The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, July 13, 1863, Image 2

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    - M(Mal.‘T-:--MORNIIIO.-.7,7111M-18:1
1./**a comedy Tickas.
- MOUrgiilli PVlit
i•••• fall-V.°Titiaos. • • •
7.7 1 1 1 r. 4 .4t PP.&
DAVID Alt/1141i.
loom. a akar.
o .
aro,Fiwiii • LUTON.
• -n.; us
301111 paeiro. . , -
:AM Atieutiatitsit -wat .itutleaty.
t!-: Wei itrulkig !voile; Whither. fast find
414.tiiiii way itite' the Vocabulary of the
CerOrheitd.f.iltice the 'affair at Gettysburg
'his Lh timiu rto hopes but is a trews or
tone., even before either of them , be. been
oohed. - It ii still the old gime which was
: , played after Antietam, when it arse not
-'veituddeled pendant to destroy tie armies
of thi&enthi arid Mpg Uteri to.the feet of
thilAbalitiont_atei: end . the gime no
doubt, Jed,..ilitant,ox to the Penmen e,
ind;liefit)dde.itifefo;witile_. - he eo adroit!,
• euitiovared•Wisidaiion.
The Prelitleat desires- peace, and Mould
• no doubt maktilinis*osities to swat's. it.
The liwitit bliatefttiod4o; listen to an pr.
_firoalt.iin of that folk uritioh did not rev.
dpon}hsbuifottmeirindependence. sow,
Louerer, wMi Subn.iefion Is no konisr a
virtue, ins people win not consent to stay
thvirha*lind ladalgs la sots of &ace,
11110 k are sot only unsolioited* bat undo,
at There is nothing snort of an un
ocuidllional surrender. gig will now aid.,
Aberu...They eininot agree that - the great
Who spurned at the idia of alum-,
• Idatliftwithas on ariy-liwini, should tame
an equals or
Therat.leistaluit pay the pen
alty of their niitoolons orbits against, ha.
•maaltt To.f4, that; they shall bare
, sonic ninth their strength, or that ihey
shall be quit of * all * the misohlet they have
as, would be to insult every
la ihe North which mourn the filarial dot
Of a inother or a son.
We noted yesterday with some severity
pf- remark the reception said to hare been
given at Harrisburg to two - Captured rebel
Sillinqs, members Hof the Stag of =Las and
Losasrarrr, osO of thus being a son of
.tionotortous Wrinss, whose barbarities at
Richmond will be long remembered by
poor fellows who were unfortunate enough
to fall into Ids cotrird hands.
The nett: eastern dispatik trri ! gsrus .the
information that about the 'day and .liour
Whin . thi son of their traitor elm eras lion
gticting, and janketirx with
LI aims offLiers," with a rtasoaable sprinkling
no,doubi of coppsvhead civilians of ilk;
I, Pettriot' baba:4, thefathereias compelling
Union otEcepo, iiM . Were Nibs on bread
'and water in the Libby Prison, to oast lots
who of them should die by W 57 of retails.
• Lion for the renegades latelptung by Gen.
truiesmsm Kentucky. Captain BARTIIII,
• Pennsylvanian by birth, of• the lit New
Jersey Cevarry,- end Captain..,Tows
an Irish Catholic, of AllO 61 - si‘lndia!zs . , sae
the victim,. Wq erstt:to :IMO ihit the
liereggerlui rufflanavlado with them.
liYo.need"not inquire irlMtWill-be done
With the worthy salon of thisiatrioien pa, and his brother in arms, or with the
*Moms who walkedon them with so much
deferenon at the Jones HlMelk. They will
be 'duly honored, of counsel These men
Sri . "Sotitheris gentimern," of the-porcelain
clay stamp; oars-are only mud-sills. Of
- what atom' are a Jerseyman and an
Irishman,• in the comparison even with, a
WeetToint Southerner of the gam! stamp,.
who harlheserorn hiiNth and dieertethii
fag? The ikeetfeiipitirea by us in Westerti
Virginia were.released on their parole of
Armor (Heaven save the mark) and seat to
the Bedford Springs to ... bewitan our Ifkrth
.'irkvtiten like Hungirhui donnin: Gine
ril Scott sent his "kind regards" to Beau. ;
regard, and Major. Generait. Anderson, of
Fort 8 .4 12 1* P /en P r7 l.-vb• P!/19!71440e
• tab:o4ld Ir.illininotoodiii a twenty-four
hentW' cannonade, was made kgeneral fir
it, sad then subsided fawn!, declare:if*
phatisalli thit If Lee said that nObody was
hurt it 'true, for "Lee was a gas
ticnomi„, Ja !pits a-m aw of .tames to
bias Yanks* or 'an Mika* Os_ 84 e.
bola . bat hair hi It itios — ttda to ilea,.
nP. , 1 1 % as alatoit And darn to think
that a winkle( sin =who peforms tho Irol
*#itY 4: 404444 h i i
ono oiaisa -- zisOotahla of ma well idaharayman
of the ?tut thfrowl school, wito.iirrei can
deilw ?cll_ ids bawds with, snythiss
isesticusAlii staid*, robleer7sati treason!
;pi "Oa geologist ihit4ederai
*IOW wala bl_ltirlAwriOtt*ieCosh4
Is of miat-liet,o444othsiitsy
ilDold tolirite s iiiisiollttert: • •
-21s111141nuond WAiglieii no Immo of kelp
hots Onat arilailLA* ifie 'C 0 MIN Of • long
Arliolor titter sti4log or the' *ger . of
Britilleiloce which monk sollesen.
" iikyoi. •
Theft, 49014141agidliao could;
41•411 .the 'South
mitaiiiir Mats Ai - a' Oviiride lw, troaty
stiptslattosp,oopumonjustios sad humanity,'
was so ono to ou• m3llioa. Tuo years
-balm prontiosd a sastaasse., Adadration
los !stibmalait distr out•uttorly-, Yapese
311 fast alums:big.: With' al tate jut
lors4,ltto peOpla ot US Bina art Inni-;
whit to bitU•v• , that: -, EM•enunina of.
Nimbi-1r hostililo awn; *a . d.ctititC
ihr,li•PPls of -Orig- P* 4N though, OWSZO;
of thiCutitltity, prow thu administimAion
at LorthansnamsAatTotit6V!;,
Min Nile son rt , _ or(
Kr. Bondi*, fink now lb. /Stir
yrlianiat I and bls look "antics& sot
woo ha prdboonVisfaot4l44oino d'orat, with
ilko_s4oriVnf Atiaco.nottot qv
idindondod.rll:lloidd, tharoarr alliditor of
Pala* IroArclo thoddis badman/a.
DAnty4o:Aioniftlor of soboalkkokoiinisi a
9if *alto Ida proorstoderniion
punizr, aptiast roorwojtonca*o4
Seim S
tdatiittitillk 11114M*
ssaisitsSatajOrltlis*"..o4 l _l44sta
settaaW4SegtoPerbt;•; 4 ll 4 •NRIIP siggigo
. 1014434a 14,10 4k#.75ut:k.Nf
; 4 ?- I W4IPIINW;
abo jAartii ES got et /do WWII
KY. 411 rsealvisl tbs sotto at Ws sp.
polatassat as Masts: at Mlle butnaoties
ihreagli tha puny pad.
ATimm that ghoul!' ba elm bored
'l.-_.littl.tainitif York, ti.t.ititittate, through
the action of its authorities and a isrgo
msjority onto citizens, has *Mined a,thod
eminore7 among the towns of the loyal
Tho Chief Burgess, an indteidnal
med. DAVID Sarszcnrpolitiesl Valli
held the position of postmaster under 80.
onexzw, ez we learn by a letter from Phil
adeiphia„ on :heating that the -rebels - were .
ttrproluching the to wn—dthough they were
arthe time several miles distant—started
out with a white flag in order to anticipaii
for the - surrender of the town,
which it was exposited they would make.
While on this errand be was met by a
fernier from Adams county, who was preen.
!; • 4 into service by tio rebels, and - lrhe; in
their name, demanded ti snrrentler, Prom=
(sing that 17 no resistance were offered,
private Property would /Ise ' respected.
These were better terms probibly
t titins
the copperhead official:wig preparedte der ,
. .
Mend, and so be returned to his patiiotio
constituents with his white flag.
town of York . , howeVer, gatiieif intbing
this act of self-abasement, as It tercet - a
better , than its more loyal sisters, 'Carlisle
tamliatamberiturrg, whose:authorities and
citizens did not needlessly degrade them
selves by surrendering before a surrender
was demanded. The rebel assessment on
the peopled York amounted' to about
$300,000,- while theqnjal town it, Chain
bersburg was taxed nt5.d.1.,71169,01?0.' So
Yori'midencidatng mti&Y,'While it lost
neasily in reputation by the shameful con
'luta- its official representatives. Their
conduct will be execrated wherever pol
troonery, treachery and cowardice is de
spised. Burgess Su.atz.ahould present his
white flag to the town as a trophy to be
valued. •
John hirough on “Ponce" Oman
The Union meeting held et Dayton, Ohio, .
on the 4th of july, was most enthusiastic.
• John'Brough and Colonel Chas. Andersen,'
'Union candidates forgovernor and ileitis.-
ant governer, made speeches. Mr. BrOugh
was introdliced by the chairman 'as "the
r neftt Govelnorof _Ohio;' and congratulated
the Teat multitude4hat the' iestorstion of
:thn ate 'fOrmer unity and glory
•OW near hand. • After denonnoing the
rebellion, as it deserves, he added: “This
is not of ourseekiug, and we have not been
parties to it."
-Mr. Brough paid , his respects to the
peace" denioaratn in the following.terinn
! , Your celebrat ed ' Peaao Convention of
Now York _passed its peace resolution',
whiolt itaitdered down into Dixie, and then
came beck to you spurned and spit upon.
Next your PeaceC e nvention of Onio passed
their resolutions, and' cent theta down to
Dixie, and they were spurned more fiercely
than those that went before; and well they
might. be, for they were not up to the New
York suinattrd. [Lvaghter.] Nor, my
Demo:ram friends, how many of you have
taken and read those twenty-three resolu
tions? If any, what have you found 7 Yoa
have found all of them negative in eharao
ter. They are ; against the war, they are
against the ordination of the war, they are
*gamic the Adattnlau-ation, they are
. agetust. military arrests, they are spinet
attlitary prosecutions, they are against
everything they could find to allege against
the government eine North: But there is
not one hue or syllable condemnatory of
this rebellion or of the men who put it in
force. Not one single word! Your own
government is denounced, quarrelled with
and preclaimed the most tyrannical; your
owe people are maligned and abused; but
not one word against those men who struck
down the beat government the world ever
saw, and whit are seeking to perpetuate an
oligarchy. [Lang and ocutinned applause.]
Dt4 these leialere—fortinderitand me, witeu
I. speak of this matter I. epeak of leaden
not of the manes, for my experience in the
democratto patty is, that the muses are as
honeat as. any people that, ever walked on
the earth—did these leaders who drew op
these, resiolntimmorish_to mutual the tact
that they were sympathizers with this re
bellion, and that they wereapposed to put
ting it down? Undoubtedly 'they were
viyeapatkinirs,' bat they-lacked' that greet
*Muni of eharainer wed* beloitga to every
- mad4lols a man—Miey'laaked-the our
!ego to 'silty so; One they left It on the face
of the resolutions so plain duties who runs
may read."
lIGHTUIG D1M0C14.21.
Mr. Stough continued:
-“.Rvery gallant man who is prosecuting
thi war in the lead of the army on the
-bloody plains of Pennsylvania, Tonnes,* or
Mississippi, is a democrat, bred and born.
[Queen.] itly , friend Tnurnims, in appeecis
tne other day, said that blatTiellan was s ret
moved because he was a democrat, while
4toseorana, who was a Republican, was
reaping all the glories of the war. [Laugh
ter.] I am sorry that brother Titanium
kat not read history better than that. [Bo •
'towed laughter.] Bleu my soul, Rooky bee
always been a aemocrat, and a worker in
the party. Very many of the men in the
ranks are democrats, and while they ate
fighting the biaxial of the country, you
stay at. home carping, and say you cannot
do anythhig because Republicans are at
the head of the government. That is not
worthy of you. And when a mart comes
and 'rite that argument Into Your ear, you
should Put anothar down hu throat, , I
leave 70u to determine what that should be:
[Loud and continued' applaise.] "If yod
nay, we shall: not waisu s law oscause it
was not passed by!' Congress which had •
majority of Our volftleal Wt.*, how lend
will we. remain a pommy ?-.. Ass you pm !
wed to !ATOM an law by a into+
tj;lnt:,yourlegis 04e-Ig : flat- I of
your party, shall no t vs yoursupportt,
if you are prepared Al ay this .tafeg try
word; or_lhoashcos rei t , tWsiggin are .a
' bitter aa &omen 'armed
against the United' States in the Sonata
:psis's° aiming at the daslsuotion st your
government- Us moment' you sillow,fealty
to party to_ usurp PlAcor,ot obedience to
it arida; the duty Int( one to the oontitiWted
anthirities of the country.
Not Too fast,
A law how ,gwarsakomii
aiieda,"zwit _
__l"2hafolefoto: of tiir - the
or the sobolllors. _Oise -, of thus .remarked to-;
'lfosftoolfook4 o of 414=4 Kwou s • Well;
T,ololtiklooliop ire risks • talthitata that'
tholvoir to cad
f#Offkrisioothio,,,til 41*111-
Sie. 4 ","R ' Pet.*** l4 Writti of* "
:Tot raiipol94l•ll . 4iloossio OM who tows
ow" Uitespasunitxot Ithelwas Ufa:ilk's&
,& tide. Us kmoinrilid to selfiand tho
oldtdoi/ot of AWL alinoyoehlat mau iir
another trial on tb• soil-of "MaryJaid Wats h
mai tat trthbfally said that the 'tab.lUort is
011iaorsc whiny- postileozratitisa
ibpir optsdons siopsor, alt o& that the awls
loittWorhit,llio lob* ;wl4l , :diabilsia be the
01, adfist hailltbilitaleaS *pa
ndits% pima Osaid Millz - rost
will resound througlilli• '
Tom laajait&-- I, lll.alakaff," tho, Porto
oorrespondetti - orWbfoli, Terk Irceuribt
hie loot leder, says: _ ,
It imieare to be oeitobt tbst the Badilßh
14A011118 . seizure was ordered beta` the
destruction by Boum of British property,
kitowisit it to be mob.
I:.,fiscsaval Meade'le exceedingly affable in .
- Conversation, easily approached and of lively,
engaging ittanners. lillthritiontwasdpresso
dons to superiority, be preserves a dir sty
tebidls is noticeable beneath his - careless eats:
file (mania gatinuandtblo, loopressieg
the. idea of bodice_ tenacity.. tzattat -than
oapsoity to °odors, fatigue
that we could not predict of. a more robust
and invintiblo figura. HG high -top boots
and loin 'blouse ere bespattered with mud,
and, ware it not for his shoulder-straps ano
,intelligent face, It would be didionit to distill
rash that be was not private in the ranks.
Ills face is almost covered with bard, and bis
AWL display, a leather stock that might base
ban need in
,this days of his ancestors. He
Is ntkerwite eollitlesr, and his tennis color.
being of alhaatly pale, with.thought
'itudrattd'anilety _marked _upon every Howe
mind speaks through his eye, and
tolls - you, at a glance that before you stand:
a matt 'who is equal to any responsibility, ano
'not staid to mat It la any.shepi. its nos.
lint the' aitiku• 'bead, which Is the mw.
prominent lietastrif the &a.. Ile ap, am a
L imitless and nervous man, qatskrt• move, but
not so quick thetnelerity wonld destroy tead
(noes. - Whin" addressed, he. tnrpd suddenly
lipea hie heel, and to illittnektion. The mere
lon see of him the more - you like Mae. The
- artity et the Potomac has known Mat only too
'wanks and he is ttleiridol.-Cor: bibs. creaa
u , e7 Ith Beglnnint P. R. V.,0., or -any ott.r
Prnntyl►aau rin.lizenti sow In the Said. 'tarn re
craft will norlei - one hoirdiNd douu■ notary,
twenty nine 0014 as So prld In advance is soon
rs sworn Into the Unl ad Minos scrwlsr.
other laturtuatka tivaln . at No. Td Ur=
°PP.Ine Lea " t a L Brcaaan,
lrbst Lint. and Bern4thig 01110-4 . 97 46 1 2. 1,4 1036,31
penal. it...4.vs yen.
.11" V li 1,.141.;
L? 4,1 s 8,1 KY ,A..,ititiulktivir.—.)
mitt'ar - quitatililliofflag paths Illonunthe
LI awl ar0c12(.04 VIII -b, ba/f is 220
Boom late ( elund•)) ►O.
K il(s 0, et 12E021.2
•Jrit:to. 1.., H.
I)rwarr Q. IL OnSon's r vr•ca,
• /nraaw-gb Pa., JUtj, r. labs.
Blerobaata wbo Wan o.e , n won &kb otbo • for . •
bodwirr of nobs Lbw's'', cyan.. Lamborn:L. , •a a
0111L1Vy016 , 144 drat anotan as noo aa preen
wino- •• rb:
15:it r : Vont. Col: arid n.Q al.
tS: , Lt/ith At7ti• —• koa au
tba4ad to co:alum - to reedy,: roles r.i.l-a
for as aStaiiia , Per•ilhet.- toad., soul la. a.t
august poml all agents maw nave beta Wang wa
Ow* oi.atinizi OP/Alai. *bon, sat.
. 40:11021. El UWE a. 1.4412 Aguti.
at Han., Han a , o
. Hamar otTC.lnt sod Wood ikrAtol, PittattAch.
.13113. .
11;1.LI V nail% D tfriths. --;1 he t'i ea
1 -identotira f orit ind Uompany la. et•otitig •
limp ewer she .411,edreens boar, .ap - alus ram
• -Stil k se 1•04 Qom y m allesba-y, tiava thu Oa)
declatadaariaaand a Use w4.r ant e Weer, C.
rataaat dm . * of Mt t 4 pi al 619 Ck of the Uamelay ,
*blob vl,ll be ;add to °Loath 'hum or thaw Itial
regoastiziallass, vs or, attar too Ilia !pet. -
Ff.tabaret. Jule Ist. MS .I. rw oil
utrtflQf of 111 IlliadoervILL•11011
rnif 011414 flo) Way tags. f •
the liabanibera to the Met of lb* Wade
ern rtfamyorirticoa 4.l.apsay that - ea essommort of
rlvs. ($5 04 PLb 8I LY& Dr tees
aortal ay= the auftk ea beat - Wed, Mello at the of9of
the Trea.urer, at filtavllf,,a. ow or bola, to.
Marley of Jar" 1E63, mad a LIU aiet 'net orilry
allay dare thereafter, meta otforwaffotzood
Cy order at the lie. I
It. J. IItDOWICtL, ,ocretsry.
T.111..8,11t..YnP21.1T118 g 4T.
Jane r 9.11, 1881. j
O•eut: Give notice that enbeerip.ione
%HI be rre.tre, icre •e.
.lakta,•L var. Bann; Joky, aria LO I•a g.r unleg.
the dm. b• Irgalrilext.r.lo.l tr dlsoct...¢l of the tto.
trits*. . injo. aurally.
6. P. I,EI bC ISocr.lwy ol Tr. ...nry.
To O. W. BAIVIrg.A., ke,orlia 7, rt.ta_u
(11/161 Ah1411..l Ver.tat IS. U. to.,
Pittauurpu, . ..o. Sa 1b64. I
VIE Bic.bitquiNLlALL uoii rot%
urY cf the B nits of MIT ruo,d, aee J cup ist. teca
•Ul on taut da e, at [Lou/20u DI the V wt.. Lai Clip of rt.sbo. Pena.• 6,3l,iitg
p nu ~f duo Toad due Jainury lm, 1821, wIU
pupwar Cada .T pap r00..L.
. R. O. t, G. 'Tr.. urTr.
ILK. 41‘,.• WIS.! u
ell awl .u, J•I
u7" ,... IDIVIDEND —"her rresideni uDa
f•troct r. of the A , togbot,l L 1 .41.4.12C1 (.0
tbill day deci•rad • D f .•o 0 0 Pi.
50Lt55 AND fir $1 415'15(51 50) per 5454. Lot ov
ale 0•011pjlot W. tad •IZc.ottlts. 0.5,0bt. to a.ock•
•-iiidon a wad &tau. 145/o." LA. ..$lO nat.
op 'Taw D 8 X, •
o'o. LOA, /1.1n1. •LO ac uklatotlui • 1.11
lAA Littl• Sew KM bun Etevin.4 at.. • •
tb•t •u 11letsioa •IU b• bri k. •
Pleadebt end ihrect-As. F. ••••• for the eesetu,
yeee. on IeiIZDAT the sub d•. of Jo y a..
.11.011:106 of the thanyeee,
Mato tile bean 01 1 mud 4 e•clock y. m.
I.4 , :trn - • • 1.7.. Preeta... t
sit V lun.N he . We/Mold re 01
U. Pitd•burgh t A.l.trlutty tuldy• Ou. t•
13.3,d ) an ber•by satin d mat • 3,4•13 end o .
11vtat Pt6Uia T. has Oda d•• to•el. um
oltte prat& ot ;ik. Ju:sa rab., pay Ws :03113_
010 i. rd. 11315. b. 13 IidILL, 1./ram:43,
Arx Pr .SD I zstrisitwatitlxra
WANTED —A stns ion as B3OlC
v v 1Z11,511, by a ar4alo not m.u, lobo eau goal us mem. 5 Jury not womb an
se • v. maim ahastlos.
5.04. m., lisir Ilsisbton,Tosirer Co.. F.
A 11114 .
AI E n 1nt1.2h0.-10et ttn2 caved. by
LI Hort. Yam Norma..
at Dods. Dy the AnthOrres of .dlotte - and "Jol
t eta.'
Worergnm. By the anth. nos af ..itatirdet" ani"
?Yid In Antwka. By Labooleye.
Sher** Warw. 11 SI. J. Markel/.
/saws from tre Dlai7 man at my t urgeoa.
tleauttou Y. Phy.,ottmlovel or ma...tra.
Ilarueoad'a ILmtary Y rebus.
The Bawer atlas bid Woad. Dy Dram
Woof der nopher Bute. By elm Gordon.
Tales oaf Savories. Sy Both ROW.
IlliZtitle Id.. um In bona .1 la. Baldwin.
: landaus*. fa rough kenos. By Pees.
KtentakWe Irma. on of the Orlame. Val 1.
&hare Summery of lb* An of War. Beer ed.
Casey's le , autty sad Bas Taal vv. 3 vol..
- Meallt's Hat ty a the depute:and. 2 vol..
Drtlllog Abets. Br P. 0 Seen%
21* Amery - Day - Phletsopher. Py the Country
Parton. .
Wtelt Twiny, and Sow to Mike Theta Abut'. By
Dr. D. landa,
fora is by X /LW A ro .at MGM amt...
Q ram W . ELK La TIJ Li V illi.•
" roui, toschtoi quonarows.
(I.Joaa Teu Inb know. r.asi-r.
Ll.spool, flow Tort %Rd Yktl.aNptil. theaminty
Comply aro lataadad to .6.11 v folLms 3
CITY 01 WAtilliaNOTOßL.....—...Bazuniay, 1817 18
881, 518.
11811 every numeadhlig limardol, as . 1001, uom
14, Moak At.
A...U. to G01.k.0 to 0p0wd...46. Oorow..
11Thoe uoall ....;......P0 MI llatlisaoll. ...AM 66
Jo. - to Wades... 63 PO SO.taJASISQI....23 Gli
do. to" raftl..7. $0 ot. do. to P0rt0.... 60 66
do. to liaisbours 30 1:4 do. to Homburg SI to
, PdalooptoUtolorwordod to Room Bram; litot•
Wilms, aattret., as.. at *poly to, rats. •
- ' LON eon Llssrpoul or Ijoseosiowns Istosbla
MOMS, SIM Strarsgs, po. Tb ss who slab Lu
awl !or took , &too& cm by tlodidd bon at that.
for farttua Inkrraistkva apply as th. °Kaput,. h
°MOM . , JURE O. DMA, Epos,
JOHN TE 10011. 16 &mds ,: e. E ,
13v1i, a
H. .tn. Ord house from ibe Midge,
siblEit Pouban b.
lAli NOW PfrUST &ICU) to supply
&alai won with ItOititem. Any olunt.t of
anbatitatas applying will be Won.
71 th I w Tenetb if., Id don grow. finsittflild.
lneSEali uth.-25 bbla Limeod•Li
on condoonsial, end for woo of
Jilin DALT. CLL n SON,
Jfli , (good 70 r •~an,
Wit., 4110E* Any bAtl. !lob, 01
Guam and Childna
M.' r.WILLA 1,0•0.
BuY kula estio6b Ls: AD:A.44OW
LAMM 61701100 HOVOI, if you ifiot bar
ors DO.
A LL iLtsbiTh, or 11.4n0 01 tilittfr
6HCIS - Isal tit JIiaaLLANDI,
S.ll.lld.buidi, UAL /zsbnin, b M 4
f. f • 'RAT!, a naTr'.. , n' Tror 17,11
palskinebt . ilathlua in din • dy, at
lionortxtan , • wiz 4turrros
tta&U !PAIL Mk,/ tf, lseLavlia
a.°llPlittlik: AM. si Wahl. L 4 4,1104 4fl,7Pfr•
utypo *Rd
ILII Gotta* IN 01.0Nr , *A. 4g R
Li b XS, istottsA - 14% xi lola,
JJ lINILIILIA It 0 SNOW A 11.11101 gni
%Pr 0, all rage. 6 6 16 01 ) 1,6 6;
10166 • 6 +IMT.OIII R... BS. /YU
• _ Aortiooae4i, littiork
os *Soot, owookokkok
- Lioy. Omit lita,
at the Coasting oos os
. titan in store ana for
Ur bag by WIWI MIMI 11100.
ADT - KATFaILMM. ,, iNr.
EOILAL JUL b11:16.3 biAl , lO.l
1.1.)S COMP/VT.
111 , 1t*A, , m, 1 9 0 go tnat.
1n85 .4 31 1 1 00
TTNUAT/T7 71 - 100 . 711a1... sr.r.r.ll lUD 1.111
ANOG• A 1 0 o ilor•• pow, 9 t a • ,
01 •9010 , ' t tee+ Vlp itlit I+l attly'sall
from Latr,...t, Ida 0 ict hair Yo.o. %V.ITPD•
tbe• lath gb , 9 n!y, to' be Lido •ad LT the
mbar oral:arra of t altos ',or, a trail 11 adorers y
halos*, pommy:aro= LiT , rrool to Now lr b, p..r•
*LI. .0 vit. or Aso q 111.1.4/ rsnly:
dint (4,6111----41,6 0 girt...rage. 00
hoorsol . Llabhr...—..., 81 -
or os,so ep.y of tot Al, o/ the grafts,
• PA I4SL & !SI:LB, 23 II ri.soiv* - 1.
Ectizza Jots, 11... cwt.
Evwgig t kro.Kls outlaws..
1.0 OftL•borA.
ree.seasst. i 11157
BIT A AL a lAA, A. Al, Pr.. clral..
•• 14. U. A. B,•1111: An.letat.
NT/ Ashen A. US obAB Totatert., instrumen
tal noire, Mid u,o.m•m*l Wan( As.
InllZ.Novir'o4.l.l acTatcpeto, TABS RAY, Sq. I.t 18A3.
zaes—Por EoAlon, 6 nos (40 Tara) one.hall
In Wrima.:
DA. St s dA.II;
Preptratory •
-$ S CO
10 co
1$ 00
tioator Oulu ..... —••••••—•
ttrtto.r oaritoutol•fo:d fotolrowar.
Addle./ ;Ito Prinolp j t
joa i i l ig A rren .
bil•st.ol , • r 0 Trott....
uld LI , ,T UM BE.CUIW-allego
Oa. 7 tette,. ra.o.ocd cafe, rand CO'nell,
cunt g,,,,gg auk; boo inn to
Otte otter., n eatruod round Atifili•
001 . 1,-.n, Wl4l tuned Lull. 5, male by Md.
art, Nen 1 e•I
Oce 63 , rt o ta.e. m•hi.gary. 5Wf
) ,554 * 7 T.a.qn. a Yaw •57, 1406 Q.
Ciro 6 5514.13, reurotit..qu.s. cio..Otts,lmtk
tram. hutclo t y tiolor.en. 110 410.
01,4 6 cota.• rortvrai, to 15,moe•
ty abbe, t: 115 ilk
0.. 5 Let.* m.y, qr.!. CAisia. 525. e
by wlitto• now
Qse. 001.11.4 r 411141 guy my a..otoy 55..545•55
1700 D
00 . 0 545..• a.raus. Nude
by arcouttees & tet,y; 140 00
On. On tat.' .ub go, yoy4astssoo.lsls, hoide
.Chl - 18 , 00
• 0 octae vlaao 0,
04 ;1 6 Wiste hero... 1'4,410 0... 'OO 00
for ado by CC • b. O.ALLIA.iI,
81144601 - 411 Yet.
• ll* A largo nod .ftst,os,
rob *ego, tolarent man at00t..410, dude.
the Ulm& tea nay. - a •
T. , WALTr.O DA:r,
Se". LO3 Filth Si, air(zpor row Ou ogr.frai.
AO 'modal B Adi re. wits bati been to the milt.
.sty or t00...1 a.r. it*. a •etici ha to $lOO 80 sty
ko kw... AL . oldleto wbo bow. aertod two
yttorrato ..o rot t. ad to tbr bounty froldirta
daultar k ed by toast= or - Otrooto, a e. to hied lOpo o •
slots, %wows Ord Mere er are • beim It
the monk . , are Outl:Ile1 ID pedalo:Ms midi It. emo
den 41,e. ea, 4a.
t- at !la mt. of every description. promptly at.
trod.d o No aorta Lunde la too. mutt; tbe
new 7 to erOlect-d. I+9 .tyro to
4../ •
lialls.bre bar
Souses, Poles, Fortifications, 40„
lielqr..ol? SHE BLOT DIMING
fu 0:111?,M3111,
rind 'B2‘tr.r.7, 0 PPOSITZ VIM P.O
FOB eunnza 71:1111i1BH130
we an ttlll selling a: tat prim A.,1 a you. ago.
White s Checked and Fancy liattingo,
In every ape otof of a vepertor %If:malty.
oALIS'OIt Et .. h.Afiti—A la go lot
A. to Phorgebowe. ov the P r a.* weft Ai.
mu' twee , 111.Dorich 0..1, lot there to a Peal
tool 1-g nom. 01V Y. o me; *4O -enr.l 0504 t 00..■
11 . 1 0.415 0500. ♦ 1.011 veld en•er to th■ peed,
p of go 4 Mgt, and cos.evelati to Ohfer.lets awl
Mel W vev■
Nor postulators address or call .
a '
n " •
Ptrzpotsarg, Allspbrar Coun i ty , Yti
sTssafWara PLAlrcia s :
naiad the /ma ara.v paurea,
vXDAL, et the cities TAM, Loados, MP. .
1111 - W`4musted inpeitor to 011 /Ain to etes7 tee
Toot 4 zuvr stock in um &bon pm anivati:
Mr Soh Apmcr tar this 410114 LT the Stdpws,
raga +lt
%meg R. streatrat
'll-1 aLlirran.r) or rtCb►iina Ur.
V 0111•71.
egozl,lll 6111•112% mad. artaogrmeOta . t 4 ma •
use him thelgt. hoot* oe lb. Adenboy, Ilboq
O•tws.D 110.11.•eamr aen they • 134dy, too o to.
b'the Allegheny Vi-i•y nos deed e•
-o Mom pons .e.ll eeo.liont utAh.lastner uouor
Um A P. thy I. en PA. attest, hod um
code.* glthrt-galerhy deeyo , o•.'oL ouoloher/
Ad • WY.
Ilttemh • £.; V. 8.
tlii.o•git/th 100.1.). byloro; 0114
avni k O•wu Door, T.mnini••• tonlay. VW*
Oa • • I..Wie. 6d sal 004
Umiak C•• be pat In bloc alikulairt I rapeoov O,
..00r naloosawict• .no proven, C.. 4 0 4 4 , Ur.
.ppl.o,wa to gar. 41.11 J. B. Dii3i•Ll,VlA;r; Cul&
Ycc tetra.. !n,addna or tpply to
D. Val I NUNM5.... , 11. 1 4 ,16 . ra4
es. [ICJ. 6ltt Wits, po:g BnAm alt, IL
:ma r 6:16 ~410.• Ixl l' uSw•IALau
• Aso, ea lead oad:iikebise. =dot 14/
ctoga:os. lra00416:-U&1241141APthilb
cut !mei erigisusa - *STOWE*
1200 8 21 . Anslaat-aboasoll aao var.
iota& Alio, eh, s,..nomeo reowied Usk , BAHR
to/Na nntgt STASI; UZI'S 1911 gilt BA/LBS.
jrantlal sod 0111/loa zlibama AVatab,' ts' *oat o:,
''QL 11, 4.4 11, 4W5 - 0 11 0. 0
. -
U an,... 70n claw ex.mptioni Ova argh cant My
ilamminc "a &OA.
WK. T: Inakte
TM a az... ea' ifileattaana:
pgreotii.ttolted - to clui
wiloa k bstais vetUW4t we to •
4amtf o d .bk. Colt ape:v.l6Al go , lll 1160 WILL a ND,
army old OLLsosi roam otrost,fibtr'l• milbor•
461 w 1.14 1 + boiffuoilfruf 14o• /*rid slid lb 0—
.feps Olaf for IBC' • , .4' DalllL -
. 0 10 Mod ,••• • •••• Jetldim
• . ti 4
orni A t a mi l4 e.tig i i ii i rV itr " pa: l ;e - t l44 est
" I " et , • o 4- WI an pirlor.lsvid'ittlatlng .11sie
"r W5! 4 . 1 0, hiPpliJubnidn 1111•14.. - 241 0 , cm! bilvei
.D4 ono
w Is it INATIM -
NtrritA.,—..W4s-Alisvo.4lais - day ,ties,ota;
std 'Ph ma 17, -11.710M,Itt.thelnaser bat4r.
ell Iliac GliVir.v . in. ..23011 haunt,
ILI beiIoILIES *Eisitreitax.('ollo, • -
- • ravirt. - ifersx,„ .l
,ftat. AWN -
I.l"*bu'rb,." 1 0 63 r ^l fil lh
1ty.7.15110. 4.,Ert14115 7 44 , i4101rt:A . 4 ,
vroiloamourb,bawriaiiribvelor utiah./tit; -
, . 10 4... Lat 3 1 1 , .e.toocb,- , 4dorioacC alrolita•
Ardo 0!!6 - x X sxrtiurasTi4L.Datta.
nhinii;A .• -
14 1 1
44.215 . ‘ pot opterar;-•
Calati Ir.-, 0 irfril'• tkomj„.• -
- .r.
4wl, apt tat sow - WATIMIA =•
I %*
' - V 105.3.444
YOWteiriMr — ' 0111.1.k c ir4t — idif; •
w air — lkaitow/A: eisui t fostimi a -
, 4 , 7 , 1% 1444
Peetc It HANt livtrr -- i greatvariety,
from West sad CIIM, at $5 W. N eh*, Li tl
o.sta Dar . Beautiful Papa. at 15 coals.
Liu - W. P. Wooastrse.
&law «ILO rmaVnithrvainrii
1730 - 00fieril ALSIIIIB.
PHOTJGE)4I.II 411411,118.
Anotherlargo lot at as bts‘ohtiptat Riad Matt
„. ._
. Pil 4/111ETII A11113M& '
, :Et 611.11P.114LBUILI). •
' '.. t.” ka cizeiiiiliOsuail:.= !
_ ; is icinikaAißtriii:
Ps ociwa-AIIIIINa. . ' , _
~ :: • "-,:.
...:',.., i • '" -
'Corr alrenkl 110 VA AS 1W4 016 'ha 110 eithl
- ipirasda, ea me Tad at , -
- ' - ._
II M 1 1 1 ' lei
Masonic "gall. Fifth Street:
JAI • • -
JIIEsT itAtlklViD
98 Market Street.! 3
A very . tirp assortment of. LADIZI' s
And 30* !114.11.CA.
na sianrsa. M a o,lOl2IBV 1:1
'A1311413 GAIT/188, 'Web lett be acid at LOt'ill;
'.1412.0/liihan any other eatablialnnetkt In the. elty.
iad be amorlaced... ILwattatar, &t
ill ISAMU' rout
• f 5, DOM& rams rirrir
N hvifdi LZ UWZ 10 RAU.
VIII 110TRWALI 11113XDI 001
DI3IATZIT. DlAB ¢ asa, TL X , OtrA
k0R131711 AND SinfitiE COMPLAINT..
Tb• Wu testify to thie rosets;OY this
nor dy.
abe nosserens dolly reports or sstooliddl edrso
at set to votes.
lt Ws 1•411111141111 ova any other nanadY. at oats
oat tag the abeam and hnpattting tow aallfitanitiF
to tha.y,tioe
1. eau nett hitradest to 1..211 Infant, and pnwirlf4 ti
the adult ow. .
To the &Attar, ariactally, ft is tova'nable. be •
%monist, / woad by thin, In Way tortlficatta,
"The lioldiere! Friend."
ia. . ..
. .
Mothers Sod It trawler to eny soothing wrap
ehtletes tsettihte, steed from the (stations etlieoloiel
‘A.ItaiTtUO, etas stet to the audeter ke 112MCIV4IS
- Be 4 el se erectable dealers everrubere. ,
Mr Peso, 25 MUMS A'BOTTLZ. ; ,
. 01:21011ES4TI.
Ax sLYd—
- _
Pa t.l hos
Lt .OL
14,11114...........341 40.
_ , 10u
. ,
"' i l i g' l' c arwd tto , kft ooo , lot the' vals . of nit
0 0 011 . ..4,4t ti/.411, milled our "t [cies. Ka. 1 la.
lit. Um sttestiost or Wass o,d B:Kysnublotturinb ,
to too An Assn Own seen so r. •tud-by risss.
.A. £ . Hays. ot Baotou, sad J.O. • of' ?Sinai+
.11., whisb, totot'ssir with Um. tom a *demi snort
wii l 4,
sow ty osasbottators la • rtmsb b, Otsosatl
slid St, lassle. sessrsaioss It. to to, purest and
oast inVosbie Clay isow.ksosni; tor_iforstipsot
sasstiosa YOU musts frown bat stood ta , cti,
lilain Narmada tied 3% to friptidlys. „ * .a"
Ito A tisusl• bi Or 43. My se from Mt
Was, warns say wields,' 00:p . srbst. It posmelmik pant witiashileme 4004 fr 4010 : 1 0
410 ii USA iihici an sot *son by the.Mosbils. sad
slims adult or tb• edisizsprs st , a buss rlcerillalt
of Atli or barbed 0b.,. -• .• . . .
I liosssad to Inrordisi los:tbs BUR'S
CANS. be ablpysa boa lilt. , koals oF him,
GO N . '
- -
Ito. 111 mop mitt ;
riTinviaa. PAt:
putt. V 1401U5,13
OOBBIR 71:11i AHD XAZKIT 812.111174
(Ed and Id Mils., OT Bichardson's ii k
unrary Skala
Pirnorman, l'A.:
, •
mmos •
PROTOW11.1118; et oiraryshii , iccidro4,l4ati et
mined, brut t perdu Gale 40 trite to 00*
NA Lib lbs.
Kr. rinmaxos vos* prt au
watt= at the useesay . artau!!ott . i . •• **ld.
balky of this outabilaluzini.
Psicor rows% sad ,ariolke,f, sons-
glo !bort Med' of BUS 10.
GI ow soIOTAILI ?,'
',WINDOW 'Ena 'Djs,
aim% slows -al) 7' •IIT"
i.w lad 01 .11 1111 Palteras. tad mind at L.
— ll .
Wallalido • z
c l O 4l egi'l
! •
rot Tran the Pon Omni,
pangsaim Maas bi Nam 'avraika or*
/ , ,L 4
4. in =Mina in#,Litit Onitadiell
tt Oft 00111146$11Silliet#i*g
' aPrlitti i Fla; Oil Clothi t laillogi ti is
. ,4401040initiqii* :
. 4m. p* t opmk444, l .4 4 *oo4hWlNOXAkf
velp. /omoooWMUlLimflailiwomdbm4ppoe.
V et Mantas .}-asodziarmirt* - t-;:l
WO fartqksi4l . 0011 . 1 .41 - Iwwzior 1110%,,
AAMakithilt.:6l.o4SUffe • '
%L.Ukivitijklimmiltitai, bra' , ridit
I trtZk a l l 4s;
, 40:1.1. is GM A." eittiAeCl DRUG
anti ...arta WI
Uttag LUWC Utt.LitlC Ulan , venal*
od. on Woad um" for was la
Al. ATXCLI. a '
mina to wsiersinot
to .)ass oat oar
To ovoid earrylnit - 4 . say portion of oar eingr.
NMI STOOL as bars iltantood to
Reduce Pricestp Such a Point
An will tuba ft so obbn with putbron to BUT.
On dock I. now inns OBIL fresh Mama borfoll
bora tiny &NA. Ws anato iu natrzt ods of ,
By Innis, 5 , tutmiisys
atakonnorttlnig dig satO orrVa dj . on
lindthg •
!crania aad Dealers who bny for Cult
will and oarpdonr low as b agr Latent boon.
Wialitri 4 co,
'; • . we. n, gremer.
DRY 000
. .
-•. : -
tii falai* oar
iamb &aka to imam a atialiaiiier lama= to
tli•jamis a oar
tress Coodi,lainis, Bengt:, Otglidies,
Alva eiraoarra. •
AL; Trlin
xi 'Ea a
77 and '79
S 'Ulkt F t 4i -cm() D
,;....01adatod st
CCW_ mnlrsrriutirs COST.
ooze irtlrTS,
- M. WAIN& 311.1110111,
441 - Orn-WHOLTIIIII2 . 11001111 n. w.n Pk - WWI
'Malt ire sts soiling asap
;OIL &CO , ' •
mum -
R is minnow* *Tin *0 dos
Tar dors fbr minceldays,soi to oda tbs
dadairOnOiiii. WOG"
awimains Moak at in gape
am be saaried at to fagots tbekr
Wolin! avarAbnil
WILL I pow Tsui WILL
mput!tasu rittutd -
11, SUR 011 F I Et D
- ,
SI Tasman T o Tewisizet
• *nate
• - .
"'r"""te" .n
SOO? Iliname.'7,
- 14141 i- 11 : 02 / 21 4 - 21 -0 * 014 Ele i a ll i -
sus Lliwpderi as wake incseosiumea award
Wags is to eft gewt. tedammeNts Obi •
01.11:121!IS---WM6wier - 41,141.10111312'
e1 . DDLA11•441.013140 ablikw- • :
W ill Allis*
7.W.lrtiruE . ****• , 'T
Oros Trribmikitisw;
' ; ' * ____....- .....1110110111*.a.C....
,m l
si st ,=-- 2.. t.
crum - i - :& 'Clyde -,
- 1 -:-,..:-..-;., ~-....-.:-. ..., if
staiarri -- ., - . -- .1
.1 ' ,.. ..:;:r iss:l-.t, --.- --z - -., -• ..,/`„; , ' '-, ',.,...:;
~ ..-roigi
at ilol,l l io l ± l7 * *- * )- siAll'oa.0 , • • •::
' - - ''. 0 7..0 .:. ' :-.. '' "' ' ' '
v ti
.‘zFol.c.‘a.: ~. t :,', ..,-4.-..., - .... 1,
..!i:Tv: tat
141. v4r.4,..,,be . .. 6 t.. -,, ..p. 1 lf V!..r. - ...: ,t
- , , ,;r2,4, ws..iii/ :: , •t• tb / ln ~ 4 ..s. , .r.;
~-aID,PC:4O rilostp ='• ,L
-, ---
LANA 1 1 ABOT * C I ) 1
/.UVIIIDIELV a... 1: ' 4 ' . 741 , .7.
riioeNTßlr b"CORELSE.PICRt3IeD
',cram DitiLvis. eit 1142 i ' Da
o o n =
twilit amain, • .t
ear littoelt of
zariduviivi manrat CLOVIS'
IMllatriP maw, &means ROOM
LAOS t* ti 0.6 it.C.UIIII
11110 BILL/01
! , Ta RIM DO,
Lad the varlets aatkiiataaati.ogbw,..
_ _
to - oar lirbtlumto Doportauft. ea the mai
OW tem. lid Oe booed oolocum-uoutesoto
lra oniclu or wursUl 00 , 0 We' tbonou aloft
• tall gnu oil bows amottiittut Vttl ou totouo•
ad lONCUMAIS w con itu t . bo buidu qa4l/17
DJ. luoinnl 0: iffelD3.
Betwasa - Toarth sad th• 012/I,lka,
.a.ko ii;.m
FOR FITE mains max t
nunfisifP - J-satj.l4Us,
RI, I IsT'oll
Look at the ,Rtar.Elactlattos:
NIES L IZ , II elsklatt.
LA PaTi,g DLLS.,L..
!LAIRD 146L1Y,
subs , . s 11.
asitAl - PiLOD.III, -' 1:h
Pior. 0.168, wittint,
1118. MIL D‘'YLDDikill/L.-
Chair bit%
Jui-igr pimps A., -
41 =sagor jai am
ta castf. vogiej •Isie,aveg
o'cle 8-40 anumme. a; 8 o eleok, .. :,
WANZED.;#A`,IiiIO4:O•BI ) 2N.
•Till, to whom dui bum vnion *SU ghwa.
• • 6. iAx.wALuitcho.
m 6017.
W ANi .,61, ;'409 :aliostal—Ms• sea
itcigtial PM ••acc=•*•••701=11
aist - Mciiii•gliaggS;
cam caccial sad carlOtt =Vim
illsuca•T BHA W.-• /b.
A 7- 7 .
ANTADer47S mown ....
lint SO
LireuLtele.tery county al tie •siestly
exponar pal
wami:as. asil Ar-datert bis illilly.
s itneirwah. . AkAitatup.;
°Nook.. wilt Os.
Biwa, 40:141talrotrolik: - - •
10 sham BM& .I'stobarglc *toe% ' :. ,, rt. 4 7 0 -
di At 11 4 1,01 , - Eladdr leftgia
S' 6, -311-kundahl•tooffrAckeitaittilift.. - :.
SO l es *ware aiorucopo. &wok; -
Bo do , Immoral°. fitao. ,„;
10 do. Nape" o tosuostortlch; !MOW ,
do t Ukk' •• • • • ,
, De tuadi z ildurscams, , •
. _ ,
Mk popular sommor rood will !Wowed libtai
apecomiloodotos, of otsitCuo 'co the Omit or Ma
mum tot will to ktio stion foul let oil]
%bo liAoi wilt to oat*, ,M it•Wlitol, sod
imaiwy 0, end .vrri itiatom . stekt luo .11mat tale 40
lite, entire maleteatton so stmts.., ~.1, , ;-. o'i I
ths dedt-el Iloatoi4 o 4 ft Wok too Mr
lye to . event Dial.ituastaair .
era of t0..k01, end tram - dust pant ' '
OocOooitkittl to the tiiinliP...7..." ,
*weir' sitintwotots ha.. b een 'mods to.
aogit. iact atiamaag.' inak,4•4llg4A,3lllggif.
otattoomi wawa. ottOottost*roloor_ . aO;t1!" ..,
. Ice belt wool. OW= ' -
Wirraittiiii4, llo ,4*/39.3 -
,- , 4111 Odom otitiwotittO^ troottlii
WO. totoottlytilloVitlitwoter moll t
.t i nv ett Of
..tbo lt
A.,lintsf, ..tli 111 4011/4449 ilhoi i
'Stale s hould be Sin. 1 4 iiitrkiog lottoi to r
toratalloroodoig loom; et out isonostiew •
be the etwingo,:wtillotowe oiloswo,• • Tion - 4112..
rat lintaw.tur-OltittWiLl> Bloilttita" -- . -
04-010,' ttU,S. AN - LII4g - • '•••
sesidd_rn ‘saiiiilaidothediaffirtio 11O;ro ihs
Warta of Ms 4rl2TdrUsidi •id sit 0011PAIIIT.
110,00 - bUstilELS:Or bILUNILISOLII_OOlL;
au MAHAL! or 111.10g4 sad- f4 B, ki SUISSIS
Or A. 1.11.16 sill be noshed M its Omoe of MOM.
pay, oats the i, J LILA;Phad.
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