LOO 4L sit (I :A C' m Saturday's linating Edition. The Mitt In tha'2.3ll District. ?hi . draft la this ,- District geminated at sO' le day. The 'attending dug' the p.. 4 'ln*• day. lug ben rather slim. On Mendly the ,Beard of Barra: ma sill sem agog reeeiving a;4ll6ations for enemptione. atbeethan ptiyataal disability. Baby sill bitaand tite!namas of theta parsons drafted It Anita:int( county this losanoon : ItriTllll3l2 /WWI:MIL iaWm. Mallutar, Allen W. Oattardare, Ind. .lialtahoar, : W. Patihald, Wm, Pplloak, Witiajdzk e . . P..Hatatia, a•Niataa, PittlAt'Lastrikap, Jtikft :noltsholir, • Albert Bablaso3. J....11..-Wiatii, to,to itini, I Ittlro ma . l i ul ten. koDripm, 4 Joesfpitadvenson, Wns;'Macsitty, hikainidtaa, D. B. D'Dinutell, J. isr: - Drok, Jotaplt Priam, Jas. I. Eatiastita, David.Snoble. 1 11.. IL Esltyi R . udolph Bonder , : A inKt" . Gado., .E•nry Lee III•ohHog, 4ebt•llliWintamst Attlisitit.Bakirr, G. 006111'6m1, ArsisailiUtbits. Wta,411.. HareNife Guy' K•ohling,- Otto:MO.6re, ' -•- Vitinfini Nimbtit, Jams B. Sawa, , Hugh• WWI. Babitt4l.• John Ltadirman,; - ...4..i t sibMer. • "41,- Jams Outlier, - AgArsitHi; 4acily Y. KeVres, -Pleming Brows, - Wm.-J. Neale, • • 'George Whitehead,' _Henry Wii " • Joasthan Reedy, --Michael Best, • Aadrsw Wells. 'Wm' B.Wilihusul, 'Mathias Boots, • :::Peter B. Titus, • 'Zahn Borontpormr, Di F. Hull, Juke Mbar, -Josiah Hoppe, Jahns o. , T;allter SUM Leasure, • ' M. D.. Density, B. raLitChey • - -Jacob Hood, G. ONLake Robin . K. 4 1'hompson, BM:on:L. ' Wm GeorlA, Wm. P.; Boated. • Jaelr.Bsbreeksagoske Conrad Barimstook, Hammel Wine D. IN Criswe ll ; , - ALB. Bowser, Jas. P. , Hendsrepa, Michael Campbell; - GiozW:"Mirstalt, David Brawn. - • Peter Altman, .1.: `Wm: Olinger, ' Btootdale,' • J•en SohrookenjOst, Georg* H. Spears, Philip iteasman, Joseph Clever, Janob.Mowry, • BlideliaMitall,. ' Peter Bradsbough, Jaabb David Madras, J:. Mcßee Marshall, : CameellEnßlhaney, imnas,L. Armstrong Daman Cis% ' 14. Simnel B. Neal, ' GOI:1 - :.‘.M. McEntire, A ll 4 l l4.4llallaghei, olia - W..E. Borland Edward Taylor, ' ra, Neff AittroonMcEntire, Earn EWA, liiidiseleampbell, Jr.'' John 0&19p1mal, iiiiht.'.l 4 Borland, : ETV: Irwin, K. A. Suety, Jeremiah Bowser, Jefferson Gess. ' ISBRAZIX TOIIIIIIHIP. lßobert C. Garvin ' alai/ hant, John Ya ger, Jilitli R•dingir Jamb Wells, ' IR t Kancelman Priin Hermon, Jam M. Riming, Henry Cherry, - Joh" Itunoelman, Abraham Guyer, Imam' Kuneettaan Aaron Saipan,' Daniall Gearhart, William Snydar. 1c.V181112. Natal Henry, gooneY Candi*, tionrl liartlass, Michael. Ityle, a Jamb T. Anthony ' iJaeob Andress, Jamb Shumate? kad.isen Roo!, William Petterhoff, Job.ur S Hamilton; harisi Maria*, Itul ir a d Steokdil, 011rISHIP. David Criteson, Philip Loothart, Loris_ yergenthalirr, Samuel Wolf. - ,Joseph W. Luker, ipkir W Gook, *- Same Smith, .T4oeb Task George T. Wbeatoreft, Samuel L Walker ' Jacob pnsiy :ohs Coleman, Jobs Bobreakeagoet, Soloisor Stalletaa i , Bellew' Enna, ' Suanil Gelilik, " Ilene /Leafage:, Berme! W. Miller, -11•11011116 Nathan Bo:risk, ..Libanna Eistriais, Henry dshrookongosi; Georg* Stamoker, .lirataklin J. Adams, SmaN.Bim_le a John Downstate. - Anthony Clorminh; Lama El Bhanskor, - Miss BOUM,' -Adam Woolonly, Dialel Bang,. Wag' I, 8. W. MenhaLl, - Maar d Ritaluirdton, Min4sß-Wviourc: .os4rp doki Csnataghaik... • • reia,apd 211,„ - Bomplas Boraimpt, ; i rigifairrivb .3114mbom Baum, „ Lori Bahrealmagott, 7 B Gialuaigt. Millar, . Bannarrial, axed WI ...00rassuaxxoi Jamboa Maladuth. - WM. Ttionipaaa, Ammo 7.13m1tb, MAW, .-;:rlATlßabnakespia, • Rabat Buy k, Alitsaelarbare, /Aura Btowart, Ori.UpEr,,, ! Jame B. Moor Lat, " Maas' Chisma . s, f ./bavialdieausliod, O. BthAolmapag John 07ia:i, Sao..Br. Bagley, Geiger, • Muter, MAIL' tiartmaa„. SolatizedUlr:, Wm. Mar; uro, Jicook Straight, emu S. anus, John. P., Roomitorgor, Jain= Moohling, WM. Poirin, Berlamln S. Illoohllng, Alm Richey, Jacob Marti!, John 0. IClng, Join McGregor, Thomas Moore, . TOWNIIIIT. Abriliam Hill, ilosoph H. Patrick, L. 11: Belden, Andrew Sontimorth, Jacob Boyer, Jacob Me!Mos, Thos. Rottarson, ijAldso.o. Baden, oh* Koldtan, Frauds Noon, Alit, A.. - 9.l4 g bfa, ro. tiliiiison, as:. A. Tkompsoa, Samuel IL moors, iolll;lirbittaker, , lion T. . litik part*, Asiti,oo, Soksoas, Hoary Tsolingstr. HTQWUUIP. Illathew Lot4an, , Dip:l44 Yonne, i , Bliss fiskial, ~„: ''. - `'Diilet Parma, , • *hire" W. eififft;- Adam, Wentsel, --- lilabnal Odin:- :.. : EL ..S. W. &hosts, ~ /Nth /111.47, . : Andrew Cramer, 14414'W+iltubstsb i : Leotard 310 W. 4 .3 I,,,'lThailpe Johisos;, : &lily p. lidialli, : 4„..Tcskas limmett f .LL - Obssibitr _Omar, ' - ku I naslisnekr i- . Win.Vibad, ' .'"' 'DWI Houk bna. Shaw, miaow; zoe s . '' asset Hartman, ' 4 . ben.Atleman, • , .. 4 .= ,. imp. I ",`;'ilskii 3601 a a ..- . ;T: Alla, H. Ellitalir :..,. Or - ilfr.l.ii ,•sJV. A. Lambing, ,-,, ,4456.c„ .. .ur it „ ! r.. 1 „ r 'Am.!: Barnaat, laokibatleydnist i i. , Emil:look; " 01 # 41 t 14 •Pri;-,W.f, WAntanr Blum ~.,,,pme...., ~. ziaam.D...h. ...r. , Xeittouil4 . .-JainiAlndald, ..,,, bite las Henry, TTltomni Robb. ringwellylai '' ' Hellirt Ginn, HantMall.: ifinfaltiffian. Mimi Hill, 1 1. 040,0*Nalrere m-2, Swine& Shoults r-A 4114X61:11104, , .. - • ....: 11-1 ~.: ... •• ' . • , BlVA'Clekeia . ; • ' t'Xitaass lialloirogbl" Madveri • - Mfatimil Llogler W iefr brij°64 l 4 '11`1":11eBoaser, Brikpadiil.'l3slo,66 .I#l.,ctilt4ol4l, tikli T.; Gray, Wei Osage, E alac it s 'f „ : , Orals, 8440. Ziltt, IM/trails% r Jitkailisa 401•01 . 41:7, 0101_1/m1,90t, 444114"11er• h i~L °-'2 ~.MWiI ..__ • -.WiPeliiirEittlas. •—ksr :two.fwiwboopo,k_cdtton Iwo toes to ,'Oßid txiiitwAlr a - tato lob- .qtei.parporttag toenv thilddighiliblo MI6 4tllll day ; boy al ittnylood who hakoww3loost knot/6,14,1y " 'TR, a moit alsoiablattopotittiot ow; CU pet). lido 1,, not ,oattOod to, and do not 'Yodel ri'tho 1414Foplio iholddwidd:TinUf ' I W ll4l ;dFdrittio7y, to stotwowspopod pablialw „, ,stii, :who- potato dowiardessa hamlisgod s...tdowlit-owoolootowl, idllitdO to - Moly to be I lit s tioli tglo . Tluty:Wast be ow *hair - - si - ow ,try, eadentgod , Ntothor t , ...titifirwill be laud tomorrow.. , -. v a aid Ray IMMO of liyie• le widogidiV . 41 itiU too 1100thisdLIV vi Wu oirortoo -41*-4-witittkrialkitharakti DO that till . 'atrillitt. 11 (9111,4"10 , 10_ 00 ea' 4 - ,e,„1 . ,1,r z.:9 ,- , t -, r - E •••• ~ • • . , The Drafted Alen. I want to know, and I now call the atten tion of .the Department at Washington to what I am about to say,—whether we are to be put into organizations of ear own, or sent to old regiments Aro we to be scattered to the four wind, as if no ties of neighborhood drew us nearer together ? Are the thirty men of Findley township to be 'ant to as many regiments, and are the twenty-six of South Payette not to know the few who are drawn from the adjoining townships of Upper St.. Oleir or North Fayette? Door it not seem reasonable that those who itakve lived together should fight together, end if need be die to geThther in oommon clause. ose who are not drafted oppose our idea of company organisations and regimental or,. genisttlens, with a few good alcove detailed irom settles to command -in certain 01110, bat were Bey drafted they would - never dream of shouldering a musket. They are the last men who would present themselves; and as the Government wants men, the true princi ple Poems to me to be to hold out every Induce- Meng for men to enter the service, rather than pay their three hundred dollars. It is cer tainly very near the truth to say that twice as many will go if they are assured they are to be put with their neighbors and friends who are drafted, than will go if they know they are to be sent to any old regiment In the field. The War Department will consult the interests of the UlllO/1 by listening to this reasonable de • sire of the drafted. W:11 we get a respoctable hearing, or wtli we be snubbed by a lecture on the importance of drill—brwraion drill, for sooth, by men who wield the editorial quill and am as ignorant of the requirements of field terries as ouryreschnr is of euchre? I em p leased to learn that the General com manding this Department favors the plan, and ear Representative in Congress, Mr. J. IC.. Moorhead, although it first not dispoted to favor the idea, admits that the claims and wishes of the loyal drafted ought to be heard and rospeotiully oonsiderered. The drafted men are in one settee volunteers, and they ought to be allowed all the marks of distinction and consideration that aro bestow ed en them. Hundreds and thousands are about to respond because the government has officially and legally called them,and who be lieve they ought to respond—men who have moans at home and are not coral:nth*, to go because they have not $3OO. These taen ought to bes heard, In preforenos to those who are to stay at home. 11111111111!. David 01&10% John Ilitehay, John clampbell, 'Wallin% Sanford, Direadatheny, LOWii btside, Elsorve Young, John Roltionagar, Samna P. Oliver, Comilla' McCoy, Patin B. Bati. Alln.:.X.ln;illllLe, jr., ntilllate. 1 , enott, Beni. W. thin, %Gate Austin, Itlati4 Derendra, WA; 'Moen, P.,D. Lenglelin, James Gallaher, Earthed neasl•y, Jr mss lh nun, Nalhaalil Neal. Munn,: .I . A3 =k ,s t, f -i ' It has been my misfortune, if I should Bo term It, to be one of the dratted, and I can safely say that I Earl that I am bound to swat out for my oompaniona of fate. A , word to these who are willing to consider this matter will perhaps impress upon them that we are only demanding what In reasonable, and may urge our Influential citizens to intllic,io in our behalf. Shall it be so? Donations for Sick and Wounded The following is a list of donations received by the Allegheny Ladies' Aid Society, fo: sick and wounded soldiers, daring the week ending July 16 : Fifty-sight new merlin shirts and 27 pairs drawers, made by the ladies; Mrs. M. B. Brown, Mansfield, 1 can currant jelly, 2 outs pleat bettor, and 1 can tomatoes; Mrs. Wil ton, Hayetille, box eontaining 1 jar pears, 1 jar cranberry wins, 1 jar bay water, 1 .box ginger, 4 bottles blackberry wine, 1 cake soap, from Miss Tillie Wilton, 2 bottles extract raspberry from Miss Sallie Wilton; also 1 package rags, 1 package corn starch, and 1 mu q rite net ; Mrs. A. Kramer, 21 nantalnen Mrs. Mary A. Davis, one-half do :an pairs socks; Mrs. John E Patterson, 3 shirts; Mrs. R. D. Cochran, 4 new shirts ; 12 bands gas and a paper of lint from 4 little boys, Al lred and Reese Lindsay, and Wet. cod Clifford Hutchinson; Mrs. Campbell, 1 nartequito net; Miss Spear, 2 shirt., 4 pocket handkeroblefs ; Mrs. Dickey, 1 can pinches, 1 pair slippers, 1 shirt, and a number of newspapers; Mrs. Shriven, 2 mosquito nets ; Mrs Jno. Dean, 30 maga:lnes; Mrs. Josiah Copley, i package papers; Mrs. J. C. Kirkpatrick, swine and towels; Mrs. Blevanson, 6 shirts ; Mrs. Red path, 1 coverlet; Mrs. Trevor, 3jars jelly and $5; A Mead, 4 shirts; Mrs. Boas Cooper, 40 yards muslin; Miss Annie Cooper, 40 yards merlin; Mts. liai s ed, Gallinder Graham, Mho Jaw Graham, Mrs. Elisabeth Graham. Mrs.' Mary Graham, Matilda Graham, Mrs. Nanny Vonaivost, Mrs. Mary Patton, Cranberry township, Butler enmity, nars warrant jelly. 1 can raspberries; Miss Bailie Sprott', $5 Allegheny Tract Peolety, large number tracts and Messengers; Morning Glory; quantity =ingrain net. The Three 'bleared Dollar Clause- It has boon announool, time lied again, _that a drafted man claiming exemption on the ground of physical disability, could not pay the three hundred dollars, nor offer a substitute,after he had passed an examination and been pronounced able. bodied by the sur geon. This decision was so manifestly no. fair, so contrary to woman sears, and so plainly in conflict with the object and intent of the sot of Congress, that It gave greet dis satisfaction. A man might feel reasonably certain that be woutl be exempted tittliedeallt of some bodily infirmity, bat the very fact that he amid not offer the regal o coma tation,or present a substitute oft., he had been exam- ined, would deter him from running the risk at all. This dial:tilt, has at last been settled by the War Department, alien it is held that a man claiming exemption by reason of phy sical disability is entitled to an examination without manning the risk of being deprived of the privilege of paying the Iliae hundred dol lars or offering a Mutilate. It is held that the party may deposit the commutation with the Collipotor of Internal Derentie, to be with drawn if he shall be exempted, or furnish an acceptable substitute. The decision 1* con tained in the following words : Wazategrox, D. C., July 17, 1863. The drafted men may, if they desire, deposit three hundred dollars with the Collector of Internal Beal:MO, edited to toiddrascat, if exempted by the Board, or thetraubstitutes pass examination and are or:dieted. New Nont.—Messrs.Peterson, of Phila delphia, have just publielied a now story by Gustave Aboard, entitled " 214 riper-Maier. e Trele ,• the /naafis Danl." Like all the woe,' of its anchor, " The Tiger gayer" le fell of adventure, exoltement and the strong est kind scene-painting, so that for eensatl^ A effectiveness, if the reader demands that characteristie in the highest possible degree, ho may confidently resort to 14.. .Slmard's Tiger. Slayer." The book is for sale in Pittsburgh, at J. P. Rants, Masonic glith:tniet, W... 11. Gildinfennero, id Fifth shut, and et Year, Miner's, next door to the Pat-elllee.. Mee 60 cants. Tau PIISSUZY Casa.—Wm. Jaokson, of the Eighth Ward, obargid with `perjury on oath of Capt. Fester, Provost Marsuai, had a hear ing before- Cematissionwr--Bsiley, on Friday sfiernison, bat owing to.the amass of a ma terial witness the ow was oonculued until two *Week Saturday afternoon. Several wit name ware examined, And their' testimony ;went to show this Jackson had giveralls age, when signing a military roll last September, se twenty-ZISSIIMM, aid that he had fre quently made statements whial4 if true, fixed his age Mahout thirtyyean. Es swore before UM Basra that hilt./ over thirty-fire. TIACILLI ELICITED FOS TIM MAICIMISTII Seaoms.--The Dirmtors of the Ms charter Pattie &heels at their adjourned meeting tut evening, :Meted the battening teachers for them:Luting year Prineipal—Wllitint Marsha& Amami to Priaeipel—Miss A. Woodborn. Grammer PrparLaitnA-41INS Vloiet Wila on. lot Luerwediate—Mite Mute MeiCee ; 2d hterisediate —Miss earth E. Bally ; Zd baterstediato—Mina Lida P. Gilson. Ist' PriniaryrT-Miss Mary J. Methane; 2d Miss Mary 0. Yam; Zd Primo ry— 'E. Wilson ; 4th ey•hactry—lates Barak A.,Tirtdi• ' ARMIN CnAanz or PranaY.—Pattiok Ittannan,who_was enrolled and dratted In this city, made _oath that ha Is a regldant of Wittutotaland coma% and uniollo4 Aare. Oapt. Mallinry upon information substquani- Ip received, made a chugs of pa/ tux agnizit Bnuanon,tt being alleged that be Is a Telt. dent hent, and wee properly unrolled. lls ALcosgagi“ to—{upland-unthaw lag Wow tlonandtilOnat Dint" this attar. ADITITTTD TO Pai pTlO ll- •011100f1011 of Goo. Ships, Jr, Esq4l3. 4:Johnston was. en the liltkinsa:reutinittedl to -prude* in the &Ns oib Sonia Alleg .1r covey. ;ohn e** passed a Ter" creditable e.tandnation tore the Comndties e and aatiehra young gear - Una= of eilll q l3-0 4.440iiihe bids fair to Idirewittlge profes "l. MEM t• , „ - - 2A-"At'<".. 4‘. Fars WARD Soldiers A Difficulty tiettledi Jrß. Pry, Provost Itsrultal deneral LATE TELEGRAPHIC -NEWS f ?ROM 01111 MINING EDITION LATEST FROM CHARLESTON The Town and Forts Completely Besieged. EVERYTHING WOBEING WELL. TIN FINAL ATTACK FIXED FOB TUESDAY PROBALE CAPTORS OP MORGAN &a., &a., &a. Barron, July 17.--A letter to the Boston Herald, dated off Charleston, the 12th hist., says that the grand and final attaek was as signed for Tuesday, the 14th. The letter says that ovary thing is working well. Morris Island la ours. Charleston and the forts Are oompletely besieged ! Flee iron•olads and Aileen gunboats are off Sumter. Tea ganboata and forty gun-frigates, and the haw fronalder, will go over • the bar to- night at high tid.. Versa &ore lron-olads and gneiboats have arrived from Baltlmore,and with Shoheavy 200- pounder rifled guns erected on,idorris Leland by our troops, will take part in the bom bardment of Sumter. Naw YONIC, July 18.—The steansir Yalta., from Port Royal on the 15th, ham strived. General Gilmore had commented mining Port Wagner. The siege I. programing fa vorably. General Poster has taken the fertilisations on James Island as far as Geoessionwills. [lt will be seen that the 14th, the day fixed for the assault according to the above, is the very day mentioned in the dispatch from Gen. Roseanne to Gen. Hellen, yesterday, as the date of the surrender of Charleston by the rebels, as learned from hie scouts who had their intelligent* within the rebel lion. This news, therefore, is a strong corroboration of that *hie& we reoeired with euolt doubt yes Corday, bemuse we thought it premature, o perhaps almost too good to be true I" Yet aster all, it may prove as trne as we oortainly wished It to be. The country will rejoice abundantly when it can be .ansonnoed-for meals: that the wicked city bas fallen 1 . 1 Pattazurras., July 17.—The Washington Star says: As we go to press to-day Pinasyl vania avenue Is wild with the rumor alleging the reception by tha government, this fore- noon, of information of the fall of Charleston. We regret to be compelled to discredit the rumor. A dirpatch reached hare from the West, stating that rebel prisoners taken say that Charleston has tallest. These prisoners doubtless allude to the fall of a .portion of the defenses of Morris Island. A dispatch received this forenoon from Gov ernor Tod, we ken, exprenes the confident belief that John Morgan and hie raidingband will very 'barely be coptared or destroyed He to ',mounded, and all escape are effsotnally closed sealant THE NEW YORK RIOTS Over Two Hundred Houses Yls lied by the Mob. SPEECH OF ARCHBISHOP HUGHES THE DRAFT TO BE RIMMED do., fa., die Raw Yoac, July U.—About S o'olook to day the military wore withdrawn from the scene of last night's fighting. Over two hun dred houses had previously been limited, and a quantity of arms were seised. Not a casualty hse boon hoard of la the Seventh Regiment. General Kilpatrick had a long eonfarenee with Gan. Sandford, understood be in rata loner to the arrival: of cavalry from Washing ton to patrol the city. Gen. Sandford has ordered all the liquor acres in the vicinity of the Arsenal domed for three days. Cannon remain In that viotaity with a strong force or military but there le no probability that they will have ce be toed. A dozen persons who attempted to extort money from Jame B. Taylor, at his foundry on Gorok street, to-day, were ail arrested. The military still had nouession of the 13th Ward, on Kist river. Zfrorta to effect a with drawal of this troops from, the 18th Ward, failed, though recommended by the Governor. Pollee Cotandisioner Acton was notified to day by some lunatics selling themselves the Committee, to prepare to meet hie God. Mr. Aatotl is not partionlerly affected thereby and antiiipatin the exercise - of the pardo ning power. The number of prisoners *spirited In the city are thirty in number. It is not positively known when the draft ing will commence, but itis intimated that when it dais the goverment will sot have lOU then 36,000 Winne in New York. All is perfectly quiet. New Yuri, Jai, 17.—There has been no disturbance up to dusk. The call it John Hoene, Archbishop of New York, to those persons whom the 'papers call rioters, le . genuine;_ and in re sponse to it, some 500 Irishmen asiembletat his residence this afternoon, Inoindlig many known rioters, some of them ansisid. In Ids addrees which was Bette foititthy, be said he addressed than or Will haler,/ and detained, osi the ground of beltig A priest, going' into the question Whidh bilhight - about thit - present unhappy state of things- He refined to 110.. land, and thanked God he had time to Mt country, where no 'snob oPprei einisted.- He emu:relied them to hair np nia nfoioi deu their . supposed evils rather than commit In th is aunts; goveratient Isla founds thin net to be 'destroyed, litirything is in tin Nandi of the people, dhe bilid3he super stririture livery four years: Whittles the ma jority of the people maken blundef or -not,/ am willing - te be govesid'l4 that niajority. He exhorted them to - go to WO loam, and stop these pm:mediate, and support the laws, which bare not been enagtad lapis* them be. 0/A26 they were Irishmen an Catholics. The orowd Visa peaceably divvied, • -brim 'loin; July / 7 .—lierythilag ii quiet hem to-day: - Th. 13M and flat reginanna - arrived tlila morning. ' Tie 21-arwor's wait diagstob state list' sororil tkoussud pdsosoro, es rout* for Now York, yteroloestrid totil'ut thot sft, Tint ibe'nioliiro4o4 . ol,ooodikerorrom. 4toOlirpiriash umi:StuscAl iouwy oak dull. Mousy, 6 var 00r51.! , -111satfungo. end bur:. - Gold 109 X Brit, 98; Treuturi,lotX - yibras4 and Au gust 1 your otrtiAcalot, 99. The Claionne of Yen Radon. , Haw You, July 18,-.The itoanier Land Point hail orriyod. • Thrtra,;of the Blb, /14111041111111 Übe neon- Cuomo ourroador of Tort Halmos theldti. zoo pulidasfusadlo please of attglary wan wen. The garrbou hod,iotint ft/ Jut mute. Thi lajal oitietiii of NOV OileikuiStre about owebiatfut tlia - euszituidt triad turch Proueuelau. Thumb so motto* 046 of &IV -uf firint'utrooprroaebfas Port limbos. . . From the Potomac , Wrauramoo, Jay 18 —A letter from head quarters Ariel of the Potomac saym s No debit. informalioa of , Ise'd whamabiarla be obtained. - • • • Aa jut arrived from Waikkolitosi, -st aiss-thst Cialu-Nregivirko artruid ',Taft Waters; trairoatalf for ehtlioarri bit •7 • lane Marto, goi elear.kalitarimli a !Inv imiberof priesams, - Wm Moro, Awl fait P l "" ef aniamr7: Rebel eavaily Dna .Into ; - Quasi, Ally 17.=fl8nstty Nobel malty made a dealt Cato- Hlokman est alifsidliesday eight and robbed all the stone. They stepped until after daylight yesterday, during which time a steamer landed but was not molested. Our toms now occupy the town. Tate Lairoz.—There is not say other shape in which to much of comfort is packed in so mall oarsman. We say that if ones an egg is taken from Its shall, no human power can put it entirely back, so closely has nature stowed it. Bo of a lemon ; we may trnlysay that so much refreshment could not be con trived by the most Ingenious and loving art -within the else of a small bud-grasp as I CB within the fragrant rind of what is almost as 00=01 among us as water, yet as precious to the si ght p of the wounded as anything but thet of home face sr the haldwriting of the loved ones far away. All eurzonses say "send lemons." An a house in Penneyirania, where Gen. Sloths bought a refuge after he was woutdsd at Gettysburg, he was obliged to pay five dol. tars fora night's stay. Doubtless Gan. Lee wbnld bare been entertained sumptuetts . at that house, without fee or charge. COMMERCIAL REGOAD trrTBBl3litia MAKAntr6 Omer or nto Perrarsou Dma-Zurrra . Ihrimems. 14 MR Tiara Is no material champ In mow* , rillttflfi Worthy of notice. Gold deellned a Milo In Zia* York on Friday ,rioring at 1260125%. while our bankers are baying Gold and flllisr at former quota tions. • The produce market continual exowellogly dull and inacUve, the transaction, in the baling articles being limited and altogether of a local character. Flour ea d Greenlet-are in but llsoited demand, without any change in rats.. There is a limited bruins= doing in Grain, and we note emall,sale., mostly of • rota!' charecter. Pale of 300 bosh Oat. (=maim.* at 670, and 100 bush Shelled Corn at 780. There I. a good inquiry for Boger Cared Ham., and we not. sales of Cincinnati brands at 11%612e. Baron— Btioniders and Sides are doll but =changed. Whhi. by is steady with sales of 47 tibia Common at 434 i) 44e. There is a regular demand for Butter, Oh ease and 11.gp atone list quotations. In Petroleum, thaw ha. been but little douse to day. sad the market was quiet but firm, with brit • limited supply of either Crude or Refined offering. Crude may be quoted Orin at 20/14210, packages re turned, and 48e, package. included. For Immediate delivery, good brands of bonded may be quoted at 4460, although some holds= are asking higher figures. New or reveler= Market lambi Meet& to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Etat lost:, July la—Oruds /a dull and nominal at Sin, an tha cot. Ilethmd, in bond, is doll and loran at AVM on atm vat; ado lbr August delivery; 6.33 i ®ago for Sept/Wan; and 650 for October. Tres. 55 6 " • Crops in Canada. The memory of the eldest inhabitanle cannot Pu nish us with the date of • year that premised a more abuzleat yield In return for the labor o r e the ha. headman than the prawn Crops of every descrip tion wear a matt map/flung agyearance , and so Ihr ae we cm learn, netting ha yes appeared to their In. Jary. The yield of tall wheat promisee to be vary largo and mild. and fa runner will tee doubt lead to an increase in the breadth of land devoted to Its cal -1 Walton. dpriag crop. of all kinds are In excellent condition. The westner le newt favorable to their growth; and • very large pont:mai cultivated ground Is tomcod with them. num Is ales every apprizesa of a heavy yield at trait—apple", pears, peaches, plume, and berries of all klncLa Altogether the poppet& before the tumor I. a moat cheering one. end, indeed, tt is thornily season of very Busy in the pass la which they have relieved no from their grumbling,-4t. Thomas Home Journal. Toledo /Market. Jcz.v f7—Thu downward tendency to the pal; tee th:sable twerp in our market. The tjew Tbrk mar ket appears to have gone under with o , ld at 126 s and • teethe, decries tiers will Im the eared:. /low —gate 3$ btu R H 0 at $6.60401,14: Wheat—Oat. live last evening 0f6,000 bush latch Bed at 119 c. To- Coy--kuttl buv bilfth dodged at 114 x; 1,000 bush hie 1 at 1,360 rejected Bed at 100 w, 600 btu* No / 1314/MlLebtish No Bed at lltr l, j 350 bath Jaded Bed at 100 c; 350 bush mad SAW Mash Bog Bat at 114.1 1,000 bash Mich Rag at 117 e. Gen—Halm . 350 /ma rr.f.akai at haq 1,000 be No lat 51re 340 bush No lat tam Ogle-811e 350 bush at 61C.— Blare. Imports Or Railroad. Prrrairman Worn & Chnoorio Ilonsoao. July IS—Poon Scrod &sorb:o-0 Dbl. lloar, Oratoiss Thoutsc.l or UMW. Lyday t Ottorpudag; You bp, .1 8 Liggett t c; 10. bal.. wool, 8 tiarbsagti & to 8 ral. imothar, G N Noeatota 7 LOU.. kocop i Gond& & co. Allegheey Btatlon-300 Wiest, R T Kennedy & Elm; 1 mote &az. r Heckert; 16 site oets,H Temple; 9 baba. apples sod potatoes. 12 Gibbs; 0 do apples, T Carol& 0 Odla indoer2 H 099917: 1 oat 0799 1 , 4. A Teylar,l4l by wheat, Almpeen s Kam; 27 WU GA hoe, Malt & Old; lot &Mlle% L Ostnahan; 162 bete vegetables, ownera; 2 kge egp, 2 baskets butter, Geo BOUM% I - Craossato & Pronstraou Bazraoaa, Lily 17 6 bbls aim 60 MB clam, L 8 Tdat • co; 61 do do; Webb & WlUUnocou 40 do do, 0 OBahloy; 91 do do„ Elboorabor B Long; 348 bp4boal, .1 6 14/pat & 00, 39 bbls ham, Juarrby. Bab:Mk& ar; 69 oU bbh, pooesa &eo;116 bp cons, Marahall & McLain; 66 bba oil, Proalock, BBiiUll & or, 4 do 410, Jas raloaor; 00 bas Buck Z Ualataton; 160 bolas oakum, Long & DEM 18 skis Earth. Maraca k Bro; 10 do do, „I Mao tbs.; 30 bbis Boar. Mauls 13oBLat, 60 Mdrra, JB. Iteglaw,4B Idol pew, alagAß ltrerg 215 Agar, J P Tamar; 101 boa W Molokai; 16 Abts molasaa. atoulothan, Wroial • Boil 80 PlaP MMus, B 11 Bolger; 10 bbla floor, 11 11 Myers deo; 6 mks piton, 6 usalls d;100 thle Bohn Joe MoOolly B 00; 186 tgo whet, 116 E Wallaciu 881 mks mut had, Masson & Know, 40 eon broods sad brutal. 80 bra ohms, /Tongordar. .LIST OF LI POST 07711 on SATURDAY, Imi WirPlams Rio War is 'Avg ; OW. holm 9. frESEI to mining i# the IQs et ALLZGELVIT, ol noon 16, LAMM IT Ake the tlateVritut In whlch TM A.ll. to 6% r. a Maw Jacob, Areaatrans Aadatatua Mars Axelume Baty Barret Agnes alba Clatbatist Browns lira 0 P Doubt= Wain Byen /Moms Re Bryan BMA tt: • Elteaba itga . za g P Fanny John tam MM. Mary ram, Kiwi A OaHay Aims OnnkraK anima Wm U m . RamiDen_ WM Bele Dealol Kam Clu L stinah T = i r Mhterbrand Omo Bamilton MUM Rom Wm D Hotea =U borgm ye' Jo J V? 81 1 23 Juba* BM* MM62 Kmm DM:ems /I • BaBIM= tawdry th* H Z Noe Dw0721.01 Bush 3ll ham John H :Bat Low' • Bradshaw Hazy Bluihsaalt Nary Barra Iraq Barka-Ms W La ta ts C Lat t a K U ra B M uil Leonard XIV POl/17 Worp. WiClonoin l / 4 Mond& /Worlds Hmo Iklalltroy.Joo :1, 11100,loorWilo 111.031bbou St . r Walk* Moo if MoDodo Wm Narks Mottiiros Iler:Dr Marlow !WU HWos J, • BAKU i Mak Yrs D WREN;O . Orklead D .W 0 ***bra 11. D Orataarib, - • Marry how ja. " Oa goy A OesirkatliforAll 0 . 4 0 11 114118 i r rnat re " /M - Obis . Zob& pUESeIAN PEBRIABI Lib .—Notirith.landhig f,Sa4. Aden, slop Men RITMO MEIJI ;11: arirmen.c irallaild tbalb aim to oo ; %on _II Eillueakoln. Pitk i giAll,.R.q Wog "Ifit "DUMONT , . Palgaza Wad.. ,witactictuxar of, OuNifelealia_Sb . bl. Bpacurilie WO tutu iih4.4.1 r m.:ow PO. , Boum. , 11 . BaO"' MOMIOWA 00., Boum aum Aillioi3ll34lFral "num GIBALMS 0,101112119, Oa: Si 8,1111 M% 1 4ers4mmt. Pa: Le • • .-. 01 au EMU • Itiii*.eriA. Moab" laid I# . 111, bbilt. • isheß . a lli g l =44do4l4:bb 4 • 'lO bbilk. N. IX 1 1 1011 ENN MS We.= . I • • •chals6 WV., /PULIH II4OI I.i., ' V1CT114,,,A14.11•74.14.1 itai; tiny =raadtik•fria— sosaar vu calty,s‘l30 3,& _ ::L ipat 'a A - 11111 DlClail 0/0104111mailbr esta7 nissisirliacco NEW BOOBS-Lost and Saved. By avn. xtv.. Norton; At Odd By the Authoress of "Quite' and "Inf. - - Warriegten. By the with - ress of ..ltuticdge" end otherisods." Paris In America. By Tabouleye. The Two Pictures. By H. J. Nelotoeh. Dawes from the Diary of an Army tarpon. 11 /&1=1011.1% Plrysiologfral VaannomPelif unary assiens The liameof the Old World. By Brace Life of iihristonher North. By Kra Gordon. Tales sid'flketchea'• By Hugh Miller. Bunlngradeintwes in Pouth d Dim. Baldwin. Banns le Youth Africa. By Rea 10.1:141011 brififile of the Crimea. Vsl. 1. b bait's Summary of the Art of War. New ed. Cum'. Infaitry and BUD Tactics. 3 vote. Noveltri Hinny ef tbefinpernatniaL 2 Yob. Drifting About. Br 8..0. minim. The Avery bay Philosopher. By the Country Weak Lunge, And How to Hake Them Stro4. By Dr. D. Lewis. roc w..l* by I .ATIE PUBIALUATILikai LI My Betdhern Friend,. By Kirk. History of the Befonnallon In the times ot Zeothdisnaths.Beandary at another Wcrld. _The Great bens Wheel Thanked. Brownlow. • Thlrtylifeits lee the la a flews. litserablea. :Cloth and men. Eyes sad Nam Beecher. The Stare and the Anse's. iterksln ThookKe. Medicine, he. myte JAB. L. BRAD, 78 "'earth street. A. FRESH SUPPLY 110BIEOPATMC REMEDIES, LIAT OP SPBOITIO BINSDIPO. No. I—for Pinar, Donation and innartunatkin. ut iffo. g—ror Worm liner, Worm Delis, Wetting No. 3—Tor WIN Orghtle Teething sod sea of lama. No. 4—for Diarrhea, Cholera Infanta:a and at. mar Complaints. Flax. No. 6-If or Golfo, Griping", Dysentery or Bloody No. ft—for Cholera, Cholera Nortn, Vaulting. Ho. 7—for Dangle; OOido, inertias. flora Throat. No. B—for Toot .sale reocesohs, 11 dales le— Heed. Headache, Vertigo, Host =lnes Por No. 10—piapasio PUB—for Weak and Deranged H atoaniokuonstlatio andldver Complaint. or 11—lor fatale n Irregularities, Iscanty,.Paintal &ap No. 15—g praise ter Lenood Period s. rrhea, Profuse Names, Bearing down of Yamaha. No. gg—Por Hoene Ocugh, Bad Breathing. No.l4—dish Bass .14110—Por gryalpelaa, Erup tions, Pimple on the. Pam No. ld—YYnseße Pith—for Pain Lameness or games in the Must, Beck, Loins or • Ho. gs—Bamiaal indaksaanrolunary Discharge and iforsme Debility. • Ne.lls—Garelliouthor Canker o• edolia or air drop. No. 80-17ritory Inoontloonce, Wetting the Pod No. 31....Paint0l Periods, Prams or alma& No. 39-43oirotiorg andng* a ritiahm • No. SS—Nplispry Bporm, Oborm Pt. Vitt. • A—Por Tyra sod tea ' Chill ihmir, Dumb Ayr., Old Irlootormod Amer. N-Par"PDas, Blrod ei - Mseding, Intirnal or xi. o—rcii awe, Weak Or Indaleed Ryes .or riel6l4 Intling, Week or Dinned eight. for Chtarrh long standing or nand, either With o-4 obi:kb:Woe ` ar m robes dbabarge. W. Orlon Miming Ocank, abating lb violence. liPtO/71011.. Pie Ababa or Phtidete....Oppreccea, Meat, La. bored Breatniag, attended wiCh Droop and Ixpecto• ration. Prior, 60 ants per box. , . roe for Dirassign red Deogrees.—Dlscharges from the War, it,. rends of Scarlet Favor,libeles or bier. ocelots. For Doha la the Limed, ardame of Hew. leg sad Ringing ta the Zrus, and Tor-Ache. Price, 60 onto por bon. For /berotele..—Zaherged Gland; Wu . lamed and Ire• dantti_ag Tonsils, Itwelbap end Old Ulcers, Oczata. bus Oer.hoxy of Children. eents pro box. For Carrot Deldity —Physical or Nemo. Weak lier, either the road of Stamm Ibcouhe Medi. cation l- or lblisaetlng Dbohargea. Prim. 60 ants ts per bm ror Drepey..:4ledd Anconallations, Turald _geed lave, With Bandy Ilebetken Price, 60a. per bOX. roe Be. Bielnen.—Denthl Wokners, Vertigo, Pan. Vornittnin sad Woltnerfront riding or trodba. Prime,. 110 bate box. Poe Crime/ Nor Gravel, Banal Oancnil, Mace% Poloist Urination, Meuse ot.che Eldnoye. Price, GO Mapes box. lb &wird Exobreees„ - e-Lorobratery Dlechargen and Ocassgbent Prortratlon and Debility. The moot Boomed and ollicient remedy known,cend nay be hdied *Oa es • cede. Frio., 11 par bib. 7OHMAIL FITLTON, Nos. 67 LID 69 Fir= 8n m, PITTSIII7II4III, Pa., EY* Apia be tha Wastern Omar, its..a.L. llitrfaiii OAVINOB THEITTITTION inoorporgal by the LogMalan 91 roan.,lnnl4, Opaa Ite iwaltalrom 10 a., hoc ta.• 419 4 aka 00 lISTUBDAT IMBEINGB, ato a o'clock. Otzs, 63 70IIHTSI EMU= • 11/J3. CONTINISItIr and,PBOSITABLI DIPOI3/TO/T. arr abohnaka.laboorta Mirka sad 611 Slim abort Mina or gulags ara It aim onworioaa Met to limrom •Iltablarate, holm* Arra* volaokhry . esoletter or Aoroolatloaa, ad prams of all' II latarrat at du rata of 1911 Pia MIL par an. ama la paid on *oats. 'Wk. &p l/ oat drters. viII b. plaid to flu Of the od tbur fan of May end Nagai:bar, sod thana ia ft oa er bear the raw Intend am as artaalpoL at Ma rata =oar,. atil 4044' la kw raw foam Parra_ - .Latanat ramaiarao• all itapadta the toad Maw,dye ortb• egoelL Mew such damn, on 1 0 Mos. Si sal Hoots, Wof cootalotag Ctartari /*Laws, !a, famirt., allAfft * It4isiii-auiAo Joins. tiiiv/Prwighst , -IC R.: OOPILABD. - . unmet I/ia. Lice , lif. Bows, ..,, &nu J. Y. Sloortuth traeionwsk, - O.EL Emmy, ilifr & Oopehand, he* TWA tat, &mp.. MOAN i • Mewl= 'Anti'', .....: - .... .W*l. a. Eadtb.. toviary A.. 1 Moira -A . A. LIARRIZII 1 InviNem. w Maws Uccle • /loud. Xt. A J N Newbold A Memo% Wa 0 O'Cbanar Etler'd P Pods% Jo. [kidder Mn Pinkerton . Xi% Mutt Prescott Mgr X Price Hamra Packs IVia Noblemen I 800 Geo W -- 1T Tberspeoe Ales Taybir Teets Eogb dank Tk. a. Bleb's , s ImM:it/ NO ÜbllaiAo4llll ND.; ro MALIi dlesseor, tanaissikad dangeus -RICLXLD• 8 TRACT BUDIRI; hes tore leoefted DO the miaow seat of tbe sold otemalasot theetolsos In the Onitv! Atoka. Is moo Mend to oh afilkStot humanity es e• .00tteto eitke &be **wins dliessoi sod efloatotot :11=1trim: 4leentse obturi of the Wooly 1 0efoute: astiond Debility,. Mental,' ese 'PhYdaa 'D•lareijloofif labeefiltyr Deteitralostlett of Shod toth. ste an , Clealltledittesti BAWL. Nom: .krltabllh ittOst*llSca_l ll 4gtellgalMen at litght, Atlanta 4-suntouter, ; A e Lao of oy, kotlu, roPtror L 01 ,41411, DIEM Ao PoIes. aux . * • alike wpm tieniontlon. PltlPf• latlon - of the sod Is lea la the r talltualtione eln nervonab not& of the system. „4. .donolue, eat , talk oat. Ask for ''''...4TeLfiLeetutt otter. pone iol n. • aosehdflerl 200 LBS. WHOLE; PEPPER E 6 typo Bict and Jan OsIr; hOf air - ^ - • - !lianas Barbara Sebooties Dial Maar Ihunr liam'l a iltawart 1 , 1"114 t Matta Wm •• • 11 • Maple Hobe V Void' Jennie w Wilkstson Cuh Wilma D WalMos D V v =r !nab • Lizzie Wagner Henry WaptsllJonnis Wilson John Williams Janie DDLD, P. N. l'oro; .111 Ws. M. O. Sum ID DOL. otosbed caul mad ilabr'd Stivu'r. . 90 Ws. 04111 364.. T. Oosid 30 btds.* hag bbl . . a 3 Macke: el; ON do 'do" White BUN BO pow Matohsot 6 bosom pops* CMOs; • r-I0 Suss Obl ow listasso loop; , - bX (I, 10 , do , it; to - do logrodgx ool4tian Jost mastoid sod t ota l. . - ~ -7 71117 /4bert9 stnt: R ub Ifah. Tauess, _44k-witims =spike th• largest and Wit o,4ltat!cca'al p 41 4. 'Plaid& about noon', at 1111771D0011.3 OAKLAND 1178511111". WOW am i d leak at tbam . WOOL - TW”---- ♦OLBB. • of *dm Ogase of• Ova TWINB,: all kin_ds, ia balls . • EU okidasi tuntltloo, camas% Hosp. Slim end udton OAXPIT wain., to 116gess coo, . , Mum sad oatotliodo toe 00411011WEAPPM TWifl B '. lidoy„..Tutou and fish Lim. 80 oords: OULU Laud SOW , doo do, td:, to ,cUdiyAi 6b4TOlllll:Warebifts,.,- • -;.! AkvEy. jam. _ Naldloo Lam New Terer-. 1011 , 3111 et coif irhlha 4.11 atlubi thui *lll3Blll' _ tiliWiet—.W.e. na v e -s dal irautinat 4.1 04 with no H. n. 11101LRE. In 4.ltw nfta UMW 01011•1,0; 'Mr - Villa Ow Ann. In Wm bid • M=MM Luatuthsurda u othir. -4Wornr. O &SN mr - 70, star strait gs •• On handl ind Itn" lOn 111 , •-• -JAIL DALZELL I3O7S, 60 Ind 70 ain , abut. II Dv.ilibe.laselositl4% —ot toi l et: l '4 and Si • AYAIAJA, ArAkimy inuniud, 4:041/1ALIA.IN- 19.054,14P41:04,nd• . IRP's F! !! 4 ..Tatintaiii; aT wi64 ono.. • •A: r (Obieli• ' 6 • • Mid bead' it se isfil ze:4.7x-1.2 ' AMR' BOOKS. KAY it 00,65 Wood street. HUMPHREY'S ISPICLITO POE - IEIIE PROPLE. Atli : i 11 12D'E. Nana, WAL,P. Mc&LL lowrixas an eisouiusmioi _ Ipt. sli kinds et itudldtamied manat,mde_tibOr CIL* on Anamon lmaawimit. City. ' MD. •• S t i tigitr d y ... ~i. 4) , ~..-;•-• woos& , 40""-7- 40 ! pub I =:'-'- r: 100.0101bs. 100 bbikrackAiliatillkari ' - '-' ' '! " ..; . 4 , , . cloe N V e tertrit co. 4 s r ~adaSindetteet,„ rip ii.;•La g a ii.T . c -- 1 -- 7 - 7 dm .‘„ °LOTH, of Lb! Mal i n wa ft . td id Mt* 414 - Okla bttiiit.. ; -, -4 ' '-,.!pattLlak (irk— bun mud. fst Nur kar We by .431' H. 00t1:17511: ' • rit APRIGW'OII.IILS. __ pßoPossus FOB RAY, STRAW A. AND GRAIN. 4stisfaim Quaariauesumen O rd - • Young Ds:nature, Oorner GI and Twenteascond strati, Wesetworroz. D. O. April 16.1583. • WHITT= PROPOSALS ere Invited far tarn • Ins BAY. STRAW. OATS and OORN, Aar eke net o f thiti)spot. to be delivered at the Railroad Depot, or si nry of eta Government Wharves fit this oft?. , 71, • r... 1 culls to bo adrenal to Go undersigned, and tiXl7 thould state the Tinian* of es& article offertd.aho the price and the Woe delleet7. Proposals trill be received for Ira thoonand MOM bashela of Oora Or Oat, and 1617 Cm tow of 114 7 or Straw, and wirer*. uzil - ems lt should be for the la• = tweet txint of • Um , Gorerninent to contract for a lean kligrain to be hahee each, whh t a L r c e to m b s a tun e d , a o h f e a d b oaut t t w a ot.thecootracter.. The Harmed Straw to be matiely baled. 4.llOtset. and Hey offered to be ratdect to • rigid toipealon by the Gcrierament - Ocortraote will be awarded from te to time to the lowed renessibis bidden, erthe intends of the w elcomer. require; Good secmity will to requited for the falMful: folalmeal of any costmot made ender thla aideartisement.. Peymeot to be made at the completlee of the me tre4t. ' ' S. L. BLOWN, aprLla - Captain and-A. Q. EL, V. S. A. FOB FALIt.—A - convenient two story brick dweillog homey with back Ind:Wing, No. tat. Ban street, Pittsbnegh. Also, • laws, ontrenient and welllabbed three. itory brick dwelling hon.. with back Pointing, No. Li Boa atreat, between lint and geoznad streets. Woo, a two.etory tors* dwelling horse, back balldloga, No. 214 Second street, war Noss. dB she above are in (cod order, and supplied with gas and water. Aloe, a one Cori Bente cottage dwelling. No. 214 &coed istniet, and the teo atoty frame dwelling ad- Joining. Both of thew hems we, in good order, and imitable for sacalt-fasallias; Also, slot of ground on the northeutwardly aide of float etre4, batmen goes and Try wrest,. Lon ' Bose etre.t. haylog a bout of M. feet on fiat Arad; and .:tending back tO fees. • ' The stays property is eluded in a desirable part of she clip. for term Mislead particulun incite° of WM. W. THOM ,Olf, No 102 Mb street. - ' A VALUABLE FA.Rhi FOR BALE, 40i situated in Hancock county,. Wort. Then* Julie from Hew Cumberland, and Maingesi extent. tire front On the Ohio river, (drop water). Oontrkts 110 acres Ina high mats aro:titivation; hes two veto. of cod opening on the firer'-6 foot and 3.f00t etre. tam ; alio alt toot vela of roam Clay. A corn. Lutable fame dwelling, burn, and other oral:mild. loge; • splendid orchard of bat tesctkin of fruit. To patties wishing to perchers. Ho. 1 fktm, sad et the same time work the cad end firs May. the ebore pnvente • rare opportunity for a profitable Myatt pint. For partacalars apply at the °Moe of B. 2dcLAIN R Ou., heal Estate Agents, 00.102 Fourth st., Pittsburgh; Or. 11108. LYObB, on the farm. lyi "GUMS FOR BALll...Bitasted is BO*, T.. county &boat two WIN erom Boxitioroy,' contenting two hundred sod alghtPalete went Th• land is of good - crudity; about cor, bandied acres clean& Dael soil Uneaten* on the prenitses„ Also Da Baas, Bata and Orchard. Unolearo Mad well Um Will be sold bar, tither in One, :we, or Dates term. got farther pertionlets apply to • Ananlllll,l RAMC or, B. PATRICE. JUDI street, Dittabargh Or, J. lI.:DTOK. Kittanning. Pa. soglentm 'DOE 8113.11.. tin• sapsrior /aeon& bell ong, MI i t.. band Olt=DIE BOUM', SO tubas 6710 perteo One superior new BOIL=S, 3$ lachse dlioneter, 0. Coot long.A huhbran._ Two DIDRADLIO Pgiggsg,.tor Tia.aced, - wlth Mort 511semolete. Several nem and emoad-band ISTAA-11. £ZI lUB from 15 Inch diszoolef down totlno2Fill be lola tow tot alb. - HOGE "nt." BOLD, k&tt On tb• attegbeny PGint AMT.. r t &KLAN') kIIOII,I3TY KUli MA:LE. 1„.." —A It of ground containing two aerie and antraine perthet, ~dodo adicloing property of . 10 k0 10 M 2 a. Bab. on the north. sod W. B. Maeda. Aso., on the west, Os corner of Illegara asd Quake suede. This lot Is brantitalli located, tsendicient lpfar from the brow of the h , ll, and yet. OTerlooke the wine oftbe Wyo.. Is well awed, and eroded alto flue truitand shrubbery. Apply to JILT B. el oLA ta. a 0 .09 retire. et. _ _ • WWI hellos—A convetuent and well J. flashed TWO.STORY Beam nount with T roomy and aced dry cedar, and hydrant water. with • trams stable back. Lot Gr. 3 lets W2llO, on Locust stunt, Manchester, near Peseenger Rail way. Inquire at lain inroads, or to Mitialf M. MIDDZL.s.,- Lomat civet, Menobenter. • *93( rixr .141 T—.a .IL'ottage with , five rooms, JL alma ta eDallas:id busks, at Soak kleivuta. Poosadaa Wen liamadtatsly.. apply au the prarafara. hem J. L. cestrAosszir. FOs IMNT—The three-story WAB -4 /3 0 0 8 94 No: 8 WoOd stew:, two dotal from Water limn. . rorketositypty to . RAHN, (liallmao,.Hatta or to JOWitili corset 9d sad Wool otroott. rliu unT—tine, Two or -Alma/toms .a. In the thlrd'or teeth simile of iluni - na Bead- Ins, /UM street, slth or withotat steam power. lionize on thenrendeee. gate PUY. KbNT—The third. story of the bollillog now occupied Ds the sobsouper, corner of Et. Clair moot and Down= Way. Jollktt is9arr ASIIIFO&TH. 'G&W URAI.Ner. GE.11k0713. 0.1101/all Acme Jos v • ?agars% Pltuanundi :40 - natum ni . mama OomrAinxs orth-out comilleood sod_ 'IT- . P. 401i13:8,, Asir* Yossu r oa.Btateot tenstaybriala /UMW In man.» Onondau; 87 Water'street. _ 1,41.0.10; tiaCCEZRART 01111110111 r=~ ., ~ '~ rb 13001 i, thwairresy Amain:NET bonmuraa Ckna..a.s7,..n Fifth rtreet.. • Qtrearrasuerna Giumaaan Onrza Wannest= Cron March 19. Ma • - niVNE.RB OF STEAM VESSELS ars , h.• Invited to wend to the gmerteneamer General's oleos tenders for their charter or We. 'renders 'honk! contain descriptions of thermal; their dftnensions, enrolled or Militated. tallisse. *anal carrying capacity, material. whetherooppared. whether indembeel or propsilers, whether copper or Iron featenwi, else and power of men.* and mama and should stets the pries at whkie they are br long or short charter; with the animated nl= the venal in awe of icem or In 'cue the government annold prefer to perchme Instead et charades. Owners of steammweis slready in. the sink" of I UM tburtanneeteet Desartotent, are regaested to I nuke /mown to Ow Reptant . eat any remake In tbar present rate. winch they may be =Wing to m utt, and also the prim at winch they be _Ali mesh tendon should to liddrenad to the (lair. germ an Genera of the foiled States, at Washing. ton. and nimbi be endorse. r. ..Propmele tor the char. ter or We of fltemears." When received they win be ooradderid; aid the Ingertesent will endeavor be reduce the btaey ex. penes attending army tramp artatken upon the 0001.71 ma ad...we:arab; solatlttaLls, whenererit. tan do so, cheaper ,yresets_of.egrudospanty far. those - 0011 .FURNITURN " , DASIDII &BID WOOD 01161110 Aso 7 OPP moon maw I. witoutiamo oz minx.; ass. w. wooDwELL, Ti dad he Third idrys Mani lalineadsoit c 0. ,, tad 111 stmt. sohlo OEWltlita L-OALDWJELL, iliracomar 19 Jams iiolaus MOW _ .1 °I S 1 ,' ,40 X 12 . Drisrin samix,lauw,wasz.cmasi BUOY= 11XU' . " .... 11n. • • era.m 11: it 11APDIATA:R1r, BOUNTLEB; 4m - pingatOns, HAM tar s aad XCLITAA MUM at' desattptloa, Nottibaa;.at no& was, oh: Nftsl.3l44Woße No •noultclithiNvs3 Oat. TATLOR 0 ;, , on* maw. rutabaga. s j It 3: dorm apt matt It ea Gratin dam sat ganwed sedan thilbnaattott rhea crab. I.IIKW m=l;nw r . itairigitO4D& . ........„.........OVI QIIMMBR •RA . in, . A 7 ligglygym-.oa -----,-,:-,-- I sad aftar MONDAY •,-, --- ----.` • =an. 211NRIFTLV _. a c . 41 s• -1., t 01 : i. WIND DAILY Ea-- -- - The THEOUGH 41000/7110DATI 07 WWI km, no Pastagar OW& =rapt lhozi at 4:50 a. utjit=iu al l bloom burgh and =A tooolot. dimt ammo , Mort Ibr knr•Tork Path i m i , Tim Til3/09ffitittat. t -- . Mu Mao mom &Mimi nary wdmiga g (um 4 Ada) al Ibso a , ra g dam** oaly at mhoott. mad a:Wu direct beammyyme at ItamMilla Itar Adk• man and Waablaytaykyylitywib it z. 4 ,i s pu s . Tha =SOUGH EXPIng TR= twooftLii 3 : 50 PWok&E o',UMpoidotkolo. de e d; ,at liarEallimara—a Magam ill. Ma. sad Mt IMrir Trek via alliataws mate no 7 LEO me no, %Ohm Ito tkr = . b . n ... lknou r.r itri t e rPric r =looUt ain - comMultilltp Mr ----___td 11 st Ildlaggyhyy Mr How Talk 110 1X 7 0/70 A 61:1all -031alta. sad The Johartaimakumaggyggigt anti Nam dap. (azarPt timulall M • • P. tan staatoo aloe amen end =ohm as ha • • , 4 7 ,11• Wrifit fumigations u weir da l ~ 1. . ..1- . ~.. , ~. Thtrd • ... rif , :,r .- . . foe wows items north A Inger diatiaattOh. ..0Wal) at COO p. m. ..a.. • • • Iviie kr AWN Maths 1.44:4 , 111 dailylarawykymagpy ii p kthiy. rt. The ChararMyWygwat ',Station SUN day at 2 01„pyta. krataralag. ma 711 v ? ' * MaiWairritiO i 0 Pittsburg& al falba* Baltimoss, ta.t. , "41:60 p. at. Irthyggie r z mara. 12:20 p; , Idasakr ; a 0 a. m.; Mloak Ta taao.o 7:22l2l6r_..Am;kAitti4ouatkrorma A mommodatoa ois a. o.; _Ctdh.2aSto Am UM a. m.; Thrd', VAZI 4 coommodstlia la 1:40 p. .; F morommamoam, -110 F. ta. -- Italthrurralltimomp,Olll went with ,110- - adelyhbr ksprow-atlklblili. -or liaadaya. - TridadMr-Mlatrnika and* at Slam Vika ,Intansotba, wi Jetratowe a ' . lata. sad with lialthwura istrwtoattliyagairrera Ammo m ModatlmiWort; •-, Tastes ihrlllbeat 41116111 a a 41140 cat with Ir a" Trains aad Mall Wq t al utr l with Through hostiamedaticra aad IttYntaa . litat. - - Thrmblla orM INV tt graithy tatureat. la •Litirt m Wait to travel , bp. the ~ .7.:= rannal be arryorow: awyml **RV load it Mamma' With irdaa . _ , sad , la mums to's' d'ut• We out ponds oistly, spoof moo to to Ni orb. may how tilt Itiod with titaltyrkrelagy. I • ~, - Ipastil • ;`••••••• , •4 TV Vou rot k....... - . 411 84ii'rsiil'i''siii,..'.., i co -743 sronsdaphys..... is 1'0,...... s W Swop Markel I MI dila* oat& PaosiOya. Ma teal Zaaratik and MAllMMajdda. Paifttsur amiNVW 'Tea. ' PulanB o 4 *Ababa" tiiketi7l4 taa will I. -cAarpitioa , Irsora,-sconniling to Mora bandied. fa addittca to As .staglas atm email arm stadia Yaws. ti.Qampaug Las 00,:-40 1 2A,'%'.3-F Zionoi+u - oar 431 kektb* Ida WS thembhur .14 . nth sad by ma azuoitE: mot a V, B. —An, Vittlbur 1425; =plod NI 01. cy.misort AIL • •• • Men= thi .P*. X 54 •14,,, c 4. " aak Iwo.* , •••• At 111. t -PtiliAt 'MAW. 'retite4 , ^-• • Ittavv4titrf)• - tirt-tertd 8201. . . ... . ill I L. a V ti. tilt NU, 1J F1725.81..11 431 P, AND . WHILLING allthati&T. 8 Old hi aB. ALaithagaihatahe&ttst.. and WNW LlONDATillicilliath. 1881; Till.; Yawl tbi Dopot: 'DI the hiluttyrraitia . `" b pm. A .10,-.. 0:0...: ' ••- • • '-, ', 6.- ' . awl • • Whaittotr Zifia. .Ids - 1446. 11.00 a. to.l eau. 111. Ma. 1.. la. I do,, ; W 8.1 :Oa o I ihia ti ~.. Lid u . doBtaiilaaati CI.: o'' [LOT 'o,„• 808 k ... do - Wlisathig: 5:10 .... - UMW' " 4 .- UV o 'Arrives Beihdr.,.. , 5:26- o ladliFatte. eclo o Ootanting at /Stawittatrna dad adhlit with Matt. Wank dad ladlaas hall:odd sad Oaattal Oldo aiii. toad lbr atutoutUo, Newark, Clohiiabtl, Xmas. Day. Lo tt o 'lndionipollt,Oladatiati. - Lonittillai Oath; at. Loa* Bt. Jeweph,iad an points wait sod sotalwatt, sad at Wl:maw( with Eatthoo.aand whim liallioad. alswaroh - mod Chwatawa. 1404 1 Loaves Pato !amh...,.,„„............ . Lwa 4a' 60 p. ia. do Weihnrille' -• " - 1:10 ' tr! t. 60 a do Bay ard: „ . , .....“ - .4.......1..: 'MO: - jd =- toi a - do Alliaoot ...........4..4.: !MS - :14!.., 6:66... do : 8at0atia.......... Tded . .:Lo..;:, &811 O hertaudsOU ..... - ....r..,...... ; •708 , .• IWO o ar. at ilareta4-.........., iracr: l ,...,. I TAO axustetto& at Boyatd , with - Tamara btaaah la New Philadß_phis sod (haat Dowelf AChlaacw vat Pittabargh; . 8 --- Wilina and Chimp italtroddi at Bataan with hilaatawd Altrardattaiara lane( :tor. Mullah GrtotiUth,lialoilitilh.. Valoi, CUM. Jamestown and fahusinca, at audeptt with Mow laadefdaarrilid and ihnotoosti , Bialtaad kw Ak ctikyahows Walla landa haliatabarg, and at OldvWal with'4l. & IL 'for 11.156,21ta1. sod aldhis with O.* T. a. a. - ibr iisadatkji Toladoeaad akw with straws ita- Dattnit. . , , • Wallitilla Acocatusodatka hitniiitlBs3 p. a. Eattatting. Codas main at P... 19, hi do 4 &9D ad p. m., and WO a. au • Through Tickets - to all iiinutinalte=aa to rauoired at the Lao* Streit awitoti 0710a601 ramust. T Lad AfAiuglimi of% • .• b ...-.. • -A-g"-1r; A. Q. Cabaltintlit *blot hind. For forthor ia: , datittarM se r -,-• AST, WILL At the OoAwait; tapany‘a Oilkaa ta iitsiwkottakni. Plan IL 8.1r!'.8/.r' . .. - .DoLLAB,,UVENOB lANg. Naas cauazteizttt tit opea . did, ISM rtol VtlimAiilll6 - iiii Wodsoodoy and- eatorday tFatiO"Olity bit* Nossabor Ist, from 'Urge -I - drOvosberJoi to vitstonzce t040.' 1.:,` if' . tscotTod ot • oll sondlonolo thaa-qtheo po0o1; 'lola i futlesualfrat• gala diebood toko • par. to Jaw sod- bomber: '.- lotioistbas law do. okorod ondlionost4 hi hula' oad , lotoosabor, don tto Hoak ow - ..44.Ad000r oat. • . tiza.ol..-6, d4...ciiii.,4414i.c."..5eke8 of VW dopoittar ‘ al prtootpoli..:.4l bon the our to. bait fo r Ur Snit aorooPlioo lad D•emloor i ea. oomottoo Moo:* roe stikoot..troaltnitho Owed. oor to 'mil.= inroo.tomot..Oloosigtoiik._ /it ti do lot% now wilt oM t0.,,,..L00. ttion : tWolto yaw. t . Booby contotifine not 'wattle' "Ity-Lawii 8010 not - Rogolottooo, ftnatobird god* inikikotioo ot ._, . - . L:' .PIIISCtaCt* ALBltra. .._7lolThilliDiluii,, i . Ain B. Yortadoni :. IL:Roznooly John liohno. .- - ..,.. hint AllontosA, . .I.lazazolor Bpeor, . Jams. B. A. iota, : Boof.l, - Jtaboodcok, - ill , 11: - Potibdi. IL D., -..lassoolliotoloy, .. .. HUI itooroja, Jamul Hardman, - - Wlllioto4l, /Winos. torotiotti , - , ...V.-- Joke Q. i Bookotio. '-',"•:- • Wiltior i VM s t .%.5 4151,, d . 1 1. ••' . ' 4 OhOlkilt • law*, - , :- - . 13 otiir0000. MOUS/ A. ciairbir,-, r a lbirstUthigWalt. • ' 1 A:Maxim A. Colton. - i 0100r1041041% William 1;Soopos, • - :.:, .:,Joko;"„fil."Eboosbotoot. Min . L0u.,l ...1_ .mnow, ' WWI= a. Ilarea r ,- - ,1 ' -•'.. aisO_lftegy. - - Peter H. Booker, ~." •.• ..iromoo 11 1otord 8011. , - I 1: I ,- bo liftNilltier. Amor - .1). *Wiry, 1-: - W.4lsosa. IVIIIJaa EL Zatrolp. :. - - Ism. ; Ilimmiztot a Tao •.•0irttt:.1P..?e,,1701.1"611. - , yomit il intik -- - • LIOR.MAITS.IIIOE, ROtUIBLEM, . 11 .!' 11 M 0 • 13 II09,1106ottrroze, WO IMIXCWOIF4r 1310-iiM ANIMAL& to. Sold V i g. akms.a =,b.„ Brinnetill "milder Depoll )10.419/1 Liiiil/4.011601111 .__i.e_li.S..„, 11. lat OM B o3l - 11_011 4 e7/.. I. BEG 42•4•41140kteic Plh 186 :111)ip'*:ctici f i x qta k • •-•1 *:7 4,1E10#1119 Tirwal, 1.1 , !: • *.O.amr iirCriAis T , VO:*:"llli. Rummy. win r d gbAop attoglikaias.aev Itiaoaa above perk loam elsoMa 'teift lott Beitaver end Baf Okragoablai , ookketoe. Park boolliilnoveterobsooka, Mamba PeetAleatia mallbookr etkeerevy NiaDAT 2112 41Skoaa. VoledWol. z NLam eadowitcAlvtingrenmillA.2llllZAT OILIMIL , Probe ab- Meekkat.,, toetateet vuitneepara bay bele beedialkilt . ewe Ila oCkafr tit lbristawri, 71441i1T- MEM =.i.'m s so rua -I:4lxinsa viiN7 Isto444.lrac urn ....___ .,#.4 g os okssiotaal eartstiottooossoo wary pa* 4 1# 11 sarelakes to kins , to asats. ' Of Look Gioia Ini_ka Id "Ma on Mit Mt olds, ik.on fin Pssz, UV KO two to tkter tfersiaz , swims.. ie., • j itsomosoi.oulksso LAU =arm QM sad kaint than— , :r , . v ia. lia k koadnd, _ Aldine TCToggia mia eilnkkal m ttlktatMlt --- - "I'AZI) RIM. 'la I. lr s_ .a4il4, 1 4 •i' ' I 1 1 - 0 ~ Ses.4, and 3.4 ii• . Of &WM Jlaitrsairilii ihi bliatand Ibrierbr ' ' - 4, ,-, •:,; 1 2- , •• ' , l v .^ZIPIZIMemaga... _ p ~......w w__________._________l t T.,:,A. ,) , :t.'; cz alfwouNdlliksi And. icEpto f t i t ,, ttruiffl ican D = 111113111 4ctiiiiiiikt Itikkriii.34o4lllloll. ow -at rationgy. ~ z., 41.,)11411.111i= st t ria . „ ViSthlitUlKiliiiliiilkilvd anti ,-.l....l4ls4tegori.pAri. • oaf. ki A.PuT 00. Ic - ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers