The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, July 07, 1863, Image 2

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    Vittsiturgh ograttig.
Ulnas Con•t Ticket.
Par ProAdesi Jape ef tV Did Omar/
roe Lam ably.
P's• 474.4 of M.o.
WM. A. /111160 N.
J. Cbfet Tnaon,
r+ - Omit, r.eta g sa nc ...
D Dinsitor N Ppm
State Eights ant Nieto Defence.
We note among' the new dodges of the
copperhead Democracy a recurrence to' the
doctrine of State Rights, which had been
made so odious by its recent fruits as to
renderit a somewhat delicate operation to
handle it as heretofore. It is suggested,
DO doubt at the present time, by the failure
of the General Government to render that
protection to the State which is always sup
posed to be the consideration of allegiance,
and in our case is pledged by the instru
ment which vests in that government the
exclusive control of our armies, as well as
by its renewed call upon the inhabitants
to defend themselves. People will natu
rally look to that quarter to which they
find the authorities at Washington turning
themselves in their extremity so often for
relief. We are not surprised, therefore, to
find the sympathisers with the rebellion
taking advantage of the oiroumstanoe, to
prepare the way for the establishment here
of the idea that we are bat a Federal
boys and not a nation, and that of course
the ■eoesviou of the Cotton States was well
warranted, and may, be legitimately fol
lowed by the withdrawal or revolt of our
own. If they skaU succeed, with the aid of
the authorities at Washington, in indoctri
nating the people with this heretical and
mischievous notions, the rebellion is not
. only justified, but the government of the
Colon is at an end.. We would not give
the toes of a copperfor such a combination
`of jarring -and discordant elements as a
- confederacy of these states, or any consid
erable them, would make with
the privilege to all of them of withdrawing
upon the slightest provocation, or without
any provocation at all, and setting up for
themselves. We should be the prey of the
powerful, and the contempt_ of the world,
with nothing but anarchy and bloodshed
for our portion. God save us from such an
fibs a curious fact, ho waver, that at the vePy
outbreak of this rebellion, and even while
the present Executive of this State waa con
ferring with the ornsserrative Republicans,
and (*.operating with the equally eonserv
, ative Democrats upon the efficacy of liitseble
pie, and the danger of provoking hostility'
on the part of the Border States by putting
our own Commonwealth in a state of de.
fence, the whole influence of his position
was exerted to bring about a Congress of
Ambassadors of pretended sovereignties
under the very nose of the General GOT
ernment, and In clear violation of the very
spirit and letter of the Constitution of the
United States. To effect this, either for
the sake of the miserable patronage which
it conferred, or because he really thought
that the Union was to be patched up by this
kind of statesmanship, he spared no pains
to win over the leading men of both parties
to the reergnitlon of the pestilent heresy
which wu Just then threatening the exiet
ince of . iiis nation, by accepting the invi
tation o f old incorrigible culprit Vir
ginia, to meet with her and other States, in
contempt of the authority of the Union, for
the purpose of resettling the Government,
and deciding upon what terms the offended
' soversigis would consent to submit to the
vote of - the people as expressed in the elec
tion of Lacroix. The panacea failed, al
though a majority of the Governors' dele
gates were found voting -throughout with
the Ambassadors of the Southern princi
palities, and Pennsylvania remained tutor
gashed and unarmed, to reap at this day
the fruits of the wisdom that feared offence
'inn In the exercise of $ provident regard I
for the safety of her own citizens.
And this reminds us of another plisse of
statesmanship of • the same kind, which
looked for the care of our national evils in
further voluntary prostration. and self
abasement on-the part of the Northern
States. Wise men, like WOODWARD, were
of the opinion that Pennsylvania could save
the Onion, not by arming—for that would '
have been as offensive to Southern pride as
the parade of Sherman's Battery in the av
enue—but by repealing a harmless section
of our penal code on the subject of kidnap
ping, which was only an affirmance of the
common law, and of whieh nobody had ever
complained.- Cbssareatieis statamen—lica
_nu save the markl--aves of Brynsbiirata
prefee.lons, were equally speed upon the
all-healing 'Macy of a gentle emetic which
should indeed our statute-Wok of this
supposed cause of offense, and the newly
elected Governor, who had called la a con
isrvati;;:tor to revise and flatten down
hie ins 1, was not bobbed the rest in
the opinion that meekness and milk-and
water, submission and slops, were einem
reign remedy for the diem* of a State,
,Wideh was then throbbing with the agonies
of an incipient revolution whose causes end
elements were fermenting sting down
among the foundation-stones on which it
rested, and far below the visual reach of the
ourfieserexplorers : —the mere politioal rag
. ph:kin—who believe in court-plasters and
cateplaeout. The heresy, however, .which
was involved in lbls potent electrum, was of
the same class precisely as the former, be
cause .it looked to Mate action—of a very
ridiculous character, to be sure—for the
correction of a supposed evil, which grew,
if it existed et all, out of our Federal sols
titial exeltudvely, and was only remedia
ble at the hands of the' General Govern
ment, through its Legislature or its Judi.
Upon: the other question, hoverer ' of
ming the State for the eiaergestoy, widch
was w tenderly esaltewed, than was I pe
agar Iltasia for Interest:Lilo; beams; the
oronisation sad weird of the militia, in
the !Amid anwittim of actual yaw, be.
7 longto die Mates alone, and,* awes prat,
itiactio authorities row is
welding for the ocesidon the only way
is wideh they mobd ham legitimately and
• .
! effectively intervened. That, however,
which fs now admitted to have been-a cap. Dal error, and is appropriately set down
by some of the Philadelphia newspapers to
the account of the legislature, as a grave
and palpable neglect of a high public duty,
was not the fault of the Republicans proper,
or Radicals, as they were called, who re
presented the great Western and Northern
counties of this State. When one of our
own members, who urged this point again
and again, exclaimed in his place that
"The way to save the effusion of blood was
to show that. we were ready to shed it, if
necessary, in such a cause "—that "every
drop that should actually flow in the con
test would be on the heads and consciences
of the timid counsellors, who whispered
poses and t advised concession," and that "in
stead of talking of oonceattions, the cry 'to
arms,' should ring out from the State cap.
ital, through every valley, and along every
mountain top in Pennsylvania," or "t
- he
programme of the traitors would be extend
ed from Washington to Philadelphia and
Harrisburg "—he was denounced by the
Philadelphia press, and regarded by the
Governor himself as a bloody-minded vis
ionary and little better than an incendiary
while Philadelphia Democrats and Peoples'
men were alike condemning his tatraiem
and relying on the repeal of the 95th sec
tion—the Peace Convention of State Hover
signs, and the compromises of the fossil
statesmen of the Crittenden school, as an
easy and efficient substitute for men, and
muskets, and big-throated metallic persuad
ers,withtrnmpeta and with drums. While
we admit, therefore, the soundness of the
complaint, though somewhat tardy in the
utterance, we take eatiefaction herein being
able to reply, "thou canal not say we did
What we now aim at in these remarks ie
not, however, any idle crimination, but the
praoLcal fruits of the lessons which these
things teach us. One of the greatest Of
them is to put no further true; in those
whose timidity and want of etateamanthy
nave once already betrayed us into blun
ders that have proved so fatal. now dif
ferent would have been the tone of public
sentiment among the unhappy luptives of
the Cumberland Valley, With a ruler here
of tried courage, and wisdom, and integ
rity, who could have inspired the people
with a just confidence, and breathed Into
their hearts a little of that ancient spun
which flamed out in deadly volleys from
every bush and fence, as the yeomanry of
New England, with their own trusty rides,
rolled back the tide of mercenary inTasioa
from the commons of Lexington and the
streets of Concord, instead of showing them
the aspect of white lips and chattering
teeth, and a dismantled capitol, denuded
even of its Revolutionary relics, its high
dignitaries in travelling dresses, with hor
ses ready bridled at the gate, and a half
utterod "Sauce gui past" just trembling
upon their coward tongues? Shades of
Mifflin and McKean, how telt you of shades
can feel) when your portraits were taken
down from the walls, and hurried to places
of security which you would have scorned
to seek yourselves?
Lee's drmy•-Its Numbers•.lts Chan.
ces of Escape.
Contrary to the general tendency of cor.
respondents writing about the numbers of
the rebel army, hero is one who wrote the
other day the following very moderate es
From persons who had counted them, and
in whose judgment I cad great etinffilence,
I learned mat the whole force that had
passed through Greenciitle and Cnan.bels.
burg, incl./din teamsters end officers, in
fantry, cavalry and artillery, did not ex
ceed thirty-four thousand. That about two
thousand still lay outside Greencastle that
had not been counted, making in all thirty
six thousand men, This, with the force
under Early at York, would make the whole
rebel force north of Hagerstown not more
than forty-thousand five hundred. Ac
companying this army were one hundred
and sixty-two pieces of artillery, forty of
which were the heaviest kind of Parrott
guns, sixty of Wile' were heavy brass
cannon, and the rest consisting of Napo
leons, for Oro wing shell, awl a thin mouthed
rifled cannon, which I had never seen be
fore. These, with the cannon with Early's
force, make the rebel artillery amount to
one hundred and eighty-four pieces. The
whole force of cavalry and mounted in
fantry did not exceed 1,600. Only ,about
one- taird of these were regular cavalry
men, armed with carbine; sabres and re
volvers. The remainder were armed with
sabres and Eutleld rifle; without bayonets.
I learned that Gen. Swell, wish his Whole
force, except that poruon which was tinder
Early at York, occupied the extreme front;
that Loogetreat and U. H. lint were within
supporting distance of r. sett up-near Snip.
pensburg and Carlisle. General A. P.
dill's cope amounts to about sixteen
thousand. This would leave a twee of
eighteen to twenty thousand in the Cum
berland valleys, Cu antheniburg to Harris
burg, at the present writing.
During the progress of Leis late move
ment from the South side of the Rappa.
hannock to the Shenandoah Valley, and
thence Northwards Into Maryland and
I Pennsylvania, we read from day to day, in
the newspapers, the usual exaggerated
statements, or estimates, of the number of
his prom, which were represented to
amount to a round 100,000 at least, but
more generally the figures were curia up
to 126,000. While we read, of Nunn wa
felt that those exaggerations were designed
by the rebels to Nubians Nino good pur
pose In <taming out their plan of invasion;
—just as they had made Manassas unap
proachable eighteen months ego by ficti
tious accounts of the hosts encamped there,
and by the high-frowning batteries bf
wooden guns, which had a most formidable
appearance from a distance; just as at
Yorktown, and on the approach to Slob
mond, they bad succeeded everywhere in
magnifying their number; their work;
everything that was theirs, in the eyes of
the same general whom they had io long
held at bay at blanaasas;—just as at
Chantellorsville, whets they had but 49,-
700 men, by a similar game of tangent
tion, they made another general, never be:.
fore remarkable for excess of caution, re
treat from a strong poldrion with an army
outnumbering them neirly two to one.
With such lights. In the put, we can
hardly err in Interpreting the meaning of
the army of 100,000, or 125,000, reported
under the command* of Las, as another
game—a . repetition, rather, of the same
game—of I lium," which has been such a
winning one in their hands, ohms the very
beginniatof the war, lasammth, then, as
we lad that . ar promptly called in all his
scattered bodies of troops from every quar
ter, York itta L u Arun' as he saw
that he masa Seem Murat and Junto&
se he made the scone disposition of lds
fore.. in the late battles as in all his pre-
vim ones, massinghia troops into eolurans
and directing his attack entirely on ons
point, we may fairly aoudads that all the
circumstances of the situation and the re.
quirements of the day were pretty much
the same also, and especially that he had
no such nuatbere as 100,000 or 125,000 men
to lead into battle; else we should certainly
have had a very different development both
of strategy as respects the campaign, and
of tactics as respects the late battle, from a
general so universally credited with great,
if not consummate, ability to use his re
sources, as LIE. On the whole, therefore,
we derive encouragement to believe that
our preponderance in numbers is so great
that, with well-directed efforts and co-ope
ration of our forces under Blau,; Coven,
FRENCH and FLEAS...N . I'ON, the capture or
destruction of the whole rebel army may be
possibleand that the temerity of the slave
holding invader will thus be punished, and
the stigma itself, of having suffered the
Invasion of ita soil, be effectually wiped out
by the armies of the free North.
Tux Detroit ladies put their old crinolfne
to good use. They suspend them by a pole
running through the center, thus forming
a circular trellis, around which cypress
vines and morning glories cluster in the
wildest luxuriance.
A NEW Tons .letter-writer, who is well
&drilled, states that Mrs. Tom Thumb is in
excellent health, and would be the subject
of daily bulletins were she the Empress
Jll Lira. R r .XOT ICES.
9 h Yedl ”act Pa. It. V. 0., or any other
.en nay I r•om be.ltnanta tow in the tied. nob re•
,r.t rto.lwa one band. d drllara bounty.
• orenty Ohl. col at. will be paid in •draans ea soon
.../erel sate lb. tint id State. arnina.
other Inlmo •il n tannin at N. 71 irtrrn
Sratar, opposite tharroat Whoa
!Int Lloat. and ButWel:4 1.4.11ccr, Yt6 RogLau
Raosre• t.orp, 1.19 !meal
4 1.711CSAL4.001111hT ilO.O 0;14C0 4 0 2}
{D. J ."8:1.
DI VI DEND he rreaident and
erect re of the A 'sew" 10.0to001 Co
b..e tble aee declare.] o D •1‘1•154 rrO
134 AhDllr•V U• (Is 6u) per .hu• out of
• b. earl:impel 00 lest etl mm •ha, e.letol. to Stock.
. 0k..• .41 end • Dar kottOs,, the iSt6
left.. n D' , ••11. ••eretere.
WU, V 1 Viabl /16 10011Liuidt ol
the Y‘traboryh 6 /Li a/V..6y insldge Co. (a.
d t ) are hanbr d to.t • idellend co ,
rot. 6 PL6 JL oT, b.. ads der La n danl.6l. net
0 , e p.ortit• of .h. laa .am nth. pay bi• kink
/deb IL Mill, 'Arennuer.
1,4 ea.
Te.••:Usl U-PA sd Niel,
June to b. 1811 t.
tc,...Eut: Give notice that, snbearip ion,
•ssi be r.e.swe • or Dine-Teensy ox per
'Lots, at Par, dorm[ idly, and uo t s vulgar
she slave b • .1.10 sit-nded ty disecte. 01 the Sec
terslj. Very rw.p.
• '
P. P. t.,11,8E•tvi of Tr•arrry
To C. W. BA:catsJim. 14, oslta,y. Plstabu , go, P.
jy 6:1 et
ZION M. K. Oki ( LlN
tom Cammit... to Sowlnkl y, fa now paid to,,
wad w:11 be cona.ww.tod tm OA 13 tIAT/1 1(10•NlIka,
toy llth, at 11 unlock. This Ounregattun al
though small, ounntesad, on their - own twat a. t 3
hold, about ton, months ago, and ham fto.llllo
their Incorporat , ot, Edna,,all that. to Cur
O and nol.r d Wood. f tha t . 4 = Aortal aid "
Irt 1t N. ILL• Pat tw.
°num or et arew 1 anisomassa• Coy t.
[nun twirls. Kee 29t14 MEL
botwerfben to the Rook of the Wen
rrn freneportelloo topany that an atwestaeat el
. VIC 001 PEd EILIAIM has bow
umted upon the • tont entworthed, maids at the olio
at the Trra•orer, at Patetttrah. ob or before the
MO der of Jae, 1663, and a Hite annonot ovary
aurty 4.)• thereafter, vatil otherwise nottned
by order of the B oard.
Melm a. J. ttoDOn ELL.. roastary.
, 07 - bloat, Mansion sod thaeopasty tor rrentos •
White •r, thr Atiregbelay hn•r, vfp.ilit•
n'sn, 1 of . 11, 11bor.T, toto• thte day
declatod • L, did alto, u.l Ls sod etttetto.O•nt•
or each that, of Lb. U pl .1 block of the ll.m.outy.
.hteb wilt b. ,ttd to• or thohr Mid
rept tratutaLivat, ca cr •.t.. to• tills lost.
W M. Buz itiOSA. Zeasatar.
rittshrmrh. July tat 463 hx:itood
tffrice •uneeces V4LIJIT S. R. Oa.,
Pntsenrply, Jen* ISM, ISO.
E tifibit-mv ?MAL COUYOL
cf the Otode of this road, due July let. 1389,
be pall ei that dip, at the secs et the 13,nape.
RI. In tn. City of Pit.slnveh. Person* holding Wes
p tie d bI. reel dt• Jetnary Ist, 138.3, will Oasis
pi •••13 t 010191 pioneet.
15e 1 :24 , R. O. U.R. "rewires.
WA/ALI/ I —tooloo4 a`c,aknolaen of
to* LUC* Saw Mill Roo Burned C.. snot
oereby nollSed !bet an nhectioe will be bell qte
rtteacent end Wrectors. I. MO'le kw the ensuing
for• oo NEON Dal'. the 111th der of Jay Dent, el
•he care et the Compels,. Is Temperanotethe, be.
tereea the hours of / sod 4 o'clock p. 10.
1.17:112 WM M tateete LL, President.
g UgNTS lABWARD —l'm:mu Bova,
• b g abot to.lre 'ran of ago. IN owl to Doi 07
tOto ROGIN ef Bob ig, ran away tr.ot too oaraultor
• o o•b.ath Is t •ny pot•nk r. turning bm to too.
1 &Mao a !Anita ,or loth. Hots, tt Befogs,
.14 f 11001•11 too ob.vo rosard.
3 , 4711 •vta g.
1 , Unit to nts GMLO.-111380.H.J1 ewu.
1.! LIND MO LI, . DT/ .lout plan Of Das,
o nod to ms M. Boom of 01104., rao sway nos
, hs subtend:ow On Elabbaqi l•ot. •ey Lorton motoro
leg tom to me. Is tooroobtp, or to tbo
B. aso of bat .p, wilt noodle thy atm,. mi oast.
J 7 It j A orsoiM.
VL.013 CIA ;A NI% I. s a u•,-
a: 1.% 1[0.E.,--Tbe aim new Fare.
'or ouwiteas. 001. d. A o.* .a..
.6.3•••, , a Tale u• 1, July 7t6, Oa.
fm'atit er r.a.11 a* spay cm I, ani Of tl
1•4 J It LI Vi dOsTON a en- Aa*.n.
VILLE aeD I.UQl&— The new steamer Jlll4lfli acnnas.
WWII,' Ina mamas Wean raLs DAL 7th laatitat.
/or freight or pomp apply on board or to
1r" J. FIN r,AcK, Arm,.
14 U , AL•LI Data..lo4, , (040.
V half club, r•malador In ono mai to* I oars'
pttroba.B t•o obalo• lAm pound. each 10 frig
ott on Peannlvaula A•bcuir by UT deep.
A to
. mrrrniswi. • Rawl% 81 Warts , st.
hiths ttaavt —A dere flog house of ut
10 ro.tets, situate on Iteolud Dixon. Apply lo
• .07 , 41.011,.. • 0., •010/6
Uttrasuan,— 5u Li*. plane Uutung;
160, -. . Urea;
In 'tan and for sale by _
CALL 0. 0/11.0141.
I•. pill Ahoy, .k..L
t.jUAKULNti.-1 wo Geni omen out ob.
taln • plowman rolls sof boardisq. is • proms
on eci.k AMIAJP. Aillagkelay• Samson
(Woo tad notated. &ppiy at
Jytit TP/I fir riene.
pfrog An k /Nen is it n. Ttia.uu9, on
d slut MONDAY, Ith that , will rte is moil.
♦. e&EvE0111. Pe • rIANIDA•At.
...tlitat bit—Prom the farm ef
lir. Day d Boyd, hoer r0ir.14., via jerjelk i
Pt, ISO, LIQ!T BUY Subbl,7 years o:d
ravage' sore on left to• foot: lass seen seer list
Liberty. Any person returning es.d horse s LIE.
ettaxa. tyvern-k•eptr, Beat Liberty I or ll&r.
Z 13 heCpsbcirg ; rr to me
JAHNS lIALBTo9, 03 Liberty !Meet, Pittsburgb,
.111 lc , ibe•edy renauled., limes
runany evening. bth hut , a
PJIIKET BOON, ore. ttinfog .Toot 'Gino dol.
In oorron , y. s fly. d Mir gold pap, • hoary
ptalo gold Li npr.tiog, a pair thrive bt , txts, a Wale
dime and s me par ay stamps. If the ander sill
roturn to. ring. W may mute Wilmot of manta
as • reward, so the Bald ring I. • gift mom a &Mod
Ulf ad. JOHN W. Hat
Ho. ie Wstir atn•t,
gys.,le. At a.a Tr”.l.. .‘• +lna
r I 1 •:•ttleriano for r r aiuni tir
vie ALLX3IIIIIST SIVIR.-111r. Boman
1 YIN.n having angewenls to ran • 10g.
yet 11114 or frelget Boats on the atiegbeoy River,
&Wantons and Gray's Xdey, In was , ciao.
wi. h the Allegheny Vatl.y talircsid. goods drool at
to theu vire will bet melted oath forttur notice
at the A V. tr. R. Dtp.t. on Mk. street, nod tot
weed's with regularity sod despatols, at shammy
rates. WEIORT, •
GI R L A. Y. X Et.
Fitheenewtt. Jtey nth. GIRL tea ew
t.tior tit
—AsAAUP/ rasa ca. 1,11, slur.
Bnerd of Maim Urn; Totearoraaroontp. Ohio.
cot 0• Olovelood a htt.burigh Pollros4 sod OW
Contd. Out be put In Moot St mammal sapaloo
10 " vtgb 0 110 tadatto to* provatty pm do Bo um Dom. Br . Do
oppm. lostaut to Mr. GU. D. DIADDOBSIP. Oust
Icr tato% do . address or imply to
DAVID roOKAS. U*... squo_PILL
1111ta dlTlllllllll,llo.llltroat Ps, B. T.
T 37 U • hi uoTa.bu Luditikn't
mew ahownalkm, oval Pat= iM la*
lal.• Ware at *UM. Wrens, Beras• Minft 01 14 1 .
at 'road amp
Ihr sib sI IS% A. =rum, vim
imPottant sad rentoptes7 kly trade io of
IN sus Ott! or it/Mk:LYN, L 1,
00mroutcla1 1131TaiD.LT. July 160, .d tudlnig.
Dreamt:or 171 h, 1863.
- -
Will 8.11 Aactloo, at hi. Waftboese, nroer iie)•
menu and Vfolooabby grate, Fmk yo. L. 1 oo
••• ry Thursday durlog the ..aea, then ti.e prof oc
ti"lof b L 2 ".. 01111 . , . 1 7, atametelog en
Dal, 321 16to. 1163, at 11 o'clock, wb.rt he wdl
oder a tub lka of
Of et, ry dosoriptlon, la lota to suit putt]) wort I.
oelllott the attentioe of the trade to th. shore en.
neut. mum, the nuderelgurd tone to stets that In
the use for Ohs mum the rams pllsolp!,e that have
character sled those of the toot .1I be eoictly oh
arced. Trey oft/ not only embrace hls eo tire pro.
duct on, but thotsol other tuaos.faz toms of 0.11.
00 ..0 rt. potatLn, thus earn, Lg ts etch We • ruled
end complete amortment of sqlss &del led to the
Qrdtrt will be rewired from theme not able to at
tend, and win bs tilled eatiametorily.
',be meta will be ;tripod for wiper:Won by ORM•
lo,nr oa the motatng of
lb° entire alternate Intl tr. lead wl , hout ,es rva.
as JaMeel PrtHerl E, AUCtIt.II•6I.
Contignmente of Hate, easter? Trlottotega,
and firair womb, env solicited, and will be dod
tor eat, e Orel, Is 7. Jtde
ir,011&141,1.1 YllO kV rtler3 are Luvitol till
Al the Iten Dal or LILY, IE6I, at It o clock m.,'
cr trizniehlog the hub. tato hew , tarot . with
tO,OOO adaltaildi UP ►WOII.
lllde alit be received ler what iv known es Ito. 1,
Ito. 1 avid is; &ad to soy portioe Ice than the
rum 0 bares a.
t epusie hde will b. rretival for row pet in goad
aseond.t aid burtlr, of the Imo grttle Si .bon
bide fur 11 ficitat grodal altorda be opou separate
'beets of peptr
The Celenary of the Meer to be commenced on Um
th di, Of July, or ea ton therein,. as toe cior•
gramma mty dosed, at too rat. of 800 bermie den,
f klif.nd eUh.r at Me Gavin:mint Warshonse in
Geortetoen, at tbe W halves, or at the android 1/0-
pet, Wesitingion, D 0.
barnao to be taw mad bea4.lined..
Po mend utti b. made In a rtttleatee of Indebted•
new, or nth ether wadi aa the Oorrnm/at may
bare for abaft on don.
UMSI Uovernment Inspection wtil be made
Mat been the e loge b reccd•id.
.ao own ol albiglancie most ecoompany each bid.
b o bid will be ont•rtalo.d fc,,m perthe who bate
pis dder tiontly billet to comp r with their bids, or Item
As not to remand.
Skutt) • droctod I d
01. A 131101EWITH. A. D
0. sad U. S.. 0. R. A., Ws , bio s toat and tutors, d
•Tol3olft f
,1 Cat
e lLobla, ittidittils,. ANL salfilklit
aloa Proosals kr t ellverin Inaba Blom at tho
Works a l b . sTiTittlo .88 GtB 001IrAb V,
, t O AB bGatiLLB or ot (Umlaut oust.; or,
mg, IttlittiLa Ur bLauL; mad cow lit Bd. an
Ur Lams, •uF bo ,peolrod .t 41... (Alpo of ths Coo.
Pm,. not, .b. lera J u LY, loaf. a off 0 - .1,61. c •
.1,41 Lima to us, of oaott quails,. bad &Muted at o oh
dm s and famish gaa.lttlaa NI shall to approvos u
aptl otztatd.
lb. at.odanti of computation kr Oc& and AMA to
to TO pound. p r Maw!.
Ifamaanta to ha cows =Mr key. estalnlcif 111 par
cant. as annul t) for par:of man.. of autumn.
Papal. 10 ,o ilun BILK ILWILLL,
, V1 . ..1mm of t he. mom, 7, .41 mat ad' Pa.
Mic.i• Lc Loot and dad, or for Las " a oh. ad.
.1• KM; Tau II -WI, ft nitnom.
vOtoa of Plttabouget Clam Juo a, • non :•d
AanCULUTI.I.I p.optentg
••male Am nem eta to La
be firomahmel 11 tbe !mu is 4=4 Basta a ,
Wu ql J. 4- • I 1.111•24 .f Paul impeata fa [!.anal
.14a... , ip ow, ...I. lb. u14.1.a b.
pup a.a Ra me Oatriarilli at . Rh. Com e.oa.m• lb.
so ...miaow velib t he provisions of ite. Reath Kw..
Tien stall bran add tketal teattoo to the third
artiste of gas hamst.tution, to ba d.alti.sted .
[son our, aa tolloaa:
diCllootl. Wbono•or apy 0? et e roan!' o•eo.o.o
of ado ontoot wealth obo Ibe la rtay att..l faults.
nil ' , rel.. ander o requi•ltlon boa Ike Pnvollout of
at. CUltAl bak e t r by no ootborlty of tot. Qom.
ob.:nov.6lth, mob olsobaro etay Wrstoo lb. atm of
Cary* la o'ootktos by too olpposs, pod. .00
roatilottoot fio are, or alma bt, prorolboi by Is., or
• iy op II Mel War. patent ot UAW: Wad of
Thine shell be two addlHozel 'mellows to the elev.
Oka natio •Q 1 the Coterstotl.e. to be deelgoated es
&tattoos elyht end alas, ea typo..;
tletmlor w No NH .b.l; I • Nvemel by the Leeds
tore, osotelnlng lame toes one elltleot blob 62, al
De timely exprewmtd la tbe tale, 00000 appropyte.
alarms IL So OW than btlosend br the loghil.
:are g asting say pointy, u p•lnleges, ID, ON.,
L. sae satha I.y to grant 8.0 peeves, ar malt
ase% hat ha.. or toot htrestts he . e.atensa app
the wart+ of ttus oouteeatraelt h.
JUL'S! 01111.t/Sh,
!!pater of the Haase of 11 .prtseamtleah
JutlN P.
Eyeater of the hat..
Oman or antitrust or tax Commonwsarru, 1
• fiord:lbw& Jll7 1, Mel f•
I do busby mil 7 pun tue fornolng sun=
tianoirod to o fog. true copy of Iwo aii.µ
.J Joint itniehittlea of th. Ovum A ..mall, *ad
thd rural fkieeletion preparing ,art.l. Asond•
m.ote to thollorraladt ni,'• so the oases madam on
ale b thlasdko, •
it inmost' "bunt I Inn lineman in soy bond,
and ouNthaa.el ot tho toonton'a o 0.• to to
atm, Oa day tuadvat Inntoo.
1136,04 to- ZLI BLIVItt,
Bectotivy of thO Oolosotwo tb.
iity sat *lntuit patterns, hist mend at tn.
McFarland, Collins ,k Co.,
!.teen tbs Pm Ontal and Durant Emonsa
:' X.a .A. GA
limur 6 halms to 80 Est.
svmuo ALM!
An small nap oia
We clighapliaq sad Wet with Um=
illrristursas 7L40 ausmorosrai
minors ism DEPOT.
Him eTurt; onvgn C.o.
• auurik,-
716 authentic accotuet GNI; cogooßawe
CAPTIVITY only IS ante.
Wes. Neori•.i.mra vxmA LD epr.
PAULIN.. 01 11.7111(A0. only S 6 Mt,.
THi burreainas Of. A TOIII6I LAD r OP
rAn6l6l - 166114 e 50169111.6617 16 cants.
Mae 1 1 110W1611) W. VIII 11.11101171 UP.
6166111 .061i16,6661
D1X 111 00716. •
110118 30011. '
And claw YIIIIO BOOK6,at Elelipties, to ciao
• „. •
/MGM WS. inir[ WWI=
bbls Fresh, by express;
eavise.ko beet. email
la 1141111:6-410 ilows ;
SIOUX S4XIIB-10 - amplelle ;
Ilisttnel aid permute ,
, PlLlhowv wrool.
AND NOW, JILT 3s?, 1863,,ifis or.
*rid t 14,11 t JaTy, Ono& to. ticiaCtas
Clout of, Wir. stes tessikeli Width
AR/ kik• be - ••^ • - 3 •
Attest: k krall
bbia roodund
Maw silo by aceor OdULIZ
.A A' .1D VE.R7IBI
PIITT QUARTMIA`Tii, GX3114411 . 110.7.C11. )
Pittsburgh. P.. Jul 34,
500 CAVALRY 110/188e.
t!ea`ed Promo - &L wilt be recelrod 1611 riffra
18 o'clazt m.. the Orai Del oF JO.•r• 1853, for
tarst'shwa and de tarry at Pitts' arab Pe. at riVl,
HUNDItaI) 1111,VALItY HOBnYO • a• love;
.7eto iroodiedand kitty to be dtlive . ed on or tefor•
the Inih day of Jolt, 80. and Vitro Bandied •od
Fifty to tie delivered on or Wore the na day o:
July. 1163.
'these bor. , . mutt be from five sad one-half to
elFbt year. old, from frteert to ert.n bead.,
troken tot' e riddle. good fem. cod perfectly
Sinai la e , so•y• respect Nor.. ors .41.44
Blom most be marked . I , ..pasts for else Hundred
resales rotate." and addressal to Lt. Ost O Came.
I spa y • Qoarterapror General, G. 8. may, PlM
burr., Pa.
Jig Tattoo.
All bon,' contetetad lut under, b!. odttrtfiettetnt
10 , 41 IntobJotted to arttld totrecloo, and oaks,
to.y eotitcsto to tbo spteltkatten set fotthin tbt
pooltatten, will ben) woo.
The Witty of the b B luster alen
te fulfill the nentract,
amid It ho awarded to blab must ho gwarauteed by
noymeudlde peso.., whose slignatutras meat to ap
peados to the pawn
The Wspantvllity o the attarantore mist badmen
ky oMdal oirtideate
U of S tat es Wof the mann
Platelet Ocent, ot the U nited Medd otter.
coy. Btdders -meat be present In person when the
h ,O B ate open. d. or. timer propos'. will not be Co.
eldertid. Hand °pa' f a 'moue! to hal , the mem tube
°calved .n the contrast, elsned by the ounkeetor
and ooth or Me guarantors w II be rega'r'd of the
no owed bidder upon ofirsaing be contract Ae tan
bond moot senor peel eta oentraot, It -111 ba MOM.
nary lot the Warne to have tbvlr b - ud mon with
thew, or to tare bonds signed to aetfeltatio• aAI
ready to to produced when the contrast Is .Igo.d. '
. .
Pomo of Georrottaa
We, —, of not eounty of —, and Stara of —,
and of the county or .—, ana Maur of ao
!Mohr intountte that It able to lola 11. coo
tract In scoot dater with to* tem. of hat propel&
tlon, aid that, rhou , d 014 prop - s lien be soc•antd.
he .111 at OpOit enter luta • contract In al:conflate,
therewith. „e hada th• contract he awarded him we
are pteparedtto become 01. eararitte•
To tn.. atnatantee moat be appended the etdalal
ea-eineate. stows 13, atoned.
• • •.
Protoaala tr• m paltbs will not be would.
ow. stud ao o 10 ot tateghors out b. rbobey y,y
emcee at toddiaa b brit tigalog contract
Tuo oadetatomitO ro ma to Olmait f lb. rlghl to
retelt any or all bid. that hit may dine too WO.
Pat merit to bo midi apon Via wools too f nut
Immo= ,rat woo theca ter so the tindstalcott
shall w In tends.. u . 011.bbil,
h• Aft Vont MI. and rt. Q N.
NAVES. RAU W.N 1u Felt. ►
D!sO V 5
Tiii 60•111.111/11 ItIIZZIT YO
The hamenso ss'os tastily to the omits cf this
row d 7
7bd namemma daily reparta of •+ten7Slul cans
at e•c I • Takla
I• ban mm•nt•ges ow •ny Other remedy, at atm
caring .be Woad., sad inlyartint ton. ana •tntith
to the .y.t.m.
.•n •oe barmlam to the talent, •ad rtwalfol In
atm soak cam
T• the •,111•r, .•pedClr, It I. 'pv10246144 bln•
•lprcprt•tey armed by them, In many eittithaha,
"The soldiers• /Priend..
Mothors Cod It superior to •or scathing syrup [sr
•blissou t.tbmg, .reel In m the leaurmas efiws of
tettOiTIOU. ICJ not to the sutras*: by removing
ao auss.os.
8o d by r, epectable dealers everywhere
lii' Pr ce, 2.5 GENIIS A BOTTLL
AN *Lititz.-
ALmusia —ALM
Pas..L. Nog AM SL LOUIS, MO,
ataainsa__ 0 r AA /
Feria; mowed the Asmicy Ibr the Ws of dm
BILYPLII Mint, moist mar It. Loafs, nos I In.
1 10.1110 atteolloo of Clam aod bled illenutectaren
to the Andrew item 406, 0•••• rspof tad by Profs
Bole. o. B.stoo, .no JAI. Booth. Pbitadolf
Phi& ertucti, locum. ',lib the test of actual elllOl . l.
ems by smaishotorms In Plttebarnh, Cincinnati
matt. Loaf& ostsrminee It to be tee foreignd
sa'llaLde Clay nom &nom& lib:lbar r
&mafioso rote Riede trots It have stood to Ilia
olo.• haute from 034 tom months.
Vim amulet. Is or Me Clay ae taken hom :the
lens, erttneet sup or properstioe abet
s.[. It pommel grist adtualmores and p deficit,
gooltibo, wOlca an not shooo by the ono's.% and
trifieo admit of the edatature of m large proportion
of &hal or !Owned *ley.
1 am nom prepared to 111 orders tbr the . above
Mel t to be shipped from it, bouts or dalinrod hon.
jots% rtrrnasal. Pa. ,
Pir.Jvcir eieissaLiee °Trios,
9/a Durater or Psanthvazia,
96 roarth St., Ptthbarao, Pb., Jess ft, NM
QiCALIED PEUPUBALti will be reedy.
ed at Ode cake wall !IMOD/a. 664 11 01, at
owe tor tcurnetasth to th e United Mates t
13110:1 nog I.L •Tib,
1,090 NIVIS, I
It= 'crags, Baltable for me In amp.
I. a POOl4l,
Is oboes amounts may De thatieeed to doable or
treble tto quentlty, en0.....a1al bidders vol
ozpo.tod to a nubot far mob aldltlonth quatlty as
may be rogantrocl.
boaaplos mod accootheny the bide. •
J. EIDSON l'oBlllB,
thiptala and Pommel aferehal.
Yrd 0./stet to Pa.
63 Dusan trrazir.
Di. KID 111111aaD BOOTS, 0n11...:- 75.
Do. MM. HIIILID GAITI4BII, ady 1.13.
maws CAL? astuoa4Le, wy L.
AHD atusounni 005011213 CIAITIU AID
BALKWILL& WI sad wows • bargain Iladas.
IM J. H. BOItL I AND, it Marta mat
oat. Portuoui. I =log a funionio.oui•
swiss. both at
Whoswiss. UN latuelsim. hr . • um
au tod In tat the of itloouh3ty Weak without ens
mor Mn say . Pala.
may to• 1•4, 4.lth Trostawat.l7 htNaa
how &mod. at situuoubla rat% la the pocsuro
Latina opplytog ehaallus a. flanker Worm.
dob .111 b. aroaptly aarwend. aod tabula.
at lals 1100Tti scams, rempuipeki,
panPs onalum mt7. vsais, Wog maul so mall mo &glottal
titrum. col kr flatus toonspa.
• LtAlas.od
roomy YAMlasi SlSUseeses umiak
Weatmeton b. 0 INI.
410. um pallet:lm Beghseut of Gavin, sow Is the
Mud. ars ber•by unhorsed to goons tessambee el
my tines dads' lb. mut Many doss to lb. Booed
of Lantana In Mon negative Dhanate. The
Beard stall mambo, Om, sod determine &rpm mob
dram Ir tb. *emit" Sad If LOA to to fhy the pm
oat Illasslon of tho lambs Mall she thou Ifsel•
porting& *nets to the gamin nodesiver, at lb.
thedquinen of the A.A. Prawn Usnhot 0.... V
Of lb. ewe. Mums es they gown thootaelmm
fhb souina teadoneo• shoo shah bedsits lasatills
by • lasatsslag sad Micah sae paid by
elm the boutuy few. •
Jell= B. TM.
Proem Mum.. 0•11011.11
Masonic Hall Auction House,
amp. ekkabisw.ssiasi'd4Pugh
OZO. r. zzilLr,Provisetce.
XSOI01:111 . 4 fro.
arlftdifina . rllllllllllloCUrststreNtg.4.
•;iirb Oli Omit! trA at tL. Moo of she
lbottitor. ta 4 rl alb& wow
jrnx, tot the Grob % Porto rod__
tat ottli boom Pout moo. boa
to 2'so stmt. toir Sabo telokreo toot
big boo rosolml br 00pp,0,!,
31 ' 0111 4 iftillatar.
Is Wilt% hl. entire stock of
grenadine and Laza Wool.
Thai balsam of oar atook of
Bummer Dress Goods,
Lawn., r;:'`
allk &maw range Slurs*
AT !Silk Bliswlg
Silk arclibtric
IWool Elam*
ank 1 inlM.ilbditted Primslet.u. skimic
*hummer Ctlzoorg Li (ace nu m*
.ELlear.. Mates',
B Amm & ( A,
Mr m catosimoos of baring to doe
tar iton be orrand lb" mad to mid Or
gust Lon vial* woad rank MtIL asetb.
ee's& w• him diptemalned to don
oat oar firaosaas rtodltat arm. Mt coda
will ba marktd at ptloso to mom that,
We bore wsioil
srmaa.TWA .
win opts Wes Son as -
Monday Morning Next.
mgn stook at
rsarkeddown and ohm! cat
n►eaLL AND emu BAseasnr,
77 and 79 Markel Street.
iIaTUL of 4 te 5 4 7 sad=
baring teens. an IMPUrtgay / Intel t °
ear stock _
nnarTBol. 8 01/081. EOSTtRT GIOVVizq
118.8118101111140, RIBBON/, ZOO Ur, •
LAOS GOO On BEn D.DantellB
Imltt, 88 tims, oota ITS,
And the wationsinoB &Manta our Ibis of bathos.
Is ear Ababa& Dossortoest; oh the wend sad
1104 eon, obi bo loud taboo.. eseortmeoto of
the ertiobeeselseratel &we We thereibm mettle
.041 boo beyore • eseenta tat with ego lames
.d Wilton we ma N•. thee Dugan in the quail
am pox/ of our ARAB.
D. S. DAC8111........,
Denim Toon,b and tin Num&
At TM Low nzaws.
Dress 111112011215 1
Notions, a..
Macrum & Clyde;
78 IMUCR anizzr
a rnwax roman AJD mAzoitn.
NEW GOODell: ,
REDOOSD Plilo,llBl
num, =mum AND
ID le , 7 . cfooDe
Lax jr4soy a (lo %
14 . 7109141 !l EM "Sa %
IXB rANS I -- -
tanWit,* inato: 'm ada
mum Wil l at 1011 Igi Wage -
wow. aumnra co.
Mk IT mita strut.
irku.l,l 4 / 1 ! 99 1 4 Ifft
at semi
irwiniftimagiiiiimidishm k ieseg age.
cia/4 larmiatesis • " '
aaygi,MOß =OOO4
_ .
oseisllikaicemigio =reills4 /111 1 d44,11111
n• am
=..weing sad ems kes. air kw -
nis Wolin Drips& sr
A NI lia• et astiolle dims
hiS2 MO xnp m, .
' mum
EATON. 111 4CRITM & CO.,
Noe. 17 Asti 19 Firrx aesiurt,
Jammu, aucFas, 001.7.►" ma,
ImamGLOM - 111111111teTiallas
MALL a galtr ara le
TM law petals et Ake aar ate ala e •
mb ol i
make de a'star tadocikarasssi 0111
001111TaT STS. madams sad
PiDDLIIIIB, sad &Bebe bay Is sal wk.
Witt I . llll UtiELliatk=4. hin and
Choke siumotorstirl,lNLNAND Qi ORM
101 CISIBAJCLLS.s, at ._lowsti mink
wholesale saa mall Swam
WANT/W.-460 • aroma ti.iqrs want
Ames at st/D • month, rapeliim pale. to MI
oar IMimasir Pima.. aimed Ilunammait Mitten
other am, mtal sad mama AMYL -Masa ch.
Wm. mit fiva Adam;_ _ _
tomato•MY 81:1 Or & OTAlRW..mmasini. Na.
wANTBD.-473 a Moats want 63
tan Agouti in mei multi at its a mostly
aspikasso p5141,.4 son ay taw Wk.,' funny minas
schism. Addis. - MADISON
inlekUrawlr , A Mel. 111:too.
B wyoAD 8t lithUV.
. .
9k1.1 motto Intorno rant wlO boomed foe the
eCeullasecrasioo of vwan ea the deo t.l JOlll
flhaT. end mill b. ket4 .pert caul la of Coober.
%be Baal .111 be ender the ataggeof stpedesoli
assocesa, end eom ormolus, bisrbanyaid. to 4,
glo. Satire teolatectica iteeele. • _ aedf.r.i helloed ersil oalvVesal -la • ftv
d.. to *coot Dello thatfos.ole hid see half ogee
svc of So Abed, aid Goo Ib4 pilaf •Ilvvvvvi w.yqll
be eanreral to the twinge m bate to laiduk eei
. _
ample immademeata Davi boo Made r 411
&Warn sad Ind.Mourde warp bedekd Water t mate. at tbe following rates. at for *maw
Aar hali.oarrel, (malernir.kill PUMA ..—.R gife
•• barrel, mait.)lo welLaa
• bats barrel, teaka- 00.
All Grams eridnead•kr L. ..bussitaoi,
WO, inaptly Otia 'lid Motor Nat to say part el
the amarra7, It te'bet penteariet Maw
than .beald be alio : ter 'swills. ban& -
Penns eneelad roc* sr say la 0 1 111141111111111011111.
Mg the Brings. wW seems; "T4ll Hee
ra Mew Int ', URO
nip OA • d
UM !obit;
'Poem Auisaraa tleleheMl - 40111:14, L
NOTION attention of all ogoora
Pilo eats beta bottembly dheollemeed ea se.
metal dl otosa•o or t batotelf.,•and owe delete to re.
eater we Irmo. tn. tate • layered dospeal calbd es
tee pumbloott of eleaand Uodom, POWS.
trout the Wm blowlamp% pebtobed ta3hr mare
tbratosatt tbe otosotap. Gobi elbows me retpleetell
to co o, y poomptly obb thi elbows
tact ea ,
dar, sad to ...d that . triterappfiemicei,.•• Illtatho
la protkbd, I.r p anions Iw lb,Wialle Os, ph (rihr.
Laza toe dimmer or truer h p,) with a tads
atop as possible, to the oasts"- Assleraat bones
Illardam boleros of Wee Mato la _Pleat Ober Sap. ha,
each actin( automat Peoroet *mud wawa Ina
uso• formai: ca. epplbotteap, mita ids worn.
mans, to um florae etosabat thearal p tit Sale.
Mom for the Walla 0.4411111 be sepoistos
modumody upon taralebbi be' pews malted by
Omura tirtim 90..103, ul 1553,tr0m Was Orme.
moot Hear pey.aad, atitoktmasta commeate
rout data or aarepta.oe to soak sppolatimitall% tad
sot hum date of ortanisoboa ol , troto avian sow
numb 10 welch sag my In Moog :
• L. 111%
umbels vissrims Mamas!
PUB,Y.L&X taard3
, ,
' PHOTOGRAPP , skikira t
0024.1111 11/1/1 AIR .17341itd.
pa and ad Wasp, over Mama
PE0T0011.11111 . 3, as r, plan CR
atarsi. Mu as ' , sae Os CholOst
sad Llb Elso.
Kr. roams( - .lutertr . 4l.ll. the 10
wake a &lie
telly of this ertz.t
ills abort Sift.
air Pasai,
ximuntintra rtmuis,
~ .lAra anus, .
_ .
sAIMOAD rows rctscrs.
, minuallactividAy peas
As rota, worn. oils:Does
,•.t Wells .ad CLtarria, aml
11 4L11.7A11 1 / 1 :1L1100.,
By pangolin nods d th0 ' .. 100•4 4 1 14;14110
stun IlLoitstiors ati refold_ lig fito IWBadj•f•
lorao fa mune sot imam
to caw • anopioto anostatost of
t .
Carpets, Moor Oil Cloth, IOW*"
Vilth a Tea lave Matta ta
ouvla WOLINTOCX 604.;
os virrei orintirg.
GN.7I - u xls plumage et tba Omani sr Nis
the Sifted gals ;r ad
, be ads sigh& lova. NA.
RONDA r, ars DAT OJ' orAr 172 X.
,Dsts4 Make sidallo.
ing; =MK
baisrdsbas Epothl ihogi4
bailer --••••+*,
BW el.PuDS.—Having jiti*roftrast
b the Itast.,A ban so. ID oats
dye samoni.gat et , mom sad Asshabli, .
r •
BOOTS iL2str, --11.111(02110..
Adietatio un -
Dwain au bisapplled /111_
mad vet/Ltd/11s • s oreviairsztastraztvr
anvi 64l 9dititadisacelbe
Gab.A LMUlLlidelt.oo. l / 4
, vs. .....,4.0/...41.44-16init.'
lamthels, • . : tr- 4
swains rinurmam ,.
Ws us sun wawa* Rim lOW
White, Chsaiiiii Batio7)l
mrs lab at
OLIVU inmuitocui
0 lima kiwi bile SW lin - i tliirlpilboilini fit ,
aopustaur ilar- Maims* il t 0..',.:1411414,..1.111111 /
..114 Mists :meow •• i ,l -.. •
..„.... . , . 1
Loyd pl3maisal of thellltakk. '1 IN ..';1
Watt OM MN,' sr•farwi. hbik ,, ,__—_-. ,z
bas- - : JAII,ILIita VaIItOII..WWVA.
OTIO piiriafi'iniiiiiip
Nissiktrivit Du .b.savo oacuinimwo -.
gondol .110 Amll ap0544111146. AL UM
+r.; at at my cI4 01Ic• es hot atm* Nell Wilik ,
hoe *sone MN tufa.. of flit latelstii ishil4•lo.
colz4.llUi RP I/4 ' -1
....I. /kDILE7I4 2
4114 Y , rt ths. • - - t-c— , ...! — 2_ ...;—, • •
D . • 41 cAisfe,
yawing 41111011010Prrik
,' ur_oses. 8D.... anvizsi=frian
,11 0 (WI% . a guimi, • .
010dOetri* Of the blit lOW
Maims of SU ligiltMelbal* end
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