.amitepar -14. RELIGIOUS ',ItiTELLIGENCE . . _ The Pittsburgh Lithira Etyncrl MIURA twentieth sesstar at. , Freepors, Armstrong IsiVect4th. , =Pait7- ihrse udnimars noineatiiCwititjtbli body, and siidta a 'musibss-11 Tay delegates.: and otimmiulonera were In' attendance: "A.!ter the reading of the' report 'd the Tellrlell Rreeldeut, Rev W. A. Yinsumsnt, ths the toirlakcitedrilteie neeilimsYrareiLt....Dreeldent ; Rtiv. ,Iy'A;;-Rivn:CoV•Lßeeretstry; Rev. D. Giirver ifteslonsry Pseitaent; C. Yeager, *4, itenit*. The Prmildenti report' congratulates:UM mmatiii:`ottiti.. Spited; that,notwitbstandlni the ayg. , **4,.;0,11 , wykrio.‘44.r:o9l•riTmiliPiwitong shursheselind lot 1 1 i1d tid.r.fßd. made from time to usti,,LeXive eVuuth. gsnlactleeeltive. );evi s ktiii4 44 l4,Akd, !1 . 7 6 /i aw - eltuznites hive ;peek noneeefAtic. Ae cording to tie iipitri em.'tti3eiecidirgh AoadlitY . nod, eighty students hive been in-attimd saw -A raolntiom vim adopted request. hag thiclinrches to Mnitillitite inziabllyle Unit Viand tot !idols! and Disabled BEMs! tam!' , -Tite anbjeot of Hiniie *died proper attentiari. Ablion arab Lakin to reference to employing a travelling Mil. slops? cos , West Virginia, 'Madm' offadate tic dirmatLand'Eliiitelk:',TAV.,tior:li, -Mary, of groveshurg, - PaOrapahbatbarnia s t o a rt in • the. .I , forthuirass.miniailei of Penney BeiaLltiiiigi:l4 7 . 6 • qtatalt4 Ta.t4 tP:eatettitticuYßb d A ti ! ° of the Mina Blisalett,aireeen as ,practicable, to which Mailed:2MM iiiintiltitalals: Ttlinfieniary 'Sisk atiCaseallon' of interest addresser being , deliveted Sy ieva. :Fos the arianing year the Synod sivropiiated to. the Home liforkJuPtranifaei eirmitnandred dollies:-iof'thd-Sdn ostion itaileti, it iiiiiiiinted-lbeie-vere Lire young men- sneceiring,aw.:Anaistion 49 1 1 1 " 0 /1 .11 1 7;0 1. Ittet.' D. (Weer preachatrike:onjetirtuon. SOfeik in. lE. W. r:ev" 3llooll44 ;t 4l ',Yllaii:'*'44 l;l4od ine iser.: ,- ..*:.ccr:iv,-A4A . . - ourg, Saiiito.fi*viiiilslo4pig.*Seitete4 an Interesting statement ' 'Of- their emir; - The iniloiting.Persinui were elected delegates to Ikettext4leneralSynod:-.ltais.' Pas asennt;-0. Baselsr f _4l.lteutnart, R. Hill, P. 'Efirrer; and kesies. - Ct'Yeager, J. S. Flt- - .set; Judge,ll4B, Thoeds..H4Line,and /4. - Hoxie. Delegates in Sister Synods :-- Petna'a ElYtedi:Devi IL Bitch; 'Allegheny Synod, Rey. 'O. Gaunter; Canada Synod, D.',Oserer; English. Syncd "of Ohio, S. B. BIIIIIIIZ. The next session will be held at Roottseter, Bearer al:funky; Ps., on Wednesday; Tune Bth, 1884. - statistics of the Free ,Churob, Sassand, preaent some rimy interesting points.. -In Datum 1818, at the disruption, there yeti less than 600 congregations; saw 131 are reported. The membership bad reached this 3i asi 216,210. - There: had ban expended in building, during this year 42,899; for education, ,116,2751 .for the eitstoatation , of. ministers, £718,203; for the colleges, £7,189; for missions, ' £35,- 648; and for general congregational, put. • poses, £116,389,—s "grand. total - 0r£342,- - , 038.... The littstentathm Fund originated by Dr. Chalmers hnslielded this year a die:- idend to each minister of £137 or $685, so that no minister. Of :ail Chnish has lets than this yearly stipend,'besides a hens* , rent--free. andarPulf, it abent;ftr retard 10 Elootland : . from debilitated tienith,- no7*Msroa , f , •' - • ::•4fl"T4R*.i/V-f.P44i4 l 4 l o l ‘o ll4 TlV lbil° ot-itto:ll,-iiioa dal B. Warner, is= torsi .prosobor of the Valli. *DpliooksilChurelk.. _.loitheller - taro' yews' ha has been Vice Pie dSn!- - • _—Tiho Board of (11. P.) Missions for rcedtor tof the Sonth met is the2d U. P. - Ohms* Atiegitercy;Pe;on 11ti4ti1of . and ergo:tallied ttj electing' ;UT: O. - C. am% 9h airman, and Bar. Cher: Utokey... Beeordiag 'Secretary. A committee , was appointed _to, address, n oironief,:te (*At antsieti of the U. P. dimrch mules forth the claims °tithe work, -:Tlte Boird adjourned - to meet ' -fa-chnli Muth, Allegheah r , i - on titelfat-ideadiiof .0,1410: , '.: - ,•;... , i . i . Arkrhistlittatc•raieting of tho!Vo,r; . . -mono. fiertirtweateria .iinioitierfoit don - gregationallats the gyration •wan liietionsta intern St of religion SAC the..pastorld =relation abeam:: (ast in var. - churches; or ohitil ire' sOopt i,tti!erini - - 000hoU otßaptreirst Newport, R. L, war of tilt itisaimone opinion, t , "a- Ailitiiikhisi,iciliks.teckTeitiss t e rthe piano osliv - onfr •of its Anroalieve, er fez* srdi Isiuideriloitio - affeet fib Anoraf sad, ' • ; 'Vh1 1 1 11 ; ,'• dediesmxi j 4l4...eiztiltiiirifindalif, • 254-itimint.„ ! Malta Prisbyteiisit toird"lai : hvl i btrrc i• ORCILe - Ttkis la sl9,ookiesoiilhis wew,layerz. Mr. tharles:Eioo42,'; • 'indwita of Harvard College kw Abe year 1646, Ilia, beew. elected President of ifils%• yow poll** ' .. ,"4"4ol %WP.XlMA i ali f °l44 ,l "` "" ..j...#*B!PP si t arPIAY•T fri ir:" 0 440a., immidiberiljreeltitiftrihsf4a gia:mefitielyattleflotioeciiiii . , true fellowal#p oaci -prasent tire; and-iolid bend of oommunioi: - '3taf filottipxerin '4lliii Sad' nerves sll (the llvln mem- Immo( 41010011.7 ATO-010 11 404)ff,shipi qullskildFl.l l l l 4 6 4 Ming: saint" 10001*!/tr,P7.,mad, one. _ --Tho o _ tlaulthdisr-, 1; I — c trtan itiWAT t *47 - #7 l * tV Spring‘ t Tald#l,l4 ll . nth daAf !itklkkft nut. in' introductory dicoourso w)ltbo yen l4 ion l.l th 3l o 9th irrgiimllAttitit. Con t E p _ Bei. C. P. Bliallinfirettlija j l t i o y :.' . b .1 11111 " I l ' / Tkor_fnUoning Christian Eloholarannoicon• joinithil lo Prisone Ws 36iiiiing Siste*, - - ''t/ii toptia intitoged,'*:gbe -Itn. -thilip Illobilf, of MoroenburiTliidodositaiti. _won "Thu American Sobb4--iinAnt 101' ,:..: ;Ad - Iffitt° 4 l4dP#4l7 - -71WARIPIX'srkert?i• .lettAr.AP-Pr9figherf,, tig"642.411 -sad - Brugocnny, Now York,qld iliistitiiitit € rivololosy." The BIT. Hoary B. Smith, .D D., ?retain in the Union Tiotoklios• • • ." • •••• •III•-•.(•v " I e;4• - 4. '• ' - ^ • ' , --s • 4 _ • - ' eafx • • •* - 4 - : V - "V - 4`.• - ^ •,rt • _ - ' -4;IAD • ^ ttu: : Cif -: ^ 1 iee2 l 2 l ;rii ..o ; l4 tihO l hiteetePieet'Atelfett bade - Ale Ben !re- IfieTorkoni ens Commotion of the Babe 'With PabliC Moriiik'l 2 tie Itelvhlark aOpkinic 4 Tho j ilehttSchiC-F.Cthe Sabbath to Free Lontlinti4nj.e4 • —The-Blabot. 411.0al th adisri k gk eip;i, a retired.: olorigroan - from *064 heotinsc hi, Is on: defied lit:e4lytenitiitra pnrerkhi., —.-Inisdebitie,vritleh lately took place irilltillfitiffiqlouse of lonic,' respeoitell the MAO Wael"*.J.Tottrient of Lassen -Cornwas the L P4 m .... t • litirmi the odbjeot shows that the Prince or. Wiles conld A4 k gtiO o 4 w 5 si t e s of OrtilidrairapwlierdidiOlicloiriat pre-i thin - 0 idiowid bin; tiltax - ORS for none bit:chi/nib. of Engiond places of worship., The Dicke of New tulle moved 1 dontin-, intim of thelliberal‘ provisions of Wesel.' aitiobriiiesr wei4sn3ii4ister,l Ja.bes Stinting, will halced 'by Sir Robert feel, what bfetliodisna was. s ite is Raids° have replied,". “lispontance, faith good, Worts, a pennY)t, Week, in , ' '4.0 0 4-A 1 Ii. T PAL IAI q"4 Frans 'sterility' iallidttes s '.',..TherAraft tn.the 23d District. 1 -We *meta error imitating3n our satoruituk kaitakkat the draft wtlild be ocaplidildtd this Diaertot to-day. id will regalri tomorrow to .. dafidi it. This fore:l9l4 ArmstkOng county via iskoniip commends; witießenridwi ii 114.: .4.A. rili#.*ORETP LED 1011ailiTowitl sdlidaad. 1 AioriaWoolc, ;,' Maill . ii4o4:3 - i.,..', JobatliClimatter, . Wm. S. atter.. d . Bitiiii'llieberger, . -- Simnel Robinson,- Nlidtotaa Bioko:. . John o.4fokrfeou i . - ; adikaWoktrson, ' hibu ffsloir, i 1 ,Sautael Dantene, Audretr'hfilttYi*,jr,, JAZ St Parker, Ilarrliou Ataker,.. D.OO id 441.emy, PrederkkJardea, - 1 . .T.akis 811411011, . _ Jahn Suttcia,u ' Robert rains & • William Petark, Bsifa - Maar, •'1 Wtlibim Iltimbauga, Ritibin Harker, : • • WWI. Daubassmook, Audio* . Wolff, • -limes 11.'-flteete„ 4.4iti Ffejbert, : . 1 ..- ... . •• • • .. hLDr'aEQI Outhbersen Templeton W. S.- Stack, . MOM Bela „Ifordinand ‘ Govers, Join Benlager, . Joh:Oaring, Gooey G. Timbi TV: J. Miller, Defiant :Vowel, 'Jan . liumpbtey, John Port, - Minn Mill, ' • John Wiles, Nelson Don _Philip t .U 7, Gierge J. ilest„ Wilhaeaßldlerpn 11.; 8. Walleoe. Adam nib* ,Bobeit MeGreggor, Patriek Mallen, James Molielory, Elam& lonian', Joseph Onaltar, A. H. Downer, Jobs /dahlia, John Porringer, Jr., J. N. Otewazi, , .Tames Ranter, Patriots McElroy, •J. W. Epson, Sohn hiehfalley, - Jacob Bill, Goo. Roberts, IfiIiNKLIWIT 9 AID ' Jar. Q. Mieteer, pinto' Gonhilepr, Ales, B. Reed, -John Swim,.; • Jahn Rick* • J. Q. Wallace, Jobh Drake,. Raney Dougherty, -Jams , iteeralc,. - Robert Armstroag, PkUip lieekling, Isaec•Gampbell, , - James Grafton, ItibittiTritin, Jr , John .A Montgomery, Sluion P. Bowssr, Desist Gorman, Simnel B. Parker, Solomon Hayti, Alfred R. Bowser, . Hamilton Bewser, itlemmil•le. Campbell, John A. Montgomery, Vitglißcistarde, Josiah /Waw a • Oliver Toy, 401rn Miller. •• . m alacca imp: lames Addison J. Malhess,.. " ; , 'Matthew. Megleoy,,,-• - Sohn 'Adams; 1 1 104 1 41 0) . " • :Ai i 4 . ri %! a. cii r 40 rFY. 1. 'Cliialliers Wolf, II •un Ramer. Henry Doyle -Thor, A. Periiiiene Hiram Von Dyke,. Jahn Baker , George BsM .. Jas. R. Graltem, • • EptratairHaU, • • IMI[POZT sr rovossitr. J Samuel William!, Bien Thomii t s, Samuel Boyden • timothy Carey, ildward"Walsh, Walter Brans, Anthony Garner, 1 J.W. Blaisdell, Dennis MoVadderr, . James J.-Boyle, Jonah - Bishop, ' Ja&es 'Frogman, TimOthy Boeinsy. Hoary. Burke Franklin Porillsger, James Ged:tiss, • Jain llithe, . thonYas Jennings, Jr Wm. Stewart, Michael Wiland, Deelaran'hilller, ' Jacob L. Itildrrin, Christ. Fullmer*, 0. B. Winslow, Daniel Brans, John Torpy, toseph Fleury, Jobs C. Atkinson, William Simonds, (Jacob K•nneatooth, Lyman Combs, 3. W. Norris, Joseph Colas. • . Assinnios Rosanna. William H. Mom, William IL Mehl*, SamiefWelion, Peter 113 lost, iWilllinst. Noble, Levi Chrynaie. Bernard .geinpor, William Jack, Simnel Ciaspohi, Gorge MaKeenori• Joe. M. JeCullougli John.Aroutrong, . Wailsca:Barr, William a. Matsu, John RealS; .• • . Mahal 'Caisronor, Jame A. Thompson, George Bruner, Wilnuit P.. MoNabb, JaoffliNskres,:jr.„ Mae ...r.,Minsaar, WLiocia•liosisoi, John O'Neil, • ~ i,rs. Shearon ~ eseplgt.:Viliton, siti4-,Dossheity;', dadrowtiosaplo. towsialK . ' ..'. iiiii.i ' ilialior, , Oio...oiiiihird, Wm. aster, • Nobert;Pattos, MS Rita 0 igaii . 4 1 ' tliabai D. ~ ~ • • . Meerloon grown, Mr.riloikeiwor; • . Mit 'While, - . Lo 761111111124 , • - ltig Etlialify, '' "., WlXerilliikelc Joseph Diiglioftp, , ~ r4ltit liaC l a tal ; ' Bobiii iiiieiiillond, • Mau-Bohm ... • , Boy. Suet ilittiu,, ?OW I..!•Pfirtig, , J'alilillt; 144 10 . .. 'Nisi EilOash . lice. J. 'Ewing, Tette Mt NUL' , ' VitTliffillgin, • .1•!.'110Volitgly,, ALB Amid. ....., : , taL4VOorili. ii. Chipman, Wan.,Aca% .;,;, , . Jaininrewimmay, . , .. P. Motionagly,', Abraham Shoup, John Milligan; ."' ' ` triiiii Illiais -. '• -• 0: Ilislittimin, "••• Obariss. WA'S, ...,...: 4. ,P.e.4 4 i . —' ' J. M. Shoup, ..taMium - , Giiis,. '''' 4/ 1 111.1tapharn,.z , a . , i1r.4.--Saitoo, . il. Trf4,,,. James Saraf, : L :L.,. kV:TAlntlileCifil am :..I ,1..... , ..c.7 ..11A16ii6•97{111-119.NAPERt t., i..' J '' a' i OW &PAOLI,: -a I i1igti)0 91 9 1 , 44 . ~, '._ Li Jonathan Bowser, Las i yigahholit,., t 50b10m417443J , ...!../ Ph AOW. , 1,,, Alex Lemon, RAY. hootagimapn, Soltiaillfiriitiatgal i ;'7 l 13 ante': If el,mis! . .l . .ni a1ab1.114.09/RIM . 1 453 J., 24 11 .41t i 1t 1 , , .,=. Nicholas Looker, wowilmill Awia • , , P , Jacek l'ohoa: 7 ...-...? . .g• , olidelbilik , epthz.litatuvar 4., .-u .1 4 1 " , ''" . 41 6 1 Al.x. Craig , o '' PUT . ,*,..,- - ""`''''' i nairit tyrtainataxinritto ' - i'"•!, Jltta t intc.:' ,.., .. , 7 ,' = ' M . ," "Gimp .W....10w1i i ~.. J'idiiiirc ; -;1 17 : MU.. J. Orson, Wm. O. Essig; .:.:,r AG''''Chitho4o,'-' , " i .. J'itni ilik Paintair,;qi. jiohaxpampor,,,,,, , 3aniniaMpaii,, t ti a Amillog.iggidgro .t, / NerlaaTnassaric John ',pawn! a• O.E. ) 'll—. built,: .,., . - - The DraUliatidatialiviltilitiatßniiii i iii. .1. I ..L .111 Y.I La .11ZI,Ovit, We bays bees Giiiiiiiitaildeitis fothij i Tk ilit. id witaall , thitted. 1 4; .Brminnilik, awl • • - rtOrapitaina _ _ •, " ' "" `''' mows nits litlietall. , 01.,4 f iiiggii.6iiiikt; ..;,.TAtt4o4z ittill4. l 2 }- , 41111-4=,,,,,010,uy ' AS . .. ..14 ~,,, maskar Bashaday . P I 1 1 11 4 it 1 * ,7, ' ,' 11 "..,,,itqlt h ineso.i. , e , r ~ eit,.....-IUIS I 11160•JiMbialt:u. n SI 4 4tazzt aniktek /akar- , a . 1 ihroNa . N. 112 i b 111 . 11,440 t J. 0., Abrams EU A G ," PasiotatE. WA: • '''' Pietas Tko&, 1 ds•aliriabe'r .L io • izga• .. 17 1 ste sum* at , "" IT .ftipt144(44!:, ,, * 1 14 1 :ar o , 11, 4 3 : •• . goidain.ll,.., .. Batiaaariii. sLil r•41.1a EstlaladllaluaGiv J - BaidlulanaU 4709:E litsceri_44 M e f t. g' - stain nonumpg, tn 31441111;(1 MU, _,._ ll4 Mit,„ , I I -Di u•'_l• norosa l gUami,...., m b ow 7: l 7 . ljoit.vb Woo, Goo., ..ilac, ~ mai _ _. Barka? NUtan, War .T , t m 6 J' Goa Hiram. Booth Jots, Bast Peter, &Apra Tolbut M. AsinstOlg. John, Imseuter,, Davit, Simplot, James 8., Mnsohart, ann. Worcester: John. Greeno,Aleat Spear, 'Jar:lrak( , Doyle; John, Loofas, esafip, Carson, Absalom, Delamry, Daniel, Amara, of Wright, Thos. 11,, -,Crairford, Mask, Brassier, Thos.-R., - Anderson, Thos. P., Leman, James, Buffington Rubor!, Creagan; James Springer dooms, Wilson W. It, Par 4, 14ton (3. W., Wilson, Win Leonard, Ilatiag i ,' Llllman, Thos., I W ,6 Bent Home in Oisiciaem, I was sorry to notice an item in last oveli inel Gassals,,stating that. & eamparly of man from West' Middlesex, Morose county, who . had responded to the tall of the'Governor for three months' men, for the defence of the State, had been" sent hoine in disgrace," be• . mass they had refused to accompany their regiment bryond the limits of the State- That them gum are loyal to their- Country, I thiak Is evident froth the'' 'Mit, that, in answer to the call of the Governor, they volunteered their esinices for-State defense. That ix eif-1 fort hairlasiMmadis'to dilgeitee them, may,l perhaps, be true bat, that they haieione! "-home in disgrace " think i cry Mir candid minds will admit. ' lf • man tofu's, to render, a aerates whiplike Tonritartly oussigAd-to Pet - j form, he disregards • bindlnCobligation,' and that tea disgrace ;but if a aerates is-demand- , ed whisk he . norm agreed to perform, and which, without suak agreement, he was not under obligations to perform, to decline so giding to sack a demand certainly cannot be regarded as a disgrace. - 'The authority of-the Governor—b . th civil and military—fl ; oone.ned to the State. Bel yond limits of the .State, any man in the company from West Middlesex had as touch authority as 'the Governor • himself. The Governor could command them when in the Military 1111171011 of the Sfiste,an,where withit the State, but no - where beyond It These volunteers could only be placed under the metro' of gm military commandant of this Department by the authority of the Gover nor; gad if the Governor of the State had not authority to sand them beyond' it himself, he isertaiily emild notootifer that authority upon another. In refusing to p beyond the limits of the Stara these men violated ass obligation, but exercised a right_selikih they unquestionably' pomessed. And is , it • &scam for men to exercise their. rights? It men volunteer to render - entities serviests to their muntry,- matt they be disgraosid bemuse they reface to non der whateveradditional melees may he re-- mitred of them? That these man were aimed sad equipped by the General Government was ao fault of theirs, but Of the State authori tisirwhiolileiled to,farnlsh arum and equip ments. Tkes.war..• ,Mister Me the btate antliotitiel., anti otthe mum, to - arrange with 'the Mr. Government. . Mr. Editor; let lir not &Henan:cow friends. In ills hoar otenr cionnkfel trill, every loyal man should do what him. to crash opt this coma rebellion ; bat' we careful not to Mullet to dicgramos loyatman for no mime, and particularly when we are it; &meat of their pemillar otreumetaaces. B. Obackiag Tragedy sear Kittaildittr• Oa.Thur►d_sj dusk, • sloe. mardei was , ntumittsd In Kittinnibg tosnui4; antis folic mihe from the tows as Kittanning, in - Antistrong aunty. As we are . Iniermai, tie fannent nano& dam 800 Lier andAstes hfothary, - wborealdird in thisame utigithothoed, itroUtlibiding nut , er. whoa elegy shot iloofter, kitting him Instaatly. Meerut hands ,ierts rani, and the plate were helping one author as best they contd. Boofner alleged. that Maisary bed promised to help is tau stemma - &they, and instated on him lisping his weld. kko thiarY dented • :thit hilsad made any sub promise, and stated that he wee going to lurk for another man. Thetis was passed between them, , und an altercation enned, but the per du won" orpir,ted through the intarterenoe of friondi. They rose after nine collision again, liken !lows ware ezeimaged, .They were parted a mend sline,ulum Idneeary started ,a 1 towards 'hoia• at the sates time threaten tag to shoot Baena. lie moon after returned with • gun in, his lands, and when he get within properdistanai he raised the plus cud fired, the ball striking Butner and Ailing him almost instaitly. It was Si - apposed that the bullet bad planed the hurt of the unfor tunate man.. lidleary started off altar oem mittiag the murder, bet he was melba dur ing the eight and,toAged to Kittannisg jell for trial. Both ;Attlee hare families, nd both were esteemed as worthy sad samosable Minium The sitar created a good dui of excitement In the vicinity when it mum& A Poor M oa the Draft, A •poor men" b►ning • wife and twenAll dren, and being subject to She drat, write is - • • •r floor many men around