P'=OIENOR `l OLL _ Pram isstersjs — riklve /Lis i CiasigtiL . The Draft ta the 22d District. The liniolibieltosedoommeaMil ildisnorn: to in's= the ISd • DwriA.....„Thiprlplrmird • with the Pint War d;ltr.oatast; leina on malady *4oostourglkiletd4,*44.4o6t l .::•' at" - ' liend *Mat' ir oti Minors 'The sonars of ansolladin.,eseh &Mist are trrittea on solarea spy of *per and whim the gnats of .thstyertimisr. , i$ le title drown the namerarenikedevis into a. box; aketii /Ma Provitintardloillfinfaa.isiela,Mn whin, wo o* jiligofottimpluts: his bald end draof ode, 4 1. 1• 0 1 aloud by the P re v +II land duly recorded by , the deal. Then another name is drawn in the Mee manner—the tvherd being Awned -ersoh TiModisatia -pilbUiiitboit 5 ,a,=ifemaYAfeF ,an bo•ariSMllMOds • names drawn in • Ant i , Somndand ThlrdoWards of this silty— = addition Of lifty pee dent. being drown for - avorploas. etas : James Lynn, Suomi Kay,, Jana, A. ChMWail PaNnastock Wrie ? !.ClkhstOrtir.l' t' s ", • George SLAM 3amtitSlinnardion, lila Plan, Thorne Hamlin, • • JameeSsiiivan, Was; Plan, Time. Hound, • /Lade,' P dulton, Roderick Booker, Oka,. IX B. Weikl,-' :- Nortek Kennedy, • Jots Irma, Hiederlok Hetmand, Thos.: Derkin, Clitet.-Oolwell,— Josaph ILdrennai * .i.:j .dreates Brooks, • • Jahn Ross, Hagh Campbell, Wni. Dill, ' • - Lawrasee Lewis, jamisi Wallace, :Jelin Pints, • - Abraham Henry - Shriver, - Isaac .o ,, ldren, Patrick Heaney, •: • Wm. Nemingardti • Joseph Attila, Wm. Truer, JohnNeynolds, Jas. G. Maori, Geo.N. Edward', • Jas.Witite Thomas Sa j ekson," -- Nielim4 Kakis, ' Pairtas. 0 Iffklion, Batumi Koons,' Henry Wtader,- B. B Patters's, Joh" Steinhauer, James Connor, Bennett Pisbel,„ 'MR re. Garrard, • c Timothy J. Hem; Prank Winning, David Derr, JAM Boland, John Flaherty, -Albert Steel, Samuel Barman, Joke Carthert, Williams L Patton, Jameall. Black, Wm. H. Smith, Jacob Keifer, Baldwin Gray, Dennis O'Leary, Feed. Beck, - ,Conrad Donn, John Snyder, -,Join Colbert, Gas. 0. BOW, 'Conrad Gazing,- .: • Thomas Bardasii,l ' Jirtnas Scott, Oroseni - Thos. Stole, 'Tama Canalnglanti' Join Linshar, 'Chilton Begi!, ',;. _,Perry 0;814er. Ildward Moffitt, N P. Willis Ehitti i ___ nbn Walk, Albert Edwin -Peeples, John Hanoban,. Wil: - Janise Peter Millairan, „ EINOID Jaa , Lindsaj, Wit, Horton Naos:Barns. -Jobs NiPades, Maori,' - • James Hamill, - 7 - Wdsiditeatile • Wm. o.llainiltrs, Albert BaneUtk, • Chas. O. Mellor. Michael Gana, ' Oven O'Neil, _Joseph Minors, , Tia-Minnoirsts, , John - A. Menage, ' Wm. Stafford, John Stafford. • • Henry John Bailey, _ - esePh Braden, , Joist•Wt . Wards's; • ,"• "Nebito — e..Bi . o*l;? . • L itadieVassa;.. _ eV Neasedy,- 2 Charles Herron, Stared Heel," Oise, Mier, Wm. Cooper, • Php Penns,: David L.Y.111149, Geo. - C Wispy, - Desalim,Parraii„...! ,Cankaia*Bse B Hi narard ID • Jolla 01sonsona".., Aadretr ohn I JOI: a i ail, J .ver. t Joshua Smith, • Milieu Spruces, 74til'iticimmons, :dial Henson, °Mist Swerii, • MilMitlitssett, Allitnienry, IPiihlek Hines,_ Almada P. Bay, Jame/ N. Henry, " 4 3fiiiii4, no D. ki W a stso n n, : ificheal Polley ' PisakMerron, - AVM& Vogl*, T.ALlterritt, .... en, *.- Meysleatalth, Mae. Bierman, ..• ~, Thomas Imillsbi - - Chas..Pmealob, Joke H. Dasher', Samuel K. Brim, Petrick Burke, floikp &Distort, 'BAUM Coyle, '-- Will:A Wilmot. ltititas Jackson, - advird 0. Smith, • 1 ! Pll.ll, P. Murphy, ' ` 4 Doitl. Ifearew, p„44ll? .... Prankberger, :r rosk i 7e4re ralsre, B Johnston, ' • ' ma Demaan, rohificaller, --- riFilliNally, JiMaiel Bleliards, - Wat.: s esrey., Prod. "Crooks, John $ . bh ia : .Pri"l. 8•2e3 11l ton: Sllonlromu John McMahon, didiesr BOIT. John Minkel, Prod Killer, John Bociiii, GOO. D Hebert. Prank T. Mackey, Geo. Myers, Daniel Cooper,- Robert Irwin, , Lewis Traver, Jams/ H. Hopkins, Bernard Miens, Aug. P Brookmeyer, Jaws illoGarr , ' Andros , stable, ' & bat 8. Felten, hive R. Thompson, WIW.:X/Mus, JohaHlottmann, Ghia. Stone, • Joint A MoGahan, i%Doeldßobinson, f U. - McCreary, .:- Vtinit'll'Oolltngh -.- rack Behethle, Armen H. .Blark, ,-, Trod. W. Newbert, ." Jan Tool, . Babart 0., Altos*, • Jo.. Long, W B . e L gi on, Boggy iliiirlif r 4 .,, Jamb Prod, Joseph V. Kerr, Samuel Wertheimer, "James"filatoo, Patrick Owl*, Patrick Deane, Wl7l4itt. " Tholift Began, 114:3.Ihillins, • I tan tli cle y. .D hi leks i on, ReStir-WOMkst• ru Bell, okii Coulter, it Thomas, . - ok, JolM imns" Dgugheay,. L. 9131:8.• McDowell, Bostick Bashi% Holm Wright, tejeca. WiLi s ie kuo min kt ton, :Chas.iattek O'Brien, . pc•lik r -. 4. - . P John Horner, Martin White ; •AVI. Cook . 8 Gie. Bartow Adam, /Meer Detehelor, J'aiM SG Yniteing,r,; - : Jahn C. - Felton,' ''••--.",,' Jon •Imerios, Met 0. La, • ' libi Bowel,w I. KauSwor - -Sweeny, Pelnntlfy_land, Houston, X. Armstrong, nardlderfon, Thee. Itamllton, /Wu D. Bernd, • Ski: - Nieholas, Stephen Woods, \ .l clue Emisipi . , , A ~. hillei:J.-Itlldrii . ~ . lrarilragcepA ~ PallitTileniqwwre Lies salß . Byes* oom .. • . -. Admit ' Jr ikon, Adtisco !.....11,1is C . a . ; _ es J. In Jr Tim__ . ~ ....itephi....... Ailsla, I Plioliolairleid,' .'' • Dials' Blasinroll, - Cluselso Bally, .-. ~.. Imam WI L01,i.0114 E ' William Valuta. ,- " i lilmaP K r . ~. , . v.v. Sassy, ! anal X • ir646, Jobs Pormuta, ' - Calfor Lemon, ........—Vawlet O. „ . flaol, Ptak" Jams,' . • t' , Kilt t.Lowtr. '- - Wm. Wilma: NisoolZ _obior , . / Geo. Lome; Wm. P. MlMialtall,-; - 7: SINPUII DOOM, ~.., . n.7 ammo gamut; . ..' .IMBlMOilros. t , . , .:. c.O moo Miler " ; uJobs T - 4 4. 4 i, r.,-,.0-1 juolillomailma, ~...•, : r Walls '"Ji.; 4 311Mo.111Mobar. Jhuclutd4=',,:! John Y. Patioilioi. -... W. Well . hos.Noooaliol4 5. ' 7 ' imiorWiloon. . Clkas.llsrs _ ~, ~" • -- • , ;: 1111ithowingiDeltit4 w m „, j a ir r uc i , ..„, 0 lini4tpuirr, Jr.,(.,13 -i,... a 4 J - - Vdmiiies, : ; fl B. 0•1101 es 4. - - - :-,------,_ or --- AL - Wititap. If , • .."" -..,. ,r oluk Iga, , r-avo,g' , .- , 1 - , Jobs..Nuaisi 'cll , Dry) , ~ : , , 7' Thie.14 , 11601,144 ,-' • ''''; 4 4iiiiiii itod(D. ..,.. . ~'..',-E r ilF4h i. " .Ir;4l7ii . ,-,,....,.. w .... .saitb, ..--,,•-, ' gen - ' -- ".1 'D 11'6%344,M; ---.! • ~,,F , -, um, 5.,.. H . . ' t;;li*S .) Ovem ' ' v. . Cladranikinad, ,-., 5 ,,v • • - or - - - taa , oollllll - : - Assapiph K a i de ., , t ~.t, ~~,, r .. :'un w :~.~.Fzk:" y;~,:5~,x~.,.: ~~` „ Joh 'Bahohani r. Thou. Dugan. Joseph A. Robinson, James Plank, ,Wm. BodPrsr 'lVetilted Robert' Savage, dame- Wilson, Elijah Trovillo, John Keefe, Lewis Baehtitr, • Robert Jamison, Hisan, Armstrong Cannon, John B..Quisin, James Manton, John Liner JpeOr.Matigiterty,,, hilt Wady, . James Lindsay, John Leather,Wrigersftl Thos. Nab4ton, , Wesley Bateman, David Ettelsheiniar, Jack-Hart, . - - Henry Bauhaus, Patrick Plannipn, John Huse, Prank Suchard, Wig. Gallahu, Fred Noubort, Jos. Newell, -Peter Wisner, 8.. Senior, W. Murphy, Patriot Cummiugs, Win. Graham, Silas Bose, • John Wail, Jerome A. Quay, August Smith, Maul Henry, Pella McManus, Jan'Dolan, John A. Staid, Charles Quinn, Michael O'Hara, John Kane, Joseph Keiser, Chas Gaup Jail/NMI/wry, • George Pluming, Pans gam e , McCarthy, Win. Simpson, Richard Howe, • Herman Shone, A,dina Shubert, 'James Holland, Bauel W. Golan, Wm. Haloes Yoder, John E. Shama, John Rusin, ” Idlatel Hamilton, Herman Gang, Prank nutting, Manus Keegan] Louis allitllllll\ll, Wm. B Little, Thus Hail, Win. J. Molise Jui- H.Mooltirk": Geotge Nair, , WU. Savage, • . • Joseph H. Bash, Anthony . Dung, 'Henry Demist., Lawrence Ebert, James Pander, Ales. Potter, Antony Manaus, Edward Lewis, Wm Somme% John Daffy, Francis Brannan, Robert Dania, Wm.. E. Duncan. John McCarty, M. K. Nolan, Albert Mum, Charles Meriok, Edward Anger, James Templates', Charles P. Wells, Wm. McKee, Evan Jones, Gasper liallarbsek, Wm. J. Reid,. Jamas Casey, Michael Nestir, Arthur Daily, Mani; Baal, W m. Smith, :auto Klee, Jasper D. Sturensen, Joseph Ruble, Rey. Paul Macy, Badniph Kenai& Thomas J. Little, ' Lewis Muller, Andrew Bpeernun, Theo. Grim, Chas. C. Lyon. John Stuart, John Studs, Andrew Mclntyre, Jas. P. clan, Chas. Blume Joseph Barker, Hugh Gutting", Beht. , •Thntaby, - Ales. Colder, Goo...Shaffar. _ John Holland, Morris Flinn, Bartholomew Berry, Michael Rowan, Witt, - Dennis Kirby, !John Conner, - ' Jas. K Dab, . Eder. Glary; .W Thereby, , • Lewis Lora, John W. Hoon, W. S. G r a s,' Jae. MoKi bben, ••••• • - Jas. Nina, Jas. Mandy, Masa. Montgomary, Irak Bide, PhiEp Marts, • robs Wright, • One. Blair' Jeremiah Dresool, Ales. Atkinson, • Mat. Cramer, Oliver MoClintook, John Orton, , • Jahn D. Thompson, Dodd-Burn., . A. VannickLa, Patrick Laagdon • Albisrt M. Bleckintrn, Patrick O'Connor, 0, JULY, 9 - TallithTM'S**. The sa . sua imand ol NOW -0, t , = ,.. Bum Mails. Ogt .1 - alattbees, T., 4 514 L Ibrrbl66l7; I.; Usti - 43 llosidadsvgiti Mgt Uttle. tow. -4 4 umts 14 164. KAM' Lbut CI Italkursl443, SU '. ' , ' - orotteasv.: -. -•' .. ..1 Oast UV ! Ist 11•61144 . u Liti3 6 4l4 76Ausabsdag hp, 006 keiDataLl.lstßasie lut. _ • WI; rasa:., - - • - LIM Istussitr, nth, , bfrut 0.2•461444 U. 6 40 4 ,L._. 161 • 4 7 ' -010, , - , • .1.-. , , u.su.b MUsksLI,LIDth. 1, 40 1„: oklhil - - 00; I AWL , ,: GIP, .84, dessusLibt , Ural D Jaffa*, 11,136164, 6696 04:1.46 V tW W! smi aim, '4lklrtriostrL.Uath C• 1 41 die.. 1441.- .-- , •rihislda, IC, 25641,b1p burst Batt. 169411, 32 : . Uogir.sl4lo 624 6111? Illai W,74 Itubstk , Mb, LIU& i ~, _.,,._ hail Oextsg, Ibkh. kg. WM' W . Vilii"jaree bectalt, - tsda, Saba Metz, um; ' wtoriii.. • W: ir. say, lola, Ebb* thisirer, ad, ANA. • tbailder. - - •,•-' • iiioivi.;'Sproot, 614 MP. will.. Jus../..110M-lbstiobet, kat& - H. 624, tom /UM Do 0 1006 , 0.10b1, IL' 43: 116.11 man, OA kg Ms: • • '--- - - - ,-,,, IL Li-litter, Ink. fast JlV u l ueb t,pstks,l664o4, .se Ikauigssi M.' Jut. T/ 4 1:= 1 111 , kst aa rtar, Cool, 62d, iNi t S4- 1 411 6 /44144, butt, boxib Ify.no, ' 124, plies t r 'N.'ilialni.4. km,' 8. N. *orarisaa - t 2...litiortevastr. .. .. • 114, bud. pawn Azthouy, - , ad, cis=l, oispinv ro,', ', 4 b 4A• ~ • 1 . ..- -,1 4_,_miah- 4 , - r..., atogig, tiatury, J.IC. *Kt., Maas Somi-ollisskan. Sr; p., guati Kamm sum ids4t, zip reeshillueVrir: TOR Didy•P =•poks -Itaiaiiirr: IP; . 11141 ‘ •st* , sisF , hiterastlig, withal soptida Wok& EurELoUe loonto add nr. 4&. rt, . Corr : alined 0: Wily a• ;w - slissreSi • Jamb Ur. W . "Of S. , two liersittf_ • . al& lignalkimis won ski Ws. -P - vats Maralsikil ka4 a k Asti t moped hijurysc4p v - t * 1.1 44 • Wt 4,1.1444" . _ The Sanitary Coseseittee..hddress. 1.._ Prrumusau liasrlaut Comurrtre. otti m and Dapattary, No de Youxtb Street, Puma:Rau, July a Ma, loins Finn, Cimaigitur Bans, Eldhips/ &Miran, Wm; Wisps, Ws/. Hopkins, Edward Burns, Thomas Scott, ' Tinian Lawler, James Fleming, Alex. McKee, Elijah West, Philip Meyer, Thomas Early, Frank Flood, James Williams, James Caney, Ralph Downes, -- - Dunn Atien,...i. ---.• Wientall, Michael Daricannon, 'John Brackney, !Henry M. Davis, ' Breading .T; Gansu,' Henry Bohan/aline, Wm. A. Armstrong, ',Tray, John - Ditiln, Geo. Ennis, Jas. C. Kay, Chas. Gardiner, Richard iiheridan, -- 7 - 7 — . Mark Mama, ,_ , t . 4% i Walter Burke, r. Daattlifinesbnig, r Albertßoger', -.. 1. }Diann Palomar, A. M. Brown, Oscar Moillilai, LsTis Dun, Henry D. Brand, Francis Drawl, End. Heins, Lewis Dunbar, . Win. Schmidt, John Maloney, Cornelius Kirby, Bam'i 8. Lambert, John Dlnesdine, Andrew Talton, Jamul Woodward, Henry Sherman, Win. Grogan, John Shahan, Timothy Murphy, Jaanstßrowa, - Adam labiklish, -- Paul Fluke Rudolph Leanhart, John hiellentrotoli, Henry Bates. John Grinder, John Linn, • Stephen Ott, l i tir ti m o . H. Jones, . Pinsk& Wiggins, .l Dania Ohba, Herman Kaaba, Adam Northam', James McKee, Joseph Abel, Omura Poster, Henry Behrens, George Hoffman. jams* H. Wilma, rAunt. Sharp. ' Thomas Higley, Augustus Broolunnith, Jastai W. Ells, A. patting, David Dean, Thos. Dallis, Morgan Bros, Herman Grotthonn, ~, Ban. W. Morgan, ' James Fanner, John Z ',Ridings?, Alex L.:Anderson. IGoelMb Ludwig, Jerome Staley, A. S. Reins, James Gilmore, Wm. Mattocks, Sampson Goldman„ Henry Liverlght, Edward Murray, Patna A. Sherry, Edward Barry, Francis Brisbin, Leonard Wise, (Matthew Green, Patrick McGovern, Win. P. Richardson, Philip Taut., ' Dennis O'Leary, John McKinnon, 0 R. Coe, Hugh •Mtirdock, . John Hasler, Goorgeilenner, Tames Grifin, Daniel Fuller Alex. MoAls4, John Makland, John Moreland, John Mentzer, John Stroto, Jas. Woodson, CUs. Ebert,, Wm. W. Fisher, Geo. Backeen Frederick Buster, Josiph McPherson, Armst's O. Henderson, A. H. Phillips, Henry Mink, JolutHill, Tobias Fein, John Huebner, R. Christhoim, Wm. Lockhart, Lewis Simmons, Thos. Haly, Lewis Luker, Mleluiel Carlisle, Michael Lynch, 'Daniel Smithson, - 'Thos. Mattock, ' Wm. E. De Barran. ' r Andrew Romps, - 'Peed Grays, Wm.H. Campion, ' Jos. C. Wang • John Caney, Ws& MoCuteheon, Lewis Walton, Ju. Coil, Edward Hoary, Daniel Sullivan, Angling H. Land, James Dina, John Case Conrad Kths, ' Peter Cain, Theodore ,Grown, Alex. Murray, John Gilchrist, _ 'Jas. G. Walden, • 711244.1I•OrlIZISI; The severely minuted vitae**, by which the recant Invasion of oar litiate has been repelled, at ono, afford ground far grateful congratulation', and involve the typo r disty 7 of- , providing means for the relief of theie brave volunteer' twit° have suffered from the linos wallet. The quertsrly report of this Come - Wee, now in press, we trust will show that the Oberst eentributions you kaveentrusted to their oars have not been - misapplied. Or one of the ad .iltipmeata,to Jidarfretiaboro, Dr. Reed, inipMdiir Airs, sides...that the oit isins"of Pittsbingh, by this one shipment, have done more to Increase the efficient force of •the army, than they would bal,' done by seetwing a fall regiment of new recruits, in volving an expenditure of $59,000,..0r "Ude 000." All the supplies in the hauds of the lions 'Mite, suitable for the etnergezej wire for warde4 last weak to Harrisburg, under the Sturs'Ut Mi. Irish and Mr. Shippen,tnt furthertemind Is expected, which, as our .•,.. . • • • ,ire Usti be unable to (Om,—rppeotfnfy`eoMelt sit In this grist worlr;t owldeatiy trust. Ins thit the lib uality manifested in providir g for the wants of our brave yolnntoori on the Mlulisippl and the thoiberlmad nbt be withheld when the sulphate of sottr,,lanaty Cr. you neighbors and relations. whet, Utter= Inge have arisen from their pataiotioesertions in the new lainiediate 'defense of oar own State, our homes and oar firesides. District Comialttesahave bun aptelntecl'M ()onset rude, bj personal application. while all friends of the mune who can conveniently . furnish linen, benders, or other stony, am earnestly requested to send them to thisDC; politer; of the Committee, N0:59. Fatah street. Tawas Beiiwza., President Pittsburgh Sanitary Committee. S. P. Vow Bananoturr, Sao', pro teas. Prnsicaaw, July 2; 1888. At a meeting of the Sanitary Committee, held Monday, July 6th, the following persons were appointed a committee to make arrange, rants for raising money for the ears ind sup. pat of the wick and wounded that may taint to this city from the army near Gettabag: Wee. K. Edger, J. Dickey, J. R. 51eCune, J. D. KoCk4d, - F. H. Eaton. In accordance with the above the following persons were appointed to collect funds in the several wards of the city : lit Ward—David Plissimmans, A. Catty. 21 di —K. Tied's, R. P. Belga. • - 3d do —Jas. Montooth, Wm. K. Edgar. 4th do —John Horns, John Porta. 6th' Ward, Ist . Prainot—J. H. Ralston, Capt. Crawford. 6th Ward, 21 Padua—Joseph Preach, Francis Fell:. 6th Ward—J. M. Brush, Jiis. Blackmer ,*, 7th do —flam'i Barclay, Capt. J. Atkin . son. Bth Ward—Pavid Hutchinson, Hazels Frederieh. 9th Ward—J. B. Hill, Geo. Keyser. The above collectors are earnestly re quested to attend to the matter at ono*, as tad, Are Vild, Minh needed. All moneys to be paid to James Park, Jr., Treasurer Sani tary Committee. Wu. M. Tama, Chairman of the Committee. On Wednesday morning,►bodt three o'olook; fire well disoorend bluing from the eld Perry Hotel building, whioh had been recently fitted up ea dwellings►by the proprietor, John V. Parry. The dwellings were three . % number, four stories high, and located on the center of Renew& street and Duquette Way. They had Jut been finished in good style for deali ngs, and tad not yet been rented. Oa. of theta we. belig occupied temporarily by the proprietor. The tames ware first seen raging up the stairway in one of the noant build- Inp, and it is supposed that either oil or sharing* mutt hare been put on the stairs, as it was impassible to extinguish the flee. Thee firemen were soon on the ground, and after laboring far anneal hours with great Mini ty, owing to the bight of the building - I, the, times were subdued, but not until the build ings had been damaged to the extent of three or four thousand dollars. Mr. H. Pony, brother of the proprietor, has an insuranoe on the property, in the Franklin Fire and Marine Isamu* Oomp►ny, for an amount wkbh will more than corer all the loos. The Allegheny Steamer remained at the Ire untli late In the forenoon, and the services which the rendered were indspenaable, es the flames several times threatened to break oat afresh, and reqaired constant watching. A member of the company requests us to ac knowledge the kindness of Key. I. C. Per shing, President of the Pittsburgh /scale College, in tarnishing the company with .a nits collation, which was very acceptable. The college buildings were not In danger, but Yr. Pershing was nevertheless inindfal of the wants et themlf-sacrifiving firemen. It Is a inattv of regret that so few men remember the Amman under such circumstances. Complaints am Blade that the alarm was not Bounded suilloiently to aroma the firemen at a distance. Whom will this evil be reme died? Corrected etpecdally for the Cheek by lbws. lola & Lan, of the National Bari Wok Riverton Rates azioartala at present s - Perruaaon, July 8. Mt Dtrootrat. 1 Notrilooliad Mato.. )4 lthituftt, Interior.... — Bow-lfatit etat0........ % Surat throilue..—.... .12ow-York City..... par South OarSius.--- Bow Sontor..---. % Georgia --..--- Poem. Phila.- par Alamos* ...-............-.. __ .-..:.:_• Altlabittiph par Loututtou.—...—.— Bk. of Plttabl4t.prato 25 Bontuoks—...--. p.r Bic of Boner Co., pr. 45 Tsuuotous.. --....- Bl=oo., -.. 19 Ohio —--- per Bulk. Indiana; fres-- 2 a. CO ,Browurflio, pron. 12 'wham. In state-- par Daub,. 4 Th95uttru...............c Wi 5 = 51 . 1 ...----- 1 50. 50 BBL of Cblumbta-- laws.. .---........ 1 Maryland, Belthuors. per Michigan -- . 1 11=4lularka— 4 IllauourL-...---2.30 lAbodiug..... 1 Oaoada —....—prom.. 12 il m lV uum ishi , = 13i M a siolphts am bi Oo buyfng Wu Qui nor MrkaDM tal i. Nor to Tam rtawr.—.By a lathe from Capt. B. L. Pal Wood, we Wall that the 1024 ( old 13th) restamnit, waa the tight at fiat.: tysbarg ea tie 3d, hailawltaos lett at West adiatler (23 take tilthiat)to'soiit4 the wagoa of th 4 Rath, COPE. Capt. P. says that tile, brigade of Nu. Rowley was engaged; arid that Gas: R. lae safe. as*woilatied liatossingt of killed I*lbutoln the root JCu ohn Lt alidw tlae e, , Ili °!° rr • .Totwir, IMO MMus, 7211 ONO BMA 14h ••Intima, 0, 110th E!enry Tama, 0, um. WORLDS PLIB, L0vin05......--..--.11109. ri wiLibuimoi tem InirP:IIP47I 33I AD • fI hut idart,riltiliburgb Misselvas *OS Moe' Co tw.atr &Um 'lmp* laini Ity 0112Ermwabil d the oft?. Thil listrAle tad ire Wirnatad to 111mWriste. Tbq moo stands that awr ebila Airkl sea *11:14101 ltot. 002044 . 4 * bia o 4•ll Idadaotantiglarba.nol."‘llt 1111140 , 11 Chavilinotsil Aid' Wow I ha , , INVIATN. /Witt 1: 1 =.4Lf4 $ IM. LO "A , - I -• •r•••, 14+11.1b0art,46•: - ,-.64 •••, • 301611Kas mat doi I 'lsar : Aid Itas-Witi Alfl l ipiLt hs. S l T49l l l4 l l i V 11 100 .2 17 C! 1 •P' ) ' • • Another Incendiary 'Vita Bank Rote Quotations, o Brow-Tort and Phil. • •L hinds. 2508, and Mine at 12 az wirre . JITA emit-Irma WU/LIMES & WILSON'S mason nizaium,ollollLAß BOWL SEWING MACHINE I:IDin3IILL ILPOErtTIOU. WUlkvallalgolapowneuts. The only ILsolthai la tab Work' tub; Gams Omit Daman and Ooanaa. War troprorat • oaa Y trpoL • .7 taittod to call at oar - Mai arid OM tbritaintnnpanstlon. nilleraillfasidalsaaatlaral part. allailand for a Otronlar. Wlli WINER & MBEEML /LOB N TB, ~pitionsir-416..97- 3 11121 5T1113T. thammuts—Pllllrll OPIBA BUILDING 1 *MOM° 71113121.11 M!Mi LATE TELEGIAI'Igt; NEWS 1 7 1101 . 0U8 EVINING EDITION THE RETREAT OF LEE'E The Enemy out of Pennsylvania. THE ADVANCE AT RGERSTuWN. The Probability of Escape of the Rebels THE TOTAL RvpaL LOBB 25 000! Our Loss npt Repoi-ted: The Rebel Army Coneentrated near WOmsport. OUR ARMY OLO4ELY FOLLOWI2.O. A Battle Probably In Progress'. etc., tie., &o BAITIIIOII/, 7,-4110 Armrittm's ape dal from Frederick 'sere f Tattles who left .nagoutown to-dai report that the head of the rebel'army bad already notnmeneed arriv ing there ThereaseMed , to be indications _that it wit to , be massed there to try a fight again withebe Army Of 11M-Petomao. is, bower; very doubtful.; , The greater pos sibility to that Lerwilt posh rapidly on to the Over; if peseible, tiiid try to:regain for his army on the soil of Virginia Vbs . confidence and prestige they have lostbn this side of the fine. Sanguine peopie may dt Min of annihilating a great army, but the doing of tile is mat to , impotsible. In this thereare geogreph log fasts which 'neurone the .difiloultieg. • The Potomao above-Limpet's terry mekes a considerable bend northward, and Lee's line of retreat from Gettysburg to the river at Wil liamsport is shorten 4han any other route wa can pursue. His own knowledge of as inten tion-ti retreat Ware' It 'could become known to - Gen. Meade; and morequettt preparation Sot it, is equal tout lime twelve hours' start •-Though the rebels may remit the other eider of the Petunias without further punishment, it will still not be fox want of effort on our part to inflict it on. them. Oar oairairy under General Pleasanton is on Grelillink, and wttl not fall to strike hard. . - Geterals Buford, Gregg 'mid ;Kilpatrick are muds in front of their edema: Oar infantry °alumni, are else whereithey ought to be. The South Mountain pause me ours; and with • these evidenees of lumber possible mecums we must wait results. Comparing various estimates which reach me I think our °upturn in prisoners will reach '2,000 or 10;000. To Gate number is to le ad 'del the bodly wounded; who will be gathered by litrilong the line 6f Les's reueat, and stragglers and deserten whoto, it is reported, are already gathering up by hundreds. • The Rebel loss, In killed and wounded, can -hard, fall below 12,000-or 52,000, which will swell their total lollop to 25,000, or one-third total of the 75,000 men which Lee brought over the Potomae with him. . -Of prisoners we lost zone except a few Mil ooo,.whontlee was able to carry off.- 3,000 of oar men who fall into his hands he paroled, but this parole under terms of cartel is of no effect, Immense Gen. Read, formerly refuted to agree to it. It is reported that after Meade refused to accept the parole, Gen. Lee sent to Couch, who &emptied IL //LIMBURG, July 7.—The rebel army Ls now conoontratod la the vicinity of Williams port; everything indicates It is at that point. It will attempt the hazardous experiMent_ of redressing the Retomso Into Virginia: Oar army is on its heels, closely following it up, and it is probable an engagement has teen fought there to-day. This afternoon 71,- ports him reached headquarters that heavy artillery bring is progressing, but !whether this was merely skirtalshbg to feel the rebel position, or a serious engagemeitTls not known. It is certain, however, that the com ing battle will be by far the most . .decisive conflict of the campaign. It will take plate immediately in the neighborhood of Williams port. Cammins, July 7.—The railroad bridge was finished to-day, and the road! is now open to Scotland Creek bridge, thla aide of Ohambersburg. Between these poinu, for about three miles, the road has beau destroy= ad, and also about the lame distance 'between Oltambersbarg and Hagerstown. It lo hollered that there is no enemy now fa this Neer Yoe; July 8.--We ha» addles from the upper.Potomao,lrom Moade's limy, high ly encouraging. It would not be proper to state Just now, *hat &Position , of our foram hue been mid. to intercept the retreating army, but if moment, they will. soon be heard from. Reports of a Furious Battle at WWlamsport; THE REBEL ARMY ROUTED AND PANIC STRICKEN. 12,000 of our • Wounded at Gettysburg. 4,000 RFBELS IN OUR HANDS The Rebel Lou about 30,000 8013110111 01 11018111110 001111 Repulse of the Rebels at Helena. New You, July B.—Washington specials say that the repeat order of Gin. %Week for bidding army °Saul remthalig in Washing ton without spoilidoleire, will be enforood to day. Gem. Hooker, Nagle*, and other gen ital offloari, Were arrested. Hooker got fiats to stay, and the net left on the OW*. It la estimated at the purpda Gausses altos that our wounded at Gettysburg num ber 12,000. Nearly 4,000 rebel wounded remained In our posswilon. W. have 23 colonels and a bolt of Inferior rank as prisoners., .Tke Mauls 'general alms. They eatthatiktitalr lost it 30,000. We have about 13,000 prisoner', exolusive of wounded... is? obilnbs T iStirt 'ep"Stal rays llero - are noir no reiMls in the Cumberland Va11e,36,, They! are treng to oraisitts%rotomsci With Mom. pa In their front. and Plealantim In their . . . Coneeponditatio from Dlx'a at m , .tik• 50, in the noighbothoid . - Hammitt Court Hour", reports no &or in UM gonittaipi;- titian of our arum. Kaye headquarters Store at Baltimore. . Getty's division had gone to destroy the briars at Hatios: OW:Goa. 1 - , A special lieu Harrisburg, on the evening et the "till, stateitt 4 p. m., oa l'aetility,Si futons battle was raging. at Willlunsport,ii which the annUillatlan of the rebels is could end as nearly ositain. A later sPeolat' ve ports that the whole rebel army was routed aid in a panto. Throwing away ums, and flying In every direction. HA1311317141, July B.—No infornation'of the rout of Lee's army has yet bun to- . wind here. Meth/. dlspatal: to . as Tributtot doted trostangton, Tall-T; sops: Inlematlon hu melted here stating that trtu• troops hold nn- Ilrintiol posionlon of. the Beath hionntola peas. j ' ' ' WasiturFnarticara.rns oll!fatip* s as.twiz tiwilaggingi , xiluil alio re. 7- ' „ attired °Metal &deices of thip Melee of the rebels at Bekaa., . .. . .. _ . , liaaimastma, July B.—Tolagrmiirleolired to. day - from - Loud on and Bedford say: Los is biltwoodiantli Mountain and IlegarstOlelli and will select a place between StioattAtelzt, 'tahaandafiagarstoseMiNiglve Nem%•battle. It Ladonsidozed that Insbaden has a - foie° of about 1;009 men. al ): lo7,illiamapoit, protecting the - lahel trains, whicharo slitting &aroma as fast as. hielleitedsierins , iiiil permit. It is ralolog Su torrents, and. tba :resent deed would dose -oy any pontoon . Mead. and - Couch t Couch are nearing as fast as t o roads will allow. A battle will probably occur on Fri day or Saturday. , ' • - Calm. -Joky 7..—Tht climatal haat:has Put arrived. hernlzom Vicksburg... She. left at 10 o'elook on &today 'morning,. The pusengera ennoinao that Eton. Petaberton sent in a flag of truce on %hi:grooming of the Fourh of July, and offered to Isarrander If his men were l,al loved to mar out. Gon. Grant reported to have replied that no 'man than! leave exoept as a prisoner of we?. Pemberton. then, after_ reonenitation with biz eam4satiers,hnaoadittonsily 111,17011• dared. Thir newi 6 peered:l reliable. HE BATTLE AT HELENA, ARK• THE REBELS BADLY. WHIPPED ANOTHER ATTACK EXPECTED. 811101 . 1 , 113, July s.—Gen. Hurlbut hie fon fated tha following extraot from a dispatch from Gen. Prentiss: Deadrwermw Department of 4-10:30 a. ea—Wit. hurtles shwie daylight, by the omit, Price; Holmes, hiarmadake, P ers. Thu fa r we,Atave held °sante& several huritfrafi prix I send you board the steams The enemy is now evidently a renewed &Huh In form Bend mb another gunboat, if Tyler has done good service t • Lissy—This afternoon w the enemy at every point. I now Colluding their wounded. in all, twelve hundred prisons Their lose in allied and wo • five or six hundred. Although badly whipped, no doubt b ' renew the &Hada at an early • now massing their troops f • My force is very much luferi , rebels; Intl • with the aid ex and the gabosts, the rebels beaten. The steamers Tycoon 'find rived with 660 prisoners., cep including 80 commissions& tails of the fight have not Prominent officers report oil, and wounded, not over 60. The rebels ,took elx of our gnu, which we afterwards re osptured. The colored troops fought well. From Richmond. . . ... . New Yoax, July a -A special to the Haw, Washington, rays : Offlosm, arrived this evening from the Ass of trueteboat, last sent to City Point, bringing back rebel news and Ales of a Itlohmond paper teJnly 4th. Profound ignezanoe was exiating as to the whereabouts of Lee's forces and the progress of a great battle. The rebel authoritiis have promptly order. ed Lee'a return. The belief was current that ..5, iii he was es a in the Shenandoah Valley. The cinei and Enquirer of July 4th, both con accounts of a elassish on the 2d instant tween the rebel forces under D. H. .Hill, and oar troops under Oel.,West, near Bottom's Bridge. They claim to:have driven oar forces four miles to Toluttairs Station, and acknowledge a loss of only-two men. On the same day, they say 1,000 Federal mounted infantry, with. artillery, went into Bing William county and ciphered nearly all of the Home Guard. They smote Din and Beyer to be making in • northeast direction to out off tho railroad communications. , . /P'IIOPOR4LL pROPO - *L9 SR HAY; BTRAN AHD OSAIL ANNUM` Quustimuinves OTTICII. TOMAS D/2/1.111111" oQrner G and Tinintpesoond street.. .. . .. . IA asnuirmon. D. 0., April iii. Mt . WHITTZN PHOPOSALS are invited for towel,. Ina HAT, STRILW, OATS sad 00111%.1br the me of this Depot. to be delivered at the Railroad Depot, or at ony of the Goverament Whams is this oily. Mad h thhsuld t o s t b ea d th es e qn ttoi y h of eand&enigne&d. offered, also the palm and the We of &livery.. Mimesis will be melded for eve thorn (moo hualous of Own or Oat., and (SO) tons of Hey or Screw, and upwards, =Ulla ft b• for the M. tenet, of the Clomminent to ntract for • law amorist. . All grate to be pal In iced sec of stoat two bu o ; each, which an to be furnished at the of the contractor. The Hay and Straw to to - y Mad; All Grain and Rap offered, to anhloot to a rigid , limpeatko by the Government air: •. . • Wowed' will be iwardad W qm• to the bona Impossible Whims, as hiteriate of them. elm may require. Good mmuity wiLl hereaslnd he . the faithful folillaamt of any made larder this edvarthoment. ' . . Pzytosat to bs mad, stile com U.L plui .2lO t h e et the =s tmt. • , ciaptein sea Arciii; QBALED PROPOSALS sweinvitett till 0.7 the llims DAY 0! JULY. Mt, at 12 Mark m., for farahldug the Subsistence tepertmat with • MAO BA2I/11.8 Off .111.0018.. tills will be remind for what is known n So. No. sad N0.,3, sad for any portion bait than the Iwo ae. perorate blda Will be matted for Moat plain good, serand.Dead tomb, of the same grade as above. .bide for &Mani grades slundo. be upon mama sheets of papa. delivers of the none to be romanced on the 20th day of July. or ea non thereafter as the , CWT. meant my dkea, at the rate of 300 barna daily, delivered either-et the Gorernment Warehouse - in at tie Wliszus, or it the lisdkoad De. finVown. beeniatdomon O. • ) • 2he barrels to ew and beilatned. 'Perment ridg hs wade In artlficates of iudebted• armor snob other funds aa the Goverainsat may bare tar abalhatlon. The nut nonmilitant will Wanda, lastn beton al nom &onion Art oath of antistanco moat sooommay nob DLL lie bid will to entatained from parties who have =baled to comply with their bids. from iit mown to roepolid. - Inds to to dinned. lo Oil. A. 8110 10111TH= 'O. and 0. 8.. 11. 11. A 3 Waallogton and a "Prnproinle far rear. . • - Danner quastassurnui UMW& ■ tesrmg Plitsbargke Pa.; Jwy !dr 1038 * - i 500 : OAVALRY Priipsals win t• ;wand, IStMeetook nt., the Pm Dar Or tarnishing end deanery at Plitsenral EttINDIISII os,v.a.wr RONassi: Tyro Hundred end rift, to be dattsee. the nth day et Job: 1863; end TwO !My to b_ deltmeted on or beige Thus b a tmen mud be tram tee eight leers old; frcei Attain to stmt.. -melt trokento the meddle. - willow% mud In *eery resoear Mares ans Blda must be narked ornyceekt Canby Ikons." and adarseeld to Qautatiseeted emend, V. Ati hiumicostrieted 'armada this idwitiaimat. wtLI b . inbhetsd to &Med layp.ett eqd yaks' itte,yzaatorm.ta_the spealllcatLA ask Kara pubgalitlan, INiLLI segf= . .%110,ataly oLtbe Mat* to .Addll :the - ountraoti ehandtt W aentetted to hlro, mud be guaranteed by Wane dguedtd. mud to ea. p ude: teothe guareatte. • -.lto anjoieledify either giaiiiitels eat:labs elxnnt Lbyteeadttalosttittede of the Ole& dr the awed .. 1 04 4 d Clettlier PC Vatted lilaMo:4lstaict Attu. ney,.:Eldihee mod be . Wont In plata what the 'blue ant OteattaOrjhatr yroa•teshi Well not be eon. Wilda& ( Anrim/calla sturuat hilt the Rae Sobs 'teethed en:theonatrad, dated; bythrSoitrilli • • • both Ot.. Ideswirentotaaw Lbs.:puked of the ancaeuto!b4ldrr t a elgateg tbs.:entreat. AA the - boa intet4extayeuy the oontinoti Il well be neat eery 'tot tbb Adduele to here: dub boudtmeu with them. dr to , -bare • bonds dirtied In. attlelpatlor, s sot reedy to be yrodurnd when the contact le signed. 1 (itArgese aliwißs" • u 7 . 3, „or tire county_ ,e4,- T aind State ot Of the countr,ol. Stet. GO hereby gnereatee th ee ..- 1 .- , •'"Jte- Mad • con. treuthkacootdeare,etbiktalt SIPPe of hie Prated' wina 0 11 . o = l 4 his VivPaLUoit impted. he at tuitet a r i toler Oentrut aeourdance . . or, COAGIEKROLU RECORD. rirrwtraux. iilAMEssa. 011` m limomot Limit Oazyma The Whirs d TlehlbUtEs ttadhot' with the on maraging news from the Army of the Potomac, has bad is dapnedatieg Maid an Ooln. Od Tuesday, Odd doted at Er% tulles; Tork—o decline of 6 canto— sod t ,14 baguet Oahe& weak at 130, Hens, thtrates ate may unsettleil, and ins quote nominally at 1254512 S for Gold, Meng, and WOW for Sneer. - Eastern Exchange is dandy at former cuitatimi aktbr=intest is dull and neglected with an oc• callous' Gale of Bed from wagon at st,ls. Corn is - wailing at 75 to 1300 for Shelled and Ear. 'There h moderata demand for Oat/ at 65 to 700 from drat hands and store. Bye la dull and undimmed. FLOUR-11 dull and languid, the demitad being altogether kcal. Sales from store of 75 Ms Hafts tangly at from $8,35 to $6,141 60 hill at 5 5 , 50 for Extra, and 56,50 for Kara !sally; and 260 bbl. Ex tra from wharf at $5,85. ..PIIOVIBIONB—Becon la quiet with email taloa at former quotations. There is but little 'dewed . for Lard or Hem Pork, and, in the abeimpt of Wee, we omit quotation& 013001111.138—The Grocery market is quiet, with mull salsa at12,013c forhugar, 32g330 for Coffee. and 530880 for Kelassee. CEITS2I2—Ie steady with a lair damand for at from la so 10* for Lir to prima ' • POTATOES—unebansed and dull. Bale of 300 Push at brow 23 to 000 per bulb tor Indirke to prim. 1111)11.4—Sala et 100 Green Salted at 10o; Dry hint may be quoted at 198200. with a sale of 100 bbla NOS Utira from atom at $2,10 per bbl. I. kausas, July bard pressed led forces of sons end orb car OWI3, and Dors-whom I j Tycoon: preparing' foe Pittston Fib OH Market. Jinx B—Then Is s continued' lair local letmatif for Crude at hamar iiitotailoaa. 'Bak of 394 itid:4l bbls subs, 'Sapq f!tddrhad, ad this mh/ eldararthe raining figure, • oltlMosh semi holden an asking - WAIF rats.. pawing , whims', we quota, In the ahasiciiof entry at 920223i0. Than Is nothing whatavor doing lu Bollaad. sad flut mar ket Ii vary dial, with a drooping torulaaoy. The Marano between the views of burrs sad 'anon It so marked. that for the present on omit vont/ma. Bola of &I bb. prima deodorized gamine at 23e. I poilible. Th. dsy have repulsed , • soldiers are We have taken Philadelphia Cattle' Market. JOLT 6—The antes& and mho i.of Beef Cattle at Phillips' Annie Drove Yard are large the weak, reaching shoat 3.580 head: 1.700 heed said to the theernment on private terms, and 1,800 were powd Li to the aide as usual: 301 head of tide lot Were shipped to Baltimore.' The grime lady have declined we the 100 Be, and the market le very doll ffgpAnntleence of the large receipt& Met • quality Weateto end Tennsslvanin steer* team it /OM Ipr, smand dont-106116, end c o mmon at from 1094 acortillag to totality. • %B..p—The annals and Oaks Of theep at the A.. !MU, Wow Yard mammy large, reeching &bent Jfixl bold this ittOßs end sell/net from befte moots, for cupped; there la • fetr demand at .thif. VIM." lambs coodlitufacatoe; take an reportediet , trots Peako , ll Mediae iddttakty. - flop—The antvalaand maim diHoor at the Union and Avenue Drove laranare ham .ssaohing abodt 8,003 bead, mold at from $708,45311 UM Be net. 1440) brad sold Racy Glue talon Drove Yard at from $75488,16 10 to) B. rat' 1,140 bead mold 07 John - theme B Co, it the -la. can Drove Tani at boa gage,g , /00 B. net. t , ad will reach 'the rebels were , that they will ' ouiesitiund are that purpose., 'r to that of the ate/ from you 1.• y be severely • sr . /Koos, sz• red:yostudaj,. • Ti. The do t been rsosliod. loss in killed Foreign Commercial. • • " Largaroox., Juno Cotlon—Ths market la hind but although in sans Insumom a 'bad* caner, prices are on the wools. wituout °bangs. Tim Wes wenn about 10,000 hanuaing 4,6u0 for speculation and export. Trade at illancbasier—More favorable nein nine Bosubarimpaned a @lightly better tone to the Boa chatter market, but bustnces continued vary limbed; and lower Fenn had to be taken tb effect Nina • fireadaturtn-Manta. Wakefield, Nash & Co, Big land, Atka& & awl Gordon, Bruce & Co, repots: Flour dun and quotations bendy supported. Wham. quiet end offering at ratter ender whitern dull, and ed barer. Mixed 27s3d@r3Ta 110400 a ed Der '&' lbs. • Provisions—Beef end Perk quirt and unchanged. Bacon very Mow and prices. hardly maintained., Chem scarce and good request. Mutter—Bather more doing. Lard sod tallow !artist at about tomer raze. Produce—Adis' quiet and nominally unchenate . T. l Sugar Ann. Oaten steady.-•• Rio, Inactive. Berk— Sato of Sedtimore at 711, and Pldladelptda at lb. Lin, teed Off steady at 44s 44. Nothing of moment dollen 'lb Eosin or liptrits of Turpentine. Petroleum—De. fined sells at le Ild.: .Nothing: in crude. •.. ' , . . restrains= in Liverpool : C..lf : , Juno 110—Dtellulf the week eigT•husbos• a Moo , Ate Inqiiry obledy ltelleflaeff, and a tar amount of builnes I. nand. 1000 barrels of_Penneylvanla. 'Outdo; and 411 barrels a Spirit, were offered at auto Lion; bat were withdrawn` without a bid TO tune of Crude tanadien um also.offered, for wbich 81 Me emsbut declined. Since last report 100 barna, of bare been deposed of at lei 1.5 a per .tin; 300 b3' Is Oplrlt ails Int role 41 per ielkuu and ci WA Relined at Ils 4d pir gallon, err forward - delivery. Also 1000 barrels of Refined, at le 104 for oonuaon to le per talon for Met quality, .1:X quay and store. Tt=e now naked on Um spot Wing le lid to 24 per . Chltago Market. • . 111 LT 7—Wheat sold at a nags of from 111.060 Valet No 1 Stain( in 144irtit side how*, and at far Yo fairing. . .. .. , Than Wu scarcet, anything diina in Maar. and prices were namtnadranchangsd. Gan was In sa tin demand at Ina Opening at a decline of aboalud. but alter mantra °Ube capture oi= was socetrat;ba)ets bead of and raftund tom, rbus. - suanapdg,a,c%Pducip,4-, at No, Nixed in stors. , -; , ',... .... , . . - The demand int Oats ... u s -and the natlibt: tutit* . at a diellaof 1.1 salsa being =do at 'ltraltitAnist, dicitusd_lB24wilit light a at Gio- fir- In L .Barisy was neglrtad . and dull. ElighwtaskstaadT, - - - - . - /Imports - by Railroad. Pnlnvs22, IT. lino= IMmmao RAIL 10117 ;. July 8-8 bblo soap. r logo litd. Either d Lour,' oksoosoi. 22dEss Browd by wool. El Iforbsogh; 45 ohs boom. Naas JO Pullout Ittcs Mau, J Porter... tad; 2 do do; 1 Batson J 8 jag _6 do boom. W Haim 12 by. charm_ 81 car ate, Filf turuumar it Trrnunma4 Ilaumma, JOl7 7 bas'ohww. Lu II.S Thableg 2S do do. Jos 41. Yet ear; 2.860 dq Rabbi Wlikhetsr. , 20 do do, 2 Bat& Moat mrO2B BB BlW. WaMmt 2 bberMikm ralatam-110-bbisala, Wm Zdatmadm 86 bbla nod. McKim arßsw._B.cks. 1. ear mill' had, 10 tozikdaia Ila*Ma • NAL amp. bbdo Um, MUM iTt22BB2' 800 bialear. (Jule k. 88 •17 8211 i MI S We% Zirkist ZNA 8B k 00.'8 PIANOS' se -s tha" md banuiss. —- b'londadoubttbolaidbl la, now. alma inthernitr oaclinied. "E' mane pan vs luny not been dill toll& iiii~dt oar atom WARRAINVID 1171 =ARS: Z,nxi -41•111116-1/SVULIIIIIIP : N 1021.1110,11 TOBTAW _Chabot awl liudwasee. raipaleig ; • . MARLOWE. BLlJlLl:4ll3llarintak' • • !NAM* age • • ' ' tuß9y24 '" 12txWelt11----r-i4MMI =growths rim , CUES YIDAII _ prwuniatimi awn tines, re. wet. AL narw stook of ka .Dan kart AgUall kr mu dirkkd kr taw likentry sail • . • •• • ••' ,l •-•,- ••.` • IMPRlV•bbiell'n 9fin LIZ.' !MB riLrels#, 2- , t :I , tintVitara=4l47= rsir; , ~: , 441 awn; n s s.. cm,. , 1 ,,,,„ ~ ~, , _.—Obbir-biledWrifies.-1 12g , litsolosok, SO Ibposs Olsainatll Osnain Oci VON BaLN. —Very desirable IRON 171131.11431 31103/1817, sheeted at McVey. teem. WORM exian _l7 Ps., veld* • short dream dto Pmenarimnile Banned wad (haat The freehold property coup:bee a lartera; with machinery of amp • power to blow it, mina either charcoal or ea eluedts owl; &beat 1300 acres timber Lend i 1110 the miaowed wood pipe bore ore fault. containing about rf sore which in &ectoderm the - meeMi ore Ikea I I Idea John i.-Wright. rec., man his recowsed ! • lutly celebrated : curs end Gar This le the only. aen. • • Ofnlo ll 7 in the male W . •pe.dcwes the ote tebilahing a• , COM at Ilks ebaniesp• , e for me. Than G •em 150 seme of ILL hilfw mile of the .! • • held antler to. 4 teem, Men which *ban. • • of excellent berme me on can be taken, at •c • not exosaling 33 per ton, eattneat cm the f• • beak, and on 'Moo abaft. hem tetsatly b .6.. k, and abkh willprodace mdadent op • , tha firrniza flOft cre abo abundant ..: . neighborhood, Chary., is say „ L ank * . . • bad <Mimed at the tomes at e 00 4 °I yr i . asl. ll situated dir the rear bar b% wager . • eoefaxialcaterm with filinning la/thannk,____Alfninbtalf, and otter important man ••••• • Yoe price, • and tantWitlartladen sake . I 11. B. Billtiloll Plea* I . Dog —MADISON FOUNDRY r AIM MA• HIND 1311471/118 atom stab. Ilahmant. la b. moat thably da. Wad tor- bathissa. it pebble a tarp snout al i thOrr u i s eell lab seam U M twortanat at th e, main ptlatas lar PP." bill annul le a vat7thithablaphao O and mbra Calk :thP.Opprlor aattateprbe - --lhattar Pod aphids* far Paispottatloa I/l pall Of itliteelanto Allatti an. lag, Ilablgapas. maid andtbs thealthr, ,lettnit,to 40pir la the patio larpod Pala— Tha paidaPe POPO tha asabliatithouit,ff tar at Wood lapis. oroa.•py,etlt ,to tanaa, The =thank ;Owl Ana* i:alt pelt= unahlithathat.: -Orb, flat 411 1 = i 11 .1r 0 10d.rant) SkitSlPC*o4_ tel Wm el rift Wadi* in haw* ojas, m mg salt Abe I=thato Ma ntra large stdp. lo lb* with , diont Pith airrlni than .jilmiyisi&iv aal allW , Eattlai !dishing to mama Jot dinatosaid,aseddacy, ecnipsib Wftab m, tlaPt* l t A* vita 01 Pool ma lob the work: . , . ' for torso and ploesddran BOX 460, Nadlath, Ar'J''ORNED MLLE -OF REAL ES. & al.* Oj BUILDING L.uTlL—The babas, ol 61/Building Lota, belonging to thistdateof Maeshall lord. &mused. teIG be Odd as Public Bale, on Qs *embed. In the Boning! of Ilanoluster, =ler of Mout Lane ant the hew Brighton Baud. on wzucilsper, July fith,'ll63, al 10 eolith a. ta. getionalining maser •to intrallt wilt now hale sa • opportnnity to purchase baildlig lots'in besolltsl and healthy location; at reasonable rate& 1 wes--One.ltail ossii.'altd the Wham In ons Sear hoot the oonarnatlOn of the sale. A planet the lots mar be seen at the ollos of Dr. TUN. J. GALLailltlto4o tsugthrteld stmt. ant as the teiddanos of Kra 01.10BD, Koehn* tr. Watt • . - , A . VALIIABLE FARM `141)11, -BALE, Am. ilteSted ht Him& platy. Weak ithitele, hittelroot new Oitobstlend, and troths la- oohs- See hiratran the Vltto dyer, (deep nue* themes' ltil•oteet• a hlghetet•otttottlottellthet two eel= g: 3 013 33 / 2 24 cs riror•rfiloot and 3 Mot soma. I We , ail toot edit of hOltterOlay. • so.. thrtalleitame dwellthip yard ; Mkt 'other catboat. him a- splendid otolutt•4l4esiestactloa of testi. To pull* trishlog to potobete • be. 1 him. sad et etas' thus troth theoool and Ilite slay. theabote promote a rme oppattgalttlars profitable Mut. meor.7Yot partiontarsVpri arttur onto. of letate Agent,. 4 • lio;lll34teirthet., Plttabwata .owt.aotiii. lora?. a, an gamin. . . 111/ 1 / 1 1 iIIAR-' inALin.Anassasea in &a *if %minty, About` tiro:mar Rom Rarscoal, two honOrotot elottpstno torts. -130 ,iectr-Vi to good quality I, about ono hundred otru olearodo4ooallna Uniootono Willie prenthin. Also 1) wonting' Boom, Barn and Orohantf Onclorrod Ind well %tutored. Will be told low r otthor la ono, two, or term forma. • ~ .. ... /or farther portloolars apoin to SALMIS A &ULM. • or, It. PATRICK, TIM street. Platsburgb i. i Or L M. DICK, Kattaanlng, Pa:. , ell&SIII noon& hani!OYLINDXIrIB9,2O' Inotokby X or norillO/LlA,Xlicheoabootor, :list inch Iron. ;`.. Wet seinaTp,ribAJP4 inansek vish milLkott bora:dot& _ XLI • tom and 211 XI. =IL XOntni7teh ekmoiniXtoas inoft, NM lotrXireosb. *MX X. BOLA - I iftaKk nn tno AIIeRh -7_4lret. eat. Pcdn2 - FOXCI3ALB--'rhe'.l6oMON noun 'ainArABOUT - ons , Aunwor asousrois• 41241 t. 114141 edge Of the istAilitign Math, been, Gludi oo.tea m thehowWitint ideal:bettor, as Gut nortwesof,Looest street And the bank of the Orno rhutti beteg pan of Me trelWouawn Greenwood prop! atty. WW, tiepin of k.I).I3IILITR, No. OE Water Brest, Pittsburgh: - - ^ - soggrOf . iPIIII4)IiA.L.-it. good . route on the 1.; lincono Clezrrrik - tiagotooet the Clountthej toxns, Winton the hours of 2.mid 4 o'clock p. m., at 769 Pest meet, (cola t to 9 o'clock p.m. 1097:tt rza.ros. &ILL TO" • 11011 1 11ENT- 6 .Thothresittory BRIO ,X-;WAIIIHOUES, No;'11 'Wood :isnot, two dm twat Wain street. q , 'J. Tor taw w h ir to MANS' RAHN Tflittoloi;Bahott 6a.'sj_ or to Mail WOODWW. , tomer IA sad Wood strum, k fr. T Ili: • •—voiVrito'or . lliroo itoooli : 'lntl* third or totaatlitoilles - ot florins Boa "Mk Moot s trftb 01 ettbout Otos pour. -, on tho presaista: . , iota IFtf_ll , ll , lsNT—,Tho thirclotory of ttic 5 - inallog now 000 bigii ouloctioar, apron 'UM; OW street Mt - DKoltwo ,Wly. /MAIL ; ' ..-; '.: 'MARL. ABELWORTEL . U.Rafircle sGFEarra. 04E.D I:NEB - COMA Am: u PiatikbinaltWalm lbw= It , stnialtea-Vomitioi Nolth4sid:ocana Wood - Rai • . (IN isty AOsie- Bo= Aunt Eltoto of nay Sod Ifsithqh. W•ger A7I mac Co • Zthiglita 104 -, dicuuermar Omni* pima. Mutat enti WWI AtatiriAliT Intrialici Cinema?, 92 Water strait. 11 AL • Eilbautuor it Issiitaxas 001•11 WIT: 811.11411 b Mast "". tialilkkg...o4itssztoWs Ornao.} . ' • siiaxiOvoicurer; Musk to, um& AWNititB-00 giTEAM-VESBIII3 treitiekteliciftwtheltizarterinadar G.orody 43604iddarriorilogrobanor oriole. 111istwiroboolil =Abdo dosarktloos et ta t= OW , iltimm .oglorair.)ze =eftrZkliellf , WW:atirlal.vbother ortotioArbsol'oi prootgorsodutbor=4 -ironitsobtsioli ark and power 14,_0110 36 1. and and ilhoultle Waal Imo they us *slice; ot otatt.abottor, with thoottlatatiola *Erma theawot. ion, Otto otio r the gamma* .iatoold,VOgor to 'gimbal* Wake/ of obsztortog. Mussel atoms mad* already to the mak* i the Quosonansoces Daparlanimt, recla,o tl~a _Uteri pretest rases width they may lee adapt et gn*, sifted/We dee pek• strwlikk they 10111)810 et ring WWI tbeet. All mob tenders . &OP bi telt : timed to tb* QUO tormenter thmenel *Mae Valfie Maki, at Weeetet, is% and eleetbi be sodatelt.t.preßmsbi los Ike able 'Woe eigwareatoisno - -iragnirivatrutitierida be'eCeielklerol. sad di( Diesettieet elThsemleaeor to teens the hem es teieseeteedtegoetey triewelatlon upon Queer FighT l 44l l %thilt ma. "misp,.dr.B of . sgail isirty tltawe ber _ XELIII,Ii ' _ , _ AI wailutur f a_o4marrerh„: . „ ...... %At ill!"n"ai°°•l§ Mar" trawl SHORE uttrE. ins now owl alograt lotopromonstomnoe I IaRaigrIWAIVINAM4 **Ka thsisirgmbiOnia ths above pot% • it4 "" 1.1 4 104 .4u , asitlaw i lls. Zia bibs" via - tett-aaroa, Leeway ,Nonsivlllo.,Palnt 1314) "Miti WIDXMLA mitraDAT, ) 2 4.441illamodve prompt sb.l manias: pads; 6typan bair. vuoiartungru our store; vs! lt ammo for stoup. 'I":II...IiLIMULITIONa 00/ itioategiopticailits:Litout pet, A1WM7106:4 mmredlak4o64.4hisks , '. 2 eUll irklaglaW: 01,0411111 n r bO - 'trek
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers