ipithshrgh Olke TIIESD4Y , 1110111 , 1131 G,, JULY 21 Tke Tine Criminals. We lurre seen nothlistin the way of ef frouteryilmfff. will compare with the treat mentotthe question of the late riots by its responsible authors—the copperhead press of New York. ` lnstead ' of skulking into dsrkness, end' calling upon the rooks and mountain' to cover them, they very coolly turn upon tie loyal newspapers. and ray: "Bu:there; -what you have done! Ills is all your work) We . told you, this would be the consequenoe,of your tesahings I" But this lip PiesisilYin. keeping with the gimp alibi ,traitors everywhere, who, after haying tried in rain to frighten the people from voting for Lineclit, by threatening them with secession, now point to their own work, and - day, "plaiet we tell you sof! If is, nis new. gospel - of Democracy, whieh id to_perpetuate the - rule of the mob, by threatening repine and revolt whenever they are" Voted down by the majority of voices. While wet recognise, however, the neoes sitY of repressing snob eutbreiks with a strong : hand, It is always to be regretted when the punishment falls only on the head of .the ignorant and deluded maises—the blind dupes and instruments of the wicked ness of, worse but wiser men. There is a Nemesis in these cues whleh would hate brought - home a. "bloody instruction" to the trading aristocracy of parvenue who fostered these disturbanoes by their enemas apment oI inch newspapers as the Herald, Worm snd Revs, if they had not, fortu nately far them, been olieoked in their in cipient stage. The *Anal victims are the poorest and most ignorant classes, as well the innocent as the depraved, while the true criminals, 'the editors of these incen diary sheets, and their aristocrallo patrons, are allowed to go unscathed, though both squally guilty. There ought to be some remedy for this. If the friends of order hodvompleted their work by cleaning out dots, nurseries and magezines of treason, and of all the crimes which it engenders, and dealt with theirproprieton just as they dealt with their leas guilty instruments, nisi .would have extirliated the cause et offense by striking at its root. What is the use or koalae of shooting down the murderer on the streets, while the more cowardly assassin, he skulks behind a wall and instigates and inflames him to deed. of blood and rapine, is allowed to escape unharmed, and to continue Ma. work? He cannot say that he did not med itate notrier, or arson, or bwrgkuy, when he organized revolt. These mulls are natu ral and inevitable sequences, and he ought to answer for then; is fully as though hie own delicate hands were dyed with the blood which he has caused to be shed by others. It is not-to be doubted that this opposi tion to the draft was got up by the con spirators, in the interests of the rebellion. Governor Beymour's speech to the mob shows that he was advised of it. P. was so timed sa to correspond with the invasion of the - North. ,If that iniuicn had re salted in even atemporary sums of our armies,. there is no telling what might-have been its consequence. The dark hours of the nation have been precisely those in latent treuon has issued from its lurking place on its errand of minder. God, in his mercy, willed it otherwise, by crowning our arm with unpresedented victories, both in the But and West, aid strengthen ing the bands of the Government in its dealings with domeatib traitors, and in spiring the heart of the President with courage to meet the issue by a stern refu sal to yield even in appearance to the men aces of rebellion. It was, as we have be• fore reinarked, the crisis of the nation, and helms marched up to it without faltering and-without any of that irresolution or in decision which has so often ruined the best of causes, and for a long time threatened to ruin our own; The D rait--One Dour's Work. Some people are naturally self-tormen tors.. Terence's comedy might be rewrit ten in. this eountry--aud with still more striking effect than it could derive from things drawn to the life when it was writ ten in the dye of ancient Rome. In this art (of itelf-torment) the modern American' citizen is an overmatch for the usoorafort able mortal so familiar. to ns in our school boy days, is the play we have referred to. As an instance, Re may just cite the de liberate self-malty of many of our friends, to whoin fortune has, in theists draft, paid • left-handed compliment. Instead of making the Atest• of it, as common sense would advise them to do, they deliberately net gib*ut making gkr ways/gal of is. We hear of several who cannot, or do not wish to go perisonally, paying from $lOO to $2OO- more for ezeaption thari the law of Congiess and the Executive Gov ernment, acting coder that law, have Axed as the amount of burden • imposed en it drafts citizen: Certainly the man who cannot, ar who does not wish to retzder per sonal service, fully dischargers Ile duty as a pod sad patriotic cttizen in reference to the present .emergency, b , paying three hundred dollars, or by ' idlag a 'abet'. tote, if that ban be dons for the same or a less amount. ' Why make the burden heavier than it is? Certainly, we know no renion—no add- Went reason—for doing e 5 at