aoompWaing of the Westin, - of tbs draft, and saying that it Let- • fair , shako thilit,ll4ll. min irks -wouldafe salad . paying tlinsi Jilindlllll, dollars alma bane/mot and poor an who Can" pay It be forma to go.", I. liaow,tnat Mato! theaskropelsaye had Ads notion pat into their heads, by , designing disMigigios; 'who. us• them for their own purpOade. ?he law ammo to mi to ha nista for thi'bonont of may ituy by: tespiartilo prise of a oulatitato 'Wont - poo•ablo Igor& For if I had. , not a .spark of patriotism .and meant. to shirk my duty to my, oramery, or if. my miss was otos of Oltanga alt4ddro. 5110p08* . Unit Might .bornist.POO. and so got Bat tf Ibis Lido daunt bad mat beep In the *Fs th, tiri". of oribittrotor "o roir rid' sot 1.0 BI L lab •dg that ars one win d b. attaly bond my midi: 'Angie 'Ollll2 to Made withdotimin; sane one Mast go,i sad pot is oertainlYtb• mailed anti salon • mild birdied Lan etrairaleit fir - personal mirride. vim Draft la ralauielprds. I!firdraff nonge:teed to 'Plantlelphin 04 Om en wan qulettrointeubbitt i The Irsi anklAiitilotteltelt !Winne, die Ifni4itentb ;Ward, r , from , w!stob .02 ~ 2 • 44irimitwe. including quite a number of prentimm Al ums.' ILe..li. A. Wissibiullakosild tof the Bona of,Ctuttrogun of,tbe'imbile se atilt,. -Xt.; sivri d ,R . 0;102 1 ,p9 1 214 4 Iti . ! int ; 1 l i " 4 "'MP!'" of err aPepriscif anon Mr. iten. - .11. Freliad,, temiturrlti iber'ticiitutnee en a, gr: Afai::ll:'lnikiitradoeiiM silppaof pritionindfdeUrfo 9 fithiWeeenge4 9ll44 # 4 9 l /L. VlJ'irkftbd:' 'Ailent4boWeiteetitidergybiin draws, we And those of al , Coilgialialtp tumor Otbikittrotint don liattelti,oliettie a sas istiwpflaser wt 41m,BpniniStetnetigotibYt•- stis,qhmOwea4Ll l . if , Ribs. Peeter. , .! the 1 ,IL:B„, nbutett.., _Tito pqMpblEerjEftWeit7` ll, X.Prillalneo ft A l O. keLsoP"l'Al,°"isitlii Yliktror..4. ieq&•„#lkir.:w74ii e, di * 1 . 1 : , ; (0 .40 1 7r • •___, .•" ' ' -'.- . '. `• I. 11, Mall i.— . Mtiek . .. iLioblessam„ , ' • Iffiyitolidwrietikiiii•iiiigtd istot•ti) ilia! koinigks nit: 0 4,,,14 40, 7 It thAv*ir;i /$ ;obtt.9*tlai4Tpai ihi*biltilat , Y ,iiinsgpitssiatirbititAVP 'Ali olar,: 'aryliadmovamimbiglii, • PR,RP O , I a so` } vim.* tuAtiSavolk4 A . lupd sin odor, iltlptitelk „4 At a5t.464t01111 ' , with 1 i iirfa r% jOrdoiftbigi, iiiti. ne 'of Aka . . thir Olaf Amituti iir Writ area I dill I. ltdret i ltWSk *FY zitiwt "M itsifiiiiiuliitiliAbe lowa e si 9 ; i s it, of our smat alillarilAstithiablid ling ' draft 6d. itit,,josplaidAteihmsiolitr pepPollid 1 idAtetia Ads ashotMcfor Aivitioup jot ono aanadspatE6Uarao ilk& sloo944 l oPridli i t I lad— gmataegionkok.o o 494 iina,,f * 4l o' fauna/ M, iCAFT e t t ., tt k " I " " ti I ffiLt4PPl4l',9f,P4dej , I ' oD4ui t o th , PSSE4 - prsolAg#o` i . 6 .oTOc'aitt -, . . . witteldiiiitUr9.o4:l4B, mood. •ialimodscot the 'fixtures/ ofvildirtgamad , tan lisitlasthe 5A.11240.'46, iis9lll4lA Jitia,2 46 .2 3 . :lotto adjeamAtiaMll7lo9l4oo o ... -4, el 9 urs.:,vingo 4 Kiciumpjaki#Mll l3 ""' AkenteitOtompitsa,Wthe wittar,.swzglaut '..4l49lThiastf 14 tr ei4g "Id' V . it gt a iiitiv 4 weld/ /wit ; - ;I3RT inaii7iii " Aiiissi .- - 21A1; 4 -Zittlitr • 1 iitiOnViL*W . tioviraigadoirlatit.. arf Ili ,a4iiattiattaliatlitrittrarti plik*• , AttLaltaitple IRO a egil l t 1 .4 1 1121 1. 8 ,WA toih , ar d . , , , ...t two, k r . LiiminvAilik , ~a . - Tan kwff, - -L'` - 1:: -1 iimmek . ; 01 " atoratag, assoaasse la aatil uaso, that "the Aztay Of the Potomac la at Baltlatati I Ti. deetirk telfar T tO'a r avold drafts " as being entiedtheil'itiiinditeTte bunk:- drat slake not to have Ifni an *lndicts ef fect on Seine of our lirsie hAt-ens, who have been so fir %Sight tonhealiktal wondltion of mind as- to+ remember the_ emtiteeso of llfe towards the u ingot: Two Widmer. who had drawn, relms, were In.sesrott of Inbsti tato'. At the same moment'their eyes stshight the burly for of an , African asking his MO along the street Both stterted lln , pumas, and the snood et ODA enabled him to reach the nem a moment in' advance of the other. The however; ilnsisted oa pileenting -hls claim,. , Stead beik,".sald the othor.iistoold back dye plass, Its =mg ,Ikat spoke to .;the isfedonecos set /. We hare heard 'of the 'Wonders of-blarnei, but never dresmedit had lower -to make an Irishman tall a save? a u sintleman," , . Moronic Ihm..—Hamblin's Combinstran Troupe ore' drawing large sudienoes to Wit. , nee, their nary clever •performaaOss, which is j rendered to4k•publie in • mei cpleaslug marl- I war. .11111oplan acts, •extrairepose, bar bisque, ballet, pantomime", .3M4 follow eiblt, Other from the odmmenesmeut • off: the pic• gramme lo the eudi crithent any. Mei -nem saw-mc enbertainment b 3 0 37 ,._ r- diet 40 ndiglt• 44 This troupe has, estab li shed fria public, and Will without a doubt' be' will mt. tended by our theatre seeking elitism &mini their stay in Pittsburgh. A ePleudid pro-: gramme .ia prim Saturday afternoon at 3' o'clock, for the Kathie°, and In 'thro asinine at B o'clock. " • - ' • . A Naas° KILLID..-011 Bandon 'ironing 'Lair an ofd,tegro named Billy Mifflin, ilteldi lug near Uniontown, was killed. by . s Young ban named William Nixon Canis. The ,ne•; gro, while intoxicated, bad num* the boo& cf & widop, with &Atm in his hand, whieb oared her to scream ..murdar." Thin' stof traeted young Canan's attention, and oit-nn/ taring the lions* be Mud the gnu and 1b3104 the old black man on, the temple, iracinrilit his stun and causing death. +Osman Curren. dared blianifiand was bound over to 'VP's!' at Court. ' • • • - Armrests Wrrscr. of Bnienain.—llle . mit Pbaris, of Bandelph cleanly, who arrived to Wheeling on Wednesday 1M111216 Merle that boosts had:lately come into that Vie* with 'abnegations that Gee. Bill 3aokson had been reinforeed by two %holland men, and was 'rumble% egelnst Col. Hauls. It was expected That an attack would 'be made Beverly ea Wednesday.. . . Tim Dotal. II TEI Tv' urrr-vnuta Dtavaidv in wilt be oompleted to-morrow . ' Every think plated of pleasantly and landly. The seeable of notloie to (rotted men kaa ocaantimed. Next week will be devoted to applications far exemption for all manes exospt phialoil Mar abUity and to the notation of anbitilottes. We raf.r to the notice of the PrOVollt Nankai in another eoliuon. _ Misurraza Damn: The' following isterm of the Pittsburgh Continue of the Y. B. Ohms& hews been draftedi Rea. J. 1. UilMp J, 8. Brakes. W. P. Turner and B. Williams. It Is expected that the people of the several charges will furnish them with substitutes, or the means to punkas* ex emption. FATAL A0011:0111111 . —Oa "Indtday everdag last, a little son of Jsamis Millar, Of Toupin. tows, Ohio, aped size years, Wahl ingaitd with some compactions pleyttg In the street with powder, was so shockingly Injured that he died at an early hearths sent day. LATE TELEGILVEIC NEWS ISOM OUR EVIINING EDMON.] PLICITEI Everything Reported Quiet in New York tnis Morning. 111DREWI ROBB TIED VD& TIMOR The Resident of an Enrolling Officer o Wed:luster County Sacked. THE HIGHT BETWEEN THE MILITARY AND BIOME NEAR 39TH BT. New Toe*, July 17-1 a. sr.—Ml . lms per- - lady quiet in the vicinity of the liemntit Avenue Arsenal, yesterday afternoon. The n•groes who found s Oboe of safety Lime were to-day removed to Hacker's Island, In cluding the children from the colored Orphan's Asylum. . The colored residents at Tire Points left for Long Island to-day. ' lorumarsd that Andrews, who e rns or 'ild; will be tried for trona:in. The • raidence of the enrolling adieu of WA totes hocounty wee snaked or Wslitaidai night, and'an attempt made to steal es* of his *Midis& • • In litOoklyi ttziot wan* is- kept-of all the'wsrds, and a - larp foyer is be resassa to - meet any troanto that may 00055. ; • All was apparently guild duronnitent New York at a lowboy: to-zight. - 8 s.lt;—'ll rery thing is ropertedlnie - tin the 'city" title mention. - • Nair loss Jay l7'..-Tke , plated, posted about the otAoti last nightivequestlag per sons whom dm Vowspaperiro o 1 rioten, to tiongrinate this afternoon, at tits mama, of Archbishop Hanes, - was • in anmitigated;: and oonserleas 'hoax, got apt; empathises" Oflho dotes& ' • - offload last eseninVn ui sd torsi of cora tote lto he issasedlatery e -- lad for mountostpstrol. • - - • 'nem the sanitary movements thlo onsiting t 'quietly molds; liters will to bat' little oimor sanity fot the rioters to carry on their With dodges te-day, say attempt at .witio% will meet with tanibleoneolc. • . ! . ituw Your, July 17.—The 152 d New York regiment, arrived at midnight.' •Theprobable Wt light , tifeeeetquesoe between tlie zalliMmy and rioters -took place lute night , near. 29th street,• where& military fuse had, been IRO, to drive away the scoundrels whlNWers Sun &Hag honest than. The: mob eassentrated striagly, and the allituy withdraw., Nearly even house for three or four blocks, on , both sides of the - street were ailed with the' mob. who died batlike, storms land other militias upon 'this soldiers: - , -The Some reports Asia that oilfito regiment are reported killed by dolt* lad brickbats. • I ' fliviarlituidristregulars dere sent up as rslnforosment, when re, *omit& battld,took place. it, rioters nom kllhdr / 8 - 16221 44 and 35.401,111Aprtoonon, Toloof iltiimolo wore ' ran through isith,biyonets, very blittionioly: ratan mono :betas won . .Ooptiank. the moot Ado of tons; andAyttogp!#o,lp . olnOtoint "triaging . L - PM/A=lM' JuleiG ' .44niii :not word or Must intha ,repprtAitliO,4 l4lo2 Vflilow York, that i ,uk*ls :OW 14 11- 6! • REBii4otriwzolt timArgqiitO.: Lee's'•"Heakuaitereit Buil* Rm. Iww Lags Entire Pons "loving iin*n the. 'valley in Gonfalon./ Rundnids of frhonoroviehig-Captired. WORM ir.lattaerw *isMag. tea spools& lip 1.1*146i. Jai pis to Oettysitarg.,Alittat slo:l4 o Flut4 sik ti thotonavola ideen*Awyk, 4 i,C 4 1#05 4 ,,i WO* northern hospitals. * f Awes IlsidiriartArsiogi'lllol444ll2ib; woo roT poxiodsPJKlolloll3l49,illiathes or oadmomasourg.: • • , itabotoisosso ley Zokwillast aim pa. sts2o gal* metisThi X r •ak:sOtt PWOrf7R **`so4l.7 tka4- wiwiteCtitillaidimies,tho our fivilmwseVlimg adttir. i5nek . ,,, , 2442. it te " i t iatr" ••-7 7 :V4iiii mod t4l:- 'll•4lft slow' th e trymmtar. Lnititrablf 01 biota, r •,., tillafatx sin widow mak, WE. • • Ilaa • deeds of pthoason, bobs maw& • •-• 1 -A /10111101 Mcittineitliesis Ohio. Counsel:ie. July through Piketotryeaterdiri . aftersoon,%Vie direction of Jeolcson,4ridently meting for the deer, vie Possum or Qdtipolli. • • • lig. Addreso of __V latdlilitut: Bonfire, Jals 17 The. Courier to-day publishes yekiloeluill . r,e 4 4 hell t° th. people of Oldo:z 'Ha - Iholltoiitilikolo of Governor, azoldelloas_hlo punka In his =sal stilo,,_ . ~.-x.,, t44., , 1 .fi ~.: ..... , ..., 1.4 .. cti4.4 1 4'fg9.9.P. NAJUI4M.Z.T. , I -'iamatiJdll.lt:oll6 fti lion; LI sic. obouporholohtr do notioold Ooto.-par New Took dispatch reports Gold to-day al 126, eterling urluttbt.dll iiittAgoop4g. Hire, biz bankers art palps,44l2lled * Gad, and 1120113 forfdrer.iddiPPMAAW Fussu#P us lust quo-. i. L%.351 ,01 Thijitrodageniarkst h ed,tho )eirgie 4 6 . 44oli,tkog Vmti.4 114rataiiitir.' to tit,' ikOire4Wiiii&derisediiitlanadociai *NOP l'irLOCllk—Ooalloomopdof out inllbnin4omod.! Salo of 19 bbb AretSrlede.4 l .o4:troa.kATs. t -7 104 , 4 ' . =CIOO Ilgs poor atop nrs64 , o lerf - okedoe too, ead SOAR ohOico tar' qoirtagii, aCIIM: 110—' emir oboko, `trades of Now Orleans. being Auld V. Thero. tetra • Gale -doing In Clotleo or Xolleirede 1 31 . 41 , 111 &sago te Ohio Whits By., Ooto r omit quo., BUT tßiti lee, salmi of ' NIP lig, 011=91 a rive, DIEISD Sum." Ar way be., 011.&—b. bbieLlaseed IiALT—T de, and IF 2,6opee 'tabu ailaint 4500 bbls iniank it 20cr, 250' bbl fn tilt 'it sexq 3050 bbl V bait. to =hi at 90a, acid Ustag Ste -ttas et :111., VelEpiSs tentsebdpre MO board et &Wool lett bbl s"gaitt'a tall" u/ 115 . net DOckaiMilliungoo.,altimli g cannot vouch altopthAttur itn.eorrto Wm. A alo of 50 this "Duet ( reek" Lubricidng was moiled it PAO pie tel. — Titteili ieniget..l gednad; and the Market la lid . aed . pleat aril fay Saalatalisid. The tiamaad Is painglyally speculatil* and mostly Oar Dan dallussy. 'twat DO thi6c#o7 elyc cisakoadin sailing goad city Wanda of Weed o the spot, at DSc. We note • sale of 000 bbla lot August &limy at 470; Sod 1030 bbla br Beptambar dainty at lac. :than, ti nothing vtigava doing . In . isW Non. Alaiket. Opocial Dttititett to the Goitotte. 1:11. To&F.lldi/tatUda IA to - eamisid and at dto, Co thi met. lisfine6t2 betel Is dallsadame.,. bed at 46.66, en the opotAlmost &Orem Me en September. , and 66e tot Cletabes. 21apthe Ii quiet and tutobsapdat 5411t5e. . Cklaago Market. Jinx 16—ThiWrikal — hike' kit khoini an an 'dr& ft' o 7 )Yee . badad,—Hirah. however. light ealesat 03 hr hot Aed Wettest IA itaror Woo ter Rejected Sea, Wined taus* Sifft4f tor No / gimas is Warn sue looter Ilk Itlighig. ma 1/0713* , Ire Asisetea Spring —the market eaweaft Atm. The flour market Le dull a: d the males trill agat WIDOW torte, jgneha re chola wing snow The Area isatlet as hiesaid. ant ;ekes adtagood Wow :Wld a, with: Wei et sioattikhOCle Woodside 41%,1062 far (limatia Shit W imiltO Illisedaeleati _ War Mud Corn thew% d c akatiyes lor Ad Ruin. At the cies. the mutes vas w u weedy Ana. Oars Were ULU, it ,A , O for No l to ewe, auk tjfe foe Marked Irk atone. ale Ina paha at .• HiOwthea wira'atead, at stock amid lour pn pita!' Iroik. . .. Erma TroltoOkrtotr •2 0 4. 4 P 1, 1 1 J01 Toge atounolottosCoL stook hare bai qtriti lb* trodfr. Laittoorrozioathottal et flor, dont too Lot tote burp Wallowa oar aura opto sista ol door sot osuoill gripped to Europe, but 01 BMWs" Orsodoini have Woo mama • larpoopply.' W. irototrololdorobto ookrosuilloar.orawooollaLlol ntltastO but *torn of soar la Id soodeLatar Oar pnoont kook Vihiry, lore% elttoodink -114090 MAI, sal its on doily totals% toll.. it moot W Lo old thotoar witrotsrotaL Is ;mortally tarp, oia mg, miller in to. wag OWL- ilioitakOr poolottbar -- or Tory mime. low wont mail tram reflot Imply to go; mod, onittrattromolloarltes. - . . . . PiTZuvaaa. IT. :94999i, *AU: moo. .1 .29919609901. 197 17—P•oa West 899909-411 AU W69999;1011 oLL bbla,4.=9; Ackwalky..P.Zoc9= au; 9 pirs no. B I; 129 aka oats, Jai A . 11419 w 23* 99 94, P iteLseryi U bbt boar. 999211 he 2 1 k4 1221 2 42220:104115226,20.61, Za52242 ICI Stro, f oaf atm; 1 blOs mil* trio Adios; Ai bbls *la rilsolosts aan Les ao, waa.tlg4 sits , bows, 4 6012667.. T 1622242 c La 40 do. 1 to li /41:41; ibpkplealf Watt 7 Gtobtor • 10. baiter, s ski ?wit tic isesolt am; 9 99 9 2=44 bbl. 12. CceaPitY-64220411147 w.sios; ado do, bZ sip. i =sal If OW , sea 19 , 109994 222,2 2 / 2 1162 Ge 60; 9 Su bolter. I tibia . Sprimen 9D24 9 pas buster, 11 Sarni 19 'bp Y. 162 batiers.,l ass!. 41 MI. OLLISLISDTAXICgania"; AZ4I-, 6 0142 do_Smr, •11 do do, 4 152M0202224/wi5a1..1100462.442 io, &AA, w. a,ceijaAt•••..o••••••t • Lins -1030 . .1 0 ; 111 W Bum; 114 112144:221n0t r %Um. I% WS M. B SaSiansass 441 02 2 412112 1 • bbls 6 414 0, OlosukA Saosody 2 taw Own;Tkadlard.Ass 2162 1 161 Ks 46,2. Thai NM ilkog 38-4224. 11240: &WM" D oti 111421222bi11a0tt or. I s Dwrin g " 0 " . "" wissi,l9 11•22242 .4 4 11.12' Wadi; 16 41:4999 1 / 9 • asaa lotisco, Idttli • & t 24Anne . * Aiumk, pres, Oloadisar. i'4o do 14acksorn LOMMislo)f b4e1ti94•74: • •42 5att„.144202611121/ 212.41" 11021 sarsums,BIAIXTY#A9S,I*.VM , 444 i 940iminebrrAcourgi N 0.1.03 701016 9111 door him Oa l f..s AlliooWWlWieselobamPOW ll 4M ll4 t -Ma thr oodd i gh i t i t= l l7 o $1414 tac:Atli." Wiliam of allioroo, pro doi lde fo• stoziooligrotebfillieW elio ilk olcso IfisloorofooerossotliK OffJPRIATILII, :Mt.: 6 " floosq./0.,/io, tam otor *MOM Witt • • 44.1 ssursast=srghwistAt PP7 °I" " sas Al#PLßitif4lll"firylido* riot _.....sailimmis air m irsh, 1 - IfiTtiill444Ml A II ALI ' 4. 4 4 FL CADAIIIIMMIG 4.." .' ' ' '. ar • 4 4" enkii". .9lo; g gi ; . Wari ' , Ile di .:$ •' '• *Si r - p.. Itor , -- • • . • 'Mb allldiil4 , - .• apelhatsahlt Ve dh, aealativea of MON ililee have dhd OW diseeigliCeW atk Lk' 5wie11p.1.2,11:19 14010 1 / 1. PEL.117 ... . . aei=ratini=be.f Arma *lit irsall lawygit t 7.41 e•wn: , ANIUMMIZOI Aid lad= tei L :01.£X.11.1.WU ilk= piora c "IMA•39"..l.7mutpiusixmlitl 171 A" 4I 61164 btrtr"ttr-"l'' L. 1217 a21 M stew roirmaap IL r munibfinflik IPMLIIIIMM 0., I ."- AftNv wig ArekassnA -IA trails sawAx_ mommtt,d ~...1 i 4 ,`,," 4 : ,': iiiiieeira.thistosiorino io> AI. i Han go WWI inladisiNkar9lClll AID BRAN .1111311 MOM; MillWafall, . vrasplatrav: rik ilPflalli MAIM% ?Ni t 0 cile ilir/drifia l lihil9infiliklip 4 i't lo I "Mu" MAL Stt VOTIVIII 11.11110. i i 1 :JAVV~ireS,zld lIIIMULVOMINPVAIDIWI 'eti ' l3 4slllol64= mis till! W ymet a ,.* l tidons., 44991 Viiir - PleWr a / m= 64 ' :ow al Juba. .: 1 00 414 00 111 .: IS Virefilaga-siLia. nobilizeisaisk and Eared y rdat.l.Weit Ailk"Poog t'QuaKan t I s ' - : IteretesteiLtily thf altileieig *ad " • The Two Notaam hi 11..7 oistash. P: At it i glagintli -tea lift 111 ei.itiaz•znc; of the, Niptim • mitts/ y nAkidia r i • 7:..,Tdatartilitablig•WW:Sp. ...liazuse== Auk*. • iy. 110•10, **TR" ewe Artol Iltsw ea. ••-: Girt& andailk~lll.- :Vitobt,'•• • - 11 A) • ' dense • 4th • ...DtiatiqtAboat, ' tria/Ipak:- ' 12 "1 1 7 '1"1"ii41(0,11040., *lO-fratiOr7 lin silt bp:: :RATA! , . kiallE tiIIittLUALWON CV 4- . 1 ' -'" -",' 1 i la ily ilsitiliiiirisillylChk:' ,- ;c = 4 , .!-,:' ,- i Etbtoey of the itehrostkra iEI the thintelt =UM i iVer - AktliallOtthi , It r fflitkii: • TheMte ' AttmetttAr., I te. 1 :' lirwillarSitiP s I::,Tisgliassuattlitimptid:ip t'• - • •,•••.: t '. .!.::, 1 ...wodwi aptp.f74.,iitalitift4 • . , ~• . . : ~..714;-„-.,,,;11,4414....f1.94..44.• .thi:l7 - ±LW 1 4 - • it o s i - c AI ,:. - r • j 1101NEOPATIliC vitERILEDIESs • ---- TI,• - oi: A lliMi3 sultan& ; 10. wm -11 - 11 *,W. , ""Waeris c 9ilki . , Ncits—ratchua 01 111211• F o44l Ntr.. l4l •W i ll"T . .11o.4—Mot.DfaiitaiaCbOUIIIOM4I and Om o.plalota. -- ' Conk , I!lpflijif!i-. at SW* 41 , ••1"Gb011ing.abolaii Xii 7-..;;Too. „Colts, loglooaaa. TAF4 `Flo“ 01 * Strlffr a No. fliot kfoo Wyo . 101 tillfiad. - • • • "•; • - 210. IPltoot Waif Va.:Dana Womb. mat Uost agoo Sto.ll—Tot .Itmtfoftfof f roalfff _ at Ilmeopfid rafida • • 210, - 11--rok lostortPlefia-floiliatfoff lio..llk..thoo_Clroop, ROMA t0nab..11.4 Afootabt. .1510, 11,44 ft Atom 4 . ;1t, , in g t . rl4,ol .thr gp the rat ra gA ie &Owl firths Mot, Mali, ZW Sir , •'• ' So. ffaafifolaalMaiatookboitialati and AIM= Debility. oilitft al • is , 1 . 1 71 1 1z• { 1 4,0",9 04810 tos:*** l lilixeittimiWw.ithit3t. sod. • No. 111—rouifoo l'ortedi, tforatoarapiameaz. , I • Wk. *wpm woo swam& . • lima— . .4L—ltor Ysyot an&djsam?gu. atm/1w As, ZAP& PS* nod et Illootfofatattatraf tlfo , aoco.lfiNit es IMSeSA Ago 0 4 Met tAI aw l ii !istW d .1 .4;•#. ink otatractkra dfafasta. , ' W. , CV—Potafliktitat offaffikitaluemr• • sAIO gisamciv, 14. Im~ elfin isiii,str,,DlAtildkpl. boot Ilmatalmoffoododwill ,ol °, 4 " FaPcte -maim grim, OO coafattalota, • • • - Nor-Dtafrotta oat .Dodatotiiitaajps tras Oa 164 Cho malt al ambit lhotwi. MN* or Ilia. mato. rot Sofia In flak Hind. Batftommt noir- • lag sod Ilam=to , the S'. oat ifaf-Atfiat.) Yoko. Ihr4 ' oat Illooro, lad of W d Ildroal r afo aattgat Tit or Delkiiikb— it Memo Nook. sm. slaw Oa Ilion , Bzfo NE& m g f it flalwaffat PißbarlPll!;•AckSr,E-I•Feftl essar ago. Hal- slOb aosity tiontkola i ltitasfe =m i t a; oft. Womble* fad fillimaa feopi Wm , to, ;man. Prw hiwam oiNti nowt, mom 'Pelia6lo alto pitliodaru I r 41* tor los1:1111tatify •iffiafaisoit oat Clarawal Itootealagasatlatillif7.. Tkoaaot somooffol Oat fildinf ,494 .J. sk l a"' ftal may be nusikupc. !NO "re; ..oP‘.ftpurbol.+ si4 tic inia; sale of 1 cai dog doing 10 arks. fk•dy . at, jl5O so, end 10-bbh! Mail EFEI :ift 810,114 1$ Wry Yoe this artl 'tore at IWO. tkeu - vosaidasibli ••• minima avSqr a4 4 .0° "1 1 k 44 aid 260; 1. t•. 2 Noe. aa 9 Pir ; 13•1•4es$ Its Wilifisill; ki .16 r.410111A le 'X AU Ixl .0 .3toir•L - ma= writuA; Wpm. . 11 4 1 PWItik. - . .it es ,. vi ( ouor ioaiAr-140 4oto't am' , tLeClkialoeet ooo a , l , winMorappon,iAOWeil, 11- Tl.l.winuiewpmmtis ow tava.L...l , , rhetureakosatusitor Alalialo Inn WI irer therscdopeothallyr sodioaffirsp na& th* /*PI! .....,.. 131 /ig i. ..... ) 7 us abet itanalat , ti PI ! -- — V AT : " Madera Ititslitirrielltillirelret. Ais fa or ituraillill 101011mmetri ; MC • ONlNlrelge.•...-4 1 00 Ilsonl Clablots.r. ISS Wi , ' 7, ' , ' "" ' .. s ai p i p e st r i v i r j =tl pita, ' liallineJoinit. Mot% , . : ~,, :,', - IdmitltiSlre=loldiew I.l—Wi Tgit 4 W4E4 -1141. r .-"n its mrsiu dittameit. 44l6 ,,, : 1 41' ewatU f4 bainfia=tae Sg. low Minnow reariasta , 5 ,3 IMO irtikelstevisthis flaw_,* ~ ( a ' art "orwmumtpawapaturav is. /11OSSOIttiliOSINSIOS enrol h saunas. els kler 41i. BlOtal 21111111.1 • .Ili tu,r)) 1. ,, ;1.t ',pro t i .. .4. or t r r .a/4 3 4 4 PPAO 4 qh J e , , .• - - ' ~ &Via 11 6 . 1 4 wilifipoislowtti. ."' , "Oo‘d Is IoNSIIPROS-LO fib ,r t., _ J., . n 0 1,64, IQ` Ilio. gib wog IR go 4W Itarryarrirry AO, uregsslirlo I . 4 lara am' ice .144 *to, sii. 5100• 'likely,. ate,.......wThi Ells Se 40 1 4 Of ASPi l it ~ : M774.7 . 6 1 ! 8".. MM. • MX foram hiltralltiooisigy as Yr Onspiar s /wok ...ell •.., ~.,.x.Jcpart.94lll.,4jostg r % ~.,,,, f.. Jo .••• 1 40 , rcE • i •V or ks , la bet . -"Attu, -' 7.7 •'.l e 0 • ealtaftenet. Jrjerar:24 e itOitital*Mgadfeln 41,, , AnD umwriticipmMats. .MM ." %NM Cie t A r=l6 'rtkiegs.. "111 of Pis Jst tom+ tat tar untied =Lbw lam idea aPi tat the leneerlaa dlsomsee sad I tear Itlems aad 'ben of lb. 17 re= g etalei n a si ntiLiil n Ma* of aka II taw - Genial altioser. _ ~.7 4 . , "At =de. , , Low . 1 4 . tr ilimpa. Mil Won albs and la facial the emecena4an, Os • IligiW i tre l . l lit i tt an . .. • SO Vaal aestiatad.,.,, eta • . dikailemlboldma,,eielatatir. 2ko Ai ritrai 1 --/•'‘ , n ews inebilivialSbokTair, Li:;«, riA ID biblearalbre_ i _telbeirliverhi.9l4o4, - ; XI kW imiallekblifo;l_ . j _:• 80.114VEL 5 pubamig , .si ipiimiltl.p.l . i "-. 1 -."-,:', , - 04(410 - beatis ke. '' . , -t,c.l ,JLiZe is.., r-MlCi fidi n,s4 a i ~,,d , 4ismitearrwriimitstaur l k i , , , 1 , 3, :, ':::' 1 s l it; ,IniaJL.,4.,SJPe LeztiMil i t MI • .0 c4,,...r.ii , i.. / -:,... 5 , (... •.-' . - b ' •.oiiiiitlireibk bap ' 4 - - ..• .--, ! ~."3.il I,V: , . • - Fareiltiattp,iu ;H:. - 4 -, 1 _ cr . t 4 4.,0/ ,11101014111 rOZIO.CII •i/P. i '' lii.:4 71(.1r411111A2=r--.212 1 ...,,,,, EV ...112 . / Y, , • la, i• . • ! . ..L.' i We ' ''''bbV' .l ll/4 askerMlLADMlllim ViliotliAlbtiirly Wiliatnislairqq, :. huvan ear' Ile Lab ,toterriglitilltieltiettil: , *". 11:0014,0116.00 /01,..w 0, 1 .7 r . 7 .,, Ir v . —.../Al2 4. n i ki a Mkj i ., - /,:111- *ktigaefißa Silk _Mew& - .at :Ow 0..014 :z:t) :s.u.Aei. 4.11012 1;41111414 , 14a. '. ~ i •n ..;, . &Ws daglij :; . 11 . • vi6th4.l4 611 ":9 466,11 . 1-34.C.h)• ... ay woo , 71rrntril Hut ituf=l ' • .*: •o . 1 4 aa &wit. MIL itlaWklitly g ili n l itNfr a 2 4 1- .. , 4011* . I.lltallikiikkood ._f:LT.lNffr_ t _ ( . 14; "mak lk. uskstaas...___ J. as. 0 rmmitm,_ .110110..doMAL liaktul jaibill""l"l.l"MattliijiLlue. opoBALS FOR 'BAY, BMW _tD Milo. 1 fajlirna l storTit i • tilL1111 a.s zt Der =fri .l. - ' ITV& PlittPoo/1111tare ttradO2 *Odors • I. LITIILW. Oran nt cos , Sir tlo so of rpot, to bo dailicand st the Ballecol Depot, or raOM, s attr t r3L r =4 ,, ,i .04 , = .1. should 14414% .7 1. gaaa fiti7 , : : —di sittola -skit Os priaisitiled dadent , .rf`tut., idll to metro] IT. , t.• ...aaiuto) WO= or Osts.nred jlO, - -ns ot Bo Or and uploads, actor it It turlar tin to. 7110 thrrottotatt to contract So s hag tO a. pri ha goo lad% of do' a esti tio each, ratan inc tabs' omitted St the oat Bay sad Straw to to sccurstrbstni. - - dfillesto sad asynittledAttbatintdoct to s dim Inotoctko try Idat arreranunis inapotar... Contractf trittbstiortnismoich usimaist• to the bond rorposolblo biddattoomaitas interests ot now. ,1 0 . my writra, ' ansitinisanOr adabsrigttndlnt tbs taltithd tolfilment Odonsoadrotfity# =al WI adurtlastasot.._.._ !smut to to mods ittOit 'Onto Cau ' . ;~ A VALUABLE -.RAMC YOB:SALE, AM. Wasted M floadeltc:MAMl.Ntst Thlisds. Wm mom flew ccunt4o44CMC-hratilitAll Was. do treat an the tad*' yob Wep voter). Montalto ILO miss fa • highitAM , ~-33-edotatudi two id= of mat opening oa thi11110 6 41134.3 In 3 loot otra. tea: also a larwaralS o ,roLtvar tay. A com. tenable frame den ' ditiartuttmud. In% a splendid orotteen ooketkas of bolt. To pitiful within ut minteadda33l9 *M. sad 111 the maw ttnotmelt.dd ottotrast arv. c 13 3 ,7, the above tr= ti r s or r part ars :VNitretioi s t Dora, mairinate Amts. • ' toisiddidisaadt•barthj Or TROB , U. 1M008..0u th• tum.. 471 ;r MEL mtioismtol4osoy , Atips „ma mosallipokbous. Jim mll.. tram'_ ennoa” tildhatarets.d'elibtiktftminW-`4 lO 1. ,itui tt rlc vbcd quallty *Wit one. Naar; wee abated.. QOM tuba Inbasoa• on tea promisee. 'Ala - Thalnialieeseinare uidUwtiatd Onclearedbad dial staimprok .WPI tettadd low, athant or tame pans, Par Maw patiadarebadlt Haukallft BLBI4 r or, At. Plarital.;" " L - Jui.Lll :pgreApja4 pithibungh, Or, ,P,EVDlClir...E.lttfpininz. Pa. ^11.11.3= -..........---- fitnr7V.,.. 61 4 1 : 1 4' -7 VOtt HUI!, NOW* X Banff OTBITIBI BOMA, SO'llolatlolllo tootloas,, ill SMOLA .... "_ ..- r. .11 .4 :I. • Ono maim , now BO LIA;Bil inoirAlpittOpb a Twol,_ IncOngo. lillOtaUßMcnissnati rat 7/11azzood.vtli • touzli*lii _ i; e41 2 41,71 . • . —o*._t Tit Bmoaloorw d•tuka BTAI. to IV I -Si low go aft. ,•,. • -L'' I BIM xar bodi o n , ..., ..... y , - • ••. rota allay. naHIikIiDNION.KBEEEVORNIIA. %," Tat:evi conviltdr 2 1:Kkelaula klnziPalair penises tit mak,- laid._ C-41: 0 P4V of 3owlcauggf lrigt.foa n0rt12.4 X 8 9,4-ali Miss. pp , r f ma %elm ettesig:liktlitotis bitilallylaci satihat ly fif Won* tb. r S R I. b.. 11. and - yityYsellobs the ecariontslis glut. ia.welti•nce44 -1100 6 . 1 s lut au AO saki bberi. - r sr // - • -At • Alt, &0 ItIOF • • • la/ 01.00121P;L convesnei 44811. llii3ooo.lltbßY *,,!lth T reansiontard oitipaisr, • inbaThusplii,.t , : {eti on Inninamiiph thannri nearEinenge • way.' ramarcis taflo.ll,•br Icatill EL AiLUDX6W ',fagot '.l.4rort, ineeisier.',..M lOU - rc=o l 4.ll4=trav iytwe laillair=l4. good - on Itho 1 ra11ia1.141.71/TIL Bar/gutts at . 06%ititog 1,00111. bet,o4w , marl of Si sod 'Ala** al., or at 76a Pas Wait, from 6to part:Wok 64 - 7 yasT:tt LVIOVIIVIT-The ihkoi*SEME ar ynasocrefkato. wool , tr isoen uoli.vi.o.t r2f, inztoksids Mtelbj t 17113! ) 1:4: (Hollson 42{ , toithisfli • 01) ,i_soiT:tl. - . corner WI Wood r um..-,8004 ,i,,,liitbdrilationlloioxth 'arks of fLostgli.soll4- Vag( iitnei; intik or without fasillY telt*. on thaVntilers. " WOAC:JiibNT*tXhe.,thiptistAty , ot , me by Um ionsixiiianaor at et: Citglr AlSiet . l4lV WM= *aye lli • kitilLtr. , - bk!ligr, 4IIWOBA:71. .leis.. =CI ' CONFIN, , *ease sok IP • - 11 411zinr,' •• • suszklzb Sista/Ws lik• 'maim* Goicemiippi liorth.eur,eatwor Wind mad Third anat., • ii 4136.14 MAW lei. sienna) Companies, el water sirs*. lir .=• QA.M.U.Iar-414,1 /Man= halasaar!.. oosemnr. eon= 3 Ltaxkga paul i Wske alik o i thicsapir - Wslgtoal Aim 92 W4terf street: " ,10. 1 ISAutiii,arsikidaliOntny L. , 1 , 45 - -0,4 4 7, 01" Air 7 .11:41400, OiteNER9 OF I &AAA IVESeltii sty bona to Nos iv the `Quirtiriiiastai r Osaerall vaiwasolosiasottaadosiorsaist o itz ... altos* Fatale& deactiptlcopt qt theltonala, ÷nrollad' Ot.' l'toitloatutoo, Y. tootetilliittliottiot olipend, sr propalltoa r irk.abor wooer or .Ittot beittolidtoOtonatlost soil Wm, V , , ,........ 1 1 1 1 1 1P1a ~..,S&SA Po at attilablzoptoto, , 'MAW mane at 'tliaTtair 6Tiroa'or lon, of I*Asio mimosa astiall***fo pitictiaailiiriAd at ()rasa stessitootapasosoplo illsriitirko al - QIIMIIIIWIIIIN DttartiFoto ago lagitaatad to , Ingt l 4. l ktt 6 illa plOttua , Fkask _Wogliou to di& ,Ertt;tato'whicli ttiovtiaill.ltag to Wit. alio tils - atio• at slktait rWM to tit& Iblaill: g ' ~, Zilt, N, e,12,1.A. /LW 1.611 1 100EY it beidlattithat tutltitQuat laplallocationtl Stu traltdit IllalNlNekilltalstag tosi mod *KW 1410, wall "kr.kokatli IF tit clut , lo k bautit tas , lila - . 7.i - Pkti tin biritiallatoil:Aid ow siiviwayer tWEid LikieSM7 ILT, ela; onli7 troaollalnation , atior Of o Il AD mom 1 14 ItiltiltillaWspasoustasi mbooosoltp It osa ea Pfb-GaMliz, Lsigg , itutlpbtotlf„Utte -trawDow IitUBELTPUR N ..4 lff;f • Alltp .. , ,:r•••• • - : ••,•-; •• t , 17 f, fa`, •ff asap &IR - OOD -'•! , 4 1611113 _ . • SIDPCIIRRIUMBi JAS. IC;VO . CaiirlilLi, ra n Third lita 4ol PPlngiio ll / 31, 6 °°" I• ' .a ~.1 ~,i .. 1c1t11,t0r1,1*.:30..i.i / .I ' 4 ?illiii6illik iti gliiilliFtkiliiidi QOM • cr:aa tolit 0,5f , i,. , 011, Ca -.71, , .ke ,t. , 2, 4 ; 10',0). 4 , 244.4.0,11,111r.r? 014,11X1i.;;,.. .• • . ' Ate ~.., , ,u i,as• 0, 6i,Pt Du. ~vesr.Wib,in.ll6llostasr • ~Aiettito :L7:.) V;- . , . ial via -,-, ~21:,!9.1.. "la • " "Otanik , BOutrms. ittOtt 'PAT. - araClinitrag • imithOS MAU ' .0.74 W faiiiiiardtlilivill 7(71r - :1 $ 4 0 1 14:11;',1.% * 7 . 4 41i1.41.; 0.41/ ".;;‘), iimmEnearsmu. oviicaiop, as* Nprimieds theft Inotkiii ea nimatu team, .q ty* A t u • 11 _ 10 ' ' a la =it 1110"n;11611114 .*GdxolociittoutitiiN " 91kixesivettelw—'.1 v.' 1, 40 3 -a.? r . 1 01 )bbliPratr", idl .. loll4 nbiv •ia dies' sad Sauk* 66 . 6 . 411 " 310. Auft.4:-.::, • " - n. - Ldgighl s. , 4 ll4l4ll l l •! ‘ l ",cit ' i .1 111 :MkriLVM.414404141111j,,,,,., 4 .va• 40 e mo u I . r, an IPTIT slug ••• T1:101 , Aida!ASP, Wtintitltati tbegafeitinia.PPlE • • • Armor =Cr riitt s ties. I"43l** l4 l 4. l ltlWrity. ir °l4l " ! #O.Tr.---611; the oli ptiW ttn:" . •,?° d IR BLOW: davit' 11:4 1 60 Pgii :IL B. 1112:132 ~.~t,t,, ~, _.:a