btu., Do . ntiss, 240 Nan strist, attinO to •111 , a*le•xs •f hi. orafaso4on. , EAND 8U1T613.--tiao barta jj Zig:l4l7mm teas prlsiS BOA r, psclted for 4.11, use, us condos:seas sod re. . • JA DM ZELL At 0.021, es sod 7, w .w.n..r. i TaDIYnL, 40tiLu Ar. .1.1.An1l PAUSTAD GOD PAPMB LIANGIhOO Iot bt P IN • KAII 4 t.L. _LiNbliti. l / bWa. Linstlea ,Liqkooluipasenti 994 tot We or JAI bALZELL Rix, -1713 - - - (9 sad 70 w.p r o,r4r. IDiDla 2tUlsb lA/Lll, staisst a for 1. Ares Inmates. Jost reolvtd at lb. Ladd' Bab. b,t. I apot,ll6 sad YY dt. taste M ot. o NIS J. H. PHILLi PR. I.4 2addi 0114•••• Ott Dili. 'o./ 1; do do 9; tat mad sad dr ails by JUL DALZILL • sox, • ea .id 10 141111141.111r—1e lAude LW /Wined 10 Potroksei. As szeibirat allar. you tea asps. GUS IMO bomb. JAB. DALLILL I 808. 11931 49 aed 70 War, Gtilk&O • U bbls. prima Airtime on bawl sad for sub, by JAS. D LISILL *BON, , gro onA 70 WAN., On Ad. Visa Tullis - iv nuW-butai i. .wasier.—W• no. ia.atue 100 best. t. 'fork Endo food Booknbast. Bond Ia zosr (paw. In ) , 1 4 . L . U. VOW"' 0 00. bo d n co tesvit om . t t. h ; eesa; SO do Oloo r Tr solo -- 7 o -04.41110611 p.lt& Is PAWS • IBA 11J/tatty, puts IWO I,Gib, GU Hue, for "es eat 26 .od 2B et. tbitit; J.* tl PHI Gt., Witt* MiG3l--24 LW& liega zgo LI nertibi Uds day sad for aid. by u VOTnT M. caPite E--450 povrdot oil, to tenon , 140 . , tor sofa by • • 111 MISNRY 9. (mutton. L... —IW bbbi. tree , tor to a by JOS MST H. obutabta -- `7 LATEST NEWS BY TRLEGRAPIL OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON. PpeeLll Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Ossetts. WARRINGTON, Jaly 22, 1863 SRI PUBLIC DIGS, From an official ststement of the publio debt on the brat of July, furniihed by the Treasury Department, the following recapit ulation is taken: The whole debt, at four per cent. interest, le twenty-eight million fifty-nine thousand two hundred and ninety. fire dollars; at fin per cent., one hundred and one million two hund red and ninery-seven thousand six hundred and thirty-nine dollars; at six per rent., four hundred and thirty-one millions two hundred and twenty-flee thousand eight hundred and seventy- five dollars ; at sevengand three-tenths per cent., one hundred and thirty-nine mil lion nine hundred and twenty thousand five hundred dollar.. The whole debt, without interest, is three hundred and ability-six mil lions seven hundred and twenty-one thousand and fifty men dollars. The s total public debt of the United States, on the first of July, as shown by the books of the Tre,snry Department, Is one billion, nine ty seven million two hundred and seventy four thousand three hundred and sixty-six dollars. In the Secretary's report last December he estimates that by this time the ;more debt would reach one bil lion one hundred and twenty-two million two hundred and ninety-seven thousand four hundred and three dollars. The expenditures, however, have been slightly /044 than the Secretary anticipated ; or rather, the national revenue has been somewhat greater, and the nubile debt is therefore less, by twenty-five million twenty-three thousand and thirty seven dollars, than the Secretary estimated teat December. This result is a singular vin dication of Chase's foresight and calculation, as well as:the honesty with which he laid be fore Congress the exact present and prospea ive condition of finances. POSITION OP /111• DI ♦ID Lt■ This evening's Rep... Wean contains the " Brom the beat information at hand it appears that Lee's army is at or near Win chester, or above that point, white our own army occupies snob a position that he cannot get back to Richmond without fighting na at a disadvantage. The rebel general Is rather holding his position to gather supplies from the crop to the valley, sr with thraid of such reinforcements as he may tiave obtainad to give another battle or series of battles with the Army of the Potomac : Oar army is ready to fight him—anxious Indeed, rather than re• tarn to another campaign in those &Malts of Virginii which have been so thoroughly de vasusted by war. We may expect stirring new, from General Meade's army loon." THI GITIT3 I / 1 1110 IrOVIDED Up to Sunday last, the number of wounded from Gettysburg. received at Baltimore and forwarded to diSrent points, was oast 10,000, of which 2,000 ware rebels. The latter were all promptly gent to David's Island, New York harbor, and Cheater, Pa. Not mole than thirty or. forty rebel wounded in all, were in Baltimore the beginning of this week, and no known rebel sympathizers wars pertnitind to visit them. Their medical agitate and chap lains were at once sent ell to be termed tic Fortress Monroe, to Richmond. 15010 8011571111233 A Philadelphia commutes are here, headed by Joige Kelly, seeking the riving of the lets deotslon of the Provost Marshal Geaeral, fotbiddlng the scroptance of a negro as s sib stitnte fur a whits drafted men.- It le argued that scab acceptance Is to no way objectiona ble, while, lu this border States especially, It wilt be productive of numerous advaatages. 0000 iillra, lIP ?ZVI Thera to a rumor in town of Johnston's sur render to Lineman or Grant, bunt is Impossi bte as get, to get It safielently authenticated. SIMOTAL Of WOUJIDAD MOUDIRIA /AO* nil 'LILO As 2 OITTleOUSO• Fifteen thousand weiteded soldiers in all hese hien taken from the told at Gettysburg, and Rent to the different hospitals throughout the country. About 6,000 mill remain theta. Of those rumored, 3,000 were rebels and 12,000 sir 011.11 MIMI MIMI The Commissioner of Littoral Itivinum, has divided that when corporations /asks pralia without &liming dividends, they most be ns ad in thovo - profiu precisely as If a divi dend had been diciatedL CO/MIMI 0 021111. 113C1.411/1. Goo. Biotite lilt tot Bow York. today. B. bops soon to be able to rooms command oti his old tarps. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gantt& Perhanaraia, July 22 —From 11111k0U11 ill% Meador's, it would seem the rebel Gen. Lsel founds to ewatt an attack from the Trams) army. The blade, will piebald, take place, either et delpapper or dordonsvUle. 1 neve will to Utile or so delay on the part!' of Gel. Meade, The greatest confidence I rat among all petrlots In Goa. Meade's abil ity to whip the enemy in the obtains battle, and thin wit dal read the end of the rebel -'• dos in the But. You may propos for glad_%langs. Signal guns of distrees wit. heard las night from Jersey Shore on the Atlantic 1 This morning a large 1 was seen ashore. The vinous and crew landed and the Captain ran away. The crew toll different stories. , about their deattnatiop, and it-la supposed to 4, be a rebel Teasel under the English flag. The draft in Philadelphia is all quiet. A epeeist disputa% received sap that Gen ; i Steam' who Wll3 wounded in the battle at get- , tytbarg, is out of danger from the wound. -r From New York. Nur You, Jaly 22.—Twenty-dre thous.:3 and tons of coal mold at motion to-day, at., $6,90 per too. The Monitor Passaic, wu passed off Cape r May , yesterday afternoon, in tow of a steamer. Tea Nev. Tame. Vallandigkase, of Newark, Delaware. and Dr. N. 11. Dimwit, who was sr rested en Bridal last by the Proust Guard took the oath, and were Masud, Tko forme ' is a brother of Vallandikbam. A. letter from Roseman' army, of July 14th opens the anny,,agalu in motion. The net's feu bari.biatia studied, but n fighting had ,coroped. , .• Our 5111417 WWI otrin expedition.. Tb enemy appeared suited. and threw awe loge griantities of Irma, ammunition, cloth ins, to.;as they retreatod. The rebe l forte estimated at 45,100 infantry, an d 8,500 oav air . Blorgiues Retreat, OTNOINNATI, July St —Moron passed through Nelsonville, Mims ' county, this morning. with our farms close -behind him. The Clostmercial'e special says that after perambulating Athens county, Mervin took a southerly 'Wootton, creeping Washington' county sod the Muskingum Vitoria the al; motion of MeCounellerrills, with the intention of gaining & point On the river 41)01* gunboat' navigitionm and press into Virginia. The au thorities have made such arrangements so viii effiontally Sheet wide sod muster. hil bind. Dieflh 01 mujur die Cook. . . - - . CI.IIOTIPATIg. Jody 33,,...m.j0r,.. w oookit flAil Af UP/or , asaeriA,MGOook, dli_d• at RPmaroyr, Yiatardah Irma I,tbi...iffsila - of a wckind reading la the irigiviiisiit lit Milling ton Island. The Constitutionality of the Cos reflption Act to be Tested In flew York--From Barbadoes New YORK, July 22.—The &pram eontatri • rumor that a test ease on the• (meditation ally of the draft le to be made before the the Common Pleas Court ea Monday, and it will be married immediately to the Court of Appeals. A Barbadoes paper of June 23d reports the arrivol,of a boat oontalotog a Lieutenant and nine men of the pirate Florida, being the prise crew of a vessel she had taken, and which was intended to run the blockade. Being short of water noir that Island they set her on fire, but she stranded. The cargo had become a canes of Wile between the bladders. The military hod been ailed out, and a eolibion with the mob Woe reported to have taken place. The report looks very like a canard. Col. Wildees,Expedllloo. ' New Your, July 22.—A dispatch from Tul /atoms, dated the 18th Inst., says that CoL Wilder's mounted infantry have returnedfrom • highly successful expedition to Columbia. The form consisted of the 1.23t1 Illinois and 17th Indiana. The expedition was out six dye, and brought back nearly 800 homes and mules, 250 negroes, and 80 head of cattle. Forty-two of the negrces were taken from Gan. Polk. Several skirmishe were had, re= mating in the killing of 10 guerrillas and the capture of 5 commissioned ofsoers and 50 pri vates. Col. Gent (rebel) was too severely wounded to be brought forward. Hs was pa roled and left In a country beam. Oar loss mu one man killed. Guerrilla Gard on Maysville, Hy MATPITILLS, KY., Jaly 21—A band of guerrillas, from the mountains, ander the noted Underwood, made a Winere today, taking bones, clothing, dm. From the Army or the Potomac. W a s u rja T oN, July 22.—W0 have nothing new from too nrmy of the Potomac. Goa. SLAW It gradually recovering. arkets by Telegraph{ N o w y o ga, July IL—Cotton .teddy at 6106234. Flour duly; ea v. of 75,10) LI& at a decline of 54c. Walt., $404.67. Oblu. $5,0019•,76; Southern, $5,760 G..% Wheat eon; tu,tiou . nth sold at aloe lot OF Ic; Chicago awing, $1.0001,11.11; tlllwaotie Clue, $ lu 01,21; hat 61,11101,1 L Corn unchanged; elio,WO bush sold at 0.10e4u. Saw Yoga, July 23.—Clotios more active. and 10 Sc b %Lai ; u,i for twinning Uplands. Ploailtreltdas and unoetslod, and Wtownt evaded 5o lower ;$1 $u $5 Ili 1.,r Loma State ; $5 blkrib 75 for Exits 11.11 . . U., and $6 80,47 •:.7 for Toad. Macla. barks'. clw lug dull. Whole, couthmes hear, at 4 150,4040ent0. Worat arm. with • lair Otisttliaa at $1 Wes so for Li& logo Spriog ; 51 Wait 21 fa Mllwan oo Club; $1 2.101 04 lor IV.uter Ited Weatarn. (lore 054044 hrary, but attorirardo adruced yg s ent,wnd chsed, tlaolly, dull, with downward tendency Ys4 Get. Oat, W Oa more rtgotai at 710 75r.. Wool u 1 and nominally ouchauged. Pura lo without deckled change. flacuu Mute dull and nominal. laird dull and [nary at 113.4910 c. lilonq buoy non. nterlittg Exchange drill at 137% 01..te ior lira. Casa 1011,. hold ut,lo:tica, opoolog a, r..rAS and cloalog at 51. Governaunt cocas firm ; 11. S. to, loot, toupono, 008.10tte.%; 1V03f,01.U7. am... 00, July 22 —Flour quiet. Wheat dull, and lo lower, at $t Unrolo ItG dull at 47%447%. Oats siola at 6dt06634. FROM %V AsitlNGruN Mall Dlepa'etten to the haat:ugh Gazette. WASH/101'91p Jai' 21, 1263 The rumor continuos' ray current, bad is even asserted positively, by pagans well in formed, that atollfai Grant Is now on has way to Washington to take act:mend of the Army of the Potomac, General Meads having asked to be relieved. Upon the other hand, ether pettier, Jut as well informed, emphatically oontradiot the whole statement. Gen. Wm. Tecumseh Shermap, brother to Senator Sher. man, of Ohio, Is also talked of as likely to be brought here for a similar purpose. AMBIMAIOS OOlts. A strong pressure is being brought to bear for the oiganisation of an ambnianoe oorps for the army, end the recent battles at Getty '- burg are &dowsed as giving renewed evidence of the abseil:ce ncesseity ter math an organ isaUon. Prof. Bowdtoh, an eminent Beaton Bevan, has been warmly urging the matter on the auentien of the Department, and there asems to be more probability now than litany time heretofore that something of the kind win bstatumpted. A bill for the organisation of aniarubatanoe eorps wee doles/tee at thelest semitone of Congress. ZZZZZ Ull 0201110 S In.the absence of any ►peoLsl armament the grantors of a (iced 01 OOL soya/leo should bear the expeass of the neoassary stamp. 'L be $3OO ExempUou Cleats. " Why not snake every drafad penal:lsom in pertoo ?" it is asked. We answer—becalm that is not beet. 11 the rule, it would render military males far mom onerous and kb of ;cativo than at prawn. U. who will stipu tate to sots* for tlx.noty 016300, is prostimp lively a better soldier than he who will pay sb $3lO to escape so:Ting. Thus the min- Rebate of loess Aar; lent would be worth very to the Union service ; bat the 300 moth that they will pay to escape serving will ln dna* far betas mw to take their pietas. Moreover, thus are thousands of paislotio men, who would meae goodsoldlem, who ass be of more aervioe to- the National cause lase whore Mania the find. To and them to the was la to take them from poiltioua when the 3 an now rendering important smoke to the canoe of the Union. Tne Nation wants sol diers for its definite • bar it needs men at work In Tenons snail aspdues, to render the sol diers in the and eff.ctive. The low as it stands is well meant gnu we.' maundered. Let as stand by it as it is I 111113!! amn=, rm ... wow Diawuta ark ibildrniall ol1 4 Ms ell klndirolt Saildinta4 and impainteeds their irsakm elirs"W iala i " Ma• • • • street Oak* ozCAnderiou et 04,1011 wymickirl,„4 stl4lol. Alletbaus MO 2 - 00 , goo pi,. column MOTT do; _ 6O ; Talmo limos Jdomboil otOnir Also ; 'to) . 0 aka* , - 40 OW.; Apples, mg.driog, • . Woo al, ot low Pkoll. - If WABB • .2 ,7 &0410 . 4.; .1 M 1 1, tfvu' *ALA. rartsm. , BUALtliati, ao., the loth* depbt to if 4 . teAd ittan4.. 00gl. wid,t l2 l. ' ' f og , - - r a RBRAtTh.' Myer, stria; 14 I .11ilatlifilt NU,- .4ian e g. , c isajeirplar York) $64 Tionniniellqolnotro Datil mandiknunk, on hand and be saii at IS end MI lit Mar Pron. ,J. at IL rutunli. }ruirraßy .roTICES. ISOVIrra Menial a VS OTRION, irris Donative Peres.. OS Tallith St, Pirtsbargh. Jtey U. USA' U•EX &IA PIED Fit'iM DR An.- I 0 accordance with ord•n. I pobilsh the H. lowing list of paw= exempted from draft by the Hard ol Enrollment to tbis Eberle; to thre date, with the reasons at their exempUon ST SILOS cr rcriscraire ACCIPTABLII strarrirrus. Naze. B4sidases. Elabdiests. John Lowry. Sixth ward, Balser Lewis; Bishop, Hlothwa d, Pamnel tt,rart: Tow Eaccall. Mash ward, John Powell: Antb'y Eighth ward. Joseph hillier; Bodolch Funk, Birmingham; R W.,mbrodt; Patrick Perentu were, John Ryan; Ostrander he-d, IPsatath Bore, ll.se ir Llnir, John Hughes, Birmingham, Mao vtesenil; Peter Patter, Birmingham, Prank Baker; Corrad Bishop, It I irmingbam, Parry Johnston: W 0 finaffir, La wren arillo. Wm Weser; • Chat 0 Stephens,Weet allnalutir, Henry Dryer; John Lell.r, Lawrenceville, Booty bosh; wan Ur Mau, it eia.sport, Tim .'Connor: havld J Thorma,Pirmlogham, Janata Watson; Nleholu Hogan,Ba , d (helm Kuhr; Übe, Bohan., thartiers Sam'l tkniels; John Bamyam, Penn, • J3OO J P.rk; all limning. 8•41. i.. Jse Fergaron; W. Calhoun, In tl.o, Wm Barley; HURDILID DOLLLIP. "CO ea worder. Fl 6 w. I. H. 1." le,ri. r.rte, Lt. 81. F., ens PAID Milli TR...2 Joe. Meyer. tretltd ward, Jop Stsay. ILlgtith wsrd the. B Notts,. Moen tp klehman. U. tt Clair te Lam'Alar. Patton tp A. Moraztxtry. Peound H Parr. Lower nt. Oar J. Pchwarte. Pirm.ngbain mw Hawk 6h w. I. 0 Hievrt, Joho ► ally, Fitt tp. F. Roberts, D Enebom John indium, Pottoo tp • , ..ter Wa 'Crescent tp. Time. Binca.on, 8 h w. H.C.T. C. Btrinin,h'Ea Jno Lowland, Stn w. Bolrttrm tp. /1", La.r• ,, 0.'11.• Jno A Miner, Snowden tp. Fir bw Wm. Elmlib, Lsorszkville Oro. IYoelo, Msth Ward Jsbri W. Roars, Wm. E. Boggs First sr. M. lisrs.tley, Nlmb w. James ?gossipy, Pitt tp. bonny: Stumtler, E y, eno•den tp want. Ch. Glil.spie, !NMI w. L,Newdorfor, E.ibtb v. Rota Simmod.. Ninth a. J Btevenwn, 80 , 411.21 tp. Thus Wilton, P.on tp. Goo 11'6 illy. 6th *tad. • m n qui 2, fitntrdito tp Joo boor. 9 la word J 2 O Goy, itoblo.on tp. Vat V Clarldty. 8 Pitls'it E P Eleweil hilutreth tp. N O Me rum, Seeeeth w. 13. W Coloo, Oath went John B rcott, Putty went. John apple. Wmt Piva J 0 Stewart. Lawn noe'le 8 Mitchel . , Ear. Sinn. Ghee Fownee, llih we.; d. P 8 Howell, Maelath tp. 8 Cramp, Main tp. Jno L Jordan, Itoot Wan. orwrz 20 run eso orsa. 46. JoLis H Whlcriblq, Lt ward. Waserws—Jra Maori, Ono. H Char% DIME(DrICI OP A WIDOW 01 LORD PAIIZSTS. John Bell. 2d wad. Wltno.ses—Nacouid YiGlden, Z identomary. Ztvriti rwbLq t.t wari. Witneedte—J W Fletdo, MPS 01.11. • odrt• %aura. EiME!=llll SWISS %Al/ lieu! SDt DIOLSef9 INUIT-11MB. Stemma] 0a.1.1., 'Groperar.c.sll;e. isrralsia Fidcoyi.:.p, James Williams. Ler , l 14•1•1..1 'Ad war,. W !meas.—Jacks= Ka. r, arr. t t. Jam. b- lodate", S. ward. im,sasa—a.bt yd. mod., Wu; Davl4 LI dwell. L Ward. Wiltumee—R.birt ad. • a d., Wut 1..1110d01a. rr0.,,.1.4.1p,:, 24 mu!. Siltzeima-11 fi-sagor, Sol v, Cm, rs• 4 itareta—Fseded k Sivok nnc D SSSSS IN:11. 07 NOTII/ALM anumut VXDLITWiLir. 041 MIU.r. 2J griird. wumnv—Bents Batar. Ohdatum XX.A.IiIXID DT IDIGCOX 13D ILLILCILD Tow - m. 04 Claggett, 24 trnd—deflo , nn in Junes Lamar, Si ward—Varlto.oa'aul donation of right leg. Joao D liod 241 granl--41111 , ta la datnre. L• • r-t c. atort, 9.1 ward —d.not•ot to d•tora. I till. Jung., 2.1 sard—lnlulosl hernia. J•in a flo4d a, 24 warii—aocatio al of right ann. Lass 11611.1111, 2d war:—irnooted rib and gun- Shot wcond to icit Oda. Oren itiegiroy—i ed.:xi., tibia. of right leg, 13211:ITTAILEXIMI OT AGO-AMEX 11.11117-EITI-.ELAIRELD B.lr.tt, I,t S.M. WICIIMIN—Jotin II Mott, John Oleo T atalaq, Wltsma—.7aa 0 Prise. Clement W pndpra. 2.1 • .-d. itstataata—Ttos Robert , Ca.. 8 waisces. Was it.maaa,2B ward. Wilmelial—Edward Bata. 111. Jlink kw a. J W Foeldn, $1 war.. Wailes at—la Glaun, An. draw *Anon. 1.111141L.11 AID 1111301110 t 1 Oral[ DIJITZICTIL Nano. Eurolad. Real Botd.sco. J.septt But. 21st utralet. Ifo'too to, 224 DLL J. 818. F0r.4212, Csot. sod Provost Muskat. 22d DAL Yrs. /.123:Itra4T B.enu..r Annu1.1.61221', '27D 111 Cr or PIP It, 99 Fourth at., Ulf t bor.b, Pa., Jr y r.l, 1841. 13.1AHD WILL MEttvriirs 910.16.1ite0, nt r o'c'oct, esamlne Bob. etflotef fin , II I e Itrk. frb.o the roll of Drat tei Iffnu for iba bird fauft .01 be calkd at which Um. I tf-yensons o rafted from thnt rard may 2t. Plod.* ttid recoline o: thy Oulloctor of Internal BOT•ti1111. Presets an Ma,. teAlled Batotitate, ecceptatle to the Ik*od. tistle y tbe Board that be la exempt by law, by roman al Phyetral Btnbilltp sr otberwles. Itocries Els nuEorte, •n, and :amain at the mad, roan nu 11l am:Worn d to the camp shoat toles Wablisbed near this ey. 7h. Boa .l ard.. be In Imatoo anal 6 o'c'ock p sdomrolns en boar for Ct.. Ler at t o'claiG„ Other elsorrts e in Os erJwis whrek tley mere seam,.. rop , aly se they ma rts‘bod,•hich obsproba ly De a I .tq,ers TUB notra.T. Jai, 23d. Tbird mud, ritlabldrah. hli , N g.Y, Joig rim, Bomh mud, dd. % 800 S• Da Y,J dP 19[D, /In sard, YitiBDIT, Aacmt ad.:Mitt ward. do. Tilt.B9Dal, Aar. ttb. rerra•h ward, do. Bogart 7.l3,,itgbth ward, do. aaTU Bret, engin; ti.b, Bluth ward. do.. TtfitiD/Or, August 11th. Iderwrgamotils. Iff‘DhltSDaY, Augult. lltb.. Tam graoomillio. TBOBODAY, Antnit lath, W at Pitiaborrh. Do. . do, liloarag.M.l6 Born. Do. do. Elenth Paubtugu. /RID .Y. Angus ISM. Birmingham. lhg di. mbro other digtri to mil Oa na b.d In tbeir cr.br gormatred Ema ttmg to time by adrerttorm.nt. The Scant for exualeing SUBSTITUTES mit knew be from N Lb AIM MAINS Ogeak, WU farther .141 M. Shoco scam co the roll not reacbcd it 6 o'cloOk. cr111.14 owl/4 on Lott 4.7 at It o'clock- Ti. Provost if s•shal General orders se follows: WASIIIIMON D 0., July 18 e The lnlMdm.o mar, if GleVorroth Dge o 4T three honored dollars velth the Wire or of lab ran Beren.ieb BOW /Of 24 Or iTEIOin&W•Li. :t -ea pud by to. Board. or their • Anti:atm pass ex amination rmd enlisted. NO NEOIIO SUBSTITUTES In eenrsossre or so ardor hems Kati." Assl•tellt groves& Ins 11bSi IlhaterslJ. Y, llosafort 1.4. to WWI OttoV. b. latsatry •ay penes masts egurvslent . to p lnati 0141.4, May Us roc 'wed SS a Matti. gate; bot • Bosco • oder sagging kw.. Is sot s • , ..qaarsenac 'lsessf.ars, todsr calstl g 0rd..% :al. Saari o soot reales teen es substhaten United ass •h ae,ln(b lees bean of so in maboti. ;atm, cosy, Gapes pat In,notics of veer entretl • ,ales.op 1111 Me &Imo their suss ars calla Gorr of their distrait. E3l=l for payment a sun nue. be handed In the O. at any tune. Mee we a,y o•bee woes Tal be heard when the eppticant 4 celled beim* the Board. ran Q 'ora. The Pronet !dere bal (July 18th,) mat tee. Whoa drafted Beim •an to resort, lh• Dletrtot 111 . 11011reikainabis for their deeeriten • • • sad man &teeters be matted Cr teem. The paying s&u • • • dints,' upon the Irv. tninent tb, responsibility at proof& -g entdi nbotlints • and retort, the distil:l ihereirttn. TneDistriot mutt merino men liable in attit• 24 - 7 seritios, euttablo and ocooptoblo. tot *tempts. It cannot present t.r nittitsty slinks to th. Gorstri nett man it he are exempt tborstorn by law. D t TB' GRAOZ. Ale toted cf rurollment will. in prinstidsce odor. ' leis, allow as drafted uto, Sistine mows ustlos of .U . J.1•1[00., lb. glinted trim ) before prodnelnit Tlitttle DAIS, offs Ow esdUailadaton (p.o. tided he answer to We sane end ~,peso thetelOr Assn his name is a lad Irani the roll lot his di.. of tn. desitsii man,. to prodoos an acceptable )eibilltute. or pap the twee bundred - 87 order of the board. J. Lig*ttai rud CNN, President, Cent and Pro lost elateball2 d List. Pa. 1 , 9110 t cELIZettaLT/2. P . 11.11111.1.2.1 thiA.U.PLILIi.I, • ALLsoassY COUNTY, PA. foranuan tw 1657.1 • • Bat. IL M. Winn, A. M., Priacipal. • u. 11. A. HUM emulate Principal. r. him !Milan of instraman tai iluela and ornamental Bromltan . . . . . I. Its next.ossotoo wW C00M1111175 TUUDAT, Eig i !ember Isl. 10Y0. ' - issns—Yer assion, 6 mos., (SO weeks,) ons.hall sdvsoos : • • *ISO 00 ME= Pmaratory C11ain—........L.........-:.4 800 Jambs 01a5i....—.............«.... - -...—.... 10 40 entice Mar ...• - • • .la 00 1 V lor 1 Warr parolooo topd for olrowar; ' Ad ois lb Plinntial. or • • Da, JOHN. Z. illiAlf ram.. 17liood roe! Pa MS Of TlviThrjes. MANUFACTURING SITES YOB . . lU e6L11.--One hundred rots of igrooog, or.oy aamb.rr of NotrudYhtli part-imps Otty of Pitts. bosh Pa., totoiss a front el 1,100 het of lb* No.. ...c o ke & _tsiyos at—look No. 1 of the tfastsstboli Oostpasy, this Pittsburgh & UMW - paring throbilS nut easy, ot Poe tarorsit4i s so P. 0.•4:0111SIILTON, No . tie Assitaust stmt. Wow Yak. or of W N:lt. 1311111114 Ifsg , No. I.llllsmotb attest, Pittabusik, Pa., ohne Moping the on:mods ate b• Soon = msit:3o4•ol t ON_llll.ohi V • tInAN /07140,111 ' ..1 ti 71 ,41 ro TA es . lb goal fa oar Itzuollment, Mottle. r Aye solo otobastvoly by . feeltood woof of WorAt etvooto. VNAISLISLIAD _tab a Anub, on X/ Doak. DrlSlng andilLea M ms, Slab. llama in pain calanil. n•-of kir nob at 116 La and IS at. Clair lanai. J. Si IL PHILLIPS. - I me - trrazer ororitEs. _ - - - - - 00•112 Or !2d DI tree Pannitylvash4 to roans. emit, rittsbunk 1076gEtSTITUTES.-.4nbatitates will *. eumloed at this calm lo4rean the bean of tan and one o'clrox drity, up dB dry viten the perms draft .4 to OVUM to :sport. ,: lined permit desirous of pram I sulatitatea Must give sodas fa mittp to tie B ststing the day talky is 111 appear. .od diving substitute' MOM. re , ldenc., Ng% and • baba an dieter edam When the schemata is passed and sworn to, the_ dretsd man aid leo ire • cartilcata that "he Is no Properly aabject to do military duty dm* as aim for which es Pas dnyted, br mean of hating tung.h• ed an acceptable robetente.. PAYNE:NT OE PPE. The payment of three htendred dollars to the Odin realm. rof internal Bayonne in thb Wend* wale on presectstion of hn duplicate rooeicts at this of. ace, oa or before the dap on which the person dratted is ordered to report, wit estitla the person to • re!. thluste that be Is .diteharged from farther liability ender the dritft.. The Basra will allow a drafted man three days from the day he pw.■ iniaralnailan to prudent, an ecceptabls sabnience, or • certificate that he has tald the 11.00. OVER OB TINDBB AG.B. . . . The following to published Ernie toe mgalations of the Proweetratiuthal General. for Inform 100 of ell cieucerned he chamfer acid amount of erideroce req . :bite to deride ILO vies too of diKti.litioerion oe eixonnt of •ff+ moot be thtermlaed by the Board of lturollment throb diegasililasflon ebo,da be dearly sod rally proved u thO Board. behre mama:ion te granted under this plea. 7he following ralesshould beaus. fail menisci w's The afildawil of the person clahnhig exemption Must, to all eases, b. requited. supported by ea mach of the following betimony as can be obtained, or my be deemed requisite r I. By au eutbeutkated extract from the lewd reg istry of births II there be any each registry. r. By any other wilier. lamed documentary evi dence rending in establish the Met of ege. 0. By the affidavit of the Parent!. 4. By the mild, its of such caner respectable per eons (nut eve than tear) lined. of Wotan, as ore molt ilsely to be Infortond on the subject. Tee amount of Generie herein required to estab lish o claim to exemption Is the least which the hoard should accept; end if In sny mar the Board be. noson to doubt, the character or enticteisby of the evidence promoted. It ehmlld decline granting the exemption, unless such sddltional proof as It nosy rn gotta be produced in dm to be co.mdared, withent delaying the Madam of t.e• dun. The witness.. should to all cases nrear they an heeds of bandlirs, and se resident. of the county. DRAFTED MEN REPORT from the various Markt' on the days maimed be. oaf, viz: SATURDAY, JULY iS—Three from the Pint, Second, Third and north wards, Pittsburgh. TkiUttaDAY, JULY a --Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth wards, Pittsburgh. MONDAY, JULY z7—Lawroucenile, Temperance. vile, Wort Pitteboogh, Monongahela tiontigh, South Pittsburgh, Birmingham, out Birmingham, ittlieesporc, glizabeth, Wart Elisabeth" Pitt town" ehlp, PI Ins, Plum, rent, and Peebles TUE-DAY, JULY fa—Wilkins township, Patton. Yemenite, Elizabeth, Kanto, JoHerson rinoidar; Baldwin. Lower at Usu . , Union, Scot , Upper lit. CWtq Chartio•s, South Fayette,North r siotte, tndlay, Robinson, Moon, Unspot and J. LignON FOSTER, Captain and Provost Marshal 2id Markt. jul3ajuadvr. 103!!=3 lIPUISLIC Jroricies. Walt DIP a bald LIST. r Parratial Waimea (lcaraam. a Clentk Wmalogrotr, La (J. July a% CIRGULett NO . 54.—}lxistang make a d.arinotlen In the matter of pay. botate, wed other showenoto between soldiers:Of African sweat end other so diem In the resales of the r nlted mates. Ilea GO African dreamt Can, therefore only wwepred as aebstrtntea loe each ether turdtr the a..t. 01f.LECTION.-4tio lit4okholders of Ms Little Sew Mlll Bun Etadiced 00. sea careby notified that en klection will be held ler Presaient and Directere, to seen ter the oliouh 1 11 year. on Moto Del, the 97th day of P&p neat. at the office el the Oompany, la Temporancovilio, ho tweet. the hone of 1 and 4 o'clock p. in. loThl toll If a tattl riLL, Preeklant. 011711.11 al WISTSAW • WIIVICIST/0111 uo.r rietaturgb, Hay Oa, 1863. OsNOTICE IS lIEREBY GIVEN to the Subscribers to the Black of the West ern Transportation Ck opany that an armament af. pfpx (1$ 00) Pia SHARE ha bun levied upon the stock robscrilbed, payable at thi alias of the Treewirsr, at Pittsburgh. ea ar Deka the 12th day of Juno, 1863, ad • Ilk. amount nary thirty days thewater, nail otherwise notified By otar of the Board jaeson A J. filalOwl:lLL., recapary. arena au..oasst norutawca C0..1 htothergh, Jell 6, UM f jDIVIDESD—Tho President, and Ofrect,ra of tha ivleighany 1 inaranaa Co hs•o WI ea, declared a Drodand of TWO DOI.. tal US AND rig) Y ()TOTS (14 60) per abate out of the eanilugsof the last alz mouths, pgable to/Wok holders oa and after !louden the 111th fait. Wale D... BOOK, Secretary. fiYElt. LAIL .41^0T/GES. ja'Lake Supenor Copper /MAO Shi/SLTLIVI WORKS, Pirsnua C 0. ,• PARK,APCURDY , Nan utacturen at BIIZATALSO. BRAZIER& AND BOLT OOPPEB, PRESSED OMEN . BOTTOMS. RAISED STILL 'BOTTOMS, 13PALTER SOLDER. Waco Imparters sad destras to METALS, TIN PLATY,: SNEET LEON, WIDE, M. Oonstaatl7 ou ;had TINNEBN MACMINIZI AND Too La. . Wamons, No. 10 Mit and no Beamed drool; Pittsburgh, Panes. 1114 - Spactil ordsrs of Ooppir out to say dedroid stet Mlhe tonfeidons Lid Experienee um akt In VALID', petoldsed ter ski lament sad as • wereingando•ollo2l TO . 10030 MGM wbs ender lkom Nemo, Debility, Proust= Dewy of Manhood, eta., supplying, at the earns tt0w.,21111 . Itiable OP FA LP 00211. By one who has:cured Wessel alter being putt) great 'expires and Wary thrones meant hi:cobs% end quackery. ' -- By ended: g • past paidaddressed . enialcipe, else• gls wpbs may be had of the author, ATEIAFIIIL rey2l:lo•elr Bedford. 'Mira count,. N.Y. M""To Nervous Sufferers ot Both 9'Al3.—A. reverend gentlemen haring been re. etocod to health lea is. days, after undergoing all the =cud routine and Imola, expulsive =Odes of treatment, without moue, constdels It his ; roe re duty to ornontuntrate to hie .misted fellow oteaturee the miens or anat. Hever, on the nnelpt of an ea• dressed envelope, b o 'mod (hie) a copy of the prescription need. Intact to Dr. rote sr. DA?. NALL, 46 Talton street, *oollyn. N. 7." tabl.laydaerT • tir'D II TO E B:8 LIQSTBIBO 1.4-I[ll.l4Ali aaprlias • wwt Saltaril Lotat boatettetper. Norery stoat will t - t qiwt iwharnt ar• thick. Bnilelabbr that it Is DOT4tiltll that dots thl• and rate. the bate haftattoria that are offered, The nal 'satiate it for salsity altratipoot. Wit Droaltht. la A. 1.111919209R1651 . 1i 004 - corner*, /kat and Weddstrealiv 1e13.04day4 . . Pittabitab • COUURAN 11.110, Manufacturer. of /BON BAILING; IRON 'AU LTD AND VAULTIHN:II4,..I• /NDOW aiturr.satk WINDOW OUAILDS, Az., Nos. 01 Second att•ot bad 1 / 8 Third lame, between, Wood itild Nuke:. , Non on hood • tacatp of um Patterns, tam end plan, ealtebl• ht a/Impala. ' Ihistioules attention pald,to, onolosing.lit••• Let . Jobbingdoo• at abort wake. r •19 'PETRONA .OIL WORKS: Los, .llfitier ar CO. Work. at frArpabarg blation,..Anagiao nannaad. Olnoe and Assatmaas, No. 15111.ABLIFT STREET. Elttabargb. Mann laAaren 0l ILLUICINATING and 07BUI. OATINCI.9AEBON OILS and BESIZOLL IMF No.l =rums 011, — warninaird ean•aanto. the. always - On hand. - ads4lol •a. 0. ZOlO3OOl VIVIZOW CerROBINBON, KIND) * .11 um, nylons w luanzoni, ywastacts Woscy Pleti2ares, l'sioa'a. • t ° Ns. 21 Kasai: thuuss., ' ' ' r.= litsaalaatara all kinds anaisse mantis Mrs . mitnamati. (14222118.:41*109. WQ1114 . 22112.11 2102=211 ;ma . emir ! at" movOlitinNO ?MD_ 301,414/N:diados oboe atlas; • • - - Itableatla WEL 'HOLMES , & SONS.Healen. in rozziou AND. DOMENNNO DICLES.or sz.. OIN MEWL OENTINIOATINI Or D ;WIZ , NOTES MID, gnats No. it EDi F tsirest,", PM. sOrOalisothins made OM .11iii ststipstrbia. thrweigboa the 'UMW *Elam f ye • , ws in Is.— larl3.- O. 2; , RII1)er • ILA2tuyAonutißlOkzul daa* 111)1190X. PRINT,' GlAP.'Llinli MB ) OLMBAN removed from' ilia Woodstr , ess Bulittateattivet,rutainb.re earwig ott Titans rot wag. " oni .13r1113111Y , B COLLIES, so r. WARDING . AND COMMONKlaCraprt wholimia dealer la Clii*Oltrnii, aim sm. isid Protium rinvmalf. O. 111 Woad MVOs. 211.14414,21. tot .0171,9eZLL.ANWOVN. ESTAILLItiIaD 1760. 88137 /1/0 TOBll9OO MANUACITI3IIII„ Would cal the attastioa d &slim Is fa* articass c d Ids mannhotan, az vt. : owN marry. NorsboydNat No - opre. Coarse Itoppoo, Aktperiaiii Gent Mateo, Dowagroo, Pon Vireo* liachltochai, CopNampa. TILLOW BEM. Saadi, I/Sii Nosst akotoh, Irish Mee TON, or Landrisolt, Kong Low 800:447mb Booby Noddy iNN - Attontke to callod.to lame niatike In primal Plao•Oat Obswioi and Bfroklot.Tob ooo m. which will bo band of w ooPorlor TOBAOOO. . Ilsonwa—Long, No. 1, No: 8, Nor, Eland I =bad. /me. Our Oszirara—P. A. L., or pl ' oiakilomp dig'. or Swett; Sweet liontal.Orowoo o Tin toll (broadish. • Swocusa-8 Joio, NPsobilh Cauald•r•TIWNWL N. B.—A cdrualar of pricoo will be twakon TN. 214:0084/1A1K. 131.8.W.N, SHEET AND BAR LEAD. Pig Laid, Brewass IlLus won Etramansiy 1862. /Mt - MI . w. rirOII . BTII EITHEr, A large portion of cats stock bevtoc ban bought previous to of advances. and camsepletash• wiltst &dos wreoedlng ne the lerseetadvanoe of Meese/on) with the west lu CIAI2PITO, OIL 6LOTHA,WINDOW 811A.D123, A towable opportzmlty Y altered topnrobasers mods:Ate rates. as Flow will eirtaitai b..Afdb•r. del6:l • HENRY O. ii&Ltf, a u►., SPRING STOCK.OP GOODS, .hdaptedlo • Ant elms trade, width ban 'w rwvalint ed with gnat *are to Joist the approbat *I .bstr many (dead, and pallor/a, nstinpi don at. Within to Willows and strict intagrlty;vo taint pa approval el all who-may tavetsto wath-, pat, ' JAMES B. TNT, P.o•at *earths! Revers!. Nada to order to ttua bast Emma and on rainonabls term.. Having esdabod • snag many OM 0 - 0 It On, to Übe, Hold and Liss Ofilosrs, S. wOr.se Ibr lb. Navy, us art porpand to exams ordstaln eat lbw with comartases and despatch. - • • Wrlds@ s vet7*l'l'4ot manakin of 'waling.' GOODS always an baud. ' ' 001 L. OP • PSIS.- A ST. OLLA TB STISL":11, .fhb. 2 1 110010 AB PIN Z TIMJ3HItLAND t. 626 M) AOll.lB 01,111711 TOMB L 4191311. rolongitor to th. •Ft Vary. Valls &hip COW edit.. fa 7, and manned se tho own v.ladde p no Wide now to be found In tbe rnlad vans alt be ottered for We at , unite n colon In. Deuces, on theta Wit or orirIAWSZU nal r. ' tale polt{fi . • For maps and catrostws address . With b.liathr,, opal, Detroit. /72 1 :31end loan a. Ws - Manures. rrt&TE & mum; (ammisiori,m w m. J. Tot" Jr. & 00.,1 -PRA 0 gOAL vtantamm, GAS AND EITHAM riITTNBS, 1i0.,41 Liberty bt., Pittobargb, sad No 68 Valera street Allegbany, bon re, braid sad will tarobb LALD 17P11; MAD; BAB. LNIAD,rOISSE•HOSSI, SI TDB ABTA, eIIOWNS BATHS, WATZB • SLOSH?". BATH TBBA; .11.1117, BORON. Lod ,ALS. .POllll/, HT. , DILAITLIO BANS, OHANDHLIEBS, PINDANTS, BBAOI3III, to. AB work ',errant:6d to gleo.otia• a. 8 ITDliliiui, ;~a;r tSYsbafiitl P 7 infi' Jr V' Va r 1 1171: !, - 10. 6 ! AmitHinazio mmp. • _ . • • . •• • • • ririmAiiactit, - A ern ru , TETRAD 713 1 / 1 11117R11 airstrittly MM . w IMAattki kat" Iry r • • haliFhlwar , Ao - • . CENTRAL MG lertHakt a~emo ' omiltdoisi arab! 4 1 / 1 0,11, 0/10. A., KULP, Proprietor. 117"3"13"1 to. SW:Plipicasot prectiptionoecourstelytemiforna. Wyti3 ANL, istiti.:7•Aft-:4l.4gl4 prys .11 wolfing,. attention .to aite , 3 teselle p 1 QI • CONIO DIARAORO.- the Ll{sld:*M7ti apt. Waco CATARACT. SQUIRT ITlAS,doe..lenTs P. AAA. P UPI Ger Ineare ARTIIIIIIAte M ge. and treats all utruinamiamvillf itirserium H4llO RiAltiNG, sad en dbasses ,stectineg tile lax .ad Wenn to Draftees. eadrOillak wetly N01:1014 : 'L'l? ILACTUfiel=nr ro. pota's will di iaai4•o4 ip to *a nit' JUL; ISO, at tb• taloa a et. madafttpritta, ta am.tat govor pi rianatat , paugrAi, kora Lauding cFbatati aquavit ! , '•;` - tr A Jy11 . 411. - ; t.V•totiro°aßLlos.lltor. -PltUN.Utiets upon r.pirits orAhl; AA 16111 , 010116, lo export rpirlog or PO `INIAIIIITACTURAIIar Komi u ..r 11111 trIESB: An/ *Ur blaako aarlar.pto sled sad , 0. - JliallßiONlko., • " *Wood trort • • ETURN BOORS AND BII&N&M. r o LILO OW Oil sal WlaLky D . hillisiinuid Brower - painted and for ago by wx. a. schugsrofir, 400.. suftkuara „ 0, 7 Vinidionm. 4..1 is& yr - • AUIS. .BueNzi:;.- 4 .**Abe re env y of Ormial4 ..; - 13,11411“.011, La., PlPl.4!"4l " l. .Writ, Q,JOSII `oo, , , ulylo:iimes 7 • •i tpvalour:-vatiteriv.: hi ttilltn.l A it prodnith* et du bum Bkk ilaukiri tbrittlftsalc Iliartbarn, nod ell non• plslaumelitos tem rc,.d. ea, cO. [ I LL lAril VIINTIA DB4O online; en... Oldo •....4.44. HIM kA KX1042.' - 111116TANUolkittirinabl ANA ounalkeenstlaareves'Pahmla.iti Flack and 81 fh:ogns Bruise% alibis. INfits.nteb oat., arlireandwiiimit Me& rot sab at Gra & ZILLYWOEIMUT. DIIIIQ irrn Ivo. _..4.4a sod. 11,..1/4-:•$ HMO .v.“. Little Besasi:lbrisattr:=lZsignalt LULU'S OiliT,4l.lt/Wea.9loor. °tab a. "liras. -NBRIOITING 01Lit , IA:U0 bble. pus Dock airtir_.:P,2 “ • a.: La. 15 10 Tlisi . 40 44 101 .. ,rjilL,..,. kr b r i ; t • , r4 l h Os band sakl fpplikta, ' LI/ ' • k-d—f?4:4p?treSlft3ol,.,ll:2l' vaeltm tit PAHA eF;=.l. - ifeas varj, ey ina 0141...1 SS - ott:vill•ap, at, a "an IsuoU._L - Einattist Paws aloft — 401 P 'lll l llXHatt rriar l iolna m .t. --- DHoliaAPritab."4o. b0ut,19;4418 by 1111Mult-100 • btat•• beot.tairp lour .r.-Ibresubv. J. a POl • turts!..,.l6 - :bv;tr 6l"r r4 OUR, e• In . *is . ingll.B liKfini et.n. pul4AillWatt:—.4l.l:.44•l4 - to kturer- :4:TT:I: as I , ashy i";! PETER LORILLARD, 16 a U ORAMBISS arainiz Morassly 42 Chartism street, New Testa Ifanobottron of LEAD PIPE. I=!=2El .Mo4* Tin, • AND' Patent Shot, a~tairn emir, (scesesson , A Jesuit O. W.N. Merchant Taißira: Are new roceletee their omens , mamma UU bbl 'Lod** ie. 'orlir.d * - 1 . 14 for 4111•11 JOHN ti1i41104,11 imp -- Tw - lam .e. I.g ado, r;,k kl,-;494,11.4136.11Wi1tp.g. LIAII.II D 101311" • 00.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers