MONDAY.- MORN/M, &NY 29 LOCAL INTFLLIGEIVOZ ltFe= Saturday's /Weida'. Edition. A Costrast..Hantsburg mid Pitts. burgh. "The New York rasa diaws the following contrast, which, howiver it may affect car friends in the State capitol, is certainly a grat ifying recognition of the efforts of our people: It is no discredit toany oommubity to be "alarmed" by the annonneed aperiatfit of the pnblio enemy. The "dbinadit and the dis grace consist in ramaining","Sianned" after Caw has elapsed and. ban ..itnlmproied for asoertaining the,surbutt - of .the danger, aria preparing to meet 14 Tk. two 'Mille of Har risburg and PittsbufgN Pilisent moment preeenf a abikiegOontrast of the of good and, sad eandlotaf (immuni ties in the prison of liattpr. .-. When liar. risburg was first wakened frail its dream of pesos, and, rased-tiost the rebeli were op. prole:king; ea seem :of the *tidbit pinto Sad confusion oninotl: The almost, :oxertlons of Goy, Catlin and Gen. Couch ark put. forth almost without avail to. tallYthe peoplief the places to the duty of self-debnim. _Their pre ! Tailing emotion was that of terror, nusullesied be offers to dispose of good* and, property, at any Irk*, and in offOrte Wiles the town in sanomniages asides loot, to some unknown and ftfillicoth-Of plena of: Safety- The impoulbUlty ofesosping kept the mass of tbe_psople at home--the prompt tumor of Now York sad New -Jowl segiments. soon Pie them -Smell of safety: Buy-then,' In - atm& of gratitude and hospitality toward their defender,, Oil* was exhibited only a spirit of speculation and - extortion in trade—a desire to " make something" out of those who had left their business and their homea to protest tbolnrlthe volunteer soldiers whe were bear ing seaskets and digging in the trenches being *barged eosidalOus prices for every thing they bought -lire Harrisburg. Time passed and the-dienpr waned and the Capi tal of Panniyltania feltsafe and grew valor ous. Bee sudden _danger homed ; up again; the icry'Cindifferestoe of the iliiriabiryghere sent home disgusted - many Of th eir ffisomma protestors; and now the Hip - tons Capital - is Sinn as great a panic as before ' and the Poisibs oat Onion (heaven forgive the sacrilege of title I) Is questioning_w hither it is better "to fight the enemy ,or ~s urrender." It is not known whether the - force a second time threatening Harrisburg consists. of " 4,000" or " 10,000" rebels._ But Supposing it to be, as it Is nearly always found In snob oases— about one-fourth of the minimum number— we are liulte skier it is the duty of the finsiots and Um., of Harrisburg to run up the white flog and "surrender." The conduct of the people of Pittsburgh affords honorable relief to the sorry picture of the Biota Capital- Pittsburgh was deeply stirred bythe rumored approach of the rebels, but confusion reigned only fora day. Immo diately fortifications were laid eat on the ail; jacant hills, and raisins by the thousand went out willingly to work On them. The subsidence of the first alarm did not stop this seal or ellOit for self-defence, but the work/went on stead:- ily toward completion. The second alarm of an advancing enemy did not, therefore, un hinge the Pittsburghers or suggest the idea of capitulation, but led to more exteniive and vigorous preparations for defense. By general coesent the stores of the oily were closed for one we ek, (the fonnderies and factories had previously been *most4 closed,) and nearly every one went forth to work on the fortifica tions or to drill for their defence. For sev eral disyl thorn hive ben - from-eight thisi and to as thoiseand men working on the forts and trenches; and Pittabirg„ from its admirable natural situation for defence, must soon be come-one of the most strongly fortified cities in - lhe country. It would be well for their own dignity and honor if the people of Penn sylvania generally should exudate the ex ample of the Iron City. Veterans of 1812 In Armtek, At Harrisburg, on. Wednesday, sixteen vet erans of tits war of 18Lttendered their services to the Governor in a body. They carried with theta an old battle deg, and were headed by a martial band. The oldest vu seventy six and the youngest sixty-elght. Every men had served in the war of 1812, and all belong ed to a regiment commanded by 'Gun. Hester, who ban lately died. They were reviewed by gee : Scott at Baltimore, after he was wow:d id.; Ile rode up and dawn thi 'ranks with his arm in & sling. The tattered flag was borne by a Pennsylvania'regiment at the battle of Trenton, in 1777, and hal been cherished in. Harrisburg ever since that time. These vet erans marched up to th•Governoetroom and tendered their services for the emergency.; They wished to Writ behind entrenchments,. but, if any other and 'harder unit* was re quired of them, they, would cheerfully attempt it. In a few appropriate words they address ed thi Goyernor, and he affeepted them. The only favor the* irked was to be armed with, Om-0i& Slat-look muskets, such as they used to carry : when they were yoga& The names are u follows.: 0. Cation, sap ; • Andrew Krause. lleutenant—(wen in , the battle of Ludy's Lau; . .and all through, Elsott'acautpatga)—J. H. Boyd, .Wm: Bost.' wick, George Hulsey, John Hubby, D. Har ris, (sanitary Of the anootatioa;) S. Holman. Sturgecn. D. J. ,Krause, W. P. Brady, George McKnight, S. G. Ounkle, Geo. Prince, John Shannon, George J. Heasley, Jacob Kuhn. Then are thirteen Bapublicans, dr offended from all, parties--Iledualist,,,Whig,, , and Demooratio--and thzeillaaparats.,. What an example for the young run Of the State! Thera are handieds liver owl 4q,; who, unless devoid' of pairiollani. oasts ItatU the abort without Della* fans of thaw. Ls all such at ono. :respond' to the urgent Ball of the Governor,-, now that the term of service has isma limited to ninety days. South: Pittsburgh "'Odic Schools These schools wane ehtstuff far the year, yes terday, Jar) 26th. The pupils had an op .portunity, daring the afternoon, of giving foil vent to their patriotism—for speeches end Union songs weft "the order of the day, in whinh from three imndied to four hundred , ~ In the Grammar Depart:Mani, :in addition to this, was an exercise of another character. ...ThePrTicipal l i forlifo - ,nro . kid Ant pre- Milted to the Janitor, it handiami Fremont in moniry - fraintho pupils, *Moo he in-, turn was astonished by,li gift of a magniflosit. pitcher of • eilvarware, with , goblatil to , doinfispond. They wars chute, elegant livdesika, and ac eompanied 21,2)0`addrelniTrifta Wu, Mary . Bond age of .the graduating clams., The Principal hid • esilent:materitl for • epoch, but:the , Who scene and'ettandant eutastificeiimsda, i oh-hjeakiatintgoisi- ' I . cw hie. Ifii; farrevar, offered 'llama, ifiziarks, thankikg ail ids pupils for thin muk of their • affection and mum, and taking IMMO of his graduating clue whom, its Pupils, he Is to meet no more. The scene was affecting 'beyond description, and we . thinit the Princi pal Au great mamba to be proud of such an admirable dui of 'children. Alleakteny Ladies' Aid Society The following donations were noticed by the Allegheny . Ladies' Aid florist: for sick and wounded soldiers during the.week ending June 260,1863: • . . • Miss Speer-1 package barley, 1 do. farina, 1 do. newspapers, and 1. Ensunlto not. Mr. Bradley, 5 Ibr. yarn. Mrs. Robert /lays, 5 pada andl pillow, with ease. Mrs. Nile, roll old muslin. Morning 010ry,42 handker , ehlefe,-Life of C•pt. HcediyArturs, andsono goner of lint Mrs. James M 0171101.2 mut qito nets, 1 package bookp. Mri. D. Elliott, ichinta double wrepnez. A: friend, tpaoltage newspapers. - Ladies! Aid Society of Blohland, Thimpton and Pine townshi,s-34 .pillows, with oaths, 13 ‘shirts,'2 sheets, 2 pan: draweth.•l that, 1 roil.old walla, 1 sack bthekbeitier Nal de. of elderberries * J.. packeiti: of newspipers,l blanket, 1 musquito het, and part of Abarrel of .potatsth. Work by fradien of the Society, 15 nhirtet,l , pairs drawetii;ioaidriiisbaks. - Brollies Bostnitr.ptiitt: LY, Ross, AllesheaVOessmissary' erftribsistesoi - 14 the Seem! Divislop of thifllistifoLefai OofP, hie artiveil,hare oa specialbasizessorkere will remain far car days. —lie has MD SOW hard owlet of late, end Iseosuddanalyfegged, bat Whit. vbs. Ile .reports the Army of lb. Patens* all rlight;Land 1,1 ieky to Mike at the • "sax - Ni'r&grei iwrifik ashi to. attaaatberof Wallin:n*l*ov whiat we bare altaadtaotkaft.4o Ong of. tlie tilliiiiitelittatlaas that we have 71t aeon.. It la az osedlasly /hasp at 36 oats. _ - Commencement at Mt. Union College. The Committee appointed.hy . t>ta Pittsburgh Conference, M. S. Church, to visit Kt. Union College and report its condition and anniver sary exercises, through W. 11.. Watkins, Chairman, submit to the public the following: We find the College in a very healthy and prosperous condition, having a large and thoroughly qualified faculty, extensive appa ratus, a first clue college edifice, ample facil ities for good and cheap boarding, a vary re spectable financial capital, an excellent sys tem of government and Instruction, and 11 healthy Moral and accessible location. • The public, examination of the class occupied five days, closing on the 17th Inst., and evincing on the part of the students, remarkable so =atones., es thoroughns and system In their respective studies, of whom there were In the College class 211, besides the students of the Preparatory department. Nearly three full companies of young men of the College had previously volunteered to serve their country .. in the army. ' The students attending the College consist of both sexes, of mature age, and w ad vanced in the sciences and Menlo are orderly and enterprising and about thr ee - fourths of them have taught school one or more terms. Besides the regular College classes, students are instructed in instrumental music, paint ing, drawing, commercial science, and the French, German and Hebrew languages. On Weddesday evening, an address was de livered before a Literary Societies, by Hen. John Crowell, of Cleveland, and on Thursday evening the Beiitiblfoin and Linnean Literary Societies held their annual contest porter manes, consisting of Orations, Essays and a discussion ; all of which was highly entertain ing and instructive. On Thursday, the 18th inst., the commence ment exercises were held in the new College Hall, which is about 116 bastions and 66 feet wide, and was densely filled by an apprecia tive audience. gikoh mairiber of the gradua ting ekes delivered a short and racy address in un easy, clear and forcible manner. The Baccalaureate address, by President Hartshorn, L. L. D., on The Ethic, of oar Political Union ' was of the highest intellect ual order, and demonstrated that ours is a rightful permament aid national Union of the Peoria- ' that accession whether peaceable or forcible, Is parricidal and barbarous; and that all persons, at home or abroad, who will fully aid the rebellion by either overt act or sympathy, are , opposed to the Constitution of the United Suites, and are enemies to lib erty, to our country and humanity. The large audience showed their strong Union at tachments, by frequent &potions. and the most intense interest during the hour and a half of its delivery. At the close of these ozonises, which ware richly interspersed with vocal and instro• mental music, President Hartshorn conferred the degree of Bachelor of Arts upon ail members of the Senior class, and the degree of Master of Arts upon H. .1. Cardwell, Ed ward Ebi, Matilda Hindman A. W. Bilden. brand, J. S. Lemmon, and 14. C. P. Hamil ton; and the degree of Doctor of Divinity, upon Rev. J. W. Clark, of New Castle, Pa.; Rev. T. 0. Hartshorn, Agent of the American Bible Society, and • Rev. D. L. Dempsey, Beaver, Pa. We regard Mt. Union College as one of the fixed Institutions of the land, richly deserv ing the distinguished 13,1cfidenoe, patronage, and financial donations so generously bestow ed by the friends of education. Its new building nearly completed, Is one of the best College edifices it the country; its rates of tuition and boarding are very moderate; its sessions or terms, beginning on the fi rst Toes day of August, November and March, of each year, are happily arranged for those who teach a part of the year; and its accessibility is easy, being near Allia nce, Ohio, the Juno lion of the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chi cago railway, with the Cleveland and Pitts burgh railroad. We cordially commend this College as entirely worthy to meet,* what ever material aid or legacies that discerning philanthropists may bo prompted to bestow toward an ample and permanent fond for the proper education of the youth of- both sexes. Bally for the Three Months' Service. Elsewhere we publish the proclamation of Goy. Curtin calling for 60,000 troops to serve for the period of three months, enters the emergency shall have passed before the expi ration of that time. Those who object to the six monthe' service, and also to being muster ed in!• during the emergency," can certainly not object to this fair and distinct proposition. They will be mustered into tits service of th. State, far a term not to exceed nasty days. Will not our people at ono. respond to this pall? Shall another appeal hare to be made? Surely not. The details for organisation under this proclamation have not yet been published, _but are hourly expected from the Adj.t. tlenetel. School Exhibition at -- East Liberty. The second exhibition and concert, given by the pupils of the But Liberty publie school, was very largely attended, and the handsome sum of st 3 65 was realked for the Ladles' Aid Society. The performances were of a very satisfactory and gratifying thane tar, end reflected credit alike upon the pupils and the sehool which they remsent. The exhibition was under the immediate direction of Profs. Nichols and MeCrum, and the so:i con wee conducted by Prof. Rosy. _ The ialtool is in a very /Marbling condition, and the scholars have been highly complimentad fot the admirable manner in which they ac quitted themselves. Exetansmoir.Mr. John M nailer buteher ' who was reported as having refined to weritupon the intrenehments, or to pay for a man to work in his place, called upon us to day and stated that he at first Informed the Committee that he would send • man if he could get .one to go; that he afterwards re ported his woe to the Committee, and also sent a man to work in his place, but his ser vice: were declined, and be was told that he „hadoome too late. Mr. Mauler further states that be is fifty-live years of age, and bee • family of sight children. The only son fit for military duty in now In the three years service. Mr. M. thinks he Is entitled to this explanation, and we lure fife matter with him and the Committee. DLit's° ROBBIRY.—On Thnreday night,the 18th inst., some persons entered the house of Mr. Moor, Kaufman, of Clarion, and took hispocket book and keys of his saffafrom un der his pillow. They then went to his store, but finding, perhaps, that they had not sus. seeded in getting she key of the door, were complied to Soros !top= with • plok. They then unlocked the safe and took all the money in it, amownting to over threo hundred dol lars. The largo; portion of .the money be longed to . Mr. McCloskey, United States Col lector, ttpod whom the los, will fail heaolly, ' New Bass Nora 00UNTER717117.—Patortop reports that thirty-Mu forgeries of banknotes hare been pat into eirculaUon in the present month. Among thus are: Delaware County Bank, Pennsylvania, le, 21, and ss, are In Mr culetion. This le a fraud; no inch bank. Farmers' Bank Mount Drolly, New Jersey, 51, spurious; vig. group of females, globe, qmotrant, slip in distance; refuel* but on right. (furs WAID Coxrswr.—The formation of a company for - .orrice In the Department Carpe bas been commenced In the Sixth Ward, and some forty names were enrolled last dron ing. The oOloersalectadare: A. M'Donald, Captain, J. M. Porter, /at Lieutsnant, Jas. L. Dawson, 2d Lieutenant:. An adjouriod mooting wine held this evening to complete the roll and make other neomary amigo ments. TEE EsaoLusurr.—Pull consolidated hits el the men enrolled in the Twenty-seeand and Twenty , -third districts have bath net to Washington to-day. Detailed statements of the enrollment of the drat class in the several enb•distiiota of the Twenty-third district were lent on several days ago, and 'probably of the Twentpeeeond atm - The authorities at Washington an urging the- work forward. Dasioaamo Trazrr for Or.egtoi Courrr.— Per "alsembly, W. T. Almada:l Prothonota rirklarietopher 11,slehart Register and Re. =Ur i T. B. Barber; Tamara Saimaa liihmon; Bosaralsiloaer, Maffei:, XII Babies. Rink. Owriugia.-Iffsjorlgginson, Ilk. Otapts. Hillock Mans. and °thin, milted his wont wiultd Oar hi was disabled, and while rylf list on hla fac4; ippon!. MU dud —ll / 1 141 Va t tlin 1/1 . 1 4 1 1 11 !•17. !4").Unt,Nm • 13 , indonYattietos.—The Addle PAN . II of the Atm; eltletintwielnity olointyeeterdis the mow eseation. They will not be MR opened until the first Monday of September Pea Peissurrmo7.-4 handsome Sag, Prepared by the ladies of South Pittsburgh and Sligo, was pruned this afternoon, at throe o'clock, to the constructors of Port Mechanic, 02 Mt. Washington. The presentation speech was mad* by Prof. Monro, principal of the South Pittsburgh school.. HMIs BTOLII.—Two horses IMO stolen from Mr. Daniel Walters, of Washington tp., Clarion county, on Friday night last. He offers a reward of fifty dollars for the return of the horses and twenty-five dallars addi tional for the apprehension of the thief. Worm, or lurrmos.—Elghty-two of the tamers of Baldwin township, with their own mattocks and .holds- - have volunteered to assist in erecting the fottifications around the oily, and are now at work at Fort Peeling. Ha. W. A. GILD YYYYY ENT, 45 Fifth street, has received Prank Lushes Illustrated News paper, which contains a number of interesting illustrations, and the must variety of news and mleoellanies. Tai PUIVILYANIA Buszaria.—The Be tervu have been transferred from the Depart ment of Washington to the Army of the Po tomac), under Gen. hooker. LATE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. [FROM OUR EVENING EDITION.] FROM HARRISBURG. SKIRMISH NEAR STONE TAVERN. 8,000 REBELS AT GETTYSBURG. BICONNOLSMICB BY THE NTH PA. ELITIA GEN. HOOKER REPORTED ACROSS THE POTOMAC. CARLISLE OCCUPIED BY MR REBELS. Special Dispatch to tho Pittsburgh Gazette. ll•eitllageo, Jane 27-12 o'clock' u A war bulletin contains the following: Capt. Murray, with the "Curtin Troop," hod a akirmish yeaterday at Stone Tavern, about five miles eolith of Carlisle. He check ed the enemy, with the loss of seven men. Eleven deserters who came in below ML Union, yesterday, were handed over to the Provost Marshal at Harrisburg. A telegram, received et nine o'olook this morning, from Hanover, states that 8,000 rebels were at Gettysburg. Their pickets ex tend within eight miles of Hanover. Good authority says that yesterday the 28th Pennsylvania Militia, under Capt. Jennings, went on a reconnoissance towards Gettysburg. When near the town, a oompany visited the place. While there, tome rebels rushed in end drove them out. On returning, the core containing the regiment ran cff the treat, six miles this side of Gettysburg. The men en camped there temporarily. There Is talk among men in position that Hooker has crossed the Potomac at Harper's Perry. Harrisburg, AIN 27-1 o'clock E. H.—Car lisle is now occupied by the rebel,. H. CHUM BVICUATKD BY OR TROOPS': Rebels Advancing 10,000 Strong THR NORTHERN MTH', RAILROAD BE LIMB TO BE THEIR OBJECT. Longstreet and En . ell's Carps in Pennsylvania THE SUSQUEHANNA RIVER RISING BebelsConeentrating in Blue Ridge Piaie MUM REPORTED AT BLOODY RUB. GEN. HOOKER'S RIGHT WING NEAR HALGERSTOWN. dce., &a.. 111.111111Ule, June 26.—The Governor will, by authority of the War Department, issue proclamation, which will be published to morrow, selling fo • 60,000 militia for the de fence of the State, to 1111170 for three months. The apportionments for the different counties will also be indicated. Gen. W. Y. Smith has been assigned to the defences of the Susquehanna river. Col. Pierce has been assigned to the com mand of the troops at Bloody Bun, Oen. Mil roy haring been relieved. The Grey Reserves will be mustered in to- day. Gen. Data has been arraigned to the com mand of the date ass of Philadelphia. Noon.—Gen. Knipe, deeming his forces not strong enough to meet the enemy, evacuated Carlisle last night: At this writing, It is not known whether the town hu been occupied by rebels or not. Gen. Knipe reports them advancing about 10,000 strong. The drinking houses are all closed thls morning, in obedience to the Mayor's procla mation. Many of the dry good 'tore' are also closed. Large ambers of refugee, continue to ar rive from the valley. Gov. Curtis has received information that the rebels oocupbei Gettysburg to-day with ten regiments of infantry, with cavalry and artillery. The operator at that point, while sending a dispatch to Gen. Ocitieb, wag tossed to leave before finishing It to prevent being captured. It is believed that this force intends to strike the Northern Central Railroad either at 'Han over Junction or York, which is distant about thirty toiler. The Governor has also received information that the resale held all the passes of South Mountain. HAssinno, - June 20.-11 o'clock, p. m.— The rebel foroe which occupied Gettysburg to-day, was the division of Gen. Early, be longing to'Longstreet's corps. Thh makes two wpm known to have crossed the Potomac. The troops of Longstmet were supposed to have crossed at Elhepardstown Ford when Rhodes' division' of Ewell's corps arrived at Ohambersburg. The telegraph operator was unable to escape. He remained until Wednesday, when he sucomided in escaping by way of London to the' Pennsylvania Railroad. He arrived here to-day. He reports that the enemy numbered 12,000, and had five batteries of artillery. They are accompanied with a long train of wagons and ambulances. HArtuantrati, Jane 27,1 A. u.—A special to the New York Berta says the °Rheas are or ganising toserve in the Mee-pits. The rebel *Arline. still continues in thetcinity of Oar. lisle. The Susquehanna rlvor his rtion2o A skirmish Is reported at Bloody Run be twisn the militia and salmis. At headquarters to-night It to mild that the rebels appear to be concentrating to the Bine Ridge passes, and they seem to fear en Ad ranee with Gin. Booker in their rear. Precaution' hare ben', taken to secure the railroad bridges from a sudden docent. Haw You., Jane U.—A special dispatch to the noes, from Frederick, idd.,ststee that the rebels have all loft Boonsboro. Anderson 'A division, of bongstreet's amps, left Boonsboro on Thursday morning, going towards Ohambersbrarg, with from 7 to 10,000 troops and a long wagon train. The whole of Lengstreersoorlw has crossed the Potomac ' and Ls advancing in different di rections into Pennsylvania. Then are bat few rebels in Hagerstown, all havinggone to Pannerhanie. Gelk. Los sad ik9off,ore. ,iplsoldo of rqUagnii. 'Wait/4 5 ,00: twev,T sod twig pima of artiliory. lhousad ow, with olskt mom woo sent to hiereersburg, half of which wont to McConnell.burg. Some of the border men are reported as sympathising with the rebels. It is reported that Gen. Hooker's right wing is in the vloirrity of Hageratows. A Carlisle dispatch, dated this morning, nye It as evident that the rebels are doing ail in their power to mystify us as to their tuovo mente, in order to prevent us conoentraring RAZ - where. • Bight hundred rebels are encamped at Mt. Rook. The rebel scouts visited Plainfield and Greason's Btatione, last night. There has been no railroad comenicstien between Harrisburg and Carlisle to day. The rebels are keeping the mil s at work grinding corn for their men. Oar cavalry went to Nowville to. ay under Capt. Boyd, scouting. INTELLIGENCE FROM GRANT'S ARMY. JOHNSTON MOVING TOWARDS CLINTON TEXANS REPULSED rsY NEGROES Severe Fight on the Talbihatchle. STIRRING NEWS SOON EXPECTED. Successful Cavalry Expedition under Colonel Slimier. 44, 45h., cea Narrate r June 23, oia Cairo, June 25. Official Intelligence from Grant's army to the 20th, has been received. Johnston is said to have withdrawn Ms troops across the Big Bleak, and is moving towards Clinton. About 1,000 Texans attacked Lake Provi dence on the 10th, and were repulsed with loss by the negro troop, who fought bravely. Col. Phillips, with 000 cavalry, was attacked by 200 rebel infantry and 1,000 cavalry, under Rockenford, on the Tallahatchie. The fight was severe. Col. Phillips lost 7 killed and 90 wounded. lie out Ilia way out and arrived here yesterday. The rebels are in farce at Boonesville. Gene. Rhodes, Boggles, Chilmers and Biffies threaten our lines, and troops are reported to be moving North from °talons. Stirring news may be expected from this section. Maximo, June 26.—C01. Mistier has just returned from an extensive cavalry expedition South from Lagrange. He reports having broken up the command under Col. George at Perko's. He destroyed the railroad bridge at Jackaway, the trocle work just beyond, and a portion of the road. He then cross , d the Tallahatchie, and pursued Chalmers be yond the Coldwater, on the Holoner° ad, where Mister killed 15 or 20 rebels, and took 40 prisoners. He paroled all the etch at Pendia, and brought away or destroyed all the army supplies, workshops, mills,, , tanneries, de pots, Ac. He paned within three miles of Austin and Commerce, destroying an immense amount of forage and subsistence, taking,from 600 to 800 horses and mules, and 500 head of cattle. He also sent dersehments north and east of Helena, to destroy or bring away all the sub sistence, forage, horses'and mules, and crossed three river. Chalmers had with him the Commands of Stoke., Slemmere and Blythe, nine hundred strong, with three pieces of artillery. The remainder of his force, 900 troops, fled south, via Charleston. - Phillips destroyed all the ferries at Panola and Coldwater, losing one man allied and five wounded. His fight at Tallahatchie was vary severe. The enemy'. loss was one hundred. A large number of companies raised in Northern Mississippi have joined Fautimer% Chalmers', Ruggles' and Roddy's commends, and &movement &woyr lines was contemplated which was broken bp by this raid. Gan. Corpiuon made a speech at Oxford, Miss., threatening to force into the service every man in the °wintry, if companies were not organised to reinforce Johnson. There has been no news from Grant's army AIM yesterday. Heavy rains have fallen here and at Corinth. IMPORTANT FROM NORTH CAROLINA Gen. Foster's Troops Embarking for Fortress Monroe. Navas's!, N. C., June 23.—As soon as the Intelligence reached Oen. Foster of Lee's ad vance he, on his responsibility, commenced making arrangements for embarking all his staiLeble force for Fortress Monroe, to be Mood by Oen. Dix In taking Richmond, or to assist In repelling the rebel invasion, u ann. Dix might think proper. Our waters, since the reception of the news, have been black with moving muses of troops. Probable Fight with a Privateer. New You, Juno 26.—The brig George, which has arrived at New K 1117013, from St. Croix on Juno 9th, reports that on the Bth inst., from an observatory at Bus End, two steamers wets distinctly MD in the offing, towards St. Thome', engaged in battle. Can nonading was distinctly beard for some time, and then one of the vassals suddenly disap peared. It was supposed that she sank. The other I steamed out of sight, and proba bly proceeded to St. Thomas. The Vanderbilt was roportedat St. Thomas on the 9th of June. No Alarm in Washington---Esery thing Going on Satisfactorily. WASHINGTON, June 26.—A speelal dispatch from Weehington to the .Eesniag Post says there is neither alarm nor excitement in that. city. There are no rebels on the Lipper Potomac this side of Harper's Perry. Everything was going on satisfactorily. Death of Admiral Foote Naw Yogic, Jana 26.—Admiral Foots Mod ta-night, at aightoon mutates pact 10 o'clock, at duo Astor Ham. From lllexico Borne additional facto of considerable inter est respecting events in He/leo subsequent to the fail of Puebla, are mimed in a letter from H to the N. Yw lima. The maps of Ortega and other Generals is confirmed. It swarm that on arriving at Orizaba they were permitted to range through the place, the Governor having guarantied that they would not attempt to escape. During the night they took advantage of the darkness, and disappeared, a number of young ladies aiding them in their gave, for which they were subsequently thrown into prison.. A. portion of theist, defenders of Puebla were to be employed in repairing the roads between Vera Orus and the interior. It is stated that General Negrette not only tasted his own es oape, but took 600 or 800 men with him. The other generals have arrive/ at Jalapa. On their entrance into Puebla the French found nothing but heaps of ruins. The mus kets used had been burned or otherwise ren dered useless, and the cannon wereall spiked. The headquarters of Gen. Pony have bees removed from Vera Orris, whore a garrison of 4,000 men, half French and half Nexisans, has been left. The President has not left the capital; on the contrary, strenuous exertions have been made for Its suthessful defense, whisk is entrusted to Gen. Garth.. Gen. Mar ques, with the remains-of the Army of the Centre, is opposing what renistanoe he can to the French on their way thither. Madero* Is estimated at between 7,000 and 8,000 men. It is stated that In addition to the Feeoh army of invasion, there is a reastienau Mez loan faros of about an equal strength in the Add, under command of Gun. ./11416 On the night of the 22d a small party of rebels surreptitiously burned. the Quarter master's buildings and wharf at Angela Creek, . left 'tending by our troops. The only work: there laid not to have been burned was • email pOrtion of the wharf. The valuable wharf and the buildings at the point near by, known as Urba Switch, wore not harmed b. 7 them, being probably too near our gun boats. RZAPNES AND IdDWJft S. l.koopo bind Batas; it &ham do 0 0 ; L . No°orator, lwaigdooo. Wonsan Dupla It to oh. lea to &rail thommotroo of Dow ootoolow to hurry up theft work. MUM DICTAT Os W. COMMERCIAL _RECORD ';-ITTSIJUB9EI EARKSTii cr. 3 . 1 1 1. P. resm7acH Dotty Guerra, t • SATPIIDAT. June Ye. f There Is nothing of any Imports.* transpirlag in money matters. Gold In New York was quoted to. day at 14.5(a1463 4 , which is a •light advance, while here there is so little doing In Coin that there ap pear. tl be 130 established rates. As the excitement is gradually subehEng, business Is beginning to improve, though it cannot by nay mean, be termed active. Most of our bounce, houses are still partially alated, and while no business is so. tithed, none is refused. The transactions, however, an entirely local, and generally of a limited char acter. GRAIN—Pom flret hauds Bed Wheat may be quoted at 81, 6®1,1O; . sale of 2 can lied on track at 11,23. There is but e limited demand for Oats, though the market is firm at our last quotations. Sale ofd cars Shelled Corn at 73 to 76c. Bye le an changed. PROVISIONS—Bacon Lin fair demand but mt.: changed. Sale to the trade of 80,000110 Plain Hams at B%c; also, small sales of Sugar Cared at 1148113.0 —the latter figure for Cincinnati brands. Sale of 1530 IN Dry Beef at 130.. Bless Pork and Lard aro both dull, and in the absence of sales we omit quota tions. FLOUR—There lea fair local demand for thia ar ticle, and we note email male' at $5,60d5,60 for Ex tra and 86.00 to $6,75 for common to fancy brand. of Extra Family. Eye flour may be quoted at $1,760 5,00. 011.0CFMIES—Sugar is steady at from 11% to 12;c. Coffee l dull at .32.a33c. 2doloanos may be quoted at 65060 c for old and new. DPIED FRUIT—in lair demand- and 'toady with Beat* of 75 hush Anylca at 5425, add 30 bush Peaches at 83,00. POTATOES—ettoady with a fair inquiry at from $1,50 to $2,60 per bid according to quality. CHEESE—in good demand and a shade higher, ego. of 124 bx. W II at MILL FEED—SaIe on track of one car of Short. and Middling. mind at $1,60 per mt. 131317ELtd SAGS—Butter le (lull stud auch.ge4l Salt. of 18 Kole Egg. at 141014 c. FISH—SeIo of 15 half bble White Fish at $O, and lu bble No 3 Large Mackerel at 55,50 per .bbl. Pittsburgh Oil glantet. Jose 27—Crud. la firm, with a fair demand, and, aa the receipts aro extremely light, and the market almost bare, prices aro advancing. We quote at 16% 417 c, packages returned, and 23@22%c, packages Included; Salo of 133 and 200 hble at 16%e. Refined, also Iradvancirg and very lirm. In the absence of sales, we quote gml city brands of bonded at 4.2,11 43 for hammediate delivery. For future delivery, considerably higher figures ate demanded. One great draw back to the trade%) net now is the fact that the Penns3rivaule Railroad will not receive through freight, but we are In hope, that this *betook will soon be removed. New Yon: reiroloum Market Dispatch to tho Pittsburgh Gazette. flew Toast, Julie 27—Crude L hoe active bot • shade higher. Defined in bond, in steady at 50.3 on tho spot; 620152%e for Jai, delivery; 264457* for Angest, and COc for September. liaptha le doll at 2134(6230 for deodorized. hl. Boston Fish Market J ce a 24—There to a fair demand for Cotiflob, but watt mos.:wed receipts prices continue to ow off gradually. Tho oat. have been at $645,60 for rood. tun, am mrge, tn.-lading all kind., and small ett sls3 4,60 ip qtontaL Hale and Haddock are quiet at $ 3 ( 3,601$ gtl, and Pollock are selling at $3,26613,76 qtl. 1/lateral ore comparatively quiet; but few now mrartog, nod prima am nominally pad bbl for large nod medium; old I'. are selling at sllssll,6o cod 57,605ti10 far large, and $B,OO for medium. Alewavoo are quiet at $5 per bbl. Pickled florring are doll, and selling in small lobe at $3,60(46 bbL 1u Salmon sale. limited, and prices eta nomlnall qr... 3 id [Once. The Winter Wheat Crop. We have • ample of new wheat front South ern Illinois. It is folly ripe, and the quality good. The quality of the wheat this year, gen erally 'peaking, will he excellent, as far as we ere Informed; but the breadth of land morn with winter wheat being has than last newton, as our car reepondent informed on lut sprllig, the quantity will be much lees than that gathered ISO, a. regents the winter variety; the amount of erring wheat sown was large, however, and 'tumid It to • not well, the crop will be a Mil one—Cin Price C. ht, June Xith. Catcago Mar at. Jua s 26—The general produ We to-day, and the prince show meat. There war an improved and the market closed ttrai ar per bushel—with mho of No 1 ti No 2 Spring U:4 16c; lieJected a No 2 hod Winter at g1,u1%. T tiOUOD doll and neglocted—with White Winter extras at $6,50; extra. at 1450. The demand we note no advance of ,S4(o.‘c of shout 250,000 btu/If:lsaias° t allot; busyleilc for 'Liver /Mud !diked tiara in atom and Id In stela—thy market opening Iris active and quiet at 4.8.,i(gi advanced Iktel3qo per buzbet—w 001 !mohair, at artayblinfor No 1 Puled la .tort—the market Clot Latins. Eye wag quiet at held at 42c, bet buyers were on The Crop of markets ware ac tlll further Improve. demand for wheat, advaace of . „5401c ng at 61,0901146 X; ring 74077X,c; and e lifiour market crone light salsa of choice d 1.10/1161011 Spring Corn is active, and r bushel—with •ales Elver Whitalltzed oat; 4.93ittlelhfic for 7 for llejscted Corn 1 nynnt, but closing Ibr Mixed. Bata r thinks of about 76,- 1 and 604ljtact tor Be g at the inside quo liighwtnes wero offering 41%,c. Flax. The Cincinnati Price Curren says ►a unusually large amount of Cleo seed waif • n, and It Is doing very well; the crop of seed will be unusually large, beyond a doubt. Wheat on the Upper Mississippi The St. P.ul Poet, of the 2.ltb, says: the amount of wheat yet to the country I. eery large. On the Mineleota there are 150,(1U0 bushale still to store. Up tha Iliedealppt u leiat 100,000 more. If wo haee rains to rale° the river.° as to allele exports, the crop. w ill he eery large this seaport. Imports by Railroad. PITIVIICIIGIO, FT. Warts & UHICAGO 11411.214.• D, Jour 27-20 bbla dour, Zdackoown & Llabart; 60 do do, Lludaay it Telford; 6 coltr, 6 too ham, 8 Ewart I au; 2 to beef, J A Esnahaw; 2do do, Haworth et co; 2 cka bacon. John S Wilson; 6 bad tobasXo, Little & Trimble. 2T6 kg. wheat, J B Liggett A co; 23 aka rags, E It Godfrey; 100 bbla door, Jai Gardner; 20 cases tobacco, nutlia Iley1; 12 libds lead pipe, Alex Gordon 26 hbds bacon, V Bailers & co; sdo do, 100 bbb dour, Watt Js lYlleun I , n-rumours a CLLVELAND RAILSOLD, Jane 26- 8 pkgs ost meal, 10 boa cheese, Wm Haslege; 42 do do, )4, Ilearlotoni 11 do do, Jas Brown.lee; 120 •do do, am Op potatoes, L B Ifoigt A co; 20 bids made oil, Wade Hampton; 10 dodo, A Cookie; 10 Dan theme Hartland Connor; 23 do do, /r, Li Hien co; loaki potatom, 4 do barley, Ido peaches, Ii ItcYlcker, 2 WAN eggs, Shomaker A Langi 0 rolls leather, Wm Meccas; 210 bbls potatoes, Hitchcock, Ilebreery co. a/i , ov4a4 CORNER PENN AND ST CLAIR STREETS' PITTS. IMEGar, PEINNA: Thu largeet, cheapest cod. beet of the United Stake. ilia pap fors full Commercial course, in. chiding Writing and Commercial Arithmetic. tis extra charges for Manufacturers, Steamboat, Railroad and Bank Book.lieephig. Ministers' eons at one-ball price. Students enter and refine at any time. This Institution ls omaducted by exper i enced Teacher. and practical business mm, henos the pref. pence for graduates of this Collage by bush's= men t t the country, as well as this city. h f r = 1L A. OOWLIL, long knownla the best Pen man of cis Union, Pickle' Ornamental and Itspld Suriname Writing. itfirror apecimene of ProL Oowlo's unequalled Writing, and Catalogue contairdag feL informistiou, polo.° twenty-Sty omits to the Principals IIttfICINS keirra, iasay4....inwer F U fiN IT U 11X AliD UMIII AND litrOOD 0111Lia5 ISZLLLEIO OFT GRAD rsioss WiiOLL9►LA OE RETAIL. JAS. W. WOO WELL, aT and 119 Third area, dproiriiii R. dmon LOu & And 111 &math ntrewit. -.inhlo CIIU. ALL/Ull a / I NY COUNTY. _ln ter of the mtate of Gabriel oily, June Term, MO. And mow, June L1th,186.1, on motion of 0. B. M. Smith, the Court appoint J. Sutherland. rag, auditor. to distribute the fund. in ins hands of the Administrator. 014 k. BY THU COUNT.; Wiz. A. fluson, All parties Intended are hereby notified that the Auditor above nano:twill attend to the dutlee et hie onto.. No. 19 areal street. Pltteborib. on FUWAY; th" bitlt di/ nr.7 l ply, A. D. lam, at I o'clock p.m. at Which time and Plato lbw, ere r e 4 14, 0 •4 16 4°411 Jalit:Atd-11.23-29 JAB. L. 131:1111-111LAND,'AnAltor. A SPLIGISIDII) alt & Levu csaLli, containing 106 ache, within five miles of the oilY, imer litenaileld Station,. on the Pituborgh Steubenville Beamed. Ximillant malice for *ann. try lade, underlaid . *Lb JX4I vein five foot thick. Thisproperty Li ozwitt at • Vett bazeiS• nqu lire et J. K Baary • do. 107- . Vcarth street, neer Smith fi eld ll Enid. - mirtiblmems FIM R, NHUIT.-300 baseele chola° Am/ UM. dried Apples, for sato low io eisdlot. Old won, id 217 Linortyr lomat. jell WEBB a WILLINOON. PROPOL&LE. ' DZPOTT Catt 13.7311411211 ChurnsViten - a; Pittsbunly P • June 21. 1162. 100 "" RAY Sealed Proposals win be racebreo at Dale alga until 12 m , the cOrn DAP Or /VIM 180, fez furnish ing end delivery of Pit - entire, Ps, ONlftlittEi- DaltD TONI! of GOottIII2IIOILINTABLI - 14Y, In Welt well booed, wohltintg about biro Inatid Ond tity I. yr-,dt each, as follows: • . lb 40. 1.41 or betty, the 7th day of July, 18113. . 25 tone on or before the 15th day of July.lB6l. 23 tom! an or tsfors the 228 day ot /ply. 1161 u 6 ton On or Dolomites Seth day tit .Tnly, WIS. Protonic must be masked "Proponis tar 100-torti at Baled day." and addressed to Lt. Oil. Q. tlBO2B. Deputy Quartermaster General, 11. I. Army. Pitt.- burgh, Pa. The ability of the bidder hied the contrackshould It be nwereltd to him, mutt be guararitatal by two reepomible poisons, whore signahhes. Mant he pended to the guarantee.' The napondblifiy of the anima - 10mm= heath:4l by the edictal certificate of the Ohirk of- the phallist District Oourt or of the United MAWS Dlitrkt At. Muhl. Bldde-s most be present In person when the bids are opened, or their prop:hale willhidit . be Shuddered: Holds equal in amount to balt - fttesitm to be'rei calved on the contract, sighed by the °Manatee and both of his guarantors, erfll ha neieteeel et-the inc. medal bidder upon signing the tichstrara. Ai the bond mast stromnahe the contract, / turn' be neces sary-for the bidden to hays their btaldenien with them, or to base bonds signed in antldpaticn and ready to be produced when the contract is sigpied... Fans Ghearesnise. . . We, of the county of —and: Blade at and of the county of anAStife - Of hereby guarantee that ._ able luiltdAlf hen. In aomirdancowithihe terns Of Ithipropaalt and that, should his propilittlon acoontedi biZ et °ow enter into a oonixaM in ahoetrdanat:lllstiv, with. /Mould the contract be awarditiOthnwa ace prepared to become bin Matti**. ' To thlo guarantee matt be appealed - the ofdettil oertifleam above mentioned. • • Psoposati from disloyal parties will not be antelli end. and an cad' of allegiance will .blsbeitillfedulf successful bidder s'before aim/ft coarsens. , Th• undeudgood murex to himselfthe right. CO Moot coy or ad bids that he may deem too hisdu Payment to be made upon the completion of the csntract, or 17 mod thereafter as the undendped 'hall be in fan& 0.08088, lent:td Lfent. Gol. and D. Q. N. General. Derorr QuaarassuAran (issuer:a Orem; 1 . Pittsburgh; Pa, June 124.1883. 10,000 BUSHELS OF OATS. Seamed Proposals will be received at this olhoe until 12 o'cloek m., the itilru DAY OF JUDE, 1869, for the foralshing and delivery at Pittaurrgh, Pa, on or be- L re she Bth day of July. 111113, of TIES THOUSAND BUSIIELS ON-41U0D, OLEAN, BUNND OATS, in groan mks, well sewed up, and to welsh Ilicfg-tees .potto4 to tha busks/. Propmals mast be marked .Proposals for 10,000 beach of Oat.," and &clawed to Lt. Col. O. (Moss, Lepuly Quartermaster General, U. 8. Army, burgle, Pa. • The ability of the bidder to MINI the contract, should MU awarded to him, must be guaranteed by two rerpokibte pewee, whose stighattums muse Co ap• yondea to the guarantee. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official oartincate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or the United and= District AttOW ney. Bidder. must be present in pawn wheel the bias are opened, or their proposals will not boon • sidered. Bond equal in amount to half the sursito be received cn the contract, dined by the container and bottilif his guarantors, all be replied Of . sucaufol bidder, upoti signing thecontract. As the band most accompany the contract, it will bs maw ury for the bidden to .have thgtr bondsmen with thew, or to bare bonds signed in anticipation, and ready to be produced when the contract le signed. Peres of Gisanswiew We, —, of the county of ---, and State of'—, and of the county of —, and Mate of do hereby guarantee that —is able to fulfill• con.' tact in soccrilance with the terms of his peeped thin, asi that, should his proposition be accepted. he will at once enter into a contrast In Nocardanee therewith. Ohonld the centssethe awarded him we' are prepared to become his securities. To Wets guarantee must be appended the official certificate abOVe mentioned. ProcessLi from disloyal puttee will Rot be consid ered, and an oath ot.alleglance will be required of snrcombill bidders before aigaing contract. The undersigned turves to himself the right to reboot any or all bids tint he may doom too high. Payment to be made neon [h. completion of the contract, tr so soon thereafter u the undersigned shall be in fonds. 0. CROgS, • Lieut. OoL and D. 4.M. Galena, . PROPOSALS FOR HAY, STRAW &ND 61110.19. dwurrarr Quaamtarmumat'e Organ, - Torture Deramnramr, . Corner O and TWontymerand strosts, WAINUIIaToN, D. 0., April 10,1503, WRITTIN PatiPOSA.I,B are bathed for inralsk-. ins HAT, STRAW, OATS sad 00.814.1 M the ries thin Depot, to be delivered at the lailmed pogo*: or at mg of the Glovarnmesit Whom* laftlds The proposals to be addrimodg tEi suausignsil, and they should state the quantity of matt article; *Sand, also the price and the data of delivery. Proposals will he received for Ilya tbensandie m Sula of Cern or Oats, and filly (50) tone of or Straw, and upwarda, mbar it ohould be for the tarest of the Govarnment to ciantract tor a ltee amount. All gran to be put to good mkt - , of about two (9) t Inhale mob. wtdoh are to be farad:Led at the poet of the contreetor. The Hay and Straw to be warcrely baled. Ail Grain and Hay offend to be subject to. a sled inspection by the Government tontrectesrill be awarded tront l =tiine to the Wrest responsible biddate,ll the tntenete of the ow skw may minim Good secinity will be rigared.lar -the faithful fulfilment of any contract made under tlJe edvesticensnit. Payment to be mad* .t the completion of She cos tract, b.. L. BELQWN, apaltant Captain and A. QJlif., U. 8. A. Jrz w 800.811. S TANDARD MILITARY WORKS. U. 8. Infantry Tactiot. Authorled edition. GUltain's Cannel far Toluntrets. Wllasn'e Infantry and little Tesl4l. Scott's Infantry Tactica. 6fele. hicOtallan's Hamad lizercdoe: Itintinbuty's Artillery and Wintry. - Anderson on Yield Artillery. Cooks's 11. 8. Cavalry Tailor. 2 yak. Coypee's /laid MancalniC Quetta Hanle, Ocrapany Clerk, containing' iostrnctlotli for mons, rolls sad calms papa for We by KAT A 00. 65-Wood guitwic AL I ABLE 800 rit Fka Dlvorolons of PIN. yob. Laiand's Deistical Atom 9 lob. Dr. Porter's Lectures on Hoinitioa. Dondlio do Trento, in Sp d& and Latin. floweo Treatises. .19ma. &Um* of in, Banarrootlon. Bouloy.. Bono and Batas' lirotka. 1 vol. . Klopatock`o diandab. 2 yob., 16 son: " ' Oonyona Lochner onllhnlptankfteta 1 1 1,3 1)Wd7. Howe's Works. I Irol ' ni3l6 .1. L. 87AD,711 lour* stmt. LATE rUBIALLILTIONS: My &other" Friends. WEI*. Watery of the Behrmatioaln lir Moseof Gelds. lfootlgh on the Boandety Of another World: The Great Iran Wheel Mountoid: Erewniow. Benteres Thirty Tears lathe 11. k Senate. - .Loe Miserable'. Gott aM paper. _ Eyes and Ems. 'teacher. The Eters and tho Angels. Worley icrElabsry, Theology Medicine, Ees milt Jell. L. BE AD. 187oarth street. gtourra elnanneres terrint• Wesausarote ern, Perch 1813. O . WlOlB OF STEAK .8=.31 . a re .N invited to send to the fltlarterraErtaerert ogles sunder' he their charter or solo. Tenders should coatidn'descrlptlone of the'seinds, their dttneurkno,.carotlisl or ragatered, tannag e Nowa carrying cepacdtywhetherpowtredi whether stde.wheel or propellers,whothsr caner. or teen Weaned. Was and most Of englnsiarollobillero, and StlOUiti scats the at which they are by long or short charm; with tharestlarated= the fend la can otiose. or In ass the getsraftzenf should prefer to pnrcheeo *teed *fig mix•h!insw. . Owners of MOM needs already in thili=ei.el the laserturasstezt 'Dieertsienti Id make lE= to 'the Depuinsent eny motion la their I ratio latch they .t.l rent, d Woo {be pia et which thay alltfOrM ll . '" fall sock tolldi ll salt i 1 RUTIN tielitutri Termsiter General of the United States; at waddnat ten, and should be endorsed oProperele aft the char. ter or eels of atearnano . , . • . ~ , . When malted they; ill be. ontaidersdoand the Department will. Midi:near to reduce the laity ea genie attending armytzanop =baba aporttlut coma and ildiewattes by substituting; whatemr It Can do so, cheaper mode of 'qual csimeity $, Wei .ncrw employed. TO LET. . VO.ll RENT.—TUe thrikkriory i WASIROUBM, No. I Wool otrootitetOoorp los tams apply to • • 7114/18 1 1 / 1 1114, (Hollso,op i Sable * WAY ; • or to JOINER WOODLI4 =taw ‘eontroild sad Woidistroote: tU latT-4.lne, Tee •or Three - norms J. in the third or tOniet roar of GUMS lug, NM duet, with or wt 4148 otoseipoiror:‘ on wow.,: • • 'mita Pt) , 100 —The third stowt.the X building now'ecouyied by the subac aDcoet of Bt. Clair rtreet ant. Duquesne Way. AMU r. • :, BOBT. AIiIIWOBTH. 1863. - uNAVMAIii,SI al?otlnt SUORE LINE. The new and elegant iow.preonne dimmer 6173.9.14' WARM 0127: WEL RioraWin Will r=1:1 dating the seeten between the oboes porte as tolb:vws: Leone Clievehind toe isiw OW. Zest 1304031111 and Zap CI% botching stiell notosp. .:Udailant Port Maas% Irotester.ittuenillhkrsent'Aubeft Port Austin and 2411/11F•Mi P"frI VR P 34I62 : 4I zysiania, at o'clock. • ' • ' Loom bieueer . tor Cleeetend - overy-SATtraDAY HOEHI&as baghts cotedgited tossed:ll realm , pa Tbzoogh oniburoto teed& jildgpirs, g ff . lug freight. nods conalimi Owl to . 041 Illortiltin go on tat boat tritbent choir he 11 , 11. —. • soltkam H. cultairmika S yitur.-60 bble. extra tionny - 0V to do .ortad bratidivez - /a store and for male by 1.114 D S.: : Jun Libirti t:14.. magiwfwimmilfpmwmilworwommqwWWM POR 1141.11. FOR = : —Very desirable IRON IMPSto PkOpiliff, drasted at McVey. tom • • Meanly; Pa,. within* abort distance of the Pu. 2 2.71 ' • a+3. ina Gang: . 110 freatigd 3 0, 9. 11 7 ''• • runtara, voidoiro aroPra power •• blow it. using either cberooal mute-racite coal about LICO antes timber brkd ; also the or-Imprensa • - woodid iron ore bank. containhlt ''bootoot l7 - w hln - yret ge docas in erns dance the um ore fro wldeit•eohn Inane his renown • nod' inetifeekbrated t motive Tire and e at . . t ;Wale the only-ar.., . i,. proper , / In the Stara. blob prodems the ore t .0 for es• tabliahlng • teas or like charad e literals • • 'bons 160 eau of las., *train half .a roll. of t h e . . • • held trades W . g hams, man Which *brad as of excellent itentStite ere can be tetra, at . rr •I DO onreedlnilkliv• ton, Wetted ou the for -. bank , and on which. sludla have recently bran naltiand which will pradaresalkient ore to en • • I the Ammo*. Ara is Wm .b, m aat .0 neighborhood. t hutoal , in nay gulatitim, '•to has delivered et the rumba at to 634 ante • busheL TUN Yu • Ifs well situated for the markets, hey. tog water e• • rail oommanicat•one with Philadel• phi", Pittsburgh. Baltimore, lianisbcri t , and other important manufacturing tom. Jfer pa:s t igmas and anther partic dare apply to IL N. BUBBOO6IIII, J•l9:slir ' Philadelphb4.Pes, VOR" BALR-4151ADD3ON FOUNDRY A: • AIM IdAOIII2IB 11110P.-WTba ahem alma. llahmont, Xadisen,liediesta, moot engibly OW" tamed for bostrume. /t =laths • lorge amount of machinery, and ali - &Aro.Torge oireortounkt of the most wieder& patterns Ito rewire* mill and minipill work. Madigan - to mop Gostrable platy of renitence and poosommenwior mrientama for mantlattaring —baring good taallitlis far transportation' to all parts of the coostl7., to my kw; Ming chola and the locality emend to no other in the thdtid biotite for good health. The proprietor will son the ratablbhment, If applied for mon a }t . b good bargain, or one•hall of it only to emu compttentsemon, who tineontanditirell ind ^Minimement of Fish .an fatablithroint,Dr tt.ririt...dispoied Ofanma, be inettldrene its dempotelble..buteelo — r_ei Waco! lean, retstetogare ,heteceet or likth ilamiq malt the particle xleblog teetr.::2lieke an terpfUge . ektp• per& ha ,elle'Vw.,:witle mom lectit., °Oda& item they.autdo,aademtlr Perthel-dochin goxiimot tor steamboats, engines And EsachlnerN a. compall , e 4 to otter cities, for the weal a parties has to do the Work.:- . . ror tarns • and prism address 110; 460, Madison, Indlaada Palm tirtuLtvel utAIiCT SAWS Ulf "A U 11017211,A1QD.tOT 94 . w2.1En Br83112: alrtne of an onliiortha Crphat4Ponatin'Alli• /Bony County, tlxeremilll be eapcaeAl Jo.Pfbllo We: on the ptemltei, on . 14yue .. street, he ;7 Clikr • ld Pigtsbaret, TO X 804014 04:441410. 18.3. at 10 o'clock a. ps r am 'ale pro Ur John Ourts,.die4• idr_s4k..cert44 l .9%..iciirODA - _„stil! . eta on the corner of Wartulnnot sac - I ,BBl t In the Oily of,2lBtalutrig4.lu44 Inches ou flayhe atm,: and extaidlog beck slOng Jackson alley 90 feet; babas loa bu,d tin plan of late lald.onaby:ltai. Innucto lbgiapt molted In Dei4 . DobtioL P,py,pll39_, rodth e name ishk.h Was tantalized by'lLit„ ATM* Werrpu foutd Jolutlazta, deed, by deed dated Jantiars 87, 1137. recorded 1n Dud Book voL 53, me 152, on which la wooled tiio.itorybriak dweltlatlibosi.. Terms cash. 'JOHN MINTZ, Exeoutor. for bathos: parliculara smoke or 0. Hasbrouck, Attorney for petlilinard/0.166 South stmt. ..1111 . - =Mar.: sbostgo tram Seances), breathing two blared d alithipainc awes.. Sh• land fs Aiwa. atm ,tanabad acmes 'cleared.. Dosiandilmaitone oft the prenitesa —also DsaaLog.lionis, Itainiaad Orchard... Onelearsdiand tell timbered; a WILL be sold law, althar in one, two, for further malodors ippls to - 114 lifig.4 BARN,. • • or, IL PATItION, • • Irina alsost, , Plttaburgh; J.Or, M. DIOR, Yittatotlnto Es. 1013.1k0t PeS EM mosorsill Iniptiteid, with- LOG DA CI :thoraces otooteid,-'l4 toorrehlp, Alletheey county, met the OILS %Poor .renn, tormerly mimed by James WidtOokor, doomeod. • Will be sold clamp for csee. Also, 16 , 11.011a11iG MILL, Imams es Om t.Hardin MOW ..with 1181.5 w =na of laud, hoax% barn and othar ' Inquire of • De. WAX.H. MILL; McKeesport. Pe., IBLA.O. KILLS, Braddock.i Held;, Pa n or THU& 4LLLKIDAH,bor. /Marta and' Grout eta, Pittobringb, • - • • • tori Mined Atorsivrr ieutc %in.% 204 20 by 212 bit each, legheny Avenue. Also. Three - ,ke1e..1 15 . bYtgkille. Anntlag on layette street, &mend Word, Autony. Uwe lote are very dnbabley WA' I. OW of the Net hxettotle k ot the Ohy k and, , elthln MINA et the Atenebester_, Beltway. en tidwell street. (Beeper '• Line u rgr will sell the phi ett lota to ono IrushWfAYvarior: Tenter ee' Apply - to OABl5Ohl, ' ealler ie Ohio street; Allehhetri• - BALD--Ono auperior rmond .a: band CYLIEDIIII DOILIS, BO Imam by 90 tool bfog. Porillto_ 4 . 03r 6i Ltinolg mb nift-1W4Td4.3.1 booboo dilinsfor, $ iriTilltAdaada 80/ Bilzfold; frl4ll Ponta 4 5 1 , Trild, a nd MN rAGINZ trm igewhatimeser droll to boa frill Of low 1W afga. , awn( DOLE, sofa thi *bog body rtw. oor. rotas Miff. IsTUUK.- ..11'.6104 -3t."" ilNit IsTUUK -YOU - BALE , 41. - coatilalng 192 wail 175 Wu clawed aid Mu a ad,altizaha ou Oa Paa• adlaalaioact amity, Ira-. neat Ult riais;:lina, tonal imiar Iloralor. wadAta'ailleitroin 21a* bertaidi - ilelmpron” 'manUridwa oo dwelling, bulk Lenil:id claw& Thu firm a id khan , sail fig, and am be bought low and creasy x MIS B. woLLIN 00 0 log Fourth at. P..V41. dALLEG—Ahaliiiiited.UN "toms .i.: =a Azilur - ourlon 'Or • nowiD, E. 10 to WI Betel. of Hugh alum, bus.- Walt/ wogea 41 ' - • 'otltorichasticom the examselr ' the bank i:4 'the' Ohio dreg; lor i illr.kniruit Ortiesmioa prop. Fated' ll* Isisme. r ot A. posl4ll4'ffet.' ea itrest.• ... Lilt:- • - lasaramiszu an 4 well A: finlalisd TWO4TOBT BRICE 11017814 with T item =Laced damosilar,and.hipimantwater, srlth • team stab. hut. r p420410, .11 lota 80:110, on Lccimt . inbar:Nisiugre Ball. way Inuits 44 TIM 0171036 or to HANBY HiliDNlLL:•Lcoakc'stilet,Ms•or, lIIAKN NO MUK UNPLJUSANT .1 AND DNBAII3.IAITIOINSB.—Tor univiesesat and deuterons elelease. .liSe - MILILBOLD 8 NI. TRAlPPNlNNlUOrtickliee•recelved the eadosa. loot of the Wet ' tphyslelens In the WWI Etsiss.-. Is Voir ' . Wilkie& hilitiadty as • a entsia ears for the - Abaft ezid systole= hear ' Ind - abliedall Abe Diery ile ril =erpail 1 ' ' Debilityi-Mentel , sai Physical DeytateleNi , beollity r Deterabsettos •ol Blood ee thellial. , , 14. .., llyitterheAkameal Initsbilltyi end fileepleasisse at NW; Absence. .AinanilesLoss of - Appilits, Ilieselatla Dow Itsi-Disorpnier lira es - +Of NW Clententlon,Pelpl• talon 44 the. ,InA whist all•theobncosaltests el a neevensend ' • lti.ed state°, ths dynes." -, To,ldit.7 blesiall i e is li.t.eilliD a, cut- this , cart, Lab ex Reintbo , he *Mar.. , eareernininleati. , Bee edeetthinicent fn'anothereolexca: , lapftlibelhel ... „ .., . . . LIMICM•do,'M .461Z4.773, G.AND,ENZR - COITIN, £o *oz IJ • numutic.rxiii.uo,laPHlA AND ExxiAkazfil. mamas Ownwaskjiorpa•elit_coisicer_Wood. a)td .w -A-JONEH,, , OLGKIII: Nowt% Amu • v.. statifia aid-Hartfdrtin runincsOmapahlill, grlirster street.. • • ' 0„, ••• I • n - R• ißzwucrAnar..t,, .4 I 3 JUIVILUICqI (kacrast - oorner. Ilarkat. imd Watec DAL-, 14i -sxourraarAzamumwr .r.e..auro.Cbrultri. 87 Mb vitriol. rrrikilt.-64.161/3atift ' .11 - 11161tiiiiI,Ahl.X106111 . 1.M0/1 libla..l ban% : :Lstiitd6t e ousbir Oui Haring t 0 bbla. 6t' Phi; vb. _ 160 b .0. 100160666; 55 Midi, 7 60 taus plake . ,,Qlp64; • I -,' 766 611,0.,t1,,, I .; ~,,,, 314.-q.!Xi.:IOC•6ZUTONA W4)O1 aW114•:. , jn'balls Rosy, Max' Ler . totr VARPIT' .in to dooltun only. • • .... - •— • • • and onintlints for Gotten WRAPPING •TWINZO. Nancy Twines and Ilah UMW Pod Coula r Olotbon Islam floolt Coeds. An., - - Patina, nod TutnoWnnbotuta.• - • _,; -• . R. 114 Ration Liao. Now•Yorn. AND takes,..:- G.. I kes,. N tiTOXII ANw _ .:- t . • ----- - -711borneW. • eissiffet . '•• , --- ' ••• '.50 'de' oh Intro* 1mr,:,,,'-' Tr. prepie Noah 4. AI E! TRlOacarrhing dad lads N. aBBOTEIX3I boserCheese L dors • ,'W,vtl4lo.lo hafa/ 1161 "" Vitsx. LBATIIKS i$ INEIv-43ak.-Taimed, c / Heft s (Nr. Tian sad thexcumes (Math natl) suumbetural LW lOrmilit'at 116 andll9 it Oak street: ' & P. PHILWPd. SW Far th:a and Banned og. °a nano% sadA,ber Bran Az ii t t WW I, • • fa.aad TO Wats/rend. • - us mon, - N.C. .. 2; 12 111 WATLNINIUlia: • 1130 bbia. pan Dart Crook; .Winuntod hp from pit, iall sat ea s, . ibr WO by JAS. DBOX saktt - Ist Ng )1/ Waist stmt. ~~.~ bblzactotge-oad vulva/ - Ploo.00:iitto. go UEleno•tor by RIMY 11 LOLLINE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers