The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, July 20, 1863, Image 1
THE 1 AILY PITTSBURGH GAZ QPFIbIAL. AAWB Olt THE UNITED STATER, AliOnd iit` the Taird.&asioes of the Thirty. ,> weigh Cbsfreu. [Puma—No. 97.] An Just making appropriations for the no _ . xek eeryloe ,for the year, ending June hthirtY, *lateen hundred and sixty four, And tar otbarburposes. the &sate and Hours of Roproostiative . ilarlisitod theta of Amer iosio Ortpries ainatbkd, That the follow ing sums be and they are nereby appropri ated, to be paid out of any looney in the -Tromp sots:otherwise appropriated, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four: " • For pay of commission, warrant, and petty ofHars and seamen, including the en. glans ,00rps of. the navy, fourteen million seven hundred and thirty-four thousand three hundred and thirty-two dollars and • seventy cents. For the construction and repair of yes " sell of the navy,nine million two hundred sad aisevpeight thousand dollars. For, the wane and building of addi tional steamers, repairs of same, charter of raw* extra labor and materials, and re. pairs of vessels on foreign stations, fifteen %MIAOW of dollars. For tiro armor-plated sea steamers of trotted the site, three million dollars: Provided, "All ho =tract shill be enter -44:11.4 for the comitaustion of esideteamers until after public advertisement for,profts - Dale to tuud the . same, published for at least thirty days, in two daily newspapers ,otganeral circulation, published in each of the cities of Washington, Naw York, Boa. - 7 -4014-and--Philadelphia, prior to such con :west being made. For the purchase of hemp and other naatrh, rigs for the navy, three hundred sal Ewen _atpthatteand 710 Z. 4 1= the nary, and for the trans. , . expenses thereof, two million -11110939115ettairsetisiety-thausanAl dollars., - got thirlapdpment of veosels in the navy, . liorh - trilliroluise of various articles of equipment. -canvas, leather, cables, and le=and furniture, and stores, in the , bosiszullne, and sailmakeri de , partments, two million dollars. - - Par provisions for commission, warrant, and potty offmers and segmen t in cluding _ . ;WWl= and marines etteoluaL to is for sea service, tire Wilton. tour hundred and seventeen thomrandseven hundred' and : leitY-Ilve dollars. • • _ .. . For construction and repair of machinery for vessels in five million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. : - .Itotioug6onit necessaries and appliances for s theniok mid hurt of the navy, 'naiad frig the engineer and • Marine- corps, one - . hundred and fifty-seven thousand five lnus.- • - illsordollari. For cumin of all descriptions, field and 1 • boat howitzers, gun carriages, shot, shell, and equipment of all kinds, - powder, our • chase of nitm_small arms, eranance labor - li--isiepil L "-psi - freight:J.- blln - rtaticitr, books, inspecting insuumenti r tratchmen, 1 assistants for fabrication and inspection of gime; sad contingent expenses of ord- -statue and ordnance -bureau, six million ' - ihree hundred ' thousand dollars. • rc - roft three powder tugs at Boston, New lark, and Philadelphia, and repairs of ordnance steamboat, forty thousand dol lars. t , ' For repairs and addition to ordnance ms , .:. ~ aidnery in shops and forth* establishment by purchase or hire of two ruagalinis, and repairs and additions thereto one hundred . ~,.: ..,-..04 'Ay_ thousand dollars. Yor, pay of photogr a pher for ordnance -' - -4 u" baininailMee hundred dollars. - . .. . : Cone, books, stations and magnetic devi ations, books, binnacles, flap, signals, logs, • - - - -sand-lgnlasestlitudes, tables of ntiasa=of meridian dis ant* and experiments with night signals, _ - t'i...- t bnialmadred and forty-nine thousand dol , ‘..: .• t_iphig; ~..,_ _ , . , For eontingent expense of the navy, one iinitirsd - thousand dollars. innUtirr or slums AID DOCIVIL 1 -Fero~niLexpeasesthst may acorns `401143-iinglurpotes;" For the Nt. :snit iiiinspertatioa of materials and 1,: . fir 'lardy and doblt;--for dockage ; :.= (; 111 ; POSinik la sti4 o o. l l; for book': sups, Inislels, and - drivings; for 'the pur ' -1:-?--elsese-and-rep* of ire enginer,l for ma - obinertilTei " trrdescription, and the patent _ •,: i.ites...ilm-samaz icy the repair of rga - -n.- - • -• ---atisazwwlifir!oof andattendantt on the same .11' t.Tufwaly!', yiiiiiii;',for - daiiking ;vessels ; , , : - a bribe pa'o l lll4 ind maintenance of horses -_,:r gasiertettnad driving tams: On earts..and - - ---iliEliWill*Selliand:workutin't tool, of every disariptioni end repairing the mime; for .., . .... . .:r r et- lelitemein :pub or serzieoektar for Aloyernmint hosier 4or coals 17 irs ',?. ' ' - spat ; '.. tOtn' candle. , Wad e tor -use ...:::::`;:lizill.liliti4Sirie -ictti;itationi; for cleaning - Imws-eirnirirl",Flll4-flit ; PITTI7 tot water ~.7 ~..L"- ' ''A„_ L ....5*0 _Lilitg.. zfrz-P4.49•lo:Virlaizo i for L ,, ~,,ntlywoospe aid I,pooking."- bonnu ,foT, ,-..-1;:..4 .- 811110, Grid tor irmidontal tabor at Itsiy" ~, •••:, al .r. ltok.-sPitliolible t0.. 1, 41::* or .BilPro' . lasu.ilz.:linildre-11 tand,seventy,-nine '':' , "'"' t46 . 01110 . 14 5 11 0 /0 5: ', :., '!:::::::::iiiii : :J414/614 1 2 AID _ EZ9KirITIN6. f : ;::.„ 4 •-- ~. n11416/10/644 1 , flit May scam to : ~:•,-;,.AwAlli Efaipplutposes, "di: Expenses •e- 5 :-.•":- - ,l, I:4lllrellitts,lutpendes of offi -4.4fi11' '' • ' :ei:Da; Printing and ; :-+."• , i.illigitiabif.; in .: apes; 'WM* .weptiblie- lettere: , zuki4%ge and „ augurcar; •• • ••••" 1 exPensesi'Lapprehend l2Ndeserte rs; pilotage and towage of Tee and assistaaw to vesselsia distress; pot diem pay to persons attending °surto , _ ... intrilth, courts of inquiry, and other per d Iv. law ; .tnd - .1-__ __ ~-.41111111= if t , ' a nd ite r of health qualms . lire egoism of vessels of the navy, one ' mUll en dollars. , _ NVIZAII GT NAVIGATION • . . • ' ' ' ' for aostingest menses of the :bureau at Navlgattosjonathoua,d dollals. ''' - .' - -;,,i0:441101a*j.0.• Oi s ., , ".rla i For tran5,'."•,..1:11•110., ,'."•,.. 1 :11•110. , - - . station ' r iam F .'.•:, 4,- -- ,..til , stlra lantsge, and ..„.. .., 4 40,- . , d dol . :.......4 , ~:-.10. a1..-1,-...:.-4-. -,,, oalllo9/1/01$ li*oicinmera. •• •.:r...., , p,..tiii • - , - , cro atian i m , v iz ~:for can ..-.,..i:0 t . • •", 0 5, n 3 11 u 110 -ttilerelostallOnsl tranepor '-='!V-1--- laifila Itidlila:: . iitittitie Within the .. Uwiliallktaleal . .anelPeeffelf . P Yif allglia; —....iMIWAIMOIS-1-1101' MP' Rilitra ..—F*l4lll,WM4iterri )lanke; and .. ,i,,:--'—iolllo6lllol744ll,lllleernili**-Ihree han .-...:1 ••.. ic: -• tligihr/04.4*nriJ....._..__"' - , ..r.r C 4 4,4 '. -I. ' A‘":4l AVIVAZWAS AND SllACalti. fli'4s:etilhaol#ol4l/4PA of tili Bureau •- ~;i1 rowtilitegillitiVaC 04MM:forty thousand ' --.'" - 114 - 1017. .41 -. iint4onantakinrid officers, 1 7 -' 1.':.---71 lialle - inatiii Pirates, - elerhei. ll ieelengerei i'. .stawal44llll4-..wanie, and sent* for r 5•,,,, •,,,, te==tng ;or alms' iserrantn . • to aeon for lye years' ~ 3 ; • SesAlailliallnellOPlP. li nnitnntheter Pa:" , g lat,i ,e .u . fae-swwiste,- - seren hun ,g,,,, l . At- •• • ' Pentland , : wan 'hundred , '-V • • ' !ac 4 0.11 ,1 4 ciente.. "''i`Olf. - 1-• i • *Aliens, vita Wale, dad thirty- 1 --.,; .' 4 ""' ''!li •• • -•,ji twenty ,:-.... 1 ;=l,----e , - _ 0 ,6 hatidied thouland-twa• ... . ', --- ....fii , .llTaitltaeittkeirdellars and r oSt• VW ,0:0•4.....-ea aliiiii:,!4'. _ • ' i '' '' I ` ' ld lalittilltrlreae thcianual • four htut )' t. 44-.=114 'Ware ' and. stirenty-fire • -For military stores, vii; pay of inechan itiklePair of arms, purchase of accoutre ments, ordnance stores, flags, drums, fifes, and other dual:turnouts, fifteen thousand dollars. • For transportation of officers, their see manta, troops and expenses of recruiting I twenty-two thousand dollars. For repairs of barracks, and rent of offi cers where there are no public build insm for that purpose, eight thousand dol a For contingencies, via: freight, ferriage, tell,' cartage, wharfage; pore:hats and re ' pair otboats;.eompensalimi to -judges ad vocate; poi die iii for 'sanding courts-mar tied, omens% of isquiry, end for constant I labor; house rent sullen of quarters; bu deresOul marine; printing, eta ! tionery, postage, telegraphing: apprehen sion of deserters; oil, candler, gas; repairs of gas and Crater fixtures; water rent, for age, straw barrack furniture; furniture officers' quarteray - bed sacks, spades, 'ahtmilsoixes, -- pieker, earpimtereinobi; keep of a horse for the messenger: pay of mat ron, washerwoman, and porter at the hoe pital headquarters; repairs to fire engines; purchase and repair of engine hose; pur chase of lumber for benches, mess tables, and bunks ; repairs to public carryall; purohaseand repair of harness; maven -gating, galleys, cooking stoves, and ran ges; stoves where there are no grates y gravel for -parade grounds; repair of pumpt furniture for staff and commanding offi oers' offices; brushes; brooms, buckets, paving, and for other purposes, forty-five I lhouaaad dollars.:_, -Firths oanstructiOn of 'marine berracies at Mare Island, California, one hundred thousand dollars, or so, much thereof as may"be necessary; Provided nevertheless, That said money shall not be expended un til the plans for said barracks shall have beeit, .submitted- to .14d. approyed by the Secretary - of the Navy. LAY YAZD/. Portsmouth, New Hampshire For boat-house and carpenters shop; Wat shop; Bishop's derrink; railway ; ktneo•dock-wall; repairs of floating dry dock, and repaus of all kinds, one hurt dredtind thirty-two thousand three hun dred‘and sizty-two;dollars. For rebuilding porter's bowie at Porta toouth navy-yard, two thousand dollars. - Bodo.. ' For repining around dry-look and re laying surfacer wattir drains, joiners' shop int& painters' loft; extension of shear wharf; additional expenses on house for heavy forsteg hamster, and for repairs of all kinds, tefo infrared and seventy-eight lltotoiand flee'lmndied and Sixty-six • Nets York For continuation of quay wall; for new. foundry.; drains, wins and flogging, lister-pipes and , hydrants; - filling low place; repairs of dry-dock; chain-cable shop; railways; officers' houses; machi nery for moobize shop, foundry; boiler shop and.pattern shop; for large chunk lathe, for turning lam rings for turrets on gun bonnets, and - for repair's of all , kinds, three hundred and seventy-seven thousand and eleven dollars. For building floating dry-dock at nsvy yard, New York, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollar: Provided, That if, after extunliaatinn and Nanny, the Secretary of the Nsvy shall deem it expedient. Philadelphia. For repairs of all kinds, twenty eight thousand eight hundred dollars. lfashington: For Bishop's derrick; depot for coat for steamers; machinery and mole; and for repairs of all kinds, one hundred and thir ty-one theasandeight hundred and seventy one dollars. • Non Islamb Califonsia. For compieeing officers' houses; grading and.paving: foundry; machine shop and equipment; completing Bishop's derrick; repairs Of sectional dock; fitting up boiler shop in smithery; portable engines, with matitdaery-for hoistiaglor yard purposes; cistern and holder for ps works; saw. inil4 -commencing stables; commencing coal hone-and-wharf; commencing sea wall on west aide of island, sad repairs of all kinds, three hundred and alxty 4 six thou sand three hundred and sixty-thrie dollars. Sackedle Harbor For repairs of allkinds, onithousaud fore hundred dollars. • Navy Yard, Norfolk. For repairs of dry .dOok, sad pumps, and general repairs, eighty-ilse thosuland dol lays. . . trosPrrAla Baton. /or reair. of _hospital d ground at, Ohelsese p two lhousand fire an hundred dol lars. New York For repairs and Improvements; repairs end inoreaso of miniratna in laboratory ; *44 Far.l.tomporary addition to.boopltal. so iraaandatlcine; • tortrati•tiro" thotutand dol • - :, : Pfukdelphia Aryl= and iforpitaL. Forlarniturb and repairs; hoots clean ing and' white-washing; repairs to fur naces, grams, and ranges • gas and watrr rent;improvement , Of -olititel and grounds; for library of asylum; and for hospitals and repairs of all kinds, two thousand ninehun dred dollars. - - - For support Of teneliolaries," thirty thou sand dolls= For' the bripport and repair of the naval hospital at Norfolk for the 1e:194411er of the current fieoal year, and foe the years eigh teen hundred and duty-three and, eighteen hundred and eixty-fonr, eighteen ft.oistid dye hundred dollars. - ' Monad atm For supporting hospital, repailly rent, and !mature at Mound , ! Bev ' enteen thousand five hundred dollars. Mere-/s/on4 ailiforna. For commencing hoipitit' twenty.fiee thousand dollars. Portsmouth, New Ramphinr. - For Ordains.% and store house for howitzers, thirty-one thousand Ave hundred and twenty-two dollars. ' , For repairs of building and care of - groundictiro - aumuuardollarr. For pay of superintendents, naval con structors, and all the civil estibllihment. of the several navy yards and gallons, one hundred and six thousand aeve' hundred and eighty-four dollars : Provided, That hereafter the maw of the civil engineer at the Washington navy yard shall be two thoutirid dollars a sold the salary of the civil engineer of the Bureau of Yards and Docks shall be three thousand dollars: For uprises of watchmen and-ethers; and contingencies of the United States Na val. Acwiesly, twenty-four thousand eight hundred and slghtkone do ll ars. _ 3mqr4-4M3Uiriitosy Fos the posshase of. nenticanastruments, repass 'Of the eame, and of astronomical in strameate,switios the paraltast of nantiorl books,g4pet and charts, and for , backing and' binding • the same, twenty-tbsee • thou sand,dollars..6 maker, watch =in; Lorton" and - 'Amin i _for In:aping in order and main to bathulP and egoknineß; for fuel, Ugh% &API, truipportationiand postage, and stational and incidental enema, twelve thousand dollars. For preparing for publication the Amer ican Nautical Almanac, twenty-five thou sand eight hundred and fifty dollars. Beo. 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be paid, out of an money in the Treasury not otherwise ap ropriated, the several certificates issued by the se counting officers of the Treasury Depart ment to the officers, sailors, marines, and (trews of the Congress and Cumberland, and other persons provided for by the act of April second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled " An act to provide for the equitable settlement of the accounts of the officers and crews of the frigate Con gress and other vessels." Bea. 8. And be it further enacted, That the second section of the not entitled "An act for the temporary increase of the nar vy," approved July twenty-four, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, shall be so construed that the temporary appointments made or which may be made, of acting assistant paymasters and acting ensigns, are hero. by ratified and confirmed as temporary acting appointments until the return of Um vessels in which they are respectively employed, or until the suppression of the present insurrection, as may be deemed necessary; and the rate of compensation allowed for the several grades:specified 11 hereby legalized and approved. -.:fteei.A. died be is fewther atoned, That the Secretary of the 'Navy be and he is hereby authorized to purchase, in such manner as he shall deem most advantageous to the Government, the flour reqfdred for naval use, mid to have the bread for the navy baked from this flour by special contract under naval inspection. Bee. 5. And be ,it further enacted, That every assistant paymaster attached to a vessel of war shall be allowed a clerk, with the compensation and privileges which would be given by law to the clerk of a paymaster it attached to the same vessel; Provided, That clerks shall not be allowed to paymasters or assistant pay masters in vessels having complements of Asa than one hundred, excepting in sup ply steamers or storeships. deo. 6. And be it further enacted, That, the act to increase and regulate the pay of the navy of the United States, approved June first, eighteen hundred and sixtv, be so construed as it respects boatswains, gunners, carpenters, and sailmakers of .he navy as to allow to those officers snob arrears of pay or difference of pay as they would be entitled to had their see service been computed from the dates of their ap pointments or entry into the service, in their respective grades, instead of the date of their warrants: Approved, March 8, 1868 Poiwo Itssownws---Fo. 12.] Jotvr ftssoLtrrros authorising theappoint nuint of a commissioner to revise and codify the wrist lairs' of the United _ . Resolved by the Senate and Bowe of Rep- ruestatives of the United States of ;America in Congress assetabied, That the ,President of the United Buttes be and he is hereby authorised to' appoint (by and irith the. consent of the Senate) a commissioner, whose duty it;to revise and oodiiy the naval laws of the United States, and' report such revised code to Congress , at ltd next session. The annual eatery .of said commissioner shall be three thousand dol lars. Approved, March 3, 1868. ErIIIILIO BariOLUTION — NO. IB .] I JOINT ItICSOLVLION fixing the pay of MB Commandant of the us , / yard stAtiere - Island, California. Resolved by the &sato and Rouse of Representatives of the United States of America in await assembled, That the pay of the officer of the navy assigned to the conunand,cif the navy yard at Mare Island California, shall be the <eea pay of his grade. Approved, March 3, 1863. ' [PUBLIC RESOLUTION—No. 141 A lisounirrico t fioattate the payment of el* ind wounded . e . ordierii in the hoepi- tab and convalescent camps. &rebel by-,tlie Renate and nounliii Repreeentatives of the United Statetiof Amer. ica in Conpea asrestdcd, That the Pay mUiter General be and lie iiereby is author lad and direetedlo take imumdiete meas ures for the prompt - payment kg Ithe sick sad wounded soldiersin the conialssoent camps, hospitals, - Ind' "elsewhere, so that they may be fully paid within eiaty days from and after the passage hereof. Approved, March 8„ 1858. Roma° RESOLUTION-NO. 15.3 A RESOLUTION to egediate the printing of the Rresidents message anti accompany ing documents. Ranked by the Senate and Ilougo of ReP retentativerof Ma Units& Mau of dewrica in . 7 Coniircss auabisd, Thai, instead of fur nishing manuscript copies to each house of Congress, the head, of the errata depart , mania of Goieniment be required to fur nish the Superintendent of the - Publle Ilinting with copies of the documents tun:Lally accompanying their annual reports on-or - before.. the host _dap of INovember of each year ; whose duty it shall be to print, in addition to the numbeinow required by law, two thousand copies for the into of the Senate, and - five lhouearid for the use of Souse, in volumes (bound in the usual manner) of convenient else; and to deliver the tame to the' 'proper' officer': of each house, respectively, on orbefore the. third Monday in December of each year. It shall also be hie duty to print for the ore. I . of each of said heeds of departMenta, one thousand copied of their said repOrm prop -1• and -for the cut Of tor' Connlisionors of the',Gehtitillinii. Mae; of Indian Al- Will, and of 'Penn* Ave :hundred cop- , lei of each of 4417 .repciiii, reolentltoklr• And it ehall not be lawful for Wald Super- I intendant to print any greater number of said reports, nor Abe reports of! heads .of any bureau to their respective superiors, unless directed to do so by either house of Congress. Sec. 2. And be it further'resolved, That hereafter - the number of any bill or joint rejoinder' ordered or required to be print ed by either the Senate or Hone of Repro sentatives, under any rule of either house, shial 'nor exceed:llx - Winchid; ifiitloes ape directed by . .the hone ;ordering the StN•B. And be if further rooked, That it Thal be the duty of the. ¬ary of the Treasury to.furnish condensea statement of the aggrogste amount of the exports to, and imports from, foreign countries to the Superintendent of the Public Printing, on or before theilret Aver November of each year shall. print , . and bind as soon thereafter as paatiosble ten thothand cop ies thereof, to be 'distributed al follows, viz The usual number ,one thousand fivtlitfidiell - WV) fice - Alni,tiro houses I `or Gotigreiter three hundred copies for the, Treasury Department; two !thonsand for the use, of thp members of the Senate; and six thonsand one hundred Ad fifty copies for the nee of the members of the Rouse of Representatives. _ neck That 4. Anal , * if further , That six thousand copies of. the u Commercial Rein Lions," annually prepared under the dine ttes of the Secretary ofititte, be yriate& and distributed as-follows, Us: Ths rein number (one thousand Ave art& and fity),for the honeshundred of COMM" fOr , ltundrianna fifty for the State PoPariaosuit two thousand for the-use of the intithitslf of the Senate, and thiefthit for the use of the members of the House of Repre sentatives. Sec. 6. sind b& it further resolved, That all lithographing and engraving when the probable cost exceeds three hundred and fifty dollars, sbalLbe awarded to the lowest and best bidder for the interest of the Gov ernment, after thie advertisement by the .Superintendent of Public Printing,. under the direction of the Committee on IPrint- Sec. 6. And be it further relayed, That the form and style in which the printing ordered by either House of Congress, or by any of the departments, shall be executed, and the size of type to be used, determined by the Superintendent of Pub; 110 Printing, having proper regard to econ omy and workmanship. Sec. 7. And be le further readout, That all or parts of laws conflicting with the above provisions be andthey are htrytt , by repealed. 1 Approved, March 3, 1883. [Puma's—No. 981 An Atrr for the removal of the' Sisseton, Wahpaton,liedawakanton, and Wahps, koota bands of Bloat or Dakotah Indians and for the disposition of their londe in Minnesota and Dakota. Br it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of (R epresentation of the United States of Amer kite comma 'assembled; That the Prod dent is autherized and hereby directed to assign to and set apart for the. Sisseton, Wahpston, Medawakanton, and lireispa lcoota bands of Sioux Indians a. tract of un occupied laud outside of the limits' of any State, sufficient in extent teAsnable him to assign to each member of said bands (who are willing to adopt the pursuit of agricul ture) eighty acres of good agricultural lands, the same to be well adapted for sig• rimiltmci purposes. See. 2. And be it Ardor eeacsed, That the several Miele of. lend within the reeerva• lions of the said Indians shell be ,surrey- , ed, under the direction of the Commission er of the General Land Office, into legal i subdivisions, to aotiform to the surveys of ' other public laids. And the Secretary of the Interior shall cause each legal subdi vision of the said lands to be appraised by discreet persons, to be' , appointed ;by him for that , purpose. And 'in each butanes' where there are improvements upon any legal subdivision of said lands the improve ments shall be separately appraised. But no portion of the said lands shall be sub ject to pre-emption, settlement, entry, or Location, under any set of Congreis, unless the party preempting, Bettling upon, or locating any portion.of 'said lands shall pay therefor the fullappreised value there of, including the value-of thessid improve ments under such regulations as herein after provided., ' ' Sm. 3. Arid be it 'further enacted, That after the survey of the said reservations the same shill be open le pre-emption, entry, andaeltlement, in the same, manner as other,public lands: Pro-vieled, That be fore any person shall be entitled to enter any,portion of the said lands, by pre-emp tion or otherwise, previous to their expo sure to sale to the highest bidder' at pub lic outcry i lie shall become an actual bona fide settler thereon, and shall conform to all the regulations now provided by law in , oases of eee-cmption, and shall pay within', the term of one pear from the date of his settlement, the full appraised value of the land, and the improvements thereon, to the tend officers of the district where the said lin& are situated; and the portions of the *said resermitions which may not be set tled upon as aforesaid may be sold at xi*. anntion, as other publics lands Ire sold, after which they shall be subject to sale at private entry, as other public lands of the United States, but no portion thereolfrehali be sold for a sum less than their appraised value, before. the first of Jantkoryanne Domini eighteen hundred and -mxty-five, nor for a less price than. one dollar arid twenty-five cents per acre, until otheririse provided by law. See. 4. And be it furthez masted, That the : , money arising from said sale stall be in vested by the Secretary of the Interior for the benefit of said Indians in their new homes, in jthe establishing them.* &piani sm:et poen* : Praided, !he; itt shall be lawful for said Secretary to locatelasy mer itorious ihdividaal Indian of said bands who exerted himself to save the lives of the whites in the late massacre upon ibid. lands on Which' the improvements arc situated, assigning the same to him to thel extent ef eighty sore ,e to be held by such tenure` is ' is 'amity lab provided by tel :-'l4nd provi ded, further, That uo more that eighty Ames atoll be. awarded to any one Indian, ender this or any other sot. I Sec 8: And be it further ersaele4 That the money to be annually approprepristed . for the benefit of the said Indiansitall' lihet-, pended in such manner as will, iii the judg, went of the Secretary of the Intirier,-beet advance I tie said Indians in agricultnril aid ilsetheraelli Purstitta, mid enable thim to sustain themselves without the aid of the Government; but no portion of staid apprci pristiosie shill be paid in money t tol said iiiiiishelltud in elatkexPemlitneele sa id Sec retary may male reasonable disedminatiem in favor of_ the chiefs who shall lbs' found faithful to the Governinent of the United - States, and efficient in maintaining its au-: thority and' the peace of the Indians. Said Indians shall be subject to the laws of the United States, and!to the criminal laws of the State or Territory in which :they utoy happen to reside. They shall alio be sub ject to shohlules and regulation* for their government as the Seoreter7 of this Interior" m prescribe;but they shall he incapa blerf making any valid civil co t. with ;any pep* other thmt-a _native mbar of their tribe, without the eminent o the Pres ident. - The &mw e, of the In or shall also make reseenoble pro:Oi l iest:t r ibe the ed usatimaof :Sad hciisusi is avxV i * thei r . capacity and means at h co lt nd. _Approred,. Merck 8, 1888. i . . Aultioneers, JO WE 11111.11•1111. DAVIS a MolL•WAINIII, 80. pi 711TH LiT4IBBX. j Th . E. h i Estate, Block and General dboibin-Snel nem. eatitteldied In 11143 by the IntehA DArie, •Dlb•bOntinuodat Meck! stank Do. lalr kg. cin der the My& of.DAVD3 & manow4zsz, ke Q. DANIS bobtg_t_ble day Mooriaged !dm 7a= IOW& knout ief WNW -I•: the boom tor may years. Devoting tdmiteolvite ra iguises•ge aDemoiltotan Auction Basinowls..mbloi mg &IMO bee Ion& alPoriollmo DIvY Mitblontly er u e m eeneimuneatta of evory daatiptS4 et Irois. Li beral advances mode whoa &Wind. /i ot a, . el ainik In moor moond dour so)ee room. Libreria ind-mistelbuteone collsetletot of Books m,.taley &Osmotic I C _hang ii.Generil COMMINIIOI itYeltall. i moRANDIaI insomei t - , _ ALA dada' 1.0 ma, of ootram PiODIRIL — - • ''' , -111 V. 179 LaIIBT 1Y Brartri inmay Prrwrhu. Ta. 10 ir '1 'Li to insai c hletti— b e ~„emiersd Waal&teapeethdly (Invi the at. wat iirt 'pi all ranitat• Dealers to hie P d. TIST I mmo DID, width le unltenally ktioon to be th. sw a i wronitag Mediu the market. 1 They map ma a:ant bar-4" 0 1.0. Peat and dpoANr o e• - stosturod sad for We by tElthlt I'UCLAii , • - .arrosire....—.YAso, iq.e.411.11.4.4 MM. , O'N 61M0N !.1 .1.54.W019101 .wQ 4 1 ...• ~.~. ~,5j5 ., 4 ; ,, r.~ : l `.a -. ~ ~ .v. . VittOurgh 6auttrt. B. RIDDLE it 00., EDITORS 4171) rsorezzross. Pat)Ligation Office No. 84 FM Street. NO - 1131346 MID IMMO NDITIONS, DAILY. aorroisroto TEM IaTiBT HIM VP. TO TUI 110118 Or IRIBLICATIODI. MONDAY MORNING, JULY' 20 The New York Rioters in Sympathy with the Slaveholders' Rebellion. Of course the truth of this is well known, even to those who may nevertheless for pru dential resoonsiohoose to deny the feet. No paper barite Tait, or elsewhere, knows that thi late itrooleas 'SPA was instlgatedend ear riedliti by rynifiiithisers withgeff. Davis and his " governaient Platter than does the World of that city, inilyet, as might be expected, it has strenuously, and with the usual effrontery of • renegade, denied the impeachment. The N. Y. Tribes', of /friday, contains the follow ing interesting statement by • responsible on this subject: The ' World having made a show of denying: our statement that sympathy with the Slave holders' rebellion was the chief impulse to the late riots, we are favored by one of our most intelligent and trustworthy cdtteens with the following testimony : lb tie Editor of De N. Y. IS-Theae: Bra: The World - has the effrontery to deny plumply that this riot is got rip and conducted in'theintcretis of Jeff. Davis and the CobeUlont and this morning it attempts to bluff the Lune by the following paragraph: "But be is pronasionalty a seeker after truth. and we beg to recommend to him a practised Way of as certaining what them rioters really meth. Let him 1 go in preen into the first crowd of them he may meet, and g-t up a good hearty about for •JeIL Doris and Lee.' Usher thet he ever returns tothe beware of his family, It will be, we TOPtlate to say, as both a adder and a wiser mon:" I. have had emarion to be presentamong the rioters during revers' ofthe Most molded sense I of these disturbanoes, and I am to the position to mast equate!' the proposition of the World. ' 1 I know that there hes thus far been -no Miler passports through these mobs than the exprse sion.of sympathy with the rebels and cheers', for-Jet. Davis. I (ionises that, desperate and 1 unaompalous as I. knew the copperheads to I be, I was mumbled at this discovery. Bdtl when. I. myself heard the rioters give three sheers for Jag. Davis, and when I heard from their own- lips their wishes for his mooess, I 1 could doult no Conger. On Monday I was .1 present at the sack and firing of the houses in Lexington avenue, going through the whole mob from its extreme verge to the very front step! of these bonsai. There I yew a man known to many persons as a Rebel sympathiser, hand and glove with the rioters encouraging them, in consultation I with their , ringleaders, a nd w e by them I wherever he went. There I heard Within en pressed 'for the idecres of the Rebellion and the destruction of "the naygure." e There a man'of demur exterior and apparrat lntelli genes exclaimed, as• he sew the hodoes'burn. mg, " This is the most glorious sight I have ever sean ; this will pay Jeff. Davie for the lose of Vicksburg." On Tuesday evening II 'heard among the rioters, in the upper pert of the Third avenue, cheers for Jeff. Davis but it was dark, and I could not see the individn els who'propterled•Or 'who gave them. 'But early on Wednesday afternoon, I was' in the Second se -a detachment of the 7th Regiment marched up to disperse the mob which had been maltreating the negrow near Twenty-seventh street. The rioters vanished from before the detachment, but closed in behind it, and began to hoot, and then to stone, and finally to Are upon it. One of these very rioters who made , this attaok, when the- detaohinent bed moved . about • square off, tilled out, "Three dame for Jeff. Davis." The cheers were given, and :tumor -- only, though not very loudly—for the bayon ets were tee near. I stoodiuititen feet from -the man who proposed: the chiers,l and.face itc hod with him In tan minutes efit rward saw the crowd which be then led oning the 7th's men. Merely to deprive the World, and the Reb el sympathisers for whom and to whom it speaks, of the benefit of an objection, which it may Make, that my evidence is te be taken with allowasioe as that of an Abolitionist or Sadioal,./ gay that I am one of those who have constantly opposed your wars, upon the negro question, and denied both the right and there:ha:of theilanuicdpation Proclamation -and that, though , / now heartily sipped the President, I.did: net euppert Abraham Lin eoln as a candidate for the President'!.,:You, I believe,: can testify: to Alm trith f this statemeiß,^eadirlia-te-the trustworthiness of any oihes_thet I may make. las ouldeign . my nemeibot_it the Dina toryi; and Ido not wish/nylons , to: be find by ttiov. Bey mourb(entJel/ Davis's) '4,tiondri on the day -wham this is pabli eked.: Sirs -Wirsizas. ' 1.72;v 'LOU, 31117 16,1663 Moro About "F. F. V." Andrews. - This " distinguished" Virginian-I-peon or ster--iiab4eader-rnegro-hatet, end ;regrets admirer, stir, rte., deserves • eitepleta plata than we hers yet been able to make oat. But 'in , addition to what has appeared la our sol emn, already, the following will se: far to sat isfy pehlie curiosity about this salon of the P. P. V's.--One of the N. Y. papers of Pd. day morning War Andrews was arrested by detectives McCord, Perky, Redford:and Dusimbnry. • They found Mato bed. Uith V; colored yowl at No. 10 'Seventh Street: Mt "was sinee'whitt Macon: Botta at first ; by the time he dressed , self, however, he become calm, and laid had ti karma the object of the visit, theta - would bus beereseme lahliselly in atiestawkint. "[swished to:be tikes at once before a magis trate. so that he might be &di:Mar& to ball; declared the* dui- wren: 'Meat ii--Wirrint. Ina obAtnii7und nectonstittnionaLßeodmit tad Mut Iti-soutor,eipo 'soh On - Mendel, but dieleridit•lS&;: Vokeb 1n ribiltrath" He told on reporter that he made the sena speech to, the mob that 'We &tithe Piece hieetlitt*relledi at the 7 ;oOoper P1W4 611 .4 160111- O to i t to-Sirseritliat they Jiawhimithis make Incendiary speeches .to the molobitese !Monday.. MI. mons' is John 11: AsetrowOlikurat-bionvia,:Virglais, has heen'in - this eery 'MOO ?Sig: U. is about thirty-ST*lw ol•ge4 his.brownhalri blue eyes. said o fillssandi-oolored beetdi! ,, speeits.With the -Virginia, or nevo, ,acesnk He juts • were cat on the Ample; tibiae he ollegoolukseredved •by dipping et 'eateries Andrews,tie asB. ;was •Preeldit ' ‘ui:• ,4 filti In th e. 