The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 29, 1863, Image 1
OFF.`I`OIAL. LAWS <OF THE MIMED STATES, LA• rhird &stio'n `Cie =rip eartual Onsgessa • LeußLzo—No. 68.1 AN Acr ranking appropriations for sundry , civil shimmies, of the Goverimmtut for ths year ending June - thirty, - eighteen hundred end sixty-four, and for the year ending June Mt, 1888, end' for other purposes. Be n it enacted by the &MU and Bowe of Represntatives of the United Statee of Am er : ion in Congress amettible4 'That the follow 4 ing sums be and the same are hereby sp.; propriated, for the - about _hereinafter ex: premed, for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth June, eighteen htindred and sixty 4 four, SURVEY OT TEC COAST. • For the survey of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, of the United States, (including oompeneation of civilians engaged in the work, and excluding pay and emoluments of officers of Gleamy and navy, and petty officers and men of the navy employed on the work,) one hundred and seventy-eight thousand dollars. For oontinuinig the surrey of. the western ' coast of the United States, (including corn *nation of civilians engaged- in' the work,) one hundred thousand dollars. For-continuing theaurreyof the Florida real and. keys, (including °civet:tition of civilian' engaged in the win% and exeln4 ding pay and emolumente of officers of the army and navy, and petty officers and men of the navy employed on the work,) elevelS thousand dollars. For-puhlishing the observaUbsus madebt the progress of the survey of the coast of the United States, (includingoompenastion of civilians employed in the, work,) four thousand dollars. For repairs of steamers and sailing schooners used in the coast survey, fon; thousand dollars. timersy end redone of engineers for tout [f need in the hydrography of the Coast Survey, no longer supp li ed by the Navy Department, nine thousand dors. F6r supplying deficiency In the fund ll lb the relief of sick and disabled "seamen, one hundred thousand dollars. For the discharge of such - miscelleneoth chum, not otherwise *sided for, siittollf be admitted in duo-course of settlement at the Treakry, ten thousand AMAMI, LIOUT moan INTABLIMILICErr. . . For the Atlantic, Galf,and .Lake COWS ; viz: For supplying the lighthotuses and hiss= con lights with oil wicks, glans chimneys; p and othger necesseq.expenses of the same, . reairin Ind keegngin. repair. the lighting apparatus, one • hundred.- and- fifty-fcror . thothind six hundred -and ninety-eight dollar, and eighty ciente. • I For repairs and incidental expenses, re: fittiagand improving all_the light -homeas and inaildlnp connected kerelkla. one hundred and two dollars thousend two hmuirsd . For salaries offlie hundred and ninety.; six 'keepers, of light-houses and light: beacons, and their aseistanto, lifty-threei thousand one hundred and - ninety-three dollars and o ftthithree mate. For Werke forty keers of light vessels, threl thousand nine h pe undred dollars. For seamen's wages, repel* supplme,' and incidental_ expenses of forty4ve light vessels, one hundred and seventy thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven dollars and seventy cents. For expenses of raising, *leaning, paint kg, repairing, re-mooring , and supplying losses of beacons and buoys, end for chains and sinkers for the same, one hundred twelve thousands three hundred and fifty dollars. For expenses of visiting And inspecting lightsand other aids te. navigation, two thousand dollars. • . For the purchase of a lot and erection of a =liable banditti. thereon' for the BOA. house establishment k New 'fork city of vicinity,. fi ft y thousand dollars: Provided, That the price of pikihsw of lot, - - and erection of building. her shall not exceed the sum hereby apyropriated. roc rux own or .. _41114. omega, oestioz, For supp yang nineteen light-Unsex and beacon-lights with oil,- glue ahimneys, chamois aka, polleldrigrisrdell.end 1464' ' cleaning o nierialgtransportis_ „ ..".1 1 3Ponsee of keeping lampe andmaccuserykasspefri publishing notioes marines' of change* of aids to navigation,Setenterou thousand two hundred and seventy dollen. For repairs and incidental e of nineteen- light-houses and " usgeaoM.; nected therewith, ten thousand dollars. For salaries of forty-three keepers and assistant keepers of light-house; at an average not exceeding eight hundred dollars annum, t wenty - five thousand eight hundred dollars. For expenses of ralstuag, cleaning, paint. kg, repairing, remooring, and supplying losses of floating buoys and beacon and for chains and sinkers for the cam ., e, and for coloring and numbering all the buoys, ten thousand dollars. For maintanisioi of the vessels prOilaid for - by the act of eighteenth Amnia, eighteen hundred and fifty-el; .trttna portation of supplies and ratted* and for repairs of light-houses,end buoy service ; and for inspectionyurposes, twenty thota• sand dollars. • • r - - - • For compensation of twolkspeolore of customs acting as superintendents for the lifasaving stations on - thee - trial! of tons Island •and New Jersey, three thousand dollars. ~ For c ompensationtififtOmm keepers of stations, at t wodollars each; ten thousand eight h ollars. enumo Blumtkos AND CROUNDS. T , or support, care, and medical treatment of forty transient ,pauper; medical and surgical patients in some proper medical institution in the city of Washington, to be selected by the Commissioner of Public aisthousentdollane---- -- For hire of carts on the public groin:44 two thousand dollars. For purchase and repair of tools used in the public grounds, twohundred dollars. For . purchke of trees and tree boxes, to replace, when necessary, each so have beets planted by the United States to whitewash tree Sox e e and retilik andlo repair pyq meats in front of the public growths, three thousand dollars. . . For annual main, of the Capitol, wets* closets, public stables, waterlipes, pave ments,,and other walks within the Capitol aque„ broken glass, and look; and, for the protection of the balding, and keeping the main approaches t. it:, unenoutottered, eight thousand dollars., For annual repairs of tie Preside - ml'e _House and funaurfc, . irllPlnvezavot of ureads, purofplmits far - saidu l and six Cellingiat thousand dollars. incident thereto, For fuel; An - part; - ;of - the - Pretildull Moue, two thousand four lialdred - de For lighting** Capitol and Preablent'e H e m, the pep/I0 irounds around thin and around„thesiscuttuolVPOtin eylvazda sumult;, 'Bridge i d: 6" a Georzetowv - roitr-sid • :4 2 - ii l f 43,,viath r and--Twelfth-atmeti_semei ; the mall, rixty- two thousand doliarul To enable the Conunissisner of Piddle B u ndia g e to erect two new furnaces under .the rotunda' of -the CoPital,AWQ gager . zb i o ld hall of the house, and two under the a greai court room and vestibule ..*** wantwilviribousamiliveltundrstklaki. _ _ ~ i ~`: r,~.~:~c r Ya., ... ! '• .. . DAILIy . "ET , PIT . sit RGE . L' . . _ raRED IN 1786. E For repairs of the Potomac, navy yard, 1 For defraying the expenses of taking the and upper bridges, and the roads appurte- ! census of the Territory of Nevada, two nant thereto, and to repair the housethousand live hundred dollars. - occupied by the bridge keeper at the navy I For defraying the expensee of taking the yard, and to erect a wing wall to protect t census in the Territory of Colorado, three the same, eleven thousand five hundred and thousand t wo o hnndred and sixty-awo.dol eighty-five dollars, tars and sixty-eight cents. For repairs of Pennsylvania avenue, six For the purchase of a Territorial library thousand dollars. - for the Territories of Colorado, Dakota, For publiii reservation number two and and Nevada, two thousand five hundred Lafayette square, two thousand dollars. dollars each. For taking care of the grounds south of TERRZTORY OP n o the President's Holum, containing [confirm- For salaries of Governor, three Judges, lug) the improvement of the same, and Secretary, and Superintendent of Indian replacing trees destroyed last winter and Affairs, fourteen thousand dollars. g For contingent expenses of said Territory, spring, by United States Cavalry, repairing 'fences, and other injuries, two thousand ono thousand dollars. dollars. For interpreter and translator in the ex dollars For repairs of water pipes, five hundred eoutivo office, five hundred dollars. . For cleaning out the sewer traps on For compensation and mileage of the Pennsylvania avenue and repairing the members of the legislative assembly, offt- same, three hundred dollars, ears clerks, and contingent expenses, eigh- For casual repairs of all the furnaces teen thousand dollars. For incidental expenses of the Indian tinder the Capitol, five hundred dollars . service in the Territory of Arizona, and for For continuing the repairs of Delaware presents of goods, clothing and other useful avenue north of the Capitol, ono theueand articles to the Indians, to bo expended un dollars. der the direction of the Secretary of tho In footpathtenor, on First street between the For surveying the public lands in the Capitol grounds and Botanic garden, and Territory of Arizona, five thousand dollars. making a pavement on Third street on the To pay Jacob F. Kautz for work on the side of said garden, one thousand two survey of the United States and California hundred dollars. For making improvements provided for boundary from September first, eighteen hundred sixty, to , lathe tidrteenth section of the city charter, hundred and sixt April y -one, one thou eighteen sand del act Of May saventeen;eighteen hundred and forty-eight, five thousand dollars. tars.To pay W. 11. Shultz for services on United For 'lmprovement of B street south from States and California boundary survey Sixth to Seventh street west, Maine avenue front October one, eighteen hiindred and &Olathe canal to llirthetreet west,and Fear- sixty, to March thirty-one, eighteen hun and-a-half,east side, from Missouri to Maine dred and sixty-one, four hundred and fifty avenne,all bordering on the public grounds, dollars. according to the surveyoes estimate, six To enable the Secretary of the Interor to thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. pay detective police, employed by a former For repairs andrebuibling-fentite around head of the Department, for expenses in laxs.Sniitheenian grounds, two thotiaafid dol- curred and services rendered in the cities Washington and Philadelphia, in the For compensation to the Commissioner of detection and arrest of counterfeiters of of Publlo Buildings, as disbursing agent of United States coin there shall be er a d Patent Office building and the Capitol hereby is transferred to the Department of extension and dome, for the current fiscal ,The Luterier, from the appropriation by the year, five hundred dollars , aet of Congress "making appropriations oorruancure woarrrsa Pox roes IN SANE -- for the legislative, executive, and judicial For the supper!, clothing, and medical expenses of Government for the year end treatment of the insane of the army and iug June thirty eighteen hundred and navy and of the revenue service, and of the sixty-one," approved June twenty-three, District of Colambla, at the Government eighteen hundred and sixty, to be expend huhospitaldrei in said District,' including five • under the direction of the Secretary of incidental .nl dollars for books, stationery, and the Treasury, so much thereof not exceed hund expense; five fifty thousand ing eleven hundred and eighty-four do l lar e, red dollars. furnishin . as may be necessary for that purpose: ~,For finishing, g, heating, and Provickd, That if the unexpended portion lighting of additional accommodations in of the appropriation a foresa id be not suffi the east wing, five thousand dollars. cient to allow of the transfer aforesaid, For extension of workshops and machi. then, and in that case, the amount afore nary therefor , to afford additional facilities said shall be paid out of any mOney in the for the curative and economical employ- Treasury not otherwise appropriated. meat of patients, two_ thousand doll.— For .coand ars. catinp.iitton of the us wall enclosing the grounds of the hospital, ten thousand dollars. .. . For the continuation of the Treasury buildings, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For repairing the Government ware NIPLOILING EXPEDITE:M houses, wharves, and fences at Staten For preservation of the collections of the Island, fifteen thousand dollars. For annual repairs of custom houses and exploring and surveying expeditions of the marine hospitals, twenty thousand dollars. Government, four thousand dollars. To complete the alterations in the office BOTANIC GARDEN. of the astant at York, Forgrading,drain . ing, procuring manure, authorized sis by the treasurer act of July New ve elenth, tools, fuel, and repairs, purchasing trees eighteen hundred and sixty-two, fifty thou and shrubs under the direction of -Library sand-dollars. h Cothiniiiteepf Cadgresi,three thousand three For petection and bringing to trial to [of] undred dollars. ' rsons engaged in g the cots For pay of horticulturist and assistants of pe the United States, Treasury notes, and in the botanic garden and green-houses , to other United States securities, twenty-five be expended under the direction of the 'Li. thousand dollars. brary Committeeof Congress five thousand To reimburse J. L. Fattier, late postmas. one hundred and twenty-one dollars and ter at Cincinnati, for balance expended w fifty cent INSTITU s. and paid upon Government post office at co:more TION son TIIE DEAF, AND Cincinnati, seventeen hundred dollars. - DUE; AND THE DLINDf To complete the compilation of the last For salaries and incidental e: uses of census, fitly thousand dollars. pay f the United States Commis - said institution, four thousand four hundred . , For o ' stoner and surveyor, and for transports dollars. Lion and other expenses attending the ex- For supplying the institution buildings amination of coasts, and for the making of with gas-making apparatus and fixtures, the final chart showing boundary lines at one thousand four hundred and seventy dollar/. tablished by the Commissioner jointly un der the reciprocity treaty with Great Brit- For supplying the institution buildings at s, thousand dollara With steamtheating apparatus two thous- ani ' . • Kh w • For repair of the pier at anon a, is and two hundred and fifty dollars. coast; and rebuilding the beacon-light PATENT orisca. thereon, seve For expenses, of receiving, arranging, forty dollars. n thousand six hundred and and taking care of the copy-right book; For the erection of two lights near the charts, and other copy-right matter, one mouth of Maumee river and Maumee bay, thousand child/ I =ood dollars. ' ten thousand dollars : Provided, That the For preparing illustrations and descriP- Light-ouse board shall determine that there lions for report, Ave thousand dollars. exists a necessity for snoh lighta. •Fer finishing the saloon in the north wing For the establishment of a series of range of the Patent O ffi ce building, and for fur- lights as aids to navigation at - Port Royal nishill the awns with ' suitable cases and harbor, South Carolina, seven thousand accommodations for the reception and con- d venient exhibition of models, fifty thousand For establishing a fog bell at or near . ' Sandy Point light house, Chesapeake bay, the olit. - . - Fon repairing : end painting the saloon one thousand dollars. in 'portiait'of the Patent Office build- For building a beacon light at Ediz Hook, ing, and for inridithing the same with suit - Port Angelos harbor, Washington Territory, able cases and scconupodations fer the [re] five thousand dollars. caption and convenient eihlbition Of models, For expenses -incurred under directions twenty-fiiitheisand dollars: of the Governor, Chief Justice, and Marshal ': .itrit - irirk of TIM PUBLIC LANDS , of the Territory, In fitting up a Territorial • •-.. . For surveying the public lands, (exclu- prison at Denver, inthe 'Territory of Cola sive of California, Oregon, Washington ratio, to be?ended under the direction of New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska , Utah, De,. , the Secretary ei of the Interior, five thousand , ~_ " , ` iars. kola, Colorado, and Nevada ,) including in- For pay of the United States District cidental expenses' Ind island surveys in Judge for the western district of Michigan, thointerier, atatbill other itperial and diffi e thousand five hundred dollars. oitle 'ettiveys deManding inginental - wites, Iw F For pay of Marshal same district, two to the apportioned and applied to the ear hundrred dollars. oral surveying districts, according to the For pay of District Attorney same die moles of the public service, in addition , ars. to .e unexpended balance.ces of all former trios two hundred doll Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That a t eznations for the same objects - tea the current expenses for the year ending d dollars.. thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty- For surveying the publio - lands and prii fur- cate land claims in California and Territo• four, for the Denver Branch Mint be thorized to be paid out of the unexpended zy ofMtireda t tweao , -nve thousand dollars balance of the appropriation of seventy-five I For surveyurethe' public lands in Kan. balance dollars made for the establish , ens and,fteen thousand dollars. F surveying' . bli • or the tat o lands in Ore- meat and current expenses of said mint by gon, ten thousand dollars. act of Congress approved April twenty-first, For surveying the public lands in Wash- eighteen hundredand sixty-two. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That ington Territory; five thousand dollars. mileage, as non allowed by law tot:feasters, For surveying the public lands in the Representatives, and Delegates Territory of 00l "credo, five thousand dollars. paid for the 13resent session by thpro p er For salaries and commissions of register officer of the Treasury, out of any money and receiver for the Territory of Nevada In the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, ,•fur ilsoulon en ding th irtieth J uner r eigh- as soon as -Certified by the presiding officer teen hundredand sixty-three, and thirtieth of cash House. June, eig,.htettnltandred and six.ty-four, two Soo 4. And be it further enacted, That thousand ' five 'hundred 'dollars ; expenses the Secretary of War cause a register Aye' depositary, datingLiaid priodly two to be prepared showing the present organ •-died-irdiani; 7. , ization of the. volunteers of the United For incidental wrpenses, furniture, iron states army, with such facts in reference _safes, fifteen hundred dollars. thereto as ma be with i f os lialarie s and _commissions of register the public serv y ice;not Incompatibl and the sum of e, fifteen and receiver for the. erritory of Colorado hundred dollars be and the same is hereby for the fiscal - ears ending thirtieth June, appropriated, out of any money in the eighteen a ndaint7-three, and thir- Treasury not otherwise appropriated, tieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty- for clerk hire and compilation of said reg four, two thousand five hundred dollars; • later. two hundred dollars. expenses for depositary for said period'', For lighting Maryland avenue west' Sixth street south, with gas, made nemeses.- For Incidental expenses, furniture, iron ry by the aroupanoy of that street by (lov able; fifteen hundred dollars. eminent railroad, thereby endangering the For parchams and fitting up of coffee- lives ofoitizens in the night,fifteen thousand roaster, mole! ! and mill, In the inspection dollars. ' office of 'Prollsions and clothing, navy For alteration of steps and improvement' yard, New York , one thousand one hun- to the entrance of the coetom-house at Ites dred. and atity-Iterea: - dellars and forty ton, Massachusetts, twelve thousand nine hundred and four dollars. • For completion of the wart house at In- For rair of N &awe* fire thousand dogma... avenue repair , near the culvert Capitol,on fiveehundreddy -For c ontteridnrthrworkenlhe - Capitot doll ars . do ex llars tension, one hundred and fifty thousand For the purchase of books of tactics and _. • v.: •• L ••• : , . -..:, gar.rOcnt. Of instructions for the armies of the 'United juk nsressnes to Capitol'• States, fifty thousand dollars. 'Pliaerwie'under esifit er April: trinity- To defray expenses incurred in the raising, second, eighteen 'hundred and fifty.four, equipping, I r:importation, and subsistence nine thousand Eve hindred dollars, of minute men and 'volunteers, in Perinsyl • For.tiontinaing the work on the new dome main, Illfiryland, Ohio, indiane, and Ken o! the Capitit - twe - Mindlnik Wagged del- Lucky, to repel rebel raids, six hundred tars. thousand dollars, to be settled upon proper ...._ . To defray tie: tinerunrrincarred in Lk- thousand anapissed upon by,! Ant th aedn census of the Territory of Dakota, 'the proper accounting officers of the Trace :432. itsnd four hundind • and fifty ;del - ' •my : Provided, That in determining the' *Aims to be allowed Wider ' this not the .. ~e :~:t512:'. For salaries of two additional judgee, from the eighth of March, eighteen bundrcd and sixty-three, to thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, at an enamel salary each of four thousand dollars, tea thousand five hundred and twenty dollart For salary of bailiff, from eighth Marc eighteen hundred and six -three, tothir (loth June, eighteen hun dred" end four, at an annual salary of one thousand dollars, one thousand two hundred and ninety-five dollars. Fora minister residentin Greece, Wits thousand seven hundred and fifty dollarst See. 10. And be it further' meager at the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to allow to Butler and Carpen ter, contractors, for engraving internal revenue stamps, thirty per cent of the coat of engraving the special dies for ,that purpose, and not to exceed in amount the sum of twenty thousand dollars. Bea IL And be it further reacted Thai the sum of one hundred thousand dollard, or ea much thereof as may be neeessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated,' out of any money not otherwise aPpreprit' ted, iolrards:4ofre74ll . a exppeenve, cod snent .upod carrying.into mot tallislot; of Congress of fildtdate,3 entitled stA n i c k, ne at aati E 410.4.03 bi lUlt4t4o/0 ;', these. ln4 ing.poeitapiei mild* c-, ...... • Same principle; rules, ,and regulations shall be observed by the *donating offioeti in auditing said expenses as have_been applied to the alumina allowed to States, under the act approved July twenty.seventh „ i t eighteen hundred and sixty-one, entitle "An act to indemnity the States for ex penses incurred by them in defense of the United States." For additional compensation to the pub lishers of the Statutes at Large, four thou sand one hundred and twenty-five dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to purchase of Messrs. Little, Brown & Corn. pony, two thousand copies of the twelfth volume of the United States Statutes at Large, for distribution agreeably to the act of Congress directing the distribution of the other volumes, seven thousand dollars. For oompensation of the receiver at Santa Fe, New Mexico, acting as depositary, two thousand dollars. For tour laborers employ' d by the Com missioner of Public Builgings in-the Capi tol, (heretofore autioridA 'by special ap propriation,) two thouW.nd four hundred dollars. For now roof to liongtessional Library, three thousand five hundred dollars. To supply defiolency in the appropria tions for Agricultural Buren; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, twenty thousand dollars. To supply deficiency in the appropriation for rent, fitting up, and furnisling of the rooms temporarily provided for the use of the Quartermaster General's Department, including stationery and miscellaneous items, for the current fiscal year, six thousand eix hundred and eighty-four dollars. For the Mississippi squadron building, repairs, equipment, maohinery,lliree million eight hundred thousand dollars; increaseon cost of materials, five hundred and eighty thousand dollars ; completion of armored clad vessel; four million five hundred thousand dollars. For contingent fund of the Bureau of Yards and Docks for eighteen hundred and et:ty-two and three,three hundred thousand dollars. For enlarging hospital cat marine bar. racks, Washington, and constructing sewer to Eastern Branch, nine thousand and fifty dollars. For deficiencies of appropriations in the Navy Department for the fiscal year end ing thirtieth Jtine, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, as follows, viz: For increase and repairs of the navy: completion of side-wheel steamer; hulls, equipment, and machinery, two million eight hundred thousand dollars. Completion of screw steamers, hulls, equipment, and machinery, one million five hundred thousand dollars. Purchase of large steamect; two million six hundred thousand dollars. " Purchase of small steamers and tug boats, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Repairs of steam machinesy,,one million nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For Instituting and condnoting experi ments for testing various. methods of working steam expansively, twenty thou sand dollars. Sea. h. And be it further '0 , 60..4 That the surgeon and the cillseniiii..large, who are, with the , provost marshal, to form the enrolling board of each Congressional die. trier, shall receive the compensation of an assistant surgeon of the army, excluding commutation for fuel and quarters for the time actually employed, and that the same may be paid by the Secretary of War out of appropriations already made for the services of that Department. Seo. 6. And be it further enacted, the President cause to be . thruok from the dies recently prepared at the United States Mint for that purpose, "Medals Of Honor" additional to those authorized by the act .of July twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and present the same to such officers, non-commissioned officers, and pri vates as have most distinguished or who may hereafter most clistingnish.themsolves in action; and the cum of tzsmkty thentiand dollars is hereby appropriated` , 9ut of any money in the treasury not otherwise ap propriated, to defray the expenses of the same. For surveying the public lands in Colo rado Territory, in addition to . the sum hereinbefore appropriated, five thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in K/LOBSII and Nebraska, in addition to the sum hereinbefore appropriated, ten thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Dakota Territory, ten thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Wash ington Territory in addition to the sum hersinbefore appropriated, five thousand dollars. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That to supply a clerical 01 14118i0E1 in the act entitled "An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial et pongee of the Governmeat, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, the following 'words be and hereby are added to the end of the para graph for the support of the bletropolian Police of the District of Columbia: "One hundred and ten thousand dollars.": Sec. 8. And de it further enacted, 'That in addition to the clerical force 1101, au thorized by law in the office of the Second Comptroller, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to appoints follows: Foar clerks of class four; four of class three, and ten of class two, and one assist- ant messenger at a salary of seven hundred dollars per annum; said additional force shall be employed and continue only daring the rebellion, and for one year after its close; and the amount .necesarry to pay their salaries fiom the rune of their ap pointment, for The decal year ending June thirtleth,eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and for the fiscal year ending June thirti eth, eighteen bandied and sixty-four, is hereby appropriated. Sec. 0. And be it further enacted, That the appropriation for temporary clerks the Treasury Department, for the year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four shall apply to and include stationery and furniture for the use of said clerks, COURT OF CLAIIO3 Seo. 12. * And be it further enacted, That so much of the second section of lite act of August sixth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, entitled "An act to provide for the better organization of the t ipLiry; and for the collectioktnife keep , ans fer, and disbursement of the' pub a 'reve. nue," as designates the Mint of the United States In the city of Philadelphia to be the place of deposit of the public money at that point, is hereby amended so as to authorise the deposit of the same in the customhouse building of the said iiity, whenever, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury; the public convenience will be - stibierved: thereby; and the sum of ten thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, payable out'l of any moneys in the Treasury not other wise appropriated to be expended under 1 the direction of the Secretary of the Treas-1 ury, in the construction of vaults and the fitting up of offices in the said custom house building for the proper receipt, custody, and disbursement of such public money as may be deposited therein. See. 18. ' And be it further engcle4 That the Treasurer of the Mint of the United States, by virtue of that office, Assistant Treasurer of the United States at Philadel- phis, is authorized to designate from among the clerks in his said offices respectively, one to act as chief clerk to the Treasurer of the mint, and one other to act as chief clerk to the Assistant Treasurer of the United States. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That in case of the sickness or unavoidable ab, Bence of the Treasurer of the Mint, he may, in his discretion, authorize the respective chief clerks to act in his place, and to die charge all the duties required by law of the Treasurer of the Mint or Assistant Treasurer of the United States at Phila delphia. Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That the chief and other clerks in the Treasury Department of the Mint shall give such assistance in the Assistant Treasury of the United States at Philadelphia, in the receipt, custody, and disbursement of the public money, as may be required of them by the Treasurer, with the same responsi bility for the faithful performance of such duty as is imposed upon them by the laws In force for - the government of the mint and the officers and cleirks thereof. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Senate be directed to pay, out of the contingent fond, for such extra messengers, pages, laborers, and tier- vices for the Senate during the present ses- sion, as the committee to audit and control ' the contingent expense* of the Senate may approve and direct. See. 17. And be it further enacted, That an Assistant Collectorof Custems,ehall be appointed at the port of New York, in ' the mode prescribed by law for the appoint ment of deputy collectors, at an annual compensation of fin thousand dollars, who shall perform such duties and exercise such powers now devolved on the collector as may be assigned to him by - that officer; and all the official acts of said assistant, in pur suance of such assignment, shall be as valid in , law as if performed by the collector himself: Provided, That the collector shall be responsible for the official acts as afore said of said assistant, and that no addition al appropriation shall be made for the pay ment of his compensation. Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That the signal corps of the army shall, during the present rebellion, be organized as fol low' : There shall-be one chief signal officer, a colonel, who shall be signal officer of the a I , army; one lieutenant co mil; two majors, who shall be inspectors;land for each army corps or military depart exit there shall be one captain and as m lieutenants, not exceeding eight, as the P ident may deem necessary, to be appoln d consent President, by and with the advice and of the Senate, who shall receilsve the pay and emoluments of cavalry officer* of similar grades; and for each officer of the signal . corps there may be enlisted or detailed one sergeant and elm privates, who shall receive the pay of similar grad of en_gineer sot diem: Provided, That no Meer or enlisted man shall be allowed to a eve in the eignil corps until he shall have been examined and approved by a military board, to be convened for that purpose by the Secretary of War. Soc.lo. And be, it further enaeied''Thnt the officers and enlisted men herein provided for shall be subject to the rules and articles of war. They may be mounted upon horses, the property of the United States, and shall serve in any military department, or with any forces to ,which they may. be ordered. Andefficere of the army who may be ap pointed in this corps , may, after the rebel lion, be restored to •their respective regi ments or corps, and receive the same rank and promotion as if 'they had continued to serve therein. Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That there shall he appointed in the office of the signal officer two clerks aides' two. And in selecting officers and men for the organ ization of the Signal corps, as ;herein pre vided, preference shall be given to such as have served fiithitilly, or es are now serv ing in the acting signal corps of the army. Sec. 21. And be it further markt; That, in order to allow time for their thorough examination the President may appoint the 1 , officers authorised by this act during the recess of Congress ; whi - appointments shall be submitted to the nate at their next session for their staid° and consent. Sea 22. And be it fur enacted, Thit the . sum of thirteen thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, .to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for reconstructing , the bridges and market house in George town, built across the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and for raising the same se ae to open a convenient outlet to the trade of the loans' to the Potomac river, in place of thit ' which has been interrupted by the occupa tion of the aqueduct connecting the Mese peake and Ohio and the Alexandria cans* as a bridge for the transportation. At sup plies for the army of the United. State,. acmes said river, said BUM to bo expended under the direction of the President of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canel Company. Section 28. And be it further emote . d, That the Secretary of the Treasury be dud he is hereby directed, oat of any money in the Treasury not 'otherwise. appropriated, to pay to the Governor of the 'Natant Min nesota, or. his duly autherised agent, the, costs, charges, and . expenses properly in- , enured by said State is cuppressing Indian , hostilities within said State and upon its borders,• in the-year - Aishteen - hundred and sixty-two, not exceeding tiro hundred' and' fifty thousand dollart v to ,be settled upon' proper vouchers to be Hied and passed upon by the proper accounting, officers of: the . Treasury : Prosidid, That, . In: de tarmining the claims to be allowed'under tide ac, the same principles, rules, and retdatlbas shall be observed by the accounting officers in auditing said expenses as leve Iwieni-pPlied to the claims ' allowed to Sista under the act. Approved July = ewentreetentlii eighteen Approved - and eiitj-one;. entitlede"dn to--indemnify. the.. States ;for expens in- Act curred by them itt , 'defeetteil ot• the United ileati e h'4, And as 4i-.;s4gigi,;ariiii4 That: so ' mach of the sok approved- the eigh teenth of:Auguel, eighterelitindrief and: 1 / 1 4 .. , 4 4 4 ;1 11111 1et. i'An : act id regulate the diplomatic' and - 41 te . i the 0011 a, sr 5711 tCup 0 , tFirgAlUreiV'se proldtilthe gratAiegjef haPOria tOs&V O th er than , oltliens'of eder 't tatel, 014 be and Is hereby to. le a led an so ro t s ao ot thitt_ vo.. -pralAhitlenalaY eat liable to milltist duty by the lattAilihTifitited Stater: , faeotWt 26.4i1l hat &fail m esse s That got - grooymtvwfTrallArAtiteeb e end he is hereby authorized, whenever in his judgment the public interes t may so require,: to disoontinue tbenonsulate of the United States at Trinidad de Cuba, and to appoint at Cienfuegos, in that island, • coneulwith the same salary and emoluments as those now alloWed by law to the consul at Trin idad de Cube. , Bection 26. And be it further enacted, That any judge advocate of a court martial' or court of inquiry hereafter to be consti tuted, Shall ban power to issue the life : precise to colnpelveitnesses to appear and teetify which courts of criminal jurisdiction within the State, Territory, or district where such military courts shall be ordered to sit may lawfully issue. Approved, ?larch 3, 1863. . . Acr for [Papua—No increasing the 59 rev ] enue by re servation and sale of town Bites onpublio lands. .Be it enacted by the Senate and Renee of Representatives of the United States of Amer tea in Cowen assembled, That it shallbe the duty of the President of the tin - Red States to reserve from the public land!, whether surveyed or nnsurveyed, town sites on the shores of harbors, at the junction of rivers, important portages, or any natural or pros pective centres of population. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted., That, when, in. the opinion of thejresident, the public intereats require it abill be the duty I of the Secretary of the Interior to cause any of said reservations, or part thereof, to be surveyed into urban or suburban lots of Suitable &lie, and to fax by appraisement of disinterested persons their cash value, and to offer the same for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder, and thence afterward to be held subject to sale at privet* entry as cording to such regulations se the Secretary of the Interior may .prescribe: Provided, That no lot shall be disposed of at public sale or private entry for less than the ap praised value thereof: And Provided fur ther, That said sales shall be conducted by the register and receiver of the land Once in the district in which said reservations may be situated, in accordance with the laws and rules and instructions of the de partment regulating the sales of public lands. Approved., , March 3, 1868. The Harrisburgars. Bat for the look of the thing, there are • good many loyal people who would not feel greatly pained were Ewell and his dragoons to water their hones in the Susquehanna and help themselves to the - hospitality hospitality of the capital of Pennsylvania. In the first place, • majority of its cattalos widertook to act the part of the wagoner in the fable: calling luti: ly upon Harrell* to help .their _vehicle oat of the slough, when they ought to have pat their own indolent shoulders to the wheel. They produced a rare panic, not by way of induoing their neighbors to join them in the good work of repelling the /3obel invasion, but to justify titenselves in disgracefully turn, log their backs upcin the Weft and Skedad dling into New Jersey 'and even the - Empire State. They spread terror and alarns--er at least, did their utmost to [do so--4.11 the way to the Delaware and the Madsen. For every A~rrppin that approached the:place with assist, there was • train of eble.bodied men-- t say Rocking of the women and ohildrea— running awaVirenait• - lbw** was by no means the worst beton in the can. it appears that • portion of the inhabitants 'remained or have shift returned to Warrielarg. With the avaricious propels sity which oharacteriess more Suite Capitals than that of Perrasylvanis, they forthnha'oot about earning "an honost , peany"Atthe ear pens* of the soldiers who had volunteered"to defend them. We blush to record that an* community in the free Suites could le:demurs itself as to make .extravagant chanies tor every mouthful of victuals doled out toward its protestors. ,I stead"el sainillointi their inglorious time and sari trinsiXelltif sol diers cromfortabliii - or even to give Ohm cent reception en their arriralithe Weres' oar. respondent deelares that they refuted to open their doors or part with • sing* Meal unitise [ exorbitant price had been agreed upon. . The ruling use*a strong in death—Yee; verily; Abalone prices meet be paid to heartlese speculators for articles which, daring Depart, nodsre ready to be saoritioed at almost nomi: [ What ham eharadarlietthe pimple of risharg, in` this uneidentik has also* ddreat measurer been true of thole of the whole State. We credit Peapsylvaida, daring the past, with the diseharre of her whole duty as a loyst Stith. Her regiments have been - equally ready to march and expose them/elm to dan ger in the 'fold:. What has come .ever her people that, . la "the midst of durger. : tkoi should *end their time in giggling and chef faring about the conditions of" the Wel* which they propose to fender; while the mil itia from other States have no questiiine tb ask except "where Is the foe 4" It waswhikr the foot of the invader was on the soil of their , own State, that the "unotrivalroin sons of I Pennsolvanie stank away in ear loads at a r time. The 'Keystone State hu' been'deeply disgraced. And for Harrisburg, that had not a solitary welcome for her brave defenders--; well, perhaps it was only what should have been expeetet. tram tire place a legislative body annually assombles.„ . . The above It pretty severe, but not more se than the facts, as 'reported bYtnany *deport der* witnesses, "justify: SithVitatements as ,'the following, from various letters of *nu pendia* in. Harrisburg, daring the put week or two, might be quoted to any amount I hardly llnts to say It, and still Isis do I like to bonnet:, but it is an incontestibla fact, that the. eplrit of the. nektPlo in not nkat It should be. They] do not ooze op to the [ crisis. Varlons.reaserur are issignixtfor this, but it senor 01:31.thitthey *wail supenloird.. At thitottom there . bri be 'reliant of heart in tie causei"Exeiser 'are phony to those who are willliettilint 'for them. But if a man Is imbrue; with the true fire of patriotism, he wan* no.excesei z [ 2'hereare mew enough here who are willing - to solute the trenches: and shoot their muir kith off to - save,theirproPePth bilk fers•Who are willing to VtattOteltt..4l!, the defense", 9f their country . • _ Bust 9; re an this forsiiion i and he said to a gentleman who was walklnat with me ono or.** l eading citizens' of the' State " We have a felt oompaily'rif one huts .dret and ten ant we are waiting to over into the trenc h es ; but we don't want : e ta'. be mustered in." One whole company that' was enlisted here Outerionthe ago, cilsbaaded when they pound they must be mesterei* free to go for sit months. The Olden whre ran off at fi rst have return ed, and axe taking, advantage of the:nodded state ed,theeslty charge threi prices -foruesything they rell." Some have even charged One men for Wet& wherewith to t i lttheirvinteei*.[,'lt le that sit wh en have *Hetet from this *els* b them twenty live thotuan -1 p . ro A r ni x 7 Tufa felinfbeliteite:itigeftltisoces7araip4soeiv tee Rebel - ftelt . ~., 412 ..,_ ~._ A spichil 4lsieteh f!°ilk some : a fric: ! 4: l ;:it Chlogo rieletoo be , we roost& otelfuttreet . z . l° Errs tr i , 000mont of thrainey di moiabit• 'bout t h * bd n ui . It is as` the ono 4 l f/sad on a." __ foiteeez Curoutaavz, Jana 21. &pinto I•Star remind from our 'oorrti.- adiat N Maiirosaboro, thLt dated. Tasadayemlag, states that Itoaaatiaetrax, bad beta outset with an dayietratlont, nut Wryer, all Is Inotioll,qllho dlatlrption 1r otatraband ; but it may beislartwftdarklia; hat ail Brat& with irlatgit lortlon of Ida. 'array, Is reported to lista'. roardoteltleitaolul blotka =l9th:`2l4 , 104e,n101 •adlltiu} quarters Iwo; It that ilarrabld loaders havo Shoal* the ideao Wag abl* to hod Vitali auttiasClaire.tutorauwa 141 gin itp lb. llnotez'klNE,fo to- tairosto: of st ood. , orklla • boo's Mut' *paws north. and tbasa teardlidtbiAbt!.skdiYal o !l lromr lb. praint impost of stalls at I eas4llda Mem looks Plaialida. .r• ur3frláfl. B. RippEtfiia co, IDITO BB N Pablleation 01114;10« 84 Ma IlltiteL 110E1ING AIID NIFMIONIIDITIOIEI, DAILY. 00IPPAININ0 lIPTO 481 ROM OP PCOmparnom kIONDAIr MORMEIG O 4IINA . 29 Tim Rebd:illlb? 13(fi lut mu klaillna•inalleil iumedstiomly , yea- Mrday, while Mang in our dispatches the statenianti :Ceiba to the . strength and in tentions of eho rebid army ' under Lee, -We Mew, of course, that the curtain which fails in front of the rebel Map is not b a ir s , 7 , 7 moan either transparent or ewes semi.iransperent, and at the "somm-shifthlgs, when that tartan Is doWn, we never have been able tipt nen a gliropsi . of the real movements_ping on lie hind 11. Yet, it was mere—and perhaps it still is more—than .we can Where, that Lee has an arsey,•mie..imednd and twawy-fies demand seamy, In the immediate vicinity el the Potomae,.whiie Biolunond is garrisoned by twenty thouenad wee from ~Bropeo, =me, commanded by Bragg in person—he having arrived there on the 17th inst. This informition, neverthaleis, appear. to come to us through two independeat channels— one, a letter remind in New York; and the other, an account derived from persons in friendly communication with the rebels In Western Miryland. According to the um rebel authority, Hill's forms are to oosopy Gen. Hooke?, attention until the naive body of the rebel army is well on the way, when Lee will mare rapidly North, having in the meantime supplied himself with fresh horses from Maryland and Penuaylviale. He ex pects to capfani Harvishrug almost without opposition, when he will .more at once on Philadolphla. Farther ,thais this the rebel Pro/gamma is not at Preseni,;ilsolosed. Now, it must be owned *that all this look, improbable—extravagant even. But, on the other hand, I t will many be aoseedetthat his tory--(not snob hlitory either at that whiali the critics have =Welted to their "proof/pee ' in the earlier books-of LitY)—is fall -of pas sages *Undisputable iccuracy; which. would be discredited utterly by applying to. them the doctrine of probabilities.- We must not, there fore, toosammailly dismiss :this statement pf Bragg having succeeded In withdrawing per haps the greater,part el. his armyjerin Tim , noose, and .bringini:l it with ; him Into Vire nia. A atrorm oircurasniiin, kn.inn2nblnstka of Bragg's . ammonia may he fined in the news we publish to:daj from Murfreesboro-- which certainly means that cows cheep in the ferns and position of thiV rebels has tot only taken plaice, but haa at lengthimoome known to lioseerins, thine. • But besides the' reinforoemente-mp tallo v ir have come 'fern' Um , west, ,ma lan hardly doubt that others hairs coniefrolit . Haiti". We have already-kmdd something like evidence —testimony, at least, or what we hive efts* had to accept as inch, for lack °flatter—that 4 general withdrawal of all: the .rebel 'beeps Chit could le spared from North Carolina, ,the *oast region of :Beat Virginia, and Ortla lent South Carolina, has boon going on leemne time. It is at least_well to consider. ali v that _ we as put before uson thin 11111billOt,...1)10)111' utterly /sleet and discredit this horn trip rebeidim. We should suitgrisive,'.lSoweier, if eierj word of it is true. The work of he • war it to dots* the anuisitof the rebels; sad "thet . work'cit . bi aztorithorouildi dens Mirth -of the Potomesirthaii • anyWhire Bouth,Ofdt.— "and &oath we do mot bilis that- Sable Arategeddozpliald should. be .fosialt In `Pituas,yirsala, stlil, If it eau be loosest feted ikon, so belt. 1- - - 'he' Cohentimid of Harper'l 'Lee Mid Ilooktie both' Mirth et the Pet°Mao., - • , , - ghlkletatm t juncture Elarpeee :ferry- is I one:of the moot important Orate& pohttain the whalialleld - of military operatic= in Plr- Maryland .; " The 1f uriand gaights overlook and. oommaid Harper's Leary itself, aa of 'Maras Ip well kaiwn to the pulls by the latatillatiag record of the foots brought oat le the inquiry relative to the shamifal aad stareadei of them lut yogi by Cot. mites ; aro while the kfaryhad Heights are held E by no, Lee WM hart to look auxins l7 behind him every.mile he moves aorth of the line of the Upper Potomac We West, therefore, that In" assiamiag • the ootamsztd of ibis important position to..eueral Truth s as we au samameed La our dispatches, the Gov ernment has , this time n0.p5044 la lading "the right man to pule the risht,plaoi." O. fUt, also reported bz telsgrapk, ia oar quetehis;in uremia to the Mar/laid tiights; sitighot(l7. Wite'that the jairliMithereitis been plead under the command of Eliaerid ' Hooker; And lashed of being hoisted, pow forms the right wing of —Since writing the - ibove, dilute/tea tun come to hand width Wiest* that Lee has. ao• tnally'moud his headquarter tha north aide of theTotomass; and if auk is tha fact, as liookar has now the( advantage of storing on -insida lines Iselin eampaigni we singles'. peot tu#Ar veer soweha; Me iteadotiatties him! H l MAltPeenmend. deed • 11 .1111 to tut offset ennui to u Erma liarrisbug. In that ease, Buono) lam widelLu hive 'spoken' Of . 'above' 'now 'flaming in twine sight; wasidiesema tin:post on /MA wonid rest, , • 'Tige ,Stediels CoulaskiPfortht • AIL doubt sessakat tenth :bodispelled .wititregasd to the letiatkras of liou.lsta, haitestot Scdrow rasa. Rooker late a masa taie PanaP. 4 if the Petatoot), sad thea tneh uPP!):TeeidNite*l et?!llWeet 4.tAreittbSire r hea beset bailed; and has caoued the PAWL', to fcl4 4 ll4 fie# l its be yeses thrartialirtjkla ado kite the 'MK or tout that tialimoioAkil is iiitt be diverted front it—that Gers. Boo* Will itiene*iir aid 'sal thatorellid4void &rakes - : aboigsw .nt il thi rota is* be arolkid-siddroted, wed that tki !Were Mai of sarreerso poodbie by iodide's dispoettloos eelkiliailer desks sad aktridaliesiuslitwo_ 4241 .beleadZie dal bYiwabalabalt be Urt i Olß. ool l4 7 o ,l .gis kit!, pet ..11. - not, let arm 1: tooross the PA/Tr *Mt tha wreck ot ati enl7; Moisfeke North Piwasylvaaisaaolierott• et eer-ifetiXerkeredNow gadtaarkso.keUe fe'at Zone Coiersi An! yes till le" et toisV-deilvis isea' , or eederiiel Patriots reselved iutd. deserriog,7o voy•lt asivangWiealilltef Vairtilibc tCr Ittl4t . r imps , 1-441; dialyee.,; Pal WWI/. 11 1101 r iniestltited , wirnueesso; Ur say to Obles.....4lttbisiedoao -bootesifosestesAstTlPla . frith the