The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, July 16, 1863, Image 2

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DAVID 111V111 1 ;
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1, • #ll[4. 11011411:1 N.
14/. &wry etwAtimiAir:
6110101 , HaItILTON. .
Aw Mmes.. d A. Fear.
Geverairr.taning. -
The drawwnd fe least to have dwelled
Ai 'Oki:lls4 the gielidejaWe wheat Harris.
burg: , atilll Ike 'Work of ;Govenior-maklng
*Came Ws hive fetid &respite.' The battle
elood-hai-involved theo
*af:magma, and but
. .
fur the chassoteriatio telegrams compound
ell either o 1; ~p anic terror, or extrarairant
• elation, and smacking-so "atrimgly;of the
itiotilig vice& sof 'the one who'd'
suppdee th - st the peity.chapmen and hook
stare a !hot politioel wart had taken them
emit. iluoY, With...the iichivee.-
W mood is sometimes not smile.
TboOtiddese mothereaved hereon, "the pious
diA.eate"—if our memory is faittwal to
early impressions—under some such wisp
per; at the leek of Troy, and who known
whether stick a vesture might not prove
convealent [osome of the aspirants to pub
liojevor at, the approaching Convention
We' Ina itowevei, that it
shall be worn by any boiy on that 0001)816o,
• if we can find Light enough to scatter it. If
Ores be soy aeon-imposter—any hiokanns
—in the crowd, we will insist on lifting his
betimu, akevery risk. IYe say betimee
'there are serious objections to any of I
oar centildittee, tie" may as wellbe known
before. as after the nomination, when they
are sore to pierce through the gauzy film
which a misplaced reserve may have de-
alined to penetrate. We cannot afford now
to Stand on ceremony, no matter who is in
the way.
Wo do not know the prograinme, tf there
is one. We cannot yet foresee who are. to
be the candidates. We hear, however, that
the Governor himself is stirring. We learn,
moreover, that some pains have been taken
on the other side to disseminate his special
menage—not the one following his dinner
st, Wathlogton—ln whiehhereprobated ar
bitrary arrests, While Gov. JOHJIBTOJI, of
Tonneuee, and Wainer, of Indians—both
Dcmccuats—and the same who were denied
the privilege of speaking in the Capitol at
Harrisburg, were justifying the sate so
. 'farmed se mild and accessary; but the still
later one in which he surprised the Legit'.
. In:sand the public by the Informationthat
he should have to decline the honor of I
-th.eietnion for the reason that the General .
GOvninkesit had - bespoken his seloices in
'sioniolilglier capacity. This precaution has
been we amine, because our woe
Governor is understood to bee: madmen
a hide Oblivion of his engagements, and
' ' g,jserotiiiiigg
• surroundings, that he does Itot, always
know himself what le is likely to do in the
futhre, and bethinie that otheti are there-
,p,eitiored- and bewildered by mint
demonitrations of his friends, and "royal
progresses" " own, which Beim to
strait it limit in the liiieetien of a hope
that homey be again invited to administer
the affairs of this ancient Commonirmith:
Whether these- inaAliesiations are only
intended to minister to the harralese per
song gratification of the innumbent, or
Akive as ulterior purpose, we do not pro
tiond to knoll. hatscipposed, however,
funil.very-rectently, that these fears were
.4r:windless. , We had not entertained the
_idea that, Waking to some leading events of
bts administration, and their effecti upon
• tileletittie;ee'ef thel,4publidaiepaity,
timer Cosy= would be willing to run the
j i l t . ti t tletot a esoolod cauvarts, of would be
- iettouted to do so by those who are as
'tnitett interestid as himself in awakening
-noamino; ot - Intell•_thanseodons, and avoid
log au scrutiny - et tergeiten records, even'
it too ideate of Ilie Until had been inclined
to risk the mamma of theologies( by taking
,Mt:Lagos with iltailopeid, entail Wm
_ happy-tusiseqarnoss. -
As in tines like these, however, .when
• great intereets--when indeed the very life
9f . , the natio n ti.ity.-be, staked on the re
' oiinnOt afford
to putaity Unita*. risk ; the slightest alarm_
lissectobitowerlooloe despised, and an
'..„SiiititiOliteritiiftitisii.mai be at learie'ew.
.;.-_:amed,lfitienotabseltitely required.
• ''''''Llt.tiftionstrr a question that - either the
.4d" itltainth:44i-has I:hanged its mind; or
shamed "Au. There
gsgo , gajes*.;:litinigliad = for- - this, of
whins sire' :rdo , sisah
at The lack Wainer, . no
tortoni, that delegates bate beat ,
lid for inn by sindry Codnit Conventions,
- 2 - Without objection outliers/1i notwitiudind
lug his ostensibly iiihdrawil. Otheni:are
• Waved to be in his interest, if the chasm
shall offer for kin nomination. His recent
visits to the Itoprilialthook, and to the city
• of Erie, with IND orations and bulletins es
troordiaary of progresses and- receptions,
. with which they were attanded,are not with
out their significanee.' Hs stands now be
, fore the peOple so s candidate, in the face
of hie public disclaimer. It is claimed by
his friends that he will be carried by as
_'lt is insisted, at all events, 'ae
. a probobie casia—it is undeniably 11. possible
one----that in the " espeetgd .0 12 filet "a"ff
rival candidatia, he might be sumessetilly
, urged air alienable in UM way of Comity
mdse. ;'IL is nadmatited that inch a coitist
geney,is loakedfor bylis supporters. The
time be orMit, thereforS when it is near .
. tiny for those .to speak out who think it
ought to be proventid. - - Wears assuredly
s of Otathruaber. We had - not, reprded it
as an eventuality seen to be thought of, with
" such minions as he knows and we hie, to
elitist. would deplore it as , a
oreUktuilsitilipo tlu tioualry t .andshudder
:krua t aitleyecribtliii for the derail semi*
beds not the man for crisis, end
C would litvolve mils Millet of defsatevenit
lea slum by evidence .so
dear, !Hi alai as to disposed his aipirspd
eathOttli thous who wish wall '
,-,010 4 0 04 ocalts7 We lava
Ft iimo Candidate to Perriband no perectil
sentlifsnto to gratify. We ban always
;given our support to Governor Coins, ah
sr. .mss ~._.
~__ . _ . _ . __ --..-. _ .- _ L r=_• ~ is~_A~''—`~
if as it was possible, and bare been silent
toccone things of which w•gnght perhaps,
to hare spoken. As • candldste for re
nomination, the case is altered, and silence
would be no longer pardonable. 34e may
be excused, therefore, while we intlmsteno
choice, and decline to ass who ought to. be
the candidate, for stating some of the rea
sons 'why' our present Gerernorrelovis all
other man ought wok
Enough, hOWeritir, by Way of introduction.
What we have to say further will mow
In addition to the painful end horrible
facts, reported in thp account of the New
York riot, yid.* the Telegraph bas trans-
mitted to ne, we think slew scenes sketch
ed in fuller detail, may be presented to our
readers, for the sake of- the iinpresaive les
son they teach. We take the' following
from the New York Times, of Tuesday:
- .trines smolt. IMPIZUSTUDIST zzzzz
Soon after the rioting hips, Superin
tend*, Kennedy_ hurried to the scene in a
carriage, anti as he alighted a portion of
the crowd recognized. him, greeting Ma at
fleet with unotunpitmentary epithets, and
afterwards with blows. A score or more
of the- ruffians -fell upon him, and dealt
heavy blows upon his head, lace and body,
injuring' him severely. They doubtless
'surd have killta him outright, hid not •
strapptng telloVl l in the crowd, felt - scene
compunction &tithe brutality of the MIL,
and deatteiiiiito the'resoue. By vigorous
blows he kepi a clear apace about Mr. Sew
neily's prostrate body, until two policemen
gathered up their Cutef and removed him
to a place of safety. in addition to hut
'natant oats and bruises, Sir. Kennedy we.
also a sufferer in the loss of as watob,
spectacles and gold-beaded cane. The rut
bans in this as in Apia, other instances
made plunder a part of their programme.
sound or Tlla usrais Amon roe con.
oaxn aill.LDais,
The Orphan Asylum for Colored Chi
dren, was visited oy the mob about tour
o'clock. This theututton is situated on
Filth avenue, and the sending with the
grounds iced gerdens adjoining, exteeded
trout Vorty.thini to Forty-tourth erect.
Hundreds, and, perhaps thousands of this
rumeni, the majority or whom were women
and children, catered the" premioes, and in
the molt exceed and tioleut manner, they
raniecked and plundered the bidding hunk
cellar to garret. Tee building was located
in the malt pleasant and healthy portion
of the Cu". lc was surely a charitable
lostuution. In it, there are on en average
Odd or MU hematite*" colored orphans. Toe
building was I. large tour-story one, with
two wings of three atones each.
le hen it became evident that the crowd
designed to destroy it, a flag of truce rip.
peered on the walk oppueite, and the prin
ciples of the estobushineutmadfe an appeal
to the excited popular*, but in vain.
Here it was that the . Chief Engineer
Dicker showed himself one of the bravest
among the brave. After the entire build,
tag had been rariesoked, sad every article
deemed worth carrying away_lad been le
ken—and this included even the little gar.
MMus for the orphans, which were contrib
uted by the benevolent ladies of thin oily
—tlitiVreinixes Were fired on the Ant floor.
Mr. Decker did all he could to prevent the
fumes from belt% ekindled, but when Ibe
was overpowered by superior numbers,
with his own hands he scattered the breads,
and eflectually eitthgeisked the - damn
A second attempt,was made, and this time
in three differentparts of the house. Again
he succeeded with the aid of half a dozen
- or his stay in defthtiog the initawalaries.
The mob become highly exasperated at his
conduct, and threatened to take his life if
he repeated the act On the front steps of
the building, he stood - up amid an infuria
ted and" helfdrunken mob of two thous
and, and, begged them to do nothing so
disgraceful to humanity as to burn a be
, esvolent Institution, which had for itirob
jail, nothing but good. He said It" would
be a lasting disgrace to them and to the
city of fie w .Yerk.
These remarks seemed to have no goad
'Weiss upon them, and meantime the prem.
taco were *gain tired—this time in all pests
of the house. Hr. Droner, with his few
brave men, again extinguished the flames.
Tele Lest imu.brought.down upon him the
vengeance of all who were bent upon the
destreotion of the asylum, and but for the
fact that some firemen surrounded him sled
boldly odd that Hr. Decker could not be
taken except over: . their bodies, he would
have been despatched the spot. The In.
sticutiott wee destined tq be buried, lad
afar en hour, end it" half of _labor on 'the
part of the mob it was in flames in; all
parts. Tbree.or tour persoss were.horri•
thy bruised by the, fatting walls, but the
- names -we could not ascertain: There is
now surest) , one brick , left upon another
of the Orphan Asylum.
ATTACK b1.011.21in TainUni OlTibL
- - - .
Daring the greater part of the_ day •
crowd,ousuposed principally of overgrown, amused themeettres by going 'knuckle
the various newspaper 9th Coll cows town,
cheering the batmen which announced the
progress of the riot in Um upper pan of,the
Guy, groentisithe editors:et such jottrosii
as were deemed obnoxious by the Mob, fed
ceasing and beattig - esery person of color
who mermen to makable appearance. The
Teasel', as smatter of course, came in for
the principal shore of the greens, nod it is
bat lair to *JO that the Doty Nan tunop:
olisedthe °lona& Various blow were given
out by the rioters that use Melees °tad be
attacked in the eveoteg, b vs ut they were nol
credited, or if they sire; no, preparstioos
sipper to havirbeen mode LO repent. About
'along the crowd of boys
begin to be swelled by a different elms of
roughs; who'appeared on the ground with
clubs in their, hands; and, Irmo - their 'sk
*mos . had evidently been engaged in
the more bloody workiip town; They)mme
gathered - around: this. Preset °lkea
had commenced..a sense of the-meet un
earthly groans and demonise yells. In a
few inOtOOIIUI one the' more - forMard
among them minthiencettin aUsele on' the
dove L of the Obligation ofilpe, 'Which was
Wald, but et Mak soon give Way io :Use
pressure of demob, who,' amid the ursithing
of biokendoors sod 'windows, rtithed
body into the building. :in a 1110.110 a t, more
ales of the Album were throwkout ,to' the
crowd and torn sad scattered to the irladi;
In less thaw Ave minutes the .offiee was
, completely gutted and the desks and °Dun.
' tors, upset and broken.. At length
mon of the Wiwi Police tame rush= I
lag up Nassau street, and on steing them
I the mob, ' which numbered setae's than four
hundred men and boys, ran like so many
sbee p t e l n eaving Printing -lunar square, in
has three =incites, almost se Meer of
pea - "Mille of a Bundity 'nothing. It was
a Oath" .
,illustratloss'of the cowardice of
a mob when eonfronted by &handful of de
termined °Mouser the Several shoes
were Ark by .the;polloewen at the :;ring.
leaders of.the mob—bati sotares lotion%
none of thentioik Wadi Omit the
man wan 'also shot at hy,a , rioter, the ball
taking' affect In the - . The mound is
serious, but . it is thought - not dangerous.
Before leaving the Office, the rioters met fire
to the buildlng, but it w as sratillythshed by
pollottuthil before limit dahageWas dons.
OVISJ3ZI I UPON 001.021D11111141111.
Among the most cowardly featuree of
tie slot; and one which indicated its po
litical imam and the ,cunningly; devised
one,,khattnut beenstrat to the noun by
Arid*: oktblesit i watt wasthe
- tncitttliest .01 , the
a s • city. It semsed.,6l, be an
understood thing throughout the city,'
/hgnegrims should be attached wherever
I found, whether they offered any matt&
{ , n ~..
.tna ~. ...~.._ ....'. . .....::: ... .:. ~..
donne not:: As soon as one of thette 4 1112:
fortunate people was spied,' Whether on • -
cart, a :enema (far, or in the - street,- he
was immediately set upon by a crowd of
men and boys, and unless some man of
pluck came to his rescue, or he was fortu
nate enough to escape into re Building, be
was inhumanly beaten andVeritape killed.
There werfeTrobably not less than • doaen
negroee 'beaten to death in different parte
of the city during the day. Among the
meet diabolical of theini outrages that have
come to our knowledge is that of a negro
cartman living Carmine street. About
8 o'clock in the evening, se he was coming
out of the stable, after having put up his•
horse, be was attacked by a crowd of
about 400 men and boys, who beat him'
with clubs - and paving stones till he was
lifeless, and then hung him to a tree op
poeite the burying ground. Not being
yet - satisfied with their devilish work; they
set dee .to his clothe and danced and
yelled and swore their horrid oaths around
, his burning corpse. The charred body of
the poor victim was still hanging upon
the tree at 'a late hoer last evening.
. Early in the afternoon, the proprietors
of each saloons and , other places of bald.
nese... bad Lsagroes in their employ,
were obliged .to close tip for fear that the
rioters would destroy their premises. In
most of them the negroes were compelled
to remain over night, not daring to go
home lent they be mobbed on the way.
At about five O'clock &large body of riot
eters, differently estimated from one hun
dred tordawe hundred—the latter much the
nearer figure—marohed_ down Broadway
with a banner inscribed "No Draft," with
the American flag, and with every conceiv
able diabolical Weapon. They amused
themselves on the way by cheering and
grasuing at will, and occasionally kitties
or maiming every "nigger" they- met.
When below Fourteenth street, they avow
ed their determination of entering the La
Fargo Rouse, sod seizing every catered ser
vant there. Fortunately they were met at
amity meet—unexpectedly to them—by a
body of police, some two hundred strong,
under inspector Carpenter and Sergeant
Copeland. The potion iastantly formed
company front, and, with inspector Car
penter Jar in advance, at cacti
charged on the "double quick." The Nei
for • few moments was savage and terrific
Men fell by the dezea under the sturdy
blows -of the police, who had orders to
"make no prisoners." and in five ,minutes
naught. 'salon of the lawless horde but the
bodies et than ruffians who were knocked '
senseless lying on the ground. Too muiih
credit cannot be *warded to the police for
their behavior on this octagon. They did
not know whether one hundred or five
thousand of the lawless were their adversa
ries, nor did they watt to asoertaio. Oo
they charged, and in Ave minutes were
masters of the situation. Capt. Carpenter
was tar ahead of his men with- recklesi
courage, rushing tato the midst of the Mob,
and handling his club against fearful oath.
It is a wonder be was, not killed. This
charge, and-it. success, mast have hid a
salutary effect, being the first regular tight
with the organized mob, widely:owing them
that the police are their superiors.
The pollee, at the time they met the mob,
were on their way to !diger Opdyke's house,
in Fifth avenue, which laws. rumored was
to be attacked. None of the police rim
seriously injured in the encounter, whit
least two of the rioters were killed, an d ,
or fifteen more were so badly used up that
they will not be likely to take a hand la
weather riot.
In the early part of the day yesterday,
there were a number of respectable work
men and persons engaged indifferent caw
potions in the city, who won momentarily
seduced from their labor and their work
'shape, and went with the crowds in the
street. But they at ewe saw the horrible
character of the mob and the stroll=
work they had on hand; they heard their
threats and saw their shocking brutalities,
and were only too glad to get out from
among them. At last the mob or mobs
were imposed of only the vilest men in
the pity, and there was not a crime con-
tenable, from tiring houses to hanging Be
gins, of which they were not capable.
The reign of ruffianism was short, but it at
last became a reign of the true article.
101,110 SWUM
Some of the 11011/11:11 inlhe side streets of
the city, during the day, were painfiti in the
extreme and•homillaungto human nature
In the streets running north from Coinal
street, where many colored people reside,
mobs of fouWooking boys and men scoured
up and down in the afternoon and evening,
in pursuit of negates, who mei* assailed
wherever found; and our reporter observed
in one gang, several women armed with
atlas, rushtng to and Ire with the elle and
cowardly crowd; but it is only justice to
eay that the voluabla tongues of these
women gave Tint to their thoughts with so
eionntuation which was never acquired on
this - aide of the 'Atlantic °ann. 11 tees al
most, impossible to look down any street la
'Walter' of the city or soy other, without
setieg a crovid soviet hither and thither
or standing still , in nested conversation.
They seemed to have no !Pedal object in
view. They appeared to have had no evil
defined atrocity to perpetrate. They were
rather on the look out, for something upon
which to wreck their bad paselons.
PUBLIC moricza.
, Lino Of IMISCIAIII Usistior
• ' Jmy no. 0114
00/VIPE N D. —'--T he 'hostess of :tbe
. ri.tssee.s anemias, tan this des tis,
now &sifting all WO Dria.llll6 &IN u - stirri.
tialITS torsion, so the aorta stack el Os
• Vstalltlih tO 64.xdlibmies•r Sib too
tetrootstis & JAN IS Clithlwrre
• ,t; • Treasurer. ,
fi:s.eU, - win AUBINIIV..-1 MBA' O.
tat•tod strealthoo to motoroolortipst , ‘
drr oho .620 Ma tir Orat. haste. oattk. tie Ut or
Lana DaaL •U &rots olio amebas Watt WU
Palo ttattloal,th seam data.
40•80/1. 11 , 13114. looltr - dlott
Saato. Bart • •
Omit of Third sai Wood sato% Rttrairwalie
' IMMO Ali: eosin 'immune, to, I,
' 1414omfgh, Jae - .,' LOCk, , •
•Irr. -- DIVIDEND;—The fitisident !u2d
uler Melton of dm 411Neurey. Iftanamir Co
time dN dog_iSodonal Third/null of -Cs 0 Thol,
LABS A/ADRIA"' Coal, (110 60}pot 'hue OA Di
ch. oaralopot tbs ISS, ILI amanita, poeble to Moak."
whist. oio .ad snot ilioadas. th. 'VA bee.
• *- /I Q". 'lg*-44..!7i'L
s Lag0n024...i. 110 04)0k11014004 01
tivlr us' Little- lbw we'
MOT netted - OW se 1040loa'stll 14-1.414 , ••
Pisensi sad Dirsobis.brbeurfat tbtaubbat
Iw, .n W 0041,41.104 Wib day ol is 44;
thi410:444 the Dumpo% 7.41404110441144, 44
b 4.
gem the bowler 1 bat 4 4WD* p.
4400. - lairemaLb,l4.4llv4L
fI — DIVIDIND.—The tookboldas`or
rittoballt Oki ,
lotoolforf.l l llo botoloy ottiLd stut •
fittlalltaT. boo nth day boo flodatod. Out'
of Ito polltl of Mt loot LI Ikoatits, magi•llortlk•
IfotANE 114111/bliff;
Onwaoa Vairsaantaxiararanai t. 141
Mahwah, law Illkb„lrev .
tb Babaorlbas to arriltook et thorWest.,
an Tnmaportation Choppy that as sersamaast a
VIVI Tabus= ($5 Orr nth MUNI b bar
Meal arm tbr stakrabaorlbode wads at th a G ma,
a mil .Tas.une, Tia a ugs as a taws tba
ISh a j os%
as • Uki ampabb •"7
of ibb uhtli 0. 111 , 111 P0 1 . 1, 04*
, • hada dadata's CMGBo}
• 22 st rad.
Plttsb6 July is, Isis
war ;...iiiasada b - dolma at 01"
oNla ada 11111•1 dO3lll l / 1 9. July 11.0% at
to *Wadi for 8.141D1N11 AID LODGING enhM
Ash hod ths tad d daft capedlal all time land:
alladd. Mos us allsdisaW s. daulland to
Us mamma SbeatlO bs 4110W11104 ba...
DlaMatl did tbs wade iber aaa
fitideltllll4 th• PO"?' tald -1 41 11 1a4a.
'Welt vat bmid. awlbl by IM Itrild
miasmal' dia ,im IMM - aal mid
iss mad - Mm oats pur /mo belt
mdny Nam 1.1 1101 1011a1/11, •
thilita sad news.
mug 111 DK Wads
Beast" MS.* dam ewe:
• 22d Mt tact Peettsylrente,
• 91; .corm •tool, rl , tiborgb ,
Wiljter .1! E —'nlitftitute s ill
b. exasele.d et ads 0111 , 0 b Lb. hours
of ten saderte trek. 44.7. top Ulf £today ties that
pinion dueled 1. crooned to v. port '
Ilona' permit eseh on. of poeseoilitimbetitu t m
mutt girt swan to mkt-, tote* to ad, et dog the•
day lee/ •ill epyeer. •nd giving toe tact lhate's
Amide l'ilddeace, ego, nod•h , ll,o - ell at r
d II:a
Whtll ata sotatione to teed .114 sworn te, tae
mon wit see ite o evinced. that t he le en
moped, sobee.t tow actiltiary may etuttee, use hem
fwri.ei alou divfitd, b, Immo, of hotilug 'moth
ed be aoceptaile etheettate.” • '
• . Pella!, ST pr SMO.
the payment ut atm hitalret Millais to the Qom
tafisleat ef &detrital Berea. ID lite district. Mill,
on premetatlee of 'h • duplicate no Lb of this of.
the day cm *Mott the pore. dts
Is ordered to report, vet 1 coma tits et von to a err.
Old mle tost he -Is ttdisarieged from farther fin:tufty
soder fhb d.. t.!'
Th•follawb?‘ le pathelie I Lee rtglestion• at
tire Proyeet Boreholllmerat, fur itikrtMetbid of -.11
%he dowecter sod amouteof video es Tor ittie to
de-Ida lb. Owe los of area ilecoltre ou .1 oupt of
ego mart be d. le mined by dot Bo.rJ of 11DIV1101004 .
/1,1011 diligkilaloo.l 140 she do b. deem, end .atlf
proved t.,Wo Baud, bee re elettio grouted
uodem athlete,: The od owing it ides•Leald Wlorr,
to y mond..
The atddielt at the prim el timing eteaPtthh
1:01130, hien ca en b. noel al, •Upsm , dby ea ma, h
W tae follow Ely as taii be ole.alti.d.' or
mq b • deem. d nqu..ta r
I. by au .31M...trawl extract from the legal reg-
Cary m btraa U hoer, be sue each ,rimy. . .
a. By ary.dtl.r .411101.1 d.. evi
dence leircieg to.etaa4eu tit- tact el 40..
B. Bribe midday. to hit. µmete
4. by lb. sittlant• of iamb ovier respectable per.
Sous (Riot Wm to.. to.) tim.ds Of I autumn Si are
must d.dy Wbe furores. d ou toe igubjezt.
Tr *await ett avtd.oce 0.1,10 ityullred to east.'
Usti • dal On 10 tieluptluta u of 1.4110 01.1c13 Otte
card awl/. d weep - • nod ft lo toy 1440 the Oudot'
ba. re• sou to Coati% cboilleter or &efficiency 01 lb.
evidence smite oust it sit old a.O-11.. g Raton the
extra:Mon, olch additi.ual p. out o.lky
quire be trammed lu tfee to b. tat sleeted. without
oeleetog toe he fns ut t *Wait.
The wltamese euuuld to Ott coos swear tb.y an
b. ado of Loud's, end are ieeldeuts of Old totted,.
Uttar t6D lIIEN i.nrte—T
horn the Canoga Dwtrlemt,l2 Lim days mentioned he
tot, elm
geethItD&T,JULT 18—Theise from the 71114
den MI. Third Sad lf..attl. %Anis. ehtebu gh. •
Tlitlftellalf,, JULY tr. the. biao Denman
Eighth sod Moth raids, Pittsburgh.
'IWO& ff,jULY 07—Lneri.1.1.061111. 1401 pal mice
e. Neat Piusimigh, diu'uougaoela tkrutiebi
Coati Pithowilgh, Iliteologt...i. • 500
11 . 1L011q011.'11t5...1*14. Wan Illtsoureth, Who
-4,1 tom, Pius, quo Outi
• TUB DIY. JU LY —Wrinkle touto.blp, Patton.
iretmotlis, Itlltsw.h, Both J. ttio o.te. enuedeu,
hakt•liti Lamer Imr, hum., eat I, Upper et.
. law, Charlie n Mouth s rivet im hart, • spite.
it..wamuu. bleoD, Lteetesot sea tie. its.
J. ba,
• CiiiMals and Provuori hiarshai2lo
jaldttia ado.
VW other Ikon phielcal rliabilty. In wrltlnlls sc.
iinalonlod try 'rape. o wt I on bood by lb.
11.4 of Zo.onaa..l o ono at. Lnioic4 o 1Kouot)l'
vair• boa..eas on. hour. of two 4. o clock
JAM,. until Oa nrcay, ...II tow th Plit•bur. b.
afp boom" wit bays o 113...... n•• I. *r1.911,
In too 1.11.. oftee:conor. t onfk IcAoao art nrolaktolo
.•11tiL .ill b• Yillia.••• • .41 • 141.••••
' at. lady isardor, qf wean mei .0
ppna, .1. el 1;0500 ri re •il..a . s, AL. the. board.
otnnt 01 the baud vg
J kiLUNN rO3Tin. .
hlSat Ospt.led Provo t ohs', kV DI.. ra.
irSW star essaremigolizirra.
A ?UM Heat t S UPPLithiK24 I- TO AN
&GIL MIDIS sfit.:l • nt Wed •••n urd loan as ace to.r
clog Übe a 0 of neon to tx. az 111.0.e1l for Ittnn
lama in Mann. of ento.riptlon. to Danner
tementak" p.-..d iTtlt It6l. t
Doc. 2. De It enintoled noon. it of lifavir;4l
- and eltisesiipf Iliu&sryl , txtfte ant am
mo. Cboacil. eamanfoi,aad at ..kany anneal by
1./ /blab.. abailbeg.f ottia..6 obi of 111.•
ok sup.. • Ut 60..0 LOG ...030 berlib7 NO naCtia.
ad se to annors.the Wee of 800 .a b borne de.,'per
tank latenot,, to ant stantor Bona baart.a ton
per cent. oh an fin por one. r.d. asp
be online , . ie. ih. rood. Nerd the ninon
chinos. at the tin of tlahly-nz per canton of .th.
ancant of lb. old Down mid *WIWI Intnen, la
cam where the hoiden ri.for telt arrocirtm.ot to
the tour par not. Donn ter the sh.l. a eosin. •
Duo I. that brads mkt. ensue Monona tnesend
anion each, boning *neer tear of Be. psi oast' In
nen*. Nosy bi Ina.d for the ornate of Inborn/ of
the ell Bondy to In esolasped on tees Montan as
tbe arson far th,‘ pinup', .ad may b. mod* p 431-
bleat attp tine. not Mae that torfotri•Ois se nor
to eatietbal and dunt.d t lb. /nonce Unn•
• OTdahnd cad enacted lona her InConnelli. thla
Lath day of .1•14,41. U. UM.
Prraldan of Donn council.
Mend: IL ff. litranow, • i
Mu% of nylon Coundl.
Jolla M. YILLVII. ,
Prindun 01 00M11.011 001LOCIL
MUSH Haas,
- Gera of Woman Council.
A N 0111/11li ANON meth° rte. ng the
DM. Iltstlog su Polo gof famats. airy. trot" •
Eta 'met so /altos tirt.t.. •
W.t L Bo it oniabbed 444 yeaciad by dm Maw . ; Ai
dirsoOm sad esta.o.: of Patibtryt, motto:taws u...moa
Omani. asom66/4. ig a. low•by eitteutt 0 tic at.
Amity qt . 4.1 a ma% That la. mow 4,11§1, • 111,445.
too 1.4 be ut busby dmotk4 Il agr atom for 9, op..
tor .b. Grallog, ramp oat .4ht , t .116 Carp,
Psttate atm. boat Loses atuot to 17.1140
era to bt lb. tsar lb ta• m mast. of r tad by tut
4ulasoo. of ilostgAlt, p. a 4 .01011 Et l 67
tot.lataid sod aassa4 Into • Ise bi Cleasolt,thls
.lits slay DI Jell. A D. 1161
Jtldoi VatVLIIT,
Prealdaut of &loot LboacEL
Attest I. Nolnunt,
: Goad tiat.ct U 61161.16. ' L
J nN V. ICTl.Litti..
Tragldaat of Wanton OotOcU.
Utast: Hogg Wlll./.75a.
01.g1g 4k111.51.4 ~0912011.
WSisotin.a.o., s 11.114... ut.ottliaillo met
boo nowt y .oared In tw0...,. wader ou.
taligalilllS obis% smog., ladooto nut tft sots
too surto! lsomoulory foirtto 111' Oat us Ma ;owl , tws ia74Mrßy mkt too Ouron y o
onto, poyosty nook' toot tocua.uoy rp!Olto
.to dl. o•oto• .Wye I bod I . •
lmotowl. 17 a.. ald.riksitod Oltly Ono!
Ptiouso.b. Ils ideas .4 4.0.1001 am,410.....i5p,
impa, tbe.ilayor of No thy booed no to awn.
oini...iiora owl InouisoSal 10 on.. In the swat.
of Stn b 7. a torard et etvii llinadrod !Monne tar .
lb. 01.4... ah; lad sonyktos of tO /woos or PM*.
*boon A • to the noloto. r Oup.Vl foi.roy.O.
II lirloos t.k.14.04, anll 11, Moo, it Sheol lea
and yosoL
J• 101 3,
Attest: 111. H. Hamm -
%HAW labia t.ot
Ts 'wow. o,asa. SCINSB , , rest, Ono .
•• Predawn IN Oes!uacin Oolast,O._
Angst H.AN M i •
- • clerical Often* mut&
- Al /11/119•/
Presatinusi. Jet, Ott; teal
s%fift.ltfivi am. au'horiled
uvv_bs , ° paws,. •/111.
-61101/16.0 LKOULLAI saw• IND t lA* c I skirt.
ni sad OnMiPielliel ANIMA.* ar. p.m us I.ll# see
An miss bolding :tautly NOV 1.4
woos ..;-, ;
- ooseruxiiia 11 Aar'.
An tatter ha% aa4 fa : a icad ataia of ailtivaiklu
Wltllllll4 i 0 TOODIej law IZtlia BLitt
rir,Emit 1110pilkitith . 11 roiarde,i szilisga!d
of Mai get“. 06Ata indtr air witsl;6ll3. ett.
-aw la Baldwin iagriah'p anal lino stile hose duo
t 7 •, Digit's al
;WM* r: ISSOL 0.0., 18 5
•ity Itrast rittsbero. Wbotala. ore,
anti Oemnilessoa Morebist., red deem is CVOS.
TIT Plio./DllOll4 ray.Vlolo•ll,' 111100, LIZ%
B OTTAB NM& 01111111514113% 44 tigDOOL
SLID% 011.01( D 4 SIII§
4*.adVlls. " ' /714
3 (1 1 ,46 Atll,l bUTT612....thle Lttirq
11110 Lz
I.Tryt= -0111 ip.11:00411W.PlOkoot
F a . B llLATeifflaket" PP, 04. fiinnipg
. ash' •oit.y. . 01
an Ma skut of put wr. sit
*Laos mum • sits . ato 4 "' " , °' 4 " 1 " 413
It9slss.lslmue.ol. %bp o•Der pill oss• for.
,tima t or NS
- est ' >+: of tan*. Pk 4 " 4k41.:
ala EvU
• rlslkON SALK The
%.0. bell plateau tb soli M. las noir conies bast 'IL Ind 999999 '
tQ lallatl. tlk Is ivibmoss tbs whole al Stm OM
mat ninth Ward& Ifigalfell., MAgrer.4
/1011„ betwom Bud 6 diglock P.'lll..** it *Us's,'
4 " . ". Nab atttekbMwma • and
1111 t 1 &W. mita abbi. Cardin.'
NOTIOL—AII peinon! rid~Dtod to the.
lab inn el 91 . "-- NeataLL4lPD.
1 1"14 " ° P a J"lr t mi,./re se snow,
r. ens eis ofte e ems
de etas te Mese quiitykr«,
moviviinuf hr ugh ' 1•41111
Ins to lON
0 - alga MX salai ts.
T 114 U-44.10 psgs o. ou
1.11:11 IlLia
-1 SIIITtIe.—WiNTZD.—Wit east *ay rit itt7
ta , a r (N ISSI US. To Isciral!y vtos hands, sot a few
II a...&011:411111116. to-shoat Itlbi7 jobs sat , the
highest woo .111 be When. • To Moo who go not
knotestent Zanotti* vs took' say that rota
1: 1.,
ty sad. IlOst to, thew GOOd schools, dtkO
ba motet Id 0 oltalOtthasad every than* to sulks
• rossaaatiaidaumidsmaseaatLi•dia•l4. .... .
ddrue or apply to It. aT. EILAb DV.
311a0ls nou n rosins *ob. ,
- - le rid*
Jad ..rottiehdikor (MIAs
at she Seto egtiat twerenees Os ; isid.epaw. 0 ,..
td. and others Intereced.
as the Isatanee at D. B.foeeribirrelit
citrl to be and iipeiit before hit 2101111.28.
Suit. aeghoer mats of eifeceentribilarttnibre
laTUltitta, , tlit 1146. dscet July. lest.; all Xitte.
burgh. thre Ind dun le tits out beton e; r dada.
le , tettoo Sc the" Edict ed.r.dweleel. at theiceilel
gap geld lUltets elirelVnet Motel* read 1). 8.118:
Ilices. or nom other tt pence : t_ ,
Oman snare op beat eatl 14•1 day al .
Joly:•.t. P. MI: Wll!..F.Aitttitacoozr
comelftecillefslOtioa of Ito •00211OBIllk.
TIOS LaW Is mold 0f0b76 ciais, at
. _no L 1.12 ass. nalyd stew
litrztr& "
zroua amen Ate s. Aim smuts
AU lIIIISTLY /MX% et - - •
10 . 02.11 T utifikuabp, rosairoum tag
at '
lba •01d Pat at Dteimall
P2A80.6 7.llolVrall cal, ewith
NOVAL% to Quip Bald al
.SOHO BOORS, co! all Wail% at
oar Th. calleltrPIPTION lAN sad rare 01
Weis Is/ Pasengs rum sus
Dliarr, mat posi•pold. on unify' of price. -
.10111 N P. 11:11UNT,
U- e. VL41.68.
Houses, Pole', Nell'elation', ON
Nara or rim D 1132 surrriso.
■irta STIUT,OrmuzTH P.O.
J ntST E U 111 D
98 Marligkt, Street,
a Iraq Iris arciitimirt of *mar. KIN*
agd CIIIILDWri DOM, 4an214 atialt o .
S W P / 11 4*,' ALo i f r. / F I Y ir jam/
TOCTSUP 1100111,DALIIIWIL it &LBAn 01t:
OBEN airme,wog I sot
. .
FRIONS ihm ors other ;stabli to tits.
Ciall sad two emoineed. at - '
-Isipotlisstsuld genspiorr inns ads,
tx Tar 171sT O r 'WW 2 . in L.
Ciansswinss TEMIADI.I% 11114
JlMaaatrat alai*
- - Janus üb.raucitiaoso
Will 041 tis'lsialsr,glillsWogassii, warn Wpin+
one ass lifsliisssnisimsseS ins& re. l.. lln
.. 1 7• oWbn I 0../5.. wwwkil.• Skwilo'•
thlti 01 , Me iseSslseneer: sasiisselsi S. Tinto.
Walt: 160,• 11 le'dOok. rim , wan
sew • Ilk. Ilse st. • •
PITS AND - 1,001..•RiT11,..i.
Of dessiligissi. In .loti salt , ru cli ism
ogling Ott ailsogss al Usk wills N. Us MT:tn.
now.isaisr.aa„t ssilsralnsin piss to dem is
ins is Is NO s ssisos ta. iisisitsfiedigatbit Mos
osmarnstsid Uses: of 'Um sag L se•issigly
0.n.0. : Wally-MA sot :esti solitsal Ws satin pre !
'dad ft. bat dim pi oinks sissuniatdinus ; .4 «p
spigadisitassassilarog sibisnittid
sad ammo - Ili/tin tsiilssg aisles lidaiSlol 'to She
snanititt k. rssthad Iris
Iliad, slit out SE lad pounisitotity.
.b• immoviriu -to ipaykria ar ISlMart Igor
Us impinge( • .
its_ mites oirrsons HU to sign sines% TNNWI'...
• -• JaW111111:PIIINIIII[11; AssWegist, -
I • Or ilosinsalssals sajlists, lissass'.2llstaulpi
Ass Mn. towns Ins Sanin ' • aid will. Is sod as
sir sob • terssn.., . • • • . , SplAbfnl
ATbAlli Ibblia t
.L soTau NIA& ULM *AMA
aLAI •
mAkwAir _
; Auw•Tmi.stimoraima. tall ' ' .'-. 1
- 211811s/lINIAW II UP. OrAlDOcktOga.
Ot , ‘OUNii. 1.400 NonepOVIINOI A
'.., AVG LI A L i 0.0 liormirommetimo two. • •
Woo oloisolgoo t. htsosaalp AsoldiTlO odd ma
trout Llvaool. vie °Amoy. So BIM Tort. aolillito.
alraDa.t:sa• 1.11 cll'asul; toiktoodr by tali
vi ls
obis tooolsOoro or t.oltolomyolitiesst:lhoimo yi
411141 01. Of Polsollo Won Advapool 6 Mew 'hake s z .
ibis m sow or isetvosln4 M.,4114111,01 I.i ~ i „
tint thAts....4nl (liitle,rif., - .- " so
awescu•bui4......... Ali 01 -•-- .-___' •- ' .-.'-'' I
•aotis mp spoly.attlwellitatel aumAgesto. ,
~, 41/44.14MM:mdMit,
311 a 1 M*IPIIMI Jammil" . :' ' i'
• =•• •• , • • '',', ' -•• .1 --- La4DAPirlift4 1 -1.-,
101 sm ' Acre a Ada MINI. iitUbUla:.- '
SOO bosoodratorollioond Chime
10 1 1 4, .76,147.1 AU j
: to. do'. ooNa two CilOot do;;;: . s
. 2 , l o 4koolo cuo LoOs ia i adoo ,
itco• l 4 lo r oak
StUAL evIUtULMJISeI' , " I ‘' r.
411314 Emu mice tiir !Ansi *O6
M=l ., !P
• •
wou.nap!lpuLt I$
L , JA11311 . 103711, -
e i
111.113/31ITS8 WAI4TEDi-7:
.:.;t YETI DAY
Apply at. ‘ ,/1E:11,110WDJOI &COM,
!visit No. tn otitit
TYDRAMPT, 3 . I ":.I4
• 1„, , ;:' " wiai lytitiON
v, •••=1 J .,
- ; loc ,„
tom 01.0"6
• •ig - ti
_ Tad 41.041 WOW •
— lllFtitit.—W• Ivo•larbalids la!
Iwo lON /kelorlvol. WPM , WWI 40
hie , - • InalFrA.
*. .
"L~ ,, ~~
So dos oat our
To aryl arra" entail tioatta a ark 51*
MB STOOL vs ban dassodued to
Rs daar vit a lo Such a Point
in:4;4.111i%0 to ItUT
Ow nffliallatall. bah ambaus halal
lam Islay !Mu& a!r . r tito to oak, noir , of
zaulataa. cioops.
Wa t m eieat, ibll g t=i l;l 4 7
lirthants alit Dettiri Who buy to Cul
ynt!lDa Otire
I - ithsqKiwituir a
it r~_if nrte set
swamis: piqlll.?OF,T4 - , - , •
For sifipczydriii*/* tier
tr AtE
~.. • ..
robimascui t i.temop. foolindwao. Is
. 9/714 ernes, ?PI
. . .
Am. A.. 11". 331164',.
.21 wpm Edionvr.
gal tab'• kr
YUg 001IPLE11111,
,i 1.4111.117
Pn I)oollirsautirtre
JULY.fits : • - :103.
II kit - IG:A
77 and-79 -Pdarket Eitract.
pausomior viisantaN. HOOP eattalFs,
os , ti ... K ni t * quirepa a.gorar,
as.usit .vsare, BPI". HUD!
- HZre Fella. DI 7110113,,
140111 4 ,0 i MAIM
A r k l ie r at i etti *l;7 /1 -" th irisa .11st k000 a.iwiu na.
Width IN ilt• waft Jett tio l lth
**, JOB. BORNE * Oa;
- ff 111;0711 1113121 ff.
Oft lOW LT Tri .d r... 0
. .•.!
' sat c ' isrpaiabiekst oar:
am 6:mut la pies ! itiviesuisthstr
• 1
;Alt ;
1 , 0.1.4 k
Xll*-I::..4 l .o.4t i figt ll . 4 f L O U F S
:•.11 a on
Ida. •;,3
:•-• . •EUE.I
: t
J. - IC; ICITILC Erin))
L,Lr, it AEc1.5.4
, TWi, , ;41(;1.L4
• ate..:.`
1 7:
.... ,
•;,1 t !, 't"
00Alifetkr,..0101416VASf.kibel Attu
Aa sksikass, pp* ,Bi!flrik
baba" orinikaitrierppowaw
a n"lk1;l iu . nsaT .
°vimra l / 4 , 901,110/11
ikosaootvusiNnas_ "7.
cdt • •
404111mindiumegitildeabinotihmoibit4 I. a. t ...
• . bran I. alibi seabed ihawl::
abtall,ll•44oatirloalaeial Itlitaillitiocailaitaapata tt
alia arasior raramiliatatora.:c We %amen aolkat
,a .famo anliaafara-aaaararabat "la ova taarara'
sdliallttlai ire thil4la!*( 1 0 1 0
aaalladass deasseallt. l . - - - ...•
1ct• 71 * 1 4 4 . ;
c; - V 1 54, i iior,s#.
1 . 16I'ciiiritCsils' *'' • IND
1 19,4)00=1 : D i o r
4 o.e ; • -.: .
goi Xl7
ian).l 'Fun:
4 1 .9 4 4 . 40.1 1 16;
Li.1 , 1,111111113;11W AllOngiging*:-.
ininetiOWOMlA ,01 1 .4421,124 „ .
'' ! .. , Thibirpo•llotarber sioa vie =idiot
Mb .
.•, , .
*;;IS , 1.0
I Prifflumity.
1 I . r 1 . . 5 4 . 1 1111
0 &LTA%
bll4lll .19 Paid .triel.
e 1; : ~ :}: 1 1: .
Mt ' s!.. btt. tem-lb di Mbsited.
yta shoe. et.. *4. +elect% ri•amota.
fU IS.IQSZ H 7iQ-eoans.
Oaks Oat it irri low ptloty;iht
104 TX sutiot •t;:uit: nrt lissest.
At 1413
AND 011111P3D *MUM lIZIMis
Jest rprolVlL . lar.ll, 11110/Cll at Alaimo dodittio
goady to sholod ootiga,
• itiOnintA °LTD'S,
wr.out *or. Walk'. Mews'&
N im Gummi
iseekrit.Mtitsi, , ' ,--
Ciukai , ila one
DRY Ctio
Jul . 111, 4 1,01
LLU, resin a Gale
IM nwasat.
4411 tIM awe Eirra.
" gsda V "mine , JrAO - Wk.
1111187 - AriWthill ol t -
Et A rititxtx.l. '
„...,....- ...., „ ..:
- - --'9l
Look at tai: Star A.rtiataa:
Ilea "blito•BILININIK
lir. 11. BOLO a'
361111 , 11.1LOstifi
MIS Ftir4 - FLOIIap,OI6:
DIGS&Kara. ourr.go, ; - •
• 7usH PO sow
ILL 1NLV11111051X131,66.0 1 / a ., As
4 OirAilall OF FROGIBIJIM/.7.107/ NIGHT.
Mmiadea4 Fit 02'62%."-Dests'imil:lll7%
oelo k—toIXELIIIMIGI *VS o*W'
uOuit,*,llALlL.i'-On BAT.
' o y gn , p a::::. t taikLlM
wi t%
. al - . l . : eic ethrjri b utxti e W on = de m
& anon anti*. that oettoill 0 444 or rout O i l
Uniteale NW% 11
01 .11,j1"11 lioniudrepidroint '
Unite tronv of 95 Hit.= Covington mint,
ontanoinnta - x Anna CO net tt en SII bang tits
sonoorohtly tun d'los Mo. 64 la I,to pan at mid
auu Cl Moo .-Oralialt o b I Wink* in two
%mit •1121110 141031114. with interim, moniuld by
pond "ad itortgoon -
Bv ordain 4.1. - tinvinatoti
j, Wain alt W.llll l llli agotn.
DAgOtfe ))tai AN BIIGGY.—OneAr.
[rani: siessnieJuly Ist* se .41 u
be load, az tbecoomentat Komi /Kamm ti SUM
aim% at • Svud , Isaltry isitorsks ow Csiskils. obi
one r yap Ha of m
U J.*. tea miaLWWWI6 Anat're.
..1.11../PAZT I 3 II E 3 ;: 3 . I ...Ank 2 &WIAJAX. MUSS.
lath Aar As* W teckx;lolll4 bs "midi at !Wadi%
Ga. dm. oat tat Puns) tv . ata: avian% at, taa tato
bait% wars I. I..ect, at itc,as.ooks Au&
taia loaf /Wan &lasi:Maw boar alai er, io.
jfif - 4 ., //10 1 1b,4 - -40116 W Alba. Ann%
IaM,AURSEiIi',WAN.IIIOOJ-'414 ;Rkhool
fps ilencilki
.ILta t. Mat savic_s, Wet Obit
NASA P./10.11.1%,.. as zgis mg as.
IST ,Agoklsogriai irill N up.
114a.bil—A fee go.d
Tax . a. W idiom MANN. +mist sill teem.
J. B, is *ABB ALLi Ou
' Imps stir,. Al gro 4 .
A, -ea avoto swam; *oaO . l-W. __ want
ou river Zha' yore* orisaismosarsoaa ,
*Kitt strui ustal sad .vanuar - ertagga BUM alto
. asite rim • -
Pomo'. rt..
ILA/ ta.Al.lbaiir4i - .1; ml - i• - • , iireate
-.VIF iduriipire• la WIC, St Pelf 111111estb.
asyssarrpslo. to solltarallitioffwe Susaullemilag
..sppora. :
."1:n i t.....1A4• 10 -iseco_ umH ihioct v
thume t,y
•:-. 4 11 " 0 4 ,1 7 OMR
itkiLk/Ja.U'titlU.Eillti=,.:':..: . ; . -it . :- - ;:•.':..f..
pordwaronatleibttwlll bm*Ailbetin
iMessomeados as ibm Aft% la 4011 • .
b/XXT._bmil,•nit b . Spit saUllatulembeime. '
the - 614•1 tbs,amims• et szpstimsomil •
immamemis. eiditimel ,movanrommt Omp bum Nob bb
gime soon smilamobtlom'sm -
Ifs lbodt.ra balker! INU'bo amplmtpll as Mr
dye to amain Wks etitUom. iii and Qs* Mitsui.,
Arnim! 14 , ..medi audios .'Quit - plitat - omommagom WI, • _
. bs " a ` • : 1 ", 6 PIPP' I4 .Pat dale - lumka Ise. -
blivi Tian lila. to. inoter- •
down - aid Itmaseldvats - 7•110 bodionl '.Witte ut
• '
'absmome ( wasso.Ma.k 4 k o h4l ,ll . 4 .l lB thel l ai r z
bahml. (simian"- Vim cs!bx,s.:
banal, pat.)
- 4111 trawl addnalbd 1L01::'
Imal r ixtamptly into' saki to 'any port se
.11b, lab Oeiltablelhat p•ritassureno._
AMA abmaicl be Om Yr martin barsbi.
Ibmoimm.obin i t yaw, me am, lurbeimatimammeink •
bog tbs Bylaw, wail piesse•mamemmmi_. MIEN
• ebtXteli biiprvill) bP114401,1*
_ .
floct4- . iii:1111& Witt •
--atautTtoposals a do
tba.• sliTillUseli. - Ai if 00M; 3
WA° slObsiglAge, C 1311001.11 CPUA
91,0 raOtaLm ut Oat %US ist4 , 1110111). Bid
ul' ilrA .111 bi mated at too 001inot she Om.
Din, Situ the_ lira_ allulf.lks‘ ;sin C ksh6liset
and taw to Kit ilia clumity: sad didlitoid et woe
slabs tad 11 ettdi illli did b. slortirii
aid thmita.
he pump* et eatiatatlaa kr CialialEalikle
"rikasat. LA' be mods'asim" iitablig gips
perbressoo. of aseirsai,___-•
rsopmil .,o,Weriesed to iidoiL 111.11.51111114
ga my/AmZ i t the Coogizramt itoried
nor •- 4 / 1 11dle Tau= ,Iregl i Zr
taloa of 4.,v,* ddi bull
Mii.NEWOD; Weil - ROW
IWITOVIDI:4Iurt pobilaidita iambi Igz,
him. six ante. A lartat• as ilks SA.
boa se Ilratasi lieskarsailallrhortrry
ar Bersal DebUSi...and -1111141MOSI W
bteitd.aspossesily Ifer Clormapasalp.
Dem sall -- Pru IlEsaw - ant MOW ./110=
Tontlibig tem visit4bomp. .149014. a.
well tit. D.. , snags of lbs OP Ask Ais a. A,
800 Is 22ssissad af OliSionsh" ;NNW SPAIN 1•14
ta PIO lank's. VOW liddrOloaClVS
gulp si ids Oats of MO POW , INIMPIO Oat
J . SLUM /S Bomb hew ,Ikedu
gam m on luml 111011111170 1
MOB =WWI= 'CLOTH; MilllWet
idiltarritlODLlMLbe.:lllllo aL
Win& 108, RIXPOWN 614 mI.D WAN; Oar:
11(A11.111711. WIWI WOII, tor,lll9frasiorw. •
loran 11)131111/ffsmbi 1 / 4 st •
lift !In imr•orw -Pignut.
Diithl IMPAR,
a got4stih,
firmr,,, id mini Oak . • 1' I
1 sr
.:,,riliblus prguirjlai *0 tiS ef .7 . 41=*
ipd•— .-