'Eighth Wed in 1850, Whleh contained most of - the natation. thieves. pimps and gamblers iothat Wag, - Pars bar thee hihes lived 'with • oelbVidwomen Josephine. Wilson, Omar S. 3. Smith etatirl ' -that - he. Sew hint walking in 8116411,117 with bar, arak-lwassi, last west: - aka luka kept a house of prostito.: - den t in this city for twelve years; she tome from Beaks. Akbant eight months ISO'hei how, then No. 118 Green street, was broken lipanSompleist Itesisg been made agebtit *skews went to the Stettin Aimee - In VW ao:lasi and mooted - pensiolon- of • So vest_Wilun to take the bleak wow lOW , serstago. rep to Jariiiiiiliffix*. The sex. --Andrewelantscit Walked wititter to the bar of the Daum,2ll4 demanded to be elloired ti plead kei Tilo.Jiistire, not - setisliti um, ha hid sny au thority to oPPeatitriflad to hear A boadves given by tioa biseiti wo msn-*eppier at Ski Sledel Sessions, and an indiotaint was' fomul against bin. ' She' did Sot, hotreilia ippear"whiu Ike. *is was Jodi-end - 1v Olirmlei!t t-1.4P 1 0 , 4 in ilerder 'wider the' 'Mum! found is UMW , WO", at' eh OFtotir sp'tb.altir.l loose No Wok.: Sl* 4 o Aiiiiit'As wlsizabottli of'tkb hatrahohlwlustiliine oseeslottailirOsti. A r ; c in Ai.. 'llO Mauer, et Fotioflt, gAffuo:_il!A_ Mr. Andrews has a witeitid AviitgaQ"OsePT *at is WhO hive boa Ai4 . rJainOphOt 44'74V, tbreszli Thomas Eisair eoaltroted Voir. E. . • - _ „ vriaslitottii bib). !:1.14.1 °T,7,1 c• • Cot. llisetter's Raid in Rigid:not I. it Ool. J. Winner, who hss been on • a through Northern and Buten: Minimal pi, 40 - ad ems reports : Broke up the oomm of Gin. Elsorgs at Panda, ; destroyed rail - bridge st the Yoolurrs, and trestle-week just beyond, and the road from there north. Crossed Tall.hstchie north, sod Firm a Chalmers beyond Coldwater, on the Helens road. He, made for the Talishatchle, to gross at the month of the Coldwate - killed fifteen or twenty, and took forty pr....ners. Paroled thersioir. at Panda, brought. 11 1 / 1 0 , and de stroyed all army supplies, workshops, milli, tanneries, depots, etc. Passed north within three Miles of. Awittn and Cow ner" destroy ing an immense: amount of forage and auto siotenne. Be took from 600 to 800 boons and mulls, and 600 head of Gatti., mint detachments north and north.easS front Panola to"destroy or bring sway ill onhoistincs; forage, horses and 'mules, an., . pasami-throngh Ave aoustiss,- treveled 300 miles, and crossed three :aromas.. Chalmers hod with him Stoke'o, Blettunezes, and Blithe't men; 900 strinig,ind throe ple'oes of srtillory. The remainder.: of hie force, 900 fled south from Penola, via Charlestoh, Hader Gen. George. Destroyed the ferrhio at Paiiiiia and Coldwater; loot one man killed sad five slightly wounded. What Courage May Do. The N. Y. VOW", speaking of the ate riots in that city, says: The mob threatened and spprorphed a house. One man, not its owner, nor his onfriend. stood on the steps ae the Badame us The leaders rushed forward. this hero: "Yon aball enter this house only over soy dead body ." ,:. They stoppe M d, heditated, ore and retreaed, leaving the house Wl hanied. • Oni brave heart protected it. - A negro was Framed on Tuesday by a mob of 50 or 40, beat on killing him--of *urn for no reason ezoept that he was a negro. no of -cowards az* it, and tarred not; liftedot voies.or hand to defend him. But there was one man not • coward. lie ran forward, threw his arms about the negro, faced the mob, 'drew his revolver, and. an nounced: "The first. man who approaches dies." And he saved him. Citizens who have failed to defy this mob, do not thrmnoble actions humiliate and re pros.* yor ? When another such hour oomea to you, recollect that "Desperate courage I makes one a majority." Anna TES BATTLI.—A. correspondent of the Saw York Cornmcrciat, in a letter . frem the battle. field at Gettysburg, gives* the fol lowing: While passing along the centre of Lee's line, I found a German laborer, and his vrow , gathering up piles of clothing which had been thrown away or taken cif the dead. Yohn was wheeling away the spoils as his , wife ord. lectad them. Suspecting your correaporident of being an ofteial, she began to defend her self by, saying, "De comes to mine house and eats • I mine geese and mine thicken and =WI hooks, but I don't pelleve in that; and may be shueht them that eats my thickens killed and 1-tregathering their Clothes." As strange things hays happeaed, , ROW TIM RIRILLITRIAT ABOLITIOWROrTORO. —The editor of the Fulton 'Republican, nub ,lished at PdoConnellsburg,lays,that t wntio ehe rebels occupied that town his offia etas point. ed out to by the eopperheidi as an abo lition ooneetn. Several of the offitairs upon him and asked to see his flies. .After exainming them, the Lieutenant in command said, "I see, sir, this is • Republican paper ; you advocate a vigorous prosecution- of the war, and are to favor of sustaining your Gov ernment In everything. I like to ice a man owe tkisp or another.' T skins several copies of the paper, they left without molesting any thing in the °Moe, to the great indignation or/ the %Towheads of-that place. SE W*l.4"G macuairiest. WHEKILBIC & WILSON'S awasar remount, onfonLatCaooli: SEWING MACHINE W0111,D.'13 Li 111, Yievimtiei Pure. With trait:Luta° 1 Tim °llly Machine in silo world using OcAss (Juni Puma, Biuunps and Coancs, with Isoprarat Story awe raelroctitally totted to opa!l • st est *Mar and Ass dui o.aohlnas fu opankt•Lon., !AG If =kiwi ioarrmad ran. ilirtlead For I atronlu. WN. SENNER & co., WESTERN AGiSTS, Pis:masa—No. gr alria mar,. . Cracuman—RlB&'B OPI/H111g11.01313.. 1 ttermuo , C.:l4r.)Vii4atik".l C. _10.1' ,4 . tam:Alta uoulax 111,1114‹ faxrXy aewitaf -.fflociif nes .13hImettesei, Ho. 6111 mirth' Mat, • !Shim Ilhdieii do hos menu t.,+ar azumir *apse sun , swii>thei , es 44% Min. RIB .do Wilda& of Walk put Ara )(F. 41 4 1 *Pt i " , :' TM; r01.fiz4 131.1 .r .ii3 1 add them tawrvettan. Opialtitty ' c i s said; tl:I Heiritii • ki*** Hakies,teeirtsi .1104 ecticatAll.. , is lirmstilatiod Welt , .ft•l7 s77kr,:tttit'' PLANO/4 - I JULY LIbTOR SECOND- HAND PIVIOS. cii• act.i4v; re'eswOod ease. 'roaild taw. with. . -merit/Age. =reel =oda disk. boa la as. SIWSEI ley leak Coo.Moclar",...rodewool case,- round 3 tiont caroms, with sawed tablet, made sy . egay. exte2g,res 'Rork • ' tOzwe *AA Geltwee wage:oo7. Assad, carnets; ' Awed. oiTtO4ll , l listser, Ons • aciavg,rlsB29ok.AlFort.'ponwah frr those. woe by unbamen-----.,.:..;. - 140.00- Ons{ . red" wwerAdl. 14.04.:41.0m"10as - .by GiftWorr, Sour Owe Burl* tealeftww*."equarieoroster, b 7 Milking 4 bilwou Ow de ri, usehlrear or Lore coroers;tiodo • by mus. Mgt On Gain; rosewood were caraers,.eseds ' • ' aswetedren l Ilday.ll. Os• ovum indb:V l , 3 7o l a,wirS .c QP l F l . lll4 by Otildhertair.. 10) 00 Ons %W. 611113.,11 oo "Oriel octave Gorman - , oa.m.a..M2LIVIBE; -1 4The vate, trim mos ddTerealqassigeotorPey te.arirlie,dwrink the - oat 141 'de* _ . s' ii ' "Eoakilo§ -- • IscetToo.4TEErr ,ol, "4. -/Esruz, r411:114 113646:114 4 kifilez 4010WIliriERiViIIIV6faitit in t 44m 7 1 1,0•21 11 09 7 6 !!! ) .4 °1 ,Ur1,-4" 4 "!Pf i LIP Ti .41:: 711 her Ibt , Ognivey Pliums et , = Ma MOIL; NABlldc CO.* PIANOS ' '' ' • ' `. me4-aiwtoreststailmoks .apply or three beentltut testrumeette. , lips; a doubt the Kest II nil 111, WV SUNNI YlNlTlMlll4,lloltalidigkr i Tor some 'mfttlee pelt tee have 'hot heriatiLtdite 111141i4okrof eetpreere. LWARIAINWID , MA 11.185. - Banos_ urrazair. imowros - risid ' . Immo. the bestebeeelltleane woe:: Tor age by; • .+. MATMOTTI.IS4OTIT. 43 Illthetreet. _ 411- liklugurimillitt""w"" REP! 4'S IngLODFORIL,, , - , T el , -,. kW 414 : 1 : xor - z , ONO. L ICALLY PsvPrisior. 7iY►SiLlEq IDD6 W►~~g, ~ ~llP~7~~`lfEul® . i . cr, Z yr>t ...., TT 'E. ........ -:-• LXXVI---NO. 212 OILS, ife. NVALLA taff.ll3l3, OOMMIESION 11121101 LOIN. Ana dada, tri muDzeattrum PETWatri No. GO KORTH OVOID RIM, esilestizider illegii,)46r 16,000 UAL Abo alr eseee aWri see P t 04111 . tar AMOVidall La 4 lonian poets. et aux wharf es the_llehre_ Bawer near the plat:Ririe of ebb' BREWBg t IfV.RILS 400., COINIBBION lERIMAITB, - - Ataats tbe • ' OLOBIL;PiOUTO RID LIBERTY, OIL WOBIL gar iibges ash advocaat Sudo os cosslissesto Refined or,Crude Petroleum. COI. Dll4lllllll WAT MID AMMO= ETIMF4 PIIIXBVIMIS. PA. WALES, W&TMORS & oo.ramtasioN isttEm9mAirrriti. sairezas rzeracualsent Lb SAIDEN,LiN.I, NEW YGJL Or Maple tiaMlNg EITORAQII AIM IMP "P G ai their sird and wharf. &w Boom unliktr - • • . RIDBEt CiiiiiiBBo/I:IiaOJaNTS. rwrainuani— rms *mars, onA. CLIDLII3, M. 61 111U1AD %Twiner EA,HaIiD EIT illirAratstritre. PORTIA/0 /01110111:1111 OIL - ipll4l 41". 91499Attn= O• N • need..not‘le iiiburammed •by tuti entarcestient the'Snlic`Ordnin when they can him their. Oil -Masted Ydt sh= ...cheat touching %lie Ont . Wiiii,llBl-SeebalPt moo proingt._nitit ylak..ww.tuiabliveted In better ardor, et in 'Mi thL 7idl Dj • rriSd'ilkiii On the Litterbug, . Umtata• villa, when Oil map* Jioss Orpoati Ora W thb amp, arid shid,t9 , pout, Ur or Wert, sylitiotit sardiag Of eskiltVglaV eu ordsas prom y 'Undo! to. • ilarcdie• it 1 oprOttameTifaantiar B. It Poo, Ogles bolittwiatCl/ ilgt.; Pittsburgh; 01 cow be aeon dab; at the Ott /Ozehseia. apti -DAVID HIM IRON CITY Oar WORKS. LYDAY 4 . VEIOAPRNIIING, liaautsocurem lag S+sw+ Sl CL4.111t026 orb, eirau 0114 tus AND LUBBICMTII4 OI And dsayins to °BUDA! PITBOLEVII lIIM - Siotts, omen. Stizipstrarg. egos In PERU BLOCK. MK;Wine W 1/• iu5e5.013014 3 ,14.4L8Y dg Co., Comdata' and Foritirdhit liankuts, CRUDE 4.VREPINED PETROLEUM, s•. ultra mak. iilo" : LSboial, °inn *Dooms on ,anilipnliontm nn.e, . . . lerus. J. & /MLR= L Co.; i1.A.111:414 afia: - THCIIPS011: 41 1 4, 1014 pla% Bask. tatiOtem " itOßtat 181/WO4/11; Ipo.l DT. PAM raMi,re Nati. Ferwatdingic . illerohant taxiiiimurexusuumakcalwa .eirmorannuvuo, ikw; tefistaildy 'aii band sad pc.imilotii loviae,rif,,,,Drituuslums Ala tudnualoita—ms. . aptem OW. I{. NOLDSRIP.•*•••• , " a lOUVOTengall9n l oirojoii.y..sommato dt T oo.. wvroroys BUSSIIABLOILL AND OIL.: Stay luad irecy.test quality at 8 MING OLL,aisigUA__ialtimaitadat; utaa, gutti 1411111,10A.M, tare WILITIIk 5pi301,2 and OAS Aor t io Grows los a& No,* IrmTa. ismon, Beak Block; wail &or, "Mb* yromptifstisadiul M. cookout ; , i t uoENT othivoßpf.. , - Dvtiata aoraar a if°. x..«W- I,eusl 'rime illinlap - aassoz oms Vi.rf kr .1 I r thiriti mi a , RY, 1 14 1 4, 3113 . 51;13M(Pi - . -OIL 011121014 , • . O • writ /111X07§Ll. URA*: WWI& BOUM allati 0001. Cal , Da of nuke, sail Tint, prive Armin gituituw • - rm , r,,,11.ti0 on, • 4 jut2S , ..•• r./4-tirMIPAPILIMIS. IiNDLNIUDS. AND AINALWAN GOMM 011. 51".":1 *ay talaiiiiiket. isfOitmAurr BTEXIM**, .thetsodahairtramimumist be promotiv attano4 to. IentegOINORAIDIVOCe will satimisage. l "o , ":I;:Fivatuir Gum ,pgalvtimsatiamum kiiku4riiiii , .42;aoagr WWI I i.„ !Mai L4l 3l Pr Th4l imilaltilaWeasnou , u-/1/17Wir ,3 aileSll,b l , t• QTUILLUS IS UL..-T : Illattontioa or co otionlm Wawato or bat that tba abiabbaSkiblib lifetkaaat bal tam.nsitilditorito ~X 0pg.411111,01111. , lAuppia.ll.l sad et a*.trvt. AT Att IL AV 4=047 Bain. ifunraiii, U . .Itti Aso*Lairrizaii. rielliihr asisika astblettails eq. sail ist4u. 111 f WAIL ...takilida of paw. ir °Dais iii' *ram • •Abet. • ilik of all - Puil•litriol l iartisM i tagru All ordeal& at Yogi it it 1 rt. siesrldbeiribtelll-bipiee ta, Of UpisAria Wm rsidad our -4iiiii:iallirrtmelikiiiiiiiiirestiz isitosi. *in / 4110, !P Yo 8 .4 1 0, 1 95 14, 9 0 /P ar" '44:17 - . rad l it` : TRAVEsu — viiiliggli l v , '11411114- Ifs Woo itritisithei al isic i ris am a `mow .iapeubl_ . _ *act r le t 's ti W 3ll"l".. / b": `ria el: ik= ttit ealitel: tie - I.A • tliflr a ii illy mi . ir. : te ..‘" I I --1 : 13" - iLliiitli “ WI 111 " 1. 1"1148146. 012.4"11.00,01.1101. IWO :WM 00 Weil tp Sad ummelt wtili r - ,„, a . ..bk-e. 7 , • :.,, , - 1, Aro= gaCllMlp ji r - :' ,1 0 ,1 1 14 r - - 7 isaitOsolumr a al. ' ..! - 7 , 11 A.7.C.r.:. a . rziall 4:1 lqatv - solr. -I=l-;:, •2: 3: , z.,55 : ~,.! ba...;et IMSEI =la= - PzrrustSira. PA