The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, July 08, 1863, Image 1

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GOON, fin. N. 77 sad Ti Market
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U • flows, No. AO X oast strait, Worm padard
Tunas z.. FAia
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nisrusuar, issamna AND UAINON OIL
..1121MON JOIENSTOS, _Daum. nir Puts
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, AU grOeserill metes prompt etteatkie. l ; athei
USU. ILKiidlitiorniiramm
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-2 Anoitycaufra MOM%
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Paired fit tit.; ,TAirfiArcuion of theTAirty.
seventh Oottgreu.
[Ponito--,No. 7G.]
Azi ACT to pro'ittly 1:?r the dinposal of oer
.fain landi therein named.
Be ft eitemet bythe Senate and House of
Beyrcienfativikaf the:United Brake of Asser
tea in . Conireis assetabkd, That the Cox&
Wieelotier Of ihnSFewmiG.Latidbfloe
se loon as may be,, cause that pardon of the
prolla donudra kliOWil Si. the Tort Reward
.AGEteryaleseive, inalwiing the site of the
fOrtonataining,three sores and four hurt
diedikaltbM afro,4hich is situated in the
,county OfErownand State of Wisconsin,
between Pox'River and Beaver Dam Bun,-
and - wbiehls - not - inoltided in the mintlrins
dons to Talbot C. Ijonsman and Daniel
Whitney, nos in the grant to the State of •
Wieconsioeurder the resolution of Ci;a4trtJas
approved April twenty-fifth, eighteen hun
dred-and sixty-two r entitled "A resolution
ex P-.4 i It *IOU addition.lo, the act
of J alio thnatV ird, eighteen hundred and fifty
six, granting public lands to the State of
Wisconsin to aidin the construction orritil
roads in said State," as heretofore survey
ed wider:the direction ef the anrveyor gen
eral of Wiscunusinandlowi, to be suryeyed
and subdivided into lota of Such form and
of snot slab, not buss than one-fourth of an,
acre, and not more than forty acres, as he
may deem expedient, dedicating such por
tions of thelame to the use of the,priblio
for streets and highways as be may think
the pnblio Interest .and ,convenience may
require; 'and shall mate a plat thereof to
be duly and properly Certified by such sur
sopa general, and recorded in the office of
the Register of Deeds for said county of
Brown; and when so surveyed, platted,
and recorded, he shall cane each and all
said lots to be sold separately at public
suction, giving notleas than' two months' •
engee , rashetimeanely sale by
advertising the mune In insah4ewspapers
and for such period of time as he may decor
best. Every such lot shall be Sold to the
highest bidder for cash, and when not paid:
for within twenty-four borne from, the time
of purchase,' tk-eduill- Ibiblit to be resold
under the order of the Commissioner of the
General Land Office Aforesaid, but no:sale
shall be binding Witirapproved by the Seo= ,
rotary of the Interior.
Gee. 2. :Alia be it further analog s That
it shall be the duty of the President to
• ause patents to be issued in due form ,of
w for each and every such lot as soon-as.
may be after the parakeet, of and payment
far the same.
_ , •
.sea 8. 40 be it further enacted That
it aluill alsci be the duty of the Commission
er Of , the Laud Office to csfylll so mink of
the pabilei/ohnin adjaCent to said; reserve
as hie between said Bearer -Data Run and
'Duck Creek, to be resurveyed into lote,flut
lines of which shall' °Caroni as 'near is ,
Is to the lines of the survey formerly
made by Albert G. Enbl, „SIC shall cause
04tAfRam. gala , * be.,..rned 611
provided by law in case of other sump
of the public dcunain • and he shall
upon proceed Ai 'tithes. of the same as
otter-publialands are-disposed ef, ming
to every person vim upon the pas. .
this act may be in possession of any parr
of said lan. . have made improve.-
, under the Tre.;
.7 .1' States the rigbt.
siiparchaali4ny kotaizje improved,,;kpiag.
luiskuautps,*oh other l ilisid not exceeding
* the inregateeightysarte, upon making
proof of said possession andimptevemenith
and paying for such lots; ttie -eum or ona
dollar and twenty cents per acre within elz
months after public notice shall be given
of tho time and place for making such proof
and payment.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That
the Commissioner of the General Land Of
fice shall cause the military reserve of Fort
Crawford, in the county iif,.-Crawford, In
the same State, to be surveyed'itid disposed
of in the manner prescribed in the tirstand
second sections of thin cot for the disposition
of the Fort _Howard reserve.
Approved, Much 8, 1863.
[Pt:rump—No. 77.]
Aa Acrl'or a great of lands to the State of
Kansan, in alternate sections, to aid in
the oonstrnotiod of certain railroads and
telegraphs in isaid $
Al it Meta 8, she " &sags and ROM of
142preoistagoso of as United Rate* of Amer
ica in Cbovress Anna ted,lguit there be and
is hereby granted to the State of Kansas,
for the pose of siding in the construe
tiobt; d'h . ;of a ;railroad and telatraPh
from tiocaty of .Learenworth, by the way
of the town ofdeirence, and vie the Ohio
City crossing Of the - Wage river, to the
southern line of the State, in the direction
of Galveston Bay, in Term, with a bradich
from Lawrence, by at valley of the Wan
karma river, to the , point on the Atchlaon,
Topelto, and Santa Pe railroad, where said
roadinteriettfo the Neigh* river: Second;
of a railroad from the eltrilf.sdicidMlN vii
Toptki, - the capital "ishi,Sfete, to the
western line of the State, in the direction
of Fort Union and Waal*, Nee ldeXice,.
with s t hranch 'from whom this lasts
mod wrosseilife'Nettiftip, down said Neosho
Milli to the point where the saidArst
named sped inters the said Neosho 'Wei;
mory,eltensate section Mind, - designated
by odd numbers, for ten sections in width
on each side of said road and each of it's
branches. But in case it shall appeof ai
the United , States bars, when the lines or
routes of said reads and branches are defi
nitely fixed, sold any section or any. part
thereof, granted as aforesaid, or that the
right of pre-emption or , homestead softl_
meat ham eiteabed le the same or that, the
same has been reserved by the United States
for any purposes whatever, then it 'sheikh°
the duty - of the Secretary of the Interior-le
cause to be selected, for the imposes afire
said, from the public land, of the United.
States nearest to tiers of sections above spe7
Gifted, so mach land, in alternate oath=
er guts sections, designated by. odd
number., as be equal to such lands
as the idnitodßleess lore WA marred, or
otherwise appropriated, or to`which , the
rights of preemption or homestead sittle
menbilleTittaiked as &forma* which
lands, thus indicated by odd nustionts and
selected by direction of the Secretary, of the
Interior/ea athresaid, dell be held by the
State of Kamm for the use and purpose
aforesaid: Pistreided, That the land to be so
seleattelehall, brooms% helmeted further
than twenty reges tragt tes.cif said
joad guit,Neftes PAbrither, That
the fends hereby granted for and on. as
count of Miff road tad branahm severally ) ,
gh*Whe o maiseively applied in the Man
the sante, sia for no other petr
pas -Ishlstorsr, and shall be disposed of
onires-the-warkpogiesem-through the
um% ag hEtidi act,limililfter -provided:
Provided also, That no part of'.the land
grantedisilldtact Aril be applied to aid
fn thebonstruonon of any railroad or part
thereof for t . „ . ! trykleri tit 1014 PAY
g i r rigrar=t! g it ada provi Ml L l f f n t
titer, Tlisiany eel all lands budder! re
servetrhithifWl3ahhWlti sot of
Congress, or in ani oihir manner,by com
petent antitinity, for thtpurpose of aiding
in any object of internal improvement, or
for all -4 therligliimr:sititio•lvi' at en
and ulop moo erg SerebY reserved to th
United States from the operations of •
4 41.0 i sz Vtl ll4l4)4ll4ll.".t ff "LWOW and'
'a' , Y. -- ' - . - PITTSBURGH......_OAZETTE.
granted,,,eribject to the approval of the
President of the United Stales.
Sec. 2. And be itisrther meted, That
'the sections . and parte of sections of land
Which, by snob grant, shall remain to the
United States within ten miles on each side
or mad road and brinehes, shall not be sold
, for less than double the minimum price of
the public lands when Sold; nor shall any
of said lands bebome subject to sale at FL-
Tate entry until the saute shall haTe been
tint offered at public sale to the highest
bidder, at or above. the increased minimum
price as aforesaid: Provided, That actual
and bons fide 'settling under the:provizione
of the pre-emption - and homeitead laws of
the United Suttee may, after - due proof of
settlement, improvement, cultivation, and
occupation,.. as now provided law, pur
chase the same at the .1 minimum
P IM S P*I9 II C Atd. *ASK 1 . . a150 That
.sitGlirien. any of maid reserved sections,
under the provisions of:the homestead law,
altivate the
same foraleriednf five years, and comply
with the several conditions ..and require
ments of said id, shall bee:tallied to pat
=is for an amount- net exceeding eighty
acres each, anything in this act to the con
trary notwitiotanding.. -
Sec.. 2. And be it furtlse;-enieted, That
the said lands hereby granted to said State
shall be subject to the disposal of the legis
lature thereof f ..for the purposes - aforesaid
and no other; and the said reilroada_and
branches shall be and remain public high
ways, for the use of the Government of the
United States, free from all toll or other
charge upon the 'tracuiportation of any
property Or troops of the United States.
Sec. 4. dud be it farther, mieeted, That
the lands hereby granted to said Stateshall
be dispotwd, of by said State only in man
ner following, that is to nay: When the
- GOTOTA4 id said State shall certify to the
Secretary of the Interior that any twenty
consecutive miles of either of said nimbi or
branches is completed in a good, substan
tial, and. workmanlike manner as a first
Glees railicad, and the said Secretary shill
be satisfied that said State has complied
ingot faith with this requirement,' the
said State may cause to besot(' all the lands
granted asilaforesaid situated opposite to
and within i limit of ten 'mile; of the line
attic Said section of road thus anipletad,
extending along the whole length of said
completed import of twenty miles of road,
rvid no further. And when the Governor of
said State shall certify to the Secretarry of
the Interior and the Secretary. shall be
'satisfied tha t another, section of-ssid road
or. branches, •twenty consecutive Piles in
extent, connecting with the preceding seo
lion it corCidette4 as aforesaid, the said
State may cense to be sold all the lands
greated_and.alicuited oppoalte-to and with
in the lindt of ten miles of the line of- •
completed section of road, and extending
the length of said notion, and so, fromAine
to time, until said road and branches are
Vempleted. And when the tlnwriror of
said State . shall so certify, and the Altorsta
ry of the - Interior shall be satisfied; that the
whole of saki road and branchea and tele•
graph are completed in a good, substantial;
and workmanlike manner, as firstulasf
ralltroads endtelegraph, thsaid State may
canserte- be Sold all the remaining lands
granted andAdeoted for thtpurpotes indi
cated in (*sad litnitted Within the said
lintita of tweiitj miles from theline there
,of:throughout the entire lesgehof slid roads
sad - branches: Provided, That if any part
AA laid-road and branches te - not , completed
_Within ten years from the passage of this
cot, no further sib shall be made, and the
lands unsold dull-revert to the United
Bea .dad be it Ivaic r.rosaisdi That
the United Mates nalrehall be transported
over said Toad sad branches, under the di
rection of the Poo _Moe Departmeat, as
euchprice se Conan= may by Law dlreot:
Providett, Thatuntil snail price is fixed by
la!, the Postmaster General shall have the
power to determine the same.
Approved, March 8, 1863.
[Ponta—No. 79.]
Am Aar to provide for circuit courts (or
the districts of OaMonth' and Oregon,
and for other purposes.
Be it =acted 1111 the Amato and. House of
Representatives of as United Statu of dour
sea 1,11 aterem.arranbkd, That the Supreme
Court of the United States shall hereafter
consist of schist Justice and nine associate
justices, any six of whom shall constitute a
quaver ; and for this purpose there shall
be appointed one additional immolate jus
tice of sitidcourt,with the like.powers, and
tank...the same -laths, perform the nine
duties, and be entitled to.the same salary
as* the other &mast° jtuttlees.. The dis
tricts of .California and Oregon sinll con
stitute the tenth circuit, and the other cir
cuits shall remain as now constituted by
Bea. 2. And be it further enacted, That so
much of any act or acts of CM:grata as
vests itt the diatmet courts In and, for the
said , States of, California and Oregon, or
eithek littlest,. the politer lad juriedietion
of circuit courts, and the sat willed "An
sot to establish a circuit court of tho United
States is and. fqr the State of California,"
approved March second, eighteen hundred
and _Afty-live s cia and. the same Ire
repeal +e and the said circuit court is here
by Abolished; ind there,shatt hereafter be
ulreult - courts Aida ter the districts of the
States of -Obliterate and Oregon .by the
Chief Judie% or one of.the assocht4istices
of the Snpreme 'Court: of the Un States
- assigned or allotteittOlSCOltatit which
each " districts may respectively Idea& and
the district judges of sunk -districts, sever
ally and respectively, either At whom shall
oonstitt tea quasi"- which. circuit °outs
widths -judges thereof_shall bars]ike;pow
ers .etO Pascal.llire Jarbilirdkur is ether
circuit count and the •jedpir thereefr and
4hm distrlet mule llrend - tottb., leveril
Agitate in" and for'eard - Stites of Califor
nis-and7-Oregowt, 'nitthe - Itultet thereof,
shall have like powers and exersiae: like
jurisdiction as the 'district courts and -the
jedges thereat in. the other circuits..
- Sem 3, 4n4 belt further capered, That all_
actions; suite, - proseiutlons,, causea,- pleas,
proccu6tind ether proce edi ngs, relative to
any cause, civil or criminal, (which might
have been brought and:could have beim
originally oopiaable in a circuit court as
established by-this eat) now pending listr
returnable to -the several distriet courts of
the United States in the said States of Cal:
ifornis and "Oregon, or now pending In Ar t
returnable .to the'circuit court of Oalifor.
skis, by this act abolished, acting, as circuit
'teats, tot so imponered to sat) shall be,
and are hereby declared to be,respectively,
tiunifeili — d,_.keturnable, and continued to
the Amnia circuit c o urt constitated by
this-got,',kalarbpiden within said distriots
ropeitively, and shall be heard, tried, and
determined there'll, in the irsine Manner, as
,o originally brought, entered, prosecuted,
or had- In seek giro* courts r and no bail
bond orueognizanoe taken in any of said
actions, pita, prourations i or causes trans
ferred to; said cirohlt courts'. by au sot.
shall, thereby be avoided, Impaired, or in
,validated ;,and the salt street courts shall
be 110Terg$ -by 'the came laws OA regula
tions as apply to the other circuit eohrte of
the United States; and OW oinks of said
courts' tesputivein.shiglptnterolthe same
datletc•and OW be ea thaLto,ltoeive the'
go= lees; and,emoliticents whir& ars by
law-es4t6llitited; tor:'th.::olerks. of the,other
,orritulti,Bo4llo.lhaTinitta4 States.. i
-1•41eo: 4: And bo itfurthrr 100,_ Mutt ilia
ii a tto
I- • • Genet tor the - agiriattad riga
jikali-tibtavi , staw oity:o!
sed•thlf bitter initAngelKtti*d iitatei
it thalauto,llluilliOW.6* , law
fop hiiMing Wrioo44llo/Wlt.
- - ...1 .Y a" 1M1.1.2, .:L; . •
.3-R ,,, :Enz . rl,l. _^ RI
- - ,
the northern and southern districts of said
States at said places, and the circuit court
for the State of Oregon Shall be held at
Portland; in,-said State, at the same times
now fixed by law for holding terms of the
disriet court for the district. of Oregon at
that plats;
So. 5. dad be it furiker coactsd, That the
judge assigned to the tenth circuit, as
by this act, shall receive, in addi
tion to hilitilarY herebi before provided;
the sum of one thousand dollars for his
traveling expenses for each year in whioh
he may soppily &thud' a session of the Sti
preme Court of the United' States. -
Approved March 3, 19(iii.
[Pruitt; Basoturrox—No. 10]
Joutv BusotArnoir fot the distribution of
oertalaPublio booke and domunenta.
4,, so k e d by the Senate and Hone lof
RepresestatiFes of the United Man of A rt orki
i n awe:llan coaded, - That, the Bombay
of the Interior, and all other ousaas
thereof, be - ind are hoieby authoilied and
directed id muse equal distribution to be.
made forthwith, among the members of thi
two liousei tof the present Congress, of all
books and heretofore printed or
purchased-at the cost of the Governien
and not actually belonging to any public
library, M. the library kept for . use s : a
any depaitineatof the Government„,exoept=.
ing, however, all mob boat' and dominate
as are embraced in any existing order fof
the- distributim thereof - among-the mem
bete of either None of Cousins.
ligproved, March 8, 1,888.
[Pun= REsomyrrozr--No. 17.]
A BillOiliTloll giving the thanks. of Con
gress to Major General William. 8. Rose=
crane, and the offiters and men .under
his command, for their . gallantry . and
-good conduct in the battle of Mollies
borough. Tennessee.
Baeoirad by lis__..SertaM._.and Rouse of
fkintsclUatives of the United antis ej Amer-
ICO in Cowes, assembied, That the thanks,
of, Coupe's be an d_,they are hereli - I pre
sented-to Major General William •B. Bose.
crane, and, through,hlm, to th@;officers and
min under his ponanandi for their distin
guished gallantry and good condUct it the
battle of. MusticeiborougV Toinelittn;
where they achieved victory ler
our anus.
Sea. 2. And be if - rtiolited, That
theP 'resident of the States be re
quested to osusethe &ler. resolution to
be oomrannlosted or Illinend Rose
Oran in inch terms . may Aliens beet
calculated to sire effect thereto,.
Approved, March 3,1868.
Won= lissoirmon—Ne. 18.]
JOINT giOLOVON 111 to telegraph
companies in the District of Columbia.
Be ltretotoed by Ow &vale and Bosse qj
H ems:ave. of United &au of Amer
ica in -Ckevrese asenablac That the indef.
pendent-Line-of Telegraph, • corporation
o nUttil under the laws or Wats of
ew York, for the purPose and with the
intention of constructing a line of telegraph
from Portland, Maine, to Washington city,
or any other corporation or company or
paired according-lo- law to construct •
line of telegraph, be permitted to:use any
of the highways; nubs, streets, orgrounds
in the District of Columbia, in the exten
sion and operation of their line to; in, and
through the city of Washington, and other
parts of the District.: Provided, however,
That the location and construction of any
=oh line of telegraph within the said Die
, triot shall not be carried Into effect with
out the written approral of the Becretary
of the Ipterlor and Comtobssioner of Publio
Buildingkdd Orounda - thwtobtablod sato
the proper route and coulee of said line to
be followed within the said Distriet of Co-
lumbis dad prerideff,fiather, That the nse
of said Highways, streets, roads, and
.grounds hereby granted for telegraphic
purpoees shall not -obstruct the use and
convenient occupancy of said highways,
streets, roads, and grounds for public or
other purposes as the same are at present
used. And all sots heretofore passed and
now in force in the Distriot of Colosabisfor
the protection of telegraph poles, wires, and
oorporations, - shall to extended to any each
line of telegraph.
Approved, hisfoh 3, 1663.
[Pvazac BasinarnoN—No. 19.]
A Rsooterzoi to enable the Secretary of
the Treasury to obtain the title to certain
property in the city of Denver, Colorado
Territory, for the pure of the btaich
mint hinted in said place.
Whereas the the Treasury
of the United States, in order to carry into
effect an act entitled "An act to establish
a branch mint at Denver, In the Territory
of Colorado," approved April twenty-first,
eighteen hundred and sixty-two, has pur
chased of Messrs. .Clarke, Gruber, & Co.,
the pre-emptors and - oecupsnts thereof, cer
tain city lota . In said town of Denver, to- wither with all the valuable improvements
thereon; and whereas, Out said Clarke,
Gruber, and ConipanY have,not.andcannot
at an early day parfait theliaitie to said
lots by entry-of the same at the district
lead office, for the sole reason'that no such
°Moe is yet eatabUshed inlaid district; and
whereas it is higttlyimportest-for the in
terest' of the Clevernment to obtain. at an
early day the use and possession of said
property to establish and open said mint:
Therefore ,
Booloo d t hp the &nage mad Zoom of
fiepresentation of the /AigoiBt6lceet
feu In Obetrest =VILNA That the Flecrii
tary of the Treasury be and he is by :
authrrised to receive 'andaeoept :rem said ,
Clarke, Grubar i and Company such. nun. ,
- ciid aunents and 00IITily4114011 of thetrwitht
and claim said lots and property as. e,
mild'ihforete AShall*lon - sidashmt
istiminlaliment clai m,: rkkti , or
this which the veldt Clultsiembari en*
Company XV or sag 'have 'thate4
midlote and pro pertyehall the - mania be
reserved-from- pabliesals, pre-amp, os
homestead settlement, and shall remain the
property of the United States.
Approved, March 3, 1868.
-- - -
Ober 6AN fad illakg/Wagt
aZO. 4. rirzr, Trapristor
• •• !AUNT 1101DI01ATES
aiirpkiddiNu procirtplkut !oaarst,d7 btuji • .
'op that.
. ,
. .
. MU
bawd, bot
li kw ma brwriswity lt
to: ilt=o op itet Mt.
bat sta owiiipatu L
law sid wipsatt , ,Tbatik With witiotw - d
dolt will eon mil i if wotsttbiltatary t. ti oad of
do ‘Thlbe wastes taken Inv awl so o twit-
!• . - . EITUZ)111 4.b.P41, • . .
28 000 2} `Avif 4
-9 ' - Pccialasi "
V* lilSl
111011L111011 00th AIII'LIMII. YARD,
Maims AMIN, AtzasaurrStrt.'
ouldtewAnell JAG. into.
w. wbuww—..owl.
BROWN E MOI3KOW & 00.; , '
muy,9ol . lpmr,vlppxframprzar, PIIST U 1
, Swim itiai
_ , •
.;- ; . r
aka, - la; 111 44_44kOrir,
*mob, 044 ape me, Vlllpiniiipaky
AWE) • PH 01 , 11170118.
,No. 84 ..Fifth' Met ,
irsdnie ranna:4B3llla;
mit LATISTRTMO T 4 ,1.0 inn
• CAM& - • • -
Boas; Or •
it: Elohinifh ,/iiiiiiiet by thi aPprimalt lot 1
mail foioi A 1 tut to mate faint of attath-.
_, - ,
!ais that.stp tal pith . ..about gated ; ti • last.
antis -hat hat ration, Ws
dlssastot .th
.nartats spstea, whllak Is sup
plant to oda • ,' thiiiddiptdintand tufaings
of pahianii • iiieV . Ntii-ftemilrinitifsli, willnot
i i i
thaUtwit of ilia iiisant Oeidltion 'ofiiiirs
Rf*i likri: . Av4 l o._.44:PAiii# ,l-4 s*t .=
Sere& ii foe vas, shuListag at desatieis, and
only assidtingsaptisataak4lnssa ti tam eon
spiratort of setettloi hilt bib!r witted and sot
rapt partlsanNithatiiii hisanativra:tEitithin7
is the viltitslit i to ...a.6 the oft,iiiii isi in 0 al
VrOirViikib prg..NeWs to the 98th'..
Thb • flittietioa=-6Abliefficeeteet of
The: Biel& fa Fort 11111t..gugbegg.„
fel -rifest the Gunboats., eke., Site.
%fa, spools ! diepehloefrom Ticikaiiii, to
M eifi' brink down Ik. ' news
the fliattiani
frOid'tititgliii* it4 3 2Bth: .'iriuli - iiiin
thin thi said, to lave, *kat stit'
. ... gu ns ;
the rebel fort captared bi-:Logan , *laid'
:mounted, and that our troopeltaillbitila with:
drawn fetes Atte fort iteelf,-wbith' }situ -to
have belifiltatiritablo from the exposes, to the
hand grettadoi of thesitemy. Thee allare_to,
make tit! raptured fort available, b : mount-.
' trig gins milli; will have the Cent f delay
"; g *the fiZttoifni of the place 1 litMe while
hijoud 'the - ttio Cr iiiiti dye diedSiiiiii by
thrift - Who band theft. oilattatibiti 'it thipie- .
silts d otrisimind bribe uheikei Wit iseciiiiidi'
„ , .
by the' Mt vitalist . fort to- ' •- 1 -- -
• :titaistos - Banotierefee, 6 A. trit
- - June 21, viii.Chtso,lnty 4,1813. J
At 5 o'clock yesterday p. ra4 our lien were
Thiamin-honk the killable/0 in :the rebel
fort in front of Logan. 3f.cocere n h it driven
out by the eniey, but oar 'Tiii"be g , ' seam
from their head gtlll/11101, we fill bloke:few.
at out of the way of that kind of Wa ilos,
still-eommandtne the btu,* with dikiittii. -
Wu wa sae Sc it ilselog du gait en
i fibi
the rebel fort. Oar casualtles in t e whole
affeir,will reach 150; nearly all fr m hand
gronidei, - tind a large majoritipf them
slightly wounded, the killed being tiompara.t.
tively few.
Akdark hit night the surgeon it Charge
reported the case of Col. Melanethosi Smith,
of the 45th Illiacis, 'to bi..hopelesl,..cYroM:
sundown until an boor after duck ust evening ,
the canrionadha
te was very heaig. T his thorn. `
leg the' Aria& is very light. The *alma&
is being prosunted by the ihirpsholikett 31101
artillery, bat there are so new dent patents.
6 Jule
11lAll VIOL/ lelit , •
' 2B—via Canto, July, I
Commodore Porter has two gang IWPositioit
above the city, and under cover of the river.;
bank 11 doing good execution. Oneonill was
destroyed. A rebel officer cams over the river
under a Dag of trace with some paroled pris
oners, whom Use. Mower refused to revolve,
and they ,were, sent to the rear to Gest-Great.
The officer stated that our men were ;confined
In the court hope, 1111 object, of events, is
to save it from our shells. ,
• A Visa/burg piper, printed on wail paper, .
calm to band yesterday. 'lt say, that to the
Confederacy now, when sorrows come' they
come sot in single-11e, but In baamlionna
oomplains that a shell exploded is o ifts puma-.
rum, and cloisat that It should be sidered A
exempt. Wosse a regiment on di Leah[
NM 'fide of the river, to prevent rebel( mason-.
gers.frons crating.
The Invasion Scare in Richmond..
ae has been several times before Mated to
these %darns; Gat. Div has been taming
the tables" on rebels . in the wagered Is.
and In such sort as to make the RibliL
mond weasel/eters feel exesedlnalii mown
fortalde. A dispatch from Waal:thistle states
that A. Hatfield and MO, of Lincastim.
Pa., who wore osptared at-the fall hd.:Wht
abater, moiled thatroity - on Prld4l. Light
freig legueoltd,haring left thus ofT.Meretts!
They "Were released withlelio pri
vates at Wiaehmter, wher e been! mint to
Camp Parole, annapcliS thee teitii Ewe
ummtuloned Mears' who. hays, been In
Richmond pialtmatiary nine months as bolts
gee for some rebels meetly held by M. 2%17
wars the only -Mhoers released, ,
our sue
aeons and ohipledis beteg detailed.
"The ladles who were wives okotheers,:samir
twelve in number, were regarded ee Prisoners
of war and have been saltiscesd to the Most
rani t reatment.. At Winehestet they were
*confined by the rebel' In a,,small fort prenis
enmity with other prisoners, and es ,lepleg
relined were tarnished wittier/stoked anon.
linden:me for trassit to Richmond,veviral
litiselisinh-algismite wait twenty a nd Mfr..
ty allem Al Ma gam tiny were heiteitat,
hooted, _and anis ersally looked npini a.
Yankee nitiotifles." On'nning it Itinktitoti
they oast* &POT illorlsoned. sad Mated ea
ausfofmalOP"MuTo9 l,l 4 46 ftea=et_
8o mach to owhow Ails otireloy, mltieli
show; ... ,
se cone teetly and . tiiiblnoltingly, vaunts itself;
44141 ifit.f. 11 #1 1 Pitficlibiii _bi the alathilid
.world-Ter.ailintiOt *AMU al ilol4llbie tie
reverse mf dhat.okanatiammbleb-Jt !dilate,
Iter bison what ill. kinVelni'inen innae,T.
dtatelfieferi a ,418 ii thi iiiiiili* ! get '..ia
i d0 1 4:` 11- . 446 :, illi ;O:cl:►A • °67 • sit
tiVilifib4Mixsaki.l4..::g!..o. l 4 *OA
...: AliCailatPßia Wit iiiiisnatesent Ki 4 , - iititr
.11JeankThertispatolivisron td ask 45, ~
/- Thereiwaa i Molded ciesn'artMilierlestr
mut , flekmak diSZDkjestirormisi anade
kle Feldaoinear • •ate; 2hiament-pity
inn +lamb it etthatinenly Si Raina,
essailillir, s 9 s eem it An i . rient
vi s tu fr il
wltliM mia ' tor military canoes wife
sailed gni to d ' &if they would , be fteri.:'
lea andinseedietely rdered
elit in - front it Itiottimild: -. the k •
omens reported that , tiii'llimitees were then
With% 4 kw sillec.riVa lOWAN) Spear's re.
frost the anituniat einimilded, , int there Is
lOU sentaterit Orr al ma *Meek, WAN wee ei.: .
0010. 1 140 4 r ,, 4 , .._ 1 — . .
• Volt . _.TSi9 be about sizthoesand
Wart iia,/“ahmailfr,mistlY.JfataanlP4 and
WO' : , The prinners,aew.boys not
mote twelve yens of age Adlßet in the
streets. It is eaten that ease of sfil i a
lossealliviiiiiiibid Riehmend a nor that , t
alkstbsebien otherwise it li:the
opinion that It amid now be sulk 'valet. -
-As will be nen `by our aropiaii li
another aolumn, this was beta feint attack—
this whir& mind, Co extensive a 'scan di
' in ti
rebid capital ;. ter the reef work was in ".the
rosentimeioineon elsewhere, samely i nn the
railroad connootiens by which Lee rennuitti=
nett with Richmond, and rakish we lam by
the deetruction - ni bibliMlLL'i" waif sa ant
teeny severed; that. Deals and Les molt:both
k 7 this time baref-eiVIS ilk, fast, thattwes
min play at tin g ame of inVasioni Ind - aiiit
11 ‘490 - 4.0" . f* en ttqm- f -iin li the
mama et , akenterkh 'leak so- atiiiiiiiiS
0 410t4iVell ' allrIC I RItibli , ta - cmailse
oast sathry may sin onaties.for it. -t: t -
n .1.".., o-.
• Ditiol put, eft
" P I A U 11 4• 41 14 "It!" h oebey
fitVl.l4,ll : ;
1.11 ?S.V.) St.^.l:lC4 A. 109
*464 I:l4k'mvp„k,
• -
epokfru 'of thtio
Morgan's "'maiden of Kentucky
- 'Prompt lleasutes Taken by Gen
~ We did the folio wingeatiebotery statement
of the faits of Mapes Mimes into Ken
raokY; shit of the prompt neailuire taken by
Out. tßarseide toddy. idareatigiven is the 1
Oiseinaati fiesegeef idaaAer:
Oar, dispatelies from . Kmituoky last week
bamouiloidlitar Genera 'Worgstrof the rebel
Amy" with s.frormii estimated sr 10,000 had
sewed Zeilitaolll, Mk i44s.lo, 4 l#Taaae had
inured fkilnaildes ,
• woriliAr ieisiii frai l Ake Histhinarters of
tkia cliagermaint, Mutt ,M Imo, . if . 3,ooUsten
were seat forward trap ilektini4hand marked
Neirtleir on; Tridny. W,____portion of Ale form
.eroesed *MeV Mier Mid Sititiikelcisr garrison.
it Tatairille saleratidegoMlirMa. lama ea
t took-pimp,. .liailte s, Lemke Miro
M u l l : both .1 liar titereurr soreptere ,
ed la heel, ififtwild; there , measly, and lb*
ommaeading t offteer, c 991. ObEtsalt, - 1'well?:
known rebel o ther, was HIM. Thiiiidemy
were'defiedild IS th iegazipamit agamtinid,
They wercrireafeased eit.BeWd4 man,
and leafage, eirozdt tame upon olarlii ines eir
men - if of 350 thi 21sr Matti*, ,
tides-•Ool., . Sammons, at-Lobito... A.figlit
mused, which lasted eerie Imre, In Which'
We lest ire r six Zattl a and the ofToor Mitn.
mending eanendered - yerterday afteracmita i. 1
. %anal, Buselde , hiodjirr he zieserimsr
haring bees advieed„fok. zanymiemiti - oftli
is *
iebele—bidiridlip two regriCati t `ribiferki
the gambol: - Mee rftioreakiii Laiyiewl,
abefitSeLheritrifiar,tive end tim
rebels, learning these. reinf Wine*
eolith - sit •Tain - 114'plifei," I with
. them , the) ihres.l Mildred am lt fitly nen
Awry =aired. ;
aide*: aineldi,ordereitforierd lather
rilef ta Mit 'directed' that Alle maw
And& It aiL EMmd. . This-_ order Wes given
shoat ml U M night. . 1
°intro 'au rs makiili --- aiisi' pziata
te:ihist , llMviiiiiiiiC*6. tom*%gm Dim;
driMik.fMat thelitattcdolleri than intoned,it:_ ! , . . . , 1
.. ,
9narMune midi s spwahvit:Olaihs, Enn
ui, on Wit:4h ult.. In whiiVhs. tihnonnwni
"jsyhawkine 'M a r& t-ar
swww to neap with siovigh affair ,
a yLtntte
1,4 :; Ph l 4 l s% , ,_fßulk
The:safe many, mw fp SOW *VON*
ntoslifie tithiluthifiltin Mika
ot -itiY444bat tc , izfoti.,
- thus wurtoltllrethshr,lotpuunliitn
•aggiwintiprePoithit; °VA& MOW , eniis ,thont
bo.lfigsf.4o? zT4tVir4n find Lai Ili ,? . ;tits
positions gnat. to Atolls. nnnrgi.deli iced
talent, and oar Mein thetinviotinint bihkite-r ,
and - in it: mon t will Woo=
thom;At noodiand has &night to tits
of all DM Of 4114114411,Wh0 sr* st lied, ichd'
it WM" not too - ; localydisinialnani "Out
snob nwn boansitofinigairitiwiln-liekn,t."
A. Nine'&rasia•CoaTesTiox auetabled= at
Washiili~ ea Miele - clad was itlll is leseloa.
at ottliterteshitat •Pottj vocalise :are
sussented.. itesolations halves= inktodiseed
by Mr. Brownlow.deolaring Told &Wiliest's- -
CO Lott latendid fa area liOnittnUivaal,
iltatigeeilsieed-alnes IWO, IBM; famoriag
ths 40404 el, - 1 ..ediadaturio to meet Itiat - Oo.'
lobar; approving: the President's action to
kroWohlting -Andrew: JOhnion-• Milltes7 ,GoT
ionner;:indondeglthisiGoTsrner's _policy, and
luMPlijact eD 'write for ea election- toles
held la Adgtiit. "Their iiioifitioci Were still
a oder•diiidiii6n on TharedaykTarions im-
POTtoat ;lunges is 'the. Waage -prioOsed,
sours opposition toade,to the polloy of the
Convention meting itself a' representative
As arrival it New Tore froni No* !Orleans',
aosanns the- capture of Brashest Chi, La,
which leettuated sear Berwick's Bey, - on ths
Gaff coast, by the rebels. We had previously
le rebel anumumement of the oasts*. whieh
°warred on the Iffitt The loss! Wands
1000 men, Goo, of, the= oo velessestatitad
eightyor [went hole of thi
Lefourebe oeuitry !by the
rebels, aft4,ollf outposts ereoult Meant, mita
`from New °rheas. That city. le, however,
moaned Safe from ill denser: The son
methadon of all Baukekforeie at :Port Had
son, rendered . inevitable the
_epposseethol . by
the enemy of the, loess of .the Getherld's late
A oar i, L biingeiroulatell in Be. lota for.
nieellog to b.' hold " on tits' Stit, to protest
-against tie entaisolpatlon not It ides
"an onlinaneeithlo4 is letentled to faitsinlluit
lestltatioii upon the 'Bute'bream ly for
-long settee Of yeati,itztr mblele ' les
againstahe itingalaseholder byres; that
unite all Ids props t io , In s tant in sus th e
Goverineent;elere proportY,"WW.l lathe
hands at thumealtatpead•lnassajo pfla
sialOvi of dielenl iew. ehi4. be exsisiet, thus
'foiteilig slinky at tho 'sponse of tins tine fn.
Unite of ther Elton& - 1
Jtrioa•W,:ma i , fitting la tha Diatiet Court
"at Waialihilitoa, as 'a Court, of Admizaltnis
at a lots' to 'now 4tust to do &tarp
iimoncof..aolalhaLgottfaarata isoackito.
oladod, ta..mparty broaAt Jam" 011111 toe
"stoittiablatiba. ti 'ti it
would balo•tiagand it Ail 404•414 , to: mil
it **Omit oltiodatiostf sad to do
itroy,it woad Nit° tip - aid. and loottfortio
the anithy byTallos* Iddiotittr I • Ow
k ripwAx:p
readisd the now arras P !
A:Lirwsoisafta sepreimiglonsalita
speci, •NW 1t00k.,91164.
• i l l r B4l, l4VPlOL 4 b4egin
'Plana it 'fir
jArfdis mob
200 WAI)" risagl l ß P %...•
. -
..:ae ta losai
',,; lartioell.4.
,-, 0 - ivaLiiviiii*nosiLsra *l i lting "-:
A .i. Ilickiii -
- ID qiecJittiliat evain : . - .
. n4;404041' ;13 tiitibl..„' . `:: ; . 1
, „ . . - . • . .T.maAt wthirafoßD,- - 1
aist ;:z4
LIPEVI-7-NO. 202
W" b 4 °B4MTME i)
lad diming In
Illretoilp t (was corer .)
• - Kean lawless
416 eigulbutt .rur Wein to
add Forogu• poem it our inn au Obi a:6I,IMM
Itiver, worths platbris of 441 ?ems. B. H.
Jer7; •
ErzwPlC innztaz C 0.,&
00111113810 N
ate. of 'the ;
NABS, PIOInCUB 611, woßts.
lir Liberal met whoops RIO , * of eptudgrniat•
Seed.oi Crs fci ri4Koleoun.
616 imi l aiman w.T.AiD mogooerar;sr
FITIRUsan. ra.
.oowrazil7Slol4 111;CRCIIELNTd,
11161OPZ1111 or PATAtiI.EII7I6
ils Lsitik YORE
Aapiii &GUM he 1M08A4113 LID GRIP
OlikMBN AllimPaQll..bel labarrassed
oy,sa.,, tholtOßt.
whoa thoybiallUollolaitt - 04 biosirgid land=
ruoi g l nm isso troabi; and lir Wow
14 1 A71 9 :5. P.P.t
pump.: tram the Meta dims to
, IliolloppsmaZtto ma/ polo* Zia or Wed.
"'hl g j attead.d p t
iln i rliOr=; l4 lli ll UX 902, P =In t rit; L or .1
onto .00itilikr,as:tho011'amobaoso.:
aPdi • • Dent) Hi
. . .
And faotore
irritombst •.attia rztoneum,
- est-eiratibe thir PORTLAND Y.180111121.n OIL
WC64l2Arpr thi.NDLIS
00 11P ,
L 74441. 4 WiIORPANAVG,
Me Works, oppalt• Sturiiburg
Ofdos In REIM BLOCK, Duquesne y sy.
Coiiiissioliad-Voiwarding &ninth
,19 IS WIRATSBART, Prnssusaa.
i irr i =tigsr , arrisose ta. on icoatitiasenta toe
Weara. J. & Duroims 136.4.
„gramma iluammuc t Beg, .
, Vaciarects His; Ckamtandal Musk
metal& 'Pasimega.
PoiwarAing ikquiniissionXerchant
tam. oesitiostkrma band and
IdriOrd *fon. Omazumidtd
, • • • - - ,asasorw.wozvezen ,
stnisinoWnl i Mn il a r sinse
naOIL. et load .oary but quatp oi
•laar sad atthaat War,
_Ala% • rood
• arm trigs lift ]t6: as lath guaar, Baal
idookt rad dos, "Ulla paanydly aitaadad to.
;. ,sfintass.: 00.4
' on a.
.2=lißll • , PA.
7 ' on. or vrtsou
+ooisillat eif Willlion . Zoisso ClesVEles, oft.
g i tths 1 1 4 Mx l .4 s36‘illinicidr• maw
'Wilton' iv: %vats .- .
d =-VasiepliiiitiViimktfatiOniiikat
frAnitaineilieemedge to Lasierieteretle, will be
Ors 1 orri.t Jabll
- 11 4 1 7 1P .9gM aan ;" inniCAILIME on; BMW=
141.1artIMIliallisid1= 1"
Raiß•t . filiA" Striger l'..6
• -15,4 1 .1 4 . 11°‘10146Wit'
Atottisaolt. Moo* armisiturn Weald to tin
*it tbs tusderelgeolt tua &Hop, oxd sad dry
vads,Yettitili-ar Miring 11•11md OIL '
, .- • c .101111NAtHINOSTE.
- lOU ' • • WiyOnd et. Maar ttoet.
.:steinsiaigria s
Ins* est fps iisiii4d,s_4l«ol444l6
_A *seesaw, *vs ss OrldOlis
-Ilhtarl IWO the Deedeiee.
'I C hte te liga : l3 " a i r gip" '
LtleWaaew bettytheeetapther,
M 4 ! / .;? e t wila 4 rigkßlONs. Awl's ttotihtg
Ina .mwartrim zmiTar, Wasenue n o m&
_ Jest itar e • . • -
7191:1:710Y Jz