L azr. ISASORDAY WOMB* : JOLT 1L CITY APAtililB. air curautyui 1 , 41 . 1.27 . 1 OP ITN on% Nrisoi o r Oassavouns fa the for w. 11 , e• ea*, Opt{diullte. 511 ifttb • O Rt. 11 latAlllll. 0.01 41.4! w .. • I.s ... 98 r. • 81INIMOit The Drift is the 22dDistrios. w. oostiseo, hew our weld', tb Waco the et the aims of then who have boa drawn anew tha oosoorlption sot to the 124 Dkteists • • It*Sl llllMlllagmt. i • J nob Dude , i• - Penn *adder, Muslim Ond6 Oso. Eseptisr, Courad Plakop, Wm. Warm, Obrist'Beiniskia Math Markin. &oaken Name, lota Laboanar Phillip Arbogast, aliabasi Kaboni, i w Prod. Path, W. Mittanswi, Ran Etwaskiiio, . a. Garrison Joipopit Ulmer; Bmanol ThouPiot, — Jamb Saida, i Wm. Tacker, • Gambit Orimmoagb, Joka Miskall Nod. Yonag, Wm. 311111 m ~ ' Dam Jones, Christ. HUgar, Hairy LangOn, - David Dario, Itaidaa Noma, Joapar Dario Okam. Orson, John Jordan: Martin Smith, ' Allred Bata, • l a nd. Lshlligat, - John Lindm. Wa &Ulm , Jacob Rem - Jim W. ellnigni, Richard Eli., Jots W. gaibw, Outlive Noma, Jacob - Pater. , D. 0. Zama% Rasplinty Jonas, lank Po% Jolla Wolf, 1 Jabs Animism, 111thard Madam* PAM* Nam, ' Astons Oak, Firm Drown, m Cerullo, Bitter, i LIII Winton,_, Jobs Oxfa, Pew! in Ulriok, lola OitarmayM, J. b Daekler, David um, , irif f . B Ikon& Prank Itabort , .. ' - 0• .4 t. 1.. eras, Joao% Waltu.., , J t .. ii..... m . i /mob Gm i P-..a al -.lli, We. WiaLe, ; fhb.) IdoL.nanlin. him Btaltaar, , ,r.r.a datoi!ok. Aiiimi Warms, : J ha 8, d Okaa- Swann', i Joao W Irallaad, J'aa. Pam% t J• ht, 11. p.m., Conrad Pidal, * F r -i K la.* • Jobs I. Porgy,' onP.P.r Pa. Prim Haw, i Wm 8..,..b.m., AM. Kethairo, , Oaraoha..oar•lag, Alps. R. Pato, i Plako'as weals% Bikur t i Romp, Jamb 8.. b., David Bud, j .. Astber McS 'titian. Zoba - Ploaagi ' Clotart atears, ILadmmOntham i l . &mak! Mall, • Ai*: ember, .'. • Karen inatawklikeit Llealna•kart; , ' Obrist. NU, Zebt:Brows, • Weldon Mem; Be.;: Reek, ' Rabard RA*. Asa. Rapp, .. • 'Robert YolUtiash, . 1 Hauyagatw. .. WlUlain Witham, Prank Bangamd„ . : Wary Harm*, John Itharriay -.. Okla. Oda; JabielllidAik Olathe Ilidniaa, Alamo' ~ MMus Cooper, Arad Pear. , ' Illaaalla 1 Zha HealarZforra. Jobs.Oa roll, o; hie Rases. . Jacobi:looniest, Nat Saber. - Lest Babas% Phial) Brightweeva, Robert Shepherd, Ades Tarawa, Riekeed .Taftter, Wm. Paniamriti, 1 Maar lath, , Lurk Lowimpor, Lisa Sada, Wiliam Pia, Prod Bela, Joke Belle% Ades Paleastbre, I Joke (aim . Wiliam Reefer, Mat mm Wompiet, Mirth Porter, Jamb Mum,. Moon Noblo, '. l'ammOmaimap; Jobs 0. Harapkray, . Jeans Hon* - Micaml Baker, Mamma Ward, Mattldaa Smith, ',hire mem, ' Mamas Walla*, Jobs Brwar, Bodlind Zang, Jolla Bartow', William Wynn, Jobs /than, , James Timm% David Deacid; George 11 1 11 001111 r, ohs oka Peak, Witham Z. Meyer,i lftim, Om Stewart, William Rileass, ' Baal Jona, And Eldeklols, . Mamba Keller. Clerk Wood., 1 - , JOAR - Vlosoa, ' Ind J.' (Hsi, '..., • Mattiow B. Kolas% Robert Imola, .i. . _WiWasi 4 Jolla Aduu, Pa* Zola' Brom, P. A. Krosimborpr, Jobs Swath - - , lon/A KIWIS, k • AA* Pomo% : Wilain lonifi v ; • ZusiaßilloArs' ' • • • /obi & - oroso t ,' - ' 'i - Xottlow Blass*, - AdamiLioLoal Zobon itelroi, _ . • 1 • In.& Jobooos, -•- -Thou& Illirslol4. '- 'Aka AS0111101; , - Nag ,liklirlager, . . : Mkdraotiosson, Rislised U. Leo, ~ ',.. , Jima Yob, JO•ob Toyio: , . 1 minima In* - - • . Jooopb BLOW& - I Tim*, lalPion, . ~ Phoosso Olgotoat, I Pohloall Eldstoa noollo Doha, ~. Pomo Dm, . .:-- • O • • ~,' •-•,- . sompOsa lri iIdg, WIWI, •:" Aillak 111 1 M 4 ~., . 114601 ,', WAlifoof . - */ i allikliffilas :•-• =II f 4 • Iloitoo s ; ~... Iltabarditaloasoola p 7 Pro& Lwow ' . :.. W. 0: Minor, - - • Ilan Watson, ' Botori Pape, JOl Mosvor, '• • • 0. P. - 8004614, Jailii.roospio„, _. • &Oa .W.KPiski :-• illeatkidri '''• .‘• :- ,••-•• Pridlitmoi ; ' • f i r 4 .4,,, , _. , - '1:..-;':: l'• -:- iougi idioms iiticinki, - - ' - Jaw - • lloolit Son, You& * ' - ... '2.1. ' . floicool Tau& -• ), • ••Joamoolltrool . _. r l V lMlll: Artaotroat ; J 'Obis. Pobkle.• ..• ` ' • Arifte Koko, - , . obs Detolldi;''' Albei SI. an. 141 ii Jolla Ziotsity, B. 0. Pinnr JAimil 1t4, 1 0 ` .- • •- • ••• -: -- , , ix TTim, OluilL Woad, - •,-,. Maul Plokolio. 01140 school, :6 1111 . fibill o X10 A• .7 11 4 4 111 MitillNik• ,- - .4306:01 , 4, 1 " MOM iloirimi, ' Amass esillalle 11 Esy, ' ...Woo. Make, a • ' Wary 'Patois. : - litA. et s& Slue, Jalathe, Jaw Ja w Lilo, . . WohAlrommook . . ...lasob Mai* , - ' - - • PasdeltAusso, -.. r ir p• A Av.ftntlyA • - - .... ius ifiyiumfAsp:. L es Sliiibielliallei-.: ~.tailiilhaluft. Wiiii'LlkoriNp'- IWO' , 22 1107, 'lliimq, , ,pri,„ Oa 'harm. ~ , .7,llllXesr. ~, : . en*. . 1 Leads Mame% Joaaph Daiwa,,s, /oh* J. Jos' lams AViesson, Jams _ltalie:am, Marla nestesny Henry Mlle, AIM* Maim, r itk ones iri tisis4W Hasa NeWlllie. Daniel @g.. ~~ Ora., Hier, Joke L. Les, Rd.. Landes, Janes Llama% Okades Leeson, alsz. R. Posies, Joist Bask Charts* P. Dar, Jolla Hhirgener, Daniel Mader, Senna HoD=. Herron, Hesse aobest Joseph Peat, Jame Degas, Aitken Sand, Win: *spite,- . him' Lessner, W c = 2 1 . 1 71°4 • Mager, , B Italy D. Hoer" Hie. Doyle, Mamas, Omits Sisieelson, Thome Wiliedis, inn Jesse. Daniviaaa Kind, " Jamas toy, Dalian B. Idaoal2, David Harvey. - ifaadassoa Ovid, Jolla Malin Mist.. Embalm, lad Calm • Daalid iktyta, Okada H. Zq, ads. Jam, Ntrplah Giudat..Laida„ Dards Ilikiti, Oose. Sweet Mg% Irsob Balder_ Ipbralia Aorieses, Baanal Davilloas Jolla Kamm, JAM O. Boyish Saba Jkstride at, Jolla Z4pp, Jolla Rteslipm Itards,V. B. ember, WA& Rebtaioa, him Stows - ; Bamlitim i Atka Bye Cho. amneris„ lasob LIP& • atiotex. • gibed Zeds', L ranee. • Sigazel H. Hatatiiii, Davit Joao,' him Sty, o - Banc - Quin, A. WOW Haerisati Jaws Pam', Jeke assimumk J riliase ska 8= • alatise W. lA. Da*: J ssaaoad,- Wu; Wyatt, iguana 1.2•144418, L 144. B aud 0. Lb, Alleiread o NNW Ogre; Obsais_ Bureau Wa. &e ok Ind. au ristama s 7 b ' ja Wu. B lom et WEL IP. 21 - nom' Iran: glides away. '~~"`~=`''" ti ~,,;,~s:: t~st.~=~dFew =`: ~ -.six.-,.:. WThawsm. Tay - k r ; ' • - Natlbws, Theme Wilson, Aubrey' Mirk, Jams 13kmart,. Wm. Maly% 211 Jen thooal abthrt• iketi alth jr., , !/ 841tvaa, u•Vainia Bashasi Raffles', Jona K.lterrio, • Wm, T. Waidgrass, Jame, K Johnston, Wm. Sobitsti, Abraham . Mauer, MULES Dilmott looa , Jr Geo. 11 - Jler, Goo. W. Mailman, Wm. A. I,ession, Wm, Et Deily, David Carmichael, irad. S Deem, Wm. Waiver, James &Wain, Prod. Sharer, Wm. Baal, John Karnak*, John D. Gray, Wm. Shepherd, David Kemp, John Cinkaa, Christ. Will, John W. Painter, Ddward Dash, Wash. D. Dula, Wm. J. Green, Henry Brubake r , P e r diaandraibsiaaer, Henry Liadwahr. I WBalowelheida, "m• a. anaolde, Thompson riper. John Fox, - Evan Bo:eland, Wm. A. Bzwohlisid Wm. K. W00d.. , haw L. Blowy, Was. P. Bhp, George Sill,Staphen Bnasit, -.....-..... 20 4- I* Adam Mi=ner, Philip Boss, A; Golhashar, J bo Gibbons. Jao..to Caw; wm. ileratrro, - J Brooks. J ~; Toaur, U. 0. Hoc, J Aka Brodie', C madam Borah Clubs Boolor, tllonakorscaleh, • ifssysookstala, H. A Den Kirk;iso n, • Thos. Kelly, Atiotel Carr Jobs Darla; H. W. Larkin', Petra Gonahry, Karon A. Jour, .7oha Blosorou, Philip hollob But en , unn. *nut Klam - John Carr.el , Wia. John. lama Cook. %%Matta, Bobasai Jolui Candor, , Batosamaad Lewis, alobard Clark, Lynch. 1142. J. W. B. lokaostook, Janos Wrligkt., abat Kostfa IT Bassoylrpamaskos, R. Fmk lmbert. Wm. L. Laughlin, Wa. Kirby Samuel lioChtro, II Wool Hatton, Thos.Nayl or , Wa. B. Shearer, Noah Warms Bobs. No Wag. MaOleo, Jas. Johnston bassoEtaandari, Goo, Ventre's, WRIT ILIZA3 Thom. J.Gotty, Nob T. Itogirs, David Thom, Bobt. NOE% Tkomoo Pilgrim, Jos. 0. Gnu, Tie Diaft la tie 22d District. PIM,/ Warslel testa to pregtoodeg with the drat in this Cloagrouicast Dlstrist with essusewhhie Width sa/ by tido impalas wM kers Ilalaud the work. Duriag the forum, ousasetdag at tea o'clock, Mehl ludas towiuhlps will begone through with. We givs the an der of the ant oleos enrolled and the umber to be drafted : not awl. To be dam. Wilkins - ........ ..........:33 70 Patton .....................112 34 Versallles "-*. . .-..... .341 104 211sabeth-,=-.....«=... 195 118 11111111 - • ......... ....En 08 All etion.:-...-........-.......120 ' 1 SS • 8n0wden.....-.............-......114 34 8a1d wbt........ - .........-....;...121 63 /a the afternoon eoaatenolag at 2 Volook, the following distjati will be disposed oft . lint Clam To be awn. Lower St. C1e15..................406 122 Union ....................«.........197 69 21 llptou 81:Flars:-.;.....-.-.-: IS ' 19 quoins -. —. „Alb 34 aft* i•yett;=............... 86 26 North Payette............. • -.304 • St 1 1adky................4-.... 89 ' so Robinson ..................--191 67 Velem ...............• .........70 21 Oniscent ........................... 29 9 Nonini..-.-....--....... 211 8 The Galway ateamalip Lite. We direct tie setenthe of ear readers to the advartJanseat at the 4 U:hate Royal Mal Bean Navigation Company," better knowa as tie "Galway Use, white will be found on our sexed per. Tie advastages, wkice the eillily route peonesa over all others se alrediag tie NOW and aborting pumas to Warega, keffe MSS io olsszly de. soasteated ear Iry item It unast o dwell ea tie feet hem it alt mong! to know that being tie soot direet:reste to Europe, tie Gales route to i 7 lift tie sketest, and {kis, vita the edgeiluent lIMESOter of tas soaps:Ws signers sad the. extreme sods:slim af tisk rates of paeans, readers tkat the No will. do a tremendou bastes& Mr. D,IsUl of tks Ciresisk, Is the spat for this sity, sad O. 001111,11117 Li iota feetsaass is seisstlags glathissa essriss. Is, easpetsas sad tranrib,. *lag pump pump for thomt s/c Perm s rag Disk Meads, Amid by kis WI mesas Ma spas tie's pat sag worts& Isms. • -,-- Louts 461,11,,,einsylvaila Tb. folleirtWare the sanaltlas to coos dasiltraik righuit Pansyhalo; Telma berla qipt. °Me; Pia;1; 011 ; ii=kt sad li sata k tited, J ws Its "1511.41 der. Rh ioeV4 Irolliftd NW light vosad.l brllvia ac illaTem & piX 4z% pjfß, rellasaiNl esespokaad an TM folloilag aro the ammo of Qui ollsor maadd la tho doh Inhatal Poomphroala Volutsm j la Mello* to tboao of osamay /f, OVUM “ii I Kilk 4.4 11V11411 /dui lrota• dok - d Maim? D, Doapkba miaty, Pa; &moat &kw, Comma, B, Barks omary, Pal Woudal—Oa. s Prima Mathew rover, mostly Corporal Joha L. Ludy, Omplay Os Parrish Chataragm, Ps., llphrola Dolph, Bs *Moat. Coapsay Ds Odoollas ea, Dasphla gouty, Pa. Nu, Luours e -Oa Tuesday analog last, altar da7Uos, a =a vu sou to Vavo.tha taunt of it Soup Gabor, sonar of the Mound sad Gay Ulm Aliaghasy, lad' a ea it wad fond that Ito had earned el a silk Ulm. a silk rack, two volla sad on oral attain of junky. Bo yak pod -hla OAF?. Ait's Cloinits,The ha/MU in the asonaimes monad MIA Alai's eon. :: Jobs Ly fa libilt ofl, 80. *se ••••ar.,._ wssi • ir Amadei la the load AM, wouftd.Wm. John Welsh, Rohn Inland, Wm. H. Kerrey, Charles 7. Morrow, John H. Morrow ' Moses Elokards. John A. Ryan Thomas Bowdr, John Deninger, James Morzgr., Mather, Rk r • Wm. B. Ned, Wm. Aber, 'John /hearty, Allred D. Ruse% Joseph Paresll, ISamool Andrew Owen McLaughlin.. I.olrlllitlP. Barney Lorimar:, John H. Angasdne, Pont. Parma., Fred. Harm* Hew Lang, Gee. Bnelibeeh, irg•mam Boon, Holtzman. J es D. Carus* • Pram& TOW, Adam Hawthorne, David Mott, John H. Micketson, Franz Aunt Brainier, Eltpl, , Thomas M. Barney, John Smelts, .tame P. Ward, Philip Lowrie, illantuel Craig, John Glans, Hash Busy, Henry A. langlida, Wm. Smith, John R. Bowen Win. B. Within:, Chas. V. Baum, Wm. H. Cargo, Samuel B. M Lath Jam. W o od row , ' Bea). P. Whitlo', John B. Irwin, Prod.. Millar, Um? UPPerlisri, Max. H er .. • Viiillo. James MaDade, Chao. Sloan, Albin G. Okriaty, Daniel Woodford; David Alvah Henry Cook, ' David Chas ka, Leads hand% ' Jelin bids, EL C. Neiley, Prank Boit, VIOL Coleman, Goo. Pausal, Maim Bobo% James Nesbitt, lobs linker, Jam Cook, D. A. Env, Prod. Lelp, Jamie Jove, lireak B. Bissell John Wollams,,' Join Plbbner Wm..7llllnger' Okaa. H. eadatoek, Nickolas Itriseozn John alum ' . R. W. aveddlo, John Waveband, Robert BIM Jan Wee, Elohq itoliay ' Lewis Fix, Geo. Krebs, J. A. Woolataya. airm Riebaid i - John J. Ponta, 3 6101R11. Wm. B. Into% Jobs itoCalm, .., Wm. D. K s i g , 11)lut P. Craighead, /me 8. Paammat, !Ironton 010, Abraham Clark, Lori B. Bart, Doak /Baba/fay, Ostmador Beal, Boma Dim, Daniel 0. 0. Lambert, Jobs Stoat. 1101.0001. (Mini Stott, I Wm. Stewart, OUs. O. Sta►aa', Joha H. Loadsrbook, Wm, Cadman. E:== • Duns. 817911313-0 s Tbsoodos. sth . at ap.t, al tbo rfoldoose 01 bor 110,1144 not. /wow Of Ulu. Wes Unruh% Ass Mao Mitt of ttio lots Jtklutrd Restlos. Ito 'mond wilt takii plant oa i ii tradar. Judy •Utb, at 10 Woloolr k s. a. Outlays mart from M. adios of ILdotoosos. Ifo. OS doottilkad stew, st o mat. s. as. Tbs Meads of Ma Istogy on to spootfolly 4tltd to attend. • Taliriou-04 Ibiday oforaloi. Igb r lslll. Wait disease of Janis sad dash .laliabikoof I fosstbs cad 10 tits. Yasond woo to. miasma of b.. woo* Dooms Abe 4. osor Osman soosio, 0a assosost.litit bu g at 11 ocbsifp.n. 881S8-40 bur. prime Cutting; 160 Cram; la skis Mad fix ash kw MU. d BALIIIMY, N.. rlr Libms Wort. 'by i nn Gall NAT 141104wM418.1 R e lne Min b e "11.• SA. ?gal *1 new Pandeigir. ~ ~' ._.. _,. ~:~Gi.; ~ ,-~ra~:. ~ ~ . k~~... ~. ~ - ' ts ~ +:r ~ cair:: ~:iA.~rz~"';`~.i~' ce. Council* and the Ineeedlenee. The leas Loudhey fres in this city ban abused considerable liana, and than is a dis position now to take some action width it is hoped will protect the community. A special meeting of Councils was called for last even ing, for the purpose of considering the pro prissy of offering a suitable ' reward for the apprehension sad conviolion of the party or parties engaged in Sting the property at our citizens. quorum was present to either branch, and consequently no formal action could he taken. ,Tile numbers present, how ever, so far as we could learn: frivoled the proposition. In Belem Council, Kr. Allen stead that I t was his intention to Offer • resolution to authorize the Witter Committee to get an insuresee upon the Water Works, to the amount of $5,000. The property was exposed to lire, and while he believed the Water Committee had the power to Insure the building, still he desired that Councils might sanction snob action. An inforkal vote was taken, and the members present (eight In number) all voted in Myer of the proposition excepting one. Councils then adjourned. It Is to be regretted that in morn for the Immense sums of money annually expended la this airy for the supporta_ a polio. system, adequate protection frost Inmadtary ins can , not be obtained. Therein something radical ly wrong in the system or in the method of Its adathletration, else the Ceunoes would net be eompelled to resort to the NUN above Lu dloateeL. We kayo no hesitation In endorsing the opinion entertained by the majority of oar citizens, that. the gnat evil Iles insp. pointing and keeping In place utterly lama potent, worthless and drunken cheers—men given to debauchery and dissipation, and therefore wholly unlit and unreliable. Capt. Haap•. Battery. -- Thews has Wan moth anxiety felt In refer *nee to the loss sustained by Snaps Battery in the late battles at Gettysburg. An °lacer of high rank in the 48th Pennsylvania Begi aunt, nada; date of July fah, gins the fol lowing as the list of meanies : "Knao's Battery," Lint. Atwell in com mand-8..G. Gibson, wounded - in the 'lmel da.; Diebold! Tatar, wounded in the wrist ; James 0. Davis, wounded in the breast. This battery was warmly engaged on the 2d, and changed podtion to author location. daring 'the night, Six. hundred rounds were Bred from tile battery. This report tallies exactly with • private letter received from a member of the battery, who reported bat three men wounded, bat no names wore given. The above is doubtless eared. Movement of Troops. Beare new battery, recently masked in this city, and fully equipped, and furnished Mot excellent gum, left the city bat evening, by the Cleveland and Pittsburgh lialroad, having been ordered to report at Beverly, Va. Col. Dick's regiment goes to New Creek, and Col. B. B. McCombs' regimeat, will report at Parkersburg. The eavall7 battalion recently organised here by Lieut. Col. Manger, of Indiana amity, and Major H. Beets, of Jef ferson county, are also under, marchieg or ders. Of the ultimate deseinatim of men troops we know nobles, but we are satiated that they will give • good account of them. ears when °owl= eters. Larceny of $550. Wm. Gray, teamster, residing on Ewalt stint, Lswrenanille, was robbed, on Wednes day night last, of En hundred and fifty dol len In money. He had kept the money se anted for a time In kis stable, bat fearing norm Incendiary alight ire Hu stable, he placed the money in an old bureau, among some clothes. On Wednesday night some per son gabled somas to the room and ouried off W the money. It was all on Pittsburgh banks, and fluor* was four fifty dollar bills, the balsam being tens and Avec. He has no elne whatever to the thief. Tsta Now Poet Ittorraano Witexitts.— /farper's Weekly awl lb. Rhutrsited Anse ar• beautiful sambas of thesis bwrotite pictorials, lined with erarpthies istarestiag tile west. Call for copies at the News sod Periodlool D.pot of J. W. PteToct, opposite the Polit o:palm Tax Nur You Notirmo LID krairlito Dina:L—Oall►t Pittoors.opposito LOG Post Onloo, for tk► Now York Necking and Even ing aowtp►pat. Azaraaa OLD wpm Gona.--431a. Sam mar, aged savaaty-ivo, a scalier of 1813, dial at his raidaaoo 1n Lairraaarrilb, an Wading day main. The Frans of Grain's Victory It is !dud, la dispatches from Washing ton, that Gam Gnat does not latest to lle slillat Vicksburg. An immediate movement of some kind wen to be *spieled from - so ao• dm and enterpriaheg a oomosaader. Grant has now a formidable forces—probably a hem dried thousand mun—lnsphited by victory, esperieneed in arm, under mash in whom they have oonfirhaee, and with a leader of whose ;mina they are proud. With sub form greatresulta am be amompilsned. - No doubt Grantavoidod the roues inerita ble in storming Viokabarg, partly beam* he desired to have hire army ready to strike ano ther groat blow ea soon as the rebel forum fell into his hoods. Amordlagly„ he has now no dead to bury, no thousands of wounded to care for, ao material of war to repair or re plies. His whole great army is la fighting trim • and we may be sum that the general ham is pro plan of campaign perfooted. Ilia Mot this Ant blow will be dealt at General Johnston. If he oaa catch this Mears army he will make short work of it; and wham it is oat of the way there is nothing to pint his marsh through Minh slept to oatgorarry Gratral Alabama. The rebels Imre so exhausted that restos of men that they maid net hope to raise as ar my la Giant's rear. TJteyoaeesal of Mont gomery would memo the fall of Mobile, and, with Mobile as a new hue of soppliss—widele would come up the Alabama river—Grant mold undertake a fresh umpalga. Varnishers will give u at ones newly the whet. attire Bats of Mississippi; and as in the northern put of that Stahel* Vales lea- Ghent wan and remise strong, it may be that we shall ham of a loyal Burns government being set up as soon as Gem. Grin driers, out labour's. Nimi relations of Great to Roseirans, >D the inentlate beano lamming. Tao fall of Vicksburg leaves Rosman a; liberty to take gratin risks than as could pridantly IMMO while Grant bad his hinds fuU„aad no doubt the Army of Tension wUI follow Bragg to Ghat snoop. and sadism* to Invest** plan. If the rebel any h• conned to that string held, ens a leas glop b y Buserans will be no disadvantage, as ft will give. Grant tine to main into Alabama, where he and Row mai will be able to operate together against the • satuay. They wtil be strong enough, oombind, ant any army whin on bit brought against The more 111011114 we consider the runt position of Grant, the more disastrous to the rebel own do we pensive his victory to be. Davis spoke only no slaps truth when he said that ' , the Octubdeney nest mend or fall. with Vicksburg." Gnat% sank eastward will be, la teat, an attach apt% tie nosy% rear • thtlataalagbaad 9•0 1111 1 1 11 suppli es, his cfspots, and crosantanitations wit h the oatisr world. , eraatla 'hates will sake the position of Itontinas sok and if, as is hinted, montane are snaking width will give us Charleston even before Gnat via roan Mo bile, whW, wording to Mr. &ward, North (Wolin likaly_to retain to the Union pies. only, notking bat the ankh , * defeat ot Lee is weeded to inn out all ergaaind and for addablaorpoiltion to the Vain sad liberty. It it the part of the Banns &Moil to make sun ofLse's definition. • ' . ._ e. . THE LATEST NEWS OUR SPEOL4I DIBPATCHEs FROM WASHINGTON HI RIMINI WHIMS Id 111 The Two A Blx Mil PROBABBE BATTLE OH EITHER BATE/WAY 01A AIIEDAY. EXTRACTS FRO! 11101110111) PIPERS speclid Dispatch to the Pittabozgh Duette, Wesitlitsisoa, July 10, 1853 Tali 11115ATIOS. Meado's and La's armies were sit last m oments dye or six miles apart, and skirmish. big between the outposts has occurred to-day. So far from having crossed, the enemy were at last amounts bringing ammunition from the Virginia side of the river. Another great battle to-morrow or the day after is probable, but Meade Is under no necessity tout hastily. Recent ribs hays swollen the Potemao so mush as to render it unfordable fora week. 110311111 itiCHnoliD Penna. Richmond papers of the Bth are jubilant ever a victory on Saturday night, Jaly 4th, and Sunday, at Gettysburg, reported in a telegram from Martinsburg, to the effect that the centre, under Hill, fell beak, drawing the enemy from their works, who were thereupon flanked by Ewell and Longstresh Lee finally routed the Yankees, and took forty thousand prisoners, who refuels to bs paroled, and are now coming under ghard to Martinsburg. - Another dispatch from Petersburg says that paroled prisoners report our dog of truce obi een sullen and Gloomy, and reprennting our loaf at sixty thousand. The Examiner and Regwirer swallow this whole, and the latter containsa savage leader, giving Philadelphia and Washington over to pillage, and our own Baltimore to it, own people, and Cincinnati, the city of strychnine whisky and fat pork to dames. The Dispatch believes Lee's maneuvre to be that of Hannibal's at Carnal, and promises the Confederacy filly thousand soldiers from Maryland: The Examiner mention, as ?edit:elm:l a re port, via Jackson, that Vieksbarg has ear. rendered and the garrison been paroled. The other papers felicitate themselves upon the reported sarcasset by Johnston. The following is slipped from the Richmond DiTateh of Tuesday: Raleigh, July B.—Some excitement was or oasioned here yesterday on account of • car. airy raid on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, at Warsaw. It is rumored that the enemy has gone book towards Newborn; but nothing is certain. Gov. Vance addressed the people at the Court House this morning. All the "(lithium are beteg enrolled for the defense of the city, in an emergency. At the Libby Prlsoil pesterdaj, by order of General Winder, the captains among the Tastes prisoners, numbering seventy-four, drew lots for two to be shoe in retaliation for the shooting of Captains William P Corbin and T. J. McGraw, by Gan. Burnside at Bandutky, Ohio, en the 15th of May last. The priioners were assembled in the room at 12 o'clock by Capt. Turner, commandant of the prison, and after being formed in • hollow square, around a table, they ware Informed of the order of Gen. Winder. A slip of papet l with the name of each man writtarron it was earefally folded and deposited in the box on the table. Copt Turner then informed the men that they might 'sleet whom they pleas el to draw the ItanisiOnt—the first two names drawn to indicate those to. be Shot. Sept. Sawyer, of the dot New Jersey cav alry, suggested that one of the ohaplatus bs appohtted. Throe of tha chaplain were called down from an upper room, and the Rev. Mr. Brows seasplad the MIL Amid a stleatteal- most death-like, the drawing Minims:toed. The first name taken out of the box TAP that of Captain Hwy Washington Saner, of the fat New Jersey Cavalry, and the mond that of Captain .70lin Flinn, of the fifty-first Indiana. When . the names were read out.. Sawyer heard it with no! apparent emotion, remarking that some one had to be drawn, and he could stand it as will as any Gas ern. Flinn was very white, and much depressed. The prisoners were than dismissed,"and the ecoaderaned mere sent to Ben. Winder's °Moe. On arriving there they worn permitted to write letters io their friends. Baylor wrote a 'at tar home„, and read it alma to a detective standing war. UpOn owning to the Mat put of it, allying is Farewell, my door 'life; Um. well, my ehildroa ; farewell, mother;" be bogged thou* near by tor muse bias, end toning odds bunt into team Blinn mid he had no bitten to write, and only wonted • Welt. Both son -wort rotund to Libby Prlsos, and will kept IA Gloss !xnallsomsnt until th disk szootitlaa, witch Is not yet od. Capt. Sawyer b a PenneyWallin by birth tftta bis Irishman. The Confederate de oaf ebot by Burnside were incubi for re. =IUDS fa Kentaokr. and that the ihneral, when appealed to by Miters of one of them to wire his We; refused with' the brutal reply that "he had s quit bambini the rebelikat with gloves." causaimLutiotri. Bat ortisColosal has iota oomeatutoned by the negro elleer.ozalateg board. • OoL OltrUtha, of the Nei York twenty sixth; has ben eoatulastoned as a Major. AU the Qsartsemasten at iAuhiadtoa,ar. hereafter saVoisted to the orders of 0 2riatral Basks?, and 'trill be provided iwith a &Solent snort so as to provost another affair like that at Boakirlibr._ Tito Poems' Is tan , het &tip to-day. znanikor inn 1 11 411!0:710aPi. Ai the Bargion-Cleierarg cello thani la en told linen, that 1* that %portant of that Golf, the ratio of making frank isnahano l a dismal, moms the white and Oolcied ad dling, ars about alines white to one . oolond soldier. winwrows soa Daarpm mu. , It Is prepaid that the Gloanimsat shall' make Washlagton a .andssions tor dratted men tram the Rastas States presto= to thei r bang forwarded to the aghast. ne w to the Asl4. soutis . ai axpAzial. Jags Itagrath, In the Ohenlisten ;00n.m. erste newt Me attained the 'Mid conicett tin set, and held that" alien teddente could M tenant ander it (Dann iroxin. • Owing to the condition of Intlitary eaten on the Yonlasals, theuder reinovlng akdh loyal oldies ofAlex ie dela to South ao crooked, Jut u `thu d ption vu abOnt_to embark. • - titrw that all allow whe at* to owatoon# ,, drafted stoa an to be to • • • ••,• sinfootioi. ~;~ . . •-z~:~:~a3. BY TELEGRAPH es Within Five or of Each tither. &a., &a., &a. • Arrival of Pr soners.-iloathern News Batratoaa, .7 1 ie.—About 2,500 prison. ers have a " din the last few Imam - `by the Northern Central Railroad. The following items are taken from the Richmond Dispaels of the Bth: Goldsboro, N. C, July 9 —Letters Trom m ashie sontom, dated at Kingston last night, report an engagement progressing between the retreating enemy and oar forms, near Fresh:Lige. It Is 'opposed the enemy is cat off. Bottom filaticnt, eia./aeboa, Min., Jai b.— Yesterday, about l 2 o'clock, the Yankee cav alry crossed the Big Black and advaneed into the interior , itt were promptly met by Whit brigade and driven acmes the rivet. A ccutivriaq from Edward's Berry, says the entire qom dof Gen. Oeterbaus crossed the Big Black no that place list night. If so, they will hive warm work to-day. Grant is evidently feelikg tory uneasy in regard to scents transpiring in his rear. Then was vary little firing at Vitiltsburg yesterdiy. Notches, July 4 —via Mobile, Jay 5.—A conamisua7,from the trans-Mississippi Ds partment says that Ely:Maus andYart Hud son are well,provisioned. Ben. Lamar, of Texas, gays that Generals Smith and Magruder are huh augmenting their armies. Oen. Taylor holds •11 the Sontherners as prisoners who have taken the oath of shoe to the United States. The Diapatek says of the movemuts around Riohmood : • The daily information that we hear of the inane' m moments north of this city la that brought by the trains on the Fredericksburg railroad, Which arrived last night for the,first time for neariyi: a week put. They report that they eould hear smiting of the Yankees, either it SaitiverJunotion or the South Acne bridge, and that 'the Central and Fredericks burg railroads are now unobstructed." From the of the Potomac. Wosnisorow, July 10.—Yfrom letters not entity reonvedhere it appears that onlifriday last it was learned by Gm Meade that Gsa.. Stuart was preparing to make 011111 of his su mmary raids on auras,, to eat cff our trails and prevent oommanioation. Gm. Gregg, with his cavalry division, was *Meryl to advance from our extreme right and intercept the enemy. Tilting two bri gades and a toittery he proceeded to meow. pilsh his mission, and met Stuart about two miles from oar lines, already on his way to execute his minion. Sea. Grigg °Warmth* rebels, and was at Arai 'repulsed. 'He rallied his also, and again charred, routing Smart's tome, who left hi. deattand wounded on the field in their hasty retreat. Among the killed were tiro rebel hiskfra. Oar loss was from 30 to 40 killed and /10 wounded., Another letter_,irom Hsadquartsti says Meidies mommeats are enerptio, and be may decide to orosi the river in pursuit of the repel', should they escape from this Me. The rebels have seat ever the river their settle, horses, and wagons with pleadei, to. • 'Latest from. New Orleans. " Naw Yoax, Jai, 10.—The steamer George Washingt f on, rom New Orleans, arrived to night. No sews from Port Hudson. The siege continued, but nothing farther is known. Orders kiwi been iss brigad e flkeploy for the formation of a of Louisiana Volunteers for 60 days, for modal servise In defense of New Orleans. Gin. iikeplay would take command of them himself. No private boats , are allowed to go up the rine mew with a permit from Gen. Emory. No public, assemblages are allowed la the city, incept for puha!, worship. LII alubt and gambling houses have been aloud, and the bar.rooms. *offs* houses and atoms are to be Glow! it 9 o'clock, a. m. From Itosecrane" Army. July 10.—011isens from Frank lin sad diming Hill r►port the country north Gillis Tennessee river Mod with deserters 'from liniges army, mostly Tennesseeens. The mamba is estimated at 10,000 to 16,000. They missed to leave Tennessee. Reseorane army retalnuite position on the line of the Rik river. , The gempaign le Artfully ended. Time Army orthe Comberland now hold Winches. ter and Shelbyville. The river is falling, with. eight feet on the shoals. The Louisville train arrived on time, , Great Rejoicing at Mt. Loath. Br. Loom, July 10 —A grand 'demonstra tion is hi preparado Yfor to-morrow night, in honor of the recent glorious Motorise 'east aid west. All places of ,Mulasts will biolosed at noon, at the eeriest NO thellayokand gene ral relololog will be the order of the day. Thelma& of flap will be thrown to the ', Him , sa d the oily procolses to be bathed in a flood of light in thoemening. inz_ -i- . Nee Vex. Jail 10. a aped to the ?W -hims-listed ..Psedestelt i ; 1114..'jali lop ~.7 . s isera" tem the Groat; this swab& that al m am bo Flauastale aid ittlostriek erne " gi g meheetlltaath'llath Nita It l e' Lei, • - ye mmt aka, wlias . *by dm* sae.' 4 . "4 ofFtwei 400 phones. . \ - , , worsimp rnOYID Eight thousand Union wounded, left on the field, are being removed. The wounded rebels are being taken to Daride Island. When that is full they will be taken to Chester, Pennsylrania. • EIBIL LOU AT 0171.731117116 The number of rebel wounded was ten thousand at the battle of Gettysburg. The rebel loss in all the battles la thirty-three thousand. i 1 summon Gleam Huorder a hysician, with a photographer and artiets, go to the battle field at Get tyiburg, en moue surgical specimens for a surgic al'i tory of the rebellina y Special D to the Pittsburgh Gazette. - , PHILADIL?HU, ;Italy 10. Nothing now has been reeetred from the Army of the Potomoo. The military authorities will anamanse drafting- here on Monday. • Rebel Account elute Battle at tysbarg BALSIXORII, July 10.—The Richmond Die patch at Wednesday, Joly 8:b, contains a lea ner on the battle of Gittysbarg. It says, we feel as wall assured that Gen. Lee, attar he has met the enemy in a pitched battle, bas Inflicted • terrible defeatupon them, as we do that we are living and breathing. The Dispatch then alluded to • telegraphic dispatch, announcing' great battla as being ' fought on Sunday last, in which the Yankees ware whipped with the lon of 60,000 men, and winds up as follows : "We already begin to see glimpses of pesos, if this telegram only Osprey halt true. Bat let us have no piece which we de not dictate ourselves." The Di.paich eantains the following: "It is evident that Grant feels the pressure of the iron html which Jconston has oast around him." The following are also some of the dis paioties : ifarrkelwrg, Jaly b. _Gen. Lee defeateci_the ens* in the battle of Friday last, but we loot 4 000 prisoners. On S iturdny, General Lee had changed his front, and coupled the ground he drove the enemy from On the first and 'mond days. His whole army is In expellent spirits, aria master of the situation. E wall's wagons ware re-captured. Haviinsbiwy, ./c/s. o.—Stturdsy night our venue foil book driving the enemy from their works. Gan. E sell and Longetreet flanktut the enemy and gaialid the heights yesterday, in which the enemy were routed, and we cap tured 40,000 prisoners. Afarsieeburq, Juts 6.—Reports to-day an 0013011 r that mere was a heavy figntyeeterday, in whieh we defeated the enemy, and drove them three mile,. A vast number of priso norm are reported taken by . Gen. Lee. The prisoners are on their way to Richmond near this place. This has been thi bloodiest-bat tle of the war. lOor loos is very great. The Yankees Waal the pootoon bridges at Pair ing Waters, sisal miles from thus place, to day, and cant d three wagon'. The Rich d Enquirer, of the Bth inst., says: Oar loss is estimated et 10,000 at lb. battle of Gettysburg, between 300 and 400 of which arrived at Winchester on the 6th. Generals Armistead, Barksdale, Kemper and Garnett are kWed. Generale Scales, Pander, Jones, Heath, Anderson, Hampton and Hood are wounded. The Yankee army is estimated at 175,000 strong. The fighting lasted for days, and is regard. ed its the sevar b e4t of the war, and tha alitigh• ter tinparatel The enemy i■ Inputted 40,000 said to have fought well. We 'pawners. Humored eavairy Fight. Chased by a Pirate—Rebel V .1121 at Nassau. Nay ToNE, Jail 10 --the eteanter t: Has son, which arrived last night, reports • eying been chased on the Bth by • rebel pri leer, supposed to be the Florida or Scathe The srtesment of the Ericsson consisted • y of one 20 pounder Parrott sad two 120 •• du howitzers. Advice. per the Penis report the arrlv I of the steamers Bassoon, Bate, Antonio,B',sa beth, Bite, Annie sad Beware's?, cm Charleston, sad the Heaths, Lizzie, Flora' nd Charleston, from Wilmington, all at Na.'. u. From Mexico. Skit FRAU:IWO, J 517 9.—City of ?de leo dates to the 18th of Jane states that Juana was at Ban Lois Potosi on the 7th, and 'stab • Ushed the seat of Government there. The yardmen in the City of Mealeo, num bering 19,000 men, Is distributed at the most Important points westerly of that eity. • portion , of the French army entered the City of Blazioo en the Bth. It is Wend that Gen. Foray had sent a communication urging the James Govern ment to sompt terms of peace. Rumored Bartle. Asir Yoan, July 10 —A Boonibsre special of the evening of. the 80, reports hearing fir ing In the neighborboirri of Fankstown. It Ls supposed Goneral French has engaged the enemy. It is also reported the rebels have a bridge across the Potomas at Williamsport. A special to the Ilaa, dated Wilmington. July 10th, says there are no advises today of a battle on the Upper Potomac, and probably there was none. Pirates off Gethenead. New Yoni, July Boston dlspateh set's: The Prineaton an d Florida were seen yes terday eighty miles eolith el Cepheid, burn ing a brig and Billing schooner. The drift begins here tomorrow. In the 16th Congressional District—Warm* and Minton countlei—it came off last Tend►;. It will be made throughout the BMW as fast as preparations can be made. • Billiketlf DT 1 elegraph. New You, July 10 —Fleur opened rather rteadler but only et • nioderi.Od mane, ae log du lat bon: y.sterday's price* Whi.ay easier at 40006 coots Wheat opened 115720 better, hat stoppers rally refits ug t / 1,11.611114 clo lue dell at about 'oaten:l..2'e prime at $1 I.l@t 26 Chitago Sp fug, 01 Ind 32 err Milwaukee utak and It 1701 401.0 Wintor Gad Western. torn °panel about to better and cloxd dull at. 10 advance at 62369 e. catalog • Ith no towline at Use ladle prize 0... dull at 74616,50. Wool Is quiet and uncbiogod Polk firm- rat 11l 67X612 for ole mow, $l3 0754@14 for now do, $lO 76411 60 for old and use prime ea 3 614516 for new prime. Flacon 'ides doll larS opened dull and clo.ed ra t er more active it presto. prior Cheese dull at OX/411iin te one, 667 on call; St•rliog Griner with moderate butiorso et 146E1146 for first ones bill.; Gold Miner at 33, deolleing to 32%. and citelog quiet at 3')02) 02 %; GlOrertinunt etoelks quiet; U. n. to el; 0012yOus 1t16.149106, sod 00. 10/44. SPECL&I. LOCiu. NOTICES 010TIZ LID BAUM'S gamine Manama, for family and manufacturing purposan, are Ma bat la um. A. P. CiLITOIT, General Agent, No. 18 Filth street. Timis& Pnaay, Plans end Ornamental Slate Boogie, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Ver. stout slate of the bus quality at low rates. Mae at Ales. Laughlin's, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh. Pe. apBtda WAX!' to Hama oa Rorross f —This can be readily answered by thoucande of persons who probable do not know the danger of sub a malady, or if they do, are not to defer from day to oay the application of a suitable rem edy. lerthla way many persons drag out a miserable existence ' and induas an incurable disease oat of one that at first could have been easily remedied. Dr. Keyser, of this elty, has given this subject years of study, and hex experience is cram to that of the best inform ed on this broach of meohanfoal applianees. The dormer hu recently returned from Umtata with Trite an extensive assortment of instru ments not only for rupture but every other disease requinog a mechanical support or remedy et. . Thodoctor's °Aloe is at 140 Wood stre ". Cr.omita Orr an Erma 81130 C sr Con.— Samq Graham, merchant tailor la selling off his Spring and Bassinet stock dgoods at cost. They ameba of all the latest styles of cloths, cassimsru and • Tailings, of which be is pre pared to maks' up in the most fashionable manner, and at cool prise. The publio should not neglect to avail themselves of this rare thane" sad on. money by siring him an early call. Also, a larvassertacent of plain and tansy enssiasres, well adapted far boss' wear, which la will sell by the piece far bellow oast. Mothers should not aspect to call early. Batty Elnaisam. Merchant Tailor No. 14 Market strest., . Arrawnog, itavonsan VoLuanne I—The attention of our oountry's ham defenders re. oently retuned - from the seat of war, end of the public in 'pascal, Is apin directed to the vary extensive and handsome usortment of the latest siylsa of French, English and Amedean plea goods, for poets, ooats•and vests, lately received by Masan. Jobs Wider A Co., 'Merchant Tailors, No. 126 Pedant stmt. Allegheny. A tasteful selection of pistillate/es furnisidng goods will also always be found on the shelves of the setablislunent v together with a lot of ready-made clothing,' got up In the belt ammo& Saw Awn'. or Slump Quiratio.—Of ton we are asked, where can we- buy a neat and oomfortable mum snit, made tsi order, this laving the Muncie of selecting our mow goods -To all ikon inquiries woes* antiwar, go to Slum W. H. Moues t Cio., swam of. Maar strait and Diamond Sq u are, Allnips ny,:nad you will be suited awarding to your' taste. The hare jusiremihred their sumanuw. goods, and for eleganed of mots they eaught to surpassed, and.tariltness :hey are airwaypersons, persons as th eir work is all done ander their, own suiwwialon. - Oise thea a call, and you, cannot hill to be satißeeri. Wive Arreovsa.—Rov. I. Moore, late Ape* Amnion' .Biole U doe. writee—"! bats aid Mn. B. A. Aden's World's Bair Enterer aad Bair Drenthe, sad It bee also bon and by my wife. We auqueldlodly pro ammo theln tee boot proporattobe've ban Ivor and--. 46 which -doeforogin - ionseron frionto by - , Bold by Dna:gine everywhere. Dkiet, 198 Gresawish et., Mow York. ma* Clair Darrunntr..—At tn. Dental Listi ngs, Do. 351, - PIMA loins*, seti of teeth for roar denary better than then at Ave dollen at the otkar dental establishment,. - Alt per sons are requeatid to . toil at the institute Moo listing mortified the loreie prim -at the. other Mop plane. AU work done ei the liiiitata. Is goidunteed superior to say cheap Dentistry. in the oltw Bannon and Scrofulous Bruptiong will man Wirer the balsa of these knifemen who are fighting their tunnitry's battler. Night air, bed food, and drenching rains will make sad lnlyse with the strongest, therefore lot every man npgly himself with Ha&mares Ma. NNW, It is a certain main for entry kind of. akin disease. Onin 25 cm rm. obi. • 215 - • Berms mraorxwer liounuto, Muni un ALL 021ili briIiMATIDIII2 repairs or al: terstloss to none or dwalllnp, new roofs. or anything else JA the Carps:atm Lim 010 M Mathbart's C ter Shop, Viten y &Ilan above llmithS.ld struts. All orders promptly attended t 0.., - Os Saturday morning. July lltb; atria eolook, bo sold at N 0.125 Ltberty street, the machinery iseattlary to odd to a mowing imaohute to St It for it .resylng roaoldue, new aad what. Also. patent washing ma:, T. A. Id oCunzatto, - Atuft.. • • • chums aid Suntan setae sal is takes at the Small= el k% No. tab Misty stmt. day or slat. - All cedars aft at tke above plate will be preatpag attended ie. ALI balls tout boson i 1 at , C. Sus, Deans, sae Yeas strait, attend to all Liaises' of Mi inefautes. IPS4Arua. gNABS it OursPlal/011pipt —Jan apical dila wook • obcitca supply at Wow booming lostsamosoo. boyood &daubs taciawst la Obi callow?. ale &al Is sae slued walvonoby allsocaod. !or sow. IDOStall pru we balm tat In able to GU e oar atom WABILINTBD Fins 11141 d. HAIIII HaUTHZ ter ZIONLOLOR IORT/0.1 In. bat Woo PilDoll rowi. • tomb, b? OR a/UT= 8 41 / 1 11 .11111411 owooti , 8010 boat lac elailllialiblo2llllJUP LUXUS gad ritlauWll oll1.008010.: Jog, ft)fb Ifs• N lbw, I evoked Um t 0..: al Aftaro7 rarca.;. lad by aaa base la Usifift. of abutllaldbawx. alaffaraffefa ui l. rfaffibibitasa . &ad as thi Was day Lotabia. • Iwil aid Ohmage lawbereby *Ohl: zXika ir WSW, fra ay mama. at; aa ay blith - L atir TA Ufa. SPX- JEKI SCELLIXEOI7B.` A F/UIUI SUPPLY HITIPBRICY'S ILPICI3IO HOMEOPATHIC REM EDINA. FOR TEI PIOPLI. =IT 07 LIVZOI7IO BAXIDTEIL- No. 1-Var rotor, Botroodosiod lailstallotton. No. 2-Par Wars levee, Worn Crake Weirton the Bed. • No. fl-lrar Odin Orrin& Teidlibig end WNW* news of Wants No. 4- philnte.Vor Diertilks, Chaim Islet= end Nola user Oots • No. 6-Vor Oafs, Gripfsdie, Systatnry , or Bloody 71tut. No. 11-Tor Choler% Clisders Borba% Vennithli• No. T-ifor Omit" Cblde, Inthienes dare ?brad. • No. lt- la Tootiperien Tioesoate N 6 -Ver Reedeehe, Vett*, Bad LIV it* d the Heed. 110 . 10-piss,pel Per-Tor Week sed_Dslllll74 Stanach. Oonsikeiks end Liver o. 11-Iror haste Inednkrities, 17, Pandhl or floiresed Periods' • No. t-Ifor Letecorrbee. Prods* ILeneseelleestred down of Vessake. Na 3 -Vor Omit, Boers Moe, Bad linstidl46 No, 14-064 hiwee Pftle-Aw Brptiedee. Brute Aloes, Piro let as the Vaal. .151% 16- Mdle-lfor LASiONM or Haln the Chat, B e et. uni,eu m b e ys-dealttel Wiliam.. lavottratery Disehordo and Nersone Detellty. No. 1111-ooor Souk or Conker of 'Meier No. 110 -17rtnerr Tniontbeenee. Wettbie the Ned No. 71-Psfolnl Polish. Prewar* or items. No. 34-Bndertne chant of We, Coshes No. 86 - 11 P 1 4.7 end .1.11111111. Ohms, SU VW. Old Illam d-ror aseded A Inver MI Igoe, MIL honer, Dwelt Acne, nsi. P-For Pb.., Blind or Bteding. Lassa ar tercet 0.-Nor Sore, WWI orlngateed Ilex NUJ *Oda; faiths, Wish or Warm! eight (3-fo, Warr% of loio needing or ream; father with edits Nos et protege towbars , W. C.—he Whooping opogn.mmusa ha tiolonoe. 1110 1114101111014 Per /Skew or Peaks -usprelled' , Le. bored ikeetulai, attended with ()rots and Nspooto• stoics. Pres. o 0 solo 61 , km. /br eke Lesobrere Deeriese--IDlkßergeo from tha far, toe of Scarlet Few theme or Nee. on For Sobel In the best Betderes of Boor log end Nineog In the Stab and W./Lobe. 'dap. 60 cent• p. bon. flerotelslbalerged Okada, Ihtlerpd end In. dont:Jog Tangle, reeding, end Okt flows, b e g. eorfe. t o Otasty sr (Adds.& Pries 60 ass Vor Gamed Drielf4.-Phydael at Nemo, Week now, either the melt oteteknees. isoesnes Medi. auks or litkansUng Dindieriee. Mae. BO ante livgq.-11'hdd Aroinsalspone, Twat • 611 . Inge, whit entity ISlCT•tkell. FTIOD, dan D. 7 M lords Athens . -Deetb.l7 Bicksia, Vertigo, Nate so, Toshio& end Skims dem riding or masks. Alan 10 Gents et!ir ban. Urkeri mseem.-.70r Gruel, Beset gum% Dlikalt, Mural Urinal:km, Diane' 9 111 N 1 4 1 .1e7L Aloe, id ono te per bon. • 'hr disied ./feeWees.-Bandontire7 Dkobarles end Ocseequent Prostrodea end Deblllt7e The met rocosefol and elletent nesed7 known, and say be relied upon u s ooze. Price, $t per bccr. . • JOHN X FULTON, Noe. 67;airo 69 Thrm On t iok, prrnotaten. Pa. hob halal tot the ylreeteen.Ooentre AUCTION Nun CS linpoz taut and fannantory Ina kly trade Was of A TJei • . IN ViLli OM T ONBILOOLLTN, la La Onansanclog 22111PDAY. Ady.l 61b. and andlng Intaimbar 17th, 1183. JAMES iL 'FICA . Wtll 4,11 by Ambia, at hi. ifflinkbOCOO, 00711111 r Bay- MOM sod Woloothby atratia. Fro 4 )n L. I on 00.07 Tattrodaydarlug tak a cm, tamer 4(8194°4n5. lion of t.L etatadateary. oomowtoolog on Td Owd. LAX, Jail Mo. 16113;5t 11 o'clock when ha wall odor • fol. 14, 4 of FUR AND WOOL HATE, Of eV Ty deseelptiou. In lots to anti parch awl. 71 callog the &Mom*. of the • trade to the shove' SU. noot cement. the undersigned begs to .tens then in the sn es tor oho musea the mote principle. that hail otasencter zed those •of Via must tell be eirkaly ob. serval. Ti ey stif not only embraos his entire pro. duct on. hat thoeeni other Sailers,. of veil. ,ens rigout...Nan. nesurirg t /took sas s veiled and compist• eisortitent of 1141•1 Melted to (adman, be minified from thereaot toll to , M••• tend. and mill .be filled entaisotottly... - • •• che bus will to peppered for !snootier' by AIM. lcqtte on the martitar in the 0.1. • •• • • he entire offemige milt be sold Wilma' tame. Jallad. EL Phiti2lol. Antnionser. Conthannsaii se' • Bats.attani.pi moody, le . an 4 fiinar moods, are.solnilteni. and wllli said on e-eet. terse • • • hyl e ms .I.AMAT • ••••, • BOOTH, SHOES AND °Aims, Masonic Ilall - Auction Howie, , :145171 , TH kikny .. t/ts X 1 s.Juslx.WA A town barbni nip held • on releetkel. , Valet we. tee eat mete. d oth1011•81)16- • Nardi. stow wean pore ei be...40010e Sbuleattlaa bet *roan .4yed stentin.iemnbikno. A Swain as kid thouili tee *wicke. 'lwee b tcer in , unfitted neti. , - • A Wanes. wiser teen bleb then taanner . • - Bala. to; neat yin vitae tients Detain HU ..ce wettei-iniiiva" Illnicanne '2'n dear a. a men den. to ..#l4l, ghir.. 7 Whlch.hai been eepck.d . ev ; tbe .eon: nab metal tune Whin reserve, kibe 'opened at leer r.t.. bv • • - na ILL 917 eseeety emit. Onmigar 19 rm,. .Poallll. a or,l PA.ir Mohru 11 / 1 . 00 NilUNIRIAZ;001t1D • L' VOL Aim sir`enewi k 011,44 j ih n . r.#l*VG PO. ••• OtkLit LEA.I 'doeit imiii;a16,#441441011.: 0 ;&41.4 ' ''‘g!AN:f: aktipiiO4,.m:uwwaTakmiii M. 46 WARD, , •- •Dzirr,z4r, Wismiimr.iihioaha to do . oisout or How us ..tansivo tr stosoftooci• amikswo 1.4":814.kact onroloot taws o: mi. Otti, to. • ffilaii;:TEM .AT On pours:J=lmm iiiits - I,t • _. • No.6f foon4ltsso‘,l, A to* lot of Dalai Tow 1111,11Wc * INABA WICIT am& .ii very oboe* tookooout 14011MPloos n. e Jew la sod mato* Ye gook. yjr, ( •,anutaAriSocie nina.-eises P/240114;*.iL-Ta• th,tratt 8111 P Pgrltatitilitilk, *our , iammir reirifferi't Mad, *l4 wo lots JEW. As: trefikt !Ward -by this wood - frau 41 abatis iilll Go *co &Sea silo of coin= Lion. owd tt amsivied ta.Aby birds 411 Liverpoo;llbenis coo adv.ao o $ll undoss.booL, Uotigke. 13.111.11 T , 019 Ireatb-Gor lialefeoco; JhAll.l W - BaiLV'pay. • atieatiou - ite, tew.k : Of an LI eo uM li n w esassii.- the 11.1kalia 1 411 i otor, I strum OATASACIRVIOQUIXIT 111 111.42* Alrfirg. PUPIL, Insole tITIIPIVIA4, &WI treats ail UT riAlllit/LTURrIUWaIso 111XO IT alltalEtsad la diws s . i prouna, 901:11faLaa# asrotim. oas Puri AU Ituand LoW ilmelsf• tat mg ; etaberlitt ebeith Wee Pete ati • r ' 14,211 . 1142. bulge a boat of 1.0.10 *seem tate A*. hoc at - Loot 10. 1 "of 11•7411118111, the Maw s!' weeetifithe kettle* ' , Pattee !brevet 'beanies et it 1 -A 6. 4 3 l 44 ll eletrifear to P. O. tAireiLl'oll4lllii.Alll inzasi, bow Toll. °carte*. et. 441111i1.-. Nevi let route detss,,Patestore, whets • ei.pt steel. teepees am be *ow LLATALKX tautudtl/2 - . LTA NINCIONS,'&:LnutT, Lino, V&A/Mot. ' °Medea byttefillti: =lbw. et tbe 2 .aie.vte: resollftimo - mp -11 aloe cklatair, ia eCk etiag.os. • 11 Oita etrest,ll • I; 11 . 1 /ethatre s, it seer It - eitr, ' • tee en tue..tette7te., Intik ~*lrriftwor3wrizarvi* -..; 1314f ttill hi s itif l aiffie mat. ir shi asSADA staii=iii mins