pittsbur g h tSuditt. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 2. Unveil Comity Ticket. /kw Prisidcm Jr* 4/ W Dpirist Osimi *ma scsurronr. JOAN P. 0 L i rMa "..64lr. M. A LIVID BLACM. mi. II It HEBRON. R. WM. IL DINNIMIL I'. THOM J. SIOUAN. ler Ogiqb qf OW*. WM. A. HZRBOIL Par Oreley Promprer. DAVID AIKEN, JrL • Pm , twsis: ABDIZI. II ows& Par ItIOHAS=2 tM Hump rommitsay, azo'aas HAMILTOH. Par OM.. - girtL •p«,, ; JOHN 7. HUT°. Tie harasses. , What' would most probably—ws trust we `may say most certainly.—lmpart satisfeo tion Bud conlideace to the people, at this juncture, is prealaely that *Mei, above all things, cannot be medal kno tn. We refer, of course, to the movements and the posi tionof our aim' . 7, to *Mob is committed the tiskof dealing with the Invading army of Lea Oae -thing we learn from the fast that no attempt was made to resist the late crossing of the 17ppiirPotomao by the rebels, and their &drams in force into Maryland sed-Penirylvenia, is that, on the whole, it was deemed safer to keep our arsareast of South Mountain, while Las was in a con dition to make a dash on Washington, by a sadden recall of his Woes, through the passes of the Blue Ridge,\ban to uncover the capital by crossing Boith Mountain, to meet. and dispute the advisee of La; on - the mare prenmption that it was his interition to invade Maryland and Pennsylvania, or to approach Washington on the north rather than the south side. We may, and indeed decidedly we do, regret that Hoax= did not anticipate Lie in seising the panes of the Blue Ridge monntains for if he had, even each an ad vance into Maryland and Pennsylvania all he his already made, would utterly pre elude all possibility of a retreat, in case he should sustain a defeat In battle. But we need not, in that cue, speak of such an ad vance at all, for, unless he had been struck with ...judicial blindness," unless he had been made mad in order that he might be destroyed, Leo would have sent more than detachments of cavalry and artillery into 'Maryland or Pennsylvania. Even as it is, with the puree in his pos. session,-Las is doubtless already impressed with the conriotion of his exposed situa tion, with a powerful army approaching him, so as to thtesten his communications and force him'to a battle in a hostile country. As a contemporary remarks His base of supplies is Richmond; it is from there he draws his powderills shot, his shell, his guns, all the material of war. It is not possible for him to carry with him more than two or three days'.--or at far thest a week's--eupply of these articles. After the drat great battle he would be left almost without ammunition, unless he mild take from Means, as he constantly took from Dioessitax, all he needed. Bat we hope for better things from thi new commander of the Potomac Army. Two hundred miles from his base and depots ; isolated in a hostile oountry ; his long line communications exposed to the incursions if enterprising militia and min: ute men; and with a formidable army in his rear awaiting the favorable moment to attack hini, the situation of Les is not promising. If our militia are active: ii they harrass instead of attempting to withstand the rebels, U they destroy all that can help the enemy or support him, and if they will hold themselves in readi ness tot= upon him, and chase, and way lay and kill all they can, the moment Lee turns about to retreat: then, with their help, Gen. Mains may hope to destroy the - rebel army, and suffer no part of the invad ing force to, return in safety to Virginia. Emanc.ipissua IA aissoarl. The question of emanbipation is under going earnest discussion in the Missouri Convention, which is now rather a fossil than a living thing. Muted before the rebellion, it !snow altogether behind public opinion on that great question, and Is la boring bard to keep the breath in the body of the doomed monster as long as possible. The year 1876 was proposed u the year of jubilee; but. as it soon bonnie apparent that any attempt to protract its 'Matsui to that remote day would not be born; Got. Gamble'sow ;imams 1867 meth, time, and summets.that agrresgs who shall then be forty yeare old and over, shall sera for life. The people, &tarp Majority of whom are for throwincoll' the bane, the muse, and Um bone of oontention, wish a total Von tope decreed in 1880, sad Vs think they will loon gain their point. he ball Isis motion and will assnredly crush all. Who stand In its way— Military Orgasisettoas IsCancianatt. Gan. Btrassios addressed s litter to the . City Councils of Cincinnati, proposing to organise • reserve corps of troops for ills defense of that city .and neighborhood. The moon given by Gen. Bataan is that . In ease of a threatened attack the existence - of a body of organised and well.drilled sot -Men, would prevent the complete stoppage of business and great loss of time resulting ---- Mericireiitidiejitenietlied effort and pre vious preparation. The Gazette, of yutar• today morning, remarks: The Committee of Councilmen and alt., isms. had an Interview with Oen. Barn - olds Get sees:hem when that officer sub - 'added - his plans to . the Committee. A oouplo of hours were, spent In comparing elm, and the Ceinzuluse adjourned to Islet Gee. Burnside at haltpast sight o'olosk this morning. Is would be improper to make public, at peasant, _what Osa. 'a-pia:cis, but this =cob we Cs* My: ha wants' twelve thousand men from this' city at ono% for Inn /yeast, and" he wants the aid of the . • ...otanalUse to obtain ibam. If this fails, he waste the seen, and will did a way to pt them widueut lotie of titnel. detour citizens gn to work with a will,And the men will soon tie forthoomlag. Let:the casualties Lee ffte beam= and energy of wary cit. -` Mr the work will soon be soften ";ofAmo ibelEkb city io of dolimmod from Om "Bmpusw. of Imam will s,„1.4•010poriorfol molostms4 Amor!" Jimmy dilformit Jim - from Woo ho Diptitototoia. Bow lists &oiled that s Übstited Own boos itlgla to prmotptioa owl tito basits ottbolmootood. ==;a= Reported Recall of BleCtelldn. No one, with ordinary pow's", of t!.l:Umrva tisr, yesterday evening, oould fail to too how various classes of people were &footed by the New York rumor, whist found Its way over the telegraph wires to this olty, and Which reported that HaHeck was to be removed and lftQblian *allied to take his place In Wash ington.- We make appeal to the few hours' expe rience of our readers, linos this story was bruited about the streets, to testify whether fell alnetnen-twentieths of the earnestly, generously, unequivocally loyal and public spirited of °aro:Wiens—(ind that portion of them forms k tetnen-twentiethe of all that any body ows, and comprehends every body that is anybody)—whether, we say, the universally prevalent sentiment among the good and true men of all former party and political usociations, was not one of the strongest kind of dissatisfaction, leading some even to utter words of despair for the -salvation of the country from the maohins dons of its enemies. y And we else appeal to the same few hours' experience, to tastily whether every known eopperhesA of every known species—every known sympathiser with the rebels—every known denouncer of the Government and apologist for rebellion and treason—and every eulogist of rebels and traitors—did not show the exultation and sinister triumph whisk he felt in giving ready credence to the weloome news—so easy to believe because he so much wished to believe it. The exultant sparkle of many a snaky eye told what even the ribald tongue, with every resource of its well-thrummed sibilant accompaniment of smooth phrases of falsehood, seined in the dens of ooppetheadism, was all unequal to. Nothing mould be plainer—nothing more obvious—than the above-desoribed difference of the effeet .of the story on the two clumps we have spoken of. It some few—very. few— weak-heade I and amiable, but therefore all the more liable at times to be wrong-beaded and obitlaate, eitissns, whose loyalty will be cheerfully eoncsded, mildly or otherwise join ed the copperheads In their felicitations—the very &meant of this exception, so trivial in every way, itself proves [hernia. Rat why are nob rumors set afloat? If they are entirely without founds - Ibn, who Lou L them surreney, by the telegraph or by the press? TM. same story has not had a run of several editions—of whieh all but the lut were, so to speak, sentenced by public' in dignation to be burned by the common hang man ; and we trust the isms fate awaits the last else, when after a few days It will be found equally fits, with the cabers. -We hare heard that there Is a eabal,—al - ready perhaps the germ of a conspiraey,—like his old anecdotes, the Knights of the Golden Othole,—whose work and business it is to fob , elute and circulate saki atatements about Idethellan, hoping that by persi,tent industry they may bring the art of lying to ouch per fonion, that they can gain their point by it. The soheme they are said to have conceived, is this: By publishing that McClellan has been pat in command, they give an opportu• city to the whole phalanx of the copperhead press to change the monotony of their hoarse and husky Voices, Torn down on in their de nunciations of the Goarnment, into a sym phony of hope and praise, of congratulation and 'imitation. This done, afterwards they are to carefully collect these article, from the copperhead Jeannie, and, like the vendor, of quack medicines, envelope, not a pill-box or • pot of ointment, bat their quack himself—the supreme military quack of this age and generation—and hope to prevail on the President, u the head of the body politic, for the sake of that sink body, to swallow snob a boins,--as a panacea for all ills to swallow snob &mixture of poison end falsehood is the eopperheadism and military genius of George B. McClellan—the latter ass " the bubble, re putation, won at the cannon's mouth," but the phantom of some fool's imagination—la common parlous, a humbug—width yet; strange to say, with adroit silence to serve as a veil, has enabled one of the poorest impos tors that ever had inch a stage to play his part on, to bounce almost a saeausfal parody of the great Mokanna himself, the "veiled prophet of gthoreasan." —Bat Was the stars in their MUSH " fight avant us, the holy came of nationality and liberty—the world's hope remain m— amma again be imperilled by committing any high or hapostanttrust to the long-ago played_ oat humbug, General George B. McMillan. Why Not Do It Rightt The New York Trifacas thus remonstrates on an important subjeot, : Col. Ludlow, who elhoharges with ability the difficult duties of Commissioner for the exchange of prisoners, has notified the rebel.authorities that the United: States Government will protect all officers and men in its service, without regard to color, and will promptly retaliate for ell- viola tions of the cartel, and the laws and usages of war. The notice is of course by order of the Government, and is rightly and properly given: still it does not cover the whole and in such way , as to put all pos sible and plausible violations of it beyond question. Jefferson Devil promulgated his savage threat by proolnuuttion; which was official notice to all commander, under him to govern themselves accordingly, and was, besides, a public declaration to the rest of the world. It ought to be met by an equal ly solemn declaration from this Govern ment, for the want of which some horrible slaughter may yet begin that it will:not be easy to arrest. The Government hut been urged again and again, not only in these columns bet by journals aLi over the ixiun try, and by numerous privets appeals,' to announce its. policy •unequivocally: The desired polio,. is manifestly ' and Is thus pertisdkr and incompletely toads known lb the rebel anthoviues. Why' will hot the Government ones for all .proolaim it io that' henceforth thereithsil be no pos sibility of cavil,acd no excusafor mistake? rlatiadelptiss. The people of Philadelphia have notbeen quite us prompt in going into the work of fortifying and drilling as could be desired. The North AVIeriGGA closes an earnest ap peel to the ',Weans with the following stir ring exhortation Awake from yourlehoru,Oh I sluggish city. The war cloud, which seemed star oil in the distant horizon, has overspread the whole armament above and around with murky gloom. The soak of the invader has liaised the gateways of the mountains. He presses upon the Susquehanna and is thun dering at the threebbold °film eapitnL 'The fairest' cities of Pennsylvania, Lancaster, Bending and . Philadelphia; lie temptingly baforehim, andthe.-lo relies t ,iiirioultural region in America, with untold wealth of produee, Ischia him to come inti,pinnder to moldy his - greedy hosts; Bobo, per chance, we may see him upon • the Bohnyl -1114 and then woe to thy hapless people, oh I nabelietingi . ineredillons,' infatuated, dtunb•strioken, besotted Philadelphia. 'Awake! arise! or be forever fallen I WA= 01117110, NOT COLD Conioat, The Okattatiooga Robsi, at ilia olooto.'of a fervent and ilanpathlaing Odium, to the . . Domoorstio candidate for Governor of Oho, with whom 011 oditim had Just injtiyod s friendly oonforinos isys: . , 1 Gat /pod you, Voliard4linis i on, your inisdow poem; ant say yaw oymi be °posed, should yourpower be oval. to you vision, to this moa ts t, Om isr sow es, Portiaad Honor to the brave men of Portland I They have done a gallant deed, and done it prompt ly. Napoleon said that the rarest °enrage was the two-o'clook in-the morning Med— i meaning that oonrago which is equal to end den exigencies. The Portland people have that kind. It is &Meta to imagine dream stances more completely unexpeoted • than shore which presented them elves to thew alert New Eaglandero en the morning of Sat urday. An armed revenue teasel bad been spirited away daring the night, no one knew exactly how, or by whom. though doubtless the quick Yankee wit of the Pordanders had guessed that rebel pirates had a hand in the work. There was no vessel-ef-war, no naval °dicer even in the harbor. Then was, in tact, nobody who bad any legal authority to do anything, but there were several hundred eh hints, sailors, and soldiers, stout-hearted and determined to do what they could toward stop ping a piratical anise. They took the two readiest steamers—the Chesapeake and Forest City—and, with only a few light guns, started after the pirate, pushed right on in spite of her MI pound shot, oompelled the rebel bums seers to abandon and destroy hir, and gnarly (raptured both them and the vessel in *Mob they had entered the harbor. There It no naval hero who would not be proud to have aceompliehed this daring feat. Every man who bad a shore in it earned hon orable fame. The names of the leaders. come to as by telegraph. Capt. Wilhite commanded the Chesapeake; Capt. John J. LW:tomb the Forest City. Capt. Leighton, Oovernment Inspector, took charge of the Chesapeake's battery. Col. Mason and Capt. Beal com manded the soldier, on board the steamers. Frederick R. Harris led the eitiasn volunteers. Theyhave deserved well of their country, sod shall be held in grateful and enduring remem brance by the nation whom their swift valor has saved from loss and disgrace.—Tribune. Tna CA.R3 or THE PENSSYLVA2II.I. CU TEAL RAILROAD SECIETRED.—The DURUM of the Pennsylvania Central Railroid made an application to the New Jersey Central Railroad Company to reseive their rolling amok, and preserve it from dettruotion by the rebels. The Directors of the New Jer sey road have accordingly set apart eigh teen miles of their track for the care, dm of that railway. The rolling stook of the Pennsylvania Central road has therefore been secured. Damn( RITUBED.—Some two weeks since Rev. Mr. Jones, of Canaan, in Colum bia county, the Baptist clergyman, was baptising several candidates for church fellowship. As one man was about to step into the water, the elder asked him wheth er he believed slavery to be a sin. He re plied that he regarded it as a divine inati intim'. "Then," replied the elder , 'yoa cannot be baptised here."—N. Y. aper. 0.111.1T.4 CR r J►'OTICEM. ArriiN I lON BIEV.—The under Maned no• as ruft.og as 171•Atii41 OUfi P 01 • . 10 ...ye owner the, tiowls .r's Pro. le. oast sn of June ifith. for Ihns son. tsuo , ew issuer dishargeo. JA11127 8711WoRt, W. ItL 111(182.412, 8. u J L. WfLO , ..T., sad whim. We- W.V..", he found st the ..ore. of W. K. NO . Its fIS Marifft stro.t,...r ' W.O. JOtINOTUN • f • 67 -rod .tf•st j12:21 IT 11811.11 I - 1 ()A BELA bat 1 , 0 Id Alt bk. V...LEI —A tett goLd awl will b A.ottpert In thto Ratter, appal:att. tatty co toodo to Lt. t. A N. GAR. RUU ettl,ot 'Apt C. 8. Mr ttl'i II T. nowt Alotons ot Girard dots., o.ttatt Smitca.td and Tara ataxia. Oar UK IttzLK blurt tth. BATTERY A. Eon aces yawed to 81l up thh t4tt,t7 , hullos. KNAP Th. Banat, I now lu Comp ue. Wllkinabusi Rah hors., cuuw atol equ4screuts all ready far th Gltlzets mad otbe:ii, arto silllrg wer tpcod to the hot eon of the GOTernor—lbr Qur Nomad, r.lr. pow dissAarg•d—• 4l dud • rtarnl lis Who. $ the oClca of a. ♦ Waava. N.. 105 rotrarn STILLET, .no will .1011 an nod :ma them to Comp W. W. WARD P Uil LIG JrOTICE.S. VID EN D NOTION —The Pres. lame, Kansas!. sae Oceaptur for matte; • Haw ever the Atmitiony rimer, clip:sit. Mir. • win. la the Cotron'y or aUrgbeer,heels Me del dectared • blvelere2 of Owe Dollar .;a flume dote oe etch Ammo, Ulm U pt .1 Moak of the amens), which trill be .ld to esoolthehlets or that: kiel repes.ntativer, ra or W4e7 too late lost. w.. 'BMX is ORO, T•tantrat littsbargh. July lit 4 ittltuad • .0-e t./ •Atig, Pustraacti. Pi. Jai, tete Idgt [l:l.loTlC4—lbe new Postal twee go tato envoi ea WIRD nt3Disl, Jed, let. Under these Linn nod Segoistioro i es tentaate tettsre or q wisely politei.a of polinpepan ca. be chivied, es oh spat waiter tort be paid Debra d.- liven,. Repo .111 tem swelgeed so rms. on yop a inmost et the seat Owen( onertioly Ia savanna, end no boa will S. *whined to aqf on e unless the garternes prowptle paid • the women.« meat of the iptsrler the .at. el p on atop letters will Nto .not each. eat exceeding %onto. la weight, wed as addlitoael nue tf two ...as arm P. cheeped no each bail soca or Areeitino Mond eil -odelltlaaa weight, t be to ad twee pr .ptild by pot age • veep. •if asp Metter en widen by law 1.4 , p rage la rognired to a p pinthe eternise a nee shall reuse Ire dew 'swan wits tut torriginent, double Ice pope' d nine will bt oho god end =gripes • ed a. tip ethos of ..hurl. 4 pOtilig. fa pertly pes• pal 4 the na.ald will be elterypo at doable tacos. Letters ne t eaciedhog cae-balf Gana In weight be' lb. uterus end Tilsit:rte. of the United 8t...., Wienethe este his einurse Writ tan Pete, sill awe pew lib rionflt the null sat the Indiana widt h, dean.. ao p Otago itliaa pr b 44111.11.0... The Barcoestioa hie for Mg. snag. &won will b.r.risr be Minty meta, papibt. lo now, load. Melon to wtion the newer pinto". tenet be paid by tollag tea oseassry actonst of polders Wimps ttem to erte Mon rsonartnott shown hweeltor be wanted. aerate Pentameters receive asy dosaiptkna of printed anger et VON Prot•a.t.r. [rl,?ntri'll,ls 7U ris&C.U. trat Naw appdoiats for th.• Pr.visionsl cute will 1:12.11t wr •amilfga• IDs at foltotwi Aligib.nr and l b . hi rou the north or lb. dim It Ow Viscose titre &tool Hotta, Allegheshoe Mina day. July 11. rittaberga and the Itoroasho wood:to' th• than at lb. baud W.N tetioot bow., PAlOugb, Tinglay. TI,. 7esocirs sad srpllosats will mat for useolastion Y tows*: ' .41, tionalaituda at the doted Bowmen Heady, July tth. imausbano. Tburiday; Lawt,ootelitti,lfrolap,lll,9: tooth Pittetwowo, Wends), 16%. • Tecopersacevolo t _.•n vim web sod Ottsottitra tow itolo. to Ti mt. rtticosille, 7 uirclay t tdta ~ " ittarpitiong, Wedond J. 11n1. • T..cb..a will plows come prattled with • elarord guar addtere and ...tale, 11.10 Ira writ dotw, aad ntn o• providvd wile a fines.: a . ." Wow to Oil& at 9 edict • w. A. T.- DulrTh &Tr Litt ge. • . t. w.,0.10 of. orlwiltlla ilUmorwealwa . NUN 111111. rNOTIOE GIVEN to the autriaribers to she Block of taw West. era Trseeputstlos 0. moray roar ea •sismilioiest of r.vi /se, our Pitt IlttA tilt bat bees tinted 0000 tlit stock mboartbed. Mole et the oft* of the Vlse•ursr, et Pittsburgh. es or hetere the lath day of Jim.. ISA sad a like etautiat vital thirty dye ,bsirestler, until otbartrise ootuted by triter al SW Baud •tara IRODOWin, ..orstory. atroarakorl auit It Ow, Ihtts=reb, JIM; rOO%. OM. j wTHE SEMI-en/4 UM, 000 ?ON's of the 913de 91 thir road, du, fair frt. flak •111 be p. 13 ea tbas da e. at the Alt... thoool■9llo Oh Is slo.Cltf of ripo w .b b c4d ,, g p to ad . rhl• rout dice Jurrarjr Ls, 11111.1 r .wirx plow pre •at them :or perscier.r. ler: , :2rr R. 0. 1."11.',••••orre. 017111.111) MJA.— •bo Ct.okttutileso Ot too Little Saw !WI boa noteuatt 00. no busby aotleed tbet in bleetloa eette be bete Preete•at and MINCiOII, to unmet par, ett lIONDAT. itlth din ad JaV - seat, at elm allea St tbe .oexepaay. In Teemin,.. b.. tenon uirAoaaist A egad 4 tealbek p., Work K or,* vre.l4*.t. coxit.oulcao oi .i.nor the Ptitsbuith Allriteno Ihklop On. tient "etroetj aro bleb, Gornto/ that on hloolkro froolntot and Lloonorn to rem ior the tembe reef. Intl OI halo et the Ton Howe, et t h e north sad oldie Indy, es MOnbilt, Jo./ eh. eieelt.ty Idled . Ilionototy sad Trodentor. CODRIBEid HAL , • fhb dosilmis 0144 ibr_ta• Empties at= Was di wit" invirmis. 1114141 NE STATEXIE.WTS. B ANK OF PITTSBURGH. Prrorannun, Jtey 1. DON& IMAM. Lora, BWa, Discount, and U. 8. GerT•ticatei of tanab,aln ,To Unni lat. Bunke. and T .501000 00 io Baal &state and Ground 62,4 0 41 Beaks and 11.5.15 Due by collar Banka--.—. 80 a4Ol 19 Bank Notes . , Check* Treley Notes. 148,819 116 173 TOO 18 113,03 , ,r8i (2 LIABILITIES. Cap. ... • ital Stock-- ..81,143,1M Pixie and Earninga.—.. 00 Unpaid Diiiidouds andStispanaa "" Ac't 16,765 60 Dna to other Banka 956 NS 3 '../ 11 1,630.2' 8 St $41:141 06 82 The abase statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief JOHN LIAUPER. Caehier. Sworn to and atibseribed this day of /my. 1885. 8. 81511 SH. Notary Public., EXCILANGE BANK OF PITTSICGIi. Prrnesosod. J' , ll/ J o 100 3. Loans and Discesints......----.410 6 ` 1 4 II Sod Emmy__ 00.030 00 Gold and Um cola. 311.a11f , 0 United Stain Legal Wader Notes— 614 900 0 United States Bonds; 7 3-10 por eta.. lodoce oo U.tl.Bondy9 par 2 1 0, 00 0 00 IL B. Oortlenates, H par cent........_.. t 74 0 0 00 Pennsylvania bonds. -- 216 . 000 00 Cecks, and Notes other Basks— 3 V 97 /39 Doe by *thew 13.1148 ca Capital 946 *I) 00 CirculaUott—..., 1 7.4 w 00 "Deposits ' 1,28 814 74 Dos to other 71. 410 74 cominseatt Yand , and 8433 83,0.5:4 10 The above statement corroct to the beet of iny knoviledge and belief. EL N.. JAN Nita Y, Caetder. Athrzlied before nu), this I. day of Jo I, U. 11. ISNAEL, Notary Public. VU{ ERCHANTO' AND MANUFAC ALL TUJLIMY BANK. Prrostraaa, Jul. 1. 1841. 4:59500k1 000.44 Cirett9o99o... „ Wag to:1 Duo s Nyualtora.--- 379,0 9 t 0 ])as other Baia, 60,601 45 617 963 14 .Losaa and Dtacoonta-.--......-.: 244,4444 47 N "B otarand - Ch.; l, .. "— ororher - laultTh - 7.7 . ... !S_l :4 t3l 46 Due by other 8a0k5.........---.—. 7. 31 3 ._'", ^!, 0, (humuunweattb of Pean'a Loam—. 30 000 4 U. el. Government Lam £ Truantry 1,074., 00 07 The ot"l aboly - a - u . tram ---- eat la CElrrOCM ".... and -- frue to this bun of my krannodge and bullet. J EVICErr, Castdar. Jwy,1863. Sworn and subseribed belbr. me Ude let day al Notar ECHANICS' BANK OF Yirrs• Prrmntott, Jaly 1, 11109. • LILBILITIIO. 03 Duo to other36,lltl Duo to 383.613 as ASSET& U. 8 Loans 1121 d D 110 . 1112 ...........-51,1125.1:43 20 Da by mbar St 613 e 2 n nnc h, is ynnitn_...., ' 61.4i4 18 %roma" Noise and tioisasnd (Mocks on otJass 1 1 8 831 04 Dspossted la U.S. buo-ltsame)...... 00 00 $1 Me SOO as The above statement I• cornet, to t h e beet of my knowledge and belief. CEO. D. Cnehler. Elworn before me, ads e, day of J ...AN., .CNaa,,Y ..r. I . ILON CITY BANK. Pis-renown, Jule 1, 1863. Capital 400,900 Loon mad s • ,v •, er b. eauu to o oth L to, WI. ate_ 46 ,•00 03 Depalted u 0 b. 200.03U0 D. by other 8ank5......—...._.... ... Ow 49 Non. .Y 0 Cann .1 other Banks sod uuitod States Treasury buses-- 244,3 T 93 4ode 133 ;6, 9/ --. 7086 7 In Duo to other se u 73 81 Dm GUI 019 IA Tb. Limy. sualauent Is correct according to ths best of es knowledge and betel. .1. e AGOIMIN, Gander. Lelrmed anagivet •ro au, this day. WaltrltaNY, Notary Pabllo. A LLEGHENY BANK. Piressusos. July 1868. 8 0 0.000 0 0 Luaus sod Übssante....—.—.--. t 4 Duo I. stint 83 884 VS ) 3 , .0 0 0 0 Notes saki Cbsekssi ..b. patika.-... U. et toss. se,SI ord.*. SA I/0 ISSAS tO ct u o rnlatfrur 'MOH 00 w h pwa ßeh io. k. 0,4 0 4S tba The aLo .. caw --- rr.ct 00. 1" 91 aOS b." of m and Imhof. J. %V. COOK, Cashier. Brom mto before au this day. o oaf.. tf. Notary Public. xs w irratrisitsamm-ra. WANTECD—BoAsuman —Two young via, to obt.lo istios of too cat, on do Ono of ono or Um Plumbic. Jboll • •11.1 gOI 1.122, Pittsburgh r. O. MOTIUK—We have this day wools. trd in H.e Nor ED. in lb.a win taste pi film a+. style°, ttio Mtn, in Into", will be atEJIZ a BRuTHIO2.. IEED*E. NOIRE, lb X. Pittsburgh, JEN ht. 'Mil. trtast LUST.. -On Unesday u Os, about 13i oaten. 'net tee reel Ike's* Inpatow be tines tine est tee Allegany Anneal. • Lentil. KR, powir Howit. magenta( WWII ph to DLO to aesey. wt pipes of oe wpm, moon* .e• Dear Ft the fader w It lean the ranee Book wad Peons ot ilwathee et Pineal:olQU Ottso• JO tn. At tan tense se • on at the nasty ee Is olnern awl Pve NAM. A LLEiiiiiiN V OuIEINTY, U. MM. She thestharaelth of Panto,mania 10 Um thamf Owed County areellag. Lent optima we* presoaks is rpm Cbled, an ba and y, the Sikh day of Joao 18.0. eating tenth ohs. ea the kali day of April, A. P. gear! Ill•lrellormer sad flea y thelkaboorer (tea pail. tlett.r wasted to from trthr • cartoto laden •am If ourreaye, welch I. recoried Is the B cot d• WA littera e.itt thirsty la TO. K. peer 1211. kr mouthy fith pithetha of urea hiradred dollars, welch nkl time . gy m A . rho 10th day et aril, 1 8 5 10 tiff •iik A. Vrfor; teat peyot a gm made of all the massy or Amager doe Shown e toore use thee year. Wes es the pearntattlaa of read pal. boot Lhat thoitod ki•ese A. Pal n. the levil bolder alba told ektftelete. hoe reatored theca rho etkta of ratheylnalawkaoat swarths satlaterelon open the &cord if the Ma% and lAAI lb. pita tk Dor (natty ii•ltalvaaTm) Is she owner of the rename there- Pied ea Dow • e - conuaand roe. Could !Merl% to moo a old% wince the thee os re tooth to N d teeltlo a. *yea the Meal repremetattnee, U to lee You'd is tbe a omt.l • lad In ca •th legal nirrometoliree of the iald labia Pet r cannot be loud la the sato 000 0tl teal Ore peony Dales la one aterepater phist within the add county. OL • • link Nor Lie beano siece•tlndy. pke te the neat km of Cost I, Midst*, the odd U hen A. Prior, or bit letal rep ots yytathos, ta appear at gold tees of Mart sod so seeea penile, or show owes. 10 as, Do boa *O7 netelte not end , harepat thee sod there the autos of tto 1/4.61111 by whom rya than 'oe /NMI oboes tit hb oe 11.04. aed thleafelt: Wthateit 514 iloa..eltais P. Invallarr. Ffedfent of tot odd tweet, stn fittsbuttli, to 10. h day of /dad. A. Dam . es IST AMON, Prothonotary. Si lungs . I . Ptior—Tako moths of shore: ILLEST WOODS, abatiff. JAUdgerrY , . A" D(NANOIii re stir. to Ekto Votleso of Limas. on Voalci.s as. banl. Br II aging mid sagegag As MIA, Al. Ansa asd.lrl.r.aj PiallarvA, Ada n erg )gsmo ammioted, mot ie dendy memed ar. magi sr ,Ass.. roan That mon aad slur it pee ass or M' stannous It shad b o o dos, of I Hy Temotom do•igaoto mom. Pail • Odisgor OGn• .tea., or •th•r tossmoss, and sot berms sod samovar Woe bank ant on puma. •ho baes halod to . .run sir elth th. yr riesosa al, to• orossones laglation s. Idesmos on •Mosist la- Me 01sy ol Patieborah. otd.s.ord sts d mated • mil. IS, 1N0,.04 retold a spit 56,18811, in veal, sa.• Boat rot it pogo 1614 4 . , 10 1, 4 = the Immo so him; for • bIA 14 0 9'0 $ tM 4 Mall escohr Moats ot d tyng" la Nob alt lobe Maid and 611.10114 tio , oau span eatolosion as aforesaid „ , ebb IL ?bast not 'ball bi ado old at rept bog us• abets soda how ligelltros to tig d.liadnints hir tbaborsodas pausal soder tliannslaag... ISO l Vast last patios - of us, gain 'aiestfon : ol lbo mileage.. Vona dd • orb lob Maki talbsidosy 'Of Q. (flag of Pones to Olga said most; and id. nil. '' UCl ier Ps.. crtp.aos• I.oaintass lonoth, s lad Um gam aro bendy restated onlalag and aosis.d Ist• s {IR tkotatoille, this hits day of JUR. • M. Bet NO No %ULM% Progdont of Balsa Oatmeal. AU.* Nentiom, Viagt of Basest OartadL J N KITT! N. Prisktint of!.Ontrion OoitsciL "At,tilet: Novi 111111urriuy Merit of Iloorron Ontrn,ll. LI. 280 131‘0100140 tentsrm iutt eikta-6, watt bunt tWo..tcw7 dwelling Moos tad tot at droned farut.l S 681464 main, 'Arm And nay. guar Waco, two trout ponoteAr one It 'soot Moon lama 'Had. Fifa. ee M a nnwn Ana. h 4 1 . 4 . U ri•elist pt. 3 atl h. 114.1. me, taIJU no oft Until Thetestar: Walt deities of hall. two pule" times r•oe, kite aa, e Ilto, bath mom and a deco bes i altaiteaalhoondstrest. lama alas peatesee, ottrepotigerp a INstoodll AA I 40Lr /Irk .1 is 4,r. 01:4 8 :1 L. ago, dthossod so ottoo4 wr 0 iv( o( 'Amor &Woos of WI 14001 1 , gm*. (00 , $44 b°Bl4baria. DT WI oitiat, Atto4, Va.*. Puny( 04,k 1.11(41 200 kr 6Lo. 1 11. AMYate II t gale by 000IG PIM? 011, XLllllllllMdlal 01111114 xzvr 4D AMR DOR THEt TROOPL. All the NITLITLET 800 KIN et RUNTS. IVILDICRIV NSW POSTA OL3 WRITING DWI. OH UHL& BOARD, La., et HUNT IL B^LDIIIINP NNW PORTABLI WRITING DINE AND WOBISBOR. nt • 11171r11. cIA EOLDINILIP DRISSI NG 819, at ISTATIONZBY PON tPOLIOI6 et • The sunlit:4lo se-ous U t M of S. am COROOBANIS OAP 1111 TY. only 9S wale. la c cix ra,A I` KZ •LZ BPI. PAULI ell t,I Tel PUTURIMVonIy 15 mote. TB *IINTBITINGII Or • TOUbO LADC OF FE Nies NNSBBOWNLOW. UR II,IA NIA IN iPBBLISIAROIN, oily DS owe. AI orRH. Neat Br. only 15 teats. PSTIRIONNS MILITARY NGVNI.A. MA Pe olt TBNI &NAT OPWLIA DINE BOOK& BONG 800 AB. ARMY, DYCK AND TITS BOOKS/ Lod other 1117810 LAM, it half ;doe, to dote tham out, at JOHN P. HUNT 2 B, MABONIO usu. rime erraarr. Ato uttu.1 .21., OUppiellieJltui y t 1 ortinance hereto ore patted rotating to the 0 soprano... of Bel.roed B 42 01 8110.1. Be 4 ord kid sad otooki by IL Mayer, di. deices sad ciekews opPLusbezpi fe &f cad Coat. wow Muscat owetabitil, ad 4 tomboy emoted bp Ow ciaboritp of the .exie, that the troteae.secti.ad yn c'Actuate. au heritiog the inane of /1000 0 to S. K. chanted kr bonds towed In PIIV O /0t of .. b O VIP . lion. to Ballo, d Companies,. pawed the Ifth depot October, ti. D. 1064 ce so etn.nded to to antherios theta us of itesias, tuanin Obviated, bating not lees than Montt oar more titan any 3a- n to ran, with or wttotit am; one. d when nscsaary gums of bete that: ano Mounted, dollars sorb, for tt e o upon., or ammo .ntetert duo on tho Bonds kr which they ,bell be given In cathangs or proton ; wheat Bode, tad tba laterrit there.n at War per • wit yes anima, may he node potable In abhor of the tithe of bow to k or Phlkidelphts, at kw opt leo of the crediter; and all *tn Benda which mg be Immo, and which have Nan so Lined, an Moab) , de-Jared valid. $3.005 M 5 10 Ordained and enacted Into • law Id Councils, this nth day ot.lnne, A. D. 1803. JAWZB vaetnsx , President of Select Omar& Attest I. 8. lloaaow, Clerk of /elect Connell. JOHN Ef. KILLIN. • Preddent of Common Connell. Attests Hvoiclnltaarr4, Okra of Common OonnelL Att fisaiSel% s autnorizing the Onidielf, Patine end setting with Oarta ono P.... street, from china irgb et .a ?splay it., Si. Ito. 1. De it orelabed and mooted br the !Ewe, , A IL. &nun and eineens- in sod gm. moo (bead, eioaablert. r aad it it iir4l sautal bp I& millers, of .he emu, Shat the teeming eh relator be and be Is harini) amazed to 'salamis tor the Orating, Payton" lead settles with Cubut. as Pate n r et, uom Wen Watt to Seiler • riot, and to , ot the gen • to acettedenas with too proohnone of ea osibeence eoealtilialatillegll pureed ananitill, 1867. Ordained and enacted Into a law la Councils. thin 19th day of Jane, A. D.lBBl. JANIE NoKOLIT. Prorkkm of Wad Ooomil. Attest: E. B. Mossow, Clark of Select Omen. JOHN Y. ILIUM% Prookkat of *mom Council," A oat: Hoag I'Horros, Mork of Gnomon Oorrocil. gloat 1186 Si FOUitTtl UF JULt Slip* Ifetrit COLORS- Ns L. -AL cvt frcm 6 Maks M6O hit. 11203111111TAL NAGS I • BOWING PLAN! OILY FLAGS I • Nunn 71.6213 i aB Yawn MP Po nicks. WI callnige quality $l4 Woo with Ultra wasoisciare. IWP - PlirBlrl2oB PLAO Aft3ClP4o2.o2l' PITIOOEI3 NEWS DEPOT. rirra BTRIIIT, OPPOOI2II THI P.O. J. 47 AN A La eith.— ----- tir o ..',.., I . 4 ., bun L -...-.-10.60. „,,;1 40 01.0arma --.llLtO. ," Pia us. Ilan *.O. SL LOUIS, MO. Li.s .01. \ . in, 106asam•—. .01. -..— r A - I: w.:-• 4 ___.....- • /00 psviot secorod the Agosoy Ibr no sal* of Out Woo!, wood ors It Loa% Yo„ sat Ms sttsollo. r Gloss sod 140.1 blossiostarets so los aOJfIM tv soon as rosortod by trots, 4.. A. Sam of Baton, sat J.O. Booth, of Pltitsiolo Ws, .tacos, loss tbor wilt tie test of acdablarsperl boos by milaUlleftrais la tbsoberitit. Olsolsistl sad et. Lad., Naomi's/ It to so jos rows sod soot ssinsbio Cloy sow buoys. oboist' ar . alassioss Pato issio boo it bse• stood Is tho Mose illsroolo boos id Imadibk_ tie Agalsol. Is of faxi May so was from the temp t - sretsost say maths' or proporstiot is list one. passamoso drat sdboatossams sad p ontOliy gas Woe. wbk are botolsoms by No boobs% sod chat dolt of tbs, almistsio of I boys pooyortlos of dab sr bossed cloy. • Ima sow proostod to el crains for UNII share to be Mahood tom et. Loots or dollosnothoss. ALEX. GORDON • • a Ns I>Q UOOND NERINT. Woks rwrivoltaw. Pi. rawest adur i t to i t aralis . ;l l 2 . lilll. MOTICK...-Tiut attention dell oaten 1.11 wan bass tam boaoraWy dishanted ea.'s. oust or yoaa.a or, anabUtte. and 11110 *eke to' .a• . sour the sands le 'tee lavaltd Corm to eallad to to. smirks, of lieural thd Is. 101. of 1103 nos the War Depertstat. Is lb. wan skroegarat Soo amuday. meth 'Saes are nape Mid oo e. 17 p ospris aa of Wit*. der. sad to sad *d prarlatoio r widen eapnaatne tans. provided. let p aMLo he'll., Lavinia Only sue tbai eimaraeseed. tltatr Wel shine delay is wad*, to Via. &Slag Askant& "roam itaraa Owerai Or owe ut whoa taty 011 7 1 tarn mangy ariaaat Proton Ranaud Oaneral at awn toewaed tbe sp~oss. yds Ida !odors: seat. to tba ?mast alaralud General al the Wan Olken dir Re !undid Oarys will to appotatod sadist* nyoa tandtadagmew aned by, enteral Ores No. 111. of lila, eras W it Depart. mesh. !bar Pld/ nallasoleusinta will amass nom date*, asepses Of nun eapolanseata, lad not tram date el assatuttonat tae nepaoGra eas. ausda to which Syr tearbe malgast; • • 1.41 ray; my110:11a Preweet Mo relia fkortaral, Ps ins orr/04. Oztratee or P mama, .91 Fourth oat Pt* Jana /la QiCAL BD rfitik' will be reosiv• 11J ad at thlo . r otatil DAtir al boo. far fatal** to W. Valtod t 1,000 iYlnk liattlibk* pi la at*. LowerOom loasuoto amp M Naowd to , at... or trobte. sz7, tbo osouttotal***lnsi .1,0414 torn (ft va,k Mau* mit acaotapia, tat' • • • • " oaitati ot l ad! Wir •- . 0174.41 P • . 1 4T ; / 2,l **ltit aow fa Ur way of •:- ' ' 13 OPTS, : 4 * l * I sUpEs, Moo* 801 l Auction Item , 65 MTH EITREEST.' ' J4O H o mist Ifshu n sumo omit Lamar lioin) Trn, 60. 00. WOll/.111 $004.01*...... V.. OCItt"l11011610:rn LS` MU a O.ILi # 4I NOULO.0 0 1/...........t LINI• cnnadnono war motel Now AND copzurf voitaiiies amiss AM ail, «am s *ride W 4. • .1 WI, anima WTI. I. Ohne Wpm. ... [ all ITYIWIRUR 1306b1121 iN 6.lSesied po. wli to ibillowars Oosalteas of wo rushed at ka Oka !anat./Ea DAT, Jilt JO. DM. et Wakwli *Et Wale* *won Ibr Via sawn& ONVIDOODowa: Blldhus inn oak Dow mock pe *UMW the WI. moniao wily' two asl Sok • thrs ing pie tuba doir WO. rah gelato rum 0111ktA nag 11011/110.00mgeaw. GOODS. RBDUCEWILIOB 1 Mu balm of oar dock of Summer Dress Goods, Lawns, loanbiquis, - - rang* aunt* Silk Sacqu im 11 • ELM letavir. BM Cirsalser„ *ad Dv* elmNantil UM/ hiCe% VW's - Mu vim Ilaarose !wow =flEEi 49.1e.m...13a,te55iL, 21 FOTH STRUT. QIIMMER DRESS (1001/4 Oar sods. itock of DRIBS &ANA w‘li a tff.rid it W ou sad allot loiui Jul. Oth, at tow trit mm40211141'00, 95 Jekßh vtrivi. 101RIOR8 BR- Aa U 0 >t 11.—Mara 0 radlaVrtosixt ifteaatt. rmt.4 1 awl; for sat at Waco! prim, by WEITZ. OBS t 00. , IN Fifth PUN. *that. SPEOLLL NOTIOE JOSEPH HORNE & CO. WW open nu& Itet• OR Monday Morning Next. TED antra stoat at SUMMER GOODS WILL bs marked down sad cased cat WITHOUT REGARD TO COST I ee'CIALL AIW 5.110011 BLIMUMI; at 77 and Id Market Street. BAREBB. 00., 68 wAssrirr STIMET lir la continuing/ of havbat to dam ar Mom fra vpirruiL4p. sat toiswiti mei lam which Imald Tina from aaoth• or claim we him detindowl 16 oat oar Inadosso otodk at am. £ll goods wilt be sorbed at prim to Eton their THE. GREATEST BARGAINS w. r... ..n Olkeed VI WILL AULD TIM MIL • W LUX SALLIAG, AT TTEAT LAW MOIL I,ioreiirrrhulathim . smabraculai, MaCrUin Sg -78 La= annt /d 0 amnia Tomas' MID DIAMOND. GOUNTRY.STORBILKBPDBB AND swam iniaLlialk a •a• !sir satWO. imitautoniNliftleVeektaus.4‘llo.l”lnie Tanamiatannusk sonar & grAnnlis ' Mili01,01111110: 11111110MIl t _IIUMI, I‘OIIIGOODC BlittNDIM •il • 11121h111111 , T1V0151133, • - , aa masa and niltsitar aM i =osaaritiait - • It lilla graft Om, 11/•iamilata *ld a rat *ma atlanamsaamil thia it* earbariaw Id toollrilla so art lirejimilimper* Sims, lad p9 lollo . B lcapadC.. . . A I . CRIJIII.74.ftLIDE, ! • ~ : , . .alimmratasin,, laminas roma aaa : • RlOOOll6 ;Mini 4U, . MOW 41 . 11 MM taii, wow; lek:rd', '431 , 10 - 10 , U:Se : -or . idanialrilLllo l /4090114:•:'! 1,4 -.4 4,4 ;a • BOORWICE . 1 • 'Mani 1,-ff ry., ~, OeMitilmee TettetesealleirtM , MM, D o eo • - retegesellelper ' - De ,ikr: i ,niarro Vote irdioner_ ; L .. ; lerge Widde makertia. ear 11 / 1 •=7 34 7, m TM Chteenee Douro& or ....... . b eau um vilkstorl a M L ll=7, 4 74. , - ~ ' - ----- W male IMO OMM ' i , ` lit.et , ruS 'midi. , •;. , ' _iim.ilmaxiiisietitsio,, MN= PALM sot 111 4W1Fq 1 4 1 4 knotildm , • it% 4rdi.t..., , ne1k.MT4 11 3 1. 0 1 4 1,-. ftilV Mall ends WON. 11A V ego., pD mem stui.alle. E==2!s Dar Boons. pANTO GOODS, J. M. Burchfield's. Dor omunicsusi ours ea,- 6 ;6 nusi Do. LIEU PA$ ITtir plaid sad Oath; LIB ma =Gni • Banges, BLOIIIIII LIU= i 0017011 D ICS, Ed. Pads IINTIJOXY XIAIS AND SWAM 81 1 / I XII2 V/37211011; And 'MI assortuout doodle. wan diasipl6% es lamb sad soiling . Ob•ap capaa. wUrellir WITb DNALM EA.TON, NACRES *:co., Nos 17 aim 19 PoPra tilel3oo,` , , Jobessuie! f iapi l 4:4 lIMILUKK Boos -; ENEW=NENNS: ENNEW: mu m% imam, °DWANE , . Xl* NOBUCRY, GLOM. imam. And w kV reortasiist of - MALL 1 / 1 1.11NO WED 1110 TAMIL ' The kw paws avid* oar fait wir.esillismil mats ma to °Ss WWI thitionmals ft tart sad 001:11TAT . 11:BUBA1116: niroutzeoad an who bay firithiptic affirms.. 63 %lira • U &alai ametesat et SILIC • • • ,*. 'L ' • SUN- 1311131.114.10 at bind papalt*, tia. ea ratalsal• lad Mal hum; at . „ zeros. =must a OR 4.011171LeILIC4714: 1 ';; WRITTIEUXIBeII bus w= 1 1......wmapelf r aft= s : iro Angoom.Pdidaalaniio:lllll* ale Nail ta Pettus* Ma, 11=1 amtlinia Mob, Olmink,6o wadi ftadkr 001 Odonell Garb S aim oeaa Ditsio,faimies IrLastUti lye thrfiliit Oa Nodesthatior sat .4.102.• sins abstain marsiw- I, ': . inaupernia..l Taaroozartanra .- - ,,1 ' luau mum—. - ct. Neal kiillas 11/1111.011. "" ET . takialL OTAILTOM To mu:iisolo with. =!=l Or. a'rldlar, balsas afar. 1110DIMICIL.ii. ordurris: ex rhD-A smaid iosN povustaleiss,p,n4,o. noun L EL VOIUT• UU W. Arbakli, KOTA Mot - se woo • moult; asposi n d avorks. 0•1••••111arraft Pas raw, anseslowl UAW ritlipryte• wan imesfrea • &Weft • . eue:lemb et - SHAW* misc. U/.AfaILLN-647414,.scureri-V—L *SU SO tats - Apasoni ewer Okla* 111114,aelsale upper. pad; le ea ay yew away nay" woks yualuass., -Adder. . a,. KAMM: ares•••• 1 . „Autpek t uas . ititalrusj) ll= tepid= =innermost wila be Minh be ite • OCOOllillOOO4Ol of vista= en the Wen Wr.J1122 WM. ma wilt koaL Ara aotlllN Idethehic• iluottatat war be salsa IN abatose thaw, a, eon anal ansaitemstlan ova satire rtaillacias so peadm; • - ar Sedtaa Itailraiad lns isw dm to MGM Dallas Mak= els cm Iselt=sho ot elee=l, cad Ma' Wet petit lessmos ar m seleve. eoliTtled 10 the Mtge In tiet emernalte ~ AA* arrit km Min to imps dialers sad SaaMsitato titttli ballad ltdior thommi nal= et she fellembi mama itbelithr aor baLt tom!. Meheort) Rs= si batavil. Otaka 4101 p ball betral. - Losk.; la Salasa.:..".:.;;La• O. All seem Mismell L ift'aIMAISIMMIke& ford. pronottr Silekeeet =Me snit tornisr s 4 l the einetrr. is Is etattabia aft .pertinaMAke, don tbaaW =OM Ire nontlailtanisc' thitemmund roe= ess smitstmeennrimmo big the. Iltstapt wW __adaltahuMblLll./20., etitlltine tur anu,MhfS lITALAGI". EZo=== mar arDOOTIONII nualv) NEW OMWET:B!,I',OIIE . /1004114311 A 00 1 / 7 4110:4,..... . , - n4lia Ti Wax ofwere- • 1 .._. ii•twlis at i *liA ool *-DRP42 P4 I 4WIF ' - iroltlSOliiieltesd:Oefilliitalpaill treat lormatiosiinar , peformittrrn ' Aro girstm •• pia simmoinr• "ei iopqmolatirs de am Gratisio• of sows Our nmik .... i fifis I* ado Us mean iiies'aiiiiiit " `-' '.' ' Wejails* arilal Who. mouirAgtAbia.lllll TO TWlnillialra 1111 MIX t -111 1 1 1,415 W pod" on ao# . 31fla; billltir xlitkast pEr10744010*.8.: jergreffitil b lif IWO* 0031311114 211ilAILIIM.SZVOUCIIIIk .!- . - il :.1 1911)41 1if* i V e righi '' 162 a• igera1ir.9.0,401444.1.401W :a* 1-1 • inglimPooktitssAfikallio loalgratOkaohllisioebillitustikkrias• oiliti c iwaA t oia s . an xr,r , 1411. e. • ..41011,TWIL; , . • • • -- - 1 7 r. Apr, I t • be lir .177.7.3 Om% A ,11,110011111411111..aiiiVieMZIr : 7 ,- i r .I.r• A?l, - Anagyi. .. . o n itti ma i the a. . Sac rol= 1.1". ~____,Ellraest la ii,..._.. .m unitaws anio ...... .___ iiii ftr iejlr eur wnrarliglikairaissa ar. = ,„....,,,,,,hiad 'maimam K is* iris witaillaister es• gismo *lit iteramis•v ow .liiits• Or liba plow* 0 as of ilis &L./karat iit libe NW `Aa MS USW , iii Akio easing slaoaarestamp "vs soilialtssfaid Alljnilig,g OA li Ma Oki Wag pone win. , .- ,-, • • :' ~. . '' _,___,_—" liiillillint nwitin , A;':-* driMilloiranagna. Lir SAL PreNow% is defy! ~ Dm mum , bleb: Of .Lialit OM- it. 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