.17 "...;t Vittsburgit Snett4. THURSDAY - MORNING, lITLY 28. Governor Curtin Agaut..Pottficat Effects of Uut./Legtstatton of. 1861. We have already referred to the doings of the Legislature of 1861—the same which came in with Gar. Corns, and participated with him in the env:intents and omissions of that eventful year. Let us see now how jar the Republican party of this State was affected by this legislation. . The people did pau, at the next election, in the way that had been predicted, upon the sets,, at least the crowning act of that me morable Session, br . refueing to re turn anrinan,'eutside of Philadelphia, who had given his vote for that measure, with only the single exception of one small con stituency, which was specially interested In the Sunbury & Erie Railroad, and whose Representative has the advantage of con trolling the newspaperof thatdiitriot; and the great Republican or People'a party fell at s oneefrom its high estate into a minority in the House at the very next session. The party was mace the nape-goat for all this, and relegated to the wilderness, with the sins of the Legislature and the Goveree—though largely shared by the Democratic element , itself--laid upon its book. Whether justly or not; it was at least the popular belief, that they had sold the people, and betrayed the State. If the Governor himself — =We he greatest sinner, un questionably, of all, because the highutand most powerful—had been the candidate, instead of the inferior agents of all this robbery, does any body doubt that his fate would hay. been the same, or ever worse? Is he—is any body—weak enough to think that these things are already! forgiven and forgotten, merely, because the Press has spared him out of consideration for his of ftoe—because of the engrossing interest of the . war—or for the sake of other people, whose influence has been strong enough to silence it? Bat there is more to the same purpose, and more for 'whit& we have to thank our present Governor. If the first session of his rule was disastrous to the State and to the party, the next was equally unfortunate to both. If the locks of the strong man Were shorn in the former, it was only to turn him over bodily to the lord t of the Philistines In the latter. If the one bank rupted the Treasury, and shook our power in the State, the other consummated the work of ruin, by betraying ns directly into the bands of the enemy, and conferring upon our bleeding country and ourselves the unexpected boon of a Copperhead Sen ator. It is as demonstrable as any propo sition in geometry that the friends of the Union who are nQw expected to trust this man anew, are indebted to him for the loss of a vote in the supreme advisory council of the nation in the moat important crisis of its history. And this we shall ;proceed to make oat itkotre next 'umber, which will be devoted to the cunning structure and untimely catastrophe of the Hopkins Committee—to be followed, in due Course, by a faller pre sentation of the still more destructive ef fect' of the action and non-aotion of the Legislature of 1862, upon the deolining for tunes of the great Republican party, with ANDILIR G. CURTIN as its sword-bearer— with a Jonah, and note Pslinurus, at the The Post ..ad the. Draft Again. Our attention has been specially invited by several of our toys' citizens to sundry recent articles in. the Pittsburgh Port, on the subject of eriscription. We have already spoken upon that question. There is nothing in them which M at all new. Thatpapir, like all the other rebel Miens is the North, has unifirmly snit persis tently quarreled with every measure of the Government which has been aimed at. the hart of the rebellion, and ventured just as far in the direction of resistance, as the laws would permit, and the time and tem per of this community were likely to toler ate. It it had been published in New York, or some other places we could name, it would have belched out treason without . • aware or disguise. Amongst a loyal people, who have done and suffered so muctrfarthe meal of the Union, it could - not Indulge in thit way, without a whole some appretkension of the lamp post, which is a paspective not a whit more agreeable )4 of nervous organization than "glitter of 'a rebel bayonet. It would counted resistance to the draft if it dared. The nest best thing It can do for the ear eioe Of the rebellion is to render the law as ogfone es possible; by representing it as an enactment for the benefit of the rich. If it had contained au commutative' datum, it "Would_ have-been the same thing to the Pon. No sweetening could have made it palatable to lb 110411a011d. It would then 'harecomplainai ak loudly of the shams of seek kolas% foOtte reason that none' but the very rustiest hien could afford te hire substitutes it tkelskorbitant.prioes which would Ikea have riled. To reason With it, by repeating such truisms at—that there are many things which a rich man may hire others to do, which the poor man must do himself--that this is the one principle en which the laboring classes depend for their employment, and that it would be Jai& as abelud for a poor man to refuse to go into a Mang mill, or a' coal'_ mine, at wages, because the more fortunate - proprie _ tor of either cart afford to get along without workinthinkftilfOr that it can time no -.difference to the recruit who goes into the field, provided every other man is, equally required to be there, either is pines or by stsforiests—would be worse than idle. Om ' copperhead is just as deaf as tiemkkr, viii the reputation of being sometimes Maim, by the malignity of its own seam. Morels but one argument for snob rep tiles, and that we leave to. be applied by others. We suggest, howeceF, to the Pori, la the spirit of friendly admonition, thet if it aniiiikt MinSeindia In'brieding dis- terbium k.n is wouldiVrovo.taythiss but a paying buttons either to eh) dflioo or their toroittra. Neither would they escape as they bsTe Acme fit Nei► York. Bat bow humilisting le is toss Ameri oss-t4tes l that. then is min ,00sioion to - 6rifaxeirobdtion forttOopi ik.pest , 44 dplio of* . lyto the iressat, and nadir a ettiinisastt *ilea is .the people's awn! • Astor allutselltits to hidcouritry, , i;: saitfs.as,kt cis bat iambi; its ststressi , 7;ilidiliti TithouCtii rairird. d iseroatary troops is s oompszsdvsly modern innovation. The "4:- • - ‘,lf - 4* 4. L'aligtV*AN??l. levy estesaus and the array of the ban and crniers bee are but different expressions for the same idea. Who has not heard of the nary croaa--the bloody symbol which. sped of old through the highlands of Scotland in times of extreme peril—to summon the clansmen to the standards of their respec tive chiefs? And whose blood has not frozen with horror at the fearful anathema which was pronounced on those who re fused to obey the summons, as paraphrased by the Arioslo of Boolland : Woe to the Clansman, who shall slew This gyrntail of sepulchral yew. Torgetintt bat lie branch. grew Whore weepsho their holleet dew On Alpton's neeellit,g Itiw Deserter of his ehlege n's !feet, Its neer shall mingle with their-dust, Bat !MU, hie sires and kindr d thrust, -- Ilanh Olatottuati's execration Jolt Shall doom him wrath Stint with load mar their sts..witr beans, Woe t.. the traitor, ercel . When flits this emu from man to man, Vich-alpin,'• summons to hi. ciao. Burst he the ear that folio to heed I Palsied the , o 4 tba shuns to mewl May sterna tear to carairm aye., Weise. nudes the coward beers Cher prize 1 As .lola thee b 1.4 stream lu t •e earth, S rust hi. h.sin's blood drench his hearth I A. d•es I. hides. g re the at Quenon loon hi. I ght, Dedruet on dark I bud be the grecs sob m &wird Bought by tuts shin to all beside I But what shall be the anathema due to the coward wretch who, while hie bleeding country is making her beseeching appeal to her eons—lifting before their eyes her great symbol of liberty, already dyed with the bleed of so many of the noblest et them, and pointing to the thousands of gallant hearth now bearing it so bravely in dtetant battle fields and beckoning them to come up to their deliverstme—instead of that response which any true American heart should give, is found meanly - juggling about the terms of the eummona and base ly enleavoring to divined° the people from the obedience which they would no cheer fully render? We have do words of male diction strong enough to hurl at such a caitiff head. Could we say less than "WON TO TRIO TRAITOR, Wow!" "Inc Itieb." The people, and papers, of New York, many of them at least, have, since the riot in that oily, spoken of the "Irish," thus in an indiscriminate wholesale way stigma thing a numerous, loyal and orderly class of citizens, as guilty of sedition and trai torous co-operation with the enemies of their country. The following just and dis criminating article on this injustice we copy with pleasure from the . N. Y. Tribune: There is a very general excitement and prejudice agatnkt toe Irish residents of our city because of .the riotous outrages of last week, which, though natural, is-tending to gross injustice. ; It is true that most of the immediate perpetrators of those outrages were of Insu birth or lineage, but it is not true that all, or nearly all the Irish, nor` even of the Irish It.man Catholics, are either rioters themselves or sympathisers with the rioters. On the contrary, we per sonally know many Irian Catholics who are se loyal, as law-abiding, and as hostile to all manner of riot and outrage, assay men on earth. For example, our Sixth and Fourteenth wards, watch are pre-eminent ly, predominantly Irish, have not been dm-- graced by a single outrage, not even upon tnetr colored rustdents. And from every quarter we have testimony that the indite mous, sober, intelligent Irish—of whom there are thousands among us—indignant ly declined all participation in the crimes of the grog-shop rowdies and ruffians who have done their worst to disgrace the Irten name. Nearly all who were eye-witnesses of the shameful doings of last week agree on this point. Mr. N. I'. WlVia, who wit nessed tne burning, on Monday eft ernoon, i of the gun factory in SCCOlaki Avenue, thus writes in his Borne Journal: "The tipsy women and bays (of whom the crowd was more plan half composed) were rule, and wholly regardless of the common wayfarer's rights, - Zimpudent it spoken to, and crowding or running against us unless we escaped tnem by very pains taking winding or our way. The whute air and behavior or this wicked and dirty plu rainy expressed an exulting lawlessness and defiance. "The hip briok blocks and closely.pack ed boasts in this neighborhood seemed to be literally hives of stzkness and vice. Curiosity to look on at the fire raging so near them, brought every inhabitant to the porch or window, or amenibied them In ragged or dirty groups on the eidewalk in front. Probably not a creature who could move was lett in-doors at that hour. And it is wonderful to sae, and difficult to be lieve, that so much misery, and disease, and utter wretchedness, can he Luddled to gether end hidden by high walls, unvisited and unthought of, so near our own abodes! The lewd butpale and sickly young women, scarce decent in their ragged attire, wer< impudent and scattered everywhere in the crowd. But what numbers of these poorer classes are deformed, what numbers are made hideous by milt-neglect and infirmity, and what numbers are paralytics, drunk ards, imbecile, or idiotic, forlorn in their pslerty•Stricken abandonment for this world! Alas! human laces look so hide ous, with hope cod vanity all gone! And temals forms and features are made so frightful by sin, squalor and debasemen To walk the streets as we walked them, for those - hours of annlsgration and riot, was like a fearful witnessing of the day of judgment, with every wicked thing reveal. ed, every woe and borrow blazing glared upon, every hidden honor of abomination laid bare, before hells expectant fire. ' "We have not made the character of 'the mob' a part of our description—it has been done so faUy by the daily joornele. Bat we moat add oar confirmatogy remark upon one peculiarity of the confessed rioters. There were no decent Irish among them. Walt they all were—every soul of them— but they were the dirty, halt drunken bru tal rowdies, who are the leprosy of that' fair-skinned rite. They wore the filthy mistake of an eruptioa on the Irish skin— not to be accounted part of the • natural complexion of the blood, hut starved doWn and purged away like a diseased excess. In ordinary life, such fellows sneak about, and hide from daylight in places where they can drink, atuLdebauch, and contrive wickedness; but here—where this grand fire made torniest likemasten, and gave them impudence for the hour—they were the pictures of saucy beggars, half.drunken brutes and robbers, longing to put a clutch upon your throat and empty your pockets. One of our daily papers estimated this class of the New York population ai twenty then sand. How shall we 'WE riently damn, for all history, the cringing politioianund cow ardly Mlioe-holder who, .for • makew right to hitpurty, will basely strive to propitiate such a scum of a great city ?' Let us entreat the honest, sober, frugal, worthy Irish segment of our population, whether of city or country, to bear pa. tinily the 'opprobium to which 'the out rages committed by this vile crew may for • time expose them, proving, by their quiet demeanor and upright conduct, that they are misjudged and harshly dealt with by the indiscriminate odium to which they are subjected. A few , days of inch lbehs vier will restore the equilibrium of the pub lic mind; and restrict the opprobium of the reeent , outrages-to those who have really deserved it. . Franca and *mono*. The plops will be glad to know that amid all oar trouble* the &amino ministers abroad 'atatlaaata3aldidghpeaa4. ai4that is this 4aoSaafittempt Oa its put et lr ! Ooptsaa Po ven to.reessalse the Anthem ietiellioa as a Chadedarsey, the Milted States will nimbi a spsegy and deadly pretest. The Wowing paragesph from the Ludas nese, la its Par- eorreepondenoe, window the nature of Mr. Dayton's reply to the overtazeo of Mr. Slidell to Louts Napoleon: Ott Saturday, the 4th toot., about 25 or 80 Atnertoon gentlemen (North) now staying at the Greed Hotel met eta drfruner to celebrate the Deelaration of American Independence In 1776, of which that day warthe ainiversary. The Federal States Sag was displayed, but soon after withdrawn, as serval. Americans of the Confederate States remonstrated with the proprietor on a demonstration whieh woe distasteful to those who were also living at his eatablishment. Some of theta, it is said, quitted the hotel altogether. There were sev eral toasts given suitabio to the occasion, and, in particular, Shot of the United States essnieter in Park, who, on karning that Mr. small, the Confederate delegate, hod had an audience of Ito Emperor a short time ago on the &object of recount:ion, informed she French Ooverssmene that if any proposals, of the kind were renewed, hu ooocrnment world consider it a eons, beni, and he should ditnenel hie pateporte aged quit France. illa health was received with great applause by the party." Tits recent aural:us from Southern news papers, which we have been publishing tor some days past, are of great interest. and importance. A more complete revela tion of the desperate straits of the rebel cause could hardly have been made. To till the vacancies in the ranks of his ar mies depleted during the last few weeks to the amount of over 75,000 men, Davis has issued a new call of all men between the ages of etghteen and forty five. When it is remembered that the first draft of May 1864, took in all between 18 and 35, and that of the autumn of the name year all oetween 85 and 45, leaving out only the taw who could attord to pay a thousand dollars or more for substitutes, it will be seen that tine last call canuot.result in very material •actiessious to toe foroe . s now in the field. At most they cannot. replace the losers of the last month, even it all who have pronged substitutee and all who claim ioreksu protection are dratted. The Rich mond Aseetrer, the official organ of Davis, says the coueession to him of powers es sentially those of an unlimited despot can atone save the Confederacy. now such an increase of burdens will stleot the already Orecontepted people of North Carolina, and tho peaoe men whom the Mobile Advertiser attempts to bully into silence, will best be determined by the movements of our troops. We think that the presence of our regi ments, flushed with their late victories and filled to their proper standard by the new recruits, will develop Union tenement sur prisingly. The cotton lords never went into rebellion with any expectation of do ing their own fighting, and when the al ternative is presented them of submitting to Diem and shouldering the musket in person or taking the oath and remaining at home it will not be hard to predict the course of the great majority. Tne editori als in the Richmond journals, try hard to write up a victory for Lee, but they can deceive no one. They must be placed in the same category with the atteptpt.to make out the capture of Vickeburg a blessing in saving Johnston's army. Charleston is conceded by the Mercury of that pity to be lost, unless our troops are driven from Morris Island at the point of the bayonet, a teat welch it is easier to talk about than accomplish. It would be a pleasant coin cidence if to-day, the anniversary of the first, battle of Donna% should witness the tall of the Palmetto capital. A Paisla paper states, that Mr. Dayton was asked by M..Dronyn de Limp whether a new ether of mediation would be well reeelvsd in Washington, and that he gave& negative answer. or eau vzierea I~IOTIOE Id HEREBY GIVEN that LI the Partn“ship Lately extetlug between DAN IEL hat. N and 81. I. IS ZS N aIT, under the arm of Da. AIL aid NCTTi 80S. was devolved o y 14, 18,3. by mutual torment. DattlAL Bd.lifiErl it authorised to eAtta all debt/ due to or by the Company DoNtaL id. 1. BiBNZIT. VOTIOE 18 REItaBY GIVEN that I LI hare sumelated V ILLIAII BINSETI' vath me In the ihnhateeetpre sod 111114 Of QllMlLltiffele. the .tyre or tem tern to be D. a ,tY. BBNNZTT, the turmer.h p to_dau Dom July Ist, 18.3 3.1 m Aft Slo nuft tiVUIII k &ISM el 4. —l4O leer.• of gee farming lead, Ina e.su eta*. of coLtivalOnt 1 0 awes cfeered. b 0 Acres good ttmb,r, 70 scree In clover, the who's arida name Lev hewed 1.7 g h weSteter.boareed: tato n tern ; two ,reheree of ace yinatlry of grafted mon of man! •artettes, tweak 400 and WO Irate tr. e.); wets Is otal• every neld. %hie arm I. • tease 4 all ea Iron He ly's Mallon, on the Alto elegy a ea./ nontned, sad the sane dluartoe Isom th. Nor h• Were Itatlneed ono It one of the heat grain eat eta.k term. 1. the country. Tee peallo .oats pe.• /Us WWI toe Ware. that oe Weigel low end on easy terns. •pnly to teva N Yo d N A CIO , 100 !earth et. rr E. FLAGS. • LARGE FLAGS, ihattab'A Jar HOLM, Poles, Fortifications, ANL, JIABiI OP THI BM' BUNTING. SILK AND SMALL FLAGS, sus OOMPANIIB. AT MI MINI VBON . /LAG MASCMAOTOB T PITIOCIICS NEWS DEPOT, rim BITUFIT. OPPOGITI Tat P.O. pa At the very lowest ush ;atom, to prepare fa tail THE RIOT IN NEW YORK. • 'ul 0 .1. $' M ownuitia ‘,ALLNesiints, OIL BROKERS, 211 and 213 Eonth Water St.. CHICAGO IMMTcasignmetts gallaUed. earn TO Lraar k Osoaaisataa. Iron City 011 Warta. Jar a nkisra 4, J. FainUr a Co. Jar a Osa. nun., ap.rg. Charm( k Co. n,' Ol3llLLlDl ' Bil & 1)&11111, UM WOOD FILICEZT, four duces from 711th. Are dales ont their laces 'toot of TODAOOI, SNUFF AND ISZCIA2B, C ()A 40 hal; -lb liiklTiSinZ, McOLZLLArIIIB AUCTIUN 101:11311 dell Imoo d !LEAK BUNkinith, 76 OINTB. AT MeILIMLAND'S AUCTION HOMO, 68 Pillb fitre.t. 1,63 Aira-utittats uWrd tivu • — Btieep 7belr Br..dti tlananmeat an/ sAsialea. /Sy Willtea lomat. T notch or. a4ded manta an the Moans ana Maaagssneat of /beep la the thated Mates, .110 Illainstrra enarivispa. 1 WL, 8 tn. PH,. V.. 8 HAT. I 00 .68 Wood inn... Yuan umletuni unsistiluttt, Putt 11193.-.Alphsbatioal lid of Pest OPhoe in the uetied etai., pith ;he names el the Peat tt.thn. With en appendix containing the mho of Ford& P-stapt the nevi Post ya* Bill, and otbizimport ant portal intennstion. Prim $1.60. ir gar 400.. 86 Wood rt. EX Is CU 1 0 NUTIOIt—AII persons into+ ins themselves Indebted to the .state 0 1 Needy. thus sod, late of Bobinnat township, Atleiheny confab an requested to make imme diate tor aunt, and all persons hiving claims spinet said 'owe to present atm, duly authenticated for settlement, to the in denismen AtiDfilbW 11001111, Tzecntor. Itoldneon kp., Jul) 17‘1:411113. Jythitdallterr VALLIABIag P K ENN IiTRET PROP w LEITY FOR ISALTa—Tero Loh, 99 hat 4 lit fr on t by ilo not day loan allay, orlib • law double boon. (AMMO narcotic and Hand aunt. A del. loth location tot • Porstelito or Donttat, also, lame time bolting tam forprivatertildenom nom Minarmille. from % to 1 ewe rath. Alm, • largo number of building Lou, of maim ofit.a, of :mm 96 to 60 AO inns 'by 100 to 160 foot deep, situated et the tarmlaue of the Willa hired Paweoger Railway. Amoly to the andenlymed, Elevators of the MUM of John Herron, deed W. a. BARRON. JOHN D. HERRON, R. O. EINRRON X4ooo W ide 'O l s ' ne l. try Uk‘ ret il itl k o l V ° l2l ll lsCalle t i ..1011, fuer Wars frt.at the cite La saw Straiten brick datling halm of wale ball sad lOW Rey OU .1:400or attic inabori* 041q1/411 as 1 otter balltllnget pod water:lo Perm of poltad, all eader hoer. well uoprtvelf lead Tell cultivated, urtbata of 434avaael groat Taut,' of trait, of test vulture; vacate, att. tweet *bade greet. Terme fag. Apply to °et a Hie AT a Fallift.lll Maikat PAINT. -15 bbl,a good and °heap arlb.la for ull barrel., for hale by •IS _ EN II V If ,VVT.T.M.I DZ. r er45.--2,U.A/ yards, IrOm a to 61nab., for ad* by lrn EICNIZT H. COLLINS. . MOllfo Tt Uo Ol 1,4 riou• et, ON, 111[14 WY H. W. Lkau-24° pigs DO I NU Ualena tor of•by EreNliT'Fl now iwß' Nir nine! t: Watais • • _n • test that le we*. 001 l sad 11.114111/141, tows parokootog ohowooto. Gus &stood to oino ostiefoolka. For oats so IsOia &alba Depot of J. ill H. PRIULIft. hat ice. al sod 11 Mgr PEW. .riew 4Dirluaruwwz.irrl 'MURANO is BFFAUT Ell 081 PETROLEUM AHD REPIIIERIIB, IN YIRIT CLAM 00111PANna, At tatr rates, 1 7 JAMES W. ABBOTT, lasvaatras ham. svltate NT 111T8 13111117,11ttsbargb. H ANio,trus u. &Llaktitlll , 24 Y [retract /roes As trammel rokrtisg to toga.] "from and after the pump of this ordlnaece It obeli not be lawfcl for any &go M go et Wm) in the Oity of allegheey, except under the following atrial:ma, that la cityy : limey dog going et t•r111 within the meld OW have round • collar of metal as a collar of leather, with a nr.taito plale, on ' btub utdiuu or Pete shall ha lasacihed the manta of the owner of Inch at:wand hi. or tier place of resi dence; also that each and every tog ao going at large shall have namely pat oo • good, substantial maa ale, enclosing the whole 131011111 of said dog, go am to effectually polecat him from titled or anePitilld: but that Dotting herein mutative elm Ihe coos cu ed to permit any knel. dog, monied or otherwise. to Ott at lags in the City co oil {hen,. but du" cup le. male cog so gots., at Imo Mimi he taken up mid datroyed." PIMOLAIIITIOZ • I, A. 0. LUX Ali Inett, larger of the Oily of Al. laeheoy. do balsa title s my Proclaim/4k% that on sad sites IKOHDar, lbs etch day of Ja1y.1.8611. a l d-ge Moroi analog at large eritstg the aspirate Walla of the City of Allegbeoy, =tray to the ab..ve ordloetua elicit b. deers "rob acoordiog to law; Sad an MIMI et doge, or spots, or l arsons haburlvg dogs, art heceby uotlieo t et the penal.. tire will re strictly en'or. ed venous ars reey load Men to to•eriere with Use Police la the terrormau,e of their dely, se far Se relates to the oar ylog oat 01 the orortsious of lit • ordmance elven nudor y band .44 .M thin 16th day of July, 1801, In Ailejmy. ALIMANDEB, Mayor. BOGS. Whams. the running st tarp of bola in the City of alleshmty has beams sn intolaffsble natant', therefor. 1, A.O. ALCZoND. ft, Mayor of s,i. ah.. 7, do tune this, my Proclamation. that on sod wart fOM bar, the illfh day of July, 1113. all hop foaod running at tarp In the Olt) of ollailmoy b. takes up end sald to l b . blstusc bidder if not so• dermal by the owner or oilmen within tweny.foar hours from the tune they are admutlead. Owtoore of hes..lll tharefore take notice toot the pp:Maims sad pma tits 01 the ortiaanoe will be enforced. Wittman my hand end sad, Ibis 18th day et July, A. D. lisea. A. U. ALIXANDJB, Mayor. jy2icSt p ROCLAMATION. HOGS AHD DOGS. CITY OP PITTSBURGH,m eAwYIIB, Jr., Mayor of saleetty. do mono this my Proclamation. that from ant after lbs 16111 DAY Of JOLT. A. D.. MP. *Tory Peg robin at large within the city shall hays swooned Ito neolt a collar of metal or Withal.. with metal plate, en ',blob metal oellsr or plate 'hall be lausitiad the nem, aad ratdanes of the owner. Also shall from thla date, to the leah of Bertalshrre hare aimMulY rat on • good, dims. sabstantlel and ..to murals, offectufly to prount said Log from biting or mapping. All Dela fount twining at lame without .ald oollar and mutate stall be dealt with acooretug to law. HOWL—Any pea= who shall wilfully easy his or bar Hop to rim at lane In this oity, shall, for with offense, ou coovlctlon thereof, linfelt and pay for oath of laid animas worm:thing at lane, the lam of one dollar, sot it shah be the duty of the polio.. man or elithr of thank to thine and tats into custody sad Impound sear; one of said animals so found tun • nhig at lege, and If„ altar four days' public not" no person shall ems forward to claim ohs same, aad pay M. said Ins sod costa sad other chary.. at. %audio' the seising sad heaping the thine, than they shall be Bond for the nth of two city. D o:sswyms, Jr.. Mayor. M AGAZINE', yoR Avouai. 7HS i7ONIOSIPTION LOT. Only 6 ants Offtdal ll.t of DISE&6Z2 SHIMMING PIE SONS ISOM TIE MINIM. Only 6 amts. BTATIONZUT PORTICOI.IO3. PAUD4 QUADBILLII AHD DMUS& NOIR PAPIO. /RITIAId stampd on paw and envelopea PHOToGIU.PEI. ALBUMS, an styli*, pricia, also and aunties. POOKST BOOK! 001111.1304 HOU ZREI. Lo. GOLD ern, warranted the best Gut are made. BOLD AT JOHN P. HUNT'S, lambs Hall, Fifth Street, GEM /a nparto at the riot now ragas Is New Tack will be found to the NIW TO= Will= NEWISPAPIES; Aid Often mdtrmng tbs strockm mar laid ad aninablialked la tb• NEW lOIZ ILLINSTRATED Which esa be ball EX ' Cr N T'B NaiILiENES TOR AUGUST. Xll the MAMIE PAILT And WIIIKLT PAPI3B, By thatlVe . Dopy cm by t i yw. b 7 elan el it the anater. JOHI P. RUM, 11.110$!0 HILL. 111TH FARR FOR SALE OR RENT, 008TAINUIGIa.i t OBV4 AU under him. 1.1 la . good data ot cultivation. The isprommoni• ocissigeof • nor BRION DWILp LIBO R entalabg 10 rooms; loss FLU' BAB. UNAPT BOWL with & reoui I aad *pod orobard or yams Wets. GOAL sad* the whole firs. vain la Baldwin amiably, about traiillis Bon Qui city. Invdrs 'at muziff,rmizias. II 00" ' ' No. 1$ Tatr' drug. JUST RECEIVED,_ . _' A troll' anini of CILITI33, BLIKORALS AND 1001, At BOILLABWa W auks , divot. THS CRICAPIST: gLALOB IN THH orn tip buy Doom efole AiD : Ties ! 114B°11"116,. COMB Ar,obto and ew Tar b OOll 4 11111011111164 GAIT US at Or Isymil Floe, bL EMMY% II Masi otti‘t. XZW• ADrwarliwrs. NBVICIt KNOWN TO FAIL! DIXON'S IRONATIC BLACKBERRY CARRULATIVE, TIRO 1110•112.1114 N same MB DYSESITZBY, DLABBILIA, YLUX, OHOLZBA MORBID, AND 811IIMIR COMPLAINT The immense Woo testily to the toerlto of thb nmedk The numerous. dolly, reports of sttonlahtog cam st , eof Ito Talus. It bee edvanbires over any other remedy, et oats coring the Oboes, and Isaparthsg tome an ezensth to the system. - Is see earl heritable* to the titbit aid Omaha In the adult caw To the soldier, espdally, u is invenable, bdDg sr propelling, termed IT them, to many certlecates, "The Soldiers' Friend." Mothers Sod It superior tow soothing gym for children teething, treed from the hilarious offsets of MAROOTIOS, ghee net to the Wieser by removing the Morse. Sol ey rripectable dealers everywhere. mar Pee% 25 0111:08 A BOTTLIL •lIILIID ONLY IT WK. F. DAVIDSON, 1•13,13% 01190INNATI, 0. A N A LYISIO.- •••••••••••491 44 NO. ALDO= . SL L OUIS, PR 4i UM 140. .01. I,j A . Ts .01. L 100 Having aonspted:the Army for the towel the VLalf, mined near et. Louis, kLM, I Mt vit. the attention of Cllam Sad Steel klannisotorors to the Atudjils given atom, as snorted by Prof.. A. A. Bays, of Boston. and i . 0. Booth, ef 1111441. Oda, which, with the Met of mina expert. eon by roan • • -t•rms la Pitubugh, Olaofooatl sad St. Drab. detarmtasa it to to the par. t and most minable My now known, whet her gore g a or American rote made from tt hare stood in the Gime Tunics from elg top months. Ilte Analifdt b of - the Olay as taken Orom the mine, without any washing or preparation what ever. It possess, great adhssimoass and ptastfoity qualities, which Sr. not shown by the &mays% and shish admit of the admixture of a lams proportion of shell sr inuned clay. am now prepared to All orders for the oboes (Bay, to be shipped from St. Loots or delivered hero ALEX. GORDON, No. lal BICQND =MUT, G===l:3 WILLIAM A. WAAL, .110.N'I'ler, Renshaw's Building, Ed floor. back ; manna on Liberty street. Ofilos soots hom 9 s. m. till 3 p. m. In order to • roper under. audio; on the pact of thole who may cell symizio. I deem it my Macy to designate some of the things common In the male Um of dutabt7e which I do not do. In the Ent pleas I donot give • day's credit to any one. I do not make cheep sets of teeth ; I do not eactido• bl their eat:action, gonad, Malta, teeth, in order to !alert artificial ones; I do not, to soy Potent:es d. stroE . : o he t r i ms o t f p. trg i Tomby m rez a ide i l . a l f m s. e r fr y i lon the more cettaila. Thom, sod monotone other 'hinge which I could gorily, I d • not do. In the oho.. of metniats proper for Pinup the teeth, 1 nuke tat a Malted nee el gold, experience having ;roved it the boot of all effectual In their promo... tica. In all mom, bowls/sr, involving tae appearanre of the teeth, 1 do not hesitate to maim mew It. La to the EMUS, of ;dings or plop of gold, a number of which 1 imerted in tie yams or '11.!-'19 ere sill towing Mammy to my - workmanship, or perbape/ ehrold ow provisional still. Pleat WINDOW SHADES, NB BR N, B ROW N AND WONT OOLORB, Sew end *Sepal pattern', Jest nodeed at tba NEW CARPET STORE OY McFarland, GOllii & io , FIFTH STREW, Between the Pww Oman and Mad= Binztova. bam* pASSAUE FROM TILLS I'ULD OUON. 1 .a. TEL"— andendowed to tow prepaid to ten oat am to Mal Ism park of DnaINA in laud sr laatlaad, Oar Ivy aapadar total! Mall asuman. lad thia vaaausath sinamaroGaltal Lalrflall," or dam militias Verb, akr bane than Masts tau mamma bratail 'ones Masa b Ilt=a c t u atianan lam .am) as Lawkaaderry latt eba !milk Tha aaSatadvaissla kayo Lfavapool map net. Adana% D. 0%111.4 Iltampasai I= l tar arida ItaDdlas. nylkllsrod we tows. Pulabarak. STILL A CHANCE I Anotborr sutra of wawa ma sass= CALF EQUAIIi nip • nooTs. woo owl get • pair, at • TA31:111 ROBB'S, Zia. la KAZIMT IP2IIIIT WB - VALLI a:MAL ATTSWHON to the Ward 11 /MRS OS LIMA S nose Man Alleilwartilty. It is tb• a n dd in the .market,. Wing Wasted en sped nets at • taw mlnntst_walk iron two Stat Was cat the 'matures, .on Masse 4 0.1 .10 Railway -04e Station at 3atsoa Ban andi tho other at wood.' lion, one mtla and • ball iron Mu latter Station. and • law reds theAlltsbenpa.llaw • • 411•• • Plank Road. Ha. an ex &kat stew el- the Okla Myr. and woaid male • pleasant Goentry 11111114 sad maw t Ito. kw • lap.?. and la Mold bw Sar cal or part oo Una to ale et D. Oa 141.11. !Mat No.lll Lomat stoat. Aileen, Oita. MUNICIPAL CLAlldti OF THE CCITT or rrrresusan.—The misklpd Claims of tb•Olty ibr the eeadractlin oryeirtre, kir tile damps of Usk Zoe, bl tke grading of Waddnidon isnot, and under lb* thrums firedog and Parisitasetsenient oiletB, - haidni been deeded by the Court In favor of the dry, adios is hereby given to di panted who are etlii to arrears ter ass of said alalme, that t 1 they wl hto Bore further code they most Imaddlately walk Was oats*. not In the hands of she undersigned, at City &Calor. Jylibet J. W. T. WHIT; IUO lute street. THE DRAFTY .— Persona who ere draft. .d, }ho am itatttlid to exemptlen km mama 101 l damn lathe col-alasolti. IMM, ge who wish to Mimi/ ty , Um payment at CM front t mama ax WM to moon a entatitato to takelbett th. war. la Ana It 'DOW othil antore o. to WI J. Z. II as what lam f irMIMMI. tfand with ltitket a • Jyt.l 110. LOT hurt amt. now aatthaald mut. anto • GENTLIMBItra - • --1117111101111 11781Mar.M41- 470014 Closing out at T 7 low . ;ns, at NAOMI s 0117)11114 jyll TY Naked et, bet. Yount t DiuDoled. TO DRAFTED KEN. an kan age pyre spby callbsi upon T. WALVIS DAT,: No. 60 Mud et., °pecan* PzovostiLunar' Ogke, jytna. TO DRAFTER MIN If pa dila somptlashom IL. ante, adl at my iseraddre Wit t % VU I, so. is fifth str" aoa' bib*, aue.mu. C Q. TAlLOR:itAt,ittood to prem. CUM ADP MUM XIII , Ibrauliptlce.st it bltlOt - MUM WIMP% GBIANKETEtei-,ALnother /aro yikuy p ? p p n • .• re a SUM* mak' at tie Leib irr alelr vine. _ J. it Ff. PM/WM IL -.2nerytainig , 3I that las be . alb alkohia tat rivet ollakob %pot at •• •-- • - - 2. a - PlitaialPa. Pia . WAIN ta sad , a vhdr,tme L 1111•1111 . 111 wow. TLIGGETT .4 00., On nowt u .ituroxipmkoortr 140111Canste, Piss* ,k othU,ials a5:0.4./..-V - • .rrn. taw pm* Wog; " onw /a " ibt " 11 ow. a sum" 116.13111/brif rte. - mommanammanommial Dar Doom. ' LAWNS, BERAGES, sunmE DRESS GOODS ) SILK MANTLES, SUMMER MANTLES, SACQUES, CIRCULARS, SZLLINO TIM OBILP I AT Alex. Sa'tes', No. 21 FIFTH STREET. YT • tall suck of D 4111115110 /AD BOOBY. E YAM% GOODS constanay on hand. 1,21/ LW I 20ra. 1863. MACRUM £ CLYDE'S., Ws are In receipt of NIW GOODS, boo& Midas flee present &prod.:nil Gprfaes,aad osis to wbaxls sale and Mall balm, at KWH LOW= BATTY THAN 17813/11,, Mainz. imminent. of TUX XING?, FANCY MOODS and NanoSs. Also,—W. ars cksiiii oat, st raftsd pia., our Moot of BORK= 7121.111111101, 61711111118 121. lIROIDZBITA BIIMMIM HOMEY 1 GLOUB. annum YORNIBIIIN2 awns, ao.. to Ina* room for cur hill pnrchase& Oar Country Merchants will tind our Who:dolls r.soartment• velret.nked with an goo • In our and st prices u low u any boos in this city or In thn Let. MACRUM t GLYDE, 18 HAREM BIBIZT. 'Patron Ventrth street and IHamcntit. GREAT OLEABANOR BALE AT $349X4. MG El WEL 59 Market Street, • 07 DR311138 GOODS, CLOAK% SHAWLS, X...45t08 imbc)l.3ates, LACE SHAWLS, LACE BORNOUB. N EW G00D231. GRENADINE VEILS, Soso now a ad beautiful stylits. CAMBRIC TRIMMINGS ; A ado* mortmint. Embroidered Handkerchiefs, - Lace llltta, Pm, and Sun Umbrellas,- P A RIB TRIMMINGS, In HI the dishabie mica • tall HMI of those asap HOOP ABMS Pat noshed sad Pm •Ni 12107 JOSEPH! HORNS 8i: CO n s TT AND 79 IdARICBT BT. DRY GOODS I DRY GOODS I AT J. •M. .Butchfleld's, arum AT REbIICIED PRICES! mum OILI 8 vizi OhN ; BUMKU DUO GOODS, icy mow: 11•00•50tery chop; - - LAM If/MILL/A va7 chop I SHAWLS, 9ILWLIt very asap ; • WELTS ORLIIII MAMA, • laipsimertlakt ioods EILLII4 ' COUP, N. 11. COX F 011172 AID . le - AT REDUORD PllloliB I To clros out oar • BUMMER STOOK. It. ant t-corryberrritaay -portion a oir KU MX it tors datinattid to Redues'Pricet to Such a Point AS SIM Mike ft on object, von poriamin I.; M. Our stock h now IN% ea fruit pordwat batty" tout ratity roldrd. We ar• atm to rug; rectipt et zrzw AID DEIGIABLIC GOODS . ' thong i ii i att l r Miran awl in our Or r . ca Norchanto end Mors who buy for Cook Witt Sad oar prior le larr at to MY 1:041111 ISATON. JEMTRII/74 CO. iv]. • - we, n nnterme. NZW GOODBI REDI7I7JD PRIOIIIII DZIEW6I LID Iu DP,Y C3f; C. 0 1)13 hit.nlli 1436 T OWit: la• MIMI" linNEGAnitiai. pima meambrizio, imam woirrii mune. Jest n 4.0, wry tawdo, a aim *arab =Mx i almzwa. - Ts thew et: bat.iftwill *9 l l l o lo .l47tCliEhkrii" - = —,l— . i? ! LID mink' Par Wks. Claniuma sa4 Miro. at NAGIVIt • MDR% #p uftaftm‘acmmi?iiimmmt, e .~ :~~ dial US IdA6oNlo HALL. Ilinwyg - - COMBINATION. TROUT% 011 .east ot ea great, ROM 111411dt11/ thlir pm torment% sad by • panel regent et . Ur , ran% will remain to ONE WEEK Leh ti La t 110HDAT ZIMNING, July 10th. sad *my ma. lag daring the week. The STAR ARTISTS sore la their seer iroveskeee of 1801105. DATIOU. SOZIMISQUIS. iTnIOPIAN AOl% accatritiliTAS Kuno. UTRATAGASILIA, &a. • OWL Grind Mame ca IMUIDAT Awns. NOON. A CHARGE OP mourn= PACE SIGH?. Admission. 4.5 UINTA. iralw commix...BALM& D&Sr GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, so. —ra T8U1151.60, - .lal !Mist 10 *Valk a. sad foals& p. a, vim b. add,a lap Oisimir. Gal 114014.02,0, 04 FM anat. a - Nook of brim Goods Beak tao.s. tr, to iral.lo tar 410.111100 of dm tads b (al d. 11001adt adobe - 10 Oar Piatd Ps/Slac • . 30 robes limes Lowin• • ' 10 p4oooAored 0801= 64 , 6 &4 Builato . _SI am or le i,ju i p ummg ,,, _ BS darn TA s /ad base; 40 " v•tiou elle Caper -10 UMW sidlue - lioapaktresi- Ants Tr 7 SDI; 1 1 1 01 Lame. meet 'me o.oloolldren slam 17 2 D tralrL.l2lli. VUILNITURN AT AUOTION.-thl .11111115D.1 110111N1MG, July Mkt, 111 o'etlek. at pronto WI denten Boar, 111 nth Glees, yid be eel& a quattlty of wan kept Sam. held and Weaken runnier", Ineladtog 11 end ea nut Wetted', Bilabotaar look= -liana, modes Bateau, Itaaagnay lawatiegi Clue are Obani do co Sri Melees; Was art ilkh• on Wittig Ingrain, Mag. and Ina' , " Clap*. Thaw perms biteds.,llVrauts, Wale; and leatkers, itegtre Oases% Paeans Clothes Dsperi - Oaks, Mantle (Mama% least% DIAN, and Clooklag Ottmadla la. es.—estante leant ferattnes M alipbl,ol will ma In on or zeta' W Jfat T. L. IlliaL111412111), W4A"Td. TKAOiiREB WANTED:-83z Tom. ors wanted for the ikhoolitif flinvidderSorwa. ship. Stio certain tint late OM of MAW. En* No. 8, of mid Wistatifp, Os &OnDer."ifii o o'clock the Somme T em ' r throk mouths, to comma on. Monday, /Apit 1111, By order of the Board. - • • BOUT. 821T1111014 kosibrit. B. nIRO, r•erfaur - • , , w Ape' lku.-40u mann I—Weiriat TV hut. al WI a many exponow int tat o oar M*1481116/ Pertas, Ilwriserioad Atha maw. mad bad endow wades. Mee dirl. alms rat fro. elt.Smmer SHAW k CLAIM Siddalarialb. WANTED.-475 • sous F—l 6:1 V T biro Opals to Oosoty sum* =pima pia, to son ay UM ablitr.l4.l lloatilooa. ow, 8.. stotkolowooll • Mho& ilidoo, wANTE.I)—n good - secondhand OA thaw Bonn. anti 20 limit I=olo h&lin dltmetn. limalra of scitostaila a nem, /711 aall Minty strait. EXAJELSIOR 11011111, ISOBOOL 1011 MOM& MEEI TIMM. winam)—sW ter a hill earn% Tilth Pen'on will Mamma iIiOWDAT42 ltb, and wan I itID&T. Amen fah. TM pala will be wined by wariliciermee anon wain la Peet J. T. WA tn at..Pan'a eathedral. a Wooer of ilecitl ilee. elm Moak ; Prof. ALSL 00WIJIT. M Goths% tin bud Writer la the unionclibe onaliS complain/5 la tomehlen Plain and Ornamental Per inanoldp; and Prof. BURL =IA ed Otwelanatli c tau dienaculahad Maratin ilecationbt no num of study w , LI be .stole,eslanichtic all the bawd= many taught in ear Zabila Iy with In addition of Pheactie Anaiydis wad Pb.... .iiniddep===to t =tll4 4 =ll lrITII; Toad Music, by Ent J. T. WAKRAIIIE; and Practical Ilocutka, in a ream t a cl i form try End. =DD.—. As • Teacher of Kidd tun taw eqm , s."—Pini. Mesta. ..=.!Utat who inlay lua, cr appreciate panic% conneal Prot. Bldd. lib elocutionary powers an veaderfal."— Ohronete. Special Intuits will I. dallnawl during r a n . a i su ar " 1;* io rs o7; b r a" Liatim ienl i. =mg. Ximbikoad Quaint:an= of Teschon=Tablien wanting and prolltable to ABM LILL Ta 0... . 0. S. lain and Awns Bain Drs. Tams J. °MAUS end' J. W eriumi = moan, Data, ocaocw, Juuss, Doman and onus. NU Vaetlaaun oall at arealalar buitttata Iron as Caller Balldbg. oat= of Pau sad NU Malt dna% or mad kw °avast. Addams, Bair. W. R. CUT. jaltlardtwalstrT ' Box 766,111ttilbarea. rUstv /abuses - - rubTosuAret nooari, warm Tura LID !wan OEMs. cm and II dodo, one liobsason's 1701114111 it") Pquicl" r‘ PUOTOQLAJU, ono dr sad M"piabt or alma. frau Um poplar Outs 11.:11dis to pthitut Kr. ninili3lo3 math plakglaitsiskfla soaks of Us is= Aso sum baity of this saibilasies, Wag resobsi Wads. glis of stars: OW Plum. mxitimi, sze UST ()ramp: NEW CARPET& , By pereheeee mete ht the nerd Ler4eekie the Lateen Make% we en teoehtesithe eteereh !!! " - in 3/110111;116LZIN 1 11 r ebb So Mit simulate imittems el. _ Carpets / ilsor 011 Cloth,' Satyr& ke n will a• vary has swhistrosibilpiii#p , • OLIVER l'OLIIITOOK*.(10.. 11l -AM PTP?R /Vlllert MATTURA • gOnLia f l / 1 9 120 n1: 6 4., - -142 ft OM "Mira ita p ik . lol o 4 # l-16 . ‘• WhitopOhClablA (*Pi ba " 1 " 1 "" I " III$8 "" / "C mil * "MIR ir =MIX Wist 28 MIN ANEWOD .HOW 1401 M 4J.i. =MOP= pabilikid o t wins. lorke ism, A 144 TO tattliair„ W.MR'.4aies. 1)LOAIi CIDIE ait I = ll :". sard .," """ sat timpoilimiga Lin,: :Lair tigsv IldrAbolikath By mom& w. int7Ml., *antes of tbil ,O1111111:44447/kb. 4, 41 Ikon to Tbamisicit 'Ma midst Mai la I Okla *midge t lo eils al atiresna. or tiro 01t. J. U. 11111ip ti torielr.' tow -leek Oftsi 28000 issuer/mg:sums zuL!ulL . 9 UUV 'mu, Litho Minas AIM% Anil /11101 l INI;11 itnntlte suf.ea.otkue; krauo-w ia~r wluil =..iu~sav~'~..~a Mtr/1011.—All poismimuts tl'Aj Dm DAMN =nal sr; fe. r od So air apes - JAMS H. 11 lairszurlargerwz 7011). pip s e tt i olie bille by ••• ; • • L DIVBRISI BTAMPt,:..a fonisio* .A.Viedat af lienseellUW A l isbis ad Yea Ur Anginal Boom Wk.& • - *.ii• IYarsMtaF =l4ll"2"l!* :4t iar t i°2 7 amen. ,,, DMIID Z, 6041.• SIP sonlistihnea. • ' • utr V.akaL u dd. ea band sad ad oda by_ NIL DasuaLub 11011. le sad 70 WaSof MEW.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers