i ~~iiY =RBI :.: I : - . • ! ;: •-•V••• L i; 4 IBMIMI t i '' 1 ... t - t-, 1 ,1 14 ~ 4 -4 • . '- k, \ƒ wv: . .; :, `. , „1 , ; . 1 , •••::'-'-. e! 21.1 -.-... ;; :14 , i, .: .-i::. : -It'''' ' ?"' ' * i. . 1::•••.' '•!-.: ...„4 - : , - --, :' _ Ito' ' - ' a, ...;,,, .. ,: ' z.. 4 1'-e.. ' l :4-: 7 . - "t.. 1 , it....w. ; !"-••• i: - -4-F:. .; ~ kt 4,‘•:.....i0.i...,•.,:. i';',..'' •N - 1, 1 . ';' ::;.*1•".::‘"..-:7!.....i ;. : . 141 t' ~.."'T..':' .-'''' :...! . :It •'*t. *. ,: : ',l},•: , ' 4l =ZEE _,_ .. ti . F :' ;: 4 !a7:ti , , ® ,? • ; ." • • . ," • 14. i , ,; %. " '-: •;' . ••' ' - • „ • i•-• \ \ ‘• fq, X 4 l ' . 4 "Av 4l V. 2 ; • • Sfil liTbsblirgb ogitztttit. DAY 1(ORNIF~ , I:TuLY 21 10.1 T 4FF41128. 'Mr 171770ralePAPIX ,0111111 m _Union Comity Ticket. &lip of As Di!trici XOBl3 RixPTON; • lb. Aseesdar. s JOHN P. GLASS. • ALY EtZD iLA OE. =OIL BIGHAIL yti, Okeh dam .I;,^agasoN. TivairreK - • DAVID , AIKIIN; is. ADSIDIG AIcOLUBI I.IIIPL WM J. BIOSAADWN. • A.. 044 MILIG nmsashidosir. GIORGIMTON. /kr _titisisse ?.. ~,:, . .1011NP: MAYO. . _ Pittibienk Sanitary Committee. TbnAdlowiiig donations harp been noshed at Si routs of the Sanitary Committee, No. 5110ilitketreet, did:lsta* weekending Sat-. gpirsi,sl4-.lBth, 1863. A largo.amonnt of shallthlfis be n hipped by the Committee to Littladile,tinting *the wort, an urgent de manffiaring bean made from that point, for suipliis `for tha wounded from Vicksburg. Wm next shipment will probably be to the Initifor the }lief of the sufferers in the late 101044Sitr:Gitkrabnrg. It is desired by the ffmailitoe that mous wishing to contribute eksiditismA lathetrdosatione.r stiriy se nos sibia;la pritest tint - *Mika Boldien"AtiB4sty.-12 bottles bissilskany brandy, 2 'bottles rye whiskey, 20 pealosges dried frult,l6 cane frnit,4 glasses Jeltr, 3.pepors cora stazolt,2 packages Moe, 6 wan enip,.2 ens tomatoes, I papers farina, 3 mars ginger, 2 papers pepper , 1 box mus gird, 1 paper Maples,' seek tabu salt, 1 bed tlelr,l package literature. Union Soldiers' Aid Society, Monongahela City; Pa . -6 pillows, 15 pliloskases,B sheets, Ibuadi s pade3 ,fmnsquito net, 52 handkerchiefs, 1 bandages, 29 towels, 34 AM', 2S pairs dames, 1-pair slippers, 14 dressing gowns, 23 hop pad., 13 seeks dried fruit, 35 cans AL Man" - d-12 nnutittito nets, 11 handker ahla6„ roU of militia. , Mies LoalsalW2 c o s ts, 2 neckties, 1 Ant, Feleet, 1. go magazines. .111.=frholi.4.1 large bundle lemon. , Wm. Iliddle;4 box lemons. . BMWs' Aid Society .Weal Antrim, p ‘ ..._7 palm drawers,4 dies, bondogoo and linty paiac e drled fruit, bandlo reading mattar. ' Aid Society, New Mmos, PAL— M!, ktl rir2,l74dn'easidons, 4 bed ticks, 20 painfttrailetiM shirts, SO handkarobieb, 6 eratate;l pair woolen seeks, 2 cans toma toes, 8 nabs nult,l bag dried apples, 1 bottle blubbers, wine, - ID pillows, magazines, pa pa Mot boa.: • •- ' Boldtaa' Aid 84C44ty, Elttanulag, Pa.-90 gods, 7 piligws , bugs lot Hat, rap and bands ges,lllo salad, 67 hisadhsrestlais, rdssulag gowns, Atimire sod ' s, 6 pairs slippers, 32 palraslrawats,ts towels, Ilobirto, 6 old shuts, $ add oobbt,, -- k packages *bid halt, 18 tans : . - t #. Mat.. 7. P. Lyon, - Sligo Purnicr, Pa.-17 firs trnit.2 jars antrum bottle black. lisnylinmil bottle tonic n syrup. 2 pounds iimeigato,l2 poandi farina, 1 Ruud mustard, 2 pounds Me, 2 pounds soap,l package iambs, 4 pedm4eaf fans, 2 quires letter paper, 2 packages envelopes, 18 postage stamps, 2 old wally twit, 3 Roars old draw ersokinsitio shirts, 2 neckties, 8 towels, 6 pairwietbra socks, 3 numquito nets, 24 Harp er's-Inikiles woolen rags. 00161ine. Ai Society, OA Si. IL P. Chino, Pittibargli-47 muslin shirts, 1 pair drawn", 124iimilietrahists, 3 can fruits old mulls' and basidird, M mraiere, 4 rats, 2 11 o err coats. Mn. B. Buns; Biterthl P. 0.-3doun eggs, 4 paskaplafralt. • Setilies" Aid Sudety, New Castle, Pa.-34 shine, le old shirts, 0 oil-cloth pads, 71 hand. komibleli,-28 towels, '7 pillow cues, 9 pain drawino liathor pillows 1 quill, 33 hop pillows,' 1 Sonia wine, 3 Ants 1 beg elder. bends* liken coats, Ibit, muslin and banda ge'. Xn. Siblilo.4l cans paean. &Idlers' Aid boilers, Beidsburg, Clarion 00 1 1 8 % Psr...46.shirts, - 20 pairs drawers, 6 Willows, 7 pillow cases, o ld inn, muslin and ,tandages.3 towels, 1 arm alias, 10 haadker eddids,'4 _pads, I. jar app's bailor, 1 Gan Milt, 1 Jazjelly, 4 paokages dried fruit. - Mrs. Lis, Lawnamtrilly, Pa.-1 jar fruit, 4 Adrif t ! pairsdrawers, 6 neckties. . Xn..Wii:3lcOlure- 1 13 =ignite, nets. I Soldiers' Aid Seedily, Xt. Jaekson, Pa.l3 pads, 9 pillows, 7 pain drawers 26 pillow assesh.2 skirur„ 19 tords,4B pookel-handker. alines, 3 quilt', ' rage and bandages, 1 Palr NNW 4 likes ,ts 2 dais linen thread. ; Boldlare•Aid Stabity, Brookville, Pa.= 24 towels, 63 handlowohiefs, 16 bander., 10 arm sling%•ls shim, 3 *oats, 3 pairs drawers, 6 slums, 7 cans 13 Ottawa 27 pads, 3 *maim zags, Jibed spread, 2 pall! socks. •"-1315a.-3. Patti/ion-4 can nide, 9 towels, 2 ;adages old•mulin. A friend-1 an 'terries, 2 bundlis linen.. - Xtrs. Capt. ReliTo3 alarm, 2 nits, 1 pair .diswors. 7,440' Aid Society, Wcirtliloston, Pa.-16 shies, 12 pads, 8 pairs drawers, 6 towels, 6 faits, N/ peitlida dried frill, 1 - gallon dried b um ., itasdkrroblef, 6 pairs rocky,banda gesand dins ' s< +la-coahl.as 80bilam' h 1 0001017, %Nita, Pa.-12 lanolin skint, 2 skle: o , 13 towel,, 2 quills, pair 'Oki, 16 handkeroldele, 1 old linen coat, Way^ inualin, linen shirt, 31 - fans,4 pack. ape &lid pat, 1 Sakai. swam,. Wm- BoldiereAld Society, Balm, Pa.-28 &sten mss, I buisiseloats,l9_pair drawon &sheets, 31 genii s ':l2 _kandkereheds, 4 pillow cases, 1 leather gillker. 2 beg/ bb9r. I Pair soaks, / (flint, beadle muslin, _link and bandages, 11 as trio, 4 paskages drialitlt, 2 packages doe, 14 ...oat gra% 1 bottle ontrants, 1 oaks maple sesgr i kb pounds &iodised, 80 pounds dried apples" AO peturdrirssh-battsr. - __. 0 Oldiee Aid Society, West Oreenvlllo, Pa. ...limp JO &bet apply', 9 packages deed frnit, di'abh: - * 87 eaas 1'11%6 haadeerohlets, 7 pillowi; - /Ciatrelo, lint, baadager aad old nulia,l patioeks, 2 papers pins, 3 bottles amp. X, ipteby Mat, 1 bottle ehloroform, 2 beaufgalpkiller, I Jag ennui wine, $ dreedsir vain% 16 giests,l3 old shirts, 6 pil low eeesea psokagg.isa, Large let potatoes. Oidiftirsem . Aid dorki‘l. Delayers PI--11 shirts, &Paha drawers, S:0 towels, epillows, 7 easses.,3ltarakeroldits, 11.0ppillowl 4 Pain elippessi lot oil media, 111)C • and benders, dobliers'Aid.Boolety, Lee; hbrat, tPa.-24 sew skins, II old shirts, 8 . pairs &swan, le ;14-Wei A lestber ?Wows; 1 lull IS vital/ linen coat; old - muslin, Ilbses, sittandagie; 2 sheets, 4 billow eases, $ testemeate, mem:km ..aetmoas, and mem 2 bottlesilarnutt shrub: 80 gams ;rule, ajar fresh batter., ~ -, : -- st - Mr. A. A. curia. -4 old skirts, 2b ' dies .14rs. Wills 7 dosat le:teas. -- linr.2ltonas Willlanu---17 towels, 2- airs geokapkbale old linen, reading tristrer. XplesepalP Soldiers' Aid Boslety—lB new sbistiill old shirt., 6 fund Attu, 12 pun aoake, 2 pan Meats, 1 andersbirt; 1 - box lint, 2 ofippi 7,pairs 2 .1-N drawers, 7 pillow lames , 1 vest, - linen. dislaire Aid , giodety, Ent Birmingham, Pso;4l3B.lkirti 4 Ismail slats,. 11 sheets, 22 pilkti f inier ":,,4. pain *imsw 12 handier ddggeol delei/enteris, ,banda ges and lint, 6 1 9.1 =0 1691 - lies; f gandirrins, Pa.-17 tassel allay ';111" pairs ,Arairers,i 20 muslin abLets,lt hiadlterekieb, 4 rawsirs 1 deai• 1 Walk, I pair teach 1 binders's, 6 pg.:As sad:led fsaitit Mitts% r 9 05ti 9 _ 4199 . &Min' Aid doelety,Allegbeny-68 skirts, ri Pain dans* as Urea, so old skirts, 6 *milt+) nets, 20 pais, 4 linen coat/id pairs - 90019 -Ir 4 WW I / A kandlteroblets, baneages AM sit, 17eir slippers; 9 ma MD, 8 Jeri hallo L nadbig / woolen - °Osaka, 1, -iseeksde rap, 1 cateroap, 2 bottles *Mad' essescagliAtelfOCCDpuirob, 4 bottles black. =Vs, 1 - bottli ginger Wine, i bottle *U, I 44 88 11 1 beg mass 1 bushel po ,,- treldiste Aid &misty, Wltite towieldp, in , as Pih,--30shirta,19 pairs drawers, ad / -4-krowels; 10 sheets 21 . pillow • deatt, - 9 1 9949 *? 99 " 1 -Paoiages dried drat; Crab sok 9 Pillows, 32 minded ;bia s ,14 1 iisdh Wawa add limn, 11 "psoo. , N s irquoiss, Spout& soap, ld pugs guars 4 P 9 098 Dora 9 5 904 0 44 Notalis Mod Mt% kl.jaggralt. • . • -- • • " cAuL '1.•& ri• ,5?-V6F-VA;y, 4! . 464.12.4.;;T:PA1r4g-W44-4,10.,;17e - A-itiak-017-9-=' , *' 6- "s" 4 1 "' l 3 ' 4 ' 4 V,ki--'lolltkviW:ft-s•t4s. , eA I : The following donation of money have been remind by Jams Park,Jr., Tressumr of the Sanitary Committee, during the weak ending July 14,1863 : -- Mn. Sarah G. Coffey, Amble, tp..—.g 10,00 James ....... 10,00 .1. H. Walter 5,00 Dr. Mullin, Benokisy„--_....... 5,00 J. W. - Anderson, Hillside; Pa_—„... 5,00 Connoted by Dr. Carothers, Winch's burr . „... 74,00 Proceeds of sol;n:ltlyeby Y — ottlh's Aid Botdety...—... ...... 12 , 00 Oolliotad by Capt. 0.1„ rintavills 23 50 Joseph Wilson, Jiler7on Collected by S. 8..11111 and leery H. Reper.„--, -'- .„ 127,00 'Collected by Zaire. Montooth . and Eiger. 31 ward, Pittabergh... ...... 700,11 Evans A .. Metcalf » 10,00 Mn. Met Butler— Robert Davis....-------.„...„. 10,00 David Williams.-- » 10,00 Willie William, 25 B,y.Clarion.. L e ee . . .......... 5,00 James W ampbell.- .......... 10,00 Cash ....... „ 1,00 T. 50 °Risme Ist ward, Pittebargi.P•77lfits 'Unmans k attn.-- " 892,00 lows : HeaHlio, per B. P . Bray , P. M., am fol- . S. P, Gni ...-.... - $lO,OO P. o... Rogers --..... . . ... -. 5,00 Thomu Hill.: ..... --............ ..... ... 5 . 0 0 H. H. Matthews- -... .... . -... ...... 5,00 H. Winett- -.--..„,........_, 10,00 Milton M. Junking.-- - .... 5,00 Daniel Pa -ok.. .„-......-__.„,"...`„: 5,00 James M. Miller — ....-.--.--... ... . .. - 5.00 hire. Karp Miller..--..---.---.... 5 , 00 W. R. another.-- 5,00 Thos. H. Ina__ „._____ .... _ 5,00 Wm. ELI ... . . --.... ..... - _ 5,00 Josiah John...-- « ......«.... 5,00 Iwo Thompson.-.... - --. 5 , 00 Thomas blartMaale...- .. .:-7.-.. - .: 5,00 011 verLi000k-..-.....- . 5,00 Lori Dawson....-...-- „„,„„... 5,00 ILW. Rogers ............ .....- -.... 2 , 00 /th .8unn1ittn........ -_. 2,00 Demos Ormusum.-........„...- 2,00. Hite' Lum.......... ___ 2,00 James J, mu, 'sr --.... ..... --- 2,00 °harks Horton' l,OO John Horton.a- ......-.—.-..... 1,00 kiln X. L. Greenfield -...- . 1,00 Joseph Low .b...........-..-..... ............ 1,00 Thomas Ilobirm,n--.--.-....____ 1,00 Total tooallita for weak. ..... $2,033,18 Tax Haw Horn Stamina was tried yczLer day icening - for the Ant time, at the corner of ends and Luca& Its., Allegheny. The trial was not so much to teat the throwing capaaity (lAMB powerful engine'as to try the working of the machinery. But ons 'action of hose was used, lagile , with a steam pressure of only 120 pounds, - and a diatanae of 280 feet, horizontal, was reached. A pub -110 trial of the "Nom" will take place this afternoon, at two o'clock, before a committee of 00111101111, at the corner of Ohio and Federal streets, when we dull be able to furnish our readers with the results. Meantime, we may congratulate the citizens of Allegheny upon so welcome and so powerful an addition to our Are department. We would call attention of those interested 10 the advertisement of the City Solicitor in another column. The validity of the sewer law was decided by - the Supreme Court last fall, and of course that is Ind and coneinsive. The Disiziot Court of the county has recently decided, in favor of the city, these cases, in volving all the queitions and points that can be raised on the general grading and paving assessment of 182. The City Solicitor has delayed putting farther costs on delinquents anti those, oases should be decided, by 114 Court. But if the delinquents do not, with out fuither delay, now come forwafd and ut ile, he will feel compelled to issue writs and subject them to costa. Es gives this Ratios so that all parties may have fair warning, and have no cause of complaint hereafter. TiE DILLIPTID months' and three months' man are to receive credit for the dma they tarred, and are to 21110&112, should they desire It, in the same regiments they enlisted in until their term of volunteer enlistment expires, when they will be placed In three years' regiments for the remainder of their time of semis. Those who are in the fitata's 1141111110% and not mustered into the United States' service, will, if drafted, hydnly notified through their commanding aims and required to report to the Traeort M&Litl.lll of the district where they were drafted to be enrolled into the United Btater sereloe for three years from the dote of snob enroll ment, DLUCT Lau TRAMS 97TH Bosom —A I . •galar line of four sailing vessels has been established betwcan Cleveland, Ohio, Toronto (and ether lake ports) and LlverpooL The vessels are the barqoe itoveroa, 904 tow; brig Joke G. Deader, 373 tons; bargee Vas, peard, 393 tons, and the schooner Aloppock. The Ant named vessel is now ready to be dis patched. All Ski vassals sail ander tits Brit ish flag to avoid the Interferon, of pirates or the heavy "war risk" insaranoss. DIED ra Nair Oatasze.--On Sanday, dur ing the stay of the rebel Piisonars V this city, one of them, Lieut. Wm. T. Morris, of the .15:h Lesbians iteginsent, threw a note from ttn can, address's to Mr. Butionp, of Ds. qaesne Douch', and Informing him that his son:Jonathan W. Buhonp, a captain in the label envies, died In. New Orleans, In Feb nary, 1865, of pnasmonLs. Ills family is new at Harrisonburg, Ls. Noun duszaus.s. Oartualn.—Dea lel Dusky, who haa bean the tarter of the Yana wha Valley due the wat began, and who boasts that he bar billow:l=n enough to fill a grave yard, was captured a few days since in the *Way, and taken to Wheeling. As he was rush a great prise, he was maned In the jail instead of the military prison. PIUMITLYANIA Bros: aan Wousnan ornta.=Tho Monads and Matins of Ponnol _vials soldiers admitted to the hospitals in Phi Wapitis diarist, oan haul information rospooling_timmbrappliostion to Jos.Parkar, Child of Hospital Commission, Nos. 1009 and 1011 Chaumont street. Rem Wonitniti.—The freight oars, loaded with rebel prisoners, reached Harrisburg on Friday evening. The train was detained there until late at night, when the prisoners were sent over the Lebanon Talley road, towards New rem TUZSTAMi ag we learn from one of the members now in this city, Ms not lost a man sines it left here. They were en. gaged seventeen day, before Vicksburg, with Ellett's Marine Brigade, bat only five of the bays were weunded. Limn. J. GIBBON, of the Stanton Artillery, attached to Gen. EUett's Marin• Brigade, will le In this city in a day or two, for the pur pose of enlisting a few men for the Marine -Brigade. Boatmen will be preferred. Item Dummies 81amema.-1t is as serted, on good authority, that hundreds of rebel deserters and stragglers are now actually engaged . in helping the farmers of York, Ostaberland_and Adams counties to gather IMO mops. rum am On. Olnr.-00 Sunday, the oil re finery of Mr. Cornwell, a New York oil metonant, wee destroyed by fire near Oil City, together with a largo quantity of reined oil ready for shipment. Tio bran Mamma Assoc!=or will be hold la 114441ag, on the 4th, 6th' and oth of davit. Lunn end Misses' salters, bilisonl boots, kn., stump, at MoOleillazd's Motion House, 56 Bitth street. Ernie MA 01 4 711 4 at auction this evening, - at 8 Valois, at iloOloilansi's ISO PM street. A sly lot of hoop Olt% jut matted, at Nqlnellaad'i Motto' Homo. DIED s liiiithoOth—Os Worthy morales thily loth. et obloth, Mr. ANDBlith ILIZIEWOOD, !a the 11th per of the op. . The Wadi of the badly ere lathted to attend Ws fain!, froth Ide tits reetlence CI riding strut. N 0.14 near Web attest. Pittsburgh, ea TOMIDAT, July 210.!t 2 cede* pia. DUNCiiii=oa :Math iambs& Jet, eats, at the reethathe"al -Lee Watt. totrt. Iterneterta Melee toiatbie. - XABOARXT DOMAN, thathd year ettharaP.' - Flypral at 10 Algotor Tawas unarm. Chi , diiiiitrilllaus tea pita mash Oneskrf4o Aka. • spECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. Gaorsa in) BAKra's Sivas ILLeam, for faintly and manufsettuing purposes, are the beat In ese. A. F. Ono Tony, General Agent, No. 18 Birth street. THORAX PAM, Plain and Ornamental blew Roofer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Va. ZllO.St slate of the best quality at low ratio. oftlet at Alan. Laughlin's, :Lear the Water Works, Pitiebv2gh,Pa; apBt6m Omni° Gar an RITIIII Brook Av Cost.-- Sam'l Graham, merchant tailor,ls selling o ff his Spring and Summer stook ogoods at oast. They *enlist of ill the latest styles of cloths, cassimarol and vaginas, of which he is pre pared to make up In the most fashionable manner and at wapitis. The public, should not neglect to avail themselves of this rare Chanel aad OCT. money by giving him an early cell. Also, a largo assortment of pla in and tansy oanbnarcs, well adapted for boys wear, which he will eoll by the piece far below cost. Mothers should not neglect to call early. Reset Gassiest, Merchant Tailor, No. 64 Market street. ATTRITION, ILETVENED VOLUNTEER& 1.-.ThE Munition of our country's bravo defenders re. neatly returned from the seat of war, and of the public in general, is again directed to the very extensive and handsome assortment of the !abut styles of French, English and American piece goods, for pants coats and vests, lately received by Messrs. John Wider A' Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 126 Federal street, Allegheny. A tasteful seleotion of gentlemen's furnishing goods will also always be found on the shelves of the establishnumt, together with a lot of ready-made clothing, got up in the best manner. New Amara. or Suwon Czeratish—Of ten we are asked, wheels can we inns a neat and comfortable mama snit, made tin order, thus having the Ghana of molesting our own goods f To all these inquiries we can answer, go to Messrs. W. H. McGee dt Co., corner of Federal street and Diamond Ilienare, Alleghe ny, end you will be united according to your taste. They have just received their summer goods, and for elegance of styles they cannot be surpassed, and for Atom they are the very persons, as their work is all done under their own supervision. Give them a call, and you 4831110 t fail to be satisfied. Cant DVITLIPEXT.-At the Dental !sta tute, No. Sal, Penn street, sets of teeth for four dollars, better than those at Ire dollars at the other dented establishments. An per sons are requested t all at the Institute after holing smartened the lowest prices at the other cheap pLsoes. All work done at the Institute is guaranteed superior to any cheep Dentistry la the oily. A FIVE MUD or• .Hlll.-141V. J. H. Con nell, N. Y. city, says in a letter t " I procu red Mrs. 8. A. Allen's World's Hair Restorer and Rylobalsamam (or a relative. lam hap py to say It prevented the falling off of the hair, and restored it, from being gray, to Its natural glossy and beautiful black." Bola by druggists everywhere. Depot, 198 Greenwich street, Sew York. dew NOTION To DRISTID Mil.—H. O. Mookrell, Attorney at Low, No. 1.14 PIM strut, next door to MoTighe'sßanklng Henn, will attend to the business of presenting to e dame of drafted ems for eaaseptioa. large and mocaesfal experianoe in all kinds el sot dives elating, ate hien in every way to attend to this business. BOLDINES,De to your own health, do not trust to the army 'applies; Cholera, Paver and Bowel complaint will follow your *light en indiveretion. Holloway'. Alb and pier. foment should be is ovary mated knapsack. 'Thu British and French troops use no other midi- Mom. Only IS muss per box or pot. 216 As the County Treasurer has now fitted ap the room fonuerly occupied by the County Commissioner, in the north•west timer, lint floor of the Court Hoc" we would advise all oar friend• to call and nay their tax while, they osn have the bawl% of the per eentage. Noma ro Psormerr Howse; Acura LID ALL Otratuis larreesento.—For metre or al teration.' to morn or dwelling, new roofs, er lay thing ells la the Serpentsr line, ita/1 st Cethberee Carpenter Shop, Virgin alley, above Smithfield streets. All crime promptly attended to. oriaira and Caimans (Tama will ba takes al the °Burt= atics 2 110. 4D Llbarty (treat, dig a: night. 611 oldest laft at tar above pLace will ba unaptly ettna:led tn. an eat snot ba raid Ca Em C. Wu., Dentist, 246 Pima street, &them! tr all Inuiera• of Ms iseel.rtnet EhOirtilYZ 7l&ttllH4Llt 01/111.011, %to DUTIOT or , IS /mirth EL, Pittsburgh, July fist, 11153 FAOM In accordance with ornery, I yobilsh the fal lout:lg list of waves rzearytod Dem draft by the itoard of 1.1101111•11.1 to Mrs District, to thts date, with the tenroos of tin to tzsteptlow sr autos or rum/cram socurruth sourtronts. Barna. Baddenop. Wabatitates. it'► h datiory, iidath ward, Xedwerd Wallace. Beast W atortowllabtb • ad, Abraham Mawr, um !fairy, Math ward, 7 No damns, Theo A Chaffer, kith ward. ?reedit Piarler, AM,. Ile Bohai, fineta ward, John moor, Jana. VK. r, atm ward. ISELIN, 00U, UJ El,t•ley, Ninth a ard, JII•z Elee•er, John rwmpea, /Ugh d, George Pherar, Hoary Vu lore*, Mantle ward, Goa U Maar, Jam :pram, albh ward, Jame. Wealth, Thm J Rowley, bf.th alf I, John LIM', I.adalph hurnap, Ztahrh ward, I another Shone:, Itintetrd brook; Blath ward, James Barb, A T tet'lleary, Warpath ward, Jos B Lb-7. • has if iffonmell e , Bluth ward, Jamm bead, B Wettetold, Wlath ward, Car BOWlatta, j Swart Artano,lizth ward, Barftroto Talton Wm t/ Dobter, Math want Boner& Parksr, Wm Wills, Bhelb ward, brad Martin. PAID rnagi /minim DOUAI& Sam Worthemari,lst ward.GW Hallman. Peibra tp, John Genitor, Id ward, Jai Hiplir, Tirtopetvllls, 1) Zulekert, bth ward It EtHold, Pltun tp, 11 1) Bank., 6th ward, J LI Riclugicia.l'elbLis tp, •Bichard Mailey,6th ward D &Maim. lit ward, fluipti Stewart, 6th ward, ilballe. H Zug, Pitt tp, John Crawford, lkh ward, I P 111'0owan, I.llllllri tp, A B Curling, 1101 ward, Jno 0 Stephen•on,,Btrin, e alectelburg. Slit ward, 11 E DD Dairy, Lawkiniev And Trailer, Bth ward, W J n'llwens, H Payette, It T Davis, Bth wand, Joe II Logan, Bobln 6 n IN James ii..., Sib ward. John Asher, Lawrenci've, Davld &might. 9th ward, Alen W Poster, Pitt tp, 1) lileClallaad, 011 i ward, It tl Bchmens, ko.). tp, It B Windless, 9th ward, John Yennlnii, L St 0 tp Jos Hamilton, 6th ward, 10 laweett,Blrmlngliam Jos IS Hamilton, 9th ward, Jos Allman. blidllin tp, IC J 80Ab..., Palma to, - W T /He, Upper St 0 tp, J amuck, Eloott tp, And IVElnidel, Totop'no, T Jno B Borland, BR 0 tp. ix manna sawn Art, 1813. James Wallin, Fifth ward, Co. P 11etb P. V. Alex. L. Anderson, Thinl ward, Co. P, 18th P V. Matthew Dousline, Math ward, Anay'a Battery. W. Gibe= Hider, Pitt tp., 61st P.. Y. James Cazothen, Patton tp., Co. B, 15t3d Joseph L. Catches, hluth ward, Co. A, 113 d P. V. Henry Brubaker, Peebles, Co. 11, 136tu P. V. Hoary W. Latimer,Uoltles, Co. CI, 199th P. V. John dehwa, La, 1//Ith ward, Co. 14 10th N. Y. Avutels 11. Ilarrey, Itlghth ward, Co. 11, 196th P Joa.ph H. klutteginnery. Ninth Vara, Co. 11, 133 d Ni llam Mack, kLath ward, C. V, 136th P. Y. J..mca thabam, Lattloaccrdlo, 00. E. 136th P. V ALar, Peon tp., Co. G, 136th P. Y. John Oittunoas, UoIIW tp., Co. 0, 136th P. V. WIROLLID mu) ZISIDIIIO 11 maws Dirnucts. Dolled aad En• Enrolled at Beal rolled In Itesbleace Wllllem lima% rcolsies, • Wedmorelaud oo Jacob b. ba.er, Ninth ward, Westmorebuid co John& cLaughll ,Lawte o ceetlle,Aillsoce. Otto. James Dogma, Muth ward, Washington co. ZNAIIMILD Mr 1171030111 1213> astray Geo:. 0 O. Etir:s, Lt ward—% ati teeth. William Carson, let ward—hmcticmal "disease of tomach end [Wasp. b. P. W. Gotta, let ward—right /Maul curvature .f the spine end Wormed hemorrhoids. AiLert Kuks, lot "aril—tract= of right log; abort ono inch. John D. ihompaon, ]at ward—chrouto ulceration of left leg and inverted great toe nail. David Entoinloo, lot ward—tendons of right foot torero& Nathan P. McCullough, 2cl awn—lngalls! heras ♦cnpa WHO ULU aoraraszra zaTienass CO at d Gicaring,lat ward. Witnesses—Jo: Lind- Lyon'. ,118 .'l l Q ( irr i Jama,, allay John' 11. Oodles, lit ward. Wlthrwww—G. W. Parker, J. W. Prim. J. W. Jim B aa IJudaahtdwiud. Wttarmlea—/teary Marla, arr; Henry Woeller. 2d ward. Wit4teme—Goo. lung, Henry Burn. John Salm, 2d ward. Wlsaosies—John Dam, John Lovell.' , . ,tanirikagiura or AQl—otsai 3S—simaxso. Jos. W. Long, li! wind. Witninpoi—D.Nlllos, Jr., D. DL Loog. . . . John RosTillo,Dit ward. Wltnennoe—lnunsHitnt, Jan. PQM& . ° alma awns 01 OUI apasr-mi. =gam Quinn, Ist ward. Wltasawa—parents. DM. listheary,latward. Witwwww—pazezda. I. =BON roaTzs, du and Pwritit Martha 22d District. Pot. Olatettifas ULU., 0•111 NAL • Atli" first dim Hotel I sew open lb: us reciptke ot ti Za. ILigin Trafrll,l% THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGBAPEL OUR SPEOLIII DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON. _- 13pecial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh unos—to WAsautcl'px,:nly 20,188 E armor( run soirrAntur Luisa. The Richmond Registrar, of the 15th RIM, has a long editorial' on the military aituatbm, urging that the only salvation of the Southern Confederacy is in elpng out the levy en mane ; application of Martial law to the whole country as in s state of liege absolute con trol of all trading, espeoially in drink, is within military lines ; abolition of substitu tion, exemption and foreign protection, and material enlargement of tie PassidenCe power to rewire the election of ofileetionake ap pointments, and get rid of incompetent officers. A proclamation by Jeff:, Davis appears/call ing out, under the Confederate oensoription act, all white men between the ages of DI and 45, to serve for three years, under pen alty of being punishe4 for demotion in cue of disobeying the call. They, are offered the privilege of Joining volunteer organisations before the enrollment. The Enquirer rays: An aloha depart& from Ohmlaston,rsoeived!yeaterday morning, stater that all was quiet. The enemy ate throwing up works on As south oorner of Morris Island. Two Federal iron•elado entered Appomattox river, but the river le obstructed above, and hoped by the bait of thip freshet to oateh the iron :dads aground. The latest Charleston 'Mercury received in Richmond on the 16th, has the following on the situation there: It appears to no undue to attempt to dis guise from ourselves the situation. By whose fault we got into it, it is van now to inquire. The Yankees hiving gotten eso lon of the Southern half of Morris 'lsland, there is but one way to save the ally of Charleston, and that is a speedy and untlinohing use of the bayonet. If the fight on MOM, Island is to be now a fight by engineering and ,anon merely, the advantage is with the enemy. With their iron•elade celesta and their men in occupation of the land, it is likely to be a men question of time; The fall of Port Wagner endt In the fall bf Charleston. Fort Sumpter, like Port Weiner, will then be as satiable by both land anci tea, and the fate of Fort Pulaski will be that of Simper. Gen. Gllmore, Commander of the Depart ment, it the man who reduced Port Pulaski. Charleston meat in mei as Illoinsond was. For six day, our ferns stormed the noose siva batteries of the anelny and raved Rich mond. The greater part of our soldiers who achieved these trinmphe by bayonet, bad flavor before bean in a charge. The Yankees hive as yet few or no. formidable works, they have but a few thousand troops, if our sol dier. and officers here are not equal to the kind of fighting fought $y the army of Vir ginia, and tried by the Yankees against snob strong works as Fort Wagner and ileoeseion will., they Charleston fain. This it appears to us is the only course of safety, and we may add too, for the economy of life. Other means may protract flghtieg to days and weeks, and postpole the termination of the struggle, but no other means in our opinion will save the city. We believe it eon sally be saved with promptoen, end energy, and dash. It is too late for engineering. Hesi tation and delay are Gni The Mobile Adveraur' says that the Con federaoy has seen darker day. and emerged from them., It Is not de& enough to justify it to tk. prudence of those who are ready to submit and anxious for pesoe and the security of their property on a basis of submission to show their hands. Yet there have bon come signs of this whits Mather flattering during the few past gloomy days. Let as warn them that it is base to feel and dangerous to be premature In the uttaranee of sorb sentiments. The land has made too many sacrifices for its freedom, to falter at tiniest hour. The timid and faithless must not be allowed to fetter the footstep. of the revolution. It must roll on to triumph, although its wheels have to roll over them and their Innen. Th. proposition of the fail of Vicksburg be ing absolute, it Is now plain that it has fallen with the least possible hum to as. If it had held out only tires, ty Lior hour* longer, John ston's army would kayo, wiLoout any doubt, been out to pieces. Johnston was on the Big Black, and on Saturday night bh army Womack's with orders to move on Grant's intrenohmenta at two o'clock in the morning. Before the boor strived the news of Pember ton's capitulation Was recOlved. Prom what hu been learned of Grant's position, It is now known thatif Johnston's fore* had been dcSuhlsd and trebled It ovoid never have got through the works of Grant. Tho country for miles was defended by felled timber; soar,' gorge and ravine a fortified work, bristling with cannon and oonvertesi Into a slaughter P.O. We are credibly informed that it took some. of our paroled officers at Vicksburg fifteen hours to ride fifteen mile, through the felled Umber and around the eneavatione and em bankments made by the enemy. The Richmond paper. Contain the following cilspetehes: Jackson, July 14.—Theie Is no &any in the condition of affairs dna yesterday: Lieut. Gan. Pamborton and stag mind hero last night. An affirm who cams with sham gap that they met{an moot swamps flying the body of Gen. Ostothans to Vicks burg. 'They stated that. Ostarhaus was killed bits oannon ball, on 'the itth last. t. navy skirmishing still continues. Bey oral bonus wore dementia yesteriarby the enemy's shell & " 1 • /agues, July 14, via' Mobile, July 10.— Gin, Johnston rant a deg of trues to-day to Gees. Grant, asking pernibision to bury the YVAN dud in front of our works. Gen. Gnat asked pa/minion to nod assistance in order that the dud might be recognised, whioh was refund. The terms originally proposed were than agreed to. Oar troops have e'en engaged all afternoon in burying the dead Yankee's. The Yankee- other In charge of the flag admitted a loss of from four to Ave hundred. ' 1 The Columbia ( Ga.) S ee soya that the pea plet of the Confederate illatee will soon be called upon-to undergo la suers trial.--ones dust will fully test the deadly of the probes elemoleretfore made. We cannot escape the ordul. The time for .trying men's souls is not far in the fatrird. 'tinny, we fear, will he weigied >a the balninis end found wanting on that dreadful difY. 11DISAID lITUSTSI lose Deillee. Ta Boston, bath cif Edward BlStr• Sit!' lOU haws P lam d rafted, edd going to seri,* Tho Whams that ha shall do thi same :it drafrad # israfeF? :hag to do so tithe than to fantail a maid! tcqe; or parllloo. • , - an. warrrowiss. . . _ essa. Wadsworth hat araihwag_id d . r ripas: tioa, but tka eotsroatsat fi IMillidl33l4 11110. wiingto saeap t it..' Bo .4!ilooi from th° sosisui thirty daia!isiiTa; 'am; his griii.alait 41k0libt.WOOkliti,04‘. ,••• 4. ' ; „Demmely published _lists of promotions in the regular army are incortdit in stating that Major Dawson was promoted to the Lieut. Coloneley of the 9th regular infantry. lie is said to have been promoted to the plats va sated by the death of Gin. Paul at Gettysburg. 'The War Depart ant understands enema ant to be reed g. WET LNIT AB NOT ATTACKIIID. Gen. Prenchlt argument in the council of wax that decided not to attack Lee, was that Les was on the point of attacking us—an: ar7, gamest:which is said to have turned the scales against assault. . The following are the latest drip:Lbws of general interest concerning the conscription from the Provost Marshal General: WAN DarinTxxxv, • PJLOYOBT MAW:W. G'El OVVICk, Wal6il4olElly SO, 1863. Existinir fa - we make & distinction in the matter of pay, bounty and other allowances between soldiers of African descent and other soldiers in the service of the, United 'States. Men Of African dement can therefore only be accepted as substitutes for each other, under the Enrollment. • Jauza 11.. say, Ptovait Merrh I General. Wsnuntocur, Saki 19.4.ny porton ie"g'e:amption.on the ground of allenage Shall file before the Boud an affidavit dating: First—That he is an alien, and setting forth the government cf 'which he claims to be a subject. Second—The time - whin ho come info the United States, Sind where fie hail resided slum . Third—That he has never decdared his in tention to become a citizen of the United States, and hu not exercised the right of suf frage by voting at any elution in any State. Fourth—That he olsdAs to be exempted from Military service on the ground thit be is a eubjeot of a foreign government, and has not declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States sad has never voted in any State: the affidavit to be supported by inch proof as the party may offer, if the Board le satisfied that the party iseuipilon is fatly entitled thereto under the act ,pf Congress, they will discharge htm from the draft, bat if not satisfied they shall refer theca:ES with the affidavit, through the Proiost Mar ihali for derision by the Department of State, in the meantime suspending statimitn disease until the decision of the Stets Deport ment be made. Certificates of the State De partment, shall Ia such case be considered ev idence of the fact whether the person is cruet subject to military duty. (Signed) Jaxss B. Fey, Provost !Bushel General. Gen. Butler L still strenuously urged for the New York onimanti Several members of the Cabinet favor lt, and several oppose. Ye wont be appointed. General Sickles is recovering so rapidly that this evening hi was out for an hoar in his carrier!, riding !slang the avenue end through the city. SRI inure Id WAIRLIOSOI The draft commences here to- mmow. Tho Gout/ meet hu taken ample means to prevent any distarbanee. ll= The smut whereabottiti of the rebel army seems to be • mystery. Illorgan's Guerrilla Band Completely Broken op CINCIEULTI, July 20-10 p. in.—Morgan, with about 1,000 then, hao been turned book. ilo was moving this afternoon towarda closely. followed by our loran, viands st his then being Dither' up hourly. The Coamtereiors Columbus dlopstoh sap that after the nett at Buffington the rebels moved up the river to ilesivilla ahead of tho ganboas t and by threats compelled the citizens to furnTsh flatboats, by which 000 escaped to Virginia shore just as the gunboat, hove in sight. The rest on the Ohio shore were at tacked by our forms and mattered. Oar men continued picking them up tiU only about 1,600 were left, who tinily outmoded in breaking thr lines, and pushed back in tho direction of Buffington. At nine o'clock this morning they paned through Barrizonville, tea =Use northeast of Pomeroy, apparently enhausoll with fatigue. Chicago Market JULY 12.—The demand for Wheat wee principally coogned terthe Inter grades, which sold et an Ina promo:ma of %able per butted on the outing pricer ofytaterdsy. Vett upper grades wore neglected and dull, No. I Spring sold s: Si 033‘ ; No 2 Red at 11 - OA No. 2 Spring at 94298 c; Relented Red at 901Z2 ale, and. nJected Spring at.l4 174 a. flour continues 'dull anddepermed. t orn opened Ann with an attire specutatire demand, and tales of - mixed to eine were mad* st awe, but towards the clam - th. mime an ender feeling. and Doyen were only offatingildatf% Ghat Dorn was quiet at 4934442-yio for mixed, 1124 600 for high mixed alba. Data were Aim bet quiet, with small transectlOns at Btglas3 o. Rye neglected anddult. }Ugh wince quiet and may at 31%c. Jeered, FROG! WASHINGTON. Moil Dlspa'sbes to the Pittsburgh Gswitte. WAsanarow, July 18,186 E Or WAS. ISM iIGET. The President sent two dispatches to Gan. Meade urging an inunediate Weak, saying lit one that he thought a n appearances indicated .. that no other oaaasion would arise offering eirau!nsttncee so propitious to of and Ito un favorable to the robs's. - In council iof war, Eledgewick, Sykes, French, Rays and Sloaum voted against, and' Bade , Howard, Pleasure-' ton, Wadsworth an Warren and Runaphregs, of Ataailo's ate, for an attack. Hid a move "tent been tilde at tho time naggested,. but 410,000 rebels would have been to tight, 20,9 . 00 hating around: • • MIL oilman 11111031115. 02101111 advises report file thousand , rebel oaken; as:ptisoaun am le oar hands. :This presents anther formidable obstsole to Jeff Davis' system of retaliation. Fr4l.4rTS. 11TANTED.460 mom( *gust TV - Amitt at PO month, oxpensiso: fold ..to sell one Po~om Paid/4 Grimed Thontort, mod Madam othor Mori aithalsod" cartons Uncles Tifton oh. sayealanager - SHAW CLAIM Bladeiord, MA. IiVANIAD.r.47/5 * MONTH 11811410 We dints Were* elrenty'st $ • mouth, ace l o4ll Ps to sou ler now cheep Family twine electdess. Address; - 8. EADIBOII,' eiss:d.erweT Jibed. M.N.. WAN L'Al)=.4. good second tuukd Vy • fader Boon , 'anus 20 feet pog, at Incas diameter. lullaby' ' EOSOILAIEN3 a LANG,, /tit • •3‘) Lib/or Ismc WANTIW.,A. tow good usiteNN. ,TJIRS, to whom the beet otos TILL ertree. J. II: ta..III4.X.WALT. Jackson etreet. I.lhrgismv sUlrrrar.ls orit knatitcr Ur 1 Tan A411,114132et1t -Boasoi UMW' bovine Mode arrangements to ran sm. Igor Una of leolent, Boots on the Allogbony Elm; betas. n ghtannuae and lilntro May, In conorotton with Um .Alterbony.Valloy biatrold. tweed/ailed to Won potato wW be nodeod natil farther notice al the A. V. Z. B. Depot, on elks West, and toe.. wordo4 watt regotartter_and deopotott, as to otomoo doperlitindent A. v. PlltiOnreb.Jae Stk. 1303. •, • • lethlw-- , ATI AA ri Itslsll.ffiL .1. BOVA.L 11114. tYPIAAI lt/AVNA TION OOMPAIST.. • • (cmionie V-.1../111C.) ADRTATIO, I WO Eforii.river, 4,1)30 ton.. _ fit DX101 1 1,1,000 itcsoo.{. tow, ntao tone. • OULU NMI a. I.ooo.lintao-pooror.3.oCo tone. Alia 6I A. LOW Boreafpower. 3 OW woe, magul.floosi I•testosUtp,ADAIATIO wilt will G Irma Liverpool, If. Galan' , to Nov Took, ce 111,8DA.T. the lath of July, ,to bo.,tottooed by in. other Mimosa of w o, oltotittoWoitatioy. ' of ponatio' tem Ltotanool 14 NOW TOtici pop. able ta- rola oe.lbt tqweolent viamina: . 0016t0nap........„,„5ys to Otbto•••••oo - ea t q." eippj, at &be oinai of soe op:My • .aAellt, A ABAULE, ISeoadvsy; join. /1. , • Art.n. 0 1/ 1111 4* _ - TO'fdt Ntivot.,.-etasobantli.. t 1040 404 iiith*TAIMI,LIALAW4 •ALL'oftr• 100 , 61 1 61 11 , veal Rai Beek 111111fildli. GUS SWIM% SpdasOlans. Ma th Why or Raub of asviasiL • mpgars 4inaaa poigi t _".niam dams: ow: SPECIAL .rorzw. Or Lake SullenOr Copper Mill and . SMELTING MORNS, Pr:Tunas:lL . PARK . . ?MURRY & CO. "O"CO.; MeaolYotnrsrs of 131LEATELENG, 13BAISMi6' AJD BOLT COPPP.II, PHIIMED.OOPPInt BOTTO/p. was= BTILL BOTTOMS, EWALT= BOLD=S: ass Importers anddaslersin trITTALA,TIN PLATT. SEXIT LOOK, war, As. Osostantly on MAL' =MB' KAC9IIIIEB AHD TOOLS. Wukructsgsz, Lim 149 Blurt sing) rimed stmts. 'Pittsburgh, Penes. i4'Bpecl►l Seders sf copePs cst in say desired pit tom. cay2ft:dewlst M'The Confestions and Ktperinee ur AN INVALID, pubtlibed for the benefit and at • mumble andOkIMON TO TOUZG MIN mita wirer inim Nervous Zeldity. Premature Deem at Manhood, etc., suPplylog, at the same lime, THE 111.112113 Or HELP pram pr ono whohis mad himself after being pat to great expellee and Wary through medical humbug end quackery. By enclosing • pealed addressed envelope, gla (*pits any be had otthe author. ILLITEASIIL IaTITLI.I3, reysll:l4dmer Ifedbro.ilinew emote. A. Y. B emus diatoms of /lot; BKIBB.—A reverend gentlemen hiving been re. stored to health in a few days, after undergoing all the usual routine and tireeptiox expensive modem a treatment, without success, considers. it hie non duty to communicate to his afillsted fellow creature the arum or cuxx. Hence, on the receipt of an d• dressed envelope, he will send (free) a copy of the presaiption need. Direct to ,Dr, JOHN H. DAG. NALL, BPS Button street, Brooklyn, N. T. EshilaydneT MU/UV:2IER% .L.T.GHTEING Jr/. 41/LLEB. supplies a Irani felt by *Tory good housekeeper. Hoary Oen sill kill a gnat when Meg we think. annunuber that It Is DUTOSIMD that does this, and unser the bee. itilliAntiCKll Mit ars often& Thom& article is for Isle by all nowt able Pruning. reaskstooks. sox s - co., • corner of Sint and Wood atm% Jel:,•R}daa.L • Plttebaralf. .L JOHN :000.11]32H 44 BRO., Manufacturers of IRON RAIDING, IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SHUTTERS, wnenow-GDS, to.; ffoi• 01 SocOnd street and SD Third street, betison . Woodintlfarket, Have on hand • variety of -new Patterns, Isnc7 111114; &in, suitable for all purposes. Particular bitention paid lo" enclosing Drove Lot Sobbing daps at short poties. obi; jIar2ZTRONA WI WOES& Long, Miter isc Co. Works at Sharysborg Stith:oa r Allegheny Valley Ballroad. °Moo and Warehouse. No. 23 ALUM= STHEST, Pllteburgh. kLanntiotintre oI ILLIIMINATING and LUBRI CATING, OABBON OILS and lIZISZOLS. tar hi o. S BRASICED OIL, warranted non-explo- Oho, always on band. oolklyd. WITH ROW EaNII3 & Milt Luntl, FOITIDEDA AND ' ILACTILDISTI, WANDINGROP Wow, Pitiaburib, PODD'A. Ort . tec, No. SI Maass" ersoso. Ifaztasettiro kinthroTSTEATI ENGINES AND MILL MACHINERY, CASTINGS, RAILROAD WORK, STEAM BOILERS AND SHEET mos wous. war•JOBBING AND REPAIRING done co obeli uthlnally Pittsburgh: Steal Worki. assao Jon= —mka WOVILOWIII . JONES, BOYD & CO. llimuffecturen of OUT STEIL; slip, 131.111.1fu PLOW. AZD A. D. STEEL, SMELL BPBINCIff LED ooraor of Don and 71:st stxreta, Pittsburgh Pane's. . ocli) J. L. ZAJOI JWCOBSIVELL & KERR, OM/MAGA ivaiumoruarae, anima AND BRASS PLATERS, And Manufacture. of ADDLEEY AND CADEIAGS HEED:9 No. T fl_. OLAIP. and DUQUESNE WAY, its tits Bridiro, tubsAl PfTTSEI MOH, PA. Cr; .1141/01.t.73, FIRE-PROOF SALAMANDER SAFE, BAITS V6l/1.1 . IRON VAULT MOH, Ain FYITZIoILIIMD SIIIIGLAB-PROOF itki& BiAItUFACIITILZBIS. Na.. 129 god 131 Third stow; lotuses Wood and SaiLktildsfrecto—Nortig skid WarBANS LOOKS away., on hand. sob 23 JOON. HOLNigi of BUNS, Dealer' 708114117 AND DOMESTIC BILLS 01 LX. CHANG& 01117/7710A1* 07 DIPOSIT,DANI NOTICS AND SPEC'S, No. 67 Market street, Pitta. bu 7 S 7 4-716 - 1167Colloctiono made au all lb. principal cider agn MIL B. & O. P. MARKLE, Paper 11AZUFACTUBELIIS and dealers in BOOK, PRIIVDO (MP, LEIm AND ALL RINDS OP WBAP• PING PAPIEG.. • sarHave removed from No. Ft Wood strait o No, 33 Budthileld street, Pittsburgb, Pa. ea I MASH OB TED FOB BAG& mr4 WILISERY H. COLLiiin, For WARMING AIM 001017.88[021 lIIMOLIAtiT and etc:deed* dealer In 011XIIII, BUTTES, ['XXIII, )VIII; and Produce geaorally, No. SS Wood weer Pittebaruh. Pe. nal MNIMM *LNIIIPAOTURERB or WIWI foxa always on bind and tonne to order TILOS AHD MAW BOBBLE( Willi CILAYI'H ; 1313V13,_0f ill trade BMUS. for lIIAVI WORK 108 WLISDOW3, do.; BIM) (16GLB, OB 110.11IINTAL Wit= W 021"... for Flowers, in l r'AA•nef WIRE for nab tt VOX 1,17.1114P0C1L, (Learlum AT BAL- A: 111111111. TARA PiTIOLZU/L4—Tzte fine British 'lllllp PERTRI3HIRG, -now losifog at Grafilin's Wharf, will soil an leve itrrx. Asylrefght shipped by this vessel from H.tideorein viii On foroarded tree of oommiodom and ff consigned to my friends to ToTorpool, libetil cosh advenc••• made. r freight apply lathe underdog& • • •• MIA& A. BEttGif, - jog4:llw et Pon% Gov Et.. Baltimore, Md. unman'. S. LIGGETT t CO., Crry. - FLonrso tr 11144.4,c0rner Mut, and Adams drab, Phis bunk, Pa: • 1041 r 0 •960144. 400 blda. Der day. ann CIOLUMBIA HOUSE, - °fir& .11.AY ' bla Ant clue How will be Op. cd sutra on Jaue th ilth. n fur the rfthP 1031911 W ' r MOTE, Proprietor B"DN, tt export Fpiritil or Oil; Invoices, to azpOrs tplrits or Oil MANIIIMOTORSILII . MOMICHLIV . RC rIIBM0; Ana other Minks under Om radio Law, petaled sad . WM. G. JOILASTOM *. CO, . RBTURN BOOKS AND BLANKS, fo Gast Oil sad Ma! DlatEllimi, and Brewer pzinted sad for WY by WM. 0. JOHNSTON d 00., =TIM Ef12213 DRANBACK BLANfitt for the one- yof armload NICIM Mahe' a Oil, fso., pthated and for Pill bir . • - G. JOHNSTON it 00 =CM C:=2l 9i lfXtl• W..M 01.16.16d16; my v 0)01=1.00E1n= dairy • dog 4 : grO ors t% t o . d t Toa a tegito Mpg l'Or'oOloaioirast;sa., 1,411d.2410,; - - 'toy to, tiuttX* bArlisnts, for tiowy, Gum Udldina 1113 mommr.iklara UNDIA hussishki - Ulaivi eon/fa e : fo AL Army Blanket". Jost received at the ladle, Bub. bet I *pot, 26 sad ha Bt. GUIs Unmet. - - • feta • - & R IPRILLTPL jj DIA AtWHIM - TUJlStbii pure and 1. whit cloth. In all axis, far see at tit sod 26 15t. oho 'tn., .11.1 IL PHILLIP& 4X1.iff.114-iVGLAltieta groat vale . 1 limn Vilest and Gold it 850, s. 88..8p, u 8 anti Per fo lic: 8.4 11 1110 Pawed; ' W.-P 11 5R8Ha1..L."137, Wont! .t.riPt. 0.426 blUitri n tonaignmat, - Jils , B.OBR AtATILL CO. . D ula!) Aer.LlSti--11/ btu", Or- sale by ViAntit.-40l1;bad ztra ridar .L 8 414,4 !.118. 8 4 _p OA A 10111.-45 barralv roam.). in :.seek[-110* tov Joni .s. ocarritm. - 11115,....,101/lAga. Minimills - received sad far NA ro , nuill s. CaIUMILIo; - JIEPICA;IifIed,III,ArEQI 7 B. ItaiN/A - k Ad..,lialleN bl - JoasoaCL Walt/ . . , Manors. Aar arrreodiaaithalt . SPRING STOCK OP:GOODO, , Adapted to a ird dim fray which has boa abet. ed 'eta gnat are to .at the iffooholloa ol lbek many fi , ds sad palwook sad trading, by elms at. teatkm to badness and &trios Wiwi% to mot COa Wing of all who Dui" favor as ',nth a call. orzzaw Imrozn ltiklo to ordre 111 dm heat tisane: sad on nonotattnt turn& Biting tabbed • grist sway VIII I* Kalb, for Stork SUM Ind Lbw Otter% sr Intll its ix lb* Nstr..no aro pupate* , to mono ardor, in DU Un. withannetrom and ilopitch. Mambo •my &Oka oloction 7133.1119ai1l . oos. es real. arr. awg arum& ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORSLARIW HIM AND TOBLOOO 111LITIMAITII014 • le &la (Termerly ell'Obeihme sheet, Wow Tarty) Would cell the attention of &slue to the petioles of hie znattleotaue, eta BROWN ShlllllP— lidoesboy. The OWN 0011Zell PAPP" Aldeelaa Goethe:ken, Deadoes. Pare Pintas, liaddloclia.. oosentyken. 'miaow &Barri. - • . High Tout Satoh. liids High Tout or Loadriaot, Umyllowikotoh.Trosh Bow iikohlti." IffirAttmtlost to nelbello lb*Lege rednetlen In trees of Sine• Oat Camden sad Smelting Tobeecoe, bleb will be bend of Bsortia—lcmi, Ho. 1,8 a 2. N 22.1.22 2 mixed, rui Coo Clawarix.. A. or Pilo Cloven• du b. orflorot throat Scoots] Oronooo roil fizoanc.ll. logo, Itpasish, Canutar, Takisb. Nkes. B.—A almater of - priorrill te wet on sppla e • 9010:1 MOORKICUE* LEAD PI ' P ' E, SHEET AND BAR -LEAD. Pig Lead, Block Tin, -4LED Patent Shot, RINSE BTRJIAT, Smriss kfrai AZDIICIANOWI. pLumksistus• Nia.T.N.taNl4ls. CHARLES' lIILLIK IN, fluor= AND witozasual • . . . No. am commas . * sr., P3fleulainais. Oonetantly in atom •Imp immitenent of odiniar. Zino. Iron and Galvanized fro* Bath Tutu. White and Marbled Pisa Basin. White and Marbled or Dino Oloma SWIM. Ship Mara rdoasta, °amnion". Water "Ando of sorry Abamtptkm. - Iron Blata.. . ' Iron and Enamelled Portable.' Minh Banda. Ylirinod Drain kipa. Bandy Itrinahaa- and traps. Pitunbare Brim and Plated Wails, at may do. adription. Lad Tip in and - Dinah Mos and Cedar Hydrant Pads. If Nods.' Plnribara' 'Brats. . Natio Slab% B ter Hoes, la., op lorr a; nomiin Gu coontry. • - watts 1862. awvithiknia.., IeOL s - W. D: 4E. WOALLITAL ST somas num% . . A large portico of ear stock lasvfxsp bssa boosts provious to a sii.iss of amm o. and now miaow& ed. (Jost lbs largest advines of thsesuos), °Min% 0/14ThOina MINDOW 811ADXS. o.. & tayorsblo opportulty Is am& to pare boson st coodento rata, as prima will oortobtly Do Won'. U " ) WHIT= swum iPILIBGB. , . This wen known weterlawabose will be lonstallp °puked on the lane Or JUNL. The Bestow', this year, will be under the , InuttedlT at* snowsuit= of the ?novelists*. who' will be ws• Dined by Kelm JOeXPH'sI.-lIWATIIIII and 0. Et nrroun. • - I ms • It Is the Intention to niabithe he, In . all ie. Ilona, equal to the bat enstswlna plow In the mut try, sad to proviso genersll7 for the 'oenaost and a Tor tenet oko ar tlter b. =ti' on adders a. Wasa..N, Jr., Ja° l :lla Loy b doter P. o..l.4ragrara , 0 I.)AISIV bizeollir A Mita— W e hive A; this daj astaeletederith as In the Rollin BM boohoo A. J. DULL, the style of the Mu Co be BEIM; eta err I DULL, tb..perteeedelp to take allot tble day.' The on inadaris •il be owlet on by the tuldenfinel at 1111111i0bIlli .:.- )Yet 251 / 4 max a GLUT. saihn I. ■&STDtW awl. azons-J. Dirac wadi & GRAFF ; D1:174, Matuffisetsrpn qf sQ dittite of Rom SIM and llnNn toostrooted our watts with o making thb kind of boa • opsoblity, sot tispoottitlif tomb • Wow" at the USW. or ~ ti oat* coma , • . ,Watat kidultiltd erkAgAni I Ati11011) Rho soulonigned an Agents, tor PllttobaziA and rktolty; for • _ _ _ WATT'S MADISSX STAMM mammy And tam constantly on -bud a simply of Mel. BTABOId, verbal style peclumes, sada u hf b. sole In quantitba to Use meM en Most 'amenable Pau, , Eiimomemrs. t LANG, &MU =if eilltirr. s. Woman* ' ' = a5: 114,14. M'OULLIBTIITLYANT,— • . manwhOtarua Owl dnM n hi ill MOB of Tosa.o.co, EINDIT AND aleamuL No 106 WOOD 8111.111 N, Parovise, Pa. Hoop caostantliaii kariinsititi of and emoklas Tobibooo. . 14112417 bioCOLLISTER rt BAER, 10ik WOOD STRUT, tour dais front ilia, Are dais ma Myr Lip ToßkooN,Kurli'Asik - sramik 'At the 'ay imst mAl;iiik‘e 57-Wmd otre;ri. B. Moiler t'ils .00, gas. or ikon:itoi W. H. Witham & 04) BAN4Eiliar L . 3.lsrogni of Now deft 4. xofrimke &OLD, lU.TI , BANK NOM. • /OD 01.1111111111 or 11( . 1NWIMIT 11101Mrnie. ETU, AND SLR.—DI.-Buis_ pays putlealor ottootko to Cis trootasot of. 11 1 1111118118. tbo ZIN sad IAS Vripor• thsoa 41WIL1LICOP. aqmwr ma. tor, WM/ _l6 Julagt, PUPIL.: WWI oltSlllllolite lama Umbra t also HARD 1111111180, sot mit dlotoor Motto( tho Nat and auroras. satt PIM - STA . - "Wily • - . - "•Att 1.1111, 111151S1W 25- ~• D:TeADAAA, said for _JAB_ DA ~s ~ ,ar~ bs & prime Cutting; -- a!: 1 0 sad 101 * b l' -oyes. ciarAistaii,'' No. 1111 Maly irtniet. LAt.wl./11/stll)Jblii. lio . 1; iniasi4 and fix Ala 17. • • $7,,,.• ~'illt~Altls- 41 IT Utude ..ana- - No Au. to Petroleum etaitess amen , nor AAII, ao. city 2,000 to e JAL DAIL,ZALL.A.RON.,,,, Mar , ita Asa Arst.m,lnot. Daa L tbbjL , I Ale , • I • 'ID' KM tack by ovular, Kanufuturori of I=l OTNOTWNAtL 0. 7Lapieect 7rt Watorairrok, =I: ras.D i I Litsolt. PK TO Wator wee._ JAB DAT.SILLI:IIOII.. • 64410 'Moir •tnr.t. I tattLiOnl;' 4 " etIOW .4.4r4•4 hurl, , . I' IGTOUIe a 00.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers