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Today (Friday) will be &Toted exclusive ly to hearing applications for exemption (on ether groulda than disability) from the First, Eteeond, Third and Fourth Wards of the city of Pittsburgh. The Draft is the 23d District. We continuo from our outside the publica tion of the names of those parsons who have bean drafted from Bailor count,. To-day tho Board will &vow of Armstrong county, which finishes the draft In the 29d District h; Lavi Barr,- 0 J. B. Bi lliard, 41 jams Ko. Dunlap, John Kennedy, ;s John Bhdr. fi • Adam O. Wilson i ___ David Mutat, Banks K. Irwin, Benj. Skein, ItAllOlll gi High Bty, Joseph Blakelay, Jams Gallaher, Henry Donaldson, Alvin Martland, Rimy Brown, WWIa Black, J. M. unmstings, Samuel P. Milford, Asa W. Waddle, itonas otrwranip ar Whitlock, J. R. MbMon, William Mack, Remy Ports. . William Moiluen, • roma Gyros Campbell, Bonbon Ala, James Hirkorcad, Thos. B. Sadwiok, John Cannon, Samuel 11. Know, Gear W. Shaw, Walter G. Dilimn, Montgomery Gibson, Jolla Parker, Matthew Caonon, David Bashes, Thos. S. Bartley, ALLIBSINT Iwo Warner, Jaoob ()Minder, Alex. Coulter, Win. Hays', Daniel - Chambers, John Grant, Pita Hilliard, Joshua Campbell, Hiram Taylor, Bead the following, from yesterday's Ant, and se* what has been lost to tiler:suss by the tidbits to.draw- the slip bearing the leper- . soription of John 0. Dunn 41 Tho home guard displays and parades an Past; no moss holiday bullion is required ; • the cemp i the Mild, the fight becomes us now: Bad we bon drafted—we hare an idea of go ing as it le—so earthly consideration would Eon isrovented our responding to the call. Although not of a sanguinary temperament, boring so tuts for nista innureotione and the massacre . at women and children, because . they limo in the Bpntb, still, - the great pisti -1 ple isivelved in our struggle for nations& unity ' would hare oompolled us to have throne our bonnet to the brans. But our mock military -neighbor hi/ none of our glowing patriotism, and no abolitionist as hare. In the canon languap of the GaaWYtni might as well look for!' wool upon a pig's MU," as for true usage In n genuine, abolition Union Lagoa, dyedin the wool." The thought that Joba's "glowing patri otism" is yet likely to be wasted upon the readers of the Post and ambers of the Demo. arstki Club generally, oppresses u. • 1. 4 = Mesurrimg the Draft. Capt. Poster, Provost Marshal, gives pub lie nodes that the provisions of the act of Congress In reprd to misting the draft, will be rigidly enforced In this district. The thir ty-Ma section of said set provides that if - say person shall read any draft of men en rolled under this act into the service of the Ilsitod States, or shall cosend, or aid any per son to resist any sash daft, or shall assault or obstruct any Geiser In making such draft, or in the performance of any service In rels tion thurato, or shall counsel any person to assault oz obstruct any such °Meer, or shill lowa ay drafted use nos to o pear at the plan of rendesvons, or 'dimity diwroda stser from tie prformonte of hbay duty, as re quired by law, such person shall be subjoet to summary arrest by the .1 , Marshal, and Imp' in condeemsat until the draft is oomplo- Sod, sitar which he shall be delivered to this dull authorities, andi upon conviction there of bo punished by a jibs not winkling ;AO limadrod dollars, or Ins_ iisprisolasad cot ea 'itoiallod taro rars, or by both of said punish. nein e.. A Waned 14a Clouted With Perjury Among those dratted from theitighth Ward was Wm. Jaime'' a rOlibig mill hand raid ing in Pipet° wn. He apparel before tha , Ea 1011=011$ Baud, sad apo n making oath that he was over thirty-die ran et ate, his name was stricken at. fltatemento haws robsoquont ly beer made whisk go to chow that /seis ms Is WSW jean : younger than he dame W be, and PrOTOSt Marshal Poster has pre tested At charge •ot painly against: him. BMW the Sas tats aft as &bpi, Jaokoon win he smisly dealt with: ..The charge , is made before John H. Bailey,Esq., United 43 Wei , tbnitaitsdcw, ant thst - mewed will bare a bearing WI aternool at throw o'clock. .ron AnatOrr.;.-Yr;* J. W. Pittook, opposite the post otos, and Yr..W. A. Glii olenionnoy 45 DMA strew, have reostrod Godey's .Gdy's Book for Utast. TM usual attmetive leattusi, including sited-plata en. graving, colored fashion plate, (doable-peg%) dwarloas other illeitratioss, will be bane )his insaber-•witiolt also contains among a host pt• otkar contribution in the Utarary Iles, a pima by and liiss Dickenson, tbo igitusi pattiotia young lady who km shstia giddied iterseli••So greatly se a isetaMr. Man I. • . Ti Ifsarisr.-..The'farsueri ars stow EL -• ,- gird ia seeurtag *sir 'crops, of which we ~Mee Use Kest, favlreable - reports. Though '-i- --• ', eilkeeteiry in the - straw, as fast you, the ; •,' Kw gad! is well tiled sad Swap. :11fotwith e , sessullag the droaght of Kay sat Julie, the coggiala sag barley will be as average stop. -- • - , TbsafeKtripp.hido Kir to be oats of great ex. gas k be .DheililitTwo area, tint , Aadzsitfiltitiotha, ware dimm ed yeettedsy: itesesson, is the "we s South Pittabugk. - Tim Ten ricer; ways, sad:Mr. Btitaassa lad drives tato tke deer to wafer then: Vas of the horses shambled when' in deep' water, - said drew the mbar dors with its and Odors they Gould be extetesta from t he Ups, lath wen drowaN. Craymonoi.—la Ake Palladian' at mai^ taxa q the a Pittabarg,k Buda* Gowan. arOr *mind la whMh 00E740 iffard aoillusi an the ausaipttais viols to the Ara Wad. iambi Am pad, is saw bum ow Plasautli. For D. luta- „saw Ina All, *Duman; seeo PO." Diaz or Ls OLD likunas.—Danlet Or&. mei iisoldler of the war at 1812, died d t, .nos fa Sollidusbast, of iN Ast 010000ilso11 Aar. ta nee, Paapillsi formr. isa_bs had M ritwoe. aad Ibiatlmi tar Ave sesta pa 00111. 4M :-~.~j::r. %. '~~~~: James Conway, J. Ma. Hilliard, Perry ; Do Heart, WiIDLm Seaton, Joseph Eakin, Helmut Black, John Keily, S. B. Sloan, Thomas Jolly, jr. • WMIP. John P. Dairy, Hugh Gilmore, William Thompson, C. P. Atwell, Reuben Irwin, John MoOlefferty; Richard MaConnell, William Christy, David H. 7aok. D 811111107/1 11080IIGI 81 Hanna, AMU W. Jones, WWl= 11111, John Snyder. Dann Thomas, Adam D. Thomas, James M. Shepard, Samuel O. Turner, David P. Kelly, rhos. McCauley, Qvisol A. Redick, John 0. Shryoolt, Pranklln Robb, Gao. Collar, Thal. 8. Planting, John 8. Ward, Wm. Storey, =l2l Sohn Sloan, Jonathan Dania], John H. Pomo, John Anderson, Salm Bbaj, Samuel Radek, Hum Carnahan,. Thomas MoKam:, "Glowing Patriotism." ` Oa Book Tibia., Palllol Tailla V= Wife. &Witham 31:4 2, 143h , time elating ?Ma and Deerptionswith tag Glade ewer Inwated, With fissvnty snare UM By the Author of "The Book of live Hundred Pussies? Ste— Ito. New 'York t Dick* Vltegerskt. Pl ,l stmOt far ale by Henry Mina, Tittli street. 130 pp. lYma Pries, 38 heath For those whose tastes lead them to seek re. lazalSen, when the 'more salons occupations of the day are our, in ingenious and saluting rases, this little Toluene promises most MS cleat help. It contains Woks with cards perfamed by ablated nualpubstien and sleight of hand; by the aid of mastery, mental cal culation and the peculiar arrangement of the cards; by the aid of confederacy and steer audacity; also tricks performed by the aid of lambus apparatus and prepared cards. Of ours, there are many who will And in these "aide" a great fend of amusement for leisure tours. Tn. Boon or 600 Comore Puittne : Containing a Lugs Collection of Intertaining Paradoxes, Per ghtgi.Deceptlon, F i zab i re. an r d Acring dabbl e " "The s:iit Olt," ..The Magl o olues . Own Book ,“ "Vector Gems; and "Parlor Tbeatriols." etc. JD/sanded witha great variet of Engravings. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald. Pittsburgh: tor male by Homy Miner, Fifth amt. 1160. Mao. Price 55 cents. Le above title so fully nts forth thenatun of the book to which it is prefixed, thit any further explanation on this head would be superfluous. It nay be said of the book, that It contain enough carious and amusing mat ter, or material, to urn as an antidote to nos; for an Indefinite period. Gauss Carom; or, The Sim Gray Zorn.: By Mrs. Henry Wood, Author of" Zest Lyme; or, The Parlb I:laughter ;" Km Halllburton'e Trou ble.," go., itro. Price WI cents. Dd Pitmen old, Now York, H. Dibuir, Pittsbu rggh. There is a duel of dramatio cosstruotion in this story ; by which we mean that the tale is told by inoldent and the conversation of eharecters, rather thanby explanation on the part of the author. The tree character of its hero is developed bit by bit. It seems Ilke the accurate report of a great trial, In which the witnesses are examined and crou.exam ined by skillful lawyers and the truth Is brought out by tact and knowledge of human nature. The inferior diameters, if we may term tkem so, when all are so soonrately drawn, are anaged with a deal of skill, and no one Is obtruded so as to detract from the in terest of the narrative. The volume will have 'a ready sale from the reputation of its author, mantels it through its own merits. city Mortality. The imam of deaths in this city, from July CI to July 13th, as reported by Dr.' A. G. fddilaudleu, physician to the Board of Health, Is aa follows : Ma105....—.15 I W11t0....1511 Total romaloo--.14 Colored.. 1 Disemses—Unknown, 1; consumption, 2 ; mariatina, 2; still-born, 1; diarrhoea, 3; ne phritis, I; phthisis, 2; pnestmonis 2; whoop ing Gough, 2; gastric fever, 1; me ningitis, 1; dysentery. 2; chronic diarrhoea, 1; brain fo rm, 1; cholera lutanist= 1; djptheria, 1; congestion of brain; iodammation of the brain; sarofula, I; cerebral diseus, I. Of the above there were : Adults, 6 ; Acennser—A man named Frank Bethel, residing on the corm of Webster and Craw ford streets, bed one of his legs badly frog tared yesterday evening by being run over by a passenger railway ear on Wylie street. It appears that he took a seat in the car, and the driver calling upon him for his fare, he reamed to pay It, Bethel being considerably under the influence of liquor. The driver put him off in railer forcible style, he falling with one limb on the track, the oar running over it. The injured man was taken to the office of Dr. Hopper, who reduiad the hea -1 tar. Dana or • Mourria.—Her. Robert Mo- Outeheon, an aged. minister of the M. H. Church, died at Hollidaysburg, on the 10th inst., in the eighty-Ant year of his age. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity. SPECIAL LOCAL 140TICES 6i0t112 . 4131:0 BALM'S Eiairtio liaoateß, for &talky and manafeettuning purposes, are the bulbs us. A. P. CHATONT, General Agent, No. 18 Fifth street. Tiouas Paw, Plain and Orusawnuit Slaw Rooks, and denier in Pennsylvania and Ver mont slate of the best quality at low rates. Chloe at Alai. Laughlin's, near the Water Works, Pittsborgh,Pe. apS:Om Moms Oa: an Ellin Stoat AT Con.— Sorel Graham, merohsitt tailor, is selling off his Spring and Bummer stook of goods at cost. They consist of all the latest silks of cloths, casstmeres and vesting', of whisk ha is pro posed to make up In Um most fashionable manner, and at oat prise. The public should not ',gloat to avail Um:warms of this rare shams and save mousy by giving him an early eall. Also, a large essortmaat of plain and fang ossahneres, well Gupta' for boys' wear, which he will sell by the pieta far Wow omit. Mothers should not negloct to call early. Base& Meroltant Tailor No. 54 Market street Arnsutorr, Itannuinn Voicrimus f—Tho attention of our mminy's bravo defenders m eantly retuned from Ae seat of war e and of the publie innrs!, is Mid; directed to the may aztrosim and handsome assortment of the latest - styles of bench, English and Amain& *es gash, for panto, oosta and Teets. lately ramised by Wars. John Weiss k Co. Merchant Tailors, So. 126 Federal sine; AlMithev. A tasteful osbution of gastleaum's furnishing goods wiSnlie - slways be found on the shelve. of lb. eebilliihment, together , with alot of ready-lade clothing, got up in UM best mummer. Nsw Azarvat or Gummi Otormaita.—Of ten we are asked, when can we buy a neat and comfortable summer Butt, made to order, thus having the slam of selecting our own goods? To all these inquiries we monomer, go to Messrs. W. H. Wage .k Co., corner of Federal street and Diamond Suture, JOWLa ny, and you will suited seconding to your mate. They have just mashed their mama goods, and for 'legume of styles they cannot be surparsed, and for fitness they are the very plummy as heir work is all done nadir their own supervision. Give them a call, and you cannot fail to be eatided. , . Ciur Dinnriwr.—At the Dental Insti tute, No.. 111; Perm sizes! , sets of Broth for foul dollars, better than those at Ave dollars stlhe other &atoll utablidunests. All per sons ars - requited to• WI at the Institute after having aseertaisedthe lowest prises at the other cheap pins... All work dose at the Tastitste is guaranteed npuior to say cheap Dentistry in the city. A Pam Nita or Hare.—Re.. J. H. Con. nal, N. T. city, says is a Was " I procu red Xi.. 8. A. Alba'. wood'. Hair Restorer Aid Zylobaliamam for a :Motive. am hap py to prnintad No failing off of the heir, and motored It; nom king gray, to is natural stony and lwastifal sailor dramitstllnvywhoro. Depot, 198 ilitnitdokotroot, New Torn: ' dew . Nokas Dump - I[ss,-11. O. itisekroU, Attorsoy_st Lewfr Ads, U 4 Fifth stood, next door to NoTlemfoilaiattOs Koisti s VIII attend to thS' btudaao of prossifitg do &tow of drafted am for sousption. Yr. I's. Imp sad outostufal merinos Is all kinds of sot. dtWo *kW, Itslibs ray way to attend - to tido lnufloW` . ' . Boinntooyour own health, do not tnsat to Owing" - sapplhe f-Oluders,libeer and Bowel twonplalat will follow yoar set lndlsorstlolu' • .114k•way i e Bile Clad Q.S. WM should be la entry saaa's knapssek. Th. British. and Track troops use no other mad edam- Oily 26 esass per box at pot. 216 &saki io 'loraEst HOLDOII I Again Asia :Ms-omm rolistirs or al imam to 'torso or desolliap, noir roofs, or mow*/ also is tho earpontor Ilitlosall at coWeft :Own* , Blow Thais allot, aerie:WAWA streets. MI oases prompft . Minded to. thisitsos lad CAMAS' Oiraatrill to tikes at ilt• C . 1 .21 1 .01, 01211111ilio..411111Asft street, .44* AU:vim lico sboTo OsiorwlXilf)* pionpUy aitootei A l .l egfir omit* seAl s a at. . Cat Q. Eltadhltlith steri e attest 1* Ni Inisimogii , 4 .Mit onlimistoo. iliillAil lost iztalt4bia (rasa the dvan s can at isy frniambel the plow - WILL S. ntriiis, Ile. 100 NUM stmt. '111.124 dace War ClWand. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. OUR SPEOLU, RISPATCRES:' FROM WASHINGTON. Epeeist Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gavotte. WAIIII/ZOTON, July 16, 1863 Tan EICIONIIOIIIB4IOI THILOI7OII 611113AJIDOAS lILLLWT. The cavalry and artillery force, ordered two days sines by Gen: Heintzleg= to make a reconnoissance through Shenandoah Valley, returned yesterday evening. The command er, Col. Lowell, found very few rebels in the valley. He diseocered that Ashby's Gap was held by between three and four hundred reb els. He charged among them and drove them out, and held the place, capturing & rebel Ad jutant General, several other officers and pri vates. Gentlemen from the army report that Lee's army is too much beat out to go further, and is massed between Williamsport and Mar tinsburg, upon the main road, through the latter place to Winchester. Its trains sue rapidly moving down the Talley. Oar cav alry are in pursuit with open orders. orPICIAL DISPATCH FILIAL 011. Guarani. The following has been received at the headquarters of the army : lIXADQUARTIRS Darks:run er van Botrri,l . Morris Island, B. 0., Jai y To Major General H. W. Salida I have the honor to report that at f. o'clock on the morning of the 10th hulk, I med. an attaok on the enemy's fortified position on the `south end or Morris Island, and, after an en gagement lasting three hours and a quarter, captured all hie strongholds en that part of the island, and pushed forward my infantry within six handled yards of Fort Wagner. We now hold all the island, except about one mile on the north end, which inoltales Fort Wagner, and a battery on Cummings' Point, mounting at this time fourteen or fif teen heavy guns in the aggregate. The as • uniting column was gallantly led by Briga dier General Strong. It landed in 'mall boats ander cover of oar batteries on Folly Island and four Monitors, led by Boar Admiral Dahl gren, which entered the main channel abreast of Morrie Island soon after oar batteries opened. The Monitors continued their flee during the day, mostly against Fort Wagner. On the morning of the Ilth inst., at day break, an attempt was mode to carry Fort Wagno: by assault. The parapet was gained, but the supports recoiled under the fire to which they wore exposed, and could not be got up. Our losses in both actions will not vary much from 150 killed, wounded and missing. We have taken 11 pieces of heavy ordnance, and a large quantity of camp equipage. The enemy's toes in killed and wounded will not fall short of two hundred. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, • Q. A. Gsuroga, Brigadier General Commending. DUTZUOTIO3 OF ♦ USIA ISTIAXIB Commander Cross= unarms the re port received directly from Lieut. Commander George N. Morrii,of the steamer Port Royal, and indirectly from several other scum, of the disaster to the rebel gunboat (Matta hooehle. Her boiler exploded, killing and disabling all on board bat eigheeen. Among the killed were four others. The vessel Is sank and shattered put possibility of recov ering and making farther me of her. A communication, dated Cedar Keys, June 17th, inelosiag the report of Liant. Com mander B. Y. kb°sully, in relation to the brave assault made by Orderly Serpent Nu gent and four men upon a rebel breastwork forfilkistion up Crystal river, says that la the tumult the Orderly Sergeant and his men drove a guard of eleven rebels into • swamp, capturing their arms and destroying their camp equipage, withholding his Ire with manly and commendable dizcretion, feet he should wound or kill a woman who was among the fuzitives: DID 9 •DD FLOPS TRZOWN OPT The flour merchants, presuming upon the effects of Lee's raid into the Maryland and Pennsylvania wheat regions, put in their bide to the Commissary Department at priest so extravagant that when the propssals were opened yesterday, Col. Beokwith threw out nearly all of them. Only four thousand bar rats were accepted. The government hen enough flour on hand to enable them to resist any attempt at extortion. 11111 11111101 /lIIILISG II 101711 CAIMILIIIA Newness, N. 0., July It—Hon. Bradford Brown, State Senator, from Ouwelk county, has taken open grounds for the reconstruc tion of the Union. It is understood, and as amok as admitted by the Raleigh Standard, that • majority of her Legislature and Sov ereign Convention concur with Brown, but it L thought in Raleigh that they cannot, with safety to herself, throw off the Confederate yoke so long as the rebel army hold Virginia orluntU there is sufficient federal force to auk lain her in molt effort. RIM John A. Gilmer and other eztensirs slaveholders in this State are said to be in lam of gradual emancipation, a 'system which It is undentood North Carolina will be required to accept as the chief oonditionof settlement between her and the 7aleral States. Later int/Mynas from the Legislature now In session at Raleigh, ocarinas the report that many of its members have come oat for an Um-' mediate repeal of the act of seeesslois passed, by a sovereign convention of this State, and ter a recall home,by GOT. Vasa. of the North Carotin troops from the Confederate army at !nos. Should Lee's army be annihilated 'or . svertted from reaching this Rate, the semi of this act may take pleasany moment; other wiiireatters will remain as above staid; It is said that While the Mauston of rep eals:4g the set of espousion was , going ,on, a &tin thrashed mother suggested • foreign war as a method of cementing the States together, whioh was applauded to the echo, all *sties joining. 111 11W lOU 1107. Thor Sew Turk and Brooklyn regiments with the Potomac army are hastening home. wards to veil the riot. Though they have =raked for duteous days, they ars burning to go and see whether the draft eanisot be . in forced, and other men made 'to help say, the eountry. , Senator lotto urged the President to have martial law proclaimed in New. York, and this. Butler sent thin. The President repUed in' offset tout - the State authorities seemed equal to the emergency, and that !.U!, wan no newt of • change. au. Dm iims aux irrotrin 'our. Tocals 111700111111011. Gem Wool tubas tailored, and Gen. Dix appointed Menace:tor. - Gen. takes command of the Army of the Toninsnia. - • ' XiLITAIT rarairmurs GONIOLIWILD. The Military Departments of North and Smith Carolina, have been consolidated, and both wed ands command of Gonad O Costar. 11110011 D 001.0130 olourant. Vim second oolotol meant U to wow on Azllaiton Heigh% Gimp Mum numszoir.! The Oommivdoner of Internal Boorinne deelded to-day that payments of prize money to officers end men in the military and tiara servile) of the United States, are subject to a tax of three per cent. on 01,112 POO. 121= Three Garman merchants on their way from Richmond to New York, .were arrested ,list as they entered the cdtt r iseetarday. Thei had forty-six thoniand dollars In GdiTiderate money with them. IMICEE7II Major E. E.Paulding, •nephew of Admiral . Paulding, hat been appointed 01114 Paymas ter of the Army of the Patel:me: The New York itzete:.Exeitemeet So beide doothistnege Restocked. New Vote, Icily 16 =Things hay. folly resumed their wonted appearance. The tracks have been relsid on the railroads. The telegraph lines are being rapidly repaired. Regiments and bitted.' are arriving, with more on the way. Rosiness is rammed, and a general feeling of security, pervade!. The rconndreis and &levee who have been the terror of ,Zhis city for the last three days and nightsiare skulking to their dew, endeavor ing to hide themselves and their plunder, while their' abettors are endeavoring to leave town. r. es —The gratifying intelligence of the arrest of the villain, Andrew', the leader of the rioters, is announced. Betas been sent to Port Lafayette. A gang of raglans drove off the workmen this morning from the gas works on 14th stmt. A small gang stopped a street oar on 4th Avenue this morning, and robbed the Co n doctor and all the passengers, and then let them go. There is no truth Ice the reported burning of factories in Newark. In several mean towns In the suburbs riotous. demonstrations have been prevented by the aetlon of the Oath- ' olio priests, imploring their 'parishieners to desist. Some frame houses In Ttrenty.seeenth street, New York, werebarnedby the ruffles' I early this morning,the ownersand occupants refusing to subsidize them. The firemen ral lied to save the lives Of several migrate and drove off the rioters, • The Foes says that early this morning the rioters on Staten Island burned the depot and water station, and afterwards attacked and burned the negro shanties, killing two aggro's. Many people have lett the Island, including prominent citizens whose live, have- been threatened. - It Is stated a riot is now going on In First avenue. When Co. Bof the 65th N. Y. and 6th Buffalo regiment was going to protect a steel factory, the soldiers were tired upon, 15 of whom were killed. The soldiers returned the fire. Reinforcements are being now (one o'olook) sent to the soldiers. A station bell tower in 21 avenue was i burned at midnight oa Tuesday. Sixteen rioters were gilled by grapeslietin 325 street, yesterday morning, beside In women and two children. Several 'others were mortally wounded and a nuniber'slightly. In the encounter this everting, on Ist avenue Col. Whale*, with 160 men and two howitzers, charged on the mob, wits took ref uge in the tenement houses, from cheroots of - *Mob they hurled stones, bullets, eto , on the Soldiers. The howitzers were turned on the mob and ten rounds of canister poured into them, mowing them down fearfully. The mob appeared to be well awaited, and only I partially dlepersed them. 001. Winslow had ten men killed, includ ing a captain and.lleatensnt, He retreated in good order, firing on the mob. Col. Jar din was fearfully wounded in the thigh. Sev eral of oar wounded were left in the hands of the mob. - In Ode affair some thirty of the mob were killed and woundeC At 11 o'clock 150 of the regulars, with two howitzers, repaired to the scene, and were Wordy assailed, but the soldiers fired regu larly, and finally the cannon ',returned upon the bonaecwith terrible effect. About one o'clock the troops had pouession of the locality. It is feared 001. Jardine fatally wounded. This took piece yesterday. Fire hundred cavalry saline and one hun dred motets were seised by the pollee in a bogie in Staunton. .Two aggress were killed and throien Into the But River last night by their murderers. The of Andrews is received with the liveliest malefaction. It took place in a house of ilifem• on 11th street, where be end his fit consort, a'bisek wools* named Wilson, war • located. Be b said to belong to a fast family of Virginia, and has been quite prom- Went at certain political, anti-adminiatratlon meetings held at the Cooper Institute, and other ;cam, of late. Some $4OO in rebel mo ney was found on him. The Mayor of ikooltlyn, in view of the large conflagration last night, has requested the citizens to forrepatrohe for night ditty to maintain order, assuring them aids oci.opte ration. A Michigan regiment issospeoted bun this evening from Washington. The mob appears to have got the best of the military on Second avenue, and have driven - the letter into a foundry oa 28th street near Ist . Mere force has been sent with artillery to rescue them. Brig. Den. Ledlle has been appointed to command the military in this city. The 26th Mlehigan and 1625 New York Volunteers have a:tirril (rem Washington.. Details of the 'riot on tl.e Island 2/ ave nues say that Jarieloc's foundry, at 18th street, and Seward's foundry, at 17th street, were threatened by the mob. This forenoon, detaehments of the 65th Militia, tinder Col. Beherane, and two howitz ers of the lith Militia, were sent to the atone. 'The mob came out of their haunt. anted with muskets and carbines, but merely yelled fere oiotudy at nut. The troops took no notice of this, and leaving a devilment, with one how ilea, at Seward's, marched to Ist avenue. Hers a party of roughs flied on them, and Adam Schwind, - one of the soldiers, was slightly wounded. The troops wheeled into line endplayed their pleas in position, but ne further hostility was attadiptad. -After a shin' halt the troops proceeded to Jackson'. foun dry, burst open the deem and entered. The mob now And an occasional shot, which' the soldiers returned; with a galling Are, and sev eral of the mob were wounded. A howitzer was placed in position sear to commaid' the street, sod matters were quiet for - an boar or so. -- About two o'eloek shiforeements arrived, and the mob fired on tkomwitloateffeat. ,The soldiers took aim, bot restrained froialtdng by order of the ofilosrs. Mr. Jaokson now asked a withdrawal of the troops from his foundry. GI OS. Brown replied: " 1 shall pat my! sol diers whore I please and no mob 'luta dic tate to me, when th ey shall go.". Be seat orders to defend the place at all hazards; and not be sparing of their ii. if the crowd go. shored. A Lieutenant of the 65th regiment reports that his men retreated from the neighborhood of fib street and Pint avenue, beam they heard the mob was getting tarp. General Brown ordend the company baek under the oommand of Lieut. Pike, of the United States Artillery; and placed Capt. Ilbaoker and Lt; Myer under angst. 'rho Passion of this rioters was talented this afternoon by the' Amends of 'Some of the via Lima of lett night: • ' Col. Lefferts Froported its ottnusand.-the 17th Genera Byrom this after-, noon; end"was ordered to , take control of the Dietriot between 7th and 65th streeth'lrom First arcane 40 But 1E4104 and tub all means to suppreu all mobs and riots.. ' All was.'s dot. hill/risen and L Terkrill• Ins the day. . , "" ilinatars Bradley and Constrillyronttestei the withdrawal of - the troops • from' the Pint Ward. whioh was Waled by the Police Com missloriers, Astor and Gen. Brown. • _At 4:30 r. 34.; a sharp Hight was` going on In 23i street, between the "2d and 3d Avenues, between the soldiers and rioters. All omrilbussis and oars are running. :The city will , be patrolled by the military to=night, and Gm - Brown 111.d•tarogniiii that the mob shall .be pat doriri s o . o l i ht,u he kills every man found in a crowd. ' The 23d Brooklyn rostrum% upecited home to.nlght er this morning. Come fears are oti tatatpad of trouble in Brooklyn to. night, and than- troopi in the county towns of wogs and Qamens amid% are cirderad lll to the OUT. Is is probable, • however,: that nothing more serious will take flue: • Placards .were posted-. &beet the oily from Atoka 'shop Toques tins the rioters to axiom:LW - In 701t 4. . of his 7 114 biellfe t to-mm. row at two leeledis.., Par the ovoid; 'dressing tkont %Wooer of m ute their lawful teeallen.l9thiPlellliall the.. prdestion while listeribeglitdeaddries: BMBitir Tons' appe*,. that tie tia lalasit Sok 'fa; IiknWINPM al.rdr• . . Thum negro shanties were destroyed, and one negro beaten,' Port Rielimand is garrisoned by the 74th regiment./ . The impression is now, 10 o'clock, that there will be no more rioting In the city, that the anima of the military, has made the riot ers wary. One ring leader of the mob. cap tured In tilt. street to-night, has probably hen bong. ' There is no intik In the reported boiling of the New York House et Hudson City. The Ire was the Jamey City hone railroad stables. • FlOlll the Assay of the Pot Comes. Barrxmots, Italy 16.—A special to the Asuoicon says : Bartle, Md., July 16.—The Army of the Po lon= Ilia this city. How long it will remain hot course only known to Gen. Meade. It Is probable that some days will' be spent re cruiting both men and horses, both of whom have suffered from long and fatiguing march es and the heat of the weather. The position is one which gives the army the advantap of the Baltimore Railroad, by which it can be sully and abundantly fad. Leo h said to be hurrying towards Culpep per, and will hardly stop till beyond the 13.appaliannook. The :moonily of feeding hie army, which cannot be well accomplished at any great distaneefrom Richmond, will hum his movements. A scout reports that during Lee's retreat the tamper of tho rebels, both °Moore and men, Wait despondent, and they were in mo mentary expectation of an Weak from our forces, the result of which they admitted mot be disastrous. On the arrival of Lee's advance en Sunday week, the most earnest efforts were made. to cross the river. Some scow' were built and their light wagon trains were crossed, taking one wagon and as many men as it could carry. On Tuesday and Wednesday the river fell so much that many of the Wintry forded it. The water being breast high, a subsequent rain again swelled the riser and it became again =fordable. The rebels swain oommaneed the conitrue tion of a bridge at Palling Waters, using for it the boats they had built at Williatneport. 'This bridge was not . b uilt until Monday, and then a grand rash took place to get across— the artillery, heavy• trains, and everything was moved back to the river, except the light artillery and • st song picket line, which held the field works thrown up along the. front. Oa Monday night they were drawn in, and by daylight nothing was left this side bat rear guard of infantry, most of whom were captured by Record's cavalry. On Monde) , they had not more than 40 or 10,000 man this aide, and had they been attacked, would not have made a very serious defence. Lee and his staff forded the river at Sp. m. on Mon day, and Stuart, with his cavalry, followed about six hours later. The Riot in Boston. Monaca, July 15.