.._'...- _~.a...—_ Tvs~frLY~b~t = 21 LOCAL 'I'NTELLICIENC Prom Yesterday's Zoning_ Gazette. list Avilsit sin Ex. Sheriff of lidiano-Goanty. Joseph 7. 4 Elltroosi:optswed tetst!!: 11 d!"'" tame Tajlor . .of this oath to the foliclritireaMitilitentt wkiatt.*.tieltiltat, the athetisin-; petite ..loyal -Seencot Marten t - Penzsylvskti,ddkilre4detilho t Mo no unoaloulating loysity,iehieh has swiped offs es the unsitervieg 'of any district la the United'States is torepoOof the la!!!. If !IMO 061/201t4O0V*Aze Pon of our people will imp!E. 1 1 1 !!:.!".1 0 TO tieif7is Wolf: of isti,eeintli;;ltalt i l" r • To defenders on doh" return ; trait 'OW defame, end a, deeper_ _hatted _of their audios and ours—the skulkillg eoppooloode amongst us, -lithroarmrrrturrinctOrttill—Ein= Indians, 'l2 'tidbits notity,loitakoll as a member ..k et Plait/ c PetePlity baits I formed in that Menet; in 'thieve°, to the data call-of: tbe-Prealtiesit for eix months men. David' Reliton Was "to be the captain of thh company, atid,oit mteet4 otssesmis Menotti for enrollment, Rolston asked him " if>, was all Wette r &mint iiiiwerradinthe Ralston told .Ellwoluk time ibtr,.lin•faialng a company, but dlinoe intand:to:goOo the war, but blended to make' deo °Utile won to vomit ao. &re/1k • Hit further gated' ,thst he had travelled'in ,AM:t -etra:lg, and Allegheny emuttlesond had "any amnstie' of omen -radywto., retist , the draft. That three wen Often thonssoistaiti of Irina in Indiana county to bellied for thhipurpo* and "if Indiana could camber of suns, what the-devil , could_ Westmorelond dot" .11. then took Ellwood toe private - Teem in his -house, (he keeps M 4,12001. - H4414.in the borough: of Indiam4) and new revolver, Mating at the same that he Gould:Kea More furnislasep numbetof tbese,"and' further thiliatid - thit When the ninanicallmatettretursed to-losllanaead de manded that t e ladhno :Dilates& - ekonid hang out the "stars and stripes"--(es we be; Dave they have declared they would)—he (Bolaten) had men conceited in his stable, with sixty rounds of ammunition, for the pur pose of firing on the soldlen, In sose they at tempts& any violence on the building. -United States Commissioner Sproul rant a warrant for the arrest of BALPA to the Pro vost Marshal of the 21. st diltriot, when Ral ston, hearing of this, gave himself up, and was brought to this city, where he was lodged in jail to await en examination. A large number of witnesses are srunmened in the case, and the time necessary, A* noun their attendance, prevents tut sonanicing when the examination will take place. When it does come off, however,we will keep our readers advisedpromptlyof the further developments in this, So gullet - charge which has yet dis grarod Western Pennsylvania. ' ' ' The Halle Steam Fite Engine We have already briefly annonnoed the ar riveted the - neer eninlinnitilic:pureirand by the :Misses of the Pint Ward, Allegheny, for the Hope:Aosi-Oompany..:•lt hie been housed by the company, and Is now being put condition for triaL_ The apparatus is very substantial, and at the same lime 'efficiently *miasmata. On•the wooden easing there are two silver plates: on one of whiairll the name of the engine, “Hoper," iand the, other bears the following inscription:Perot:seed by the citisens of the Plait Ward:Allegkeny Oily, Pa., for the no. of " Hope" lire Com- Pany. Building Committee: Bamuel Witee,:Chartie Ingham, John AtwillrWililamo.Btookton:Hugh .Larinier." It was mandeatured by the Amoskeag Zen ufannites company, •Ilanehreter:H.:ll., and s &stains - double engine with two eight ink eels:dere and two lour inch double eatin pumps.---li - stake and le g calculated to throw "four streams. It will work with from eighty to ninety pounds of steam. •It is amen; dallied in beau with nahogehy and walnut aasinp. The air ves sel Is surmented with a very handsome lamp with appropriate drains blithe glass. There are two other handsome lamps. one at sash earl of the sent. The oat, including the ship. moot hero, is PAO. The scarcity and into. riority of hose will now be mush felt, and it is to be hoped that,aller such liberality on the pert of the chitlins and company, the 001111- Oils will not refuse an appropriation. of fond' to procure good and indolent hose. Thu company also need a span of good horns, which will no doubt be tarnished them either by subsariptiorr or donation "Iles protection which this apparatus will afford; if - properly worked and adlaintly equipped, cannot be over-estimated, end property hold ers shonlinrge upon thi Wiltribert - of tionnoUS the propriety. and sKsidti. of keeping it, in an efficient- • Ninontwang atertainatent. , zohoit KA44, Ot:0 iwouw :who i, , here filbwran eigirtlemnt Broilsfir Normal Inititane, will give co. of Me Inter . eating andimegaaded antataismaits et Con. out Illintotro - WATifeel) eerning. . TIM Fogad, have been geaorously donated to . the Sanitary and Subsistence Clonunittees, for the'odd of eursuffiringsoldiers. The Pram sor's known renatition. Awed espoially tho object of the entertainment, should insure as overflowing hour*. Thefollowintpleoes, we uadentandi forma pert of the iveninerpro gramme: "General Scotland lite Veteran r. " Address to the American Flag ;" "A Ghost' litoryr " Readingelrorn „Soden Paperer' .• Passages ,from Webabsei Speech.con the Preservation of the Union ;" "Forty Teen Ago "An Anil:Wog , Dialeiree 'between a ew, grand His Caret; "Who are the Oop pnheads ;. 2 --Nzazaples -of --Panity Bloontion, As., ko. Tickets mey be- had at the Murk and Book Stores, or at the door. Charge of Perjury. Pitrisk Brannon, an emPloyii at eh* Alio stony Arassal, we bonen. lad • hearing berg, El..'Cartunkslorier Bailey on the . . above charge this morning. It appeared Brannon, who halls from Greensburg, was drafted in that• borough, and, 41 asaspe the military swan thi drift, swore . IM was wo en rolled-litho Eighth Waid,Pltlabotgli. Aosta fat examination , of • the rolls shows this to be film. He was held to tail In the sum of $2,000, the aroused and his father, John Brosnan, beiromiog the satirise In the sum of $l,OOO suck. Judging by what're* sew of Dm Ignorance of the osoussd, we are inclined to think he was rialsidernall-eausanisg West rolosist la thla.distriet, and iodic unable to road or write could net nab aluenirsiiitifY ex a minadon:but 'swore to the Ile , on the rep reeentatiossol .Idr-fitands.' 7 District Attorney Omaha* appeared for the.Glolllllll.- . meat, and Thor. *wan far MO defame. Diorama. of the Police Force. We suidintinif that chi Mayor, with tho consont aria. rites ilkisiOtbie;liiiimilaj: rid four additional villainy), Whose duty it will be to attend slots Wylie and'the inter rioting streets, to rappressiii rowdyism that may be developed in' that lOosfity. Ths idea Is to take four men from the night rata, and supply' theirplaoss by subs - atom. This may be proper and - setairo - ilthisigk it =simmer required under any other maaielpallallllllll - astir* haw heard .no gad :num alleged , why. .two tor three - Of • Shy day..pc-, Hoe lone .eanaot be assigsed to -.that .daty, daily, if It is aseessary , to 4rial; Ottawa ' Whet on ars th• day. or why are they marployed aridtaid by sheath if they cannot preserve order until such time ris the night police...go . Isom:mast Yrau tit dasnalut.-- - On Sou: I dig night, Iclitwiwn• ton and' Conn o'clock,- soase a lible and glued*/ house - of 'Btu* 'Young, 'liatalior, located oa Boatorralloy, a 'short dia tom* *act of &lora Mat. Th• building is of brick,_ths....llzalitior—boinge mod -as -w daughter housoeieldwthit oolsoiht story illod with bay, eta. Tito grd wok 'apyllod to the hiy, and. tharoo; was badly damsel boat fors tits Awed mwo.olitirinisksd. Tao drat maa wow wromptly,ww - lcaud, sunk tholtanies wore robed Woe* talk osmium from aity • trod.' • GasiATre• .-S-slabrisl Alight About 42- ° o a k s - 1k cusps mho: bad 4miss loomed Ism from PASOS_lptillk - br _Nod. Xitkpatelpir. for guipitglir es some of ona j Muss moat two it 'boo 411okst. ibs 'siker robbodblEs. lie had boss Worn la iid m ashed velgo *biollortosstaly Its hat sist olls-:11011,141147-sttoh- _ '''q • - " ' .--,:f• - •‘r: : .-.7.: - .'i - .; z.- z'7,::::: - . - :;: -- ", -, ! ,, _...'-- -!.-=-.%•.--F,".."N--,g,--";':::'-::--,;.•,--q-i.;;;,-'...--VZ.F.‘„7:5,(6,W4.4- ---,?...::•-,5; - q. 5 .1 - 1 1 W ..,,,,CzA1d'-k.:', .;..,-' - : , 1,, , ,•- 7-.. , ,.. a ., e , Vi ., : 42,,6,-6,,.- ' ` - ,-- dx..,1 . :' - '‘ --- ~ - . EVIMITIRONS LAST •gTi On Iran en second diitrieteristritedlaterefkra dayir. of. last wish, of whisk netebeilikilfainieluifisiiii;' 'Wales, in paid iS O O,B ll t tae (line 'thirty firs and married , !I, were tinder twenty or our forty-fee, 6f-rieldeilrinil Were- enrolled in other districts the* thowilroniwitieh they were dratted,thirty-three were alkamilorty seven were *a • sole dependenos .>of. . aged. pa-. rents. ormidows, twelve were the eels ilependk. lona of motherlsu shildren, thirty-four were ,in service on the 3d of March, 18611, _eight !wine exempted by selection of parents haring two er more sons drafted, one is at presentln ,the sondes one has two brotherila the set- Mee,.and sondes, were exempte& by the 411/ , POO kr • 'MUM; Timmon Ctrl Your ?thrill' , d . ond' thirty. four _rebel prisoners, all efEcers,lessed through the olty ,on Sunday evening, en mete for •Johnitrited, plain& • Brig. Gene. Arither and' Tone' ware . streirgit Ahem.- They. went znostlyeapturel at the battle of- Gettysburg, but gems: faw ners tat= at. Murfreesboro. • They tame from Fort Delaware, where there are still nine thousand are hundred and fifty-six pris oners of war. .The escort consisted of a dr teoburent ; of 7 - Youner Pittsburgh -- Artillery, under LiMits. Ahl and !deforms'. " • Teti Iry ANIMA' MAGAZIIIII, for Angnet lit, 13 oat and may b. had at the News and Period lost Depot of W. A. Gildonlann*, - 416 Path street...- FRUIT: Litswea Neirsrerie.—The :Lumbar cf this papillar platorial paper for July 25th, is fer sale at W. A. Gildtiefenney's, 45 Fifth street. LATE -TELEGRAYME NEWS FROM OUR EVENING RDITION.) MORGAN'S F BAND BROKEN VP ATTEMPT TOUFFINGTO CROSS THE RIYER AT B,- One Hundred and rift soled and Drowned. TEE THIRTEEN HUNDRED CAPTURED ItebelPrlsonersinCinclnnaU &a., en., *a. Criontster, July 20..:-Major Brown, com manding a battalion of the 10th Kentucky cavalry, arrived here with 650 prieenut, cap tured during a reconnoissance naatAblastr, Virginia. OnSaturday morning, Morgan's forms ware I overtaken nit! Pomeroy, by Hobson and Jade', who had formed • junotion. Morgan finding himself in close porters, and baring that the ford near Buffington Island was well guarded, brake up his band ih small muds, in order to escape. One squad, with six pieces of artillery, mod* for the crossing at Buffington, but the gun boats drove them back with • less of one hundred and fifty killed and drowned. Our cavalry mode a charge and capture the bat- Lary, tilting • number of relish. Colonel's Watford and Shackelford sueoeed oil in capturing one lot of 575, and anotherlot of 275, besides numerous squads, making in all, over 1,000 pritoners. Among them was Col. Disk Morgan, a brother of John and Colonels Ward and Grigsby. Our cavalry is in pursuit of the balance of tie command-, which is entirely. broken up, and reattared in-the hills. Thu position of our forces is such that they minas pt soros' the Ohio, nor pt mush further north. Laza, 12 n.—Oar forces are oontinully capturing Morgan's men. Basil Duke was captured this morning near I Pomeroy. Over 1,300 men have been taken I so far. &trans in New York- -The Late Si. ots.-James U. Brady on the Draft ...Threats to Barn Towns, etc. New You, July SO.—Yesterday was a quiet Sunday. The various wards were peaceful as ever. There was not tie slightestsxhibition of disorder. Thousande of people visited the scene of the late conflicts, end the conversa tion of all classes sentrod upon the conscrip tion. The military did not make their ap peaser:eat slim the et:deity of iluelbitterh. ease, and the police patiolel thidi beet' prat- ty mesh as formerly. Up.. to this moraine everything Wes in a sista ' of profound tran quility from the battery to Barlett a suet rant force of the National Guards of State Davies arrivectin the city to enable the civil authorities to maintain the public prime and enforce ruder. - GOT. 81111111011 r, as Commander-In-01M of the State forces, dilute the several citizen - volunteer orgsaisatione formed in the emir. gem to be relieved from further duty. General Wool was relieved en Saturday by ' General Die's of orders, published this worning. Drafting will not begin until the meet quota of the city is definitely determined and publicly &maenad, by which time the Gov. inmost will be prepared to execrate it. Poe libly a week may slaps before the draft rem minas.. - - is the attack on the Union Steamworks, corner of 334 street and 2d avenue, the mob carried 0fr3,500 muskets, of which only 300 have been recovered. • The British Consul has notified the Pollee Commissioner that he has ordered the ship or war Challenger to take a position in the river for the purpose of protecting the colored seamen subjects of Great Britain. A card from James P. Brady, against mob I law, is published, in which he rates the mai suthon °Ohs - bete riots are kept - in statue sic crecy r . — fit'iiM also do all in his power to have the draft tested before the • Atelicistryi.se a toutliutional question, but he begs: the brave bet mislead men 'thous willies re 2ght for their principles, not to let theinselicis be used by political sneaks who don't care how 1 many houses an _horned, or lives sacrificed, if their one 'themes can beremoted consist ently with tasty. New Tone, . July 20.—Three thontand troops garrison the Seventh avenue mind. Two steamboats heavily armed and manned cruise up and down the Madsen river as fares the northern boundary of Witte/meter county, in eonsequence of threat' to burn the towns. AU has been quiet however. Westchester bounty is part of the metropolitan pollee dbl. 'Wet. ~ . - . . . , . .... _ . —.. , . Die Lee's Army in `Vicinity of Wine (bestir.. Large,l Babel, Forces at Bunker Sill... Good Ground* , Hops that Leers Army will be Destroyed. • New Yort, July 20.—Theffwafere .pedal, 'dated Waehington. July lg, says: The _rebel army has notma de Yrapidprogram lonia Culpepper - No tat 'Oen, rains/it Aupppodd. There Li good noon for mattes that tbe bilk of Limes army le still b the tielaity of WW llMesta. There wu also quite a larp rebel form at Banter lIW, mhloh is 'Must Win- Mester, and Martinsburg. yesterday. _. It would be improper to state where. Gm. Ideade's army Is, - but there Is good ground to hope that they may complete the destruction of the remains of the rebel army. - , glom Gen. Roaearaaa , Gepartmeatt. . Bragg still Itetreattaft—lgosecrairki Advance Reported at Gone. af •. • , nuram •, July Hnslbut's manta .antrod at Corinth to-day from Decatur •and Jackson, and , seport Bragg ' rostroatiss Into, ch org isifonowisilailssionassusslhis totem- Vositatine advance is ropostod.istltouts. &onto report Bragtondsartning to maks *Junction with Johnston, and that dam:Mons from l& smarms nanimons. Opereitions of.Guenillas. ifasitsigosoir,-Joly,l9.—L special to flu =II The only 1417 sf 'retools In out Iminolgati front to 41 party. , of about forty _of Mosbre gligri ffil M , who sew pdrsutns Ib• rissol'ion n of borsootrellny In the vldlotb of 0 octs goon Creek.- Zasonight* bond of itnotrillas some wittiln two , vtUes of /OA Was, near. Chain bridys, and stol:4tiorsos.'They will be gobbled rey_tques* Adiiiirals roller aad Eurasia. . . ; - Nzirrou "Jaly 2IEL=A Neve Orlisaslitter k'7s it lirmiasti.Utst. AdaliaLPortsr-will essuiiiiixmasad of tits and Abe/ill liarragst acr_osaida. to titssisati—t-itais4ol-,ii Mother imam "want Ms 'asap -.. • . :~~:~, . :From Great's iiiiii*:l'Depattaws from klViSsliabiSly at Pemberton', Paroled : :. AwalumJaeksoallatapted by Bier. man's F . tee.a. , ~ L .... i iit il rfr r iltiar Y'° . * - itod4)2ll;i:9P:-.2hjulicridaly Iltb'4,Valellayi; - thin: Yoga rfaa's• paroled army lambed lost at - oar Ithas shla forawon. Oily a few idsaYears sr* ziow la the olty. 1 Or forces, ands General Shamus, cam-, pied Jsekson yesterday. and oar alma yawl' is biYond Pearl' rifer. ' Jaiiton has msblosted lblyand the ricer which is next la lino Gast of Aka : PosarL :1 'Lee Retrentlig-•Meade l e Army Fel lowing Danis in Philadelphia. Plinrualmrta, July 20.—Ths.Sorrira . has . dlopatah from Hagerstown, on the 18th, whiting - the rear guard of Idea army loft Mar niniburg on Saturday morning. Ohr whole brow b aorowtholiwor. „ l TliTatoinso billing rapidly. 1. la soiseathm with his main fora by firm" draft Blanton, ast b u f Cepoppar.. The is progressing Idly to-day. COMMRgCJ L . RECOBD. rvrTsuusek Oros 05 rme Prrnsonan DiesvOwens, ' . • V.0111).11, July 20, 18E3. Gol& still receding slowly being quo' ed today at 123 in New York, which ts, the lowest point it bas niched yet. Here, oar bankers are P.M; from 118 to 120 for Gold and old Demand Notes, and 110 for Silver. If win continues to recede much longer, we shall soon as gold and' silver spin In circulation. Eastern Inchange is steady at former quotations. The produoe market continues very dull and de pissed, without, however, any marked changes in quaations. There is but & limited demand for any of the keeling articles, and the transactions are alto gather of & local diameter. 01/41121—Wheat is dull anknegleeted, with mall sales of Bed from wagon at 51,15. Sales from store of 250 bush Gets of 68®7001150 do do at 70c;160 bosh' Shelled Cojn at 75c, and 100 bunt Ear et 800. ELol:ll4—Tnere is only a moderate local demend for thivartiele, and the market U quiet and doll but unhinged. Sales of 80 bbls low psis family from l ater* at $5,75, and 100 bble do white wheat at from 56,25 to $6,46. Bye flour may be quoted at 54,7555 AO. GaGGEBIES—The Grocery market Le quiet with & moderate Jobbing demand at former qu Wanton& Sala of 25 hhda Sugar at 11 1 go for Cube, and 130 for New Orleans; 20 bbl, lidluses at 650 for old, and 800 for new; 20 bp llbo Coffee at from 822 i to 33cfor good to-pines. BUTTER & EGGS—Butter la steady at 154111817 for Boll; tale of kp packed at Malts. Eggs may be quoted 10g511c. DRIED EBUlT—Thers is an improved demand for Apple!, and we note Wee of 100 bath in latest from I to Go per pound—the latter figure for... Taft state." Peaches remelt about so Wt quoted, with bat few to market. _ . _ 011$1.5Z—ta Wm but uncbsupd, 'also in lota of 100 bza NV a at from 10 to 10)io. BELT—ts scum sr./ In desund; Woof 50 bbla No 1 Extra from atom tat ASO. Pittsburgh Oil Narkss. iota . Wl—There to no particodar change to notice in erode, with the exception, perhaps, that there are fewer transactions, and this may be at tillbuted to the Mot there to out to none offating, and there is . bat little bete to cliew. The receipts continue very Light, footing up only 181 Dbls for the twenty-bur tour:sending at noon to-day. We continue to quote at Wane packages re.uried, and Ito, package. in eluded, and we note a site of 300 bbl. at thelset named figure. The eterket for }Leaned is lam active, under the rather unfavorsb le news from flew Tort, and some buyers are asking for is ommerslon In mi. cm. As the stock Is light, holden ere trot tti their TIMIS, and ratan to sell under teat week's quotstiong and this being the pass, it is altogether robable that the transactions for t M rant fiw days will be limb. ted. • The only sale reported to-day was EDO bblo landed for tutmedlataddlverLat 45c. AWe of 1000 Dbl. for September delivery vie at:rectal on Seturday evening at 4834% but this should set be taken as any criterion of the market. New Yon. reisoleiun Market. Bpscial Dispatch to ths Pittsburgh Choate. lirw Inas. July 20—Crude to firms but unchanged at hoot SO to Slo ou tho spot. /Wood la bood. Is study it 47gSiSo on tie spat; Shightufor August do. livery; 65.560 for Septainbar, wad 67)fio for Octant. Napttis to nominal at 2105tc. Busiossi scicirstu sad fordo nun good. 0. Weekly ROVICW el the New York Vette'sum arket. (Reported 7aprwly for the Pittsburgh Giotto.] New Too. July 18,1863. The .great riot which provalbd lure during the greater part of, the week, axcited a eanewhat trots intim= on the. market, for Petroleum, yet badness In this article has not been hosoffeed with to that extent that it has In other deseripUons of userchandbe. The onerous nistot which were perused upon the export et Petroleum by the gov ernment regniations, hatetinelly bees superseded by the regulations which were submitted to the leam tory of the Treasury by the Committee of the .17nt ted State. P 047411391 i Association." whisk vas east to Warhington for that p u rpose. The report tale • graphed you that inch was a Ala, was probates% though no &nest whatever 'aloud that the resells. latbsoe sabmitted by Use eaucietlon would to salt ed es they hate slam been. The report that they wore adopted VW out of the fact that the old. regn. tattoos were imuudiately oupsuCed, which wad a moot important step in the right :Mutton. The market ruled very quiet on Monday, Tureday end Wednesday. and en the :an tooth. market wu O man nominal owing to the rlotsus proarallop in the opperpert of the city. Ors& naafi cooperatively arm, nowenr, and prim were nalized for story lot eold. Betined, though without noticeable tart.• lion, r o,a rather bony, and prior favored balfe% Slob Waleadey both Orals and Ileflued have bean quiet and homy. Crude Ins bald quits era until warty, however, ehenholdore maniasted a Wiling nem to grant some cooonelen. which failed to meats a demand. Both Crude and Beam& may therefor. be considered entirely nominal. The Wrap,. transeetlone are moderate, cowls log stout Ils,ooo Dbl., sales males of ell Idads, be sides some 6,000 or 6,000 gallons Milne. Of the above eggramte about 11,500 bbio www Crude, 05 . 000 bbl° Salami to bond, 1500 bble bee, and 1000 bbis Be eallisptha, Orade liaptha Is in limited supply, bat net at .11 SWIM Tae balk of the San bate beets at 31 Quite fat Crude. 8111221114 to bond, on the spot 4186500 for August &Unary 53; September and October 63. ldepthe 9465te for Refined. The current quotations, which ace enUtely seminal, at. as follows: ad d..1005111er, Befined band, en the root, 45.470. August 51; automats 5334405, end Ootohor 65; tree 55®57. Neptiut 2461 M: mu , kat dear exceoUngly dull. Omni negotiations are pending but we team Ono isles to-day. On Thaw not • single late wee effected. Cleveland Market .Jarar lii—flour—thdos of 400 bblar.ol broads of IS whist at 11•26. and 100 bOla do rod at ASP. What—Dinkefobs Baba care whits at 113 o; a sus red t Limit; I oar do ou track at 100 A car red (cum crop) sold at Ills on troth. It was flow Muncie. Ind., and yam a Tary good alum The consignor 'mita that h. thtaks ft rather Wow the awasgeof the Wogs tn that, stilatty, dad that the yield at good. Cord—ilbstlsdrossalas satalnal at We on track. Bala 1 ear ears on Math, at ego.. Oats —Quotabla sa bolo» at Sto on track, with • supply of asily squat td _ Ow. holaa dassaad—Baralel. • imports of Itafiroad. _ TT: . oilowo July 18-1111 pkp Toiraboad • co; II ba twin% B Getwip 108 algae Irwin; SG bbls ca bin 0004bsyy I I= Wcoo, J Y Minx* & co; IN sisoltreoppt, Jlkilsp; 460 by oats, D 11 Waling l dui biscsinOr SILL i Go, Sabo" soap, II Mobiles A 00;220 . bp n J 6 Unott I co; , 101 bbl. wklaky, 111 NWOIIO O II I so. Obirazow a: Marconi B3us000; July 4 ski' pessii,,NaksissUrruss -et -an - ISt, Ott sand, Bum Ebbw& Nam ;10 do do, Nails* h biro; 109 Woo, &ohm* h.Xorlorsio; 3 DUO toboow, A Natal 00 bp wbsol, T Nessidy Brer on bbli Wm Ysclummuy 16 pkp taw% B 8 MysTIVA a% 11 bbls ens, 11. 40 spp/ss. Allkisen 14 • bbls oPPlP,Jlloodot 41; 11001; 090 busk writ; DA B Will.' loar, 200 We hod. D SO trig Chao 10 bbla flow. Manlike' Lug; mks 'straps, Wm Lamm e t t kp battier, 1 bbl .(p.IL Desk% • 100 boL to oo r lL Lookooora Llbb.rtlB otu pads, B A Yaks- 9111TBAlt WBZELY TO LIUK r9O iioschlnta factssirrovri (Cols limos.) The Irbil hum ataiisenr= Wined, Now York mad Pialsdapilia iltaimitthp Ootipaay latasdAd la all at know: 3111$* CILIT OY LONDOlestardaY;,Avg. Orn 0/ S>sW Yoll...—........lliitarlayiANro • him or risounss ', . . -:,. thrills la (1,44. i-its opimwasi, ovi.m.wir. . 1 Moir 0/0111....--po 00 erwexass ..1........».591 IS iits. - kawwkw— 69 op do. :to •Issodosw. , o6 60' do. to P0nt...... 96 00 dO.. to Pari5......; 6060 do. to itsaaborg 90 (XI 40. to Miliblai 111, .. 06' _,'.. Poolliapilli shO kowardad to Hosso„ ihraultas .. . , wt.., datirte% axi., 64 at, tow railer ' ' TOM froth • OlLhepool oressoshswiss Ist Oath. fat $ 45 . giOmni% - Thom who wish to ossalsr their Moods. Ina Oasts ban 40 101 0 0' _We teribie toldrandkas WL DA _aolol es ha Li. WI .6 1 -- JO -- —_ _-_' Brasilinkr, . . ,JOIIN =OXFAM 414 4 gaol staid, twill boom em th• Wiled . STANDARD LAW , AMD MEDICAL 11002[2. . Wharton's Ortnaloallams......2xeds. Wharton it Stllles aledical Jarieprudeneo. Emilie Lair Vetloners. 2 sots PIITIOU CS Rows and Binh t vols. Pa sens en Contracti....Arllii. Pa:a nil' Idercanthe Law. Danlap's Beat at Vona. Shantwood's Blukatens. -2..r01a. P it thrd an Baniruptry and Insolvency. Woods' Pratt:lee or liedkdets. '2 yob • Well Trazapeuttas sad Channsoolosy. 2 role. Wallson'S'PraetleautPhyshnh Sallttalnnpuy. ATols. Recently published) Grosetlysteni otlinkury. 2 vols. Gray'cautcany. , . •• • Wilson'e - Haaian Anat. rat% . • Deunillson'a likdical Etlitionaty. , Carpenter's Raman Phyatalogy. Teach's Fondly Prattle*. .Son sale by . . YMCA - CO.. 65 Wood steer. .. L.ATEi WiIatJATIOAP3. • • .ILA Hy Southern 'Meads. By Kirk. Bletalleiths Bdonastlon to the timer of Colvin Yaothills as tho Boulder, al maim Workl. The Great Iron Wesel Esszahla. Brawal.m. Beaton's Thirty Team to the tJ. B. Seam" 102 Kisersblss. Blatt sad yaps& 41" old Ur% Beecher. s ate. sad tha Works is Hlstary, Theology, Medians. Au. mylh Jul. L LAD, IS loarth street. A telur.3s4. SURTI.4 HUMPHREY'S 6:P1501710 110MEOPATEtiid FOS Tar. PIOVLE. LOT or 81 , 1,01110 No. I—Tor Peter, Congestion end Ingualoaticold No. B—Tor Worm tem Worm Collo, Wetting the Bal. lio..3—TorOolica Crying, Teething and Washi ngs...! Infant. No. t--Tor Diarrhea, Cholera Infant= and Noll. mor Ooroplabits. No. 13-Ifor Collo, Miplep, Dyienteu or Blood! el = ! No. 6—Por Mehra, Cholera Nachos, Vomiting, No. T i —Tor O T nhs. Cold', a ln e g setlemn.z aN. Bon Tat No. —Va N o t ho k h Pe ßedaNo. i— Tor eeer and et tilt Heed. • No. 10 —DeoP9rid IWhe—Tor Week sad Datiaitbe - Stomach. Constipation and Lima No. 11--Tot Tango Inegniarklesti,Tidnitir or SuproasedPeriala. No; Lemeartme, Prohlis Menem, Marion down of Irmindor. • 1' No. 13—Tor Camp, Roane Omigh. bed Hart 2. NO. 14--812/1 kham, Erlysiptina. lions, Pbnplei on ihaleoe. No. lh—Shaersetto Plib—Por Paik_lendenere or Somme the Cheat, Book, Lohm or Limb. No. 26-11sisinel ladadons, Intoitmtary and Names Drhoa7. , No. • 11Mith, ox Canker of adults or Oki. • No. 30.-13einery .inomtiafince, Wetting ski Hid 80.111—Pa Periods, Manure Or Upson. ' No. 88—notbeing at champed lira, I loam No. 13 -4 11 WF/Ind nialtss. Chores, et. vim . A—Por Pryer an Ago*, Chill Teter, Dumb Ague, Old t- Nkmasaiptd Ague. P—Tor Piles, Mind a Elsoding, Internal or Us o—Por More, Week or Inflamed Nis and Nreildni Tailing, Weak or libured Bight. 0--for<Wank, along Mandbg or recant, either With obstruction ca magas &mbar.. W. o.—Tor weocsamt cocith.sweli IM tiolrata ALDO 51.10111 CK. Far drama PatMels.—vintramolo, Dilhoolt Ise Wrest 13reathilSg, attended with Meng and Nap !PAO roam. Price, 60 - dents ger bat Per Pr .Dbolaga. Thsafoors.—ThrobolTrogrom I the Her, the resole of Marla Pam. _Mmaire ca aerials. for loins in the Hied, iliar.insmot tog and Waging In the lam and Nor. Ache. Prim. 60 caste per box. Tar firrofols.—lftla Mends, Palariped • and In dual onal* PereMnp old Old Ulcers, &trona. ken or Childrim. Prim, in amts per_gmr. For Ocarrel Deiling.—Phyakal or Norma Weak. nem, eitbsithe mull of bidmoot. Isorosiva hiodi. cation Sr Iskoosttng Prim, ISO rants per box. ler Dropee.—lrlabi Amuselations. Tumid . Dwell. Imp, edit Busty Secretion. Prim, Mo. per bar. • Per S.. litebega.—Dlotbly Mmes., Vertlgq, Dag. Taselting, tad Dianne tram riding or warm. PliiiooolllB wer box. _ For Uriewry Uneem.--for Drerel, Hama Osaaall, Dtilieelf; rabski thinatiloa. Mimeo cd,ebe Mu" Prime, 10 owls Der bon . Fbr B.easel Ekeier4ges.—Lalrelusata.7 mid Ocelsegalat Praire:kb sad Debility. , The Mill 'erhooreetel sad etecient rawly Imown, awl inky b. retied upon u a care. Moe. $ 1 bet boo JOHN x.VUITOL N Noe. 67 am L 9 Firm Sir Vow Soho *vat toe Us Wooten, Oogata7 dy i arva4e/ CORNER PR .4 AND 6771LL1R zurram i TtMszirsi. Tim r . dampest and bed of the Unita Maim pep Au a full Commarcial mars. tn. cluding Ming and Coratnereild Arithmetic. . fie mint dimmed be WanufsctnrsrA iltnamboat, Railroad and Rank kee ll ping. Illniatere . eons at one-ba price. Students enter and maim p time. Book- This Insti at tution is condlacted bf ... eared Smetkets and omit- eal blames emu the pref. come p m of this WAWA baldness um tprooiL~thecountip, as a clip. per, a ss t OCIWIAT, Mag known as the beat hu man of the Union, Macho Ornamatal lend Repid Busluem Writing. Wrier apedmene of Prof. *mimes unequalled Writing. and Oatelogua arataining toll Informallos, melee twernty.fire cents to the Principe/A BRITII, leld:l7.lamminmel 7itNO MUSS UNIILICASILAIT rDsc.9..BIIIIDICITML—Tor onoteareat last deagerithe diseriass, lINLYBOLDTI Cis MOT WM, width has noetthd the *salon& wait of the mist proulasat pithstoithe hatheithiltall SWAN Is sow althea to ea 141444 loalloSty sa aestela core tor the Itolloerlagdbeare sad 'Tatham ca=troth deem. and abuse of the Orloarf li thlAnc I, Gomel Datlllty, Mental eat Mold 10letitheitth, thiterialastkno of liked to the Illeed,Ceatosl tilar,HritortlaMisMil InitatoUlty, Vattiaamoos and Staeptiotaito 151 Will. Abloom of thruicaler a -.Low Itholetui td , Loa Ot Apps, &Meta* fteitthalth ts, Isteorgethee• boa TarekOsof the argue o therettoo, PAIN. tattoo of ths Hasetotall to tact al thirciaccoattaata at narrow sad dethlitated atheist the system. To insure 'the poothe, cat this out. Ask ha ' Tsair so attar. Cam losisato4 4.1.• adv•rts6l.46ls aouthoraolataa. ataaollkoi 211(1 LB& WHOLE PEPPRE ; V V 35 brool Rio and. Jars 000010 ••• 35 kallobasto Groan and Slack leas; 12 We. 12. O. Boson im bpi.. crashed, collo, an d puled anyors; 20 bas..looo• Gaily N.Y. Beep; 10 bids. t halt tibia. Nos. 1, 2 3 Sackful; 85 do do Whits Main 80 lateber, b boom properid Corral • $2) bozos alordnaall German Sup; 90 btdo. H. O. Moloosor, JP liiloldia Syrupy 10 do Wavier Herring; Just tocadvall and for sale b • MENAI • '13.1.2011D, Ater Lt • stmt. $ VIDIUSIMALN HL :HOMO, !so.—NI tibia! siceptiosi tta 'hated aid bud unse Uoo of Bidding Planta sbaut the aty, at Immanr OAKLAND atIBIPIBT 101rOillined look at them moot T . Vnlilt, $ll kin in in ba ll s sad 'ldas, In OIiINLE, Soap, Vox ma = u tainzir WARP, to o f Kid outottfato tor Gotten ?Warn: hoop 11stas sad rise LION. eel Ootds. Clotho* Moos, dub Cola, Lo., dO. Wavlim it. HAIIVIT, " • 84 tialdeo Low Now. Task. IYVluni,-- • Itue stus dsy 41111001•- 1.1 Md with ce H. 8. WILED, to the mainhmeture et net Gleeemme. The styled thi, Arm, tn Mum srAl be 'PAM A Dammam. - iltlD'HatoKllB; Atl.O.MO IL PlUsbunla. Jay J.R. 111dta A IIBRIOATING OIL. " btts. p¢n Du f i rk . Warned inn from plia4 D sraarat , ara 0144 TO sod TO Wator strima, L/RP 91L---50 bble. Na i On A foe sdle 2 4 JAB. DALSILL A SOS, co and TO Raba .. LOMB. on 't - INAMIILLISD. • OIL 6r 'NJ DiKai D dlith er milthasti V i siat7. 58.1.1% R. EOR WAIL , - Paymus. - BORDY4O, biAi iletiewithe Patti di at the old stand; lather cam laid au . ~- , ... _ L, ,.... • j os , W. P. II 111111A1.4 PI * 044 ' sr." ' litt.'l $ . Stilit: NU. 0 . 0 111294 1' La! WI (Nur York) sad thaaaaoall . (01aohn , L' natl)mantsiail, on hand awl Ibr asla at f. IS end sta., 1_1.1". Qteasiitt-500 4 bOxes filtdilolletarob 0.2 in don bad for ink keit to the 11104 ilk Vail' ti " th• AIM" sonommrima LA GL Attu. IeAMLLY ir.LUILW-r49 bblz. Llthiastwea st.= stiu, now j 4 1 , 1416 i bola &Nam WI City, Ibr misty: „, _ boxes . pnroo ' .4, 101 0 3 13 SlCllisees - bed isolated aud dst sale • KO • 1101111112 MUMS* 00. § : MAUL OWIND MUM! , MOM io kW* J. 1:0111110: 341.111ciatii drift we wow. ~;.3'' ~~.;._.,., _.~..., s._.~:sa-.:mot=wc.:a~.w^x z~_::.:~_:.:r,~:.:~aa+~--.... 1,0 . 6 . 0 NA a CIiEV., flaneerennyormitiono. Sambas, • • . Chitanootut . Dileases; • Euripelas, Pimples on the Face; Bore Eyes, Totter Affeetioni c r Mudd 11.04;•:.: - , Dl l l) 6 3 l eiti' ,, Old and Stubborn-111430W ' ithetuusile Disbydoie, Jiiundica. - Salt Rheum: Xereturial Diseases, General Debility Liver Complaint. Lou of Appetite, Low Spirits, female Complaints. Xigepapor Fits. Paralysis or Palsy, - Snob!litio Diseases' in Caries of the Bo lemmas WITH ALL OTHER DUMAS= HAVING TEMA ORIGIN IN A t , • ntaveD CONDITION OF THE BLOOD OR ILBOULA• TOBY STATEN. QM OP :).414.111.1. 41. 1101,e Dn. Q. B. Errgot—l teks Patin In maktne thu volmstaly Stain:Mt ha Wet of ii iaididai Yrs. Prod* psi willed nnowsesßiosa -- 19ssiaila." I bad entkaw4 tor. are - . pan with Goads; which broke ont on lay trod and ionised go as to dlatigtue or very rendb. Mid tool WI the hate when the dle. sue made tta manaranoto tt she broke out an my arm shore and blow the elbow, sod .at taut theta:ln and gash nee to sslgas a feartal pore., The Dann oti my bent oral so In that osiers/ nub plena of b4ree mole eat, . L wei. Tria week. and law Writer, ead hadstrukag all hop* :Per. getting Ingl, sa I beA OW geranatekELlal Option= and they did Es( , se pod .-- In Depenberlset, MI, I wee Induced it r la utanksiri : ISM .10 111.4001111112062 en / masyconbes I had inieligl l - P - tat,indith=e4 hot slntl 14 and - thaw bon/Mot Mora tearrher, the aleteagnyey Immetand, ern . login to heal. I hat. sow taloa 41P4dreen bettlen.and atlthetel and Ina are eattelerwat amp tha gaits nostehrg Dose the nee.. I geniis stets thei 1 Ind the - rtuatreatime may bid In my ems sad tap. ThaDkal geszehet atm oared the rhooniatten. I am now a well Insaa. one betty pees ot age, sadl Pet amyl, sad pang sa I did when I' Was Math and have langendla weight tweedy ponsda, -I wog/ abo date that the Dean Is my fathead was go bad that when he moped and Meg sapling Pam the blood ran out of the nes. Dr. Knorr has • &WWII* taken of me by Kr. Ong% the ertlet, atter I been to pi t i.... 4 PD. It dor not show MY Manx= a lna 10 II was Amara I. asuaanied UAW Iwoditha. Too am see the 0104011711"-oli• 01 v ts saw be my pmereion, sad she at Do. Mayne _ Ito Wooded et. I *sold also state Dist I took Mood Samba *oh was nada baton Dr. Islnt oak' alt n. Magna Is haperms tom•,, .I ma- &atm isirwr bats:Ml I pails liad sisf• Wk. hoy Oar divot one' bottle of huh_did ssa mare , goat. that MO dila old. I Novi. his a vest add rAciao and better. I bate netangnielld the Dlrmanewt l4 : se to • gnat inlay agar Male toe vartneedneesee. l sool I bonen It beg Weed tbe who/Cot Om. - los nay yabllth We Dye* wiahcand 1 aft tonloas that ell who an sillkneekital Pnangoe oared' :-1 thing thteetty, Ne. t its ifted,suad gm wagloyed 5 , Vel.. Mlle A andereola Vans Warble Works. et D'ime slaws. DAM= A.. 'A °ITI/1817141H. Pa.. i Ms „to Wilo crassa4'itia. soi 142v0 tom sesell Übg ta beik.”‘s ON.- Drub Wu' Som., W 2 co W. SANK okima Oro iminato isty *NS Viol Wu to ivo ni• dthk496a to 110 lastUntlo he ILK: MI, Id. .041d41101. Us: 1.61 d pw.t.1182 / sold mog IP _ l 4-nsillAlk - 10- 3,41 . NI Po hse =Weans WI iroollimp Aft MA& odd= Mao a wile fa lb, blooL 'iltkiikisoff we'll tiebl v t iii s this ..ia dindimia ill illValtMill Akfmi ' bed No" Milo I befaritei , , Woe 1 01111311.01Ig" tiOmpal. PIM* far *J . novo goonibirood4.4 6 alPdeby good hilmistalbwootelii . D ' etips ay slati.zoak:4o I* east r la fi rnr i y liThir ed x,Vlsa, loo n e izyj, s .o . ~.. ,n, ~,,? JatKzo tu=ilay-N_lscr. , , toreatah mu% we; ... willuilrri• /Waxy Mut 'Artio' . . Rmsissittitftabit a 4, -11 0 111 *ail' bin groove 1 yeiz, Is was arisred with aim,: owl wr-Mdl toad mg wockibr SIVE .-3/4.411M11at " `hulas 410 tt.4o, Ar ...... iima r ath orkti m Mara at wi11... , .• Ma WI, hilt lnsse _ ipploolLianba an IL' EAMTOPI 1110011411904 ltelorestra timios4 me Oen S woOlkal4l p 11 tiabotarkat , aidichill' s aid Ilia wor. Wilms oar , tbilled_. glailalia alt• 4 11. _ffiltnieW u rarit eseapadmil*,•*.• .. • NUM i ors. sikr4 rig4k liiw • it 144 r. la • am, WOoil r u..rlr . ::».,.. • • . 6(4 - • • \ .7al 4 3414Ari 1 na , FQ4 00/0. 1 41n Tb pro 1101641111otaif Agit s . =, 040.1 rttl , has *to of ammaption thair„lpt, koclins ressdy afesetk. , 10 *Mt oft OOMMilikto OOLV nimble rmaftfigtdirosei of lb. /LIDNHe let 11:111101117001 ,-*DA -.• Sl= , ,Ineer 70.4 4 1f.MT l itt . 44PASLIf#P , 1 ro; it hum :7111:111ArdtatiM 74 001.1h. 711 4- , vsyvistir: t44-4111idailti,11%;' " naro-ou" iittiFZ ": l 4ol-ospadtpurtalriel Liz; liabctrid - imat -portvitdolotit *Olaf On Thaw. " - D. 4. O. WINFAST Pic-pew:4, ,; • " •Mk ID Souk Baspirdsse.' l l o ;,, 1111Mati :O dfaihr:WITIMIR I.IID Wait mrsU, PROS Foll , lwri,.Al i gttele Isoutsenordoesamoldeligai diftlii : ~., Yawn lizroaddd*, ~ .- l . ' •• - ' Oorniiid . and Twentylateitt etaillte ~• Weitifilaeolt.D, n• t ahaft 24./.. 74 a WlLlTildf PabtallAl.l3 arodidtorld Int II AY..6TIZO.w. Oaatt tedleollll,V OK t , i• MT. , . to be iblienrednt do ildlrood er SEW* et ~ 3 , the G ore ng4N3 Monts Imelda The Foliage to be agragai to the .. .: and they - "haunt - stets the imanlity at imlie.. *revel, oleo deeptito outdo dad WWI . _IL:, Prop:outs will Da tiladeoil ter Add j_§,.l Yodels of flernot gotiond Ltd 0 0 / Sou of ma 1 straw, and nphords, calm trohinild be :Ittr the la • tweet of the 00Yerantant• to worm*[„ for • led All end tab* pat in good wed. of dont two(1) lesehels elob e .wldab sub be fangthed et the Cut The Ida, end Elia. to Wiens*: b01d..:. All Grata olditty bffebeTti3 be sublost lb . 1t stillis ltopeetion by the Genrennntrar lillsoeter. 4 , uontrecta will. /*awarded troareinto to Whet* The limit tesfoulbl9.l44dsteesathednualeeto of Slerset' 'dm =V r•quir.tecotity will bo regained br de feltbfal fallanidlit of • any omitted dodo nodes Ibis advertiseamt ***** • , . Payment to be =deal theroompletam of the ihrh• beat. S. L. 1111 OWN. 1 .0 1 : 3 =, - ealdela Mid- il./1,13.11. Ji. 111=1 rum s's', Desinbar 1. lsal I BLIND lIAN:BBAND , BAD 116 zia_0.U.E41,p ....4?•,•*4•••• 14mgrA4.. ZOR > LIMB. FUR. twoistoiy brick dwells g house, with back bnildhagi Ho. 26 Bon isnot, Pituborgh.. . , Also, a .large, oouverrient and Wistilllifelted - three, story duelling.bome, with back bandit:4,Na: 29, boss street, between Sint and decond streets: , Alto a two atcry brick disejlinchimse, with back ballafrise, fro: fit Stidibrid Street, wax. All - therabovirare in'griodbrileY, • and supplied with . in end water. ....... •• • • ....... • ..... Alai, mono. story. Immo =thugs lo i. 21 Secoad street, and the.ttreranit7. hams loirdoin "Hotlfof thins home .A In good ordar,and' suitable for midi - Also, ..lot of ground= the - ainthitattwarMy lade of Jima stmot, Anemia Hoer and Try streets, lOW Hots street % lumbar about of.24.feeton'lfird street, arid it runding beck CO feet. The at Otie property fi situated in . a &mixable pert of the city. . ..... For terms of Ws and particularsitenaf .W11:-W. 74 024 '''' 1,17. t i . sas s. Mt. lOs A . VALI:IA.1111W ..13104Aci iltusted to Hancock coma; Matt: Ifirglinsa, mile from New Cumberland, and Myatt an astie*; she front on Um ObtOritar, (deep watery: . •Contstillel ICO acres in a high stets of eOttratlantbee two Yobs , of cost opining On the river-6 foot and tent anise tuft •14 loot vein of Earn Clay: A cm - fortable frame dwelling, barn, - and' other Mardi& hot a splendid orchard. of best election of trait. To paths wishing to purchase a lio.l farm, mid at the same time Work the mat and Are, clay, - tht abase presents a rare oppOrtrilitty for • profitable Watt. meat. For partmolios apply a the oglin of - -- B. A Ow., Zeal Estate Agents. tl o.lol.Fourth a., Yluebarght Or, THOS. LY0196, on the farm. tyl - UAW& YOB MILN- 6 43ittistedin - Bili• .11.! oar =My, about tie inflow tanic,lamomii coraidalag two headrodmeg elghty.stogiateed.' Tbe Lad is of 'pod. abead.oMe; bland ems dean& Cost and 11SUNISCOs as the promilea.- Sloe Dealllng Emma Sam and Oroluird. r Garloired lead well clamored. Will be sold brer. sltharln Otskiwoi or three firms. tor forth.: isi . utti ' misis applrto: - ";.= 'o4ll....Fisilti • •- • --; - Mitts 'Mot, ,„, Or. J.IL:DIOS, Sitiaordna. Pa) meatier.; FOR ,6..u.t;':o3le. i th , Oziot..:seaonii Una Mardi* NO . ..10A3zAhis by; Et One warater new-11011M149 111610 filitadedil 'Two IIYIISAULMItI rTINENNE, tor Elfarew3o ,lol. mope all complete. Eeteral oar sad soootel-haai STEAM ENG from 16 tooti diameter dawn to 3 tub - Via be '• low tor awh. • imam al. Balm, • .1,5:1.1 On the Allethera rtast.car. robot Alba.— OAS —A' PROPERTY FOR SALE.. —A lot of ground containing two arnarantl fortymthe perches, volute adjoining'. property of John Yotmg, garb, oa the north. sad VG B. nmettar Neck, on the weal on comer of . Niagara and Clothes ruetha. This lo de thantifully booed, btandlobrnt , ty fin trom the brow of the f e are d , t overlooks the comae of the river. - is well nd Mooted • tth Am knit and shrubbery. Apply to • , • On B. iteleAlit Ow., MS forth th. poll, SALE--A convenientand x lobbed TWO-13TOBY BRICK 11.01381cidtbl moms md good dry oollor, sad trydroot your. with -- - "NclAor S lotio TO LET. Wig .RENT—The throd-stof BEWX x We/HI/ILIUM 80. 6 Wood noon, two doon Rom Wate : stoot. • Ira teas apply.tocatiktm mum a. Won 0: tondos wooSwoo, 10:1261.2d dad Wood strona. rixr litstr--tme, Two or Imo liOoms" In the third or fourth stories of GUMS BnU4 Ina, Fitth street, with or without steam power. • - lanits on Os prewipe. ' era turs. iitiNT--The - third story of trici bnildfieg now' by the lubsatiner;coriiir at ISC Call meet - sad sAtimi Way. •• • '• KAU : zJK /WO :-ICCS.'t AP. k fsia E GARDINER 00FRIN, Lam scist W P. JONES, dam Nowa Axil& ir • CIA. State of Psomiybrlibb. 'add Ilarldbrdlai mune* (kainseas. 87 Water OVAL - • Id.. GOILDONo , tisousarg mass .1101001111 , 1311.112W1det street.. . - DM. BOWL, - Swum= AA* Unman Oeirmurr, 117 NM Myst. Quairsanaseriaiingi•tiThll Orrzono. Weestsotat Ctrer, Nardi Wide& J OWNERS or STEAM - 9 the invited to send to the Quatercontur Cfenind'a "ores tenders for tin& charter or .- _ Tendon should containdesarlytioss or the wain : = l dlssousrons,enrolled or • redriessd, tonnage, espacityontlarla‘whetheroopysted, Whether=basi or grapiest* whether topper or inns festened, Age end bower of ensign* end bdbmi, ma should state the yells &twilled& they Ire long or short charges, with thaestignsted= *A tbs inset bronage of bnig,or IS ale theigmerountin should yrefet , lii Sug:hoe indeed of Chalingtit7 Owners of stain Valli& &heady in lb* sonde 41._ tho giencteraugstea Dspertasen‘ ITS redeasted [ make known to the Dabsralunt -any ndnctkon; ih ' their Feint Wee' which thermay.bi - millted to mint, arid eleo Shapiro &titlark - oerM 'b* 11W tot to sell them - - • - all sorb tender' should be Sadness& to the Our.. .tertoester General of thollnited fltstellint Washing. ten, ant Amid be wedessen”Yruisnshl for, the chin; ter or sale of Stamen:" - View recetild tbsy' a a the Deterteteet'itill ondeeroe to t•edisee, the beariegs: pests stlandtod army Innepnisticuinpon thiamin and tblawaters by natotitntins, whenever it - con do .20,'.chesper vowels of egrudaivselty Sir those DOW ITURNITLIRE oats AND WOOD mum 11.1111,1111 OSP wicasaus os arum woonwsit4 .ft ind Third stnat, orpootti onoootoor to JaPiiiia N 0.14 (1t tr. 4 ja , U, roaa.ragrs~. Domair In HAOON:LAINSUPiIIit-CIDAIDILILKai 0011. NABILIT AND inn iinsimu a11:411 • if& 1 IiAILIMLAX!,,t3I4.OII6 I - .. , I I OUNTI^'- 4,11.P1011110118, BAOIC FAT, our lIILITAZI, CLAIM of ovoryllootoliloolool Obi oubi torpor. IA tholotboatag . rofolOst lhaslawhiß .0f 011uofoloteof011150:‘ (42,11XL0B T dt ia, Grist otroot,:fillabsight N.D.. No amuses ors mast! lbo dais Am not foocood. sad all talbriastkok titr.n root*, jeauski at maims , 1 - ,-; " - inioxlo24 tr i ll of Hn idi ltaiili tot,saporfa tondo ego jn.Wani,--...°R=ofM? of t %tt l hfifiles Limo* nal rooomo:ittreota, Allfabsay - •Ufa 81Litia.--,CJUJUSD HAJEM .• IKON) lb.. lattchell a iota. calcalaan • 1 60 . 1 11 t itac l niam io t afs o Mar , m a in •ra us sad k 3OO :s.slip irjung7 7 • • ii.A.DrSrASAMIVS ,4I• aLOTIGef 'tee Minot••• Ohlretrot. Ft. TWLer.. l3 l lllll. --a; muß IN „ - stattou, Watizuctes. iind 1111 641 111 " ."-- ' ru imam,' aosossiiiiiddiSnailla disith (=opt flunday) as Itgl Mail MIMI lad mita ro Uri - ~ A rgi l," Pint 41i:« Va l l i l altil tue rre=U P WOO Escced lems daft (amp ibilidekthiew.la. Third amosModados w.~.811 itairlillistin hag id nrcis u rnalat tita ug 4 " l " ?man tcsna mai, foriOa ,7:Ma chuciaairiWoom lir • st °6- it • Ib i l' ' -w-ti t e ::z c =co ,-- 1 liiiiisiaivi Ca • •;, se . a a "1""' ' . /1 10 1 . i riA: -•.; ' arNrignntleione,ALlAscoonm. ~..„_. a M i°OS- ,N. Mn - Illars IMAMS _ . _/' t s l .l l. l o 6V cukff i w. sa ak26.pal 't=lli NUMB sir IlaMMl,foies a li g n, yak ..12! ancirtebillditaidrcignei ail& 4ANW.tf I NVllbenit _unmet' Actittiofti - Ow Trani sod WM =am . hoozoot and illilar4Lrjoitis mu rape will sad to tran tr iPthilt rtranerwark tart& _ea -ni7.,fi . a the u _.. .... •.. =4 l = 4 2 __ .717—iiisima...„ :t 's MEIN falgetFlAGO ikl i g .7.• :. ~ - - - . -.: 1 - : r te;-;_ •' , .t: - . , :I-- -.. 'i re newm - oet - „.6....4 111 4 6. , ~,,,,_,.... 10 ...2.................4.. To Rarrlokalli; , '... Y 'c,,IL z•.1t1 , 10:.: g. 10.1 1. s a :4ii • _. *it 411! a 1 441 tai t . ffik , V 1 5 1-1 tr... ? Idl i ff. : 11 f - _.: - -'-•- ‘ 1 mi SWltille t•-:; ~t_ _ ~. iiit a 4, ,lsinatitinr:Plird=r, la "atiromAiW i ltsil*Natglargraql ll o l 4 ll "i **wil t HOTITCL-13111:4*Wielui gr "4/7 la ? Mg " 2 ' 4 _ ll9gX - --- ...-,-%___ m-ditt...---,........-.4 .. ---- ft ..a ..., toad hersawnrilisi trowlitht Othastrids - too. Ladlattspons. alslanalt../saillodTher LOW!. at. Jaisph, sad oa potato amend sad 11 saAst Wp:.titithjilaithion OLL - Ilt 4 4 31 ,"" I, &let_ —..,—.',-:-.. :. Isom 11 - -77'..'1.. `..... - .:,.... - LllO •:- if . roe p.s't, , to wdy5T00.t... , .«...:.: +.lO ' u MS' a* ~' do' i1a1ard•••+j05......... kW : On' -- -4:01a le , c , - ,' . , : Alamo, ........e....... .1k11_ , .5.: , 414/1, 1 E,:i do ..* do Boma* .. Wit 1.. IX -_,,,,i 4. do • NOM' '' ...;........i. iht - .. 0 _ .1410 , - 8 i...., ' , 11 - 'srlverst Clios. lito , m , TX l e''''' ' etZsysidirta . var _.*iroiltutotitt *ma Donna& - - Fart -Wow satitehhada t , r; iiin77oarah Alloatis Oat Graf.iissaSiatlppoll....,, for Warren, greehtlUbal (6 . l = l 4 , Jaateetoeneted.ideeeteeer,sll' , triad. itsoartalo sad cestosaati• sootalot -•': Colohoit Nab otLatinerours;_ 9144, t.' i with C. L M.S. B. tor Ma. Drums aisdpittimi, with 0; a T.D. ii; Or landui* 7 0 ./ I .*Re !WY" with sawswes for Detroit. , ~„ Wellttills Acasastodadoa hates at &OW tit — ''.:.' ' astwatiag hatsohrelet at ItIO •o." at., 11111Fois 1 F: 06 liu 16.ohnd W 3 .0 g. Mr ' --1) , _ -i 11. , i..t , i; 1 ,Z,..i... =/*WU to on Wroalaiot gotio: ,i 14 the LibsktVitrott -fed at ♦Dad.QQ Gitf. A. Q. GabsiLBIIISTAImbi - .'. tor farther utoea ILLI apyi] , , 011 i Arial At the Compute e OM** /NW hee2imaeht,4. Domith 'SAMOS 4114•114.< "'" , 'D :-..' ~ ~;,Ci, ."."' 114"1" . AndlaiLiiiii"iiiiii.a. r= T Om =Oran ISSollAtat i alackaa tailaisiailf a ..1 , Into moat. tat t i res u raV S 4l . l o ol C, olll ZrAdllitt, lagimVssailtballe tosgrad ad - all ummaimi baUar, and a4ol4oed calthirmatilloolosiarias at. , ..., Tres,tei 3sui aid Dscasabm Istasalt__ liasfailil&r,e, &rad issaiolsislani ISt losCsusi a1510w5.,1.55,... taw Bask was _ stew 7tr otalspar - , t . iliagi:desSlll , l;lll;t i rsii:isdiUge l n it, a....ct** &podia, as priasiss4 , laratslalrslisbie - kl . tarialtak=s= na sas sT93l4.lagozymimetill="th uahlarkrsfr4tindiail: BOCata. tba Warw. Splstravillaiss , "- - . sal BagalaSyla_se.fpndOd la1"60,141011 1 13011. • ..., Piaissikri- 43 0iGililitifiliV • , . , ... Ja1in5.11130, 1 4 ., - ' r. IwoA Prakock. ---', adba mama, ‘.._ '4 -.: AApalummout •.,- . .., z ~ Aisissits: flosuri ...:: : Jon 3.,D4311•411L4 - , L r, a: 11,14.1,11 . 11/10d0C4 ,A.11.1.404#0111p.• .- , /moo ltaikuley, ' , 1011131a011A. .-1 - ..,::. ' f miss Er b .014-1-- Wnart bads AbiziA t _. ,, ' ,-. ,:. • • AIWA. iiiiiimie. 2.C.C.4 ...I. Jon a. 5• 111 P~ _ l. - rater 0..A114 1 411. 7.' ii.',7l iohaCL'lltalla, t *, ."Joka Orr, - "., , , ..,i AllPillliA m i walnillr.' ' . - Mari Ir. i ': . .V 3 WA. Colton. . Amor 811134. - --t ..a•s iji INAIiAM. ,-, - ' "ha J r4. l t l4l = 4: `" p ow g. g us k eL - I liMilairirsaitta ii ; ~ : litehiga HaMi :-. 1 Imo I nail* .... ,, C , Jogai-IL - Idr.: ~. -:. Ina. 2.llltirow:d • - •..1.-t , - Willisi.A.-Looljr. -,_, , A,ltainthatlias ,- ,- , . ilici/ 12 "X a' ; 1 5 1 !' : _': - IIMP (Ii t rOiL --,AS. . . • . . -,4,_.. 1 ,- .; ~ ;if 5 +1.(:.2.2..1, 1.14:i1.2;:. , ......., t.tr dr ate t ir ' 'irbrn titeASSLI.: . ' ' Fatal 0.1 -ft i^-,1..t I .... • .. ,... .„ 1 .!....11V1-. • . 1 . ' . . .'"' 'liiitai:a•-: - i , B VOA WOOLXV4I - 404 VS . ''• ' 1:2; MIKALII 61.: OM V it =ll 6ol 4 , rigi V= l: l limilinft.4ll44l Z. T. . 51:1. Di 27 11 =koal a a OMER& AIM! a . 1/1!1, W 1 r 1 411 0 . 1 :.", t W ~, I, i UttSl-....CLINBAIN_L.I .11A*Allik,‘,..,i ;BMW fALW AND mum 00:.,.:: um= num " '• ' 01101WriallWt :' '"" - -"---: •• ti. any ,1 &pal lowlierT!.itist*,. A i gttEi4N WARD. siik - ini. uriita;,, , ,, Lasso Clantsad kr .1s11! COON* sal SNOW, WOW sit Mws Esellio. 403:10 hat Mao. ItorsitssiVastUA zwas .f. , Post Anal' sail 74wss . f,:ITLIPtiraD, ~ , ..,, ~, L IVIIMIIIO. st.? *Vast- ' ' ' -` ' --- - ' i lasnatisafrartair.tasydsist iswiligell 111011111 Nit, . . ....p.l.t,suu, .... an tesVP l Ol Isisaltalea istalas: osadallas "swift igawf, t ax esiods ass sad litall's „ 4t..03;,... IP DR arliko th, l oo lllo ke "- . , ampio.c.o MIBUIT TUX& .11.7. daikiska , -.lllstliali s.wo Zik St obaitslmeliamil to *DT , Wilt airs taw sobs.. l " dlillbt was Ink ..,I".:ta MI - ca AppIoGIMP 1"ltt. 1 arthrell riffit,plalliVielkellti I; 100-453 1"1"9"Uns-rlf774 —, "Pit 314110....ti0at•-nissaiitnikarisl.. 1 ~,A71,7 e ., ~,A, , , _ AA,; : ..,p ,,x...: antaiwrim a rmil i tristAlp____Wcz Leams•rrersimraiiii24-11. ,asresamidwoh! mh.,. , 1 : • , ...... , . A ~a-777. t - i•-;*. kliftW.l.ll mil arsokossg.sa Sgiii;3o4 E. 11.1 Baltimore sad Bps lowa gentio - -.4.1;...t , Oalsast tart Iker silo by .-- . -, • - . ''i,sitii . . . - ." , - , , . ~111liadtitit asasol alOssir , •:. Tlirr" —MEMO .ri. A AIN StreLS, =Apt 10 "4.,41# lot it Mill - - 40E11•411MWmati r olmt 10111.2 ii Mitt ING*II4 re 16 =l9l •11 4IIIL t & L END , Imo : - Imlay,— r--ii-Avae, - - - witmrdit.........,,0„,t Ruby bl " a i.../Nuitit UO7 In==A EZZI ':. :r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers