ittstrirgit tiazettg. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 1 Unto& COW, TiCket • For Prosidool Ando of A. I:Naried Mort. NOM NEWTON. •r. JOBS P. GL I ZA. 4•""iir. rt etramo ALMA. in; BANS B. HILIIIION. rr. WK. H. DZHNIBTON. v. TEO& J. NIGHAML re, oilArit of Owls. VAL A. HZENON. L' For Comfy Hr.... • DAMP AIM. Jo. Itroo 4 .r. • ANNUM NOMURA. Wll. J.BIOHAND III Iri. Ter2...olH* Forrodroossor. ONORes D.. LIMN. For Mow pi A. JOHN I. DPATO. j f Th Binjaetion. • All the elements of tremendous war are in active motion. The operations upon Vicksburg were going on vigorously on the 284 nit, the latest dates we have. The story of a great repulse on the 22d, pub lished in the Chattanooga Rebel, is a pure fabrication: Gerieral Bosumus is once more in mo tion, arefeipears to be carrying all before him. The details will be found on the fourth pigs. The reported advance of 40,000 rebels into Kentucky, if true, is rather startling 'Leis. It is, however, probably nothing more than another "scare," similar to sev eral we have had within the past few menthe. Oat the movements of the armies of the Union and of the Confederacy in Maryland and Pennsylvania are what at present ab sorbs the publkt mind. When Lax crossed the Potomac, General Hooves, it is gener ally believed, platted hie army on the line of the Moncoacy, where he could. at once cover Washington and Baltimore, and ren der an advance by the rebels into Penneyl 'Tanis a vary hazardous-operation. It is not known at present where the main body of Lax's army is. Some assert that his headquarters are at Chambersburg; but this Is, we think, quite improbable; nor do we believe the stories we hear of such large bodies of rebel troops being in Pennsylva nia, Bands of predatory horsemen have been dashingebout, supported by some ar tillery and possibly some infantry; and it ie their policy of course to give out to the frightened population stories of advancing armies of ten, &teen, twenty, and even thirty thousand—stories which they, in their shameful stampede to the banks of the Susquehanna, 'would not only receive as verity, but magnify. Lis having been allowed to cross the Potomac at all, nothing better could have been done by our army than has been done; and be Isx's army where it may—in Pennsylvania or Mary land—soaditating a sudden dash upon Bal timore -or Washington, General Mune is in a position to checkmate it and brink on a battle as soon as he deems it expedient to do so. With Muni in his rear it Is im possible for Liz to maintain his position in Pennsylvania, or even north of the Potomac, for any length of time, unless he can defeat his antagonist in a great battle. Strong reinforcements, it is said, are - coming up from Fortress Monroe to join our main army, and their arrival will probably be the sigUl for more active and decisive mos-animas. "The Blood of Douglas" Eger vegeta'. In a long article in the Post of this morn tug we find the following ridiculous Ben fence: " WoUld to heaven that the general gov ernment, in the beginning, had intrusted - the conquering of the rebellion to the re spective States." That the editor waa a little daft when he penned the above is shown by what pre-' ceded it. He had Pat said.: "Let us arouse to a buoyant feeling of 'self-reliance, and *how the world that 'the blood of Donlan can protect itselL ' " "The blood of Douglas " in the Table of the editor of the Pittsburgh Post, Why, that bests anything that we ever.heard of. 'The Mayor of Yorle, who ran seven miler to -. I a rebel to whom he could surrender his se he belongs to the same party, prob . 470.Yhiis some D oug l asblood The /Ostia al this is grumbling because the Preaideit, or somebody else, did not ' send - the army of: the Potomac into Penn sylvania in advance of the rebel army. That would have been admirable strategy. “Ths Cositituttolk as ft Is. 19 One of the resolutions of the Ohio Peace Stele Convention, is se follows : 13. That whenever it becomes practica ble to obtain a Convention of all or three fourths of the States, such body should be convened for the purpose of proposing such. amendments to the Federal Constitution si experience has proved to be necessary to maintain that instrument in the Writ and meaning Intended by its founders, and to provide against tam convulsions and wars. "The Constitution uii is," es the Cop. pukes& have phissed their Utah-fool mot to, Sauna the Contliution with "modern ..improvements"--said "improvements" ba lag of the quality proposed in Congress two winters ago by the great leader of Cop perhead Democracy, "Exiled Vali►ndig hem." The "amendments" contemplated in the alms resolution are undoubtedly this ones drifted and recounnended by Val ..landtgham, among which was the following, tis ligltsa seinsilon and the breaking up of the Union: • ARTICLE XIV. e No State shall secede wiihout, Meow:tient of the Legislatures of all the States of the WIWI to which the fithte l propeeng to se cede belongs. The President shall have power to adjust with seceding States all quehtfons arising by reason of their seces sion; but the terms of adjustment , Shiba be submitted to the Congress for their appro val before the same shell be valid. The Ohio Peace faction should amen their old motto, to read, "The Constitution brto hi," when the rebels tell what lamendments" ars "neonsiry" to "provide aping, Tatars oonvulciorm and ware," like the pretteuL CanDium or T GoTnunciurr.—A /wont letter from Washington rays: . The big hada, likely to be fought within, a very few days upon the soil of Ilitrylud or of Pennelvanis, la looked for ', ward to - from the itt, quarters without ,inreitenslon. It is believed that with our unuiertosi mtperierity, and our position in a feloadlj country, we *sand,if oursoldiere (jre 'handled with am skill, be beaten. - A Noma= letter am gut thi were orpalsed.os th e Bth inetest4 for eourti the first time hilts:folk &et its oewspstionby the United Otetes form. ~,Ptrgs.; ‘ - z- - x. • - ••• •••:•:•*. ' Rosectans . Advance.-The OpeHing Campaign in Middle Teanmiges. Mr. SWINTON, the intelligent correspond ent. of the N. Y. Times with ROBECILLISB' ST[Dy, in a letter written on the 24th, just as the army commenced its movement, gives the following interesting coup-di' coif of the opening campaign: Our strategic mancenTre, I take it, will be on the enemy's right flank, and willen dearer, if possible, to grasp his commniti- cations. Many hero are of the opinion that Bragg will not make a stand at Shelbyville, Tulla homa, or, indeed, anywhere alopg the line of the Duck; but that he will; after embar rassing our progress se much as possible, fall back to the line of the Tennessee river, in the vicinity of Chattanooga. It is, of course, possible that he may do se; and this would certainly be a course that would not jump with our wishes, as we should have made our march for nothing, and added thirty miles to a line of commu nications already too deep. A movement against Chattanooga at this time and with our present force Is, I fear, out of the ques tion. There . are, however, several considera tions that will prompt him to hold tin to his present position; and if he abandons it, it will be because is force has lately been so much reduced that he fears a battle. His retreat will give up to us the wholeof this region of Middle Tennessee, in which a crop of cereals is at the present moment ripen ing, unprecedented irate yield. Thdy are so anxious to have command of it, that they have for some days had a detail of ten men from each company of the ninety-six regi ments of Bragg's army out gathering it in. We shall be very apt to dikuirb their liar vesting operations. It also brings us into a dense slave population, hitherto Untapped, where the emancipation proclamation will have a fine field of operation, under an army which marches on. ..thorithag the battle cry cf Freedom." With reference to the all-important ques tion touching the strength of Bragg's force, that is a matter difficult to settle. In a former letter I told you that several bri gades had gone to reinforce Johnston,-bat gave it as the opinion of the best authori ties that no great mateiial reduction of the rebel force had taken place. Ttuire seems now to be good evidence that within the past two or three days, a considerable diminution has taken place, and almost the whole of Cheatem's division is reported to have gone to bliSsissippL If this be re ally so, it of coarse adds to our chances of whipping the rebel army, but Wale° does to the chance that Bragg will fall back Without giving us an opportunity for bat tle. If he adopts this latter Policy, you must not indulge in expectations of much in the way of pursuit. Bragg is a master -at retreat; he moves wick an excessive lightness, and he has his line of retreat en tirely., open. . If you will recur to the considerations presented in the elaborate article on the strategic relations of the forces in this the atre of war, published in the Tinsel a fort night ago, you will see that we have little reason to hope that we shall be able to get a decisive baule on the line of the Duck River. I may say that these views are shared by all sound heeds in this- army. They seemed to indicate the prudence of holaing ourselves here until a solution of the complications on the Mississippi would authorize our entering on a campaign from which we might really hope for great ulte rior results. The reasons for an advance, I however, now pees much stronger than they did a fortnight. ago. Although in previous speculations the weight of opinion has gone against an ad vance, at the present time, yet, now thee it is actually inaugurated, a groat actiiity, spirit and vigor are displayed, and every body is bending his energies to the great. task. My last letter will have given you an ides of the superb condition, both morally and materially, of this army. The hack neyed phrase is literally true—the men are itager for the fray." It is possible that we may be more fortu nate than I at present look for. I pray Heaven we may bet We may be able, by a rapid and vigorous advance, to compel a battle that will be more or less decisive, and a cavalry expedition to cut off their railroad communications with Chattanooga is on the programme. We shall also have the harvests to which they are looking to feed their already pinched soldiery withal. If we pt command of the line of the Dunk either with or without a battle, it will probably be made an eventual base. The railroad track between here and Shelby ville, with the exception of abouttwo miles, is said to be entirely undisturbed, and we shall be able to bring up supplies rapidly. For the present we take twelve days' rations —three days in the haversacks of the men and nine in the wagons. Gem Meade, the successor of v en. Hooker, is already pretty well known to the country as a corps commander in the Army of the Potomac. He has not figured quits as prominently as some others, though his corps (The Filth Army corps) is second in discipline and condition to none in the army,and wherever it has been on duty, has been handled with a skill sec ond to none. It did not actively partici pate in the late battle of Chancellorville —the First. and Fifth Corps having been held as reserves. Tha,confidence of all the corps commanders and of all the officers of the army in Gem Meade is very high; and we may now state that after the late battle at Chancellorville his appointment to supercede Gen. Hooker was urged by every corps commander, with, perhaps, ono exception. There is no doubt he will be loyally and warmly supported by the• offi cers of the army, as he was certainly the one whom they generally designated as their first choice. The officer next in rank to Gen. Hooker was: bilabial/ desirous that Gen. Meade should be his chief. His intel lectual characteristics are sagacity, decis ion and firmness, with, of course, all the other soldierly qualifications, and- he has also education and experience.—Neto York Timer. . . Gen. Meade is far better known in the Army of the Potomac than by the public, though his reputation with the latter is high. No general possesses more—we think none so much—of the Confidence of that army, and eapeolally of the - . confidence of its generals. Ile is an oilier of extraordi nary energy and of unquestionable devo tion to the cause which the army rtownnder his command must defend from imminent deadly peril. His sortie's in the present war have been conspicuous, yet his capaci ty to handle a large army, and that army in such a position as the army of the Pete moo at present, is to be proved by trial only. The time is put when personalpar tialities or prejudioas i eon bo indulged. The question. Is: Who shall save the Be public 7 Li the earnest hope that General Meade may be equal to the vast responsi bility just resting upon him, we bid him Goa .firrsh in his momentous task.—N. Y Tribune. A ,PLIAL appears la the Nashville papers signed by Bezeos BlLTheze. W. G. Beams now. end eight oiled TlllllOlllll3O loyailste, eallincon "those who desire to, labia Lela the 13 thw Government la connection with the Yed• :Gal Vision as it stood prior'to• the rebellion and the war, to nneet in.convention by their delegates at the espitatin' liashirille, en the Li of Juiy." - •.t , PITTT—ItOITET—Ott .Tailday, &tubing, /an ma, 18133 by tho Usv. Atm Douglas, D.D.. •ELKS . r. PiTTY, Zack, and lOai Aptilll 1110.1.74 T. at of rittstoarih. . . YIREWOOD—Ou tW26gt fast, it Alixavdtfa, Virginia. of wounds recolvidds Ilia UM. of Inm an wattle, Got W.I. Elltlairce4D, of the Ind 80. TYe grhads,. to Walt Ilia foto:4 Tenon tiostoietia4ll, et le Vole*, froti the nddsate et his either. IS Ur vim Mims Unmade, ts mood to it. Xlk.toy oinotory. Cortissei loom Ift. ilespoos's anther, fro. WO lostibliold 'tree, it 11 Voloole • ' - L' 1-4 p. ---- TrfE T i+OMMTS GUA Hos will meet :1:1 , 11 . %rmory. at WILKINS Ei&I.10, OD YDIYnJ /US Via , 14 9 ceelret, fcr the parpce. et ronrsuent orpo's.t.too. By ,rd., of yhrltr THE °APT , . t'Sr. 0. HAM eTUIS HATTER. z , lc) PENNA. YULE geed meta 1,111 be 'lnept ei tv Me Battery. Application may be made to Lieut. & N. HAS BOHR& or Gape.. K. 8. WRIGHT. Prevost /lanais', at Girard Sonar, mrner Smithfield and Third Mesta. JetB.2 10. RECRUITS WANTED, for the 9b llesionant Pa. R. V. 0.. or say other Ponnayinada Basharnata LOW to the Cold. Awl ra troll will Motes one braiding] dollars boonty. Twenty-aloe Colman will be paid in advance as coon so sworn Into the Cot ed Stator for other Information legal* at No. 78 "MU gram, oppeeite the Poet Once L. B. RIGEIRRD, Flint Lieut. mid Recruiting GOlcer, nth Regiment Penna. Reserve Corm. jelillmeon 14' ATTENTION,'CL&RK INFAN IBY I—The comply enrolls! by the n• dendgaed for the els montbl escrioe, ',blob has bean orgentelactn ramp Item., Is, by consent dell canurlici. clumpd tato a three menthe company. to b• attached to a regtmert that Is baths raged for 001. J. B. Mark. All men enteded in tbat onsayang are hereby notified to be In Camp Home en KID NIIBO6I Morning, to be mustered Into mark* A few more men are wanted to to up the company. ban' Wednesday. the 8011. will be found at the old Market Home Allegheny. The time ta abort. We will all be Well Aor the tall electloa. bbe of the 1234 and all others who shit to defend their natty* Stale In the time alb; great est ne.d. w. P. Notlear. OTOR THERE MONTHS. BATTERY A. userntt, Rented to fill up chit Bantry, uudor Capt 7312.TE5.P. The Battery la now to °amp near Wll6ctentourg, with hones. gum and equipments ell ready for the field. Minos and otbent, who are silltog to ni -1 spend to lbe Imi cull of the Governor—for are. mouthy miler/ wooer diesharged—e lit end a read/. log ofacer at the omce cf H. 6.. Weaver. He. 106 FOURTH BTBIBT, who will enroll man and lend them to Oamp. W. W. WARD. - - _ POST 0/1102, ii Pirssusan, Pm, Jai) latsl ll l 3 . 10•NOTIOli—ne new Postal LOAM go Into offal. on watoszinaT, July lat. Under them Laws end Segulsclons, ne partams of Sitars or qsastarly postagos of nowspepara cam be chaiged. as all mall =am must be geld Debra dam limey. Boss CU be Maigsed to pawns only upon poignant el the tent thews! qua/tarty in advance. and no biz will be asalgued to any one "shim the quarterly runt la promptly paid at as esnatearm mat of that quarts:. ths /go el patina on drop lotion will tw tw a oentsech, not eissedlng %oar. os In welsh', and an additional rate cf two sou will ha charged lot sob balloons. or Monica thereof ol addict...sal mash,, la be In ad Dula Pe'DDID D 7 Pat age • asp.. if ony mats on whist. by law tee , p case Is regnlr.o to be p-eptld IL; the mailing of ace shall 11•011 W domination without pi 'payment, combs .h. preprd raw..tu be ohm mid and col. dat the oftls of delivery. if pa. tags is partly pre • polk Us untaid noosee will be Surged as doable raw. Lomas nat needing cromislf ounce in *algal for the ULM , and I. °None* of the Untied Blames warms the tato ham Mao rto Cos to cants, •111 now pus thronlll Ms mai at the sailors rats f m damn tie pat.'s of throe cants per ball Glance. The Bosistronoa too our res.. Onus lot;ons will 'medlar to twenty swig pajabl. in assay. In ad duton W whim. the moss postage most be paid by to• coo...sari amount of postage sassy* ts.ttars to tom Irma instasames .11111,4 WU wt., S. raulad. oar ran rOneolllllll Saha soy discription of prnkto4 collator woo. 1,1 N. Y. VON DOWN LI MIST, Postua.tor. Gen. Meade. IiARRIEp P ÜBLIC .XOTICK& .ELECTION.—Too etookuoldars of the Ilttatmah a Atleghtny %Mae Co. ,teed envy are It.nay aoudad that an itioniuta lor Vtattdaut wad 1-tracton, to INTO [or the ttnnis pat, wilt ba attl at toe Toll now*, et the LiGrib and a the Swigs. on 110a UN a E bY, ot J, oh. /L &mat...Ty and Ttommrat. ZLICUTION.—Tho litAkholders of tn. Little Saw Still Sou Itattrcad 0., aye coraby noosed that an Cleetion will too Del/ ma Prwm..t and to a. rt. for Me turning par. co DIOS DAY. tbe 17th day of Jo :mkt. at tha allke sr lb. Oomparty. to TempamaxvlL.e„ twora the boon of 1.44 o'clock p. m. Vi N[lttHßA GL, Pnoiddra t. Om= ALLassurr VALLat IL L co,) rttutargb, Jana 240. 1E 3. I • 74 , - 6,..T.UE SE MIANNUAL COUPONS C.( the 13:nde of this read, dee July lit, 1563, sill be poll me that de•e, at the sem ef the Gnaw ay, In the City of Iltiabeirgh. [.now holding Cen. pima of this read doe Jammu let, 1563, •111 Ogee mesa item for pagineat. 1•51:2er It. C. DUB. Treamsr. iF ONION 'MEN, ATTANTION.— There will ts en 01.11 motion of the Ilatoe Lawn. of nose township. st TAY. ZEN, on the Peforreolits nook Hold. on Dalt hilt. July I it, at C p. s., at width a!drases Will be delivered by lion. Jain I. Gas. sum WI. Idrisa, Wu. is hills, and others. all bummed la the cams of Liberty and 401 ore cordially tnalbal to Wood. By attar or PRISIDIWZ. hf: B.—A mooting of claims of the township, for the parpoes of drill sod ware, will be hard •st Use , same plea, at 6 o'clock p. of the same day. 53,08.17A8T13 0/711912, OtarnisanPrimilsoo llaudiOAD 00, Clanton& laliv Int& 111 1 2. 11 . - g.A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOOKHOLDMISII of this Company will be hold at Its aloe m Otonlaad,on WILLO9I23DAT, Ilia Lt day of Jay ant, at 10 o'clock so in. on add day, to take hoto andliaratlca No proprhoty of banise ollag the Capita Stock of the Company to as sweat nt to Wow of the wawa= of Its Bond. The transta Book. mill to clad *oi l i g' l,l ‘W cao 25th to July 94. IL BOO&WZLIn 1009:110 Santery. Oman or Wissaas TIAZROSTLY/0111 CO., MOM/04 May Nth, 1263. j O.NOTICE 'IS HERBBY GIVEN to the dubearthera to the Stook of the West. ern Transpcotattan Oompsny that as assearineit ef SIVA Dua.idaia ($2 OD) F SHAYS boo been kited agog the stock ratocribed, payable at the (Mice of the Treasurer, at Pittsburgh ea or before the 13th day of Jane, 1163, sad a like *Mount every thhty days thereafter, WM otherwise nettled By order of the Bard. lam A. J. IffeDOWI2I,L, f °oratory. WOTlOrh—Tho Bubsaiptian Books of iL. Oooper Piro Arms Kw Ossopsoi ‘lll continne rpm at tb• of 00oeltas 00., Book Block, TIM Myst, until tar- Ow notice. tendf XIS W .10 rziri IrIIEJEANVIL _ MoCOLIASTER & BAER, 11 WOOD BTU T, four dome from /Mb, Ham now lo Mere the largest sad mmt complete su for neat of In the cttr, alikb *III be mild at the rag ca qt Ilona Canasta examine tn•m Jr' A NEW NOVEL .. LO .T AHD AMID." By UM Mill. Morton, isotherm, of linen of Oon loath." Jos% publisbed. K AT Jh 00.. 68 Wood. Knot. NUT/US.—We have this day sasocia ted with es U. B. Noll& In the zusou'auture at Flint Climes.. The street the In future, will be *din & SlVlralsau. BID'S. Ma( IN, 91 tl. 8. MAZE Pittsburgh, July let, 1853. A VALUABLE FARM - FUR :,..;ALE, A•l2. situate! bt Hum& county. West Virginia, 1 mi.nirom New Cumberland, sad having an eaten. de. trent on the tilik• deer, (deep astir) • Contains 110 ever In • high state of enktfratrosi Ma two reins of 0011 opining os therllsl-4 lout soda loot stra tum ; s,lim all loot vale of holiest Clay.. A ma kriable trams dwelling, born. sod ottur °Whelk!. lap; • splenaltroiroblud of beet selsetku of knit. T. moths ershing to parebaes a . lie. 1 farm. sod at the swat! time wink the goal and Ira sky. the *bore ovients • ma opportunity fora prollable 'Menet: meet for partmolam ityplrst► limited°. of U. IfoLlik Aou.. Real itatatie agirella Po. 102 Janata al.e reels aleVi er, on the War- AA Willa inTudi.ollSti ct iii 1k- W berm. i.tUn m Mlaintetsattos en the es, tote of 0. 1.. genes, late.ot the City of l'lttabolith! Cieltbuty County, Ye., deoemed, have bin 'notes to the inthectiterr by the Wetter of Allegheny costa ty aforetald, all persona Indebted he the laid *data ore mutated to nuke hamediate payment. and three Wahl' claims or demands aphid tho estate or the old Mutating will pretest the ram without delay to . ILIZaBIITH -- Admhtrttiat Or at the elks of J• 11123 VZICOIL Coq oolitic of fourth NMI Great streets, illaabargh: 1 Itlarattwlt CIEILN T.-100 b. New ltor —We N./ bat trtlf fa nakkaf..lbir ale by 1 _IIIIIIII6T 31. =AMYL irk A N ORDINANCE supplementfOi. t) ti the ordinance bereto'ore piped relating o the Compromiee of Railroad B Aria B=l. Be it ordinsed cad name! by the Mayon Al. demo, cad cilium. of Piustnrrilk, 4 toted tad Coos mos Onaciis eisesmbied, cad 4 where/"' th e maw* of the was, 'that th e ordinance h.tlEisel .An °Mamma authorising the Moue of Bond. to be ex. 'clanged for Bonds issued fn payment of estwerfp- Mum to Berko id Companies." pawed the 17th dep of Osiober, A. D. UK be so amended seto , el:Aborts.. the isms of Bends, is therein directed, Males not lees than timer nor mon than fifty yews to no, with or without Oen Ithe. lend, whet necalitin• In sums of lam than one tboarsad dam each, for the :upon% or arrears E f =tenet due on Din Bond. for which they shall be siren in exchange 0 4 Plc." which Ronde, and the lute:est thereon at four per rent, per snato, may be made payable . to either of the eines of Her Pork or Philadelphia, at the optima ot the creditor; and all rtich Bonds ialch nosy be toned, end which have been so issmd. Mirth/ declared valid. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Cannel% this eilth day of Juno, A. D. 1163. JAMBS Boni:MIT, President of Select Council. ttoot t L B. Nossow, Clerk of Belot JOHN N. KILLIN, President of Common Oman Attest: Hoax Clerk of Comm on A N ONDINAN N authorizing t• 0 Zia. finding. Paving and settles Pith Oartsrone Peon street, Vera Omer isnot to Tailor stow. Sta. 1. 1. 11 ordebsed end =oda by tlis Myr., Al. dales cad Meals qf Piihbary), is Soled eed Cow. wowOcarac f itesserebist, teed it is tOOg .ceded b/ IL eatkordy ode seam, That Recording Ate tor be end he is hereby directed the to advertise tor the Krulint. Plain and sendos with Ocubstcne Pens Mat. froze Clymer stoat to Taylor street, and to let the ewe In accordance with tut Won't". of e n ordinance cooperates streets pealed arolnet 51, 1867. Ordained and enacted into a law in Council, toil Ann Ss/ of Jane, A. D.lBBB. Nostrum, Praddent otseiect ihrtuncil. Attest: R. Clerk S. ofKonaow Select doenciL JOHN M. KILLIAN, President of Common OcninciL Attest: Haan IPlLurrait. Clerk Of 001211t021 Conadl. but MISSOURI (ILLY-200 bbls. kw Nab by EMBRY EL OCILLTEM. Clialfan.--50 •OW choice Hamburg 40 do W. B. Oattiog: • Rozolvod sad Ibr Ws by J. B. 04 IS idLD. 100 bbla..Lonissille sad East, ors Wblto Jut rented kw sal* by J. a OANT/ILD. 11* bsAD-500 pigs Unions, pars, in atm and log oda b, 3 . B. °"1"/"D* P kitrrtnii4LP.ll ALBUhiti. PHOTOGRAPH ALBuita. PROTOGIPAPII ALBUM PROTOGBAPH ALBUM& PECMOOBSYII ALBUMS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM. IPROTOORkPIi ALBUM. AilsMu large supply of PROTOGBAPH ALBUMS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM.... PROTOCIBAPII ALBUMS. PROTOO/UPEI 24.L811V11 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. PHOTOOD.LPH Which far beauty of 'Kelm and'aboapeen are unsen weed, have been tecatvial at XI Mr IN' , Zifaaonia Hall. Fifth fitrear, bta FOURTH OF JULY 8110 W !OVB COLORS F' L A. ar 18r:= 8 htolot to 50 dot. 8.114311111214&1, rciChil I 811N11270.1FLACIS I Au mull I l.t. ou !deka W We dulling, guilty sail piles with Eutaw dor P/ITSBUVIZ FLAG MANCIPACTOBY at PITIOOX'S DEWS DEPOT, 711TH SMUT, °PPOBITi TUN P. 0 AN A LYSIO.- A- 13 t - 74.k, N, lam Umiak ...—XI.BO. St LOUI S, MO, Psi os. Las. 180. Liss .0L Illgauna...— 4, Alt Hadar soospied the Avner tbr the 'sole of th =SLID CLAY, mined near It. Loeb, Igo., I M . die the Mention of ilbemeead Mad Ilannfietneen to the Analysts istmes atoms. es Amend by Frets. A. A. Help, of Boston, and J. 0. Booth, sf Pkilaeld• phts, nh43, toMber wide the test of satinet exped ient, by manftMemen PlUshanh, Olnelansti and flt. Loots. determines It to be Cie purest sad seed nimble May now known. whether foredo or Ameriosn. Pots made from It hare stood In the Olos Immo trout IPX, to neaontha. the Altair!, to of - the Otsy es taken from the MINN ulthaat any wad►t.a or preparation what. mgr. It paw= grad adhesives's= aid plutteity inedible. which me not skews by the Asskide, mid 'delete WWI of Qs setuditin of large proportles of abase Minted clay. I am now to N .cedes for the &bore Clay, te be ahfpp.d from St. Loots or dellrerod here. ALEX. GORDON, Ito. 191 lIZOOND BTAKIT Purim glandan Oman's Oman, t , Wannest. KO 94 386& NOTIOL—The attention Of all officers who have been bonanibly disnaget on so. count of wounds or Shahan. and wit° attar the slinks to the Invalid Vans, is called to the provisions of Grlllend Daiwa so. 1011, of len trots the War Deputoont, ptibed In tho paper' nronspost the country. eon WOW, are rourstal to con ly mainly with ths WOW, of that ar• der, said to seat: thetr written applicalian.ll/1 that in pronni. Irr poitiosui In the invalid Cons, (eta. tine the oharsonr of that, diesidlity,) with se little than as lioadble, to Os Acting Austrisat Provost Kersial lisessal of the State to which they nun ha Sock Sating Andant Provost ilanbal Duna is st otos forward ths oggikationa Will his Worms. ant, in Use PIM* flandul .gessend of the Brats. • Moen kr the Invalid Donna be Wonted ka. sudiatnly upon furnishing the Mtn iftniiilnd,h7 Gomel Oran Po. tl ill, Dom War sent Their pay and cusointasun ZU coln— tuns data of scroptauce et =oh enchant= to; and not Dun date of arnalsaillos of ta• negeothre eon muds to which they may to nwhiit td.J .; MIST, Ptovest listnal broad. GOVISRNMENT BLIAN. Or COTTON. pursuanso of the dlrsotkalethe Sanitary 91 th0 170 027, and of mottos bantams ribillbso. dui liscoad trio of OAPTOBID AND ABANWNDD COTTON Will balms& at fr. Lon', lich. CD Norman Tax arm DAY OF 'Jar azzr. Dated Jane 4N,1883. WY. P. WILL.= ripATK SSITILLE, (gnomon to 1 Tato. 'Jr. • OA,)_PSAOIIOA.L PLUMS'S", (lAN AND "PUY MUM" No S, Liammidt.,, PlUmbargiL mad Ifo. be raked moot Amire °alma mid meta htentab LLD PIPS, MD. SAM /SAD. GUN "NM NYDRANI" mHOWIS MN" N'AMIR OLOSSTM, TUBA; ALM roars; W. DSAWL,IO SAMA. CHAIDILUPS" PISDA,SMA INIACHEMAA. AU work warrmatad Mo 00, ad& wawa. • Estrilat . _ my 1%304. p.riptioaa mammy compost& UlfiL till , (4 '1001:17ma il w loporridn !pedal Mae, Toesnu7 Ds" CENTRAL DRUG STORE, Owner 61(o rwersi ft." u►.oo+.a 020. A. VILLY,Ittc9 SPABILUSO SODA WATik_L. TAUNT oxsIOIDDS, A*. 001ISSOLLII 071/0 2 . itnre Web, 1116 L fIITY . WEIGH 13041,1.111-411eal ou Pro -16, vows. Ito the Mitts aeleltittent of Goeselle. will be nand et tide Ulla =AU 111. ULT, 'July at, ltitt, alt Woke& p. m., far %dab s:mewl forth moral City Wont /kola Bidders will nets how oath pet teet of the pm revenue 'dotes tent said Saab ■ their Eli peg Se the city tot the ass ot tb• nem• . • td JOHN IMMO. Obastreller. WDL A. WAJIEV , - ns~rtsr,- Ms marl lb 011100 tho Onins auto AND lan= bourn: above lasokaret Rom swum Gs WM, ann. inolbloo boon boa •a. a. tlllll p a. JOC A tf 1112.-1 , bble. L Nl ouisvil re MAN volved M for sal oo by 14 GA le R: NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL 1 AROILTIC BIEBSEIBI CiILENLTHE, 1 - 1111111017161111111111WIDT 1.01 4811ITZWI, /i", OHOLIZA 3101BLIS Air SWIMS COILAIST. The bums. Wee tat* to the mettleAdado tardy. The 013190117111 deny reports of uton'eldni:cmen attest It. vane. It Lae edema - gee one any otter restudy, at onto cub the Ohmage, !uputinottre ant eteetkul to h the mdse. Ma end hordes to the Intanti, and powertel In the adult cue. Ts the soldier. npechttly. It Is aluculately tweed by thee, In • "The Soldiers' Mothers fad It sayettor to any tkdldren Wafts& treed from the I altatOOTloB, eves not to the act the Cowie. likeA by r,■peehDle dealers ere oar Pees, 25 02818 A puaviewors PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, 0010113 MTH AND WARM MIMS, Old and ad dada, war Blehardaou'd lambi Store PHOTOGSAPREI, et 'ray airs and style, plats or colored, from tha popular Carta do Malta to Oudnat Mr. PUBVIAMOI would particularly call eh. at- teatiou of the atm tin wait to the eea wooed batty of tblo estobliolunont, helm roaolod by a do gleohort flight of stab% M 9 IPMI!!•1??1,1Y!r=n= PUMPS I BRANS FOUR PIMA, AIST/,41111Z1N9 roupa, rams WILL ?MEM LAD mu% Egon WILL NMI% YARD WILL PUMPS, TIXD ALKALI PRIM RAILROAD 101011 KW& INGIIII 10101 MUM LIQUID II &DORI PRIM LILT AND FOROIIOI3IIII, •od easily other PIMPS tawaniketured by Cowin s 00.. &MCA fain, L • such w OUT-000h PUMPS 4ir Wall. cod Cillol7ll, witch can be abed with my kind of Tor sae by I►IIIILL ► 00.. OtL &PETS, FLOOR OIL OL4:Yritta, &a. l A➢7dr RIDIJOTION IH 111018. LT WI NEW OARPET STORE /IoPARLAND, COLLINS & CO., 71 kND TD FIFTH 11211131'. Between the Poet Mee sad Digetch Bundle& W. hue not Patton ow antitank, pareband at • prat adattata tram pda• W not ftyinik prolog a own o:toadv* and manlsto @portant of onry Opericoloo of good@ to our UP. wank w• art for Ws at. • anal whoa. on oat. W. town to woll nal don at from Tit TO TWINTIJILYZ Pia CLOT. IMO than tb• nom gado of. now snag for to Now York an Ykindsi• • hl.. lakintaW IIIIISLLIffi iLIGLI JUST OPENED. NEW CARPETS. Ili Runtime spade to ths meat dryad= of WI Laura )Minds, readvbi the ..wise pet. :tens to HAMM sad 1/9011.1113111, sal as obi to arse • amplirt• iiiimtement it Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Ratting, ke., With a ran Lep rainstion Ia plus. OLIVER IrOLINTOOX & CO..' 1.6 SIB PITIE 117Wirr. RECEIVED AT LLDI 31030000 IILUPTILBoeIy,... 60. Do. lUD DIEM BOON. only.—. 75. D.. CONG. 1111ILIID currisa, our L 25. nru•e oars BALOWILLIA oW LOO. CHILDREGV GOATBOOTIA . ody . .., SA DOTE AID YOUTH'S IiALICOGALO ; MUM MAD 01111,D111/11 °ORGILL! GAITIBB MID BSLIIOBAIb Call and mons berphi pacnroar 13.1111111•1:11 071101, am Dmitor or Pinatterma, r 03 loath st, Pittsburg!, Pa., fans 211, NM.) gpLuiew PEOPMAt LB_ will be reoeiv- P. 7 ad at Oils ores gnu MOIDAY, J.lp Otb, fit noon, L for tandablocto MI United States 1,000 TIN RILT.=, 1,00:I TIE Olaf, 1,000 SWIM, imitable foram la may. 1,000 TOMS, I I,COO BMWS, J Ala ttioo amounts - try to inomad to — double or treble Its quantity, the semadal bidders will to forward to matzos tar snob additional quantity as may be tootdrod. bombs moat somayany the bids. 3. 811801 10111101, Captain sad Porroot Youltai, frd trinalot of Pa.' ==Vl nUOTUR A. 11. ISTAVANI. Ausom Ao Cal PZUWW4 Is carboy all 08110/110 DUI SAM both of Wire sal •Acallamea. by • saw method la the ato of alsobidly 'kat without may Illodlolas. or ens say Ma. BOARD say be Me e cab Iheatimatit. by Pattiats Moe Mead, at neecaulble rat* la that Declare fatally. • Lettere applying fair ctroolare or Author lakanalle incrairlirbe proacaly/lattoard. - Melina Minima at lilt BOOTHAM WWI% Pal= Pannayirsatt. Wing • awing me wall an sam. uttbloat for ham refinfaah Byname:A mesas, we ezo strn sallag at tka prior d • yew White, Oheeked and Piney Xatthwe, I. vivo owe sae . grower vale,. OLIVER WOLINTOME iiltiamin or Non= AND itIIMIDUIS, 011144, Igo. 4, Ocomor orLibilMi - sad IU aroma. Ofeas om wry wiIMNIMBAT ud lIAT. RPtV DJ YEN UM ttrAlltrii.--.A, run mart. AN matt et Detallte Itanate kfipt cm bead st the Mien* Deateati Otdie;‘Da. OT Witatitaret, sips es DAVID . Talsolor er Ilb• 'Swirly*, ram% T 46.14. OZ Ali /11 -T NMI*" IRLDlLl—Aa»sttot of dm send sal sort booming stile et SWAN Dratt. Obosolsto Sal chow Oda* Le =la tow at It sit/ 1111 at. Gott • -t J. 6 IL ?Mum MataListt--13 - saolis in Mon ff sad lir sap bir WHIZ Forman' a on. LARDMb by 011.—ti blds. to arrin by nil end Or MILS moixr a 00. DIIZON'3 Ak yru ins fasp fur furlong ggots of r by nmorlog I BON, • CONNATI, 0 WM. F. DA'l Prrionmair. ln. myllbtlywarTts o===l lie K/LBKILT WZBErr. a. H. WILLARD. lila kirks! amt. h 14.17 q ti . i.l:. AI 1 f i.j:i RIDUaND INJRIOZ Vlso balance of ovr*siik 44- Summer Dress Goods, Lawns, lossmbiqies, fila Bonus; AT Opt ~ r ...~ Wa4.1 * 114 TI siersig Ilosiskerelroarc IMMIMM AUezE. 33etteieV, 21 FIFTH STREW. Qummzß DREEIS /47 GOODS 1111)110111 , Our settee stalk et me GOODS will Ye onkel fat sale as sad able 114linis. Jane 19th. at Igo Isir prior. MIMI. WIZ 00.1 211 Iffth east, DlllOlll3 BE- D it.—rrtutot Omaa,Prtatiod Jacasato. Pr td Law, taa sala at redcoat prior, b WHITLOW& • 00., 23 Fifth rtro4. Saco . • OTIOJIL • JOSEPH - HORNE ffr, CO. wen open their !tare co Monday Morning Next. entln dock et SUMMER GOODS : will be nutted down sad at. mit WITHOUT HEGARD TO COST ar•OLLL AID SZCUU 11/110Al3t. se IT and TO Market Street. Yen :3 WOW, AT M. Burchfield's. sou' o.o4BiXimill ; GRIT% do, Do. LizraN PAST EITINDIi INULIIILLLIMI, plaid mad idaloi LIM! 42110101; BLOM Luria , 001TOILDWI. tbr Nato; klll3o OMEINMS I nom= awn am TWfl BLACK IMILICIMOLOTa; VIMMlaa And tall assodmist d geode of mry • • OhmiP MLIATASY MM. AID' MEM Nada iaU mid apply tharukreTh .Anta oci*ps, Taz szw "now anz4ss. ISKOKING OA* anannir =mum Gum Aal all draelpdass of TIIIIIIISHING GOODIN IVltcrum & 78 kARKIIT 17121101 Tc • Bamoi rooms ass S UP WM . II I •k/' WW i lllollll ' Dress TrhillusDlSS, • 101011 4 ,111 C• Macrum & Glyde, 78 ABLiti srazirr, SCUM MID DIAMID. de' COUNTRY BTORBIEBEfiaIEI-113) mums. of oPo_fo.V on= boxing tona l aft annum. aoirwis,jiatau s ai. /111111/0110111111% °; 1011 Laos wow. anarkaaipsaaa a ;_ • • ;;. 3111 170 4 V. •ed the vitiostiirnalsolosatapstjamatintiiii; Leer '2lllllro tii 111:=11011 OW Oak 11111111111 M. sable asaisested above. Ilk timirdbislebil &ow km EU lops, lawrell lOW auwaataaak .4 a/imam amain Um know la pewee mil prior of , • ct, , • • D. L 0. Cake: nuciatua k GLIDE, imam MOW! Pews= liatuf4t , NILT7 GOODBI = 11)InVOIP 1):4.1RiM241,- 0-01 , • ~f 1, .1:; Y 01 1 . 4 ,0 181 LLU, moot a 001 te4 mum. blasit gagitatir. AU= 1 59 NI Liu valid' would boa Bireges, sumo Bugg ==2l THE GREATEST -Ht** lre ban as elm/ -2 WILL E 1 NOW'PELB rro- BATON, EafMl4r4 --; Mfeeeiiedeler, , , -;• -1114KIIIM MOP ,lOULIBULDIOIOS. GIMP Big BMW" a®, CUSW4 III 6 • _ Anitallollamereit— UM& W I2IIIIIII DIPMCIK'' L '''' ' TM Impala steels tar. isswiesek eels Ott and isteMalle Gomm auswam finwhebolhon. ll ls ll i'L, - ISM NEW COLORS, , soft ke Diplom WI Wall al LOA likil,lioWeja. - • 10911.1U0iP WIN •i x - ' : . 111 0 11fT: -drake aisurhisai 411.1143 D. •• • M olex 11& mil mon 11BULLABili AtinerWillehaiftirs 011,10114114- • • :tea aiP . /=SIAMH r==i Sei smite la Pres* lkst, Cludea SO assessrdauf Si I Odessa ilatess7, II mato I Oseaced Derassa IS. mrsacsat or Lirtirculoo: - '47. L.*wig.' DNS ha tellatoscrit, sad wisest rgawsho One Lr one sight am* - . • . -- MUD (Weilhosliat Min* Will SD eahlthres celebrate katit Rho of IgterltobberroffitedirefiLifh: anti= hllllll6-- ....0110/3 • 11141,41.&Diilthdis uouaTip aidolltown, °Oho ofitokkw EME22=MM WANTAIIV-4.• IMANTILUS6U A MOTS l'AAWAyeas _ Armco at IPA sietlA arowsimpilt_ oitamterrePosek. *inlet Ditroo k ariusnoia Ober c malesit maim • .zsaor,...faassair es Aulaw a cr6iiair: 11/411NT8Dr476 • some 1.i,1,111101 IS y • low Apiasits sregyAoastyVl " milk Z exposes pm; to au aine • • limass edstar. Allitnes,' • ay - FOIM; OF MINI BOOTS AND"SEDWIM eliallilletiotibkine, 55 illiffifltiltilatL Pi 8T WE WOOLLY ~1110 L. lLasstra.) w laselaiagf. COssaill to utimmos. Limped. dew -Yid' NA naa***,.,, ~,, ~ C haquaer us taladill poi ottiggfic , .. <.,. L orrr cuP Imanornms '.:::;fteirait a. OT!! ow wmiumnassaw.,,, MT 0111111413=11111.4.......6001111%,_ 116 - Azdirierginoosellas, 1110¢,5iy101,1,17,_ . ...; similitAisiouh i5 ........rar livellliskOirrinar. Train Pesiik uota -Goblo gla gimimr.4„.;44,ima gil :,q`... $ll Oa to lawiNswilible ' U.' II Oil . da t Oir ID - 46, ID 0!m de. t0,145kM.V . rialmilfigs4 l s o . Warn. WM AsiliM., , Os_ well y loaf ii" 7 - am toil 'warm. earns( Im - ,14. ZCC.. i tiosi llt:egi, --.-11m0-106•AliWii Toriti toiliaiiii;ailellpsit.WbillpOrs Oliess. /OH o.lkilaollimla . -• ' Lilltaidny MT. • -i - , _;__ ..a. -- - - ' : • aoairasieuem M ,r. • - ' ItaleYinit losesttosias . -- . is- lflital - lurovlar , • . 17 IST"-Thaidaiiiiiiig4o2oll WPM all bi w is, ' ' eld afteliall am fat porta, fie llo=lar..Wakasdier 777 Th . .etait.dir Msahl ' aisMinil tllcksi6ia boyudirsd*R irk . •- ~ .;;' il i s lis abs afera n i=" r .411101 . - ' wain Numb lemloitrilrlat liegal" lhb . - • -Jhef I •• . -:', ' A 41 - 11 11 . 41ilib a ''Ohnoisis ~ . '4. ~,. .1 20610 ft,21 1111Willa ti - A,LIODUCIirBO -A,LIODUClirBO L . 1 = 4v u ti= a ut • * *Di i t=es isms rovainvirwiloas ce anemia L. mit morsour;?ifs er Jowl dmitsimbe Osa6oll_4lolll4llMiriMaier IRWIN Me the impisollsgeellik4bilhor . , . . =lng lia lritVelliral " of Opite ts. - ,A181101141111 =NC areohmi WI plied nollumnii ll* Maitalt li is. suplithis smik Odifilmilwefteaseln , Ns ilieblial7 annegu!sig..„ 46 , . ,:- fz ,k • . : , _. 7. i.:.0 . 14 < ':: - . l m ei. a. 0 BITTIVIEMITILISBI . • - - wee i arnarr I'VAND , ZEGINUT as :vela sin ailiellemmeg. . LOKMARantaiIMOICGE bret Vimask saa imig,a aertllAT, • Mak MO. with as "Me , a , au bump sabot Mitt abialhil ad kotkiNia*L.AvorVlso be shrsolire nonarlie 3, uoa Ausii6A, Ar•lftsatif MM. MINOR nailatei ot . " vlowirsokesso.japasapostaliiilili. _ - ITri 1 7171 th ir g iiiv4.:l*l.l±4: - ilia ito"" " ---. i griilrl: .• • :Y 1 ) ~ ,i-,6,A1, '.14 • w , r.Er1•1..e4.1.1 aiIII f - • • , is' iriWipilistiawi of= . 111LIALSO . . . , . i i lmpuj4- - 50 bblit. sm j. e v. te t lierd nim Akipli 1. I &wby - r , ~; ~:~. #'' YET STREET. - _ 4.2 a. _ _ /a aaanquaassof Was Maga • 1 bt. M. 1148 7. , "d to th. tio tun dotonalooil to dam gimmenNANOit OWL An role =:.! ST**akagimi&ogkl , Ira tv 11814aC.ife litieiyildag new ht the trey at