MONDAY MORNOirG. W.T.,6 Upton Vanety Tackei. for Predame Ark. 4 tko Maid Root YDV 3 D,RAII/1011. .2.-JOIIN P.DLASA - n. ALIAAD sham tit D 8 R. HARROW. IV.. WK: It:DIDNI1701. A. T/1014.1. DIOHAIL Vb. 044 it/ Orr. WY. A. RAISON. - Omer 111. 4 r. DAVID ATILLII. rieloOL B.elear. OVAL WIL 3. staaaat=. • - R* ass MAGA Lianeros. - Thirseen• W a„„.. 401111 01141•0. • The Rims. If the divots* . we aspect to remise before going totop shall oonirm the expotations faitliyalsedly Goa. Illxinx's dlepatcleof Frulay,eveniig, sad the proo lunation of the President which followed it Mt Saturday monting, we shall hap had'' s. glorious sad memorable Fourth opJuly I We make no rife:mi. to 'the dispatches feint Baltimore and . Harrisburg—though the latter, as basedon bitelligenee reed - veil by Gilt Cuanw ...ought to have at least a etnni-onisfal ohs:rooter, and afford us more satiafactewy evidence of What his been done than the ordinary flying reports from the battle Seal telegraphed to the sensation newspapers In the eastern cities. Evi dently, neither the report. from Harrisburg nor . l . 4ukc from Baltimore can be reliable, for both state inch numbers of prisoners as Gen. Mainz could have known nothing shoat, when he wrote his dispatch on Fri day evening. Bat Qs:lutenist:Me received by Gov. Guinn may be Jeter--end refer to later results--than the Baltimore dispatch of Saturday. One of our dispatches mentions that a rebel mast had been captured, and a letter from Jeff. Davis to Gen. Lee found, in which it-was stated that no more troops could be mint froliffßioluitond, as that city was seriously threatened We have aL ready, several days age, called attention to - the feet that in expedition had been Ailed out by Gen. Dix, 'and was on its way to Ritilunind. We also copied some extracts from articles in the Richmond newspapers, showing that the rebels tnemselve I • had found out that something disagreeable to them was going on—or rather coming on- In that direction. The following !from the Richmond August' of Jane 25th, the latest which has reached us, we add to-day. It is only a liule more definite in stating matter of fact—not moils indicative of the feeling of alaren—Lthanamicut that went before it: Liniale mew, &demi, is actrami abort "Ming Cl triutht. Mime a/ his banner, pow the Aut. of .Bmheseacit a `teat deal mote earaut, we MS tarry, to ash Man are those who have had In hens the management of the croon/am of ono attains to meta, la home detente. New that the enemy ms uattusatmeably tending in oonetoesatse tore* beta at Branson, on the Iselin, and at the :Waite Hogue, on the Pe mush theta te „that commence among us Innen wane to .the eircumetanou. Losiatd or Wog ready tor our wort--every man tecoute as Claptala mad his ratty -pout ass alenet—weletetame to poem, tie local/tete of an mariand imeetieg to orgameetehets ittenewe ie at our dome. If Memos cannot capture Imo and Ma army north of the Potomac, which cow plateaus of victory would perhaps be more than any reasonable calculation of proba bilities could warrant to in looking for, when is smiceedifei driving they; a broken and dieplzited remnant, back Into Virginia, to lad no city of refup—so capital of the "Confedersoy"--thatit any longer, what can the leaders of - the. peat conspiracy do— whither can they tarn-.—to retrieve their fallen fortia n so inetrievaldy low? in Rebel Position In Teas On Wedneadayaray, let General Bose. ma' took posseraion of Tralithno t s, Blau laving evaccatad on Tuesday night. the fon that - hiss:ray made good its escape, and left but little Property of any kind be hind, witinay infer that belted previously determined'nee to give battle at that place. The -enemy enemy have fallen beak to Chatter. nova, One portion of his army took the cad to _Winchester. Onr forces were la fun pursult v ittd gneral Ileanranni tele graphs' that General Thomas would flank the retreating column, on Wednesday. If Bragg mumeeds in g1 g to Illiattanooga without battle, heght to' better ad vantage thin nezTallithomi; it being stronger 'place for defense, and further from our hese. h retreating he has abandoned a very productive portion of Tennessee; and he would not, we presume, have made this searillms, lad he _been confident of his ability'to 'rape with the Army of the Cum berland—, We learn from some extracts tel ' apaphed from late Chattanooga papers, that oonaldeeshicnbini was felt for the safety of that country; and that great ren ame Was Nitta upon the mUltin recently called satin Tennessee, Georgia and Ala bama". It also appears that Burnside wits believed to be advancing from. Kentucky with thlrtitionsand men " - Altogether the rebel portion is Tionsmise, nooardhig to thsir_min ahoringgle enruneasy one. Front Vicksburg. The following letter' from a 110pIllposdn of the . Oliminnati Clinoura,a gine the fol. Jovia lblinding snout of the progress pealtioa of again at Winding Wasisre Hitt, in mum or Vionane, • Jan 2 4,11163. j tee that it. Gredy,is getting aly iad anyone, sad doubt's oan lireat's" removal Wea's omen good-hind advise him to keep . skid oaf.. * You- anaeanossent of May nth. that Wiliness is oars, is as trail ae preaching; it Is oars as trines the sal rises aad Kemp the oolipstion of it is only • gees. dos of time. To, up the truth, the neaps tide of 'Washita' Lis thing sot to be admit!, dodged at pumas oa thu ossuary, -there are ilk& two advantages to be derived by the Gonna rant frOil *S 'derived by Pint— Obey save' as ,a elit 'of balt to Indias= st. . : from .lis rebel General Johnston, which will sbow.old "llneiondltioael" another op. to ty gobble up a batch or two of them. rrestwhdis they are virtually pillows, tiny; ribald tliarlialvos at • masa eliesper rue ;Have we could subsist them ; sad hare parade as tenzlnoto our admiration:on than fortitude in palatial-kb Being oa half rations of mak moat and very indiffarent eeiraliread,- when the only and gaol malt will /rove • ak•Var of economy. to the Sederal 1. any ono soppotes that General Qrsatin. elides sophist like avedions position hero ,bie no mush mistelma. It midi beirepos n foible lien:ivy • stronger posidoa in `-•the /Netting Onfedonsiy," We•hare no teen igay is fanged Isis • saati-einok i srlii ages sighs sad bll'ileasa nabs ea the Lan &moo ma river below Po doomed tOtr. • 00fersts ate 411 antleuk its asikellso ba IRE sdallted from sk. rlgkt sad Ji b sie flasks it ' imirkmos 411011 40 AZ* 410 *OOP am' at prow 'mu' maw. yes lothat may if IRAN& la Oa loaaloes a boos ma t• sat army of 'NAN swift . , , .... ~,,,,,_. „,,,,,„........,....., ,_„.,......rz-.--.-t.,.•zr--',:r'Vr-zr-sr.',-?;z.--...,Zz:aa,-;'---- - '--., :' '., th::g'.;;.gg•-•-r i :: s-7-;.6uf : , S , 'iA",_V -. .'''''" , -- - ' , ' , .... , r - , , .. - s - ...... - - - ...-w..., -, --•-- e - , ... - - .:,.*.,--. -”,-,,r,,,a,5,,,,-V„...,z-....,-,,,,,-;,-..r.,-..-4, • ..-.t.,..,.., ',-.' ." t ..- . ~,,..,,,, .?..;:- 1-..4'--.4P ti z..- ,.. 44" , ----' '' /LI. p.-1 , :.,.,t,-A::.-- . . 4 ., .'" , , ~ - ,- 7 ; s- , '‘ ox;..l.rt--' -, - - ..‘,'z' ~.',,t"Nt--.• any ornidary circumstance's. Johnston, Bragg, or any other matt. had better be to h.--I than to attack as with less them 100 000 men ; per haps you will imagine tbst if we Ore attacked in our bar frost, that the prisoners will .oat out. Bat I wish It distinctly understand that if they try thit on they have got fourteen miles to out, and then. they just reach our strongest Bac, which fronts on Bleak river. We eeenoy a very comfortable position here on the hive's—plenty of water and delightful air, which le conducive of good health and spirits, of which the dantly. army is enjoying abun- Grant has stases of l t a Wire from one end of the ine to th ot he r ,* & &boat twelve mike. Thst„on see, he ma onnuranleate instantly with any point on the lima • ailirantal Vicar of the Position. _ There are some, *en among omen% who think that the war has not only been Inas . ousatiiy pretreated, but who have persuaded themselves that nothing has yet been gained by it. Such is net the opinion, however, of the Lendoa Deily Neree—o close observer of events la this country, and, though friendly to the North, of onnaskab's independence and solidity of Judgment: In the number for May 19th, it takes this view of our military Wins/ It is said every day that the North bad bit ter abandon the contest as hopeless and sue for pores. Bat any one who will take the trouble to look at the map and to compare the position of the North at the Wanting of the war with the position they now occupy, may readily convince himself that the ;pounds for suck advise are net military 'or historical. I; to an undonbted fact that the South have aaaaa recovered ono What the ground which they have once lost. the North have once gained they retain. Per a moment the Southern armies regained the Northern side of the Potomac, but it was only for a moment. And now, whilst the whole of Western -Vie : ginia Is in the hands of the Pedants, the half of &sewn Virginia is in the same position. Passing down the eastern trout, fortress Monroe on the north side, and Norfolk as well as Butch on she Booth old of the James river, completely Control the entraneeto Rich mond. In the Carolinas the Islands and n owise are still bold by northern troops; nor have the Booth succeeded in compelling the Bluth to relax their hold of Pleads. In the Gulf of Mexico, with the exception of Me bile, the North hold complete command. The j km N ew Orleans was probably the heav lest b sustained b the South, and now Beaks is In possessio nof a large district on both sides of Unmet river. For a time it seemed doubtful whether the North would be able to possess themeless of taut part of the river which flu between Port . Hudson and Vicksburg; but the exploits of Porter and Panagut have practically:n*lnd I this doubt in its favor. The Confederate States are absolutely diiided. The gigantic confederacy of alaveholders whichthreateeed to establish its power from - Memento sea board to the Porde is now an impossibility. As to the border States of Kentucky and Ten. nesse', the Confederates are still unable to *in Roseman back from idurfnesbore; and the ninth are even now In possession of Tosourabia, on the borders of Alabama. Thus it appears that the only States whisk novremain in the undisputed possession of the Coalsderates are the two Carolinas, Geor gie and Alabama.. How is it possible that these four States should constitute an Inds , knout power? Any one who looks to their population, their wealth, and the peculiarity of their position, mut admit Lt to to be im possible. Ills it appears that the South are exposed to a epeeist wseettr which It seems ds Beaty it not unposed le,to w ad oft Times!, mode by which the gonna air pinatas to maintain their poll nen against the North has been by the rail road,. The extant of the country is so great, that without such mems of communication it would be imp:amble to move the troops with sofa/dent rapidity to meet the attacks of the enemy. /t ts obvious that fi the North re tains the command of the sea and are able to still Melt railroads, whilst the Booth are still exeluddi from the sea and lose their tail roads, they moat be pat under terrtble disad- vantage. Now it is aumeti upon trustworthy authority, that the railroads in the South are wearing out, and that the Scarcity of iron makes is dilgeult to repair them. If this be re, the dieloalsy suggested has already come ' spoil the South. Bat over and above this snare are dificuldea as to the supply of food, Cash have already proved almost dangerous at Richmond, and which may yet prove more serious,. Upon the whole, therefore, it appears that so tar from the North having any reason for despondency, toe molt of the struggle has been dinned, In their favor, and is daily be coming more so. This was written before anything had been known of the stupendous moremonts of Great, or of the probable tall4f both Vieksburg and Port Hudson. Nor does th. writer Medan the real magnitude and Importann of Gen. Banks 's mosquito In Louldina, which wore probably not reported to him at the time He omits, monq►sr, all mention of what we Mn aosompllsked >a Billsoui, Arkansas and the western territories, and has nothing to say of the tut that Maryland, which It wu neesssary to hold at one Hamby form of arms, L now among the most loyal States in the Hulot. More Prodigious unquata, in Mali, ware aorta Wars aide in non a short ilea of time. —We had =deee above extnot some time au from oats of the leading liberal panels of Bullied, which has ben a steady hind of the Union eau; trent the beginning, aid through some overaight ft now comes under the head of 'deferred matter,'—but still it is well worthy of consideration by all that large °lass of our countrymen, who are so well characterised and satirised la the pleasant saying of a witty tray/aeon which he mum the world that Americans are a people who 'upset everything to be done in twenty min utes I' When the rebellion broke out, ono of oar most distinguished ingenue was prompt to take up the "harden of prophecy," end tell us that our little domande dillanity would he ail settled within 'sixty days.' And most of us have been more than once, slue, rapt into similar visions of a speedy return of the hal cyon days of pun, with no balk, warrant for reallsatkm, than the ovar-sanuinetempare mut and our-exacting tuner, which our invariable ud unparalleled $llOO6llBOll and tri umphs fa the arts of place had nouriehed la ne. We thiak history—the impartial judg ment of the after-ups—will, on a calm re. vim of the , whole field of action, front the ventap•grend it will oomrpy, oobudde with the friendly .Biglish writer, whom view. are expressed above, rather than with those who have uttered despondent and harsh words of repriaah and Madan, because moults was not attainable at speedily as their impstknoe of trope had made Bun upset. If we can rely on the Neonate we have re. calved of the splendid pr_oponions of General SLUM'S viotory over.Lxi, bow mush more bight be added to the sari of lurk done to day 1 Bo much, mai we not say, that it will all loon be done. T/11l ffna of a. Hallett ,t. Co. have bees sp. 'Debited by Nand 'romans, PreMdent of the Colon Peeing 'Railroad Company, Guinn dt• vision. its Acanthi emu somuing the speed, cronetthotlea of them It b eta ted that Omani Bremont has deponted with Um two :Whole of dollen, era* equiva lent to be used es they Amy or beat aka. feted to mare that object. LlT.dla JrO77ICICS. O.4MMTIONI arm • All av Vault. witlt or stgurat No% ars °Woad a f ar a la as Clasp 11,oala, "as Nomixii. j w , wk. at I of oLask a. at.. to o'er' seatared ta. by order of J. li tibia. haft Nptala Co areatathat• r i - 7 liiiohUlTS WAstiSli, 'for the Inv OM IlagNitat Pa. IL V. risaghside /Wawa atm the Is C leri a irman r . Tw tilrf Um llp soft Übnrli mt to aNbiilin m m n ay anonwoad'CadoSlowsths o • t oil, _ Pm sear hdloniesis- w 711..1.11Vm. t "" 1.119 ' , ,.."" , ,,- TirtJast:omi lerinrie. ea,..... _ _agitlies ..mia, amens wimp. runmelpi Tackmas ID.P4 ',TWA:NZ luau 11,YRit,. ( = Giva that sulaaaripiatta fll reue.tuili foirivu-Tuailfy Chtfreu P..ufs. at per. darfnz July, and to I It rr imbue th• limo b. .W 4 eztglaud by direct - um of tae etc frac,. lfsry fuspeutally. Too W. ifar ca P. P. naz OH •86, fleerstai of Tr-ssuy, y, Pfulutires, • • DIVA DO, .4).--1 he ttookboldors of Woe l'lltat•lrgh & Al kiikinii..l.6 . 4o O i. - .. (st fritd stnpt )aso horsby told d ten • towdooo of oflf flt,ll PBIIOIIIOT. ban. tbh day- U4l dchoed. on fAs.prodes of flis feat • z. wrath; popy.tOo bra *. 1e 1 1116.d. LI 1)1364, fleatatiff. ry4.110, VIVO/11W v. Mut It. A ILLMIMITAITIMI AX. t titteottrah May fark,./alit.• jr" ,, NOTICII Id ligftitilY GIVEN f to •.-nr as.ootiertows to the Stook of th. Wad, ern Transportation Otmpany 'that ea armament of V,INI D9614a1111 kw 00_ ) .. _Pia *Hill be. two anted era the etookeneeettosta Payable at the cake of .the Tre. .. , at Ptiiikluah. oa or helots the 14th day of _Jaws letti, sad a' ilks amount every thirty days t om, natal *theorise notated ca4ar e °I- tke f.tteDOWlLL, earnio A rv. - Oman au:mourn Vassar H. a.0)4 Pittsb ANNUALtti. /SC& .11 -- TIIII 811111-o0 PONE icor • stilts Bonged thls mad, as• Juts lit. 1161, sail hii psts ea taat dim, at tha Galas ot tb• Ciaiapa• 111 /. in tits,Clity of Piusburgb. Awaits holalagOow P RR 4 thin auall #IIII Jassiarg 1at.1843, will plans inmate lb= Tar Masa. _____ .- - Jetta, , .B. 0. ORB. ?Isaias. .r.:,,ELBOTION..—The. Etockboldars of tem Little Ilaer Yar lims Railroad CM, are Web, notified t►u an BMW= he belt Prealeent •and Tnintdon. to earn for the earning ymr. rm NON Dal'. the 37th day of Jte3 MM. at the oaks et the Oompasl.7o TemParenceella, bar roam Ma boars of / end 4 o'cnxit.n m. 1097:1m WU Id • ...acre ta...reeide , t. I I.ELROTION.—Too esookholdirs of the Plttabatel &logluny &Ws Ott. %Baud stmt.) ant hereby notlhot that an llootho u etuktont sad Ltrookos, to serve for tie mob, you, 881 ho held at to. Toll Beam, at to. Mott& end of tbo Etutgo op 111081)82, July 6th. • - /RANK 8. ultlallt4.. &pommy and trasourar. O.D/VIDENp NOTIUN.--The Pres. Neat, Idensapre and Uruguay for treatise • Barge ever the Ater/hely cppcelts Pitta truss. is the Chanty or alleabeay; More We ay declared • bluldetal create Doha sou urft,4 4 Gine. share of the Orpl.el Sauk of the ousursay. *bleb Trill tor oak, to Stockholders or their legal reprearntatlive, on or'arter the UM last. Wit. Ittle1111:1 Pittsburgh, Joky 89, Treasurer. lsf. Jrtrittod GOLD BORDERID WINDOW 13H4PES; GAM BROWN AND LIOST COLOR, Ihr sad shoat patterns, ingi recelnd at it* NEW CARPET STORE McFarland, Collins tt Co, PIFIR STUBT, &tem &bp Pan' Om= and Damien Scums. Moan, . r a la auluzu. raliD his V Board la still Is fop Coo flor the easodaation of affollo balo folroop fOr a sppoiutonatu litedloal 01502 re be do. lito M Loyal pha Massa of Ma State, ronammanda tar ob . flood habit% oraloslaon o anent. 31 JIB. KIWI 111 niron p U os. CINGINbraTI4 lOU- I , Mll.oll.—Tbs Ina Abar gown gar steams 00L0r19178. Opt Y. A Or= a.. 5.. a.. Ea %b..* on YON 0.7. Jail 616, a: • oa. aa. Fee teef gitt or ro.• a. apaly on acaol or to 3.4 J -16 LlYlemerrow a rda Amt. liNuel-5 Obis Fresh, t express, OHllooo—e 0 box, Or•Ot ; // O AZII-100 400101; 13008 E 00X 8-30 basaplate ; fteatived mut toenail. by It. IttDDLII, etyyt ,P3tobortyr A v., Matt ECD h'ILLE OP R1C0.10.1114, TOTIL.-01,111&? at LIB OF DUI 111/110 to.ll.—Tho Wawa* Aulldlog Lots. h Worn. to the wtato of Mims di VOrd dwwW . dal ba of la Pala.) Sole [modfaim la .0. the of Illwatdo Nor. coiner of Law an the Now *Mohan Aced on IV/Dai I', Joie Ih, 1863. •at 10 eaLoKO Coma. hewn to.ald wart Inn sow how oa opa rtual 7to archon bonding Iwo fa a Woman! .ad boo , fily looatita, we b , woacablo twee. 11 / 1 , -0004.1 mad -the hada, In Ono 1 oar tom th e coollrisatloa of the ado A plan of the lota woo be mien at the id of Dr. Shad. 'l. 0 .LLaliAB, thaltalialf idowt, d si tbe mildew, of Km /L. nib, liocur. op. NVIIOE TO CONTBAOTORA-Pro- Gu malt retelidd at the oats of the Be. :BL corked litse 10 l at tie u btot, t /Witt Ethan& bolt litz, t , t am Peeing sad dot degit mamas Pim street. Bum titbi to Molar stmt. /trap" Badszi ar llak Oiss sea er Lead. t tag Blame revilred to tharbito . -•. 1116A0 110BLIT. Beroidtb window.. MOTION.—AII persons ind.ENdto the lato gm of Dn. DAMS MIUBUR age irs. quilted to con upon JAlllid 11..DLoOLILL AND, Jr,. as oty old Mks to /*on trbo r Nuke, food to owl. tb troolsomo of the Um Ors mod to m arkt Mk for 'too. .7. P. Dalt*. kvair lot. Ida. NOTIOII.--We have We day &Noah). led ebb at IL a lie LIN. la the mesa mars or Rio QUlSOligh. The epee( tbe atm, hl hilluw, •ltlbalretCll tBßuTßsirm., , /8111)'/L. Alt. B. MALL Piterbartb. Jew Ist. tart •• *bin COLUMBIA HOUVIC, CAC T. IMe clear House P will AU AA open for tha mg. Gni of gums oss. Joss MX J. P. CAUL PmAHAAA, Ar - • wlx ja; a ji, amva tot tbee . 1 • 1 7. dAve:ad to stead the of Waster ikaeleas thee Pima ea * Ol4 :7. Joey Gee ues• b• lik•b•TOC By coma. A tied e War. A. Assam Oink. JAM [£4Nuts) .tuishe Vvystb a leant.l Swat. Ir leaking. Jew *lone eh n &novaete , Tru len rs p oe M lned awl sok'st 'WOO. te. a*O BTUS. son Obi& and Federal divan Nei I jNINA, RIII-----------BBOL OLOTEUNO—Ospo, J. Ilandocia. Plllows.alakmo.B•l m WWI.. Sikh% Woe" (Ste espore.) aid • at wads Wm iutkiles In the lint, at IM Inds &Ake Depot Used SOIL cunt , Ana: • , - • • J. • 11. Mum. - i Al V. 23objklitelitUI ralasillarr Jr4J , nut lot of irrooad t loe Ws ; • ball, sixeposits, pent llae, vadat ams. tin .6. htat Apply to tst fLuuransiir it smu t si, I Mtjsa L ua rtmai Itaftertm bib* Omillig 431,tilortias, outillrloom. Widow. cellar. roaatiall, bony smug en Pecoadstrailt rassol4lspaitipamPligai.t hi n 0 .1111111 1M110114111 boil* irllU4 li gt o Drmt WI aid kr lat riPlir7 wit. a. .rOssercis a in. at weed *rest ~1i.,„ AW Av . ti , 10P th J. , 1,0, 4tl sad fat au, 11. am 0101 IPid R Dltii CW. WM. 0. JOBIIITOX elyS6Jurz V MAN • - bias. prune • Yogobres tabors and sot ads by .10 8.11410 • 11111110 A ale 10.• Tr asass °mune, U. au um eras, ?raw. Partlesiu 'Steak* pad to SDAArtke ap . awl reistrlar of 011: - .Bial. smut& /All Umber/01AM ADD DION 0001[11 ludo to order: A1tA,1126111 CAIMAGI: ea All Orders lie at let. al s !MAUS 8111111 T, U.S Math will AsyrAmptly Amadei to. • Or The members At Me Ira 14114 ?notified sw. Mr* at may Hen' caporfatx• la UMW MUNN% will Aims teak* siAlarictioa *ray nowt dilly kiIX)LI.I.IITZE & BARK, Mi== TOBACCO, 5111117 MID Exam, • 30.10. woos mass; wrapini,i.. JIL IIVIL? "1 1 T" ' l ' 'WI' 'Lt .isaruu ct imo a: Tama. 'SAO PiTacuiwwTar I. Part Tun bow lawny al A TAaltei wain. *Li ow Gs Ifing AVG Aby !mita stappil tri Ms 11.4 boob obarba IrUl ob Ibroardet AAA or silo* obi. •id besilgood S 3 kr hOluda IldroDool. liberal am 11111.60 o mods. Por LOAM VDTS sONweatiustimbl. IWilwUnim A. ZWIT 4 1liouilt Ake A. &let ß 14:: mem • 11.1,11 P kitus,,-.llm bait& pip' Maltaniss te r r i alistailaS 11$ Sie• cLasaaaar.4"%tahrr_iie :AVM cut ad alum whom 0 011, am an mum news _ ....,„..y.,,..,.*... A*Oll,Dl NANO it TlE:iative" to the . Col, %Ne. , or tivasi on Willi/144 oh .. . • . Clic 1. Be it ortrakel awl muted eerie Marx, di -deny. end ritisonr an d dotteree, Se tiered wed Common Chreca aestott a is *web, award be the co l/wrier mune. Thet be no dui; of e ;L. sto wi tine crEasur• ts ghoul be theof the i ity Trematier to dalsoste tome Poll • palter or Otot Siob'or or other peitoooind aotborne sod empower hla to seek oat all pencaiwimi brie [mind to am Ply With the pr Hebei of Vie arm rovado relation •to•Licemeseem • Whisks ha she Otiy of Pitieborth." oidmoid asd * soacted i poll 10.18[0, end record d • pr 11211,1860, in OrdlcaoL• Book tot 4 pogo If 4 nail tepirt the aims to' him. for which. terve. the said Meer obeli receive Meson) oi oty oasts each Cu.e to be wad and otimic , ei ai pas of Its , costs npon motekeices as afcamesid , rid 2. Th at 6o fee shell be adored except in those cas.x miters dodos has bun airs. to the &lingo:Lank by tbi person eppointst under this ontinanos. Pao. X TWA teat ;motion of the sksh section of the ordiatisoe s'otesild, which mak-, Is the duty Of theOrkitof Polkoto make . aid report, end ail 4 rel. nitres or pork of • criVninces incoareteat dm @with, e• ea 4 tor ism. are hereby meals& Ordained and eassted Into n a, this day of Jew, AIL IE6I • ' JA*Z S IfoiIDLIT, Atka: 8. 8. Yo prim.toflieloot Oonooll. Clark of &loot CrOonon. • Jutui KTLLTN Attrt: Hoag arnetL rnirment: en. n . uois _mon ooniA. Clem of rtst e.AN ORM NANG% supplementary t, A. willows herstor'ors Fused retattng to the "raproalse tf Waltroish Donis am 11. De fiend Seed aid mad lip Ow Mayer. 41. sod ethirese of Ditteberyk he .Settol told Dos. woe (kesugh, easeedad,wnd 441 hereby assated by the satherity eta/tame !bat die Nta amateurs sn baking thei lase at Donde to be es. chanted air Buds _ head ha Mts utat of uotip. than to ileilro.d Otseysalts.' paired the nib d ay °' °etcher, A.ll. 11.1. oasOktiondid - m to authorise the falsest Brads. u t 'in Shroud. haring mt liai las then Dalai in ser then fittr )••tr to rd._. ,, irtth a '.tenet oospesa. d , ' be ° 1"..7 ". ' sans Cl liai t ango Mont ad dollars sack kr tte dAP O III. or Y metered due on the Donde !Sr Witch Day obeli Os etrea . l i a :rotas,. or K unst{ which Buds, and the fats t thavat at lour per rent Der ananai • au be - mdayuatds la •Ither of the ritits of limuloa or rthad.lpida, as the option el ria• aradraor; sad all tech iktuds.wldoh Illai Ira .. X.O, tad which hare tear *GI UMW, aro amity amend valid. Ordained sad enacted late a law In Councils, OD dith day ofJene, d. D. UNA . JAILS lICAULIT, "PrOt!doat of Balsa Ooonell, Attests R. 8. Moknour. .. , Mr' of Woos Clooima. Juifff it. llLLitf, At Piet Mud of Omloon Oman. ket: Bo IPILog oia.' ark of at Cameos Mama • ~ PROVOST nanowes issacwra 071104 Wialdassx. 111.9 NOT l ol6—The attention of all others who hate beim Mammy discharged - an Ea *mot of 1100114114 X Isoblilt It. and who deetne to zw aux ln We Invalid Corp., le coiled to Ina pioebkaa of lioneral Orden, No. 1(4, ol 11183 Low th• Woe Deposexey. liabsWed in the mote thsoosetat the woolly. nub aillaen are toweled to tweely pwaptly will Wes prowakne of text or der. and so mad their written as Mom Pargidad, peallooo In talld Oa" Ewa. tlog toe osenewer of their dloatullq.) with ln 4 _ 4 7 lot loodb/s, to the Axing asentant Ptysm wanted ilk* warner of the state la wheat they sta, be. it mos *knead &Woo &album proved ilushal trlonezel erLU spolowtiona, who his tr.dorm mat, to the how* ia what fieassal of the dotte. Pam, Ex the lasolid Corps will be inmate( lx sedtexj, apse fornlehlag the papa alsod ikaend Ocoee no. 101, tf 1033, teal Wasno by /report Unit. that ;by ano saelamante will commence nom duo of aoototoeco el 110021 ApPOlptillatti% atla not from dot* of woantaxton of toe leopeatin Na.. womb to which toy may be'oadiped. • MartenPUY. Rowan ! Ganeral. A'zingthe lariats% Ponta sad aattiog ottb Cie r. one roall Uric, &ma timer rer•eri K. Ts. for tr a. flt a. L Bs It ankh d rd .seeftd bP dm, mayor, Al amos mod oaten. of Pateber i o., in iWso end Uors. son abonoli amsebitid, mod a is hooey oetiotad Op A. onctorety of moo, 2hot bocerelng mad tie Is hereby directed: to a. vertigo ter the Grating, Peeler and soffits with Coe hot no Pen. olNel mm tipster stoma to !toytor I het, •130 to bat the •to.• to .goads/10. with too peo•zoi no 01 1.12 .0 . 1 1 1 0.10. roqcol .tag 611244 .1114twid Oittl,t ISM'. Ordatinid sod enacted lino a law to Donacila, this Itlith day of Jana, A.. D. 17913: . +Anita llo&t71.711, Att & S. Mono; et tkiks OonneiL est Oktk Skint Osaneil. JoiXEI 11. Krupa. &tisk Boca Ir Varna. President oi Ooniapn Gonne& %at of Ooteam Omen. ~RlUK'!'n uN JULi,. lgg~ snow voila counts .wo Me 4:24. frau 6 foam to 60 fro. SICCIIYZAT/iL /LAOS I aabrua FIAGIB MIX /Walt all moil Iligaost watt sr We annoy 1101, atd !ON With Mastora _ •'PllTipoßoB PUG MOMMOTOBrat MOOR'S NEWS DEPOT, 1//751 SUM. orposiri Tll7 P.O. Uiaiiij AU the N/LITAIT-DOAte, soularry NNW TOUTABLU WhILIMO DM. CaIIOXIS - BOARD, AA, et 1 01211. SOLDtasis orwroirrailia WAITING MB AND WOilt BOX, at BUM lOLDIU•S' DlUUttum our. at r _ EMIT% areffloi;roir PUBISOLIOB, at Ma timbre*, Ixecest of Goa. cOroorAlra OAPTIVITr, ealy AS ash. Qom *MAI ?Hp 711111 LI OPT. PAULUS torTll.l PUTUYAO, eats LAD,. TUN rllrrinuarri 07 A YOUAQ OF riorryyrarm& grassauk. Oslo 121 coots. ' Met DIOWIIII.OWaItI aIUtOINI ul rlie. fl ooo la.rolky 26 testi. PillUttOnt iurrAsy NOTzie. Ur. or TooWT 0/ WAS. Duo 30010.• sore BOOk O. AMIT UM AND BOMB; Awl elbow ktrirMIWONS. lall4rf go, go claw aft oss, as JOlllit P. HUXT , I9, m ILUIONION.A.L4.II7ITiteraire. Z +RIB e airiSatio.seo atray; Ms IMMO! or Pnarrallt, ' St Itssui it, PI .1 Po. ril". 101113. 8 111 4),L8.1n11. be reesiv• MAD Oaks "mita Nollfalf;:Jsty Isk, at 3, saw, tee re to Os WSW Iltsts• : soo nit vi • . /44X TIII atTI. . . • lAxe rupee; . ineteela Re lee Is Ilk,. 1.000 NOM I Aro satessto ay be isannssdAD delible a'nib% tss snout% tits isoasstal Uhler' mut bi tsisstort to statists he mil Mildew,. qaistay as soOomfooi l tbotas. .. • 3. nem . nem, Oillptolo'sad Prom* Mamba,. . • - ~.. Igoll Ormot ot Eh. tas p i thd s. lixgrinitcupUbitc.46.l.4s..t.oo- .445birilliVaLut401615.plitimorw.tatis ase.aed to the au of Itleauldtf Akre. I n. ! . siN, Nawcialy or avgaart Palo. - • • soui D Lay tNe ea, al* Trattassat, 7 tatua fit* - al intad. at t eataaaaPt rat..,.rat..,. is tits mastora tt . ' rail im- Y. ' .0 ts, atosePt4•...... j . i.: ' orlarther loom . app rift ______,.ollmans m u •m, tellaolll3ol oa.tu- • et littir Bourn rzczmnuivtibrict p.,...0..... bib s . .. Ire isnot tbs Nix ' = : .- - sartlltAldi oat 14, th an rOmme.!,, . - ...taiLmood - - 'IU3 .r. . sza. masons, 'NAM hai "end MILITAII Inaljoy ey hiodytlen, =Meted by the sob toribeni at the Woke/el hoidens, hid de `a °ems class+. sa ca.- ALI. sAxsos Na ti (bait etas . 8. cab Its; me • dem nes noreeed, eel oil trio. nriTIVNPR., ALealea Pro pteoi, d e le the lamie Cledmlttee o. Ckdiedle.-‘lll deleived at d lies" Mt smut rat. DAY. , J4ll JO, Me. at I .lettack V. Vag ke MVO. Noma tor the ononsttiltyWekli loch 'lll4ded dill date kw each pee erxit of it mei Mille* Whin trea eerti4t Or" WMOI to the di, bribe dee dab* deo. " • . ea . row. frarikisao IMMO .4110110 lie*RAtietititio 1 4 will isig q : ess Mid ad lambi atd•r all tea.tot 'lra,Mrilla -RN IBTOU sob at tined Miami* GM inn, tam= FAuzsizawirmli rausaisfir 114ir gagi gke7 fvra itetwv ,.., - anaitarL, • • 11,111 fir st ini am OWL AIL Dsturrz 411;S- Orrmt. 1 Pittsburgh. Pb, Juty 51;0 OAVALaY-110fialid.. . . . Seated Proposals will be received at lble Moe not II IS o'clock m. the era D.y nr JU..T. ISIN :or fornhitnne and di.tverret Pitts tirph Ps , FINE ONDITIIIe OLTALLIT lo lows: Two litilndred end 111Ity to be d.liened on or Color. the nib day of Jule. 1883: sod Two litied:sel and 7.tty to M be, delivered on as Wore the ineldey My, 10. Three barna mutt be from slat and ons.balf to etekt plate old. froat Aileen to slat wn baud. Web. LToken to tr e 'addle. egad y fem. and perlictJ tend In wiry respect Ewes are tar-laded. Bum mil t_be merited c e-p es*. for isles Erttedred Cisralry Motels " and addressed to Lt. Oel. 0 Cam spry Qa e rternessw Central, 8. Array, Pitts. Dar's, Pe. 1. J'apecitoa. All borm tontrootatat under ,bit adoertitanmet 0111 be subjected to •stald Inon, and natant tea: coaLtto to' the spectdaktlrptcrlan eat forth to lb. leatiOnortU•bo tvj Otto. fienailefi Mould it be s The soffit, of the Moor to ftlllll Ms contrast, of to him, mutt be guaranteed by tee remosafe ileum whose slinathe mmt sip media te the 'satiate*. • 'The emp , estollny el the isarantetsmostbe shown by tier:At-lel etnincate of Me Clerk ef the martin Dletslet Cones, or the Cuffed States Wash* Amos. my. Bidden aunt be pownt in potion lobes the Wee sreopenul. or her prop sett iii set" km um. Wired. Bond squat la widest to half Melon lobe roortnet-tn- the contrite, doted - by the atatreetor and both Of Ws wesseetors w LI be bond must reqrafred of enraturful bidder. upon signing thiamine% As tli• somrpeny tbe connect, It Mil be neon: guy for he bidders to hen their boatmen ottti hem, to or te ban bonds eigned in sehohation, sad hady 1M produced when theamlast is Arm e/ Otnrenne. We, a the county --- of--. and Mateo! and -- or the county of , "two or — a do hereby merantee that--- is able to full 1 Is eon trees In tee with it o terms of her proposi. non, sad that. should hie prows.lloll to OCCIII.IOd. he will at onoe enter lets • oeuttset soondame therewith; Shook the oeutratt be awarded his sir seenepared to Mame escarttim • •- tens wawantee Must he appended the Metal Ciralloato stare nuntlao.lll., ' Prootitt firm disloyal feral viii sot be asstd. end, sod an DAS of silestenos sill be nelelrm el_ .. en biddies Won rfmlog montract. TO* itaditstool same to alleserffthe tight be n'set any Mali blds that he may deem too high. Altana to be ramie moon toe cosmics* tt the eoutrims. (so soon emitter al the utz.gosi Mill ea in hnde. 0. 0 • Vent. 04. and D. QW. genera. AN 4.LY1114- bunt *LK AM:DM Pza vz.lsoa. ISO. alaairlata.--. .01. 81 /Iptal rOLIP. aftlaracappted bed the Arne* AR Ms Me Of Mb asst It. Lofts, Ito, I L otto the Ababa of Mar and Steel Iftsafeetanns to the Mullets even abase . ft - bigoted by Prob. A. Rem of Bowen. end J.O. Booth. of Phtledel• yhIA which. together with the test ale eal med. soca by insinftotewees fittsbereh. elsolnestl sad Bt. Londe Oftebeituo It to to tie Eared sod sad nbeine Clay now kn whobb 199911P1 Anottioan Pob bade fro m have:Atm! b the ebb dues tom 06 to 9 months. lhe ens. Analyst. Ia oUthe (by ws tibia from the Woe, ettafte soy waslttn_i of propetend ebee aa.. mbot. /t Yobbos. weft idnottivesee p mottle. which ate not shown by the fttebili,--ina of ftwe dube admit o f t Way. 'dabble et a brio proportbe sr ed 01a I am to ft s now preperedio 011 adore lb th e eb oboe y. hipped from ft. haft or delbend hots. Ttilia• =ring di to the Ey. 111 sow dm idol tootody. at moo ..ao4 and pMfet ign ria lanhable. Witt may artflostui. "The Soldiers' Priezid." Motion lad ti ai., to our ootthttut amp La cialdne tonaltfaiotes• from the lota Hoag Mien el IttittluTlo4 ottorrtest to the oelbsortts naon tho 0•86 e• vstaus deans ever/what!. sir-Pnie, MTh • 10T1301. 894 t 7 raj /MIL= FLUB I p i ttiblitntrlSALS al Theism sad d i Fogio• kanfatars ribthaea, the haul tale of CIAPTIIRFD m RAINDORID 081 le made at b. Lao% Mo.. as MONDIT, Tgl OM D.itr OP war azer. Wad Jaw 2114, , IrIL P. MBILEII. 'We g—en 'Pohl Asist, Ihumuy NGOODS.--Baring just Maned Am nom the Zed. es brie see la atm aa eatega. Booms Amp suscciaas Nakus birappitkid wiLh UMW' and atambastpis 41119.0111914991 ram moo. al • alligbt, advance he orb, at ; sm. Aran/ism 0041; 11.• .11. sorer 'road sail Raft AL pawn, irOUNTY, ALCM PA ft - • iF. a suarium, •-- 41ftur.14. Ail yew, . • . Mr°. lII' MTH atintlit. 040=0" • 0 11oal000 toMeircaing eoulioi proemial SO oisoory area Ma ; bouiTh for ell 1101101, kr 11 011eerodillilo PM sadPIJIBIONI br Pen Ombra littUdroa, araiere oad er Mar imi mot matim or thow abo Me a ibi az Imo Mai War momp, damaoaMorYi a oink% ram dam urn ral ero larr . will le mama mos a ame lo , allaria ~- paawslaiwaaA Ilamas.% vines. 11:4 w.i,......aa lb. MIL A LL MN . WHO JO 4 1 91. NAT partladar liapant se yaw malt- WA aro burbp antbarfted Winona it ow Um* tabs the saw iltna - daya tal kW bawl al amines* la ' thalr napaaths Deakicat Mt Soul akall 011101110 00014 Me datanda• NMI 'Mk_ ataugft the mime. sod 11 Maul* toll, 410 1 10. vast /Waal at the Illatrlca shall Alva Sas sh iwwiawww male laths 'meal nadamrota at tra lit wrialaarans of La& A. Prima Nankai GhOwili of Os Rota. As soon as they sl. - ebb MOW 11111010111010 Qv emu b e y du unlit." b 7 a mularbag awl Alaimo:Ws aim the Iwinuy Maim tw law. arAawou4 kilt tw • JAZIB B. nt-- Windt Illsintral Clebsio 1 ' _ Lai Baca. Mg aad abadtitat.laatit. auk. mama 'sag lima cam— Ws at 44 aaol-ta al.olt; Mak srog *EI PRlLtdocelPst“,. mum .lillAnapent,Whltelibest ha* Fon briar. '110:4111t1 11.481D11-4.000-Dly Balt . ii - stor• -- aiid4ce i•- --- •-•• by se. - -"tin "c 04 aim tot of vim Sa Wi ry. on gn 4.l4astir Daunt,* 00. VMeineta IF! jig u • ooung " rec. ophred ikt •• . • &MOM DA GULL AO: t i bia;:breitt La readid Wady old brads kla e • VOT4T4 ivi ITMl;of sDPettor m ly sad visa In stariumad 1111 f /1- no u l. bug; twasomang. la • I II n • Forwidelloirtookeeatudiust 1.151 . - WV in. nth tumult n. , 61,6 a laaalY-rocotra lalo 441 Oa at Ik 11. runup". .Asiai %wool. be• tara PI Or M. en or dri1474.44"6° 41"112 idle& 41.ade :towsL ettnalriegi " aw kr illftriolie 101 X cawrr 4 4 , _ ALEX. 'GORDON, No. 121 SIODVD STRZIT. MUM% JT, OZOLIBL XPIAINT. merits cif Ude astoiestlag cuss ROLM MY IT Wir. F. &wino s, antoruth: Ataptod to the saws. • (air' al ---.%&1111 : 11 . 11 rA 3 014110.1,y-' • 110.310Mialt 'Ai loins . 11 :APED f ur sass, , . r°+ •• aid non. renumprual . sipLiourPh," 'IWO ' llia* Ifs.itb•hokl. 4 40.11410(431 iginnas._ &Anon ti is' ileum De 'de - dam dome Mul Polommoi ft:Nees md soft" lama Jr Imp abet eel tad • . • -211oOdmotoo Ikmperferer lime* Slam m mut iomommmimma=aemmo. ". it:l7%mot to omot? MI6 _AW Rr 00012* RELIWKLI : IN PRIOR I MO balsams of oar otori of Summer Dress Goods, Lawn/, 812 &mac Auk maw; AT Wool Wm* sok Mud rem, 3.451.0.1 eamaise nem% g am slaw* Oftcorq AT 33extea', 21 PDTR Baco t SO AMULET STREET. . . lir la tositimpumseof herbs tip dam „ *I. Ma, Sit efferstdam sat to awed ail geed low wlkkii voiki nwk iron aioli; 'NI kW% &Wilmot' k) aloes out au haims. Moak at ems An rob 11'fli .it natal at pzkes M imospe Mir TBti intEATEST BARG lan hat* gar saw Hs - TIL'3II BOLD T n Ingibt.:2. gnome Nono JOSEPH 11081 & cO. oies Mibte leen m Monday Morning Next The yaks stook 44 SUMMER GOODS Wlll bs isszkiddown and °lndent SUIZOIIT BEGABD TO COOT arOALL AND lESOURS 11.111eAl.jos ag 77 and 19 - 11tarket Street.. pANTd 1;1()0J;w, 1 .. . 1 4 - . - :::'B . o.chfieidis. 1 , 021 e CAIMUILId GIDTI9 do, he nits Do. LEW PAW Min; AO sad gam ramor ozicarii summiefu nr i ss • corrorains:Aw rim* aurae suipzux ei murrva nazi AND TIMID* DU= IDZIFis Mani And • ddhssetwat mai or Ma deadiaol4 cot Sudo 40,4 saw °helm Ibr cash. •4 4 4 I4' I:4: D imam Daotle to WIN Ommohoot MOM to . . _ ... .. . , ~.. . . . • , . • sunormaiT. Noiaoim_xosnwrs own: ammoroiTaano amsolik =ORES. 11•01141100 an t airDsiallal a - --..1111111r. 0011111211 ? • - .. .17 - ' • -•:- ''' littrikoltli..'" , " ! - • . Vow . .__...___ .._. wimusigipiaolis Is oar liall orbeihniu . _ _ la age liludissielionfairak a' the 'Wail gad &tit /WM will Oblate' vieurho• assernmft it Us anlella above Chito tlinsilars WM aWI Inns Mbar= semzed vita . oar brim- Iml imilltiss we tea ills Ibis 'nibs la tie frolgy . . . - - , 11146.1DK081 di. GLIZI/lii.' _. . _ Ts Kazan 'sum, vas ikii - - ANortasealh. movat ' fda WIN ABB BELLING LOW EMIL. ifredi e Theiwahmii, Mworoilderles, liottoaiy Ag:4; Mactmm 78 lalUrn UM. Nmy IXMDe ' ~ II b~ j'BJC~BI. ineWlialang Oft" "%IT an an* TO 00UNTS f MER.VIII.I7TB 41 - TD Dgazaho. filtAcjuicx& Co., *fat Itastatuirova &num, "axtersiiiiramw er• 2 Rev -rtXTB, WlCXXlanlik“ 011 r.. arum • inmens.zwa* :Go&Luts.tris, ;a. zalt rt ata.rsaisni.,. :svDp,ls Or lon an. low Jew% Ins oarobsed nab 61W -- 00MITILT wril, ornad P1DD16124 XV ease epai, , - - Kozambiques, Barer% since sbaa lg Mk 11lulek; _ QUIN UlifigitLl4l 4 .-4' Lau sad ea Awls akartelat 61141UPD .anit trasantastim-lwaspowbb paw, le inakeala Nut row KIN% al • W il7 nEEiLumumui ° --,-, • Pinuniriin Umbutor.-11 qq_.llla. Memo's bd§ illtb wok aliairotr anus J. lad', ail DN Wend Gahm calm* Bom a Nem; _ - - air use sAlitad amanmiai r bedsit id Ur. :T. 14 MINTON. wild vu u'llths Ns ago pike' sad .. 41itditaffk. - • flue agaidiriiiiirizre, Will bollftdiloqk Iktrirdar draw' or Colleen Bawn, or the Bride of GarrowaL Lein 1,1404 evrmsN._. : yr sorrow. untaz' AI ruenti_a, M 116awar. JOHMIT Juthrur viumparim Una alt4o itch owl anis - • , a.. 4 cO-16-oSiarkat oomidarigki - MEM 3 To meaty'Mb BLAnrOIrOF BRANDriViarg. transn-ra. UTANTAD—Uumira.—Tvio pang ..41..Alsairfsl so otaaa'aiaidies *halm two maw os,taa iathaa.ilaslasaitars at sae ramer /W. yam Audgmipsvapubb lusa r. ' • AliSlo....itArsolage -MINOT OaKe Antipipup &MIL fa Slam Zessokvaa. , dr.l"` . • Arial Wm %ass 4 8 _ _ - beu N.L ,aug.l4. WP.kAt sannond hand Power 5 11 11, 021 p.n.b+e or ssailoter trtirtnr" 16? Main .-W*lo4-7"-----------------hih*".l3w4itcumal—W• emit Ac:4lseobsepta„ 4 2pars pav ibui s a ia 1.1 al' SOW 14111dh.Ida mad ocher, an, snag sati. otinou - 24 lam elk* Wats win Me ilagnor, - .BBll.lrl CLAIM Blddribed. Ns. :VWtair Lf a.--674) • attlaall 1e../ warn IC blot *pats to essejr ecoasqls VS *Pik sagas* pea, to aky raw Owe fisatiy Waft radius... address, _ . s_ablik,a. takyClAsowiT annsk Mesa BisatiUral -81../11;0120. This papalersosisn.r resod era-bb os Valid kr as eisegueme- aloe. A* :Amu la J U O ball% end mi. b. loos .psoissistles or ( mobs,. - 'sb. /I.4ei will be mewl/atoms - is cd ettpa Meal •oulaulloaCeatt anti aliabOaftbal Waal& la este sear. letleseuctoo ab aboala:J ule liedLrs balkuso ehll boccitabied ta •Ye days to damn' Doha mattes, ehoad use bateau gess as ao.lust be otortwading= slum, p kat poessown eall icred 70 theta:lace fa ant teate bads sal selatt • &wet Amide st sod reateiliate 'bare bees loads to . tettatuaoLiswbb-deeteud Iltedee, at taw * at IS* baknaattaini, at *laymen aorhett barna. (biabayisjall . , _aa11aaa............ ilt o. ton*, aete 4 tadedi0n."......,...3 alt *. belt Wm. cab., mu eat 0aa,,.... 11 04 All eaters elidreeo d so 0. f..' eaulnatillt, /144. tom, Hootatta moa t sad wetor esta to eat put .1 tee amour. his dootebie duo pertleatar dim. dm thank be Gina are atattloa bagels. • koresso_eloobs, room, i5,,,00y to eaustea oessera- Loa the apnoea. Ina _pima Warne. .tlia raTilitn. Of larlkatall) bniabaili," MO. puanamors -II • PIXOTO GIRAPift.iiOOI/11. cwilinis At) !mitre num% (sifts sa aft*, one 111 - ' ll ' h , i'ri!, ; : , ! mbi NINO PRinqpikulter it *Tavola* stab. oaf, r G•kina. *ea the papaw Choi '4ll ' Vida ki Chaim. agitiver. ifr.stnimicraliwu man am *armor immal• lonity or ataudonad. bug aimilidir 0,7 il• don Ilea of stsith ow Pam, iscraximi. ssOftetka pow SRAM NMI PIINIF* artzt-rausuire Pm% !AR! war.r. Purteg, •. 4 :TfLL?II7LII m/4' MD ?UM /WOO:0) rrorros num =GLIB POEM PONII, • ." • -• ragerb lialtVlZ MI" r, _ LIB TAND:IO=III=2% sanAad may Oboe VOIR/ munumemid 1 7 Cble &aim 1 / 3 4, S. V.. nob* VV PUMPS far WitUa .ad Alamo. vlUdi cift with aakr Made: op% . • lamb by autarizemenztioo, ir.xisai6ora raw: UM' U.P.16111.511. NEW CAUSPIBM a/ err nab is lid Moat divanks dab Amp 3hekaiii, in q tieddig Ilis myna Pio ' brash Balladiud sad =gall* sal In a Oar NI ik.iisteiref ._ - 1 ? 1781. 1 nee eli woh - latuis, h., 31 Ina II iilihaii ilaadge mania woramoar4too. w:-.- errors prime. _ ANZIYAD - AT • _ Mine a.: zip ;--/* -1"11690E111a14017u4.- mum cuas natagoau 4 "do t __ us. , 0111,14131 ft a0n,01).-cAr al° 11/44‘64 pal 4Weft • bonds MHO. •••-• ww.itogrAirn. ait imam sera*. suLDI/wp ogymklimixa t: ..-,., masonici lf onllouseli _:...: r.v• -•4-V-.:2.i ` ,155- InnAtilliat, 1 :::::„.., , euvieripui ii, iipl;ivr i llike6p int .'Vr ita — iiipaill' jai courASIT. ii la ftft, ..e5 , •.4414.444.44 iiiiiiitZillauim:llis 4 ' ' - • -- i :::41 1 01014:1110;0103N4 1 Mai( '' ''' , ifiiiiilinagrAunr. ' • ! s il l --r -' EMI it - -, ! iME=2OMS=I AIATAUWannt a OW% 1 1 / 4 41T Mb any.