The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, July 22, 1863, Image 1
r _ .a, ESTABLiSHED IN 1786. 11171:3[61. P. MC pi & 00., no. /85 Lib- Ir L ony Stntwelturavgh, Pa., Wholesale Oro- TOt ao es,-tit i nt 00 91; oisim, rum, in 4 PRODUOZ. ILO C MID% 4111111 /JED DS IRD 63.; OA T H ! and LINZ 8. yl6 XIO3BI WILKINSON eiliocumox 11 Who lags &akin In Mama DRUM //WM BUTZIIR. GiA.llB. sod produce paarally. /MA, Ma r mres,.ozbe. 40. 50., 3 11 blurts stron, 11111.1Ishadvaaamanti 94ma . linmen to jeltihad _ _ . ... , ° al f r i ' IIKIE WItr. a PLO= Ali 41IP GAM yAncagii, eami tir i c o ax p : 1112 seumg, Wis n of maw finaa Pork Batif f.i=abias u ra o i 4 L: in.. whims . 4 + l l 15 4 1nsi Ind #lO4Ol. l & taethr o. JOHN B: , OANF__ Come SP aux 41111 Peltwllaren 'Xiteconewr sad whole. Ye dealer In I,3I3TXRN 14333111191 OEXIBIA, sown. LAID_ POSHOIA.OO rLOWyLEII3, too As zas,•• astaxero ma AND LARD OMB, DRIXD T end Produce ,Nos. 141 and 143 Prone street, ocd CCM ... MULIPAZD. ell/LP aIIMPARA ticuoctasurt ?bac • v., awns tad &alert In FLOM% GILILEN AND I O itODUCT., No; 943Aborty street, Po. fronds of 'Moat km IlauttilgtolUr ass " *ad. Plitioohleattititlcin to LrllercLapdtp Pnertill.. • cotal7 11111.. P. LIM 811.01LiKER -dr• LANG; (keloatuuoir inaluuosikad - vbolsole deataaelti 9.13007.. : - =PLOUB3 - 0841.111. PRODPIA to., x,: street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • - COIALILSIS .ut B. - 1.10011,- Am? AND • ie . /Anima= 0011MWOIL-AluiCuLaYn ar therss On, and eyes for tie telebtalett Unloalbett OD. MIXT, Has. lle &Kesel sad 146 Sim deem* be. teem H a s ell thelteleK Pittsburg.. WV.: UAMES DALZKLL BON, MAJOTIFMCS Mamas of LAID sata Omumanin : Mam monist* Zdpanpass sad PM a ( 1111MDIE AND LIrIUD PETHOLIIIJX, Mon Mi and TO Wale at. ROLLAND ElDDLEet .. ooessor to Jno., bur i p h —aNNlM -Na Dici77igooNA IND gammon muunt4NT. . oeasiousma KIRKPATBIOK Bacyr U • (iaoaamort to Browns Nakiatticalla WX OI . I . li oo b. hs tiRINNUta. Nos. UN awl W Liberty strait, ttaborg imulAx wax', t p ir h i. I DIM= leaill6lMS. aLIL L. J #peclol Partner. Nil - BANS dr. COFFIN Amoco/won to Masai& Co.. wnowesiasauo urars, 000nord Wood and Wager sinela,Pittarargai ..ZOma'so. iMdly r ix : ----. VAN tioßDE,pgaitracum - (iceiaisgeargisaaaarrr - dealer in FLOCIBIIItIT- Itliaalte,SKlLDB, ',LAD, zugsar.roax, 'LID Qa3tZli SSUPIII Bad Endres gea. ,LLibeialcsab edemas made amend y. Wei* Tase, Igo. LIS Sseond attest, Pittsburgh. :111111ffintlIZI - IL TO NT. ...r_,44,..;_v01eT it CO., stwoessor to L Pit rap vokutuusiozi zass. • • ndbettfidn*S. Pit-tacrilty ra• . 6415 /10X1/116:1 oier L. lioutia & 7. *702. M." U ay... Lan Cbiunicrea co mer 4/ 1.17 !Mai, rATTAT & W ., CoSSuatoN %,litumurn, sal dealers IA ?AuDUOS,Z..o OA, WOO OS/WI, att. Ho. IS pat.thAnd armA, LIDWALW n AZI%I IW4 , WHOLZIALB GBOOIIII !LED 0i1m111313/0111 AULSOLIANT, lima minor of tha Diamond. No. Di, Pitianussa. • mbindyini MDUKKIUN t tStli WART, Wawa -1:1 aux fasoccia Aim 00X11114101 kliaczazte, No. 11.1 Wood Wnest, PlNabursh. iota, DRY , GOODS. Mut witaos—..misis ciaaa....sairw araizelar. - WILSON; CAM & CO., , , Ode Warne, Pe gas • 05.,) VOANNIN AND DOKINTIO DRY WOW, NA. • Id - Wi9d street, third beam &ban Diamond, $' • - alley . Pittabiuglt: . ■plP.ttt FANO/ AND .p.p. Irma MIT GOODS, CLOA.IS h OBAWLO, No. Ittlitth ottoot, INtaborelt, Pa. • ILI r:• ,I •4IWAJLS aura to *her: othXaly . . . . Mars N.Aazz...a. Liza fOß;ilicrABol 7 k ''CO, Dealers in Jui , l9=Gli AND DOILESTIO DRY WORN IN. 14D Pitinestno,, worm; door below Dew Nu. • VATON,IL&OEUIL ,IE CO. Whole ~• XI sod &WI Dent en b TRIJILILINGS, Zll/680/- MAUI sad DAT 600D3, el miry demriptlas, isa.l7 and la /Mk sum, ritteb • :ANAOILLIM & GLYDE, Wholesale and aita...tatall Drain la 'ABUT t WTAPLII DIY flUtiDll,, TIUMIII2Iaa, aa" Z. Tit Samba lama; .beturos Matood sad tonna, rittalbargh. - • M. .BURCILEIRLD, - saimairoAsl ir • Bun 14•141 *OD" wheassak and it.e.a writkit AND /Amor D 1 1 uOODB, 117;;C„ . Mali owner of roarth and &want. ,meta. saa TOBEPH BORNE, Wholesale =Cita. Le tall DeeSse ta all hazer of Tamorsos. DRY -1100D11,11aTilkmitstarivritnit, I W. BARKER 1 CO., Daum a DAY • Gloom No. IS Nark•S straet, bairns Mtn] sad PiiisbuTA. DR 1161018TH. IS ' I Pt= 44/04111 -AND - • 49,:_przaruauray, 1P sussualiumwswot!,pupilln,s, 7411- ika, et. • ty wid th ha alio at aa. lamest ,uaram &alit *Di Paarthstrostia Pa. AL BARNEB : r f -goys. LLD AND LITHAZGN totem of Wood sod /root u MEN P. 1:1UOTT, Q,,......- a is DitLeill, No OILS, liAllell=ll sa DTI MTh, No. 206 Liberty stied, • m WA Ditreein, aj up wog stay , aw of Wood strati d iamb oldri,.lll:tiboridt. PROD UCZ. mars WOW, =saw.. IiNDBAYTELFORD WHOLLIMIX WW AaII rho.. 1 DIALISIN 187 LilacSy anal. railarlilo apt.= WABEHOUSE.—IizukY T awl f:/a *sat awl dealer la as 13=1118, LUX ragaal "roam gastally. X Proalata '01:11Aft L. UAW BLis, (ottoomor Iv Jure Helium I Om.) Feu ?mum and *dm heHO. maw of Mate& .id hood , ItitS•bargh. . .... , e . , ~„ , Asa' imoi 4TretflJnelr& 0013111141 N, Anciami AND ,0141=11.1 1 1.*ZAVAT. Moo; 1.. iY `Clratit r ig ‘truiagrea, sea AU bads= ootrootod to ildrOlttlillatilattirstmotpt - oftatios.—Qoal tor cuo nib isAllifersysoil likatioetitatig mittot.ond tr toottittait • . .31 t 9:‘ :• : en - IN ELL Arrow= Ages•nr,:ams4 mow An Svaa's Laiellmsa. WOMB 3110afttiteoli, WM attasl4/ am. la k 8. 0...80H0 izaillß slio w • -- luniaoloas ; 1 1 1N144311) P a14. •••=ititi k , Ara -,775.4E•a=N°• 441 . 1a - ... /1110 2 JEZI L IUti n t . 9(2 u W e rr a ; • , .. • . )141 kmdb. liipidllea ed 4iii l / 2 ta IbbEs. i halm; aad Thrift& t tati. i alai. . ffrrl lllo , • -:,*-I'.lllibla. " oag by Novro 11111UaLT011,d. era IS Dirras .-. . , • ..... ..,, ... , -'3' " -,- - -- - r—, - - - ", -. -*---' '' 1 _ ' --. ; ' ' ' ' - ~' r " ' " - ~..4„.... -,- '........5.' , . ,. ,........4.41./f., 1 ; - .5.: , ,', ,„.1,, ,5 •.,ti,...,,,„,„<„,,,a--,.,., :.. L,' --,„ ,:r.•l}- ',:;•-r r : =' . .e : ','- -- r- ~ f ,,.r'.:'`.;'.."-...t ...::2,,.;,....7i, - ., , ,,, , , .....!...,.., ~,,, ~, , -;-.1 „, _.. ~. - - - .....,„ ....;;.t.,.,,4t,5;t4.Z..4:3;;; , =..e.e4,1'," , ""'r ' - ' 44-4t-r°. W.A.erl' - '-?(''' '-'' ' '',. "``''''''''' r' , ..?... r' ''' k' ''''''' .. , :i.,,,..:,, -. ., , ,..................,.b.i..,,,,,p,..; !.....,1*„ , ..1... ,, , ..., •,,....,..,,,.;.. - - ,,,,'.1...' - ,,....--; ''' ,-,. = -..'", - -r... , ;i:-.1 , 4' ,--,,,, ' ' 44. . - . te.i.,...t=".1..44 ,,4 1,., ~ .., . .:5 - (-7...-;XLe. .. 1 . 4 , ,, ,..N...,"*5"..V. , ..,14, - ..P.::r.,-. ~ ..:6, . .i,-",, , ,.:‘,c1.- . 7A.;',,,,,,,*,,,..',....-..,!---.11.1,75 "*. , .,. , ,;, , ..- - .,..f...1-,.....,:,.....,....e , ....,..,, ~-.1"....q..., . .., ~...---.,-.;.., ` ''''' ''` . 4 ..' , . ,,, '.;;', i'-...%141.?.. , ,r5,.y;'',,..?•,; ~- ; ...1., , ,, , ,tc-,.40,,,,...:.. -,=.""''''',,,...., -.4.P.--ZaZ ~- , ,,,,,,Z P. - -, , , , , ,,‘ , ' '''', . .""- - . . ' ''''' • 1,-- ookrimssion intamterra, UN. IT and 22 enilthlllsld Owasr • jallayd GORMLY v v • WBOLLBALI GI/oOn, No:Ttl ASBERTragin prrnisuzaa. PA., Henna purchased the Werra of kb late partnere, nouthan• the binaural at the old dead. end sad ntll 1 , ..440med.t0-reeetn tba rathmaes friends eardornere. re leant lIICS.A_TITLI, TAXEII MEM. Pau@ TRINBLE, Vincumeya id °soma Ann Oolostscasa lizacranwrs, dealers In PBODO pg., FLOUR, BACON, OHZZI32, OABBONAI LAZD OLL, MON. NAILS, GLASS, tIOTTON TARNS, and Plttabnqill manufactures • • rally, lit and 111 &tend street, Plttiburgh• on max • :no. assoants. (of the late firm of D. & D. N'Llot or allttsbutgh. & Co. WellhorfUN.Ohlo.) u . 11VONALD & ABB Wan* SALM Gliacnou, Pommy nap Cloneuesvon Raw mann_ , Jobber. la 007/EIN, N. 0. BUGLE and NOL.oBBB, DNFLNED SUGARS and BMWS, FLOUR, BACON, TOBACCO. TSAR, DNA CGIXSSS, =DS. Aa. No. 269 sod 944 Libwii.,B4'i dot ••y IP. S. 11711111 .....-...W1L D. arras IIQEYMES BROTIMA guagagoors Ihrpese A Wha . ms! dealers IS 20BNION • INUITS, N AND 00N. 230"210121161%, BUGLES, nag w0ag4 831024 to, NAL L 26 sad 123 Wood .o,3lpet, anon Tian ftDabrjpay esOtan 1 EAD METZGAII, Gioazza .-axa . ovirear ILL otr 0010111=11 PiKowca tturnietrrs, and dialers In all 13 244 O amp Prec i onn an luso nervass, No. 249 Liborq street, opposite bond of Wood street, Mg , 0 • 9a. notta • mom daIIAkAICOESS 111)Ni . sassaa.i -rigs‘.4 Guatiuraco War rommusasi Dealers hi PITINI and Pittsburgh manufactured No. 141,Water above the Notiongabala Bridge, Pittabiugb, Pa. GOZZET • I. /MIZELL. fialF.T, DA T,'/E1.1 . , k, co n Cbziaabog min reiwaAunaa _lisacaunts. and {Worm In PROM= and Pim blugh Inanufsotarny Pittablugh. ALUM. LAALLILWA.......IOiLI 1111 11T0G5....A., WAISAGA. -1A31.138RT, &UPTON& 430.:, WHOLW LI ILIA Osamu and PIIODIIOII DZAZIAI I No. 6 Ranh Pittiburia,.ll. pas imsUaiteL . UM, JOlls • ?OM 1171•01, WATr& WILSON, VEOLMALII Gao w w ow, Ocomantonitstararrs, and dealer. to Produce and Pittabarith-inan beton% No. MB Lit. arty crest. PittaburSh• 023 - _ • &UAW DIIALISY s CO ) WEIOLSNIAL2 .8. Omens, Comma:on lizotnnors, end dram In FliMPUCFolio. 80 %star moot, sod 66 Front ntrent, Pittabaret. uo. TB. DILWORTH t COWa W t o sP nurN e . them* ,Lb 120 and 179 eacond street, ozez not rgh. ACID. TWIN FAQYD & CO.; Wao/mums Ow u aus AID Oolotuiatos lizacn.a.wrs, No. 172 Wood And las L i b eiummit,Plitignuakk^ • Solo. Wll.l IA 61 - *BAIIALIn'," Wicouisala 0/10011. 11-aad 110 Wood 'lrma, 'Pitts. burgh. Pa. - ' JuriAtt AIAXANDELIi JUNG, WltmasAza Osocare, Importer of Boat Apr, So, 1173 Liberty street, tittabruith, Pe- • mhe JIMA' Ul'a I CT UR.E.RB. • D4INIEL BEN - NETT it SON, Maim lug:mans or WRITE OZONIC OniNA AND CALM OOLOSED WARE. Allie'Orrice Arm . WAILIMMII. AT No. 74 /111 , 713 Arum. Ihresooses, Po. mhtklytoo V. IC miteraurfore.....:-...1. r. guar. ILACKINITOBB, BEMPBELL career Piko and.ileLlors streets, Dearelo City W , Illoaubettoe of itALIKLIZONif :AND MO.N.PAILL'EI.LINPROV s. ED PATENTiONCILLIATING MAN ghiGINICS AND BL I DN_TALVI:I3O:4 aid alms sod best styles. -amnia/put up meobbiery of Forge rapecity and of the beet qualltyi ore U. proposed to do heavy Job. blegolud WIWI weskia this lino, trusting that by xaluptneic sad the ebarseter of OW work, to merit public polfroueepe. • We spode , I attention to our - BALANCAD VALVZ OSOILLATLNO IiNGINIZ, s cosubtolug edsoutregee heretabita unatiodood to this clews of -.Woo hathlyd J t/SKYE! F. HAMILTON a co., Ganser of Vint end•ldbert7 Meet., sormuuli =Mat iNGIVW). MACLIIIIIEBT, to.. kr- . . - mjl&tf 4•••=a;• •• • • • " • • TEZ tit yr alikbOto arsordecOveroflollMß WBOIIGHTB COMMON AND BA11.401J) of every tearlyttoa. agrrartkalar dud or shaped dPINZEI and WV NM large or mall, suds to order at start ao • WALI4,-,4114ina awl) Nu 215 _-Lfbeicfr Aroidj__ Lpiroaffir littalmardk atsoulocturozo of WHIPS, LAMM AND LB, and ovary descrlptios of HIATMLB BILLIDLD WOLK. Ordors soniftooont the trod*, sad good, pitooof , to shipped so ore Instrooffooo. fgodololvY 1. rw 1na1ata.......Jr. IL - VX-OHLSIOR GLASS WORKS -4; AXWOLIZ, PLUNICITT & 00., Own linstreno• Werebonse, No. 19 Wood street, corner Inst, Pittsburgh, Ps. seiblyd BBBms. D„..,„ vi 111181.12,11X11.311176101t ISM= MEM& bolo mud for MUDS d 00.11 PLIXOB, HAIN Zd BLOB. 111.01didad itd:UK3o44.lo.'d YELODZ. MS. No. 43 /Mb street, mond door 'bore Wood, puubdrididv litarPloado to Wadi Won in oz. 1.11 jilailiEti — & iniiimus7s AlAs Writs a= isramains , Rift s vents fir odobrotod PLUffOll, Ni 4 ,450 frtigettook Pttiobasila. awn N H MIC I . ll ll l ,kiirea Nrsonsom, kof Now WI Wood Wooly blames muth etzssroad Diamond alley. littgnozhi PL--- • s PE 17iD/ it 707 uTe 117 41' - stabil:lc ooraer of Miami find grain Itnota, PitAmburgh. Itanouccaso—Drr, A. Id. Pollock, Dr. Ltallock, Thcodore Bobbins, Boma Emit. A+0211.1" . , 110011,1iRJAJERtH, Bs. - WM?. k,: .• • N Qa t Z. I.‘ asa, Buzz Boni Maxvratrginizas, Asp 1 stn.% P • • , moo AND tsTA !loot to • '3ol . ttot Of TOlrd. h,"Ps. 'llOllOOl, r 1 /ID; SW V eleicolvs. =AO fewittifirs .. t . soitpollo 1hd141.1.4P. USEPH HORNE, , Diu= Ail TAM Wiens: Ass BUM Oen, lia.ll Xiwicet atroarßiustrargb. - a r, LIORIII*I it 00., Dau.icis . =manna% Tauccias..Nanans. eta, Nos, ' id II NUM street, Pittgazil. 41111, ,E 4747.€ dIGEXTR. WILLIAM 'WARD, 'Daum • so torah Beta, Atoreacts, sad all wines tar maw. Roams ble ma wooers LOAM &rough my •s nos in nsamataw. f 13!ceqvteibag. so tarot ash. loamy Il a s i good • cesilwayirllnd then sadAmond piper st my o•• • for gals. ill Gowan 11e4,1uhit aid interviews strictli wad.' rsatia • • °al.% ` add dr,eto. Malaita St. Paid% mutt!— ,t, .'.'. car4mi. INLPERB. WALL T• PAMI, Bosazu, ta,llo. OrWaidstnist J 67 Itii xi. i . r i Ai t iW i ti g -- n , i4 0 , 0 4, 2Thr 82 .1 • as 4 I wsorgp:irj:q3 4: ape, Ratall4 EWA" 11 4.1 4 10 M n d • gnat other artlaki ha the Whet the India Bub • . saaarsts.castettifort:-J =, - J. • It du 0ev ,.... Y snirastal mobs *Ea botor=sdika: dosirbans. Foes& L a rin - $lOOOl,llllOO et"WIS . : .._.. . . .. . ..... . . . .. .. , . . ID ..: :, ai. ... . . . LY ..... ...., - . - , .7., - 3'.. - :_; . . - i ... 1 .. .., , , . -. . . .. . .. . ~ . . ,„ , . , ~ - . _ . . „ - .- , , 0 '''' : ',' ' ' GAZETTE. _ . ... . - . _ _ . . . ~ . ._ _ ~ . . ~ . , . GROCERS WHOLIIIIALI GIBOOIBB PITZEIEVEGH, PL. riT•rtatuaaa, ra.. XIMIC, arc. ' S : : , I NESDAT MORNING, JULY 22, 1863 MISCELL4XWOUB CARD DUQUESNE BRASS WOEICE CADMIAN tt CR,A.WFORD, ,utestu,., of mu *NBA, a inhaw AWN WORN FOR PLAT ASIAN ON suarrrrxes, ITHIL AND 00YEINSX BRASS CASTINGS, et all distrtptlons, sdo order. STZAILDOAT WORN. STAMM LI D GAS - FITTING, sad RIPALILING ptouptfy ottandod Is. Pub/oohs sttootton laid to fitting an BILYINNe SINS YOE COAL AND CAILBON OLT.S. ALIN dab Apotsfot of Watatit Dbtrlot of Ana •yiTaall lb.' too nth of mArang, LAIIBDILI, • 0D.% NATANT SIPHON PUN', Oa best me Innottod. Having so valets. It is tot Nab to got out of coda, and rW thaw aeon voter than soy puny of trios Ito dn. splt M. BAR.BOUR, • war A. L. MOB i BRO ., r , of Prate end Camara filrests, c h i SALTO! antimuromansalom atireomurre, And Averts fa the sale af DUPONT'S OLUIPOIN. DNB AND BART! PURR. Receive on conefeareemt all Mails of Water% Pro- duce, sad make advances thereon. B.—Balleted track In trent of Wareham. TO William U. Smith TI Co.. M Pittsburgh =Jar I BJekstoott, %sum Garrard, bisrobonVlat iud tkts' Baltimore ; A. U. Word • boos. P ATENTED O(Yr. 8, 1881. Dithridge's Patent OVAL LAMP OHIMNIES, N.L.a.ftive xx FLINT GLASS.' Them Otituuda an Waded bribe flat thumb, trldatt brew all part. et =Nasty, doss id map Itto M.D. DEEMSEDGL tort NU Mrs Works %Waggon &pH tlttateritibredi. LADILS' FANCY FUB ; ORILDEINII TANUT JIMA; QUT'B run OAIB. ooLcasa a °LOY'S. RATS AtiD OAPs. Every 'misty otyla of ttiosbovo goodie' band =MEI INCORD it 00.11, Ho. ill WOOD num:. D.UMUND LiTiLISL WUKK PrTTSB DBOH, PA. PARR, BROTHER, 4 CO., 714ingfaataren of ILUT QUAZATT OAST STILL, rit rd NW*.of all dsla. Warraatad Nal Wor saaaabottred fhb {P . . 1 1 1 11/" "17 051oe . mid Warshouas, aad 151 PIN? ►l2O aad 151 SZOOND BTiilT6 . Pltpbprth. f•11.11/4 NIS W tiQuLd.—lsaving just returned from the last, we bare new In don an exten sive saortiwent of warm and dastsable sooTa AND 10.13033119 Lds.PMt t Quisisiao. Dealer. can be supplied WM ledrattr, see OlilLDitlClVo advanceSJOTS,GLITRIS mud raNur battle, at a slight lb, cub, at ono. MARLA &Oil • 00.'8, 111. fl. omme , Waislaed lentil Is de. I)LI1h11111.ili 11A/5 ABU effl rirrizia.—kirw zezunaestursr. WM. TATE,Jr., & CO., Deanna In LIMB PIPL SRI= LRAD, DRaniTal, PORPS, ORARDILIZOS, BRACKETS, and PENAL/MEL ...DEaLllngallttad op with Dot said cold wan., oad dam Is Inainoai anpronad bo. 36„ (kw abla,) PIDIRAL BIRBST, _ Ad door boos Inglinicon REKnony• N. B..Kooalnlog prompAly ationded to. May LLlth , bloWithilltA di UV., V away A num.; P 1 Ps. Ps. 0 1 1"Wanscroal, No. 301 tawny met itaavlbetu.nas et 0001.. PAALON AND MT. ING BTORS,NABLO/1 AND ILIT(NINN GNATU, HOLLOW if ta ti rsa.ataidwadintisszado, Nis. Po wool Gis Gosaing. His. W giad it, m'ripti., god %limb, VIVA pr [laths, PoThrpgi OarWhogai sal OrtNniptisecitty lobbllvio thniage. made' to mist. PAA44 KM. with Mesas orllont, %Wet. - = . - .pMelasd oluutirik, ALLRGERNY COAL YARD. . • V. Y. ouNir I 00, Deskrs la COAL. OULL WEL UAW& ri,Asnit PAM!" OINUT. /1211LBAIO/C AU) URI CLAY. impropraw Amityrnisarai rut Soual Clamor ASABbilll.l.k.o.)., Boiler • Maws dadraboort , Iraqi iliorl2NdEN - ST IT, Vol. NI; IN, 14 and sk ga_vtair rod • =.oard and taralahad ‘100h• noir =Pm* Ml en • • A* doadiesotur••• dascrtptim of B' aIL • 111111M16!tal so lad* Vita nexa, koe. ; BM, 11.&1,2 PANS:LUEN, OIL NIL eicrriaNO With smuts NNZ •SA SUGAR PANII. end zeds taarlithateu as of ASS. HILLS' exult, AgiLis. „agouti% as I.l4Jtaffe AWN • bia Lid In 6 om. bottoo, b tbe lona of Powdoci It Is mauled to io.!oo tao 'kaki Meats rens 1114044_ olbr" , ahc -- 1, - ir•Lre., a, .1 Whoa taloon - bitbsmarolbwiegoladj, Moo attetrebb WWI outboviomog-oromompasoiwinotfolloo, oblifoo, aid moat/ Wall lottly cos. pbeb%t ug yrioilbalado. - k •• , bold by imam. 111113ilfrOOK CIO: Pine• bargb ladit - INClLiaiWrfic r Y;Yonikl • , 61.1 !tir: VB. leoat strssi, PliatiplybliC•oat hr Jabs Mara • Ws - 11{0.13 - A. Asa.. `ioulfeaky it4'..l.l“l4:4oin fo ik4 prk. 'TVs 0• 12 4• 1 4Vado••• •• . 4....t•i••••1•• of 0.112 bow IDRAzin In thc ipoiNniliot bin& ' . 4 - irceir - - - AND HAVANA INGABS, ond all kinds of LEN AND ortrormo P - GO° MW ANDY. NNSABOHArAM TOBA ,' , , THNb ß t i t i n. mirth ''LINDNH TUN 82'. Pittsburgh. Pa.. , j N. B. , LiTbsTrAdin manilas liberal biniait.., ''- cutitAu; tuumakmai : Produce**lawn! Cbnnlutai Illerikant. • teuitiinius noxia; &adds/der twin kw. iccousros-noptram. , Pa. a. aronsailm . • - • • s _rite% SAM MOOLIAIBTSII & BAER, • Wads ef azammi zia• Va Pea Prmlitlid. Pa. Ke•P 0 0Waatli;11 . 1164 a! kills radar ci Wits sod lhoolrhyi Tobsoss. - . eittly 'ENGLISH, rowed:o34y - ayainfam.--te,caumnr- o f _ lThibnab. thai be Ilea Woo bed -maw oliela *OAS pi n_y• Alits 0111111XT 41311-002110111111 PEN. They eee esixneleended Wilke Lova:loam to the otsr, MIME lebieb'ere, Oaurr, Hum, al2lo.,leseents Co.. Jo to" , cit 2 T Tom Co., Zvi, Pair= ' • • , - Wea r _ U • GAII ;mid to tato MIAOW* ULM noilrlos of OIL gis • Nimaser., , aartukar tossissano Taos . • , to • 'B AUJIT/N4lB. of • • ; form 1 1 1 !: • • • r 7 vp. . . . . . , • •• • Otki rr • • 137.ne1l LAWN z And. as t . A *co: i tlittsiturglt Szt*fil. 8. RIDDLE & NDII . OIIB AND ‘PSOPistLiiTOIB. Publication Office 84 kin Urea NoRNINO LILO trysail:lo marrom,Dint 0011 , ra/into TO LUTIST Niliwo Or 24 3,14 norm or Fustakinos. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 22.' The Oittastintas against: Chittleirolt: A correspondent of the New York Maim hi • letter dated the 14th inst. gives the follOw, leg of thsoperation against Ohiries4 ion, furnishing. Many in ting , detat/ addition to those itheady ore out readers: , The advent of Generatothuore has sar4orkt. ed this Department from its lethargy. :Yak . Ing Folly lolandai the bass, he haseennienni ed siege operationiiitabH Charleston which bid fair to remit atenessfully. - The batteries . on the Southern extremity of Mont i t H , asid were captured ort,-the morning of the; lath inst., and our trains now saw the lilatth . „ and are threatening Sort , agner end Cum. mings Point batteries, which are situatedat the Northern extremity and oom mind the en trance to the barber and Fort Sumter. 'Morris Island 16 4 separated from Belli Island by a narro*4thialitalled Lighthouse Inlet. On this Wilt of land, for the hilt Sew weeks, our troops him, bora busily engaged. in building sand bakeries and mounting:guns right under the some of-the rebels; andith, in 800 yards of their works on Morris l ata nd. The work was all performed ' ander co vvperr of ths night, and's* quietly that the Melt had no suspicion of our inareininta: Sisthened from observation by the nature of the sereands, hundreds of men were matted nights after night, silently and ittibutrienely thrOwihg up, earthworks' and mounting heavyne s near to the enemy that a lend ward m igh t ha timin ' vested the work. Shortly before obis reek : brush would be "so dliposed as to obis `tie 0 1 I work of the previous night, without ek ling the suspicions of the aneukt. The morning light would dawn upon a quiet and deserted sane—not a soul to be sent—not a sound to , bs b eard— D ot s titbit taindlcatsoffensive oo &rations that the:sight ' lued - othoealed. In I this ,m orations batteries. were thrown op, and forty-ea gra eadanorrare pat ire ,Asi r So quietly and secretly ;were these operltiene carried On; that the intellfgence of an aback about to be made on Morris Telead'was Hea ling even to as. We ware unprepared fer the , activity and energy dleptayed by General Gil more. On the evening of the MA, pen. Terry', division was Mt op coo river " t o to area • linding oa James Is land, near a plasm Sailed' Stevens Point. Tbiemormietit wisply intended to occupy thsattention of theenemy and conceal fl from them the real ollobt o this. Tel large eet of vessels hivirring about Ma o In let, and movements of 'th e troop' on Fatly Island ; all of whieh the) nonld plaint} Me ans from • high look-on - L. At nigh/ allnutall' beats, loaded with armeemeni began to dash m out fro either shore, notimbissly gilding o " the muffled surface of 'the water, withatut fad oars, appearing by. Ones.and terss,luntU, they-dotted the. water; . cad sad like sper ms, si., lenity disappeared. Thai Mar were-to ;make their way up a eek, width t " il into Morris Island , and. thtm wait' till om lag, when on a given ,sisstal they would as sault the battery. This forra was under Glen. Strong, and consisted"el tat Stith and fin en tit Commotions Volunteer - Ohs Forty-eighth New York YoluntenOba_sevaita l aisib . Pennspleanin•licataidersr the Thirdiar Hampshire Volunteers, and the Ninth Maine Volunteers. This was the disposition of the force on the night prooedlig the 'Mak. At daybreak on the following morning, the bruit and boughs wblohhad served to conceal the battery on Polly Island from observation were hastily removed and therms expend to the enemy. At 6 o'clock the first gen war heard from our battery, and it was soon.fol lowed by a succession •f rapid shots, which" told that the soden had fairly oommesiced,, Gen. Gilmore and his Staff watohed the eon test from a high lookout, situated in ths rear of the battery and oat of range of the enemy's shells, while around and grouped upon the rising ground stood crowds of atom. , The battery was screened from view by a grove of trees, but the incessant cannonade and the dense white smoke, which rose like a aloud in the air and above the tailpipes, told how fear fully the contest raged. The liring had °pedalled for two hours 1 without ititanaiseion, *hen three of our iron clads *ire seen ta'approlffh the Iktaribd emc_ an-enfilading Are on the right, and, soon after, four navy launches, which had made, their way through the creek; opened on the left. • About this time the report tame from the front that thi fire had dismounted one of the enemy's gene. The gratifying intelligence passed from mouth to mouth, and we grew elated with hopie of victory. Soon after this tke fire from the enemy's battery slackened,' modish* signal. wen given for the form' lying leaf beak' tti likiid and attack. The* men, impatient( of, delay, rushed forward with a shout; to norlirstilso - cfritezplts,,wkere the, enemy made but al slight reshtaneed ref treated d -' treated in disorder. Our troops au ed In surrounding a portion of them, and tt¢¢ok 96 prisoners, including several affairs. ghose that manige4 to escape fled to the other end otths iilandilnd took refuge In Fart Wegner: The slow and laborious work of arashog artillery ia a ;cow was now commented, and the soma upon the beach ammo (mutating. IMP HOTOWatiOW bad been - made, itoirenr, and ho - afar *is lost in lothiwhig , nroir ad vantage. The troops were pushed forward, while the froaelade proceeded to the, other and of Morrie Island and opened on Port Wagner, beforethe enemy had time to loathe freely again. The fort replied briskly, and a cannonading ormimeneedwideh lasted until migitialL In the meantime the artillery and Infantrj were still being crossed over the narrow channel whioh separates the two islands, and the re turning beats took book the wounded. There wen not assay of, thew thank God i 'What our loss In this attack was I was not able to, itiossmin itn lt is supposed to he not more Übe SI or 40 An inspection of the enemy's works proved them to be vary strong and well oliculaied for ith diteam — lobikt - ntsrlY thc whole bra of Um island nature:hill throWna elaster hills which extend nearly th e whole length , l the Island, and *sets sore plasm to a h tof 60 or 60 feet. "Upon these bills, which form an irregular earthwork, are mounted. Dial guns and three Mortars. The guns loired• to be *Melly of heavy calibre, one g-a. Witworth lavesidoading .piece of ,Illsglith ntanufeeture. Nom of the gam were Spiked —an indication of extreme haste on , the part of the rebels. ' .. - • • Night cams upon our troops, °coming uvsq ism& ot ground &Voir prowess had soeured. Oar outposts Wall within a tew hundred yards of Fort Wagner. An ;tub terriptiel ealm Ind attunes reigned through out the night, ana the cool darkness waa. grateful relief UM the glaring:heat at ttaa noonday Inn rollootad and iatinslileii by the white sand. Gm. Allmon retnalned with the troops' on Morris Islandthroughonr,' jhS night, preparing for an assault upon the tort in the morning. ran Annum The next day dawned upon Our - ,41 . 0' position, and shortly after daylight order we given to attack. The assaultiog_iparty consisted of the Seventh Oonneotiont leers, lieventy-dxth Pennsylvania Valera, teem, and the Ninth Mains Volunteeri, owl.; mended by Selt• Sins& The theradianted on thi fort; the Bernath , Connecticut in line of battle, - the Seventy- Sixth Pennsylvania and Ninth !Salmis elope oollaut, but when within a few bun r i z batten they wire nao t, with .• tot isnot Wu-given , to H o dow n to mope the murderous ball. j Seel the order. Pforward" was given, anethi gotooti t OtotoOottoot Voluntion rushod'•im petnoniy Ammo, and b their danntleis and tale btiiiij *plod Of , the hit. It Wai the workof bat a moilent,. • the brit was hcour)hanas, and had the.aisa who obstinately stood and battled upon:the PhrePiltimen'supoerald, they'oonid have ;hail tha rout 1414 their blowsy had seated - a mord 11=the Bevewty4 'Veltintein and Nitith 'Mahe VornatUrehtingbeek,'snditheir moMentary dadeasiondeelde&thejortattee of, the light: The fficrlath Conneetioat _yoluategis had to . Ijito Way; ail - what Ouellette be "a 4 rlotory was tuned into *repulse, sad our troops tired inatorder and, oonfludoti, ender, a de. et emotive fire from the fort. , Our loft 'could not aourately =certain, but it it estimated at not more theme's huo. drealand-lifty- killedcwcomded and missing. Col. .Rodman, .7th 'Connecticut .114banteerg, .1,818:11111401114 Wougded... Lieut. Col. Bedell, 3d New lfampahlre 'Voluntary; and Major Hicks; 7dth ' Tenneylvanhe Volatteers, were betli wounded; but not seriously, think. Col., fitrobridge, of the 73th Pennsylvania , 'Volunteeni;ires taken 111 and uniblito lead his regimens; and thereommaud then Millman Major 1110.1,. and the wounffingotthis officer lafttle.reliiment without a leader, whreh the iiMOtt for 'died' Mok"of promptness In obeying the order to advance. ..Their repute d= dior bravery and coolness ander Are, hen bens well earned in several battles,and their hesitation upon this ocuetori can only be M t:ailed to this . After this unstaftseful attemptto tats the fort by storm, the troops fell back to. Aqui tion our - troops on the previous night. Ateight o'cliek..four ison-oleds en gaged the fort stain; the firing kept up *ail noon. ,''The practice from ' the vesselegrac er.- aelienti and watched from the heights with the liveliest interest,. Although many of their =ells burst over and in the fort, the reply from the enemy continued brisk end apparent: ly never slackened. gore Bunter threw shells from &mortar at Intervals, but although; they fell &Meng the advanced troops on the .Tdind, Toould not learn that they did any. geplaes damage beyond kagoking two DM* Oa the I .. iiiiiiit4thi or • sistthirtaittia, ' Later in the dej the seamy attemp ted to land reinforcements on a • salt Marsh' tha rt. '' left of the fort Lieut. Mytiok, of the jut; United fititeaartithwy, was immediate] sent ,with_six_,pittowe, and by w .few welt dieted ri . shots destroyed the steamer before their I per - .6teteehileaceetiplithed: She maniiked to get.outzfratthe eLour.shot, when the troops weth, takes off and the steamer abandoned. d' tie elitilnYetaberStetnitif acme at, aid ithrivltt stand but ilestio PILO observations. ,BM owe.raibsZ Wt. claw for,itorairraeii was disabled and captured. She is said to berpar- Rally Iron!olgil.** r otruid ' not kr:Retain her Oar Iron-dada harebeen struok Al nimber of times by wait diiitoierthets'frcirelliefort" . but th ey laic - mist:tined no serious da mage, and their reputation (of • Inttineriblilty is i The prisoners eapturedteportthal Getteral Ripley is thoommand of ARO, defetiftps aroma d Charleston ; Col, Graham is in oontmattd of I 116" - f:frost on - Morris `lsland, • amf Capt. J. 1 iViffitehin, thstithlorefagep, was in atm- 1 mend of the batteries at the southern extrem ity. .The force in that ebattsuies was 500'men, &large part of whom belonged to the Lt South , Carollnautillent....oar shell did great; axe aultott, Among tbout L and they all, bear testi 'meal to the exesdienew of the artillery Osa ge* ohiplayed 'hy'eur Min. . 1 Bort Wagner abd the •Camnfings'Point bat teries must fall into our bands. It is merely wqrffsetion'of time: Casintingi Politt is With in 1,250 yards of Fort Sumter. Yqa tan im agine that the position, In tha e liands. of it man 'et Usfi. liiitoore't sionderfil engiritering satin, Avoid ha pienilsing - of refults via ali Will star-, 'tit the Nortit even amid the *rents- now stir tiwg In the vicinity' of Washington. ' lielbelatileh.ived ja-Pesin sylvazua. The Franklin - Repenter" describes at length, the career of the rehell'ltr the Penneyl:o44 border Ountleu. rsenge„...Ltotortligat., prilialnei, along 'dart" number of lhelihnt rage' upon property and fife, are Cain graph ically Even intelligent rebel officers busted that Lincoln was a fugitive in Boston, and dare not oecupy his capital, end the rank and Ale were legated with that and equally absurd falsebooda., Others declared that he was hab itually intoxicated, and unable to attend to blt aided duties bedanse of his intemperance. Those men were evidently taught to regard 'President Lir.eold as brutal and barbarous in an eminent degree, and they were amused to, And the loyal et all parties alike retpoeting him and,the government. Bev. Mr—Pryor,. father of the bluiteilng General Boger .t.„Pryor, who ,dida's I fight Potter When in Oongre ,ss was with Lis. chaplain; and seemed Wheys a geneiai Super vision of the piety of the army. Ita repre sented the progress of religion as eminently satisfactory, end ;aimed to regard the rebel, as potbelly Cromwellian in morals. True, they woad steal.negroes and Irom_segroes, - and anything els•ifrom - a tenpsnay nail to a sir horseleam ; but they were nevertheless a model army, according to Pryor, in: ill the attributator Obriatian ehaiaoter. CO people generally thought that the coals orZion must be very low down South. The discipline of the rebel army was 'admi rable. No private or subaltern dazed to dis regard an order in the presence of his superior or where his superior °diner was, likely to be f i advised ot. When the rebel toil:lnns' filed, through Chambersburg they =embed with the utmost order and decorum, and learrialig, talking loudly or singing was not indulged Some of the border States, and most of the more Southern rebel,, tuid rather peeiliar con ceptions of the Pennsylvania Dutch. Quite a ntoober were astonished to - Iltd - ker people speaking English, as 'they supposed that the prevailing language *is the Gernisk.' At drat, when they attempted derisive. remarks they would Imitate the broken Egglish of the Germans; and judging from ddmind for twenty-five barrels of sourioront at sea., ion when it is unknown in any country' swat the commanding of:doers must have considerk oar people , as profoundly Dutch. It wbuld *twin arolitonpaly Dutch commtinity to supply sourltrout in July. Our farm build. bittioltlivfPlatylluplegge and Sae hams through the valley, at once suited their astonishment andwdetirstion. Qnitekintint tor et °Mee& visited the barn ofi the *Ater as `a matter of curiosity, although there ide;niany in our valley mach larger and quite as '"well 4lniehed,- Taa te peiva soldiers generally isludeCtbatitinuatibe the chtwoh of lotoswery large denomination In this community; and Maoist buildings about it, snob as chicken' house, hog pea, carriage house, dee., i Were generally messed to be servants' hottsee, - and very neat ones. - ; - Mr. Skit% a pesoefol and inoffensive san was cruelly murdered by some of tha rebel gebibus of, Hill's corps, on his farm, limited neat thi Greansmatio road, three miles from town... He was standing in his yard' when. three of _themillains.approachedidm and daz mended hie nioney.LlMeimmediately-sairan=" dared It.. Soon after two. Mows Malmo 'to him making a similar demand: ..Te• era buried his body in a dung' he_ap, ant then fled. Mr. Stilt* bassi alligefimily.i shocking manner; of his data ososlionid tart most profound indignatioa whatever it became • hoe Nokia Oasousa.—On the 15th WiiUa on (hi Roanoke, weabonabaried by four linion, gunboats; the Rabel4 were , Ten away:from- the- -slyer, and.the i4ints over Eardman's to Was dutrtiyad' .1 Rog. - Poster has gone Eortreis Monro e to fellere,` Reit:Dix end rematatriot the tie* Depertnaes t of Virginia. The North Varolina papiatare AM disimsdattheprobehilithis of 1) rsoon 'Unction t The oonWberoy la eartisi,iitid; thiiMit - Of lite °Milani aide, livery - bitter. - North Ce.tiiiiiia Was 'Mier an thennighlieg gMterally.infieted. with Beoession 4 4saries as the Other AtJantio Slam, end wealutnied out; of the Edon byes ansorepidoui notion of tho le* fienreer Ellis and other Demotestig. 'though hating, and latid by. (ha : flontk-Cerrillai aniliders ..treated. 'With ion - tempt by Jed Darla an d Cabineti..tle„ ol ,d OrNorth 'Carolina lan had' their ;+a digestion 'Mauled end their llniettiyinpalik lea reitildiedly.thi;aaaes - lire rigor at the moo, seription in their State. The Atteelpted‘ morel of the State militia beyond its Miriam, ' • d.... th airreplaosmant.423onth_liartiins. and ow& ire* 111141Z4 is &step by aWiditallaDit vls hat attempted to ernsh--imetke‘lbaymsa rentals optaltion hir tyre's-sty: z, •"' oaf; /wait dok orrebduoil lai; 40:4 10 1 0- . 44 4 , a 4 his Journal, Igo Raleigh. 'aoudad, boldly advocates a reconstriotkin of on o n the bads of pada"' ennabbl patios, sal ate bre.eating mon bitterly charge him with treason to theeloafedszaoy. It must not be inppossd, tamer,. that the State b going total' Inuneastely into - slops! position. There are manydetermlned Malt among its inhabitants, and the Confederate authorities will light despaidely brine they Yield up a territory which woild ispaste.the Cotton - States frem Vlrliafa. amt. Voter is novertheloss oonlidant thit, If men ire'girenMin,'be can bring about 'a Tory satidaotory - condition of affairs, and there is no doubt - that .he will hays them im soon is possible .after the anaNetion of the oonseripdoik now in progress. That mu gov ernment is awake to hiss wants, and theism. portant* of sustaining him, is Goldoni i from the recent onlatpinent of hiss powers. The Hero of Vicksburg:'' The initials Of Gan. Grant kayo boat' fora sonaktima a coins of Joins trouble, to his id-, misers and others: On one OCOSIdoII lowing Malaga* ostonnosd whin speaking cd hint: " Who Is this etrant ont Wait? Is hill :store , "No. 13iilnWa4 plainly 'show that hr belongs to pB." Another asked," What do the Initials rea lly s tend for V,' . i ll,nited ere s..tead i P fs /maimed oa "United States. Grant ," ehland aset , , , 2T0_17-coaditionAl Bartender Aran, `u= sated a thlid, lead that ended ON asstroversY., OILS, arc. , WALL&011& 01:11018 S, ,• ‘....., :, inf Tha r,„ , . or zza . „ 0 , gams. "'' ' ' Awiesilritif • - 'CRUDE &BEFIARDPETROLE.IIII4 No. 66 NORTH NIOOND URN , . a - ~.. Parum • t . Mir Stoup gapacity (nada COver,)for - lb,ooo bbla. Alm mosilent ficillilu for shipping to American muLtorolign- ports, at our •mharf an thalichaplAlN R•k•rr near fßoDhlinirm of the Pains.' B. 8.. B3,7VER, , BURKE CO., CONitlSEdid iii/3.OHANTS; , Icenta , o!the, RAGII3O AND LIBY4T,T. OIL WORSO: *Lltiorsl ouh sdrittotio 61111411_ as conalgunum# . . US!" DOTOBligi "lira t Stock &WOO 'XI Mortgages • ' , 11,100 Mc. MCA C TOM 30 Ol :1f3,361 iY Praia= Notea=_ 17,696 14 liotas atd - liffis DlNOwited..l.-.14.....;.41.4 174,07 F IS elikl6l It PITISBUISOH, Ph. Relined or' Crude Petroleum. GOA DADVINAN WAN AND HANCOCK OTAINT. pog ern OIL WORKS. LYDAY j BSOSPBNIVINO, , Manutir4nrers mad Beano sI °ARBON OIL. DINZINIC AND LIIBUIDATINq OLLS, • I=l 'OBIrDS PrTBO.LIIIII.I opposite Slurps lyorg 011 lee in PRDELY BLOOM., Duquesne Way, . aplbein • Priem:men; Pi. wA4 . 41e3, , vy ETMOKE & W., 003=IISk3ION MEGICCII4II.MIS,. suirrzips UP PJMUOLICUJII, 113 MAIDLN LINE, NEW YORE. •r Amp 4 bellithie Sur STORAGE AND SIIIN PING, .t their yard and wharf, asa Hoot mylL•tf • OIL Ulm need not be embarrassed by tbs satarcarsoat of tba Balk Ordinar-oe, alma they oak bars tbsir Oil barredad sad skipped without tasatang Qs City Wharves, so cheap, more prompt, with bre risk, kiss trouble, sad ta battle cedar, at. , Y ABA On the Alley hen, Maley Ballrorl. above Winne*. Title, than Ult St wiped front the boats argot to' the ore, est Wit to any paint, Best or- West, 11101011%.11) dray Or All orders pomp at= l i a o r : : • • IlarlXEce al lard, on Oltlasna Pareonser B. B. Poet 01110. eddrens, 'BOX 1 102, 'Pittsburgh rot' I ean t. 100111 dolly at the 011 Xxidianyi. • • DAITIO_KIIIX. • RICHARDSON, HARLEY it CO., Conunission and Forwarding Nerokants, CRUDE it ,REWNE# PETROLEUM, • • N.. II IRP/i/ 8211217, Prrrasonaa. airLlbunol Gain ADY/IXOXS on oonalgamaktit Itw Plitsbury,ik of rattan Marlicole. Mews. J. H. Daarommit W.; - &imams UALSR&ViIaI, Sag.. Ticosinag Bau, LK, Prea't Commends' Hank. mklOtem ROBERT ABII WOI il ,- no. 1 er. w...4.1g invest Perwardi;g & Commission liter t hani AID DEALS! IN OILS. . azizanaxmicma,musisuunsa, PerAoLsolit QUA, istoeststatals,_es bsbAl sulk ter ate at the Wrist saattist rims, ouraminuans am slaw souccesn. ' stehest ago. ir. gob li ami ar gii. R is mila nviterr.. Wvo . . .01.0861 W. Romani , ,0,ci0..1 rYamACIT9II3II Q/ 'l3llNculta OIL ANDIMIIIVATLIN Noop•oostuttly oh -Una !be very best Aaalittin .3171X/NO OM, Wear sad withostodor,•l•4 • good zIannUCATOR•Pon... NEWJECIEBIISOLII and Chin GRUM dto. riz•ig Itima4r; . trouivr OIL ivoitir.s. puma.% ouliar * 00.. Lutahatun4ol TIMIS lira:K2l 11.11111111.0 04111110/11 01M, COUP. kip,tat P.P 94 0 s • . mirk lan " Prrrensait,n. JAIMERFJ AsaVN:tme.or 9:=.-.74415r01,;,::'.. : ; ,kittrA-A!uttOzr =IEEE JE 11.11. Haw. a Akon OS" wr .lMlprbßWlkstitiwelk viarinsierityreayr . •• . • . - 7s, • .wwuriat" IyAttioNT! , ° ll f • - • .11 i 4 ti '3 .3 .0 MIBSAID Malan 4• • • atthdr,. ""tti fal •7: 111" " t il" ' „Linmeonf- ull. itgase .." (—gran/ ' a.a 'SLITS OII i W O 4 I OV • ciiont • Hama - Cyg;sdlir inwsllonisa Gitati'A: • • :• or otisOrancogthigk Bomb •• • UTUMAJLIN MILKSIGNINNAD 0.1.14 r- • isteigkemse assaaa4ipti War emei 1,11 thilmal"ja. Masawo.&•.. OIL Mgr • ! run K . • -,lfWeg i rOlr sale=l7l""llie,!' OLUME LXXVI---NO:_ 214 , 111114oreg e • - PEOPLES INSURANCE 4301LPaN Y 11 -s clOnii . i.'Wooii IDISAND .111WWIE nonnuiain Joan Watt, Wa. B. Ham Jolla Z. Parka, Clutha & ENO% Vaa ILtr% = 4 w7 wir INGRAM ' - -AGAINST' LOSB BY MX =Stamm 001 M • ARIZ OR PELT ADIILPILIA. Chinni street, 434 k sad 411 eet, ow Pat: aigutiail .of Amato, laTiary 1 / 4 ;18#30. pabUsbed oh lettiVadimbh Itesti rt agaplysecursd— AKIN a sad ..iinoutti eces ' 102066 Clo iTiopgrairr "ow lialiPt &curia .re atiokkaAreatosagßlu INI - mu'; : u: . ki Notes ,Ediptlia .8.f5etpthe. , .................. 4,891 a) .. ~ . MIMII ell ' ' L "l ii "-.. ' iter th• only podia from - pronhuro tibiab lIIi. gftle9 l 7t.:llo 41,119a.bypEr an elm ,slat. antes Lana bn datessainad.._ - . . Intstantoli*oi AM*? 4 4 1011 1 411 9 91 1 99 9e. 11 7 9 tn,town aid ~. it tit'!" lowa, toraaamest . .flinottbattlititgotittoo,,*ll9ll99d of 0 111 7 )••• . they have „ ppaaildd WIWI b7'fil7 toss amount siosatth.. lb. MIUA. cf - Diiiarsilbulay oltaa di ntdaio. of tbo ad=es of /211011=1101.0ki Wen SO abtU. Laid . tioe' to - VAC with ate 'II • • Loam sr iiiuki Lam paid dariziglli. ' lila VAIL....' .-11001,08. ' 7 alal. . . iplar . Obartioli.:Baukoz..l. ..limisari._ ~' . Ilcadocal I)..lawia, Jacob N. azieb, T 01446 •-Wagosto` • ••,' ' 'shod l l = 0 . , Dadd B. lif•Vki, ~ -I . 4 114, Satorial:Giaa ” . Vit*O. ' LIN/oPilmidou NDWA.BD O. D .Triao Artist , Wit.'/Ii Bib t ifoonitois:-' ._ - , - ,- J..42.490N999 00171N,Apot, 'ilia - - Offroilroittuoit con VillocrWitkONl W. _ 'IVINSTNiiN ' INKIII&NUID 'Whir* • .x v IT ON PITINBUSON, ... : ..: ..... : .'.,.1.. ~.- •. , .sc ..kkiP. if.fil_44 3 oroAr•kol O. 91:0011DON, iNtortlivy. -' Otag No. 99 Water streak Itpiag eCko.i *.r. .4. 712 . 2 , , ...paii kt ,„ • • .w IV stalk' aII of Yrtre Igriwa • . • A.Rosa-Lutitiodow.maiapot lip Armors sat are oat lounao is at onantoottr, and who or. dam, isths4'bt rel 6 Pftill'idasalalMagith to'saataamix rat slaratorr rases thaii . 9444 mama, VtaiLes 4. bed priadioN . A COnaibil dialti abi taaaral R. lilliisr, Jr.. , J . , to2drew Ariliry. [ AuciarYcidtdin ' ' AVeziadarePor. Maths/214 Kober, , , .Payld ,11. Loa& Alai. 'Hind . * ' TAEI - .T.Stioniail, , Gums Duda; . .-... . 4: big. Palakartn. WWI= H. 13mIlly Joly,• H. IrOane. my3o . ;.T. M. 008 DON. kiiarig.w. E. . I tisukcANC . . . . . COMErY - OF NORTE) • PI4ttdiILPTIIA Lusuratioe 00. of the State of P4/131'11., runiparraiEtt'. Hartford Fire lunritace ..dompany ear Insigrance ha the abovi - old - iad rodiableglos ponies nia be obtained by application to . • • itr: P.4021119011.taa 'lsYloilY • ' a :fflibliti; OE . TIZENITINISURAMMIUO , AN V ' .."." Olt FITIMBIIIISH._ °Moe, corms. Market and . WM.r stmts. mond naor. BAAL V= RNA. - loioni au..bow ar fim argoie. Y' . . ''• t 411 1` .. soit li = " 2.7 ittl a rti la • lb' amlga skr t Biyoui.ind UP. lunitatiaz of the Base: . • /mann naga Oa and da Ma407, 11 0...._. W. &gag, ~ , JiL 11. , Mari Tl. J. Pin, Jr., . Jamb 1 . -IL G.;1•11mit".- - -_- ahilli-IC. - , ::_liaa,T4l,olcomi., ' itolock: _ Barday Pevetea. , - pbsalla Y . ' Us, --fkariewlnoiciusk"t c ),,?;".''' 440:110.. ' A LlLlfilialfalt , INtiUSAINCIA. ( RI M PANY ON. PlTtlEglial/L, , Rik ~,Aitt. 871 In area,l3imili Mx*. -., Team spina al Midi of Maas ithli . "' . 1 ' ." % - .TO n SiAnll j:WhiMPTlMPiraisio. D. 114.1100 X. iliaramg:,, i il.O. 2.,,, ("pt. m. DWI, parr, Arne i j. 10141 Joao, i ~. r, . "1n. 1 .. 4 .4 0. G. 11/4 .,, Ogg. Aaawaacobs Aunt: • - :-. AL.A.Blidlsqb • =O. Gni, . crig. wa. Dm% snot._ r. i . .., - • lii. LiahllAnwi _R. L..Vas•awe. • liar. B...Diark, A -L JOINTBESOLUTIOZZri ng 41. tvetaila A ow odsmaatiaklbs Be it revoked hi dm Bow mod Haw of /frprottoto mot 4f thireptivagt__Preuellpshwin Goma Ansmelic ma& _Mac the sothmiss. smanammt a Do tutootiott to tits Occitltittioltbt ttio tklottiOnwoalth, to itomtozonttitti thllllttglOnti it SU WM Otthr thoisoli , : 1 , alltro otiall -11* 'Olattito liopoktOittio third tulle!! of , ttio . . , Ito - ' - • — pf th e .--, he ,__ lso NO. aa. lenfoaria%Loter .- • • - • BMW/ Oa: VaI.WOM AIZ of QS ac ted slacton of els Consitoiwaeltli [balm any actual mina _ra aseetsooparlar• . thilltesideat of la. mood otae... ex the Who& ~Ilt.Ulb, O kla a i r NIT Oa tle f ip.Mawo ta all . !hatless by t 0,01.4 Is ate% ept.Woiti is St., or . 1 " 11 praeW bed by la. No falpaallthitplremptasilitiatathetelimal plat; of slaetloa. , . „ .-' Theriabalf hi iiiii ihutioadietwirta th• Asa ontlaartbreol ges pasultattoa., tehaA . Rilfilati4 as stetTchai f sod agrai'ais folkhrif . ... Amapa No bat luau le pow Wl* Lttale• tore ooatalahts sore this on* ailbjept. which shall •baesearly irriamedin . the stesei . ems: . ippropd... Btcaoi`l. so iitE All iiipsiiliiii W. to Legtai tali mos Italffloaferkarlptlallarklifate ease. whim the eathosliy at sac "poil ar iretalt. ape, kali boo; ovally Warner be: ines lira tho mats of fhb Cheamoaaraggh. Li , li . meloplatf-Ihailizelpia, . - : ‘... -', '.44 147e . . a . Iliabialliallegilt& ' Oiliellailizoiiirlistriiiii Cliiiiiiirgaziat. ala i •." Ehlalelkllfrall4f. Well i ' llt i thalL ' S r iiiilA, 45. -, 1 do liesiebj tiro that the Laear :Names! blatan t taw OK atematesimok kw wall. ral Mat Ilieslatloaof the Gip*AisMias Illil• ' na .* * - 41tiorlidoolsticia *opal* vitilp Amami, anat. to tkaCkralltallal47,llo lia!plaffirillgal is is l'artaroanr, whanalL tarn hassalOppallta7 hello• and lamed the mod al the IpieretorrliadloaAo be athaolallea day *ad lair shave aaplialeal • : • t /Rd LIVII ilk '` frt . k.oa - ' ' - ' - 'llierritaii - Of tballosallemodlla,..- ' RUMIP NOTION.Q.Vo ban a thththlleilibg MU .2bateau A. J. HIM the etAle.c p i rt ige d r 10 b• . I rZeihr,2 4 l ll :thl beetaseceffilerAl Ca tither redereigrel to luesio!bte. '''" "-- , - Maiimalll;: , liibleinfoiltr: ll esiiint J. 111114 NUM. GRAY". Thlvs , zl I t . , ;Briri• . :4 isiddbii&Arri.mmis .1 ' '441.'4 - ilaitindinr waliVirthei nrir 0• ' : inking Wetted's! ross a gethana.Notenewelfir I_ , Imi Zrmikv ..o J..vitiasuisatana wow _ i v irimstc, ifIAX , —AUL MH 41,-..r.V. a3T,91 - bligmatellruNlaoat doxyggiltafftVeldift • for iltiOntjYdinNToll. - 011014 aka.; le4 grads :Zan ag litgailddlig3no 9iliraW4"."77 la 01! 0/011. r I krwair ,, . ' = ' _ 1 Jaw D. TIMM; =lt L. 4kaabas . Aso% . .-. 0. Ipoisos Lava ?err --441e•0w-w,