—A1l Is quiet hore this mornivg. Four or Svc were killed last night: and proosbly a dozen wounded, some of them iy The most daring sot of the rioters was the attacking of the armory, in Cooper st, where a Woe of military was stationed to protect It. When the mob had beaten down the doors, they were Arad upon by a ex-pounder loaded with oannistar. Thiseffsotually scattered the mob at Mat point. One rioter was ocmpletely riddled with shot, and fell down it the door of the armory. Win. Carrier, 71 years old, who was standing on the stoop of his house on Cooper street, was killed. Win. Look, provision dealer, was seriously wounded in the thigh. Three young women and three or four small boys were wounded, bat not sari lonely. They ware not participators in the riot. Two soldiers in the armory were in jured by brisk, thrown through the windows. The rioters then attacked the gun shops on Dock Square, stealing from four to Ave thou sand doliars' worth of property. They were speedily dispersed by a volley from the revol vers of the polio& The dragoons appeared at nine o'clock, pa trolling the streets. whioh, together with an infantry force, overawed all further out breaks. The military continue in quarters in the parts of the city when the disturbance occur red. Mayor Linooln has issued a proviso:Litton, warning all the riotously disposed frorefur thee violence, and calling on all ailing to aid in the preservation of quiet and ordah" Pour of the leading rioters, arrested last night, are to be proceeded against for bur-', glary and murder. They are committedWilh-' out bail. Barrow, July 15.-10 z. m.-Order has Wei restored here. The citizens geasrally Itiore obeyed the Mayor's proclamation, and have kept within doors, sad; with the exception of the scenes of the riot test night, the streets are as quiet as on Sunday.;.... ,. In book square, Haymrket square and Cooper street several hnndreds angre gated, but mostly from curiosity to' sea the soldiers quartered and , patrolling there. No demonstrations whatever are made. The admirable preasutions taken by the authorities, and the imposing display of the military force have mole an avowed determi nation to nee the utmost vigor to quell what ever of the mob spirit was left last night. Suspension of the Draft in New York until quiet is Restaged. Wasinsoros, hay /6.-0011U11117 to pub. fished statements, the execution of **Aran was suspended in New York by the uprising of the mob. It hue not been ascertained here that orders' were issued from this city for pro longing the suspension beyond the period, when order dust be restored, so that it oan be •Boosted. - MorgalVs Whereabouts. Ontontren, July 1.13.--It is 'aid that Mor gan is about Piketon to•dy, time our fortis are dosing around him, and will sire kint some trate:do. Aunral et the Oceau Queen. Nits !oar, Jul, 16.—the steamship Oman Qum, from Aspinwall on the Bth, has arriv ed, with $200,000 in treasure. Itarkeu by Tele'graph. Now You, July 10.—Wheat dull sad falls lower, 111lwantes. Club. $1 - 241 77; Wlater. 2.4 Western, $1 2901 SO. Corn 10. lower; a motivate.. bottom at alegoec. Oats dalL Bogor more active,• Chats and Muscovado, l0$0103(e. Lard dull sod Glad lower rpealog at 26 2 4, declining to 2634,1 had cloalnip.l444; 4411834 Goterilasilt stock_ quiet; LI. t.. / 45 4 CellPato. 1034 Glorious NOM iron Ike LOWer Mtir sissippl..Mattle on thin Beg Minch ...showman Victorious - over ' John. ston..Littio Rook Captured by Gen. Bliantv.Bituation at _Ticks. , burg. ". The following epeeist dbpateh to thetin seismal Gomm- contains .some %interesting 01110, July 15-10 r. . simmer lieUe Memphis has jest attired from Mem phis, Winging dates of yesterday.. -Than the mellowing from the Memphis Beiletie end from your correspondent attliat By the arrival of the hospital steamer Gity. of Memphis and , steamer lairohild, have later, uses fronehelaw. Packagers* on those boats report everything very quiet at Vicksburg. We learn that .a battle had been fought oa the Bth at a point beyond the Big Black, re sulting disestronely is. the rebels. Already 1,800 prisoners Dave been bronghtinto Vicks burg Ikea the bettle.lield. -Gen. Sharman is in command of a large form outside of, Big. Bieck. Jew easnalties are, reported among our troops during the late 'llights.baYond the Black river.' A rumor prevatiod that General Osterhans warn killed in benison the Bthi We are able to say, however, that „the 'Min is altogether diacreedited In the belt info:Med dr , Prom Boutherie souraei; we :hear that our ferns have een, Meridian, on . th e Jack son sad Mobile Saihosd. ~ - Perties from Helena"represent that'General Blunt'hoe captured Little Bock, with a large number of prisoners.: . . Dr, Pitta of Gitiena,Medloaanspeet Or on Gen. likerman's abet has .been *weed in charge of the lamest slot and 'wounded in Vicksburg. The Doctor Lade his teak 'a her culean one, but he hes hand and heart equal to the duties assigned him. , Many. came of the west distressing nature have come dude! Were; oases of fever and nervous affections had bees aggravated by constantly renewing soma of danger dating -the siege, and time we mazy chronic diseases which will tax the ' DO of the surgeons in attendanee. Dr: Zit ' tee has the anistenos of the Confederate sus : goons who are, noisy of-them,: skillful and rib DBANTED MEN. " - maim Limon' ''oi am 0,1! - P. 4146 • 12 bY Gign's uP'm zo. lJ irek:a a. • L. Aganu., 7 1" 14 5 1 L0WN 9 .14% Agostri. PROVOST MARSHAL'S 017101, 98 Toroth 81..-Pittaborgb, July 16M, IM9L icrBX.RMPTRD , FROM DEL . lo soestdammWtth order's. I piiblish the le lowing list of pus= exempted from draft by - Board of Enrollment in 11111 Dhrtricr, to • till! es, with the readout of their exemptions n 11A1101 or marnmints aromEtars= Hams. Rethinier. Netrui B Watson, Larrunou'e, Vat Kt • Wm El Smith, W."Pit.aburgit, 0W El a ; HS Appleton, - 4th ward, Nis Bobo Jts B O'Neill, Sd ward. - , b ar; • M Baron. 4th ward, lass Rodger Thom Neap, Blrminglum, Su Own, Jim 8 Ilsming. ad Ward, - Wm Christian fitookar, Birminham, John Horn; • l W K WoodoeU, Peebles, Martha Pa ' Jag P Martha% Char/ad. Hoary 0 Gred.or Pox,IL V Irnazigh . m, Lehr Lucas;:. Adam Vocalsm; 6th ward, /Ma WOW :l ' Edward Matto% 8.1 Wald, Dula Crain • Wm J Kiddie,.. .Baoi4eo, Wm Nat West; WIC de Basennee, !Award, Otto limacold; Wm 0 Daman,, 114 ward. 0• 0 0 Illastql It J MoOracken, II wwd, V.l Mitchdr Daniel Trautman, Mifflin, Edward Lea: James W Dolt; Ed ward. NU& Kith; mA Emmons, ' 4th ward, ' Jouph Dixon; Jcsepti Malls, Boowden, Obd'h. tprowito Lewis Mattes', links, ~ Poter.Polunffi Trod Warta, _ Mifflin. David Jonas; End &Mild. lit ward, Mich Ilisaem; Pond Shafer, ' Madders, John adirmalli John Grimy, Oohing, Wm' Shaw; ' itobt L Walter, op. tt Clair, Dal Albert; &UM YID WI JIM DLOWLIZO musts rose. Esau. • lieskinsa. . Withers. , Patrick Donovan, 6th ward, • Henry Daly; Jamie Sweeny, 4th ward, Eder Sweeny; Nils Welts, 6th ward, J 11 Zyth; .. ClOl Suet Laugh, Peebles, A Schaub; gearge Henkel. 'Ed ward, Alanson Wilcox; George Bromley, ild ward, Irmo Joss; Henry Baal, 9d ward, Iwo /mar, Peter Bell. 9d ward, Imo Jonem Henry Walker, Bth ward, Joke NM; Wm Iffordyroceds, 14 ward, John But; Joseph Nam% 3d ward, John Beat; Ala: McKee, 34 ward, John Grim, Jr.; PAID THUS 81102.10 murk,. 1 Chas B Scully, Ist ward. Ju M Bailey, 4th ward, Gs cry II Ebbw; lit w'd El Grotthmise, led ward, William Dixon, 9th ward. G K Arindrong, 3d ward, Wen Johnston 9th "ward tddison Arthur; 94 ard. Jame. B V cot; lat ward, 4 A Hlll. Stli ward, John A. Barb, 31 ward Punch Hatfield, 4th wd, I him, Pillar., 690 wart A 6 Glum, &Minton tp; Davide] Kerr, 8 Pittsb'g, Ohm M Bailey, MAIM, WII Whitmore, 4th ..4 , John Cram*, 4th ward, Geo Bathetic'. 3d ward; rlitas Peacoat. Veraperv'e, Nouns iiiilmom, so, ward Hugh Idurdoot, 31 ward, Stephen flyani.Vemeailes Jae P Quinn, ad ward, I Pat MoDavatt;6th mod; Matthew Pillow, 6th wd, It Bridle'', 4th ward; Hoary Kiansq, Patton, 3 31 OwliPlwn , Vulleollog B Wolff; Jr. 4th ward. Alm 8 /Modes, Mifflin, d 0 Bulling; Id wart, Jew tlakilliat..eth wad. II P Dames, ild ward. , Daniel Cooper, let ward; if I Hinds:son, ild mord, A li Line. 3d ward. John Meatier, Sul ward,' John Boland, Lit ward, urlitado EforoslE oth wd, John Glyde, 4th ward, Wm E. Weyourt,.94warel. e tights Ott, M. ward, atch.lid o Gilds, ith red, Levi 0 Wade, 4th ward, Joseph AbiA t ad ward,: 1111101101 AID 1510101.0'13 onl2 DLISZIO7I. Naos. Mrrolltd. ' Beal EWiltice. John Wheman, 4th ward, 81 ward; A 0 Ohrhty, Collies, Morgan 0c.., 0; Olhar 0 Las,. fd ward, Jeff. Co 0.• B L Cook. 1W ward, 24 Dist4 . obio; W J Dickson, 1501 watd, Patin ti,' ' John ItiolLeliry, . 6th ward, ad ward; - • rw hand os an 01 11/114:11. Caddile Hellally, lit ward, Co. G. 4th Pa. Cavalry; Nato' Hophfts, Pitt tp, 00. I,lolst Pa. Vol.; John B Munsy, ti. hthburgh. Witham Troop, Capt. Palmer; James Riper, Illzabolh tp, co. I, lad P. Volt; Heigh J Beady. 6th ward, Co. I, 2d 11 8 Infantry; Peter Wray, Elisabeth tp, Co 1, 634 Pa Vole; monnualexus 01' 0011-01'1111111101 , 1Tri—X•1111: 1 0) 1 Ealph Daniel, 34 ward, Drones O'Leary, let ward Midway &mai, Ed ward, MIMI Sullivan. Sd ward, 13am'l Williams, Bth ward, W 0 Gallagher. 3.11 ward, Chas mon; Birmingham, Henry neibaz,ath ward Theo Grow, Sd wand,. ho A Baser, lob Ward, H HorperAls. oth ward, Ed M'Langhlin, 9th ward Ono Quinn; ad ward, , HOC L John ton; 6th wd. James Bice, Bth ward, Bob% Roy, 13d ward, . Alex Oracle. 6th ward, tinder Spearman, as ward, Lewis Lessor, &I ward, Owm Whiabon,lat ward, Mahal Lamb, 9th ward, Ju V Pah - Pitt tp, Herman Lang, 3d ward, V Poffenbsor. 011 ward, Hamlet Lowe,. 2d ward, Ju M'Etren, 701 ward. Pat /Min, 3d ward,' Jacob Itingthig, 61h ward. VIDEO 1111111.011. A= OM roexr.rim Tian. Lewis P Homier, ad ward tarzwitirme or tom MIMI Kelly, 4th ward, Arthur Carr, 6th ward, Ned .Shane, McKeesport, Patrick Kennedy, ba. wd, =IMPS II 011.1011111 or PLUOT Jas Tisch, ad ward, I PhDlp Colcoff, Bth ward. . OKLY 9/1./211DZ9C9 or wintaxisu maw= won 19 WAIL John Nelligart, 4th ward, John Millard, Temp'vllle. Bead H Porter, —, . Dan Hendricks, 3d ward. MIMI Oimeanston,lld wd, - - —--- Oft AO= MINIS. Jai Slattery, MI ward, John Lecluird;74l ward, Jaa T Pattrasov, 2d ward. J. }11.1341A TOSTAB, Capt.ird Parrott 111 MD;st. re. hlt:ltearl!" Jmifutis:mrzirra. ILCSONIO HALL. HAMBLIN'S COMBINATION TROUPE ZVSBY NIGHT THIS WZHHI smumarr PROGILUNI I 01.118 OT THE (MEE!! PMEITOKIiIIEII , BALLITI3I wrinoilot icuonmey i 001110 VOO/11114111 wx:RiyAqixz44N 011,010111 07 - PAOGRILIIIIIII EACH NIGUT. • - air Grand Matinas on, GETIISDLI Arms. 8005, rominsacion at II Cede* isr the artininto dation of Lidice wad Children. • ' ' • kdoritston Tickets fa 011111km:4 10 MITI% Lilies and Gestlercen's Tickets, BS Oinks. • • 861 6 Zia:tick l'orformacoi, doers' opod• iit 73 o'clock—to COMIIIRIC• at 8 o'clock. Admhsko, 25 OUTS. • . . JIIICTIOX SALE& nIIPHANIN COUVR.BALE,-.4)31 la VADAT, July 18,1411,* , ilo'clofht nociii kit Urdu' of thrown' Court, wl Ibe told, • to. wanton In lawrattevnle: that outlet!, glom f - putrid Mslour. tog to the estate of Minuet , itchluthei r &enema. banns hum of In fest - 1m Owsingtot . attest, end edenaling tam about "110 hit tken alley; Wog the nottlmasdls of lot. HaU 1n o . ran ot mkt TIMU at 11/11-13Maielt ,soh; 'balsam td two equal annual ipso rain% with: Intemetosounld bJ bond and wortgete. . , , Bit order of 0. neabtottolt. Omenthatoter hit - 1141/18 MIALWKIIII. heat. BAROUCIiiii , AND BUGGY.-..Chi NAT lanes Mown. Jab Uth. at' Ultedook; w 11 44 Balk at' 110 Cowsnratal _tlals• L 4 fifth emit, area; goal• family BlTOBrate or .Canlice, and am Walling .44p Saw L 416 - DA IA k 11411WA1143, A oaths. ra.ff rtOH .WANTBDo—The Elahool ~ et bb ',JAW Borough will meet co TVS& DAT AVIIIIING, not ust.,• to "diet MALI Psl39olPlb and TRIMS ,LNILI tilnTAter 7/140111113. Appllcettim will bit re. *dna op to that flaw. 191.111 • • ANTED—AL tow -good OLTIPEN. T141.1,t0 whom the bee were will be We& - . S.& a IitAXWAI.L Ou , :blister Jeekecee etreee: Allegheny nley. tIU ALertb3).;-46U voirra 1-44 , NT Amok sa plo• sontlQ anuses guilde= car &wholly Panes. Orkmki-Dortore,aad alma= okhal sok anekas arekko r num ck. sesekkilksT, WWI k craddr. siaaeloirt its 11/4.1NT1GU.1415 Ito*tit 1-4,itutt to bissit paid, ionto wont, at in a ninth, now* tot nil mYlikor Via 6 0 1 tall itattonts. Addras,.. AD . Alfred.lllthia. turixTßD=L good' seoilidlaad Crl. In - .taw ad*, amq•p) het long; so fta• - sciacaussmk'LLNO, LANES .MU SUBSTAUTiCk. 3 , ALL lIyYFIiDY suuqu, is! AMMO,/ 714 mq,s24lintr D 7„: 9 . - HATMA ttkfl. -Carew Wao6 seA T I L T WINO. sat the.Dpift, Ars wastbmi.hi ti ExEurrgq.Fßpmgailig 4 F T. . . ibAik oliiorio:::*ii:, , ~ atik „ , ,,,,,,,,,.. Tots ussa bi b 7 Wit ia°l / I "Ft :, _ , .algaiimar, - 1 ~.,.., , Millierlll.lW4 Nal OM.. fur .0 Tld : - ~.: ....-..-,,,,,•:, ,i,.:‘,.4 , 4! oD , Itof.;:o. ~~' r s~.c ;.n ittwor Copper 3141 - and aIiaLLITIG WOBIS, immerse& PARK,. MICIIEDY Sr. CO., Itanalsaturins of BEBLTBISO. BIIA.ZIKBIP inn DOLT OOPPIIL, PIM= OOPPIR BOTTOM, =STD STILL sorrow, WALTER BOLDZIL abo Dawkins:id &aka In XTTAIM, TIN PLATY, ONNIT UON, WDli, lr Coaitantly on livid. TIMIOr llsaams AND wow.' . - WAMIZOInIi. N 0.140 TIM and ISO danrad earan.; Ifllllpaalal Indio of Oanna cat to any deideid Pat kan. uointdanlsT OrThe Confessions and 'Equine° otr.ALILINTAI4D. milihhed, for t h" haat aud mind* * amurkirwri TO TOAING 818 'elk raffia. from: NOM* raitdllay, .Primatire 'Near -0 Beahood. at the Maio thee; ?BB =ABB or air ;ARBIL B 7 as !debit aaeeJ hismas s eliwihitag Ist to Vat Olo! 1, 6 , 7 dumb mealaelbalabeg and quaohin • By mahatmas past iold sdOmpid ammikme. • gle ovate may be had of the antbors., - ISTETBAhItriL MiTl . lll4' myttarhoela SWUM: Rhin MOAT. N. Yd M — To ,Servous Sufferers $$D BSAHB.-4 mama putleaueu „herbs base rin• stored to heidth In few dayu, atter imdialotey , ail the wail mane ead templet expet*re modes o. treatment, without mow. =udders tt hit are re duty to communicate to Ms sanded Maw creatures the anus or On& RIM% on the rieriPt of anted* dammed instep% Da,win and (tree) e copy of ttr• prescription teed. Dina to . Dr. JOHN X. DAG - NALL, IS6 Ytdtititieeti ilioch#ll, H. Y. mlablydeuT Orb TUJI B.'S 4e STB Ilti IrL .-KILL= eappike o want Iblt by every good hozwebeecer. Entry gest wiU 1111 • vest where Mee ere Udell. Beastrober Wet ft Is DOT 1181111% =at dais tbl4 *Ad Mese the twee Ladtattose test are °Owed. The real ertiale Is for side by stlrompeot. able Lrantsta. ' B. A. VAU.SISTOOI I3 . SON A 00., • comer d Ylnt and Wood strestej. telttlwdew? "tuft*, farJOHN COGILKAH, •BAD Mannfeetoren of THOS ILLILLUG,ISOSMAULTS AND VAIILT DOORS, WINDOW . Snores', WIESDOW GUARDS, SA, Nan. 91 Second street nod 86 Mariam% between Wood sad fleziast. - Hate 'ea- bond a misty ot mow Rattans. Was, End pbolooodtabio keen wpm& Partlooloo otiontioti paid to_osoloobs Chows boo Jobb dons at obOrt notice. MPZTRO/iii OTL WOM .IfWiteir, Afilter CO.' , watt as tharipalas eusios„ ATINAm Yates Bans& 'Ono. saly,W•nhotor t ba NLAEltre BTaaral. Fleabag* ' lifiuniturigeof ILLV IHATIJGavoi OkTING crABBON One szta BENzolak - . sir Noo. BZPTh! OIL, wsnanta oeu-itipto. &noway' • = =snow, wnwuvi.t.....—.—,ls.ll. , §oa. mut.4. Janlo . 70380 . 8, 3111.18. & *Ur . Itotnnquis litootecerca Ommk, SO: 91 Miim Mamba* all Jai* ofEITICAZ 1,916119 . *AM)) 111161..1161(18111/WN OA N 11949, - W0114; z 144131 WO? Mar,lowingi /sip SEPitithie don. on shpri OeVitliburgh Steel Worii. mut; 80TD....r.. - V:11071:111 :JONES, TOYD & CO., manevAder. ot. cart grin ; ersilau PLOW Alm A. a STEEL, BrEn. SPRIXOis- AND MELIA oOrnat ii . 4;1,611d rint WOW, PfttlArlik. as. WOOMPIZIaIa ttSSE.Ra • thunuans YA17171%.0771471 8 / 3 ; - BlLvba AND 810.811 - 04 TAILS, ' • And Miontaattitaas SADDIfYiIIr AND.OARBIA6II7B7OI 7 / 1 8 N, 7 et. %min Evramst - aluf DIIQVAIZIL WAY, maw_the P/277001161/1. - PA.. OrBURLS dc BARNS/3, • . FIRE-PiIOOF ,SALAMANDER' OAFS, BASS :VAULT IRON'TAULT , DO:44 , 4AD BTI=L•LISID toinrapamoor.AAn • • , 111.0117/AOTIIBBEL No. no "rid Ow and, 6.66.41111 isid fissiabgailitme--Naras ararsenK Loots siva' ea hand. : 11. .11 1,.t .p.l • : : . . . . OHANGIN; 011:1MOCIATZli ON D1P0312011.151Z' • irnifia AND EIFICIO, No 6T.l4rkitstamil4 -adlootions sisads on .all the *tools! atlas finoiennrt the United • • tplei StMU 4 171. 1.01101121111 oad &sista in 8008, PRIX% OAP.' LIM= AND ALL sins or *DAP. rnialtuia.! - 1011110•10Binatrina No: Isr Wood stroll 40 au. ss wawa ftrut.Pittetnirsb: PIC *rum ot Tian, ros Bras. MarWM/1M Sr GOLLIZIO, .For WWDINGIII.IO-00NXISSIOR NINOILANT Ina 144111464111er amok MINX NUM 11811,iisdPsod000 goloraNy. No. NI Wool arms Plttobonek.:No. .5, ALNLIAN la 1J ildblie b t bt;111,01111:16: MALL 342LX -,NM/GA• 2103F- iDZIATIO,I43O Honsviner. 4,33) tWL lUDZBaIty, 1,000 Ilorpo.plwer. 3300350 a, • 0016U111313. IJIOO Bcpripopower.o,ooo3oEL„ "ANC/ WAIL 1.000 Horwpcine; 3 000 toss.' Thor issintfkrat. 3333313313 LDIIISTIO will NU kola Limrpool, to Zinr T3 1 3. 3 3 1 F 2 D. 333130k1r. taw 13r.b of 331 y, to be fotkond by tb• other ~ma of ti,eUss every alterittellreasallay. 34•1 away. tram Lturpiel to Elm Tack. py able la golla ar to wvalentJa oansaays Tint OW3 116 001033.334 p-IS CO 33 1,01 .3333sioe,apSy at th e oaks Of th e A pub. 3A.BRIL t 331•13Li s 13 Midway. TaiLlai4coir, *auter.. - or. EL 01521115. o 10 WIWI Stlset. bittobirsti. WEAK -WiaK147.,,T0 LIV i f& 0.500 0 54 , 0rt0bt0g 41:131/1.105 5 .51. 1 4 004 0:4 11oosoa.) -Teo well kama. ototowtoWM Now Tick not Plitholdpldo NOtinahly Otootouty et* totoodat to eall Seri t • ' - COTT OP wArrimrror.:.. 111DINBUINS - And swirl' iiimiet* odardaliiilooK•rou via 44, Nolik:gtrwt. , •. v.:AO= est 'NM", • er erstsalwitlifaintimib rime C1aa1,......4 10 rims 50 Os, so boollosti.; 00 do g to: , Lcookm., SI tO do. to Prib;;... to Irtrtr.:.. - to.: to Pas bors tO _ Hootborir II 00 ItairogOtookto lorowOot to Heim Ittiook, Rot. tordant. - aato at moll" is/ rogior*.i tam troot, or Goottosowot .44: 0001 . M ls3ls C i lt .5 00551 4 11 : pa, - Tim sta. 14 for ovi tiollitoirtro it thaw . .. Toe taLlikr Inki!±llatloa_agsl. Osiki?•sy imas, num, DATA,44100;.-. ' Broldww111:14- JOHN 11101IPSIN, Aga; • Sammtami 3 Ontiloos• Pros the Bstuoti, WOW( ' • Pliabot, 11101111UPPRICI3 'UV 1 1 0 ROOkit UP -IL , tint'etiaitanT= . 10.111a.+-111i.Agoasay Monti= Wing sada annagetneits 4041111 • new idaillnant Itodglit Beans on .tb• ^AIYsDNJ Man. tattwaltittainUng inn ente• th* - A l l W Y•lroan, sn% &KUM Utilities PIM, wilt be noting* milli tet•lur sake tb• 111. i: It: Depot, on Ptb•itteeti iind tar sardoliri, 4..0ad daspiatkititinastemair 31411.' , • nittEr s, Pitts • July'ettt;rlV- 11•" - it. 'Bpi ti • ...respect:oj 'Wanes liMo callous" bU: be pas !Asa ippalild ads ma etsi 11•610erituu 01111111 INT Allll,oosWou 1111r.i grnegooillatadl4l4,9l• Lupe MIMI II al Oft* MOS WhiCh -t iciPY .; :: 43 01011. "12.1ft l i ge; t. * - I I UM 515 W CUT 9°.• SV - 14 ..!# altil % D a *ad _ VOW LIVEXPOCKot g 4 / 01 : 11 #,41,24.L- -1! minx. to Psnougais.}-rai lbw Wash- Ship PXIMILIELUBIIta Mir 'killignig at GrallUalt, 'WINK VOL 10141115 a 4trir. !,', An **lit We Mina Itolli ri• _____ l l/ be *RP k i sedialsio% .ad If • • fo r sir,, . l& he os ink noriped,li pavasaniisalw.,,z, Tat te.s4litteral to Oki aideiropesi vto, I, GIAL . AL - -- : loath Gm et.lleataaars. Na. 81"..... e . WINIAL Jfrl3. LIGGVIT • ii Othrei* e . usisoxgner. , oeFtreeitaggeeksi~iPP. bmt arlaiiieli -..— • TillaWfitilek dam. '. 'die• ' anithjiii* liUtle Nui-iiiiejelitor mut taeitiewilerei* a* 1 :NigeriazinYVATi.o , ;-.-x ' u .'..40 . ,.. 1 . L FAMIIMIIIMPO- titlr•l. 4,, , vr.11. . ~1-- F rnit ~..) ;r4,:s:' .;~...., y~. :,~,~ ;. . x..liiixsza.