the present time. pie country does not require <tiny such 'Ueda, now that her fortunes are so brightsoir that her star of hope is shin ing abo7l Ake dark clouds will& lately eclipsed - its light, but *which are •already being &ginned and driven away. In indiention dud reaches as, we see beit e some and Speedy fall of the rebellion. then, fesr usollier draft? Even it I Oat L b . • whothree itotrarsUrte' man pays kindred dollars is not exempt for throe yesne saws sei that theaet of Con gnus wis intended do be Undwribindi why tear anelller draft Uput dyirs(ii ribel ion list is down past rewiring Ps futrikA,g rtomisio tgalset go alandjor ausefightirtir:-*- sireidy? It mei use its feet for AlM— its ludas may Jty to Save their liver—bat for °gys use the rebellion =never pt feet nudes it egos. . BUB, lowest natal* we are that the rebellion Is prostrate, It is,iieverthsless, as iralrative mow, salt was witsa UM mark• Her was rampant, thit sa immense army 14104 b° of 4 01. .1 1/. b i lP I _E I VFS III2 # P4Ped si ski thitoverninsnt, to overawe MEM all attempts on the part of traitorous allies at home, and aristocratic allies abroad, to re-kindle the fire now so nearly extin guished, and reanimate for another des perste struggle the expiring power at the 131aveholderte Conspiracy. It is just as im portant to the country that the work of the last hour of the day should find the requi eite number of, ieady, willingi unwearied hands to undertake it, Is it wee in the be ginning of the war that thousands, and tens and hundreds of thousands, of true and brave and patient men were found to tut? dertake the . entire work—to 'bear the bur den and heat of the day; Which is now near Oh, hew brightly, thanks to their Labors and long endurance, and the Divine bless 'ins wh 3 olt has crowned all they did and sniff:tea—bow brightly now the roseate hues of glorious promise flash yonder west ern skies—soon,4oon to reappear stream ing through the portals of the east, as the auroral robes of the angel commissioned to usher in the golden hours of the coming day—ono of long-enduring and ever-bleesed peace. .The Pittsburgh Post and thy Con soription. The Pittsburgh Post, of yesterday, has an artiabtfull °t i the most viralent copperhead MOM—fall of the most audacious lying—and characterised by the most dastardly spirit of a renegade conspirator against liberty, who would swallow the "sop to Oerberus" from the hands of the slaveholders with all the avidity of that or any other hangry monster. But the Post has played its card of trisason when all the chances of affecting the gime are over and gone. We do not say, however, that it bold it too long in hand, for there never has been an opportunity in this thoroughly loys lcommuni ty tor any trick of the Northern conspirators, whose organ the Post is, to succeed in getting up even the briefest shoW of opposition to the war. It bald it, we should suppose, till the time appointed and laid down, In the programme—the time when the oimplotters thought they could best make a handle of the draft, to excite disaffection among that class which the Post has the much abused privilege of supplying with reading matter; but as the other parts of the pro gramme failed—as Lee's and Norgan's forms have been defeated, driven beak, or captured —as the New York attempt at 1121161111011011 has been put down—what could the Pitts burgh Poet do? What could it do, when it was left as iolitary as a rabbintpost in an un tenanted pasture -geld in winter? Or, shoos lag a more poetical and squally apposite, shall wo not rather say it was— "Like the het roe. of enninter, Left Clowning Mots, Its lovely eon yenlone Alt *ahem and gone." For the rebel invaders, the rebel raiders, and the rebel rioters, are alike. nowhere. The conspirators with whom the Poet has done its best to cooperate, may have arranged their progrnmme of operation' quits perfectly—and there seems every resson.to believe that they did—but for all that, they could not &00301- 0i h tholr purposes, owing not merely to the to excite a riot in Pituburgh, nor maroLy to the failare of its co-sijators, the World, Daily Near, etc, to excite a riot of more formidable proportions in New York —but chiefly to the failure of Linei part of the programa° in the east and lif orgen's part in the west. Doubthrs it just played Its poor card at the time appointed by the conspirators, who attempted to menage the game of making a diversion in favor of Jeff. Davis in the North, —jest coincident with Lee's Invasion, and Morgan'' raid, so that the despairing and des perate leaders and organisers of rebellion at Itieltmond, and the Still viler and baser Oil:Lik ing traitors among eerselves in the North, might by one more morals', mutual effort re cruit their wasted strength, and recover some of their lost prestige, In order to prolong the war, and, if possible, to relish the dual object of their =blebs and their hopes—the de struction of the Union or a reconstruction: thereof, with the ashes of the Declaration of Indeponilanca hurled under the chief earner - acne of the new edifices—Slavery. But though it published just mach an article yesterday as Its co-workers, the World, the Daily New, the Herald, etc., might have published a week or two ago in New York, (it they could not have suomeded in getting something better in point of ability and sty WO it will be seen that it ran have no effect here, except that of showing how audaciously this villainous complicity of the rump et • degen erate party, falsely called Dimearatie, with open and avowed rebels, presumes to show its hand rorrywirro. Zorrytolsero, we say, for when sash an article as that referred to to ventured in the face of the loyal eentiment of this community, what will not sails sheets as inflame the Ignorant and misguided masses c 4 some districts of this State, and of Ohlo, Indiana and Illinois,—what may not dry 'venture upon't—what lengths, in exciting resistenee to the draft and disaffection to wards the Government, may we not expect those-sheets to go 7 Equation of Colors or 1111Ittar1 Ewan, We published yesterdsy, without remark, ' the decision said to have been made by the Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General, to the effect that "any person drafted may furnish an acceptable substitute, who is a military equivalent for his service L but a negro -Is not a military equivalent for a white man, under existing laws. " And now pray, Mr. Assistant Marshal, OT Mr. Solicitor MIIITIII6, or whoever you he, inform us, it you please, odd a negro is not therollitirry equivalent of a white man under existing laws. Ho is enrolled se . s, citizen, without reference to his color, whether it be black, red, oopper or olive. He is imbleeted to the draft. Re is actually drawn and mustered into the. ranks as a soldier. ,'The act of Congress make, him as equivithin‘, , If he may befirawn him self, arid is equivalent directly, he is, by a logio which is inevitable, equally good and equivalint by wet of substitution, unless the Congressionel rule of selection `is changed as soon as the lot has boon drawn, and the negro sinks again forthwith into the Snare creature without status or man hood, and without any rights which the white man is bound to respect. You say the military equivalent—you mean .iiinbaps the legal ono. You will hardiiiiretutnie, we suppose, after the ex perform" of girt Hudson and Helena, to af line that beititiot the military equivalent of our soldiernia illtiorand incase, when he has pet them so glorious en: anipple, - land proved an over-match for the soldiers of the rebellion. No, you don't mean that. Then, sway, you must unconsciously recognize the reasoning of the Deed Hoak cue, or we don't understand you. We would that the government would give a little attention to the selection of its legal advisers. ThO'Praidffint and ble Beorstarieiere geniis* competent, if they bad leisure, to pus correctly on alai question that is likely to arise. We see decisions, howeeer, 'occasionally, from nearly all.the Bureaus, which stagger the best men of the profession here, sad this, we think, is one`of them. Whydon't Mr. STANTON, whole known to be a lawyer and sound one, revise it himself ? DIEDi. . filllLY—Cn tN 19th Instant. &NS& •gltsr of Lydia e. and Gao. Wanly, opt.l 19.m00. PUBLIC wirOTICES. ----- COL. CLARK —The N. U. L., of , r'n7 dm 2d Ward. allewtowy, will be addresood by Col. °Watt. r f the Ird Reslment, at their Hall, on TUESDAY EVENING. ,Taly Slot. Ay dw of H. VIEUX% der-rotary. 720:1t tWPITTOBURGII & IXINNELLS num SLAILBOAD COYLY &NY MST BIORTGASI TURrLZ OSIZIE DIVISION 000. ST RV CITIOW BONDS —Holders Ise hereby malted that the Interns Maisons cot the above Bailie, dna Augast 1at,111161, will be rald aim that date, on prucaatlon and &Hwy at the Moe cl the Pitts. brush Trost Com; any, Wool street. W. 0. atauswr. DlStnt Secretary end Tamanter. Orrios or Warraie rasairossaston 00.1 rlttieurgli, May 19th, BM I 01.10TICE IS HERBST GIVEN to the liaticeittars to the Stock of the Weeto ern Tneapartation Oompany that an seentaisat of BIND DOLLLIIII ($5 OD) Pint BRAWL ham been levied upon the stock rabecribed, payable at the teas of the Uosoom, at Pittlbornh. oa ar behalf the 12th day of Jane, ISO, said a Ilk, amount nosy thirty days thereafter, until ntiferante notified By order of the Board. j.dam A. J. If orfoserra.. osoretary. ur/lnl ALtiwaLlr /X 601.13011 00., Tittsburgb, July 6, ISM DIVIDEND —The President and Directors of the Allegheey inmost= Co. have this day declared M Dividend of TWO DOL LARS AND r 061676 Oa per share oat of the eirtilnis of the Out sin months, payable to Stook holders ea and Mier Monday, the bite inst. 11.. M. BOOK, Semetery. OELECTION.—The Stiokholders of tne Little Paw MIL Len Itailxced 0a are hareby notified that an Meetion will be held ow President and Directon, to eerie for the mining pose, on MONDAY, the 27th day of Joy next. St the ook• et the Cbmpant. fn Teloperenosiithe. be. toreen the hot= of 1 wade o'clock p. m. lortain W.lll IInIsdELALL, President. MILITARY AMOTICES. •- boon or Zeitimisau? • 224 Dbtrtot Penneylvenis, fla Fourth street, Pittsburgh. WSUBEIT/TUTES.—tabatitutes will examined at this aloe between the hoots of ten and one o'cliot &by, op till as day wine the person dratbd is catered to noport. Imbed psnont desirous of presenting substitutes won ivies soda. fa wins/ M tae rosin, st•tinit the day tney - :e2ll . appur, Old giving tee satettinte'e earns, rennienol, ego, mid it hither en Whiter cilium. When the substunte la peesed end snore in, tee &linen man wit 3 sob. • OM tilait. that she to nos properly enble,t to CO sellitat2 duty dr,* Ws Uwe Jar winch be ens &Abed, by town of baring nunith sal ea aampiatie ennetnnte." PAYIKINT or ssco. The miming of three huodral dollars to lb. Oote. rollausosr of internal Benno. to tots district. will, oo prsesotatiott of hi duplicate rwaisto at this of. Am, ea or Wars as dap on °blob the person doookd L oflivred to :spurt, end mania the pram to p arr. Whale toot he is wiiscliasped Puna larder liabßitii madar 01. sin pt" he Duero will allow a dratted loam three days Gem dm day hf puns esaatinadon to prods°, as acosptable aufraitata. or . osnLacate toot he has 'aid the COD. . GARB OB UNVEIL AGE. The loitering I. peibllshei term I. mislaid:lns of the Proust Marshal General, for lnitimation of all ogicerned The oharecter and IMaruit of evidence emulate to deMde Ltd valetas oratequellilostion ea somant of alp mast be determined by the Board of inmilment. dash dlagnalflostima ehosid bo dearly and lull, proved to tie Beard. Ink re szempikoz Is grouted adder this plea. The lei hying rola. should be care. ft:l7 reloaded, Vs: The affidavit of the pawn darning =empties most, lu all awe, be regolied, 'imp« tad by es mach of the fulloertaa testinway no m M obtained, or may be deemed requite: 1. By an suthenikated extract from the Lispl reg istry ot births. It Mere be any such registry. . By nay other eutheriikatsO dactuatustary deabe tending to mtabliati rim fact of ago. S. By the affidavit of Um parent& d. By the aladavils at mach other respectable par sons (not WM than Me) heads of families, ea no. most deals to he inibrtood oa to. subject. Tail amount of sridenas Imola , required to astab- bib • claim to exemption Is the least which the board should accept; and It In any case the Board has Eamon to doubt the character or millidency of the seithem presented. tt shmld daub. gramma the exemption. ant.. such edditiorml proof es It my ..- quire quire be produced In the to be oosaldered, without deleyLog the buthees of tie draft. The wit:imam sooold to all caws west they are Mods of temille, and are maidents of the comity. DBarTED /888 IiSPOsT (ma the rariom Districts on the der meatiomd Iw of, VI. BaTeIIDAT, JULY' Ig—Thus from the lint, Second,. Third sad fourth ward., Pittabotigh. THUBaDLY, JUL! trit—ilith, bath * bersoth, light! sad Moth wards, Pittsburgh- HONDA Y, J UL i 4—Leorremeedio, Tempereace.. rale, West Pin:Marsh, liotemgattela through, Booth Pittebargb,iiirminghato, met Biradoshom 1111msport, thenbeth, West ZUestmth, Pitt town ship, . shim, Mesa, sear sod PeebW TUTsDLY, JULY fa—Willktm temethip, Patron. Vermilion, Illiabetb, PUIZio, Jammu, Stoowdeo, Piskierto, Lower ISt. Clair, Union, Bowl, Upper Bt. @sir, Cbartiers, Booth leyetlo. north . 0 &TM*. Findied, *Minim, Alcoa, Oroweat sad Neville. J. as sON rartaa. °apts.% sad Provot Iteratted Yid District. jul34wadw. PitaTOST Yr V 101 t, 231, VMS= Or Paaa'a... • allaglhasy ulty, Daly 16tb, 1863. 10-.SUBSIb7IOIOI3, OW DRAFPCD XII —Pet pouch rrlll be rood rod at Mb aka ootfl WIDb MOLY, Ulf 1563. Si 1 .'clod[ p. ia.. for Boarding aad Lodgtog Drafts! Dan, Irmo ;Intim* or their reporting as them H.• 41. quarters until thry are Machu pd Or traastart ad to tar &madam= about to b. eptabliehed hem leldders well state the member al man they aka =beat sad the *tat of Boat Leg and Laden sop &rattly. Payment will be aids mote thly, thrta‘h the Pre vast elatetee General'/ OM a. Tao aggeariato cars tor boardlog and Lodes' Mast not versed Forty Oeata per day, or br BArdlng alone, Thirty Oust.. J. W. I[lll4lB, Ospt. Md naive. Marshal. Eld Dirs. Pi. v 111.1.4 O.IIECEIIITS WANTED, far the nib Regiment Pht.ll.lf. 0., or nay dem Penneylvaala Regiments sow intbe Gehl. Midi re mit Tilt - metre one bandied &lima bounty, Tiesitymine debars will be paid in adrenal et soon or sworn into Me Oni ed agates minim. For other information isonlre at No. 76 ?arra &nem, opposite the lost Whim L. R. RIORAED, Met Lieut. sid Ilmmittrig Meer, inb Regiment Penn, Itorry. norm We lama. XX W atLt r/KKllllJ&lffilrarrith IN . G . l b a i l a ßtlit t. w . pro. inquire at Taal -SSA% be. mom Band 9 o'clock • to.aar PI& dap 49417. 0111:11m MICHIGAN PINE TIMBER LANDS. 635,000 LOBES ON HMI 'MUM% LANDS Belonging to the Bt Wary's Valls bbip Canal Com bo y, 1104 °abrade; tbe remit sellable balite of pas lands now to b. found to ttre United Slates, will M Gained for male at rubllo aeoziou. in Betio% on the 2ri One tit alPtirßl6 BMX% Pole po,tUva. ifix MVO and catalogues address n. PAM% 41 pat, Detroit. Jyrdierrod NIONICIPAL OCiAlhits OF tilTl Or rirtssysan.—The Mims of the City for the • eoastrecUae of yewm for tee ismayee of Ws. Bee, by the gradtee of Washington swat, sad ander the Generes Urea g end Parlay simsenent of Ira, htelni beets Crenate by the Wort In favor of the nub bocce is loreby ipso to all pyrite' Who aro 811111, arrears , or sty of ..1 4 d e l.., sass tt they wl.ll to sere farther C. 1 ,11 they in.st termeeletely settle Ibis. anima. noir In the bents of the uoderripath at Illy &limo, yllint J. M. r. firth street lltd BLANKETK—mother /urge VI supply. Jos: readied sad for isle at tb• Indy, Bobber Imp:, SE and IS Bt. Olair stmt. pit J. k H. ►HILLItO. Ul4 /V It tittAte lUltl).ltUratl Wttibtsbtl —The ben that It male. Oall sad ettatotes, tone pereheilog elsewhere. iGeataelliel IQ eye setteteettett. lot axle at the/new Author Dept et J. 11: 8. PIUbLIPr, SU erne VI end el Bt. Male sine ULL utAnati—averythiag .in that I'm for oillo cheap, MU* groat MI Cloth Depot of H. PHILLIP% lon Nos Nina 4 So. mole trot rro LET—A new Briokgouss in But J. Liberty. Mem rooms, astrbin Wellltke. lad gnome? fronts. Within a len minutes, Welk 'cot Steen ant arriereirl: Yom wroa n a. irsaAreinedi• et•lr. sonr, 1,20:1.. No 144 Llb.rty obese. Plit4nreh. p DRAFTBD MACN. If you dims awar= frost wds&n ,' all It 11•7 once. Bamiabof the plow. WIL T. EVAN, No. 107 YU% stmt. e==::= C. O. TAYLOR will attend to preps mg the . 01111111'01.DBILITILD NISI. la. isliptioa, it ids Odes, 'won • Wor. oamiti PYRIMT. $l3OO okjiriik eirsorgel il i s = gond IS tost trout es Deinw:dendll4l4,ll; immissoosor silkk /Lob , * jnO IL 0N4J144r MO, 4 Ziftli y ~,.i: d2d 4.4 , 011 Ah.t.lkod. WILLIAM L WARD, DUVET, Benthaerlitutldbg. Sd floor, back entrance. Oa Liberty elm it Ofileccbouni tram la. so. till 3p. m.: order ton Ironer undwriandrzig CD tt e part of Mow who nuermil wpou nee, I down It my day to denignete wane of the thing. common In 'he pt., vice MdoleberY. wlileti I do not do. In the 0,4 Vacs Ido not glee a dare -Medic to mayor,. I do not mek• cheap seta of teeth; i do not tam Moe b I their 'Memnon., mound, boa , toy teeth, Au .A. 3. to Insert artificial omit I do not, to any Iv Moms da• arc, lb. nerves of Pith, thare'oy raiderMg then MM. to the meet painful Inseam and !their early loth the more certain. Miss, and numerone other things which I nOnld sreify, I d • not do. In the choice of material. proper Mr filling tbe teeth, I make hat allinited ww of gold, experience having proved it thalami of all effectual In their printirn• Um. In all cases, however, Involving tho appwran, of the tooth, ado not bedtate to make mem It. As to the quellty of 1111 Inge or plop of t old. • Reuther of which buorned In the years of 0.E.:19 are Mil be Ariz teebareny to my workaniaship. or perhaps I .Braid ear exceesiceal earn. p 1100LALMATION. HOGS AND DOGS. OITP OP PITPRBOUGS,as• I, DANA 111 0. BAWYSII, Ir., Mayor of mid city, do was this my Proclamation, th at mem ant after the 16tH DA Y of JULY. A. D., /DM ecoli7 Dog going se large within the city shall have arched Its neck &collar of metal or leather, with costal ptg... on which meta oJlir or slate shell be Msoribed the mine sod Maidanos of the owner. Also shall from this dale, to ibe.l6th or Depiember, haws MolicitlY Paton a good, strOng. mobstantiel and esce invoslo. so as effectullytepremmt said Dog Irmo bids% cr ensyylog.. All Dogs fooni inning at large victim:it raid collar and mauls stall be dealt with aceordlag to lay. • 13003.--Iny puma who shall Wllitslly ender his or har Help to run at large In this city. MMUS each offense, on conviction .thereof, !Walt and pay for each of said animas so running at large, the eum of one dollar, and it shalt be the duly of the police. men or either of them to Wm and take late custody and Impound every OW of gild &WWII' so found cue • ping et lards, and if, after foar days' public notice, no person shall came forward to claim she same, and pay the laid line and mute and other cbarga at. tending the raking and keeping the came, then they shall be sold for the meet the city. .1,17‘1w B 0 8A WY ma, Jr.. Mayor. THE RIOT IN NEW YORK. FRU reports et the riot now rasing in New Yosk .111 be found In the BMW TOBY WSZILLT NEWBPAPRBS; Aud pleton• illustratlug th• alzoolous ammo enact., sel are published In the MAW YORK ILLIIBTRATID BIEWEPASYNBB, Wllob can be had ri° MLBASLINIS FOR AMIN% all the lABTZRN DAILI And WZIOILY 41.1.88, By the duals my or by the Tsar, by man or at the JOHN P. HUNT, 711 MASONIC. HALL. Ti 'mg RTERAT FT 8. FLAGS, LARGE FLAGS, lor Houses, Poles, Fortifications. *O., !UDR OF SRI BM DIIIITISG. LIAO, SILK AND SMALL FLAGS, FOB 0011PADIRS, AT TITDPIIIBBOBOH PLAO MANUPACY2'O2T PITIOOVS NEWS DEPOT. illeTS STOW, 07701111 SUB P. O. 119 ttloaTh LIST Ulf ArrLikaTiuNd .1.1! lOU SELLING LrQuoss, Wad la th. Cdsrk's Whom up to &sl, lith, 18®: Deere P. W.. Lt ward, Ptust•rrgh; Klamath Donis4 do, do, do; Claotirwr Chutes, Wiwi hoer, do, do, Ileum treads, do, do, do; Zr.. les•Ph. other goods, do, eo; Deshaa • Flategas do, do, ; Muer oath ( & house, WI ward, Pittsburgh; Ward JAM. other soon, do, co; Harty Wiiihuo. dq do, do; Out ratridi. th ews. &I ward, Pittsburgh; Muth Ildwrod. do,• do, do; Pisa Jame, ds 4th ward, Pittsburgh; Risolgu Jt Coe. • do, • do, do; Pars esausl. do, 40. do; invokes:sr X., do, :Oh word, Pittsburgh; Illthirs Charles,, do, do. dr , . Bttww J D., other poid,_Ach ward, Pittstarr gh; , Iltspsttiot Park.% 40, 719 ward, 7 litsbargh; Ithlwation; Per, taws. Itli ward, Mobs:rah; thwk. Witham, tbs, 91k word, Pittsburgh; Mum Marla, do, Ist word, Allegluiny; "autos Jobs, sating boon, do, thorny lank, other goods, 4., . do; Oath Jaw, midair atom, Id ward, Aliso lway; 7.W9 Lambda Isms, 84 ward, s sub 2/: Yrothrtstoso P.. sseghousqllth ward,/.ll•gbau7; Trey Pater, do, do, dO, Stowwww Lads, .thin goods, Dinstaghsw; lthillag Maria, do, South Pittsburgh; Karam. Karl Lou, ow's totw. Istorrsoweri 1., sawn:, Larressoostits; Bartow Tboass, do, d•; COW Peter, do, ldwichester; Dakar illorsuci. do, Retied It; Simustodiegor Jamb, do, &wow tp; Trigosou Deals!. do, rim* to, Wok.. 14sard, do, Jeffsnas tp; Suiting B. D., do, Isthmus tp; Dail babel* do, Ilthkat tp; Moser Pew, do, EcOradloss tp; Wads" AIM do, itictilwid tp; The Own ;WU Sod WiDNIVID•T,44I7 2 1 1 1 4 140, at lOo'dook •m. lisairpostranari roost to Wad so or [Wow that day. Appilasiata will twin their Hoods to my dice baton day of 121114114 A. 1111traf.. Mirk. FARM FOR BALE OR RENT, 0011TAIS1NG 61 A. 011,111, li II ecolu hOOO, sad la a good gots of crollf Tadao. ?be Improvements coedit eta now II Etlol. DWIIL. LIIIO, cantata.' 10 room; lug. Takla BARN TINA= 116113811, with 6 roam and pea °rasa of young taws. OPAL ander the whole two. Mt- sato to Baldwin township, about nos cam how the city. Inquire of LIMY, PASSIM , a 00 No. no rourcr d....t. PI • Ali V WO, AT THITATT fAlt" ' 4/7 thaw doling Ms day at rionatig. AT XeCieltandhs 411CtiOIS Rooms, u NITTS ATSIDIT. 1111 CHEESE BUYERS ATTENTION 1 soi bons Weldon loons Obon; 100 do cholas Outtlog dn 20 do Ilsolurg. do; 00 do ostas Isms Crooto • do; 151 do memos do; 500 bosh. shalom otni•driod Apples; otoro sad bees by 1116 _ WOIII 11/1 11 WI T tit..,L1L141110...N; COL'4ISI.UN hi ANT& 103 boui W. IL and Hamburg Mani 033 Mob pima Oita; 10 0 dailio luny sod !Ginn et nroomn 00 bash. Zed Pomba; -.1 trIoL Pond Dry Posobtar . 11 Mitt. Ground t wren Basing sad for soh at 126 Nom!! deist. 17,11 TRANI 1,111 , 1 . 0011010 R. • lalLahl "6' ViLISAM.I.3II/KIS 04 • ‘.f 150 tams Is Orossi Mom; 60 dog atom Thusibmg do; dot oton sod Ow map II VOTOT h 00 Unit&ea W .01/14-2 Ibarrel s War dunesl le 011 ° 1 ° 1110 * a " 3 - Gar V! t- P I Itti :wL. U. VO aived thia day sad for oil* by IGT *Oa rdrilnin, lS new and choice pannad uNwril I V. tor mak by 19 W. P. mite A. ST Wood moot: . . 1L6d1w...••• - M7.1 . -1 1 " 71 7 lr AD PLR TISEMEarTII. -Bs-84 KNOWN T()-FAIL iIiXON , 4 SOMATIC BLACILBERgY CAMIN&TIVF, TllO 110111U11.121% ILLIIIEDT TOD DISESTEEM, DIADILHE.S, WitX, CHOLERA MOUNDS AND IMlldif NB COMPLAINT . - !the Immense sine . treilfy to the mortis of thls remedy, . 'fbe namereus daily reports of 'tont/tang cures stunt tta value. It has advantsges over airy othek remedy, at once =Mg the abeam and Impartingse and ettength to the ristsm. DI sale and kinder to the and powerful In the adult ease. Tie the solder, upectaily,lt Is being apyrrpaittely termed by them, In homy rerlAtodew. "The eoldiere • 3Prientl." lifothers gait superior to inj root/ling 'MID iur childreiroithlig, treed from th e Injurious egeozi of litJtoollol3, [lies rest to tieeimirarer by removing the dieing% sold by respectable dealers erertlwbers. Kr Pr:os, 25 OBNIB A BOTTLE. TWA= MT IErT WM. F. DAVIDSON, OUPTINNATI. 0 AN ALYkiLt,.- ALVNIIA Pia (z. lain. O. Ltas---.. .01. ktuauu•—.- .01. seeelttetthe Armor fur Um sale:of the BIiJIMA (MAY, mined near Pt. Louis, I in vite the attention of Gime sod Bteel Atanufsetanrs intim /maple given gem, ae reported by Profa A. Bays, Of Boston, and J.O. Booth, of Philadel phia, which, together with the test of actual expert. lITSCS by mantifsotarere in PUtsbergh, Chao innati and At. Louis. &daunt's' it to be the pure hand most valuable Clay now known, Whether fore gin or American.. Pots made from It have good In the Gloms Furnsoetrom t to 9 months. lb* Anstylds is of - the Olay es taken from the mine, without any washing or preparation what- ever. It pOISOMMI great adhesivaneas and plutioity qualities, width are not shown by the Analysis, and which admit of the admixture of a large proportion of shell or banked clay. I em now prepared to fill -orders for the above Co, to be ithipped from Bt. Bends or delivered here. ALEX GORDON, No. Ed ezooND 81111E7, AUCTiuN NuTAus Important and teremptory weekly trade Wm of HATS, IS TILL CITY OP BBOOKLYN, I. 1., Commodes TEITIBIDA.T. July 16th, ar.d ending December 17th, 1861 Will sell by AUCtiOO, at hla Warnhocae, corner Hal• mono and WitlornAby Meats, Brook , yn, L. I , 00 may Thursday during the ..aeon, tbs antl:e produo- Ma of Ha umonfac , cry, E'en:monolog on T110it8• Jal7 lOWA, 11368, at 11 o'clock, when be will odor .1.11 firs of FUR AND WOOL HATS, Of every descriptlon, la tote to mat patch urn. to ca llog the atteetioa of the trade to the above an. ncratiosterrth tae ttnaenlvad top to state that lo she es ea for thle soma the same prloclphs that have characterhed those of the pan el I be strictly ob. served. They will not only embrace hie malts pro. dolt my bat shoes of other maantaMorem M well- Sawn .n 11.1109, thus escorleg to *bed labs • waded and complete wertuisal of dtjtee ad4ted to the erems. niters wLU be taw had trim the not able to ati 'end, and sill be Mel satsfactorily. Übe tints win be prepared for inspection by Unto bins oa the morning of the sate. lb* sour. ollsrlags tint be sold without reserve. toxi H. Pilltattlirig, Anctioneer. Oonsligninonfe of lists, hatters' Tricia:duo, mini Straw winds, us watched. and will b sod pa UV +lt ab • terse. Iv7ivlvlO DOCTOH A. H. tiTEVENS. 'Stamm. oat. Pommy, le cuing all CH8.01:110 Zahn, both of Why ant Gentlemen, by a new utint.od in the um of Sirctricity alone. without any =or even any Palo. meg be lad, wla Treatment, by Patiwits hoer *broad, at weemaable rate., lo the Doetor'e Later. applying Oar circular. a renew Inform& Urn will ba armpits enewinal ts Moe and reed saps ae /4111 Bovril &JON del &KZ, rblledelPh Perawylvania, being a central well is delight:el pin ol the city, lerCee this nut for Mere reference. • ltnaecel STILL A CHANCE I Lnothar anival of GUT% SUFI TIMM CUM EQUAL TOTS B 0 0-T 0. OrOall slut 1.1• pair. DS WE CALL kinCIAL ATTENTION to Da este of.ll AClaltd Olt RARD, 3 Why team Allegatny Olt y. his the cheapest laud In the await, bolsi situated on a rout. esd bat a low manatee mak froth two titat )w ann the Pittsburgh. Wert Wayne a Othrego Rallway-4oue Station at Jack . * Ron and the Whir at volodo• man, < 4 .e lathe and a ball trots the liana Station. and a law rods hors the allwtheny k Raw Isrlshlos Plank Road. Has an mellest Slow of the Ohio rarer. and would make a pleasant country thatiaad escallent thwilkw a impair, and Is cffertincor tcr matt or part se lime. Inquire of D. °SWAN. . DlaD No. 93 Loma etteet.'Attrithwiy !tart. g ISSOLUTION.-11 he Co•Partnenhip atm a sWitted between the andeniteed. ender the p of RNLI'. RUDD t 00. eapked thla day by ceticaloa. The teuiness wid eantleeett by Oa/ULU NHL!, by abate ell demands due to ot [rem the Ist. Irma will la eattled. ' OIIkILLIS H. N. BUDD. NICHOLLS H. WADS. Tort Pitt Niatudry, July Ist. 10.3., jylletet THE OLERAPAST PLACE IN THE aopisanoss •ND GAITVIS, Is at BORLAND'S, 99 Market strut. T I ST RECEIVED; A Dash antral of NUTRIA, DAZIIOIIII4.B AND DOOSS, At BOILABDII. Ye Mirka stmt COMB ALONG and, buy your BOOTS, iiiollB mad OAI7IIIII at the limit prim, at WANTED, oow.prrun lirinalt, Tank° chi at • nanny AR*, with rallernota, at 41 if arket net& hIATuIt . O 1,17101, ll riniscotan, July 14th. A. D. 186& TWO HON _iv DODD timadasnawAlip for the arrest and aourtottoa of tho party or putt.' who hare boon rotting Aro to ;Is Import, of • soy allow (Ultimo of IlltaburElL • H. O. oAW7itt, Jr., 1••14:11, ' - Mayor. be.ottow.Faxiasuovris 6111ALlit 01 WZIGIITII AND 1111A4Utaia Sir °Mob, Chortior of Liberty end IMO Knob. 011101 own may wiPliltanAll . sa4 Bel" NVViIUe ta .—AU parsons Mtloua to D AD N tate firm of Dn. DAER 0111111OEI are re• Jr' to tall tie* tI.IIOOI,IItLLCSID, Jr:, at tar old OD. on Penn stmt. who Is author. hied to settle the badness' of the late Drat and to re. ealpt bale for O. • J. P. DARN. . Jeer Ire. ISM 141/01010 - MINK BiatiFig 161114: I JLY pendia:taunt the• twat mufti In Eck nesdsebe, Blamer of tn. etomaeb, Heartburn, sod MI mai. plaints midst from alty. Tor oils st GTO. A.. IC ILLY'S OTITTItar, DRUG WHIM corm, Mao nod Toterd striate. = tertil .Welling: house ot , twopekars, And eight Won rooms, ignite on g inri totril l et..:Prme.ea Mutat ot. tiktlibiolt—RlO boxes =W: .0 ogees „, r so , se , :-lousesish; 13 -do Otayag.ti.,. Tot ink by YftikAustitt-4tl:dasks zio. 1 in store • • • tar w 4 6y a B. 11 Villimmo. • pip sok utaleutv ~,,:4,>, , , i ,, ,-. :p-..1-:!.::'- ' ,1 ' :ze., , , : e, ; La:.y.?:, : x4r- ' 7, V ;. : :) ,,7- ', ; •. ; ', ' , : ', ' giM4i4;ti*F4.4% . gf - ' - 'qo' l-r ''''' ' ' ~...,- ..,,,t4,-,w.i.,;',43-4...5.-.-Wo ~~~~~r~-~~~~r JULY' 21:trix. MACRUM & CLYDE'S. the preterst &Trenton ix prim, Ltd can otter to wlyago! eels sa l retail berfam.st !an LOWIR, BATZ THAN. USUAL, hawlsomt antortzfofts of Ti IX sLINGS, TAROT GOODS and NOTIONS. are dada' out, at reduced prim, our MOO% of SUMMER TRIMMINGS, MIN= RN BROIDT4I.IIIP, eUIIIII3 HCBIIBY k GLOT. 131131111i1t YOBRISITING GOODY, ac., to make room for . Oar Tall mamma • • W Country Merebnts will find am Wlioleraki repartmenta well ducked via all gocva 10 oar Ito% and at prices al low as any from In this city or In the Salt. MACRUM lk CLYDE, 18 • MARLILT 81BIZT, N W 13U1/UM - GRENADINE VEILS, BOMII new sad beantlhil styles. CAMBRIC TRIMMINGS, A chola assortment. Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Lace Mitt', Pau, and Bun thabrallai, PARTS TRIMMINGS, b. all ths Me:OU °elm. Also. • fall line of those cheap HOOP BUMS just reoelved sad for sob" rnp km. by JOSEPH BORNE & CO., 77 AND 74 MARKET BT. Jo 8 GREAT CLEARANCE BALE AT MALI:LS. FarL 7 l3, 69 Market Street. OF DIZZISS Goons) CLOAKS, SHAWLS, 1-2/71430 LACE SHAWLS. LACE BORNOUS. /1 18 DRY GLOUDB elrovlsys, I ono thaw% Stella tore Silk Bu•ks Orsasdinik Wis.! CsAmara Is Lane " ankh& Mllds's . .. racer Bilks. B'sCL •• Iftrued Dram Goods, Stomata. Idestaitikeis. Loam, 12:=3 •r °marl NAthants tappllsd A niAmoble prim 708 CAUL JAT JANES BOBB'S, Ho. $ HAMM EMIT DRY GOODS I DRY GOODS' REDUCED PRICES! ♦ forgo osoortmout of goods BILLING one" at N. I. ualt. NODS= AND NLAZHNT MIT to bay AT -I=OOM PRIORS! To close oat oar BIIMMER STOOK. .e . t. Ovoid carrilog over any portion of car &OX. !Chß STOOK, vs ban dotattatood to it l edsscs .Prices go Such a Point umn oak. It as object , with parchatoro -to BUT b ler i lx i ;cl; nor oi d.d. V.t:11.11. aea I„l„,ing....biti,„ NEW AND DIBIRABLN -L OOODB 137 Taptera, re that aostomoro sus r i 7 .1410.0 enarjthjai thy mod hi oar UM. liBrthintl and Dealers who bay for Cult Will find our prkos at low os boa; laden 4eamo. EATON, WAR= *CO 4 :wan-moil:nu= C 3213232 to Lime km We J.B. aiitrillLD. re In r eaelpt of HEW GOODY. baalhtduring }ot'•en Pnn•th etTeet ' w2d Dlsmoal Sala lleella, Doe l° e. Table 01004 - Mork Lisa% Mtisake laka. tless Tavel', Mem, t i lwa, Cleaeli, Mout% badmen% Tweeds, i r : ic 5 .,... • . Oalecrtuales. thearg MOW Illassega. . lareelllea, .fra. fa. 1 Farago.. 1 Orniiis. I swag. Da Ulna. Outman., (Tharlas. an4s. MIPTILIIV Dalabsalas, Alpaccsoo,• Oroosd's .raps novasta, H- op Skirts. ' Elatooral Skirts %Wren's Para, Cloolorsior, Parasols. elm Shads,. Laos Castilla% Gosratarpows, Nottlngb'm LAM Irrablel W1.'.," Vsattbals Law. Spotted fisslash AT ALEXANDER DATES), 21 FIFTH STREET. . M. Burchfield's, MILLING AT reEOll BILIS, ea, °hasp; staimia DiiB9 Goan% rezy asp LS 111,0 M, raj Chnii Teri cheliP BRAWLS! SIILWLII I very cheep; WHITZ OBkPX 811AWLB I NEW GOODS' - REDUCED PRICIBI IRMO. D11:81341111.1 AND NOW Just no b's& at LAM, IVABOY 111DISAL rnize, Auudmir. GUNTLBMEN'I3 51711111111 1101302413 G GOODS, Claitai eat at ato7 trlf PIP% at , igaosos s icramrs, 343 - TalLlTlnt tot.ltvhi h Nihon& 01.01#N(}OUT CHEAP; • • emu= Roam 'Asti carnis,_t morx4eks,asiousmea aws okuannas;, it c ire; bI6 TlYhdisi et, bet. Youth / 1 .4/13 HaLl'. HAMBLIN'S . AT/ON,. motri2F, II ipatral.ieva_c.Ar.o4.lll3lll% COMB On mama • Z;zl WEEK Lira Unit _ MIONDAT mins% Ja l 7 lol k*Oire#lo , The . BTLit 1.41r111T6 winMM . • ' is Vitt vt. programme at 501Ofil)ANusa; IiTnIQPIA AOTE. INBUTI/11111T,A ‘ ii lima% PSTILAYAGAZZAboIte: ." ' ' - ' ark arinuAriusf• ea .11LISI1DLII UT'S. A CHAIM OP paoatazirs =cur 1101?: Adsihalm 25 OZIITIL 15Kr.lw - • pusvuxcors" nuaroanAria itooass, oozaza 7474 ad) Kau= formai. (lld and lA itodur„ over Bkiardixa% Prftranoss. raorocurrzw. of misdno s ol ** , o lllo, wawa, from tb. Maar Ornate do Mho to addlOd Xr• 'MUMSwwrc boll the toff= albs Aim AND WON Ito Wow - tauty of WA litablielimat, bobs {lo shod filed of Maim oar Plum was, lad soildmelon gum" teed. utrifelruVril GOLD BOXDBILED WINDOW- 9iw3g.B, 01111 N, DROWN AND LIiTT MUM% Um and elanint patinas, just tooshad at As NEW CARPET STORE Of McFarland, Collins & Co.,' FIFTH STRUT, ISatweizi ths PT Own= ad Dan= lhoMils. jutsT ormita. NEW CAUMPIITS: By searheese Bede is the n o wt '1 el IM Matsui Itaniats, ve Ire receiving the sinned get, Was fa ligignillLß sad Ili4Lllllll. and bole• onsoisio moot oomil of Carpets, Moor Oil Qoth, lining 1113% With • va, larp reasetke , OLIVER .3r0w , ,e00... ' • MATTING rce minds we Inv dal labs at Loyd= ota White, Checked sailligusilDatfts. In mi 7 stria szol of . srpinsar viatty. OLP= X'CLIWZOOK/CO, - IL 8 MAMA as 1. gazsisstrarre of am Nisi I "Ilia • o IP TT Po 12" - . no. Y InOramarsaireizzy, . - inTormez. , • MI urcatuast. birAnillll7l9E TURID /0111/TV•• tonstaalls n Mrsmom vs NU el Se hired pion In OWL CINTBAL DRUG EITORB, • Omar ebb Jimiond *aft GllO. XELLA Ingelsbx. BPAILICLING lOU AILTIL razur — Monanink - . 4 41,"Phydallas paiNdiWassw:mixMiskri=mNl.: hA AN MAW ; WPM LAM 1 . Ulf JAL BIBTOILIDI—Just yablitlied.bi owlet Mem velew Moe etc mot[ A. Lesion alllbw -14 TUBB, Titi&TIIINT LID RADICAL' 11=tbas sr !Motu] Weekame lavoliestery Dizasi Debility, owl laopelteamte to Bettlage weestollyt lieriewswewA row ecuseireetwe Dopey end Tat Beata SDI molting trout Selb&tiewi, 80.. ,1y Roble ; irsti; 11L - 1).; 'Mbar et 800 Gm Boob, Me - ei Boos to Thomism! of BaSitotar Sear waist rile to • plan envelops, Wow; addreshparVis at six omits. at two pootowt etne" 3"4 1 r lousy Bey Batt. Cat - % lion TO iIIi&IFTND Mull. THOIZ MU=lll esa bm• Sklar Pews drainvaP bi T. WALTIE DA; 50.10 Ming 1f1Opoodt• Parrial Mufti% 011 so, aftlery: . i; RUBE lan 001 + 1 ) BODA Lad goo maim zar =lull aka 019114 d nod% fresh Ova/ 4 M airO Na a aii.o;ll. Amebas. gowns? BONDS WAFr,V., A isTIGHE'S sealmr, to.namms BECK & TT GirtySvs , “, _Mann% Pui - 1111mAudi opriA.OnamilinhaatAssid Amiga la POW my pAuDDON rammuova, 2100 E. MLA SWIM DWI, 91011131, IfIANAG4 ISODU -s ?DODD, DUNI, lUDS, gam AND D !SUM. tot Saler sad TAIIII • MMZ! IidAOHINAS AT AllOTIOX:ci lECIII•Der 111 , 11/130, - 17,13.4, o'clock. et the Maim& 1461,14ega Eoai*,lllll2lll.* strirt.vlll to Hold. . 1 etandardblatilm as , ..dot T 1 ttsa," do Ilstload do * And towel alba. 1111**Isis.- ties Ikeda', •1 ads. 'Tains • , • - ••• igto - • MeOLILLAwD. Atari; LWtl 1lL11111.111:b1IA4 . _ _ _ LID 0!IIIIPID Wien"' *LDS: Art seestrid. W. Inseam el, vxdik, chalie colonial - . . _ MAUR= "AUDIS.' 115 . 75 te. Vp NV WA iitAtirt 111/1 1116016.41 JAI mat el &mans neap Is Ilitsesurlinonletl!; Ew R Wait 43 4 .- ; 11-7-6 ; norm. nit Ina - AM: - BOW • • dittiilvicGiui drawl sae wttli to Ait wad blitmattatis 1104,141 M to uhes.: I,lMir late* 'tail amain* , VOWS Atin liUrrikne.Atoo batist e ,' Ja ins lad - raz av usirsissw it dt laseg i vatake t -,- jo i VOLD "°ll4ll , PIII3IID. aqz.D . pins "Antos x. ads br : V; P. KAM Ulr • • liOu 'TINS Du mr WRLT.-Wi'hanb starolCabillish.i4 RlZro ni erlifo : ' V Weriaz t • n LtnlT. ,s • la sit*,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers