filitsbargit 6azettit. THURSDAY AIMING, JULY 9 CITY -41E411478. 077101 AL PAPER ON 711 0171. llNPranotatiaas. Onszavmoss for tb. 1.- WY. b 7 0.1. Slaw. Opttsialk, No. II JIM stmess—eonisted daily s II IRM. II BIADI.. oiclosk. . A. II 76 120 - 84 I _ Bl r. 76 29 5-10 J. . • The Dra ft . was a good deal of excitement in the shy petards, consequent upon the GOIRMIMOII - of the draft,ind during the drawing the °SW of Captain Poster, the Provost Marshal, wait ailed with .7 anxious and deeply In terested andietios . , _ . Arising soils the more noticeable ha tutee. were the following: The Enrollment Cosamluiderwe, Mr. William H. Campbell, while 'bully • eagapid drafting others, was himself io fortunate an to "draw a phis." One of thie edirks, Capt., Ilollenry, was also drafted, as was the Ex-Provest Marshal, Dr. Herron. No one will be disposed, with these feats in view, to question the tetrases of the drawing. • Jamie:H. Hopkins, Esq., who had been enrolled in two wards, was drafted in both. In some holiness two poring men were • drown from the same family. This was the case with Mr. Houston, tailor, of Smithfield _street, end James Hamill, champion oarsman, (who is now in the Best preparing for his con test with Ward,) and his brother, John. TheAraft win be ontinned this morning, at nine o'clock commencing with the Fifth -wart:- In the 281 "Dhttiert thir draft has been or der* but owing to the abeam of the So±. gem 111 . 411ai UM* del4 the Board cannetpro med. Helm been telegraphed to, and m eon as he returns Capt. 'Miter, the Provost Marshal, will proceed with the draft. The Draft" ln to • •Below we giro the Ili RoFth Word of ibis of 11.01712 X Ohritionitet Kook l _ A. M. Ralston Dula Oellaluin, J. O. Boid, Jas. B. lionlain, John Bove Predmiot bloom, Glum Belem, Jae: Gly de, - Jas. Meleevir ' Thos. tholth, • N- Maenad, - Henry B 'Xenon,. Brands Betdild, Jem We. Edney_ • Jammin Goebert, Beware Norton, - Beruy , Gideon. John A_ Creighton, Gamey A. Booth Wm. CrilliP Jo p h Leen, Mathew Baotou, ' Jes. H. eattey, John Meese Bentley, Limg, Jam Miner, Patrick Kern,,. ZE% Bei:eland, John Alth Maxim _ John SWIWO, J. P..alatihal, 'teary Biddle, John Oation, B. Wolf, Jr-, John Wiskiman, John Kilgore •Jaa. B. Morresoni, Henry Wagner, Jae* Shrink, Win. Morrison, Abraham 80, • Chu. Diehl, H. Tanner, yr., Wm. Lae. Edward Kenyon, - Jame Ly on, Jobs Black, Donal& flweidmy, Robert GateheU, Zdvard rainier, %Thuds& MAW J. Buckley, F. Bradfield, M. Bdmenda, Jong Beak, Geary Dark E. A, Kitudflar, R. Cam, Efeas at ilieraddia, . Bank Lplienthal, .filioa. Balkh, W. Young, Itannel, Alward Emmet fkreranoa, Wm. U. IlLeVay. Jas. B. lieltadden, _ Blward Sweeny, Jamb Bomar, Jamb Pidllips, United suites 5.20 Biz Per Cent. Bonds. The Ownetary of the Tummy has extended. the 'Liao ior the sale of these lion& to the Ist of latu . t next. • %hit poplar , loss should be in every Man's lutnixislio eta spare *5O. This enemy bee sold $4,161,050 to the /it inst. and is new , daily soldlat to this meant. The intones and principal is payable in told, sealdnt it . not only the but and West investment in the • marbly humors easily converted into money • births holder it &dna, sad the but pout- Mb Maori, on which to temporarily borrow money, with the addling indaseineat of en abling site flererament to promptly_ pry oar • • Tallest matters, wk. are whining for in daily ' oMoriee. Oosu one and all, and eve an- Wass lift in sapptessing thli rebellion. • , .- - - Co'. P, !324 Beg Meat. -' - . , .. ~ Tlig glaiSMlng km boon soteivoil trots Limit. ej W. 74 ?Allmon, mismiinding do. P, 02 mg . Mist. P. P,:: 41 ~., ) • - ?be 02d has' Again paned *sough • bloody (_ ~ i maw& t sang bum am boo lima Mika W . the tut 01 /11Uallt Mid WOlllllll4. Yinoil—Cki. t—liorgb Wa. fL Eitisisr, Wm. • U. Dunn, Miami Y. Lam, debt. Ottosson. • ' Woonood—Liont.l7.l. PAttarson, Mit leg; - mono I-11--1/ limb, right Win ; Corp. iros. libtam, botti ins; Jacob Kuag. itugli, Dos tliqactots; irs.ak Hamlet, Jell 111114 Slight; , Oise. Mari W, rigat Indio. 1.. Mallag—Ogdouly dergt. JAN B. Wilson, sat Allmon MoAuirtor. t ;4_ - City Mortality. Tbo maim of deaths br this drys kora Jess 39th to Jay am roportod by Dr. A. G. MsOases% phyaiolas to the Board or Boald, La 1 follows s Kola 6 1 Wh1t0....1b Woliji-10 "Odom/.. Dlissos6- 4 / a liows, 1; oolatuptlou, 1; doonstlas - aallvso,ll vatiolapt; otlllebota, oliolots fatootau, 2; ammo of teeth; whoop! tag met; 'Osseous, 1; wawa; dyptho• lj oospottos of /sap, 1. 01 As ammo Lbws wan: Adults, 2; MU drawn. - ..1 • • ill.l O ll Basins 1 (a).-i•Ths quatlon was , pa; to as Whom and ISOU of tali battary, nanny, Whither thy. Wan . wading to go owl of as BUNN U mind sa. Thq Venn tasted to a ans, had _an nady to go on an Imes inns. ' AAw more good an sag And b/ hPO3IIIII lastsdhstskr at Captain Matination, as Clasp Brooks, war ths likinsbars station. Owosso to all on anted with this Ash botisry—and ni feel ' arida that they will do Pittsburgh creek Comma 2 wie—ife loessithat Mr. Ilahlsko fir, td, alasisitTe; list aa arm la the sweat bows, and was also woustded la the leg. A, sea of est. 8. WWI%Mog of . slat; ellgr,_was shot womb. as tatigh. i . Collier, Mow Colonel of the Inaroaanlvaala, ts »poss .& I r pseud fa the foot. - Batarda. panto - July 11th, it tea pd Y r . wul bo at o. labim stress, ski at 7: assessary to ass to a =Gulag liosidas to is It for a - tespiag msollao, asw ... 4 w a i st. Arwo,, , slalom washlas .1 7biso;: - • T. A. KoCabpdau!, An*. Asa alamtdotlwld by the Eltontitldarm of the B it P. UAW Cki"., et the Toll Houma, on Julfiltollowlag Best was skated : Pruldoat—A. Marina. Dinoton—B. A. Wolf, A. llama, B. hialCas, Geo. Daman, T. Pawn% D. 011 M, Jam. Allan, Jacob Handal, A. Plaid, P. Hannan. Treanrar—Edward Wow TIM OLARL LEVIJITIT, Captains Bair and Ito Nary, an now suitionad on Coal Hill, to gaud fortifications. BlLBl7ll3—on Wednesday morahn, July Bth, Kr, hi RAH 81 LARDS, nod about 83 run. The funeral wM 'take place from her late real• dance, fit PM township, oa Tittraaaav artzazooa. at 2 *V oc SPECLIL LOCAL NOTICES. GRATZ' AID Ba=n's 811ITIG Maoßum, for (amity sod mamulsororing purposes, we the best ha use._ _ A. V. Cairo's's, General Avit, No. 18 Fifth street. T EMUS and Ornamental Slate Roofer, a3dd.oblet in Pennsylvania and Ver mont slate of the inxi quality at low ratan. OM* at ties Gatith On's, near. Alm Wats. Marks, Pittetorz 4, : ».. apB:6m TAR Emma's' Atto &miry of Canonsburg, which has distinguished itself by eplrited and committed efforts In behalf of the sick sad wounded soldiers of armies, proposed to give .a Coitus's or Music by the best musical. tal ent of tho plsoe, auisted by distinguished performers from Pittsburgh. The proceeds are to be expended for the relief of oar brave and guffawing defenders. The Concert will be held in the Union Pres -61 kerien °birch, of which 'Rey. Mr. Nine Is pastor, on Friday, July 10th, eornaleneing at ll'o'elook a. m. There will be a recess of an hour for refreshments at 1 o'clock p. m. Af ter which there will be more music, and .speeohes by gentlemen, well known for their petilotio exertions is the cause of our bleed in . Ognntry. Inns of admission to the °oncost, fifteen ants • obildron, tea roars. Admission to the rafresuarnt table, twenty ants; children, ten ants. • Fourth Ward. of mon drawn to the It is hoped that many ladies mid gentlemen from the titdnity 'will, by their memos and Mistimes , show lemons and grateful ay capatigwith our noble soldiers, who are en during the hardship oonseptent upon the re mote terrible4aid glorious engagements. YAZD. R.. 0. G. Sproul, Rickard O. Glyds, . Ohm. Rimhsppatr, Smut Musgrave, • Jams Brady, John Bolter, W. Donnell, Wes. Whitmore, Philip W mists, Robt. J. Anderson, Patriot Bawl 1, Wm. Doran, Ohms. Donnelly, Mathew' Grad, J. ki. Hamilton; ' John Dann Jas. V. Donaldson, Jamas Parkinson, Jona Rime, rhos. Brady, Prod: Wagner, Ohms. Maum, Irwin S. Laughlin, d. Wood s, Jas. kicienna, Archibald timmia, Conrad Perry, Levi 0. Wads, J. J. Dougherty, Jas. T. itiair, Wm. Hopi*, • Bekl. 'brutal, George Hiles Wm. H. Heard, Peter Andarson, Miohael EMIT, John Graff, Wm. Sweeney, Okada Shalar, Jr., Edward M.Eso John Prankkanisr, James tlionseney; • Johi Martin, P. McAlister, . W. W. Thompson, Gordon L. Johnston, Jas. MoCiatehey. W. Motty Bettis, °hulas Hanna, Joseph Powers. Robt. R. Ringwalt, Jas. M. Richards, Jacob R. Long, Thoopttlins Maek. Jas. Weible, Ohms. H. Waal, Writ. M. Cook. J. J. Do Stivoria, H. Oppenheimer, James B. Leigh, Jr:, Jos. D. Richards, Kinney, Illans Nichol, • . E. lidgerten, , L . Somali reason, John Earle, John Nos, W. IL Mellintook, Goo. 0. Turner, John Hart, John Gila, Climand Alarksda, •IJ4. H. Herron, Lewis Jonas John W. Zola. MOUS@ Oct 818 EXTIBS STOOL 'IA? Con.— eael Graham, me:chin"; tailor, Is se ll ing off his Spring and Sommer Stook olgoods at cost: Thay eonmat of all the nest styles of cloths, 011111111111411 and vestlfsp, of which he is pro wled to make up in the most fashionable ma mm!,.and at °oat prize. The public should not neglect to avail themselves of this rare chance and , 1111 TO money by giving him an early call. Also, a largeassorttnint of plain and tansy cassilnares, well adapted forboys' wear, wbich he will sell bj the piece far below colt. Mothers should not to call early. Basel. flumes', Merchant Tailor, No. 64 Market street. /17 1 / 1 17101, Essvuao Youturrnaas I—The attention of oar °onuses brave dedenden es retarded from the seat of war and of the pcbtlo to is again directed to the very extensive and handgun* assortment of Om, latest styles of Preach, English and Aniorinan piece goods, for pants, coats and Satz, latelyisteired by Messrs. John Welts U., iduclunt Taitory No. 115 Pedual stroDr., Allixhea ik tasteful Wailful of (pm - Uvula's bustshlag goals sill also always to loud on the shehas of the establishment, -tugaltitr with a lot of read?-made clothing, got up - in the but =Ann. NAV AMILITAL . or Swum CLOTRING.—Of ten we are asked, where can we bay • mat and comfortable siammersult, made to order, thus having the sheathe of selecting our ors goods ? To all then liquids, was answer, go to Maui. W. H. Wale Co., venter a Yedsnt street and Diamond fhpsere,—Alleglia ny, and you will be rated secordlng to your taste. They have Jost received their summer goods, and for elegirre of styles they cannot be impaired, and for Mimeo they are the very persons saltier. work is al dons under their own tuP ' ervision. Give them a call, and you aunt fall to be 'tabled. Hi Won Azrzoana.—Rev. I. Moore, late Aiwa Amaieen Bible Union, writes—" I have need Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Bair Itateror and Bair Dressing, and It has also ban used 47 my wile. We unlasiblodly pro-, nonage than the bast .preparadons we have eya need—ie which derration miss crow Made lois so." • - Sold by Drugglsto everywhere. Depot, 198 Greenwich - at., Slew York. mow 01111.4 Din.trißY.—At the Den Insti tute, No. 251 Pena street, sets of teeth for bur dollars, bittern= these at fire dollars at the other dental establialnents. All per. MB are requested to call at the Institute tiler having awsortalaed the Lomat prises at the other chirp places. All work done at the laatttuta IS gna=teed superior to any cheap Dentistry la the eity. Smarr and Scrofulous Eruptions will soon corm the bodies of those ban men who are lghting• their otinatty's battles. Night air, bad food, and drenching tains Will make sad havoc with the strongest, therefore let every man supply himself. with ilaliewseo Piss. www, 11 Is a 04111i1 acre for ovary kind of skin dims*. Only lb eta. per pot. ILL NllllOllll . O PllO,lllTi BOWEL, Awls AID Ats emu lasiaastio.—Pat repairs or a te:edam tostoras or dsaltilla. 2 . ll Took or iseything- else la ths Curator Has, salt at Outhbut's Catitimare Shop. Wren alley, above Smithfield struts. AU orders promptly attsadstt to. Owns and &mean Paul will be taken Nibs WanLbw 401)054. 601 Mgt, street, day et might. ' All of left et the above le promptly atteadad so. AP calk, WWI be paid ‘p nrieatea C. Busy Deatist. Pean root, Mtan.l to oil Mdwr of 41g tonifooslos. /1111.1111 ZILTISat - Tsp WiTitUUT PAIN.—We tete this 'funnel of InDPltat ow Mende rad the Nblllo ip that we are cow CTto WIWI? ritirf e l l l - DURUM PAID i t e sil practioe of Dentletra. Then who hint hew ,apaaras this math dnwhid operation Pay now isp wire Ow& ihers mad on Ilia oell, es the sow Ma , we hue tn lue been t.WwW.l m f a tud Iztl o = lora pas, golly Wahl the self etwratter of:the oraretion. o Drop orlikaeolatio Getranki Balm sod.. All thou the eenlest of pod rad Whole Dentin *ld do well to cell rad cocoon with 8., ar, Da. 0 SING , Wotan 7/4 47 4olebeiphl k . Tfthobareb. autOtto &AO 4.,Arbskg run' °ALA.& W Um es load sad 100 order mil tlo4 0l WL903111. MIT!, muLM 'MUM WHIMS, WEIBI4BaItHOWII AHD OTOSII ritUOILD,W tend. of sb. but matairiala sad war. naiad. Aka. lb* ols4 10000Allg_Wbo HAT I aim tarnish 811113 L TNATII VOX HILT It= footory Ohs an Koalas Moots, to trams Pounoottory, Allsighosy psti. weir a on i,30 All Yu ttali MS (Al laD es.)1111 WAih , . lkstrs Ito Porostalt romtattti Awl olio dattalass 101 172.114.11 Okkget of SD kill., frisk ewers day, et SLAM'S, MEM • • - goi risiorod Ida Moo to fai Muni oa HAzo aim Imam Onatervobwa Asoshavea Pore, outruns hours bee9tis.WlDp. m. isiuttuil. • rum& es WIIGIVIS !MD iisesumis, Pr Otis, bpi. 4, Aimee ce Liberty and tilt ttroett.-.uscitobes wiry 11111DHINDA au{ thll , Yofirloo..• • 'UI igall9' Mittelha& • I prodatin. of the billt,rnults . L D L.Ncrp. : : : liz a Wyetti mew masa^ Lit mains. is • le. salsalt. &Wall= • laat • notl sad kw mt. all flat) lientlemen can ob. tabs a *mat yoga sod beading. in *Print. %ails og *oath Mean*, Alkittany. tiosemos. *Ani l 41- THIS or nom. FULdwists . barrels :rotissees 1 • • 4 . . i n „..• • JOBS 8., CLLISMILD. PLAjer. 4 ! • thllloined tar sale , , t liilLvowitia THE LATEST NEWS Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Cissatte. TULLAHOMA, July B.—Tor days past, owing to the pre-cternpation of the line on military business, and because of storms and difficulty at the Cincinnati aloe, it has been Impossi ble to lend special messages. I send this ex planatory dispatch, suggesting that "pettish might reach you via et. Louis. The army is perfectly quiet, awaiting the completion of the railroad and the arrival of supplies. Our lines extend to the foot of the moahtains, and reconnoitering cavalry daily push beyond, but no movement can be made until provisions have been brought forward. Many commands issued their last pound to day, and the probability is that unless trains can be forced quickly up, the troops will have to march back to meet them for to-morrow'. rations. The trains, however, are likely to arrive to=day, when all will be well. The trooprare in splendid imitation, and only await the establishment of communication and 'applies to begin their brilliant cam paign closed. Information has jest been received that Bragg has retired beyond the Tennessee, burning a great railroad bridge at Bridge port. Portionlan of the surrender of Vicksburg From 20,000 to 30,000 Pritonen. Casco, July B.—A special dispatch to the Missouri Davtoenzi says : By the arrival of the steamer Niagara, with Lieutenant Dann, of Gan. Sullivan's staff, from Vicksburg on the 4th, end who is imam of despatches from Gen. Grant to the War Department, we have eanfirmation of the cep nutaton of that stronghold, from relinble MIMIC I have been lible to gather the following particulars of the closing scones of the siege of Vicksburg: The first flag of tries for some time was on the Ist mast, asking an snort for two English men who had been shut up for some time in the Confederacy, which was granted. - - On the day previous the rebels had mode an unsuccessfai sortie upon the works on oar left, meaning to Woo our soldier' out of their rills pita. On this day Johnstoa was reported only twenty miles off, and our men were in line of battle to plosive an attack. On the 3d, another flag of *sum came Into our lines, brought by two Confederate ME ours, who proved to be fis h ier ben. Bowes's messengers, and were blindfolded. They re mained awaiting the return of their GeneraL One of the messengers said there was iron enough thrown into the ally to stook im mense founderies, and build =ammonia for all the cousins and soldiers who had Inhere when Smith returned the messengers again bmadfoided, and they ems oonditeted to a safe point, tram whine they 'maid enter their own tines. ergot curiosity was manifested by the atom and soldiers to lento the contents of Pemberton's dispatches whieh was fleetly gratilial. The rebel Seiteral sew at to. in tonate an anneoessary effutionat blood, and that the lois 01 lives might be itrovented by • brief *mention of hostallUes, during which 00MUlliiii0g011 might be appointed to agree on terms for the surrender of the city. He ago Intimated that ho could hold oat for an indefinite period. Grant'. mply was very brief, saying that Pemberton had it la his power at any moment to stop bloodshed; that oommisnionsrs were unacuessary, as tho only stipulation. he could camps were an unconditional surrender. It coaciuded with a deserted tribute to the bra very and =durance of the rebel Louisan, and said if the. surrendered they should all be treated with the courtesy dee prisoneri of war. The rebel eammissioners had not been gone long when Pemberton sent again, asking a personal interview with Grant which was promptly granted. At three r. n. of the same asy, n contemn°. took place about midway between the fronts of the untending tortes. Toe mend was witnessed by tiau sends of Fedoral and zebu soldiers,who, for the Ant time In weeks showed temselves with impunity above flair rills pits; and yet daring all them weeks they had-been within Ave yards of each other. Grant came slowly to the place of rendez • Tone, smoking a Maw. and apparently the only aneacium person in the mist assem haw. Pemberton Oral remarked that he had been present whim different fortresses sur rendered to the Federal arms in the litezloan war. In these the enemy was granted terms of conditions ' and so he thought his army wee as well entitied to favor as a foreign foe. Grant listened, and then proposed a private cowasnation, to which Pemberton agreed. The two generals them stepped WM,. What was said during the conformal can - any be jadvd from the malts, for after mutts more than an hoar terms were agreed upon for a surrender. It was, that the Federal forms should enter at 10 a. m. on the next day (July 4th.) The rebels were all to be paroled oa the spot, and the officers allowed to retain their horses and four days' rations, to be taken from the rebel stores. The prisonsrs Whim to exchange taken from the enemy number teem 20,000 to 80,000. By this arrangement there tall late Bon. Grant's bands, along with small arms, forte, datums, Ite., cannon of the but quality in the ..Contectoraoy." At 10 o'elook, a. m.,on the 4th, eatetta Swele's division march ed into and garrisoned' the city, the bands plaplag national airs. Fug, wae loon ISM above the baltdiage whore of late only rebel onalcil met oh* knew, and Vieksbarg was In loyal posses sion ono, mon. llka It Olmstead. Albsboss MlNin= ~,,i-,,,„;_%.,,,-..,,',•k-,..,"q:'.1-:.,,,:•.-4';',-.;-:'''''"i'• BY rimasicipx PROM TULLAHOMA. ,40., SY., &a. Not 1014 attar formal p ion had been taken of tais city, 001. Markland mode his *swam and took chirp of the post-01100, and speed to establish Astoria wall routes with the rest of the world. Lee's Retreat••Ms Cass Desperate, If nos Hopeless. Bauman', July B.—The dassvioca's special gradation /nor, dated this swab& says; It is no longer a qualm whether the Pota to.. is foxhole, bus whether any bridge the rebels. may hare would stand Wore such • flood. It speaks Of atatte army apostle's. Oar canny are uniting: &Mai op prig onus and sending Mut bby kandreds. The' are also 'capturing at busdng rebel trains. Tba _rebels are.abandoning Asir wounded whom they placed in wagons tiles from the lamas along the route. Lee LI detained at the dila. His cue will l i e most Ovum*, it not hopeless. Mere the Use was intarrupted and*. hit ter pallet ttdritson was consequently lost.] Prom New York. New You., July B.—A Waihlngton en respondent of the (bamonfai lays that Ad miral Wan had arrived thus, having been relieved ftom linty oa the West Ind!. squa- dron. Tlm nme mita lutes that a die da• galidted-inember of the sdadnlstratkra markict on Tuesday, that the minion of may Major lanefal would soon be called Into so. the duty, adding that Gem McClellan would be the Ant, it having bees determined to give him a place where his engineering, abilities could be dbplayed. The rebel pouts have iidlen beak beyond Jfairfax. Capture of 1,000 Rebels by General RlVella:A...Death of Archbishop Kendrick. Ilsamoss July B,—Nearly 1,000 rebels, captured by &natal Kt!pettish, /mind this morning, lueluding Glenend Jones a cavalry *doer, and tilty maw eanuabsionali °Seem !I Archbishop Kendrick died suddenly this morning, aged duty-one. Reported Rebel i.oes. New Yormi - Jely B.—The Post has the fol lowing: Capt. &gamin, of the 13th New Jersey regiment, who leashed home at New ark this morels& says that before he left kir regiment, Gun. Meade made an address to his army, in whist' he stated that the rebel loss reia 35,000. Gee. Nude osptared in all 60 pieces of artillery: Steamers Shea Dean and J. T. Re. • Combs Captured . by tab Rebels. Lamina', 7 B.—Tha Mailmen Alio, Doan sad J. T. *Wombs wan assur e d k g , about two kandrad &Ws, at Biadonbui i Ky., wastorday aftintoo". Illusboats an fa pursuit. Dispatch frost Goal. Gaud. Wassuorroz, :all B.—A &spat& from Gen. Grant to Gen. Hillock dated at Woke burg at 1040 cra the morning of the Fourth of July, 'tofu that the rebels inurauderod this inencleg, and that their troops were pa roled as prisoners of war. The mom:nests about to ha midis by this fortes of Gen. Grant are detailed, bat thoy axi not proper for publication at present. Rebel Idlers in Indians. J y B.—Rellable Worms eon readved ken to-night states that 400 rebels hare crossed into Indians, and are marching en Oorydon with artillery. Irl a skirmish with the home gnarls, four of the latter were kills& 'Markers by Telegraph. Hwy You. July 13.--Grocorise gsdet. Floor bull and unsettled, and 1002.0 lower ; nos al ft.. State, and 7b® s 90 for "B. R. 0." Wbeat dull and unsettled, and IlkOSe. lower; the dean, in gold and Sterling has driven shipper. from the tear. Gorn heavy arta 30. lower; eaten at 0634©670 Oats dull at '7 4 % 1 7 0 3 4 o Pork steady. Lard dtilt. Whit. quilt at So.' Stones etre er and dull; Gold sold in the street as low as 28, °keine price 31%. Exchange unsettled. Money elegy. Erie R Hudson 10; Unclips its% N Y Central 110 M. New Tose, July —Cotton dull, unsettled* end nominal, about 67J60. /bar dull and nosstrlnfand 10420 a lower. The diclhts in gold sod staling ex change ham a very deprrning effect. tetra btu*, PAPA; entra it. H. Ov dailiCklßE trade brands $5.754/7.40 and doing dull. Whisky with. out a dedded change at 46.4,00. The whose decline, in gold and starlibg exchange, has • very domande; woe upon the market, and :with milky • moderate badness doing. Irk.. oan Otos 6@30 lower. Hold ers ars willing to submit to the decline of 8070. while Lupine insist on 1001ffi Nownuotatkms are d1.10lil1,25; nominal quotations am 41001.25 fbr Minim flpting.lll.22@lx forllll Club, 111ee1,40 for Winter Bad, western, $1,6'71, Wisconsin and Illinois g 1,40. Amber N ish. Clore. fbalio lower, with a gial buziellss doing et ondsi,4socismo. Oats at a moderate moist at 72177. • Wool - &a ac. tire end hardly as firm Port dim. Bacon—aidee fall and nominal Lard limo settee at 007 per cant Leterling exchsup lower; first dam Mt, 144J148 Gold lower and opening at 303(—advaao .irg to 51%--and closing dull at err/ Government stoco63 ks quint. U. B. e 5,131 of Ocarpons,Mol.o3)(6 7301, 14. oraumwen, July 8 —P. *—rlour had Sala us. changed. bat the martat dead very dull ands the unfavorable um from Moir York, and superana dour was offered at $4,28. W,blalry tem at 41 Pro. Melemilfildaaorifirmly; dMesta was refused for bulk shoulders; 100,000 lb. sold id S 3i; mem pork held at 810 blew, but we beard of no Wes lawki all 0. winced to $1,40. Groceries doll and hardly anytbUg defog Glad declined to 128 81brar 120, and anat. tled ; Exchange Arm ELVER INTELLIGENCE The river remains atationary at this point, with scant four font by the pier nitwits last evening. .A dispatch from Oil Oity reports the rivet falling at that point on Wednesday. The math,. °satiate:a warm, clwidy and ammonia.% with on Occasional shower of rain. There is s moderate bt4neem doing at the wharf though no decided improve:at= can be expected un til there is more enter. ThIOW City. for Wheeling. and the Jenny Itodpre, for St. Louts, domed yentas. day, Irithfalr trip. t apt. John Woodburn haanainedhls new steamer after the hew 44 Wort Donation and Vicksburg, den. 11. B. Grant. Th. Gan, Grant will be In:abed In a short time.' Capt. D. Z. Dtickril ktt foi Idßagtag' inst night to bring up the Nevada —prorided than is stithotent water. Tba . Nevada and tharilght hats been Did up at Buinington for some than, waiting for • rita. The new and popular steamer Imam - No. 9, Govt. J. II Narrate, will leave or lancbanali this morn ing, without fell. Elie hem some more room for freight and splendid accommodetloas for pencepra llr J 8 Dunlap le the clerk. We understand that Oept Gordon 4 building soother new steamer for the Jillegbeityriter tied% !CoignWs Reid is Kiiatioky • The OleoinneU Gavel & of Tutsdity morn ing, mays : Jake Morgan, with 'boat 4,000 man, Is still fa Kentnoky. He .was %yesterday In a position with the Bentnolty rivet side, the Ohio on the other, aid our troop'. so pott ed But be could 'not readily Wart- Then Is a great scare agate In the Blunthsas regions, and people are Amin from their. homes in large embers. Se ecnnadinethelm the roads are thronged with :horses, mules and cattle *Mat"' being driven to points coasldered oafs. We are disposed to believe that the Morgan raid We time, if it does not prove disastrous to the rebels: will not last long or be very serious. Then are all aorta of ta mon In circulation In Kentooky, many of whisk And their way into, the papers. One of these le, that Bragg'. arm y is taming In through Cumberlau4 Oaf, The rebel pipers, on the other hand, report Burnside's army moving Into But Tonneasow. The feats with roferenee to Morgan's movements 'we harp published; and we, of course , are. not going co All our oolumns with idle rumors. There was mush excitement at Lculrrill•loat night. but the only ground for it was the reported ' approach of Morse* with a force of two to fear thodsand men. It is probably the Wu tips of. Olen. Burnside to have kW move to -ward the Ohio; but if organ will not travel far In that dlzotlon if he.oan avoid It. Taw Harrisburg Telegraph, of yesterday, (Wednesday) says that the Northern Cen tral Railroad will be resdy for travel this (Thursday) evening. A PUSH SUPPLY' HUMPHREY'S pitinno 110211EOPATU IC REISEDIES. s!os eas,A.aorz,a. Liri or usoino iwnwzir. No. 1—!or Nom, Coogostfoo owl lisasiosaatioa. . No. 11,1ar Worm lover. Wars Oa 1111ottlog /10. 6—Tar OA* 6 7tni. Teething isad Waksfal of labels. No. 4—Tar DlaerW Moir' Isla* ma Ma nor Clairpkente. • Ho. 11--Ice ckcao, GriPlaph Zlessiten 011 : tgoodl Raz. iyArmaboisra, Cholera llorbtat, 110 . T- 41 * ,liatam. lots Throat. 1:-Tor se. a a .. wruiv7,Nsat :MN at the Sod. u-rak—racirsok i 14erimpa Imm*sad foirerOola No. 11—Ifor bregelsoitho. mod Periods. r. botoontosa. Prole/ litere{ &arty 6DIIII renidos. No. 11—Ter Orcerp. Noma Oontb. Bed 1300104. 70.14—ad M. Pilio"—Nor 0/throb{ Wrap pioudea ea the ram.. 1 0 .10—meoiewei Porio— Pidik 'fit tot lloregooo W 4O Poi 0{11•014 Lois. o< tfths, No. 19 10-0000 Stibidoeo,larolimts/ ribdtarge sad 111111•11 Debttliy, • • IS. IS toro WON se 0010 0 stiodto or 011. dna, 110.110.4etelap . biltatiastoh Wattlas the Ned n o . oi—petotai Period{ num, or tipsoms. No. 111-1010das at asap of It{ ma,. No. 10-1/teps7 sad opium. Chen{ els. Old W A.VCICIIIII IDA Ar asm ti% P I TSTP 04, 0 AV" ism aaired Pki{ 11102 se Ilbedbig. Internal or Nizio o...r e r scire, Week or 1111004 Nyot sad MOM{ Paha& Week 0 Warred NAL ow i d y al bog otaadhog or meat, either obstraotba or protege disobsep. W. theoler WM 000. ehatiti *UM% mance. • - She drams Plitbada—Oppemed. bers , siisiiiigketteselled Croup sad lipporrao TOO& Pe" EU MO per bat. Jhr /Me Darikala oaf Desteess.—Shoherpe tnis She Menthe malt OS doeriel Ireek Kaaba ar Ibet , mild& roe Soho re tree lie 4 HariDell Oir ht. oats sad Sra pat DO& tad is the SIM lad Der4che. Per* 00 rmr a lridiaSet a id% =Am allo essie per bat. - lite ~el Delsalp—P at MINIM Week. am. saber the roan or i sm ", ciao' or !Mb. Shim, pp= psr be& Dr4 " Aomatollaihrok Nadi the* rope. with asap Becredass. Prin. Ilde i. boz. 7/beeart Uebre&ip mortal. sad Odom hum or way& pyosaapr r go boa. _ inn , 06 . 4 mmem..—sor (bagel, Ilesel Can% Palatal thiastlat.Dhowe ot the Maw. p r k. l / 2 anal lat bet. he 4leabosi llalablatahlalary mid Oreeolless Praaretios sad Debilibp. 'Tke acet etworedea eadbadeat noway aulm. end map be relied epos es s oere. Prfaa $1 per boa. JOE! FULTOI, Noir. 67 um 69 FIRE Amin, prrrsouson, PA. BOW APO fr% the WanSn , a 9112137. 1b tOl lin #2, 'MOTH) Et—LU persons In' delo t h e .1.11 Wilms of tin DAME MOW we es ags use .11.141 CAW &ED ;:. ail Caw Cal P. = "MA_ 1 40 Illitbag bed to tbs bodosess of Us sow A Ra sa d is isis bills Ito mt . 7. P. PAIL ' ,Stray so. MS tsittai Ibts list wpm Was eat lsesk; iicasslosi Au* irsk, ." 1 " 4 " N o d *, Qua yarimit.„ PIT: ' • - - IPICIJL Jrorzcza. Ilarfabe eupanor Copper Mill and Prremosaz. PARK,' APCUB,DY & CO„ Maas a or ISHEIATIONG, BRAIMIS' Ala BOLT OOPPIS, ?R ID OOPPIII BOTTOM. ELISIO STILL BOTTOMS, SPAWNS SOI.DIS; admlanyortenazuldisLerslnlESW4 TIN ASIA SEM IRON, Wl2Bll, M. Onstantly an !mad, Tnsnsiew KAOHISZ3 AND TOOLS. Wain:soma. No. 149 that and 12:1 Soma strata Pittsburgh, Pans'a alingsabil orders of Copper out to any &aired pat tam. mynikdaelyt jrarThe Confessions aid Experience or ait 121141 JD, published for she benefit and at a uendng audOIATION TO TOHNII VIM who sago from Harem Debility, f remota* Decay of Manhood, etch, supplying, at the mom time, THE MEADE 0/ Misr WEIL By sue who hat cued himself aft being pat to great expense aid balmy through m Mal humbug and quackery. _Ay en g a pottgeld addramed antelope, gm. gle copies nag' be had of the author, . . NATHA.I9IiIi day' Bea 44. Etna man ty. N Ir JIWOUTOIL ER'S.. .LIORTHIJIG fob a •EILLICa aapplles a neat 141 by nary good bnletuwper. dray iftoet win till A vont when flble an thick. Basember that It to DOTAINRII tins don Ws, and n tun the base baltatloas taat ars adored. The nal antes to for sale by annepiat. able Erunglats. B. A. ZATENTATOXED, BONA 00” earner of lint end Wood stnen, jolfallirdawT Plttebarsh. EraTo Nervous Biafora' of Both. —A reverend gentlemen haring Mee re, stored to health to a far dam after undergoing ill the usual routine and Irregular expensive modes o. treatment. without =zoo, coniklies ft We tie: r. duty to oenuaunkate to his &BMW (.flow creature. the SLUMO? CIVIL Hence, on the receipt of en ad. droved. =Slope, he will send (tree) a copy of tb. procaiptlonineed. Direct to Dr. JOHN H. DAD. BALL, tie }upon 'street, Brooklyn, N. T. =3:l IerJOHN COCHRAN & 880., acturap of IRON BALLING, IRON VA U LT9 AND VAULT DOOllB, WINDOW BUDTT/88, WINDOW GUARDS; so., N. 91 Second street and sa Third stmt, between Wood sidliorloot. Have ea lead a variety of new Patterns, dewy • d plan, gal:able dor all palpable. Particular attention paid to enclosing Gnus Lot dens at short notice. ahp JWPBT/LONA OIL • WORKS. LOU", alliier 41; Co. . Works st Itharpstnug nation, Allegheny Valles Railroad. 00los and Maranon% No. ki mARE.rr 8711.111 T Plitsbnryh. , klanalactursts of ILLUMINATING and OATING °ARBON OMB sad BiNZOLI. •i' No. 1 11X7INILD OIL, warranted non-uplo• also, always on band. oollklyd EXE: ===3 1/1111120W gr it I I.IIJIB, To• 1 : 180 H, MINIS & NIL , •aim AND ltucurnurrs, WA/11,VM burgh, Poun'a. Wow, Pit Orstin, N Marinbet • MILL • all kinds of BMX SNOLNIS ILINKBY, CASTINGS, RAILROAD BOILERS AND SHEET lEOb WORK, El WORK. • . e•AV e i tsburgh Steel Works. ..........JOILIII L. 110134.......... W. 1e01741.0411111 NES, BOYD & CO., of OAST !TEEL; slao, 81618 Q A. 8. BTIML 81%121Cbs AID of &seat lingua:nods, Plittabaesk, col* !M!!!!!1!E=2= WC ' CABELLO a iczaa. IILAIIIIIACITEMIBS, 81L1T.14,1051D 86Aed FLAME M Aad Maantacturarsof ILDDLN ' Y tiIIIPCIABBIAGN HARDWARY, No. T pr. MUT. and DUQUISNI WAY, neer the BM" Pri-reacraoa, PA: ft :BAILIIBI3, aril FIRM BANK V :00F SUMMER SAE& ULT IRON VAULT DOOR, ' ATV I LIUM BURGLAR-PROOT BANK lIANVFACTURERS. 131 19drol iron, bingos Wood rod filogidodad ogrodo-viond olds sursezit LOCHS Wows on hind. add* HOLMES & DONS, Dealers ZION In i A.ND• DOMEST/O MLA Ol Li. MANG& 01111TI0ATIIN ON DSPOSIT, DANA . NOM AND MOM, No. NI Nark, strwit, baAPa. bakw • solo on AU the principal dtlas throceboas the Vatted Atoms. Neri Orli. B. & C. P. MABILLE Papas AIMMILBS and dealsrn In BOOK, Pa CIAP, LEWES AXII ALL HINDB 07 WRAP. PING PAPE& dirflars symond from No. 21 Wood street io No IS Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa. sermon vs THADI VOa BA6B. BY B. COLLIIS, For OONXIBLION KIJIMIAST nal M I ING AND M. whaling* duller In 010=11, DUMB. sine. 171111, and Praline.. moray. No. 115 Wool wrt 1862. /Ml3= C.A.PoI'MOTS. W. D. * 8. WOALLIIII, rufous= emus, • . • brio porticos ot =stook lining Ito= pontos. too mkt of *doom" sad Row woos su posoothf_ . slalom" auto* oft e smog) 4 imam", ometatus.warow mum, ae.; A bewails opportauttts to otlond to piraltasars at otodasts !sash am pion yrilioselethlf 1 4, 1 4114 doltOrt ly)t}Tol3 4 H. 'MOANS. Ezainsr _ _ Gas Pasews" is euthig 011 CliliONlO &WM both, of Latin sail Clthitlinark. a thth awkod to lb. sus ofillthttklq slasf,, without any Illedialas, or was guy Mo.!, BOA BD insy 0. Issm/..tilk Tristan; b Pothithth ira•-•bread.. verthabL! flaw to Dodoes 111101. /ages 4plyblie 'Amino or farther foththar dthi .U 1 bo githap4thaanththd. Ofiles sad mama it 141 S lOU= 11121:1 imktrAwk . thasaylthati. thisli • am oll 8 . "LI al path ot .:I thrum this oaf lkir bias relthenom. N ,"! & dimwit OVKIINIUSb/T CILIA Ott corrupt. I.4opursemsof the Creedaiof the= st•Uirtrassary. said of odds bustotare the &Kcal tal• • ,:i.21 CaPTUAND LIP ATUNDOIIIIIII 11:1120N, WM b• suds at Br. Loon. Itra4, 110110434.2711 62gir DAY 07 JULY !UTZ Dalai Jame Ekl, . . • wxi. j. Eszsia, Itopervidng Spools! Ages; Traria glopl.:.• lw . - .. • WEW GOODS.—Having just ritaisiet AA.• from Os Nam; VI IDITS DOW to lean= at afn afoortaant of nem sod dostribb BOOTS AND 11230.1113 - Adopted to the imon. . Dealers cam be 'applied Ida WM% luaus , sad WILLDIIIIIVDII , OIS, OAITINVI ad 0 8 1 NNW, a& stlett ethanol Ibr aardy st aim AL11111.130111 6)0. 11. TL. =row. Waal Mut Meiji Ail AN WM) W$V! •OW .LU.WTO=aDf J &pbibail. k Amais valve. Peke sit lista A loom , dik - gad, 64 WS& TIVIATAINZ AND Mao. =Mom listallat Wooktuak, latoluatailt Smut Wag, lad lapdlittooto 10 Ilarriosoitattallyj aittlittotolo‘Onoutoptioli, to. W itiNg TY ood o. 'Min= D.. &Zoe tito Gnitt Book Ito;-0.41 Moo to nomad Of Boat aurtP may . la plain tottIOVIN to wil,whintesPgat i r MIPS 01 six moth or two J. U. UPON Deaf TORIL 'OlllO5 -otolthootdowier Ali,„ ,j. tL StitiLltili .•, . y Warm Ow' alttern of 11, that Its MB bela IIMPOR" WO *oaf IWO* as of Bo we law. wend °Malt Assulossours ram _mei Igo 1 toosaftiolbo the larpethossuir totheettrouwarwekkow L 4„,,„,., ImotOre a bwi onsisisilci." 4 -`' - ' arammalialbocki' ' --: ma Olat Rve,itunissi s moj- , , - , , ~• ~ _ 4 , aaar4Q, - ;obtsjK.igtonvad,. ,sa mem . maA&AMicarroClo. AMCN=.itiVIZO II& GOLD ISORDIERI . ID WINDOW 811ADESI,, QRILN, SHOWN AND LIGHT OOLOBS; New NO elegant patters., pat nosind •t the NEW CARPET STORE McFarland, Collins Sr, Co., purn. STRUT. Between the Peet Orrice sad Durex= ItrAuxus. ythszew r um, OF JULY.. 1863. . , 81110 W YOUR COLORS. W L AL' ar 0 . 2 Prom 5 Mabee to 60 hat. BIGIMXBTAi. ruis BIINSINO ILAOB I tins rum's: MMUS PLUMS AB mail Flap on dick'. sr We challenge quality and prim with ;WWI manufacture. iIIrPI27BBUDGH FLAG MANUIPAGTOBr at • P/TIOUICS HEWS DEPOT. 111TH OMIT, OPPORTII TEI P.O. Jert FOR THE TROOPS, AU Ow MILITARY goose, at 13OLDIRRIP NSW PcIitTABLI WRITING DIRK, OHROKIIR BOARD, to., at HUNT'S.. 50LDIZIU6' NSW PORTABLI WRITING DUX AND WORK BOX, at HURT% 6OLDIKREP misgauge Can, at RUSTS. ISTATIOBIZT PORTIOLIOB, at HORT% Tko anthontlo soma* of Goa. COROORARS CAPTIVITY, only SS ant.. Gin. MoOLTI WAN'S /IMO LI SPY. PAULIN' WWII POTOMAC, only 115 anti. THE SUITKRI6I6III Of A YOUNG LAD? Of PRINEYLVANIA only 16 canto. Mtn BROWIILOW. Till HIROIR• Or TIN. THIWIRII. =416 toots. PITIRAR'I3 MILITARY noviut. MAPtillf THE BRAT Of WAS. DIMS ROOK& • BONG BOull Amor, DRUM AID PITS BOOKS; knd othor kll3BlO B3OYB, at Ulf pdos, to class thom at, at JOHN P. HUNT'S, . Y•/OHIO MALL, MTH EITEMIL tl , RECEIVILD AT 90 ILAIEZT LADDIS' KOZOOOOII.IPIIOII, Do. • - LID BIELDD BOMB, oaly— Dik. CONG. HINUID GAME% col wire aux BALMOZALS. LW. OBILDBICIPS GOAT BOOTS, craly---. 116. BOTH' AND YOUTWS WiLIIORALB; NUMB' AND 01111.1111W11 commas Gamma Lao 13/4.IIOIILLS. Coll sad Nears u borpth to-oq. 1.6 J. EL 11081../.1111. W aisaliet strut JUST OP.ENBD. . NEW . CARPETS. • . Pariusis nide ha the nowt depnelies of the liders Itarkete, we els reoveral the atintet PF team la ;111117801lie and =assure, sad an Oho tooted taxi:aphids sisortsint St Cups's, Floor Oil Clotho, llattlig, &0., With • .war Imp redsolkke In rim. OUTER Irointivai a Co.. 11-111111 10111191111/11 w..", and wasig prim of yaw op, Whitl l / 2 Mocked and Fancy Mattings; in Imes Nab .ad d implix quality: %MIR X'CLINTOUX & I 2 .r.ritus.—.l. am a, I Ti og smarms Plisiwerioria, 0000A1111; , • ILLLWaTON. 100111 WASH. sad NIAVOZIAO IIXTBAOTI -Alt old prices ; and astides stuck 3ollllHLVlni arm BB* emethlog half their forprsrpric, - OXON JOHNISTOII. Ociimse 'Fourth and ihalltlisld etzsids. IttA es MoVia (I .ott.f c mof W. H. W Ilia= a Os.j 75 lima Pi., sad door is Om'phobia& 7004. saw= ~ BOLD. MOM. BA UM 10YZNA, t las mambos .os attsas szanams,... lOWA -.I.IYEArt.)OL, (14ADDTG AT BAL.: . ju , zratow sa i . asaosagis.)-Mis Ins Amu& atdi TXIITSBRIST; now iosftg . At • arstlldlo Mood Ed WI on 16OR Jon. '; A.y !ode= by tab moll tom Pi tar of ocoombolos; and If laod to IdY fddloh is Lboorpocd. Mond amok minims sad% .. -,,.. Zs follidd - oPP4 to O.= • o d =r i. i. pilau - i Wider'. ; dB lkodb Goy 0t..4 Daltbaoro. RC: ' t X. 140 AA ) ; 1 44U5ei4014.. iiiiidlowd . tasiatalar _sit intim illo £hs , trawaiimat olt ;DISSAILIK:ur -MB ma ilLarager, aim in . IPAUBACIT. war, Ryas, for AsTilV mUi,turuk_timmi ..annauti 1111111 M auto all s e=0*T•11113311; Woo =AI= dasi al dhow= minting SU Nob boot 2. , • on MIN STRUM botlldl' a tjABBAWCYRUM Talk PULD OUIM.: ISIP—Tra. wzdaligset b mow yeepor4 r began riOgruds OM mil jot of , loo.' A . UM or irkor by sapid* Armag's - 1M do imoisofb , or OM din Men: r in ftisri ,giri r 1 a ir ahl ""lia llo4 Lao Es bobroribird ilea yobooloyeb, Ma Vilma" boord i fferryort ma. wiposorroy. tomb*, or Loadrodlora for as "bi: The now noligkerilitvirpoN :.reesimi . ••• t-' 'wens& ..oma li ptft". ' , Itfi ADS WrAUTUAllibi ANIL .u.a../i•MoAtalizaitrai at.erovad. gm" asabse.6l 11m5.13114 Sa tas City of ..ePas t ; =lvlmam alreassi 3000 Mit as , atm. al .LaeLllarl cf =. rialsbard. mak Ur alnico*? It'. sbr • lystitssilloislimmvns * VOIMILION a 4 at Il ositaa* sa Tara. at iiile WI. M. wi Psse loop et jeseirtrark Wass , • my aum 01.411.0114,' :$0 UNTILVS, wraiimplolmVitat PAT...tat 1137.1TAZ1. "Alain It .lirgAMlSLaollaa•S Ostia a& adhere IA . m.fraus k etat 4 1 1 5 42 1WP 1411 1:09.-.; 0 . 2 0 1,0 %; , • • -- TII Gnat WWI. Ittgrozgli _ La. icriEbisps ars Numb Ilf• Weida 4411:11il Mon& AM ialkkessuoe• ahurosta. .ail, bbis Jrzeitt; oritp onats-40 bass. oast • Rai • • t SOW JUlLSAlAC k a,flistai; iiithed sitar omMiti Stoma. • v s - • •.• .., ••%. - I.7Sat•lestny sotest, 31L - dares liirwastaniVcrusirvisitiLairAva: am stos,cans ondiahriadoialleras, Eli Otte. orwastr44 wire tm. '.:..ihrmitealgii•O l / 4 4.-11_11141.1reignIIIMAL111170: wr. uldesad mod: areas. t fait 11021 Db; t. expo,. e;drttir 7 or Lire. zrinholii4 imaireet IpPitace IfLallr/ACMCISTAR, ; 111 MIMIC iil44 Mime iw pilakswisis liadasliwir. .psu!tkami InL a. J 0113117011 a co., • wom ono: • : JtMiICELI.IXEO US. 'ENNIO(' Q. HAMS CO. alesomon to Ismeao. W.::1 _Merchant, Tailors, - "' Ariteirres•hin,c,Rtelr SPRING. STOCK OF. GOODS , Adaptd b a grit tdsn tiao. rad& tuu bias eiteet. ad with gal tag torgestibie opyrolgt Is of many friends wed patrons, and tram hoe; By' clog et • gotten to treenail , ' and strict foggily, to Soot the opsintoot of all who nay loot al with • call 011ICE11211` IMI.TOBIIt • Made to order in the beat manner and on etwonabl, tor= Saving Imbed a met may :0141 pint fd.s, kir Staff, Maki and Una (Moors, as wVI as for th. Nate. we ma mowed to 'isolate oaten In tt• is with totivetneat seed daapatoh. Llamades a rot, choke edection of TtfltSiiii u GOODS always on hind. ints 0014 OF PAULA iBT.6LdXft 5111101'N ABLISkiEIi PETER LO*LARD, emir AIM TOBILOOD''/AA7O37AOTURZA, 16 & >e omuunrosigt . ATI? (Yortnerly 48 Ohathim street, New York,) Weald an the attention of dealers it, the .racier of hi usealhotote. via 11110WB Ilideed:Toitn• Dames, Owes Tipp., Atiorlocd. iestgeoe, Pan Vlreolo, tiohltoolr a, WILLOW nip, W. bait!, Bleb Toad. &itch. bib High Toast r Ototo Lindyteol, Honey Dew &otottOrneh Hone ? Scotch, "nab siratiazdkrn le dialed to the tams redaction to prima ItLoo.Cit Obewineand Smoking '10b...c.v. whit* will be found of • superior quality, TOBAQOO G limonnio—Long, Bo: 1, No. 2, No.. 1 end 2 mixed, rantham! - /him etrz Ozawtan—P. A. L.. dt Odd attn. M reendi . orsb. Benet; [tweet /seated Geo:woo ; Tie Foil fluctuao-13. Ago, tlpanieb, Ciadter, Turkish. /1...11./t decoder of prime will be sent on eptlf ,... poldfly fLustpass MATERLILS. • • CHARLES 11IILLIECIN, IMPOSTER AlirD WHOLESALE DEALEII Be. 6 commas az, PLUMPAU. Ooludantly In utoreovlarg• warmer t of Coppor. Z4A box and Galvanised on Bah Tuba.. • irldto and Narblod Plug Iladns, 11Idleartd Marbled or Blue Moot Holum. PumpsWWl' Manta. ocalPkte• Water Mosel' of msy &mai , ptka. Iron Maki. Iris and Istemelled Portable Wash &Bends,. Ytfrtkad Drain /VD, Bends, Brioches and Traps. Plumbous' Brass and Plated Work, of every de. melptkna. Lead Traps and Hoods. Plus and Ostler Hy4reit Poste, Hydrant Bode, .Plombirs'. Hooke, Illerbie man, Übber Hose, Oa., em low.. lay boom in the splihtm M 1111.10/1. 6 1114170,N, E=!:1!!rJI LEAD PIPE, SST AND BAR LEA D. II:C=13 Pig Lead, Moak Tin, AND Patent Shot, RINTII BTRART, Itznnaz Kam fhtturOsay M=! LWAI WIWI% BULPITIM-BPILINGB Tkis yell known wetalai plies be ion:ugly opeeeden thole= 01 JINN. The Stainp, thli year, wlllbsunder the , mmedt ate supermen of the Proptleter — ; who will be se dated by bleier& .10ellpi L. SWAYS and 0.0 It la the Luting= to shako the buns, In all ro. gado, equal to the beet loath ley placer In the coun try, ea to prortcci 'chorally for the cm ort had eaxesusodatlm oldie gusts. Btu term or other Inkethatlett address A. W N. Jr., Jeltklet Tends.Nater.r. 0., Le &lucre , e r. 0 r- AKTNl4neiiir Nuf&Uit: — We nave Mb day or oetetawith v to' the Bolting MIL :bedpost& J. DOLL, the style at the-d mto ho BMX. a7P-411 DULL. the parnierstafp t• &he •lot this dp.' The 011 Wattle* *hi be carried co b 7 the hi:dente:nett aa beret...tore. Kay *IN ash , azzszr, GILLTP. 3JASOII later, 1111711111 W OWIT MEDIUM J. MILL Rxiwg. GRAFFpULL, Mametliginu a l2 aloweeeks' Ht.P. Eked - a Pirate 'row id Beebe constructed our works•, with a view =atm this khid of hen e epectelitr, We retpectlldly lotion ti abets of the trade . K&M;1 M14 , ,,11JUN 'dI'AUWU AUKNuY loideralsseid aro lgin:Ms, for Pittaburgh andtiatatty.lhe W 1.7 1 48 IILADIBOX _STAB inl OODIPANY, opastaatfy on b.o supply of lbw . !LSOQ'erlana W*peoloywo, irblab will b• la otatattiloo to thm Ms 4 oft moot mommobie term& SOHINCIUMRA, LANG, TABitirry STRZET •6;kl. M r.:llsaaa kouNnzae, Gas AXD enlLiCIT1111:: Partlcalar att•stk p!do to tea littlntap. sad mahipg of Om Inn . 21111128, ktnerat BRAM ATM IRON 000 F. • sada to order. AIR, MASH 0613 TINGS, of a 1 kth4waada attbasbadast oaks. :. ER olden left at Raw. El a Ea WATalt STREET, ar ia L r arty, will be promptly attended to, nisenbers fats Jim beats practical ine .ehinter, of many pane ezpwienoe Intheir bushiest, trace to give satielhotka in every respect. Mo!XILLISTER, & BAIM, IDS WOOD LITEDSZ four doom' from rush, gusacieln sten the lergiet ea& matt oampleto u. praisat of f .. • th Ait • ...11141 - e.lll, which be lit the very heart ash Selina Oat sholetetatoe OUR A :lillW-AOV4, "UM ANDBILVZD... 8 7416 1 16111ni. NoctOsi, sathoreis ot ..hurt of Dun , Wier JUlit published. 4AT*. ixi.; Os Wood .treat. IL'BAIA. 4X. "44 4 T 2 *;& - ! Alr 4 g ; of imam smart AigkaimaL wqo4-14.74Prt: Pa. ; 1 , 4 31194i1 8811111=1"1:2:".1,4';::: Er igl o l iq k TIC". 44 - ;ititxemrs,JlAZlElEG ROUSE, MU*. 4 .ji COT . T4i, b a DO.2IIAZWA SLStropt, 1 EXOIM, & - iircsicrt C f -10 mo OLLTSII PIATIRD - 111 Werialow worts ft. —ft** Inv b. i.d.4 • beim art Ake Mot- , Plisse alto to Übe appaik ; MAUL , . 4011 Ma 34 .1 ,141 e. l • - • . . 'ftesime itesacmtiliairaiNi st kb& at asibibts,'•adthdr imam alkoriaosable ‘olllat op: Aadence ativelyerra . . S S*Sitle Sli3oiiii ! Slß i l i d n ." l , A : . -.4: --- via* ..13..111:%4044);, it •••,,,, ••• eoo t"' Bb peuMac, _ • "'NADA 1151.1biliKratml - ~- c... . 4 OI • LV ', rA, '} Nit P13147E ht*: Ipp ivamol , tlTstgit. , =4 ftea a w n- Jammivegilinne tali* la Ipi*ou beads din ozonic Oaks- IN el , ftbste ~int. Alie. CSW mictui ' D i 002 " 11 "ai I. GI. ' ' ' DATIb ill. IrliTilre "..1 iii. at , v11.6.-01`.0. ron. f.,..,... ..... a - ' S ll ." --1 BM.' , fl§p,... . ..'sacs . sa gyp ' Prigilat lima,* 4.lablt , 0 4r laiti'Priao. arblt's Sr 44 ' ; by / DWI. rill wawa lrilitylk - T4V43,4 nni, 1 e ..11.. -;,_:-.. ~.., . .W. mi. lam' fGri. *iod' a mM a gw , ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers